HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2021-10-21 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
Thursday, October 21, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912#
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of September 16, 2021
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
• Tiscornia Marsh Renovation Project
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. 2021 Annual Childcare Report
5. Review Proposed Park Use Policy
6. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: November 18, 2021
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours be fore the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485 -3066
(voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”,
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 Sept 16, 2021
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September 16, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 946 0348 5912#
Chair Machado called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Commissioner Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Laumann
Chair Machado
Commissioner Sandoval (arrived at 6:06)
Absent: Commissioner Reisinger
Also Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Catherine Quffa, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
April Miller, Assistant Public Works Director/ City Engineer
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of July 15, 2021
Commissioner Laumann moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of July 15, 2021.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Laumann, Machado,
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Ms. Andrade-Wax announced that Catherine Quffa has been selected as the next
Library and Recreation Director for the City of San Rafael.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Park Projects Status Report for April 2021 – August 2021
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced April Miller, Assistant Public Works Director/ City Engineer
who presented the park projects status report.
Staff responded to questions from Commissioners.
5. Parks Maintenance Status Report for April 2021 – August 2021
Ms. Miller presented the parks maintenance status report.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
6. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Andrade-Wax discussed the walk about at Sun Valley Park to familiarize the
Commission on the area. Staff received quite a bit of feedback from the neighborhood
regarding the off-leash dog program and other issues. Ms. Andrade-Wax will be
meeting with Councilmember Hill and a representative of the Sun Valley Neighborhood
Association to talk about the possibility of bringing the off-leash dog program to the
commission for their consideration later. Most Dog parks at a park facility are usually
only available in the morning hours. Those that are open later are large facilities with
lights, and most are over three acres and over 33 acres. The size of the Sun Valley
Park with the hillside it is just over 2 acres. The area down from the gazebo is less than
an acre.
Ms. Andrade-Wax let the Commission know that the City Council is going to meet
virtually until January. It is the plan that the Park and Recreation Commission continue
to meet virtually through January.
Ms. Quffa gave an update on Child and Recreation. Childcare started after school
programs in August. The Goldenaires are back in the San Rafael Community Center
and have a few programs going and they are building up slowly. The Terra Linda
seniors have returned, and the seniors at the Albert J Boro Community Center have
started back up their congregate meal program. The bridge programs at the Terra
Linda Community Center and Albert J Boro Community Centers have also started back
up. The pools are winding down and will close the end of September.
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared that staff has a couple of recommendations regarding the
Library and Community Center Conceptual Design, however there is more information
needed to get everything refined before it goes to City Council in early November.
Ms. Andrade-Wax also shared that there is a testing site at the San Rafael Community
Center on Tuesdays out in the parking lot. They take appointments and take up to 250
people a day.
Chair Machado adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2021
SUSAN ANDRADE-WAX, Library & Recreation Director
October 21, 2021
Item #4
The City of San Rafael provides state licensed childcare which includes two (2)
preschools and six (6) school-aged programs. The programs are offered at two City
facilities and five other school district sites.
That the Park and Recreation Commission receive and comment.
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The City of San Rafael Child Care Division has been providing preschool and school-
aged childcare since 1963. The first preschool program served twenty-four (24)
students at San Rafael Community Center. As it expanded, it moved to Laurel Dell and
then the Davidson Annex before finding a home at the Short School campus in the
Gerstle Park Neighborhood.
From 1974 – 2001, the Short School location provided both preschool and school-aged
programs and was licensed to serve 150 children daily. The program was so popular at
Short School, that both the San Rafael City Schools and Miller Creek School District(s)
requested it for their elementary school campuses. In the beginning, the City’s
childcare program utilized surplus classroom space at the various elementary schools.
In the early 1990’s, the City began purchasing modular classrooms to accommodate the
growing program.
In 1998, the Pickleweed Children’s Center expanded the preschool program to include a
half-day program for children from three to five years old. The program is currently
funded through the Department of Education, Marin First 5 and Community
Development Block Grant. The free preschool program is licensed to serve 68 children
daily and all families must qualify to participate.
