HomeMy WebLinkAboutSp. Library Parcel Tax Committee 2020-11-30 Agenda Packet
Monday, November 30, 2020
6:00 P.M.
Virtual Zoom Meeting
In response to Executive Order N -29-20, the City of San Rafael will no longer offer an in -
person meeting location for the public to attend. This meeting will be streamed through a Live
Zoom Video Webinar at: https://tinyurl.com/SLPT-2020-11-30
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• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 20, 2020
2. Introductions of New Members
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda.
Speakers are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
4. Review of Draft of FY 19/20 Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report from
Committee to City Council
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Board less than 72 hours before the meeting
shall be available for inspection in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue. Sign Language interpreters and assistive listening devices
may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California
Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents
are available in accessible formats upon request. Public transportation is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 22
or 23. Paratransit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental
illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing
scented products.
Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting (TBD)
San Rafael Library – 1100 E Street, San Rafael, CA
October 20, 2020 – 6:01 P.M.
Virtual Meeting Recording Link:
Chair Brinckerhoff called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.
Roll Call
Present: Chair Brinckerhoff
Member Kellogg
Member Lee
Absent: Member Pruitt
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Henry Bankhead, Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City Librarian
Jinder Banwait, Administrative Analyst
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of August 18, 2020
Chair Brinckerhoff identified a mistake on page 1 (one), item 1 (one), under “Ayes:”,
change “Libresco” to “Brinckerhoff”. The minutes of August 18, 2020 were approved as
Member Brinckerhoff moved, and Member Lee seconded to approve the minutes of the
August 18, 2020 meeting.
Ayes: Members: Lee, Kellogg, & Brinckerhoff
Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting (TBD)
Noes: Members: None
Absent: Members: Pruitt
Minutes approved as amended.
2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
3. Review of FY 2020/2021 1st Quarter Annual Revenue and Expenditure Budget Report –
Mr. Bankhead
Henry Bankhead, Assistant Library and Recreation Director /City Librarian, presented
the staff report.
Staff responded to questions from the Committee Members.
Chair Brinckerhoff invited public comment; however, there was none.
Committee Members provided comments.
Provide FY 2019/2020 4th Quarter Annual Revenue and Expenditure Budget Report at
the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 P.M.
Tentative date for next meeting – UNKNOWN
Draft of FY 19/20 Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report from Committee to City Council
City of San Rafael Special Library Parcel Tax Committee Report FY 2019-2020
The Committee’s sole function shall be to review the expenditures of the revenues from
the Special Library Services Parcel Tax, adopted by Measure D on June 7, 2016 to
ensure the monies have been expended in accordance with the authorized purposes of
Measure D. Measure D replaced Measure C which expired on June 30, 2017.
In previous reports of Measures C and D, the committee listed as a task: “to ensure
that the Library maintains its share of the general fund.” This was listed because the
text of Measure D states that the parcel tax would “provide a critical, consistent, locally–
controlled source, augmenting current general fund allocations…”
When Measure D passed, the committee used the same method the City Attorney
indicated upon passage of Measure C: the proportion of the Library of the General
Fund Budget. In both cases, it was 4.4%. However, during the term of Measure C, the
percentage was not and could not be maintained each year due to mandated expenses
for specific departments. These were noted in the Measure C Committee’s reports as
acceptable variances.
At the July 2, 2019 Library Parcel Tax Committee Meeting , the committee agreed to the
“General agreement that the prop ortionality would remain at 4.4% but that it is a
shared goal that is non-binding. It is the goal of the committee to be in alignment
with the ongoing proportionality that has been established.”
With the pandemic, it is not possible for the Library to maintain 4.4% of the General
Fund, and this will continue into FY 2020-2021. The City has had to maintain Police,
Fire, and city maintenance at higher levels while total revenue is down.
The proportion of the Library General Fund compared to the total General Fund Budget
was 3.51% for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 which is less than the shared goal. This is due to
staffing which was 78.8% of budget while non-personnel expenditures were 86.7% of
budget. The Library's budgeted percentage of the General Fund was 4.35%.
While it is clear that large cuts were necessary, the Committee would like to note that
much of the Library’s decrease in the General Fund Budget is due to removing staff
hiring that had been in the budget in FY 2018 -2019 and FY 2019-2020. It is unclear
when or if these positions will be filled when the Library returns to “normal”. Also
unclear is what the “new normal” will be.
The unaudited parcel tax fund balance for FY 20 19-2020 is reported as $373,074. The
remaining balance of the Capital Set Aside (which was created from Measure C funds)
as of June 30, 2020 was $353,335.
Draft of FY 19/20 Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report from Committee to City Council
Measure D funds are restricted from being used for facility improvement or replacement.
The Committee will be monitoring the ongoing planning for the new and improved
Library facilities to ensure that Measure D funds are used appropriately.
The Committee would like to commend the Library Director and Library Staff for
continuing to provide services to our Community through curbside pickup, online
services (which included helping to set up Wi-Fi services in underserved
neighborhoods), the Zip Books program and “zoom programs”. These services are
essential, especially for families with school age children and older residents.