HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2016-03-15 Agenda Packet AGENDA
TUESDAY, March 15, 2016, 7:00 P.M.
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1. Minutes, February 23, 2016
2. 104 Windward Way (Toyota of Marin) – Request for Environmental and Design Review
Permit and Use Permit to allow Toyota of Marin to store 130-140 vehicles on a 43,150 square foot portion of the
existing 99,800 square foot vacant lot on the east side of Windward Way. No structures are proposed on site. The
site would be secured with an 8’ high perimeter cyclone fence and screened with 5 new trees and a variety of
smaller shrubs. Also proposed are 7 light fixtures (25 feet in height) distributed within the project site. The project
proposes to lease the lot for 5 years; APN: 009-330-01; Multi-Family Medium Density Residential (MR2) Zoning
District; Mike Christian, Toyota of Marin, applicant; Universal Portfolio, Ltd, owner. Project Planner: Caron Parker
I. Next Meeting: March 29, 2016
II. I, Anne Derrick, hereby certify that on Friday, March 11, 2016, I posted a notice of the March 15, 2016
Planning Commission meeting on the City of San Rafael Agenda Board.
Regular Meeting
San Rafael Planning Commission Minutes
For a complete video of this meeting, go to http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings
Present: Barrett Schaefer
Mark Lubamersky
Gerald Belletto
Berenice Davidson
Larry Paul
Absent: Viktoriya Wise
Jack Robertson
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager
1. Minutes, February 9, 2016
Gerald Belletto moved and Barrett Schaefer seconded to approve Minutes as presented. The vote is as
AYES: Barrett Schaefer, Mark Lubamersky, Gerald Belletto, Berenice Davidson, Larry Paul
NOES: None
ABSENT: Viktoriya Wise, Jack Robertson
2. 39 Harcourt Street (Denning Garage Variance) – Request for a Variance to convert the
existing two car garage to a one car garage and increase living space; APN: 010-185-02;
R5 Zone; Jeff Kroot, Applicant; Judy Denning, Owner; Case Number: V15-005, ED16-010.
Project Planner: Alan Montes (Continued from Planning Commission meeting of February
9, 2016) Project Planner: Alan Montes
Staff Report
Gerald Belletto moved and Berenice Davidson seconded to adopt resolution approving project. The vote
is as follows:
AYES: Barrett Schaefer, Mark Lubamersky, Gerald Belletto, Berenice Davidson, Larry Paul
NOES: None
ABSENT: Viktoriya Wise, Jack Robertson
3. EIR Scoping Meeting for 930 Tamalpais Avenue (aka, Whistlestop’s Mission Plaza
Project)The Application for this project was recently placed on hold by the Applicant.
Therefore, the Hearing will NOT occur tonight and will be continued to a date uncertain.
Project Planner: Kraig Tambornini
Memos by Planner and Whistlestop
ANNE DERRICK, Administrative Assistant III
APPROVED THIS_____DAY____OF_______, 2016
Mark Lubamersky, Chair
Community Development Department – Planning Division
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184
Meeting Date: March 15, 2016
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
Project Planner:
Caron Parker (415) 485-3094
SUBJECT: 104 Windward Way (Toyota of Marin) – Request for Environmental and Design Review
Permit and Use Permit to allow Toyota of Marin to store 130-140 vehicles on a 43,150
sq. ft. portion of the existing 99,800 sq.ft. (2.29 acre) vacant lot on the east side of
Windward Way. No structures are proposed on site. The site would be secured with an
8’ high perimeter cyclone fence and screened with 5 new trees and a variety of smaller
shrubs. Also proposed are 7 light fixtures (20 ft. in height) distributed within the project
site. The project proposes to lease the lot for 5 years; APN: 009-330-01; Multi-Family
Medium Density Residential (MR2) Zoning District; Mike Christian, Toyota of Marin,
applicant; Universal Portfolio, Ltd, owner.
The project site consists of a large 99,800 sq. ft. (2.29 acre) parcel located on the east side of Windward
Way, about 200 feet south of Bellam Blvd. A portion of this site (43,150 sq. ft.) is proposed to be used by
Toyota of Marin for vehicle storage of between 130-140 vehicles (see Plan Sheet A1W). The 43,150 sq.
ft. project site will be covered with gravel, except for a paved hammerhead section at the driveway
entrance. There would also be seven (7) light poles on site at a height of 20 feet. The site would also
have security cameras mounted on the light fixtures. In terms of design, the site will be enclosed with an
8’ high perimeter cyclone fence and landscaped along all sides to screen the site. Toyota of Marin is
proposing to lease the site for 5 years.
The project site is located in an MR-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zoning District and requires
Planning Commission level Use Permit approval for the proposed use of the site as a parking lot,
pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 14.04.020. The project was reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB)
on February 17, 2016. The DRB voted unanimously to recommend that the project be approved with
modifications agreed to as consensus. Details of the Board’s review are presented on Page 8 of this
staff report.
Overall, staff is supportive of the proposed project with certain conditions of approval. However, staff has
determined that further analysis of the following General Plan 2020 policies may be warranted based on
the DRB’s review and comments:
General Plan Policy CD-19 (Lighting): There are a total of seven (7) lights distributed throughout the lot.
