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Meeting Date
Agenda Item:
January 14, 2014
Community Development Department— Planning Division Case Numbers: P13-010
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Raffi Boloyan 415.485.3095','
SUBJECT: Annual Meeting of Planning Commission to include: a) election of officers; b) review of
Planning Commission "Rules and Procedures;" and c) selection of liaisons for 2014
Design Review Board meetings.
The Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission is required to elect the Chair and Vice Chair officers for
the calendar year. The Annual Meeting also provides the Commission an opportunity to review and
consider adoption of revisions to the Planning Commission's "Rules and Procedures." The Rules and
Procedures were last amended by the Commission at their January 2009 annual meeting and no
changes are recommended by staff at this time.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following action:
a) Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair for 2014;
b) Confirm that no changes are proposed or required to the "Rules and Procedures;" and
c) Select liaisons for the 2014 Design Review Board meetings.
Election of Officers:
Section ILE of the Planning Commission "Rules and Procedures" requires that the Planning Commission
conduct an annual meeting to select officers (Chair and Vice Chair) for the calendar year. The Annual
Meeting is defined as the "first meeting of the calendar year," which is January 14, for the 2014 calendar
The office of the Chair and Vice Chair is rotational with selection based on seniority or tenure of service.
Per the Rules and Procedures, generally, a Commissioner shall not serve as a Chair more than once in
seven consecutive years. See attached Exhibit 1, which lists the appointment dates and past service as
chair by each of the Commission members. Vice Chair Robertson is next -in-line to serve as Chair.
Commissioner Robertson served as Vice Chair this past year and has never served as Chair. Since he is
the current Vice Chair, the rules and procedures dictate that Commissioner Robertson is to be the next
In order to determine the next Vice Chair, the same rules and procedures for Chair apply to Vice Chair.
There are four Commissioners who have not served as chair in the past 7 years (Commissioner's
Belletto, Lubamersky, Robertson, and Schaeffer). Commissioner Robertson is slated to serve as Chair
this upcoming year. Of the remaining three, none have served as an officer (Chair or Vice Chair).
Commissioner Schaefer has the most tenure of the three. Therefore, the Commissioner with the most
tenure of service that is also eligible to serve as Chair (will not have served more than once as chair in
past seven years) is Commissioner Schaefer and would be the next eligible Vice Chair for 2014.
If a Commissioner is not interested in serving as an officer and there is limited tenure among the other
Commissioners, then a Commissioner can be appointed as an officer more than once in seven years.
Consideration of Revisions to Planning Commission "Rules and Procedures":
As noted above, the Planning Commission Rules and Procedures were last modified at the 2009 annual
meeting (1/27/09). Over this past four years, staff has not heard and specific comments or suggestions
from the Commission for modifications to the current "Rules and Procedures." The Rules and Procedures
were reviewed by the Commission annually between 2010 and 2013 and no changes were
At this time, Staff does not recommend any changes. In addition, staff distributed the current Rules and
Procedures to the Commission at the last meeting (December 10, 2013) and staff has not received any
comments or suggested modifications. Therefore, the current rules should remain in their current form
and be used for the upcoming calendar year. A copy of the current Rules and Procedures are attached
(Exhibit 2).
If there are changes that the Commission would like staff to research, these can be discussed at the
annual meeting on January 14`h and if the majority of the Commission would like to make the changes,
staff can return with the appropriate revisions at the following meeting.
Selection of Commissioners for DRB Liaison:
The annual meeting also provides an opportunity to select Commissioners to serve as a liaison at the
Design Review Board meetings for the calendar year. Commissioners (with the exception of the new
Chair) are requested to serve as liaison in two month increments, which involve attendance at up to four,
regular DRB meetings during the two selected months of service. The first DRB meeting of the year
(January 7th) did not occur, so the next DRB meeting will be January 22 rd (Wednesday).
A sign-up sheet with the DRB meeting dates is attached (Exhibit 3). It is recommended that the
Commission discuss the calendar of meeting dates and confirm the voluntary sign-up of service.
Regarding the "Rules and Procedures," the Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Continue this upcoming year with the current "Rules and Procedures" as adopted on January 27,
2009 (staff recommendation).
2. Identify areas for further study and direct staff to return with recommended revisions to the "Rules
and Procedures" for action at a future meeting
3. Modify the "Rules and Procedures" for review and direct staff to return with revised document for
consideration at a future meeting.
