HomeMy WebLinkAboutBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee 2020-12-01 Agenda PacketAGENDA Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Committee less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. SAN RAFAEL BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2021 AT 6:00 P.M. VIRTUAL MEETING Watch Online: https://tinyurl.com/2021-12-01-BPAC Telephone: (669) 900-9128 ID: 865 2507 8241# 1. Call to Order 6:00 PM 2. Approval of meeting minutes from regular October 6, 2021 meeting 6:05 PM Recommended Action: Approve as submitted 3. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda: 2-minutes each 6:10 PM 4. Ad-hoc committee updates 6:20 PM a. North-South Greenway b. Vision Zero 5. Safe Routes to School, Update by Wendi Kallins, Marin Safe Routes to School Coordinator 6:40 PM 6. Year in Review & Annual Report, Discussion led by Chair Powers 6:55 PM Chair Powers will lead a discussion on the Year in Review. Boards and commissions are asked to submit an annual report summarizing the year’s highlights and the next year goals. Recommended Action: Members to provide input on Annual Report so staff may submit to City Council 7. Freitas Parkway/Redwood Highway-Civic Center Roundabout, Presentation by Rafat Raie, City Traffic Engineer 7:15 PM Caltrans is redesigning the intersection of Freitas Parkway/Redwood Highway-Civic Center with a roundabout. This project was initiated by the need to improve bus stop conditions at US 101/Freitas Parkway. Caltrans is incorporating additional requests from City staff to improve circulation at the off-ramp. Recommended Action: Members to provide feedback on the initial design 8. Housekeeping 7:50 PM a. Next meeting: TUESDAY February 1, 2022 b. 2022 Committee Chair and Vice Chair: Kevin Hagerty and Barry Bergman 9. Possible Future Agenda Items 7:55 PM 10. Adjournment 8:00 PM City of San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Wednesday October 6, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom Minutes Present: Chair Powers Member Allison Member Bergman Member Hagerty Member Mooney Youth Member Nielsen Member Coyne, Alternate Absent: Member Solomon 1. Call to Order Chair Powers called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Approval of meeting minutes Minutes for regular August 4, 2021 meeting approved. 3. Public Comments for Items not on Agenda Lori Schifrin noted the chat function wasn’t working. Staff noted that chat function has been removed for City Council meetings and the setting may have been updated in Zoom. 4. Ad-hoc Committee Updates (note this item got moved up the agenda) Member Mooney provided an update on the North-South Greenway projects. a. The Golden Gate Bridge Highway Transportation District hosted a virtual open house for their bicycle safety study on the bridge earlier today. Some additional signage and a focus on bicycle speed limits. Rep. Jared Huffman included the Vista Point Trail Rehabilitation Project as one of his earmarks in the federal transportation bill. b. Sausalito: The city is working on a project to improve the ferry landing, including bike circulation. The Gate 6 intersection update was just finished, after years in the making. c. Mill Valley: The Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway is getting repaved in its most deteriorated section (between Gate 6 and Almonte Road). It means that the pathway will be closed for two days, completely cutting off Sausalito/Marin City from non-car access. TAM just allocated money to Mill Valley to improve the Lomita Drive pathway connection to the Horse Hill Path. d. Corte Madera: The North/South Greenway Gap Closure Project over Corte Madera creek is continuing and hoping to open now sometime in spring of 2022. e. San Rafael: The preferred alternative for the Transit Center would construct two blocks of the greenway through Downtown San Rafael. Current plans call for a pick-up/drop-off area on the east side of West Tamalpais just north of Fourth St, which would have to co- exist with through-bikers headed to the Lincoln Path. The San Rafael Connection project is still being designed. The McInnis to Smith Ranch Road SMART segment is funded and is awaiting permitting. f. Novato: The segment of pathway going behind the Costco on Rowland Boulevard has been held up by a lawsuit. Chair Powers invited public comment. Speakers: Jean Severinghaus 5. Vision Zero Leah Shahum, Vision Zero Executive Director, presented the on Vision Zero, the goal of working towards zero deaths or severe injuries related to traffic collisions. It is a public health approach toward mobility. Goals should be to control speeding and design complete streets. It is important to have elected officials support Vision Zero too. Questions from committee members included: what would be involved in adopting Vision Zero? What is the financial commitment? What resources are available? Is there a guidance manual? Chair Powers invited public comment. Speakers: Wendi Kallins Committee members provided final questions and comments: What is the benefit of Vision Zero? Adopting Vision Zero is a goal in the San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Keep in mind the issue of exposure. Policy reflects values. Integrating design with enforcement to set targets. 6. Bicycle Wayfinding Warren Wells, Planning and Policy Director with Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) presented current conditions of wayfinding between the Richmond-San Rafael bridge and destinations within San Rafael. Comments from committee members included: suggesting routing to points further west than the B Street Community Center, wayfinding is a goal in the BPMP, requests for wayfinding on Lincoln, consider adding information about restroom and water stops, think to future connections. Chair Powers invited public comment. Speakers: Jean Severinghaus 7. San Rafael Connection Patrick Seidler with WTB-TAM (Transportation Alternatives for Marin), presented on WTB’s preferred alternative for the San Rafael Connection, from Puerto Suello path to North San Pedro Road. WTB’s preferred alternative includes switch backs, the smallest amount of cut and fill and path slopes no greater than 5 %. Questions from the committee include: how will the path connect to the existing path north, the preferred alignment seems to be the only alignment that meets both goals (all ages and abilities and safety). There is general support of the “Western Alignment” from the committee. No action was taken because the committee is requesting a presentation from Zoon engineering. 8. Adjournment Chair Powers adjourned the meeting at 8:38 pm. Approved this 1st day of December 2021 _________________________________ Lauren Davini, Staff Liaison BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT, 2021 MISSION: The goal of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is to promote bicycling and walking as viable means of transportation throughout San Rafael; to provide conceptual input on public bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects; and to support the implementation of the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. MEMBERSHIP: Chair: Kate Powers Vice Chair: Kevin Hagerty Members and Alternates: DJ Allison, Barry Bergman, Philip Mooney, Marc Solomon, Anne Coyne (alternate), and Tyler Nielsen (youth member). First, we’d like to remember two former BPAC members, Jerry Belletto and Jim Geraghty, and to acknowledge their many contributions to the biking and walking community in San Rafael and beyond. They are both missed. 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: • Continued conducting meetings over Zoom. The virtual meetings have been a great setting for keeping order. • Completed stakeholder participation on the 2040 General Plan and Downtown Precise Plan Steering Committee. City Council adopted both plans in August 2021. • Celebrated the completion of the multi-use path near the SMART ROW from Second Street to Andersen Drive enabling bikes to safely travel to and from downtown from the south • Studied possible realignment of the North-South Greenway bike and pedestrian path/gap closure from Puerto Suello Hill to North San Pedro Road that would better serve all ages and abilities along the SMART right-of-way. Wrote a letter to City Council encouraging them to ask the SMART Board of Directors to fund environmental review, design, permitting and construction as part of SMART’s capital projects budgeting for 2021. • Commented on a Grand Avenue cycle track project from Second Street to Fourth Street and offered general BPAC support. The City was successful in getting over $500,000 in grant funding for the project. • Provided input to the Third Street Rehabilitation project design, including on the bicycle facility on the west end and on the design of the Third/Lindaro intersection to minimize conflict points between vehicles and bicyclists/pedestrians • Formed two ad-hoc committees: 1) North-South Greenway ad hoc’s purpose is to keep the momentum going behind gap closures in the North-South Greenway, 2) Vision Zero ad hoc’s purpose is to explore establishing a Vision Zero policy in San Rafael • Supported the development of a regional Bike Share program to launch in early 2022 • Elected a committee member to participate in the development of the San Rafael Parks and Recreation Master Plan • Provided input to staff on the Transit Center Relocation project to encourage Golden Gate Highway and Transportation District (GGHTD) to build a project welcoming to bicyclists and pedestrians • Supported the addition of bike racks in front of community centers and the library • Provided input on the wayfinding between the Richmond-San Rafael bridge and destinations within the City after successfully completing the quick-build connection in December 2020. • Supported continued implementation of improvements at uncontrolled crossings including those in Southeast San Rafael in the Canal at Medway, Kerner, and Bellam. 2022 GOALS: • Support the design of the San Rafael Connection and any other gap closure projects in the North-South Greenway, including the route through downtown • Continue exploring adopting Vision Zero policies and objectives. • Track hot-spot collision locations and encourage DPW to continue to make improvements to those locations. • Provide input regarding pedestrian and bicyclist connections to new developments • Assist with community outreach for bicycle and pedestrian projects, especially those listed within the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. • Continue identifying locations where wayfinding signage could be improved and encourage City staff to complete this project • Support our local Safe Routes to Schools task forces when and where possible. • Support City staff in applying for grants and other funding related to alternative modes of transportation. • Evaluate the City’s eligibility for recognition under the League of American Cyclists’ Bicycle Friendly Community Program ADA Improvements and Roundabout at the Manuel T Freitas Parkway / Route 101 Interchange Presentation to San Rafael City Council November 1, 2021 Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Project Overview Need and Purpose •Pedestrian safety •ADA compliance •Consistency with Caltrans Strategic Plan & Complete Street Policy Benefit to City of San Rafael •Improved safety •Improved traffic operation on local street •Reduced emissions •Reduced long-term maintenance •Compatibility with San Rafael’s plan for roundabout on west side of the freeway Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager Scope •Reconstruct curb ramps and sidewalk •Remove stairs and bus stop access across loop ramps •Relocate NB bus stop to Redwood Hwy •Construct roundabout at Redwood Hwy/ Civic Center Dr intersection Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Project Cost and Schedule Estimated Construction Cost •$3.3 Million (2021 Dollars) Schedule •Complete Design –June 2022 •Advertise Project –November 2022 •Award Project –January 2023 •Begin Construction –April 2023 •Finish Construction –October 2023 Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Existing Conditions Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager •Redwood Hwy and Civic Center Dr are STOP controlled •Manuel Freitas Pkwy and NB Ramps are uncontrolled •Bus stops within State R/W access via uncontrolled crossing of loop ramps •Existing non- ADA compliant pedestrian facilities Manuel T Freitas Pkwy Civic Center Dr. Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Improvements (West Side) Manuel T Freitas Pkwy / Southbound Ramps Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager •Reconstruct sidewalks and curb ramps •Add rest areas to bus stop access •Add pedestrian refuge to N-S crosswalk •Modify drainage systems •Remove Staircase and uncontrolled crossing Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Improvements (East Side)Manuel T Freitas Pkwy / Northbound Ramps / Redwood Hwy / Civic Center Dr Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager •Relocate bus stop to Redwood Hwy •Remove Staircase and uncontrolled crossing •Consolidate NB ramp entry •Reconstruct sidewalks and curb ramps •Construct retaining wall and roundabout •Install Landscaping Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 1 Pedestrian Detour Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: ~3 MONTHS WEST SIDE: SB Bus Stop Improvements Pedestrian Refuge Traffic Signal Foundations EAST SIDE: Retaining Wall Median Removal Sidewalk​ DETOURS: No Vehicle Detours Pedestrians Routed via Shielded NB Redwood Hwy Slow Lane Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 2 Pedestrian Detour Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: 55 HOURS WEST SIDE: Curb Ramps & Sidewalks Traffic Signals EAST SIDE: Sidewalk DETOURS: SB Off-ramp and Loop On-ramp Closed Off-ramp Traffic Diverted to San Pedro IC Loop On-ramp Traffic Diverted to Northgate Dr Pedestrians Routed via Shielded WB MFP Slow Lane Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 2 Vehicle Detours Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: 55 HOURS WEST SIDE: Curb Ramps & Sidewalks Traffic Signals EAST SIDE: Sidewalk DETOURS: SB Off-ramp and Loop On-ramp Closed Off-ramp Traffic Diverted to San Pedro IC Loop On-ramp Traffic Diverted to Northgate Dr Pedestrians Routed via Shielded WB MFP Slow Lane Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 3 Pedestrian Detour Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: ~2 MONTHS WEST SIDE: Complete EAST SIDE: Roundabout NB Slip On-ramp​ DETOURS: Redwood Hwy / Civic Center Dr Intersection Closed Traffic Diverted to Smith Ranch IC or Merrydale OC Pedestrians Routed Around Construction via Merrydale OC Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 3 Freeway Detours Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: ~2 MONTHS WEST SIDE: Complete EAST SIDE: Roundabout NB Slip On-ramp​ DETOURS: Redwood Hwy / Civic Center Dr Intersection Closed Traffic Diverted to Smith Ranch IC or Merrydale OC Pedestrians Routed Around Construction via Merrydale OC Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 3 Local Road Detours Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: ~2 MONTHS WEST SIDE: Complete EAST SIDE: Roundabout NB Slip On-ramp​ DETOURS: Redwood Hwy / Civic Center Dr Intersection Closed Traffic Diverted to Smith Ranch IC or Merrydale OC Pedestrians Routed Around Construction via Merrydale OC Manuel T Freitas Parkway / US-101 Interchange Improvements CALTRANS DISTRICT 4 | 04-0K800 Proposed Stage 4 No Detours Matthew Korve, PE Task Order Manager DURATION: ~1 MONTH WEST SIDE: Complete EAST SIDE: NB Bus Stop Removal Median Extension Sidewalk​ DETOURS: No Vehicle Detours No Pedestrian Detours