In 1999, the San Rafael City Schools district notified the City that the Short School
campus would re-open as an elementary school in 2001. As a result, the City-built the
Parkside Children’s Center in Albert Park to accommodate the preschool and school-
aged programs.
In the 58 years that the City has provided licensed childcare, the program has served
approximately 40,000 children.
Currently, the City of San Rafael’s Childcare programs include the following:
• Six (6) School-Aged programs - Coleman Elementary, Glenwood Elementary,
Lucas Valley Elementary, Mary Silveira Elementary, Vallecito Elementary and
Parkside Children’s Center in Albert Park.
• Two (2) Preschool programs - Pickleweed Preschool at the Albert J. Boro
Community Center in the Canal Neighborhood and Parkside Preschool located in
Albert Park.
• Serves approximately 355 children in the School-Aged programs
• Provides preschool programming to 58 children at the Pickleweed Preschool and
30 children at Parkside Preschool.
• Staffing consists of 25 Permanent Part-time & Full-time staff and 13
Temp/Seasonal staff
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• FY 2021/2022 Operational Budget - $3,487,408 (Projected Expenses) and
$3,401,219 (Projected Revenue)
Fiscal Year 2020/2021 – Pandemic Related Impacts
In Fiscal Year 2020/2021, enrollment in the City’s Childcare program was impacted
immensely due to State and County Health and Safety guidelines that were
implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each center’s capacity was reduced to 14
children per classroom. Those larger sites that were able to use additional classrooms
were able to serve an additional 14, serving 28 children per site. As the City
transitioned from the school year to summer, the program was able to accommodate
more children in its Kid’s Camp program.
In the past, the Childcare program has generated a fund balance that it has used to
invest in capital purchases and infrastructure improvements. In Fiscal Year 2020/2021,
the Childcare program had a fund balance of more than $1 million. Unfortunately, due
to the reduction in enrollment and program revenues, the fund balance was used to
offset the cost of staffing and program expenditures. As a result, the fund balance has
been reduced to approximately $198,625.
Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Operational Budget
Center Revenue Budgeted Revenue Actual
Parkside Preschool 750,000 542,706
Coleman Center 450,000 234,000
Glenwood Center 330,000 198,222
Lucas Valley Center 435,000 393,131
Mary Silveira 435,000 231,000
Parkside 425,000 277,000
Vallecito 575,000 426,861
Administration 20,000 10,631
Total 3,420,000 2,235,000
Center Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Actual
Parkside Preschool 718,599 595,939
Coleman Center 374,647 322,206
Glenwood Center 270,434 241,337
Lucas Valley Center 313,977 313,048
Mary Silveira 323,068 246,810
Parkside 302,477 267,704
Vallecito 471,199 371,931
Administration 778,479 676,599
Total 3,552,897 3,054,400
Net ($819,400)
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Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Projections
As the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year, capacity restrictions were lifted, and the
program is currently accommodating more children at all sites. All school aged program
sites are at 80% of licensed capacity. Preschool programming at Parkside Preschool is
at 60% of licensed capacity and Pickleweed Preschool is at 90% of licensed capacity.
The two areas that impact the City’s ability to accommodate more children in the
program, is the ability to fill vacant staffing positions and access to additional classroom
space on the elementary school campuses.
The City of San Rafael Child Care Program has supported thousands of San Rafael
families over the years and is considered vital to the sustainability and economic vitality
of the community. Designed to fully recover its program costs, revenues derived from
the program are susceptible to economic factors in the community, such as recession
and most recently Global pandemic. Staffing costs which include wages and benefits
(healthcare, pension, etc.) increase each year. Fortunately, new program fees were
approved in July and will help to cover the increase in those and other related program
As mentioned previously, one of our main goals for this year is to fill our vacant
Instructor positions especially in the preschool program. Early education is vital to the
community and starting off those early years in a high-quality preschool program is
critical in paving the way for a child’s future success in school. For our school aged
program, the City will be exploring other options of offering the program that could be
more sustainable.
As in years past, the Childcare program has a dedicated group of staff that have been
with the program ranging from ten to thirty years. They are committed to providing the
best childcare program in the County and will continue to do so in the years to come.
There is no predicted fiscal impact associated with adopting this new park use policy.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Kelly Albrecht
Kelly Albrecht
Senior Recreation Supervisor
October 21, 2021
Item #5
The City of San Rafael owns and manages parks, including three (3) community parks,
twelve (12) neighborhood parks, six (6) pocket parks, and seven (7) special use parks.
Of these 28 parks, the City currently offers picnic site rentals in six (6) of the community
and neighborhood parks: Gerstle, Pickleweed, Santa Margarita, Sun Valley, Terra
Linda, and Victor Jones Parks. The City does not currently have a formal policy that
outlines the types of uses allowed as well as the rules and regulations around rentals in
parks. Staff are recommending that the City implement a Park Use Policy that will
address current picnic rentals and will also set out conditions and processes for rentals
of additional park spaces.
That the Commission review the proposed Park Use Policy and provide feedback.
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The City of San Rafael owns and manages parks, including three (3) community parks,
twelve (12) neighborhood parks, six (6) pocket parks, and seven (7) special use parks.
The below table outlines the different City-owned and operated park facilities.
Table 1: City of San Rafael Parks
Community Parks (10+ acres) Neighborhood Parks (1-10 acres)
Albert Freitas
Pickleweed Gerstle
Terra Linda Hoffman Field
Jerry Russom Memorial
Pocket Parks (less than an acre) Loch Lomond
Arbor Los Ranchitos
Beach Munson
Bret Harte Oleander
Hillview Peacock Gap
Oliver Hartzell Santa Margarita
Riviera Sun Valley
Victor Jones
Special Use Parks
Canal Community Garden
City Plaza
Mahon Creek Pathway
Jean Starkweather
Terra Linda Community Garden
Of these 28 parks, the City currently offers picnic site rentals in six (6) of the community
and neighborhood parks: Gerstle, Pickleweed, Santa Margarita, Sun Valley, Terra
Linda, and Victor Jones Parks. Currently, the City has a picnic rental application with
limited information provided on the application process and park use policy (Attachment
1). Staff are proposing to establish a more robust Park Use Policy (Attachment 2),
similar to those recently created for City facilities and athletic fields.
The goal of Park Use Policy is to determine an approach to private rentals of the City’s
parks that strikes the appropriate balance between community utilization and related
impacts on the neighborhoods surrounding the parks. It is also to provide clear
guidance to renters on the process and regulations associated with the rental of City
The proposed Park Use Policy is designed to align with the recently updated Athletic
Field, Facility Rental Reservation, and Ongoing Facility Rental Policies. It has also been
designed to align with recent updates to the San Rafael Municipal Code related to Parks
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and Open Space and Special Events. The following information summarizes some of
the key elements and changes that are included in the proposed policy.
Park Rental Inventory and Use Restrictions
The proposed Park Use Policy provides a brief description of each park that has
rentable space, including the amenities at each park and the areas that are available for
rental. In addition to the picnic sites that were previously reservable, staff are
recommending adding the picnic area at Freitas Park, the grassy area at Albert Park,
and the basketball court and grassy area at Terra Linda Park as available for rental. The
recent Master Fee Update established a fee for the rental of turf and blacktop areas and
staff are recommending that the City pilot rental of those areas at our larger community
parks, before making it available at the neighborhood parks.
The Table 2 outlines the reservable space currently proposed for the City’s parks.
Table 2: Proposed Rental Areas at City Parks
Park Name Park Amenities Rental Area
Albert Park Playground, grassy area, tennis courts,
pickleball courts, community center
Grassy area, tennis courts
Freitas Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
grassy area, water feature
Picnic area
Gerstle Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area, walking
Redwood Grove picnic area and
2 additional picnic areas
Pickleweed Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
grassy area, community center, soccer
Group picnic area (see City
Athletic Field policy for
information on renting the soccer
Santa Margarita
Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area
Picnic area
Sun Valley Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area
Picnic area
Terra Linda Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area,
community center, pool
2 picnic areas, grassy area,
basketball court
Victor Jones
Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area, t-ball
2 picnic areas (see City Athletic
Field policy for information on
renting the t-ball field)
Application Process, Fees, and Insurance
The Park Use Policy articulates a clear process for park rentals that aligns with the
facility rental process. Like community center classrooms, the proposed policy allows for
reservations to be made six (6) months in advance, with all fees due at the time of
booking. Currently, picnic reservations are taken up to six months in advance with
payment due ten (10) days before the event, which can present a challenge to staff in
trying to collect payment. The current approach also does not allow for a timely process
that would allow other renters to take advan tage of cancellations. The proposed
cancellation and refund policy also aligns park rentals with facility rentals.
