HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2019-05-14 Agenda Packet
TUESDAY, May 14, 2019, 7:00 P.M.
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• Public transportation to City Hall is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 20 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at 415/454-0964.
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Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Agency Board less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection in the Community Development
Department, Third Floor, 1400 Fifth Avenue, and placed with other agenda-related materials on the table in front of the Council Chamber prior to the m eeting.
Anyone with an urgent communication on a topic not on the agenda may address the Commission at this time. Please notify the
Community Development Director in advance.
1. Minutes, 3/12/19 (Corrected)
2. Minutes, 4/23/19
3. 815 B Street (Formerly 809 B St. and 1212 and 1214 2nd St.) – Request for: A Tentative Parcel
Map, and Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use Permit Amendments to subdivide a
previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units to residential
condominium units, and to update current conditions of approval; APNS: 011-256-12, -14, -15 & -32;
Second/Third Mixed-Use West (2/3MUW) and Cross-Street Mixed-Use (CSMU) Zoning Districts;
Monahan Parker, Inc., owner; Steve Monahan for Monahan Parker, applicant; File No.:TS19-001,
ED19-025, UP19-011; Downtown Neighborhood. Project Planner: Steve Stafford
4. 999 3rd Street (BioMarin R&D building / Whistlestop Senior Center / Senior Housing) –Study
Session Review of two 70-foot tall, four-story Research and Development buildings on a 133,099 sq.
ft. parcel, currently developed as a vacant lot, and a 67-unit, 70-foot tall, six-story senior center and
affordable senior housing building on a 15,000 sq. ft. portion of the northwestern corner of the parcel;
APN: 011-265-01; Second/Third Mixed Use (2/3 MUE) Zone; Shar Zamanpour, Applicant; BioMarin /
CCCA, LLC, Owner; Downtown Activity Center neighborhood area. Project Planner: Sean Kennings
I. Next Meeting: May 28, 2019
II. II. I, Anne Derrick, hereby certify that on Friday, May 10, 2019, I posted a notice of the May 14, 2019 Planning
Commission meeting on the City of San Rafael Agenda Board.
In the Council Chambers of the City of San Rafael, March 12, 2019 (CORRECTED)
Regular Meeting
San Rafael Planning Commission Minutes
For a complete video of this meeting, go to http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings
Present: Barrett Schaefer
Aldo Mercado
Sarah Loughran
Berenice Davidson
Jeff Schoppert
Jack Robertson
Mark Lubamersky
Absent: None
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manger
Steve Stafford, Senior Planenr
1. Minutes, February 26, 2019
Mark Lubamersky moved and Jack Robertson seconded to approve Minutes as presented. The vote is
as follows:
AYES: Barrett Schaefer, Aldo Mercado, Sarah Loughran, Berenice Davidson, Jeff Schoppert,
Jack Robertson, Mark Lubamersky
NOES: None
2. 999 3rd Street (BioMarin R&D building & Whistlestop Senior Center/Senior Housing) –
Scoping hearing for the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to
assess the impacts of two, approximately 70-foot tall, four-story Research and
Development buildings on a 133,099 SF parcel, currently a vacant lot, and a 70-foot tall,
six-story senior center and affordable senior housing building with 67 senior units on a
15,000 SF portion of the northwestern corner of the parcel; APN: 011 -265-01; Second/Third
Mixed Use (2/3 MUE) Zone; Shar Zamanpour, Applicant; BioMarin / CCCA, LLC, Owner;
Downtown Activity Center neighborhood area. Case Number(s): ED18 -087, ZO18-003,
ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA18-001. Project Planner: Sean Kennings
Staff Report
Jeff Schoppert moved and Barrett Schaefer seconded to direct staff to prepare an Draft Environmental
Report and take into consideration the written and verbal com ments taken in during the scoping
session. The vote is as follows:
AYES: Barrett Schaefer, Aldo Mercado, Sarah Loughran, Berenice Davidson, Jeff Schoppert,
Jack Robertson, Mark Lubamersky
NOES: None
1200 Irwin St. (“Dominican Townhomes”) – Appeal of Planning staff’s December 7, 2018
denial without prejudice of an Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED17-073)
proposing to legalize and modify miscellaneous design changes incorporated into an
existing approved, constructed and occupied 15-unit multifamily residential development;
APN: 011-013-05; Multifamily Residential – Medium Density (MR2) District; 524 Mission
Street, LLC, owner; Casey Clements for Thompson Development, Inc., applicant and
appellant; File No.: AP18-004 and ED17-073. Project Planner: Steve Stafford
1200 irwin
Jack Robertson moved and Mark Lubamersky seconded to continue item to April 9, 2019 Planning
Commission meeting. The Commission directed staff to work with applicant on the following consensus
1) Change Base material and build up thicker as approved.
2) Change to paving color as approved.
3) Change to trellis as was approved.
4) Add trash enclosure around trash bin to match design of building.
5) OK to leave changes made to window color and white color on to of building
The vote is as follows:
AYES: Aldo Mercado, Sarah Loughran, Jeff Schoppert, Jack Robertson, Mark
NOES: Berenice Davidson. Barrett Schaeffer
ANNE DERRICK, Administrative Assistant III
APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF_______, 2019
Sarah Loughran , Chair
In the Council Chambers of the City of San Rafael, April 23, 2019
Regular Meeting
San Rafael Planning Commission Minutes
For a complete video of this meeting, go to http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings
Present: Jack Robertson
Jeff Schoppert
Aldo Mercado
Berenice Davidson
Mark Lubamersky
Absent: Barrett Schaefer
Sarah Loughran
Also Present: Alicia Giudice, Senior Planner
Steve Stafford, Senior Planner
Barry Miller, Contract Project Planner
1. Minutes, 3/26/19
Mark Lubamersky moved and Jack Robertson seconded to approve Minutes as presented. The vote is
as follows:
AYES: Jack Robertson, Jeff Schoppert, Aldo Mercado, Berenice Davidson, Mark Lubamersky
NOES: None
ABSENT: Barrett Schaefer, Sarah Loughran
2. 1200 Irwin St. (“Dominican Townhomes”) – Appeal of Planning staff’s December 7, 2018
denial without prejudice of an Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED17-073)
proposing to legalize and modify miscellaneous design changes incorporated into an
existing approved, constructed and occupied 15-unit multifamily residential development;
APN: 011-013-05; Multifamily Residential – Medium Density (MR2) District; 524 Mission
Street, LLC, owner; Casey Clements for Thompson Development, Inc., applicant and
appellant; File No.: AP18-004 and ED17-073. Project Planner: Steve Stafford ***THIS
Staff Report
Mark Lubamersky moved and Aldo Mercado seconded to grant appeal of Planning Staff's denial without
prejudice of the Environmental and Design Review for modifications to project. The vote is as follows:
AYES: Jack Robertson, Jeff Schoppert, Aldo Mercado, Berenice Davidson, Mark Lubamersky
NOES: None
ABSENT: Barrett Schaefer, Sarah Loughran
3. 1201 Fifth Ave - Request for Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review for a new
54-foot high, 140-room hotel building with parking and other associated guest amenities
located on a 28,719 square foot lot; APN: 011-212-03; Fifth/Mission Residential/Office (5/M
R/O) District; 1201 5th LLC, owners/applicant; File No(s).: UP18-045/ED18-106. Project
Planner: Alicia Giudice
Staff Report
Aldo Mercado moved and Berenice Davidson seconded to approve project as presented. The vote is as
AYES: Jack Robertson, Jeff Schoppert, Aldo Mercado, Berenice Davidson, Mark Lubamersky
NOES: None
ABSENT: Barrett Schaefer, Sarah Loughran
4. General Plan 2040 and Downtown Precise Plan. The City of San Rafael (City) will prepare
an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the San Rafael General Plan 2040 and
Downtown Precise Plan (proposed project) and will hold a public meeting to receive
comments on the scope of the EIR, as detailed below. Pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15206, the proposed project is
considered a project of statewide, regional, or areawide significance. The City, acting as
the Lead Agency, determined that the proposed project could result in potentially
significant environmental impacts and an EIR is required. The City will prepare a
Programmatic-Level EIR to address the potential environmental impacts associated with
the project at a programmatic level consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15168. The
program-level EIR will evaluate the project for potential impacts on the environment and
analyze the proposed policies to determine the potential environmental consequences of
future change. An evaluation of project alternatives that could reduce significant impacts
will also be included. Project Planner: Barry Miller
Staff Report
The Planning Commission welcomed public comment. There was no vote on this. Just individual
comments from the Planning Commission on topics for consideration in the General Plan.
5. Update on General Plan 2040
There was not vote on this, just individual comments from the Planning Commission.
ANNE DERRICK, Administrative Assistant III
APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF_______, 2019
Jeff Schoppert, Acting Chair
Community Development Department – Planning Division
Meeting Date: May 14, 2019
Agenda Item:
Steve Stafford/ 415-458-5048
SUBJECT: 815 B Street (Formerly 809 B St. and 1212 and 1214 2nd St.) – Request for: A Tentative
Parcel Map, and Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use Permit Amendments to subdivide
a previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units to residential
condominium units, and to update current conditions of approval; APNS: 011-256-12, -14, -15 & -32;
Second/Third Mixed-Use West (2/3MUW) and Cross-Street Mixed-Use (CSMU) Zoning Districts;
Monahan Parker, Inc., owner; Steve Monahan for Monahan Parker, applicant; File No.:TS19-001,
ED19-025, UP19-011; Downtown Neighborhood.
In 2016, the Planning Commission conditionally approved a new, four-story mixed-use building with 41
residential units above a 2,470 sq. ft. ground-floor commercial space and 47 garage parking spaces. In
2018, the Zoning Administrator conditionally approved a two-year time extension or until May 10, 2020.
The City is currently conducting plan check review of the submitted building permits for the project and the
applicant has concurrently submitted a Vesting Tentative Map application to amend the project approvals
to allow individual ownership of the residential units (condominium units) rather than rental units (apartment
units). This change in use requires modifications to the current conditions of approval and updated
compliance with the applicable standards and requirements for tentative maps under the Subdivision
Ordinance (Title 15 of the San Rafael Municipal Code or SRMC). The project continues to meet the
applicable standards and requirements for Environmental and Design Review Permits and Use Permits
under the Zoning Ordinance (Title 14 of the SRMC) as conditioned.
Address/Location: 809 B St.; 1212 and 1214 2nd
St. (aka 815 B St)
Parcel Number(s): 011-256-12, -14, -15 &
Property Size: 23,614 sf (Combined) Neighborhood: Downtown
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Project Site: Second/Third St. Mixed-
Use (2/3 MU)
Second/Third St.
Mixed-Use West (2/3
MUW) and Cross
Street Mixed-Use
Interim Church,
Commercial Parking
Lot, 1 Residence and
1 Vacant Structure
North: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUW; CSMU Residential above
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: TS19-001/ED19-025/UP19-011
809 B St./1212 and 1214 2nd St. (‘815 B St. Project’)
May 14, 2019
Page 2
South: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUW; CSMU Residential above
East: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUW Residential above
West: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUW Lone Palm Ct. Apts.
Site Description/Setting:
The subject property consists of four adjacent parcels, totaling approximately 0.53 acres in size, located
in Downtown San Rafael. The parcels are currently developed with a single-story, approximately 5,000
square foot commercial building, a commercial parking lot with 45 parking spaces and two, two -story
Victorian-era residences, located at 1212 and 1214 2nd Street that date to 1887 or earlier. The residential
structure at 1212 2nd Street is a known local cultural resource, listed on the San Rafael
Historical/Architectural Survey (dated 1976; updated 1986) and is currently uninhabitable due to fire
damage sustained in 2006. The residential structure at 1214 Fourth Street was later determined eligible
for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources by survey evaluation (1214 2nd Street). The
subject property has little vegetation and is relatively flat.
The site is located within the Downtown Parking Assessment District. The St. Vincent De Paul Society
dining room is located immediately east of the site, on the opposite side of B Street. The 60-unit, Lone
Palm Court apartments are located immediately west of the site, on C Street. A 12’-wide public right-of-
way (ROW) easement, which provides vehicular and pedestrian access from C Street to the site and
neighboring parcels, borders the northwestern property boundary. The eastern property boundary of the
site fronts B Street, which provides a pedestrian link between the Downtown and the Gerstle Park
residential neighborhood. The southern property boundary of the site fronts 2nd Street, which is a one-way
(eastbound) “major” arterial roadway.
Project History:
On May 10, 2016, the Planning Commission conditionally approved a new, four-story mixed-use building
with 41 residential units above a 2,470 sq. ft. ground-floor commercial space and 47 garage parking
On March 14, 2018, Planning staff conditionally approved minor modifications to the project design,
including, increasing the setback significantly along the north elevation, reconfiguring the unit layout per
floor with no change in unit count, increasing the outdoor terrace area on the fourth floor and relocating
the community room from the second floor to the fourth floor.
On January 18, 2019, Planning staff conditionally approved additional minor modifications to the project
design to increase the setback of the second and third floors so that they equal the exterior wall plane of
the fourth floor along the south elevation.
On April 25, 2018, the Zoning Administrator conditionally approved a two-year time extension or until May
10, 2020.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: TS19-001/ED19-025/UP19-011
809 B St./1212 and 1214 2nd St. (‘815 B St. Project’)
May 14, 2019
Page 3
The project proposes to amend the project approvals to add a Vesting Tentative Map and allow individual
ownership of the residential units (condominium units) rather than rental units (apartment units), as
previously approved. This change in use requires modifications to the current conditions of approval and
updated compliance with the applicable standards and requirements for tentative maps under the
Subdivision Ordinance (Title 15 of the San Rafael Municipal Code or SRMC). The project proposes no
other changes to the approved project.
The project continues to propose a new 41-unit mixed-use building above a 47-space parking garage and
a 2,470 sq. ft. ground-floor commercial space. The approved unit count would continue to be configured
as follows:
16 1-bedroom units 599 - 828 sq. ft.
25 2-bedroom units 867 - 1,167 sq. ft.
Six (6) of the units are currently required to be affordable, with four (4) units affordable to very-low income
households and two (2) affordable to low income households. The project will not change the number or
location of below-market-rate (BMR) units; however, the project will be required to provide all six (6) of the
BMR units at the low-income household levels which represents 20% affordability and provides for up to a
35% density bonus or 11 additional units above the maximum base density of 30 units for the project site.
The project proposes to subdivide the previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building into 41 air space
residential condominium units above a ground-level parking garage and a 2,470 sq. ft. commercial
space. The project includes a 880 sq. ft. community room attached to a 1,135 sq. ft rooftop deck and
ground-floor common areas, including a 47-parking space garage, lobby /lounge, and trash enclosure.
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The General Plan contains many competing policies that need to be weighed and considered. Consistency
with a General Plan is determined by reviewing and weighing the goals and polices of all elements of the
San Rafael General Plan 2020. The project was approved after the Planning Commission determined it
was consistent with most of the applicable San Rafael General Plan 2020 policies. Since no changes to
the approved project are proposed except for tentative map subdivision, the project continues to be
consistent with most of the applicable San Rafael General Plan 2020 policies, including:
• Land Use Policies LU-2 (Development Timing), LU-8 (Density of Residential Development), LU-9
(Intensity of Nonresidential Development), LU-12 (Building Heights). LU-18 (Lot Consolidation),
and LU-23 (Land Use Map and Categories);
• Housing Policies H-2 (Design That Fits into the Neighborhood Context), H-3 (Public Information
and Participation), H-14 (Adequate Sites), and H-19a (Inclusionary Housing),
• Neighborhood Policies NH-15 (Downtown Vision), NH-16 (Economic Success), NH-17 (Competing
Concerns), NH-22 (Housing Downtown), NH-25 (Pedestrian Comfort and Safety), NH-28 (Special
Places), NH-29 (Downtown Design), NH-30 (Pedestrian Environments), NH-31 (Ground Floor
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: TS19-001/ED19-025/UP19-011
809 B St./1212 and 1214 2nd St. (‘815 B St. Project’)
May 14, 2019
Page 4
Designed for Pedestrians), NH-32 (Historic Character), NH-40 (Second/Third Mixed-Use District)
and NH-41 (Second/Third Mixed-Use District Design Considerations);
• Community Design Policies CD-3 (Neighborhoods), CD-5 (Views), CD-8 (Gateways), CD-11
(Multifamily Design Guidelines), CD-14 (Recreational Areas), CD-15 (Participation in Project
Review), CD-18 (Landscaping), CD-19 (Lighting) and CD-20 (Commercial Signage);
• Circulation Policies C-5 (Traffic Level of Service Standards) and C-7 (Circulation Improvement
• Infrastructure Policy I-2 (Adequacy of City Infrastructure and Services)
• Sustainability Policies SU-5 (Reduce Use of Nonrenewable Resources) and SU-6 (New and
Existing Trees);
• Culture and Arts Policy CA-15 (Protection of Archaeological Resources);
• Park and Recreation Policy PR-10 (Onsite Recreation Facilities);
• Safety Policies S-1 (Location of Future Development), S-3 (Use of Hazard Maps in Development
Review), S-4 (Geotechnical Review), S-6 (Seismic Safety of New Buildings), S-17 (Flood Protection
of New Development), S-18 (Storm Drainage Improvements), S-25 (Regional Water Quality Control
Board (RWQCB) Requirements) and S-32 (Safety Review of Development Projects);and
• Air and Water Quality Policies AW -1 (State and Federal Standards), AW-7 (Local, State and
Federal Standards) and AW -8 (Reduce Pollution from Urban Runoff).
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Since no changes to the approved project are proposed except for tentative map subdivision, the project
continues to be consistent with the applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements and standards. However,
the conditions of approval will need to be updated to include full frontage improvements, final map
recordation, affordable housing levels and parkland dedication in-lieu fees.
Subdivision Ordinance Consistency:
The proposed project is in conformance with the San Rafael Subdivision Ordinance (Title 15 of the SRMC).
Tentative Map findings for approval, pursuant to SRMC Section 15.02.080, are detailed in the attached
draft resolution (Exhibit 2). In addition, the application submittal meets all procedural requirements for
Vesting Tentative Maps, pursuant to SRMC Section 15.04.020. The project also meets the common
recreational facilities (indoor or outdoor, active or passive) requirements for condominium developments,
pursuant to SRMC 15.12.060, by providing an 880 sq. ft. community room attached to a 1,135 sq. ft rooftop
deck. The project proposes to subdivide the previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building into 41 air
space residential condominium units above a 2,470 sq. ft. commercial space and ground-floor common
areas, including a 47-parking space garage, lobby /lounge, and trash enclosure.
The applications for Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011) and
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025):, which do not propose any changes,
modifications or additions to the project, will continue to be in accordance the original findings in the
certified FEIR (Planning Commission Resolution 16-07), in the Statement of Overriding Considerations
and the approved MMRP (Planning Commission Resolution 16-08) for the project, and the conditionally
approved Environmental and Design Review Permit ED12-060, Use Permit Amendment UP12-029 and
Lot Line Adjustment LLA12-003 (Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-09) for the project.
A Neighborhood Meeting was held early in the formal review of the original project.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: TS19-001/ED19-025/UP19-011
809 B St./1212 and 1214 2nd St. (‘815 B St. Project’)
May 14, 2019
Page 5
Notice of all public hearings on the project, including this Planning Commission hearing, was conducted in
accordance with noticing requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public
Meeting was mailed to all property owners, residents, businesses and occupants within a 300-foot radius
of the project site and the appropriate neighborhood groups (Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods,
Downtown Business Improvement District, Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association and San Rafael
Heritage), a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the date of this hearing. Additionally, notice was posted
on the project site, along both 2nd and B Street frontages
Planning received no public comments as a result of noticing this Planning Commission hearing .
The project would amend the project approvals to add a Vesting Tentative Map and allow individual
ownership of the residential units (condominium units) rather than rental units (apartment units), as
previously approved. This change in use requires modifications to the current conditions of approval and
updated compliance with the applicable standards and requirements for tentative maps under the
Subdivision Ordinance (Title 15 of the San Rafael Municipal Code or SRMC). The project proposes no
other changes to the approved project.
1. Vicinity/Location map
2. Draft resolution of approval
3. Applicant’s request for subdivision
4. Subdivision map and approved plans
Reduced (11” x 17”) subdivision map and approved color plan sets have been provided to the Planning
Commissioners only.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 1
(FORMERLY 809 B ST., AND 1212 AND 1214 2ND ST.; APNS: 011-256-12, -14, -15 & -32)
WHEREAS, on May 10, 2016, the San Rafael Planning Commission (Planning
Commission) conditionally approved the redevelopment of four (4) adjacent Downtown lots at
809 B St and 1212 and 1214 2nd St.., through the following actions:
• Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-07 certifying the Final Environmental Impact
Report (FEIR) for the project;
• Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-08 adopting CEQA (California Environmental
Quality Act) Findings of Fact adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations and
approving a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the project; and
• Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-09 conditionally approving Environmental and
Design Review Permit ED12-060, Use Permit Amendment UP12-029 and Lot Line
Adjustment LLA12-003 to demolish all existing structures on the lots, two of which have
been determined to be ‘cultural resources’ under CEQA, and to construct a four-story,
41-unit, mixed-use building above ground-level commercial, garage parking and
landscape improvements; and
WHEREAS, on March 14, 2018, Planning staff conditionally approved an Environmental
and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED17-091) to allow minor modifications to the project
design, including, increasing the setback significantly along the north elevation, reconfiguring
the unit layout per floor with no change in unit count, increasing the outdoor terrace area on the
fourth floor and relocating the community room from the second floor to the fourth floor; and
WHEREAS, on January 18, 2019, Planning staff conditionally approved an
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED18-077) to allow additional minor
modifications to the project design to increase the setback of the second and third floors so that
they equal the exterior wall plane of the fourth floor along the south elevation; and
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2018, the Zoning Administrator conditionally approved an
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED18-020), a Use Permit Amendment
(UP18-010) and a Lot Line Adjustment Amendment (LLA18-002) granting a two-year time
extension for the project entitlements, until May 10, 2020; and
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2019, the owner/applicant submitted an application
requesting a Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011) and an
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025) and to subdivide the
previously approved 41 residential units within the project, from rental units to condominium
units, and to update current conditions of approval; and
WHEREAS, no other changes, modifications or additions are proposed to the project at
this time; and
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 2
WHEREAS, on May 14, 2019, the San Rafael Planning Commission (Planning
Commission) held a duly noticed a hearing to consider the for the Vesting Tentative Map
(TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011) and Environmental and Design Review Permit
Amendment (ED19-025) applications, accepted and considered all oral and written public
testimony and the written report of Planning staff; and
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents which constitute the record of proceedings
upon which this decision is based is the Community Development Department; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of San
Rafael does hereby make the following findings related to the applications for Vesting Tentative
Map (TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011) and Environmental and Design Review
Permit Amendment (ED19-025):
Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001)
A. The proposed Vesting Tentative Map, for the 815 B Street project subdivision, is
consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020 and any applicable, adopted specific
plan or neighborhood plan, as identified in the original findings for the project merits
(Planning Commission Resolution 16-09, subsequent minor design changes
(Environmental and Design Review Permit Nos. ED17-091 and ED18-020) and
subsequent time extension (Use Permit UP18-010). The project proposes to subdivde a
previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units to
residential condominium units, and does not purpose any other changes to the approved
B. The design or improvement of the subdivision is consistent with the San Rafael General
Plan and any pertinent, adopted specific plan or neighborhood plan; in that, the
subdivision will create a new, 41-unit mixed-use building on the project site consist with
the maximum allowable density under the Second/Third Mixed Use West (2/3 MUW)
and the Cross Street Mixed Use (CSMU) Districts zoning designation and the maximum
allowable density bonus under the State Density Bonus law. The design of the
subdivision also will be consistent with all applicable development standards of the 2/3
MUW and CSMU Districts;
C. The property subject to subdivision is physically suitable for the type of the development
proposed, in that; 1) Residential development, either rental units or condominium units,
is allowed on the project site as part of mixed-use development, subject to Use Permit
approval; 2) The project site is identified as a ‘housing opportunity’ site in the Housing
Element of the San Rafael General Plan 2020, where density is anticipated in the mid –
to – high range of allowable density; 3) The project will create a new, 41-unit mixed-use
building on the project site, which is the maximum allowable density under the site
zoning (2/3 MUW and CSMU Districts) designation and the maximum allowable density
bonus under the State Density Bonus law; 4) The proposed subdivision will create
airspace condominium units which are distinct from the common areas within the new
building in maintenance and repair responsibility through not use; and 5) The project site
is an in-fill development location and all serivce providers have concluded adequate
capacity exists to meet service demands for the number of residential units approved,
either as residential rental units or residential condominium units;
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 3
D. The property subject to subdivision is physically suitable for the density of development,
in that; 1) The project site is identified as a ‘housing opportunity’ site in the Housing
Element of the San Rafael General Plan 2020, where density is anticipated in the mid –
to – high range of allowable density; 2) The project will create a new, 41-unit mixed-use
building on the project site, which is the maximum allowable density under the site
zoning (2/3 MUW and CSMU Districts) designation and the maximum allowable density
bonus under the State Density Bonus law; and 3) The proposed subdivision will create
airspace condominium units which are distinct from the common areas within the new
building in maintenance and repair responsibility through not use;
E. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause
substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or
their habitat in that: 1) The project site includes four (4) adjacent flat, graded and fully-
developed in-fill lots in the Downtown with no creeks, waterways, hillsides, or identified
critical habitats for protected species; 2) The project site is identified as a ‘housing
opportunity’ site in the Housing Element of the San Rafael General Plan 2020, where
density is anticipated in the mid – to – high range of allowable density; and 3) The
project will continue to be in accordance the original findings in the certified FEIR
(Planning Commission Resolution 16-07) for the project, including biological impacts;
F. The design of the subdivision or the type of the proposed improvements is not likely to
cause serious health problems, in that; 1) Residential development, either rental units or
condominium units, is allowed on the project site as part of mixed-use development,
subject to Use Permit approval; 2) The project has been reviewed by all appropriate city
departments and non-city agencies who continue to support the its construction, subject
to conditions of approval including meeting all applicable code requirements; and 3) The
project will continue to be in accordance the original findings in the certified FEIR
(Planning Commission Resolution 16-07) for the project; and
G. The design of the subdivision or the type of proposed improvements will not conflict with
easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within
the proposed subdivision, in that; no easements were identified as part of the
Preliminary Title Report submitted for the project. The project site is privately owned
with no known public access through the project site.
Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011)
A. The proposed use, as conditioned, subdividing a previously approved 41-unit mixed-
use building from residential rental units to residential condominium units, will
continue to be in accord with the San Rafael General Plan 2020, the objectives of
Title 14 of the San Rafael Municipal Code (the Zoning Ordinance) and the purposes
of the 2/3 MUW)and CSMU Districts, in which the project site is located, as identified
in the original findings for the project merits (Planning Commission Resolution 16-09,
and subsequent time extension (Use Permit UP18-010);
B. The proposed use, as conditioned, subdividing a previously approved 41-unit mixed-
use building from residential rental units to residential condominium units, will
continue to not be detrimental to the public healrth, safety or welfare, or materially
injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 4
City, as identified in the original findings for the project merits (Planning Commission
Resolution 16-09), and subsequent time extension (Use Permit UP18-010); and
C. The proposed use, as conditoned, subdividing a previously approved 41-unit mixed-
use building from residential rental units to residential condominium units, will
continue to comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, as
identified in the original findings for the project merits (Planning Commission
Resolution 16-09, and subsequent time extension (Use Permit UP18-010).