At the DRB meeting, questions were raised about potential impact of the new lights for off-site glare and
potential impacts to wildlife. The applicant has submitted a Biological Constraints Report that includes
mitigation measures to address potential impacts to wildlife in the vicinity (see further discussion in the
General Plan consistency analysis section on Page 4 of this staff report. The applicant has revised the
plans since the DRB meeting to lower the light standards from 25 ft. to 20 ft. tall; however, they did not
address the lighting level, which have now become slightly higher due to the lower height of the light
standards. Therefore, the Commission should review the lighting levels to determine if they are adequate
or excessive. Staff notes that the lighting on site will be subject to a post-installation 90-day lighting
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving the use of 43,150 sq. ft.
of the 2.29 acre site for the temporary car storage of 130-140 Toyota of Marin vehicles. (see Exhibit 1:
Draft Resolution)
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Medium Density Residential
(6.5-15 units/acre)
MR2 (Multifamily
OS (Open Space) PD1562 (Planned
South: LI/O LI/O Commercial
East: P (Park) P/OS Vacant
West: LI/O (Light Industrial/Office) GC (General
Site Description/Setting:
The proposed project site is a vacant 99,800 sq. ft. (2.29 acre) lot located on the east side of Windward
Way (see Exhibit 2- Project Vicinity Map). The project site sits near the end of a cul-de-sac at the
terminus of Windward Way. Land uses adjacent to the project are vacant land and commercial
businesses. To the north of the project site there are the residentially developed properties of Baypoint
Lagoon, Spinnaker Point and the Rafael Bay Townhomes. Ecology House, a residential complex that
provides rental housing for persons “disabled by chemical sensitivities and intolerance” is located at the
northwest corner of Bellam and Catalina Boulevard (375 Catalina Blvd), over 300 feet away from the
area of the parcel proposed for vehicle storage.
The project site is a vacant lot, but in past years, various planning entitlements and building permits have
been granted to allow a wireless telecommunication facility to be installed on the existing PG&E
transmission tower on the project site. In addition, there is associated equipment at the base of the
tower ground supporting the wireless facility. No other development has been approved on site.
Toyota of Marin is proposing to use 43,150 sq. ft. of the 2.29 acre parcel at 104 Windward Way to store
between 130-140 new vehicles. There will no car haulers on Windward Way. All loading and unloading
is proposed to be conducted at the main dealership at 445 East Francisco, where the vehicles are
serviced and detailed and then (if necessary) driven to the proposed overflow lot at 104 Windward Way.
Cars are generally taken to the Windward Way lot by one driver, who returns with a new vehicle, or the
employee is dropped off at Windward Way. The proposed project is described below:
Expected daily trips to Windward Way = 9 trips
Typical drop-off/pick-up times: 10:00 am – 7:30 pm
Hours of operation for the Windward Way storage lot: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Site Plan: The proposed project site is located approximately 200 ft. south of the corner of Bellam and
Windward Way on the east side of the street. The site would be accessed by a gate along Windward
Way, located near the cul-de-sac.
Landscaping: A total of five (5) new African Sumac trees are proposed for the main entrance area of
the storage lot near the driveway gate. In addition, 162 shrubs (3 varieties) will be planted along the
fence on the north, east and west elevations. Also, eight (8) vines are proposed to be spaced along the
8 ft. high black perimeter fence at the driveway entrance area (see Landscape Plan Sheet L3 and L4).
Lighting: Seven (7) light poles are proposed at 20 ft. in height (see Plan Sheet PM-1 for light fixture
location and Photometric Survey). Light levels (measured in “foot-candles” or Fc) proposed illustrate a
maximum lighting level of 13.0 Fc directly under the lights, with an overall average of 3.9 Fc for the entire
lot. The applicant indicated that the lights are on a timer, but remain on all night.
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
Staff has evaluated the project and found it to be generally consistent with the following applicable
General Plan 2020 Policies and Programs:
Policy LU-14 (Land Use Compatibility): Design new development to minimize potential
nuisance effects and to enhance their surroundings. The site is currently vacant and the use
of the site as a parking lot is compatible with the existing adjacent businesses, which also have a
portion of their lots used for parking. The proposed use is temporary (5 years lease) and would
not preclude future use of the site for residential uses as designated in the General Plan. The
proposed fencing would help screen the cars and the proposed landscaping would improve site
aesthetics in the area.
Policy LU-23 (Land Use Map): The project site has a Land Use Designation of Medium Density
Residential (6.5-15 units/acre). This designation encourages residential uses, plant nurseries,
day care and public/quasi-public uses. Although a commercial parking lot is not specifically listed
as a type of use in this land use designation, the City’s Zoning Ordinance allows a parking lot in
Medium Density Residential zoning district, subject to a Use Permit .Therefore, although it is not
a primary use intended for the Medium Density Residential land use designation, it is an
acceptable use. In this particular case, given the limited traffic capacity in East San Rafael and
the fact that this is a vacant lot with development potential, a temporary improvement and use
such as a parking lot for vehicle storage is found to be an appropriate use. Staff has determined
that the proposed project is generally consistent with Policy LU-23 given that: 1) the proposed
project site is currently a vacant lot with no residential development plans; 2) the proposed project
site is adjacent an LI/O Land Use Designation to the west and several operating commercial
businesses to the south and west; 3) the proposed project site is located over 300 feet away from
the closest residential property; 4) except for the proposed 20 ft. tall light fixtures, the project site
is far enough south of Bellam Blvd. that the cars would not be immediately visible from Bellam
Blvd; 5) the screening proposed for the site (fencing and landscaping) would help buffer visual
impacts; and 6) the use is proposed as a temporary use (5 year lease). The proposed use of a
43,150 sq.ft. portion of the 2.29 acre site would not preclude future residential development
potential on the site, which (based on the density allowed of 6.5-15 units/acre), would be a
density range from 14.8 – 34.3 units on site.
Policy CD-10 (Non-Residential Design Guidelines): Ensure that new structures are visually
compatible with the neighborhood. The proposed project would not add buildings to the
project site, but would add fencing and lighting. The proposed 8 ft. tall fence is proposed to be
green colored cyclone fence material, screened with trees, vines and landscaping. The
landscaping will help soften the visual appearance of the perimeter fencing. The proposed
lighting was revised from seven 25 ft. tall lights to seven 20 ft. tall lights. The reduced height will
help minimize visual impacts from the light poles. The project site is located over 300 feet away
from residential properties to the north and will therefore not be directly visible.
Policy CD-18 (Landscaping): Recognize the unique contribution provided by landscaping
and make it a significant component of all site design. The project site is currently vacant
and covered with weeds and gravel. The proposed project would improve the site by installing
bio-retention areas and irrigated landscaping around the perimeter of the site.
Policy CON-10 (Impacts to Sensitive Habitats): Minimize Impacts to Sensitive Habitats.
Even though the project site is vacant, has no trees and does not appear to be ecologically
sensitive, it is adjacent to the Bay, wetlands and has the potential for importance to area wildlife.
As such, after the Design Review Board hearing, staff requested that the applicant prepare a
Biological Report to evaluate the site. On March 9, 2016, staff received a Biological Constraints
Report from LSA Associates (see Exhibit 4). The LSA Report describes the project site as being
covered by fill material, and having a “sparse to moderate cover by vegetation, consisting of non-
native, ruderal (weedy) species such as Italian rye-grass (Festuca perennis), clover (Trifolium
spp.), filaree (Erodium botrys) and cats-ear (Hypochaeris glabra).” Based on site observations,
Page 1 of the LSA Report concludes that, “there is no evidence of wetland vegetation or other
indicators of wetlands on the Site, nor is there evidence of burrows, other ground disturbance by
small mammals, or bird nesting activity.” However, the LSA Report did state that marshlands
adjacent to the site (approximately 200-300 feet eastward) support the endangered harvest salt
marsh harvest mouse, and that the harvest mouse seeks refuge in uplands adjacent to the
project site during high tidal periods. The LSA Report further indicated that during periods of high
water, there would be a “remote possibility that this species possibly could occur as far east as
the edge of the project site during periods of high water.” As such, Page 2 of the LSA Report
does list mitigation measures designed to address the project’s potential impact to biological
resources in the vicinity. These mitigation measures are included as Use Permit Condition of
Approval #4 in the attached Draft Resolution (See Exhibit 2), and include requirements for: 1) pre-
work surveys within 50 feet of the work area, 2) buffer zone requirements if nesting birds are
found; 3) installation of temporary exclusion fencing along the eastern edge of the site during the
site preparation period; 4) requirement to instruct all construction personnel of the sensitivity on
adjacent lands; and 5) requirement for lights to have cutoff shields and non-glare fixture designs.
With these mitigation measures in place, staff has determined that the proposed project is
generally consistent with General Plan Policy CON-10.
Policy CON-11 (Wildlife Corridors): Preserve and protect areas that function as wildlife
corridors. See discussion for Policy CON-10 above.
Policy CON-13 (Threatened and Endangered Species): Preserve and protect habitat for
threatened and endangered species of plants and animals. The project site is near the Bay,
wetlands and also within the boundary of Exhibit 38 of the General Plan (see Exhibit 5) which
identifies approximate areas where Threatened and Endangered Species are likely to be found.
However, the site is already graded and disturbed and elevated from the adjacent low land areas.
The LSA Report provides appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that there is a protocol in
place to protect potential wildlife resources in the area. See discussion for Policy CON-10 above.
Policy CD-21 (Parking Lot Landscaping): Provide parking lot landscaping to control heat
build-up from pavement, reduce air pollution, provide shade cover for vehicles and soften
the appearance of the parking lot. Staff has determined that the proposed site is designed to
be consistent with the intent of Policy CD-21. The proposed project site would not be paved,
except for a small hammerhead area at the entrance to the lot as required for Fire Dept access.
The remainder of the site would be covered with gravel. While no trees are proposed for the
interior of the lot, the perimeter of the site will be heavily landscaped. Also, two bio-retention
areas are proposed to facilitate proper drainage to meet current regulatory requirements.
Policy C-5 (Traffic Level of Service Standards): Requires the maintenance of adequate
traffic levels of service (LOS) in order to ensure an effective roadway network. The
proposed project would create approximately 9 new vehicle trips to the site, as cars are
brought to and from the project site. The City’s Traffic Division has reviewed the project for
potential impacts on the LOS in the project area, particularly the Kerner/Bellam intersection, and
determined the project will not have an adverse impact to traffic levels of service given the limited
new traffic that would be generated by the project. However, to avoid peak hour impacts, a
condition of approval has been included (see Design Review Permit Condition of Approval #16 in
the attached Draft Resolution) that would require that transferring of vehicles to and from the site
should only occur between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on weekdays. This
would minimize any vehicular trips during the peak traffic time.
Policy N-5 (Traffic Noise from New Development): Minimize noise from increased off-site
traffic from new development. The proposed project would add approximately 9 daily trips
between Windward Way and the Toyota dealership at 445 East Francisco Blvd. There would be
no large tractor deliveries at the site. No noise impacts are expected.