1. Table Listing Planning Commissioners, Tenure and Chairpersonship
2. Current Planning Commission "Rules and Procedures," adopted January 27, 2009
3. DRB Liaison Sign -Up Sheet for 2014 Meetings
PC Report - Annual Mtg - Election of Officers and Review of Rules and Procedures -01. 14.14.doc
San Rafael Planning Commission
History of Tenure and Chairpersonship
First Appointed to
Years Served as
Years Served as
Vice Chair
Gerald Belletto
Mark Lubamersky
Larry Paul
Chair 2005
Chair 2013
Vice Chair 2004
Vice Chair 2012
Charles Pick
Chair 2009
Vice Chair 2008
Jack Robertson
Vice Chair 2012
Barrett Schaefer
Viktoriya Wise
Chair 2012
Vice Chair 2011
W:\CD - Previous Resource\ Planning\ Planning Commission\Rules and Procedures\2014 Review\PC
Tenure and chairpersonship Table_01.14.14.doc
Revisions Adopted at Annual Planning Commission Meeting of January 27, 2009
I. Organization and Officers
A. Organization
1. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven regular members appointed by
the Mayor with the approval of the City Council and shall be organized and
exercise such powers as prescribed by the City Charter and by the San Rafael
Municipal Code (City Code).
2. The term of the Commission members is four years with a staggered expiration
3. Vacancies on the Commission for other than expiration will be filled by
appointment for the un -expired portion of the term.
4. If any Commissioner should have three consecutive, unexplained absences from
regular meetings of the Planning Commission as shown in the roll call of the
official minutes, the Chair may recommend to the City Council that the seat be
5. If any Commissioner wishes to request a leave of absence for three to six
consecutive meetings, the request shall be made to and approved by the Chair. A
request for a leave of absence for more than six consecutive meetings shall be
made to and approved by the City Council.
B. Officers
1. Selection
a. A Chair and Vice -Chair shall be elected from among the Commission's
membership at the Annual Meeting held the first meeting of the calendar year,
to serve for a one year period. It is intended that the Chair and Vice -Chair be
rotated among the Commissioners based on tenure, as defined by total years
of service. In the event the years of service are identical, tenure will be
determined in alphabetical order. It is the general rule that a Commissioner
shall not serve as Chair more than once in seven consecutive years. However,
in the event that: 1) a position is vacated; 2) a Commissioner is not interested
in serving as an officer; or 3) there is limited tenure among the other
Commissioners, then a Commissioner can be appointed as an officer more
than once in seven years.
b. The Vice -Chair shall serve as Chair in the following year.
c. The Chair and Vice -Chair may not succeed themselves. However, in the event
that the current Chair or Vice -Chair has served less than a year, the
Commission may choose to re-elect her/him for an additional term.
d. The Vice -Chair shall succeed the Chair if he/she vacates the office, and shall
serve the un -expired term of the Chair. The Commission shall elect a new
Vice -Chair to serve the un -expired term of that office. Selection shall be based
on seniority.
In the absence of the Chair and Vice -Chair, the member of the Commission
with the longest tenure, as defined by total years of service, shall preside over
the meeting. In the event that the years of service are identical, seniority will
be determined by alphabetical order.
2. Responsibilities
The responsibilities and powers of the officers of the Planning Commission shall
be as follows:
a. Chair
- Preside at all meetings of the Commission.
- Call special meetings of the Commission in accordance with legal
requirements and the Rules of Procedure.
- Sign documents of the Commission.
- See that all actions of the Commission are properly taken.
- Assist staff in determining agenda items.
- The Chair shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voice but not
b. Vice -Chair
During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chair, the Vice -Chair
shall exercise or perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities
of the Chair.
C. Duties and Powers
The Planning Commission shall have the power to recommend to the City
Council, after conducting a public hearing, the adoption, the amendment or the
repeal of a General Plan, a Neighborhood or Specific Plan, the Zoning Ordinance
of the City Code, or a site-specific master plan for a Planned Development (PD)
District, or any part thereof, for the physical development of the City.
2. The Planning Commission shall exercise such functions with respect to
environmental review, land subdivisions, land use and planning, design review,
and zoning, as may be prescribed by City Code, City resolution, and State law.
The Commission shall advise the City Council on those matters falling within its
charged responsibilities in a manner reflecting concern for the overall
development and environment of the City as a setting for human activities.
D. Rules of Order
Except as otherwise provided in these Rules of Procedure, "Roberts Rules of Order,
Newly Revised" shall be used as a guide to the conduct of the meetings of the
Planning Commission, provided, however, that a failure of the Commission to
conform to said rules of order shall not, in any instance, be deemed to invalidate the
action taken.
II. Meetings
A. Public Meetings
All meetings shall be held in full compliance with the provisions of state law,
ordinances of the City and these Rules of Procedure.
B. Regular Meetings
1. Regular meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays following the
first Monday in each month, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall, unless otherwise determined by the Commission. All regular meetings must
be held within the city limits of San Rafael.