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025)
A. The approved design of the 41-unit mixed-use apartment building, as conditioned, will
continue to be in accordance with the San Rafael General Plan 2020, the objectives of
Title 14 of the San Rafael Municipal Code (the Zoning Ordinance) and the purposes of
Chapter 25 of the Zoning Ordinance (Environmental and Design Review Permits), as
identified in the original findings for the project merits (Planning Commission Resolution
16-09), and subsequent minor design changes (Environmental and Design Review
Permit Nos. ED17-091 and ED18-020). The project proposes to subdivide a previously
approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units to residential
condominium units, and does not purpose any other changes to the approved project;
B. The approved design of the 41-unit mixed-use apartment building, as conditioned, will
continue to be consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design
review criteria and guidelines for both the CSMU and 2/3MUW Districts in which the site
is located, as identified in the original findings for the project merits (Planning
Commission Resolution 16-09), and subsequent minor design changes (Environmental
and Design Review Permit Nos. ED17-091 and ED18-020). The project proposes to
subdivide a previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units
to residential condominium units, and does not purpose any other changes to the
approved project;
C. The approved design of the 41-unit mixed-use apartment building, as conditioned, will
continue to minimize adverse environmental impacts, as concluded by the FEIR for the
project and as identified in the original findings for the project merits (Planning
Commission Resolution 16-09), and subsequent minor design changes (Environmental
and Design Review Permit Nos. ED17-091 and ED18-020). The project proposes to
subdivide a previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential rental units
to residential condominium units, and does not purpose any other changes to the
approved project; and
D. The approved design of the 41-unit mixed-use apartment building, as conditioned, will
continue to not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially
injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the subject site, as concluded
by the FEIR for the project and as identified in the original findings for the project merits
(Planning Commission Resolution 16-09), and subsequent minor design changes
(Environmental and Design Review Permit Nos. ED17-091 and ED18-020). The project
proposes to subdivide a previously approved 41-unit mixed-use building, from residential
rental units to residential condominium units, and does not purpose any other changes
to the approved project.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 5
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings
The applications for Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011)
and Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025):, which do not propose
any changes, modifications or additions to the project, will continue to be in accordance the
original findings in the certified FEIR (Planning Commission Resolution 16-07), in the Statement
of Overriding Considerations and the approved MMRP (Planning Commission Resolution 16-
08) for the project, and the conditionally approved Environmental and Design Review Permit
ED12-060, Use Permit Amendment UP12-029 and Lot Line Adjustment LLA12-003 (Planning
Commission Resolution No. 16-09) for the project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Rafael
does hereby approve the Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001), Use Permit Amendment (UP19-
011) and Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025), based on the
findings of fact above and, subject to the following conditions of approval:
Vesting Tentative Map (TS19-001)
Conditions of Approval
General and On-Going
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. The Tentative Map (TS19-001) shall be valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of
Planning Commission approval, or until May 14, 2021, and shall become null and void
unless a Final Map has been recorded or a time extension is granted.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit or prior to recordation of the final map,
whichever occurs first, a Below Market Rate (BMR) agreement for six (6) affordable units
shall be approved by the City Council and recorded on the property and shall be consistent
with Condition 28 below (Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment ED19-025).
3. Prior to issuance of building or grading permit or prior to the recordation of a Final Map,
whichever occurs first, in lieu parkland dedication fees for 41 new cordiaminum units shall
be paid to the City (41 units x $1,967.98, parkland dedication fee as of May 14, 2019, =
$80,683.08) in accordance with the provisions of City Council Ordinance No. 1558.
Parkland dedication in lieu fees are, at this time, based on 1989 dollars. Adjustments of this
figure may be necessary at the time of fee payment if the fair market value for parkland and
associated improvements is adjusted in accordance with Section 15.38.045 of the
4. Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R’s) shall be prepared and submitted with an
application for a Final Map. The CC&R’s shall include the following requirements and
a. The formation of a homeowner’s association (HOA).
b. HOA responsibilities for ongoing maintenance of the shared or common facilities,
including but not limited to the common driveway, common landscaping and
irrigation, fencing, subdivision infrastructure improvements (storm water and sanitary
sewer facilities) and exterior building and lighting improvements.
c. HOA financial responsibilities.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 6
d. Restrictions and regulations imposed on each lot owner. The CC&R’s shall include
provisions which restrict the use of the tandem parking spaces to the parking of
motor vehicles from 2-bedroom units only.
e. Requirements and provisions for professional management services or the services
of a Certified Public Accountant to oversee the HOA responsibilities and budget.
5. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the CC&R’s shall be reviewed and approved by the
Community Development Department, Planning Division, and the City Attorney’s Office.
6. Approved CC&R’s shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map.
Department of Public Works
7. Frontage improvements shall include all sidewalk curbs and gutters.
8. A conduit shall be provided along the frontage with pull/junction boxes for future installation
of City communication systems.
9. Roadway resurfacing shall be a minimum of ½ of the curb-to-curb width, for the length of
the site. The two crosswalks serviced by the corner adjacent to the site shall be updated.
The receiving curb ramps will also need to be made ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act)
compliant if not currently compliant. The full extent of repaving shall be coordinated with the
Department of Public Works as part of the encroachment permit.
10. Provide a catch basin for the site frontage, located near the intersection. This intersection
currently does not have storm drainage facilities. The catch basin will need to connect to a
manhole, which could also serve the northeast corner of the intersection. The storm drain
will then need to connect into one of the City’s existing storm drain facilities. However, the
direction may be determined based on a more detailed analysis of the conditions.
Installation shall be coordinated with the Department of Public Works, as it may be
beneficial for the City to complete additional drainage improvements at the same time.
11. A Final Map shall be required. Provide a copy of the recent title report. The map shall be
reviewed by the City Surveyor and City Engineer. Please see Title 15 of the Municipal Code
for Final Map requirements. If the installation of subdivision improvements is not completed
prior to recordation of a Final Map, a subdivision improvement agreement and security,
such as a bond or deposit shall be required.
Use Permit Amendment (UP19-011)
Conditions of Approval
General and On-Going
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. This Use Permit approves development of 41 residential condominium units above 2,470
sq. ft. of ground-floor commercial space and 47 garage parking spaces, which shall comply
at all times with the adopted performance standards for residential uses in commercial
districts (currently Section 14.17.100 of the San Rafael Municipal Code or SRMC).
2. This Use Permit is approved with a “Parking Modification”, which does not require the
project to provide an off-street loading/unloading space within the garage for the ground-
floor commercial space.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 7
3. This Use Permit shall supersede all previous Use Permit approvals on the site.
4. This Use Permit shall run with the land and shall remain valid regardless of any change- of
ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions, provided that a grading permit or
building permit is issued by the City and work commenced or a time extension request is
submitted to the City’s Community Development Department, Planning Division, within two
(2) years of the original approval, or until May 14, 2021. Failure to obtain a grading permit
or building permit or submit a time extension request by the specified date will result in the
expiration of this Use Permit.
Environmental and Design Review Permit Amendment (ED19-025)
Conditions of Approval
General and On-Going
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. The building techniques, colors, materials, elevations and appearance of the project, as
presented to the Planning Commission at their May 14, 2019 hearing, stamped “approved”
and on file with the Community Development Department, Planning Division, shall be the
same as required for issuance of all building permits, subject to these conditions. Minor
modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval of the
Community Development Department, Planning Division. Further modifications deemed not
minor by the Community Development Director shall require review and approval by the
original decision-making body, the Planning Commission, and may require review and
recommendation by the City’s Design Review Board.
2. The approved colors for the project are on file with the Community Development
Department, Planning Division. Any future modification to the color palette shall be subject
to review and approval by the Planning Division and those modifications not deemed minor
shall be referred to the Design Review Board for review and recommendation prior to
approval by the Planning Division.
3. This Environmental and Design Review Permit approves the demolition of two residential
structure and one commercial structure and the construction of new, four-story mixed-use
building with 41 residential condominium units above 2,470 sq. ft. of ground-floor
commercial space and 47 garage parking spaces, 12 of which are tandem parking spaces.
4. The landscape plans shall include replacement of the existing Canary Island Date Palm,
located within the 12’-wide sanitary sewer/right-of-way, located immediately north of the
property. This replacement Canary Island Date Palm shall be a minimum 36-48”-diameter
container size at planting.
5. All ‘off-haul’ of excavation and delivery/pick-up of construction equipment shall occur during
off-peak weekday hours, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only.
6. All grading and construction activities shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through
Friday. Low-noise construction, occurring entirely within the interior of the building, may be
permissible beyond these approved days/hours of operation with prior approval by the
Planning Division and only after the building is completely enclosed (walls, roof, doors and
windows). If requested and approved, Saturday work shall be limited to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Any
work on Sundays and federally-recognized holidays is strictly prohibited.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 8
7. Final landscape and irrigation plans for the project shall comply with the provisions of Marin
Municipal Water District’s (MMWD) most recent water conservation ordinance and
graywater recycling system requirements. Construction plans submitted for issuance of
building/grading permit shall be pre-approved by MMWD and stamped as approved by
MMWD or include a letter from MMWD approving the final landscape and irrigation plans.
Modifications to the final landscape and irrigation plans, as required by MMWD, shall be
subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning
8. All new landscaping shall be irrigated with an automatic drip system and maintained in a
healthy and thriving condition, free of weeds and debris, at all times. Any dying or dead
landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion.
9. All public streets and sidewalks and on-site streets which are privately owned that are
impacted by the grading and construction operation for the project shall be kept clean and
free of debris at all times. The general contractor shall sweep the nearest street and
sidewalk adjacent to the site on a daily basis unless conditions require greater frequency of
10. All submitted building permit plan sets shall include a plan sheet incorporating these
conditions of approval.
11. If archaeological or cultural resources are accidentally discovered during excavation/grading
activities, all work will stop within 100 feet of the resource and the qualified archaeologist
will be notified immediately. The qualified archaeologist will contact Federated Indians of
Graton Rancheria (FIGR) and the Planning Division and coordinate the appropriate
evaluation of the find and implement any additional treatment or protection, if required. No
work shall occur in the vicinity until approved by the qualified archaeologist, FIGR and
Planning staff. Prehistoric resources that may be identified include, but shall not be limited
to, concentrations of stone tools and manufacturing debris made of obsidian, basalt and
other stone materials, milling equipment such as bedrock mortars, portable mortars and
pestles and locally darkened soils (midden) that may contain dietary remains such as shell
and bone, as well as human remains. Historic resources that may be identified include, but
are not limited to, small cemeteries or burial plots, structural foundations, cabin pads, cans
with soldered seams or tops, or bottles or fragments or clear and colored glass (MM CULT-
12. If human remains are encountered (or suspended) during any project-related activity, all
work will halt within 100 feet of the project and the County Coroner will be contacted to
evaluate the situation. If the County Coroner determines that the human remains are of
Native American origin, the County Coroner shall notify FIGR within 24-hours of such
identification who will work with Planning staff to determine the proper treatment of the
remains. No work shall occur in the vicinity without approval from Planning staff. (MM
13. The project shall implement the City of San Rafael Noise Ordinance construction noise
requirements to minimize noise impacts during construction. Construction noise related to
demolition and grading work done within 15 feet of the west property line could exceed t he
Ordinance requirements. Neighbors shall be informed before any construction activities and
any input they have on construction scheduling shall be incorporated to the extent feasible,
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 9
and the work should be conducted as quickly as possible to minimize exposure time. (MM
14. This Environmental and Design Review Permit shall run with the land and shall remain valid
regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions,
provided that a building/grading permit is issued and construction commenced or a time
extension request is submitted to the City’s Community Development Department, Planning
Division, within two (2) years of original approval, or May 14, 2021. Failure to obtain a
building permit or grading permit and construction or grading activities commenced, or
failure to obtain a time extension within the two-year period will result in the expiration of this
Environmental and Design Review Permit
15. This Environmental and Design Review Permit shall run concurrently with the Use Permit
(UP19-011) approval. If the Environmental and Design Review Permit expires, Use Permit
approval shall also expire and become invalid.
16. The Planning Commission has expressed their preference that, in lieu of demolition of the
two Victorian-era historic structures, the structures be saved and moved to another off -site
location. Although this would not be a mitigation measure, it is still the preference of the
Commission. The applicant shall actively pursue all possible opportunities to save and find
an alternate location for the two structures. If an alternate site or location is not found at the
time of issuance of a building permit, then demolition is acceptable.
Prior to Issuance of Grading/Building Permits
Community Development Department, Planning Division
17. A Construction Management Plan (CMP) shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning
Division for review and approval. The CMP shall include a projected schedule of work,
projected daily construction truck trips, proposed construction truck route, location of
material staging areas, location of construction trailers, location of construction worker
parking, dust control program, a statement that the project shall conform to the City’s Noise
Ordinance (Chapter 8.13 of the San Rafael Municipal Code) as modified by Condition #5
(ED18-020) above which limits the days and hours of all grading and construction activities,
a statement that no construction truck traffic shall encroach into any of the surrounding
residential neighborhood streets at any time, and a statement that the existing roadway
conditions on B and 2nd and 3rd Streets shall be memorialized on digital recording format
prior to the start of construction and that the project sponsor shall be required to repair any
roadway damage created by the additional construction truck traffic. In the event that the
CMP is conflicting with any conditions imposed by the grading permit for the project, the
more restrictive language or conditions shall prevail.
18. A Lighting Plan/Photometric study shall be submitted for review and approval with the
Building Permit plans and provide the following illumination levels: a) A minimum of one (1)
foot candle at ground level overlap at all exterior doorways and throughout the vehicle
parking area; b) A minimum of one-half (1/2) foot candle at ground level overlap on all
outdoor pedestrian walkways and common areas; and c) A maximum one (1) foot candle at
ground level overlap at all property lines.
19. The project shall be revised to incorporate building elements that relate the new building to
its historic context through the use of projecting bays, usable building balconies, deep eave
overhangs, a substantial element at the building corner at 2nd and B Street, and canopies at
the ground floor that extend over the sidewalk. Submit for review and approval by Design
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 10
Review Board prior to issuance of a Building Permit and revocable licensing agreement, or
an alternative method to allow private encroachments to project over the sidewalk or right-
of-way (ROW). (MM AES-1)
20. The project shall mitigate potential air quality impacts associated with construction and
grading activities by preparing and submitting a Dust Control Plan to the City of San Rafael
Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to issuance of a
grading permit. (MM AIR-1)
21. The project sponsor, or its successor, shall document the two historic buildings at the
subject property. Documentation shall include a narrative, which may consist of the Historic
Resource Report, and archivally-stable black and white photographs documenting the
building exterior and interiors as they exist today, and the building’s general setting. It is not
necessary to photograph the property to HABS standards, as the integrity of the property
does not warrant this level of documentation. This documentation will be produced and
submitted to the California Room of the Marin County Free Library, and the Marin History
Museum. Photographic negatives should be retained by the City of San Rafael. Costs
associated with CULT-1A are expected to be no greater than $5,000. (MM CULT-1A)
22. The project sponsor, or its successor, shall update the San Rafael Historical/Architectural
Survey; Final Inventory List of Structures and Areas (September 1986) with a focus on the
San Rafael Original Townsite area by performing a reconnaissance level survey of an
approximately 16-block area. Cost to be approximately $16,000. Create a historic context
and evaluate the area in the immediate vicinity of 2nd and B Street (boundaries to be
determined by the survey; a minimum of a four-block area) for a potential historic district.
Costs to be approximately $28,000. (MM CULT-1B)
23. The project sponsor, or its successor, shall develop an interpretive panel, to be installed at
one of the corners at 2nd and B Street, preferably the southeast corner, that depicts historic
photos of the area, including historic buildings and the train track, a map of the resources,
and provides information about the historic buildings and streetscape in the area. Costs
associated with CULT-1C are expected to be approximately $20,000. (MM CULT-1C)
24. The project sponsor, or its successor, shall provide a duplicate of the photographs and
information to be used in the on-street interpretation of the 2nd and B Street area to be
mounted in a prominent location, such as the lobby, of the proposed building. Costs
associated with CULT-1D are expected to be no greater than $5,000. (MM CULT-1D)
25. The project sponsor, or its successor, shall work with the Marin History Museum or an
equivalent historical society or organization, to develop programming that commemorates
the history of the 2nd and B Street area, including the railroad station, to be presented as a
lecture, exhibit, online video, or similar public presentation. Costs associated with CULT-1E
are anticipated to be no greater than $5,000, assuming some volunteer time on the part of
the partnering organization. (MM CULT-1E)
26. The project shall reduce the potential exposure by the public to hazardous materials such
as asbestos or lead during proposed demolition activities, by preparing a hazardous
material remediation plan. Submit the plan to the City of San Rafael Community
Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a demolition permit.
(MM HAZ-1)
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 11
27. The project shall mitigate operational noise by incorporating sound-rated OITC24 windows
along and near the 2nd Street façade and standard double-paned windows at all other
facades into the construction drawings. Further, all habitable rooms with exterior noise
exposures greater than 60 Ldn will require alternative ventilation per Title 24. A post-
construction Acoustical Analysis, by a qualified Acoustic Engineer, shall confirm that the
project complies with maximum interior noise exposure limits of 45 Ldn and shall be
submitted to the Community Development Department. (MM NOISE-1)
28. The project shall comply with the City’s affordable housing requirement with State Density
Bonus (currently Section 14.16.030 of the SRMC) by providing a minimum of six (6)
affordable housing units. If the project proposes to provide condominium units, all six (6)
units shall be required at the low-income household level in order to comply with the density
bonus approved with the project under the State Density Bonus law. If the project proposes
to provide rental units, four (4) units shall be required at the very low-income household
level and two (2) units at the low-income household level in order to comply with the density
bonus approved with the project under the State Density Bonus law. The project sponsor is
required to enter into a BMR (below market rate) agreement with Marin Housing Authority,
deed-restricting the income level for occupancy of the affordable units and obtain City
Council approval of the BMR agreement. The configuration of the BMR units shall reflect
the generally configuration of the project by providing four (4) 2-bedroom BMR units and
two (2) 1-bedroom BMR units. These BMR units shall be spread out evenly throughout the
project. If the project proposes to provide condominium units, the location of these BMR
units shall be shown on the final map and shall be subject to review and approval by the
City as part of the its consideration of the BMR agreement. If the project proposes to
provide rental units, the location of these BMR units may ‘float’ though they shall be
‘bunched’ together. These BMR units shall be comparable in size, finishes and unit mixture
to the market rate units.
Department of Public Works
29. A grading permit is required for the project from the Public Works Department (111
Morphew St.). The grading permit submittal shall include a site-specific erosion and
sediment control plan.
30. The project sponsor shall obtain an encroachment permit with a revocable licensing
agreement for the portions of the building that overhang and encroach into the
sidewalk/public right-of-way (ROW).
31. The encroachment/projections over the right of way shall be similar in depth to those
existing on other properties on the B St frontage.
32. The proposed gate across the driveway entrance to the garage shall pushed out toward the
street and the gate shall be set back no closer than 5 feet from the property line. The gate
design shall include remote activation. The applicant shall also install any visual detection
devices deemed appropriate by the Department of Public Works to provide pedestrian and
vehicular safety at the entrance/exit, including, but not limited to, installing signs at the
driveway exit alerting drivers to look for pedestrians on the sidewalk and installing a one-
way sign on the east side of B Street, directly across from the driveway.
33. The driveway width of the entry to the garage shall be no smaller than 24 feet.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 12
34. The project will require the relocation of an existing utility box to the 2nd Street ROW. The
project sponsor shall explore alternatives to not impacting the vehicle traffic along 2nd St in
any way
35. Provide precise details related to how the adjacent properties will be stabilized during the
construction of the project walls and garage.
36. The project shall pay a traffic mitigation fee of $131,626 for 31 additional peak hour (16 a.m.
and 15 p.m.) traffic trips (31 x $4,246). (MM TRANS-1)
37. Provide updated civil plans with details, such as drainage, easements and utilities, for
38. The updated drainage plan shall show all roof drains and drainage systems and how they
connect with the City storm drainage system. Provide details on the dimensions of the
bioretention areas.
39. Provide a drainage easement across the property to account for the adjacent property’s
drainage system, which appears to cross the project site, or provide improvements to the
existing drainage with a storm water maintenance agreement with the adjacent property
40. The project proposes over 5,000 sq. ft. of impervious surface and is a regulated project
under MCSTOPPP requirements. Provide a storm water control plan, which includes a
written narrative in addition to the erosion control plan shown in the plans. More specific
information is available from MCSTOPPP, on the Marin County website. See tools and
guidance, and post construction requirements at
41. Provide updated landscape plans, with street tree details, for review. The two existing
flowering pear trees, along the B Street frontage, shall remain. The existing flowering plum
tree, located closest to the B Street intersection with 2nd Street, shall be removed due to
conflict with existing ROW improvements and relocated closer to the other existing flowering
plum trees along B Street.
42. Provide topography based on NAVD 1988 Datum. The site is currently located in Zone X,
but within close proximity to Zone AH with a base flood elevation of 12’. Therefore, the
Public Works Department strongly recommend that floodproofing be provided to above the
nearby base flood elevation.
43. Accessible curb ramps shall be required at the four corners of the intersection of 2nd and B
44. The applicant shall coordinate with the Public Works Department to install conduit along
both sidewalk frontages to facilitate improvements to the City’s traffic signal system.
45. The project is proposed as an apartment building. However, if subdivision is pursued to
create condominium units, additional frontage and infrastructure improvements may be
required, including but not limited to, installation of a storm drainage system to connect to
existing facilities and full-width street repaving of non-moratorium streets.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 13
Community Development Department, Building Division
46. School fees will be required for the project. Calculations are done by the San Rafael City
Schools, and those fees are paid directly to them and proof of payment shall be submitted
to the Building Division prior to issuance of the building permit.
47. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the current editions of
the California Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, California Mechanical Code,
California Fire Code, California Energy Code, Title 24 California Energy Efficiency
Standards, California Green Building Standards Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances
and Amendments.
48. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by
four (4) complete sets of construction drawings to include:
a) Architectural plans
b) Structural plans
c) Electrical plans
d) Plumbing plans
e) Mechanical plans
f) Fire sprinkle/standpipe system plans (Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention
g) Fire Alarm system plans (Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
h) Fire Underground plan ((Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
i) Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plan and height of the building)
j) Structural Calculations
k) Truss Calculations
l) Soils reports
m) Green Building documentation
n) Title-24 energy documentation
49. In mixed occupancies each portion of the building shall be individually classified,
construction type and square footage of each building shall be specified on the plans in
addition to justification calculations for the allowable area of each occupancy. Building areas
are limited by CBC Table 503. On the plan justify the proposed building area.
50. The project will be required to meet the Tier 1 requirements of the current CalGreen Code.
51. Site/civil plans prepared by a California licensed surveyor or engineer clearly must show
topography and identify grade plane and height of the building. The building height must
comply with CBC Section 504 and Table 503. On the plan, justify the proposed building
52. The maximum area of unprotected and protected openings permitted in the exterior wall in
any story of a building shall not exceed the percentages specified in CBC Table 705.8
“Maximum Area of Exterior Wall Openings Based on Fire Separation Distance and Degree
of Opening Protection.” To calculate the maximum area of exterior wall openings you must
provide the building setback distance from the property lines and then justify the percentage
of proposed wall openings and include whether the opening is unprotected or protected:
• 15% exterior wall openings (in any story) in sprinklered buildings where the openings
are 3’ to less than 5’ from the property line or buildings on the same property.
• 25% exterior wall openings (in any story) in sprinklered buildings where the openings
are 5’ to less than 10’ from the property line or buildings on the same property.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 14
• 45% exterior wall openings (in any story) in sprinklered buildings where the openings
are 10’ to less than 15’ from the property line or buildings on the same property
53. Each building shall have address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and
visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do not
satisfy this requirement. For new buildings, the address shall be internally-illuminated or
externally-illuminated and remain illuminated at all hours of darkness. Number shall be a
minimum 6 inches in height with ½ inch stroke for commercial applications. The address
shall be contrasting in color to their background.
54. The address for this proposed building, as determined by the Chief Building Official, is 815
B Street for the primary building. Each page of the plan’s title block and all permit
application documents must correctly show this address identification information. The Chief
Building Official may assign a separate address for the commercial/retain space at a later
55. Any demolition of existing structures shall require a permit. Demolition permit submittal shall
include three (3) copies of the site plan, asbestos certification and PG&E disconnect notice.
All required permits from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District shall be obtained
and documentation provided prior to building permit issuance and any work commencing.
56. School fees will be required for the project. School fees for residential construction are
currently computed at $3.72 per square foot of new living area, Commercial space is
computed at $0.71 per square foot of new building area. Calculations are done by the San
Rafael City Schools, and those fees are paid directly to them prior to issuance of the
building permit.
57. A grading permit is required for any grading or site remediation, soils export, import and
placement. Provide a detailed soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these
procedures. In particular the report should address the import and placement and
compaction of soils at future building pad locations and should be based on an assumed
foundation design. This information should be provided to Building Division and Department
of Public Works for review and comments prior to any such activities taking place.
58. Property lines shown through proposed buildings must be eliminated by consolidation or
buildings must be relocated, redesigned to fall within property line boundaries.
59. In the parking garage, mechanical ventilation will be required capable of exhausting a
minimum of .75 cubic feet per minute per square foot of gross floor area CMC Table 4-4.
60. In the parking garage, in areas where motor vehicles are stored, floor surfaces shall be of
noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. Floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or
trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing Code and SWIPP.
61. In the parking garage, in areas where motor vehicles are stored, floor surfaces shall be of
noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. Floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or
trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing Code and SWIPP.
62. The parking garage ceiling height shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8’ 2” where
required for accessible parking.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 15
63. Each commercial space shall be provided with sanitary facilities per CPC Sec 412 and
Table 4-1 (including provisions for persons with disabilities). Separate facilities may be
required for each sex depending on use.
64. Minimum elevator car size (interior dimension) 60” wide by 30” deep with an entrance
opening of at least 60” or a car size of 42” wide by 48” deep with an entrance opening of 36”
or a car size of 60” wide by 36” deep with an entrance opening of at least 36”.
65. All buildings with four (4) or more floors and one or more elevators shall provide not less
than one medical emergency service elevator. The medical emergency service elevator
shall accommodate the loading and transport of an ambulance gurney or stretcher. The
elevator car size shall have a minimum clear distance between walls ad door excluding
return panels not less than 80” x 54” and a minimum distance from wall to return panel not
less than 51” with a 42” side slide door.
66. The project shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled in accordance
with requirements of Title-24, California Code of Regulation.
67. The proposed residential units shall meet the sound attenuation requirements of CBC
Chapter 12. In particular, the residential units facing both B and 2nd Streets will likely require
special glazing and/or sound attenuation features to compensate for the adjacent
traffic/street noise.
68. Multistory apartment with three (3) or more residential units or condominium buildings with
four (4) or more residential units shall provide at least 10% of the dwelling units, but no less
than one (1) dwelling unit, which comply with the access requirements per CBC 1102A.3.
69. Multifamily dwelling and apartment accessible parking spaces shall be provided at a
minimum rate of 2 percent of the covered multifamily dwelling units. At least one space of
each type of parking facility shall be made accessible even if the total number exceeds 2%.
70. When parking is provided for multifamily dwellings and is not assigned to a resident or a
group of residents, at least 5% of the parking spaces shall be accessible and provide
access to grade-level entrances of multifamily dwellings and facilities (e.g. swimming pools,
club houses, recreation areas and laundry rooms) that serve the dwellings. Accessible
parking spaces shall be located on the shortest accessible route to an accessible building,
or dwelling unit entrance.
71. At least one (1) disabled parking space shall be van-accessible, 9’ in width plus an 8’-wide
off- load area or 17’-wide overall. Additionally, one in every eight required handicap spaces
shall be van accessible.
72. The project, once completed, appears to create an exiting issue for the adjoining property to
the north (821-823 B Street). Both the upper-floor residential unit and the ground-floor
commercial/retail space may be affected as they will lose the path of travel from the rear
courtyard to the public right-of-way (ROW) which may be a required exit. Although we
recognize that this is not the responsibility of this applicant, the matter will have to be
addressed prior to issuance of the building permit for this project.
San Rafael Sanitation District
73. The District has estimated the payment of sewer connection fees of $378,849.99 for this
proposed project, effective at the time of original approval. These fees are due before the
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 16
issuance of the Building Permit and will be revised to reflect the updated sewer fee
connections effective from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. These multi-dwelling fees are the
same for either condominium dwelling units or apartment dwelling units. Credit for the
existing fixtures has not been estimated. In order for the applicant to request credit for the
existing fixtures on the buildings that will be demolished; applicant must submit a full
inventory of the existing facilities accompanied by pictures to request any adjustment of
these estimated fees. The calculated breakdown of the sewer connection fees was based
on the following:
74. Reference Sheet C3 - Utility Plan
a) Applicant is proposing to tap into an existing 4-ft sanitary sewer manhole on 2nd Street
with an 8-inch sewer lateral. The District will require that applicant upsize this manhole
to a 5-foot diameter sewer manhole and costs for this upgrade will have to be paid by
owner of the project.
b) Applicant is also proposing to reuse the existing sewer lateral on B Street from the
original 809 B Street building that is going to be demolished. The District is requiring
that this existing sewer lateral be upsized to a 6” PVC sewer line lateral and that a new
4-foot Manhole is installed at the connection to the existing sewer main on B Street.
c) Applicant is also proposing to reuse the existing sewer lateral on B Street from the
original 809 B Street building that is going to be demolished. The District is requiring
that this existing sewer lateral be upsized to a 6” PVC sewer line lateral and that a new
4-foot Manhole is installed at the connection to the existing sewer main on B Street.
d) Applicant must show the sewer lateral details in the plan and profile, and include pipe
information (pipe type, pipe size, inverts and slope).
San Rafael Fire Department, Fire Prevention Bureau
75. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the current editions of
the California Fire Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments.
