HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-02-24_cityofsanrafael_d0fb48dc7321f2ac2f421275b240df77Steve Stafford
Dear Steve,
Wendy Levine <wendytevine@gmail.com>
Monday, October 27, 2014 10:27 PM
Steve Stafford
Support for Mark Day Sc hool Project
We are writing to express our support for Mark Day School's proposed learning Commons and Creativity lab. As San
Rafael residents for over a de~de, we see that these campus enhancements will be a great asset to the community.
Also, our two children attend Mark Day School.
The school has a -long history In San Rafael. It was first established in 1980 in the LUCilS Valley neighborhood by families
who were members of th e Church of the Redeemer In the Glenwood neighborhood. Today, 43 percent of Mark Day
School students are from San Rafael and it is an employer of many San Rafael re sidents, Wendy included.
The learning Commons and Creativity lab will open new doors for students and tea che rs, allowing them to utilize more
modern and fle xible spaces and tools . This project w ill help create a 21st century learning experience for all stude nts-
from kindergarteners th r ough 8th graders.
Mark Day SChoo'l prides itself on having a positive relati o nship with its neighbors that is based on respect for one
another. We believe that the design and purpose ofthe Learning Commons and Creativity Lab is in keeping with this
relationship. Two local Terra Linda schools-Terra Linda High School and St. Isabella's-have buildings that are two
stories high or are of equivalent height on their campuses. We respectfully ask you and the Design Review Board
members to support this project.
Wendy and Marc Levine
San Rafael, CA
Nichole Mullen
48 Trellis Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
.. ·;St€iv,e Stafford .
)~ssociate Planner, City of San Rafael
5fCommunity Development Department, Planning Division
P.O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915
October 26, 2014
Dear Mr. Stafford,
. I am opposed to the design of the proposed construction at Mark
Day School, 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA~
The design is out of scale and does not integrate with the character
of the neighborhood. The slats on the roof are industrial looking.
The architects describe it as modern and contemporary -there is
nothing modern or contemporary about our neig·hborhood.
The apllicanthas repeatedly proposed trees to hide the architectural
elements, but the building is so large right next to a parking lot.
How do you hide an 11,270 square. foot building with landscaping?
Why not just create a .. building that dqes fit in with the character of ..
the neighborhood and preserves privacy and views? Trees or· no
trees, ·the bUilding as proposed will block the neighborhoods' view of
the hills and sunrise and afford second story views into homes.
Trees ·will lose leaves in the wiriter, again exposing all the
architectural elements.
The school is uniquely positioned within 100 feet of neighboring
homes -small, ranch style, single-family homes, most under 1,500
sq ft. I can't think of any location in Terra Linda where single family
homes are within 100 feet of a multi story· 11,000 sq ft office or
school building. The renderings and stqry ·poles have ·made it clear
that the building would be completely out of place and invasive.
Please shar.e this letter with the Design Review Board and The
OCT 30 Z014
Nichole Mullen PLANNING
Steve Stafford
Ms carol ross <marincarol@yahoo.com>
Friday, October 24, 2014 10;15 AM
Steve Stafford
Subject: Mark Da y C.onstruction
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner, City of Sa n Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Dr ive , San Rafae l,. CA
Attn.: To 8e shared with t he city of San Rafael De sign Review Board and Pla nning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to i nfo rm you of my opposition to the propose d construction at Mark Day SchooL
The multi~story, 11,270 squar.e foot design for a busi ness buil ding in a residential community is almost three times t he s ize
of the existing discreet building. It Is out of scale for the neighborhood and the designed building will:
• Create an Industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly into their homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively Impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make i:nprovements to their leased property in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of. If bu ilt , the community will never regai n what will be lost.
Thank you
carol ross
terra linda resident
Steve Stafford
Joan Robideaux <joanjbird@aoLcom>
Friday, October 24, 2014 11:10 AM
Steve Stafford
Mark Day School
Looking at the plans for changing the site of Mark Day School looks like overkill to me,
I ha ve li ved in the ne ighborhood since 1974 and it seems since Don Tim went o ut of
that location its been one thing after another... ......... one bigger than Ihe olher. We
don't need a monster build ing fight in the middle of our neighborhoo d.
You have no idea of what we put up with now. I have to schedule appointments
around times when the school lets out. I have yet to have someone give me
right of way trying to back out of my driveway. I actually stopped traffic one day so
a friend could [eave .................. .
Please take into considerat ion the people in the neighborhood and don't let them
build these monsters. We are well aware of their presence .",,"
Joan Robideaux
1 a Trell is Drive
Steve Stafford
Diana Steinbach <steinbachdiana@gmaiLcom>
Thursday, October 23, 2014 10:18 PM
Steve Stafford
Re: Opposition' to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Drive, San
Rafael, CA
To be shared with the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am a resident of Terra Linda and J am writing to inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day
The multi"story 11,270 square foot design for the building in a residential community Is almost thre e times the size of the
exist ing building. It will create an industrial feel in our resident ial ne ighborhood whIch is compr ised primari ly of single
story homes and it may negatively affect property values.
I ask t hat Mark Day School make impro vemen ts to the ir teased property in a way that works with and respects the
surrounding commun ity If built, the commun ity will never regain what will be lost.
Thank you.