2. Whenever a regular meeting falls on a public holiday, no regular meeting shall be
held on that day. Such regular meeting may be rescheduled to another business
day, or canceled by motion adopted by the Planning Commission. All meetings
must be held within the city limits of San Rafael.
3. A meeting of the Commission may be canceled by the Chair for lack of a quorum,
no pending business, or any other valid reason. Such cancellation may be made at
any time prior to the scheduled meeting. All efforts shall be made by the
Community Development Department staff to notify those involved at the earliest
possible time. Prior to the scheduled meeting, the Community Development staff
shall post a cancellation notice on the City of San Rafael public hearing board, the
City website and at the prescribed location of the meeting.
C. Adjourned Meetings
In the event it is the wish of the Planning Commission to adjourn its meeting to
certain hour on another day, a specified date, time, and place must be set by
majority vote of the Commissioners present, prior to the regular motion to adjourn.
D. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Planning Commission may be held at any time upon the call
of the Chair or by a majority of the voting members of the Commission or upon
request of the City Council following at least 24 hours notice to each member of the
Commission and to the press. The time and place of the special meeting shall be
determined by the convening authority. At least 24 hours prior to the scheduled
special meeting, the Community Development staff shall post a notice of the meeting
on the City of San Rafael public hearing board, the City website and at the prescribed
location of the meeting.
E. Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission will be held at the first meeting of
the calendar year. The meeting will be devoted to the election of a Chair and
Vice -Chair for the ensuing year and any other business scheduled by the
F. Study Sessions/Workshops
1. The Commission may be convened as a whole or as a committee of the whole in
the same manner as prescribed for the calling of a special meeting for the purpose
of holding a study session, provided that no official action shall be taken and no
quorum shall be required.
2. Such meetings shall be open to the public.
G. Notification
Public Hearings and Discussion Items - Notice of the time, place/ items to be
considered and action pending shall be given in accordance with the requirements of
the City Code and State Law.
H. Agenda
1. An agenda for each meeting of the Commission shall be prepared by the
Community Development Director or staff in consultation with the Chair.
2. A staff report shall be prepared for each item and -distributed to the Planning
Commission and made available to the public a minimum of 72 hours prior to a
regular meeting.
3. A copy of the agenda shall be posted in City Hall 72 hours before a regular
4. Items not appearing on the agenda cannot be acted upon or discussed by the
Commission. However, the Commission may take action under the following
a. If the Commission finds, by majority vote, that an emergency situation must be
addressed. An "emergency situation" is limited to work stoppages ' and
crippling disasters;
b. If by a two-thirds vote (or a unanimous vote if two-thirds of the members are
not present), there is a need to take immediate action and the need for action
came to the attention of the Commission and staff after the agenda was posted.
Prior to discussing such items, the Commission shall publicly identify the item
and shall provide the public an opportunity to provide comment on the item.
5. Members of the public may address the Commission on any agenda item, and
may, at the beginning of the meeting, address the Commission on any issue that is
not listed on the agenda, provided that the issue is within the jurisdiction and
powers of the Planning Commission.
I. Order of Meetings
1. The Order of business shall be as follows:
a. The Chair shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the meeting and shall
immediately call the meeting to order.
b. The Chair shall lead a pledge of allegiance.
c. Members present and absent shall be recorded.
d. The order of the agenda shall be approved as submitted or revised by a
majority vote of the Commissioners present.
e. The public shall be advised of the procedures to be followed in the meeting
including the protocol and time frames for public comment.
f. Any member of the audience may comment on any matter which is not listed
on the agenda.
g. The minutes of any preceding meeting shall be submitted for review and
approval by a majority vote of the Commissioners present at that preceding
h. The Commission shall then hear and act upon those proposals scheduled for
consideration or public hearing.
i. Director's Report.
j. Commission Communications.
k. Adjournment.
2. Presentation or Hearing of Proposals
The following shall be the order of procedure for hearings/discussion items
concerning planning and zoning matters:
a. The Chair shall announce the subject of the public hearing/discussion item, as
b. If a request is made for continuance, a motion may be made and voted upon to
continue the public hearing to a definite time and date (noticing not required)
or a time and date to be determined (re -noticing required).
c. Order of Speaking.
The order of speaking shall be as follows:
1. Staff provides a report on the project and summarizes its compliance with
San Rafael's General Plan, compliance with State laws and the City Code,
the status of environmental review, and the staff recommendation for
action(s) by the Commission.
2. The public hearing is opened.
3. The applicant makes a presentation to the Commission.
4. The public speaks to the Commission.
5. The Commission obtains final facts or clarification from staff, the
applicant or the public.
6. The public hearing is closed.
7. The matter is returned to the Commission for discussion and action.
d. Rules of Testimony
The rules of testimony shall be as follows:
1. Upon opening the public hearing, the Chair shall invite the public to speak
by inviting each speaker (one -at -a -time) to approach the podium. On large
or controversial projects where many people wish to provide public
testimony, the Chair may request that speaker cards be filled -out and
2. Persons presenting testimony to the Commission are requested to identify
themselves by name and place of residence.
3. Persons presenting testimony to the Commission shall be limited to three
(3) minutes for their presentation. An extension of this time limit may be
granted at the Chair's discretion.
4. If there are numerous people in the audience who wish to participate on
the issue and it is known that all represent the same opinion, a
spokesperson should be selected to speak for the entire group. At the
Chair's discretion, the spokesperson may be granted additional time
beyond the three (3) minute limit for his or her presentation.
5. To avoid unnecessary repetitive evidence, the Chair may limit the number
of speakers or the time on a particular issue.
6. Irrelevant, defamatory, or disruptive comments will be ruled out of order.
7. No person shall address the Commission without first securing the
permission of the Chair.
8. All comments shall be addressed to the Commission. All questions shall
be made or directed through the Chair.
e. Applicant Presentations
Applicant presentations shall comply with the guidelines developed by the
Planning Commission. Applicants shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10)
minutes for their presentation, inclusive of all, members of the applicant's
team (if applicable). An extension of this time limit may be granted at the
Chair's discretion.
J. Motions
1. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order except during roll call.
2. The Chair of the Commission, or other presiding officer, may make and
second motions and debate from the Chair subject only to such limitations of
debate as are imposed on all members of the Commission.
K. Voting
1. Voting Requirements
a. A quorum shall consist of four members.
b. The affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum present is necessary for
the Commission to take action on all matters other than those listed under
Section c below.
c. Certain votes of the Commission require a majority vote of the entire
Commission (4 votes) to carry. These are:
■ Adoption or amendment of a General Plan or any part thereof.
■ Adoption or amendment to any Neighborhood or Specific Plan or any
part thereof.
■ Adoption or amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City Code or
amendment thereto.
■ Adoption or amendment to a site-specific master plan for a Planned
Development (PD) District.
■ Other actions as required under federal or state law. (These will be
dealt with as they arise.)
d. When a member of the Commission abstains from voting on any matter
before it because of a potential conflict of interest, because the
Commissioner does not believe he/she can be objective, or because the
Commissioner was absent at any previous hearing on an item, said vote
shall not constitute nor be considered as either a vote in favor of or
opposition to the matter being considered. Abstentions shall not be
allowed for any other reason.
e. A tie vote shall be recorded as a failure of action to pass. A tie vote on a
motion defeats the motion.
2. Roll Call Vote
Any Commissioner, the applicant or an appellant can request a roll call vote.
3. Recording of Votes
The minutes of the Commission's proceedings shall show the vote of each
member, including whether they were absent, abstained from voting, or failed
to vote on a matter considered.
4. Disqualification from Voting
A member shall disqualify himself/herself from voting in accordance with the
State Political Reform Act and other applicable state law. When a member is
disqualified, he/she shall state, prior to the considerations of such matter by
the Commission that the member is disqualifying himself/herself due to a
possible conflict of interest and shall then leave the voting area.
III. Review and Amendments Procedure
A. These Rules of Procedure shall be reviewed at the Annual Meeting of each year. On
an ad hoc basis, the chair may appoint a subcommittee to review these rules prior to
the meeting. The review subcommittee shall present their recommendations for
amending or not amending these rules. Minor changes may be brought forward by
staff for the Commission's consideration.
B. In addition, these Rules of Procedure may be amended at any meeting of the Planning
Commission by a majority of the membership of the Commission provided that notice
of the proposed amendment is received by each Commissioner not less than 5 days
prior to said meeting.
(Approved May 9, 2000. Revised February 26, 2002, December 14, 2004, May 29, 2007, January 27, 2009)
R:\Comm Development- Resource\Planning\Planning Commission\Rules and Procedures\2009 Review\PC Rules and Procedures
- Adopted Revisions 1-27-09.doc
Commission Liaison
January 7 & 22 (Wed)
February 4 & 19 (Wed)
March 4 & 18
April 8 & 22
May 6&20
June 3 & 17
July 8 & 22
August 5 & 19
September 3 (Wed) & 16
October 7 & 21
November 4 & 18
December 2 & 16
• Chair does not serve as liaison
• All DRB meetings are the 1st and 3"d Tuesday of each month,
starting with the first full week (a week includes a Monday).
• All dates above are Tuesday's except as noted