HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2021-07-15 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
Thursday, July 15, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of June 17, 2021.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. (Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.)
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Discuss Sun Valley Park Prohibited Activities
5. Review of the Exhibition Guidelines and Agreement Forms
6. Discuss Proposed Revisions to the Albert J. Boro Community Center Community Use Policy
7. Selection of One (1) Commissioner to Serve on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering
Committee and One (1) Commissioner to Serve as the Alternate.
8. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
9. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: September 16, 2021
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485 -3066
(voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”,
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in acces sible formats upon request.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 July 15, 2021
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June 17, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912#
Chair Machado called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Commissioner Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Chair Machado
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: Commissioner Laumann, Commissioner Reisinger
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Patty McCulley, Program Coordinator
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of May 20, 2021
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of May 20, 2021.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Patty McCulley, Program Coordinator who presented an
overview of the movies in the parks scheduled for the summer.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
Ms. Quffa noted there had been interest from the Commission to participate in a more
formal capacity at the events to meet with people. She asked the Commission if they
were still interested and wanted to organize something. The Commissioners expressed
Ms. Andrade-Wax offered to give the Commissioners the dates and movies along with a
script for the event, and those who can attend will have the oppor tunity to participate.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Selection of Two (2) Commissioners to Participate on the Screening Committee
for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Request for Proposal (RFP) Process
Ms. Andrade-Wax described what is entailed for the screening committee for the Parks
and Recreation Master Plan Request for Proposal process and asked for participants.
The Commission discussed and Commissioner Sandoval and Commissioner Cabrales
volunteered to participate on the RFP process.
Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded, to accept the
selection of Commissioners Sandoval and Cabrales to participate on the Screening
Committee for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Request for Proposal Process.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Selection Accepted
5. Review Proposed Scholarship and Community Center Meeting Room Fee Waiver
Catherine Quffa presented Review Proposed Scholarship and Community Center
Meeting Room Fee Waiver Policies.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
Commissioner Emerson wanted to see a self-affidavit process for income, so people
can qualify for services to reduce the barrier of those may not have a pay stub or be
enrolled in a government program but doesn’t mean they don’t meet the eligibility
requirement. Commissioner Emerson will provide examples of what the County of
Marin uses to Ms. Andrade-W ax for the City Attorney to review.
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to accept the
Proposed Scholarship and Community Center Meeting Room Fee Waiver Policies. .
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: Emerson
ABSENT: Commissioners: Laumann, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Report accepted
6. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Gutierrez just wanted to thank staff for opening the library.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Quffa announced that the department has started summer camps this week. Both
child care program and youth enrichment camps throughout the community centers and
parks in the City. We could not have as many camps as we have had in the past,
however enrollment has been strong. The Terra Linda and Hamilton pools are both
open and have been in high demand. In July we will be doubling our capacity and
reservations available for each time slot. The times will be lengthened, and fees
reduced because we are able to increase capacity. We do not have the staff to fully re -
open with the drop-in model. The Pickleweed soccer field opened last Saturday. The
Pacifics started playing again at Albert Park Field. Rentals will start in the beginning of
July. The fees are going to Council on July 6th and if accepted we will be rolling them
Chair Machado asked how we are going handle watering the parks with the drought.
Parks Dept. will limit the days/times of general watering. They did get an exception for
the baseball field to water a little bit more.
Commissioner Cabrales asked about the watering in the community gardens. Ms.
Quffa replied that watering is limited to occur between 7pm-9am and is limited to hand
watering and drip watering. Timers are not allowed, so they need to be present when
watering to make sure there are not leaks or things like that.
Ms. Andrade-W ax asked if the Commission had a preference of going dark in July or
August. The Commission discussed and felt like August would be best.
Chair Machado adjourned the meeting at 7:32 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2021
SUSAN ANDRADE-WAX, Library & Recreation Director
July 15, 2021
Item #4
Over the last few months, both neighbors and patrons of the Sun Valley Park have
expressed their concerns over dog owners allowing their dogs to be off leash in the
park, as well as prohibited type of behavior occurring is and around the wooden gazebo
located on the upper terrace at the back of the park. Residents who have expressed
concerns regarding these two issues, have been invited to share their experiences with
the Commission a tonight’s meeting.
That the Park and Recreation Commission receive report and provide feedback.
Over the last few months, both neighbors and patrons of the Sun Valley Park have
expressed their concerns over dog owners allowing their dogs to be off leash in the
park, as well as reported drinking and smoking occurring in and around the wooden
gazebo located on the upper terrace at the back of the park.
Although the practice of allowing dogs to be off -leash at Sun Valley Park spans more
than two decades, there is growing concern about the interaction between dogs off-
leash and the safety and wellbeing of park patrons. Additionally, there is concern about
under-age drinking and smoking in and around the wooden gazebo especially due to its
close proximity to adjacent park neighbors and a highly vegetated hillside.
These types of behaviors and activity are prohibited and a violation of the City’s
Municipal Code Chapter 8.10; however, they are extremely difficult to enforce for the
following reasons:
• The wooden gazebo is located at the back of the park on the upper terrace area
behind a berm and cannot be seen from the roadways nor the park main turf
area. Complaints are mainly received from the neighbors adjacent to the
wooden gazebo as they are the most affected by the loud noise and trash that is
thrown into their backyards.
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• Dogs off-leash are hard to enforce because dogs and their owners are hard to
identify and have often left the park before the police department has a chance to
Department staff have toured the site with Fire and Public Works staff to analyze the
wooden gazebo and the adjacent area and discuss a couple of options for the
Commission to review and consider.
• Since there is already a newer picnic shelter within the lower level of the park,
staff would like the Commission to discuss removing the wooden gazebo
structure and barbeque from the upper terrace area.
• In 1994, the City of Petaluma establish an off-leash dog program that allowed
dog owners to exercise their dogs in designated areas of their parks during
specified days and hours. Over the past 27 years, the off-leash dog program has
proven successful and has been expanded to 13 of their City parks. City staff
would like the Commission to discuss and consider establishing a pilot off-leash
dog program.
If the Park and Recreation Commission would like to pursue removing the wooden
gazebo and/or develop a pilot off-leash dog program at Sun Valley Park, City staff will
further develop those recommendations and invite the Sun Valley residents to
participant in the Park and Recreation Commission meeting on September 16, 2021.
Although there are no costs associated with the review of this item, there may be costs
associated with removing the wooden gazebo and establishing a pilot “off leash” dog
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Susan Andrade-Wax, Library and Recreation Director
July 15, 2021
Item 5
That the Commission receive, provide feedback, and approve the Exhibition Guidelines,
Exhibitor Agreement, and Loan Agreement forms to host art exhibitions at the Falkirk
Cultural Center.
The Falkirk Cultural Center (Falkirk), located at 1408 Mission Avenue, was built in 1888
and is an excellent example of a Queen Anne style home. The house includes
seventeen rooms, three floors, a large porch with oversized turned posts, and an open
floor plan that was not common in Victorian homes. Falkirk now operates as an historic
site and art gallery as well as an event venue for receptions, weddings, art exhibits, and
There are three rooms at Falkirk that are used to display artwork, all of which are
located on the second floor of the facility. Falkirk hosts five to six art exhibits each year
that span approximately five to eight weeks. Some of the recurring exhibits include the
California Watercolor Association (CWA), Terra Linda Ceramics, Marin Open Studios,
and juried shows facilitated by City staff.
The exhibits hosted at Falkirk can be categorized into two types: those offered by
outside organizations and those that are co-sponsored by the City. For exhibits offered
by outside agencies, the organizer is largely responsible for coordinating all aspects of
the show, with the City providing the space and staffing for open hours. For example,
during the CWA show, CWA selects their own theme for the exhibit, sends out a call for
artists/members, selects the artwork, provides information on winning artists, installs
and deinstalls the exhibit, and facilitates the opening/closing receptions. Alternately, for
exhibits that are co-sponsored by the City, such as the Terra Linda Ceramics show and
Juried Shows, City staff and/or instructors identify the artists, select the pieces, install
and deinstall the exhibits, and facilitate an opening/closing ceremony.
