HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2021-06-17 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
Thursday, June 17, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912
•Roll Call
1.Approve regular meeting minutes of May 20, 2021
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
•Movies in the Park, Patty McCulley, Recreation Coordinator
3.Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. (Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.)
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4.Selection of Two (2) Commissioners to Participate on the Screening Committee for the Parks
and Recreation Master Plan Request for Proposal (RFP) Process
5.Review Proposed Scholarship and Community Center Meeting Room Fee Waiver Policies
6.Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: July 15, 2021
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 May 20, 2021
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May 20, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912#
Acting Chair Cicily Emerson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Commissioner Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: Commissioner Laumann, Chair Machado, Commissioner Reisinger
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of April 15, 2021
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Cabrales seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of April 15, 2021.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Machado, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Proposed Update to the City’s Recreation and Childcare Fees
Catherine Quffa presented the Proposed Update to the City’s Recreation and Childcare
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
Commissioner Gutierrez recommended that the non-resident rates for the pool be
raised more than what was presented.
Commissioner Sandoval recommended that the fees be revisited annually or bi-
Commissioners Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, and Sandoval all agreed on the
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to accept the
Proposed Update to the City’s Recreation and Childcare Fees.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Machado, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Report accepted
5. Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 Update
Catherine Quffa presented the Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Commissioner Cabrales seconded, to accept the
Parks status report for January 2021 – March 2021.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Machado, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Report accepted
6. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Emerson shared that the County is partnering with the City of San Rafael
for the COVID-19 mobile vaccination team to participate in “Dining Under the Lights” to
vaccinate those ages 12 and older.
Commissioner Cabrales shared that the Library and Community Center Conceptual
Design Working Group had their final design meeting. She stated that she is pleased
with the final conceptual design, and she really enjoyed the process.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Quffa stated the next meeting they will be bringing forward staff thoughts on the
scholarship program, as well as the meeting room waiver program to get the
Commission’s feedback. Staff has also been working on an art exhibit policy for the
Falkirk Cultural Center. The goal is to present it to the Commission in June, but it may
come in July. Movies in the park will resume in August.
Ms. Andrade-Wax would like to give the Commission a break in July or August. For the
July meeting there will also be opportunity to select a Commissioner to the Park and
Commission Master Plan Steering Committee. The expectation is that the Commission
representative will participate in approximately six to seven meetings.
Ms. Quffa shared that the Hamilton Pool will be opening in June, and our Summer
Camps will be kicking off as well. Space is a little limited, but we are offering more
spaces than we did last year. The Department will also be starting the implementation
process of our new registration platform in June and we plan to go live in November.
Acting Chair Emerson adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2021
SUSAN ANDRADE-WAX, Library & Recreation Director
June 17, 2021
Item #4
The City of San Rafael is about to begin the process of developing a comprehensive
Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will inventory the City’s current facilities and
programs, and identify what parks and recreational facilities and funding mechanisms
will be needed over the next ten (10) years.
On June 7, 2021, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued to obtain qualified
consultants to coordinate and prepare a comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master
Plan. To review the proposals received, City staff is recommending the formation of a
Screening Committee comprised of City staff and two (2) representatives from the Park
and Recreation Commission.
That the Park and Recreation Commission designate two (2) members to participate on
the Screening Committee for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Request for
Proposal (RFP) process.
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There has been a significant growth in the demand for recreation amenities in San
Rafael that is requiring a thorough assessment of the City’s parks, recreational facilities,
and programs. In addition, the scope of recreational programming has been changing
such that it is now defined not so much in terms of specific leisure activities, but in terms
of meaningful experiences that contrast with work and school obligations, enhance
personal skills, and increase an awareness of the larger community.
To address this situation, the City Council’s Goals and Objectives and Measure A Work
Plan for FY 2021-2022 includes a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This plan will
provide a foundation for the future development and maintenance of parks, facilities,
and amenities. Specifically, the Master Plan will analyze the use of existing facilities,
assess their condition, gather community input, provide recommendations for
improvement, and suggest funding/implementation strategies.
Once the 2040 General Plan is approved, the Master Plan will be based upon the
General Plan’s findings and specific recommendations regarding public facilities and
community programs, objectives, and policies. This process shall meet the City’s goal of
providing a diverse and inclusive process. After significant collaboration between the
consultant, City staff, Parks & Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee, and the
community, the Master Plan will be a valuable strategic guide and create a roadmap for
both current and future development for the next 10 years.
The City of San Rafael is about to begin the process of developing a comprehensive
Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will inventory the City’s current facilities and
programs, and identify what parks and recreational facilities and funding mechanisms
will be needed over the next ten (10) years.
On June 7, 2021, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued to obtain qualified
consultants to coordinate and prepare a comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master
Plan. To review the proposals received, City staff is recommending the formation of a
Screening Committee comprised of City staff and two (2) representatives from the Park
and Recreation Commission.
The tentative timeline for the RFP review process:
Event Due Date
RFP Release June 7, 2021
Final Proposals Due July 9, 2021
Distribution of Proposals July 12, 2021
Screening Committee Review Meeting August 2nd 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Consultant Interviews August 16th 8:30 -11:30 a.m. & 1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
August 17th 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
August 18th 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
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Once a consultant has been identified by the Screening Committee, staff will present
their recommendation to the City Council for their review and consideration, as well as
the formation of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee which will
be instrumental in guiding the project team regarding engaging the community and
reviewing content before releasing the Master Plan to a broader audience. Upon the
City Council’s approval of the consultant and formation of the Steering Committee, staff
will request that the Park and Recreation Commission select one (1) representative to
serve on the Steering Committee and one (1) member to serve as the alternate.
Although there are no costs associated with the review of this item, the City has
allocated $250,000 in Measure A funding for the development of the City-wide Parks
and Recreation Master Plan. The project has been programmed into the City’s FY 2021-
2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and Measure A – Work Plan.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Susan Andrade-Wax, Library and Recreation Director
June 17, 2021
Item #5
The City currently provides both class scholarship and meeting room waiver
opportunities for qualifying individuals and organizations. However, neither of these
policies have been formally documented department wide. Staff recommend that the
City develop and adopt formal policies for these programs to guide staff and the
community in their implementation.
That the Commission provide feedback on and, if supportive, approve the City’s
proposed Scholarship and Community Center Meeting Room Fee Waiver policies.
Page 2 of 5
The City currently provides both class scholarship and meeting room waiver
opportunities for qualifying individuals and organizations. However, neither of these
policies have been formally documented department-wide and have been largely
implemented based off past practice and staff knowledge. With the City moving forward
with a proposed update to its Library and Recreation fees, staff recommend that the City
also evaluate its current scholarship and rental fee waiver practices, update the
programs where necessary, and develop formal policies to guide staff and the
community in their implementation. As the updated fees are implemented, it will be
beneficial for the City to have clear policies and processes to ensure that programming
remains accessible and affordable to all San Rafael residents.
Over the past months, staff have reviewed the City’s current Scholarship and Meeting
Room Fee Waiver processes and have developed recommendations for each program.
Staff are seeking the Park and Recreation Commission’s feedback on the two proposals
and, if appropriate, their approval.
Scholarship Program
As staff reviewed the current scholarship program, a key consideration was ensuring
that the City’s recreation programs are affordable for all San Rafael residents. Staff’s
secondary goal is to ensure that the program is transparent and easy-to-understand for
program participants and staff. As the City has not had a formal, written policy to date,
this has presented challenges in communicating about the program and has led to low
levels of participation, with approximately 10 scholarships awarded annually. Once
finalized, staff plan to promote the scholarship policy on the City’s website to ensure
that the information is accessible and easy to find.
Historically, the City’s scholarships have been funded using revenues generated by the
vending machines at the community centers and pool. This has generated an average
of $10,000-$15,000 annually. In conducting a review of other agency scholarship
programs, staff found that this is not a common source of funding for scholarships.
Typically, agencies fund their scholarship programs either through donations or the
City’s general fund.
Moving into 2022, staff recommend that the City implement an optional $2 donation to
all recreation program registrations to fund the scholarship program as well as begin to
seek larger donations from local organizations, such as the Rotary and Elks Clubs. Staff
also recommend that the City continue to allocate vending machine revenue to the
scholarship program, until we can better determine the funding levels achieved through
the donation efforts as well as the potential demand.
In addition to the proposed change to funding source for the Scholarship program, staff
have reviewed the programs current eligibility criteria and processes and have
proposing a number of changes, which are captured in Attachment 1 and also outlined
below in Table 1.