76. Deferred Submittals for the following fire protection systems shall be submitted to the Fire
Prevention Bureau for approval and permitting prior to installation of the systems.
a) Fire Sprinkler plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
Description No. of
Lower Level
Water Closet 2 4.0 8.0
Lavatories 2 1.0 2.0
Floor Drains 3 2.0 6.0
Floor Sink (at
1 2.0 2.0
Total 18
SRSD Connection Fees=$207.10x18=$3,727.8
CMSA Connection Fees=$354.09x18=$6,373.62
Total Connection Fees (Retail Area)=$10,101.42
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 17
b) Fire Standpipe plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
c) Fire Underground plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
d) Fire Alarm plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
e) Kitchen Hood Automatic Fire-Extinguishing System plans (Deferred Submittal to the
Fire Prevention Bureau).
77. As the building is over 30 feet in height, an aerial fire apparatus access roadway is required
parallel to one entire side of the building. The Aerial apparatus access roadway shall be
located within a minimum 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building.
78. The minimum unobstructed width for an aerial fire apparatus access road is 26’.
79. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access
roadway, or between the roadway and the building.
80. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall be designated “fire lanes”; with curbs painted red
and contrasting white lettering stating “No Parking Fire Lane” and signs shall be posted in
accordance CFC Section 503.3.
81. The new building shall be located within 250’ of an approved fire apparatus access road.
The minimum width of the fire apparatus road is 20’. The minimum inside turning radius for
a fire apparatus access road is 25’. The fire apparatus access road serving this building is
more than 150’ in length which will require an approved turnaround. Contact the Fire
Prevention Bureau for specific detail.
82. A fire apparatus access plan shall be prepared for this project. Fire apparatus plan shall
show the location the following:
a) Designated fire apparatus access roads.
b) Red curbs and no parking fire lane signs.
c) Onsite fire hydrants.
d) Fire Department Connection (FDC).
e) Double detector check valve.
f) Street address sign.
g) Recessed Knox Box
h) Fire Alarm annunciator panel.
i) NFPA 704 placards
j) Provide a note on the plans as follows: “The designated fire apparatus access roads
and fire hydrant shall be installed and approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior
construction of the building”.
83. A Knox Box is required at the primary point of first response to the building. A recessed
mounted Knox Box # 3275 Series is required for this project; the Knox Box shall be clearly
visible upon approach to the main entrance from the fire lane. Note the Knox Box must be
installed from 72” to 78” above finish grade; show the location on the plans.
84. On site fire hydrants will be required.
85. Contact the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) to make arrangements for MMWD to
provide adequate water supply service for the required fire protection system.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 18
During Construction
Marin Municipal Water District
86. District records indicate that the property’s current annual water entitlement is insufficient to
meet the water demand for the project and the purchase of additional water entitlement will
be required. Additional water entitlement will be available upon request and fulfillment of the
following requirements:
a) Pay the appropriate fees and charges.
b) Comply with all indoor and outdoor requirements of District Code Title 13 – Water
Conservation. Indoor plumbing fixtures shall meet specific efficiency requirements.
Landscape, irrigation, grading and fixture plans shall be submitted to the District for
review and approval. Any questions regarding District Code Title 13 – Water
Conservation should be directed to the District’s Water Conservation Department at
(415) 945-1497. You may also find information on the District’s water conservation
requirements online at www.marinwater.org.
c) Comply with the backflow prevention requirements, if upon the Districts review backflow
protection is warranted, including installation, testing and maintenance. Questions
regarding backflow requirements should be directed to the Backflow Prevention
Program Coordinator at (415) 945-1558.
d) Use of recycled water is required, where available, for all approved uses, including
irrigation and the flushing of toilets and urinals. Questions regarding the use of recycled
water should be directed to Dewey Sorensen at (415) 945-1558.
e) Installation of gray water recycling systems is required when practicable.
Pacific Gas & Electric
87. Electric and gas service to the project site will be provided in accordance with the applicable
extension rules, which are available on PG&E’s website at
http://www.pge.com/myhome/customerservice/other/newconstruction or contact (800) PGE-
5000. It is highly recommended that PG&E be contacted as soon as possible so that there
is adequate time to engineer all required improvements and to schedule any site work.
88. The cost of relocating any existing PG&E facilities or conversion of existing overhead
facilities to underground shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant or property owner.
89. Prior to the start excavation or construction, the general contractor shall call Underground
Service Alert (USA) at (800) 227-2600 to have the location of any existing underground
facilities marked in the field.
Community Development Department, Planning Division
90. The project shall implement the City of San Rafael Noise Ordinance construction noise
requirements to minimize noise impacts during construction. Construction noise related to
demolition and grading work done within 15 feet of the west property line could exceed the
Ordinance requirements. Neighbors shall be informed before any construction activities and
any input they have on construction scheduling shall be incorporated to the extent feasible,
and the work should be conducted as quickly as possible to minimize exposure time. (MM
91. The project shall minimize the potential noise impact on adjacent residences when the
existing structures on the project site are demolished and when site preparation work is
done, through implementation of the following measures: a) The contractors shall provide
heavy machinery and pneumatic tools equipped with mufflers and other sound suppression
technologies; b) The contractors shall shut down equipment expected to idle more than 5
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 19
minutes; and c) The name and telephone number of the Construction Project Manager
responsible person to contact shall be posted at the site throughout construction activities.
Prior to Occupancy
Community Development Department, Planning Division
92. Final inspection of the project by the Community Development Department, Planning
Division, is required. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division to request a final
inspection upon completion of the project. The final inspection shall require a minimum of
48-hour advance notice.
93. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy. In the alternative, the
applicant or property owner shall post a bond with the City in the amount of the estimated
landscaping/irrigation installed cost. In the event that a bond is posted, all areas proposed
for landscaping shall be covered with bark or a substitute material approved by the Planning
Division prior to occupancy. Deferred landscaping through a bond shall not exceed 3
months past occupancy.
94. The landscape architect for the project shall submit a letter to the Planning Division,
confirming the landscaping has been installed in compliance with the approved project plans
and the irrigation is fully functioning.
95. All ground- and rooftop-mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened from public
96. All trash enclosures shall be screened by a combination of fencing with privacy slats and
Department of Public Works
97. The project shall install signs at the driveway exit to alert drivers to look for pedestrians on
the sidewalk.
98. The project shall install a ‘One-Way’ sign on the east side of B Street, directly across from
the new driveway.
After Occupancy
Community Development Department, Planning Division
99. Following the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all new exterior lighting shall be
subject to a 90-day lighting level review period by the City to ensure that all lighting sources
provide safety for the building occupants while not creating a glare or hazard on adjacent
streets or be annoying to adjacent residents. During this lighting review period, the City may
require adjustments in the direction or intensity of the lighting, if necessary. All exterior
lighting shall include a master photoelectric cell with an automatic timer system, where the
intensity of illumination shall be turned off during daylight.
100. The 12 tandem parking spaces approved with the project shall be reserved for, and used
exclusively by, owners of the 2-bedroom units. The project shall assign these tandem
parking spaces, through sales agreements, to owners of the 2-bedroom units only.
Exhibit 2
File Nos. TS19-001, UP19-011 & ED19-025 20
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission
meeting held on the 14th day of May 2019.
Moved by Commissioner XXXXX and seconded by Commissioner XXXXX
AYES: Commissioners:
NOES: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
ABSTAIN: Commissioners:
Paul A. Jensen, Secretary Sarah Loughran, Chair
Community Development Department – Planning Division
Meeting Date: May 14, 2019
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-
002, UP18-034, SP18-006,
S18-001, DA19-001
Project Planner:
Sean Kennings (415) 533-2111
Contract Planner
SUBJECT: 999 3rd Street (BioMarin R&D building / Whistlestop Senior Center / Senior
Housing) –Study Session Review of two 70-foot tall, four-story Research and
Development buildings on a 133,099 sq. ft. parcel, currently developed as a vacant
lot, and a 67-unit, 70-foot tall, six-story senior center and affordable senior housing
building on a 15,000 sq. ft. portion of the northwestern corner of the parcel; APN: 011-
265-01; Second/Third Mixed Use (2/3 MUE) Zone; Shar Zamanpour, Applicant;
BioMarin / CCCA, LLC, Owner; Downtown Activity Center neighborhood area.
The subject project is being referred to the Planning Commission (Commission) for Study Session
Review of three new buildings on a 3.05-acre (133,099 sq. ft.) parcel. Two buildings would be
constructed by the property owner, BioMarin, for the purposes of laboratory/R&D and general office
spaces. BioMarin’s buildings would each be four stories but with large floor to ceiling heights to
accommodate infrastructure and facilities for their laboratory/ research & development needs. The third
building would be constructed by Whistlestop/Eden Housing, on a 15,000 sq. ft. portion of the property,
for a six-story senior center /senor housing development. BioMarin has worked with Whistlestop to help
facilitate an alternate location (to their prior proposal to build their project at their current site (930
Tamalpais ), which was previously reviewed conceptually and faced concerns with the bulk and mass
and potential loss of the train depot at that location.
BioMarin is proposing to incorporate their portion of the project site (118,099 sq. ft.) into the San Rafael
Corporate Center (SRCC) PD District, which is located across 2nd Street. The Whistlestop portion of the
project, the remaining 15,000 sq. ft., would be subdivided from the larger parcel and would retain the
existing 2/3 MUE Zoning designation.
Staff requests that the Commission review the project for both components and provide comments and
observations to be evaluated by the Design Review Board at a subsequent formal hearing. Formal
motion and vote are not required for study session review. BioMarin and Whistlestop have submitted a
joint application for all required project approvals, but will develop independently. The formal entitlements
require review and approval by the Design Review Board and the Planning Commission and ultimate
approval by the City Council in order to proceed. The formal application is currently undergoing Draft
Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
A brief summary of the policies and criteria that would apply to the project are provided in this report.
Overall, staff is supportive of both components of the project, including the addition of needed senior
housing in this part of Downtown. Redeveloping this site in the heart of downtown with a major employer
in the county is desirable, to help activate downtown. Furthermore, the proposed relocation of the
Whistlestop project to a portion of this site addresses the community wide concern with the prior concept
of redeveloping the current Whistlestop site.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 2
Staff supports the proposed heights of the project, primarily based on the scale of the neighboring
BioMarin campus which has maximum heights of 73-ft (to top of roof). Staff requests the Commission
review and provide comments on following specific aspects of the concept project, which will help guide
the review of the project at the Design Review Board and subsequent Planning Commission review:
Zoning Map Designation
The proposed project includes the development of the entire 133, 099 sq. ft. of the subject property.
However, as proposed, 118,099 sq. ft. would be incorporated into the existing San Rafael Corporate
Center (SRCC) campus. As such, a Zoning Map amendment is requested to include the BioMarin
portion of 999 3rd St to PD and incorporate it into the existing SRCC PD District. The remaining 15,000
sq. ft. area designated for development by Whistlestop/Eden Housing, will remain as a 2/3 MUE Zoning
district and would be indicated as such on the Zoning Map.
• Staff requests that the Commission provide input on the proposal to incorporate the
BioMarin portion of 999 3rd St into the SRCC PD District.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
The existing maximum FAR for the subject property is 1.5 for this area of downtown San Rafael. At
118,099 sq. ft., the BioMarin portion of the site has a maximum allowable FAR of 177,149sq. ft. The
project proposes 207,000 sq. ft. for the two BioMarin buildings. The Whistlestop Senior Center proposes
an additional 18,000 sq. ft. on the 15,000 sq. ft. area of the site. The applicant is proposing to combine
the subject property into the SRCC and is requesting a General Plan Map amendment, to Exhibit 6, to
create a new revised FAR for the total SRCC campus. This will be achieved by increasing the FAR on
the current SRCC campus from 0.75 to 0.90 and reducing the FAR on the 999 3rd St portion of the site
from 1.50 to 0.90 FAR. By combining the SRCC and 999 3rd Street with a 0.90 FAR, the project would
cap the overall total development for the combined SRCC at 715,518 sq ft. With the new FAR of 0.9, the
residual development will increase approximately 30,000 sq. ft. for the new SRCC PD then what is currently
allowed under the existing General Plan.
• Staff requests the Commission weigh in on proposed General Plan amendment (Exhibit 6
of Land Use Element - FAR Ratios in Downtown and Environs) specifically to create a new
blended rate for both sites of 0.90 by
o Increasing FAR limit from 0.75 (on SRCC portion of site) – current max: 507,692 sq ft.
o Reducing FAR limit on 999 3rd St site from 1.50 – current max 177,149 sq, ft.
The BioMarin portion of the project proposes to exceed the current 54-ft height limit for this site by 20-ft.,
for a total of 74-ft. The applicant contends that the additional height is needed to facilitate the taller four-
story laboratory floorplates required for lab uses. The extra height requires the applicant to propose a
General Plan amendment, to Exhibit 10, to create a new specific height bonus allowance for the subject
parcel. Although the subject property is proposed to be incorporated into the existing SRCC campus
(and the Lindaro Office Plan area), the height bonus for that site would also require a General Plan Map
amendment to allow the greater heights. The General Plan amendment to Exhibit 10 would create a new
height bonus for this site, specific to the subject property, and a new height bonus to allow for the
additional project height.
The Whistlestop / Eden Housing portion of the project would also exceed the height limit (54-ft) and the
allowable 12-ft. bonus by proposing a total height of 70-ft. Given the affordability provided by the project,
the applicant has requested a concession under the State Density Bonus Law to allow an additional 4-ft.
height bonus above the 66-ft. currently allowed.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 3
• Staff requests the Commission weigh in on:
o Proposed height as it relates to the Downtown setting.
o Proposed amendment language to Exhibit 10 to allow create a new a 20-ft bonus
for certain amenities.
o Proposed concession to allow additional 4-ft bonus for affordable housing.
Similar to the FAR discussion, BioMarin is requesting that the proposed project be incorporated as part
of the SRCC campus. The SRCC has an existing parking requirement of 1,561 campus wide stalls for
the 478,396 sq. ft. of entitled office/lab space. The 999 3rd street property is located within the Downtown
Parking District and therefore would not require parking for the first 1.0 FAR of development. As a result,
the 207,000 sq. ft. for the two new BioMarin buildings would require parking for 88,901 sq. ft. Consistent
with the SRCC parking ratio requirement, the new buildings would require 293 total parking spaces. The
proposed project includes 29 spaces at maximum buildout. The applicant has presented a “blended”
parking ratio with a breakdown of how each specific use on the entire campus should be evaluated for
the overall parking requirement. The City has requested a contingency plan, should the property be sold,
expanded, and/or converted to multiple tenants.
• Staff requests that the Commission provide general input parking requirements, ratios,
and solutions.
o Office use = 3.0 spaces/1,000 sq ft
o R&D = 1.5 spaces/1,000 sq ft
o Amenities = 1.0 spaces/1,000 sq ft
o Total blended parking requirement for proposed SRCC = 1,446 spaces
The study session is primarily intended to provide opportunity for early Commission feedback on the
merits of the project and public input. Given the project includes some major policy questions, it was
determined to first bring this matter to the Commission as a study session to review some of the major
topical area and to allow for public comment on these topic areas, before the project is presented to the
DRB for formal review and recommendation.
A study session will not result in a decision regarding the project merits or official action, but rather would
allow the Commission to weigh in with preliminary feedback on the project scope, size. Given some of
the major policy questions, the input by the Commission would assist the DRB in understanding size and
intensity are appropriate and thus allow them to focus their review on the architectural details. Therefore,
the purpose of the study session is to elicit comments and suggestions on the project, including the
topics identified in this staff report, as well as other comments the Commission may have:
1) Floor Area Ratio
2) Building Height
3) Parking Standards
4) Other land use or design comments
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 4
Staff recommends the Planning Commission conduct the study session in the following fashion:
• Staff report presentation
• Applicant presentation
• Accept public comments
• Planning Commission discussion and feedback
Although the study session is not a public hearing, public comment will be encouraged prior to discussion
by the Commission.
Address/Location: 999 Third St Parcel Number(s): 011-265-01
Property Size: 133,099 (3.05 acres) Neighborhood: Downtown
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Project Site: Second/Third St. Mixed-
Use (2/3 MU)
Second/Third St. Mixed-Use
East (2/3 MUE)
Vacant/surface parking
North: 2/3 MU/ 4SRC 2/3 MUE Parking structure / commercial
South: 2/3 MU/ P/QP 2/3 MUE / P/QP Parking structure / PG&E corp
yard. Multi-family residential
East: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUE Commercial
West: 2/3 MU 2/3 MUE Commercial / office
Site Description/Setting:
The project site is comprised of a 133,900 sq. ft. parcel located within the 100-year flood zone. The
project site has four frontages: Third St. on the north and Second St. to the south, Lindaro St. on the
east, and Brooks St. to the west. It is a relatively flat (<1% average cross-slope) and located within the
Downtown Parking District. It is currently undeveloped, as three, multi-story office buildings (PG&E) were
recently demolished. The remaining project area is currently a surface parking lot.
BioMarin, a global biotechnology company, was founded in Marin County in 1997. In 2013, BioMarin
moved its headquarters to the SRCC, a campus of over 400,000 sq. ft. on approximately 15.5 acres. In
2015, BioMarin completed construction of its first new research laboratory building at 791 Lincoln
Avenue. Currently, the SRCC has a height bonus of 24-ft that allows a maximum height of 78 feet.
In 2015, BioMarin purchased the approximately three-acre 999 3rd St. property in downtown San Rafael
from PG&E. This site, located adjacent to SRCC, was once used by the historical Manufactured Gas
Plant (MGP) for support activities and is currently vacant and awaiting completion of environmental
remediation. Soil and groundwater onsite conditions containing polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
(PNAs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been remediated in accordance with the DTSC
and continue to be monitored. The remediation process, when completed, will allow for residential
development as proposed.
BioMarin is one of the largest and fastest growing employers in San Rafael and Marin County, and a
significant share of its workforce resides locally. BioMarin is planning for future space needs by
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 5
addressing San Rafael's goals of economic development, downtown vibrancy, affordable senior housing,
and transit-oriented development. Toward this end, BioMarin submitted a Pre-Application in August of
2016. Following subsequent City comments, BioMarin modified its project by reducing the requested total
development square feet on 999 3rd Street as well as the height increase bonus. The conceptual design
was reviewed by the Design Review Board at a regular hearing on February 6, 2018 and again by the
Planning Commission at a regular hearing on February 27, 2018. In general, the DRB and the Planning
Commission were generally supportive of the proposed project including the design aesthetics, the
overall height, and intensity of use. Comments were provided to Whistlestop/Eden Housing requesting
the project design meet the requirements for front setbacks and suggested the proposal could include
more height (and more units) to compensate for meeting the front setback requirem ents. Comments
regarding parking included understanding the applicant’s survey and existing conditions assessment.
There are no written minutes from either conceptual review meeting. However, actual video proceeding s
are available. Video of the 2/6/2018 DRB meeting can be seen here and additional details are provided
in the Design Review Board review section below.
Video of the 2/27/2018 Planning Commission meeting can be seen here. In summary, the main
comments provided by the Commission during their review of the Conceptual application were supportive
of the project as a whole. The Commission was generally supportive of the proposed entitlement
requests and commented that staff would provide the appropriate mechanisms to allow the proposals.
Following those two meetings, the applicants revised the project and submitted a formal application to
the City in October 2018.
The applicant, BioMarin, intends to develop the parcel to increase laboratory and research and
development space. The proposed buildings would satisfy the R&D and lab functionality for BioMarin in
conjunction with the existing SRCC campus to the south of the project site. Preliminary details of the
proposal are reflected in the attached design package (see Exhibit 5).
The initial applications that will be required would include:
• General Plan text and map amendment to 1) modify Exhibit 6 FAR Maps to a new blended
rate of 0.90 for SRCC site and the BioMarin portion of the 999 3rd St site, and 2) Amend
Exhibit 10 – Height Bonuses – to create a new 20-ft. height bonus for this site;
• Planned Development Rezoning to create one contiguous PD District such that 999 3rd Street
would be included with the San Rafael Corporate Center campus (currently PD 1936),
including specific parking standards for the entire campus, development standards and land
use allowances;
• Development Agreement to vest the approvals for an extended period of time;
• Major Environmental and Design Review Permit, for the new R&D building, senior residential
complex and other site and landscaping improvements;
• Use Permit to allow: 1) Residential uses in a commercial (2/3 MUE) zoning district; and 2)
Create a Master Use Permit for the proposed revisions to the San Rafael Corporate Center
Campus to address land uses, parking and other requirements : The reduction in on-site
parking, from 293 required parking spaces to 29 proposed parking spaces on site with a
campus wide “blended ratio.
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001, DA19-001 Page 6
The proposed project would be constructed by two different entities in different phases, but will be
entitled as one contiguous development site and includes the following:
• Expansion of the existing Planned Development (PD) zoning designation that applies to the
SRCC to encompass the 999 3rd St. property. Within the expanded PD, BioMarin is requesting a
General Plan amendment to allow for a new FAR/development intensity to govern the entire
SRCC as one project site.
• 15,000 sq. ft. of the 999 3rd Street property will be allocated to Whistlestop/Eden Housing project
in the northwest corner of the subject property for development of a senior center and senior
affordable housing in a six-story building which includes an Healthy Aging Campus on the first
and second floors (approx.18,000 sf) and 67 affordable residential units on the third through sixth
• The remaining 118,100 sq. ft. of the site will be developed as an extension of the Bio Marin
campus that is currently located at the SRCC. Bio Marin proposes to develop a total of
approximately 207,000 sq. ft. of research and development (R&D) laboratories and office space
(split about equally between the two uses) in two four-story buildings. The ground floor will also
house amenities to support the BioMarin campus, which may include: lobbies, an auditorium,
conference rooms, a small cafe, and dining space. A useable roof top deck (above the ground
floor between the two buildings) is proposed for employee use as noted in the concept drawing
• As part of the amended SRCC PD, BioMarin is requesting a height bonus of 20-ft (above the 54-ft
maximum) for the 999 3rd Street property to allow construction of research laboratory buildings.
As laboratory buildings require additional floor to floor space to support the required
infrastructure, BioMarin is seeking the minimum required additional height for this development.
BioMarin is requesting the height bonus pursuant to the provision of senior housing, a privately
owned public plaza (5,000 sq. ft. or more in size), a community facility (e.g. senior center, 10,000
sq. ft. or more in size), pedestrian crossing safety improvements at adjacent intersections, and
the donation of funds for development of bike lanes in accordance with Section 14.16.190 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
• The Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the project would include a requested 4-ft height
increase as a concession consistent with the State Density Bonus Law.
• The Whistlestop/Eden Housing project is requesting two concessions under the State Density
Bonus law pursuant to providing at least 30% affordable housing. The project requests the
following three concessions:
o Increased Density bonus to allow up to 67 units;
o Increased height from allowed 66’ to 70’.
• Whistlestop/Eden Housing is proposing no on-site parking for residents of the senior housing
portion of the development. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915 (e)(1) and
(2), the request to reduce on-site parking to one space is an additional development standard
• Overall site parking at ratios appropriate to the proposed uses. Parking ratios for specific uses,
such as R&D laboratories, are not specified in the Zoning Ordinance. Proposed parking ratios will
be based on industry standards and utilization surveys and evaluated through the PD rezoning
and Use Permit.
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001, DA19-001 Page 7
New BioMarin R&D Buildings:
Use: BioMarin proposes two 70-foot tall four-story research and development buildings connected by a
common ground floor “amenity” space with rooftop garden/open area. Each R&D building would include
a combined office/laboratory spaces on the ground floor with three stories of laboratory spaces above.
Site Plan: The proposed project would provide a setback and green space along Lindaro to enhance
pedestrian experience and strengthen the entry to the site. A visitor drop-off and parking area at the
corner of 2nd and Lindaro is designed to provide a clear entry to the BioMarin buildings. An architectural
cantilever feature for the north R&D building at the corner of Lindaro and Third Street would create a
“Front Porch” of open space for employees and the public. This open area, adjacent to proposed retail
sapce, is designed to connect the site to downtown and activate 3rd Street. The North BioMarin building
would include upper floor setback to provide natural light and separation for residents of the senior
housing. Both buildings would be setback from 2nd and 3rd Streets to enhance pedestrian experience and
provide a landscaped street edge. A proposed rooftop deck between the two R&D buildings (above the
first floor) would be used for employee gatherings and daytime activities including seating for eating
periods. The R&D buildings would be oriented with the long east/west axis of the project site to maximize
energy savings.
Architecture: The design of the building emphasizes corner and cantilever elements that frame the site.
The design intent is to create a state-of-the-art research and development facility in the heart of San
Rafael office district. Buildings would be clad with glass, with white metals mullions and screens, to
maximize natural light and views outward from the site. Window overhangs on south facades would
create shading over windows and glass areas. An architectural “shading skin” would be proposed on
east and west facades to protect these areas from heat gain.
The proposed buildings are located within the 2/3 MUE District and has a mandated building height limit
of 54-ft for the primary structure as measured by 1997 UBC standards. The preliminary design requires
17-ft floor to floor to accommodate the specific needs of laboratory infrastructure required for life science
laboratories. Therefore, the proposed design is requesting a height extension to 70-ft. Additional
architectural features including mechanical enclosures and towers are designed to extend above the 70-
ft height limit. This additional height is not counted in the requested height bonus. Rooftop equipment
would be screened according to City of San Rafael requirements.
Landscaping: The BioMarin landscape plan would introduce new landscaping site features, paving,
ground covers, and trees for continuity throughout the project site. Although preliminary in nature, the
plant palette would be required to consist of trees, shrubs, ground covers, grasses and perennials that
conform to Marin Municipal Water District requirements, the California water efficient landscape
ordinance (WELO) and Marin County Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (MCSTOPPP) practices.
Bioretention areas appear to be proposed in pedestrian areas in the Lindaro street plaza. The tree
palette would be a continuation of street and shade trees consistent with the SRCC campus
development and include zelkova and ginkgo varietals.
Lighting: The lighting plan included in the application details specific light fixtures for wayfinding and
security purposes. Light fixtures would be required to comply with San Rafael standards for nighttime
glare. The photometric study regarding light exposure was included in the formal application plan set.
Parking: The R&D buildings are proposed to be constructed in two phases. After completion of Building
“A”, BioMarin would provide approximately 70 parking spaces at the south side of the project site. After
completion of Building “B” in Phase II, the project would include 29 spaces located in the southwest and
southeast corners of the site. The Project is within the downtown business parking district which
exempts parking requirements for the first 1.0 FAR. Per the San Rafael Municipal Code Section
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 8
14.18.040, parking requirements for laboratory uses are not specifically listed. Assuming general office
use for the project site, the proposed project would require a 3.3/1000 (3.3 auto spaces to 1,000 square
feet of occupied space) requirement for general office. The BioMarin portion of the project would entail
207,000 SF of total R&D/lab space, but with the 1.0 FAR reduction for the Downton Parking District,
would be required to provide parking for 88,901 sq ft.
Lot Size Project Size 1.0 FAR Exemption
Total Site: 133,099 sq. ft.
225,000 (18,000 sq. ft. for
Whistlestop; 207,000 for BioMarin)
225,000 sq. ft. – 133,099 sq. ft. (1.0
FAR) = 91,901 sq. ft.
BioMarin Portion: 118,099 sq. ft.
(minus 15K sq ft for Whistlestop)
207,000 sq. ft. (BioMarin) 207,000 sq. ft. – 118,099 (sq. ft. 1.0
FAR) = 88,901 sq. ft.
Whistlestop Portion: 15,000 sq. ft. 18,000 sq. ft. (Whistlestop/Eden) 18,000 sq. ft. – 15,000 sq. ft. (1.0
FAR) = 3,000 sq. ft.
As such, the proposed R&D buildings would require approximately 293 surface parking spaces.
However, BioMarin is presenting a ratio based on evaluation of the existing and proposed uses that
would “blend” the parking requirements for the entire site. For example, laboratory spaces tend to be
used by on-site staff who also have office space. BioMarin is requesting that these spaces should not be
double-counted pursuant to the San Rafael Municipal Code requirements. To ensure no double counting
of parking needs while offering an overall conservative amount of parking, BioMarin proposes the
following parking ratios for each building type:
• Office: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 gsf
• R&D Labs: 1.5 space per 1,000 gsf
• Amenities: 1.0 space per 1,000 gsf
Per the applicant’s project description, and based on the blended parking ratio request, the following
table documents the proposed parking for the project site and the SRCC.
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001, DA19-001 Page 9
The SRCC at full build-out, would be owned and operated by one tenant, BioMarin. The City has
requested a contingency plan based upon sale (and potential different types of users or multi-tenant
uses) of all parcels. As such, the applicant has proposed the following language that could be included
as a condition of the overall project approvals (and part of the development agreement):
BioMarin will incorporate the following provisions into an enforceable deed for the project site:
Changes in tenancy or use, expansion of use(s), or expansion of floor area that create a parking
demand that is more than five (5) percent greater than the number of required parking spaces
approved under PD permit (# to be added) shall provide additional automobile parking, bicycle
parking, and loading space as required by the San Rafael Municipal Code and/or demonstrate to
the satisfaction of the City that an enhanced Transportation Demand Management Program will
meet the increased parking demand. Existing parking shall be maintained but may be replaced in
a reconstructed parking facility. A change in occupancy is not considered a change in use if the
parking demand of the new occupant is essentially the same as that for the occupant approved
with PD permit amendment (# to be inserted).
