HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2021-01-21 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
Thursday, January 21, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 857-8558-0921#
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of December 17, 2020
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Approve Draft San Rafael Community Garden Guidelines
5. Review of the Proposed Donation Policy for the Falkirk Cultural Center
6. Review of the Park & Recreation Commission’s Annual Work Plan for 2021
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: February 25, 2021
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066
(voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”,
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 July 16, 2020
Minutes subject to approval at the meeting of January 21, 2021.
Page 1 of 6
December 26, 2020 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 857-8558-0921#
Chair Stacey Laumann called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Laumann
Commissioner Machado (left meeting at 7:00 p.m.)
Commissioner Reisinger
Absent: None
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor
Habad Ahmad, Program Coordinator
Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor
Tiffany Haley, Program Coordinator
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 15, 2020
Commissioner Reisinger noted in the October 15th minutes that it was not the first term of two
of the members of the Park and Recreation Commission’s term that expired.
Commissioner Machado moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded, to approve the
corrected meetings minutes of October 15, 2020.
AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado, Reisinger
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
New Commissioners Oath of Office – Lindsay Lara, City Clerk
Library and Recreation Director Susan Andrade-Wax introduced City Clerk Lindsey
Lara. Ms. Lara swore in Robert Sandoval and Kela Cabrales as Commissioners to the
Park and Recreation Commission.
Commissioner Sandoval and Commissioner Cabrales gave a brief introduction of
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Review of the Updated Guidelines for the Canal and Terra Linda Community
Library and Recreation Director, Susan Andrade-Wax introduced Assistant Library and
Recreation Director, Catherine Quffa who introduced Debbie Younkin, Senior
Recreation Supervisor at the Terra Linda Community Center, Steve Mason, Senior
Recreation Supervisor at the Albert J Boro Community Center, Tiffany Haley, Program
Coordinator at the Terra Linda Community Center, and Habad Ahmad, Program
Coordinator at the Albert J Boro Community Center.
Ms. Younkin and Ms. Haley gave their presentations for the Terra Linda Community
Garden. Mr. Mason and Mr. Ahmad gave their presentations for the Canal Community
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
5. Selection of Commission Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Assignments
Ms. Andrade-Wax gave an overview of the Chair, Vice Chair, Committee Assignments
timeline and expectations.
Chair Laumann asked the Commissioners for interest in serving as Chair.
Commissioner Emerson nominated Commissioner Machado as Chair, and
Commissioner Gutierrez seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Reisinger,
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: Machado
Chair Laumann asked the Commissioners for nominations in serving as Vice Chair.
Commissioner Gutierrez nominated Commissioner Emerson as Vice Chair, and
Commissioner Reisinger seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
Reisinger, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Ms. Andrade-Wax noted the Library and Community Center Conceptual Design
Working Group needs one new representative. She gave an overview of the position,
and asked for interest from the Commission.
Chair Laumann asked the Commissioners for nominations in serving on the working
Commissioner Machado nominated Commissioner Cabrales to serve on the Community
Center Conceptual Design Working Group, and Commissioner Emerson seconded
the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
Reisinger, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Ms. Andrade-Wax reaffirmed that Commissioner Reisinger would like to be reappointed
to the Pickleweed Advisory Board. Commissioner Reisinger stated that yes, she would
like to be reappointed. Ms. Andrade-Wax asked Commissioner Gutierrez if she would
like to continue to be the alternate for the Pickleweed Advisory Board. Commissioner
Gutierrez stated that yes, she would like to continue as the alternate.
Chair Laumann asked the Commissioners if they would like to have new nominations in
serving on the Pickleweed Advisory Board and there were none.
Commissioner Machado nominated Commissioner Reisinger to serve on the
Pickleweed Advisory Board with Commissioner Gutierrez as the alternate, and
Commissioner Emerson seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
Reisinger, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
6. Review of the Commission Meeting Schedule for 2021
Ms. Andrade-Wax gave the background of the meeting dates for the Park and
Recreation Commission and proposed the monthly meeting dates on the third Thursday
of each month.
Commissioner Emerson suggested we move the February meeting to the 25nd instead
of the 18th due to Winter Break for the schools. Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that yes, the
February meeting can be moved to the 25th pending there are no conflicts with other
boards or commission meetings.
Chair Laumann asked the Commissioners to make a motion to accept the 2021 meeting
calendar with amendments.
Commissioner Gutierrez made a motion to accept the calendar, and Chair Laumann
seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Reisinger,
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Machado
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Emerson shared that she has been working in the Emergency
Operations Center in public health for the county. They gave the first doses of the
COVID vaccine today and yesterday. There are also new testing resources. There is a
new vendor called Curative. Their business model is done by insurance, and they will
be here five days a week in Marin in different locations except for San Rafael.
Commissioner Gutierrez shared that the Library and Community Center Conceptual
Design Working Group went through 18 architect proposals. The group has narrowed it
down to five proposals.
Chair Laumann wanted to recognize the Public Works Department who have been
deployed from their regular parks positions to help on t he streets. She has noticed staff
out working hard.
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Director of Library and Recreation, Susan Andrade-Wax reminded everyone that the
libraries and community centers will be on a furlough schedule from Sunday, December
20th through Sunday, January 3rd.
Assistant Library and Recreation Director, Catherine Quffa stated that with the new
shelter in place guidelines the department needed to shift and close indoor
programming. The Childcare facilities are continuing to run through the holidays and
serve their community as it is an essential service.
Ms. Andrade-Wax added the Marin County of Education has been partnering with us
since September to offer learning hubs at the San Rafael Community Center and the
Albert J Boro Community Center. They will continue the program in January and
possibly through February. They are also contacting the School District to find out if
there is an overflow need for the San Rafael High School or Davidson to have at the
San Rafael Community Center as an overflow site to them. We will know more about
that when we return in January.
Chair Laumann adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2021
SUSAN ANDRADE-WAX, Library & Recreation Director
January 21, 2021
Item #4
That the Commission review and approve the draft San Rafael Community Garden
The City of San Rafael owns and operates two community gardens, the Canal and the
Terra Linda Community Garden(s).
In managing both gardens, the City is responsible for the rules and regulations for the use
of the gardens and the expectations of the community participants. In the past, both
gardens had their own set of guidelines that had been established in coordinati on with
their respective garden committees. Staff is proposing to establish a set of common
guidelines that will provide consistency across the two gardens, while still recognizing the
unique needs and differences of each site.
The Terra Linda Garden composed of a group of garden members, created a working
group to develop previous bylaws for governing the garden through a Garden Steering
Committee. Previously, the Garden Steering Committee was voted in by garden members
and overseen by the Garden Administrator, which is the Terra Linda Community Center
Senior Supervisor.
The last revision of the Terra Linda Community Garden bylaws was done in 2010 and is
included as Attachment 6 for your reference. Over the years, the lack of continued interest
in the steering committee, continued involvement by the same members, and the need to
follow through with compliance issues in a timelier manner has led to challenges with the
bylaws. In addition to the bylaws, the Terra Linda Community Garden also had developed
a set of guidelines. With the support of the Garden Committee members, the garden
guidelines have been updated over the last couple of years to reflect the best policies for
managing the Terra Linda Community Garden . The guidelines are sent out to garden
members with the annual application; the 2020 guidelines are included as Attachment 5
to this report. For the above stated reasons, staff a re recommending that the bylaws be
retired and that the guidelines be the primary governing document for the Terra Linda
Community Garden.