Policy EV-2. (Seek, Retain, and Promote Businesses that Enhance San Rafael. Recruit and
retain businesses that contribute to our economic vitality, thus helping to provide needed
local goods, services and employment): Toyota is a valuable business partner in the City of
San Rafael and provides significant employment and economic benefit to the City and its
residents. Allowing Toyota to grow and remain viable by having adequate space to store vehicles
for sale will help promote and retain this vital business in the City of San Rafael.
Staff determined the project to be generally consistent with the following General Plan Policy, but that an
expanded discussion was warranted:
Policy CD-19 (Lighting): Allow adequate lighting for safety purposes while controlling
excessive light spillover and glare. There are a total of seven (7) lights distributed throughout
the lot. At the DRB hearing, both residents and the Board had questions about the potential
impact of the proposed new lighting on site. The applicant’s lighting consultant was unable to
attend the hearing to answer questions. Based on DRB recommendations, the height of the light
poles was reduced from 25 ft. to 20 ft.; however it is unclear whether this change alone
sufficiently addresses overall lighting levels on site. In addition, it is unclear how the lights would
impact the area at night. The LSA Biological Constraints Report stipulated as a mitigation
measure that “lights should not increase nighttime illumination of the marshlands to the east.”
This mitigation measure has been included as Design Review Permit Condition of Approval #12
in the attached Draft Resolution. Staff requests that the Commission re-examine the proposed
lighting to ensure that the design has taken into account the new information in the LSA report.
Lighting on site must achieve a balance between providing security and safety and minimizing
glare to residents and sensitive wildlife. See also staff analysis below as part of Zoning
Ordinance consistency discussion.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
The Zoning designation for the project site is MR2 (Medium Density Multifamily Residential).
Chapter 14.04 - Base District Regulations
The project proposes to use the site as a vehicle storage lot (essentially a parking lot), which requires
Conditional Use Permit approval by the Planning Commission, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section
14.04.020. The applicant has submitted an application for a use permit and is therefore consistent with
the Zoning Ordinance requirement.
Chapter 14.16 – Site and Use Regulations
The following Sections would be applicable to the proposed project:
Section 14.16.227.B: Lighting fixtures shall be appropriately designed and/or shielded to conceal
light sources from view off-site and avoid spillover onto adjacent properties.
Section 14.16.227.C: Lighting shall be reviewed for compatibility with on-site and off-sight light
sources. This shall include review of lighting intensity, overlap and type of illumination (e.g., high-
pressure sodium, LED, etc.). This may include a review by the city to assure that lighting installed
on private property would not cause conflicts with public street lighting.
Section 14.16.227.E: Installation of new lighting fixtures or changes in lighting intensity on mixed
use and non-residential properties shall be subject to environmental and design review permit
review as required by Chapter 14.25 (Design Review).
Section 14.16.227.G: All new lighting shall be subject to a 90-day post installation inspection to
allow for adjustment and assure compliance with this section.
The proposed project is generally consistent with the above-referenced Sections of the Zoning
Ordinance, which is designed to identify, evaluate and reduce the impact from new lighting. All seven
light fixtures proposed are designed to be shielded to reduce glare. A Photometric Survey was submitted
with the project and shows lighting levels are predominantly less than 1.0 at the property line (on site
light levels average 3.9 Fc, with a maximum measurement of 13.0 Fc). Staff notes that the Police
Department recommends at least a 1.0 Fc level throughout the parking lot for security purposes. The
Board recommended that the applicant investigate lowering the height of the light fixtures and possibly
adding light fixtures to the site as a possible approach to lowering both hot spots and potential off-site
glare. The applicant did revise the plans to lower the fixtures from 25 ft. to 20 ft. The applicant’s
consultant has indicated that the revised lighting plans will reduce glare and create less light spillage to
the east and north (see Exhibit 3). However, it is unclear whether these changes completely address the
lighting levels on site, and staff has no information on measures in place to address minimizing nighttime
lighting levels. Staff notes that as a condition of approval, the site will be subject to a 90-day post-
installation lighting review to evaluate the impact of lighting in the vicinity (Design Review Permit
Condition of Approval #11). Staff would also have the option of requiring a follow-up photometric study
to verify lighting levels and make necessary adjustments to address lighting issues, if deemed
Chapter 22- Use Permit
The creation of a private parking lot in the MR2 Zoning District requires Use Permit review and approval,
subject to Zoning Ordinance 14.04.020. Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 14.22.080, in order to
grant a Use Permit, the following Findings must be made:
1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located;
2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental
to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in
the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the City; and
3. That the proposed use complies with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Finding #1: Staff recommends that the proposed use of a 43,150 sq. ft. portion of the 2.29 acre site as a
private parking lot for vehicle storage is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located in that: 1) the proposed use would
be a temporary lease for 5 years; and 2) the proposed project is generally consistent with General Plan
2020 Policies as previously discussed on pages 3-5 of this staff report.
Finding #2: Staff has determined that the proposed use would not be detrimental to the public health,
safety and welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general
welfare of the City in that: 1) the project has been reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau; and 2) the
department of Public Works supports the project, subject to minor changes to the location of the drain
inlet; 3) the project will introduce minimal development on site as the only new structures are 7 light poles
and an 8 ft. high perimeter fence; 4) the project has reduced the height of the light poles to 20 ft. to
minimize potential off-site glare; 5) the overall use of the site would help upgrade the site without adding
substantial traffic to the area or impact to wildlife species; 6) the proposed use of the site is temporary (5
year lease) and as such would not compromise the future use of the site for housing development, or use
of the remainder of the 2.29 acre site for housing development; 7) letters of concern about the impacts to
wildlife have been addressed in the biological report; and 8) letters of concerns about noise and traffic
were addressed in that the project will not produce noise or create substantial traffic to or from the site.
The issue of lighting is being examined and will also be addressed through the required 90-day lighting
Furthermore, introducing additional activity to Windward Way could help alleviate some of the recent
issues that are facing the street, with increased dumping, auto repair occurring on the street and other
unsightly activities. The City through other enforcement actions is currently pursuing the issues that are
facing Windward Way and with the addition of this use, it will create more eyes on the street and activity
along Windward Way, which will helpfully curb the other undesirable activities.
Finding #3: Staff has determined that the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions
of the Zoning Ordinance in that the use, as conditionally approved, would be a temporary use, and would
not create traffic impacts, would address any lighting impacts through a required 90-day lighting review,
and is compatible use with the immediately adjacent commercial properties to the south.
Chapter 25 – Environmental and Design Review Permit
The proposed creation of a private parking lot in a residential zoning district for Toyota vehicles requires
a Design Review Permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 14.25.040.B.e. The project has been
evaluated for conformance with the review criteria identified in Chapter 25 of the Zoning Ordinance and
the San Rafael Design Guidelines. With respect to the proposed use of the site as a vehicle storage lot
(parking lot), both sets of criteria emphasize the following:
Minimize large paved areas by using alternative materials (e.g., turf block or pavers)
Landscape areas adjacent to sidewalks are encouraged
Visible parking should be screened or landscaped
Limit light intensity to provide adequate site security for pedestrian
Shield light sources to prevent glare and illumination beyond the boundaries of the property
Light fixtures should complement the architecture of the project
As a short term lease (5 years), the proposed design would be generally consistent with many of these
design guidelines in that: 1) the lot will not be paved but is proposed to be topped with gravel, except for
the paved hammerhead at the entrance; and 2) the project proposes to install landscaping, with a total of
five (5) new African Sumac trees are proposed for the main entrance area of the storage lot near the
driveway gate. In addition, 162 shrubs (3 varieties) will be planted along the fence on the north, east and
west elevations. Also, eight (8) vines are proposed to be spaced along the perimeter fence at the
driveway entrance area would help screen the site. The new landscaping will help improve the existing
site conditions and provide perimeter screening of the lease site, particularly along the north (facing
Bellam), west (facing Windward Way), and east (facing Baypoint Lagoon Drive) side of the site. The
south frontage is adjacent to a commercial property and abuts existing landscaping. This landscaping
will help reduce the visual impact of the bare cyclone fencing along the south property line.
In terms of the proposed lighting, the light pole is a basic bronze colored square pole design. The
proposed seven (7) light fixtures were reduced to 20 ft. in height and will be shielded to reduce glare.
The reduction in height was at the recommendation of the Design Review Board, to reduce visual
impacts. The project is subject to a post-installation 90-day lighting review, and as such, staff will have
an opportunity to require revisions to the light levels, if deemed necessary.
On February 17, 2016, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the proposed project (Commissioner
Schaefer Planning Commission, liaison). Detailed written minutes of DRB meetings are no longer
available. Actual video recordings of the meeting are available through a video link on the City of San
Rafael website, www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings. Click on the Design Review Board video link for the
February 17, 2016 hearing date. Staff requested the Board to provide its recommendation to the
Planning Commission on the project design with respect to the potential impacts of introducing lights to
the area, and comment on any possible design changes that may address the neighbors’ concerns, if
warranted. The Board offered the following comments on the proposed project design:
Recommended that the applicant investigate reducing the lighting impacts by lowering the height
and adding more lights
Recommended that the color of the cyclone fence be changed from green to brown.
Supported the landscape plan choices
Consider regulating pesticide use on site
In conclusion, the Board unanimously voted to recommend approval of the project with the consensus
conditions listed above.
The applicant considered the Board recommendations and indicated to staff that they would propose
changing the fence color to black. The plans also show a note on Sheet L-3 that organic herbicides will
be used. In terms of the lighting, the number of light poles on the site (7) remained the same but the
height of the lights was reduced from 25 ft. to 20 ft. A post-installation 90-day lighting review will be
required as a condition of project approval, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 14.16.227.G.
The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), pursuant to Section 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) and 15311.b (Accessory Structures)
which exempts minor site improvements and use of land for parking lots.
There was no Neighborhood Meeting required for the proposed project. A notice of hearing for the
project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning
Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 300-foot
radius of the subject site, and also Baypoint Lagoon HOA, Spinnaker Point HOA, Bahia de Rafael HOA,
Canal Properties and Business Owners Association, and Rafael Bay Townhomes HOA before both the
Design Review Board hearing and this public hearing. In addition, a public notice sign was posted at the
corner of Bellam and Windward Way, identifying the meeting time, date, location, and scope of the
project within fifteen (15) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting (see Exhibit 6).