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Table 1: Proposed Changes to Recreation Scholarship Program
Current Program Proposed Program
Who can apply for a
scholarship? Youth Only All Residents
What programs and
services are eligible for
a scholarship?
Used for class fees only, cannot
be used for programs that are
already subsidized nor the year-
long before school Spanish
All classes and programs except
rentals, drop-ins (punch passes
eligible for scholarship),
Goldenaires programs, and
programs that involve gambling
(Bingo, casino trips, etc.)
What is the maximum
available/annual limit?
50% of class fees
Up to 75% of class/program
fees; not to exceed $200 per
person or $500 per family per
What are the eligibility
- Ranked using California Dept
of Education Schedule of
Income Ceilings
- Eligible if on subsidized school
lunch program
- Ineligible if parents own a
- Parents must be employed or
in training to be eligible
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of participation in one
safety net program (Cal Works,
CalFresh, free/reduced lunch,
WIC, public housing) OR proof
of income (1040 tax statement,
What is the allocation
Rolling, application must be
received at least one week prior
to the start of the class
First year pilot an allocation of
50% of available funds starting
on January 1 and 50% starting
on July 1
Overall, the goal of the proposed changes is to make the City’s Scholarship program
more accessible and equitable for the community. Staff would recommend piloting the
proposed changes for one (1) to two (2) years and evaluating how well the City is able
to meet the need through the proposed funding sources and with the proposed eligibility
criteria and processes.
Meeting Room Fee Waiver
Historically, the City has waived room rental fees for San Rafael nonprofits and
neighborhood associations when they have met certain criteria. These criteria were
formally articulated in the Community Use Policy for the Albert J. Boro Community
Center and are included in Attachment 2 to this report. The criteria adopted for the Boro
Community Center have largely been used as guidelines for other facilities, although no
formal rental fee waiver policy has been established for the other community centers.
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In general, staff receive requests from approximately 15 groups per year requesting fee
waivers for their meetings. This includes boy scouts, girl scouts, neighborhood
associations, support groups, baseball and softball groups, among others.
Staff have developed the below proposed criteria that they recommend be established
and implemented consistently across all recreation facilities, which is also captured in
Attachment 2:
1. Renter must be a San Rafael non-profit or neighborhood association.
2. Date requested is within 30 calendar days of the proposed rental date.
3. The event is “free of charge” and there is no fundraising or revenue generation
element to the activity.
4. For meeting or community outreach purposes only.
5. Held Monday through Friday, within standard operating hours of the community
center. If the requested hours are outside of standard hours, the rental may be
subject to additional staffing costs.
6. For meeting rooms only, the fee waiver is not applicable towards the rental of the
multipurpose room, auditorium, gymnasium, and/or kitchen.
7. No more than 12 fee-waivers will be granted to one group, per calendar year.
The goal of this policy would be to ensure that local nonprofits and neighborhood
associations can access the community centers for their meeting and small outreach
activities, without impacting the ability of the City to recover its facility costs. The
purpose of limiting the fee waivers to meeting rooms within normal operating hours and
to events that take place within 30 days is to ensure that the City does not lose potential
revenue nor take on additional expenses to support these activities.
The proposed meeting room fee waiver policy would be incorporated into the recently
updated facility rental policy, which the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed in
2020, and would replace the rental fee waiver criteria included in the Community Use
Policy for the Boro Community Center. This change would be timed with a planned
update to the Boro Community Use Policy, which staff plan to bring to the Pickleweed
Advisory Committee, the Park and Recreation Commission, and City Council this
There is no predicted fiscal impact associated with formalizing the Scholarship and
Meeting Room Fee Waiver policies. For the Scholarship policy, all expenses would be
based upon new revenues generated to support the program, resulting in no impact to
the General Fund. For the Meeting Room Fee Waiver policy, the program is designed to
avoid revenue and expense impacts.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
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Submitted by:
Catherine Quffa
Assistant Library and Recreation Director
1. Proposed Recreation Scholarship Program
2. Proposed Community Center Meeting Room Rental Fee Waiver and Current
Albert J. Boro Community Center Rental Fee Waiver Criteria
Attachment 1
The San Rafael Recreation Scholarship Program seeks to ensure that all San Rafael residents have
access to recreation activities offered by the Library and Recreation Department. The City is committed
to providing quality, affordable recreation programs for everyone to enjoy.