The Rules and Regulations for Canal Community Garden participants were originally
developed by the participating gardeners with the direction of the original managing
partner, Canal Alliance. They have received minor updates annually with input from the
garden’s advisory group and are also sent out to gardener members on an annual basis
along with the annual application. Both the Canal Garden guidelines and application are
included as Attachment 3 and 4, respectively, to this report.
The new proposed guidelines reflect updated policies and procedures that pertain to both
the Canal and Terra Linda gardens and create a more unified approach to management
of both by the City of San Rafael. The new guidelines will move away from an elected
body that is often difficult to achieve, to a volunteer working group, that could involve more
gardeners in different capacities who can better support the needs an interest for both
Staff from both gardens have worked collaboratively to adapt their individual guidelines
into an updated San Rafael Community Garden Guidelines document. Staff presented
the revision to the Park and Recreation Commission at their December 17, 2020 meeting
for their review. Based on the Commission’s feedback, the draft guidelines were sent to
all garden plot members of both gardens for public input on December 18, 2020 with a
reply deadline of January 13, 2021. Eight comments were received from gardeners and
are included in Attachment 2.
The updated draft of the Guidelines, Attachment 1, is now before the Commission for their
final review and consideration.
The proposed guidelines largely align with what has been created in collaboration with
the Garden Committees in years past and clarify the rules, regulations, and expectations
around use of the City’s community gardens. The primary changes in combining the
guidelines of both gardens, as presented to the Commission in December, include d:
• Requiring that all gardeners be San Rafael residents. Staff recommend allowing
the current non-resident plot holders in each garden keep their plots until they no
longer desire to renew their membership.
• Limit gardeners to having only one plot in only one City garden.
• Transition the Terra Linda Community Garden Steering Committee from an elected
body to a volunteer working group.
The City received a range of feedback from some community garden members, copies
of which are provided as Attachment 2. Many of the gardeners had specific
recommendations to wording or requested further clarity, which have been addressed in
the updated staff report and are summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Summary of Specific Community Recommendations Incorporated into
Community Garden Guidelines
Community Comment City Response
Clearer/stronger wording prohibiting the growing of marijuana. Incorporated into section C2
Permit those previously allowed two plots at the Terra Linda
Community Garden to be grandfathered in.
Incorporated into section A5
Do not require gardeners to winterize their garden plots. Incorporated into section C14
Only the City should be able to plant trees in common areas of
the garden.
Incorporated into section I10
Additionally, there were some points of feedback that staff are not recommending be
incorporating directly. One community member requested that drip irrigation be allowed,
as the proposed guidelines restricted its use. However, staff would not recommend this
change for several reasons. From a resource conservation perspective, water systems
are prone to break, and the use of irrigation timers may delay the identification of a leak,
which has happened at both gardens previously. Automatic irrigation also waters on rainy
days when watering is not needed. Additionally, non-automatic irrigation gardening
promotes active gardening which encourages proper upkeep of the total plot and
surrounding area. Since receiving the comment, staff have added language to encourage
active watering by the plot holders and prohibiting individual drip irrigation systems at the
Canal Community Garden.
Another community member recommended that the guidelines specify a 30 -day
maximum timeframe to bring plots into compliance. Staff purposely left the timeline on
compliance, as some issues may require immediate attention while a longer period might
be appropriate for others. Staff have added language to the Compliance section clarifying
that the timeframe would be “determined by staff due to the severity of the infraction.”
An additional concern was about the City holding events in the garden. However, being
City managed facilities, the City retains the right to hold events in either garden. Events
would not be common but could potentially be, but not limited to, a gardening workshop
that would pertain to plot holders and open to the public or a garden related class offered
by the Department for youth and/or adults. All events would be conducted with the health
and benefit of the garden and its members in mind.
Finally, two gardeners who have moved out of San Rafael were concerned that they
would no longer qualify as residents. However, the general guidelines permit current non-
resident plot holders to retain their plots.
There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting the San Rafael Community Garden
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor
Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. San Rafael Community Garden Guidelines – Draft
2. Public Input
3. Canal Community Garden 2020 Guidelines
4. Canal Community Garden 2020 Application
5. Terra Linda Community Garden 2020 Application and Guidelines
6. Terra Linda Community Garden Bylaws (November 2010)
City of San Rafael
San Rafael Community Garden Guidelines
The following document clarifies the rules, regulations, and expectations around use of the City’s Canal Community Garden and
Terra Linda Community Garden. All plot holders are responsible for abiding by these guidelines.
1. Community garden plots are to be used to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, or flowers only.
2. San Rafael community gardens are for use by San Rafael residents only. Starting January 1, 2021, any gardener that
moves out of San Rafael will forfeit their plot the following year . Current garden members who moved out of the San
Rafael prior to January 1, 2021 will be allowed to continue have a plot in the garden.
3. A garden application will be mailed out to gardeners in mid-October. Garden Application, with a proof of residence,
and annual fees are due no later than November 15 of each year to either the Terra Linda Community Center or
Albert J. Boro Community Center.
4. San Rafael residents wishing to apply for a community garden plot should contact the garden representative below for the
garden they would like to join. Interested residents’ names and contact information will be placed on a waitlist. When a plot
becomes available, potential gardeners will be contacted in the order in which their interest was received and will be asked to
formally apply for a plot.
5. Households are allowed one garden plot at either the Canal Community Garden or the Terra Linda Community Garden. City
of San Rafael staff may grant temporary use or maintenance privileges to a garden member for more than one plot with the
expectation that those additional plots may be allocated to new garden members at any time. Terra Linda Community Garden
members who were previously grandfathered in for having two plots by previous bylaws shall retain that privilege. Gardeners
may not have plots at both community gardens.
6. All gardeners are expected to help with tasks to benefit the community garden. For example, each year there will be two to
four workdays scheduled plus ongoing opportunities such as weeding and cleaning in the communal areas .
7. The Community Garden Volunteer Working Group and City of San Rafael staff reserve the right to evaluate plots for
compliance. Staff reserves the right to issue notices to plots holders and revoke privileges at the community garden without
reimbursement of paid fees and lost crops, according to the Compliance section of the garden guidelines.
1. Garden hours are sunrise to sunset.
2. All gates and structures must be locked, and all water hoses turned off prior to leaving the garden.
3. Plot holders are not allowed give the key or lock combination to any unauthorized individual.
4. Guests, children and hired help may visit the garden only if accompanied by a plot holder.
1. The community garden adheres strictly to organic gardening principles, concepts, and practices. Use of pesticides, herbicides,
chemical fertilizers, or other such substances or practices inconsistent with organic gardening principles are prohibited. If a
plot holder is unsure of whether a product is allowed, please check with the Community Garden Volunteer Working Group or
City of San Rafael staff. Gardeners must make sure that any product they spray does not come into contact with another
gardener’s plot.
2. Growing marijuana in the garden for ANY reason, including for medical or recreational purposes, is prohibited.
3. Changing the structure or dimensions of plots is prohibited.
4. Growing plants outside of your plot is prohibited.
5. Weeds must be controlled and must not be allowed to go to seed within or around plots. Plot holders must clear all weeds
within 2 feet of their plot.
6. Individual garden plots are to be fully utilized, with no less than 75% planted, and no more than 25% used f or storage.
7. Structures must be no higher than 6 feet and not cast shade on another plot; no permanent or unsightly structures are allowed.
8. Creating a sunlight obstruction for adjacent plots is not allowed. Tall crops must be positioned in a way that does not cast
shade on neighboring plots.
9. In order to control fly and rodent populations in the garden, meat scraps, kitchen oils, bread, etc. a re not allowed in garden
plots or compost bins. Vegetable scraps used for compost must be buried within the plot.
10. Trimmings and plant material not being used as compost must be removed and put in the green compost bins.
11. Crops must be harvested and cannot be left to rot within the plot. This includes dry sunflowers and rotting veggies, which
attract rodents. If a gardener is unable to use entire crop, they are encouraged to donate additional produce to the Marin Food
12. If a garden plot remains undeveloped, unattended, or overgrown for more than 30 days, the plot holder will be notified in
writing by the City of San Rafael and the plot may be reassigned, based on the process outlined in the Compliance section.
13. By May 15th, plots are to be cleared of any winter crops and winterization materials and spring crops must be planted.
14. By December 1st, plots must be clear of all spring/summer crops and either have winter crops planted or be winterized.
Definition of winterized – Cover your plot with an approved ground cover, such as newspaper with a straw covering; staff
will provide gardeners with a complete list of approved materials . Should a gardener not want to winterize their plot, they
must remove all dead plants and ensure that the plot remains weed free all winter.
15. When vacating a plot to move to a new plot or discontinuing garden participation, the plot holder must clear the area of plan t
material, weeds, and any equipment so that the plot is ready for the next gardener. If a plot holder fails to remove material, the
city will employ an outside landscaper to clear the plot at the plot holder’s expense.
1. The maximum amount of watering for any one plot is 15 minutes per day. This equals about 75 gallons per day, which would
be sufficient for the hottest days.
2. Watering must be performed while immediately attended by a gardener.
3. Water conservation and techniques, such as the use of mulch and compost, is encouraged.
4. Gardeners should turn off the hose bib/water faucet, not just the spray nozzle, when they are done watering.
1. Wheelbarrows must be emptied after use and placed in the proper storage location.
2. On-site storage of personal items is not allowed in walkways or other common areas. Walkways between plots must remain
1. Please respect other gardeners and plots. Do not pick crops or use items from other plots.
2. Children must be supervised at all times. Parents are encouraged to explain the importance of respecting the plots and the
harvests of others.
3. No animals, other than service animals, are allowed in the garden. Official service animals must always remain on leash
and under owner’s control.
4. The use of radios or other audio equipment is prohibited, except for individuals listening on headphones.
5. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are not permitted inside or within 25 feet of the garden.
6. Do not write on or deface City of San Rafael signage or property.
7. Gardeners are expected to be respectful of other gardeners and guests within the garden.
1. City of San Rafael staff respectfully retain the right to create new garden guidelines and make judgments regarding garden
conflicts and gardener conduct at any time. City of San Rafael staff retain the right to revoke gardening privileges, based on
the compliance process listed below.
2. The compliance process for the community gardens is as follows:
a First instance of non-compliance results in a notification of non-compliance and request to bring plot back into
compliance within a certain timeframe as determined by staff due to the severity of the infraction.
b Second instance of non-compliance results in a similar notification, but with a notice that the plot will be revoked if
not brought into compliance. If brought into compliance, plot holder will be notified that any further infr actions will
result in their plot being immediately revoked.
c Third instance of non-compliance results in the plot being revoked.
3. Plot holders that have their privileges revoked will not be reimbursed for fees paid nor crops lost and the individual may not
be eligible for future garden opportunities.
1. Each Community Garden has a Community Volunteer Working Group that is comprised of plot holders who indicated an
interest in participating on their annual Garden Application. City staff will strive to engage all interested gardeners in some
2. Volunteer Working Group members will be expected to help with the following type of activities: working with City of San
Rafael staff to conduct periodic walk throughs for compliance, organizing workdays, making recommendations for plot and
garden improvements, planning garden renovation and volunteer projects, and connecting with gardeners who have general
1. The Canal Community Garden has twelve (12) ADA accessible garden plots that are available at the community garden.
Individuals with a disability have priority in renting the ADA accessible garden plots.
2. Modification to the existing drip irrigation system is prohibited and individual plot irrigation systems are not permitted.
3. Watering must be accomplished by hose and wh ile immediately attended by a gardener.
4. Gardeners must label their locker with their name and plot number.
5. Personal hand tools may be stored in a locker or in garden plot in a non-hazardous manner.
6. Communal tools must be cleaned and returned to the garden shed after use.
7. Gardeners are expected to participate in at least one workday per year to support site maintenance and work on special
renovation projects within the garden. If unable to attend a workday, gardeners can work with City staff to determine
alternative opportunities to support the garden.
8. The City of San Rafael has the right to utilize the garden for public events.
9. Report leaking faucets or leaks in the irrigation system to abc.counter@cityofsanrafael.org and/or City of San Rafael staff at
(415) 485-3077.
10. Trees are not allowed in individual garden plots. Community trees can only be planted in common areas in approved
containers with City permission. (Would it be better to remove previous sentence and add the following: Only the City may
determine to plant community trees in common areas.)
1. Full plots are a maximum of 15’x30’ (450 square feet). Half plots are a maximum of 15’x15’ (225 square feet).
2. Storage items need to be a minimum of 6 inches off the ground. Storage receptacles either need to be tightly closed or fully
open to deter rodents from nesting . All items must be kept in a non-hazardous manner.
3. Personal items, including compost bins are to be placed within an individual’s plot.
4. Watering may be accomplished by a drip type irrigation system that is connected directly to a hose and while immediately
5. Dumpsters are for school district and garden use only. No illegal dumping.
6. Gardeners are expected to participate in a minimum of two garden workdays per year. If unable to participate in a garden
workday; gardeners may pay a $20.00 fee per workday missed.
7. No Trees are allowed in the garden. There are fig trees and an herb garden for communal use by plot holders. Gardeners are
asked to take only what they need and to leave some for others. Do not step into people’s plots to access fig trees or the herb
8. Report leaking faucets, water line break, fence repairs or other general maintenance to terralindapool@cityofsanrafael .org or
call (415) 485-3344.
9. The Terra Linda Community Garden land is owned by the Miller Creek School District and operated by the City of San
Rafael. Gardeners need to be “good neighbors” to insure a successful relationship. Keep your plots maintained !
All gardeners are required to follow these San Rafael Community Garden Guidelines to ensure a successful, enjoyable garden
City of San Rafael - Library and Recreation Department
Albert J. Boro Community Center (Canal Community Garden)
Contact: abc.counter@cityofsanrafael.org; (415) 485-3077
Terra Linda Community Center (Terra Linda Community Garden)
Contact: terralindapool@cityofsanrafael.org; (415) 485-3344
City of San Rafael Library and Recreation Department
Canal Community Garden Guidelines
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Keep for your record
1. All gardeners who are able are expected to help with chores to benefit the community garden as a whole. For example, each
year there will be four group workdays scheduled plus ongoing opportunities such as weeding and cleaning in the communal
areas and keeping the shed clean and organized.
2. The Garden Committee and City of San Rafael staff reserve the right to evaluate, issue notices to plot holders, and revoke
privileges at the community garden without reimbursement according to the garden guidelines.
3. Garden Enrollment Form and Annual Fees are due no later than February 28, 2020.
4. Garden hours are sunrise to sunset.
5. All gates and the shed must be locked and all water hoses turned off prior to leaving the garden.
6. Do not give the lock combinations to any unauthorized individual.
7. Guests may visit the garden only if accompanied by a plot holder.
8. The community garden adheres strictly to Organic gardening principles, concepts, and practices. Use of pesticides, herbicides,
chemical fertilizers, or other such substances or practices inconsistent with organic gardening are prohibited. If you are un sure
of any product, please check with the Garden Committee or City of San Rafael Staff. Make sure that any product you spray
does not come into contact with another gardener’s plot.
9. It is prohibited to grow medical or recreational marijuana in the garden.
10. Changing the structure or dimensions of plots is prohibited.
11. Growing plants outside of your plot is prohibited.
12. Plot holders must clear all weeds within 3 feet of individual plots.
13. Individual garden plots are to be fully utilized, with no less than 75% planted, and no more than 25% us ed for storage.
14. Only one full plot per resident is permitted in the garden. Garden Committee and City of San Rafael Staff may grant
temporary use or maintenance privileges to a garden member for more than one plot with the expectation that additional plo ts
may be allocated to new garden members at any time.
15. Twelve (12) ADA accessible garden plots are available at the community garden. Individuals with a disability have priority in
renting the ADA accessible garden plots.
16. Trellises must be no higher than 6 feet and not cast shade on another plot; no unsightly structures are allowed.
17. Trees are not allowed in individual garden plots.
18. Creating a sunlight obstruction for adjacent plots is not allowed. Tall crops must be positioned in a way that does not cast
shade on neighboring plots.
19. In order to control fly and rodent populations in the garden, meat scraps, kitchen oils, bread, etc. are not allowed in garden
plots or compost bins, and all vegetable scraps must be buried.
20. Trimmings and plant material not being used as compost must be removed and put in the green compost bins.
21. If plastic is used for ground cover, poke holes in it to avoid standing water and mosquitoes.
22. Crops must be harvested, not left to rot within the plot. Dry sunflowers and rotting veggies attract rodents.
23. If your garden plot remains undeveloped, unattended, or overgrown for more than 30 days you will be notified.
24. If you are not growing anything during the winter months, you must clear your plot by removing all traces of previous
plantings and voluntary weeds. We suggest you plant a cover crop like legumes to f ortify your soil.
25. When vacating a plot to move to a new plot or discontinuing garden participation, the plot holder must clear the area of plan t
material, weeds, and any equipment so that the plot is ready for the next gardener. If a plot holder fails to remove material a
minimum $25 fine will be charged, and or the individual may forfeit future garden opportunities in community gardens
managed by the City of San Rafael.
(Continued on other side)
26. The maximum amount of watering for any one plot is 15 minutes per day. This equals about 75 gallons, more than enough for
even the hottest days.
27. All watering must be accomplished by hand -held hose only.
28. Modification to the existing drip irrigation system is prohibited.
29. Water conservation, such as the use of mulch and compost is encouraged.
30. Please be sure to turn off the hose bib/water faucet, not just the spray nozzle when you are done watering.
31. Report leaking faucets or leaks in the irrigation system to canalgardencommittee@gmail.com and/or City of San Rafael Staff
at (415) 485-3077.
32. Please label your locker with your name and plot number.
33. Personal hand tools may be stored in your locker or in your garden plot in a non -hazardous manner.
34. Communal tools must be cleaned and returned to the garden shed after use.
35. Wheel barrows must be emptied after use and placed behind the shed standing on en d.
36. On-site storage of personal items is limited to each gardener’s locker and individual plot, and not allowed in walkways or
other common areas. Walkways between plots must remain clear.
37. The City of San Rafael has the right to utilize the garden for public events.
38. Please respect other gardeners and plots. Do not pick crops from other plots!
39. Children must be supervised at all times. Please explain the importance of respecting plots and harvests of others.
40. No animals, other than service animals, are allowed in the garden. Service animals must remain on leash always.
41. The use of radios or other audio equipment is prohibited, except for individuals listening on headphones.
42. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are not permitted inside or within 25 feet of the garden.
43. Do not write on or deface City of San Rafael signage or property.
44. The Garden Committee, under the supervision of City of San Rafael Staff, respectfully retain the right to create new garden
guidelines and make judgments regarding garden conflicts and gardener conduct at any time. The City of San Rafael staff
retain the right to revoke gardening privileges.
45. There is zero-tolerance for disrespectful behavior. If you do not comply, you will first be issued a notice by the Garden
Committee or City of San Rafael staff. Further offense may result in immediate removal from t he garden with no
reimbursement and the individual may not be eligible for future garden opportunities.
All gardeners are required to follow the Canal Community Garden Guidelines to ensure a successful, enjoyable garden. Plot
holders who do adhere to the Garden Guidelines listed above will be notified by the Garden Committee or City of San Rafael staff.
If a plot holder is issued multiple notices within one year, the plot will be revoked with no reimbursement and the individual may
not be eligible for future garden opportunities.
City of San Rafael Library and Recreation Department: (415) 485-3077
Garden Committee Contact: canalgardencommittee@gmail.com
The Canal Community Garden is owned and operated by the City of San Rafael.
Gardeners need to be “good neighbors” to insure a successful relationship. Keep your plots maintained!
Page 1 of 2
Plot # __________
City of San Rafael Community Services Despartment
2020 Canal Community Garden Enrollment Form
Last Name ________________________________________ First Name _______________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ Zip _________ Email ______________________________________
Cell Phone ________________________________________ Landline ___________________________________
May the City of San Rafael share your contact info with fellow garden members? _____ Yes _____ No
Languages spoken: □ English □ Spanish □ Other ___________________________________________________
If fluent in more than one language, are you willing to volunteer occasionally as a translator? _____ Yes _____ No
List the name and email or phone number of family/friends that you authorize to care for your plot:
San Rafael Resident fee: $70 full plot $35 half plot or accessible plot
Non-Resident fee: $80 full plot $40 half plot or accessible plot
PAYMENT accepted by CASH, CHECK OR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD with a completed application.
o CHECKS are made payable to: City of San Rafael
o CHECKS may be sent either via mail or in-person at the Albert J. Boro Community Center.
o Visa and Mastercard are accepted for CREDIT/DEBIT CARD payments in-person only at Albert J. Boro
Community Center.
o CASH payments will be accepted in-person only at the Albert J. Boro Community Center.
Albert J. Boro Community Center
50 Canal Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
Monday – Friday from 9:30am-1:30pm and 2:00pm-6:00pm
Page 2 of 2
Community/Plot Holder Participation
Working together keeps the garden functional and beautiful and fosters a sense of community as we cooperate in
its maintenance and upkeep. There will be quarterly community work days scheduled each year. All gardeners
who are able are expected to help with chores such as keeping the common areas and pathways clean and free of
In addition to the community work days, volunteer help is needed for the following tasks.
Please check any that you are willing to do:
□ Take the waste bins (compost/trash/recycling) out to the street on Wednesday afternoons or evenings
(this would be for a designated period of time, ideally 2-3 months)
□ Spoken English to Spanish translation for presentations given at garden events
If you have specific skills, tools or equipment that you would like to make available to the garden, please list below:
I hereby certify that I have read all rules, regulations and bylaws concerning the participation in the Canal
Community Garden Program and agree to abide by all the conditions set forth. In addition, I hereby agree to
indemnify and hold harmless the City of San Rafael or their representatives, against any loss whatsoever the nature
or kind arising from damage to person or property as a result of my participation in this program.
I understand that failure to meet the Canal Community Garden Guidelines or to maintain my garden area will result
in forfeiture of gardening privileges. No refunds will be issued. An additional amount may be assessed should water
usage exceed the estimate this year’s fees are based on. Water restrictions may be mandated by the Marin Municipal
Water District at any time.
It is the commitment of the undersigned to make this payment annually and maintain garden plot or discontinue
gardening. The City of San Rafael retains authority to revoke garden plot privileges at any time.
Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________________
2020 PM Reg. Code: 10446 Date received _____________ Initial ______ Plot #__________
Course code: 9520 Plot #(s)________
San Rafael Community Services Department
2020 Terra Linda Community Garden Application
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
APPLICATION & FEES DUE by February 18, 2020
Last Name ______________________________ First Name(s) _____________________________
Birthdate __________________________ Primary Phone ______________________________
Address _________________________________ City __________________ Zip _______________
_____ Please check if you do not want your name & phone number published on a community
garden phone list roster available to other gardeners.
Fees: Full Plot $71/plot (San Rafael Resident), $75/plot (Non-Resident)
½ Plot $36/plot (San Rafael Resident), $38/plot (Non-Resident)
Garden Guidelines & Hold Harmless Agreement
I hereby certify that I have read all garden rules and guidelines concerning
the participation in the Community Garden Program and agree to abide by all the
conditions set forth. In addition, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City
of San Rafael, Miller Creek School District or their representatives, against any loss
whatsoever the nature or kind arising from damage to person or property as a result of
my participation in this program.
I understand that failure to meet the garden rules and regulations or to maintain my
garden area will result in forfeiture of gardening privileges. No refunds will be issued,
and any fees required to clear your plot of any items after you are asked to leave the
garden will be billed to you.
An additional amount may be assessed should water usage exceed the estimate this
year’s fees are based on. It is the commitment of the undersigned to make this payment
and maintain my garden plot or discontinue gardening. Water restrictions may be
mandated by the Marin Municipal Water District at any time.
Signature_____________________________________________ Date______________
Please return signed garden application form to the Terra Linda Community Center
by Fax/Email/Mail or In Person:
Payment options: Cash/Check/Visa/Mastercard/Discover (please call to pay by phone)
Please make checks payable to: City of San Rafael
Mail to: Terra Linda Community Center phone: (415) 485-3344
670 Del Ganado Rd. fax: (415) 485-3345
San Rafael, Ca 94903 email: terralindapool@cityofsanrafael.org
2020 Community Garden Rules and Regulations
1.Required workdays will be April 25 & May 2 from 9am-11am. Each gardener will
sign in and work with a specific supervisor on tasks that need to be completed. If
you cannot attend and participate, you may pay a $30 fee by April 20. No
special assignments will be assigned if you are unable to make a work day.
2.Effective January 1, 2020 – all plots containing trees need to be removed or the plot
will be out of compliance and you will forfeiture the plot for the coming season.
3.Dogs, smoking, vaping and alcohol are not permitted in the garden or on school
district property. Growing of cannabis is not allowed. Please do not leave dogs
unattended or tied to the fence.
4.Permanent structures or installations in the garden are not permitted. Any special
requests for changes to a garden plot need to go through the Terra Linda Community
Garden Steering Committee for consideration. Any work without approval can result
in forfeiture of garden plot. Effective January 2019, concrete and pressure treated
wood are not permitted. A 6 foot non-permanent growing structure is permitted. A
metal fence; maximum height of 5feet; is see through and non-permanent is
5. Only organic herbicides, pesticides, insecticides may be used in the Community
Garden. Please do not overspray and remove products from the garden after use.
6.Garden plots are a maximum of 15’x30’ (450 square feet) or 15’X15’ (225 square
feet) for a ½ plot. Plot borders cannot be extended or rearranged to extend past the
assigned plot borders.
7.Each plot must have the plot number clearly posted at his/her garden plot. It is up to
the plot holder to ensure the plot number is posted and clearly visible. Any plot not
providing proper signage may be fined the cost of a number sign that will be placed
in the garden plot.
8.Weeds will not be allowed to become uncontrolled or go to seed within plots.
Borders between plots must be maintained by both plot holders. If your plot borders
a fence, the distance between border and fence needs to be maintained by the plot
holder. Plots that border the area under the big trees need to maintain up to 18” off
the border towards the open area. Any bushes including but not limited to blackberry
and rose bushes must be pruned back and not impede on the walk way.
9.Garden plots are to be fully utilized with no less than 75% planted and 25% for
storage. Hand tools including but not limited to rakes, hoes, spades and shovels may
be stored in your garden plot in a non-hazardous manner. Empty vegetable plastic
containers should be recycled or removed from your plot.
10. Storage items need to be a minimum of 6 inches off the ground and storage either
needs to be tightly closed or open to deter rodents from nesting in the garden.
11.Compost bins are to be placed within a plot. Trimmings and garden refuse, not being
used as compost, must be removed and placed in one of the garden dumpsters. No
meat scraps, kitchen oils, or bread (attracts rodents). All kitchen vegetable scraps
need to be buried or covered with wood chips to keep out flies and rodents.
12. Crops must be harvested and are not to be left to rot within the plot. If unable to use
entire crop, sharing with others or donations to the Marin Food Bank are appreciated.
13. Please respect the garden. Make an effort to instruct guests and children to stay on
walkways while in the garden. No animals, please. Lock gates upon exiting the
garden and make sure no one is left in the garden before locking the gate.
14. If a Garden Plot remains unplanted or unattended for 30 days, as evidenced by the
condition or lack of living plant material, soil preparation, weed growth in a Plot or
in a prescribed adjacent pathways, debris collection, failure to seasonally prepare or
clear a Plot on the Seasonal Schedule, etc. the assigned gardener will be notified by
the Community Services Department, in writing. A new date by which the indicated
remedial work must be completed will be set. Gardeners are encouraged to contact
the Department immediately if circumstances prevent the completion of the work by
the date assigned. Failure to complete the work, or to consistently maintain a plot
according to the Garden Guidelines and Seasonal Schedule will result in a
forfeiture of Garden privileges and reassignment of the Garden Plot affected.
15. Everyone is to be out of the garden area within one (1) hour after sundown.
16. Plots are to be cleared of any winter crops and any winterization materials including
but not limited to straw or plastic covering in preparation of planting for a spring plot
by May 1, 2020. Spring crops are to be planted and tended by May 15, 2020
(weather permitting) or plots are subject to reassignment. Plots must be clear of all
spring/summer crops including all vegetation and either have a winter plot planted or
winterized by December 1, 2020. Definition of Winterized - plot(s) must have all
traces of summer crops and voluntary weeds removed, as well as winter cover crops
planted or cover your plot(s) with approved ground cover (newspaper with straw, or
black or white anchored plastic (with poked holes).
17. Do not write on or deface City of San Rafael signage or property.
18. Guests may be present in the garden as long as they are accompanied by a plot
holder. If you give out the key , your plot will be reassigned. All gardeners may not
be in other garden plots without the plot holder present, unless prior consent has been
given and the office has been notified. Any violation or gardeners found picking
or taking items from other plots will forfeit their plot. There are three fig trees
and one herb garden that is communal for plot holders. Gardeners who hire help to
assist with their garden, must be present while the work is being conducted or forfeit
their plot.
19. Dumpsters are for school district and garden use only. No illegal dumping.
20. All watering must be accomplished by hand-held hose or drip type irrigation
systems when immediately attended by a gardener, timers are not allowed.
Should you have a drip system, you will need to provide a “Y” type faucet
connector that will allow other gardeners the use of the faucet while a drip
system is on. No overhead watering or use of oscillating sprinklers. Trench
watering is not allowed.
Follow all gardening rules and regulations will ensure a successful, enjoyable garden
season. Failure to meet above requirements or maintain garden plot(s) will result in
forfeiture of gardening privileges.
Additional Important Information
The Community Garden land is owned by the Miller Creek School District and through
an agreement, the City of San Rafael is allowed to utilize the property for a community
garden. Gardeners need to be “good neighbors” in order to ensure the continuing
relationship with them. Please keep plots maintained, respect parking and traffic in and
out of the school district parking lot; park in designated spots and help keep the area
around the fence cleaned up.
Four (4) to five (5) hours a week of care are required to keep a plot properly maintained.
Watering – The maximum amount of watering for any one plot on any day is fifteen
(15) minutes. This equals about 75 gallons, more than enough for even the hottest
summer days. Water conservation measures and techniques are encouraged.
Repair or replace your hose if it leaks. The City will replace hoses once a year if
Any maintenance issues such as leaking faucets, leaks in the irrigation system, water
line break, fence repairs or any other general maintenance, please call the Terra Linda
Community Center, 415- 485-3344 during business hours or email
terralindapool@cityofsanrafael.org .
If there is a water leak that is causing significant water loss after normal business hours,
please contact the Non-Emergency Police number to report the issue;
In 2021, all plot holders will need to be residents of San Rafael.
Approved Nov. 2010
ARTICLE I – PURPOSES of the Terra Linda Community Garden
A. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Terra Linda Community Garden.
B. Mission
The Terra Linda Community Garden exists to create and maintain a community-operated garden in
Terra Linda. We are committed to nurturing the land; growing and sharing healthful, pesticide-free,
organic food; developing caring and supportive relationships among gardeners; and sharing our
skills, knowledge and experience. By means of the garden, people of diverse cultures, ages, and
abilities demonstrate the positive effect, to individuals and the community, of joining together as
tillers and preservers of the land.
C. Goals
The goals of the Terra Linda Community Garden are:
1. To establish and maintain a site upon which members can engage in gardening and
related educational and social activities.
2. To grow healthful food and flowers for our families and to share those with community
members who are in need.
3. To preserve a productive green space and surrounding environment for future generations,
honoring the agricultural heritage of the Las Gallinas Valley.
D. Site Property Supervision and Uses
The Terra Linda Community Garden will be responsible for developing and maintaining the
community garden on property at 380 Nova Albion Way leased by the Dixie School District to the
San Rafael Community Services Department.
The Terra Linda Recreation Supervisor (hereafter in these bylaws referred to at the Garden
Administrator) shall be responsible for general oversight of the garden site and program.
Use of this property by the Terra Linda Community Garden shall be for the purposes and goals
stated in Article I, Section B & C, and in accordance with the bylaws, rules, and policies of the
Terra Linda Community Garden as well as pertinent regulations of the San Rafael Community
Services Department.
The Terra Linda Community Garden shall have areas designated for the following uses according to
a garden site plan approved by the Garden Administrator and the Garden Steering Committee:
1. Individual Garden Plots, to be fully utilized with no less than 75% planted and 25% for
storage, and maintained by individual members of the garden and their immediate families.
The border up to 18” surrounding the plot is to be maintained by plot holder and is to be
free of garbage, weeds and grass.
2. Large Garden Pathways, Fences, and Common Areas, to be maintained by all members of the
3. Small Pathways between two garden plots or between a plot and the garden fence,
to be maintained by the members assigned to those plots.
A Definition of Membership
1. Member in Good Standing: Members who have paid their plot rental fees and who adhere to
all garden rules, policies and bylaws.
2. Probationary Members: Members who have not abided by the garden rules and policies and
who have received one official notification within one membership year regarding noncompliance
with garden rules or policies. See Section H.
B. Membership Requirements
1. Residence in the City of San Rafael or in unincorporated neighborhoods in the northern San
Rafael area.
A. “Grandfather” Clause: Current “Members in Good Standing” who reside outside the
City of San Rafael or outside the unincorporated neighborhoods of the northern San
Rafael area, may maintain their membership in the garden. At such time that their
membership is discontinued for any reason, their plots shall be distributed according to
these bylaws.
2. Payment of annual fee and agreement, in writing, to abide by the Hold Harmless Agreement
and the Terra Linda Community Garden Rules and Regulations and to treat fellow gardeners,
visitors, and others with respect and good will.
C. Membership Responsibilities
1. Pay annual membership fee by the deadline date.
2. At any, if gardener fails to clean their plot to rules and regulation standards, they will be given
opportunity to correct the infraction. If the gardener chooses not to correct the infraction by
the given deadline, they will be required to pay for the clean-up services provided by the City
of San Rafael. Payment must be paid within 30 days of clean-up and the plot will be given to
someone on the waiting list.
3. Comply with Terra Linda Community Garden bylaws, rules, and policies, as well as San
Rafael Community Services Department regulations.
4. Maintain assigned individual garden plots, pathways, fence areas, and common areas as
specified in the garden rules and policies.
5. Contribute to the Terra Linda Community Garden mission and goals by participating in one of
the two scheduled clean-up days.
a) If a member is unable to do this, the members name shall be put on a list to help with
special projects during the year.
6. Assist with maintaining the safety and security of the garden site by locking gates when
leaving the garden and by notifying the Garden Administrator of any hazardous conditions.
Please check to make sure no one is left in the garden before locking the gates. Please make
sure no one is left unattended in the garden that does not belong in the garden. If an urgent
public safety situation exists, the San Rafael Police Department should be immediately
notified, and the Garden Administrator informed as soon as possible.
D. Privileges of Members in Good Standing
1. Right to vote in Community Garden elections and annual meetings (see Section F)
2. Eligibility to be elected to the Garden Steering Committee
3. Eligibility to participate on or chair standing or ad-hoc committees.
4. Assignment of an individual garden plot (one plot per household/family)
a. Current members have priority to be reassigned to the same plot(s) they had in the
previous year
b. Current members have priority to be reassigned to a different plot(s), if available, in
the order in which the requests are received by the Garden Administrator. In all
cases, requests for reassignment must be received by the Garden Administrator
c. New members will be assigned to the remaining available garden plots in the order
in which their names appear on a waiting list kept by the Garden Administrator.
d. Individual plots will be assigned. One plot per household unless approved prior to
2008. Plot holders with two plots who give up a plot are not re-eligible for two
5. Access to the garden site from sunrise to sunset.
6. Use of water, wood chips, compost and other resources provided at the garden site according
to garden rules and policies.
7. Eligibility for use of common garden space(s) for project(s) approved by the garden steering
committee, as an individual member, the leader of a group project, or as a participant in a
group project.
E. Membership Dues
The San Rafael Community Services Department shall determine annual membership fees, in
consultation with the Garden Steering Committee. Annual membership begins April 1st of each
year and ends March 31st of the following year. Membership dues are nonrefundable and are due
by March 15th of each year.
F. Membership Meetings
1. Annual Meetings There shall be an annual meeting in September/October of all members to
review the past year’s activities, to preview the upcoming year, and to vote on matters
requiring decisions of the full membership, including approval of policies submitted by the
Garden Steering Committee. At each annual meeting, the Garden Steering Committee and the
chair of each standing and ad-hoc committee shall give reports of their activities in the
previous year and anticipated business for the coming year.
Written notice of time, date and place of this meeting shall be given by first class mail, to
each member.
2. Special Meetings Special meetings of the membership may be held upon the call by a simple
majority of the Garden Steering Committee, by the Garden Administrator, or by one-fourth
(1/4) of the Members in Good Standing. Written notice of time, date and place of such
meetings shall be given by first class mail to each member.
3. Quorum and Organization of Meetings At all general membership meetings, one fourth (1/4)
of the Members in Good Standing, present in person, shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Designated members of the Garden Steering Committee shall preside
and take minutes at all membership meetings.
