HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2021-03-18 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
Thursday, March 18, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946-03488-5912#
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of February 25, 2021
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
• Recognition of Appreciation
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. California Park and Recreation Society – District 1 Community Service Award
5. Review Proposed Athletic Field Use Policy
6. Marin Bocce Federation 2020 Annual Report
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: April 15, 2021
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485 -3066
(voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”,
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in acces sible formats upon request.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 Mar 18, 2021
Minutes subject to approval at the meeting of March 18, 2021.
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February 25, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 857-8558-0921#
Chair Mark Machado called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Commissioner Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Laumann (Arrived 6:09)
Chair Machado
Commissioner Reisinger
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: None
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Thomas Wong, Analyst
Hunter Young, Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer
Ryan Montes, Operations and Maintenance Manager
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of January 21, 2021
Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of January 21, 2021.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
Reisinger, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared that the City had its employee recognition on February 24th
and Catherine Quffa and Thomas Wong both won the “Dean Allison” award, Mireya
Renteria from the Library won the “Social Responsibility” award, and Gaby Farias from
our Child Care division won the “Innovation” award.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Review and Approve the Location of the Social Justice Public Art Installation at
Arbor Park
Library and Recreation Director, Susan Andrade-Wax introduced Thomas Wong who
presented on the location of the Social Justice public art installation at Arbor park for the
Commission’s review and consideration.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
Commissioner Laumann moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to accept the
location of the Social Justice public art installation at Arbor park.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
Reisinger, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
5. Parks Maintenance Status Report for September 2020 – January 2021
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Hunter Young, Assistant Director/City Engineer for the
Public Works Department who introduced Ryan Montes, Operations and Maintenance
Manager. Mr. Montes presented the parks maintenance status report for September
2020 through January 2021.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
6. Parks Status Report for September 2020 – January 2021
Mr. Young presented the parks status report for September 2020 through January 2021.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Cabrales gave an update on the recent Library Conceptual Design
Review meeting. They discussed the orientation of the building and how to address the
parking areas for the new building as well as the approach to the building.
Commissioner Gutierrez added that there was discussion about the re-zoning of the
area just north of First St., where they are currently building condos, and what the
community may look like in the near future.
Commissioner Emerson gave an update on COVID vaccines. Next week the County
will be rolling out the vaccine to essential workers and teachers. Currently 20% of the
Marin population has been vaccinated with at least one dose. The next phase of the roll
out will be those people age 64 and under with a condition such as asthma or diabetes.
There is an interest form on the County website where you can input your information
and the County will contact those specific populations for the vaccine. There is also a
call center for those who are digitally challenged, and there is also a walk-up vaccine
registration service in the Canal area at the Marin Community Clinic Mon -Thurs 1-2pm.
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that the San Rafael Age-Friendly task force has been working
with the City since 2017. In 2018, the City of San Rafael became an Age-Friendly City
and immediately thereafter the taskforce began developing a strategic action plan.
They have completed their action plan and will be presenting to the City Council this
coming Monday night for the first review. They will also be making recommendations to
the City Council for their priorities of things they would like the Council to consider
implementation and integration into the City’s annual Goals and Objections. Once they
receive the Council’s feedback, the Strategic Action Plan will be brought back to the City
Council for their final review and acceptance.
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared with the Commission that staff has received a lot of feedback
regarding the Community Garden proposed guidelines. Ms. Andrade-Wax invited the
Commissioners to be a part of the conversation with some of the stakeholders who
have suggestions and recommendations regarding some of the guidelines. The role of
the Commissioners will be part of the discussion by asking questions and helping to
guide the process to a mutually agreed upon conclusion. This is not a formal sub-
committee, but wanted to know if one or two Commissioners would be interested in
participating in the meetings.
Commissioner Reisinger volunteered. Commissioner Cabrales asked how meetings
would there be. Ms. Quffa answered that there would be approximately three
meetings, and there may be some follow up meetings. Commissioner Cabrales stated
that she would also like to be a volunteer for this group.
Ms. Andrade-Wax noted that the next Library and Community Conceptual Design
meeting is next Thursday. They are hoping to make a site visit at Albert Park to have a
better understanding of the community center and park to assist with future discussions.
They are hoping to schedule the site visit shortly after their next meeting on March 4th.
Ms. Quffa gave an update on the recreation programs. The County of Marin is back in
the Red Tier, which means we are able to offer and conduct some of our indoor classes.
Additionally, starting next Friday we will be having our first in-person art exhibit at
Falkirk since last year. We will be open at 25% capacity. Also, starting in March, the
Terra Linda Pool will be opening to limited lap swimming and to support the Terra Linda
Commissioner Machado asked if we had enough Lifegua rds. Ms. Quffa replied that we
are always looking to hire more lifeguards. Part of the reason the pool hours is based
on number of lifeguards we have on staff.
Chair Machado adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2021
SUSAN ANDRADE-WAX, Library & Recreation Director
March 18, 2021
Item #4
California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) District 1 ho sts an annual banquet to
recognize community service efforts and install their board of directors. Agency
representatives can nominate 1-2 recipients that made an outstanding contribution to a
CPRS District 1 agency and community either by volunteering or mak ing a donation that
assisted in “Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs”.
That the Commission receive the report and provide feedback.
Founded in 1946, CPRS is a nonprofit, professional, and public interest organization and
the leading professional association for the Parks and Recreation industry. The California
Park and Recreation Society’s mission is to advance the park and recreation profession
through education, networking, resources, and advocacy.
The state is divided geographically into 15 districts and supports over 4,000 members.
District 1, which the City of San Rafael is a member agency of, includes the counties of
Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, and Trinity.
Individual members are linked to their Agency and/or District and are given the
opportunity to designate which of the seven (7) special interest sections within the
organization they would like to join. The interest sections include: Administrators, Aging
Services and Activities, Aquatics, Development & Operations, Educators, Recreation and
Recreation Therapy.
District 1 will be hosting their annual awards and installation event to recognize
community service efforts and install their board of directors virtually on Friday, April 2,
2020 at 6 pm on Zoom. Agencies can nominate 1-2 recipients that have made an
outstanding contribution to a District 1 agency and community.
Staff is recommending that the Park and Recreation Commission consider nominating
the San Rafael Día de los Muertos Organizing Committee for the 2020 Community
Service Award in recognition of their creativity in implementing an expanded COVID
friendly event in 2020.
The Día de los Muertos Organizing Committee is comprised of local Canal neighborhood
serving non-profits and dedicated individuals. At their April 2020 planning meeting for San
Rafael’s 32nd Annual Día de los Muertos event, the Organizing Committee decided it
would be best to prepare for a COVID-friendly event should the pandemic continue. Their
forethought paid off. The traditional large, one-day event at was spread out over a month-
long celebration. The Committee partnered with local downtown businesses to display
altars in their storefront windows, thus allowing the public to view the altars easily and
safely. This worked out well as the San Rafael Downtown Business Improvement District
cancelled their annual Downtown Trick or Treat event due to the pandemic and happily
supported the event as an alternative. The businesses also benefited from the extra
customers the altars attracted.
Typical in-person activities that included entertainment, art activities, cooking
demonstrations, bilingual stories (thanks to the Pickleweed Library), altar tours, and a
youth talent show were held virtually via Facebook Live and through the event’s website.
Families were able to pick up free supplies for the art activities at the Albert J. Boro
Community Center prior to their virtual presentations. In addition, local restaurants that
serve traditional foods offered discounts that were advertised on the event website.