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Currently, the City does not require insurance for picnic rentals. The proposed policy
keeps this approach to small picnic rentals but establishes an insurance requirement for
event and commercial rentals, as well as rentals of park space beyond the picnic areas.
Park Rental Regulations
The proposed Park Rental Regulations clearly articulate the expectation of renters in
terms of care of the park site as well as what activities are allowed. The regulations
outlined in the proposed policy align with current practices and the San Rafael Municipal
Code. The new policy captures those regulations in one place for ease of understanding
for both the community and staff.
Special Events
The City receives regular requests to hold special events in City parks. While the Library
& Recreation Department has jurisdiction over the parks, the San Rafael Police
Department manages the Special Event permit process. Any community member or
organization wishing to hold a special event must coordinate with both departments.
The proposed Park Use Policy outlines this process for those interested in holding a
special event. It also specifies that a special event will only be allowed in a City park if it
is determined to provide significant community benefit. Significant community benefit is
defined a meeting at least one of the following characteristics:
1. Open to the public.
2. Has an expected attendance of at least 100.
3. Has a traditional or heritage value to the community.
4. Adds to the arts, culture, and character of the community.
5. Provides significant economic vitality to the area.
Additionally, the proposed policy only allows special events in the City’s larger parks:
Albert, Gerstle, Pickleweed, and Terra Linda parks.
Commercial Recreation Activities
The City occasionally receives requests from commercial recreation providers, such as
boot camps, yoga instructors, etc., to rent space in City parks to conduct their classes.
Historically, the City has not permitted this type of commercial use in parks. However,
staff have been interested in exploring th ese requests as a means to both provide more
recreational opportunities to the community and to generate additional revenue for the
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the City launched a pilot program to allow San Rafael-
based recreation providers to rent outdoor park space to hold their programs while
indoor activity was prohibited. Through this pilot program, the commercial providers
were able to program additional spaces and to offer more recreational opportunities for
San Rafael residents. At the same time, in certain neighborhood parks there was
concern that the commercial rentals limited free public access to the space.
In looking at how to establish a longer-term commercial recreation rental option, staff
have tried to balance the learnings from the pilot program. Additionally, staff have
reached out to the City of Santa Cruz, who established a commercial rental program ten
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(10) years ago. The City of Santa Cruz’s Commercial Services guide is included as
Attachment 3.
As a result of these efforts, staff have developed the proposed Commercial Recreation
Activities section of the Park Use Policy. This establishes t wo pathways for offering
recreation classes in City parks: 1. As a contract instructor with the City, and 2. By
renting space within a park. The proposed policy clearly articulates that all applications
will be evaluated and approved or denied giving priority to free community use and
access. Additionally, the City would establish set seasons in which commercial
providers can apply for a park rental, with applications due 3-5 months prior, thereby
allowing community members the opportunity to reserve space prior.
Staff recommend that the proposed Park Use Policy would replace the current
application and would be made available to the community on the City website.
There is no predicted fiscal impact associated with adopting this new park use policy.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Catherine Quffa
Assistant Library and Recreation Director
1. Current Picnic Rental Application and General Policy
2. Draft Park Use Policies
3. City of Santa Cruz Guide to Offering Commercial Service Activities in Parks
and Beaches
618 “B” STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901
(415)485-3333 (415) 485-3186 fax
This application/contract is issued in accordance with the policies established by the City Council of the City of San Rafael. Failure to comply with
policies may cause reason to revoke an agreement.
Name of Applicant Street City Zip Code Phone
Name of Organization Street City Zip Code Phone
Email Address Type of Activity Estimated Attendance
Date(s) of Use: Hours: from to
Days(s) of Week (Circle) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Are you a non-profit organization? Non-Profit#
Is the event a fundraiser?
Is the event open to the public?
Will admission be charged?
_ ( ) Pickleweed Park Picnic Area
( ) Santa Margarita Park (Lower area only)
( ) Gerstle Park Lower Picnic Areas 1____ 2____
( ) Gerstle Park Redwood Grove
( ) Victor Jones Park: Upper Area ____ Lower Area
( ) Sun Valley Park (Lower area only)
( ) Terra Linda Park
( ) Albert Park Tennis Courts
As an applicant for use of City of San Rafael areas or facilities, I hereby agree to assume all risks for loss, damage, liability, injury, cost or expense
that may arise during or be caused in any way by use or occupancy of an area or facility of the City of San Rafael. I hereby agree to indemnify and
hold harmless the City of San Rafael and its officers and employees and any community organization co-sponsoring the program, from and against
any and all liability for any injury which may be suffered by me or my child, arising out of or in any way connected with participation in the
program named above.
I have read all two (2) pages of the rental application and agree to abide by the General Policy as stated.
Driver’s License No. State
Signature of Applicant
All City Parks operate under the jurisdiction of the City of San Rafael and are intended primarily for recreational, cultural & educational programs.
Any group with over 15 people using these facilities is required to have an approved permit.
1. Alcohol is not allowed at any park.
2. Inflatable jumpy houses are not allowed at any park.
3. Neither birdseed nor rice are allowed to be thrown at weddings.
4. Reservations may be revoked at any time whenever the use of the building or facilities may interfere with department program activities or
where there has been a violation of approved regulations.
5. Rental fee will be refunded if event is cancelled, due to inclement weather or emergencies that render park unusable.
Application Procedures
1. Reservations will be accepted 6 months in advance. All fees and insurance forms are due 10 days prior to the event.
2. Hours of use stated on the application permit must include set-up time as well as clean-up time.
3. Rental contracts are non-transferable.
4. Reservations for use of the parks by youth groups must be accompanied by an adult sponsor and activity must be supervised by an adult in
attendance during the entire event.
5. The applicant whose signature appears on the registration form should arrive at the starting time designated and should plan to be present until
the end of the event. If the applicant cannot be present, he should designate an individual and place that name on the application.
6. All parks must be left in the same condition as before the event started.
Picnic Area Rental Fees
1. Fees are a three-hour minimum.
2. To be considered a San Rafael resident, individuals must reside within the city limits. For organizations or groups, San Rafael residency is
established to having a San Rafael mailing address, as well as proof of 50% of their members live within the San Rafael city limits.
3. Non-profit organizations must use park for a non-fundraising event to be eligible for Group I. If it is a fundraiser, the classification is Group II.
4. Any government tax-supported agency located in Marin which does not fall under Group I, qualifies as Group II.
5. All events for business or commercial use, for profit or gain, qualify as Group III.
Facility Name
(Tax I.D. # Required)
Proof of IRS 501C3
Private Use
& Non-Profit
Fundraising Events
Small Group Picnic Areas
Gerstle 1 & 2, Sun Valley, Victor
Jones, Terra Linda, Santa Margarita
$20/hour (Resident)
$25/hour (Non-Resident)
$30/hour (Resident)
$35/hour (Non-Resident)
$40/hour (Resident)
$45/hour (Non-Resident)
Redwood Grove
Gerstle Park
$30/hour (Resident) $35/hour (Non-Resident) $40/hour (Resident) $45/hour (Non-Resident) $50/hour (Resident) $55/hour (Non-Resident)
Pickleweed Picnic Area $15/hour (Resident)
$18/hour (Non-Resident)
$20/hour (Resident)
$45/hour (Non-Resident)
$50/hour (Resident)
$55/hour (Non-Resident)
Please carefully read through this entire document – renters are responsible for following
the rules and policies outlined below.
1. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to determine an approach to private rentals of the City’s parks that
strikes the appropriate balance between community utilization and related impacts on the
neighborhoods surrounding the parks. It is also to provide clear guidance to renters on the
process and regulations associated with the rental of City parks.
2. Park Inventory and Use Restrictions
A Permit is required for exclusive use of specific areas within a City park. The below table
provides an inventory of the City-owned parks that are available for private rentals, along with the
areas within each park where private rentals are permitted.
Park Name Park Amenities Rental Area1
Albert Park Playground, grassy area, tennis courts,
pickleball courts, community center
Grassy area, tennis courts
Freitas Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, grassy area, water feature
Picnic area
Gerstle Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, basketball court, grassy area,
walking trail
Redwood Grove picnic area
and 2 additional picnic areas
Pickleweed Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, grassy area, community center,
soccer fields
Group picnic area (see City
Athletic Field policy for
information on renting the
soccer fields)
Santa Margarita
Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, basketball court, grassy area
Picnic area
Sun Valley Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, basketball court, grassy area
Picnic area
Terra Linda Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
restroom, basketball court, grassy area,
community center, pool
2 picnic areas, grassy area,
basketball court
Victor Jones Park Playground, picnic tables/barbecue,
basketball court, grassy area, t-ball
2 picnic areas (see City
Athletic Field policy for
information on renting the t-
ball field)
A person wanting either (1) exclusive use of any park or portion thereof, or (2) use of a park or
portion thereof for gatherings of 25 or more persons, must apply for and obtain a permit for such
use, activity, or event.
1 These park and picnic areas are available for private rentals only. Special Event rentals are addressed
separately, in section 7 of this policy.
3. Application Process
Applications are available online at https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/parks/ and at all Community
Centers. To reserve a park, a person 18 years or older must submit a complete Park Rental
Application provided by the Library and Recreation Department. You may submit your application
in person, by mail, or by email. If you submit your application by mail or email, a Department staff
member will contact you to collect the appropriate deposit to secure your reservation.
Applications are accepted six months in advance of the reservation date. If more than one person
applies at the same time for the same park on the same date, priority will be given to residents of
San Rafael. If two residents or two non-residents apply for the same rental date, a lottery will be
drawn to determine priority.
Set up and clean up times of activities must be included within rental period. Incomplete or
inaccurate information by the renter on the contract may result in cancellation of the contract and
loss of fees paid.
The applicant’s name and signature that appears on the rental contract must match the name on
the payment and proof of insurance (if required).
Please do not make plans until a department staff member has confirmed your rental and
provided an approved rental contract.
Only the renter(s) whose name is on the rental application can submit changes. Changes are
subject to approval and must be made in writing (email preferred) or directly at one of the City’s
community centers. All rental changes are tentative until confirmed by the Department staff
and any/all additional fees have been paid.
Reservations may be revoked at any time whenever the use of park facilities may interfere with
Department program activities or where there has been a violation of approved regulations.
Reservations may be revoked or terminated if it is determined that the event is different or larger
than represented on the rental application.
The City reserves the right to make any physical changes to the facility.
4. Fees
A. Refer to the Park and Picnic Rental Rate sheets for fees. The City Council-approved
fee schedule for rental of the parks is subject to annual review.
B. Picnic area rentals are subject to a three (3) hour minimum.
C. Payment is due in full at the time of the reservation.
D. Payments may be in the form of check, cash, or credit card. All checks should be
made payable to “City of San Rafael”.
E. Rentals that exceed stated hours will be charged double the stated hourly rate for the
additional hours.
Cancellations and Refunds: Confirmed reservations that are canceled will be subject to penalties
deducted from prepaid rental fees. Cancellation fees are determined by the amount of notice
given prior to the scheduled event.
• Fees will not be refunded for reserved time not used. Reserved time should be chosen
carefully; once fees are paid, there will be no refund for decreased reserved or a ctual use
• Only the applicant named on the contract can make cancellations.
Cancellation Refund Schedule
Cancellation Date Rental Fee Returned
3-6 months 50%
3 months or less 0%
Cancellations made less than 6 months but more than 3 months prior to reserved date will forfeit
50% of the rental fees. The City will retain all of the rental fees for cancellations made less than 3
months prior to reserved date.
The City may cancel a Permit due to weather, facility conditions, or unforeseen circumstances,
including but not limited to flooding, fire, natural disaster, power outages, public health
emergencies, criminal acts or acts of war or terrorism, that affect facility conditions or general
public welfare. In the event of a City cancellation due to these circumstances, a full refund will be
issued to the renter and such refund will constitute the limit of City’s liability to renter in
connection with the unavailability of the City facility. The City shall not be liable to renter for any
actual or renter’s consequential damages, including but not limited to other costs incurred in
connection with renter’s event, lost profits and lost opportunity.