Scholarships are allocated twice per year, with applications accepted starting in January (for Spring and
Summer programs) and July (for Fall and Winter programs). Funding is limited and the amount
available varies by year. Funds are allocated on a first come, first served basis so we encourage
applicants to apply early.
Scholarships can be used to cover up to 75% of a class or program fee, up to a maximum of $200 per
person or $500 per family per year. Scholarships cannot be used for facility rentals, drop-in programs
(except when using a punch pass), programs that involve gambling, nor materials/supplies fees that are
paid directly to instructors.
Scholarship Eligibility
To qualify for a scholarship, applicants must meet both of the following two criteria:
1. Reside in the City of San Rafael.
2. Either live in a household that participates in one of the following government safety net
programs (free and reduced school lunch; CalFresh (SNAP); Women, Infant Children (WIC);
Medi-Cal; foster care; or child welfare system) OR their household income must be equal or less
than the low income level for Marin County from the California Official State Income Limits,
Department of Housing and Community Development (https://www.hcd.ca.gov/grants-
Application Process
1. Review the scholarship guidelines and eligibility requirements.
2. Identify the class(es)/program(s) that you would like to apply the scholarship towards.*
3. Submit a fully completed application form, including:
• Proof of Residency
• Proof of Income Eligibility
4. Library and Recreation staff will contact you prior to the start of the class/program to inform you
of your scholarship status and to help you sign up for the class(es)/program(s).
*If you would like to pre-qualify for the scholarship program, you may submit an application at the
beginning of the year, prior to selecting a class or activity. Pre-qualification will allow you to more
quickly sign up for popular programs that fill up quickly. Please note, that final approval of all
scholarships will be dependent upon funding available at the time of program registration. Pre-
qualification for a scholarship does not guarantee available funds.
Attachment 1
Adult #1
Last Name _______________________________ First Name __________________________
Address _________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________
Day/Work Phone _____________________ Evening/Home Phone _______________________
Email _______________________________________________________________________
Adult #2
Last Name _______________________________ First Name __________________________
Address _________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________
Day/Work Phone _____________________ Evening/Home Phone _______________________
Last Name ____________________ First Name ___________________ Date of Birth __/__/__
Last Name ____________________ First Name ___________________ Date of Birth __/__/__
Last Name ____________________ First Name ___________________ Date of Birth __/__/__
Last Name ____________________ First Name ___________________ Date of Birth __/__/__
Scholarship Request (optional if submitting application to pre-qualify for annual scholarship)
Which class(es) or program(s) are you applying for the scholarship? ______________________
Proof of Residency – A copy of the below documentation must be included with the application.
☐ Current utility bill or other proof of residency
Proof of Eligibility – Check the appropriate box and provide a copy of the documentation with the
application. A copy of one of the below must accompany the application.
☐ Recipient of government safety net program (list program): ___________________________
☐ Income Verification and Household Income (1040, W-2, 1099, current paystub, unemployment, or
SSI record; documentation for all sources of household income must be provided)
Monthly household income: ________________________________
I certify that the above and attached are true and correct.
Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
1 Please use a second form if more lines are needed.
Attachment 2
Proposed Community Center Meeting Room Rental Fee Waiver Policy
Based on room availability, the City of San Rafael offers a rental fee waiver for San Rafael-based
nonprofits and neighborhood associations whose activity meets the following criteria:
1. Date requested is within 30 calendar days of the proposed rental date.
2. The event is “free of charge” and there is no fundraising or revenue generation element to the
3. For meeting or community outreach purposes only.
4. Held Monday through Friday, within standard operating hours of the community center. If the
requested hours are outside of standard hours, the rental may be subject to additional staffing
5. For meeting rooms only; the fee waiver is not applicable towards the rental of the multipurpose
room, auditorium, gymnasium, and/or kitchen.
6. No more than 12 fee-waivers will be granted to one group, per calendar year.
To apply for a fee waiver, prospective renters should contact the staff at the relevant community center
to see if their event would be eligible for a fee waiver and space is available. Proof of San Rafael-based
non-profit or organizational status is required.
Excerpt from the Community Use Policies for the Albert J. Boro Community Center
Item 7
Date: June 17, 2021
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
June 17 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
June 21 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
July 5 CLOSED City Offices Closed due to Holiday
July 6 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
July 15 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
July 19 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom