HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2020-10-13 Minutes
San Rafael Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 7:00 P.M.
Virtual Meeting
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 872-0645-4435#
In response to Executive Order N-29-20, the City of San Rafael will no longer offer an in-
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must be submitted according to the directions located on the YouTube video description.
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accommodation requests.
Present: Chair Mercado
Commissioner Davidson
Commissioner Hill
Commissioner Lubamersky
Commissioner Previtali
Commissioner Samudzi
Commissioner Saude
Absent: None
Also Present: Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner
Steve Stafford, Senior Planner
Chair Mercado called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and invited Principal Planner Alicia
Giudice to call the roll. All commissioners were present.
Chair Mercado invited Planning Manager Raffi Boloyan who informed the community the
meeting would be streamed live to YouTube and members of the public would provide
public comment either on the telephone or through YouTube live chat. He explained the
process for community participation through the telephone and on YouTube.
Chair Mercado reviewed the procedures for the meeting.
Chair Mercado invited public comment; however, there was none.
Commissioner Lubamersky moved and Commissioner Saude seconded to approve the
Consent Calendar.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2020
Approved minutes as submitted
AYES: Commissioners: Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, Samudzi & Saude
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Davidson and Chair Mercado
Motion carried 5-0
2. 1530 and 1534 Fifth Avenue
Request for a Use Permit and an Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow the
replacement and relocation of the aquatic center on the Marin Academy campus. The
project proposes to construct a new, 25-yard x 33-meter uncovered swimming pool, a
two-story 2,256 sq. ft. support building (restrooms, indoor and outdoor showers,
changing and office areas, mechanical equipment and chemical storage areas),
concrete decking, site lighting and landscaping, perimeter metal fencing and courtyard
walls, with a combined area of 18,737 sq. ft.; APNS: 011-195-05 and 011-201-017;
Fifth/Mission Residential/Office (5/M R/O) District; Marin Academy, owner; Mike Joyce
for Marin Academy, applicant; File No(s).: UP19-005 and ED19-006
Project Planner: Steve Stafford
Steve Stafford, Senior Planner presented the staff report.
Staff responded to questions from the Commissioners.
Applicant Team including Travis Brownley and Mike Joyce, Marin Academy and Scott
Shell, EHDD Architecture gave a presentation.
Applicant Team responded to questions from the Commissioners.
Chair Mercado declared the public hearing opened.
Speakers: Name withheld, Martha Olsen, Brad Sears, Juliette Farette, Marie Lyons,
Mona Couchman, Rob Rafeh, Graham Balch, Miya Schilz, Jason Lee, Bill Robison,
Mary Collie
Staff and Applicant Team responded to comments and questions from the
Commissioner Hill moved and Commissioner Davidson seconded to adopt the
resolution approving project, with changes presented by staff to revise CEQA
Categorical Exemption cited in Resolution to 15314 (rather than 15332) and to make a
modification to condition #34 to be inclusive to option of adjustment to lot line or
consolidate the lots
AYES: Commissioners: Davidson, Hill, Lubamersky, Previtali, Samudzi, Saude &
Chair Mercado
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
Motion carried 7-0
Resolution 20-21 – Resolution of the San Rafael Planning Commission Conditionally
Approving a Use Permit (UP19-005), and an Environmental and Design Review Permit
(ED19-006) to Allow the Replacement and Relocation of an Existing Aquatic Center with a
New 22.86-Meter X 33-Meter Uncovered Swimming Pool, a Two-story, 2,256 Sq. Ft.
Support Building (Restrooms, Indoor and Outdoor Showers, Changing and Office Areas,
Mechanical Equipment and Chemical Storage Areas), Flat Work (Concrete Decking), Site
Lighting and Landscaping, Perimeter Metal Fencing and Courtyard Walls, Bleacher Seating,
Public Address (PA) System and LED Scoreboard on Two Adjacent Downtown Parcels with
a Combined Area of 18,737 Sq. Ft. at 1530 and 1534 Fifth Avenue (APNS: 011-195-05 and
Alicia Giudice, Principal Planner announced Planning Commission’s upcoming schedule:
• October 27, 2020 – First review of General Plan 2040
• Tuesday, November 17, 2020 (Special Meeting date) – Zoning Code amendments,
density bonus, affordable housing item
• Potential additional Planning Commission dates in December and January
She announced a scheduled Design Review Board meeting on Wednesday November 4,
2020 to weigh in on Design Review Board restructure and process
Chair Mercado adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF____________, 2020