5. Insurance
Insurance is not required for private picnic rentals. However, event and commercial rentals as
well as park rentals that include space beyond the picnic area are required to provide a Certificate
of Insurance for liability for a minimum of $1,000,000. The insurance must follow the below
A. The certificate of insurance must include endorsements naming “City of San Rafael” as
additional insured.
B. Rental insurance certificates must be received by the Library and Recreation Department
at least 30 days prior to the event.
C. Organizations/Individuals that have insurance through a parent organization may issue
one proof of insurance which names “City of San Rafael” as an additional insured for a
full year for all the organization’s uses.
D. The name of the insured on the Certificate of Insurance must match the name on the
rental contract.
6. Park Rental Regulations
Alcohol: No alcoholic beverages may be present or consumed in City parks.
Amplified Sound: Amplification of sound must comply with the San Rafael Municipal Code, Title
8.13, Noise Ordinance standards, and must be approved in writing by the Library and Recreation
Behavior: Renters, activity participants, and guests/attendees are responsible for adhering to the
San Rafael Municipal Code, Title 19.20, Parks and Facilities at all times during facility use.
Renters are responsible for calling 911 or the San Rafael Police if behavior or safety issues arise
out of the use of facilities. Renters are asked to report such accidents/incidents within 24 hours to
the Library and Recreation Department.
Care of Parks/Hours: All groups using a City park space shall be responsible for proper use and
care of the site. Parks must be left in the condition in which they were found. Any items brought in
during the rental must be removed by the end of the rental time. Any trash must be placed in the
provided receptacles. If applicable, all coals must be fully extinguished, and grill must be left in
the condition in which it was found. Clean up and/or repair charges beyond normal wear and tear
will be billed to the Applicant based on cost of repair.
City parks are open from sunrise to sunset and all rentals must be completed and cleaned up
within that timeframe.
Fire Danger: The San Rafael Fire Department may suspend the use of Open flame grills/BBQs at
any time based on weather and fuel conditions.
Inflatable Bounce Houses (Jumpees): Inflatable bounce houses are not allowed in any City park.
Food: Food Trucks, onsite catering, and the sale or serving of food to the general public are
prohibited in City Parks with the exception of Special Events (see section 7).
Safety: City of San Rafael staff is authorized to stop or modify any activity if deemed necessary
for the health and wellbeing of users, guests, neighbors, and the general public.
Photography: Library and Recreation Department staff reserve the right to photograph events for
promotional purposes.
Publicity: The City of San Rafael reserves the right to review and approve materials used to
publicize events to be held on city property. City staff may not/will not provide details nor answer
questions from the public related to specific private rentals. The community centers are not to be
listed as a contact for your event.
Vehicles and Parking: Motorized vehicles on park property, lawns, turf, restricted areas,
bicycle/pedestrian pathways, or fields are prohibited.
Parking is permitted in designated parking lots, or stalls, only.
7. Special Events
Events that require exclusive use of park space beyond what is designated in section 2 of this
policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will only be permitted if the event is
determined to provide significant community benefit.
An event is considered to provide significant community benefit if it meets at least one of the
following characteristics:
1. Open to the public.
2. Has an expected attendance of at least 100.
3. Has a traditional or heritage value to the community.
4. Adds to the arts, culture, and character of the community.
5. Provides significant economic vitality to the area.
Special event rentals will only be considered in the following locations:
• Albert Park
• Gerstle Park
• Pickleweed Park
• Terra Linda Park
Any groups wishing to rent a park for a Special Event must first contact the San Rafael Police
Department to request a Special Event permit, which will be subject to the regulations and
requirements listed in Chapter 5.70 of the San Rafael Municipal Code. In addition, they should
also check to see if the park is available for the respective date and times. From there,
prospective Renters will work with the Police Department to secure the required permits for their
special event and also with the Library and Recreation Department to reserve/rent the park.
8. Commercial Recreation Activities
If an organization or individual is wanting exclusive use of a portion of a City park for the purpose
of conducting commercial recreation classes, they may either apply to the City for a rental permit
to conduct those activities or become a contract instructor with the City. The below table lays out
the two options for offering commercial recreation activities in City parks.
