HomeMy WebLinkAboutBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee 2020-04-07 Agenda PacketAGENDA
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“711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 2021 AT 6:00 P.M.
Watch Online: https://tinyurl.com/BPAC-2021-04-07
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
ID: 873-5858-9818#
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of meeting minutes
Approval of BPAC Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2021
Recommended Action: Approve as submitted
3. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda: 2-minutes each
4. Remembering Jimmy Geraghty, Memorial attached
5. North-South Greenway, Materials attached and presentation by Patrick Seidler and Warren
This item is about a gap closure in the North-South Greenway from Los Ranchitos to the top
of the Puerto Suello pathway
Recommended Action:
1. Members to vote on submitting a letter of support to City Council, DRAFT letter
6. San Rafael Transit Center, Brief update from City staff
Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District (GGBHTD) is completing an analysis
of three alternative locations of the Transit Center. The alternatives can be found here:
Recommended Action:
1. Members to provide input on the bicycle and pedestrian access to each alternative
2. Members to vote on submitting a letter encouraging City Council to prioritize
pedestrian and bicycle access to the relocated Transit Center, DRAFT letter attached
7. Possible Future Agenda Items
a. BPAC Work Plan
8. Adjournment in Honor of Jimmy Geraghty
City of San Rafael
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
Wednesday February 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Present: Chair Powers
Member Allison
Member Solomon
Member Mooney
Member Bergman
Member Hagerty
Member Coyne, Alternate
Member Geraghty, Alternate
Youth Member Nielsen
Call to Order
Chair Powers called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
1. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda
Craig Murray: Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM), Safe Routes to School efforts, US
101 Undercrossing
Jean Severinghaus: Kudos for Second Street to Rice Drive Multi-Use Path (MUP) and for
Quick Build at Francisco Boulevard East/Grange Avenue
Patrick Seidler: Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) has money they could put
towards the North-South Greenway
Warren Wells: New Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) Policy and Program Director.
Sunny Lee: Requests a study be done on the traffic impacts of the Francisco Blvd West
one-way circulation on northbound Lincoln Avenue
2. Committee Housekeeping
Staff announced that the City is not currently seeking replacements for former Member
Belletto or Youth Member Harlem’s vacancies. Members of the committee requested the
City consider recruiting for the second youth member position
3. Approval of meeting minutes
Minutes for regular December 2, 2020 meeting approved.
4. Third Street/Lindaro Street Intersection Improvements
Staff provided a report prior to the meeting and presented at the meeting the alternatives for
the design of the Third Street and Lindaro Street intersection. The alternatives are: close the
driveway (north leg) to Walgreens or make the driveway (north leg) one-way southbound.
Comments from committee members:
Member Solomon asked how far the driveway is from the nearest intersection (Lootens
Alternate Member Geraghty mentioned the conflict between southbound vehicles making a
right turn and not looking for bicycle traffic
Member Allison asked about the collision history and the back-up in lane #3
Youth Member Nielsen asked if improvements can be made to the Lindaro Street driveway
Member Mooney asked about the bike lanes on Lindaro that BioMarin was supposed to
Alternate Coyne asked the city to look at the design of the exit only to make sure cars can’t
turn right into driveway from 3rd Street.
Member Hagerty asked to review letters provided by the public prior to the meeting
Member Mooney asked staff to clarify when vehicle counts were collected
Speakers: Don Magdenz, Lisa Merigan, Dave Rhoads, Jean Severinghaus, Sunny Lee, Lori
S, Jonathan Toste
There being no further comment, Chair Powers closed the public comment
Member Allison expressed that the exit only is a great compromise as far as circulation and
helps reduce the pedestrian conflict and considers the vehicle throughput
Member Mooney expressed the need to design for the future and consider BioMarin and
Senior Housing going in
Youth Member Nielsen suggested staff consider redesigning the Walgreens driveway
Member Bergman mentioned the parking lot can be challenging to drive through and
visibility should be checked. If these are looked into, then it should alleviate some of the
concerns for pedestrians at the exit.
Chair Powers asked what the City was satisfied with and indicated she was appreciative of
the public process that this project has gone through. Asked if the exit only provides one
lane or two lanes.