Diana Steinbach
325 Arias Street
San Rafael, CA 94903
ste inbachd iana@gma il .com
Steve Stafford
779 Del Ganado Road
'San Rafael, CA 94903
October 24, 2014
Mr. Steve Stafford
Planning Department
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Carolyn Lenert <carolynrealestate@msn.com>
Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:28 PM
Steve Stafford
Mark Day School, 39 Trellis, San Rafael
Attn.: Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Re: Proposed Development at 39 Trellis, San Rafael
Dear Steve:
I have reviewed the plans to replace the 3900+ single-story building at the front of the Mark Day School
with a two-story+ 11,000+ sq. ft. building,
The proposed development is very much OUT OF SCALE and lacks context with the existing neighbors---
and 50---15 inappropriate at this location.
The proposal results in a loss of light, views and privacy for the neighbors; and so devalues those
It also appears to violate the Dixie School District Master Plan guidelines---and its tradition of
neighborhood, not regional, schools.
In addition, the North San R9-fael Vision outlines the values, qualities and features important to the Terra
Linda community and its setting.
It is important that the Mark Day School tenant be referred to this source for further guidance in this
suburban location.
In fact, the Vision expresses many of the same pillars of character chosen by Mark Day School:
"Honesty, Respect, Caring, Fairness, Citizenship, Courage, and Responsibility
were selected as foundational values."
The neighborhood deserves the same respect, caring, fairness and responsibility from the
leadership of the archi'tect ehdd.,
Mark Day School and the Dixie School District/landowner with which they would like to be
The City of San Rafael has a long history and fine legacy of considering the context and scale of
the built
environment across the various neighborhoods in our City. This is not the time ... nor the
place ... to make an exception.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Lenert
Steve Stafford
Amy Fisher <amy@xavierstudio.com>
Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:20 AM
Steve Stafford
Subject: Opposition to Mark Day School Construct ion
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner, City of San Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael , CA 949 15
RE: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trell is Drive, San Rafae l, CA
To Be shared with the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am w riting to inform you o f my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi-story, 11,270 square foot design for a business building in a residential community is almost three times the size
of the existing discreet building. It is out of scale for the neighborhood and the designed building will:
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly into their homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neigh bo ring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict w ith the original i ntent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of. If built, the community will never regain what will be lost
Thank you
Amy Fishel" Probst
587 Thornwood Terrace . san Rafae l, CA 94903
w: 415.448.5882 • c: 41S.637.1392 • f: 41S.S78-285?
Steve Stafford
Kimberly Hancher <kimhancher@gmail,com>
Monday, October 20, 2014 11 :18 AM
To: Steve Stafford
Subject: Opposition to the proposed contruction at Mark Day School
From :
Kim Hancher
20 Hillside Ave
San Ralael, CA 94901
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner, City of San Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
To Be shared with the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to Inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Marl< Day School.
The mu lt i·story, 11,270 square foo t des ign for a bus iness building in a res idential comm unily is almost three times the size
of the exisling discreet bui lding. It is out of scale fo r the neighborhood and the designed building will:
• Create an industrial feel in a residen tia l community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly Into their homes
• Block v iews of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who wa lk by
• Ne:gatively impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of. If built, the community will never regain what will be lost.
Thank you,
Kim Hancher
EMAIL TO: steve.stafford@cityofsanrafael.org
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner, City of San Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 rrellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
To be shared with the city of San Rafael Design R~view Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School. Their
proposed structure is absolutely ridiculous! I am absolutely positive the parents of the students who
attend this school would never stand for such a structure in their neighborhoods!
The multi-story, 11,270 square foot design for a business building in a residential community is almost
three times the size of the existing discreet building. It is out of scale for the neighborhood and the
designed building will:
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community . .
• ·Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly into their homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works with the
surrounding community they are a part of. If built, the community will never regain what will be lost.
Heidi O'Doherty
October 20,2014
Carmen P. Irizarry
31 Trellis Drive
San Rafael, CA 94904 .
crmn rzrry@yahoo.com
Steve Stafford, Associate Planner
Community Development Department, Planning Division
City of San Rafael
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
In reference to project File # CDR14-004
39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
Mark Day School
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I would like to join my neighbors in expressing our strong opposition to the the proposed
demolition of a 3,935 square-foot,· single story building for the construction of a 11,250
square-foot, multi-story building with a maximum height of 29 feet above finished
grade. The prospect of this 11,270 foot, multi-story building loom'ing over a residential
neighborhood with a majority of single-story homes like my own, is grossly
Mark Day School is located directly behind my home, its current building barely visible
from my yard and home. The proposed much larger and taller building would be clearly
visible from my yard, living room, dining room and master bedroom. I have serious
concerns regarding the proposed building overlooking into my yard and home, with its
obvious privacy issues as well as adverse impact on the quality of light and views into
my yard and home. I share my neighbors concerns regarding similar adverse
consequences of this proposed building on our Terra Linda neighborhood and
community as a whole. '
We are asking that the City of San Rafael decline to approve the building of this
11 ,250square-foot, multi-story building in our residential community.
Please share this information with the Design Review Board and the Planning
Commission. We very much appreciate your assistance and attention to this matter.