As proposed, the sale or expansion of existing uses would be required to show adequate parking supply,
consistent with the standards at the time of future proposal, and prior to entitlement approvals.
Whistlestop Senior Center / Eden Housing Senior Housing
Use: A six-story senior center and affordable senior housing is proposed on the northwest portion of the
subject property. The proposed use includes 12 total parking spaces (ground floor within the footprint).
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001, DA19-001 Page 10
Whistlestop, in partnership with Eden Housing, is proposing a new facility that will include 67 units of
onsite affordable senior housing to complement the onsite Healthy Aging Campus.
Site Plan: The proposed building footprint would utilize the entire 15,000 sq. ft. allotment for the
Whistlestop project provided on the subject property. The approximately 18,000 sq. ft. area on the first
and second floors for Whistlestop's adult service program includes meeting rooms, classrooms, and
service offices within a contemporary facility. There are 11 parking spaces for the Whistlestop facility with
a single parking space for the resident manager; the senior housing is proposed as a car-free community
and no parking spaces are included. Internal vehicle and van circulation would access the parking/drop-
off area via the south entrance off Brooks Street. Cars would circulate counterclockwise and exit the
parking area onto Brooks Street via the north exit.
The proposed affordable housing is located on the third through sixth floors and provides low, very low
and extremely low-income units for seniors, aged 62 and older and who earn less than 60% of the Area
Median Income. The housing, which will be a mix of one bedroom and studio apartments, will also
include high quality amenities such as a community room, residential courtyard for gatherings and
gardening, a computer center and exercise room, central laundry facility and furnished lobbies for casual
social interaction and an on-site resident manager.
Architecture: The building’s design is a contemporary/traditional building form of base/middle/top. The
building’s two-story base will be a solid form and material, with commercial storefronts on the ground
floor, with decorative grilles that allow the parking garage to be well lit and ventilated. There will be
similar larger windows for classrooms offices on the main Whistlestop floor. There will be a more
vertically proportioned and scaled middle for the four residential stories; with the corner mass highlighted
by a change in material and accented by a trellis or framing element which adds a top and visual
importance to the buildings corner.
The accented entrance and lobby created by an arcaded walk allows for a ramp to ease the walk to the
raised floor elevation above the areas flood plain. The lobby has a glassy storefront entry which extends
through each floor of the building providing a sunlit lobby as one walks up the stairs to the
Whistlestop Center or walks out of the elevator to the residences above. The building will be designed to
meet Green-Point Rated or LEED standards of sustainability, with reduced energy and water use.
Density Bonus Concessions: Whistlestop/Eden Housing is requesting approval of 67 housing units,
equivalent to approximately 224 lot area square feet per dwelling unit for the 15,000-square foot-portion
of the 999 3rd Street development site. Pursuant to Govt. Code Section 65915(f), a “base” 35 percent
density bonus may be applied to the allowed maximum residential density, resulting in “base” total of
34 units. To reach the 67 units proposed for this building, a Concession under the State’s Density Bonus
Law is also requested. Since 100% of the units will be for low-income seniors, the project qualifies for
three concessions (Govt. Code § 65915(d)(2); SRMC, Table 14.16.030-1). Consistent with the San
Rafael Municipal Code, Whistlestop and Eden Housing submitted a project pro forma that demonstrates
that the concessions will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions for the project, including
construction and operating costs (SRMC, § 14.16.030(H)(3)(b)(v)). Whistlestop/Eden Housing is also
requesting the use of two concessions to build at the proposed density and, height.
Parking: The proposed project includes 11 ground level spaces for users of the senior center on the first
and second floor. Per the parking requirement, the Whistlestop senior center would be required to
provide 10 spaces (18,000 – 15,000 (1.0 FAR) = 3,000 sq. ft.). One space would be allocated for the on-
site residential manager’s unit. As noted above, pursuant to Gov’t Code 69515 (e)(1) and (2),
Whistlestop is requesting a waiver/reduction of an additional development standard specific for senior
residential parking requirements. The proposed project is thus requesting a waiver under the State’s
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 11
Density Bonus Law to reduce the required parking to one space for the on-site residential manager and
no spaces for the residential units.
General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The General Plan land use designation for the project site is Second/Third Street Mixed Use (2/3MU).
The 2/3MU designation allows office and office-support service uses, laboratories, and residential as part
of mixed-use development.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
The General Plan land use element includes a policy and exhibit regulating floor area ratio (FAR) is
Policy LU-9 (Intensity of Non-residential Development) and Exhibit 6, which depicts the appropriate FAR
for downtown properties. The maximum FAR for the subject property is 1.50 for this area of downtown
San Rafael. At 133,099 sq. ft size property. the project would carry a maximum development intensity of
199,649 sq. ft. As proposed, the project includes 207,000 sq. ft. for the two BioMarin buildings and an
additional 18,000 sq. ft. for the Whistlestop Senior Center (the three floors of residential units are not
counted as FAR). The Whistlestop development of 18,000 sq. ft. on 15,000 sq. ft. parcel results in a 1.20
FAR and would be consistent with the existing maximum FAR. However, as proposed, the remaining
118,099 sq. ft. for the BioMarin portion of the project is 25,351.50 sq. ft. over the maximum 1.50 allowed
for the property.
BioMarin is requesting that the two R&D buildings, on the remaining 118,099 sq. ft. of the property, be
rezoned to be included as part of the larger SRCC campus property. Currently, the SRCC campus has a
land area of 676,923 sq. ft. with a maximum FAR of 0.75, or 507,692 sq. ft. The SRCC has existing
entitlements for 473,096 sq. ft. of total development. Therefore, the applicant is proposing to add the
118,099 sq. ft. of 999 3rd St to the overall 676,923 sq. ft. of the SRCC for a total land area of 795,022 sq.
ft. Therefore, the proposed project would require a Map amendment based on the following:
Current FAR limits
SRCC site = 676,922 sq. ft. area at 0.75 FAR = 507,692 sq. ft. FAR allowed
BioMarin portion of 999 3rd St = 118,099 sq. ft. area at 1.5 FAR = 177,149 sq. ft. FAR allowed
Total = 684,841 sq. ft. FAR allowed
Proposed Blended FAR Rate
The applicant is proposing a blended rate to allow the requested 207,000 sq. ft. on 999 3rd St. while still
retaining the development potential of the SRCC parcels (507,000 sq. ft.). Added together, the total
development would be 714,000 sq. ft. (or a 0.89 FAR for all BioMarin owned parcels). Staff has suggested
this FAR ratio be rounded up to 0.90 to be consistent with other FAR designations in the City. As such,
the following breakdown would be allocated to all parcels:
SRCC site = 676,922 sq. ft. area at 0.90 FAR = 609,230 sq. ft. FAR proposed
BioMarin portion 999 3rd = 118,099 sq. ft. area at 0.90 FAR = 106,289 sq. ft. FAR proposed
795,021 sq.ft area at 0.90 FAR = 715,519 sq. ft. FAR proposed
Net difference = 715,519 sq. ft. (proposed) – 684,841 sq. ft. (allowed) = 30,678 sq. ft.
The applicant is thus requesting a total development of 715,519 sq. ft. for the new SRCC PD. which will
create additional development potential of the current SRCC PD from to 30,678 sq. ft..
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001, DA19-001 Page 12
Accordingly, staff has identified the potential development control to create consistency for the project: a
General Plan amendment to modify Exhibit 6 in the Land Use Element to create a new FAR for the total
revised SRCC campus. Staff has determined that BioMarin has provided a development area for the
Whistlestop / Eden Housing project, which could be considered a significant public and community
benefit. The proposed modified Exhibit 6 is shown below:
The current land use designation for the 999 3rd St property has a 54-ft height maximum but includes a
height bonus contingent on a public benefit. Land Use Policy LU-12 and LU-13 define the height
limitations for the Project site. LU-12 caps the height at 54-ft, whereas LU-13 allows a height bonus of
12-ft provided a public provision is included. Although the proposed BioMarin portion of the project could
be interpreted as inconsistent with Land Use Policy LU-13 (Height Bonuses), as it technically does not
include housing within the R&D buildings, the proposed project does in fact facilitate the development of
affordable housing by providing a development area for the Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the
project. Furthermore, the proposed height exceeds the allowed 12-ft height bonus.
The BioMarin portion of the project is requesting a 20-ft height increase as a requirement to facilitate the
four-story laboratory floorplates of 17 ft. Per the existing height bonus table (Exhibit 10 in the land use
element), the site would be allowed a maximum height bonus of 12-ft contingent on providing affordable
housing, public parking, or skywalks over 2nd /3rd Streets.
In 1998, the SRCC campus plan was approved with a height bonus of 24-ft (54-ft to 78-ft) based on a 24
ft. height bonus allowed for the former PG&E Site in the Lindaro/Office land use designation. As
proposed, the applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment to Land Use Element Exhibit 10 to
create a new height bonus provision for 999 3rd Street to allow for the greater height of the two R&D
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 13
buildings proposed by BioMarin. The new bonus provision would be the provision of land for
Whistlestop/Eden Housing Healthy Aging Campus and other public benefits as shown in amended
Exhibit 10 below:
Exhibit 10: Height Bonuses
Location Maximum
Height Bonus
(May provide one or more of the following)
Fourth Street Retail Core
Zoning District
12 feet Affordable housing
Public courtyards, plazas and/or passageways (consistent
with Downtown Design Guidelines)
Public parking (not facing Fourth Street)
PG&E site in the Lindaro Office
land use district
24 feet Park (privately maintained park with public access,
adjacent to
Mahon Creek; an alternative is tennis courts tied to Albert
Community facility (10,000 sq. ft. or more in size)
Second/Third Mixed Use East
Zoning District
12 feet Affordable housing
Public parking
Overhead crosswalks Mid-block passageways between
Fourth Street and parking on Third Street
999 Third St
20 feet Affordable housing (minimum 60 units)
Privately owned public plaza (5,000 sq. ft. or more in size)
Community facility (e.g. senior center, 10,000 sq. ft. or
more in size)
Pedestrian crossing safety improvements at adjacent
Donation of funds for development of bike lanes
Second/Third Mixed Use West
District, north of Third Street
and east of C Street
18 feet Public parking
West End Village 6 feet Affordable housing
Public parking
Public passageways (consistent with Downtown Design
Lincoln Avenue between
Hammondale and Mission
12 feet Affordable Housing See NH-120 (Lincoln Avenue)
Marin Square
12 feet Affordable housing
North San Rafael Town Center
24 feet Affordable housing
Citywide where allowed by
12 feet Hotel (1)
(1) See policy LU-20 (Hotels, Motels and Inns)
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001, DA19-001 Page 14
The proposed Whistlestop/Eden portion includes a residential use, with the senior center as an office-
support service, would be consistent with Land Use Policy LU-23 (Land Use Map and Categories). The
proposed Whistlestop/Eden portion of the project would technically exceed the height bonus for
affordable housing afforded for this site per Land Use Policy LU-13 (Height Bonuses) because the
project height is four feet greater than allowed via the 12 ft. bonus. Therefore, Whistlestop/Eden is
requesting a major concession to allow a 16 ft. height bonus (4 ft. above the height bonus identified in
General Plan) to make the 100% affordable housing project economically viable.
Similar to the FAR and Height discussion, BioMarin is requesting that the proposed project is
incorporated as part of the SRCC campus. BioMarin recently received approvals for a new building at
755 Lindaro Ave and a parking structure extension at 788 Lincoln, which brought the total requirement
for the SRCC to 1,561 campus wide stalls. That project received a minor parking reduction of 25 stalls
for a parking ratio of 3.25/1000 for the entire SRCC. However, the approval of the laboratory/office
building at 755 Lindaro brought the total campus development to 473,096 sq ft.
As proposed, the 118,099 sq. ft. of the BioMarin portion of 999 3rd St. would be added to the overall
676,922 sq. ft. of the SRCC for a total land area of 795,021 sq. ft. The 999 3rd St. property is located
within the Downtown Parking District and therefore would not require parking for 1.0 FAR of
development. The 207,000 sq. ft. for the two new BioMarin buildings would require parking for 88,901
sq. ft. Consistent with the SRCC parking requirement, the new buildings would require 3.3 spaces per
1,000 gross sq. ft. of development, or 293 total parking spaces. The proposed project includes 29
spaces at maximum buildout. Per the applicant’s project description, the blended parking ratio would
appear to provide a parking surplus based on BioMarin’s use categories. However, staff is requesting
input from the Commission to assess parking requirements and potential solutions for contingency plans
should the SRCC be sold to a new user with multiple tenants or no need for laboratory space.
Based on existing development and proposed project, there are 1,346 spaces on campus and243
additional net new spaces that would be accommodated through a previously approved expansion of
Lincoln Ave garage, for a total of 1,589 parking spaces provided on the new campus. If using the existing
parking rate of 3.3/1,000 sq. ft. for the whole campus with the new buildings at 999 3rd St, there is a total
of 715,519 sq. ft. of building area – 1.0 FAR parking exemption for the 999 3rd St site yields a floor area
of 561,996 sq. ft. The 30,000 sq ft of FAR that is requested in the new 0.90 ratio was not factored into
the allowance provided by the applicant, thus the total square footage of building area. ft. Based on the
current parking requirement of 3.3/1,000, this results in a demand of 1,953 total spaces.
Using the new proposed parking rates, applied to the new building and existing buildings, the demand is
1,446 parking spaces. BioMarin is proposing a total of 1,589 parking spaces throughout the SRCC (with
the majority existing in the two parking structures south of 2nd Street), resulting in a surplus of 143
spaces based on the applicant’s calculations and parking analysis.
It is important to note that the City completed the San Rafael Downtown Parking/Wayfinding Study in
July 2017. The summary of that report indicated that even during times of highest use on typical
weekdays and typical Saturdays, the Downtown area, as a whole, has more than enough parking to
accommodate the existing demand. Although both portions of the project provide less parking than what
is typically required, the results of the Wayfinding Study would support a finding that there is excess
parking supply in the project area.
As proposed, the new parking rates assume that many of the existing spaces for SRCC are double
counted (i.e. a lab technician/scientist who has office space but also frequently uses the lab). Therefore,
the following issues should be evaluated when considering this blended rate:
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002, UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-
001, DA19-001 Page 15
• Parking for a campus of this size, with a worldwide footprint and Transportation Demand
Management Plan, does not result in all employees being present on campus at all times.
• Most of the parking for the SRCC is on the main campus, which would require users of 999
3rd Street to cross 2nd Street. Although the parking structure is relatively nearby to the
proposed use, is the crossing of 2nd Street a safety issue for this proposed use?
• Are the proposed special parking requirements for this use problematic for different users. If
the building were ever sold to a multi-tenant operator or different user, would additional
parking be provided to address different use patterns? Is the contingency plan proposed by
the applicant adequate to address this concern?
Staff also requests the Commission’s guidance in evaluating the project for consistency with the following
design-related General Plan Policies:
• Housing Policy H-2 (Design That Fits into the Neighborhood Context) seeks to design new
housing, remodels and additions to be compatible to the surrounding neighborhood. New housing
development should incorporate transitions in height and setbacks from adjacent properties to
respect adjacent development character and privacy. New housing development should respect
existing landforms and minimize effects on adjacent properties.
• Neighborhoods Policy NH-40 (Second Third Mixed Use District) encourages the
redevelopment of the project site with a mix of uses, including residential that would also extend
the uses of the SRCC. New buildings design should:
o Auto-oriented uses. Allow a vital, varied and compatible mix of offices, retail uses, and
residential uses, where appropriate. Uses usually accessed by car should be
concentrated along the west end of Second Street to take advantage of the high traffic
o Enhance pedestrian character. Enhance the pedestrian character of the A and B cross
streets by encouraging a variety of uses, including neighborhood serving and specialty
retail uses, and residential uses.
o PG&E office building site. This site offers a major redevelopment opportunity as an infill
site that could accommodate a mix of land uses, including residential if feasible, that
would take advantage of the site’s high visibility from Second and Third Streets, extend
the uses on the San Rafael Corporate Center, or provide patrons for the Fourth Street
Retail Core.
o Transportation Corridor. Make Second and Third Streets a very attractive, safe and
efficient transportation corridor that allows smooth travel through Downtown, provides
easy access to the Fourth Street Core via the cross streets and is safe to walk along and
• Neighborhoods Policy NH-41 (Second Third Mixed Use District Design Considerations)
encourages an inviting appearance to people travelling 2nd and 3rd streets. New buildings design
o Inviting appearance with attractive, creative and varied architecture
o Enhance Pedestrian character by encouraging a variety of uses
o Varying heights up to four stories
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001, DA19-001 Page 16
Community Design Element policies
• CD-1 (City Image) seeks to reinforce the City’s positive and distinctive image by recognizing the
natural features of the City, protecting historic resources, and by strengthening the positive
qualities of the City’s focal points, gateways, corridors and neighborhoods.
• CD-3 (Neighborhoods) seeks to recognize, preserve and enhance the positive qualities that give
neighborhoods their unique identities, while also allowing flexibility for innovative design. New
development should respect the context and scale of existing neighborhoods.
• CD-5 (Views) seeks to respect and enhance to the greatest extent possible, views of the Bay and
its islands, Bay wetlands, St. Raphael’s church bell tower, Canalfront, marinas, Mt. Tamalpais,
Marin Civic Center and hills and ridgelines from public streets, parks and publicly accessible
• CD-11 (Multifamily Design Guidelines) recognizes preserves and enhances the design
elements that ensure multifamily housing is visually and functionally compatible with other
buildings in the neighborhood. Develop design guidelines to ensure that new development fits
within and improves the character defining elements of neighborhoods.
• CD-14 (Recreational Areas) requires multifamily development to provide private outdoor areas
and on-site common spaces for low and medium densities. For high density and mixed-use
development, private and/or common outdoor areas are encouraged. Common spaces may
include recreation facilities, gathering spaces, and site amenities such as picnicking and play
• CD-18 (Landscaping) recognizes landscaping as a significant component of all site design.
Staff finds the design would be consistent with Neighborhoods Policy NH-40 and 41 (Second / Third
Mixed Use District Design Considerations) because of the unique architectural design and provides an
interesting development in a transitional area of Downtown San Rafael. Staff finds the project would
generally be in accordance with Community Design Policy CD-5 (Views), which seeks to respect and
enhance to the greatest extent possible, views of St. Raphael’s church bell tower, Mt. Tamalpais, and
hills and ridgelines from public streets, parks and publicly accessible pathways. The project would
include replacing existing 1- and 2-story buildings on the site with two 4-story, 70-ft tall buildings and one
six-story, 70-ft tall building. Staff would require further understanding of project design such that there
would be negligible impacts to public views of hills, ridgelines or St. Raphael’s church bell tower. As part
of the formal project submittal, photo simulations were included, in addition to those evaluated by the
Draft EIR being prepared by the environmental consultants. The project proposes both a combination of
private and common areas. The BioMarin landscaping plan provides a consistent theme for the entire
block, including the Whistlestop portion of the project.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Chapter 5 – Commercial and Office Districts
The BioMarin portion of the site is proposed to be Rezoned to a PD District and incorporated into the San
Rafael Corporate Center PD District. Therefore, for the BioMarin portion of the site, the project would
create it’s own development standards and land use regulations.
The Whistlestop/EDEN portion of the site is proposed to remain in the current zoning district,
Second/Third St. Mixed Use East (2/3 MUE) District, a Downtown zoning district. The proposed project
will require consistency with the property development standards for the 2/3 MUE District, including
maximum density (600 sq. ft. of lot area/unit), minimum setbacks (5-ft front), building height (54-ft + 12-ft
height bonus for projects that provide certain public benefits) and minimum landscaping (10% including
required front setback).
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001, DA19-001 Page 17
As conceptually designed, the Whistlestop portion of the project would exceed the maximum density,
height standards and parking requirements for the 2/3 MUE District. Therefore, Whistlestop/Eden have
requested concessions to those standards through the state density bonus law. Whistlestop / Eden
Housing is requesting two concessions under the State Density Bonus law, including:
• Density above the 35% density bonus allowed per SRMC Section 14.16.030(H)(2). A
165% density bonus is requested, resulting in 67 total units (see discussion below).
• 4’ height bonus above the 12 ft. identified in Exhibit 10 height bonuses (for a total of 16’
The project would be consistent with Section 14.05.022 of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows residential
uses in the 2/3 MUE District as part of mixed-use projects. Overall, the site would be developed with
many uses, including a senior center, general office and research and development uses. Furthermore,
as discussed above, laboratory uses are specifically allowed for the 2/3 MU District, with a conditional
use permit.
Chapter 7 – Planned Development District
The SRCC operated under a current PD District (PD 1936) which covers the current BioMarin campus
bounded by 2nd St and Anderson Dr and Lincoln Ave and Lindaro St. The current PD allows for an office
complex with a total maximum development of 507,000 sq. ft.
The applicant is requesting to incorporate the BioMarin portion of the 999 3rd St site into the SRCC PD
District and establish a new PD district to cover both properties. The purpose of a PD Zoning is to
a) Promote and encourage cluster development on large sites to avoid sensitive areas of
b) Encourage innovative design on large sites by allowing flexibility in property development
c) Encourage the establishment of open areas in land development;
d) Encourage the assembly of properties that might otherwise be developed in unrelated
increments to the detriment of surrounding neighborhoods;
e) Establish a procedure for the development of large lots of land in order to reduce or eliminate
the rigidity, delays and conflicts that otherwise would result from application of zoning
standards and procedures designed primarily for small lots;
f) Accommodate various types of large-scale, complex, mixed-use, phased developments; and
g) Enable affected governmental bodies to receive information and provide an integrated
response to both the immediate and long-range impacts of such proposed developments.
In this case, given the large site, separation by streets and the unique user, a PD zoning is appropriate to
allow for flexibility that standard zoning would not offer. The applicant has submitted a draft PD, which
would mirror the currently established PD standards, but update them to allow the additional
development on 999 3rd St. The major components of the PD would be:
• Land Uses: allowable uses with in the SRCC including general office, laboratory, research and
development and commercial/food services
• Development Standards: development intensity, height, setbacks, landscaping
• Parking: the number of parking space and parking ratio requirements for the entire SRCC
• Other: public uses or access as allowed
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001, DA19-001 Page 18
Chapter 16 – Site and Use Regulations for Affordable Housing
14.16.030 - Affordable Housing Requirement
Pursuant to Section 14.16.030 (Affordable Housing Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance, projects
proposing 21 or more housing units are required to provide 20% of the proposed units as ‘affordable’
housing units. The base density for this site is 25 units (15,000 sq. ft. lot/600 sq. ft. density standard).
The project proposes to set aside 100% (all 25 units) as affordable. The City’s inclusionary housing
ordinance requires that for rental projects, 50% of the inclusionary units (or 5 units in this case) be
eligible to very low-income households (<50% of county median income) and the remaining 50% of the
affordable units be eligible for low income households (50%-80% of county median income)
This project proposes that 100% of the project be affordable.
This affordability level would also allow the project to seek up to three (3) concessions (concessions
requested by the project are: 1) 4-ft. height bonus, above the 12-ft identified; and 2) density bonus above
the 35% to allow 33 additional units, above the 9 allowed by state density bonus law. The two proposed
concessions (and parking reduction) requested by the applicant, are considered concessions (SRMC
14.16.030.H.3.b.v) and require that the applicant demonstrate through a financial pro forma that the
concessions are needed to make the project financially feasible. As part of the formal submittal, a
financial pro forma was submitted by the developer and has been peer reviewed by a 3rd party
economist hired by the city to confirm its conclusions:
Density Bonus (Automatic)
By providing at least 20% of the units as affordable to very low-income households, the project is
entitled to up to a 35% density bonus. The base density for the site is 25 units and a 35% bonus
would yield 9 bonus units, for a total of 33 units. This is automatic by providing the minimum
affordability prescribed by state law.
Density Bonus Concession
The project proposes a total density of 67 units, 42 units above the maximum allowable density
on the site (25 units) and 33 units above the ‘automatic’ 35% state density bonus provided by
complying the City’s affordable housing requirement. The State Density Bonus law allows a City
to establish a procedure to consider a bonus above 35% if it chooses. A City is not required to
grant a density bonus of more than 35%, but it may under State law (GC section 65915(n)), which
states: “If permitted by local ordinance, nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a city
… from granting a density bonus greater than what is described in this section.”
The City in enacting it’s density bonus law, included a local provision (SRMC 14.16.030.H.2), to
allow density bonuses in excess of 35% and states: “the City in its sole discretion, to consider a
density bonus exceeding the state minimum requirements where the applicant agrees to
construct a greater number of affordable housing units than required pursuant to subsection
14.16.030.B.2 of this section and necessary to qualify for the density bonus under this section. If
such additional density bonus is granted by the City and accepted by the applicant, the additional
density bonus shall be considered an additional concession or incentive.”
This section was intended to allow for density bonuses greater than 35% to be considered by the
City for projects that provide more affordability in a project than the 20% required by the State
density bonus, (i.e. a 100% affordable housing project requesting 100% bonus). In this particular
case, the applicant has proposed a 100% affordable housing project and this is consistent with
the intent of this local provision. The concession/waiver to grant a density bonus above the state
minimum bonus is considered a major concession and the applicant must demonstrate that the
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001, DA19-001 Page 19
concession is necessary to make the project financially feasible, based on State density bonus
The applicant has asked for additional density (26 units above the state mandated density bonus)
as one of their three eligible concessions/waivers, and through the provision of a financial pro
forma, they must show that the concession or incentive is necessary to achieve the offered
affordability and make the project financially feasible (Government Code, § 65915(k)(3).
Height Bonus Concession
The project proposes a 16’ height bonus, from a maximum allowable 54’ to 70’ building height, for
meeting their affordable housing requirement. Both the General Plan and Section 14.16.190 allow
a height bonus up to 12’, in the 2/3 MUE District for complying with the City’s affordable housing
requirement. The additional height bonus, if approved, counts as a concession under the State
Density Bonus law.
Chapter 17 – Performance Standards
Pursuant to Section 14.17.100 (Residential Uses in Commercial Districts) of the Zoning Ordinance, Use
Permit approval is required to allow residential uses in commercial zoning districts, which is subject to
performance standards.
Chapter 18 – Parking Standards
As discussed above, BioMarin is requesting that the proposed project could be incorporated as part of
the SRCC campus and PD 1936. The applicant is proposing to add the 118,099 sq. ft. of 999 3rd St. to
the overall 676,923 sq. ft. of the SRCC for a total land area of 795,022 sq. ft. Using the new proposed
parking rates, applied to the new building and existing buildings, BioMarin has determined the demand to
be 1,446 parking spaces. BioMarin is proposing a total of 1,589 parking spaces throughout the SRCC
(with the majority existing in the two parking structures south of 2nd Street), resulting in a surplus of 143
spaces based on the proposed blended rate. Pursuant to SRMC Section 14.18.060(c) a parking study is
required for a development subject to a design review permit pursuant to CEQA requirements, or to a
use permit for a change in use, to assist in monitoring parking conditions downtown.
The Whistlestop portion of the project includes 12 total spaces, 11 spaces for the senior center, and one
space for the on-site residential manager. Per SRMC Section 14.18.040, senior residential housing
projects are required to provide 0.75 spaces per unit. However, pursuant to the State Government Code
Section 65915 (e) (1), the project is requesting a development standard concession for the parking
requirement to reduce the on-site requirement for the residential housing to just one site for the
residential manager.
As noted above, the Parking/Wayfinding Study completed in July 2017 indicates that there is excess
parking supply in both the near-term and long-term conditions in the Downtown Area.
Chapter 22 – Use Permits
As discussed earlier in staff’s report, the project will require Use Permit approval to allow: 1) Residential
uses in a commercial (2/3 MUE) zoning district; and 2) Parking Modification to allow campus wide
parking to supplement the site with an overall parking reduction based on use.
Chapter 25 – Environmental and Design Review Permit
This project would require Environmental and Design Review Permit approval by the Planning
Commission (Commission), given that; it proposes to construct a new multifamily residential structure.
However, the City Council will have final decision on the project, based the recommendations of both the
Board and the Commission, due to the major concessions requested (additional 33-unit density bonus
height bonus, 3% site landscaping, as well as the reduced parking requirement) under the State Density
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001, DA19-001 Page 20
Bonus law. The pertinent review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits, pursuant to
Section 14.25.050 (Review Criteria; Environmental and Design Review Permits), are as follows:
• Site Design. Proposed structures and site development should relate to the existing development
in the vicinity. The development should have good vehicular and pedestrian circulation and
access. Safe and convenient parking areas should be designed to provide easy access to
building entrances. The traffic capacity of adjoining streets must be considered. Major views of
the San Pablo Bay, wetlands, bay frontage, the Canal, Mt. Tamalpais and the hills should be
preserved and enhanced from public streets and public vantage points. In addition, respect views
of St. Raphael’s Church up “A” Street.
