HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2020-08-11 Minutes
San Rafael Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 7:00 P.M.
Virtual Meeting
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 872-0645-4435#
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Present: Chair Mercado
Commissioner Davidson
Commissioner Hill
Commissioner Lubamersky
Commissioner Previtali
Commissioner Samudzi
Commissioner Saude
Absent: None
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner
Ethan Guy, Principal Analyst
Chair Mercado called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m., invited Principal Planner Alicia Giudice
to call the roll and welcomed one new Commissioner Hill to his first meeting as Planning
Chair Mercado invited Planning Manager Raffi Boloyan who informed the community the
meeting would be streamed live to YouTube and members of the public would provide public
comment either on the telephone or through YouTube live chat. He explained the process for
community participation through the telephone and on YouTube.
Chair Mercado reviewed the procedures for the meeting.
Commissioner Lubamersky moved and Commissioner Davidson seconded to approve the
Consent Calendar.
Chair Mercado invited public comment; however, there was none.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2020
Minutes approved as submitted
AYES: Commissioners: Davidson, Lubamersky, Previtali, Samudzi, Saude & Chair
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Hill
Motion carried 6-0
2. Informational Report on Changes to Housing Regulations and Processes
Informational Report Outlining Potential Changes to the City of San Rafael’s Municipal Code
related to Inclusionary Housing Requirements, Density Bonus, Appeals process, and Other
Amendments to Encourage Development and Streamline Approvals, Including Changes
Related to the Design Review Board Membership and Procedures. File No.: P18-010/ZA20-
Ethan Guy, Principal Analyst and Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner presented the staff
Staff responded to questions from the Commissioners.
Chair Mercado declared the public hearing opened.
Speakers: Bill Carney, Sustainable San Rafael, Joanne Webster, San Rafael Chamber
of Commerce
Staff outlined the different topic areas for feedback. Commissioners provided comments.
Staff responded to questions from the Commissioners.
The Planning Commission provided feedback that included general support for updated the
density bonus regulations to align with State Density Bonus Law, general support for the
proposed Zoning Amendments related to hillside exceptions, small lots, height bonus, and
appeals. Feedback was provided related to inclusionary housing supporting staff’s
recommendations allowing an in-lieu fee and any policy changes necessary to encourage
housing development, policy designs that provide flexibility to the developer to meet
inclusionary requirements, recommended further information related to the equity
implications and how the Trust Fund supports those goals. The Commissioners expressed
the understanding that the fees provide necessary funding to create and maintain affordable
housing and expressed the importance of adequately funding rental and ownership
affordable housing, and to the options report on inclusionary housing.
Regarding the proposed changes to the structure of the Design Review Board (DRB), the
Commissioners provided feedback expressing concerns regarding taking away the public
process with a transition to a DRB subcommittee and not having a full board for larger
projects. Some commissioners recommended the option of tiering the DRB with reviews by
a full board for larger projects, reviews by the subcommittee for smaller project and making
certain smaller projects staff level review, and all Commissioners agreed that a less formal
process was a good approach as long as there was opportunity for public input as part of the
Commissioner Previtali moved and Commissioner Davidson seconded to accept the report
as provided.
AYES: Commissioners: Davidson, Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, Samudzi, Saude &
Chair Mercado
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
Motion carried 7-0
Planning Manager Boloyan provided updates on the following items:
• Future Planning Commission agenda items
• Public Safety Center
• Retirement of Anne Derrick, Administrative Assistant
• Small cell antenna facilities
Staff responded to request for an update on the Seagate Housing Project. Commissioner Hill
recused himself from participating in the future agenda item regarding 38 Upper Fremont. Chair
Mercado welcomed new Commissioner Hill to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Hill
expressed his gratitude for his welcome. Commissioner Previtali spoke on 5G cell towers.
Chair Mercado adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m.
APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF____________, 2020