HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2020-09-29 Minutes
San Rafael Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 7:00 P.M.
Virtual Meeting
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 897-5534-1830#
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accommodation requests.
Present: Chair Pro Tem Samudzi
Commissioner Hill
Commissioner Lubamersky
Commissioner Previtali
Commissioner Saude
Absent: Chair Mercado
Commissioner Davidson
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and invited Principal
Planner Alicia Giudice to call the roll. All were present, except for Chair Mercado and
Commissioner Davidson.
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi invited Planning Manager Raffi Boloyan who informed the
community the meeting would be streamed live to YouTube and members of the public
would provide public comment either on the telephone or through YouTube live chat. He
explained the process for community participation through the telephone and on YouTube.
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi reviewed the procedures for the meeting.
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi invited public comment; however, there was none.
Commissioner Lubamersky moved and Commissioner Previtali seconded to approve the
Consent Calendar.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of September 15, 2020
Minutes approved as submitted
AYES: Commissioners: Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, & Chair Pro Tem Samudzi
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Davidson and Chair Mercado
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Saude
Motion carried 4-0
2. 1309 Second Street
Request for a Use Permit and an Environmental and Design Review Permit to demolish
the existing single-family residence and construct a three-unit multi-tenant residential
structure with four covered garage parking spaces; APN: 012-073-04; Second/Third
Mixed Use West (2/3 MUW), Zoning District; Garl Alicia Family Trust 2012, Owner; Ron
Kappe, Kappe Architects, Applicant; File No. UP20-013/ED20-022
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner presented the staff report.
Applicant Ron Kappe gave a presentation. Owner’s rep Matthew Burns was present.
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi declared the public hearing opened; however there were no
Commissioners provided comments
Commissioner Lubamersky moved and Commissioner Hill seconded to adopt the
resolution approving project as presented
AYES: Commissioners: Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, Saude & Chair Pro Tem
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Davidson and Chair Mercado
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
Motion carried 5-0
Resolution 20-19 - Resolution of the San Rafael Planning Commission Approving a Use
Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit for New Construction of a Three Unit
Multi-family Residential Structure on a 2,940 Square Foot Lot Located at 1309 Second
Street (APN: 012-073-04)
3. 3301 Kerner Boulevard (Homeward Bound)
Use Permit to allow for an emergency shelter to be located within an existing 25,000
square foot building; APN: 008-082-52; Canal Core Industrial/Office (CCI/O) Zoning
District; Homeward Bound of Marin, applicant; Gilardi Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Etal, owners; File No(s).: UP20-017
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner presented the staff report.
Staff, including Applicants Mary Kay Sweeney and Paul Fordham (Homeward Bound)
responded to questions from the Commissioners.
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi declared the public hearing opened
Speakers: Bruce Livingston, Executive Director of Alcohol Justice, Karen Strolia,
Director of Downtown Streets Team North Bay, Aaron, Valerie Lofrano, Mark Shotwell,
Executive Director of Ritter Center, Milton Davis
Staff and Applicants responded to comments and questions from the Commissioners.
Commissioners provided comments
Commissioner Hill moved and Commissioner Previtali seconded to adopt the resolution
with the change to the timeline condition of approval, allowing an increase of the Use
Permit to 18 months, and requiring review/check-in at 12 months
AYES: Commissioners: Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, Saude & Chair Pro Tem
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Davidson and Chair Mercado
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
Motion carried 5-0
Resolution 20-20 – Resolution of the City of San Rafael Planning Commission Approving
Conditional Approval of Use Permit (UP20-017) to Allow the Operation of an Emergency
Shelter in an Existing Building Located at 3301 Kerner Boulevard (APN: 008-082-52)
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner provided updates on:
• the City Council receiving the informational report and Planning Commission
comments on the inclusionary housing policy
• the Code Enforcement Division
• the Building Division
Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager provided an update on:
• the on-line application submittal process
Chair Pro Tem Samudzi adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m.
APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF____________, 2020