Staff received a total of eight (8) comment letters; three (3) expressing support of the project and five (5)
expressing concern. Copies of all written public correspondence on the proposed project received to date
are attached to this report as Exhibit 7. The letters of support generally stated that the project would help
reduce the loitering, illegal dumping and be a benefit to the others businesses on Windward Way. The
letters of concerns covered the following issues:
Glare from the proposed lighting may impact residential areas and increase night pollution
The proposed height and glare from the lights may negatively impact adjacent seasonal wetlands,
wildlife in the lagoon, and insects
Consider using motion detection type lighting
Concern that the cars will be an eye sore for the neighborhood
Possible increased traffic and truck noise
Possible air pollution from any trucks idling while dropping off vehicles
Impact on the community garden from potential herbicide use on the proposed new landscaping
Impact of sea level rise on the proposed project site
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the application as presented (staff recommendation)
2. Approve the application with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval.
3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission’s comments or
4. Deny the project and direct staff to return with a revised Resolution
1. Draft Resolution
2. Vicinity/Location Map
3. E-mail from Willie McDevitt, applicant’s consultant, dated February 24, 2016
4. Biological Constraints Report, LSA Associates, dated March 9, 2016
5. General Plan 2020 Exhibit 38
6. Public Hearing Notice
7. Public Correspondence
(11” x 17” plans distributed to the Planning Commission only)
2.29 ACRE PARCEL AT 104 WINDWARD WAY (APN: 009-330-01)
WHEREAS, on October 2, 2015, Mike Christian, project applicant, submitted an
application for an Environmental Design Review Permit (ED15-077) and Use Permit (UP15-
033) to allow a vehicle storage lot for Toyota of Marin at 104 Windward Way; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 2014, the San Rafael Design Review Board held a duly
noticed public hearing on the project, accepting all oral and written testimony and the written
report of the Community Development Department staff. The Board voted unanimously (5-0) to
recommend project approval subject to consensus conditions related to changes in project design;
WHEREAS, upon staff review of the application, the project was determined to be
exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to
CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 (Minor Changes in Land Use) and Section 15311(b)
(Accessory Structures), which exempt minor changes to vegetation and grading on land with a
slope less than 10% and construction of small parking lots; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Environmental and Design Review and Use Permit
applications were reviewed by the City’s Building Division, Fire Department , Department of
Public Works, and San Rafael Police Department and were recommended for conditional
approval; and
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2016, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly
noticed public hearing on the proposed Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use
Permit, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community
Development Department staff and closed said hearing on that date; and
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents which constitute the record of proceedings
upon which this decision is based is the Community Development Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City
of San Rafael hereby approves the Environmental Design Review Permit (ED15-077) and Use
Permit (UP15-033) for the use of 43,150 sq.ft. of the 2.29 acre lease area at 104 Windward Way
for vehicle storage, based on the following findings:
Environmental and Design Review Findings
1) The proposed use of 43,150 square feet of the 2.29 acre lot for vehicle storage is in accord
with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of this
Chapter given that:
a. As discussed on Pages 3-5 of the March 15, 2016 Planning Commission staff report, the
proposed project (as conditioned) is consistent with General Plan Land Use Policies LU-
14 (Land Use Compatibility) and LU-23 (Land Use Map and Categories), Community
Design Policies CD-10 (Non-Residential Design Guidelines – Visual Compatibility),
CD-18 (Landscaping), CD-19(Lighting) and CD-21 (Parking Lot
Landscaping)Conservation Policies CON-10 (Impacts to Sensitive Habitats); CON-11
(Wildlife Corridors); CON-13 (Threatened and Endangered Species);; Circulation
Policy C-5 (Traffic Level of Service Standards); Noise Policy N-5 (Traffic Noise from
New Development), and Economic Vitality Policy EV-2 (Seek Retain, and Promote
Businesses that Enhance San Rafael); and
b. As discussed on Pages 6-8 of the March 15, 2016 Planning Commission staff report, the
proposed project (as conditioned) conforms to the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 14.04 (MR2, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District), Chapter 14.16
(Site and Land Use Regulations), Chapter 22 (Use Permit), and Chapter 25
(Environmental Design Review Permits). The proposed design of the site with perimeter
fencing, landscaping and lighting are well-designed and compatible with the site, and
have been recommended for approval by the Design Review Board. The proposed
project design would enhance the appearance of the site and also improve drainage by
installing bio-retention areas; and
c. The project has been reviewed for conformance with the applicable design criteria
established in Chapter 14.25 of the Zoning Ordinance and determined that the proposed
project, as designed and conditioned, would be a complimentary addition to the area,
adding landscaping and security lighting; and
d. The project consistency with the design-related policies of the General Plan and
objectives of the Zoning Ordinance were reviewed by the Design Review Board and
recommended for approval.
2) The project design, as conditioned, is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and
landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the MR2 (Multi-Family) Zoning District in
which the site is located given that:
a. There would be minimal change to the appearance of the lot from off site. As such, there
would be minimal impacts to the existing residential properties in the vicinity of Bellam
Blvd.; and
b. The proposed perimeter fencing and landscaping will provide a successful screen to the
project site; and
c. The proposed site lighting has been designed with shielding to minimize glare, and the
lighting will be subject to a 90-day lighting review as a condition of approval.
3) The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts given that:
a. The proposed site grading would be minimal and the only structures proposed for the site
are an 8 ft. high cyclone perimeter fence and seven light poles; and
b. The proposed project was reviewed by applicable City departments and no adverse
environmental impacts were identified. The Department of Public Works determined that
the project would have no significant impact on traffic in the area, but included a
condition of approval to prohibit pick-up/drop-off during AM and PM peak hours; and
c. The proposed project would be constructed in compliance with all applicable local, State
and Federal building codes; and
d. The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality
Act pursuant to Article 19 Categorical Exemptions, Section 15304 (Minor Alterations to
Land) and 15311 (Accessory Structures for small parking lots).
4) That the project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially
injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity in that:
a. The proposed lease area will be fenced and also be equipped with lighting and security
cameras. Overall, the proposed project would secure a currently vacant lot and improve
the site aesthetic; and
b. The proposed project would not have a negative impact on adjacent businesses or
residents. Staff received three letters of support for the project from businesses and
residents, and 5 letters of opposition. The issues identifies as concerns were lighting
levels, noise, impacts on traffic and possible impacts on wildlife in the vicinity. The
applicant has reduced the height of the light pole from 25 f. to 20 ft. Increased traffic
from the project was determined to be minimal, and the LSA Biologic Constraints Report
concluded that the proposed project and the lighting on site would not impact wildlife.
However, the report did recommend mitigation measures, which are included as COA
#13 (ED15-077) and COA #4 (UP15-033).
Use Permit (UP15-033)
1) The proposed 43,150 square foot lease site for vehicle is in accord with the General Plan, the
objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of this Chapter based on discussions in
Environmental and Design Review Permit Finding 1(a), 1(b), 1(c) and 1(d) listed above; and
2) The proposed vehicle storage lot, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the city based on discussions in
Environmental and Design Review Permit Finding #4 listed above; and
3) That the use of the site as a vehicle storage lot, with lighting, landscaping and perimeter
fencing, as conditioned, complies with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, as
identified and discussed in the Environmental and Design Review Findings 1(b) on Page 2 of
this Resolution. The Use Permit (UP15-033) conditions of approval would require a post-
installation 90-day lighting review in order to evaluate the lighting and ensure that glare is
kept to a minimum.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission
of the City of San Rafael hereby approves the Environmental Design Review Permit (ED15-077)
and Use Permit Amendment (UP15-033) based on the following conditions of approval:
Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-077)
Conditions of Approval
Community Development Department - Planning Division
1. The proposed vehicle storage lot on 43,150 square feet of the 2.29 acre lot, including
perimeter fencing, landscaping and 7 light poles shall be constructed in substantial
conformance with the proposed site plan and elevations as presented for approval on plans
prepared by TWM Architects + Planners, and date stamped Approved, March 21, 2016, and
shall be the same as required for issuance of a building permit, subject to the listed conditions
of approval. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and
approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division. Modifications
deemed not minor by the Community Development Director may require review and
approval by the Design Review Board and/or the original decision making body, the Planning
2. This Environmental and Design Review Permit shall be valid for one (1) year from the date
of Planning Commission approval, or until March 15, 2017, and shall be null and void
unless a building permit is issued or a time extension is granted within the one year.
3. The use shall be initiated and the improvements installed before the expiration date of the
Design Review Permit. Once the use is initiated and the improvement are installed, the
Design Review Permit (ED15-077) shall be vested and shall run with the land and remain
valid regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions.
4. A building permit and electrical permit are required for the proposed work. The applicant
shall apply for and obtain a building permit and electrical permit prior to any construction on
the site. All proposed work shall comply with the adopted Building and Electrical Codes.
5. A copy of the Conditions of Approval for ED15-077 shall be included as a plan sheet
with the building permit plan submittal.
6. Construction hours and activity (including any and all deliveries) are limited to the applicable
requirements set forth in Chapter 8.13 of the San Rafael Municipal Code.
7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit written documentation from
Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) indicating that MMWD has reviewed and
approved the proposed landscaping and water service needs. Any changes to the landscaping
shall require planning review and approval.
8. All new and existing landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free
of weeds and debris. Any dying or dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion
with new healthy stock of a size compatible with the remainder of the growth at the time of
9. All site improvements, including but not limited to the site lighting, hardscape, landscaping,
light standards and paving striping shall be maintained in good, undamaged condition at all
times. Any damaged improvements shall be replaced in a timely manner.
10. The site shall be kept free of litter and garbage. Any trash, junk or damaged materials that are
accumulated on the site shall be removed and disposed of in a timely manner.
11. Following the installation of the lighting on site, all exterior lighting shall be subject to a 90-
day lighting level review by the Police Department and Planning Division to ensure
compatibility with the surrounding area. A post-installation photometric study may be
required by the Planning Division to verify as-built and operational lighting levels on site. If
required, the as built photometric study shall be submitted within 15 days of such request and
shall not count against the 90 day review period.
12. Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 14.16.227.B, lighting fixtures shall be appropriately
designed and/or shielded to conceal light sources from view off-site and avoid spillover onto
adjacent properties. In addition, to mitigate potential impacts from lighting on sensitive
wildlife in the area, the project will be subject to the following condition per Page 2 of the
LSA Biological Constraints report dated March 9, 2016, “Any lighting installed on the Site
should be directed downward, and should not increase nighttime illumination of the
marshlands to the east. Lights should have cutoff shields and non-glare fixture designs as
needed to restrict illumination to the Site.”
13. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division to request a final inspection, prior to the
issuance of the final building permit. The request for final inspection by the Planning
Division shall require a minimum of 48-hour advance notice.
14. All landscaping shall be installed prior to the Planning final inspection. In addition, a letter
from the landscape architect, verifying accuracy of the number of plants and species on
site is required to be submitted for Planning review prior to calling for the planning
Department of Public Works- Land Development
15. The proposed drainage inlet within the bio-retention area is located within the slope
maintenance easement. Adjust the location on the inlet structure, so that it is outside the
16. Traffic Mitigation Fees: Vehicle trips to and from the site shall be limited to outside of peak
hours. No trips shall be generated between the hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 am or 4:00 pm
to 6:00 pm on weekdays. Trip generation created during these peak hours shall be
subject to a traffic mitigation fee and Level of Service requirements.
17. A portion of the proposed driveway modification is within the road Right-of-Way. Prior to
any work within the Right-of-Way, an encroachment permit shall be required from the
department of Public Works, located at 111 Morphew Street, San Rafael.
18. Include and make part of the project plans, the sheet noted “Pollution Prevention – Its part of
the plan.” Copies are available on the City of San Rafael website www.cityofsanrafael.org.
Use Permit (UP15-033)
Conditions of Approval
1. This Use Permit approves the use of 43,150 sq.ft. of the 2.29 acre site at 104 Windward Way
as a vehicle storage lot for Toyota of Marin. The lot shall be used as a storage lot only- no
sales, service, washing or detailing of vehicles shall be permitted on site.
2. This Use Permit approves the following operational plan:
a) Expected daily trips to Windward Way = 9 trips. These trips would be by individual
Toyota employees who would either drive to the site or be shuttled to the site to pick
up a new vehicle.
b) All new vehicles would continue to be delivered to the Toyota of Marin site at 445
East Francisco Boulevard.
c) Typical drop-off/pick-up times: 10:00 am – 7:30 pm (no pickup or drop off between
7:00 am to 9:00 am or 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm on weekdays is allowed (see COA #3
d) Hours of operation for the Windward Way storage lot: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
3. Shuttling of vehicles to and from this site shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00
pm, and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends. Vehicle trips shall be
limited to outside of peak hours. No trips shall be generated between the hours of 7:00
am to 9:00 am or 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on weekdays. Trip generation created during
these peak hours shall be subject to a traffic mitigation fee and Level of Service
4. To address potential impacts to sensitive wildlife in the area, the following mitigation
measures, as stipulated in the LSA Biologic Constraints report dated March 9, 2016, shall be
implemented as follows:
a) If gravel placement work is conducted during the bird breeding season (February 1 –
September 30), pre-work surveys for ground nesting birds should be conducted on the
site by a qualified biologist. The surveys should also encompass the surface area and
trees on adjacent properties within 50 feet of the work area. The surveys should be
conducted within 10 business days of the onset of work. If nesting birds are found,
adequate buffer zones should be established around the nests until the biologist has
confirmed the young have fledged or the nests have been abandoned. The size of the
buffers will be determined by the biologist, based on the particular species of the
nesting birds. The buffer zones should be protected with temporary construction
b) It is unlikely that the salt marsh harvest mouse would occur on the Site, given the
distance between the Site and the nearest pickleweed stands. Nevertheless as a
precaution, a temporary exclusion fence should be installed along the eastern edge of
the Site during the work period. The fence should be a minimum of 3 feet in height,
consisting of 8 millimeter plastic (“Visqueen”) sheeting that is too smooth to be
climbed by mice. It should be supported by wooden or steel rebar stakes. The toe of
the fence should be buried approximately 4 inches in the ground to prevent mice from
crawling or burrowing underneath it. To provide strength, durability and wind
resistance, the plastic sheeting should be sandwiched between two stakes at each stake
location, with the stakes screwed or wired together firmly. The fence should be
maintained in good condition throughout the work period, and inspected at least
weekly. Any gaps or holes should be repaired immediately upon discovery.
c) All construction personnel should be advised of the sensitivity of the adjacent lands to
the east and that no intrusions or disturbance of the area east of the temporary fence is
5. The Planning Department shall be notified in writing if site operations trigger implementation
of any mitigation measures listed in COA #4 above.
6. Any increase in the number of vehicles stored on site shall require Planning review and a
formal amendment to this Use Permit (UP15-033).
7. No loading or unloading of vehicles shall occur on Windward Way. All loading and
unloading to occur on the site, within the fenced area.
8. There shall be no tractor trailer deliveries of vehicles to or from the project site.
9. No auto repair, auto sales, vehicle detailing, or car washing associated with this use shall be
allowed on the project site at 104 Windward Way or in the immediate vicinity of the site.
10. If the project site and use experiences repeated calls for Police service due to vandalism, theft
or general nuisance on the project site, the applicant shall be required to hire a private
security service to patrol the site on evenings and weekends in order to help reduce criminal
11. This Use Permit shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of Planning Commission
approval, or until March 15, 2017, and shall be null and void unless a building permit is
issued or a time extension is granted within the two years.
12. The use shall be initiated and the improvements installed before the expiration date of the
Use Permit. Once the use is initiated and the improvements are installed, the Use Permit
(UP15-033) shall be vested and shall run with the land and remain valid regardless of any
change of ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions.
13. On-going compliance with all conditions of approval shall be required to keep the Use Permit
Amendment valid. This Use Permit (UP15-033) may be called to hearing at any time by the
Planning Division in order to review compliance with the Conditions of Approval.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the City of San Rafael
Planning Commission held on the 15h day of March 2016.
Moved by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner as
ATTEST: __________________________ BY: __________________
Paul A. Jensen, Secretary Mark Lubarmersky, Chair