HomeMy WebLinkAboutBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee 2020-02-03 Agenda PacketAGENDA
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Committee less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Watch Online: https://tinyurl.com/BPAC-2021-02-03
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
ID: 846 8422 9428#
1. Call to Order
2. Housekeeping Report from Lauren Davini, Staff Liaison
3. Approval of meeting minutes
Approval of BPAC Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2020
Recommended Action: Approve as submitted
4. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda: 2-minutes each
5. Third Street/Lindaro Street Intersection Improvements, Staff report attached and
presentation by staff
Informational Report on the proposed improvements at Third Street/Lindaro Street
Recommended Action: provide feedback on the closed driveway versus the one-way
southbound “exit only” driveway.
6. Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Presentation by staff
7. Request for Future Agenda Items
8. Adjournment
City of San Rafael
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
Wednesday December 2, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Present: Chair Allison
Member Solomon
Member Mooney
Member Powers
Member Bergman
Member Hagerty
Member Geraghty, Alternate
Youth Member Nielsen
Absent: Member Coyne, Alternate
Youth Member Harlem
1. Call to Order
Chair Allison called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Member Geraghty would serve
as full voting members in the absence of Youth Member Harlem.
2. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda
Craig Murray: Bike Friendly Community, Safe Routes to School (SR2S) planning
meetings, Puerto Suello Path connection
Patrick Seidler: North South Greenway. Top of Puerto Suello Hill to North San Pedro
Road. Encourages BPAC to ask City Council to ask SMART to get his connection
environmentally cleared.
Cathy Manovi: SR2S access from Meadows, Redwood to Santa Venetia. Rough
path under US 101 on south side of tracks.
Bjorn Griepenburg: North-South Greenway Gap. SMART Listening Forum
Wednesday December 16 at 6pm.
3. Remembering Jerry Belletto
Staff highlighted Jerry’s long-time commitment to BPAC and other San Rafael
4. Committee Housekeeping
Member Powers and Member Hagerty requested Bylaws be written outlining the
project process
5. Approval of meeting minutes
Minutes for regular October 7, 2020 meeting approved, with Youth Member Nielsen
6. Third Street Rehabilitation
Staff provided a report prior to the meeting and presented at the meeting the
proposed alternative for Second Street between Marquard Avenue and Miramar
Avenue. The proposed alternative fits in a two-way cycle track/multi-use path and
preserves as much on-street parking as possible. Staff also presented the future plan
for Grand Avenue between Second Street and Fourth Street that includes a two-way
cycle track on the east side.
Comments from committee members:
Member Powers: requesting information about width of sidewalk
Youth Member Nielsen: Inquires about a narrower median
Member Geraghty: Inquires about bicycle connection to Fourth Street
Member Mooney: Inquires about designing for drainage. Staff explains there will be
new catch basins with the project
Member Bergman: Expressed concerns with curb height and vehicle speeds and the
potential of driving over the curb into the bike facility
Chair Allison: At Second/G, will pedestrians cross the cycle track and then push the
button to cross? Concerned about pedestrians standing in the cycle track while
waiting to cross
Youth Member Nielsen: Inquires about bicycle travel to and from G Street
Speakers: Don Magdenz, Jean Severinghaus, Dave Rhoads, Sunny Lee, Bjorn
Griepenburg, Patrick Seidler
There being no further comment, Chair Allison closed the public comment
7. City Project Updates
Staff presented updates on the following projects: Pedestrian and bicycle detection in
Downtown San Rafael, San Rafael High School Third Street Crosswalk, Francisco
Boulevard East Sidewalk Widening, Francisco Boulevard West Multi Use Path.
Member Powers: inquired more information about the video detection at traffic
signals downtown. Also inquired about storm water design in City projects
Speakers: Sunny Lee, Jean Severinghaus, Dave Rhoads, Don Magdenz
There being no further comment, Chair Allison closed the public comment
8. Request for Future Agenda Items
There were no requests for future items
9. Adjournment
Chair Allison adjourned the meeting at 8:14 pm, in honor of Jerry Belletto.
Approved this __ day of ___, 2020
Agenda Item No: 5
Meeting Date: February 3, 2021
Department: Public Works
Prepared by: Lauren Davini, Traffic Engineer
April Miller, Senior Civil Engineer
RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests feedback on two design alternatives at Third Street and
Lindaro Street.
BACKGROUND: Third Street, from Miracle Mile to Union Street is slated for pavement
rehabilitation, traffic signal improvements, curb ramp and sidewalk upgrades, street lighting, and
landscaping. These improvements are funded by the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM)
Measure A Expenditure Plan, a voter-approved sales tax providing funds for major roadway
projects in Marin County and the State Local Partnership Program (SLPP). The main goals for
the funding are maintaining vehicle through-put on a major arterial, while improving the
experience for alternative modes. Third Street from Lindaro Street to Union Street was awarded
additional funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) administered by
Caltrans. The corridor improvements are being designed by two different firms because of the
way the funding is allocated, but the City plans to deliver one seamless project to the public.