Currently, the City has a loan agreement that is signed by each artist when they drop off
their work for exhibit (Attachment 1). This loan agreement is signed by artists and/or art
owners exhibiting work for exhibits that are both City co -sponsored and put on by an
outside organization. However, the City does not currently have a policy or standard
agreement that provides a full overview of the process, responsibilities, and
requirements for organizations that are interested in hosting an exhibit at Falkirk.
In order to provide guidance for both staff and prospective exhibit organizers on the
requirements and procedures for accepting, organizing, and managing art exhibitions,
staff have drafted the proposed Exhibition Guidelines (Attachment 2), Exhibitor
Agreement (Attachment 3), and Loan Agreement (Attachment 4) forms for the Falkirk
Cultural Center.
Exhibition Guidelines
The Exhibition Guidelines are intended to provide both staff and prospective exhibit
organizers with a comprehensive understanding of the roles and expectations of each
organization prior to entering into a formal agreement. The Exhibition Guidelines include
the following information:
1. Overview of the history and facility amenities at Falkirk.
2. Instructions on the application process for those interested in hosting an exhibit
at Falkirk.
3. Exhibit eligibility requirements that the City uses when selecting exhibits to allow
at Falkirk.
4. Responsibilities of both the Exhibitor and the City, including marketing,
installation/deinstallation, opening and closing receptions, and awards
5. Exhibit terms and conditions, including insurance and liability, sales and
commissions, safety and facility usage, damage, publicity, and more.
Exhibitor Agreement
After an outside organizer has applied and been selected to host an exhibit at Falkirk,
the Exhibitor Agreement specifies the terms and responsibilities of both the exhibit
organizer and the City and provide a standardized contract template for these
partnerships. The terms of the Exhibitor Agreement mirror the information provided in
the Exhibitor Guidelines, including how the exhibit and the related activities will be
managed, exhibit terms and conditions, and the specific responsibilities of the exhibit
organizer and those of the City.
Loan Agreement
The Loan Agreement is the final document that staff have updated to develop a
comprehensive policy around art exhibits at the Falkirk Cultural Center. The Loan
Agreement is signed by every exhibitor that has artwork at either a co-sponsored exhibit
or an exhibit put on by an outside agency. The Loan Agreement has been updated to
match the proposed terms and conditions from the Exhibition Guidelines and Exhibitor
Agreement. This agreement will be filled out prior to each piece being displayed at
Falkirk and both the artist and City staff must sign the loan agreement.
With the formal guidelines in place, both exhibitor organizers and staff will be able to
clearly understand the responsibilities of each party and terms of their exhibition prior to
submitting a proposal. The updated Agreements and requirements will also protect both
the City and the exhibit organizers in terms of potential loss, liability, and damage
incurred through the exhibit.
There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting the Exhibition Guidelines, Exhibitor
Agreement, and Loan Agreement Forms.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Darcie Chellew
Darcie Chellew, Interim Program Coordinator
1. Current Loan Agreement
2. Draft Exhibition Guidelines
3. Draft Exhibitor Agreement
4. Draft Loan Agreement
Please return page 1 to Falkirk and retain page 2 for your records.
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Mailing: PO Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915
Falkirkart@cityofsanrafael.org / (415) 485-3328
Artist/Lender Information: Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
Address:________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________
Exhibition Dates: ____________________________________________ Date of Delivery: _________________ Date of Return: _________________
Description of Loan: The object(s) described below are loaned to the City of San Rafael for display at the Falkirk Cultural Center.
Artist Title/Description/Date Medium/Dimensions Condition Sales Price
________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________ ____________
Lender (Authorized Representative) Date Falkirk Representative/Title Date
Acknowledgement of return of loaned objects: Lender hereby acknowledges receipt of the object(s) loaned to Falkirk under this agreemen t, all in condition as noted.
________________________________________________ _________________
Lender (Authorized Representative) Date
________________________________________________ _________________
Falkirk Representative/Title Date
Please return page 1 to Falkirk and retain page 2 for your records.
Falkirk Cultural Center
1. Unless Falkirk Cultural Center is notified in writing to the contrary; it is understood that this loan may be photographed and reproduced for publicity purposes
connected with this exhibition, or for publications published by Falkirk Cultural Center.
2. Falkirk Cultural Center may request the removal of any property deposited with it by written notice directed to the lender at the address stated on the face of this
agreement, or at such other address of which the lender has given Falkirk notice in writing. Failure of the lender to respond to this notice within 60 days after the
mailing of this notice will constitute authorization to Falkirk Cultural Center to deliver such item to any warehouse to be stored for the lender’s account, or to
otherwise store in any manner Falkirk Cultural Center may elect at the lender’s expense. The City of San Rafael shall have and enforce a lien on the loan for such
costs of storage, including transport and insurance.
3. It is incumbent upon the depositor to notify Falkirk Cultural Center, in writing, of any change of address. If the legal ownership of the object(s) shall change
during the pendency of this deposit, whether by reason of death, sale, insolvency, gift or otherwise, the new owner shall, prior to its return, be required to establish
his legal right to receive the object(s) by proof satisfactory to Falkirk Cultural Center. If Falkirk has agreed to transport the loan, and if the address of the new
owner should be of much greater distance than the locality from which the loan was borrowed, the new owner will be required t o pay any difference in the charges
for the delivery of the work.
4. No alteration, restoration, or repair to objects will be undertaken without the lender’s permission.
5. Falkirk Cultural Center reserves the right not to exhibit accepted work that arrives in non-display condition (missing hanging wire, unstable, damaged, over size
limits, or otherwise not ready for display).
6. Accepted entries in any exhibition are reviewed for possible use in advertising and promoting the exhibition (invitations, websites, press releases, and other
advertising). Your entry into the exhibition will constitute your consent to the possible use of your images for such purpose s.
7. By submitting work for exhibition, the Exhibitor authorizes Falkirk Cultural Center to sell such work for the “Sales Price” indicated for each work on the entry
form. After a sale occurs Falkirk Cultural Center will reimburse the exhibitor an amount equal to the “Show Price” less 30% c ommission. Enter NFS for work that
is not for sale but please still indicate the value on your submission form. Commission may be waived for special exhibitions.
8. Work will not be insured while on Falkirk premises. Loan agreement forms, acting as release of liability, will be required for all accepted and hung pieces for
the show. If the lender elects to maintain his own insurance, Falkirk Cultural Center must be supplied with a certificate of insurance naming Falkirk Cultural
Center as an additional insured or waiving subrogation against Falkirk Cultural Center. Otherwise, the loan agreement shall constitute a release of Falkirk Cultural
Center from any liability in connection with loaned property. Falkirk Cultural Center can accept no responsibility for any error or deficiency in information
furnished to the lender’s insurers or for lapses in coverage.
9. The aforesaid conditions shall apply to all objects sent to Falkirk Cultural Center on loan and cannot be altered, changed, waived or otherwise affected except by
the express written consent of Falkirk Cultural Center.
Falkirk Cultural Center Art Exhibition Guidelines
The Falkirk Cultural Center (Falkirk), a California Victorian, was built in 1888 in the Mission city
of San Rafael. An excellent example of the Queen Anne style, it captures the spirit of early
California. It has a complex, picturesque roofline of gables and chimneys, variously shaped
bays and decorative details that relate playfully to the different levels as was common of the
style. A celebration of country living with seventeen rooms, three floors, and a large porch
with oversized turned posts, Falkirk’s open floor plan was not common in Victorians. The
home and the history of its occupants reflect both the emergence of San Rafael as a
fashionable suburb of San Francisco and the growth of rail and shipping industries in the west.
Falkirk now operates as an historic site and art gallery with tours available upon request. The
house and grounds are available for receptions, weddings, art exhibits, and meetings.
This document outlines the guidelines and requirements for groups and individual artists
wishing to utilize the gallery space at Falkirk.