• Architecture. The project architecture should be harmoniously integrated in relation to the
architecture in the vicinity in terms of colors and materials, scale and building design. The design
should be sensitive to and compatible with historic and architecturally significant buildings in the
vicinity. Design elements and approaches which are encouraged include: a) creation of interest in
the building elevation; b) pedestrian-oriented design in appropriate locations; c) energy-efficient
design; d) provision of a sense of entry; e) variation in building placement and height; and f) equal
attention to design given to all facades in sensitive location.
• Materials and colors. Exterior finishes should be consistent with the context of the surrounding
area. Color selection shall coordinate with the predominant colors and values of the surrounding
landscape and architecture. High-quality building materials are required. Natural materials and
colors in the earth tone and wood tone range are generally preferred. Concrete surfaces should
be colored, textured, sculptured, and/or patterned to serve design as well as a structural function.
• Walls, Fences and Screening. Walls, fences and screening shall be used to screen parking and
loading areas, refuse collection areas and mechanical equipment from view. Screening of
mechanical equipment shall be designed as an integrated architectural component of the building
and the landscape. Utility meters and transformers shall be incorporated into the overall project
• Landscape Design. Landscaping shall be designed as an integral enhancement of the site and
existing tree shall be preserved as much as possible. Water-conserving landscape design shall
be required. A landscaped berm around the perimeter of parking areas is encouraged. Smaller
scale, seasonal color street trees should be proposed along pedestrian-oriented streets while
high-canopy, traffic-tolerant trees should be proposed for primary vehicular circulation streets.
The review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits require that the proposed design
(architecture, form, scale, materials and color, etc.) of all new development ‘relate’ to the predominant
design or ‘character-defining’ design elements existing in the vicinity.
The scale and quality of the existing development, located south of the core Downtown (Fourth St.) and
near U.S Highway 101 is changing, thanks primarily due to the ongoing development of the BioMarin
campus. Low profile (1- and 2-story) development is being replaced with much taller (4 and 5-story)
buildings. As stated earlier in this report, Staff supports the taller floorplates and 4 to 6-story scale of the
proposed project. Structures within the adjacent BioMarin SRCC campus are integrated with a cohesive
architectural design with expansive façade detailing. The project proposes a more contemporary design
with modern façade treatments and use of building projections over/above the sidewalk right of way.
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001, DA19-001 Page 21
San Rafael Design Guidelines:
The San Rafael Design Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 11667; adopted November 15, 2004)
strive to improve the design of all residential and non-residential development. Overall, staff has
reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the non-residential design guidelines, but a more
thorough review will be prepared when after the project is reviewed by the Design Review Board and as
part of the merits review for the final approvals. The following are the applicable Downtown Design
Second/Third and Environs
Second and Third Streets are to be attractive, landscaped major transportation corridors. While
increased pedestrian safety and comfort is desired on Second and Third, greater pedestrian use
of the cross streets is encouraged. The project site is located within the boundaries of the
Second/Third and Environs area of the Downtown, where the following specific design guidelines
• To provide visual interest, long and monotonous walls should be avoided.
• Building walls should be articulated;
• To create a boulevard effect along Second and Third Streets, varied landscape setbacks
are appropriate;
• Additional high-canopy, traffic-tolerant street trees are strongly encouraged;
• Where possible, residential buildings in this area should orient to the more pedestrian-
friendly side street; and
• Driveway cuts and widths should be minimized to prevent vehicular conflicts.
As stated earlier in this report, Staff supports the taller floorplates and 4 to 6-story scale of the proposed
project. The proposed design presents a unique and visually interesting development at a highly visible
location in the middle of downtown. Residential design is compatible with other multi-family residential
structures and provide pedestrian access to 2nd Avenue through consistent design throughout the
project. Structures within the adjacent BioMarin SRCC campus are integrated with a cohesive
architectural design with expansive façade detailing. The project proposes a more contemporary design
with modern façade treatments and use of building projections over/above the sidewalk right of way.
Downtown Station Area Plan.
The project site is located within the Downtown Station Area Plan (SAP) study area, but is not located
within the plan area, a 12-block area bounded by Mission Ave, Irwin St, San Rafael Canal, and Lincoln
Good Design Principles for Downtown
On August 14, 2017, an Ad Hoc City Council Sub-Committee convened to discuss “Community Design,”
with a primary focus on Downtown development. The Ad Hoc Sub-Committee included Mayor Phillips,
Council Member Andrew McCullough, two members of the Design Review Board (Eric Spielman and
Stewart Summers) and two members of the Planning Commission (Larry Paul and Jack Robertson). The
initial purpose of the meeting was to determine if there are adequate tools and resources to facilitate and
achieve good design in development in San Rafael. The Sub-Committee was provided with an inventory
of our current resources (all referenced in this report), which are abundant and comprehensive. The
inventory of documents and regulations include the following:
✓ Downtown San Rafael Vision – 1993
✓ General Plan 2020 Policies & Programs for Downtown – 2004
✓ San Rafael Design Guidelines (Interim) – 2004
✓ Zoning Regulations for Downtown – 2004
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001, DA19-001 Page 22
✓ Downtown San Rafael Station Area Plan – 2012
Mayor Phillips assigned Planning Commissioner Larry Paul the task of forming a working group to review
these resources and to develop a more concise and consolidated list of key criteria. The goal was to
develop an informational handout (“City of San Rafael Expectations for Good Design”) that can be
provided to developers/applicants. Former Commissioner Paul formed a small Working Group of local
design professionals and residents to review the above planning documents and regulations and
consolidate them into more concise criteria.
This working group presented their findings and a “Good Design Guidelines for Downtown” slideshow to
the Council at their February 5, 2018. There are next steps in that process, which will include making a
design guidelines checklist which will ultimately be adopted. The project complies with many of these
‘good design’ criteria.
On February 6, 2018, the Board (Commissioner Lubamersky as PC liaison) reviewed the proposed
conceptual project and provided the following general comments. The applicant provided a formal
application based on comments from that meeting. The comments from that meeting were as follows:
BioMarin Portion of Site
• The contemporary architectural expression is well supported though the details on the shade
siding will be critical due to the minimal building articulation
• The “porch” element is well supportive though the applicant should explore relocating it from the
Third St frontage to the Second St. frontage and stepping back the upper floors above the “porch”
• General concern on the height of the buildings; overall building height calculations should include
the rooftop mechanical equipment and building height should not exceed the current allowable
78’ height limit
• General concern that too much traffic movement was being funneled through Brooks St by both
BioMarin and Whistlestop projects and requested applicant explore improving or modifying
Brooks St. such as widening or one-way reconfiguration
• General concern on the adequacy of the parking; parking details shall be provided during formal
application review
• Sustainability details of project should be provided during formal application review; the applicant
is encouraged to include rooftop solar as part of the project
• Street edge landscaping is well supported; the Landscape Plan should include large scale trees
to compliment the large-scale building designs
Whistlestop Portion of Site
• Site design should include landscaped setbacks similar to those proposed by the BioMarin
portion of the site along both the 3rd and Brooks St frontages which may be offset by support for
one (1) additional floor to the project
• Upper floors should ‘stepback’
• Greater building articulation is needed
• The applicant is encouraged to explore creating outdoor amenities space along the ground floor
• Applicant is encouraged to explore reorienting the third floor “courtyard” from an east-facing to a
west-facing amenity
• Scale of rooftop trellis feature should be enlarged to match the scale of the building, perhaps as
part of creating a rooftop amenity area for residents
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001, DA19-001 Page 23
• General concern that too much traffic movement was being funneled through Brooks St by both
BioMarin and Whistlestop projects and requested applicant explore improving or modifying
Brooks St. such as widening or one-way reconfiguration
At the Board meeting, PC Liaison Lubamersky provided the following additional comments:
• Pedestrian safety is important to project due to proximity to transit center and SMART station.
Show location of adjacent crosswalks connecting the project to these sites and proposed
improvements if needed.
• Would not want to see additional housing or floors at this site
• Parking needs to be accounted for on site.
As a Study Session review, no environmental review is required. The project is currently undergoing
environmental review, prepared by an outside consultant, which provides evaluation of the project
pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A Notice of Preparation was issued on
February 8, 2019 and the comment period closed on March 12, 2019. A scoping session was conducted
on the last day of the comment period on March 12, 2019 before the Planning Commission.
A Draft EIR (DEIR) has been commenced and once completed, will return for a public hearing before the
Commission. The main topics of study in the DEIR are listed below:
Traffic Impact Study. A traffic study shall be conducted to evaluate the number of new vehicle
trips associated with the development of all three buildings. The traffic study shall be prepared by
a qualified traffic engineer and shall identify mitigation measures necessary to reduce traffic
impacts to comply with the General Plan and the City’s traffic model. The traffic study will also
evaluate the existing circulation network in the vicinity of the proposed project – and what
potential mitigations or design improvements will help reduce safety impacts.
Visual Simulations. Due to the potential visibility of the site and building height deviations of
existing structures surrounding the project, photo or visual simulations from various local and
distant vantage points around San Rafael are required, showing how the project will be seen from
off-site. The appropriate vantage points from which these photo or visual simulations shall be
created will be determined after follow-up consultation with Planning staff.
Geotechnical Investigation Report. A Geotechnical Investigation Report on the site is required. A
qualified geotechnical engineer shall prepare a site investigation pursuant to the checklist
identified in Appendix F of the San Rafael General Plan 2020.
Hydrology / Storm Water Drainage Report. A hydrology / storm water drainage report is required
and shall include both pre- and post-project calculations and assessment of the off-site storm
water system capacity.
Noise Study. A noise study shall be conducted to evaluate both temporary noise impacts resulting
from the construction and grading activities of the project and constant/intermittent noise impacts
resulting from the location of the site to SMART, U.S. Highway 101, and Second and Third
Streets, all of which experience large traffic volumes. The noise study shall be prepared by a
qualified acoustic engineer and shall identify mitigation measures necessary to reduce noise
impacts to comply with the City’s adopted maximum noise levels.
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001, DA19-001 Page 24
Air Quality Analysis and Risk Hazard Assessment. An air quality study shall be conducted to
evaluate potential air pollution impacts resulting from the location of the site to SMART, U.S.
Highway 101, and Second and Third Streets, all of which experience large traffic volumes. The air
quality study shall be prepared by a qualified engineer and shall identify mitigation measures
necessary to reduce air quality impacts, if necessary.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment. A greenhouse gas assessment shall be conducted due
to the project proposing to exceed the maximum allowable density assumed in the General Plan.
Hazards/Hazardous Materials. A Phase I environmental site assessment or hazardous materials
and soils assessment shall be conducted to confirm the absence of toxic or hazardous materials
on site. The Phase I/hazardous materials report shall be prepared by a qualified soils engineer.
Notice of Study Session Review for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements
contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Meeting was mailed to all property
owners, residents, businesses and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the project site and the
appropriate neighborhood groups (the Downtown Business Improvement District, Gerstle Park
Neighborhood Assn. and the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods), a minimum of 15 calendar days
prior to the date of this hearing. Additionally, notice was posted on the project site, along both the Third
Street and Second Street frontages.
Staff has received several letters in support of the project at the publishing of this staff report. The San
Rafael Chamber of Commerce, The North Bay Leadership Council, Downtown Streets Team, the Canal
Alliance, Marin County Office of Education, the B Team Steering Committee, the Marin Economic Forum,
and the California Film Institute all submitted letters and commented on the myriad public benefits as a
result of the proposed project. All public comments received during this study session review are
attached as Exhibit 6.
Study Session Review is an opportunity to provide preliminary comments on the proposed building and
site design of a project. While the Commission doesn’t typically provide study session review of an
application prior to review of the merits, staff has encouraged the applicant to bring the project before the
Commission for their review so that they may provide on comments which may also have land use policy
and/or environmental implications.
In general, staff finds the design and proposed General Plan and Zoning amendments to be feasible.
Staff supports the proposed scale of the project, primarily based on the scale of the neighboring BioMarin
campus which is also within the max. allowable height limits in the General Plan and the Zoning
Ordinance (54-78-ft in height and with a height bonus). The project would put needed senior housing in
the core of Downtown, near services, employers and transit. Incorporating the Whistlestop/Eden senior
center and housing development on this site would address prior community concerns that were raised
when this project was proposed on the current Whistlestop site at 930 Tamalpais Ave. In general, adding
housing to downtown has been a major city policy since the mid 1990’s.
However, the project does include some major policy changes that need some preliminary feedback from
the Commission before the project is reviewed by the DRB.
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001, DA19-001 Page 25
• The proposed BioMarin buildings are 20-ft taller than allowed for the 2/3 MUE District. A height
bonus would allow for a maximum height of 74-ft. In order to grant the additional height bonus, a
General Plan amendment would be required for a new public provision linked to the additional
• The proposed BioMarin development is approximately 25,000 sq. ft. over the maximum FAR for
the subject property. As proposed, BioMarin is requesting that the project be incorporated into
the SRCC – which has an FAR surplus of approximately 29,000 sq. ft. In order to approve the
requested FAR for the property, a General Plan amendment (and most likely a Zoning
amendment) is required to allow for the larger development as an individual project, or as a
component of the larger SRCC.
• The proposed project includes 29 total parking spaces at full build out. Similar to the FAR issue,
the project does not meet the parking requirements pursuant to the City parking standards. As
proposed, BioMarin is suggesting that laboratory space has a significantly reduced requirement.
The applicant has provided the basis for a parking survey and industry evaluation as part of the
formal application, in addition to a deed restriction that could be recorded on the property to alert
potential future owners of the site of the parking situation. Consistent with prior studies of parking
in the Downtown area, the applicant’s contend that the parking provided as part of the project is
sufficient for the proposed development. Although, the project is proposed to be incorporated into
the SRCC, BioMarin’s “blended” parking ratio could be problematic for potential multi-tenant uses.
Staff requests the Commission provide comments on the points specified in the Executive Summary
section of this report. In addition, staff requests the Commission provide any other comments or
concerns on the conceptual project. Following the Commission’s preliminary review of the project, the
applicant will consider all comments to determine if modifications are required.
1. Vicinity/Location Map
2. Project Description: BioMarin Planned Development Expansion and Whistlestop Healthy Aging
Center and Affordable Senior Housing, December 6, 2018
3. General Plan Consistency Table
4. Review Criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits
5. Reduced Project Plans
6. Public Comments
(11”x 17” partial, color plans provided to the Planning Commissioners only).
2/22/2018 City of San Rafael
Bay Waters
Bay Waters
Other Easements
MMWD Easements
Boat Docks
Boat Docks
One Way Arrows
Street Centerline
Street Centerline
Street Names
Street Names
San Rafael Sphere of
San Rafael Sphere of
San Rafael City Limit
City Limit Line
While we strive to produce maps with good accuracy and with current accompanying
data, the accuracy of the information herein cannot be guaranteed. This map was
prepared using programetric computer aided drafting techniques, and it does not
represent legal boundary survey data.
City of San Rafael
Project Description:
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
including Whistlestop Healthy Aging Center
and Affordable Senior Housing
999 3rd Street San Rafael
December 6, 2018
Prepared by
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
Table of Contents
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
2. BioMarin Properties and Holdings ...................................................................... 3
Existing and Approved Development ..................................................................................................... 3
3. Proposed Development on 999 3rd Street ........................................................ 7
BioMarin Campus Expansion .................................................................................................................... 8
Healthy Aging Center and Affordable Senior Housing ................................................................... 10
Consistency with City Goals ................................................................................................................. 13
4. Proposed Land Use and Development Standards ......................................... 13
BioMarin Campus Expansion ................................................................................................................. 13
Healthy Aging Center and Affordable Senior Housing ................................................................... 27
5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 30
Appendix A: Parking Requirements in Peer Cities ............................................. 32
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
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BioMarin, a global biotechnology company focused on developing treatments for rare diseases, was
founded in Marin County in 1997. In 2013 BioMarin moved its headquarters to the San Rafael
Corporate Center (SRCC), a Downtown campus of over 400,000 square feet on approximately 15.54
acres. In 2015, BioMarin completed construction of its first new research laboratory building at 791
Lincoln Avenue. BioMarin subsequently received entitlements to build a new office building at 755
Lindaro Street and to expand its parking structure at 788 Lincoln Street, for which construction has
not yet commenced.
Recently, BioMarin purchased the approximately three-acre 999 3rd Street property in Downtown
San Rafael from PG&E. The project site, located adjacent to the SRCC, is currently a vacant
brownfield site undergoing environmental remediation. BioMarin proposes to develop this property
as an extension of its SRCC campus to meet the growing need for additional research and
development (R&D) laboratories and offices and to support the needs of the broader San Rafael
community. To this end, in connection with the project described here, BioMarin will donate a
portion of the property to Whistlestop/Eden Housing1 for development of affordable senior housing
and a healthy aging center.
The proposed BioMarin mixed-use development project on 999 3rd Street in Downtown San Rafael
consists of 207,000 square feet, including R&D laboratories, offices, and commercial uses, as well as
amenities consisting of retail space and a landscaped plaza accessible to the public. In addition to the
BioMarin expansion of the SRCC, the Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the project consists of
an 18,000-square-foot healthy aging center and 67 units of affordable housing for seniors. As one of
the largest and fastest growing employers in San Rafael and Marin County, with a significant share
of its workforce residing locally, BioMarin envisions a project that can support San Rafael’s goals of
economic development, downtown vibrancy, affordable senior housing, and transit-oriented
development. Additionally, the proposed project advances the City’s goals and policies for
Downtown set in the General Plan (as amended).
Founded in 1954, Whistlestop’s mission is to ensure that every adult has the opportunity to age with
independence, dignity, and grace. Whistlestop provides a comprehensive hub of human needs
services for older adults and individuals with disabilities in Marin County. These services include
special needs transportation, nutrition, preventive healthcare, job training, classes and activities,
multicultural outreach and assistance, and a comprehensive information and referral help desk.
Eden Housing is a non-profit organization founded in 1968 by a group of community activists with
the specific intent of creating and preserving affordable housing for low-income individuals and
families. Since then, Eden Housing’s mission has grown to include community revitalization through
1 Pursuant to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between BioMarin, Whistlestop, and Eden Housing, upon the
grant of approval of all necessary public agencies’ approvals and entitlements, Whistlestop and BioMarin will enter into
a bargain sale exchange and donation agreement to exchange a Whistlestop property with a portion of BioMarin’s 999
3rd Street property. As these properties have disparate fair market values (FMV), with the portion of 999 3rd Street
valued at $1,210,000 more than the Whistlestop property, BioMarin will contribute the difference of the FMV to
Whistlestop as a charitable donation. In addition, BioMarin will not take control or possession of the Whistlestop
property until three years after the exchange, as BioMarin has promised to lease back the Whistlestop property to
Whistlestop for $1 per year for three years.
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
an array of affordable housing development and management activities, as well as providing
supportive services to help residents thrive. Together, Whistlestop and Eden Housing seek to build a
new Healthy Aging Center coupled with affordable housing for seniors.
In their project application, BioMarin, Whistlestop, and Eden Housing seek:
• Expansion of the existing Planned Development (PD) zoning designation that applies to the
SRCC to encompass the BioMarin portion of the 999 3rd Street property.
• General Plan Amendments to: 1) modify the maximum intensity of nonresidential
development and assigned floor area ratios (FARs), reducing the FAR of the 999 3rd Street
site from 1.5 to 0.9 and increasing the FAR of the SRCC to 0.9, with 0.9 as a blended ratio
across the expanded PD; 2) allow for the use of blended FAR for Downtown PDs under single
ownership or unified control, consistent with current General Plan Policy LU-9.b.2 which
allows for a transfer of FAR among Downtown project sites; and 3) establish a height bonus
for the 999 3rd Street site in exchange for BioMarin providing specified amenities and
community benefits.
• Approval of parking ratios appropriate to the proposed uses, considering the overall needs
of the SRCC and the effectiveness of BioMarin’s Transportation Demand Management
(TDM) Program, which would be expanded to apply to the entire BioMarin campus in San
Rafael, including the 999 3rd Street site. BioMarin’s application also includes a contingency
plan that addresses future scenarios in case of a change in tenancy or ownership that results
in a greater parking demand than assumed for this project.
• Approval of a mixed-use building for Whistlestop/Eden Housing with additional residential
density and height, and reduced landscaping and parking via application of the State’s
Density Bonus Law and in accordance with Section 14.16.190 of the City’s Zoning
Although the Expansion of the PD alone is sufficient to give the City of San Rafael the flexibility to
allow the necessary height increase, blended FAR, and adjusted parking ratios for the proposed
project, BioMarin’s proposal also provides the following significant public benefits:
• Donation of a portion of the property, valued at $1.2 million, for the development of a
healthy aging center and affordable senior housing;
• 3,500 square feet of retail space and 6,000 square feet of landscaped plaza open to the public
during daytime hours at the corner of 3rd and Lindaro streets;
• Donation of funds for the development of a bike lane on Lindaro Street from 3rd Street to
Anderson Drive; and
• Donation of funds to enhance pedestrian safety with improved sidewalks and crosswalk
design at the corner of Lindaro and 2nd streets, as well as 3rd Street and Lootens Place.
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
1. Introduction
BioMarin, a global biotechnology company focused on finding solutions for rare diseases, was
founded in Marin County in 1997. After growing for many years exclusively in Novato, the company
began growing both in Marin County and globally. In 2013, BioMarin moved its headquarters to the
SRCC. In 2015, BioMarin completed construction of its first new research laboratory building at 791
Lincoln Avenue. BioMarin subsequently received entitlements to build a new office building at 755
Lindaro Street and to expand its parking structure at 788 Lincoln Avenue, strengthening its campus
environment. BioMarin purchased the 999 3rd Street property adjacent to the SRCC from PG&E to
accommodate further growth. The 999 3rd Street site is currently vacant and undergoing
environmental remediation.
In partnership with Whistlestop and Eden Housing, BioMarin also will create an opportunity to serve
seniors in Downtown San Rafael by providing critical healthy aging services and affordable housing.
Whistlestop is the largest provider of healthy aging services in Marin County, serving 14,000 older
adults and individuals with disabilities on an annual basis.
This project allows for expansion of BioMarin’s facilities and development of a healthy aging center
and housing in an efficient and flexible manner that supports and incorporates many state and local
needs, including (1) the State’s critical need for affordable housing; (2) a new Whistlestop Healthy
Aging Center to provide social, health and wellness, and information services for seniors; (3) San
Rafael’s need to advance its Downtown vision and activate 3rd Street as a Downtown corridor
complementing 4th Street; (4) San Rafael’s desire for increased revenue and growth by expanding the
Downtown’s economic success and increasing opportunities for retail, office, and residential
development; (5) a collective need to clean up brownfield sites and revitalize underutilized parcels;
(6) San Rafael Downtown Station Area Plan’s goal to enable new transit-oriented development
characterized by increased activity and a mix of uses; and (7) Marin County’s desire to attract high-
paying jobs and an educated workforce by promoting and extending the North Bay Life Science
Cluster Alliance’s mission. The overall project is intended to contribute to the economic
development, sustainability, and vitality of Downtown San Rafael.
2. BioMarin Properties and Holdings
BioMarin currently owns five buildings in the SRCC, including the new research laboratory building
at 791 Lincoln Avenue. In 2015, the City approved a four-story office building at 755 Lindaro Street,
as well as an accompanying six-story expansion of the existing 788 Lincoln Avenue parking structure.
The existing buildings and entitled buildings that are within the current PD are shown in Figures 1
and 2, with development details summarized in Table 1.
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
Table 1: Existing and Approved Development
Description Building Square Feet Building Height
Existing Buildings
750 Lindaro Street: (Building A) 87,842 76 feet
781 Lincoln Avenue: (Building B) 71,039 53 feet
770 Lindaro Street: (Building C) 83,360 65 feet
790 Lindaro Street: (Building D) 71,919 74 feet
791 Lincoln Avenue: (Building E) 86,540 74 feet
Total Existing Buildings 400,700
Entitled (Unbuilt) Buildings
755 Lindaro Street: (New Entitled Office) 72,396 54 feet
Total Entitled (Unbuilt) Buildings 72,396
Total (Built + Entitled) 473,096
The current Planned Development District (PD 1901 as amended by PD 1936) that governs the SRCC
allows a maximum FAR of 0.75, as shown in Table 2. Existing and approved development at the
SRCC result in an FAR of 0.7, leaving approximately 35,000 square feet as residual development
Table 2: Existing PD Remaining to Develop
Description Site Square Feet FAR Building Square Feet
Total (Built + Entitled) 676,922 0.70 473,096
Max Allowed Under Existing PD 676,922 0.75 507,692
Remaining to Develop 34,596
San Rafael
Albert Park
San Rafael
3rd Street
Second/Third Mixed Use District East (2/3 MUE)
Planned Development (PD) District 1936
Proposed Addition to PD 1936 0 250 500125
Figure 1: Existing PD Boundaries
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
3. Proposed Development on 999 3rd Street
The proposed expansion of the existing PD is illustrated in Figure 3 and would include the BioMarin
portion of the 999 3rd Street site. The 999 3rd Street property (APN 011-265-01) is approximately
three acres (133,099 square feet) and situated in Downtown San Rafael. Currently, the site, which
formerly housed a manufactured gas plant, sits vacant and is undergoing environmental remediation.
The PD expansion would not include the Whistlestop/Eden housing portion of the 999 3rd Street
site, which would remain under the existing Second/Third Mixed Use East (2/3 MUE) zoning
In 2015, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc., purchased 999 3rd Street from PG&E, while PG&E was
performing remediation activities at a portion of the site and maintained exclusive access to and
control of the site. This remediation is considered the first phase of the process and covered
approximately two-thirds of the property. As of September 1, 2017, PG&E completed its soil
excavation as defined in its Remedial Action Plan (RAP), backfilled the excavations with clean
material, restored the site, and conducted soil vapor sampling. PG&E is currently awaiting approval
and certification of its Remedial Action Completion Report by the Department of Toxic Substances
Control (DTSC) (expected by December 2018). Once approved, PG&E will remain responsible for
groundwater monitoring across the entire site.
The remaining one-third of the site, the area under former buildings previously located at the western
portion of the site, has yet to be remediated. Per the property sales agreement, BioMarin is
responsible for conducting the second phase of remediation by performing an investigation and
cleanup of the remaining portion of the site not addressed by PG&E’s remediation. BioMarin
initiated the second phase of the remediation by demolishing the existing buildings and completing
a site investigation. BioMarin is in the process of applying to conduct remediation of the remaining
portion of the property under the DTSC’s Voluntary Cleanup Program. Since PG&E remains
responsible for the groundwater monitoring across the site, the second phase of the remediation will
address site soils and soil vapor, likely in line with PG&E’s soil removal action and clean fill
replacement. BioMarin will complete this second phase prior to initiation of construction and
development activities.
The property is well-situated within a central Downtown San Rafael location and, once revitalized
and developed, could be a signature property for San Rafael. The site is located within one block of
the 4th Street core and is well-served by public transit- less than a quarter-mile (or a five-minute
walk) from the Bettini Transportation Center and the SMART train station. The San Rafael General
Plan highlights this site as a major Downtown redevelopment opportunity that could take advantage
of visibility from 2nd and 3rd streets, extend uses on the SRCC, and support the 4th Street core.
Due to the central location of the 999 3rd Street site, the property is ideal to house a healthy aging
center and affordable senior housing. To this end, BioMarin has collaborated with Whistlestop and
Eden Housing to construct affordable senior housing and a healthy aging center on a portion of the
999 3rd Street site. BioMarin’s arrangements with Whistlestop, who will operate the Healthy Aging
Center and, in association with Eden Housing, the owner and manager for the affordable senior
housing, include a land donation valued at $1.2 million. This arrangement is integral in order to
make the healthy aging center and affordable senior housing component of the project economically
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
feasible. For purposes of environmental review, the project includes both the BioMarin campus
expansion and the healthy aging center and affordable housing.