The specifics of the design at this location were not included in the project study report to the City
Council in June of 2019. The Council questioned whether the plan should close the driveway and
staff agreed to evaluate closure. During the initial design phase City staff analyzed the closure,
determined it was feasible and safer, and presented this concept in a September 2020 Community
meeting. No significant comments were received at that meeting so City staff then moved forward
with recommending the closure at the November 2, 2020 Council meeting. After the November
council meeting many residents (especially to the south of the intersection) expressed concerns
they were not notified of this change that they consider critical to their access. Based on this
feedback, staff developed an alternative solution that maintains an exit only south to Lindaro from
the City owned parking lot
This item is scheduled on the agenda to give the Committee a chance to examine the two
alternatives and allow for public feedback.
More information about the project, including prior meetings, timeline, and design details can be
found on the City of San Rafael website.
ANALYSIS: The residents, business owners, and other users of Third Street have been involved
with this project since the feasibility study commenced in 2017. While the project is largely an
upgrade of aging infrastructure, the major enhancements include a bicycle connection from
Marquard Avenue to Shaver Street, bulb-outs where feasible, and a proposal to close the city
owned parking lot driveway that serves the Walgreens and other downtown businesses at the
intersection of Third Street and Lindaro Street. This staff report focuses on the proposed
improvements at Third Street and Lindaro Street. Existing conditions are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1- Aerial image looking to the north of existing city parking lot at Lindaro Street
The intersection of Third Street and Lindaro Street is a four-legged, 90-degree intersection, except
the north leg serves a city-owned parking lot driveway (versus being a typical street) and there is
a stop-controlled side street (Lootens Place) just 60 feet to the west. Historical turning movement
counts from 2016 and 2017 indicate 80 vehicles use the driveway during the a.m. peak hour and
110 vehicles use the driveway during the p.m. peak hour. In order to “standardize” the intersection
of Third Street and Lindaro Street, the project proposal presented at the November 2, 2020 council
meeting closed the north leg (parking lot driveway) to vehicles.
Closing the City owned parking lot driveway to Walgreens would:
1. Eliminate a conflict point along Third Street between turning vehicles and pedestrians
walking on the north side of Third Street.
2. Eliminate a non-standard intersection approach. There are countdown pedestrian heads
for pedestrians traveling east-west, but no curb ramps that would indicate to a pedestrian
that they are crossing a signalized intersection.
3. Minimize the slow-down that occurs in lane #3 (northmost lane) on Third Street due to
vehicles wishing to make a westbound right when there is a vehicle at the driveway waiting
to go south.
4. Eliminates cut-through traffic in a parking lot.
5. Eliminate the conflict between southbound through movements and northbound left
6. Eliminates congestion for vehicles backing up in the city owned lot while drivers are waiting
for the light to change.
7. Eliminates traffic conflicts in the lot between drivers pulling in and drivers backing out of
parking stalls.
8. Allows the addition of three parking spaces in a high demand area.
Figure 2 illustrates a few of the current issues.
Figure 2- Southbound vehicle is shown reversing to make room for truck making westbound right.
December 16, 2020. 8:39 a.m.
After the November 2, 2020 City Council meeting, approximately 13 letters were received and 40
residents and/or business owners signed a petition asking City Council and Staff to reconsider
the closure of the Walgreens driveway. The main concern is that they would have to drive further
to get to their destinations downtown, resulting in increased vehicle-pedestrian conflicts at
adjacent intersections because of the additional turns. Staff met with several residents in the field
and reviewed their concerns in detail.
ALTERNATIVES: Staff investigated the following alternatives:
1- Close the Driveway
2- Improve the driveway and convert it to one-way southbound (Exit Only)
After assessing the concerns from the residents and business owners, staff developed an
alternative solution to make the north leg of the city owned parking lot serving Walgreens driveway
“exit only”. This would partially or fully meet each of the goals mentioned above. The north leg
would be narrowed to only accommodate outbound vehicles (shortening the crossing distance for
pedestrians) and would be upgraded with accessible ramps to be consistent with a standard street
crossing. The closure would move all vehicles destined for the Walgreens parking lot to Lootens
Place, which is designed to accommodate trucks and vehicle volumes.
Figure 3 shows the proposed alternative of an “exit only” driveway.
Figure 3 Exit Only proposal from City owned parking lot at Lindaro Street
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public Works and the consultant teams have held several meetings and
outreach events over the last three years to receive feedback from community members and key
stakeholders for the Third Street projects. Additionally, the Public Works Department has
maintained an updated project website and met with residents and business owners virtually and
onsite to discuss key issues, including the proposed closure of the driveway for the city owned
parking lot serving Walgreens. The BPAC meeting is part of the public outreach to hear all
comments and concerns and determine the best path forward.
FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact would be minimal between the alternatives.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting the Committee and public provide feedback on the
closed driveway versus the one-way southbound “exit only” driveway.