1. Overview
There are three rooms at Falkirk that are used to display artwork, all of which are located on
the second floor of the facility. The East Room is approximately 71 square feet, the Tamalpais
Room is approximately 123 square feet, and the West Room is approximately 60 square feet.
The size of these rooms is approximate as there is a fireplace in each room, multiple windows,
and the rooms are irregularly shaped. Falkirk has 20 pedestals of various sizes for exhibition
Falkirk hosts approximately five to six art exhibits a year and each exhibit runs between five to
eight weeks long. The facility is open to the public Tuesday-Friday from 1:00pm-4:30pm,
Saturdays from 10:00am-1:00pm, and during the Downtown San Rafael Second Friday Art
Walks. Hours may be modified due to holidays and/or private events. Staff are available
during these hours to answer questions, show the facility and grounds, and make the rooms
available during art exhibits. Modified hours are posted at the front door and on Facebook.
Additionally, most art exhibits include an opening reception that coincides with one of
Downtown’s Second Friday Art Walks. More details can be found in Section 4.
2. Application Process
All exhibits hosted at Falkirk undergo an evaluation process before approval.
Organizations/Individuals seeking to partner on an exhibition with Falkirk must complete the
steps below to be considered:
1. Application
To initiate the proposal/partnership process, interested persons/organizations must
complete the Exhibition Proposal located on our website at
https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/falkirk-art-galleries/. Once received, the application
will be reviewed by City staff.
2. City Approval /Contract
After the Formal Proposal has been submitted it will be evaluated. If the proposal
is denied, you will be notified via email. A follow-up meeting may be scheduled
to review any questions and/or concerns. If approved, the proposal will go into
the contract phase and the agreement will be finalized based upon the terms and
conditions outlined below. If terms cannot be agreed upon by both parties, the
proposal will be denied.
3. Eligibility
Falkirk evaluates proposals based on the following criteria:
• Community Interest
The exhibition’s subject matter is determined to be of specific interest to the San
Rafael community.
• Quality of Work
The City strives to partner with organizations that offer the opportunity to exhibit
artwork of the highest possible caliber.
• Track Record of Achievement
Prospective organizations/individuals are asked to demonstrate a history of
achievement via promotional materials, letters from previous partners, etc.
Prospective organizations/individuals must demonstrate the ability to curate an
exhibit of the size and scope required to fill all three gallery rooms at Falkirk.
Approved exhibitions are overseen by City Staff. City staff reserves the right to finalize all
installation decisions including final curatorial decisions, exhibit layout, displays, labeling,
determining insurance coverage, appropriate security, lighting, staffing during hours of
operation, artwork sales, and marketing plans.
4. Responsibilities
Responsibilities of the Organizer include:
1. Designing marketing postcard. Conducting marketing and promotional activities for
the exhibit through their own channels. Any publicity efforts or marketing materials
must be reviewed by City staff prior to use.
2. All transportation, set up, installation, and take down of Artists' exhibit and display. All
set up, installation, and take down of Artists' exhibit and display must be performed
during the City of San Rafael regular business hours. The Organizer will also be
responsible for providing title card information for each displayed work and will install
said cards next to displayed works.
3. Providing the City with a digital excel file with an alphabetized list of selected artists and
artworks. The list must include the following: artist’s or lender’s first and last name,
street address, city, state, zip, phone number, email address, website information, social
media contact information, artwork title, medium, size, selling price, provenance, and
insurance values. Organizer must provide digital pictures (jpeg or png format required)
of each selected work to be exhibited that correlate with the excel list of information.
4. To ensure ADA access, all exhibits must be available virtually as well as in person. If the
Organizer does not have the ability to provide a virtual exhibit, the digital images
provided must be of a high enough quality that the City can use them to create a virtual
exhibit on the City’s website.
5. Organizing the opening reception, including creating invitations, promoting the event,
organizing any entertainment, and providing any food and drink. If alcohol will be sold,
the Organizer is also responsible for obtaining a permit from the State Alcoholic
Beverage Control Department. The date of the opening reception (generally Friday
evenings), along with the specific entertainment, food, and beverage plans, must be
approved by City staff.
6. For juried shows, Organizer will retain 100% of entry fees and will be responsible for
providing the call-for-entry prospectus and paying for the Exhibition Juror.
7. Providing all awards, if applicable.
8. Artists should inform City Staff if the exhibiting group would like the galleries to be open
or closed during private events (wedding, memorials, etc.). There is also the option to
have select galleries open.
9. Any requests to extend Falkirk’s hours for special events must be completed in writing
and must receive approval from the City in advance. Organizers will be required to
reimburse the City for any associated costs.
Responsibilities of the City include:
1. Working with the Organizer to determine a mutually agreed upon five to eight-week
exhibition period.
2. Printing marketing postcards for City use and distribution, any additional postcards
must be printed at the Organizers expense. Promoting the exhibit through the City’s
print and digital marketing platforms, including the website, social media, and email.
3. Provide staff during Falkirk’s open hours, as well as during the Second Friday Art
Walks, to ensure that the galleries are open to the public.
4. Working with the Organizer to provide a complimentary Opening reception at the
commencement of each exhibit. The City will support with promotion and will
provide staff for the event. The City will also provide a water dispenser, cups,
napkins, and flowers. The City will retain all donations grossed during the reception.
All other coordination and planning of the event are the responsibility of the
5. Working with the Organizer and the City’s marketing coordinator to ensure that the
exhibit is ADA accessible by providing a virtual gallery of digital images and
description either on the Organizer’s website or the City’s website.
5. Terms and Conditions
The organization/individual seeking to host an exhibit with the Falkirk Cultural Center will be
required to execute an agreement to and abide by the following terms and conditions:
1. Falkirk reserves the right to approve all installation decisions including final curatorial
decisions, exhibit layout, displays, labeling, fine art, insurance, security, lighting,
staffing during hours of operation, artwork sales, and marketing plans. City staff
reserve the right not to accept the loan of work(s) that arrive in non-display condition
(missing hanging wire, unstable, damaged, over size limits, or otherwise not ready for
2. All damage to City facilities, including, but not limited to, walls, carpeting, trim,
lighting, furniture, that may occur during art installation, exhibition, or removal, will
be the responsibility of the Organizer to cover the costs of repairs or replacement
related to the exhibit.
3. The Organizer will grant the City the right to use images from the Exhibition for
publicity purposes in Exhibition announcements, the City's internal publications
(including but not limited to its newsletter), the City's Website, and other media. The
Organizer will indemnify and hold the City harmless from any liability arising out of
the City's use of such images for publicity purposes.
4. The Organizer will agree and ensure that no glass, other sharp edges, or hazardous
materials will be exposed that may cause injury to City of San Rafael staff and the
5. The City will agree that no alteration, restoration, or repair to Artists’ work will be
undertaken without the Organizer’s permission.
6. The City will agree that the Organizer/Artists will retain ownership of Artists' work
during the duration of the exhibit and display.
7. The Organizer and the Artists whose work is on display understand and agree that
their work is provided for display at their own risk of loss, vandalism, theft, damage,
and destruction. Artists acknowledge and understand that the Falkirk Cultural Center
is open to the public and the City does not employ security personnel or staff to
manage or supervise the galleries where the art is on display. Artists further
understand that the City's insurance carriers will not cover loss, vandalism, theft,
damage, or destruction to his or her work while on display at the Falkirk Cultural
Center, and acknowledge that he or she has been advised to purchase insurance
coverage to protect against the risk of loss, vandalism, theft, damage, and
destruction of his or her work while on display at the Falkirk Cultural Center.
8. The City requires that each artist sign an acknowledgment that he or she
understands these conditions and will hold the City of San Rafael and its officers,
officials, employees and volunteers harmless for any loss, vandalism, theft, damage,
or destruction that occurs to the artwork, regardless of cause.
9. All sales of Artists' work on display at the Falkirk Cultural Center shall be handled
through the City. The City will retain a list of the artists’ works and sales prices, along
with artist contact information to share with the public and interested buyers. The
City will collect and retain gross sales price per piece on display and retain 30% of the
gross sales price. The City will remit 70% of the gross sale price per each piece to the
Organizer. For exhibits that are conducted virtually only, the City will retain 10% of
the gross sales price and remit 90% to the organizer. The Organizer will be
responsible for paying the artist's individual commissions from Organizer’s
percentage of the gross sale price and is responsible for any sales tax collecting and
reporting, retaining a business license, if required, and adhering to all State and
Federal laws.
10. If the Organizer does not remove materials at designated date and time, or within 24
hours of request to remove work, the City reserves the right to remove the material.
If the exhibit materials remain unclaimed for more than thirty days after removal, the
City may sell or dispose of them without further obligation to the Organizer.
11. Indemnification. The Organizer will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify,
release, defend with counsel approved by the City, and hold harmless the City, its
officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any claim, demand,
suit, judgment, loss, liability or expense of any kind, including but not limited to
attorney's fees, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation, arising out of the
Organizer’s performance of its obligations or conduct of its operations. The
Organizer’s obligations will apply regardless of whether or not a liability is caused or
contributed to by the active or passive negligence of the City Indemnitees. However,
to the extent that liability is caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of
the City Indemnitees, the Organizer’s indemnification obligation shall be reduced in
proportion to the City Indemnitees’ share of liability for the active negligence or
willful misconduct. In addition, the acceptan ce or approval of the Organizer’s work
or work product by the City or any of its directors, officers or employees shall not
relieve or reduce the Organizer’s indemnification obligations. In the event the City
Indemnitees are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding
arising from the Organizer’s performance of or operations under, the Organizer will
provide a defense to the City Indemnitees or at the City’s option reimburse the City
Indemnitees their costs of defense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred in
defense of such claims.
12. Required insurance. The Organizer shall maintain, for the duration of the exhibit and
associated installation and removal, and pay the cost thereof, the following
insurance policies:
a. General Liability Insurance. The Organizer shall procure and maintain
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of one
million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence/two million dollars ($2,000,000)
aggregate, for death, bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage.
b. Property insurance sufficient to cover the artworks in the exhibit.
13. Other insurance requirements. All insurance policies obtained pursuant to this
Section shall also meet the following requirements:
a. The insurance policies shall be specifically endorsed to include the City of San
Rafael, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, as additional insureds
(for both ongoing and completed operations) under the policies.
b. The additional insured coverage under the Organizer’s insurance policies shall
be “primary and non-contributory” with respect to any insurance or coverage
maintained by the City.
c. The insurance policies shall include, in their text or by endorsement, coverage
for contractual liability and personal injury.
The City will not be responsible to determine the adequacy of the property insurance
for the artwork. If the insurance is not sufficient to cover a loss, the City will not be
liable for any shortfall in coverage.
Copies of all related insurance coverage shall be provided to the City, and complete
copies of any insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Agreement shall be
provided to the City if requested at any time.
Updated 5/18/21
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Mailing: 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94915
Falkirk@cityofsanrafael.org / (415) 485-3328
Organization Information:
Organization Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________
Address:___________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________
Exhibition Name: ____________________________________________ Exhibition/Display Dates: ______________________________________
Contact Information:
Primary Contact: ______________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________
Address:___________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________
Updated 5/18/21
Falkirk Cultural Center
Responsibilities of the Organizer include:
1. Designing marketing postcard. Conducting marketing and promotional activities for the exhibit through their own channels. Any publicity
efforts or marketing materials must be reviewed by City staff prior to use.
2. All transportation, set up, installation and take down of Artists' exhibit and display. All set up, installatio n and take down of Artists' exhibit
and display must be performed during the City of San Rafael regular business hours. The Organizer will also be responsible fo r providing title
card information for each displayed work and will install said cards next to displayed works.
3. Providing the City with a digital excel file with an alphabetized list of selected artists and artworks. The list must includ e the following:
artist’s or lenders first and last name, street address, city, state, zip, phone number, email ad dress, website information, social media
contact information, artwork title, medium, size, selling price, provenance, and insurance values. Organizer must provide digital pictures
(jpeg or png format required) of each selected work to be exhibited that cor relate with the excel list of information.
4. To ensure ADA access, all exhibits must be available virtually as well as in person. If the Organizer does not have the abili ty to provide a
virtual exhibit, the digital images provided must be of a high enough quality that the City can use them to create a virtual exhibit on the
City’s website.
5. Organizing the opening reception, including creating invitations, promoting the event, organizing any entertainment, and prov iding any
food and drink. If alcohol will be sold, the Organizer is also responsible for obtaining a permit from the State Alcoholic Beverage Control
Department. The date of the opening reception (generally Friday evenings), along with the specific entertainment, food, and b everage
plans, must be approved by City staff.
6. For juried shows, Organizer will retain 100% of entry fees and will be responsible for providing the call -for-entry prospectus and paying for
the Exhibition Juror.
7. Providing all awards, if applicable.
8. Artists should inform City Staff if the exhibiting group would like the galleries to be open or closed during private events (wedding,
memorials, etc.). Option to have select galleries open.
9. Any requests to extend Falkirk’s hours for special events must be completed in writing and must receive approval from the City in advance.
Organizers will be required to reimburse the City for any associated costs.
Responsibilities of the City include:
1. Working with the Organizer to determine a mutually agreed upon five to eight week exhibition period.
2. Printing marketing postcards for the City use and distribution, any additional postcards must be printed at the Organizers ex pense.
Promoting the exhibit through the City’s print and digital marketing platforms, including the website, social media, and ema il.
3. Provide staff during Falkirk’s open hours, as well as during the Second Friday Art Walks, to ensure that the galleries are op en to the
4. Working with the Organizer to provide a complimentary Opening reception at the commencement of each exhibit. The City will support
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with promotion and will provide staff for the event. The City will also provide a water dispenser, cups, napkins, and flowers . The City will
retain all donations grossed during the reception. All other coordination and planning of the event are the responsibility of the
5. Working with the Organizer and the City’s marketing coordinator to ensure that the exhibit is ADA accessible by providing a virtual gallery of
digital images and description either on the Organizer’s website or the City’s website.
Terms and Conditions
The organization/individual seeking to host an exhibit with the Falkirk Cultural Center will agree to and abide by the follow ing terms and
1. Falkirk reserves the right to approve all installation decisions including final curatorial decisions, exhibit layout, displays, labeling, fine art,
insurance, security, lighting, staffing during hours of operation, artwork sales, and marketing plans. City staff reserve the right not to
accept the loan of work(s) that arrive in non-display condition (missing hanging wire, unstable, damaged, over size limits, or otherwise
not ready for display).
2. The Organizer is liable for the costs of repairs or replacement required by the City as a result of any damage to City facilities, including,
but not limited to, walls, carpeting, trim, lighting, furniture, that may occur during art installation, exhibition, or remov al.
3. The Organizer grants the City the right to use images from the Exhibition for publicity purposes in Exhibit ion announcements, the City's
internal publications (including but not limited to its newsletter), the City's Website, and other media. The Organizer will indemnify and
hold the City harmless from any liability arising out of the City's use of such images for publicity purposes.
4. The Organizer will ensure that no glass, other sharp edges, or hazardous materials will be exposed that may cause injury to City of San
Rafael staff and the public.
5. The City will make no alteration, restoration, or repair to Artists’ work without the Organizer’s permission.
6. Organizer will retain ownership of Artists' work during the duration of the exhibit and display.
7. The Organizer and the Artists whose work is on display understand and agree that their work is provided for display at their own risk of
loss, vandalism, theft, damage, and destruction. Artists acknowledge and understand that the Falkirk Cultural Center is open to the
public and the City does not employ security personnel or staff to manage or supervise the galleries wh ere the art is on display. Artists
further understand that the City's insurance carriers will not cover loss, vandalism, theft, damage, or destruction to his or her work while
on display at the Falkirk Cultural Center, and acknowledge that he or she has be en advised to purchase insurance coverage to protect
against the risk of loss, vandalism, theft, damage, and destruction of his or her work while on display at the Falkirk Cultur al Center
8. Each artist must sign an acknowledgment provided by the City that he or she understands these conditions and will hold the City of San
Rafael and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless for any loss, vandalism, theft, damage, or destruction that occurs to
the artwork, regardless of cause.
9. All sales of Artists' work on display at the Falkirk Cultural Center shall be handled through the City. The City will retain a list of the artists’
works and sales prices, along with artist contact information to share with the public and interested buyers. The City wi ll collect and
retain gross sales price per piece on display and retain 30% of the gross sales price. The City will remit 70% of the gross sale price per
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each piece to the Organizer. For exhibits that are conducted virtually only, the City will retain 10 % of the sale and remit 90% to the
organizer. The Organizer will be responsible for paying the artist's individual commissions from their percentage of the gros s sale price
and is responsible for any sales tax collecting and reporting, retaining a business license, if required, and adhering to all State and Federal
10. If the Organizer does not remove materials at designated date and time, or within 24 hours of request to remove work, the Cit y reserves
the right to remove the material. If the exhibit mate rials remain unclaimed for more than thirty days after removal, the City may sell or
dispose of them without further obligation to the Organizer.
11. Indemnification. The Organizer will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, release, defend with c ounsel approved by the City,
and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any claim, demand, suit, judgmen t, loss,
liability or expense of any kind, including but not limited to attorney's fees, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation, arising
out of the Organizer’s performance of its obligations or conduct of its operations. The Organizer’s obligations will apply re gardless of
whether or not a liability is caused or contributed to by the active or passive negligence of the City Indemnitees. However, to the extent
that liability is caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of the City Indemnitees, the Organizer’s indemnificat ion obligation
shall be reduced in proportion to the City Indemnitees’ share of liability for the active negligence or willful misconduct. In addition, the
acceptance or approval of the Organizer’s work or work product by the City or any of its directors, officers or employees sha ll not relieve
or reduce the Organizer’s indemnification obligations. In the event the City Indemnitees are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or
other adversarial proceeding arising from the Organizer’s performance of or operations under, the Organizer will provide a de fense to
the City Indemnitees or at the City’s option reimburse the City Indemnitees their costs of defense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees,
incurred in defense of such claims.
12. Required insurance. The Organizer shall maintain, for the duration of the exhibit and ass ociated installation and removal, and pay the
cost thereof, the following insurance policies:
a. General Liability Insurance. The Organizer shall procure and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in the minimu m
amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence/two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate, for death, bodily injury,
personal injury, or property damage.
b. Property insurance sufficient to cover the artworks in the exhibit.
13. Other insurance requirements. All insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Section shall also meet the following requirements:
a. The insurance policies shall be specifically endorsed to include the City of San Rafael, its officers, agents, employees, and
volunteers, as additional insureds (for both ongoing and completed operations) under the policies.
b. The additional insured coverage under the Organizer’s insurance policies shall be “primary and non -contributory” with respect to
any insurance or coverage maintained by the City.
c. The insurance policies shall include, in their text or by endorsement, coverage for contractual liability and personal injury.
The City will not be responsible to determine the adequacy of the property insurance for the artwork. If the insurance is not sufficient to
cover a loss, the City will not be liable for any shortfall in coverage. Copies of all related insurance coverage shall be provided to the City,
and complete copies of any insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided to the City if requested at any
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______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________
Organization Authorized Representative Print Organization Authorized Representative Signature Date
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________
Falkirk Representative/Title Print Falkirk Representative Signature Date
Updated 5/18/21
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Mailing: 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94915
Falkirk@cityofsanrafael.org / (415) 485-3328
Lender/Authorized Representative:
Name: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________
Address:________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________
Exhibition Name: ____________________________________________ Exhibition/Display Dates: __________________________________________
Description of Artwork: The object(s) described below are loaned to the City of San Rafael for display at the Falkirk Cultural Center. Please attach a photo or
digital image of all artwork.
Artist Title/Description/Date Medium/Dimensions Condition Sales Price
Updated 5/18/21
Falkirk Cultural Center
1. Unless Falkirk Cultural Center is notified in writing to the contrary; it is understood that this loan may be photographed and reproduced for publicity purposes
connected with this exhibition, or for publications published by Falkirk Cultural Center.
2. Falkirk Cultural Center will determine a designated date and time for artwork and materials to be removed from the property. If the Lender/Authorized Representative
does not remove materials at designated date and time, or within 24 hours of request to remove work, the City reserves the right to remove the material. If the exhibit
materials remain unclaimed for more than thirty days after removal, the City may sell or dispose of them without further obligation to the Lender/Authorized
3. It is incumbent upon the Lender/Authorized Representative to notify Falkirk Cultural Center, in writing, of any change of address. If the legal ownership of the loaned
object(s) shall change during the pendency of this deposit, whether by reason of death, sale, insolvency, gift or otherwise, the new owner shall, prior to its return, be
required to establish his or her legal right to receive the object(s) by proof satisfactory to Falkirk Cultural Center. If Falkirk has agreed to transport the loan, and if the
address of the new owner should be of much greater distance than the locality from which the loan was borrowed, the new owner will be required to pay any difference in
the charges for the delivery of the work.
4. No alteration, restoration, or repair to loaned objects will be undertaken without the Lender/Authorized Representative’s permission.
5. Falkirk Cultural Center reserves the right not to exhibit accepted work that arrives in non-display condition (missing hanging wire, unstable, damaged, over size limits,
or otherwise not ready for display).
6. Accepted entries in any exhibition are reviewed for possible use in advertising and promoting the exhibition (invitations, websites, press releases, and other advertising).
Lender/Authorized Representative’s entry into the exhibition will constitute consent to the possible use of loaned images for such purposes.
7. By submitting work for exhibition, the Lender/Authorized Representative authorizes Falkirk Cultural Center to sell such work for the “Sales Price” indicated for each
work on the entry form. After a sale occurs Falkirk Cultural Center will reimburse the exhibitor an amount equal to the “Show Price” less 30% commission. Enter NFS for
work that is not for sale but indicate the value on the submission form. Commission may be waived for special exhibitions.
8. Lender/Authorized Representative understands and agrees that their work is provided for display at their own risk of loss, vandalism, theft, damage, and destruction.
Artists acknowledge and understand that the Falkirk Cultural Center is open to the public and the City does not employ security personnel or staff to manage or supervise
the galleries where the art is on display. For exhibits that are put on by an outside organization, the Organizer and the Artists whose work is on display understand that the
City's insurance carriers will not cover loss, vandalism, theft, damage, or destruction to his or her work while on display at the Falkirk Cultural Center and acknowledge
that he or she has been advised to purchase insurance coverage to protect against the risk of loss, vandalism, theft, damage, and destruction of his or her work while on
display at the Falkirk Cultural Center. For exhibits that are co-sponsored by the City, the City will be responsible for losses in a city-owned facility during an event
sponsored by the city, as long as the total value of the art is less than $2.5M.
9. The City requires that each artist sign an acknowledgment that he or she understands these conditions and will hold the City of San Rafael and its officers, officials,
employees and volunteers harmless for any loss, vandalism, theft, damage or destruction that occurs to the artwork, regardless of cause.
Updated 5/18/21
10. The aforesaid conditions shall apply to all objects sent to Falkirk Cultural Center on loan and cannot be altered, changed, waived or otherwise affected except by the
express written consent of Falkirk Cultural Center.
________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________ ____________
Lender/Authorized Representative Date Falkirk Representative/Title Date
Return: Lender hereby acknowledges return/receipt of the object(s) loaned to Falkirk under this agreement and all in condition as noted on page 1.
________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________ ____________
Lender/Authorized Representative Date Falkirk Representative/Title Date
July 15, 2021
Item #6
The Albert J. Boro Community Center Community Use Policy was last updated in 2006
and laid out the priority by which the City allocates space at the Community Center as
well as the guidelines for waiving fees through the Co-Sponsorship Program. Staff have
conducted a thorough review of the policy and have developed proposed updates to
better align with the current needs of the City, the Community Center, and the
That the Park and Recreation Commission discuss proposed revisions to the Albert J.
Boro Community Center Use Policy and recommend that the Policy be approved by City
In 1997, City Council first approved policy changes that allowed for increased
community use of the Albert J. Boro Community Center (Community Center) for little or
no charge. In 2005, the Pickleweed Advisory Committee (formerly the Pickleweed
Advisory Board) reviewed the policy and recommended revisions to allow for balanced
and equitable provision of space at the newly renovated Community Center. The
updated Community Use Policy was approved by City Council in 2006 and is included
as Attachment 1. The 2006 Community Use Policy laid out the priority by which the City
allocates space at the Community Center as well as the guidelines for waiving fees
through the Co-Sponsorship Program.
Through the Co-Sponsorship Program, non-profit organizations are able to apply to the
City and the Pickleweed Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) for a reduction or
full waiver of rental fees at the Community Center and Pickleweed Park. This process
has supported organizations in providing timely programs for Canal residents, while also
saving the City of San Rafael administrative costs of providing similar programs
inhouse. The intent was that working together, the City, organizations, and the
Page 2 of 4
community itself can create a web of supporting programs that ebbs and flows with
current needs and trends to enrich Canal residents.
In addition to the co-sponsorship guidelines and application process, the 2006
Community Use Policy also contained information on general facility rental policies,
fees, and processes.
Given that the Community Use Policy has not been updated since 2006, City staff felt
that the time was right to conduct a thorough review of the policy and to propose
updates to better align with the current needs of the City, the Community Center, and
the community. The proposed draft includes updates to the Community Use Policy and
is included in Attachment 2. Outlined below are the primary areas in which staff are
recommending changes. At their regular meeting on July 7, 2021, the Advisory
Committee accepted the proposed Albert J. Boro Community Center Use Policy and
supported staff in recommendations. Once staff has received feedback from the Park
and Recreation Commission, the proposed changes will be incorporated into the
Community Use Policy and will be brought forward to the City Council for approval.
Usage Priority
The 2006 Community Use Policy sets out the usage priority for the Community Center
as 1. City Programs, 2. City Co-Sponsored Programs; and 3. Room Rentals, without
any restrictions on days, times, or room types. However, in practice, the Advisory
Committee has avoided allowing co-sponsored programs to access the multi-purpose
room on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, as those days are popular for large event
rentals that are critical to the financial health of the Community Center and often serve
members of the community. Staff are proposing that this restriction be formally adopted
in the updated Community Use Policy.
Additionally, staff recommend the inclusion of Regional and Local Emergency use as
the top usage priority in the updated policy. The City has experienced an increased
need to utilize community centers for charging stations, cooling and clean air centers,
testing and vaccination sites, and more over the past few years. This proposed change
would reflect that growing need.
Co-Sponsorship Application Process
Currently, the 2006 Community Use Policy states that co-sponsorship applications must
be received no later than 45 days prior to the program start date. In practice, this has
meant that organizations have been allowed to apply for a co-sponsorship at any
Advisory Committee meeting. While this approach provides flexibility for organizations in
administering their programs, it also limits the Advisory Committee’s ability to evaluate
the program offerings of the Center in a holistic manner. By accepting applications on
an ongoing basis, the Committee cannot easily identify programmatic gaps or areas
where they may be receiving multiple applications to provide similar services to the
same community. Additionally, those organizations that apply early are able to secure
desirable dates and times, perhaps at the expense of those that apply later in the year.
Page 3 of 4
To ensure that the Advisory Committee can effectively and fully evaluate its co-
sponsorship program and that all organizations have an equal opportunity to apply for
facility usage, City staff are proposing that the Advisory Committee review all
applications on a biannual basis. Applications would be due by a specific date and the
Advisory Committee would then have time to review, rank all applications, and decide to
award a full waiver, a partial waiver, or deny the fee waiver. Staff and the Advisory
Committee recommend establishing two application periods, one intended but not
limited for summer programs (June – August) and a second intended but not limited for
school year programs (September – May). Organizations could apply in between
application periods providing they demonstrate the urgency of the program and explain
why they were not able to apply during the standard timeframe.
This approach would both fulfill the desire to strengthen the application process and still
provide seasonal opportunities for agencies to request support for their Canal serving
programs. An additional benefit of a biannual process is that the sponsorship becomes
more meaningful to the applying organization and more like a formal grant process for
the City.
Should a new co-sponsorship application process be adopted, staff recommends that it
be implemented starting summer 2022.
Co-Sponsorship Fee Waiver Amount
Additionally, staff and the Pickleweed Advisory Committee recommend setting an
annual dollar amount, based on the Albert J. Boro Community Center’s non-profit fee
rate, that the Committee is able to waive. While the current level of co-sponsorship can
be absorbed by the Department and the City, there is a concern that if applications were
to increase substantially, there is no established ceiling to protect the City’s financial
position. The goal of setting a maximum annual co-sponsorship amount is not to reduce
the number of programs, but rather to ensure the ongoing fiscal sustainabi lity of the
Center as a whole.
Considering the City would like to continue to co-sponsor a similar number of programs
as it currently does through the Pickleweed Advisory Committee, staff , supported by the
Pickleweed Advisory Committee, recommends setting an annual rate of $140,000 which
would cover all recent co-sponsored programs. Of this amount, approximately $50,000
has historically been allocated for “Kids Club,” a robust, no-cost after school program for
the Canal community, and $15-20,000 has been allocated for the Kids Club summer
camp program. There is a huge need for no-cost youth programming in the Canal
neighborhood and staff would encourage the Committee to continue to set aside a
similar allocation for this type of program moving forward.
Staff also recommends that the approved annual amount be adjusted an equal
percentage with any future increase of the Center’s non-profit rental rate.
Rental Policies and Fee Schedules
Staff is also recommending the removal of general Rental Policies and Rental Fee
Schedules from the proposed Community Use Policy. Those items are already included
in detail in the Department-wide Rental Reservation Policies and Regulations and the
Page 4 of 4
Ongoing Facility Rental Allocation Process, which are currently in the process of being
updated and implemented. If the guidelines are replicated across multiple policies, it will
create challenges and process barriers to keeping all of the documents consistent and
Application Documents
Finally, staff recommends the removal of the application documents from the proposed
Community Use Policy. Similar to the Rental Policies, staff recommends that these
documents be managed separately so that they can be more regularly updated by the
Department to remain effective and contain current legal terminology.
Although no direct expense to the City, waiving or reducing rental fees for co-sponsored
programs restricts Albert J. Boro Community Center space and reduces the time
available for potential revenue generating rentals and programs. The proposed policy
also establishes a $140,000 maximum fee waiver amount for the Co-Sponsorship
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Steve Mason
Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. 2006 Community Use Policy
2. Draft Albert J. Boro Community Center Community Use Policy
50 Canal Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 485-3077
Section 1: OVERVIEW
As one of three of the City of San Rafael’s community centers serving the City and County of Marin, the Albert J. Boro
Community Center is located in the Canal neighborhood and is considered a gathering place for the surrounding
community. The Center provides classes, activities, and events for children, adults, and older adults. The Center
additionally partners with local organizations to provide programs as well as space for non-profit, private businesses and
individuals to rent and hold activities for the community or their families. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance
on the process and regulations associated with community use of the Albert J. Boro Community Center.
The City prioritizes use of the Albert J. Boro Community Center in the following order:
1. Regional and Local Emergencies: Emergency use of Community Center, as determined by the City of
San Rafael, to support the community during a regional or local
emergency. Possible uses include but are not limited to: Power
Safety Power Shutoff charging and information center, emergency
shelter, and emergency resource center.
2. City Programs: All programs, activities, and events developed and maintained by
San Rafael Library and Recreation Department staff.
3. City Co-Sponsored Programs: All programs, activities and/or events provided through a partnership,
collaboration or other agreement with the San Rafael Library and
Recreation Department. All City co-sponsored programs are required
to complete a Community Use Agreement with San Rafael Library
and Recreation Department and are subject to approval by City staff
with guidance from the Pickleweed Advisory Committee.
4. Facility Rentals: Paid usage of City facilities by non-profit, private, or commercial
• Ongoing City co-sponsored programs are not permitted in the Multi-Purpose Room on Fridays, Saturdays,
and Sundays to ensure sufficient space for large event rentals and other activities.
While the City has established the usage priority above, the timeline for which these events are scheduled can conflict
with the City’s stated priorities. For example, large event rentals are often planned up to a year in advance, while
community classes or free programs are organized on a much shorter timeframe. As such, the City’s approach to
allocating facility space m ust remain flexible to both honor the desired prioritization of community use at the Albert J. Boro
Community Center while at the same time reflecting the realities of the diverse program needs.
Except in the case of an emergency or important City function, established programs will not be bumped for other types of
uses unless alternative times, dates, and/or locations can be mutually agreed upon.
It is the policy of the Library and Recreation Department and the Pickleweed Advisory Committee to consider co-
sponsorship of programs, activities, or events based on the established criteria outlined in this policy. A co-sponsored
program/activity/event may be established between the Department and one or more groups or organizations. Co-
sponsored programs/activities/events may receive a reduced or waiver of facility use fees of up to 100% and may receive
approval for facility use for up to 12 months.
Co-Sponsorship Applications are accepted twice a year to accommodate program seasons. Annually, the Committee shall
award a maximum of $140,000 worth of fee waivers. This amount shall be updated and increased proportional to any
rental fee increases adopted by City Council.
Co-sponsorship applications must be reviewed and approved by staff, with guidance from the Pickleweed Advisory
Committee. City co-sponsored programs are required to abide by the below criteria:
• The program/activity/event must be open to all residents of San Rafael (special requirements may apply;
minimum age, skill level, etc.).
• The program/activity/event is of direct benefit to residents of San Rafael.
• The program/activity/event is low or no fee to participants (Program budget required in application).
• The proposed program/activity/event will not be part of any private commercial enterprise of promotion
In addition to the above requirements, the following criteria will be considered when evaluating co-sponsorship
1. Is the program/activity/event within the scope of the Department’s mission?
2. Is there current community interest in the proposed programs/activities/event?
3. Does this help the City maintain a balance of programming to serve all age groups?
4. What is the impact of the proposed program/activity/event on facilities and/or community?
5. How many community members are likely to benefit from the proposed program/activity/event?
6. Is the facility available during the requested date/time?
7. Is the program is being offered during normal Albert J. Boro Community Center operating hours and during times
and in rooms intended for co-sponsored programming?
8. Programs/activities/events that duplicate established offerings may be limited in number to reflect community
Co-sponsored programs/activities/events are cooperatively arranged by the Department and community groups and
organizations and require an approved Co-Sponsored Use Agreement before any program/activity/event may begin.
Co-Sponsored programs/activities/events may be advertised in the department’s seasonal brochure as space allows.
All City co-sponsored programs will be subject to all City of San Rafael rules, regulations, and procedures. This includes
the facility use terms and conditions, as defined in the City of San Rafael Facility Rental Reservation Policies and
Procedures and Regulations, including all insurance requirements. However, if available, the City may choose to provide
limited storage for only those essential items that are needed to operate ongoing programs (e.g., bridge cards, computer,
board games). For co-sponsored programs, large-item storage may be approved by staff based on available storage
space within the building. Staff reserves the right to terminate storage usage at any time and for any reason.
Unless otherwise noted below, the following guidelines apply to all rooms in the Albert J. Boro Community Center in
addition to those stated in the City of San Rafael Facility Rental Reservation Procedures and Regulations:
1. Rooms are to be left clean with tables wiped down, floors swept, and chairs placed neatly under the table upon
completion of use. Rooms are used by multiple groups daily and respect should be given for the next group using the
2. Blue painter’s tape or mounting putty are the only approved method for affixing items to the walls. Tacks, nails,
staples, cellophane tape, duct tape, or other fastening methods are not permitted.
3. Items may not be affixed to the windows.
4. Supplies may not be left in rooms.
5. Spills must be reported immediately.
6. Do not move tables without first consulting with staff.
7. Sounds, including amplified music, must be kept at a reasonable level and not audible outside of the rooms when the
doors are closed.
Below are descriptions of each room along with guidelines specific to their use.
Multi-Purpose Room
The Multi-Purpose Room is 3,300 square feet in size and has the capacity to hold 200 people seated, 455 standing. The
room also has access to a spacious deck (included) and kitchen (for an additional fee). The room may be rented for non-
profit, private, non-profit fundraising or commercial events. Co-sponsorship of ongoing programs is not permitted in the
Multi-Purpose Room on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays to ensure sufficient space for large event rentals and other
activities. Advance notice of 72 hours is required for access to Assistive Listening System or ADA wheelchair access to
Multi-Purpose Room stage.
Specific Multi-Purpose Room Guidelines
1. External doors are to remain closed when amplified music is being played.
2. Dance wax may not be used.
The Gymnasium facility is intended for sports and fitness related activities. It has a “sports floor”, sound and scoreboard
systems, basketball backboard/hoops, and is equipped to accept volleyball standards (2 sets). It may be rented for use
during times when classes and activities are not scheduled.
Specific Gymnasium Room Guidelines
1. Food is not allowed in Gymnasium.
2. Sport drinks or water are the only beverages allowed.
3. Indoor sports shoes are required.
4. Use of sound and/or scoreboard systems with staff approval only.
Classrooms (3, 4 & 5)
The classrooms have the capacity to accommodate25 people. They are multi-use rooms that can be used for meetings,
lectures, classes, and small group recreational activities. The classrooms may be rented for use during times when
programs or other activities are not scheduled.
Art Room
The Art Room has the capacity to seat 30 people. It has a linoleum floors and is used for arts and crafts activities and
educational classes. It may be rented for use during times when classes and activities are not scheduled.
Specific Art Room Guidelines
1. All spills must be cleaned up immediately.
2. Sink, tables, chairs, and floor must be left clean following use.
3. Tables may not be moved by dragging nor removed from the Art Room. Please ask staff if tables must be rearranged.
Teen Activity Room
The Teen Activity Room has the capacity to accommodate 6 people. This room is primarily used for small recreational and
educational programs, as well as to provide meeting space for various groups that do not require a formal classroom
setting. The room contains three computer terminals with internet access. The room may be rented for use during times
when no classes or other activities are scheduled.
Computer Lab (Available for City and City Co-sponsored programs only)
The Computer Lab has 16 computer workstations and is available to the public for classes and during open lab hours.
Public hours are determined and posted by the Pickleweed Library. San Rafael Public Library Staff will be present during
public open lab time.1 The Computer Lab is for City and Co-Sponsored programs only and is not available for rent.
Specific Computer Lab Room Guidelines
1. Food and drinks are not allowed.
2. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and can be checked out by Library staff.
3. There is no monitoring or control of the material that may be accessed through the internet. It is the responsibility of
individual users (for minors, their parents/guardians) to restrict access to inappropriate web sites and to determine the
suitability of information received on-line.
4. Responsibility for internet use by youth is the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians. The City will not limit
access to the internet based on the age of the user. Parents/legal guardians are encouraged to work closely with their
children to select material that is consistent with personal and family values.
5. Failure to responsibly use the internet may result in revocation of internet use privileges.
6. Loading personal software on Computer Lab equipment is not allowed. Only software provided by the City of San
Rafael is allowed on the computers.
Kitchen may be rented only in conjunction with rental of the Multi-Purpose Room. Kitchen contains sinks, oven, stove,
microwave, ice machine, dishwasher, refrigerator and counterspace. Renters and program providers must provide their
own needed supplies, i.e.: pots, pans, cutlery, cutting boards, dish soap, etc. Access to Kitchen is not permitted prior to
contracted Multi-Purpose Room start time.
The Lobby is 1,700 square feet in size. The Reception Desk, which serves as the hub of the Albert J. Boro Community
Center, is located in the Lobby and provides information and/or registration for Recreation programs and activities.
The Lobby has a large sitting area that is for general leisure use by the public. It may be used as a conversation area, a
reading area, or just a place to relax and enjoy the lovely view. No activities or programs are scheduled in the Lobby, with
the exception of special occasions as authorized by the Library and Recreation Department.
1 Each prospective user must have a San Rafael Library card, which can be obtained at the Pickleweed Library.
July 15, 2021
Item #7
The City of San Rafael is about to begin the process of developing a comprehensive
Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will inventory the City’s current facilities and
programs; and identify what parks and recreational facilities and funding mechanisms
will be needed over the next ten (10) years.
Over the past few years, the City has developed a model for using “ad-hoc” and/or
“steering” committees to achieve desired outcomes; recent examples include the
General Plan 2040, Downtown Precise Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan,
Climate Change Action Plan, Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, and
Library and Community Center Conceptual Design Plan. This model of City and public
collaboration has served well to address the issues in a timely manner wh ile allowing for
a participatory community process.
At its regular meeting on July 6, 2021, the City Council approved the formation of the
Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee to assist with the Parks and
Recreation Master Plan process.
That the Park and Recreation Commission select one (1) Commissioner to serve on the
Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee and one (1) Commissioner to
serve as the Alternate.
Page 2 of 5
There has been a significant growth in the demand for recreation services and facilities
that is requiring a thorough assessment. In addition, the scope of recreational
programming has been changing such that it is now defined not so much in terms of
specific leisure activities, but in terms of meaningful experiences that contrast with work
and school obligations, enhance personal skills and increase an awareness of the larger
To address this situation, the City Council’s Goals and Objectives and Measure A Work
Plan includes a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This plan will provide a foundation
for the future development and maintenance of parks, facilities, and amenities.
Specifically, the Master Plan will analyze the use of existing facilities, assess their
condition, gather community input, provide recommendations for improvement, and
suggest funding/implementation strategies.
The Master Plan will be based upon the 2040 General Plan which set forth specific
actions to help implement public facilities and community programs, objectives and
policies. This process shall meet the City’s goal to provide a diverse and inclusive
process. After significant collaboration between the consultant, City staff, Parks &
Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee, and the community, the Master Plan will
be a valuable strategic guide and create a roadmap for both current and future
Over the past few years, the City has developed a model for using “ad-hoc” and/or
“steering” committees to achieve desired outcome s; recent examples include the
General Plan 2040, Downtown Precise Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan,
Climate Change Action Plan, Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, and
Library and Community Center Conceptual Design Plan. This model of City and public
collaboration has served well to address the issues in a timely manner while allowing for
a participatory community process.
Steering Committee
The 15-person Steering Committee will be instrumental in guiding the project team
regarding engaging the community and reviewing content before releasing the Master
Plan to a broader audience. The project team will meet with this group 5 -7 times
throughout the process. Each meeting will focus on presenting the project team’s
research, exploring the City’s history of parks/recreation, and strategizing on how to
engage the community during workshops most effectively.
The Steering Committee includes individuals who come from diverse backgrounds to
get input and feedback from the broadest cross-section. Throughout the process, the
Steering Committee will be the project team’s primary support in spreading the word
about engagement and answering questions about local knowledge and City culture.
Page 3 of 5
• One (1) Park and Recreation Commissioner
• One (1) Pickleweed Advisory Committee Member (Non-P & R Commissioner)
• One (1) Library Board of Trustees Member
• One (1) Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Member
• One (1) Age-Friendly Task Force Board Member
• One (1) ADA Advisory Committee Member or Marin Center for Independent
• Two (2) Youth Sports Organizations Board Members (1 Field Based Youth Sport
& 1 Non-Field Based Youth Sport)
• One (1) Local Non-Profit Recreation Service Provider Representative
• One (1) Local Non-Profit Multi-Cultural Social Service Provider
• One (1) Artworks Downtown Representative
• One (1) Marin Conversation League Representative (Open Space)
• One (1) SRCS District Representative
• One (1) Marin County Parks Representative
• One (1) Chamber of Commerce Representative
The Park and Recreation Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Pickleweed Advisory
Committee, Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Age-Friendly Task Force
representatives will be selected from their respective memberships. The other advisory
groups and/or organizations will each select a representative.
Committee Roles and Expectations
To assure a successful and timely process, it is important to define the role of the
Committee. Similar to other recently formed committees, staff have identified the
following roles and responsibilities:
• Be informed, collaborative and solution oriented. Be committed to attending
meetings, reviewing relevant information and being prepared to balance
individual and special interests for the overall good of the community.
• Provide a forum for community discussion. Actively engage the community in a
constructive dialogue about the options for future services and facilities. Be open
to varied comment and viewpoints.
• Provide input on draft products. Review and provide input on draft documents as
requested by staff.
• Keep their respective commission, committee and /or agency informed and up to
date regarding Committee activity. Keeping the lines of communication open at
their commission, committee or agency assures that there is collective
collaboration throughout the process which helps lead to a successful
• Provide recommendations as requested by City staff. Providing
recommendations to the City Council and/or commissions is important to assure
they receive guidance prior to making decisions needed to formally adopt the
Master Plan.
Page 4 of 5
Community Engagement Process
Creating a shared vision for San Rafael’s diverse population means creating a multi -
pronged community outreach plan. To ensure the project team receives the most
feedback from the broadest cross-section of the City, the process will solicit input
through community meetings, surveys, and interviews with community stakeholders.
The purpose is to collect as much information as possible to create a complete
understanding of how San Rafael’s current park and the recreational system is meeting
or failing to meet community needs.
Stakeholder Interviews
Interviews with selected stakeholders such as key City personnel and community
leaders to gain valuable perspective regarding needs, expectations, a nd current
Focus Groups
Focus Groups are a critical tool for understanding the community’s concerns,
opportunities, values, and needs. Focus Group meetings would provide an i n-depth
discussion with a select group of experts and constituents o n specific topics. This will
allow the project team to leverage the community’s existing knowledge to collect as
much pertinent information as possible in a comfortable, open forum. Participants will
represent a myriad of community partners, non-profits, activists, volunteers, and
Community Workshops
Community workshops will be held to get feedback from a larger group of San Rafael
residents. Workshops will be held during weekday evenings in different areas of the City
to make it more convenient for people to attend.
Statistically Valid Survey & Open Participation Survey/Questionnaires
The purpose of this survey is to receive an objective, unbiased response from
constituents. Surveys will be made available in both English and Spanish. These
surveys will be in addition to the community workshops, series of focus groups, and
advisory committee meetings that involved a broad spectrum of stakeholders.
City Website
All meeting information and materials will be available on the City’s website and City
staff will encourage participants to provide the Cit y with their e -mail addresses in
order to keep them informed of the processes progress and upcoming meetings and
Although there are no costs associated with the review of this item, the City has
allocated $250,000 in Measure A funding for the development of the City-wide Parks
and Recreation Master Plan. The project has been programmed into the City’s FY 2021-
2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and Measure A – Work Plan.
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Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Susan Andrade-Wax, Library and Recreation Director
Item 9
Date: July 15, 2021
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
July 15 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
July 19 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
August 2 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
August 6 Dusk Movies in the Park – Lion King (Spanish) Pickleweed Park
August 13 Dusk Movies in the Park – Finding Dory Terra Linda Park
August 16 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
August 19 CANCELLED Park and Recreation Commission
August 20 Dusk Movies in the Park – Moana Victor Jones Park
August 27 Dusk Movies in the Park – How to Train Your
Dragon: The Hidden World Gerstle Park