A total of 2.71 acres (118,099 square feet) of the 999 3rd Street site (see Figure 5) will become an
extension of the BioMarin campus that is currently located at the SRCC. The remaining portion of
the site (15,000 square feet), slated for the Whistlestop/Eden Housing development, will not be
included in the PD expansion and will remain under the 2/3 MUE zoning district (see following
section for more information). The BioMarin campus expansion includes a total of approximately
207,000 square feet of space for R&D laboratories, office uses, and retail space is proposed to be
developed on this site in two phases. Of the 207,000 square feet, Phase I (Building A) of the BioMarin
campus expansion proposes approximately 77,000 square feet of office and 33,000 square feet of
amenities for employees and visitors to support the BioMarin campus and is anticipated to begin
construction in approximately 2022 pending company's needs. Ground floor amenities are
expected to include lobbies, conference rooms, and a fitness center, in addition to retail and dining
space. Within these 33,000 square feet of amenities, BioMarin proposes to include retail space
(approximately 3,500 square feet) open to the public. In addition, BioMarin proposes to develop an
adjacent landscaped plaza (approximately 6,000 square feet) which will also be open for use by the
public and act as an outdoor public gathering space during daytime hours. Phase II (Building B) is
proposed to house 97,000 square feet of laboratory space and is anticipated to begin construction in
approximately 2026 pending company's needs. As previously mentioned, parking will be
accommodated on a campus-wide basis on adjacent BioMarin sites. The project site will be well
landscaped with a rich palette of planting and generous landscaped street setbacks with local
planting materials and large trees that will enhance the pedestrian environment along 2nd, 3rd, and
Lindaro streets.
Table 3: BioMarin Campus Expansion Under Proposed PD
Description Building Square Footage (gsf)
Office Labs Amenities Total
Proposed Buildings
999 3rd Street (Building A) 77,000 - 33,000 110,000
999 3rd Street (Building B) - 97,000 - 97,000
Total Existing Buildings 304,160 86,540 10,000 400,700
Total Entitled (Unbuilt) Buildings 72,396 - - 72,396
Total BioMarin Campus 453,556 183,540 43,000 680,096
Remaining to Develop 35,400
San Rafael
Albert Park
999 3rd Street
BioMarin Campus
Proposed Expansion of PD District 1936 0 250 500125
Figure 3: Proposed PD Boundary
BROOKS STSenior Center
& Housing
Second/Third Mixed Use District East (2/3 MUE)
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
BioMarin is proposing to provide 0.34 acres (15,000 square feet) on the northwest corner of the
property, as depicted in Figure 5, for the development of a healthy aging center and affordable senior
housing. The proposed healthy aging center and housing is composed of a six-story building with a
planned height of 70 feet. Uses within the building will include an approximately 18,000 -square-foot
Healthy Aging Center on the first and second floors and residential units on the remaining floors.
The Healthy Aging Center will include classrooms, a dance/exercise studio, and meeting rooms. The
Healthy Aging Center would offer improved access to affordable health care, and avenues for
information and referral services and social connection. The ground floor will also provide parking
and required utility uses. Construction of the Healthy aging center and senior houseing is expected
to start in 2020. The project start date is subject to affordable housing financing environment
following city approvals.
The upper floors will provide a total of 67 residential units for seniors, comprised of studios and one-
bedroom units, with one two-bedroom unit provided for the manager. Each residential unit will
include kitchen, bathroom, living, dining, and sleeping spaces. The units will be leased at affordable
rents to seniors aged 62 and over, earning less than 60 percent of the area median income. High-
quality residential amenities provided will include a community room, computer center and library,
and landscaped courtyards with community gardens for seniors to grow their own vegetables and
Access to transit will be available via (1) van service (Marin’s Whistlestop Wheels Paratransit) with
access at the ground-level parking; (2) buses at the Bettini Transportation Center (located less than
a quarter mile away); and (3) regional rail at the SMART station. A total of 12 parking spaces will be
provided at street level for use by the senior center employees and guests.
The proposed project will allow Whistlestop to continue offering a wide array of services to seniors
(fitness classes, health clinics, screenings, etc.) and provide affordable homes to seniors in a central
Downtown location.
999 Third Street Pre-Applica�onLINDAROGARAGE790LINDARO5-FOOT SETBACK LINE999 3rd ST REETFUTURE DEVELOPMENT+3.055 ACRES133,099 SFFigure 4: 999 3rd Street – Proposed Development Parcel3rd STREET2nd STREETEXHIBIT 2
Figure 5: 999 3rd Street with Healthy Aging Center and Housing
999 3rd S T REET
+2.711 ACRES
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
This proposal is consistent with the adopted goals and policies in the General Plan as follows:
• Goal NH-16 calls for expanding Downtown’s economic success and increasing opportunities
for retail, office, and residential development. The Whistlestop/Eden Housing and BioMarin
proposal for 999 3rd Street collectively addresses this goal.
• The proposal also supports General Plan Goals H-9 and H-13, which encourage the
production of housing for low-income seniors.
• Additionally, one of the five main goals of the Downtown Station Area Plan is to enable new
transit-oriented development characterized by increased activity and a mix of uses, as well
as a strong sense of place, which are provided by the proposed plan.
• This proposal, through BioMarin’s continuing enhancements to its TDM program, is also
consistent with General Plan Goals C-8 (Eliminating and Shifting Peak Hour Trips), C-11
(Alternative Transportation Mode Users), and C-12 (Transportation Demand
Management). BioMarin intends to work cooperatively with the City to minimize single
occupancy vehicle use and reduce peak period traffic demand, thus decreasing the need for
parking on its campus.
In addition, and more generally, this proposal embraces local, State, and federal initiatives to
revitalize downtown parcels and redevelop brownfields.
Minor General Plan amendments are proposed in order to: 1) modify the maximum intensity of
nonresidential development and assigned floor area ratios (FARs), reducing the FAR on the 999 3rd
Street site from 1.5 to 0.9 and increase the FAR on the SRCC to 0.9, yielding a blended FAR of 0.9
across the entire PD; 2) allow for the use of a blended FAR for Downtown PDs under single
ownership or unified control, consistent with current General Plan Policy LU-9.b.2, and ensures
flexibility and distribution of FAR across the expanded PD; and 3) establish a height bonus for the
999 3rd Street site in exchange for specified amenities and community benefits.
4. Proposed Land Use and Development Standards
Land Use
The 999 3rd Street property is located in the 2/3 MUE zoning district. This zoning district allows
office and office-support retail and service uses, with housing encouraged for mixed-use projects.
Laboratories are allowed with a conditional use permit from the Zoning Administrator. The
proposed future development for this site is consistent with the existing zoning’s list of permitted
and conditionally permitted uses.
BioMarin proposes a PD District amendment that would include the BioMarin portion of the 999
3rd Street property and allow offices, R&D laboratories, and retail space as permitted uses along with
affordable senior housing and a healthy aging center. The Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of 999
3rd Street is proposed to remain in the 2/3 MUE zoning district.
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
Development Intensity; Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Density
The General Plan and current zoning allow for a maximum FAR of 1.5 on the 999 3rd Street property,
which is equal to approximately 200,000 square feet of new development. Excluding the 15,000
square feet of the site that will be transferred to Whistlestop and Eden Housing, the lot area is reduced
to approximately 118,099 square feet, for which an FAR of 1.5 allows for 177,000 building square
feet. This is significantly less than the 207,000 square feet needed for the BioMarin campus expansion,
which would require an FAR of 1.75. However, in the context of an expanded SRCC, the overall FAR
for nonresidential space is only 0.89.
With this in mind, BioMarin proposes that, through a General Plan amendment, the maximum
allowable FAR for the 999 3rd Street site be reduced from 1.5 to 0.9 and the FAR for the existing
SRCC be increased from 0.75 to 0.9 to yield a blended FAR of 0.9 across the entire PD. As shown in
Table 4, the proposed development across the expanded PD, excluding the site area for the affordable
housing component which would not be included in the PD expansion, is 0.89. The blended FAR
would be effectuated by a new policy added to the General Plan allowing for the use of a blended FAR
in a PD under a single ownership or unified control. This policy would enable FARs designated for
specific areas within the PD to be used to calculate an overall allowable floor area for a project, which
can then be allocated among buildings on the site irrespective of FAR designations on individual
parcels. Figure 6 illustrates how this modified FAR would be applied in the project area; it would
amend Exhibit 6 in the Land Use Element of the General Plan and also the map in Section 14.16.150
of the Zoning Ordinance (Title 14 or the Municipal Code).
Table 4: Proposed Development with Blended FAR
Description Site Square Feet FAR
Allowable Development
(Building Square Feet)
Existing SRCC Campus 676,922 0.75 507,690
Total 999 3rd Street 133,099 1.5 200,000
Total 810,021 707,690
999 3rd Street Senior Center &
Housing (15,000)
Proposed Development 795,021 0.89 707,690
The following proposed policy would refine LU-9, Intensity of Nonresidential Development, by
adding a new subsection at the end, as follows:
d. Within a Downtown Planned Development, a blended floor area ratio (FAR) may be used
to establish the maximum allowable floor area for nonresidential development. The maximum
floor area allowed for subareas of the PD, calculated using the ratios shown in Exhibit 6, can
then be combined and allocated among buildings within the PD without regard to the specific
FAR for an individual building site, provided that the total allowable floor area for the PD is
not exceeded.
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
The proposed General Plan amendments would allow for expansion of the SRCC with efficiently-
designed office and laboratory space, while accommodating on-site affordable housing and a healthy
aging center in close proximity of Downtown San Rafael and transit. Community benefits of the
proposed project also include a public plaza, retail space, street landscaping, funds for a bike path,
and safety improvements at adjacent pedestrian crossings.
Additionally, the proposed nonresidential density for the 999 3rd Street site is consistent with City
standards and the General Plan, as it is based on a calculation using the entire three-acre site.
Building Heights
The General Plan and current base zoning of the 999 3rd Street property allow for building heights
of 54 feet with height bonuses at certain locations. These are identified in Exhibit 10 of the General
Plan and further detailed in Section 14.16.190 of the Zoning Ordinance. BioMarin requests approval
of a General Plan amendment to add the 999 3rd Street site to the list of locations in Exhibit 10 where
a height bonus could be approved in return for provision of specified amenities and community
benefits. The specific addition to Exhibit 10, Height Bonuses, requested through the General Plan
amendment, is shown in Table 5 below (new text shown in italics).
Table 5: Proposed Modifications to General Plan Exhibit 10: Height Bonuses
Location Maximum Height Bonus Amenity (may provide one
or more of the following)
Fourth Street Retail Core Zoning
12 feet Affordable housing
Public courtyards, plazas and/or
passageways (consistent with
Downtown Design Guidelines)
Public parking (not facing Fourth
999 3rd Street 20 feet Affordable housing (minimum 60
Privately owned public plaza (5,000
sq. ft. or more in size)
Community facility (e.g. senior center,
10,000 sq. ft. or more in size)
Pedestrian crossing safety
improvements at adjacent
Donation of funds for development of
bike lanes
Additionally height is required above what is allowed in the base zoning because R&D and laboratory
space have greater requirements for floor to floor heights (17 to 19 feet) than those of a traditional
office building (13 to 14 feet) due to programmatic and equipment-related requirements. The site is
also located in flood zone, and the ground level slab of the buildings must be raised to meet FEMA
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
While the R&D buildings propose a height of 69 feet above the ground level slab, the proposed
building heights are calculated from average grade, as defined in the City’s Municipal Code. The
proposed 20-foot height bonus would allow for the construction of efficient R&D and lab space on
the 999 3rd Street site, while also allowing portions of the lot to be dedicated to affordable senior
housing and public amenities. Rooftop mechanical equipment and associated screening are excluded
from height calculations per Section 14.16.120 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The City’s General Plan recognizes that flexibility is warranted when special circumstances occur,
and for that reason, BioMarin claims that the height bonus for the proposed project is in the public
interest when the specified amenities and community benefits are provided. Moreover, this height
bonus is necessary for the development of a biotech campus. The proposed maximum height of up
to 74 feet will accommodate efficient four-story R&D laboratory buildings and the specialized
infrastructure they require, as well as the elevation of the ground floor at the low point of the site, in
order to meet the standards for flood protection and stormwater management.
Limits on the supply of office and R&D space, especially specialized lab space in the Bay Area, force
many companies to travel far and wide in search of appropriate facilities. This project provides
valuable lab space and efficient office space in Downtown San Rafael with easy highway and transit
access. This opportunity for increased accessibility further supports the requested General Plan
amendment that would allow the height bonus.
The proposed General Plan amendment is appropriate given the needed specialized R&D and lab
uses provided by BioMarin. BioMarin’s project will offer the following public benefits:
•Donation of a portion of the property, valued at $1.2 million, for the development of a senior
center and affordable senior housing;
•3,500 square feet of retail space and 6,000 square feet of landscaped plaza open to the public
during day time hours at the corner of 3rd and Lindaro streets;
•Donation of funds for the development of a bike lane on Lindaro Street from 3rd Street to
Anderson Drive; and
•Donation of funds to enhance pedestrian safety with improved sidewalks and crosswalk
design at the corner of Lindaro and 2nd streets, as well as 3rd Street and Lootens Place.
1.00 1.500.60
0 400 800 1600
Floor Area Ratios
in Downtown
and Environs
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Downtown FAR
Proposed Areas for
FAR Amendment
Figure 6: Proposed Modification to General Plan Exhibit 6
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
This section addresses parking requirements of the BioMarin campus. Parking requirements for the
healthy aging center and housing are discussed in the subsequent “Healthy Aging Center and Senior
Housing” section.
Availability of parking for employees and visitors is vital to BioMarin’s operations. However,
BioMarin aims to balance parking availability at the campus level with its continuing goal to promote
the use of alternative transportation modes by employees. As stated in the San Rafael General Plan,
“Downtown requires a flexible, urban parking strategy.”2
Existing Standards
The existing PD for BioMarin requires the provision of 3.3 parking space per 1,000 gross square feet
(gsf) for the entire campus.3 Since the existing PD does not specify parking requirements for lab
space, the same parking ratios have been used for the new research laboratory building and campus
amenity spaces.
The 999 3rd Street property is located within the Downtown Parking District; as a result, the first 1.0
FAR is exempt from parking requirements. The first 1.0 FAR of nonresidential development equates
to roughly 118,099 square feet of exempted space (for the BioMarin portion of the parcel only). This
exemption is calculated in more detail in Table 10.
Parking Analysis for Existing Development
Table 6 compares the parking currently provided on the SRCC campus to what is required under the
terms of PD-1936.4 The existing development of 400,700 square feet requires 1,322 parking spaces
based on currently-applied parking ratios.5 Existing surface lots and parking structures provide 1,346
spaces,6 indicating an excess of 24 parking spaces based on current PD parking ratios. This computes
favorably with existing parking occupancy and the number of vacant parking spaces at peak times.
Table 7 provides the parking analysis for both built and entitled but unbuilt buildings in the SRCC.
2 City of San Rafael General Plan 2020, page 161. 3 Similarly, the San Rafael Zoning Code (Section 14.18.040) requires office parking at 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
4 City of San Rafael Ordinance No. 1936 amends the Zoning Map of the City of San Rafael to reclassify certain real property,
commonly known as the San Rafael Corporate Center, located at 750-790 Lindaro Street and 781-791 Lincoln Avenue
in the City of San Rafael, Marin County, California (APN's: 013-012-38 & 39 and 013-021-50,51,52,53,54 & 55), accessible
5 City of San Rafael Ordinance No. 1936 specifies a ratio of 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross building area
throughout the PD.
6 According to the latest parking study conducted by Fehr & Peers in May 2018.
Table 6: Parking Analysis for Existing Development1,2
Building Square Footage (gsf) Parking
Item Office3 Lab Amenities Total Office Lab Amenities Total
Parking Requirements (per 1,000 gsf) 3.3 3.3 3.3
Required Parking
750 Lindaro Street: (Building A) 82,842 - 5,000 87,842 273 - 17 290
781 Lincoln Avenue: (Building B) 71,039 - - 71,039 234 - - 234
770 Lindaro Street: (Building C) 78,360 - 5,000 83,360 258 - 17 275
790 Lindaro Street (Building D) 71,919 - - 71,919 237 - - 237
791 Lincoln Avenue: (Building E) - 86,540 - 86,540 - 286 - 286
Total Required Parking: 304,160 86,540 10,000 400,700 1,002 286 34 1,322
Existing Parking Supply
775 Lindaro Garage
788 Lincoln Garage (Phase I) 658
755 Lindaro Surface Lot 253
770 Lindaro Surface Lot 24
781 Lincoln Surface Lot 8
Total Existing Parking Supply: 1,346
Parking Surplus 24
1. Based on current zoning requirements.
2. Existing parking counts are based on the May 2018 report conducted by Fehr & Peers and excludes any temporarily closed parking facilities.
3. Office space includes some amenities (e.g. large conference area, lobby, fitness center, dining, etc.), but they are treated as office use under current PD parking
Table 7: Parking Analysis for Existing and Entitled, Unbuilt Development1,2
Building Square Footage (gsf) Parking
Item Office3 Lab Amenities Total Office Lab Amenities Total
Parking Requirements (per 1,000 gsf) 3.3 3.3 3.3
Required Parking
750 Lindaro Street: (Building A) 82,842 - 5,000 87,842 273 - 17 290
781 Lincoln Avenue: (Building B) 71,039 - - 71,039 234 - - 234
770 Lindaro Street: (Building C) 78,360 - 5,000 83,360 258 - 17 275
790 Lindaro Street (Building D) 71,919 - - 71,919 237 - - 237
791 Lincoln Avenue: (Building E) - 86,540 - 86,540 - 286 - 286
Entitled Not Built
755 Lindaro Street 72,396 - - 72,396 239 - - 239
Total Required Parking: 376,556 86,540 10,000 473,096 1,241 286 34 1,561
Existing Parking Supply
775 Lindaro Garage
788 Lincoln Garage (Phase I) 658
755 Lindaro Surface Lot 185
770 Lindaro Surface Lot 24
781 Lincoln Surface Lot 8
Changes to Existing Parking
788 Lincoln Garage (Phase II) 256
788 Lincoln Surface Lot 26
Total Parking Supply 1,560
Parking Deficit (1)
1. Based on current zoning requirements.
2. Existing parking counts are based on the May 2018 report conducted by Fehr & Peers and excludes any temporarily closed parking facilities.
3. Office space includes some amenities (e.g. large conference area, lobby, fitness center, dining, etc.), but they are treated as office use under current PD parking
Proposed Standards
BioMarin proposes setting parking ratios that are specific to each building type and function for
the expanded PD. These proposed functionally-based ratios support the realistic use of parking at
biotech campuses, the continued success of BioMarin’s TDM program, and the General Plan’s goal
of expanding alternatives to single occupancy vehicles for local and regional mobility. The parking
program is also informed by annual parking utilization studies conducted by Fehr & Peers since
2016. These studies have consistently shown that on average approximately 50 percent of parking
spaces at BioMarin’s facilities are vacant on a daily basis, with a 40 percent vacancy rate during peak
hours. These ratios are based on both benchmarks (discussed below) and how BioMarin uses these
BioMarin’s laboratory buildings provide highly needed R&D lab spaces with maximum efficiency
by locating most scientist offices in adjacent office buildings. As a result, if a flat parking ratio is
applied to offices and labs, it fails to take into consideration that most labs are utilized by the same
employees situated in adjacent office buildings, resulting in an over-estimation of parking needs.
Additionally, campus amenity spaces such as exercise space/gym, dining areas, and large
conference rooms are also used by the same employees assigned to offices and labs, thus requiring
minimal additional parking. To ensure no double counting of parking needs while offering an
overall conservative amount of parking, BioMarin proposes the following parking ratios for each
building type:
• Office: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 gsf
• R&D Labs: 1.5 space per 1,000 gsf
• Amenities: 1.0 space per 1,000 gsf
BioMarin recognizes that the success of these ratios hinges on an effective TDM program.
BioMarin’s current TDM program is successful and continues to expand. In addition, the
construction of the SMART train station just a short walk from the campus provides a new
opportunity to decrease the number of employees who commute by single occupancy vehicle.
BioMarin also recognizes that the distribution of parking spaces across the campus is just as critical
as the overall number provided. Consolidating larger parking structures on the perimeter of the
campus will not only keep the visible bulk away from major views but also result in fewer car trips
along 2nd and 3rd streets, while creating an environment more easily navigated by employees and
The following proposed parking scenario illustrates how BioMarin will meet its parking needs.
Proposed Parking Scenario
As shown in Tables 8 and 9, the proposed parking scenario anticipates that the future development
at 999 3rd Street will be approximately 47 percent research laboratories (97,000 gsf), 37 percent
office (77,000 gsf), and 16 percent campus amenities (33,000 gsf). The 999 3rd Street property is
located within the Downtown Parking District; as a result, the first 1.0 FAR is exempt from parking
requirements. The first 1.0 FAR of nonresidential development equates to roughly 118,099 square
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
feet of exempted space (for the BioMarin portion of the parcel only). Calculations for the FAR
parking exemption are shown in Table 10.
Under the proposed parking ratios, BioMarin is required to provide a total of 1,446 parking spaces
in the expanded PD. The proposed project consists of two BioMarin buildings. Phase I of the project
includes Building A and surface parking. Parking for Phase I of the BioMarin campus expansion is
shown on Table 8.
A proposal for an expansion of the existing 788 Lincoln Avenue parking structure by BioMarin was
recently approved. This expansion was intended to serve the parking requirements for an
accompanying proposal for an office building at 755 Lindaro Street. Full development of the
BioMarin campus also includes Building B on 999 3rd Street. Proposed parking for the full
development of the BioMarin campus is shown in Table 9. Upon its completion, the expansion
(Phase II) of the 788 Lincoln Avenue Parking Structure will yield a total parking supply of 1,589
spaces, an excess of 143 parking spaces.
999 3rd Street Downtown San Rafael
Table 8: Proposed Parking for Expanded PD, Phase I
Building Square Footage (gsf) Parking
Item Office Lab Amenities Total Office Lab Amenities Total
Parking Proposed (per 1,000 gsf) 3.0 1.5 1.0
Required Parking
Existing Buildings
750 Lindaro Street (Building A) 82,842 - 5,000 87,842 248 - 5 253
781 Lincoln Avenue (Building B) 71,039 - - 71,039 213 - - 213
770 Lindaro Street (Building C) 78,360 - 5,000 83,360 235 - 5 240
790 Lindaro Street (Building D) 71,919 - - 71,919 216 - - 216
791 Lincoln Avenue (Building E) - 86,540 - 86,540 - 130 - 130
Proposed Buildings
999 3rd Street (Building A) 77,000 - 33,000 110,000 231 - 33 264
Subtotal 453,556 86,540 43,000 510,700 1,143 130 43 1,316
999 3rd Street Parking Exemption1 (43,697) - (18,896) (62,593)
(131) - (19) (150)
Total Required Parking 453,556 86,540 21,901 561,997
1,012 130 24 1,166
Parking Supply
Existing Parking2 1,346
999 3rd Street Surface Lot 75
Total Parking Supply 1,421
Parking Surplus 255
1. Downtown Parking District exempts first 1.0 FAR from parking requirements. See Table 10 for details on calculation.
2. For calculations of existing parking supply, see Table 6.
BioMarin Planned Development Expansion
Table 9: Proposed Parking for Expanded PD, Full Build-out of BioMarin Campus
Building Square Footage (gsf) Parking
Item Office Lab Amenities Total Office Lab Amenities Total
Parking Proposed (per 1,000 gsf) 3.0 1.5 1.0
Required Parking
Existing Buildings
750 Lindaro Street (Building A) 82,842 - 5,000 87,842 248 - 5 253
781 Lincoln Avenue (Building B) 71,039 - - 71,039 213 - - 213
770 Lindaro Street (Building C) 78,360 - 5,000 83,360 235 - 5 240
790 Lindaro Street (Building D) 71,919 - - 71,919 216 - - 216
791 Lincoln Avenue (Building E) - 86,540 - 86,540 - 130 - 130
Future Development
755 Lindaro Street 72,396 - - 72,396 217 - - 217
999 3rd Street (Building A) 77,000 - 33,000 110,000 231 - 33 264
999 3rd Street (Building B) - 97,000 - 97,000 - 146 - 146
Subtotal 453,556 183,540 43,000 680,096 1,360 276 43 1,679
999 3rd Street Parking Exemption1 (43,697) (55,507) (18,896) (118,099)
(131) (83) (19) (233)
Total Required Parking 409,859 128,033 24,104 561,996
1,229 193 24 1,446
Parking Supply2
Existing Parking 1,346
755 Lindaro Surface Lot3 (68)
788 Lincoln Garage (Phase II) 256
788 Lincoln Surface Lot 26
999 3rd Street Surface Lot4 29
Total Parking Supply 1,589
Parking Surplus 143
1. Downtown Parking District exempts first 1.0 FAR from parking requirements. See Table 10 for details on calculation.
2. For calculations of existing parking supply, see Table 6.
3. As a result of the construction of the office building at 755 Lindaro, existing parking is reduced by 68 spaces, leaving 185 surface lot parking spaces.
4. After construction of Building B on 999 3rd Street, surface parking is reduced from 75 spaces to 29 spaces.
Table 10: Parking Exemption Calculations – 999 3rd Street
Use Type
Building Square
Footage (gsf)
Percent of Total
999 3rd Street
Exempt Square
Footage (gsf)1
Parking Spaces
Phase I – Building A
Office 77,000 37% 43,697 131
Lab - - - -
Amenities 33,000 16% 18,896 19
Subtotal 110,000 53% 62,593 150
Phase II – Building B
Office - - - -
Lab 97,000 47% 55,507 83
Amenities - - - -
Subtotal 97,000 47% 55,507 83
Total 207,000 100% 118,099 233
1. Downtown Parking District exempts first 1.0 FAR from parking requirements. For 999 3rd
Street, 1.0 of total site area is equal to 118,099 square feet. Parking requirements for first 1.0
FAR determined by applying the parking ratios for each use based on share of total
As detailed in Table 11 below, BioMarin’s proposed parking ratios mandate more parking than what is
indicated as necessary according to the 4th Edition of Parking Generation, the Institute of
Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) nationwide survey that assesses parking demand.
Table 11: Institute of Transportation Engineers
Average Parking Generation Rates
ITE Land Use Average Parking Generation Rate1
Suburban Office 2.84
Industrial Park 1.27
General Light Industrial 0.75
Manufacturing 1.02
1. Parking spaces per 1,000 square feet
Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Parking Generation, 4th Edition
Best practices for zoning related to parking is exemplified by the City of Emeryville, which serves as an
appropriate benchmark for San Rafael as it is a San Francisco Bay Area city with a robust biotechnology
sector. There, the minimum number of parking spaces required is 33 percent less than the estimated
parking demand indicated by ITE, while the maximum number of parking spaces required is 10 percent
above the ITE parking demand.7 As shown in Table 12, the parking ratios proposed by BioMarin are
comparable to Emeryville’s. In fact, the parking ratio for office uses proposed by BioMarin is more
generous and greater than the parking maximum for office uses in Emeryville. Appendix A provides a
comparison of parking requirements for several peer cities, including cities that host a significant
presence of biotech companies, such as South San Francisco.
Table 12: Emeryville Parking Regulations (Spaces per 1,000 gsf)
Use Type
Estimated Parking
Demand Parking Minimum Parking Maximum
Office 2.40 1.85 2.64
Light Manufacturing 0.75 0.58 0.83
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 1.00 0.77 1.10
Research and development 1.50 1.16 1.65
As the use of alternative modes of transportation increases, BioMarin expects the demand for parking
to decrease. This expectation is supported by the City’s recent adoption of the San Rafael Bicycle and
Pedestrian Master Plan Update 2018 as well as countywide and regional strategies to reduce automobile
commuting and support bike and transit use. Furthermore, privately-owned alternatives to single
occupancy vehicles, such as Uber, Lyft, and Chariot, provide a fast-growing and attractive alternative to
visitors and employees who prefer not to drive. Parking demand at the BioMarin campus is further
curtailed through the company’s robust TDM program and close proximity to the SMART train.
Campus Parking Strategies
Section 14.05.010 of the San Rafael Zoning Ordinance specifies that in the 2/3 MUE District, parking
areas should be screened, yet easy to find, in order to create an inviting appearance to 2nd and 3rd streets.
To minimize the impact on traffic along 2nd and 3rd streets and to support the City’s vision noted above,
BioMarin proposes campus parking by using parking structures and parking lots on the periphery of the
campus and away from the busy traffic corridors of 2nd and 3rd streets. This campus approach to
parking will not only allow for better pedestrian connectivity for the employees, by not dispersing
parking throughout the campus, but also will reduce impacts on traffic of these major roads and make
finding parking easy for employees and visitors.
BioMarin will also continue to strengthen and expand its TDM program, which includes: flexible work
hours, working from home or from satellite offices (telecommuting), supporting employees for carpool
and vanpool through an internal website with easy access to external resources, and options to support
employees’ use of public transportation. Additionally, BioMarin’s campus provides large secure bike
storage areas and shower facilities to support and encourage bicycle commuting. Campus and nearby
Downtown amenities such as food and services minimize the need for daytime driving and, therefore,
individual cars on campus.
In combination with an effective campus parking strategy, programs that encourage employees to use
alternative modes of transportation can reduce the overall demand for new parking spaces. The SMART
7 See Emeryville Planning Regulations, Municipal Code Title 9, §9-4.404.
train provides a significant opportunity to further encourage use of alternative modes of transportation,
particularly for those workers commuting from Sonoma County.
Contingency Plan
While lowered parking rates for the proposed project make sense, City staff has requested that BioMarin
agree to a contingency plan in the event that the development is no longer occupied by BioMarin but
another single user or multiple tenants with higher parking demands. To that end, Bio Marin proposes
the following as a condition of approval of the PD expansion for the 999 3rd Street site, to be
incorporated into the amended PD permit and the Master Use Permit for the project:
BioMarin will incorporate the following provisions into an enforceable deed for the project site:
Changes in tenancy or use, expansion of use(s), or expansion of floor area that create a parking
demand that is more than five (5) percent greater than the number of required parking spaces
approved under PD permit (# to be added) shall provide additional automobile parking, bicycle
parking, and loading space as required by the San Rafael Municipal Code and/or demonstrate to
the satisfaction of the City that an enhanced Transportation Demand Management Program will
meet the increased parking demand. Existing parking shall be maintained but may be replaced in
a reconstructed parking facility. A change in occupancy is not considered a change in use if the
parking demand of the new occupant is essentially the same as that for the occupant approved
with PD permit amendment (# to be inserted).
Land Use
The residential component of the proposed 999 3rd Street development includes a lobby, space for an
integrated health services facility occupying 2,850 square feet, which is part of the Whistlestop Healthy
Aging Center, utility and maintenance space, and parking on the ground floor. The second floor hosts
the majority of the Healthy Aging Center in 14,400-square-feet of space. The four upper floors include
a total of 67 residential units, including 66 units of affordable housing for seniors plus one unit for the
live-in property manager. The Healthy Aging Center and senior housing, developed by Whistlestop and
Eden Housing, will be located on approximately 15,000 square feet in the northwest corner of the 999
3rd Street site. It is currently under the 2/3MUE Zoning District and is proposed to remain in that
Development Intensity; Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Density
The Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the proposed project includes a total of 17,840 square feet of
nonresidential space for the Healthy Aging Center. Using a lot area of 15,000 square feet, which will be
donated to Whistlestop/Eden Housing from BioMarin, the nonresidential component of the
Whistlestop/Eden Housing project has an FAR of 1.15, which is below the 1.5 maximum allowed in the
General Plan.
Due to the extreme housing shortage in the Bay Area, especially for the elderly, Whistlestop/Eden
Housing proposes to construct as many units as possible on the 999 3rd Street site. Marin County has
the oldest population in the Bay Area, and by 2030, one-third of Marin County residents will be age 60
or older. The Whistlestop/Eden Housing residential component of the proposed project is eligible for a
density bonus, concessions, and development standards reductions under State law and corresponding
provisions of the San Rafael Municipal Code, since it proposes 100 percent affordable senior housing
The current zoning for the residential component of the proposed project is 600 lot area square feet per
dwelling unit, which would allow for 25 units on the 15,000-square-foot portion of the lot and 221 units
for the 999 3rd Street site as a whole. Whistlestop/Eden Housing is requesting approval of 67 housing
units, equivalent to approximately 224 lot area square feet per dwelling unit for the 15,000-square-foot
portion of the 999 3rd Street development site. Pursuant to Govt. Code Section 65915(f), a “base” 35
percent density bonus may be applied to the allowed maximum residential density, resulting in “base”
total of 34 units. To reach the 67 units proposed for this building, a Concession under the State’s Density
Bonus Law is also requested.
Since 100 percent of the units will be for low-income seniors, the project qualifies for three concessions
(Govt. Code § 65915(d)(2); SRMC, Table 14.16.030-1). Consistent with the San Rafael Municipal Code,
Whistlestop and Eden Housing will furnish a project pro forma that demonstrates that the concessions
will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions for the project, including construction and operating
costs (SRMC, § 14.16.030(H)(3)(b)(v)). Whistlestop/Eden Housing seek the use of two concessions to
build at the proposed density and height (detailed below).
Building Height
The current zoning allows for a maximum building height of 54 feet on the 999 3rd Street parcel. The
healthy aging center and affordable housing qualify for a 12-foot height bonus for affordable housing
under the City’s Zoning Ordinance, due to the provision of affordable senior housing. The proposed
Whistlestop/Eden Housing building is 70 feet in height, which exceeds the 66 feet allowed by-right,
including the 12-foot bonus. An additional Concession under the State’s Density Bonus Law is requested
to allow for the additional four feet in building height. This Concession provides a reasonable
accommodation that will result in identifiable cost reductions.
The current zoning for the 999 3rd Street site requires a five-foot front setback and has no requirements
for setbacks on the side or rear yards. The proposed residential building meets this requirement.
The current zoning for the 999 3rd Street site requires that at least 10 percent of the site be landscaped.
Whistlestop/Eden Housing propose landscaping along the building on 3rd Street in the five-foot front
yard setback, which is equivalent to about three percent of the 15,000 square feet of the lot dedicated to
residential and senior uses. A Development Standard Reduction under State Density Bonus Law is
requested in order to reduce this requirement, as shown in Table 13. The City’s current standards would
not allow the project to be constructed with the same development program, including affordable
housing and the healthy aging center, and this reduction is a reasonable accommodation allowed for by
the State Density Bonus law. This request is appropriate based on the Downtown urban context of the
site and is consistent with the character of neighboring properties and uses.
For the nonresidential uses of the proposed project, four spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area
would be required based on the requirements in the San Rafael Municipal Code Section 12.18.040.
However, the project site is within the Downtown Parking District which discounts the first 1.0 of FAR
(equivalent to 15,000 square feet for the Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the lot). Therefore, the
nonresidential parking required is reduced to 11 parking spaces. Twelve off-site parking spaces will be
provided on the ground floor of the building.
Table 13: Required Parking for Nonresidential Portion of
Whistlestop/Eden Housing Project
Area (Building Square Feet) Required Parking (at 4.0 space per
1,000 gsf)
17,839 71
(15,000)1 (60)
2,839 11
1. First 1.0, which is equals 15,000 gsf, is exempt from parking requirements.
For the residential uses, 0.75 parking spaces per dwelling unit for seniors is required. The current zoning
does not require visitor parking to be provided on site. Whistlestop/Eden Housing propose zero spaces
per residential unit, with the exception of one space to be reserved for the on-site resident property
manager. This reduction is a similar reasonable accommodation provided for under State law.
The proposed reduction in parking standards is reasonable for the type of development proposed,
especially in light of Whistlestop/Eden Housing’s additional provisions for future residents. Residents
will agree in their leases not to own cars, thereby creating a car-free community. This restriction on
renting to seniors without cars is appropriate for several reasons. First, low-income seniors are more
likely than any other age group to not own a car. Many individuals over the age of 62 choose not to drive
for health reasons, and Census data consistently shows that lower income households own fewer cars
than their higher income counterparts. Therefore, the pool of potential residents that will be occupying
the affordable senior housing on the 999 3rd Street property – those earning 60 percent of the Area
Median Income and who are over 62 – will be less likely to own a car. Second, for others that may still
desire to own a car, the Downtown location and provided on-site services will facilitate a car-free
lifestyle. Third, several forms of public transportation are available within walking distance to the 999
3rd Street site and accessible to residents. The SMART train station in Downtown San Rafael will offer
seniors the ability to travel easily throughout Marin and Sonoma counties. For local trips, the Bettini
Transportation Center offers over 16 bus routes operated by three carriers including Marin Transit,
Golden Gate Transit, and Sonoma County Transit. In addition, Marin’s Whistlestop Wheels service
could be available onsite for residents.
Once the Healthy Aging Center and affordable senior housing are in operation, a parking management
plan will be developed to ensure that the 12 parking spaces provided are monitored and used efficiently.
Expected users of the parking spaces include healthy aging center clients (during business hours on
Monday through Friday), residents’ visitors (mostly on evenings and weekends), and the property
During the proposed hours of operation for the senior center - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through
Friday – 11 of the 12 spaces will be marked for the healthy aging center’s use only. One of the 12 spaces
will be designated for the property manager 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the healthy aging
center is closed on weekdays, as well as all day on the weekends, a “shared parking” strategy will be
utilized that allows the spaces to be used by residents’ visitors.
Site Development Standards
Separate and apart from any requests for concessions or incentives, State law allows that applicants may
request reductions in site development standards that would otherwise physically preclude the
construction of the development. State law states that such waivers are independent from any
concessions or incentives (Govt. Code § 65915(e)(2)).
Whistlestop/Eden Housing seek the use of two Development Standard Reductions, as mentioned above,
for parking and landscaping development standards, which can be found in Table 14.
Table 14: Applicability of Density Bonus Law
Current zoning Proposed
Density and number
of units
600 lot area square feet per dwelling
unit. Equivalent to 25 units if the lot
area is determined to be 15,000 s.f. or
221 units if the lot area is determined to
be 133,099 s.f.
67 units through use of Density Bonus and
Height 54 feet. Additional 12-foot bonus
allowed for affordable housing.
70 feet through use of Concession
Parking Senior center: Parking for the initial 1.0
FAR is exempt. 4 spaces/1,000 sq ft.
Equivalent to 11 spaces.
Residential: 0.75 spaces per dwelling
unit for senior housing
12 spaces through use of Development
Standard Reduction. 11 for Whistlestop
use and 1 for an on-site resident property
manager. 0 spaces for residents.
Yard setback 5 feet front yard; 0 feet side yards and
back yard
5 feet front yard, 0 feet for other
setbacks. No use of Density Bonus Law
Landscaping 10% 0% through use of Development Standard
Lot width 60 feet minimum 50 feet. No use of Density Bonus Law
5. Conclusion
As discussed above, the proposed project offers an exciting opportunity for public and private entities
to collaborate on a development that will have significant and long-reaching benefits. The project has
been thoughtfully planned with attention to the needs and desires of the City of San Rafael, the greater
Marin County community, and the state of California. By providing the following benefits, the project
is advantageous to all entities involved, including the public, BioMarin, and Whistlestop/Eden Housing:
• Remediation and revitalization of a brownfield;
• Development of a signature building in the heart of Downtown San Rafael that is reflective of
the history of San Rafael and its future growth;
• Provision of much needed affordable senior housing and a healthy aging center proximately
situated to public transportation and downtown businesses;
• Enhanced pedestrian experience and safety through the use of site setbacks and landscaping
along the perimeter of the project, as well as improved sidewalks and crosswalk design;
• Promotion of San Rafael’s goals of encouraging alternative modes of transportation with the
donation of funds to develop of a bike lane on Lindaro Street from 3rd Street to Anderson Drive;
• Activation of 3rd Street as a vibrant downtown corridor, in parallel to and complementing 4th
• Support for the continued growth and retention of BioMarin in San Rafael, which in turn
provides significant economic benefits to the City as well as local businesses;
• Support for the City of San Rafael’s desire to attract and retain a growing and sophisticated work
force with high paying jobs; and
• Creation of transit-oriented development in line with the Downtown Station Area Plan’s goals
as well as the City of San Rafael’s General Plan goals.
In order for this project to be realized, amendments are required to the General Plan and existing PD
for the SRCC. The proposed amendments are all fully authorized under the City of San Rafael’s Zoning
Code and are minor in comparison to the public benefits afforded by this project, as demonstrated in
the sections above.
BioMarin and Whistlestop/Eden Housing are committed to helping San Rafael realize its goals to
enhance the quality of life for its people, businesses and community, while providing for improved
mobility and a vibrant economic and cultural center in Downtown San Rafael.
Appendix A: Parking Requirements in Peer Cities
Table A-1: Parking Requirements in Peer Cities
Parking Ratio (based on Zoning Code)
Office Light Industrial Research & Development
San Rafael
2004 General
Plan and Zoning
4.0 spaces per 1,000 gsf; 3.3
spaces per 1,000 gsf
In the Downtown Parking
Assessment District, parking
for up to 1.0 FAR of the
total gsf of the building is
exempted (Administrative,
business and professional
offices uses)
2.0 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Industrial uses).
In the Downtown
Parking Assessment
District, parking for up
to 1.0 FAR of the total
gsf of the building is
2009 General
Plan and Zoning
Min: 1.6
Max: 2.6
Minimum number of spaces
is 33% less than estimated
demand of 2.4 spaces per
1,000 gsf; Maximum number
of spaces is 10% more than
estimated demand (Office
First 1,500 gsf in non-
residential uses excluded
from parking requirement,
modified parking
requirement allowed for
shared parking based on
peak hourly demand for each
use; Alternative parking plan
allowed if required # of
spaces is physically
impossible to provide
Min: 0.7
Max: 1.1
Minimum number of
spaces is 33% less than
estimated demand of 1
space per 1,000 gsf;
Maximum number of
spaces is 10% more than
estimated demand (for
manufacturing uses)
First 1,500 gsf in non-
residential uses
excluded from parking
requirement, modified
parking requirement
allowed for shared
parking based on peak
hourly demand for each
use; Alternative parking
plan allowed if required
# of spaces is physically
impossible to provide
Min: 1.0
Max: 1.6
Minimum number of
spaces is 33% less than
estimated demand of 1.5
spaces per 1,000 gsf;
Maximum number of
spaces is 10% more than
estimated demand
(Research and
development uses)
First 1,500 gsf in non-
residential uses excluded
from parking requirement,
modified parking
requirement allowed for
shared parking based on
peak hourly demand for
each use; Alternative
parking plan allowed if
required # of spaces is
physically impossible to
Table A-1: Parking Requirements in Peer Cities
Parking Ratio (based on Zoning Code)
Office Light Industrial Research & Development
South San Francisco
1999 General
Plan and Zoning
3.3 spaces per 1,000 gsf up
to 100,000 gsf; 2.9 per 1,000
gsf over 100,000 gsf
(Business and professional
office uses)
0.7 spaces per 1,000 gsf
of use area plus 3.3 per
1,000 gsf of office area
plus 1 truck parking
space for each delivery
vehicle on-site during
the peak time (General
industry uses)
2.9 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Research and
development uses)
2007 Genentech
Master Plan and
Zoning Code
2.8 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Genentech Master Plan
0.9 spaces per 1,000 sq.
ft. (Genentech Master
Plan District)
1.4 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Genentech Master Plan
1996 General
Plan and Zoning
3.6 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Office, administrative,
corporate uses)
Downtown (D) overlay - 4.0
spaces for 1,000 gsf ground
floor uses; 3.3 space for
every 300 gsf for uses on
upper floors
1.0 space per 1,000 gsf,
which may include
incidental office space
comprising less than 5%
of the total gross floor
area. The parking
requirements for
additional office space
shall be calculated
separately. (General
manufacturing industrial,
and processing uses)
3.3 spaces per 1,000 gsf,
plus 1 space per company
vehicle. (Research and
development uses)
2012 General
Plan and 2008
Zoning Code
3.3 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(Office uses)
Zoning Administrator can
grant CUP and reduce
parking requirement by up
to 25% for 20+ space shared
parking within 300 ft of uses
1.0 space per 1.5
employees on the
maximum shift or 2.0
spaces per 1,000 gsf of
gross floor area or 35
spaces per acre,
whichever is greater
(Manufacturing uses)
Zoning Administrator
can grant CUP and
reduce parking
requirement by up to
25% for 20+ space
shared parking within
300 ft of uses
Table A-1: Parking Requirements in Peer Cities
Parking Ratio (based on Zoning Code)
Office Light Industrial Research & Development
Santa Rosa
Zoning Code 4 spaces per 1,000 gsf (for all
business, financial, and
professional service uses,
except ATM and medical)
1.4 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(for industrial and
manufacturing uses
greater than 50,000 gsf)
2.9 spaces per 1,000 gsf
(for industrial and
manufacturing uses less
than 50,000 gsf)
3.3 spaces per 1,000 gsf,
plus 1 space per company
vehicle (for laboratory
uses and research and
development uses)
2017 Belmont
General Plan
4 spaces per 1,000 square
feet of net floor area and 3.3
spaces space per 1,000
square feet of net floor area
within the Specific Plan Area
when office and retail uses
are mixed.
unspecified unspecified
Mountain View
2012 General
Plan and Zoning
3.3 parking spaces per 1,000
4 spaces per 1,000 gsfa,
plus 1 space for each
vehicle operated in
connection with each
on-site use
3.3 parking spaces per
1,000 gsf
2014 North
Bayshore Precise
2.7 parking spaces per 1,000
gsf unspecified 2.7 parking spaces per
1,000 gsf
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-1
LU-9. Intensity of Nonresidential Development.
Commercial and industrial areas have been assigned
floor area ratios (FAR’s) to identify appropriate
intensities (see Exhibits 4, 5 and 6). Maximum
allowable FAR’s are not guaranteed, particularly in
environmentally sensitive areas. Intensity of
commercial and industrial development on any site
shall respond to the following factors: site resources
and constraints, traffic and access, potentially
hazardous conditions, adequacy of infrastructure,
and City design policies.
According to Exhibit 6 of the General Plan, the maximum FAR for this site in the Downtown San
Rafael 2/3 MUE District is 1.50. The project is proposing to combine 118,099 sq ft of the parcel
with the adjacent SRCC and propose a General Plan Amendment to create a blended ratio of
0.90 for all parcels. The Whistlestop / Eden Housing portion of the project would be consistent
with the existing 1.50 FAR allowance.
LU-10. Planned Development Zoning. Require
Planned Development zoning for development on a
lot larger than five acres in size, except for the
construction of a single-family residence.
Consistent, with the requested Zoning Amendment
The property is presently zoned 2/3 MUE, however, as proposed, the BioMarin portion of the
project would be incorporated into the SRCC Planned Development District (PD-1936 SRCC). In
order to approve this project, the proposal includes a request for a change to the existing PD
zoning. With the requested amendment to the PD District, the project would be consistent with
Policy LU-10. The Whistlestop / Eden Housing portion of the project would be consistent with the
existing 2/3 MUE Zoning district.
LU-12. Building Heights. Citywide height limits in
San Rafael are described in Exhibits 7 and 8. For
Downtown San Rafael height limits see Exhibit 7:
According to Exhibit 7 (Building Heights Limits in Downtown San Rafael) of the General Plan, the
maximum height limit for this property is 54 feet. The project also proposes a Height Bonus
amendment to General Plan Exhibit 10 which would allow a height increase up to 20-feet aboe
the base height limits. The General Plan defines height of a building for non-hillside homes as
determined by the methods in the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code. This definition
measures height of a building as the vertical distance above a reference datum measured from
lowest adjacent grade to the highest point of a flat roof. Using this definition, the proposed
buildings would total 72 feet in height as measured by the Uniform Building Code, and would
therefore be consistent with the height limits proposed for this site. Furthermore, mechanical
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-2
equipment and the elevator towers are not included in height calculations based on the Cit y’s
Zoning Ordinance.
LU-14. Land Use Compatibility. Design new
development in mixed residential and commercial
areas to minimize potential nuisance effects and to
enhance their surroundings.
Consistent with Conditions
The project site is located in a general commercial/office area of the Downtown San Rafael area.
The proposed research and development and residential buildings are consistent with the
existing development found in the vicinity. The design of the structures are within the size and
massing of other commercial buildings found throughout the area.
Project impacts such as noise, traffic, lighting and hours of operation will be evaluated as part of
the review of the Use Permit and will require a determination that there are no significant effects
on the environment.
LU-23. Land Use Map and Categories. Land use
categories are generalized groupings of land uses
and titles that define a predominant land use type
(See Exhibit 11). All proposed projects must meet
density and FAR standards (See Exhibits 4, 5 and 6)
for that type of use, and other applicable
development standards. Some listed uses are
conditional uses in the zoning ordinance and may be
allowed only in limited areas or under limited
circumstances. Maintain a Land Use Map that
illustrates the distribution and location of land uses as
envisioned by General Plan policies. (See Exhibit
This site is designated with the “2/3 MUE” District land use category. Office, research and
development, and residential units are allowable land uses. The proposed uses would be
consistent with the existing development in the area and are allowed by this land use
H-6. Funding for Affordable Housing. Seek
proactive and creative ways to lower housing costs
for lower income households and people living with
special needs. Continue to use local, state and
federal assistance to achieve housing goals and to
As required by the City of San Rafael development fees; the project is required to pay an in-lieu
fess into the City’s affordable housing fund.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-3
increase ongoing local resources to provide for
affordable housing.
Program H-6a In-Lieu Fees for Affordable
Dedicate in-lieu fees for affordable housing, including
rehabilitation, acquisition and design support for
second units and infill housing.
As stated under response to Policy H-6, the project may be required to pay an in lieu (based on a
formula of development size per affordable unit cost) into the City’s affordable housing fund. The
Whistlestop/Eden Housing portion of the project proposes 67 units of 100% affordable housing.
NH-7. Neighborhood Identity and Landmarks.
Enhance neighborhood identity and sense of
community by retaining and creating gateways,
landmarks, and landscape improvements that help to
define neighborhood entries and focal points.
The proposed project includes building design that presents an entry and focal point for the
project along the 2nd and 3rd Street corridors. Landscape plans are consistent with established
landscaping for downtown development.
NH-8. Parking. Maintain well-landscaped parking
lots and front setbacks in commercial and institutional
properties that are located in or adjacent to
residential neighborhoods. Promote ways to
encourage parking opportunities that are consistent
with the design guidelines.
The proposed project includes landscape plans for surface parking areas and maintains existing
and required setbacks for adjacent properties.
NH-136. Design Excellence.
Assure quality of design by supporting policies that
encourage harmonious and aesthetically pleasing
design for new and existing development. Upgrade
and coordinate landscaping, signage, and building
design in the Town Center area, as well as improving
building and landscaping maintenance.
The proposed project includes building design consistent with development in the plan area.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-4
NH-22. Housing Downtown.
Create a popular and attractive residential
environment that contributes to the activity and
sense of community Downtown. This includes:
a. Preserving and upgrading existing units,
b. Providing incentives to encourage new private
sector construction of housing, particularly
affordable housing, live/work units, and single
room occupancy (SRO) units,
c. Designing units that take advantage of
Downtown's views, proximity to shopping and
services, and transit, and
d. Implementing zoning standards that reflect
Downtown’s urban character.
The proposed project includes building 67-units of 100% affordable housing in a design
consistent with existing development in the plan area and close to existing services, amenities,
and transit.
NH-29. Downtown Design.
New and remodeled buildings must contribute to
Downtown’s hometown feel. Design
elements that enhance Downtown’s identity and
complement the existing attractive
environment are encouraged, and may be required
for locations with high visibility or
for compatibility with historic structures. Design
considerations include:
• Varied and distinctive building designs,
• Sensitive treatment of historic resources,
• Generous landscaping to accent buildings,
• Appropriate materials and construction, and
• Site design and streetscape continuity
The proposed project includes building design that presents an entry and focal point for the
project along the 2nd and 3rd Street corridors. The project includes design consideration that
include varied and distinctive building designs, generous landscaping to accent buildings,
appropriate materials and construction, and site design and streetscape continuity.
NH-30. Pedestrian Environments.
Enhance Downtown’s streets by establishing
pedestrian environments appropriate to each District.
These environments could include the following:
• Well-designed window displays and views into retail
The proposed project includes appropriate building setbacks, landscaping and pedestrian
access, including well-designed retail spaces, signs that are easy for pedestrians to see and
read, sun-filled outdoor courtyards, plazas and seating areas adjacent to main thoroughfares,
and attractive street furniture and lighting.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-5
• Outdoor businesses and street vendors,
• Signs that are easy for pedestrians to see and read,
• Sun-filled outdoor courtyards, plazas and seating
• Attractive street furniture and lighting,
NH-31. Ground Floor Designed for Pedestrians.
Ensure that all buildings, regardless of height, are
comfortable for people at the street
level. This includes:
• Relating wall and window heights to the height of
• Use of architectural elements to create visual
• Adding landscaping and insets and alcoves for
pedestrian interest, and,
• Stepping upper stories back as building height
The proposed project includes appropriate building setbacks, landscaping and pedestrian
access. Both portions of the project include well-defined entrances for pedestrians and ground
floor services including a retail/café area at the corner of 3rd and Lindaro.
CD-5. Views. Respect and enhance to the greatest
extent possible, views of the Bay and its islands, Bay
wetlands, St. Raphael’s church bell tower, Canalfront,
marinas, Mt. Tamalpais, Marin Civic Center and hills
and ridgelines from public streets, parks and publicly
accessible pathways.
This proposed project would not have a significant impact on views of the hills and ridgelines or
Mt. Tamalpais from public vantage points around the site. The project is proposing a height
increase that is consistent with the height within the context of the surrounding development. An
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is being prepared to ensure there are no impacts to scenic
resources and views. Furthermore, the Design Review Board will review the proposed project for
consistent with this Community Design policies of the General Plan.
CD-10 (Non-Residential Design Guidelines).
Recognize, preserve and enhance the design
elements that contribute to the economic vitality of
commercial areas. Develop design guidelines to
ensure that new nonresidential and mixed-use
development fits within and improves the immediate
neighborhood and the community as a whole.
Consistent with conditions
As part of the General Plan 2020, the City adopted residential design guidelines for non-
residential projects. The Design Review Board will review the proposed project for consistency
with both the City’s non-residential and residential guidelines and provide comments or
recommendations for design components as needed.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-6
CD-15. Participation in Project Review. Provide for
public involvement in the review of new development,
renovations, and public projects with the following: a)
design guidelines and other information relevant to
the project as described in the Community Design
Element that would be used by residents, designers,
project developers, City staff, and City decision
makers; b) distribution of the procedures of the
development process that include the following:
submittal information, timelines for public review, and
public notice requirements; c) standardized
thresholds that state when design review of projects
is required (e.g. residential conversions, second-story
additions); and d) effective public participation in the
review process.
When the application for this project was received, copies of plans were referred to all
surrounding neighborhood groups. Notices of public hearings were mailed to all property owners,
neighborhood groups and interested parties within 300 of the project site informing them of the
proposed project and all public meetings prior to all public meetings conducted for this project. In
addition, the site was posted with notice of all public meetings on this proposed project. The
applicant has been active in reaching out to community and neighborhood groups.
CD-16. Property Maintenance. Provide incentives
and enforcement to achieve desirable property
Consistent with conditions
As part of this Environmental and Design Review Permit, conditions of approval will be included
requiring a landscape and property maintenance agreements.
CD-18. Landscaping. Recognize the unique
contribution provided by landscaping, and make it a
significant component of all site design.
Consistent with conditions
A landscape plan was presented as part of this project for new landscaping. The landscape plan
was reviewed by the Design Review Board and found to be acceptable.
CD-19. Lighting. Allow adequate site lighting for
safety purposes while controlling excessive light
spillover and glare.
A lighting plan was submitted with the application which indicates no excessive light spillover or
glare. A final lighting plan will be required prior to issuance of a building permit and once the
lighting is installed, there will be a 30-day lighting review to confirm the light levels and require
adjustments if necessary.
CD-21. Parking Lot Landscaping. Provide parking
lot landscaping to control heat build-up from
pavement, reduce air pollution, provide shade cover
for vehicles and soften the appearance of the parking
A landscape plan was presented as part of this project for new landscaping which included
screen/shade trees for surface parking. No shade or solar structure are proposed to cover all
vehicle parking spaces.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-7
lot. Emphasize the use of trees, and limit the height
of shrub plantings so as to avoid creating security
CD-21a. Parking Lot Landscaping
Requirements. Update parking lot
landscape requirements to increase the
screening of parking lots from the street and
nearby properties. Requirements would
address appropriate size and location of
landscaping, necessary screening consistent
with security considerations, tree protection
measures, and appropriate percent of shade
coverage required of parking lot trees.
Include maintenance requirements in all
CD-21b. Parking Lot Landscape Enforcement.
Require that newly installed parking lot landscaping
be maintained and replaced as needed. Assure that
landscaping is thriving prior to expiration of the
required 2-year maintenance bond.
Policy EV-1. Economic Health and Quality of Life
Understand and appreciate the contributions
essential to our quality of life made by a
healthy econom y, especially to public safety, our
schools, recreation, and government
The proposed project would help retain an existing business in the City thus contributing to the
City’s economic vitality. The project would result in the occupanc y of a large, vacant existing infill
site, which would enhance the physical environment of the Downtown and surrounding area.
Policy EV-2. Seek, Retain, and Promote
Businesses that Enhance San Rafael.
Recruit and retain businesses that contribute to our
economic vitality, thus helping to provide needed
local goods, services and employment, and enhance
the City’s physical environment.
The proposed project would help retain an existing business in the City thus contributing to the
City’s economic vitality. The project would result in the development of two marquee facilities for
current major San Rafael businesses/employers.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-8
Policy EV-4. Local Economic and Community
In addition to review of environmental, traffic and
community design impacts, take the following into
account when major projects, policies and land use
decisions are under review:
• Fiscal impacts on the City’s ability to provide and
maintain infrastructure and services.
• Impacts on the community such as the provision
of jobs which match the local workforce,
commute reduction proposals, and affordable
• Additional or unique economic, fiscal and job-
related impacts.
• Fiscal and community impacts of not approving a
project, plan or policy.
Required infrastructure and services are already available for the property. The project site is
located off 2nd and 3rd Street. The proposed project would add to the local job pool that in turn,
would result in commute reduction for local employees who would be employed by
BioMarin/Whistlestop. The development include affordable housing.
EV-11. Promotion of Workplace Alternatives.
Promote the establishment of workplace alternatives,
including home-based businesses, telecommuting
and satellite work centers.
EV-11a. Home Occupations. Work with
neighborhood organizations and business
owners to reexamine and update home
occupation zoning regulations to reflect
changing trends. Continue to enforce
compliance of unlicensed home businesses.
EV-11b. Telecommute Policy. Consider
establishing a telecommute policy for City
EV-11c. Workplace Alternatives.
Encourage employers to offer workplace
alternatives and promote the formation of
satellite business centers.
The project applicant has included a Transportatio n Demand Management Plan as part of the
project and includes concepts like carpooling and shuttle services.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-9
Program EV-13a. Zoning Regulations. Review
zoning and development regulations for each
business area and make sure that they are
consistent, with the objective of strengthening the
unique economic role of each area.
The project proposes amending PD-1936 to accommodate the BioMarin portion of the project
which will contribute to the important economic role in the City.
C-5. Traffic Level of Service Standards.
A. Intersection LOS. In order to ensure an
effective roadway network, maintain
adequate traffic levels of service (LOS)
consistent with standards for signalized
intersections in the A.M. and P.M. peak
hours as shown below, except as provided
for under (B) Arterial LOS.
The traffic analysis for this new project identifies that the combined project would generate 472
peak trips (236 in the A.M. peak period and 236 trips in the PM peak period). Additional trips
would not reduce LOS at the study intersections, but would reduce overall speeds of arterial
operations for the 2nd/3rd Streets from D Street to Hetherton sections. An EIR is being prepared
for the project which will identify all circulation network impacts and propose mitigation as
Policy C-7. Circulation Improvements Funding.
Take a strong advocacy role in securing funding for
planned circulation improvements. Continue to seek
comprehensive funding that includes Federal, State,
County and Redevelopment funding, Local Traffic
Mitigation Fees and Assessment Districts. The local
development projects’ share of responsibility to fund
improvements is based on: (1) the generation of
additional traffic that creates the need for the
improvement; (2) the improvement’s role in the
overall traffic network; (3) the probability of securing
funding from alternative sources; and (4) the timing of
the improvement.
Consistent with mitigation measures/conditions
The City of San Rafael has adopted Traffic Mitigation fees for new projects. The Traffic Mitigation
fees are used to make necessary improvements to the traffic network. As proposed, the project
would be required to pay traffic mitigation fees, which would support circulation improvements
funding under Policy C-6 and C-7.
C-8. Eliminating and Shifting Peak Hour Trips. Consistent
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-10
Support efforts to limit traffic congestion through
eliminating low occupancy auto trips or shifting peak
hour trips to off-peak hours. Possible means include
telecommuting, walking and bicycling, flexible work
schedules, car and vanpooling and other
Transportation Demand Management approaches.
The project applicant has included a Transportation Demand Management Plan as part of the
application submittal and includes concepts like carpooling, bicycle parking, shuttle services, and
transit subsidies.
C-12. Transportation Demand Management. Work
cooperatively with governmental agencies, non-
profits, businesses, institutions and residential
neighborhoods to create new and effective
Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) programs to minimize single
occupancy automobile use and peak period traffic
C-12a. Regional Support for TDM. Support
regional efforts to work with employers to
provide TDM programs.
C-12b. City Support for TDM. Serve as a
resource to employers wishing to implement
TDM by providing information through printed
materials, workshops and other means.
Encourage smaller employers to “pool”
resources to create effective TDM programs.
C-12c. City TDM Program. Identify cost-effective
City of San Rafael TDM programs for City
employees. Consider approaches taken by
the County in its Employee Commute
Alternative Program.
The project applicant has included a Transportation Demand Management Plan as part of the
application submittal and includes concepts like carpooling, bicycle parking, shuttle services, and
transit subsidies.
I-10. Sewer Facilities. Existing and future
development needs should be coordinated with
responsible districts and agencies to assure that
facility expansion and/or improvement meets Federal
The site is already served by the San Rafael Sanitation District and they have reviewed the
project and determined that there is adequate capacity to serve the addition of this facility.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-11
and State standards and occurs in a timely fashion.
G-1. Jobs and Diversity. Encourage the creation
and retention of a wide variety of job opportunities at
a mix of economic levels.
The proposed project would add laboratory and office spaces for a leading San Rafael
business/employer. In addition, the project would support the continued operations of another
leading business/employer, Whistlestop, by developing a high quality Healthy Aging Campus.
S-1. Location of Future Development. Permit
development only in those areas where potential
danger to the health, safety and welfare of the
residents of the community can be adequately
Geoseismic dangers will be evaluated through the review and approvals process for project site
and have consistently found that the project would not pose potential danger to the health, safety
and welfare of the community.
S-3. Use of Hazard Maps in Development Review.
Review Slope Stability, Seismic Hazard, and Flood
Hazard Maps at the time a development is proposed.
Undertake appropriate studies to assure identification
and implementation of mitigation measures for
identified hazards.
The Geology and Stability Map and Flood Hazard Area Maps of the General Plan, Exhibits 27
and 29, were reviewed and it was determined that based on these maps, the site is located in the
100-year flood hazard area and located in an areas that is characterized as artificial fill. The
project has been designed to address these baseline considerations.
S-4. Geotechnical Review. Continue to require
geotechnical investigations for development
proposals as set forth in the City's Geotechnical
Review Matrix (Appendix F). Such studies should
determine the actual extent of geotechnical hazards,
optimum design for structures, the advisability of
special structural requirements, and the feasibility
and desirability of a proposed facility in a specified
Consistent with conditions
A Geotechnical Investigation Report was prepared by Miller Pacific Engineering and reviewed by
the City as a component of the environmental review prepared for the project. The report meets
the requirements set forth in the Geotechnical Review Matrix and is ap propriate for the
preliminary design stages of the project. The report will be peer reviewed from a geotechnical
engineering standpoint as part of the EIR and any mitigation measures will be incorporated as
conditions of approval.
S-5. Minimize Potential Effects of Geological Consistent with conditions
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-12
Hazards. Development proposed within areas of
potential geological hazards shall not be endangered
by, nor contribute to, the hazardous conditions on the
site or on adjoining properties. Development in areas
subject to soils and geologic hazards shall
incorporate adequate mitigation measures. The City
will only approve new development in areas of
identified hazard if such hazard can be appropriately
The above-mentioned Geotechnical Investigation Reports and peer reviews will assess the
project feasibility from a geotechnical standpoint and recommended mitigation measures to
ensure the potential hazards are reduced to levels of insignificance would be incorporated as
conditions of approval.
S-6. Seismic Safety of New Buildings.
Design and construct all new buildings to resist
stresses produced by earthquakes. The minimum
level of seismic design shall be in accordance with
the most recently adopted building code as required
by State law.
The project site including a major portion of Marin County is located within Seismic Source Type
“A” (capable of large magnitude earthquakes and high rate of seismic activity). A Geotechnical
report must be prepared and submitted with building permit plans would guide the design and
construction of the new building to resist stresses produced by earthquakes. With the
implementation of this measure, the project is consistent with this policy for Seismic Safety of
New Buildings. Mitigation measures will be incorporated as conditions of approval.
S-12. Use of Environmental Databases in
Development Review. Review the San Rafael Fire
Department’s database of contaminated sites at the
time a development is proposed. Undertake
appropriate studies to assure identification and
implementation of mitigation measures for sites on or
near identified hazards.
A Phase I environmental report was prepared for the existing office building as part of the
environmental review. The site is currently undergoing remediation to remove hazardous
material. This action and accompanying studies will be incorporated into the final environmental
document prepared for the project.
S-13. Potential Hazardous Soils Conditions.
Where development is proposed on sites with known
previous contamination, sites filled prior to 1974 or
sites that were historically auto service, industrial or
other land uses that may have involved hazardous
materials, evaluate such sites for the presence of
toxic or hazardous materials. The requirements for
site-specific investigation are contained in the
Geotechnical Review Matrix.
See Response to S-12 above.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-13
S-14. Hazardous Materials Storage, Use and
Disposal. Enforce regulations regarding proper
storage, use and disposal of hazardous materials to
prevent leakage, potential explosions, fires, or the
escape of harmful gases, and to prevent individually
innocuous materials from combining to form
hazardous substances, especially at the time of
No hazardous materials are proposed to be used, stored or disposed of at this site as part of the
new mixed-use building. This proposed project would not impact that permit and no further
permitting or evaluation is necessary.
S-18 Storm Drainage Improvements. Require new
development to improve local storm drainage
facilities to accommodate site runoff anticipated from
a “100-year” storm .
S-18a. Storm Drainage Improvements. Require
that new development proposals which are likely to
affect the limited capacity of downstream storm
drainage facilities provide a hydrological analysis of
the storm drain basin of the proposed development
and evaluate the capacity of existing downstream
storm drainage facilities and fund improvements to
accommodate increased drainage from the project
site resulting from a 100-year storm, where practical.
Consistent with conditions
An Initial Study has been prepared to evaluate the hydrology and water quality impacts of the
proposed project on the environment and determined that through implementation of
recommended mitigation measures impacts could be reduced to less than significant levels.
The proposed project would also implement stormwater control measures such as Low Impact
Development (LID) and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to address long-term operational
water quality impacts associated with the project.
S-22. Erosion. Require appropriate control measures
in areas susceptible to erosion, in conjunction with
proposed development. Erosion control measures
and management practices should conform to the
most recent editions of the Regional Water Quality
Control Board’s Erosion and Sediment Control Field
Manual and the Association of Bay Area
Governments’ Manual of Standards for Erosion and
Sediment Control or equivalent.
S-22a. Erosion Control Programs. Review
and approve erosion control programs for
projects involving grading one acre or more
Consistent with conditions
An EIR is being prepared to evaluate the hydrology and water quality impacts of the proposed
project on the environment and determined that through implementation of recommended
mitigation measures impacts could be reduced to less than significant levels.
This project has been reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department which implements the
erosion and sediment control standards and regulations. A standard condition of approval would
require the applicant to submit a soil management plan (SMP) addressing soil and groundwater
management for review and approval by the City of San Rafael Public Works Department prior to
the issuance of building permits.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-14
or 5,000 square feet of built surface as
required by Standard Urban Stormwater
Management Plans (SUSUMP). Evaluate
smaller projects on a case-by-case basis.
S-22b. Grading During the Wet Season.
Discourage grading during the wet season
and require that development projects
implement adequate erosion and/or sediment
control and runoff discharge measures.
S-25. Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB) Requirements. Continue to work through
the Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Program to implement appropriate Watershed
Management plans as dictated in the RWQCB
general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit for Marin County and the local
stormwater plan.
Consistent with condition
This project has been reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department which implements the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention standards and regulations. As designed, the proposed project
includes adequate measures to reduce stormwater run-off consistent with the standards
established by the RWQCB. The project would direct all run-off to the landscape areas and on-
site filtration devices, before being discharged into the City’s stormdrain system. A standard
condition of approval would require the applicant to submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP) for review and approval by the City of San Rafael Public Works Department prior
to the issuance of building permits.
S-26. Fire and Police Services. Maintain adequate
cost-effective fire protection, paramedic and police
services. Minimize increases in service needs from
new development through continued fire prevention
and community policing programs.
Consistent with conditions
The City of San Rafael Police and Fire Departments have both reviewed the proposed project
and certain conditions of approval to ensure that the new development would comply with their
regulations and standards. The Fire Department has found that the project would comply with all
Fire Codes and their recommended conditions of approval have been incorporated. The Crime
Prevention officer of the Police Department has also reviewed the proposed project and found
that the use and structure would be consistent with their crime prevention standards.
N-1. Noise Impacts on New Development. Protect
people in new development from excessive noise by
applying noise standards in land use decisions. Apply
the Land Use Compatibility Standards (see Exhibit
31) to the siting of new uses in existing noise
Consistent with condition
Exhibit 31 of the General Plan 2020 illustrates the land use compatibility standards for locating
new development in existing environments. The land use category for the proposed use would
be medical office. New uses in this category are conditionally permitted in environments that
exhibit between 65 a d 85 Ldn (dB). An evaluation in the EIR of the existing noise environment
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-15
environments. These standards identify the
acceptability of a project based on noise exposure. If
a project exceeds the standards in Exhibit 31, an
acoustical analysis shall be required to identify noise
impacts and potential noise mitigations. Mitigation
should include the research and use of state-of-the-
art abating materials and technology.
around the site would require consistency with adopted Noise Ordinance and Policies.
N-3. Planning and Design of New Development.
Encourage new development to be planned and
designed to minimize noise impacts from outside
noise sources.
See N-1 above
N-4. Noise from New Nonresidential
Development. Design nonresidential development to
minimize noise impacts on neighboring uses.
a. Performance Standards for Uses Affecting
Residential Districts. New nonresidential
development shall not increase noise levels in a
residential district by more than Ldn 3 dB, or
create noise impacts that would increase noise
levels to more than Ldn 60 dB at the property line
of the noise receiving use, whichever is the more
restrictive standard.
b. Performance Standards for Uses Affecting
Nonresidential and Mixed Use Districts. New
nonresidential projects shall not increase noise
levels in a nonresidential or mixed-use district by
more than Ldn 5 dB, or create noise impacts that
would increase noise levels to more than Ldn 65
dB (Office, Retail) or Ldn 70 dB (Industrial), at the
property line of the noise receiving use,
whichever is the more restrictive standard.
c. Waiver. These standards may be waived if, as
determined by an acoustical study, there are
mitigating circumstances (such as higher existing
noise levels), and no uses would be adversely
An EIR is being prepared to evaluate the noise impacts of the proposed project on sensitive
receptors and require that there are no significant effects to the environment. Best Management
construction techniques approval to limit potential sources of auditory impacts will be
implemented as a condition of approval.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-16
N-4a. Require Acoustical Study. Identify
through an acoustical study noise mitigation
measures to be designed and built into new
nonresidential and mixed-use development,
and encourage absorptive types of mitigation
measures between noise sources and
residential districts.
N-5. Traffic Noise from New Development.
Minimize noise impacts of increased off-site
traffic caused by new development. Where
the exterior Ldn is 65 dB or greater at a
residential building or outdoor use area and a
plan, program, or project increases traffic
noise levels by more than Ldn 3 dB,
reasonable noise mitigation measures shall
be included in the plan, program or project.
An EIR is being prepared to evaluate the noise impacts of the proposed project on sensitive
receptors and requires that there are no significant effects to the environment. Best
Management construction techniques approval to limit potential sources of auditory impacts
during construction will be implemented as a condition of approval. The EIR will evaluate long-
term impacts due to operational activities.
CON-1. Protection of Environmental Resources.
Protect or enhance environmental resources, such as
ridgelines, wetlands, diked baylands, creeks and
drainageways, shorelines and habitat for threatened
and endangered species.
The proposed project would be developed on a previously developed site on which there are no
known environmental resources.
CON-16. Landscape with Native Plant Species.
Encourage landscaping with native and compatible
non-native plant species, especially drought-resistant
CON-16a. Distribution of Information. Distribute
Marin Municipal Water District and other
organizations’ educational materials about native
plant landscaping.
The project includes a landscape plan that is consistent with drought-tolerant planting and native
CON-17. Resource-efficient Organizations and
Businesses. Encourage businesses, commercial
The project includes a landscape plan that is consistent with drought-tolerant planting and native
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-17
property owners, apartment building owners and non-
profit organizations to be resource, energy and water
CON-17a. Regional Energy Office.
Consider participation in the County’s
Regional Energy Office.
CON 17b. Green Business Program. Encourage
San Rafael businesses to participate in the County's
Green Business program.
CON-18. Resource-Efficient Building Design.
Promote and encourage residences to be resource,
energy and water efficient by creating incentives and
removing obstacles to promote their use.
CON-18a. Energy-efficient Homes.
Encourage the construction of homes and
buildings that exceed Title 24 standards.
Consider adoption of an ordinance requiring
greater energy efficiency in construction of
larger homes.
CON-18b. Zoning and Building Code
Review. Identify barriers to resource
efficiency in the Zoning and Building Codes
and evaluate the suitability of removing those
CON-18c. Use of Alternative Building
Materials. Evaluate the benefits and impacts
of amending the City’s building codes and
zoning ordinances to allow the use of
acceptable resource-efficient alternative
building materials and methods.
CON-18d. Incentives for Solar and Clean
Energy. Seek ways to provide incentives for
solar and clean energy systems.
CON-18e. LEED Program. Encourage developers to
use “Leadership in Energy and Environmental
The project is designed to be energy efficient and adhere to LEED standards for commercial
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-18
Design” Standards.
CON-20. Water Conservation. Encourage water-
conserving practices in businesses, homes and
institutions and increase the use of recycled water.
CON-20a. Water Conserving Landscaping.
Make available to property managers,
designers and homeowners information
about water-conserving landscaping and
water-recycling methods and resources.
CON-20b. Water Recycling. Support the extension
of recycled water distribution infrastructure. Require
the use of recycled water where available.
The project includes a landscape plan that is consistent with drought-tolerant planting and native
CON-23. Energy-efficient Transportation
Programs. Encourage the creation of programs such
as Transportation Systems Management (TSM),
public transit, carpools/ vanpools, ride-match,
bicycling, and other alternatives to the energy-
inefficient use of vehicles.
CON-23a. City Carpool. Encourage
incentive for the creation of car or vanpools
for city employees.
The applicant has included a TDM as part of the application submittal.
AW-1. State and Federal Standards. Continue to
comply and strive to exceed state and federal
standards for air quality for the benefit of the Bay
Consistent with condition
Due to the nature of the proposed development, the project would not generate any excessive air
quality impacts and would be consistent with the Bay Area Air Quality District requirements
Traffic associated with the facility was evaluated and found to be within the thresholds
established for air quality impacts. Furthermore, the proposed development is within the
additional development assumed under the General Plan 2020 and therefore cumulative impacts
have been analyzed and found to be acceptable.
AW-2. Land Use Compatibility. To ensure excellent
air quality, promote land use compatibility for new
development by using buffering techniques such as
This proposed development is situated in the Downtown San Rafael District area and abuts
many other similar use buildings. The proposed land use from this project is compatible with
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-19
landscaping, setbacks and screening in areas where
different land uses abut one another.
surrounding land uses.
AW-4. Particulate Matter Pollution Reduction.
Promote the reduction of particulate matter pollution
from roads, parking lots, construction sites,
agricultural lands and other activities.
AW -4a. Pollution Reduction. Through
development review, ensure that any
proposed new sources of particulate matter
use latest control technology (such as
enclosures, paving unpaved areas, parking
lot sweeping and landscaping) and provide
adequate buffer setbacks to protect existing
or future sensitive receptors.
AW -4b. Fireplaces and Wood burning
Stoves. Cooperate with the local air quality
district to monitor air pollution and enforce
mitigations in areas affected by emissions
from fireplaces and wood burning stoves.
Encourage efficient use of home wood
burning heating devices. Adopt and
implement the BAAQMD Model Wood smoke
Ordinance for new residential development.
Consistent with condition
The project would be required to implement Air Quality control measures per EIR analysis for
construction activities. The proposed drainage plan is designed to be consistent with local air-
quality pollution standards by implementing dust and pollution control measures during
AW-7. Local, State and Federal Standards.
Continue to comply with local, state and federal
standards for water quality.
Consistent with condition
The project would be required to comply with the City’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention
standards which are derived from the Regional Water Qual ity Board. The proposed drainage
plan is designed to be consistent with the stormwater pollution standards by treating stormwater
runoff on-site in landscape areas or through an on-site filtration area before it enters into the
storm drain system.
AW-8. Reduce Pollution from Urban Runoff.
Address non-point source pollution and protect
receiving waters from pollutants discharged to the
storm drain system by requiring Best Management
Practices quality.
See AW -7 above. Furthermore, as a standard building permit condition of approval, the proposed
project would implement a storm water pollution and prevention plan (SWPPP) and Best
Management Practices to minimize impacts on water quality and non-point source pollution
discharge into the storm water system.
999 3rd Street BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Policies and
999 3rd Street - BioMarin / Whistlestop / Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-20
• Support alternatives to impervious surfaces
in new development, redevelopment or public
improvement projects to reduce urban runoff
into storm drain system, creeks and the Bay.
• Require that site designs work with the
natural topography and drainages to the
extent practicable to reduce the amount of
grading necessary and limit disturbance to
natural water bodies and natural drainage
Where feasible, use vegetation to absorb and filter
fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants.
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael Design Guidelines
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: Design Guidelines Consistency Table
Exhibit: 4-1
• A logical sequence of entry and arrival as part of the site’s design
should be provided.
• Where possible, design entrances from the street to direct views
toward the building entry.
• Parking areas should be screened from the street with hedges, walls,
fences or berms, subject to security considerations.
• Auto and pedestrian entrances into development should be easy to
find. Use of special entry treatment, special plantings and signage
should be located at the entries.
• Pedestrian areas should be made visually attractive with special
planting and flowering trees.
• Shade trees should be provided in parking lots per the Zoning
The parking structure project site design provides a clear sense of entry
from Lindaro and directs views toward the proposed building. The
landscape plan includes screen trees and plantings around the base of
the structure to soften the edge appearance. Pedestrian areas are
visually attractive and include special planting and flowering trees.
Shade trees are provided in parking lots per the Zoning Ordinance.
• Landscaped areas should be planned as integral parts of the
development and to create a strongly landscaped character of the
• Commercial signage or displays should not be hidde n with
• Trees should be planted in a variety of locations.
• Add street trees where practical.
The project is in compliance with the above Landscaping guidelines.
The planting plan proposes native trees to provide screening. Street
trees in front of the proposed structures are proposed wherever
appropriate for emergency and fire service access.
• Limit the intensity of lighting to provide for adequate site security and
for pedestrian and vehicular safety.
• Shield light sources to prevent glare and illumination beyond
boundaries of the property.
• Lighting fixtures should compliment the project architecture.
The lighting plan submitted indicates that the project does not create
glare or illumination beyond the property boundary. The final building
permit is conditioned to be consistent with this guideline. Security and
nighttime wayfinding lighting are required to be night-sky compliant and
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael Design Guidelines
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: Design Guidelines Consistency Table
Exhibit: 4-2
consistent with San Rafael guidelines for nighttime glare.
• Consider pedestrian orientation when designing building entries,
windows, signage and doors.
• Include a well-defined pedestrian walkway between the street and
building entry.
• Clearly define pedestrian movement through parking lots by using
pavement treatment and landscaped walkways.
• Where appropriate, include outdoor gathering places and seating for
the public.
• Adequate facilities for bicycle parking should be provided.
The main pedestrian access is located on the east side of the proposed
project site and opposite/adjacent to main access to the existing parking
structure on the main SRCC campus. Existing pedestrian sidewalks and
walkways would continue to provide access to the proposed building site
and throughout the site to transit stops adjacent to the San Rafael
Transit Center. New structures are designed to provide bicycle parking.
Consider the development’s visual and spatial relationship to adjacent
buildings and other structures in the area.
The proposed structure is consistent in building form with structures
within the project area.
Building entrances should be defined with architectural elements such as
roof form changes, awnings, or other architectural elements.
The proposed structure materials generally consist of glass, concrete
and other high-quality elements. Entrance to the site would be clearly
identified through BioMarin wayfinding signage consistent with branding
Where appropriate, provide awnings to enhance the design of the
building, provide weather protection, and create a sense of human scale.
No awning or shade structures are proposed for the parking areas. The
proposed “front porch” reduces the building’s mass for a more inviting
human scale feel for the public plaza.
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing Project Consistency with San Rafael Design Guidelines
999 3rd Street – BioMarin/Whistlestop/Eden Housing File #: ED18-087, ZO18-003, ZC18-002,
UP18-034, SP18-006, S18-001, DA19-001,
Title: Design Guidelines Consistency Table
Exhibit: 4-3
• Use articulation, texturing and detailing on all concrete exposed to
exterior view.
• Exterior materials should minimize reflectivity.
• Use color to provide appropriate accents on a building.
The proposed project is consistent with this guideline. The proposed
plans depict appropriate articulation, texturing and detailing and
appropriate exterior materials. The structures proposed include
articulation, texturing and other detailed elements and other screen
Exhibit 6 Page 1Exhibit 6 Page 1
Exhibit 6 Page 2Exhibit 6 Page 2
Exhibit 6 Page 3Exhibit 6 Page 3
Exhibit 6 Page 4Exhibit 6 Page 4
Exhibit 6 Page 5Exhibit 6 Page 5
Exhibit 6 Page 6Exhibit 6 Page 6
Founder/Executive Director
Mark Fishkin
Board of Directors
Maida Lynn
Ken Broad
Lynne Hale
Richard J. Idell
Daniel Kenyon
Amy Keroes
Jennifer Coslett MacCready
Kurt Mobley
Cathy Nourafshan
Maggie O’Donnell
Jonathan Parker
Susan Schwartz
Joel Sklar
Jann Stanley
Steve Weinswig
Zach Zeisler
Emeritus Board
Rita Cahill
Sid Ganis
Bruce Katz
Gary Meyer
Gordon Radley
Christopher Smith
Henry Timnick
Founding Board
Rita Cahill
Mark Fishkin
Lois Kohl Shore
Honorary Advisory Board
Barbara Boxer
Stewart Boxer
Drusie Davis
Jeff Fisher
Peter Flaxman
Robert Greber
Linda Gruber
Peggy Haas
Jessica Igoe
Michael Klein
Roxanne Klein
KC Lauck
Andrew McGuire
Mary Poland
Eric Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Skip Whitney
May 6, 2019
San Rafael Planning Commission
1400 Fifth Ave,
San Rafael, CA 94901
Subject: BioMarin/ 999rd 3rd Street Development
Dear Planning Commissioners,
The California Film Institute (CFI) would like highlight the partnership we have shared
with BioMarin over the last few years. Their local program support and commitment
to the region has been a benefit to the county in so many ways. Not only do they
support our programs through their charitable donations, they are also a frequent
partner of the Christopher B. Smith Film Center where they hold a number of
employee meetings and events. As the largest non-governmental employer in Marin,
their economic benefits to the city is second only to the amazing work they do for
their patients.
We are also supportive of their collaboration with Whistlestop and Eden Housing for
the future expansion on 999 3rd Street to bring more employment and much needed
senior housing to San Rafael. The revitalization of this former brownfield situated
next to public transportation will create much-needed synergy in the heart of
downtown. It is essential for the California Film Institute to have anchor companies
like BioMarin within the city to improve the city infrastructure and grow a solid
economic base.
We look forward to our continued partnership with BioMarin and are fortunate to
have them in our community.
Beau Blanchard
The California Film Institute
Exhibit 6 Page 7
Downtown Streets, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation
Tax ID: 20-5242330
Att: San Rafael Planning Commission
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to highlight the generosity and social impact we’ve experienced by
partnering with BioMarin. In 2016, Downtown Streets Team, the City of San Rafael and the San Rafael BID launched
the Put Your Change To Work reduction in panhandling program. This program was intended to reduce panhandling
in San Rafael’s downtown corridor with the ideology that when panhandling is rewarded through intermittent or
positive reinforcement, it perpetuates panhandling; furthering tensions between the homeless community and the
business community. The business community feels as if panhandling drives away business and the homeless
community feels unwelcome, and ostracized.
Downtown Streets Team implemented a program with bright purple/pink refurbished parking meters to give those
who want to give an easy method to give, accepting credit cards and pocket change, so contributors can feel
confident that their money is going towards covering the basic needs of the people that need it most. Those that
find the need to panhandle, can join Downtown Streets Team, a nonprofit that gives those experiencing
homelessness the opportunity to volunteer in exchange for stipends that cover their basic needs, allowing them to
shop at Safeway and other stores. The stipends themselves have less spending flexibility than SSI/SSDI but more
flexibility than Calfresh. Program participants also get work experience and the opportunity to move into
employment through one of our pipelines. With the amount of money that BioMarin gave us, we’ve been able to
serve up to six of our Team Members over the course of two years.
BioMarin was one of the first supporters of this program and they sponsored a meter for two years, during that time,
according to anonymous/optional survey results from local businesses, more than half of the downtown businesses
noted that they saw a positive impact in San Rafael street behavior and wanted to see the program expanded. This
impact couldn’t have been had without the support of BioMarin and other sponsors.
Logan McDonnell
Sr. Director of Development
Downtown Streets Team
Restoring Hope Through the Dignity of Work
1671 THE ALAMEDA, SUITE 306 • SAN JOSE, CA 95126
Exhibit 6 Page 8
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Exhibit 6 Page 11