HomeMy WebLinkAboutWildfire Advisory Committee 2019-08-28 Minutes
Gary Phillips, Mayor
Romeo Arrieta
Robert Chatham
Kevin Hagerty
Paula Kamena
Larry Luckham
Stephen Mizroch
Tom Obletz
Gregory Poulos
Rich Rusdorf
Tom Unterman
Thomas Vogl
Brian Waterbury
MEMBERS ABSENT: Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember;
Tom Obletz; Gina Daly; Sandra Luna; Lauren Withey
OTHERS PRESENT: Cristine Alilovich, Assistant City Manager
Quinn Gardner, Emergency Manager Coordinator, Staff Liaison
Chris Gray, Fire Chief
Daniel Soto, Associate Management Analyst
Jason Weber, Marin County Fire Chief
1. Open Time for Public Expression
• Mayor Phillips welcomed and thanked the Wildfire Advisory Committee and members
of the public in attendance.
• Marin County Fire Department Chief Jason Weber provided a brief introduction
regarding a proposal regarding a joint powers authority (JPA) relating to countywide
wildfire prevention, as well as a tax measure or parcel tax. This proposal relates to a
2018-2019 Marin County Civil Grand Jury report that recommends these types of
initiatives to improve wildfire prevention. Chief Weber also noted that the County of
Marin will launch MarinWildfire.org on Thursday, August 29, 2019 to share more
• Member Thomas Vogl asked for clarification regarding whether a proposed parcel tax
would be collected at the local level or by the County of Marin.
• Chief Weber clarified that the proposed parcel tax would be collected by the County of
Marin. The tax measure did not pass, there would be no Wildfire JPA.
• Mayor Phillips further clarified that there is a 60%-20%-20% proposed breakdown on
the expenditure of revenues from the parcel tax. The first 60% would support the JPA
Core mission and include vegetation management, evacuation, and public education.
20% would be focused on defensible space and home hardening inspections with the
ability of local jurisdictions to operate in a Countywide staff poll or operate
independently. With the last 20% being reserved for local use to complete related work,
not completed as part of the coordinated efforts.
• Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich noted that the JPA and parcel tax proposals are
not a County of Marin-led initiative. Rather it is an initiative that includes all of the cities
and towns, County of Marin, and fire protection agencies. This will include all
stakeholders in Marin County.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner noted that this initiative will be discussed at the
September 3, 2019 City Council meeting and that Chief Weber will be available for
questions and comments.
2. Approval of Minutes from August 14, 2019 Meeting
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner noted that she made only minor corrections to the
minutes, including correcting the date to August 14, 2019.
• Member Larry Luckham motioned to approve the minutes from the August 14, 2019
• Member Stephen Mizroch seconded.
• Minutes were approved unanimously.
3. Matters before the Committee
3a. Continuation of Discussion from Last Meeting Regarding Item Number 32: Evacuation
• Copies of the San Rafael Area Marin Mutual Threat Zone (MTZ) Plan maps were shared
along with copies of example maps from a vendor specializing in visual communication.
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo commented that the contrast of the maps made it difficult to
• San Rafael Fire Department Chief commented that the contrast may be printer issue.
• Member Kevin Hagerty commented on the complexity of the MTZ plans and asked if
such a map would be distributed to community members.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner clarified that the detailed MTZ plans are used for
tactical purposes (i.e., a tactical map) and will not be distributed to community
members. Rather, a simplified, neighborhood-specific map would be distributed. Quinn
sought feedback from committee on what they liked or would want changed on the
neighborhood specific evacuation maps for public consumption.
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo commented on the number of available “emergency contact”
applications on her smartphone app store.
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo inquired about using boats or ferries as part of an evacuation
plan. Additional discussion focused on the need to coordinate with businesses that may
have property viable for community refuge areas.
• Members commented on the need to have alternative plans and suggested coordinated
efforts with GPS providers such as Google Maps and Waze.
• Member Romeo Arrieta commented on the complexity of the types of tactical maps to
be used.
• Member’s liked the QR code and ability to download multiple maps and access via the
QR codes.
• Chief Gray commented that there would be several iterations of the maps. Staff will
seek input from neighborhood leaders on draft versions before final distribution.
• The committee generally supported the idea of neighborhood specific maps that would
easily be distributed and understood by residents.
3b. Introduction and Discussion of Items #15, #25, and #33 of 38-point San Rafael Wildfire
Prevention and Protection Action Plan
#15. Immediately seize ignition sources at encampments and remove encampments in open
space as quickly as possible.
• Member Gregory Poulos commented on case law regarding the holding and/or removal
of property of homeless people. He expressed concerns about the burden of storing
large amounts of property.
• Mayor Phillips noted that the City of San Rafael has a process for holding and/or
removing property of homeless people.
• Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich commented that the City has two part-time
Open Space Rangers.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner noted that the City may immediately remove
ignition sources, subject to applicable laws and regulations.
• Member Gregory Poulos inquired about the type of ignition sources that are recovered
by City staff in open space.
• Chief Chris Gray responded that ignition sources that are picked up are barbeques, fire
pits, batteries, etc.
• Member Robert Chatham inquired about the number of homeless individuals in and
around San Rafael.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner responded that there is a homeless point-in-time
count that counts homeless individuals in Marin County.
• Tom Unterman commented that Open Space Ranger Jonathan Bean has done a great
job in cleaning and maintaining San Rafael Hill.