A COVID friendly car procession was substituted for the traditional in-person walking
procession through the Canal neighborhood. Over 30 vehicles, including a low rider club
and VW Bug club, participated. Most vehicles were decorated and were occupied by
musicians or passengers wearing costumes. The car procession was led by the San
Rafael Police Department and followed by a San Rafael Fire engine. The car procession
was also broadcast on Facebook Live and covered by ABC News.
From the Día de los Muertos and the Albert J. Boro Community Center’s Facebook pages,
51,662 people viewed the event activities between October 1 and November 2, 2020 with
4,742 interacting, sharing, or commenting on event posts. 161,356 additional people were
contacted through others who shared or commented. Event content was viewed by
people in 23 countries speaking 14 languages.
Creative planning by the Organizing Committee provided a positive outlet for a community
that was being heavily hit by COVID and created new partnerships and paved the way
for a future expanded and improved cultural celebration.
As a result, staff is recommending that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the
nomination of the San Rafael Día de los Muertos Organizing Committee for the 2020
Community Service Award in recognition of their creativity in implementing an expanded
COVID friendly event in 2020 (Attachment 2).
There are no costs associated with nominating an individual or group.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Steve Mason
Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. California Park and Recreation Society District 1 Community Service Award
2. Draft Community Service Award Nomination for the San Rafael Dia de los Muertos
Organizing Committee
CPRS District 1
2020 Community Service Award Nomination
March 10, 2020
Nominee: San Rafael Día de los Muertos Organizing Committee
Nominating Agency: City of San Rafael
Agency Sponsor/Representative: Steve Mason
Sponsor’s Phone & Email: (415)485-3079, steve.mason@cityofsanrafael.org
Nomination Narrative:
Early in the pandemic, the Organizing Committee for San Rafael’s 32nd Annual Día de los Muertos event,
comprised of local Canal neighborhood serving non-profits and dedicated individuals, decided it best to
prepare for a COVID friendly event. Their forethought paid off!
The traditional large, one-day event at the Albert J. Boro Community Center was spread out over a
month-long celebration. They partnered with downtown businesses to display altars in windows
allowing the public to view whenever convenient and to socially distance. Typical in person activities
went virtual with entertainment, art activities, cooking demonstrations, bilingual stories, altar tours, and
a youth talent show held via Facebook Live and through the event’s website. Families could pick up free
supplies for the art activities at the Community Center prior to virtual presentations. Local restaurants
serving traditional foods offered discounts that were promoted on the event website.
A COVID-friendly car procession substituted for the traditional walking procession through the Canal
neighborhood. Over 30 vehicles, including a low rider club, participated, decorated theme appropriately,
containing people in costumes, musicians, and led by San Rafael Police with a San Rafael Fire engine at
the tail.
Through Facebook, the events reached 51,662 people directly between October 1 and November 2, with
4,742 people interacting, sharing, or commenting on event posts. 161,356 additional people were
reached though others who shared or commented. Event content was viewed by people in 23 countries
speaking 14 languages.
Creative planning by the Organizing Committee not only provided a positive outlet for a community that
was heavily hit by COVID, but it created new partnerships and paved the way for a future expanded and
improved cultural celebration.
California Park and Recreation Society District 1, the City of San Rafael, and the San Rafael Park and
Recreation Commission greatly appreciate the Día de los Muertos Organizing Committee’s adaptability
and dedication in providing a cherished cultural event to San Rafael during challenging times.
Include with email submission: 5 Digital Photos (page 2)
Five photos from the 2020 Día de Los Muertos event:
March 18, 2021
Item #5
The City of San Rafael owns and manages four athletic fields: Albert Park Field,
Bernard Hoffman Field, Pickleweed Field, and Victor Jones Field. In 2012, the City
developed an Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field Use Policy. However, the City does
not have similar policies developed for the remaining three fields. Staff have developed
draft Athletic Field Use Policy that would replace the Albert Park Field Policy and be
applied consistently across all City athletic fields.
That the Commission review the proposed Athletic Field Use Policy and provide
The City of San Rafael owns and manages four athletic fields: Albert Park Field,
Bernard Hoffman Field, Pickleweed Field, and Victor Jones Field. These fields are
available for community members and groups to rent for exclusive use by obtaining a
permit from the City. All fields, with the exception of Albert Field, are also available for
drop-in community use when not rented. Albert Field requires a permit for any use.
The below provides a brief overview of each field and their respective current uses:
Albert Park Field
Albert Park Field is a mixed-use Baseball and Softball Field at Albert Park, adjacent to
the San Rafael Community Center. Albert Park Field is primarily used for youth
baseball, including the San Rafael Little League, local high schools, and local travel ball
teams. In addition, Albert Park Field is the home field of the San Rafael Pacifics, a
team in the Pacific Division of the Pecos (Independent) Baseball League.
Bernard Hoffman Field
The Bernard Hoffman Field is made up of two softball fields, adjacent to a playground
area that has been removed due to safety concerns, in Terra Linda. The City acquired
the Bernard Hoffman Field in 1997 from the Miller Creek School Distric t (then known as
the Dixie School District), finding that there were no comparable facilities in Terra Linda
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for girls softball, no neighborhood park facilities in the immediate area, an d very high
community interest in preserving the facility.
The City acquired Bernard Hoffman Field with the understanding that San Rafael Girls
Softball had a strong interest in the facility and was willing to take on maintenance in
exchange for free, priority use of the facility. Since then, San Rafael Girls Softball has
been the primary user of the fields and has taken on the management and upkeep of
the fields. The City is currently in the process of negotiating an updated agreement for
this ongoing partnership.
Pickleweed Field
Pickleweed Field is located in the Canal neighborhood, between the Albert J. Boro
Community Center and the San Rafael Canal. Pickleweed Field’s natural turf athletic
field accommodates two multi-purpose fields simultaneously. Although soccer is the
most popular sport played on the field, both in rentals and drop -in use, it is also used for
Lacrosse practices, Ultimate Frisbee, and is the home to San Rafael’s Jr. Giants
Baseball program. The fields are generally open for use from mid-June through early
December except during inclement weather.
Victor Jones Field
Victor Jones Field is a t-ball field adjacent to a playground and picnic area, in the
Glenwood neighborhood. Victor Jones Field is used for drop-in community use,
including film nights in the park, and is the primary t-ball field used by the San Rafael
Little League.
In 2012, the Park and Recreation Commission approved an Albert Park Stadium and
Ball Field Use Policy (Attachment 1). However, no such policy has been created for the
use of the other City athletic fields. As a result, staff recommends that the City adopt
new Athletic Field Use Policy (Attachment 2) to govern the management and operations
of all City athletic fields.
The goal of Athletic Field Use Policy is to clarify the appropriate uses, as well as the
priority for use, of the City’s athletic fields for the general welfare and enjoyment of the
community and the preservation and viability of the facilities. It is also to provide clear
guidance to renters on the process and regulations associated with use of the athletic
The proposed Athletic Field Use Policy is designed to align with the recently updated
Facility Rental Reservation Policy and Procedures and Ongoing Facility Rental Process.
The following information summarizes some of the key elements and changes that are
included in the proposed policies.
Field Use Prioritization
The proposed Athletic Field Use Policy include a description of each facility, along with
clear guidelines for priority use, secondary use, and other permitted uses. The policy
lays out the priority order for field use as the following:
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1. City-sponsored programs and activities.
2. All agencies and organizations with agreements for field use with the City.
3. San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations, in the following order:
a. Youth serving for primary use
b. Adult serving for primary use
c. Youth serving for secondary use
d. Adult serving for secondary use
4. Non-San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations, in the following order:
a. Youth serving for primary use
b. Adult serving for primary use
c. Youth serving for secondary use
d. Adult serving for secondary use
5. San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations for other permitted uses.
6. Non-San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations for other permitted uses.
7. San Rafael Resident for private use.
8. Commercial entities, such as sports camps, sports contests, and professional
league sport events that serve the primary or secondary use of the field.
9. Commercial entities using the field for other permitted uses.
This proposed priority order largely aligns with the priority order recommended by the
Park and Recreation Commission in the Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field Use Policy;
however, it provides a greater level of clarity and detail in the prioritization process than
the former document.
Application Process
The Athletic Field Use Policy establishes a new application process for field rentals,
which is structured similarly to the recently developed Ongoing Facility Rental Process.
Currently, reservations are accepted on a rolling basis, with staff determining field
allocations before the fields open for the season. Under the proposed process, there
would be a set window during which the City would accept field applications. At the end
of the window, staff would allocate field space based on the priority criteria. Groups that
miss the application window would be slotted in as space allows. Establishing a set
application window will allow both renters and staff to better plan for and manage the
application process.
Albert Park Field Schedule
The current Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field Use Policy states that the facility may be
reserved seven days a week until 11:00 p.m. However, this policy is ambiguous in its
alignment with the San Rafael Municipal Code, Chapter 8.13, Noise Ordinance
standards, which requires that sound performances end by 10: 00 p.m. seven days per
week. To align with the Noise Ordinance more clearly, the proposed Athletic Field Use
Policy require that amplified sound and field lighting must be turned off by 10:00 p.m.,
with the renters out of the facility by 11:00 p.m.
For all other athletic fields, their hours of operation are sunrise to sunset, as is
consistent with the current policies and the San Rafael Municipal Code, Chapter 8.10,
Parks and Recreation.
Page 4 of 4
General Requirements and Regulations The remainder of the Athletic Field Use Policy aligns the field rental requirements and regulations with the recently developed Facility Rental Reservation Policy and Procedures, with a few field-specific additions. These additions include a refund schedule that supports the application process timeline, specific guidelines on field preparation requirements, clean up and trash disposal for specific fields, and regulations around food and concessions. Staff are recommending that the proposed Athletic Field Use Policy would replace the
Albert Park Field Policy and be applied consistently across all City athletic fields.
There is no predicted fiscal impact associated with adopting this new field use policy.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Catherine Quffa
Assistant Library and Recreation Director
1. 2012 Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field Use Policy
2. Draft Athletic Field Use Policies ~ r
Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field Use Policy
1. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the appropriate uses and priorities for the
use of facilities within Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field for the general welfare,
and enjoyment of the community and the preservation and viability of the
2. Definitions
2.1 Basic Service
The City shall maintain and manage the Albert Park Stadium and Ball Field
specifically for the Primary Use described in this policy. Basic service
includes turf maintenance and field preparation for games and activities,
stadium maintenance and access, restroom maintenance and access, access to
field lights, locker room, and scoreboard. Basic service also includes
appropriate scheduling, reservation system, fee collection and orientation to
the facilities.
2.2 Direct/Indirect Costs
The City shall collect fees based on direct costs for maintenance,
management, utilities and other related expenses. As per the City Council
cost recovery policy. The City does not collect fees for indirect or personnel
costs associated with the operation of the facilities. Damage deposits and
additional insurance coverage costs may be applied to fees charged for
facility use.
3. Inventory of Facilities
3.1 Baseball: Grass infield, base paths, outfield, dug outs, batting cage, bull
pens, bases, home plate, pitcher’s mound, field lights.
3.2 Softball: Clay mix infield, base paths, outfield, team benches, batting cage,
bull pens, bases, home plate, pitchers’ circle, bleacher seating, field lights,
and restrooms.
3.3 Stadium: Covered seating, restrooms, locker room, restrooms, and
concession areas.
4. Field Use
4.1 Primary Use
A. Baseball – games, practice, instruction
B. Softball – games, practice, instruction
C. Volleyball – games, practice, instruction
D. Sports with high impact on turf areas; soccer, lacrosse, rugby, football,
field hockey and similar sports activities not permitted.
4.2 Secondary Use
A. Spectator activities, such as demonstrations, performances, concerts,
ceremonial events with the following criteria:
(i). Open to the public
(ii). Low impact activity on the turf areas
(iii). 80% of participants accommodated in permanent stadium
(iv) Compliant with San Rafael Municipal Code, Chapter 8. 13,
Noise Ordinance
(v) Duration of 9 hours or less during any 24 hour period.
B. Private events, fairs, commercial sales events; events lasting over ten (10)
hours in duration in a 24 hour period, or more than 3 days in total are not
C. Political or religious rallies, events, ceremonies are not permitted.
4.3 Exceptions
A. City sponsored or co-sponsored events and programs.
B. School District sponsored or co-sponsored events and program
5. Use Allocations in order of priority
5.1 City
City of San Rafael programs, activities and events
5.2 Community
Community groups have secondary priority in the following order
(i) Youth serving
(ii) 501C 3 Non profit status
(iii) Family serving
(iv) Adult serving
5.3 Community Serving Events
Commercial entities, such as baseball/softball sports camps, sports contests,
professional baseball/softball league sport events
5.4 Other Commercial film productions non baseball/softball sport contests, and
other commercial entities.
6. Reservation Procedures
6.1 Requests for use that meet criteria outlined in Section 4, and are either a City
sponsored event or a community group sponsored event may be approved by City
staff in accordance with this policy.
6.2 Requests for use by commercial entities must be reviewed and approved by
the Park and Recreation Commission and may be subject to approvals and further
requirements by the City Council.
7. Use Regulations
7.1. Hours of Operation
A. Facilities may be reserved, as provided in Section 7.3, Priority of Use, set out
below on the following schedule:
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. for permitted activities with use of
the batting cage
6:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. for permitted activities without the
use of the batting cage
Saturday – Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
B. No permitted uses may begin after 9 p.m., Monday – Friday, and 7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
C. Activities other than baseball, softball, or volleyball may commence no earlier
than 9:00 am and must conclude by 6:00 p.m.
D. Facilities may only be used for baseball, softball, and volleyball February
through August of each year.
E. Facilities are closed November, December and January of each year
F. Facilities may be closed due to weather and field conditions, as per the
Community Services Department. Call 485.3349 or check website for current
field status.
7.2. Primary Use Agreements
A. Primary Use Agreements shall be considered where it is determined, in the
sole discretion of the City Staff, that the activity is the best interest of the
general public welfare and that a public and or community benefit is derived
from such a use of the facilities.
B. Primary Use Agreements for categories 7.3 A and
7.3B below are first approved by the Community Services Department. Any
denial of such use may be appealed to the City Manager, as per San Rafael
Municipal Code.
C. Use Agreements for categories 7.3 C and D below shall be approved by the San
Rafael Parks and Recreation Commission and executed with approval by the
San Rafael City Council. Any denial by the Commission may be
appealed to the City Council.
D. Provisions of an Agreement may supersede portions of this Policy as directed
by the City Manager or City Council as appropriate.
7.3 Priority of Use
A. First priority use will be for City sponsored programs.
B. Second priority use will be for Community serving activities i.e.:
(i). Youth serving organizations
(ii). 501 c 3, non profit organizations
(iii).Community serving organizations
C. Third priority use will be for beneficial, as determined by the
City staff, community serving commercial or other entities providing baseball,
softball, volleyball activities consistent with facilities intended purpose and/or
activities that provide community recreation and public serving benefits.
D. Other uses that may, in the sole discretion of the City staff, be allowed are
private and/or commercial activities or events where the following factors are
(i) The activity does not adversely impact, in the judgment of the
Community Services Department and/or Public Works Department staff,
the facility’s fragile resources, and
(ii). The activity involves a resident(s) of San Rafael as an active
participant(s) and,
(iii) The activity does not displace, conflict or interfere with an activity in
categories 7.1 through 7.3 above, and
(iv). the activity does not significantly, in the sole judgment of the City
staff, cause traffic problems, significant noise, etc. to the discomfort of the
residents in the neighborhood, and does not commence by before 9:00
a.m. and concludes by 6:00 p.m. on any day of the week, including
weekend days.
(“City staff” as use above means any appropriate department, division,
official, etc.)
7.4. Reservation Process
A. Applications are available on line at www.cityofsanrafael.org, or at all
Community Centers.
B. Applications are accepted starting in December for the following February
through October.
C. Applications must be received at least 3 business days prior to the proposed
facility use.
D. Fees and appropriate deposits must accompany applications.
E. A written Permit along with information will be issued to the Applicant prior
to 3 days before the reservation date.
F. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and agree to be responsible for the
requested use of the facilities. Adult supervision is required during all uses.
G. The City reserves the right, on a case-by-case basis, to add conditions or
modifications to a Permit.
7.5 Regulations
A. Alcohol Service/Sales
(i) No alcoholic beverages may be present or consumed on the facility site
except as provided elsewhere in this policy.
(ii) Applicants may request specific permission to serve or sell alcoholic
beverages, from a single source or concession
(iii) Additional permitting, insurance, and deposits fees will be imposed if
the service or sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted.
B. Amplified Sound
(i). Amplification of sound must comply with the San Rafael Municipal
Code, Title 8.13, Noise Ordinance standards.
(ii). The sound equipment installed in the facilities will be made available
to Permit holders with conditions addressing volume, time of day, and
type of sound.
(iii). Additional sound equipment may be permitted on a case by case
basis, when limited impact on the surrounding neighborhood can be
C. Behavior
(i). Activity participants and guests/attendees are responsible for adhering
to the San Rafael Municipal Code, Title 8.10, Parks and Facilities at all
times during the facility use.
(ii). Parents and guardians shall be responsible for the conduct of their
minor children and shall not permit such minor children to do any act that
is disruptive to the activities or destructive to the facilities.
(iii). At no time will participants or observers be under the influence of
intoxicating liquor or dangerous drugs in such a condition that the
individual is unable to exercise care for his or her own safety or the safety
of others.
(iv). Permit holders are responsible for calling 911 or the San Rafael
Police if behavior or safety issues arise out of the use of facilities. Permit
holders are asked to report such incidents within 24 hours to the
Community Services Department.
D. Cancellation Policy
(i). The City may cancel a Permit due to weather, facility conditions, or
unforeseen circumstances, that affect facility conditions or general public
welfare. In the event of a City cancellation, a full refund or credit will be
issued to the Permit holder
(ii). The Permit holder may cancel or change a reservation by submitting
a request in writing at least 3 business days in advance.
(iii). Changes may be faxed to 415.485.3186, delivered to San Rafael
Community Services, 618 B Street, or e-mailed to Community Services
E. Clean Up and Trash Disposal
(i). Facilities must be restored to original condition at the end of use.
(ii). Bases and field equipment must be returned and locked into storage
(iii). Field lights must be turned off at conclusion of activity. Stadium
lights must be turned off at the conclusion of clean up
(iv). All gates and restrooms must be secured and locked.
(v). Trash must be placed in receptacles provided.
(vi). Clean up and/or repair charges beyond normal wear and tear will be
billed to the Applicant based on cost of repair
F. Concessions
(i). Permit holders may contract for concession services on site, or
provide their own, with permission.
(ii). Permit holders are required to provide information on the collection
and distribution of funds raised in conjunction with the use of the
facilities. Ticket sales, donation requests and concession operations must
be approved in advance.
G. Credit
(i). In the event of unusual circumstances that affect use, applicant should
notify the Community Services department to request a credit. Refunds
due to weather will automatically be credited to the Applicant’s account.
H. Fees
(i). Fees are due at the time of application. Additional required insurance,
security, and associated fees are due two weeks before the reserved date.
(ii). Fees are based on an hourly rate established by the City Council. A
two hour minimum will be charged for each reservation.
I. Facility Status
(i). The play suitability status of sports fields is monitored continuously.
Factors such as moisture content of the soil, potential for inclement
weather, safe use and avoidance of injuries, as well as damage to the field
if played upon are all taken into consideration in determining the status for
play. Permit holders should contact the Sports Hotline at 415.485.3349 3
hours prior to scheduled field use to establish if the City has closed fields
due to rain, or other circumstances.
J. Field Preparation
(i). Fields will be prepared the day of the reservation. They will not be re-
set before each reservation. Permit holders are responsible for raking,
lining, and other tasks necessary for the re-set of the fields.
(ii). The City shall provide equipment and materials to be used
exclusively on the facilities. No outside equipment or materials may be
(iii). Vehicles are not allowed on the facilities for field preparation for
(iv). Uses that require vehicles to place or remove equipment, staging,
seating or other apparatus will be coordinated to do so when City staff are
present to avoid damage to the facilities.
K. Food
(i). Serving food to participants and invitees at the facilities is permitted.
However, if food is to be sold or served to the general public the Permit
holder must consult with Marin County Health Department to determine if
a Health Permit is required.
L. Insurance
(i). General liability insurance coverage, in the amount of $1 million that
covers the participant, must be acquired in order to reserve 3 or more dates
in a given year. The City of San Rafael must be listed as the certificate
holder as well as an additional insured with respects to General Liability.
The Applicant may provide proof of insurance coverage, or purchase
coverage from the Community Services Department, at cost.
M. Lights
(i). Field lights must be used for reservations occurring after sunset. An
additional charge for lights will be assessed at the time of application.
(ii). Lights are required for safety. They must be activated one hour prior
to sunset. Weather and atmospheric conditions affect the timely use of
(iii). Generally, field lights will be required on the following schedule:
February-March 6:30 p.m.
April – June 8:00 p.m.
July-August 9:00 p.m.
August – September 8:00 p.m.
September – October 7:00 p.m.
N. Permit Holders Responsibilities
(i). Permit holders are responsible for adhering to the San Rafael
Municipal Code, 8.10, Parks and Facilities at all times during the facility
(ii). Applicants must complete all required forms and submit to
Community Services at least two weeks prior to reservation.
(iii). The Application must identify the responsible party and alternate
contact present at the facilities during the time of reservation. A copy of
photo identification (California Driver’s License or I.E. card) along with a
copy of the Permit are required to be carried by the responsible party.
(iv). If attendance is estimated to exceed 800 based on the maximum
number during peak times of the reservation, additional portable restrooms
maybe required at cost to the Permit Hold
O. Safety
(i). Safety of park users, guests and neighbors is the first goal of the City
of San Rafael. To ensure a safe and trouble-free environment, the City
may require security services to be present at the time of the reservation.
Direct costs will be the responsibility of the applicant.
(ii). Entrance and interior gates must remain unlocked for the duration of
the reservation for emergency evacuation.
(iii). ADA compliant seating areas and restroom facilities must be
available for the duration of any use where the public is invited to
participate or observe.
(iv). City of San Rafael staff is authorized to stop or modify any activity if
deemed necessary for the health and well being of users, guests, neighbors
and the general public.
P. Vehicles
(i). Motorized vehicles on park property, lawns, turf, restricted areas,
bicycle/pedestrian pathways or fields are prohibited.
(ii). Parking is permitted in designated parking lots, or stalls, only.
Applicants may be required to provide off site parking if estimated
attendance or coinciding uses of Albert Park and/or San Rafael
Community Center necessitate additional parking capacity.
8. Fee Schedule
The fee schedule for rent of the facilities shall be as follows, contingent upon City
Council authorization, and subject to annual review:
Albert Park
Ball Fields
and Stadium
Baseball Field
Rental Rate/HR
Field Lights
A. City
-0- -0- -0-
B. Community
Serving Groups
$42/hr $40/hr No deposit
C. Community
Serving events
$53 $40/hr No deposit
D. Other sport
consistent uses
$84/hr $40/hr 50% deposit
upon reservation
E. Non
consistent uses
$100/hr community
$300/hr commercial
$40 hr 50% deposit
upon reservation
Please carefully read through this entire document – renters are responsible for following
the rules and procedures outlined below.
1. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the appropriate uses, as well as the priority for use, of the
City’s Athletic Fields for the general welfare and enjoyment of the community and the
preservation and viability of the facilities. It is also to provide clear guidance to renters on the
process and regulations associated with use of the athletic fields.
2. Athletic Field Inventory and Use Restrictions
Where a field is generally open to the public, a person wanting either (1) exclusive use of any
field, or (2) use of a field for gatherings of 25 or more persons, must apply for and obtain a permit
for such use, activity or event. Specific fields, such as Albert Park Field, require a permit for any
The table below provides an inventory of the City-owned athletic fields, along with the primary
and secondary use for each field.
Field Name Amenities Primary Use Secondary Use
Albert Park
Baseball field, softball field,
and stadium facilities
1. Baseball
2. Softball
1. Volleyball
Hoffman Field
Two softball fields 1. Softball 1. Baseball
2. Volleyball
3. Ultimate Frisbee
Two regulation length soccer
1. Soccer
2. Baseball
3. Softball
1. Ultimate Frisbee
2. Rugby
3. Field Hockey
4. Lacrosse
5. Volleyball
Victor Jones
One t-ball field 1. Baseball
2. Softball
1. Volleyball
2. Ultimate Frisbee
Other Permitted Uses of all Athletic Fields include the following:
A. Free or paid entry special events, such as movies in the park, performances,
ceremonial events with the following criteria:
1. Open to the public.
2. Low impact activity on the turf areas.
B. Private events, fairs, commercial sales events.
The following uses are not permitted on specific City Athletic Fields:
A. Sports with high impact on turf areas such as soccer, lacrosse, rugby, football, field
hockey and similar sports activities are not permitted on Albert Park Field, Bernard
Hoffman Field, and Victor Jones Field.
Provisions of a Field/Facility Use Agreement may supersede portions of this Policy as directed by
the City Manager or City Council as appropriate.
3. Athletic Field Prioritization
The City prioritizes applications for field use in the following order:
1. City-sponsored programs and activities.
2. All agencies and organizations with agreements for field use with the City.
3. San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations, in the following order:
a. Youth serving for primary use
b. Adult serving for primary use
c. Youth serving for secondary use
d. Adult serving for secondary use
4. Non-San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations, in the following order:
a. Youth serving for primary use
b. Adult serving for primary use
c. Youth serving for secondary use
d. Adult serving for secondary use
5. San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations for other permitted uses.
6. Non-San Rafael based, Non-Profit Organizations for other permitted uses.
7. San Rafael Resident for private use.
8. Commercial entities, such as sports camps, sports contests, and professio nal league
sport events that serve the primary or secondary use of the field.
9. Commercial entities using the field for other permitted uses.
Permits are approved by the Library and Recreation Department. Any denial of such use may be
appealed to the City Manager, as per San Rafael Municipal Code.
4. Application Process
Applications are available online at [INSERT DIRECT WEBLINK] and at all Community Centers.
To reserve an athletic field, a person 18 years or older must submit a complete Field Use
Application provided by the Library and Recreation Department. You may submit your application
in person, mail or by email. If you submit your application by mail or email, a Department staff
member will contact you to collect the appropriate deposit to secure your reservation.
Applications are accepted annually from September 1 through October 31, with the City
determining field allocations by December 1, for the following year. Groups may also request field
space after this application period. Those requests will be granted on a first-come first-served
basis, based on field availability. Allocations may be adjusted depending on when the Library and
Recreation Department determines that the fields may open for the season (see Section 5).
If more than one person applies at the same time for the same field and same date/time, priority
is given in the order listed in Section 3. If still equal, decision will be made by a draw.
Set up and clean up times of activities must be included within rental period. Incomplete or
inaccurate information by the renter on the contract may result in cancellation of the contract and
loss of fees paid.
The applicant’s name and signature that appears on the rental contract must match the name on
the proof of insurance and payment. For public entities, the person signing the rental contract
must submit proof that they have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the agency.
Please do not make plans until a department staff member has confirmed your rental and
provided an approved rental contract.
Only the renter(s) whose name is on the rental application can submit changes. Changes are
subject to approval and must be made in writing (email preferred) or directly with the community
center office. All rental changes are tentative until confirmed by the Department staff and
any/all additional fees have been paid.
Reservations may be revoked at any time, whenever Library and Recreation Department staff
determines that the use of buildings or facilities may interfere with Department program activities
or where there has been a violation of approved regulations. Reservations may be revoked or
terminated, and additional guests will not be allowed in the facility if it is determined that the event
is different or larger than represented on the rental application.
The City reserves the right to make any physical changes to the facility.
5. Athletic Field Schedule
The City’s Athletic Fields are seasonal and their opening and closing dates vary depending on
weather and field conditions. Once open, fields are available for use seven (7) days per week. All
activities must conclude before sunset at all City fields, except Albert Park Field. For Albert Park
Field, field lights and amplified sound must be turned off by 10pm and renters must be out of the
facility by 11pm.
The play suitability status of sports fields is monitored continuously. Factors such as moisture
content of the soil, potential for inclement weather, safe use, and avoidance of injuries, as well as
damage to the field if played upon are all taken into consideration in determining the status for
play. Facilities may be closed due to weather and field conditions, as per the Library and
Recreation Department, and may remain closed for several days until the City deems fields are
6. Fees
Deposit: A deposit is required for athletic field rentals. The deposit must be paid in full at the time
of booking and is separate from rental fees. It will not be applied toward the rental balance.
The deposit is fully refundable except:
1. If money is withheld due to cancellations.
2. The deposit refund will be reduced to cover any extra costs due to cleaning, damage to
facility or grounds, overtime hours, additional equipment used during event, if event
exceeds estimated capacity, or is in violation of any facility rules or policies.
3. The entire deposit will be retained, and event may be shut down if attendance exceeds
the amount specified on the application.
Additional charges may be required if damage exceeds deposit amount.
A. Refer to Field Reservation Rate sheets for fees. The fee schedule for rental of the
facilities is contingent upon City Council authorization, and subject to annual review.
B. Fees are based on an hourly rate established by the City Council.
C. For user groups that rent a City field multiple times per season, the deposit is due at
the time of booking and all fees are due on the 1st of the month for the following
month. For user groups that are renting the fields for a single use, all rental fees are
due at the time of booking, including additional required insurance, security, or other
associated fees.
D. Payments may be in the form of check, cash, or credit card. All checks should be
made payable to “City of San Rafael”.
E. Rentals that exceed stated hours will be charged double the stated hourly rate for all
related fees.
If a rental payment is not received within the specified time, the reservation will be
cancelled, and the deposit will be retained by the City and not refunded.
Refunds: The City may cancel a Permit due to weather, facility conditions, or unforeseen
circumstances, including but not limited to flooding, fire, natural disaster, power outages, public
health emergencies, criminal acts or acts of war or terrorism, that affect facility conditions or
general public welfare. In the event of a City cancellation due to these circumstances, a full
refund or credit for any unused dates will be issued to the renter and such refund will constitute
the limit of City’s liability to renter in connection with the unavailabilit y of the City facility. The City
shall not be liable to renter for any actual or renter’s consequential damages, including but not
limited to other costs incurred in connection with renter’s event, lost profits and lost opportunity.
Cancellations or changes by the renter to the agreed upon schedule must be made at least thirty
(30) days in advance. Cancellations made with less than thirty (30) days advance notice will not
be eligible for a refund of the rental fees. Changes made with less than thirty (30) days’ notice will
be required to pay fees for both the original and the new rental times. Changes will be subject to
facility availability.
7. Insurance
All rentals are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance for liability for a minimum of
$1,000,000, with required endorsements. The insurance must follow the below guidelines:
A. The certificate of insurance must include endorsements naming “City of San Rafael” as
additional insured.
B. Rental insurance certificates must be received by the Library and Recreation Department
at least 30 days prior to the event.
C. Organizations/Individuals that have insurance through a parent organization may issue
one proof of insurance which names “City of San Rafael” as an additional insured for a
full year for all the organization’s uses.
D. The name on the Certificate of Insurance must match the name on the rental contract.
8. Field Preparation
Albert Park Fields:
A. Requests for field prep must be made upon submission of application.
B. The City will provide equipment and materials to be used exclusively on the facilities.
No outside field preparation equipment or materials may be used.
C. Vehicles are not allowed on the facilities for field preparation for games.
D. Uses that require vehicles to place or remove equ ipment, staging, seating, or other
apparatus must be approved in advance and coordinated with City staff.
Pickleweed, Bernard Hoffman and Victor Jones Fields:
A. Renters are responsible for lining these fields and must coordinate the lining time and
method at least one week prior to use. City staff must review and approve the
materials that will be used.
B. Vehicles are not allowed on the facilities for any reason including field preparation for
Lights (Albert Park Only):
A. Use of Field lights is required for reservations occurring after 6:30 pm or sunset,
whichever comes first, and must be turned off by 10pm. An additional charge for
lights will be assessed at the time of application.
B. Lights are required for safety. They must be activated at least one hour prior to
sunset. Weather and other atmospheric conditions may occasionally require use of
the lights earlier in the day.
9. Use Regulations
Alcohol Service/Sales: No alcoholic beverages may be present or consumed on the facility except
as noted below:
Applicants may request specific permission to serve or sell alcoholic beverages at Albert Park
Field only, from a single source or concession. Additional permitting, insurance, and deposit fees
will be required if the service or sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted.
Amplified Sound: Amplification of sound must comply with the San Rafael Municipal Code,
Chapter 8.13, Noise Ordinance standards.
A. The sound equipment installed in Albert Park Field will be made available to renters
with conditions addressing volume, time of day, and type of sound.
B. Additional sound equipment may be permitted on a case by case basis, when limited
impact on the surrounding neighborhood can be achieved.
Attendance: Depending on type and size of event, additional portable restrooms maybe required
at cost of renter.
Behavior: Renters, activity participants, and guests/attendees are responsible for adhering to the
provisions of San Rafael Municipal Code, Chapter 8.10, Parks and Facilities, at all times during
facility use. Renters are responsible for calling 911 or the San Rafael Police if behavior or safety
issues arise out of the use of facilities. Renters are asked to report such accidents/incidents
within 24 hours to the Library and Recreation Department.
Clean Up and Trash Disposal: Facilities must be restored to original condition at the end of use.
Trash must be placed in receptacles provided. Clean up and/or repair charges beyond normal
wear and tear will be billed to the Applicant based on cost of repair.
Albert Park Field:
A. Bases and field equipment must be returned and locked into storage areas (dug
outs) and base plugs replaced on field.
B. Clean up duties include: remove all personal/team equipment and trash from the
grandstands (including sweeping the grandstands) and dugouts/field cans and
restrooms (trash and recycling may be put in large metal containers on the 1st and
3rd base entrances), drag and water infield, prep batter’s box and pitchers’ mound.
C. Remove all equipment/trash from the Score/Press Box, turn off all equipment
(including scoreboard), lights, power off power-strips and lock door.
D. Secure building and restrooms, lock gates and eliminate electrical access.
E. Report any damages or repairs needed.
Pickleweed Park Field:
A. Soccer goals must be moved off the field and placed next to back fence. Community
Center Facility Attendant should be notified when complete so that goals can be
properly locked.
The above lists may not be comprehensive and are subject to change. Renters will work with
Library and Recreation staff to ensure they receive the full list of duties for post-game/practice
clean up.
Concessions: Renters may contract for concession services on site, or provide their own, with
permission. Concessions will only be considered at Albert Park Field.
Ticket sales, donation requests, concession operations, and fundraisers must be approved in
Food: Serving food to participants and invitees at the facilities is permitted only with Department
Food may only be sold or served to the general public with written approval and the renter must
consult with Marin County Health Department to determine if a Health Permit is required. It is the
renter’s responsibility to assure that outside food vendors do not sell food, or any items, during
renter’s use without previous Library and Recreation Department permission. Violation may
include forfeiture of security deposit and additional fees.
Safety: Entrance and interior gates must remain unlocked for the duration of the reservation for
emergency evacuation.
ADA compliant seating areas and restroom facilities must be available for the duration of any use
where the public is invited to participate or observe.
City of San Rafael staff is authorized to stop or modify any activity if deemed necessary for the
health and wellbeing of users, guests, neighbors, and the general public.
Security: Security will be required at all events in which any one of the following is present:
commercial rental, admission fees charged, alcohol is served or sold, high-risk activities, or
parties/special events that take place during non-business hours. Exceptions can be made if the
department Director, in consultation with the City Attorney, determines in writing that the event
and the activities taking place at the event pose no reasonably foreseeable risk to the health and
safety of participants or the facility. Should security be required, authorized security services of
the City’s choice will be retained at the renter’s expense.
At the discretion of the facility Supervisor and/or department Director, additional security, facility
attendants, bonds or insurance may be required at the renter’s expense.
Photography: Library and Recreation Department staff reserve the right to photograph events for
promotional purposes.
Publicity: The City of San Rafael reserves the right to review and approve materials used to
publicize events to be held in a city facility. City staff may not/will not give out information on
private rentals. The community centers are not to be listed as a contact for your event.
Vehicles and Parking: Motorized vehicles on park property, lawns, turf, restricted areas,
bicycle/pedestrian pathways or fields are prohibited.
Parking is permitted in designated parking lots, or stalls, only. Applicants may be required to
provide offsite parking if estimated attendance or coinciding uses necessitate additional parking
March 18, 2021
Item #6
Since 1994, the Marin Bocce Federation (Federation), in partnership with the City of San
Rafael has provided public bocce ball facilities and programs in Albert Park. The
Federation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the sport of bocce for all
local citizens to enhance their social and physical well-being.
Per the Agreement, the Marin Bocce Federation is required to provide the Park and
Recreation Commission with an annual report that includes a summary of their
operations, activities, participation, and budget.
That the Commission receive the report and provide comment.
In 1993, the City Council approved a Masterplan Amendment for Albert Park including
the installation of a new bocce facility, playground and formal garden features. In 1994,
the City established a partnership with the Marin Bocce Federation, a non -profit
corporation which is dedicated to promoting the sport of bocce for all loc al citizens to
enhance their social and physical well-being.
As part of the original agreement, the Federation was approved to install equipment,
furnishings, and facilities for the sport of bocce in Albert Park with the provision that it
made those facilities accessible for public use. The Federation has installed $1.1 million
of improvements to the Bocce Complex (Complex) between 1994 and 2012. During that
time, the Federation and the City have amended and extended the original Agreement to
add site improvements and the enhanced program scope. The facility includes 10
premier, state of the art bocce courts and operates year-round, serving over 5,000 visitors
per month during the peak season, March-November.
Federation leagues, programs and activities are popular and successful. League
participation has consistently remained at capacity with 160 teams and 1,300 players,
plus a waitlist. Open-play days often draws lines of participants and new players continue
to register for formal and informal clinics. The Federation also hosts on-site bocce
tournaments for league players, United States Bocce Federation Tournaments
fundraisers, and private rental events. Although, that was before the COVID virus made
its’ way to San Rafael in 2020. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the Federation’s
activities over the past year, which is outlined in more detail in the Discussion section of
this report.
The term of the current Agreement is from December 1, 2011 through November 30,
2030., but it may be renewed for an 15 additional year term. The terms of the current
Agreement are summarized below as a reference.
Under the Agreement, the Federation will:
- Maintain its private, non-profit corporation status and routinely and regularly
manage and maintain Complex at its sole expense including its related equipment
and furnishings.
- Assume responsibility for property damage due to normal wear and tear, minor
vandalism, and graffiti. Federation is responsible for the payment of all utility
charges generated by operation off the Complex.
- Establish, organize, promote, conduct, and supervise bocce ball leagues, lessons,
tournaments, casual play for any member of the public who wis hes to engage in
such organized bocce balk activities.
- Develop reasonable rules and procedures for persons using Complex, subject to
the review and approval of the Park and Recreation Commission and the Library
and Recreation Director.
- Annually provide the Library and Recreation Department with a complete schedule
of all organized activities (leagues, lessons, and tournaments) which require
Federation’s organized use of Complex.
- Establish a reasonable fee schedule for persons participating in its organized
activities (leagues, lessons, and tournaments), rental uses of the facilities, and fees
for use of equipment, subject to review of the Director.
- Responsible for collection and disbursement of program and rental fees. Fees
collected shall be used primarily for Federation programs, maintenance costs,
capital improvements and repayment of City loans. The City reserves the right to
conduct City-organized bocce programs that complement the Federation activities
at no fee to the Federation.
- Provide supervisory personnel for its programs and organized activities.
Federation shall not be required to provide supervision for City -organized or non-
Federation bocce programs.
- Comply with all requirements and conditions of its Permit for Possession and
Consumption of Beer and Wine, granted by the Director under San Rafael
Municipal Code Section 2.16.028 (18).
- Notify the Library and Recreation Department at least 60 days in advance of
Federation events, programs or organized activities, involving more tha n 100
participants. Federation, at its sole expense will prepare, provide, and implement
a parking plan for the Complex, Albert Park, and San Rafael Community Center
for the dates affected at the Federations expense. Said plan shall be provided to
the City for review and approval.
- Provide an events management plan approved by the City when scheduling
competitive events at the Complex, where attendance is expected to exceed 300
persons per day, four hours per day, for a period of two or more consecutive days.
The events management plan will address parking, traffic, noise controls, security,
impacts on the neighborhood, community, and City functions.
Under the Agreement, the City will:
- Permit the Federation use of the Complex for its organized activities pursuant to
the submitted schedules and subject to the provisions outlines in the Agreement.
- Cooperate with Federation in the promotion and supervision of is organized
- Subject to the City’s limitations of budget and other resources, City shall reb uild
and/or repair Complex in the event it is damaged by acts of God, vandalism or
intentional or negligent acts of third parties in excess of $25,000. Both parties
understand, acknowledge and agree that because of fiscal constraints of the City,
agree repairs are contingent upon the City having funds available for this purpose.
The Federation reports annually to the Park and Recreation Commission to review the
organization’s financial statements, program status, attendance, and facility issues.
Marin Bocce Federation provided the Park and Recreation Commission with their Annual
Report for 2020 (Attachment 1) and Management Report (Attachment 2) for review and
discussion during the March 18, 2021 meeting. The report includes a summary of the
Federation’s program status and attendance, facility improvement/repair projects, and
financial report.
Due to the COVID-19 virus response, the Federation has had to significantly modify its
operational hours and programs. In 2020, the Federation was able to provide 10 months
of modified programming, which included open play by reservation and small
tournaments. Specifically, the Federation was able to provide the following:
• Open Play attracted 80 players a week from June-December when courts were
open on a limited basis.
• MBF held 3 small tournaments in 2020: one singles tournament and two doubles
• Teams were allowed to rent courts and play with a max of 4 players per court.
Team play was about 25% of reservations of total bocce rentals.
The Federation also had to find creative ways to offset the financial losses as a result of
the reduced programming. They applied for and received a Paycheck Prevention
Program loan (PPP) loan for $19,000, which has since reverted to a grant. The
Federation also held a “Keep us Rolling” fundraiser, which brought in $80,139 in revenue
for the Federation. These activities are highlighted in more detail in the Annual Report.
The Federation’s Management Report provides detailed financial information illustrating
an overall loss of $6,576.78 for 2020. The Federation’s recent financial history is
summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Summary of Federation’s Expenses and Revenue
2016 2017 2018 2020
Income $234,069.50 $237,843.45 $262,815.51 $107,059.85
Expenses $175,291.17 $194,079.74 $191,647.48 $113,436.13
Net (Gain/Loss) $58,778.33 $43,763.71 $71,168.03 (-$6,376.28)
Despite the challenges that 2020 brought, the Marin Bocce Federation should be
commended for their hard work over the past year, their creativity in finding ways to
continue to serve the community, and their ongoing dedication to the sport and the
In exchange for the Federation’s contribution of park improvements and ongoing
maintenance of the Complex, the City waives facility use fees for the Complex for the
term of the Agreement. Upon any renewal of the Agreement, the parties may re-negotiate
the terms of compensation.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Rochelle Grechman-Dibley
Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. Marin Bocce Federation 2020 Annual Report
2. Marin Bocce Federation 2020 Management Report
The Marin Bocce Federation
2020 Annual Report
Presented to City of San Rafael
Park and Recreation Commission
By Julie Nunes, President
March 18, 2021
The Marin Bocce Federation is a non-profit organization dedicated to
promoting the sport of bocce for all local residents to enhance their social and
physical well-being.
Marin Bocce is a very special place. We boast ten premier, state of the art
bocce courts nestled amid beautifully landscaped surroundings. In normal
years, we are open year-round and proudly serve over 5,000 visitors per
month during our peak season (which runs March through October).
In 2019, prior to the pandemic:
• Our leagues remained at capacity, 160 teams, around 1300 players, 3-
day and 5-night leagues. When an opening occurs in one of our leagues,
it fills very quickly, with 15-20 players on our Wait List.
• Our open-play days are also quite popular with players often lining up
when the gates open. We continued of hold formal and informal clinics
to introduce new players to the nuances of bocce strategies and rules.
• We hosted six in-house bocce tournaments, open the Marin League
Players. We host three USBF (United States Bocce Federation)
tournaments where players from all over Northern California came to
• We proudly hosted our 25th Year Anniversary Gala on August 18, to
honor all of the past founding mothers and fathers and to continue to
enthusiastically support this setting as a special place of community for
our city. Over 200 of our past and present league players attended,
Former Mayor Al Boro and current Mayor Kate Colin both attended and
spoke. We were given rave reviews by our attendees.
• We continued to have strong weekend rentals with events and
fundraisers. The majority are local schools and non-profit organizations
who return year after year to enjoy bocce and raise funds for their
worthy causes.
As were all Marin non-essential businesses, we were officially shut down by
the Marin County/California Shelter in Place Order on March 13, 2020. We
furloughed all of our staff effective on April 1, 2020.
We, the Board of Directors, continued to meet through video conferencing for
regular monthly meetings, as well as emergency and special meetings to
manage our response to the pandemic. We continued to communicate to our
captains and players through email as conditions changed throughout the
April 7, we applied for and received a Paycheck Prevention Program loan (PPP)
from the Federal Government. We were approved for $19,000 that reverted to
a grant later in the year.
We reduced all regular reoccurring costs to the minimum, with those
modifications, our expected financial loss was $60,000 to $70,000 if we
remained closed for the year 2020.
As conditions for COVID 19 pandemic improved, we followed the guidance for
reopening from the State as well as Marin County. We proposed re opening
with a strict mitigation plan; including masking, social distancing, disinfecting
and cleaning of all high touch surfaces, communication posters, sig ned
Conditions of Play Statements and reservations. We limited the play to singles
play, two/court for 3 hours.
Members of the BOD felt strongly that our reopening and Mitigation Plan
needed to be approved by the City of San Rafael because of our ongoing
partnership. We received approval from Kevin Wright of Marin Recovers and
Kate Colin, Mayor of San Rafael.
On June 8 we re-employed our General Manager and began the planning for
reopening. As we communicated to our captains, we officially reopened on
June 15, with our approved mitigation site plan publicly displayed on the gate.
We welcomed folks for open play Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
from 9 to 3.
We had great response to open play, with about 20 persons a day.
Enthusiastic feedback from our players was that this activity was a welcomed
and safe avenue for play and socializing. As the months progressed, we held a
couple of singles and doubles tournaments, which were well received. We
relaxed our conditions to include doubles play (four/court).
We continued to remain available for open play through the end of the year
(except for a week for fires/smoke), we increased the fee to $10 but even with
that measure we were still looking at $60,000 year-end loss from lack of
league or event fees.
In November, the BOD initiated Keep us Rolling fundraising effort. The goal
was for $80,000 to cover 2020 losses and some for 2021. As of March of 2021,
we have garnered $81,000 from our bocce players and friends. We have been
approved for a small business grant of $15,000 and have applied for a second
PPP Loan if $19,000.
So, we came to the end of 2020, some of our players are back for open play
and tournaments, the mitigation plan was working with good compliance.
We are looking forward for a time in 2021 when City, County and State
guidance will permit us we to safely restart leagues and events.
We are always looking for ways to serve our local community.
For example, when approached we gladly donate court rental gift certificates
to local fundraising raffles such as St. Vincent de Paul Society, Gilead House,
the Cristoforo Colombo Club of Marin, The Gerstle Park Neighborhood
Association, and many others.
We have sponsored a yearly $1,000 square at the Italian Street Painting
Finally, we hope to get back to a time when we are again open for morning
and evening leagues and to community for small and large events.
We aspire to a time when we can encourage the public as frequent casual
visitors. Some may want to simply stroll through and check out our facility.
Others may decide to sit and watch for a while to learn how the game is
played. And then there are those who will once again discover one of our best
kept secrets, to enjoy a light lunch or snack while sitting and relaxing in our
beautiful rose garden.
On behalf of the Marin Bocce Federation Board of Directors, our amazing
General Manager, and our dedicated volunteers we look forward to continuing
our commitment as a valued partner with the City of San Rafael and to
enhance the health and well being of our community.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Nunes
President, Marin Bocce Federation
Marin Bocce Federation
January 1, 2020 -December 31, 2020
Attachment Number:
Prepared on March 10, 2021
For Management Use Only
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Bank of Marin/Checking x4464
Bill.com Money Out Clearing
BoM/Savings-Facility Improvements x6928
Petty Cash
Stripe Clearing
Total Bank Accounts
Other Current Assets
Inventory Asset
Undeposited Funds
Total Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
1 Equipment
1 Facilities
Total 1 Facilities
2017 -Bathroom Remodel
2017 -Trash Bins
2018 -Fence Repair
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday, March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08:00
$261, 132.07
590 ,216.67
151,649.61 _, ___ ---------.
2018 -Swing Boards
Accumulated Depreciation
Accum Depr Buildings
Accum Depr Courts
Accum Depr Equipment
Accum Depr Grounds
Total Accumulated Depreciation
Fixed Assets
Building Improvements
Building Remodel
Construction in Progress
Court Rails
Court Replacement
Garage Door
Rose Garden Furniture
Rose Garden Re-Design
Sound System
Tables, Chairs, Umbrellas
Vine Planter Boxes
Total Fixed Assets
Total Fixed Assets
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday, March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08:00
0 .00
-216,489 .00
-456, 180 .00
-51,807 .00
-142,516 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Total Accounts Payable
Credit Cards
Capone xx 6570
Staples x2405
Total Credit Cards
Other Current Liabilities
Loans from Officers, Directors
Payroll Liabilities
Federal Taxes (941/944)
Federal Unemployment (940)
Total Payroll Liabilities
PPP Loan
Total Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Restricted Assets-Marin Athletic Foundation
Restricted Assets-Special Olympics
Unrestricted Net Assets
Net Income
Total Equity
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday, March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08:00
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Bank of Marin/Checking x4464
Bill.com Money Out Clearing
BoM/Savings-Facility Improvements x6928
Petty Cash
Stripe Clearing
Total Bank Accounts
Other Current Assets
Inventory Asset
Undeposited Funds
Total Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
1 Buildings
1 Equipment
1 Facilities
Total 1 Facilities
2017 -Bathroom Remodel
2017 -Trash Bins
2018 -Fence Repair
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday, March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08:00
$261, 132.07
2,985 .00
2018 -Swing Boards
Accumulated Depreciation
Accum Depr Buildings
Accum Depr Courts
Accum Depr Equipment
Accum Depr Grounds
Total Accumulated Depreciation
Fixed Assets
Building Improvements
Building Remodel
Construction in Progress
Court Rails
Court Replacement
Garage Door
Rose Garden Furniture
Rose Garden Re-Design
Sound System
Tables, Chairs, Umbrellas
Vine Planter Boxes
Total Fixed Assets
Total Fixed Assets
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday, March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08:00
3,493 .09
0 .00
-456 , 180 .00
-51 ,807 .00
-142,516 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
$591,349 .30
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Total Accounts Payable
Credit Cards
Capone XX 6570
Staples x2405
Total Credit Cards
Other Current Liabilities
Loans from Officers , Directors
Payroll Liabilities
Federal Taxes (941/944}
Federal Unemployment (940)
Total Payroll Liabilities
PPP Loan
Total Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Restricted Assets-Marin Athletic Foundation
Restricted Assets-Special Olym.pics
Unrestricted Net Assets
Net Income
Total Equity
Marin Bocce Federation
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2020
Cash Basis Monday , March 8, 2021 12:58 PM GMT-08 :00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
0 .00
Item 8
Date: March 18, 2021
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
March 15 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
March 18 6:00 pm Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
April 5 7:00 pm City Council Zoom
April 15 6:00 pm Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
April 19 7:00 pm City Council Zoom
April 29 3:00 pm Library & Community Center Conceptual
Design Working Group Meeting Zoom