HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2016-04-12 Agenda Packet AGENDA
TUESDAY, April 12, 2016, 7:00 P.M.
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1. Minutes, March 15, 2015
2. San Rafael Fire Station 52- 210 3rd Street – Request for Environmental and Design Review
Permit to replace the existing Fire Station 52 with the development of a new fire station (10,865 square feet),
training tower (3,322 square feet) and training classroom facility (1,200 square
feet). The proposal includes a request for an Exception to exceed the 36-foot building height
limit for the new fire training tower (up to 50 feet in height). The project includes associated site
and landscaping improvements for the 27,000 square-foot City-owned site. APN: 014-101-
11;Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) District; City of San Rafael, owner/applicant. Project Planner: Paul
I. Next Meeting: April 26, 2016
II. I, Anne Derrick, hereby certify that on Friday, April 8, 2016, I posted a notice of the April 12, 2016 Planning
Commission meeting on the City of San Rafael Agenda Board.
Regular Meeting
San Rafael Planning Commission Minutes
For a complete video of this meeting, go to http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings
Present: Larry Paul
Viktoriya Wise
Jack Robertson
Barrett Schaefer
Mark Lubamersky, Chair
Gerald Belletto
Berenice Davidson
Absent: None
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager
Caron Parker, Associate Planner
1. Minutes, February 23, 2016
Gerald Belletto moved and Barrett Schaefer seconded to approve Minutes as presented. The vote is as
AYES: Larry Paul, Jack Robertson, Barrett Schaefer, Mark Lubamersky, Chair, Gerald Belletto,
Berenice Davidson
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Viktoriya Wise
2. 104 Windward Way (Toyota of Marin) – Request for Environmental and Design Review
Permit and Use Permit to allow Toyota of Marin to store 130-140 vehicles on a 43,150
square foot portion of the existing 99,800 square foot vacant lot on the east side of
Windward Way. No structures are proposed on site. The site would be secured with an 8’
high perimeter cyclone fence and screened with 5 new trees and a variety of smaller
shrubs. Also proposed are 7 light fixtures (25 feet in height) distributed within the project
site. The project proposes to lease the lot for 5 years; APN: 009-330-01; Multi-Family
Medium Density Residential (MR2) Zoning District; Mike Christian, Toyota of Marin,
applicant; Universal Portfolio, Ltd, owner. Project Planner: Caron Parker
staff report
Jack Robertson moved and Barrett Schaefer seconded to approve project as presented. The vote is as
AYES: Viktoriya Wise, Jack Robertson, Barrett Schaefer, Mark Lubamersky, Chair, Berenice
Davidson, Larry Paul
NOES: Gerald Belletto
ANNE DERRICK, Administrative Assistant III
APPROVED THIS_____DAY____OF_______, 2016
Mark Lubamersky, Chair
Site Description/Setting:
The subject property is a level , 0 .66-acre site (28 ,822 square feet) that is located at the northeast corner
of 3rd and Union Streets . The property is owned by the City of San Rafael and is developed with a one-
story fire station (San Rafae l Fire Station 52), which is approximately 4,430 square feet in size and
contains apparatus bays . Vehicle access to the apparatus bays is provided by driveway access from
Union Street (two driveways). Most of the site is paved . The existing Fire Station 52 serves the eastern
part of Central San Rafae l, which includes unincorporated areas (Country Club) via Community Service
Area (CSA) 19 . Lastly , the existing 50-foot-tall fire training tower and training center classroom are widely
used and are a vital component to the City 's fire services operation .
Surrounding uses include the Montecito Shopping Center lo cated to the south, San Rafael High School
(parking and support faciliti es) to the north and east, and the Who le Foods Market to the west. Further
north of the site is the Montecito/Happy Valley neighborhood (residential).
In 2013 , the San Rafael voters approved Measure E , which estab lished a sales tax to fund long-term
improvements to the City 's essential.facilities . In 2015 , the City Council adopted the San Rafael
Essential Facilities Strategic Plan , which presents the City's road map for the replacement or
improvements to aging emergency service facilities . The City Council authorized funding for Phase 1 of
this plan which includes the rebuilding of Fire Station 52 and the fire training center, as well as Fire
Station 57 (Marin Civic Center) and a new Public Safety Center (Fire Station 52 -Downtown and Police
Department facilities) on 5111 Avenue .
A detailed description of the project is provided in a written text , which is presented in Exhibit 4 of this
staff report . A brief summary is provided below .
Use: The project proposes the construction of a new 1 0 ,864-square foot , two-story fire station that is
proposed to house five on -duty fire fighters in 24-hour shifts and paramedic services (Medic 51 relocated
from Downtown). The plan includes three drive-through apparatus bays , the South Area Medical Supply
Cache , public lobby , s leeping quarters , kitchen and restroom facilities and ancillary uses (surface parking
and storage facilities). A new 50-foot-high training tower (3 ,332 square feet is proposed along the
eastern border of the site , which exceeds the 36-foot building height limit for this property . A new 1,205-
square-foot, one-story training center classroom is proposed for the southwest corner of the site facing
the intersection of 3,d and Union Streets .
Site Plan : The fire station building is proposed to be sited and oriented toward Union Street and includes
a pedestrian entrance and two driveways to accommodate drive -through access for fire apparatus . The
main (southern) driveway , which also provides access to the training center would be aligned with the
Whole Foods Market driveway on the west side of Union Street and would be secured by a metal gate.
The area surrounding the training center would be fenced . A total of 12 off-street parking spaces are
proposed . See Plan Sheet A-1.2 . Plan Sheet A-1 .3 presents the cross-sections incorporating the
proposed building and site improvements .
Architecture: The station design presents a contemporary design that promotes strong , horizontal roof
and building elements and forms . These features are carried through all buildings . The training center
classroom structure presents a rounded elevation form at the 3'd and Union Street intersection , which
takes advantage of the prominent intersection location .
Exterior bui lding materials include a combination of brick , cement plaster, metal fascia and trim features ,
aluminum windows . For portions of the roof that are sloped (1/2 :12) a metal seam roof is proposed . See
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No : ED125-081 & EX16-001 Page 3
Plan Sheets A-2 .2 and A -3. Plan Sheets A -2.3 and A-4 .1 present cross-sections through the proposed
Landscaping : Landscaping is proposed along the tw o street frontages , as well as along the interior
property boundary edges . Landscape plantings are limited to shrubs and ground cover and severa l
trees . See Plan Sheet A-l.4.
Lighting: A detailed ex terior lighting plan has been prepared . Exterior lighting includ es a combination of
pole-standards , wall-mounted scones/arms and recessed soffit fixtures . A photometric assessment is
in cluded in the plan . See Plan Sheet A -l .S.
Grading/Drainage: As noted above, although the site is level, site grading is required to address the
proposed project design . Grading is estimated to require 2,200 cubic yards of earth movement that
would be exported from the site . See Plan Sheet A-l .5 . Storm water management is presented on Plan
Sheets A-l .6 and A-1 . 7.
Signage : Several facility identification signs proposed above the door entrances to the apparatus bays,
which consists of individual letters reading ("Fire Station No . 52"). In addition , a larg e, wall-mounted
metal number "52 " is proposed for the building fa~ade facing Union Street. A large , metal fire service
emb lem is proposed along the recessed, west-facing wall of the fire station . See Plan Sheets A -2 .2 and
A -3.
Planning Applications: The Planning applications include an Environmental and Design Review Permit
and an Exception to the building height limit set forth in the General Plan 2020 and the P/QP District.
General Plan 2020 Consistency:
A detailed analysis of the project consistency with the General Plan 202 0 has been prepared in table
format and is provided as an attachment to this staff report (Ex hibit 2). A summary of key policies and
programs is provided below . The project is consistent with the pertinent policies of the Land Use Element
including; Policy LU-23 (Land Use and Map Categories -Public/Quasi -Public); Policy LU -9 (Intensity of
Nonresidential Land Use Development -1.0 floor area ratio cap); Policy LU-12 (Building Heights-
maximum height of 36 feet; Exception request for training tower); and Policy LU-14 (Land Use
Compatibility). Other key policies to consider are as follows , including neighporhood policies that are
specific to the Montecito/Happy V alley neighborhood :
NH-125 Design B/end. Continue to provide a blend of architectural styles in the Montecito/Happy
Valley N eighborhood compatibl e with and retaining the character of attractive older buildings. Newer
buildings should be we ll designed, blend we ll with the existing homes and provide a "pedestrian-
friendly " street front.
NH-130. Commercia l Parking. Require well-landscaped commercial parking lots that are safe and
convenient for pedestrians.
CD-3 . Neighborhoods. Recognize , preserve and enhance the positive qualities that give
neighborhoods their unique identities, while also allo wing fle x ibility for innovative design . Develop
programs to encourage and respect the contex t and scale of existing neighborhoods.
1-8. Street Trees . Create street tree planting and maintenance programs and encourage the use of
large canopy trees where appropriate in order to contro l temperature , improve air quality, control
wind, define neighborhoods and improve street appearance.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED125-081 & EX16-001 Page4
Overall , as proposed, staff finds that the project is consistent with the pertinent policies and programs of
the San Rafael General Plan 2020 . The scale of the project, includ ing the unique training tower would
be compatible with the scale of improvements in the area . Regarding Neighborhood Element Policy NH -
130 (Commercial Parking) and Infrastructure Element 1-8 (Street Trees), careful review of the landscape
design is requested to ensure that the project provides adequate landscaping . Given the use program
proposed for the site , on -site landscaping opportunities are limited , except along the property borders .
To off-set the limited amount of on-site landscape and sidewalk width permitting , consideration should be
given to incorporating street tree planting along Union Street.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Chapter 14-09 Base District Regulations (P/QP District)
The project is subject to the development standards for the Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) District , pursuant
to Chapter 9 (Section 14 .09 .040) of the municipal code (Zoning Ordinance). The proposed use and the
project design meet the use and site development standards of the P/QP District. However , it should be
noted that the 50-foot tall training tower exceeds the 36-foot height limit for the project site . The
Environmental and Design Review application is accompanied by an Exception request to exceed the
zoning height limit for this tower structure. Section 14 .24 .060E (He ight) of the Zoning Ordinance
specifies the unique conditions and uses for allowing a height exception . Regarding the exception
request , see discussion below.
Chapter 14.18 Parking Standards
Chapter 14.8 does not specify a specific parking standard for public facility uses , but does require that
the parking requirement be determined based on a parking study . Section 14.18 .160 requires that
parking areas be screened and that one canopy tree be provided for every four parking spaces . A
detailed parking study has not been prepared for this project. However, the 12 off-street parking spaces
that are proposed is based on demand and need for the proposed use and is consistent with off-street
parking provided for similarly-sized facilities . The proposed parking has been reviewed and deemed to
be adequate by the City Engineer. .
Parking lot landscaping and tree cover is limited to the property borders. Landscape coverage meets the
minimum 10% lot coverage requirement of Chapter 14.18 . However, as part of its review , the Design
Review Board recommended some adjustments and additions to landscaping . The Board
recommendations have been incorporated into the current plans .
Chapter 14.25 -Environmental and Design Review Permit
The project is subject to the review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits, pursuant to
SRMC Section 14 .25 .050 (Review criteria : Environmental and Design Review Permits) of the Zoning
Ordinance , as follows :
• Site Design. There should be a harmonious relationship between structures within the development
and between the structures and the site. Proposed structures and site development should be related
accordant to existing development in the vicinity. There must be a consistent organization of
materials and a balanced relationship of major elements. Site Features and Constraints such as
significant trees and wetlands . access, parking, circulation and drainage should be considered.
• Architecture. The project architecture should be harmoniously integrated in relation to the
architecture in th e vicinity in terms of colors and materials, scale and building design . The design
should be sensitive to and compatible with historic and architecturally significant buildings in the
vicinity, and should enhance important community gateways, view corridors and waterways as
identified in the general plan. Energy-efficient design should be considered.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED125-081 & EX16-001 Page 5
• Materials and Colors. Materials and co lo rs should be consistent with the context of/he surrounding
area . To minimize contrast of the structure with its background as viewed from the surrounding
neighborhood, color selection shall coordinate with the predominant colors and values of the
surrounding landscape and architecture. High-quality building materials are required. In hillside
areas, as identified in Section 14 .12 .020 of this title , natural materials and colors in the earth tone
and woodnote range are generally preferred. Other colors and materials may be used which are
appropriate to the architectural style, harmonious with the site and/or compatible with the character of
the surrounding environment.
• Ex terior Lighting. Light sources shou ld provide safety for th e building occupants, but not create a
glare or hazard on adjoining streets or be annoying to adjacent properties or residentia l areas.
• Landscape Design . The natural landscape should be preserved in its natural state, insofar as
practicable, by minimizing grading, and tree and rock removal. The landscaping shall be designed as
an integral enhancement of the site, sensitive to natural site features (e .g., trees and wetlands), as
well as water-efficient landscaping (MMWD water conservation ordinance compliance) should be
As proposed and as modified by conditions of approval the design of the project generally complies with
these criteria . As summarized below, the Design Review Board favorably re viewed the plans and
recommended some additional design modifications .
Chapter 14.24 -Exceptions
As discussed above, the fire training tower is proposed to be upwards of 50-feet in height, which exceeds
the 36-foot building height limit set by the General Plan 2020 and the P/QP District. SRMC affords the
opportunity to authorize an Exception to the building height limit, which is particularly suited to
improvements that are necessary for health and safety purposes . SRMC Section 14.24 .060 states, "For
a public or quasi-public structure, a higher height may be permitted where necessary for health or safety
purposes ." The fire training tower is a unique use that should be afforded this height exception because
its purpose is to provide firefighter training to protect health and safety . For this reason , approval of an
Exception for the training tower height is reasonable and acceptable . The use and purpose of the fire
training tower qualifies for the proposed height exception as it is unique in its purpose , which is to
maintain continued training for firefighters . The fire training tower is widely used by other Marin fire
departments/districts . Therefore , its purpose is to promote and facilitate public health and safety .
Further, because if the structure 's unique purpose, approval of the Exception would not set a precedent
for sim ila r request. The existing fire training tower is one of two training towers in Marin County . The
second fire training tower is located at the Novato Fire Protection District fire station on Atherton Avenue.
The Novato training tower is not centrally loc ated , so it is not widely used by the other fire
departments/districts. Findings supporting the approval of the Exception are included in the attached
draft resolution (Exhibit 1).
On February 17 , 20 16, the Design Review Board conducted a public meeting to review this project. The
City of San Rafael no longer prepares written meeting minutes , but actual video proceedings from the
DRB meeting can be reviewed online at: htt p://www.cityofsan rafael.org /meetingsl.and then clicking on
the DRB under archived meetings , and then selecting the February 17, 2016 , and clicking the video link .
As part of its deliberation , the Board considered the design criteria set forth in SRMC Chapter 14.25
(discussed above), as well as project conSistency with the interim San Rafael Design Guidelines
(adopted in 2004). FOllowing deliberation , the voted (5-0 vote) to recommend approval of the project
plans subject to the following plan revisions :
1. Revisions to the curved building elevation design at the corner of Union and 3'" Streets . It was
recommended that the amount of hard surface be reduced by increasing the glazing/window area
and reducing the size of the wall sign .
2 . The "52 " wall sign along the Union Street frontage should be reduced in size .
3 . Adjustments in the landscape plan to increase landscape coverage and reduce some of the
permeable areas that are planned for bio -swales .
4 . Adjustments in the landscape setback and the location of the security fencing along the Union
Street frontage .
5 . A recommendation to install street trees along the Union Street frontage . The Board determined
that street tree planting should not be installed a lon g the 3rd Street frontage because of the
narrow sidewalk and heavy pedestrian use (San Rafael High School student traffic).
Most of t he recommendations have been incorporated in the latest plan set (April 1 , 2016). In addition,
the recommended plan revisions have been incorporated as recommended cond itions of approval
presented in the attached resolution (Exhibit 1).
The proposed project is e xempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), pursuant to Sections 15302 (Replacement and Reconstruction) and 15332 (Infill Development).
Nonetheless, the City commissioned technical studies and assessments to address geology/soils
(Geotechnical Investigation -Fire Station 52 , Miller Pacific Engineering Group; January 25 ,2016),
hazards and hazardous materials (Phase I Environmental Site Assessment -Fire Station 52 ,
Placeworks ; March 2016), and traffic/circulation (Memorandum to City from W-Trans , CEQA Review for
Fire Station 52 ; December 30 , 2015). These techical studies disclose that the project would not result in
significant environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated to less-than-significant levels . Lastly , the
project is below the size threshold for requiring a quantified greenhouse gas emissions assessment and
being consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020 is covered under the City-adopted Qualified
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategy .
Public notice of this meeting was provided to property owners , business owners and re sidents within 500
feet of the subject property . In addition , a notice board was posted on the subject property informing the
public about the scope of the project and the dateltime of the Planning Commission meeting. In
addition , the City conducted an open house at the ex isting fire station and invited the community to
review the proposed plans . A copy of the public notice is attached (E xhibit 5).
The Planning Commission has the following options :
1. Approve the applicants as presented (staff recommendation); or
2 . Approve the application with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval ;
3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Comm ission 's comments or
concerns ; or
4 . Deny the project and direct staff to return with a revised resolution .
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No : ED125-081 & EX16-001 Page 7
1. Draft Resolution
2 . General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
3 . Vicin ity/Location Map
4. Written description of Station 52 project , Mary McGrath Architects ; January 21 , 2016
5. Public Hearing Notice
6 . Plans (distributed to the Planning Commission only)
(APN 01 4-101 -11 )
WHEREAS, in 20 13, th e San Rafael voters approved Measure E, whi ch estab li shed a
sales tax to fund long-te rm impr ove ment s to the City's esse ntia l facilities; and
WHEREAS, following the voter-approv ed Measure E, in 20 15, the City Cou nci l adopted
th e San Raftlel Essential Fa cilities Sirategic Plan , which presents the City 's road map for the
,·eplacement of and improvements to th e aging emergency service Facilities. Concurrent with thi s
ac ti on, the City Cou nci l authorized fu ndin g for Phase I of thi s plan , which inc1.ude s th e rebuilding
of Fire Station 52 and fire training ce nt er (subject project), as we ll as the rebuilding of Civic
Center Fire Station 57 and the development of a new Public Safety Cente r in Downtown San
Rafael ; a nd
WHEREAS, the City hir ed Mary McGrath Architects and Kitchell to design and oversee
development , respec tiv ely, of the Phase I esse nti a l fac iliti es, P lans for Fire Station 52 were
developed to include a relocation of paramedic se rvi ces from the Downtown Fire Statio n 51
(Medic 5 I). Plan de signs were developed with review and input from key Police and Fire
Department staff, the City Co uncil Essentia l Faci li ties Subcommittee and a working group that
in c lud es co mmunity stake hold ers ; and
WHEREAS , in Janua,y 20 16 , an Envir onm ental and Design Review Permit app li cation
was filed (EDI5-081) for redevelopment of t he Stat·ion 52 site . Thi s application wa s
acco mp a ni ed by an Except ion request (EX 16 -00 I) for the new training tower to exceed the City 's
36-foot building height limit [or this site ; and '
WHEREAS, during the Planning app li catio n review proces s, the C ity co nduc ted
sub stantial outreac h to the commun ity to present the plans and obtain feedback. The outreach,
whi ch included 8 public open house, working group me eti ngs and presentations to comlllunity
gro up s resu lt ed in refinements arid improvements to the project plan s; and
WHEREAS, on Febr uary 17,2016, consistent wit h the provisions of SRMC Chapter
14.25 (Env ironme nt a l and De s ign Review Permits), the De s ign Review Board conducted a public
meetin g to review the project plans. Following deliberation, the Design Review Board, on a 5-0
vote, recommended approva l of the project plans subj ect to a li st of recommended plan revisions ,
which have been incorporated into this resolution as co nditi ons of approval; and
WHEREAS , on April 12 ,20 16, the Planning Co mmi ss ion held a duly noticed public
heari ng to review and consider the Enviro nm enta l and De sign Review Permit (ED I 5-081) and
Exception (EX 16-00 I), and co nside red all ora l and writte n public testimony and the written
report of the Com munity Development Department; and
WHEREAS, the project has deemed to be exempt from enviro nmen tal ,·eview per
Ca liforn ia Environme ntal Qua li ty Act (CEQA) Guid elin es Sections 15302 (Replacement and
4/2/2016 I-I
Reco nstru c ti o n) a nd '15332 (Infill Deve lo pm e nt). No nethel ess, th e C ity commi ss io ned SUpp Olt
tec hni c al s tudi es to assess s pecifi c top ic a reas in c ludin g traffi c/c ir c ul at io n, haza rds a nd haza rd o us
ma te ri a ls, and geo logy/so il s. Copi es of t hese s uppo ltive tec hni ca l studi es are o n-fil e w ith th e
Co mmunity Develo pm ent De pa lt me nt ; a nd
WIlEREAS, th e c ustodian of docum e nts whi c h constit ute th e reco rd of proceed in gs
up o n w hi ch thi s decis io n is based , is th e Co mmuni ty Development De paltme n t.
NOW, TH EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE D, th at th e Pl annin g Commi ss ion a pp ro ved
En v ir o nm e nt a l and Des ig n Re view Perm it EDI 5-0 S I a nd Exce pti on EX 16-001 base d on th e
fo ll o win g findin gs:
F indin gs for Env ir o nm enta l a nd Des ign Rev iew Permit ED 15-0 81
l. As propose d and as co nditi o ned , the F ire Statio n 52 project, whi ch in cl udes a new fi re
s tat io n, fir e tr a inin g to w e r and fi re tra inin g cente r is in acco rd w it h th e Sa n Rafae l Ge ne ra l
P lan 2020 in t hat:
a. As pr o posed , th e int ens ity of th e proj ect (fl oo r a rea rati o of 0.57) is below and is
co ns iste nt with Ge ne ral Pla n P o li cy LU-9 (inte ns ity of Non-res id e nti al De ve lo pm e nt),
w hi c h se ts a 'floor a rea ratio limi t (FA R) of 1.0 fo r th e subj ect pro pe rty .
b. As pro pose d, th e s it e a nd s pace plannin g fo r thi s pr oject compl y wi t h Pol icy C D-IS
(La nd sca pin g), C D-2 1 (Pa rkin g Lo t La nd sca pin g) and I-S (Street T rees) in th at adequ ate
la nd sca pin g a nd tree cove r a re pro posed to pro mote and env ir o nm e nt that is co mp at ibl e
wi th t he s urro undin g ne ighb o rh oo d.
c. As pro posed, th e building d es ign is consiste nt w ith Po li cy N H-125 (Des ign Bl e nd ,
Montec it o/Happy V a ll ey ne ig hb o rh oo d). S pec ifica ll y, th e fac ili ty has bee n des igned t o be
co mp a tibl e w it h t he sca le of imp l'Ove me nts in t he ne ighbo rh oo d a nd th e di ve rse ly of
des ig n fo und in thi s area.
2. As pro posed a nd as co ndit io ned , th e pro pose d p roj ect is co ns iste nt w ith th e o bj ectives and th e
p rov is io ns of the Sa n Rafae l Zo nin g O rdin a nce (S R MC C hapter 14). Specific all y, th e
pro pose d publi c fac ility use is cons iste nt w ith t he P/Q P Di stri ct. Furth e r, th e projec t des ign
a nd layo ut mee t th e minimum require ment s se t fO lth in P/Q P D is tri ct in cludin g: I)
co mpli a nce w it h th e fl oo r a rea rati o (FAR) limit s; 2) lot coverage a nd se tb ac k stand ard s; an d
3) o ff-street parkin g. With th e except io n of t he he ig ht of th e tire tr a inin g towe r (5 0 fee t), th e
pr oj ect co mpli es w ith th e he ig ht limit of th e P/Q P D istri ct (36 feet). Excep ti o n findin gs
suppo rtin g th e addi t io na l building permit he ig ht fo r th e fi re trainin g towe r a re made be low.
3. As propose d and as cond iti oned , t he proj ect des ign is cons iste nt wi th a ll appli cabl e s ite,
arc hitec tu re a nd lan dsca pin g des ign cr it e ri a and g uid e lin es set fo rth in S RM C C hapter 14.25
(Envir o nm e nta l a nd Des ign Rev iew Pe rmits) f o r t he s ite in that:
a. T he s ite pl an is a p pro pri ate f o r th e s it e a nd in te nd ed use a nd is harm oni o us w ith th e
s urroundin g uses a nd imp rove me nt s.
b. T he proj ect prese nt s a co mp ete nt des ign whi c h has bee n pl 'e pared by a li ce nse d arc hitect
ski ll ed in des igning publ ic fac ili ty buildin gs. T he e ntrance to th e buildin g is we ll-
des igned a nd prese nt s a ce nt ral foc us fo r th e proj ect. Furt he r, th e c ur ve d buildin g fea tul 'e
at th e street co m er of 3'd/U ni o n Str ee ts crea tes inte res t a nd re inforces th e purpose o f t he
pro posed pub lic faci li ty use .
4/2/20 16 1-2
c. T he pr oject pro poses s ite access a nd circ ulati on that prom otes sa fe access for eme rgency
ve hi cles a nd app arat us without impairin g str eet c irc ulati o n. FUlther , the pr oj ec t pr oposes
amp le off-str ee t parkin g thu s reducing reliance o n street parking .
d . The proj ec t presents a n energy-efficient des ign and wi ll be required to co mply with th e
C ity 's G reen Bu ildin g Ordinance.
e. The proj ect is des igned to adequate ly accommodate sit e drain age and inc orp orates
me as ure s to filt er site run off.
4. As proposed and as co nditi o ned , th e proj ec t design and impr ove ment s wou ld not res ult in
adve rse env iro nm ental impact s in that:
a . At present, the proje ct s itc is fu ll y devel oped wi th s im ilar improv e ments and uses and the
proposed project is sub stant ially th e sa me in s ize and intens ity ; a nd
b. Whil e it has been determined th at th e project is Catego ric a ll y Exe mpt from the Ca lifornia
Environmental Qua li ty Act Guide lin es Sections 1530 2 (Rep lacement and Reco nstru ction)
and 15332 (Infi ll Deve lo pm ent), th e C ity took ca uti ous steps at co mmi ss ionin g technical
s upp ortiv e studi es in e nvironm ental topic areas of geo logy/so il s, baza rd s and ha za rd o us
material s, and traffic /cir culation to e nsur e th at poten tial environmental impa cts have been
addressed and mitigat.ed.
5. As prop ose d and as co nditi oned, the proj ect will not be detrim e ntal to the publi c health,
sa fety Or welfar e or mat eri a ll y injurious to pr opertie s or improvements in th e vicinity. As
noted above, th e project s it e is fu ll y deve lo ped with similar impr ove ment s and uses, which
hav e not been nor in th e ir ope rati ons are detrimental to th e hea lth , sa fety or we lfare of th e
co mmunity. In fact , th e pr oject would promote th e continuation of a n esse nti a l City facil ity ,
which is crit ica l to th e pr otec ti on o f publi c sa fety and heal th to th e co mmunity at large .
Findin gs for Exceptio n EX 16 -00 1
I . There are s pec ial and unu s ual circumstances, which warrant the approv al of the 50-foo t
buildin g he ight exce ption fo r the fir e training tower . First , th e propo sed trainin g tower would
"epl ace a n ex ist in g, 50 -fo ot-ta ll fire trainin g tower which ha s bee n at thi s s it e and in use for
the pa st 50 years . Therefore, thi s approval of an Exce pti on wou ld not se t a pr ece dent for
s imilar requests as th e excee ded he ight co nditi on alr ea dy ex ists o n th e subj ec t pr ope rty.
Seco nd , SR MC Section 14.24 .020.E, which sets fo.th the pr ov isio ns for granting an
Exce pt ion , recognizes that publi c and qua s i-publi c bui ldin gs and improvement s that are
ne cessa ry for hea lth and safe ty purp oses are uniqu e and thu s qu a lify for an exception to th e
buildin g height lim it s. La stl y, the natur e of the fir e training towe r use is unusual as it is o ne
of two towe rs of it s kind in Marin Co unty and th e Fir e Sta ti o n 52 tower is wid e ly use d by
oth e r Marin fir e departm ent s and di st ri cts; it s purpo se and need is critical for maint a in ing
co ntinu al tra inin g for firefi ght ers.
2. The granting of this Exce ption wou ld not be detrim ental or injuri ous to pr operty or
improvements in thi s area , of to th e health , safety or ge neral we lfare in that: a) the prop osed
tower wou ld repl ace an existing fire training to we r of simi lar height ; b) th e proposed trainin g
tower is s ited to prov ide adequate se tb acks and des igned to include adequate st ru ctural and
fire pr eventi on and pr ote ctiv e meas ur es to ensur e th e safety of firefighters in tr a inin g and
oth ers occ up ying the area . In fact , the retention and re plac e ment of th e fire tra inin g tower
wi ll facilitate the safety an d ge ner a l we lfare of til e Marin co mmunity by co ntinuin g to
pr ov id e a c ritical and esse ntial facility and use .
4/2/2 016 1-3
BE IT FURTHER R E So.LVED, th at th e Pl annin g Commi ss ion a pprov es
Envi ronm enta l and Des ign Rev iew Permit ED 15-08 1 a nd Exce pti o n EX 16-00 I s ubj ect to t he
foll ow in g co nditi o ns:
Enviro nm e nt a l a nd Dcs i n Revi e w Penni ED 15-8 1 Co nditi ons f rova l
Ge l/eral COllditiolls
I. The rebu ildin g of Fi re S tation 52 , training towe r and th e fir e train in g ce nter, in c ludin g s urfac e
pa rkin g and la nd scaping s ha ll be in s ub stantia l co nfo rm anc e w ith the preliminary plan s
pre pared by Mary McGrath Arc hitects (A pril 1,2 016 preparat io n d ate, date s tamp cd
approved Apr il 1,2 016) appmv ed with Des ig n Revi ew Permit ED 15-081. Minor
mod ifi catio ns to th e plans 0 1' rev is io ns to th e app roved proje ct s ha ll be s ubj ect to the revi ew
and app rova l of t he Co mmuni ty Deve lo pm e nt Departme nt, Plannin g D iv is io n. Plan
modifi ca ti o ns deemed not to be minor by the Communi ty Deve lo pment Director ma y require
review by t he Des ig n Rev iew Board a nd ap pmva l by the Plannin g Co mmis s io n .
2 . T hi s Envi ro nm e nta I and De s ign Rev iew Permit (ED 15-08 1) s ha ll be va I id tor two (2) year s
from th e date of Plannin g Co mmi ss io n ap prov a l 0 1' Apri l \2, 201 8, and s ha ll beco me null and
void unless a buildin g permi t is iss ued o r a time exten s ion has been g rante d .
Prio r to tlte /S.I'1l0IlCe of 0 Buildillg a/uVor Grat/ill g Permit
Co mmunity Deve lopment Depart me nt -Plan nin g Div is ion
3. Pl a ns s ubmi tted for a building permit s ha ll in c lud e a pl a n s heet, whi c h in corporates t he li s t of
the se ED 15-081 co nditi o ns of approva l.
4. A final land scape and irri ga ti on plan s ha ll be s ubmitted to Co mmunity Developm e nt
De paltm e nt for revi e w a nd a pprova l. Plannin g Division staff review of th e fi na l la nd scape
p lan sha ll be in co nsultati o n with th e land scape a rc hitect o f th e Des ign Revi ew Board. T he
fin a l land sca pe plan s ha ll addres s th e fo ll owing reco mm e nd atio ns of the Design Review
Board (February 17 ,2016 ):
a . Landscaped setback areas within th e site s ha ll be increa se d in s ize by redu c in g so mc of
th e permea bl e a re as t hat are plann ed lo r bio-swa les.
b. T he la nd sca pe se tback and fen c in g a lo ng the Uni o n Street trontage shall be adjusted so
t hat th e fe nc in g is setba c k f ro m t he s idewalk .
c . In stallati o n of street trees a lo ng th e Uni o n Street propelty fro ntage is re qui red . Street
trees sha ll be planted at inte rval s of 30 feet. T he pl ante d t ree size an d s pe c ies s ha ll be
selected by th e C ity Arb ori st (Parks Ma inte nan ce S up erinte nde nt). No street trees s hall
be in st a ll ed a lo ng th e 3"' S treet fr o nt age.
The final landscape a nd irri gation p lan s ha ll co mply w ith t he Mari n Muni c ipal Water Distri ct
(MMWD) water co nse rva ti on o rd in ance . Writte n verifi cation (letter/memo/e mail) s ha ll be
s ubmitt ed to the C ity confirmin g that th e fin a l pl an has been ap proved by MMWD.
5. T he fina l buildin g e leva tion s and s it e p lan s ha ll be revi ewed by t he Des ign Rev ie w Bo ard a nd
sha ll in co rp orate th e fo ll ow in g reco mmendati o ns of th e Boa rd (Fe bruary 17,20 16):
a . T he c urved buildin g e levation a t th e co rn e r of3,d/U ni o n Streets sha ll be revised to re du ce
U,C sc al e o f t he hard s u rface. T hi s ca n be accomp li s hed by in c reas in g the
glazin g/w indow area a lo ng thi s fro ntage and reduc in g the wa ll sign .
b . Th e "52" w a ll sig n alo ng th e Uni o n Stree t fro nt age sha ll be redu ced in s ize .
4/212016 1-4
6. Plan s submitt ed for a building permit shall in c lud e deta il ed ex teri o r li ghtin g plan and
photometric analys is. The detailed exterio r light in g plan shall be ap pr ove d by the Plannin g
Div is ion prior to iss uance of a buildin g permit. See co ndit io n below regard in g post-
insta ll ati on te sting .
7. Fin a l ex teri or building mat erial s and co lors sha ll be a ppr oved by th e Pl annin g Divi sio n.
8. All mec ha ni ca l equipm ent (i.e., a ir co nditi onin g unit s, meters and transfor mers) and
appUlt ena nces not entir ely enc lose d within the stru ct ur e (o n side of building or roof) sha ll be
sc ree ned from public view . The meth od used to acco mpli sh the sc ree nin g shall be indicated
o n th e building plans and approved by the Plannin g Divi sion. Mec hani call HVA C equipm ent
pl aced on t he rooftop shall be limi ted to placement on th e east wing of th e fir e sta tion
building, which is de s igned and a pproved wit h a parapet.
9. Plans submitted for bui lding pe rmi t shall in c lu de detail s fo r in sta ll ation or retrofitt in g o ne
e lectri c ve hi c le charg in g stati o n. T he char gin g area shall be located close to the buildin g a nd
shall be st ubb ed for future use.
Co mmuni ty Development Dcpartment -Bui lding Division
10. A det ail ed geotec hni ca l invest iga ti on shall be submitt ed with the building permit appli catio n.
The final plans pr epared for iss uance of a building permit shall comp ly with an d ad dress the
reColl1mended presented in Geotechnica l In ves ti gation. C ity of Sa n Rafael Fir e Station 52 ,
prepared by Mi ll er Pacific Engi neering Gro up ; January 25 , 2016.
I I . Final co nstru cti o n plan s submitt ed for iss uance ofa bu il din g pe l'mit sha ll be de signed to meet
the R-2/S-I/B Occ upan cy desi gnati ons, whi ch sha ll in c lud e but not be limit ed to th e
fo ll ow in g impr ove me nt s:
a. The bui ldin gs shall be equipp ed w ith a fir e sprinkler syste m.
b. A one-hour fir e se par at ion shall be prov id ed betwee n building noo rs.
c. Hard-wi red smoke a nd CIO alarms sha ll be in stalled .
l2. The parking lot sha ll be des igned to co mpl y with Title 24 access ibili ty requir e ment s. One
access ibl e parkin g space is required and sited at t he so uth end of the park in g lot for eac h
acces s to adm ini strati ve office areas .
13. Fin a l co nstru ction plan s submitt ed for iss uance of a building permit shall be de signe d to
incorporate green buildin g meas ures to comp ly with th e City's green buildin g ordina nce (Ca l-
Gree n).
Fire Department
l 4. A fire sprinkl er pl an shall be pr epar ed in co mpli ance with the ap pli cable NI'PA standard s
cover in g th e tire $tat.io n, training towel' alld c lass roo m facilitie s. The fire sprinkler plan shall
be submitt ed for Fire Depart ment app roval. The fir e sprink ler plan shall in c lud e exposed
double check valve asse mbli es. Review and approval of th e sp rinkl er sys tem by the Fir e
De partm e nt shall includ e th e fire a larm , whi ch is req uired to be co nn ec ted to an approved
UL-li ste d ce ntr a l reoeiv in g stati on.
l 5. MMWD app rova l ofU,e fire sprinkler plan de s ign and loca ti on of in sta ll ati o n shall be secu red
prior to Fir e Department a ppr ova l of the pl an.
4/2/2 016 1-5
16 . T he fir e a la rm and s moke/heat detect io n sys te m s ha ll be prov id ed in the t ra inin g c lassroom
an d s ha ll be eq uipped w it h a udib le pull sta tion eq uipm e nt as per app lic ab le NFPA sta nd a rds.
17 , T he final plan s s hall in c lud e a detail of the roadway "KEEP C LEAR" striping plan fronting
U,e driveway e ntrances.
18. T he Fir e Depa ltm ent s ha ll revi ew an d a pprove the building secur ity, video monito ring and
exterior li g htin g plan details .
19. Hydrants (if warra nted) sha ll be provide d and spec ifi ed on th e final plans. If hydrants al'ea
warra nted, C low Model 950 (@ 1,0 00 ga ll ons pel' minute) is required.
2 0. A ll t rai nin g c lassroom ex its s ha ll be eq uipp ed w ith panic ha rd ware and emel'ge nc y ex it
illumination , w hi ch sha ll be spec ifi ed o n the final plan s.
21. A ppropri ate permits/ap proval s fo r the above-gro und st o rage tank a nd d is penser syste m, as
well as the underground draftin g tank sha ll be obtai ned.
Pu b li c Works Department
22. T he project s ite is paltially located within a nd adjace nt to Spec ia l Flood hazard Zone AE w ith
a preliminary Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of 10 .0 feel. It is recommended that the fi na l
plan s s ubmitted for t he building permit provide construction with o ne-foot of freeboard above
the preliminary BFE . The minimum fre e board eq ua l to the predicted 30 year sett lement as
required pe l' SRMC Sectio n 18.50.0 I 0 ..
23. Plans s ubmi tted for a building permit s hall in c lud e detail s on the width of the s idewalk s a long
the two public street frontage s. S id ewa lk improvement s are required to accommodate a s ix-
foot width a long both street frontages.
24. A detailed gra din g plan s ha ll be prepared and s ubmitted with the ap pli catio n for a building
permit. A separate gradin g permit shall be secured from t he Pub l ic Works Department prior
to iss uance of a building permit.
25 . A detailed s ite drainage plan s ha ll be in c lud ed in the final p lan s ubmitted for a building
permit. The s ite drai nage plan sha ll include t he fo ll ow in g information :
a. Detail s on roof down spout ou tl ets, bio -retenti on ba s in inlets a nd their respective tributmy
b. Pre-development and post-development drainage runoff ca lcul atio ns.
c. Details o n th e apparatus washing ba s in area.
d. Detail s o n gray water disposal to comp ly w ith the MMWD gray water ord in a nce (see
conditi o ns be low ft 'o m MMWD).
26. Prepare and submit a sto rm wate r cont rol/eros ion contro l plan , whi c h complies with t he
MCSTOPPP requirements. The plan s hall include written d oc umentation and s tandard
specifications that are provided by the Co un ty of Ma l·in . T he standard s pec ifications ca n be
accessed at the Co un ty of Ma rin web s it e:
Hltp :l/wlYw .marin county.o rg /deptsl pw /divi sio ns/mcs to PIlP /de ve lopmell ll ne w-and -
re d e ve lopment-pro ject
27. Plan s s ubmitted to for a building a nd/o l' grading permit s ha ll in c lu de a spec ification s heet
address in g pollution prevention. A standa rd specifi cation s heet e nti tled, "Pollution
4/2/2016 1-6
Pr eve nti on -It's Part of t he P lan" is ava il ab le for thi s purp ose and can be accessed at
www .citvofsanrarael .org .
28 . The proje ct includes work w ithin the City of Sa n Rafae l publi c right-of-w ay. T he plans
submitt ed with th e buildin g pe rm,t sha ll show the loca ti o n a nd ty pe of utili ties within the
ri ght-o f-way and th e 'ti e-in " locatio ns for utilit y se rvi ce to the site. Pri or to any work within
the C ity fi ght -oF-way, an encroa chm ent pel'mit s ha ll be sec ur ed from the Publi c WOI 'ks
Depart ment.
Mar in Muni cipal Wa ter Di strict
29. Wat er se rvice is cur rentl y prov id ed to th e subj ec t pr operty ~nd ex isti ng fire statio n and
trainin g ce nt er. No new water co nn ect io ns li re requ ir ed for the proposed proj ect.
30. Shou ld a back fi ow prev enter/ba ck fi ow pr otec ti on be requir ed, impr ove ment s shall be
in stall ed subject to the rev iew and app rova l of MMWD .
3 1. Fin a l plan s submi tted for a buildin g permit sha ll co mpl y wit h MMWD Ordinan ce 429 , whi ch
in clud es th e requi re ment to in sta ll gray wate r rec yc lin g syste ms. Curr ent MMWD po li cy is
to 'require th at gray water from lau ndry fac iliti es be di sc harge d int o open land sca pe /bio-swa le
area s.
32. As noted under co nditi on #2 above , th e pr oj ec t must co mpl y with the MMWD wat er
co nservation ordin ance. Fin a l landscape and irri ga ti on plan s mu st be submitted to a nd
revi ewed by MMWD for wate r co nse rvat ion co mplian ce pri or to iss uance of a buildin g
San Rafael Sa nit atio n Di strict
33 . The pr oj ec t pr opon ent shall comp ly with all appl icable re g ul ations of th e, San Rafa el Sa nitary
Dist ri ct.
34 . The proj ect will be subject to app l icab le fees for sewe r co nn ection . Sewer co nn ec tion fees
wiil be required and determin ed pri or to sewer co nn ec ti on wo rk . Fees will be ca lculated and
ba se d o n fixture co unt, with credit giv en to th e ex ist in g fixture co unt. Based on the
info rmati on pr esen ted in th e foll ow in g tabl e tota l co nn ec t io n fees a re est im ated at $21 ,327 .88
(San Rafae l Sa nitati on Distric t = $7 ,872.46 and CMSA = $13,455.42):
Description I Cre dit for Existine Fix tur es I No. of New Fixtures
I No . t Fidurc Units I No. I Fixt ure Units
First Floor
Water Closet 3 2 6
Ur in al 2 2 4
Lavatory, sin gle I 2 2
Medica l sink 6 I 6
Janit or sink 3 I 3
Wor ks hop si nk 2 I 2
Seco nd Floor
Laundr y 2 I 2
Di shwas her 2 I 2
Lavatory si nk I 3 3
Showers 2 3 6
Kit che n sin k 2 I 2
Tota l Fixt ur e Units 38
4/2/20 16 1-7
Pacific Gas & Elect ri c Company
35. Electric and gas se rvi ce to this development will be provided in accordance w ith the
app li cab le ex ten s ion rules, cop ies of which are ava il ab le by telephoning o ur Service Planning
office at o ur San Rafael Service Enter at 4 15-257-343 I. PG&E staff encourages that they be
contacted as early as pos s ible ~o that th ere is adequate time for PG&B to e ngin eer a nd
sc hedu le any nece ssa ry work ofthe developm e nt.
36 . The cost of any relocation of ex istin g PG&E facil itie s 0 1' conv e rs ion of exi stin g overhead
faci liti es to und ergrolln<,i nec ess itated by t hi s project \V ill be the res ponsibility of t he
re ques ter.
37. Prior to the start of excavation or construction, it is required that the contactor call
Unde rground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-227 -2 600 to hav e the location of any existing
und e rground facilities marked in the field .
During Constrllction
Co mmuniI\' Development Departm ent
38. Contractor Contact Information Po sting : prior to the issuance of building permits, the project
s ite s hall be po sted with the name and contact number of the lead contractor in a location
visible from the public street.
39. Co ns truction Hou rs: Construction hour s s ha ll be limited as specified by Municipal Cod e
Section 8.13.050 .A whi ch are 7:00 a.m . to 6:00 p.m ., Monday through Friday a nd Saturday
fr o m 9 :00 a .m, to 6:00 p.m. CO l1 structiOI1 s hall not be permitted on Sundays or C ity -ob serve d
hol ida ys. Co ns truction ac!ivitie s s ha ll in c lud e deliv e ry of mate rial s, arl'ival o f co nstruction
workers , start-up of constru ct io n equ ipmen t en gi nes, playing of radio s a nd other noises
caused by equip ment and/or constructi o n workers arr iving at or on the site.
40. T he project s pons or s ha ll prepare and submit a constr uction mana ge me nt plan to implement
th e following dust control mea s ures durin g projec t constructi o n:
a. Wate r all active co ns truction areas as necessary.
b. Cover a ll tru cks hauling so il , sa nd , and othe r lo ose material s or require all truck s to
maintain at leas t two feet o f freeboard .
c. S wee p daily (with water sweepers) a ll pav ed access road s, parking Areas and stagi ng
areas at construction s it es.
d . Sweep streets daily (w ith wate r sweepers) iF vi s ibl e so il materia l is can'ied o nto adjacent
public streets.
e . Illsta ll sa ndbags or other eros ion contro l measures to preve nt s ilt runoff to public
roadway s.
f. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as pos sible
g . In s tal.! wh eel was hers for all exiting truck s, or wa s h off the tires or track s of all trucks and
equipment leavi ng the site.
h . In stal.! wind breaks, or plant trees/vegetative w ind breaks at windward side(s) o f
construction areas.
Fire Department
4 1. Red curbi ng and "No Parkin g" s ign s s ha ll be installed alon g t he fi re station ti ·o ntage.
4/2/2 016 \-8
42. The EMTRAC signa l equipment shall be installed /provided and the 3'd and Union Street
intersection .
43. The contract with UL-Iisted receiving station for sprinkler flow and fire a larm systems shall
be ratified .
44. All on-site emp loyee safety and site sec urity mea sure s shall be in-p lace .
Prior 10 Occllpallcy
Co mmunity Development Department -Planning Division
45. All landscaping and irrigation , as well as exterior lighting shall be in sta ll ed and ready for
in spection prior to a reque st for final inspection and building occupancy by the Planning
Division .
46. All landscap in g and irri gat io n mu st be approved by MMWD prior to City approval .
Verificat ion of MMWD approva l sha ll be submitted to the City.
Co mmunity Deve lopment Department -Building Division
47. T he project contractor is responsible for requestin g and sc hed uling the fina l inspection lor
occupancy with a ll in specting City departments and utility se .vices prior to a final in Spection
by the Building Division.
48. Prior to iss uance of occupa ncy permits , the project Spo nsor shall sub mi t as-b uilt plans to th e
Building Division and the Depa.tment of Publ ic Works .
Fire Departme nt
49 . The fire sprinkler syste m shall be te sted to ensure the operat ion of the audib le bell and
co nn ection with the off-site receiving stat ion.
50. All Are alarm , smoke , C/O and heat detecting equ ipment sha ll be te sted and conllectio n to the
a.larm company sha ll be confirmed.
51. All roadway striping shall be insta ll ed and the operability of Ule EMTRA C sys tem sha ll be
52 . Yard hydrants (if installed ) shall be inspected tor flow .
53. T he Ana l in s pection sha ll include approva l of the drafting tank , fue l storage and dispensing
54. The Anal inspection sha ll con Ann that the building security system is installed and
fu nctioning.
P()sl CmlslrllCli()1I
Co mmunity Development Department -Planning Division
55. Fo ll owing the issuance of a ce.t ific ate of occupa ncy , all exterio .· lighting sha ll be subj ect to a
90-day I ightin g level review by the Police Departme nt and Planning Division to ensure
compatibi lity with the surrounding area.
4/2/20 16 1-9
56 . All land sca pin g sha ll be main ta in ed in a hea lU1 Y and th rivi ng co ndition, fr ee of wee ds a nd
debri s. Any dyin g or dea d land sca pin g shall bc rep lace d in a tim e ly fas hio n.
Excep ti on EX 16-00 1 Co nditi ons of App rova l
I . The Exce pt ion to the Cit y's bui ldin g he ight limit s is appr oved fo r th e fi re tra inin g tower onl y,
whi ch is 50 feet. Any min or modifi ca ti ons to th e spec ifi c he ig ht of th e tower shall be
a ppr oved by th e Co mmunity De velopm ent Direc tor. No ot her use or fun cti on is per mi tted fo r
tJli s towe r stru ct ur e.
The forego in g reso lut io n ;vas at th e reg ul ar City of Sa n Rafae l Pl annin g Co mmi ss ion meet in g
held on the 12t h day of April 201 6.
Move d by Co mm is Sione r _____ and seco nd ed by Co mm iss io ner ______ .
Pa ul A. Jense n, Sec retary Mar k Lub amersky, Cha irm an
W:/ .. 12 103rdSt.PC re ,"_r;D I5 081
4/2/201 6 1-10
LU-9. Intensity of Nonresidential Developme n t. Co nsistent.
Commercial and industrial areas have been assigned floor The subject site is de signated as Public/Quasi-Public, whicb allows a maximum FAR of 1.0. The project
area ratios (FAR's) to identify appropriate intensities (see proposes an FAR of 0.57.
Exhibits 4, 5 and 6). Maximum allowable FAR's are not
guaranteed, pani.cularly in environmentally sensitive areas.
Intensity of commercial and industrial development on any
site shall respond to the following factors: site resources
and constraints, traffic and access, pOlentially hazardons
conditions, adequacy of infrastructure, and Ci ty design
LU-H. Building Heights. Citywide beight limits in San Consistent.
Rafael are described in Exhibits 7 and 8. For Downtown According to General Plan Exhibit 7 (Building Heighls Limits for Central San Rafael), the maximum
beight lim its see Exhibit 9: beight limit for this property is 36 feel. Tbe project is designed to comply with this beight limit with tbe
exception of the fire training tower. The fire training tower is proposed to be 50 feet in heighl but qualifies
for an Exception to the height limit because of its public health and safety use.
LU-14. Land Use Compatibility. Design new Consis tent.
development in mixed residential and commercial areas to While contemporary and unique in design, the project is compatible with the scale and design of
minimize potential nuisance effects and to enhance their improvements in the s urrounding ne ighborhood.
LU-23. Land Use Map and Categories. Land use Consistent.
categories are generalized groupings of land uses and Iitles This sile designated with the "Public/Quasi-Public" land use category. This category defines allowable
that define a predominant land use type (See Exhibit II). land uses to include essential public safety facilities.
All proposed projects must mee t density and FAR
standards (See Exhibits 4 , 5 and 6) for that type of us .. and
other applicable development stan dards. Some listed uses
are conditional uses in the zoning ordinance and may be
allowed only in limited areas or under limi ted
circumstances. Maintain a Land Use Map thaI i1lustrales
the distribution and location ofland uses as envisioned by
General Plan policies. (See Exhibit II).
Tile #: ED 15-081 & EX 16-00 I
PAGE: 2-1
NH-S. Parking. Maintain well·landscaped parking lots Cons ist ent.
and fro nt setbacks in commercial and institutional The project proposes ample off-street parking for the proposed use, which is designed to include landscape
properties that are located in o r adjacent to res idential setbacks for screening.
neighborhoods . Promote ways to encourage parking
opportunities that are consistent with the design guidelines.
NH-125. Design Blend. Continue to provide a b lend of Consistent.
architecture sty les in the MontecitoiHappy Valley As noted above, while contemporary and unique in design, the project is compatible with the scale and
Neighborhood compatible with and retaining the character design of improvements in the surrounding neighborhood .
of attractive older buildings. Newer buildings shoul d be
well designed, blend well with the existing homes and
provide a-"pedestrian friendly" street fro nt.
NB-12S. Sidewalk lmprovements. Provide sidewalks that Consistent.
are safe and attractive to walk a long. The project is designed to maintain and enhance the public sidewalk along the Union and 3'" Street
frontages. Street trees are recommended for the Un ion Street frontage consistent with City policy. Given
the limited width of the sidewalk al ong 3'" Street and heavy pedestrian use from the San Rafael High
School and important connection to Montecito Shopping Center, no street trees are recommended along
CD-I. City Image. Reinforce the City's positive and Consis tent.
distinctive image by recognizing the natural features The project has been designed to present a unique image that is appropriate for its purpose. With des ign
of the City, protecting historic resources ~ and by modifications, the design has been well received by the Design Review Board and the community.
strengthening the positive qualities of the City's focal
points, gateways, corridors and neighborhoods.
CD-2. Neighborhood Identity. Recognize and promote the Consistent.
uniqu e cbaracter and in tegrity of the c ity's residential As noted above, while the project design is contemporary and unique, it does not conflict with the
neighborhoods and Downtown_ Strengthen the "bometown" character of the surrounding neighborhood.
image of San Rafael by;
• Maintaining the urban, historic, and pedestrian
character of the Downtown;
• Preserving and enhanc ing the scale and
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PAGE: 2·2
landscaped chameler of the City's residential
• Improving tbe appeamnce and function of
commercial areas; and
• Allowing limi ted _ commercial uses in resi dentiaJ
neighborhoods that serve local residents and
create neighborhood-ga tbering p laces.
CD-3. Neigbborhoods. Recognize, preserve and enhance Consistent
the positive qualities that give neighborhoods their unjque As noted above, while the project design is contemporary and unique. It does not conflict with nor does it
identities, while also allowing flexibility fo r innovative detract from tbe chamcter of th e surrounding ne ighborbood.
design. Develop programs to encourage and respec t the
CQntex1. and scale of existing neig,hborhood s.
CD-IO (Non-Residential Design Guidelines). Recognize , Co nsistent with conditions
preserve and enhance the design elements that contribute As part of the General Plan 2020, the C ity adopted residential des ign guidelines for non -residential
to the economic vitality of commercial areas . Develop projects. The Design Review Board reviewed the proposed project for consis t ency with the City's non-
design guidelines to ensure that new Donresidentialand residential guidelines and recommended approval of the project wi th some design cbanges.
mixed-use development fit s within and improves the
immediate neigbborbood an d the conununity as a wbole .
C D-IS. Participation in Project Rev iew. P rovide for Consistent.
pubJic involvement in the review of new development, This projectbas been subject to extensive conmlUnity o utreach including a public open bouse he ld to
renovation s, and public projects with the following: a) present the design plans . A working group that inclu d es community members, as weU as representative s
design guidelines and other in formation relevant to the from the Design Review Board and Planning Commission participated in the formulatio n of the project
project as described in the Conununity Design E lement design. As required by City code, n otices of public hearings were mailed to all property owners,
that would be used by residents, designers, project neighborhood groups and interested parties within 500 o ftbe project site informing them ofth e proposed
developers, City staff, and City decision makers; b ) project and all public meetings prior to both pub li c meetings (prior to this Planning Conunission meeting)
distribution of the procedures of the development process conducted for this project. [n a ddition , the site was posted with notice of all public meetings on this
that include the following: submittal information, timelines proposed project.
for public review, and public notice requiremen ts; c)
s tandardized thresbolds that state wben design review of
projects is required (e .g. residential conversions, second-
story additio ns); and d) effective public participation in the
review process.
CD-IS. Landscaping. Recognize the unique contribution Cons istenJ with conditions.
provided by landscaping, and make it a significant A lan dscape plan is proposed as part of the proj ect improvements. This landscape plan was reviewed by
component of all site design. the Design Review Board and found to he acceptable, with some design modification s. The
File #: EDI5-081 & EXJ 6-00 I
PAGE: 2-3
recommendations of the Board have heen included in the design plans presented for Planning Commission
CD-19. Lighti n g. Allow adequate s ite lighting for safety Consistent with conditions.
purposes while controUing excessive light spillover and An exterior lighting plan is proposed as part of the project improvements. This plan was reviewed by the
glare. Design Review Board and found to be acceptable, with some modifications. A final lighting plan is
recommended as a condition of approval, which includes a requirement for a post-installation review to
review and adjust lighting intensity, if warranted.
CD-21. Parking Lot Landscaping. Provide parking lo t C ons isrent with conditions.
landscap ing to control beat build·up from pavement, See comments under Policy CD-18. 10 addition, the project plans include areas fO r bio-retention to filter
reduce air pollution, provide shade cover for vehicles and site. runoff.
soften the appearance of the parking lot. Empbasize the
use of trees, and limit the height of shrub plantings so as to
avoid creating s ecurity problems.
C-4. Safe Roadway Design. Design of roadways should Consist ent,
be safe and convenient for motor vehicles, trans it, bicycles All access to the project is provided via U nion Street Two driveways are proposed to replace the exi sting
and pedestrians. Place highest priority on safety. 10 order driveway s . The access points were studied by the City Engineer to determine and address the best means
to maximize safety and multimodal mobility, the City to minimize street congestion and maximize safety.
Council may determine that an intersection is exempt from
the applicable intersection level of s ervice standard where
it is detennined that a circulation impr ovement is needed
for public safety considerations, including bicycle and
pedestrian safety, andlor transit use improvements.
C -S. T r affic Level or Service Standa rds . Consistent
A. Intersection LOS. 10 order to ensure an effective The traffic analysis for this new project identifies that tbe project would not impact level of service at the
roadway network, maintain adequate traffic levels local intersections, particularly the 3"iUnion Street intersection. As the project site is presently developed
of service (LOS) consistent with standards for with a fire station and training tower, the next increase in AM and PM peak hour trips is negligible and
signalized intersections in the A .M . and P.M . would not impact current LOS conditions at the intersections.
peak hours as sbown below, except as provided
for under (B) Arterial LOS.
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1-5. Public [nyolyement. To the extent appropriate, Consistent.
continue to encourage public participation in the See Policy CD-15 above. This project was s ubject to extensive community outreach, which included a
conceptual design and funding of major City building hosted open bouse to present the design plans.
projects, such as public buildings and landscaping.
I-Sa. Design Review. Involve the community in
the planning and design of major public facilities .
As public improvements, City projects are subject
to the ap pr opriate level of design review.
1-8. Street Trees. Create street tree planting and Consistent with conditions.
mai ntenance programs and encourage the use of large Street tree in sta lJation is recommended along the Union Street frontage. Given the limited sidewalk width
canopy trees where appropriate in order to control along 3 '" Street and the heavy pedestrian use by San Rafael High School students, the Des ign Review
temperature , improve air quality , control wind , define Board recommended that street trees not be installed along this frontage.
neighborhoods, and improve street appearance.
I-Sb. Street Trees for New Deyelopment.
Require street trees at frequent spacing in aU new
deyelopments and property upgrades, and
con si der mitigation for tree removal by planting
street trees in locatio ns other than the project site.
G -S. City and Community Communication. Emphasize Consistent.
effective communication between City H a ll and the See Policy C-J5 above . The proje ct was subject to extensive community outreacb , which included a
community-at-Iarge. Inyolye stakeholders in City projects hosted open house to present the design plans.
as early as possible.
G -9. Advisory Committees_ Use appointed boards, task Consistent.
force s, commissions , and other advisory and ad hoc A working group that includ es community members , as well as representatives from the Des ign Review
committees to assist City staff and the C ity Council in Board and Planning Commission participated in the fonnulatioD of the project design.
deci sion-makin g proce ss es .
5-2. Location of Public Improyements. AYoid locating Consist ent.
public improvements and utilities in areas with identified As part of the San Rafael Essential Facilities Strategic Plan process, it was determined that subject site
flood, geologic and/or soil hazards to avoid any provides an optimum location for a fire company and paramedic unit The site is centrally-located to
extraordinary maintenance and operating expenses . When accommodate emergency services respon se time. While near the FEMA flood hazard zone, the site is not
the location of public improvements and utilities in s uch located withm thi s zone or other geologic hazards zones.
areas cannot be avoi ded , effective mitigation measures will
be implemented .
Fi le #: ED I 5-081 & EX 16-00 I
5-4. Geotechnical Review. Continue to require Consistent with conditions
geotechnical investigations for development proposals as A Geotechnical Investigation Report was prepared by Miller Pacific Engineering Group, which is on·file
set forth in the City'S Geotechnical Review Matrix with the City.
(Appendix F). Such studies sbould determine the actual
extent of geotechnical hazards , op timum design for
structures , the advisability of spec ial structura l
requirements, and the feas ib ility and desirability of a
proposed facility in a specified location.
S-6. Seismic Safety of New Buildings. Design and Consistent
construct aU new buildings 10 re sist stresses produced by The proposed project would entail all new construction and would be b uilt in accordance with the most
earthquakes . The minimum level of seismic design shall be current building and seismic codes as required by the C ity 's Municipal Code.
in accordance with the most recently adopted building
code as required by State law.
S-26. Fire and Police Services. Maintain adequate cost-Consistent with conditions
effective fire protection , paramedic and police services . The City of San Rafael Police and Fire Departments bave both reviewed the proposed project and certain
Minimize increases in service needs from new condition s of approval to ensure that the new development would compJy with their regulations and
development through continued tire p revention and standards. The Fire Department has found that the project would comply with all Fire Codes and tbeir
community policing programs . recommended conditions of approval bave been incorporated . The Crime Prevention officer of the Police
Department has also revi ewed the proposed project and found that the use and structure would be
consistent with their crime prevention standards .
S-28 . Paramedic Services. Continue to seek adequate and Cons istent.
cost~effective ways to provide accessible and reasonable See Policy S~2 above. The San Rafae l Essential Facilities Strategic Plan assessed sites for paramedic
emergency medicaJ services. services and it was determined that Medic 5 I, which now operates from Downtown Fire Station 51 should
be located at the s ubi ect s ite to provide for better and more efficient se rviCe to the community.
SO-Sa. Green Building Regulations. Require ne w Consistent with conditions.
construction and remodel projects to comply with adopted The project design team is studying ways to comply with the City's Green Building regulations (Cal·
green building regulations. Green). A condition of approval is recommended to ensure code compliance.
SU-5c. Water Efficiency Programs. Develop and Consistent with conditions.
implement water efficiency and conservation programs to The project is subject to and will be required to comply with MMWD Water Conservation Ordinance 429,
achieve a 30% reduction in water use by 2020, including which includes water-efficient lands caping and gra y water measures.
water efficient landscape regulations , PACE financin a ,
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PAGE: 2-6
water audits, upgrades upon resale, and education and
SU-6. New and Existing Trees. Plant new and retain Consistent with conditions.
existing trees to maxim ize energy conservation and carbon Street tree and parking lot tree planting are included in the landscape plan and are requked as a condition
sequestration benefits. of approval.
A W-7. Local, State a nd Federal Standards. Continue to Co nsis tent with conditions.
compl y with local , state and federal standards for water The project would be required to comply with the City's Stormwater Pollution Prevention standards
quality . (MCSTOPPP). The proposed plan is designed to be consistent with the stormwater pollution standards by
treating storm water runoff on-site in landscape areas or through an on-site ftltration area before it enters
into the s torm drain sys tem.
AW-S. Reduce PoUution from Ur ban Runoff. Address Consistent
non -point source pollution and protect receiving waters See Policy AW-7 above. Furthermore, as a standard building permit condition of approval, the proposed
from pollutants discharged to the storm drain system by project would implement a storm water pollution and prevention plan (SWPPP) and B est Management
requiring Best Management Practices qUality . Practices to minimize impacts 00 wa ter quality and non-point source pollution discharge into the storm
• Support alternat ives to impervious surfaces in water system .
new development, redevelopment or public
improvement projects to reduce urban runoff in to
storm drain system, creeks and the Bay.
• Require that s ite designs work. with the natural
topography and drainages to th e ext ent practicable
to reduce the amount of grading necessary and
l imit disturbance to natural water bodies and
natural drainage systems.
• Where feasible , use vegetation to absorb and filter
fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants.
Pi le #: EDI5-081 & EX16-0 0 1
PAGE: 2-7
STA1 ~ON 52
DATE : January 21,~016
MARl' MeG. AllH ..
PROJE CT : Replacement Fire Station No. 52, Fire T~aining Tower and Training
Cla ssroom for the City of Sa n Rafael
The City proposes to replace the ex isting Fire Stat ion No. 52, the Fire Department's
Training Tower and Trai ni ng Classroom at its existing site. The existing site is address 210
3" Street. It is at the corner of 3" Street and Union Street in the Montecito
Neighborhood of San Rafael. Th e exist in g site is approxim ately 26,997 Sq . Ft.
The proposed 10,864 SF, two-story fire station wi ll hou se five on -duty fire fighters in a 24-
hour shift. Three on -duty firefighters are assigned to the existing station.' Medic 51,
currently lo cated at the downtown Stat ion 51 wil l be relocated to this station to im prove
medical response times to t he City core. This w ill increase o n-duty staffing at this location
from three to five. The sh ift duty is a 48 -hour schedule resulting in .a shift change every
other day. 10 on -site parking spaces are provided to accommodate this shift chahge .
The core fac iliti es of the station (ki tc hen, dining, dayroom, restrooms, fitness room and
apparatus support spaces ) have been designed to accommodate six on -duty personnel in
the event t hat additiona l staffing wou ld be required to serve this location and to allow for
staff training .
The Fire Station Includ es the following elements:
• Three drive -through apparatus bays;
• Apparat us support spaces including a workshop, medical storage and clean -up
room, turnout sto ra ge and re lat ed janitor facilities;
• South Area Medical Supp ly Cache
• Public lobby, acc ess ible restroom and station office;
• Kitc hen, dining, dayroom and laundry room;
• Private sleep i ng quarters with unisex restrooms;
• And, me chanical, elect ric al, communications rooms .
A second building on t he site is a new four-sto ry t ra in in g tower to replace fhe existing
four-s tory tower being demolished. The 3,322 SF pre -e ngineered building is located at
the south/east corner of the site and provides a variety of tra inin g scenario opportunities
for the City of San Rafael Fire Department and other adjacent f ire departments. In
add ition to providing training props, tbe tower houses the South Area Task Force
Breathing Air Supp ly and storage room s. The tall est portion of the tower is 46' which
STAllON 52
approxi!11ates the height of the ex isting tower,
. . . . .. ",
The third' building on the site is a replacement tra inin g cla ssroom of 1,205 SF, This
building is located at the South/West corner of the site and provides a training classroom
for 24 personnel : It is supported by a r est room, office and storage room. A van a'ccessib le
qisabled parking space is directly ad jacent to this building. This facility supports t he Fire
. Departments Fire Training Academy and will be utilized in the eveni ng for CERT meetings,
CPR classes and other Fire Prevention functions . This facility is also availab le to other City
Departments for training classes ,
There are two site options provided for the project. Option 2 indicates ,access through
property own'ed by the School District. The City is currently in n egotia tion s for the use 'of
this project, If they are not ab le to develop an agreement, Option 1 will be implemented.
In either option, the existing paving, lighting and buildings on the site w ill be demolished
and the site will be fully redeveloped with concrete and aspha lt paving, site li ghting,
landscap in g, secu rity wa ll s, fencing and gates . A grave l training area is provided on two
sides of the training tower and sand/o il separators are placed behind the apparatus bay
and near the train ing area for vehic le wash down and training water flow . Lan dscape
areas w ill be ut ilized as bio -rete ntion basins. A parking area w ith 12 p'ark i ng spaces
inc ludin g two van accessible parking spaces and lo ading zones is lo cat ed on -site . There . is
an acc essib le route to the station and classroom entrances from the parking spaces and
t he sidewa lk. The project landscaping i s designed to fo llo w the City's I,andscape design
requirements for drought tolerant plant se lect ion and low flow irrigation systems. Plant
se l ect ion ' will be suitab le to bio -retention basins. 'Additional site improvements include a
replacement above grade fueling system, emergency ge nera'tor and replacement below-
grade drafting pit.
'Off-site impro vements includ e access aprons and sidewa lk replacement. A "Keep Clear"
zone w.iII be stripped in front of the main entrance along Union Street. Modification s to
the traffic signa l at the corner of 3'd St . and Union St . will be comp leted to allow the fire
department to cont rol the signal during a resp,onse sequence . Oth er miscellaneous off-
site imp rovements adjacent to the project will be completed as a part o~ the work .