• The committee generally agreed that this was an area of concern that needed additional
resources to effectively address, while recognizing the issue was complicated. Staff
clarified that the local portion of funds from the JPA could be used to expand efforts to
reduce ignitions from homeless encampment.
#25. Reduce fire risk and keep visitors using short-term rentals safe.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner commented that a small fire recently started on or
adjacent to a short-term rental. She shared an update from City staff regarding
considering pursuing noticing requirements in short-term-rentals regarding fire safety.
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo commented that a neighbor who has a short-term rental
repeatedly lit a fire inside a dead tree stump and that the neighbor did so because of a
lack of education. She emphasized the need for education.
• Member Thomas Vogl inquired about the criteria for a short-term rental vs. a rental
• Gregory Poulos disagreed with requiring vegetation management plans (VMPs) for short
term rentals due to the cost and burden of completing the plan.
• Chief Gray commented that the VMP’s intent is that if education doesn’t work, the
buffer around the home will.
• Member Romeo Arrieta commented on noticing requirements for hotels (similar to
requirements for short-term rentals).
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo commented on the concept of an ordinance requiring annual
inspections of short-term-rentals to ensure compliance with vegetation management
and wildfire safety laws. Members discussed potentially banning fire pits and other
ignition sources from short term rentals.
• Member Robert Chatham inquired about the criteria for short-term-rentals.
• Emergency Manager clarified that short-term-rentals are rentals of units or bedrooms
for 30 days or less. The group was also interested in what could be done to educate and
protect longer term renters and rental units.
• Gregory Poulos commented on inspections of properties in the wildland urban interface
(WUI) and inquired about fees for property owners to have a short-term-rental.
• The group generally agreed that education for short term rentals was an important step
to reduce potential ignitions and protect visitors. This included suggestions of posted
signage in the units, as well as working with the technology platforms to have a digital
risk and rule acknowledgement. The group favored requiring short-term rentals to have
fee based annual vegetation inspections rather than requiring VMPs. The group pointed
out the need to account for various language in outreach, education, and posting
#33. Assure safe and resilient critical infrastructure.
• Gregory Poulos inquired about activities that the City is engaging in with PG&E.
• Chief Gray commented that PG&E representatives attended a City Council meeting and
provided an update on their expanded wildfire prevention efforts, and that this topic
could be covered at a future Wildfire Advisory Committee. Chief Gray also noted that
activities are being coordinated between PG&E and the City to address priority areas.
The City is focusing on defensible space in areas that are adjacent to structures. All
other areas, including areas under power lines, are areas that the City would like to
address—and that it is an ongoing effort.
• Quinn clarified that much of PG&E efforts are focused on preventing trees from falling
into their power lines and not as much on what the power lines could fall into. The
group expressed concern about the extent of those efforts.
• Member Lisa Dal Gallo commented that she believes that the Marin Municipal Water
District should also be involved in wildfire prevention discussions.
• Gregory Poulos commented that he is concerned about the obligations placed on
homeowners to keep their properties safe vs. the City’s obligations to remove
vegetation on City property adjacent to and under power lines. Gregory Poulos believes
that the City should lead by example.
• Member Robert Chatham commented on two sets of power lines that are adjacent to
Andy’s Local Market that are adjacent to or over City property.
• The group was generally concerned about vegetation maintenance under existing power
lines. They support coordinated efforts with utility providers and believed more public
efforts to remove vegetation under powerlines and on public property would increase
public trust. Staff shared that expanding these efforts would be possible with additional
tax revenue dedicated to wildfire prevention.
3c. Discussion of Next Steps and Items to Revisit
• Mayor Phillips commented on discussions with Mill Valley Councilmember Stephanie
Moulton-Peters come and speak to the Wildfire Advisory Committee about the City of
Mill Valley’s experience with adopting and implementing wildfire prevention
• Member Thomas Vogl requested that City staff follow up with inviting PG&E
representatives to attend the next Wildfire Advisory Committee meeting.
• Gregory Poulos commented on creating a Top 10 list of items from the Wildfire
Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee.
• Gregory Poulos recommended that the Wildfire Advisory Committee see redline
changes of the Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, if changes are to be
• Member Larry Luckham concurs with Gregory Poulos that a redline changes document
be distributed to the Wildfire Advisory Committee for review before any changes are
considered by the City Council.
• Mayor Gary Phillips noted that some elements of the WPPAP require the City Council to
approve an ordinance, which would require a public hearing and City Council approval—
and the text of the ordinance may not necessitate a change to the text of the WPPAP.
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner noted that City staff prepare a summary document
of comments and requested changes to the WPPAP.
• Gregory Poulos recommends that the summary document be discussed two meetings
from now.
• Member Kevin Hagerty commented on a potential scenario when Wildfire Advisory
Committee members do not agree on proposed changes to the WPPAP.
• Mayor Gary Phillips commented that the group’s recommendations would be
• Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner noted that FireSafe Marin will be hosting a “Living
with Fire” seminar on September 11, 2019 from 7 to 9 PM at the San Rafael Community
Center auditorium. She also reminded the group that the City Council meeting on
September 3rd would include a presentation about countywide wildfire prevention
efforts and possible tax measure.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2019 at 4:30 PM at B street Community
Center. At least one more meeting will be scheduled.
The meeting adjourned at 6:11 PM.