City staff commented that both alternatives were presented because city staff is comfortable
with both alternatives.
Members Allison and Hagerty expressed support for the one-way exit only alternative.
Member Solomon initially supported the closure, however after public comment and staff
presentations, he expressed support for the Exit only option in the spirit of community
Member Mooney and Alternate Members Geraghty and Coyne expressed support for the
closed alternative.
5. Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Staff presented how the CIP is created, how projects make it into the CIP, and how the
projects are ranked
Alternate Member Geraghty asked if the City monitors e-bike sales
Youth Member Nielsen asked how projects can get added mid-cycle
Speakers: Patrick Seidler, Craig Murray, Sunny Lee, Dave Rhoads, Lori S, Jean
Member Mooney asked about planning for the increase in e-bikes
Chair Powers requested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) be revisited
regularly to reprioritize projects
Member Bergman requested MTC’s regional bike and pedestrian plan. He also thinks it would
be helpful to have detailed breakdown of funding and the limitations of different funding sources.
Youth Member Nielsen requested the process be refined
There being no further comment, Chair Powers closed the public comment
6. Request for Future Agenda Items
Committee members requested the funding opportunities for the North-South Greenway be
7. Adjournment
Chair Powers adjourned the meeting at 8:05 pm
Approved this ____ day of ____ 2021
Lauren Davini, Staff Liaison
Remembering Jimmy Geraghty
The City would like to thank Jimmy for his many years of contributions to San Rafael. He will be missed.
Jim grew up on the East Coast before moving to Marin in 1988, settling in the Canal
District so he could be close to his boat. By 2003, he had become a stalwart activist
known throughout the county.
Garbed in his signature overalls, bandana, and clogs, Jim was a prominent fixture at
countless political, environmental, and social justice events over the past two
decades. Named one of the "Heroes of Marin" by the Pacific Sun in 2018, he never took
credit for his impact on the community.
"I surround myself with people smarter than me, connecting with others and working
for change," Jim is quoted as saying. "That's when the real magic happens." -Community Media Center of Marin
Geraghty identifies the three biggest problems facing Marin as housing, traffic and
racial disparity. The good news is he sees plenty of solutions for all of these problems.
His advice: Get involved. “Find a group working on your passion or concern.
Become aware.” – Pacific Sun “Heroes of Marin”
SMART San Rafael Connection
End of freeway pathEnd of SMART pathN San Pedro/101 UndercrossingLincoln Ave Park & Ridew1w7
Merrydale RoadSteep Grade(>9% at points)No Bike LanesNo SidewalksLimited ROWHigh‐Stress Intersection w/ N San Pedro Road
Los Rachitos RoadSlope Higher than ADA Limit(6%)Min. Width Bike LanesNo ROW for both Sidewalk and Bike Lanes
Photo #1
Photo #1Photo #2
Photo #1Photo #2Photo #3
Photo #1Photo #2Photo #3Photo #4
Caltrans ParcelSMART Parcels
Benefits vs. Drawbacks•Safer and separated from traffic•All ages and abilities•Allows all users, not just bicycles•Higher cost•Requires environmental clearance
Comparing the AlternativesRoute Length Elev. Gain Max Grade Bikes PedestriansMerrydale Road 2,590’ 139’9.4%No NoLos Ranchitos Road 2,140’ 118’6.6%Yes NoSMART San Rafael Connection3,200’ 120’ 5% Yes Yes
What the San Rafael BPAC can doDraft and submit resolution to San Rafael City Council stating that:•The ‘SMART San Rafael Connection’ should be the preferred route from Puerto Suello Hill to N San Pedro Road•Merrydale Road and Los Ranchitos Road cannot serve as ‘all ages and abilities’ bicycle/pedestrian routes•The City should request that SMART:•Environmentally clear this alignment, both through CEQA and NEPA•Develop 30% engineering alternatives for the complete segment•Obtain all necessary permits•Fund and seek necessary matching funding for construction of segment
San Rafael Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
April 8, 2021
San Rafael City Council
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Re: Recommendation for City Council advocacy for SMART Multiuse Path Gap Closure in North
San Rafael
Dear Mayor and Councilmembers:
We encourage the Council to act immediately to urge SMART’s Board of Directors to include full
funding, or seek grants for the full funding, for the environmental review, permitting and full
construction of the segment of the Multiuse Path (MUP) from Puerto Suello Hill to North San
Pedro Road in North San Rafael. The SMART Board is currently planning Capital Projects, which
include construction and expansion of pathway systems, as part of its goal-setting and
budgeting process for 2021.
This gap closure in North San Rafael’s portion of the North-South Greenway is an important link
to meet the goal of providing safe and comfortable access along the full length of the Greenway
for all ages and abilities. It is an important link in the County’s and the region’s bicycle and
pedestrian transportation network. The current alternative routes do not meet the needs of
most abilities of bicyclists (1) because there is constrained space and visibility around curves
along Los Ranchitos with no room for expansion due to slopes on either side of the roadway,
and (2) because an uncomfortably steep slope exists on Merrydale heading down from Puerto
Suello Hill toward Point San Pedro Road.
In our advisory capacity, we urge you to use this opportunity, while SMART funding is available,
to move environmental review and time-sensitive construction preparation forward in a cost
effective and timely way.
Thank you for your consideration,
San Rafael BPAC Members
San Rafael Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
April 8, 2021
San Rafael City Council
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Re: Recommendations regarding Site Alternatives for San Rafael Transit Center’s Relocation
Dear Mayor and Councilmembers:
San Rafael completed and adopted its most recent update of San Rafael’s Bicycle Pedestrian
Master Plan (BPMP) in 2018. During that planning process, the City considered hundreds of
comments through its survey and public outreach efforts. The relocation of San Rafael’s Transit
Center creates an important opportunity for the City to address the top two goals in the 2018
BPMP update: 1) safety and 2) connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians.
According to the BPMP, between 2009 and 2016, 65% of all pedestrian-involved collisions
(averaging 36/year) occured downtown. The corridors with the greatest occurrence of both
bicycle and pedestrian-involved collisions per mile were along Second, Third, and Fourth Streets
and collisions were particularly high at intersections with Hetherton Street and Tamalpais
Avenue. As these intersections are within the footprints of the alternatives being considered for
the relocation of the Transit Center, this is a critical time to prioritize and invest in safety
countermeasures at pedestrian crossings and bicycle intersections such as those listed in the
BPMP and to work with the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (GGBHTD)
to do so.
The BPMP recognizes that tracking progress towards its goals is crucial to its success. One of the
first strategies in prioritizing and implementing the safety improvements in the plan was to
adopt a “Vision Zero” policy for eliminating all bicycle- and pedestrian-involved severe injuries
and fatalities and establish a baseline for comparison by 2020. As this milestone has not yet
been accomplished, now would be a good time to prioritize them especially in this area.
According to the 2018 BPMP, the most heavily used bus routes are in the Canal neighborhood
and include Marin Transit Routes 20 and 35. Creating direct bike and pedestrian routes to stops
along those routes, including at the Transit Center, will help improve access for high-frequency
bus system users. Part of prioritizing safety could be to develop a “Safe Routes to Transit”
approach for all ages and abilities to the new Transit Center location.
In its very first BPMP, adopted in 2001, the City identified the need for N-S bicycle routes. The
2011 BPMP update called for a series of projects identifying the need for the North-South
Greenway through San Rafael. The 2018 BPMP identified gaps that exist in the bike network
downtown and at connections to the existing Transit Center and rated the segment between
Second Street and Mission Avenue along West Tamalpais one of its highest priority projects.
That is to say that over the past 20 years, completion of a North-South Greenway through
downtown has been a priority in all BPMP plans. Significant segments towards this goal have
been completed, the most recent being the multiuse path along West Francisco from Irwin to
Second. The Transit Center relocation creates an opportunity for ultimately completing the
connection from Second Street to Mission Avenue. Improving regional bicycle and pedestrian
networks is included in the first policy in San Rafael’s Draft 2040 General Plan update Mobility
In our advisory capacity, we urge you to use this opportunity to work with GGBHTD to create a
safer and more connected downtown, identifying safe pathways to transit for all users,
prioritizing safe intersections, and completing the North South Greenway from Second Street to
Mission Avenue, through downtown.
Thank you for your consideration,
San Rafael BPAC Members