Through the Library and Recreation Contract
Class Program
By Submitting a Park Facility Rental
Contract Class Instructors are required to
provide the following:
- Current certificate of insurance of
(minimum $1,000,000) liability insurance
naming the City as additionally insured;
see section 5 for additional insurance
- Proof of Workers' Compensation
Insurance for all employees associated
with the activity.
- A current City of San Rafael business
license, if applicable.
For more additional requirements and more
information on becoming a City contract class
instructor, visit our website:
Benefits of the program include:
- Use of the facility at no additional charge
beyond the percent revenue split between
the City and the instructor
- Registration is handled through the City’s
online registration system and participants
can request help from our friendly and
professional staff
- Classes will be promoted in the City’s
Activities Guide, which is distributed to
approximately 23,000 households three
times per year, as well as on the City
- Detailed information about requirements,
application process and program policies
are available on the Library and
Recreation website (link provided above).
Commercial recreation activities not offered
through the Library and Recreation
Department are only permitted in certain park
locations and staff will prioritize free
community use and access to park amenities
when determining approval for such a permit.
Commercial recreation rentals must abide by
all of the conditions of the Park Use Policy.
Additional requirements include:
- Applicable rental fees/deposit
- Current certificate of insurance of
(minimum $1,000,000) liability insurance
naming the City as additionally insured;
see section 5 for additional insurance
- Proof of Workers' Compensation
Insurance for all employees associated
with the activity.
- A current City of San Rafael business
Applications for commercial recreation rentals
are accepted and allocated seasonally per the
below schedule:
- June-August rental applications due:
March 1
- September-February rental applications
due: June 1
- March-May applications due: November 1
A Guide to Offering Commercial Service Activities in Parks and Beaches
The City of Santa Cruz Municipal Code (chapter 13.10) prohibits the sale of any goods or services in city parks or on city beaches except as permitted by the
City, through the Parks and Recreation Director. The Parks and Recreation Director is authorized to issue or deny a permit, or to apply any terms and
conditions on a permit, based on the activity’s impact on the public welfare and the use of the parks and beaches by other persons.
There are two pathways to offer commercial activities in Parks and Beaches
Through the Parks and Recreation Special Classes
By Submitting a Facility Use Special Permit
▫Contact the P&R Classes team to obtain an
application by visiting our website:
▫Class Proposals are typically due at least 4 months
prior to the season offering. Proposal due dates are
listed on the website
▫Registration is handled by our friendly and
professional staff
▫We provide the facility at no charge
▫Your class or clinic will be listed in our Activity Guide
which reaches over 42,000 households throughout
the County
▫Detailed information about pricing, required
paperwork, enrollment procedure, and payment is
available on the Parks and Recreation website or by
email; recreationevents@cityofsantacruz.com
▫Permitted commercial activities not offered through
the Parks and Recreation Department are issued on
an individual basis after consideration of the Parks
and Recreation class schedule and with consideration
to public welfare and use of parks and beaches
▫Permit Conditions Include:
Application and Facility booking fee (facility
booking fee is refunded if the permit is denied)
10% of gross sales from registration or class fee
Current certificate of insurance of ($1,000,000)
liability insurance naming the City as
additionally insured
Proof of worker’s compensation policy for any
employees of the permittee
A current City of Santa Cruz business license
A price list and final roster of all programs
A participant waiver that meets the approval of
the City of Santa Cruz Risk Manager
▫Permits for Open Space Trails will only be issued
between the months of June and October and will
not exceed one (1) weekend per month
▫Contact the Parks and Recreation Department for a
permit application and current fee listing at
Item 7
Date: October 21, 2021
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
October 18 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
October 21 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Zoom
October 23 3:00 p.m. Día de Los Muertos - Car Procession Downtown San Rafael, 4th Street
between H Street and Lincoln
November 1 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
November 6 3:00 – 9:00 p.m. Día de Los Muertos Albert J. Boro Community Center,
50 Canal Street, San Rafael
November 15 7:00 p.m. City Council Zoom
November 18 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Zoom