HomeMy WebLinkAboutBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee 2020-08-05 Agenda PacketAGENDA Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Committee less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. SAN RAFAEL BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2020 AT 6:00 P.M. VIRTUAL MEETING Watch Online: https://tinyurl.com/BPAC-2020-08-05 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 ID: 848-6950-4747# 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of meeting minutes a. Approval of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2020 Recommended Action – Approve as submitted 3. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda: 2-minutes each 4. Report on Public Meeting Procedures, Staff Presentation Recommended Action: Accept informational update 5. Third Street Rehabilitation, Presentation by consultant Project Website: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/third-st-rehab/ Recommended action: Members to provide feedback on preliminary cross sections 6. City Project Updates, Staff Presentation a. Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk Widening b. Francisco Blvd East Bike Connection to Sir Francis Drake Flyover c. Multi Use Path (MUP) from 2nd Street to Rice Drive d. Third and Hetherton Intersection Improvements e. C and D Streets Conversion to Two-Way f. Citywide Crosswalk Project 7. Dining Under the Lights, Staff Presentation Recommended action: Provide feedback to staff on event accommodations for alternative modes 8. Request for Future Agenda Items 9. Adjournment Minutes subject to approval at the BPAC meeting on 08/05/2020 City of San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Community Development Conference Room 3rd Floor, City Hall Minutes Present: Chair Allison Member Solomon Member Mooney Member Powers Member Bergman Member Geraghty, Alternate Member Coyne, Alternate Youth Member Nielsen Absent: Member Hagerty Member Belletto Youth Member Harlem 1) Call to Order Chair Allison called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2) Public Comments for Items NOT on the Agenda • Wendi Kallins, Safe Route to Schools (SRTS) Program, addressed the Committee regarding a homeless encampment at the pedestrian overcrossing connecting to Coleman Elementary School, and noted that SRTS is trying to increase green school trips by one day per week. • Jean Severinghaus, TAM/BATA, addressed the Committee regarding installation of a safe barrier on Sir Francis Drake/580 overcrossing and the possibility of losing the connection from E. Francisco Blvd to Grange. • Patrick Seidler addressed the Committee regarding SMART elimination of ~40% of Greenway which was against original intent of Measure Q. WTB/TAM is opposing Measure I. • Craig Murray provided a photo of the protected bikeway in Richmond, suggested an invitation to the Richmond Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), and informed the Committee of encouragement from Richmond BPAC to close the unpaved gaps in Bay Trails. Additionally, he discussed online courses in bikeway planning and suggested that Maureen Gaffney present on the Bay Trail Project. 3) Approval of Meeting Minutes Minutes approved. 4) Subcommittee Update: Downtown East-West Bike Connection Page 2 of 2 Update tabled due to the group meeting in late February. 5) Project Updates a) Lincoln Avenue Curb Ramp Improvements: Staff gave a presentation indicating a bulb-out installation at Lincoln and Wilson. Public comment was received relating to concerns for pedestrian safety. Staff noted the bulb- out installation would improve pedestrian safety and the City was looking at bulb-outs at Brookdale Avenue and Lincoln. b) Merrydale North Promenade: Staff gave a presentation indicating the three options had been revised and vary from either no parking, 9 parking spaces, or 16 spaces. A working group was coordinating with the City on this project and the project would go to the City Council to select the preferred alternative. c) Multi-Use Path from 2nd Street to Rice Drive: Deputy Public Works Director Rafat Raie described large congestion issues downtown and the intention to remove Francisco Blvd northbound right turn to 2nd to prevent back- up/blocking of intersection. d) Uncontrolled Crossing Improvements: Staff gave a presentation indicating that fifty priority locations had been selected that the City would be working to address over time because it is not fully funded right now. 6) Discussion of BioMarin Contributions to Alternative Modes: Staff presented the report and discussed the Mahon North Path in the original development agreement through the property. BioMarin had expressed interest in the removal of this requirement in development agreement for the PG&E site. Member Coyne moved, and Member Powers seconded, to submit a letter to support keeping the Mahon North Path in the BioMarin agreement to the City Council. Ayes: Members: Bergman, Powers Noes: Members: Allison, Mooney, Solomon Absent: Members: Hagerty, Belletto Motion failed: 2-3 7) Request for Future Agenda Items: None. 8) Adjournment: Chair Allison adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Approved this ___ day of ______________, 2020 ________________________ Lauren Davini, Staff Liaison THIRD STREET REHABILITATION August 5, 2020 BPAC MEETING RA,c ~ ~ 0 "l'.-c,,' ~ ,"' ('/)' '1' Y WITH p... Second Street Study Area West Street Shaver Street Second Street Planning . " ·•----. ... , '· \ •, .... , I.fr -• ;· SAN RAFAEL Group C WEST END CONNECTIONS Group C encompasses the West End neighborhood an d parts of downtown San Rafael. A total of 21 projects are proposed in Group C, inc lud i ng portions of the Cross Marin Bikeway+ from t he west City limit near San Anselmo to downtown and a of a north -south bikeway connecting the Gerst le Park neighborhood with downtown . GROUP C -HIGHEST PRIORITY PROJECTS D Street/ C Street from Fourth Street to San Rafae l Avenue Study the feasibility of a Class IV protected bikeway couplets or a Class Ill+ bicycle boulevard with wayfinding signage and traffic calm ing elements on D St reet and C Street between Downtown and Gerstle Park . Score : 92/JOO / Group C Ronk : 1st / Overall Ran k: 3 rd Fifth Avenue from River Oaks Road to H Street Study partcing occupancy rates and potential for bikeway connecting Sun Valley Elementary and downtown. Score : 81 /JOO / Group C Ronk : 2 nd / Overall Ran k: 11,h Second Street from Fourth Street to Miramar Avenue Create a Oass I multi-use on Second St ree t between Fourth Street/Marquard Avenue and M i ramar Avenue . Bu ild retaining wa ll on south side of Second St reet between Ida S reet or G St ree to Miramar Avenue to expand exi sting si dewa lk w idth to acco mmodate a Class I multi-use path. Alternatively, remove westbound on-street motor vehicle parking on Second Stree t between Ida Street or G Street to Miramar Avenue, move and re -stripe median, and create a bi-directional Class IV separated b1keway. Score : BO/loo I Group C Ronk : 3 rd I Overall Rank: 13rh EXISTING I PROPOSED BIKEWAYS Multi-use Path (Class I) Bicycle La ne (Class II) Bicycle Route (Class Ill) Bicycle Boulevard (Class 111+) Protected Bi keway (Class IV) San Rafael Ci ty l imits OTHER PROPOSED PROJECTS • To Be Determined lntersection/Undercrossing ACTIVITIY GENERATORS School Second Street Planning OPTION 1 OPTION 2 THIRD STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT Fourth Street to Grand Avenue Project Study Report May 2019 CITY OF SAN RAFAEL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Second Street Options CLASS 1 MULTI-USE PATHWAY BIKES + PEDESTRIANS CLASS IV BIKEWAY BIKES ONLY 2 nd and 4 th Future Project Second Street Bicycle Facility No On Street Parking Loss of about 12 on street parking stalls Second Street Bicycle Facility 5' 14• 11' 11':I: 11' 11' '8 12':1: 8' -EXISTING 11..:=--WES1BOIJND---.f---WES1BOUND--_..,.__ MEDIAN/ -~i----EASTBOUND--+---EASTBOUPE ---1 BIKE ----Cl.ASS IV ---1-EXISTING SIDEWALK TRAVEL I.AtE. 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CUA&, AND GUTTER 10 RE~N OPTION Til REDUCE EASTBOUND TRAVEL LANES Til 10' TO INCREASE lliE WIDlH OF Cl.ASS IV FACI.JTY TYPICAL SECTION BETWEEN WEST AND EAST STREET LOWER COST OPTION OF SOFT I-IT BOLLARDS NI> DURACURB OR SIMILAR Second Street Bicycle Facility 2' 2' 12':t 11' 10':t 11' 11' SHOULDER 'I SHOULDER II' i----WESTBOUND-----~o----..t:FTlURN LANE ,-~--EASTBOUND -----EAS180UND---i 3' -----a.ASS I SIDEWALK TRAVEL I.NE TRAVEL LANE l\,IEDIAN TRAvaL.ANE TRAVEL LANE BIKE MULTI-USEPAlli LANE OPTION TO s..-T lolEDW,I NORTH AND REDUCE WESTBOUND TRAVEL LANES TO NCAEASE THE WIDTH OF a.ASS I FACILITY PROPOSED II' SIDEWALK AND 12' TRAva LAPE EAST OF ID4 ST. EXIS11NO 5' SIDEWALK AND 14.5':t TRAVEL LANE WEST OF ID4 ST. OPTION TO REDUCE EA81110UND TRAVEL LANES TO 10'TO 11NCAEASE THE WIDTH OF CLASS I FACILITY OPTION TO USE DEOOMP08ED GRANllE TYPICAL SECTION BETWEEN EAST AND G STREET Second Street Bicycle Facility 2' 2' t J,.!':t 111' ·W .... _EA8180tMD 11' 8HOU.DER , SHCIUI.DSl ' ,.. ----~------4-WE81110UND , SIDEWMJ( lMVEU NII! TRAWi!. ii.NE MEDWt 1RAVEL LNtll! ~ l!AS'l90l.ittD, IIU.Yl!L I.Ne y a.Mal ll<E MiJLll-US6 Pl\llt WE FFER ,,_ ,;-,;:, ·:---';:::;./. '7/~ .. s::/7,::-::. ~?;-::S'A'Y>::'9?~~-v::::::::.~~•»~>::»>i-~%~/-::;;,Y-7/-~,1/,::s:/~---... ~/ .~0, ~, v::i!'S)S~Y-~,';_0, >?>:y/~,v y/:S::>;~Y,,-::;:;"'>:::y:;7":/07~~~~==:i '"T"(.77,. ]----- E)QS'JM~, Ql!W,AND GUTI1!!ft 'IOl!BIAW,T'IP. AEMOVE.E>a8TlfQ MEDWt,AN; filACE 1EW A8PiW. T a'1IIIIIJC'1\JM IIECTIDN TYPICAL, SECTION BETWEEN G ST. AND MIRAMAR AVE ~ RETAI~ WN..L OPrJON'IOU8e IIECQIFOIEDGRANlll! Second Street Bicycle Facility With Parking Provides about 4 on street parking stalls --- • ,,,, ---• Second Street Bicycle Facility EXISTING SIDEWNJ(, CUUI, AN> GUTTER TO REMAIN 5' 14' 11' 11' 11' 8' E>CISTING i---WE81110UND ---i---WESTBOLND --r--, 7-~.,_ ,---i---EA8TIIOUND --r--EA8T10l.t1D--...--8TREET SIJEWALK TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE MEDIAN TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE PARKNG -----------------11 , .:»~~~~"'~ EXISTING NORT1i Sl>E CURS SHI FT 80UTH UlE OF CURB NORTH PROP08EDZ SIDEWAU<WICENNG PER FEASIBlJTY S1\IDY OP1lON TO REDUCE EAST80UND TRAVEL I..AtEST010' TO l~E Tl£ WIDTH CF CLASS IV F"ACILITY TYPICAL SECTION BElWEEN WEST AND EAST STREET 8' CLASS IV BIKE LANE fl --E>CISTING SIDEWALK IIU"FER CAN IIE RAISED OJRB OR LOWER COST OPT10N OF SOFT HIT BOLI.AAD8 AND DURACtJRB OR 81MLAR EXISTING SIDEWALK. CURB, Al«JGUTTER TO REMA..i Bicycle Buffer Options Bumpers Bollards