G. Voting Procedures
For the election of members of the Garden Steering Committee and at any membership
meeting, each Member in Good Standing shall be entitled to one vote. Upon demand of any
member present, voting on any question at general membership meetings shall be by secret
ballot. A simple majority of the votes cast in person by Members in Good Standing at any
membership meeting where a quorum is present shall be sufficient to authorize approval of
policies. A plurality of votes cast on election ballots shall be sufficient to elect members of
the Garden Steering Committee.
H. Termination of Membership
1. Initiation of Complaint of Violation of Rules
Complaints of a member's violation of garden rules and policies must be
made in writing to the Garden Committee Administrator. Complaints can be
initiated by any member in good standing or by the Garden Administrator.
The identity of the person filing the complaint shall be kept confidential
unless permission is given by that person to the Garden Administrator
either verbally or in writing.
2. First Notification of Noncompliance with garden rules or policies
a. The Garden Administrator and members of the Garden Steering Committee shall
investigate any complaint of a member’s violation(s) of garden rules and policies.
b. Results of the investigation shall be discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the
Garden Steering Committee and, if it is determined by simple majority vote that the
member is not complying with Garden rules or policies, a Notification of
Noncompliance, including a deadline for remedying the violation(s), shall be sent by
first class mail to the member.
c. If the Garden Administrator and members of the Garden Steering Committee
determine that the violation(s) have not been remedied by the specified deadline, a
final Notification of Noncompliance shall be sent by first class mail to the member,
and the member shall be requested to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Garden
Steering Committee to present a plan for coming into compliance with Garden rules
and policies or be evicted from the garden. . The member may also present additional
information pertinent to the evaluation of the violation(s) and may request assistance in
remedying the violation(s), if special circumstances apply. This notification
automatically conveys Probationary Member Status on the member.
d. The Garden Administrator and members of the Garden Steering Committee shall
verify whether the violations(s) have been remedied by the specified deadline. If the
violations have been corrected, the gardener will return to “Member in Good
3. Notification of Noncompliance and Revoking of Garden Membership
a. If it is determined by majority vote of the Garden Steering Committee that the
violation(s) has been rectified, a letter shall be sent to the member confirming
continuing status as a “Member in Good Standing.”
b. If it is determined by majority vote of the Garden Steering Committee that the
violation(s) has not been rectified by given deadline, a final letter shall be sent
notifying the member of the continuing noncompliance and of the termination of the
individual’s membership in the Community Garden.
c. If a gardener received three notifications of non-compliance within a period of two
years, their membership will be terminated. Extenuating circumstances can be
brought to the attention of the steering committee for special consideration.
d. Membership can be immediately terminated for direct violation of garden rules
pertaining to theft and use of herbicides in the garden.
e. Termination of membership shall be the sole decision of the Garden Steering
Committee and the Garden Administrator.
f. In case of termination of membership, there will be no return of membership fees.
A. Composition, Qualifications, Election and Term of Office
1. Composition: The Garden Steering Committee is comprised of five elected members. The
Garden Administrator also participates on the Garden Steering Committee in an advisory
(non-voting) capacity.
2. Qualifications: All Garden Steering Committee members shall be Members in Good
Standing and at least 18 years of age at the time they are elected.
3. Election and Terms of Office: All Garden Steering Committee members shall be elected for a
two-year term, on an alternate year schedule so that 2 or 3 members of the Steering
Committee are elected each year. Each Garden Steering Committee member shall be elected,
or re-elected, by a plurality of votes on ballots cast by Members in Good Standing.
4. Removal From Office and Vacancies: A Garden Steering Committee member may be
removed from office by a majority vote of the remaining Steering Committee members after
missing four scheduled meetings in one year or after losing status as Member in Good
a. In the case of a vacancy on the Steering Committee, including removal, resignation,
illness, or death of a member, a replacement must be elected by ballot at the next
annual membership meeting.
b. Interim replacements can be appointed by a quorum of the remaining Steering
5. Quorum and Voting: A quorum of the Garden Steering Committee shall consist of at least 3
members. A simple majority vote of members of the Garden Steering Committee at any
meeting where a quorum is present shall be sufficient to authorize approval of rules, policies,
and other actions in accordance with garden bylaws, rules, and policies.
B. Powers and Duties of the Steering Committee
1. The Garden Steering Committee shall meet at least 10 times per year.
2. The Garden Steering Committee shall have general responsibility to manage the affairs and
operations of the Terra Linda Community Garden and to adopt rules and policies for the
garden. The Garden Administrator shall have the right to override any decision made by the
Garden Steering Committee and the general membership.
C. Ad hoc and Standing Committees
Ad hoc and standing committees may be established by the Garden Steering Committee as needed.
1. These bylaws shall be approved by a majority vote of the Members in Good Standing on
written ballots distributed to the membership by first class mail.
2. Amendments to these bylaws can be proposed by a majority of the Garden Steering
Committee or by petition of one fourth of Members in Good Standing. Proposed
amendments shall be discussed at a steering committee meeting and shall be sent by first
class mail to each member.
3. Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Members in Good Standing on
written ballots distributed to the membership by first class mail.
January 21, 2021
Item #5
That the Commission receive and provide feedback on the Donation Policy for the
Falkirk Cultural Center.
Historical buildings are often at the forefront of community members minds when it
comes to donating their heirlooms. The Falkirk Cultural Center is often on the receiving
end of this generosity, and receives regular donation offers. However, the City does not
currently have a formal donation policy in place, which creates challenges for staff in
making decisions about accepting donations, tracking where the items at Falkirk came
from, and determining how to properly dispose of items. It also can provide barriers to
those wishing to donate items, as there is not process for doing so.
Staff have drafted a proposed Donation Policy for the Falkirk Cultural Center with the
goal of providing guidance for both staff and the public on the procedure for accepting
and managing donations. The policy stipulates that acquisition of new items will be at
the discretion of City5 staff and will take into consideration factors such as availability of
space and funding to maintain the proposed donations.
The proposed policy sets out a clear donation process and will help staff make
decisions on which donations to accept and how to dispose of them when they are no
longer needed. It outlines the criteria for accepting donations and provides staff with
guidelines on what information needs to be collected and maintained for all donations.
Finally, the policy specifies that all donations must be outright and unconditional, and
that the City has the right to dispose of the materials at any time. Staff have also
developed supportive forms (Attachments 2 and 3) for ease of implementation of the
Donation Policy.
Donations to Falkirk are often valuable and meaningful for family members. With this
policy in place, we can ensure that donors clearly understand the process and terms of
their donations. The policy will help the public understand what kinds of items we accept
and give the right to staff to say “no” if the items do not meet the Falkirk Cultural Center’s
needs. It will also ensure that an undue burden is not placed on staff once the Falkirk
Cultural Center no longer has use for an item.
There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting Falkirk Donation Policy.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Darcie Chellew, Interim Program Coordinator
Darcie Chellew
1. Draft Falkirk Donation Policy (2021)
2. Draft Falkirk Donation Questionnaire (2021)
3. Draft Falkirk Donation Relinquishment of Ownership (2021)
Falkirk Cultural Center Donation Policy
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Ave
San Rafael, CA 94901
This document sets out the donation policy for the City of San Rafael’s Falkirk Cultural Center.
The policies outlined below allow the donation of relevant items, but do not require the City to
accept donations. Acquisition of new items for the Cultural Center collections through
donations will always be pursued at the discretion of City staff and after consideration of such
factors as availability of space and funding to maintain the proposed donations.