Carmen P. Irizarry
Steve Stafford
Theresa Brady <:theresa@baybrady.org>
Monday, October 20, 2014 7:43 AM
Steve Stafford
Subject: Re: Opposit ion to"th e p roposed construct ion a t Mark Day Sc hool. 39 Trellis Drive, San
Rafael, CA
Apologies for omitting OUI address. I accidentally deleted it before hitt in g 'send '.
615 Tarragon Drive
San Rafael , Ci\ 94903
On Oct 20, 2014, at 7:41 AM, Steve Staflord <Steve.Slaffo rd@cityofsanrafael.org>wrote:
Thank you for your comm ents, Mr. & Mrs. Brady. In order to attribute th~se accurat ely, plea se provi de
your address.
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner
CitY of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Avenue
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
415.458.5048 (0)
415.485.3184 (I)
From: Theresa Brady [mallto:theresa @ba ybrady.org)
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 20148:45 PM
To: Steve Stafford
Subject: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School, 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
Dear Mr. Stafford ,
We arc writing to inform you of our oppos itio n to the proposCd con struction at Mark Day School.
The mUlti-story. 11 ,270 sq uare foot des ign fo r a business build in g in a res ident ial commUll ity is almost three times
the size of the existing discr eet building. It is out ofscalo for the ne ighborhood and the de signe d bui lding wil l:
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second Slo,ry vi ews directly into their homes
• Blo ck views oflhe tree s and hills fo r ne ighboring homes and all who wa lk by
• Negatively impact prop elty values
Steve Stafford
Dear Mr. Stafford,
Joshua Nadelberg <jnadelberg@gmail.com>
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:24 PM
Steve Stafford
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Drive, San
Rafael, CA To Be shared with the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning
Commis sion
I am writing to infonTI you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi~story, 11,270 square foot design for a business building in a residential community is almost three
times the size of the existing discreet building. It is out of scale for the neighborhood and the designed building
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly into their homes
• Block views ofthe trees and hills for neighb oring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works w ith the
surrounding community they arc a part of. If built, the community will never regain what will be lost.
Thank you
Josh Nadelberg
691 Del Ganado Rd
San Rafael CA 94903
. Sent from my iPhone
OCT 27 2014
October 20,2014
Carmen P. Irizarry
31 Trellis Drive
San Rafael, CA 94904
.: crmn rzrry@yahoo.com
Steve Stafford, Associate Planner
Community Development Department, Planning Division
City of San Rafael
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
In reference to project File # CDR14-004
39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
Mark Day School
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I would like to join my neighbors in expressing our strong opposition to the the proposed
demolition of a 3,935 square-foot, single story building for the construction of a 11,250
square-foot, multi-story building with a maximum height of 29 feet above finished
grade. The prospect of this 11,270 foot, multi-story building looming over a residential
neighborhood with a majority of single-story homes like my own, is grossly
Mark Day School is located directly behind my home, its current building barely visible
from my yard and home. The proposed much larger and taller building would be clearly
visible from my yard, living room, dining room and master bedroom. I have serious
concerns regarding the proposed building overlooking into my yard and home, with its
obvious privacy issues as well as adverse impact on the quality of light and views into
my yard and home. I share my neighbors concerns regarding similar adverse
consequences of this proposed building on our Terra Linda neighborhood and
community as a whole. .
We are asking that the City of San Rafael decline to approve the building of this
11,250 square-foot, multi-story building in our residential community.
Please share this information with the Design Review Board and the Planning
Commission. We very much appreciate your assistance and attention to this matter.
Steve Stafford
To: Conal a ' Doherty
Subject: RE: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Tre))is Driv'e, San
Rafael, CA To Be shared with the city of San Rafael Des ign Review Board and Planning
From: Conal 0 ' Doherty [mailto:odcona l@gOla iLcom)
5ent: Monday, October 20, 2014 9:04 AM
To: Steve Stafford
Subject: Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trelli s Drive, San Rafael, CA To Be shared
with the city of San Rafae l Design Review Board and Planning Commission
337 Arias St. San Rafael, CA 94903.
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Steve Stafford <Steve.Stafford@citvofsanrafael.org> wrote:
Thank you for your comments, Conal. In order to attr ib ute your comme n ts acc urate ly, please provide your address.
Steve '
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner
City of San Rafael.
1400 Fifth Avenue
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
415.458.5048 (0)
415.485.3184 (f)
From: Conal 0' Doherty [mallto:ocIconal@gmail.com]
sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:12 PM
To: Steve Stafford
Subject: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mar k Day School 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA To Be shared with·
the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi-story, 11,270 square foot design for a business building in a res idential community is almost three times the size
of the existing discreet build ing . It is out of scale for the ne ighbomood and the designed bullding wilt
• .Create an industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of ne ighbors with second story views d irectly into th.eir homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to .their I~ased property in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of. If built, the community will never regain what will be lost.
Join me:
Steve Stafford
Jenn Macievich <jennsm2l@hotmail.com>
Monday, October 20, 2014 7:50 AM
Steve Stafford
Subject: Re: Opposition to mark day school building
Jennifer Macievich
872 Las Pavadas Ave
San Rafael, CA 94903
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 20,2014, at 7:42 AM, IIStcve Stafford" <Steve.Stafford@cityofsanrafael.org>wrote:
Thank you for your comments, Ms. Macievich. In order to attribute your comments accurately, please
provide your address.