Cultural Center Collection & Donation Criteria
The Falkirk Cultural Center, located in San Rafael, is a California Victorian built in 1888. The
mansion in an excellent example of the Queen Anne style and has a variety of Victorian
furniture donated over the years.
The collections at the Falkirk Cultural Center consist predominantly of furniture and artwork
from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The City is most interested in donations that add to
this collection and that fit within the following criteria:
• Established connection to the history of the Falkirk Cultural Center and the Dollar family
• Fits with the time period and style of the property
• Doesn’t duplicate objects already in collection
• Established and unquestioned provenance (proof of ownership)
• Sufficient documentation that it can be interpreted for the public
• Excellent condition and quality of construction/materials
Furthermore, in evaluating potential donations, consideration must be given to the City’s ability
to provide proper care and storage for any item. No item(s) will be considered as a donation if
the future care and preservation needs exceed the City’s resources.
Donation Process
To assess the proposed donation, donors must complete and return a Donation Questionnaire,
available on the City website and in hard copy at the Falkirk Cultural Center. Photographs of the
object(s) are required in order to be considered for a donation.
Once the Questionnaire is received, City staff will evaluate the donation based on the above
criteria. Once City staff have completed their evaluation, they will inform the donor of whether
the City is able to accept the item(s).
To accept a donation, the City must have and maintain a complete record of the donated
item(s), including:
1. Date of acquisition;
2. Name and address of donor;
3. Estimated, appraised, or special value;
4. All available information connecting the item(s) to the Falkirk Cultural Center’s history
and purpose;
5. All other information establishing provenance.
Federal law prevents the Falkirk Cultural Center from providing appraisal values for donated
items. Donors are responsible for appraisals of value prior to donation request.
Donations are fully tax deductible within IRS guidelines. The City will issue a letter of verification
confirming acceptance of a donation, but monetary valuations must be issued by a professional
Donation Terms
All donations must be outright and unconditional. The Cultural Center cannot guarantee that
objects donated will be placed or remain on display, or that they will be exhibited or stored
intact as a single collection. Once an item has been donated to the City of San Rafael, the City
reserves the right to keep, lend, sell, or otherwise dispose of the donated material. The City
cannot make exceptions to this policy. All donations to the Cultural Center’s collections are
irrevocable upon the physical transfer to the Falkirk Cultural Center.
Donation Questionnaire
The Falkirk Cultural Center located in San Rafael is a California Victorian built in 1888. The
mansion in an excellent example of the Queen Anne style and has a variety of Victorian
furniture that has been donated over the years.
We have great interest in acquiring objects that relate to the history and background of the
Cultural Center. If you have an item that you believe would enhance the property, and you
would like to donate it to the Falkirk Cultural Center, please take the time to read our donation
policy before completing and submitting this Questionnaire.
Each donation will be considered by City staff, who will make the ultimate decision on whether
an item is accepted. Understanding our donation policies and following our guidelines for
proposed donations will help make the donation process as smooth as possible for everyone
involved. Thank you for your time and attention.
If you are interested in donating items, please fill out the below donation form and submit it,
and photographs of each item to be donated, to Falkirkart@cityofsanrafael.org. If the items
are deemed of interest to the Falkirk collection, City staff will contact you to move forward with
the donation process. Please do not send or deliver items until you have been contacted by City
staff and instructed to do so.
Object(s) name or description:_____________________________________________________
When did you acquire this object?__________________________________________________
How did you acquire it?___________________________________________________________
Do you have documentation for proof of purchase?____________________________________
From whom did you acquire it?
Name___________________________________ Relationship___________________________
How did they acquire it?__________________________________________________________
What is the estimated value of this object?___________________________________________
How was the value of this object determined?________________________________________
Does the Object contain questionable materials (i.e. ivory, bone, animal, or hazardous
Was the Object ever altered, broken, and/or repaired? If so, when or where was restoration
and/or conservation done? Who did the restoration and/or conservation? What materials were
used to repair it?
What (additional) documents (such as photographs, letter, bill of sale, maker’s notes,
newspaper articles) do you have or are you aware of related to the Object?
Are you able to provide copies of such documentation with your donation?
Additional comments, memories or stories about the Object:
If any of the above information is used in exhibition labels or publications created by the
Cultural Center, how do you wish to be acknowledged?
___ Name
___ Remain anonymous
___ Be otherwise acknowledged
Please state EXACTLY how you would like to be acknowledged:
By completing, signing and submitting this document, I confirm that all information presented is
true and factual.
_______________________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Printed Name
Relinquishment of Ownership
I, _______________________________________________________________________,
hereby relinquish all rights, titles, and interest in the listed object(s) below for the purpose of
making an unrestricted gift of the object(s) to the City of San Rafael’s Falkirk Cultural Center
located at 1408 Mission Ave. San Rafael, CA 94547.
List of items donated:
If there are more than 7 items donated, please fill out a second form.
_______________________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Printed Name
_______________________________________________ ________________________
City of San Rafael Representative Signature Date
City of San Rafael Representative Printed
January 21, 2021
Item #6
That the Park and Recreation Commission review the draft work plan and provide input.
The Park and Recreation Commission has requested the opportunity to receive more
regular reports on the Park and Recreation programs and activities, so that the
Commissioners can better understand, provide feedback, and advocate for the full
offerings of the division. The Commission has also expressed interest in having a fuller
understanding as well as input on the topics that will be brought forward for their
consideration. As a result, staff has drafted a one-year work plan designed to inform the
community and the Commission of the City’s Park and Recreation facilities, programs
and services, and policies to be discussed at future meetings.
At this time, City staff is seeking the Park and Recreation Commission’s assistance in
refining or amending the draft work plan. The Work Plan will help to facilitate and generate
agenda items that will be scheduled for future Park and Recreation Commissio n
There is no fiscal impact associated with the review of this item.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
1. Park and Recreation Commission Draft Work Plan for 2021
Park and Recreation Commission
Work Plan – 2021
Possible topics with date TBD: Park and Field Rental Policies, Falkirk Art Exhibit Policy, Master Fee Update, Prop 68 Per Cap ita Grant,
Goldenaires, Scholarship Policy, Terrapin Crossroads
Meeting Date Agenda Items
January 21
• Community Garden Guidelines
• Falkirk Donation Policy
• Park and Recreation Commission Work Plan
February 25 • Parks Status Report from 2020
March 18 • Marin Bocce Federation Annual Report
• San Rafael Girls Softball Agreement
April 15 • Albert J. Boro Community Center Community Use Policy
• Parks Quarterly Status Report January - March
May 20 • Review Measure A Work Plan
June 17 • TBD
July 15 • Parks Quarterly Status Report April - June
August 19 • Childcare Program Report
• Youth Enrichment Program Report
September 16 • Pickleweed Advisory Board Annual Report
• Albert J. Boro Community Center, Pickleweed Field, and Canal Community Garden Program Report
October 21 • Parks Quarterly Status Report July – September
• Terra Linda Community Center, Aquatics, and Terra Linda Community Garden Program Report
November 18 • San Rafael Girls Softball Annual Report
• Falkirk Cultural Center Program Support
December 16 • Selection of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Assignments
• Review of Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule 2021
January 20 • San Rafael Community Center, Albert Field, Tennis Court, and Park Rentals Program Report
Item 8
Date: January 21, 2021
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
Jan. 19 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
Jan. 21 6:00 pm Park and Recreation
Commission Zoom
Feb. 1 7:00 pm City Council Zoom