Steve Stafford
Associate Planner
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Avenue
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
415.458.5048 (0)
415.485.3184 (f)
From: Jenn Macievich [mailto:jennsm21@hotmail.com}
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:29 PM
To: Steve Stafford
Subject: Opposition to mark day school building
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to infonn you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
Th ult' ory, ,27 qua oot sig r a ine buil resi ntia comrHunity IS
three times size of the existi~g discreet bui lding. It is out of scale the
nei or d a he ign bui g W
C e a dus al f m a side ale m y
• of neighbors wIth "'''' .. 'vuu story VIews dIrectly mto theIr homes
s ofthe tr and h'ns . nel on hom an 1 W wal y
N tiv imp pr rty ues
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask Mark Day School make improvements to
wit he S oun g c mu' y th are art If
what be
leased property a way that works
t, t com nit ill er r am
Steve Stafford
Dear Mr. Stafford:
je nn ifersusa nha le@gmail.com on behalf of Je nnifer Ha le Ockner
<jennifer@japantoursandtra ve l.com >
Monday, October 20, 2014 1:50 PM
Steve Stafford
Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Tre lli s Drive, San
Rafael, CA
I am writing to inform you of my opposition to t h e proposed co nstruc t ion at Mark Day School.
Our neighborhood of Terra Linda, where we have lived for 7 years since moving from San Francisco, maintains its unique
charm largely through excellent planning and carefully chosen architecture.
Mark Day School's proposed mult j·story. 11,270 sq ua re foot design is almost three times the size of the eXisting discreet
building. Its proportions are entirely out of scale for the neighborhood and the designed building will:
-Create an in dustrial feel in a quaint residential community
-Inv ade privacy of ne ighbors with second story v iews directly into their homes
-Block views of the tree s and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
-Negatively impact property values
-Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of.
If built, the community can never regain what will be lost.
Thank you,
Jennifer Ockner
107 Esmeyer Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Steve Stafford
Ann Krinitsky
72 Trellis Dr
Steve Stafford
Associate PlaMer, City of San Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
Ann Krinitsky <:akrinits@aol.com>
Monday, October 20, 2014 11:16 AM
Steve Stafford
Mark Day School proposed construction
Re: Opposition to tIle proposed construction at Mark Day Schoo l 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
To Be shared with lhe city of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Com mission .
Dear:Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to inform you afmy opposition to the propo sed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi-story, 11 .270 square foot design for a busin ess building in a residential communily is almost three times the size of the
existing discreet building. It is out of sca le for the"neighborhood and (he des igned building will:
• Create an industrial feet in a res idential community
• Invade privacy ofneighboJ's with second story views di.rectly into their homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property vAlues
• Conflict with the original in te nt of the Ten-a Linda MASter plan ofneighborllOodschools
I ask th at Mark Day Schoo l make improvements to !.h eir leased p roperty in a way that wor~ with th e s urrounding community the y are
a part of. lfbuilt, the community will never regain whal wi ll be lost.
Thank you,
Ann Krinitsky
Steve Stafford
Satya Ross <rub yred 129@yahoo.com>
Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:07 PM
Steve Stafford
Subject: Fwd: Opposition to Mark Day School Construction
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Terra Linda Cares <terralindacares@yahoo.com>
Date: October 19,2014 at l:56:41 PM PDT
To: "terralindacares@yahoo.com" <tcrralindacare s@yahoo.com>
Subject: Opposition to Mark Day School COllsh'uction
lleply-To: Terra Linda Cares <terralindacares@yahoo.com>
From :
Sa t ya Ross
6 trellis dr San Rafael ca 94903
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
To Be shared with the c ity of San Rafael Design Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Stafford,
I am writing to inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi-story, 11 .270 square foot design for a business bu ilding in a residentia l community is almost
three times the size of the exist ing discreet bu ilding. It is out of scale for the neighborhood and the
designed building will:
• Create an industrial feel in a res idential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views direct ly into the ir homes
• Block views of the trees and hills for neighbor ing homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict with the original intent of the Terra Linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way tha t works wi th the
surrounding community they are a part of. If bui lt, the community will never regai n wha t will be los t.
Thank you
Steve Stafford
M att hew Mullen <maUya nza@g m aiJ.co m>
Su nd ay, Oct ober 19, 201 4 6:58 PM
Ste ve Stafford
Subject: M ark's Day Schoo l Constru ct ion plans
Dear Mr. Stafford ,
As a resident of Terra Linda, I am very much against the proposed
design of the Mark Day School addition.
Seeing the rendering of the building I couldn't believe it. I thought it
was a typo when I read it would be 11 ,000 sq. ft.
A building of this size does not fit with the current feel of our
neighborhood. It is too big, too close to the street. My only
guess is that Mark Day School wants everyone driving by to see their
school. There has to be some compromise. It needs to be
scaled down or moved back. The story poll s that went up this week
show how it towers over the neighboring HOUSES. Many
neighbors will have their privacy invaded . Personally, my view of
the hills and sun and trees will be damaged forever.
This could not be the intent of our neighborhood zoning laws. I am
willing to work with MDS, but they don't seem to have considered
the neighbors in putting forward this inappropriate design.
If you could share my comments with the design review board and
plaruling conmlission it would be appreciated.
Thanks and regards ,
Matthew Mullen, 48 Trellis Drive, San Rafael, CA
Steve Stafford
Lee B FitzGerald <Ieebfitzg erald@yah oo,co m>
Sunday, October 19, 20144:15 PM
Steve Stafforrl
Associate Planner, City of San Ra fael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
Steve Stafford
Mark Day School proposa l
Re: Opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day Schoo l 39 Trelli s Drive, San Rafael, CA
To Be shared with the city of San Rafael Desib,'1l Review Board and Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Siafford,
I am writing to in fa nn you cfmy opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
Please share my remarks with the Design Review Board, as I am unable to attend the November mee,ting.
The multi-story, 11 ,270 square foot design for a business building in a resid en tiAl community is al most three times th e size o f the
e xi s ting discreet building.
It is out of scale fo r the neighborhood and flle des igned build ing w ill:
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community
• Invade privacy of neighbors with second story views directly into their homes
• Block vi ews of the trees and hills for neighborin g homes and all wh o walk by
• NegBtively impact property values
• Conflict with the original inte nt ofilie Ten'a Linda M aster plan o f neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make im prove ments to their leas ed property hI a way that works wi1h 1he s urrounding community they are
a part of. Ifbuilt, the community willilever regain what will be lost.
Specifically I fee l that the 2 story building as designed is not attractive, appears to be too massive. and it does not fit in with the
existing residenti a l arch itecture.
Unlike the gym building which bl ends in nicely. the des ign of the n ew bu il d in g a ppears complete ly u urelated to the exist ing s tructures.
The clerestory ele ments. in particular, add a very hard, heavy and iuduSlria l look to t he fac ade.
It appears that the plan shows the new building will move much closer to the existhlg sido walk in front, resulting in the e limination of
the existing mature trees.
I strongly oppose this element o f the p lan, as it wil11ake decades for any new trees to reach maturity required to help to m itigate the
e normity of the pl anned structure.
Lee FitzGerald
Homeowner at 60 Trellis Drive for 26 years
San Rafael. California 94903
Octob er 19.2014
Steve Stafford
Dear Mr. Stafford:
Mary Sackett <marymarg aretlO@hotmail.com>
Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:37 PM
Steve Stafford
Opposition to Mark Day School Construction
Please share with the city of San Rafael Design Review Board and P lanning Commission
I am writing to inform you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi·story, 11 ,270 square foot design for a business building in a residential community is out of
scale for the neighborhood. The current design creates a commercial feeling in the middle of a quiet
res idential ne ighborhood. Add itionally the current Mark Day design Conflicts with the origi nal intent of the
Terra Lind a Master plan of nei ghborhood schools.
Please consider the neighborhood and insist that Mark Day School make improvements to their leased property in a way that works
with the surrounding community. I look forward tq Berin g from you.
Mary Sackett
8591as pavadas ave
San Rafael, ea 94903
Steve Stafford
Regan Nadelberg
691 Del Ganado Road
San Rafael , CA 94903
Steve Stafford
Regan NadeJberg <regannadelber g@gmaitcom>
Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:28 PM
Steve Stafford
Opposition to proposed construction at Mark Day School 39 Trellis Drive, Sa n Rafael CA
To Be shared with the City of San Rafael De sign Rev i ew Board and Pl anning Commissoin
Associate P~nner, City of San Rafael
PO Box 151560
San Rafael , CA 94915
Dear Mr. Stafford',
I am writing to i n form you of my opposition to the proposed construction at Mark Day School.
The multi-story, 11,270 square foot design for a business building in a residentia l community is almost three times the siz e
of the existing discreet building. It is out of scale for the neighborhood and the designed building will:
• Create an industrial feel in a residential community
-Invade privacy of neighbors w ith second story views d i rectly into their homes
-Block views of the trees and hills for neighboring homes and all who walk by
• Negatively impact property values
• Conflict w ith the original intent of the Terra linda Master plan of neighborhood schools
I ask that Mark Day School make improvements to thei r leased p ro perty in a way that works with the surrounding
community they are a part of. If built. the community will never regain what will ~e lost.
Thank you,
Regan Na delberg
Steve Stafford
Greetings Mr. Stafford,
Me <brainstonn2o@live.com>
Wedn es day, October IS, 2014 4:18 PM
Steve Staf ford
superintendent@dixieschooldistrict.org; terra li nda cares@yahoo.com
RE: Keep our communi ty a neig hborhood!
The i ss ue Is: Renderings and Plan for Mark Day School Const ruction
Hope this works.
I do, h ere, grant you permission to use this and the previous e mail -below -sent to your
attention regarding the above stated project: Renderings and Plan for Mark Day School
Construction, to be used. in a review by the City DeSign Review Board and the Plan'ning
Commission only. '
I believe that T erra Linda is being affected already, the c rime ha s increased in the last
year, and the community is no longer safe as it used to be. Therefore, this particular
project would definitely i mpact the whole 'communlty, as I have previously stated on my
first email:
Changes the community surroundings, Ke ep Our Community a Neighborhood!!I!!
Devaluates our prope r ty values
More influ x of mor e people moving in to the area
More influx of children into our already full schodls, they are barely handling it right now
More crime, as if we don't ha ve enough robberies and other matte rs occurring already
Thus, there is n't enough personnel in our Police Depa rtment as it is, so more people
won't mean more money to t he city, It would mean more work and trouble all around.
Thus, I wish for you and the City Design Review Board and the Planning Commission to
take into consideration the impact tha t it wo uld be causing th e city of San Rafael overall,
blUI r,sl;i~'N ~Il p:--Cj2:::: by \2rHl~ f,)( j;::...; r23:GCnt~ 3:lj tL:t:J.:3 re8id~<1':;-'; .-(IInhGLr
d'i'(QH'r ';(Jt(/'u cl~yl~ €r-:\'i:onn"'er.t, (-iIHI f,)( t:l,s 3JIE:.ty o~ 3:1.
h MPfrie CarrwiEmu un,y, 7,/(. i..ft-rr,JE.:icn 'r,'nT'it'''!'' ree'vl'i)
i,-, hhrird ')MI," IN '1."e b,V tne inolviJucli 0, Gdt,;} Ie.. ~.h::;I: it if,
~dJrvs";l.j, r /.')£ (raier "f 'hi, '11'1S<;9gA ii, nOl tn£: irll'e,)0eJ I 8t,!,t:e, JI,
you art: I,e,e,,} n..;tl,kd ;h..li 3 .. )i TClhv', -e'-21t7'iS~i(l11 olssemJIJdtiuII,
c'is'ri')!lfj(ln cG[lymv urutll&,"L,Sv ",r, DI t~k:,I!, c',,'n;' -e'fC'l in 'e'h?')re
lpOfT tt if' irf("["1a'j0'1 is strict!,v prOIJlUiteu, d yOu ua,,,-r(.c,Jii. eJ ('lh
("olal,nn.:;t.lLr. iI', e:nr, r:'crs') -01t,9C' t~e S"f](:fR( arId dr;/&ie tl,a ,r,Jls:31
from YOUI (;()II)j>u,el
~ ~ )b\b-1L I FROM Name(S):j (")b '" A. r\ ~\A ~G ",'_It)
Address: -A-:± I?~' \ j-~; ~r i \f-£:' '. (O\~(;v{9
s,.'b ~CA-P()\-e.J LA l\ 4Lj 0 ~ ) .
I/we, the under signed, wish to express to the City of San Rafael, The Dixie Scho'ol
District, Mark Day School and all other appropriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed two story building on the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive. !/we believe the construction of any two story building on the
campus of Mark Day School would be contrary to the essential'character C!f the existing
neighborhood as originally planned and established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood Consisting of predominately single story residential constructions with a
local community school which was also a low profile single story design ..
Additional Comments:
I/we, the under signed, wish10· express to the City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
District, Mark Oay School and all other appropriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the ~urrently proposed two story building on the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive. I/we believe the construction of any two story building on the
campus of Mark Day School would be contrary to the essential character of the existing
neighborhood as originally planned and established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood consisting of predominately single story residential constructions with a
local community school whkh was also a tow profile single story design.
Additional Comments:
I· .. ··,
we e de 'gn w' to xpr s t he y Sa Rafa IT The Dixie School District
Mark School and other appropriate parties Interest that I/we
pp e t cu nt pro se w tor
rei' Dr' ,I e liev the I)st ct'
ui ng th sch I p pe 10 ted t 3
of any two story building on the campus
question would be contrary t~ the' essential character of the existmg nelghborhoo
S 0 In pi ne nd sta sh ov fif ye ag T b g a eig or od
on 'tin of predominately single~tory residential constructions with a local
commullIty school which was also a low profile single story esign,
'#' /,
gne , (, ",' . r' ..,
\.J-.J'U \ ()--{_:'AJU~~.!·.) l" \., :.~
.7{) CV'L-~ >~'Q~ _ _ __
_t:::: 1).-;ZYJ-rYr"vLeh~~-=--) __
I/we, the under signed, wish to express to the of San The Dixie School
Istn ! M k S 001 nd ot r a ro ate om un' pa es int est hat
we pp th cur ntl ro se wo or uil 'ng th ch 1 propert located
at 39 Trellis Drive. I/we believe the construction of any two story building on the
m s 0 a Da ch w Id co rar 0 t e nr ch ct of e e tin
eig or od or' 'nail pia ed nd tablished over fift years ago' that being
neighborhood consisting predominately story residential constructions VIIIt' a
10 co m ty 0 wh' w als a 10 pr Ie gle or es .
!\dditiollal Comments: C.Q_';;c::Nr;J /l~---t.Cd~il-"-~TV (L /~/~~<r--U-~ I
,-.vV-" eL...A L-1.)"t/1 r .. r >-.~ vLA--~ -"~ r. {IO, d-.J.-. ..<2~v---,-
:::t:... L ~ A~ • -p '/'I j 0-". 0-1Y -V )
Signed: :U-+" _ (K-_.11 U 6
FROM Name(s): I) i1 n ~ ""li ~ t ~G2-r; n c ble ~
Address: -.!::J'f.~)L-7-~=--l-rt{L.~:::"~ b<~J-..seL-bC-!...:::!oJ!'4:.s..'t~.a~.....lIV..~cf'::f------
~ +N: A I} £tt t:-? (J It: S <-t gog ..
(/we, the under signed) wish to elCpress to the-City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
District, Mark Day School and al\ other appropriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the. currently-proposed two story bullding On the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive. Ilwe believe the construction of any two story building on the
campus of Mark Day Sch~ol would-be contrary to the essential character of the existing
neighborhood as originally planhed and established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood consisting of predo~inately single story residential constructions with a
local community school which was also a tow profile single story design.
Additional Comments:
Signed: /"t-----,t:r--
FROM Name(s): ~O·F;,E.-~I ~ ~1\1Je. lNE MA \-{1141 t
Address: l () \ T\'<.E-t.L.\ S 'D it
21\,.,\ t~&f'I\E-L CA '14Qo3
'/we, the under signed, wish to express to the City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
District, Mark Day School al1d all other appropriate comMunity-parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed t'!'o story building on the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive. I/w~ believe the construction of any two story building on the
-campus of Mark Day Schoof would ~e contrary to the essential character ofthe existing
neighborhood as originally planned"a~d -established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood consisting of predorr:{~ij~i~islngle story residential constructions with a
tocal community school which was also~w profile single story design.
Additional Comments:
<:.. "J __ -Al L r -',~ J v t \r'-'~'-m ;5), , ~I '~_f:::r .L II, . ~ .
Address:, ~~!-__ TCc-J-',j.t L~ f ~ V E.. ~c~J\_ ~"'Rf~PJ i-=C~I-=-~-~ - --
!,we the unaer signea wisn to express to tne City of San RalaelrTlte Dixie SCI .00. District,
IVI3tK. Day School and all other avpropnate COlllfllumty of mteres that I, we
OjJpose tile currently proposed two uuhuin5 on tt.e SCdooil'ropert J 10 at j 3 ....
" rel,ls Drive. I["ve JetlE:ve tl.e cons ruc ion o. any t\,.o or y bid. g n . Ie al .. p
ljues 10n wou! ... b co tr rv 0 "..Ie 55 nt I .ia ct r . tt. e 1St g e' ant rf. D_
o gl allyp\ n d nt.es b. h J·e fif.y''i ar a~, ha b nb il'".b 11 od
n st g .' r-ec. rr .. la 1'1 in.)e to, / r sit. n, al on tr ti ns ,vi --a .oel
mmu it', sc .. oo, w .. cL w a, 0 10.ll o1,e ng, s. r', de ig
/.~""" I 4 "/} . ",' \ ~ROM NClme(sF_'.:::' Q. '~r~ 1'2.< _~"Q,~.~cj\.t-Q ~ _ : \J ,=
Ad es _ j it _ '1 . .-,(> \, ~~ Dr '
5~t\ f~c-\i~\ ';"~', ~-"-.. -"-
I/we the under 'gn d isr to x re t" t~ eye S n I, h Oi e h 01 is Ie I
Mark Day SchoOl aWl all otlJeap ro ri eon' m it p ti 0" in r la / e
opnose tne curr~ntl proposer! t,,,o 0 b 'Id' g n '1e cr o')r le y' C e,' at 9
Trellis Drive. I/we believe tt,e co t ct' n f y w st y Luil.\in 0 H C 11 us 'n
ques~i~n would he contr!!!" to the eooe tia ' ch ra e f '1e xi in n 'gl ')0 '10 d
as originally planned..ruirl es~hlishe(l ?~fifty e 5 0 Tr t '-ei -: a ne' hLor' 00 '
consisting of pre£l6'minately/single sfory resi' nti I c ~struct"o w'''h I al / 1 •.
community sgOI which i as alsr low pr file singrlstfop(.Jje 'g
Igned: I I / t 1 / i---'7-~ ( / / (j' -..J..-L_-
( -• I>' --c. -II ... Camments;~ -~. ---'"111"/,/1
\ b
/ r '
fROM Name(s]: S;:-. J1Jiv;,'r-%'j& ~
Address: l.f~ 7e;r.t?'L---I .. I. III.. c!d_--10 r .
<{'if,). 3
l/we, the under signed, wish to express to the City of 5an Rafael, The Dixi e School
District, Mark Day School and all other appropriate community parties of Interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed two storv building at. the school property loca ted
at 39 Trell is Drive. I/we believe the c,onstructlon of any two story buHding on the
campus of Mark Day School would -b e'corjir~ry to the essential character of the exjsli ng
neighborhood as originally planned anpe'WabHshed over fifty years ago; that beIng a
neIghborhood consisting of predolt!.iD.a~·&-5\.11g:le story residential cohs.trt.lctions with a
local community school which was alsb~.I O:w profile single story design .
. _."
Additl ooolComm""'-+ci ~ '" '.i,e" ,. 'I J .' ·L I. ./. I f..12--r'l'&?r-tJ5.~(L. Du, (1I'~ IS (7)0 lO'a-~ 'H~ ivLi.,l;...h_rtJaod, ''}i "-,>1r...a:-,,,,,,,i ~S/{k.<-U
""'~ l}A..u..-J--/ t,--!Icif.e <t ~;T' ql'-=, 'v.e..,
... ::;;!'"
'. -fA .: .... ~,:.I~. ~.( 'i •. ;··<:it~\.J; .
, t~~~j/!~~~;~(S):; 1-.. '··
"'.' Address: _---""""""~~-=::o:.!.~~.!.2.~__L.:~JD.~ ______ _
I/we, the under signed, wish ~o express to the City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
District, Mark Day School and all other appropriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed two story building on the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive, I/we believe the construction of any two story building on the
campus of Mark Day School would be 'contrary to the essential character of the existing
neighborhood as originally pla.nned and established over fifty years ago; that being a
. neighborhood consisting of predominately single story residential constructions with a
local community school which was also a low profile single story design.
Additional Comments:
FROM Name(s): __ 'J..).~ ·.j)LAL.';~>.tt!U!tM!£I.-+f5.L.... ~(I....:4JI t:~V\-I~LI.=:-_____ --
Address: __ 2.J-:.'1~U~A.r~.,:L!.I'.a.(j.Aj,~..:I$y·t~· ---~-----
:)4r\d-~l! faed I LA q1 C\. D ~
I/we, the under signed, wish to express tothe City of San Rafael, The Dixie School .
District, Mark Day School and all other appropriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed two story building on the school property located
at 39-Trellis Drive. I/we believe the ~onstruction of any two story I::luilding on the
campus of Mark Day School would be contrary to the essential character of the existing
neighborhood as originally planned and established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood consisting of predominately single story residenti·al constructions with a
local community school which was also a low profile single story design.
Additional Comments:
I/we, the under signed, w ish to elCpress to the City of San Raf~e l, Th e Dixie Schoo1
DIstrict, Mark Day School and all othet a ppropriate community pa rties ofinteresl, th at
I/we oppese th e currently proposed two story building on th e-s choot property iocat e d
a t 39 Tre llis Dr ive. I/we believe the construction of any two story build ing on t he
campus of Mark Day School would be contrary to the es senti al chara cter of the existing
n e ighborhood as originally planned and established ove r fifty years ago; th at being a
neighborhood consisting of predominately sing le story resid e ntial constructions with a
local community school which was·-al so a low p ro file s ingle story desls n.
Ad dition al Co mme nts: .
,./ ... -"
FROM Name(s): _L !-"'
l/we, the und er signed, wish to express to the City of Sa n Rafael, Th e Dixie Scho ol
DIstrict , Ma rk Day Scho ol and all other a ppropriate community parties o f int e rest. that
f/we oppose the currently proposed two story buildIng on the s chool property located
a t 39 Trellis Dr ive. I/we believe the co n st ruction of a ny two story building on the
ca mpu s of Mark Day Scho ol w o uld be contrary to th e ess en t ia l character of the existIng
neighbo rh ood as orI ginally p lan n2d and establis hed over fifty years ago; that being a
neighb o rhood con si sting of predominately single story resIdential cot)structlons w ith a
lo cal comm un ity school which was also a low profile single story d eslgn.
Additional C(l mme!l\s:
Signed :
· 7/'\ -;
fROM Name (s), ...Lj'::7lC~"--"=<---"'-7'>-r----I!' • 1::: ~ 'L ---7 -.~ ~/ .\1; (V __ ;d.~1_ ~-tfi-) /i ~"j
:,,/ / A' /' lfjLh-
__ .~t_,c;t.--~~;/ J' l I ' 1[3
7 .Ii
t, e h un er 'gn d, is to xp 55 4the City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
'st 't, aDS ho I and all other appropriate community parties mteres, th
('we pose the currently proposed two story buildmg the sch 01 pro rt 10 te
at 39 Trellis Drive. I/we believe the construction-o any tw s ry ui in on he
campus of Mark Day Schoo would e nt ry o' e se ti ch ra er ft e 'sf g
neithbor 00 a or gin Iy a e n es bl' he 0 r' ty ea a i that being
ig bo 0 c ns tin 0 re 0 'na Iy in e or esidenti(J1 constructions with a
ca 0 m it sc 00 wh' h . as Is low rofile single story design.
di' nat Co ments;
FROM Narne(s):.
l 'AIi t' I I iI
.It 7 C. ) L' I.
I/we, 'the"under signed, wis to express to h City of an a el, he Dix S 0
is ric, M k ay ch I d I he ap ro ia c m n p rti 0 'nt re t t
/w a 0 t c re Iy ro os to or bu' dio th sc 00 pr e at
t T IIi Dr" e, Iw b 'ev th c st cf nay t 0 tor buildin on the
a pu of a k D S hool would be contrary the essential character of the existing
nelohborhood as originally and established over fifty years ago; that a
neighborhood consisting of predommately single story residential construe ions WI h
local community school which was'a so a low profit si gre to d ig,
A itl al m en /" --;
_ ... ~ I
S ne
/ / ( f;:'>VI":I \ _r VV~f ,
I/we, the under signed, wish to express to the City of San Rafael, The Dixie School
District, Mark· Day School and all other appmpriate community parties of interest, that
I/we oppose the currently proposed two story building on the school property located
at 39 Trellis Drive .. I/we believe the construction of any two story building on the
campus of Mark Day School would be contrary to the essential character of the existing
neighborhood as originally planned and established over fifty years ago; that being a
neighborhood consisting of predominately single story residential constructions with a
local community schoo! which was also a iow profile single story design.
Additional Comments: