HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-28_cityofsanrafael_285edb1ce17c0ca97c9854540c1a2a35PROJECT WITH
welfare reasons, new ael(eU)D[Oern::
occur when infrastructure is available consistent
with the _
a. traffic will not cause the level of
service established in the Circulation Element to be
b. circulation needed to maintain the
Jevel of service standard established in the CircuJation
Element have been programmed and funding has been
c. Environmental review of needed circuJation
has been
d. ofthe needed
circulation win not cause the level of
service in the CirculatiO)l to be exceeded. or
the set forth in Policy C-5 have been
e. waler, and other
will be available to serve new ClevelQ'rIrn
time the deve\oDment is constructed
New n Science and lnnova/ion Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
circulation by the
water and sewer service to the site have reviewed the nmnMP:ri
caoacitv to service the new
fair share of local
-O(\Vl"mml'!nt~1 agencIes that would ..... T,"'itl"
The proposes 17.970 sq fL of new gross floor nonresidential
maximum allowable floaT area ratio or of .
District is 1.0. For the this constitutes a maximum FAR sq. based on a
combined lot area sq. ft. The wlUincrease the FAR on the site to 030 or
6 sq. ft. of nonresidential development. well below the maxi.mum intensity of development allowed
for the site.
Exhibit 8
LU-12. BUilding Heights. Citywide height limits in San
Rafael are descIibed in Exhibits 7 and 8. For Downtown
height limit'> see Exhibit 9.
LU-23. Land Usc Map and Categories. Land use
categories are generalized groupings of land uses and titles
that define a predominant land use type (See Exhibit II).
All proposed projects must meet density and FAR
standards (See Exhibits 4, 5 and 6) for that type of use, and
other appJicable development standards. Some listed uses
are conditional uses in the zoning ordinance and may be
allowed only in limited areas or under limited
circumstances. Maintain a Land Use Map lhat illustrates
the distribution and location ofland uses as envisioned by
General Plan policies. (See Exhibit 11).
H-19a.. Jnclusionary Housing. Engage with the local
development community and affordable housing advocates
to evaluate the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance and in-lieu
fee requirements for effectiveness in providing affordable
housing under currem market conditions. Evaluate the
Inciusionary Housing Ordinance in light of recent court
decisions. Amend as necessary, consistent with State Jaw.
New" Science and [nnovarion Center" Bldg.
1600 Mission Avenue (,'v/arin Academy)
I Consistent
. According to Exhibit 7 (Building Heights Limits in Central San Rafaef) of the General Plan, the maximum
. height limit for this property is 36 feet. The General Plan defines height ofa building for non-hillside as
the vertical distance above a reference datum measuredto the highest point of the coping ofa flat roof or to
the deck line of a mansard roof. The reference datum is detennined as follows: iflhe difference in grade
between the lowest and highest grade point is greater than J 0', the reference datum is located 10' venicaJly
from the lowest grade point. The project proposes to construct the new buildi.ng into the eXisting hillside
located west ofthc athletic fields. The difference in grade points fTOlP the building elevation facing the
, athletic (low grade point) and the bUilding elevation facing Foster Hall (high grade point) is greater than
10'. Therefore, using this defmiti"on, the proposed beight of the new science center will be 33.5' above the
reference datum, as measured along the building elevation facing the athletic field. The proposed project is
therefore consistent with the height limits for this site.
According to Exhibit 11 (Land Use Categories) of the General Plan, the P/QP land use category defines
allowable land uses as "Government or quasi-public buildings or facilities; utility facilities and similar
facilities owned or operared by public/non-profit agencies; residemiar'. The site currently operates as a
private high school facility, a quasi-public land use providing public services (education) though under
private ownership or control. The project proposes to continue the existing private education land use
which would be consistent with the uses allowed in the P/QP land use category.
Consistent with Condition
The City's affordable housing requirement applies to the project, which is adding 17,940 sq. ft. of new
nomesidential development to the site. Based on a review by the Community Development Director, the
proposed project has been conditioned to require payment of a $13,700 affordable housing in-Heu fee.
File Ii; .E!.l14-04S: UP14-013
Title: General Plan 2020 ConsisLencv Table
in Residential
enhance and maintain the
.. landfonns and natural reatures
.. Maintain or enhance infrastructure service levels
II Provide
Nfl-lOO. New
.. IVJ~lnt"'mm" the authentic historic value and ambiance
New" Science and innovation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
Consistent with Condition
.. In addition to the ,...rrn' .. ",<",rl
and .. VA'""",,,.!'. 16-staU surface lot
nr.mn~p" to be converted to a
Lot and the service M";""",,,,,,
At the recommendation of a Historic Resource Evaluation &
2,2014; Exhibit on Foster Hall forthe This study determined toat
Foster while not is for in the California Relrister of
HistoricaJ resources and should be considered a historic structure under This
detennined that the proiect is "sensitively sited and in a way that does not present any
to F oster Hall." This deterrn ined the
is in with the ofInterior's Standards for Rehabilitation.
.. The new is to be constructed intO the embankment
west of the athletic fields to reduce Derceived Or visual buildin£: bulk_
0< hrf',nno<,,1'1 to be in order
to help screen the new
.. As discussed under water and sewer
service to the site have revjewed the proposed project and determined that there is
VA'v~'A""" surface Jocated between Foster Hall and the
the relocation of the 16
I'ITH,'f"W'H' (4
M,ml'\Op.mf'nt Plan
to conditions
See NH-2 discussion above. section of the GeneraJ
"Vision of fairbills" states "This may see the future
homes on the few vacant hi11side lots, Marin Acadernv will continue to uDrzrade
Title: I,.n::m::ri;\t r lilll £u':'u \.,unS1Slcm;v I i:lOIE
obstruction of scenic vistas from
or loss of natw-aJ
COMMU:NITY """'&I .• n"",
context and scale
for innovative
to encourage and reSDect the
CD--4. Historic Resources. Protecl San Rafael's
and distinctive image and
the City's histOlic resources.
New" Science and Innovation Cemer"
1600 Mission Avenue
.. The innovative Review Board
as reflective the I'nprov_l"ffir;pnf'"V
.. The mature tall trees together WIth the surroundmg campus
'old' and 'new' to context and scale for the new science
For the most pan, each will be taller than the proposed science when viewed from
Mawr Drive or Mission Avenue.
See NH-2 discussion above.
See CD-3 discussion above. The would not viewsofMt or hills or
or St Raphael's church bell tower from DubHe streets.
CD-IO. Nonresidential Guidelines.
preserve and enhance the elements that contribute
to the economic of commercial areas.
to ensure that new nonresidential and
....... '''"'''I''t fits within and the
ohhMh",..,rI and the as a whole.
review process.
l("mmp.nt process
review of
"""V~,U"'Ov the contribution
and make it a simificant
New" Science and Innervation Cel1€er"
1600 Mission Avenue
SAN J.:.tA.'l...fiL.t PLAN
See CD-J discussior above. As UjUCUW::;" for
an)' Oak
Exhibit 8
component of all site des ign.
CD-J9. Lighting. Allow adequate site lighting for safety
purposes while controlling excessive light spillover and
C-s. Traffic Level of Service Standards.
3. Intersection LOS. In order to ensure an effective
roadway network, maintain adequate traffic levels
of service (LOS) consistent with standards for
signalized intersections in the A.M_ and P.M.
peak hours as shown below, except as provided
for under (B) Arterial LOS.
C-7. Circulation [mprovement Funding.
New" Science and Innovation eemer" Bldg.
1600 Mission Avenue (Marin Academy)
tree more than 6" in diameter or any tree more than J 2" in diameter, as measured 4.5' above the root
crown, and in good health and form)_ For non-hillsides, it is recommended that 'significant' trees be
replaced a 3:1 ratio _ These 'significant' trees proposed for removal are existing Oak trees. While several
(6) ofrhese trees are located in the North Parking Lot, a vast majority of the trees proposed for removal are
located within and around the new building area. The project proposes to plant 55 new trees, all 24"-48"
box sizes, distributed evenly between the North Parking Lot, tbe new building area and along the service
driveway (within the existing grass turf area east of Foster Hall and the circular drive). The new trees in
the North Parking Lot are proposed to be located primarily around the perimeter.
Consistent with Condition
The lighting plan (location and type) with photometric study (lighting levels) was reviewed by the Board,
along with the other design elements of the project, and reconunend approval with the project. The
proposed photometric lighting levels meet the City's minimum illumination standards:
co An exterior lighting shall be shielded down .
co A minimum of ooe (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided at all exterior doorways
and throughout the vehicle parking area.
co A minimum of one-half (J 12) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided on all outdoor
pedestrian walkways and common areas .
• Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, aU exterior lighting shall be subject to a 60-day
lighting level' review by the City to ensure that all lighting sources provide safety for the building
occupants wbile not creating a glare or hazard on adjacent streets or be annoying to adjacent
These lighting standards have been incorporated into conditions of approval_
Consistent with Condition
See LU-2 discussion above.
Consistent with Conditions
F ile #: EDl4-048: UPI4-013
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 8-6
and school hours.
C-13b. TDM for Schools. Require TDM programs fOT
new or vAI-,.:UIUvU schools.
New" Science and Innovation Center"
J 600 Mission A venue
See LU-2 discussion above. The bas been conditioned to of a traffic
fee to be determined Director but not to exceed
Consistent with Conditions
See LU-2 discussion above. The bas been conditioned to annual
....,,,~'v,,. on the effectiveness of the and measures of the TDMP and
of the as necessary, to new and imnlpmp""Mi
more oo-site parking andlor reduce maximum student enrollment "'''Mriiv
Consistent with Condirions
See LU-2 and C-12 discussions above.
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
C-29. Better Use of Parking Resources.
CA 13. Historic
and areas with .
and create new n~rkino nnnl'\r11mitl~<:
Trees. Plant new and retain
energy conservation and
architectural or aesthetic value but not limited to
those on the San Rafael Historical/Architectural
and redevelopment should
SAFETY.,.'-''''', •.• .,.1
5-1. Location or Future Pennit
See LU-2 discussion above.
ConsIstent with Conditions
See CD-18 discussion above.
See NH-2 discussion above.
in those areas where potential
and welfure of the residents of the
to Geoseismic have been evaluated Geotechnical Review process and found that
New" Science and Innovation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
and Flood Hazard
the oroiect would not pose and welfare of the
,..,..(,,-(1'mo to Exhibit 27 and and 29 Hazard of the General Plan, the site
is not located in a 1 OO-year flood hazard area and located .in an area of Franciscan
Ihese conditions to a hazard zone of 3. Given this rating, the Geotechnical
Review Matdx Geotechnical Investi2ation Reoon the results are discussed in S-4 below.
Title: Vt:HI;j.ldl.r (<.aU ","\141..J LVH))i~tItiIH;Y j dUll;
S-4. Geotechnical Review. Continue to
"''''':':'""',,VIJ'' for Vj..IV:SCU::i as
construct all new to resist stresses Tlrnrlnf'prl
The minimum level ofseismlc
in accordance with the most VUIlUUJF!.
code as required by State law.
N-S. Traffic Noise from New
noise imoacts of increased off-site
New " Science and InnovaTion Center"
1600 Mission Avenue (Marin
J.:J.L~ PLAN 2020
A Geotechnical tnvestlganon l{epOn was. . Howes after
review by the was found to meel the set forth in the Geotechnical Review
Matrix and consIstent with the City's policies and standard "'11;':111\':;<;;'
Consistent with Condition
The would entail aU new construction and would be built in accordance with the most
current building and seismie codes a.<; required by the Muuicioal Code.
reviewed the and fIre
'v'U""II~ the crealion of aerial fire access to the easl elevation of the
new science establishment of fU'e lane where the service passes around !.he ,."id;na
campus and a 'hammerhead' of dimensions in the North
allow ftre truck service vehicles to turnaround. These have been
before the Commission
See LU-2 discussion above. Based on a review ected
program, or
than 3 dB, reasonable noise
be included in the DIan. program or
A W-L State and Federal Standards. Continue to
and strive to exceed state and federal standards for air
for the benefit ofthe Area.
To ensure excellent air
for new
tec:tmJqlles such as
_ _ in areas where
different land uses abut one anotber.
Consistenr with Condition
The would not ge"f'rMr>
. Distlict
the construction and
TDW. the deve 1nnmp'nt
under the San Rafael General Plan 2020
to be ;;u.;~:(;;Pl.dlJ
The new science center will be located in [he center of the
campus, within the cluster of other academic and athletic buildings. The
minimum 200' setback from any surroundin2 residence or DubHc street
oak trees within the
is _
area on the MA
L ___________ ~ __________ ~~~~~:!!!~!!£.~:!!!~~'.:J!£ll~~~"·m"'''r'''.; by trealing roof rainwater runoff on-sile in landscaoe
New n Science and lnnomliO/l Center"
1600 Mission Avenue (}"Im-in Arnd",mvl
A W-8. Reduce Pollutioll from Urban Runoff. Address
lelopment or
""rr,i""t~ to reduce urban runoff into storm drain
system, creeks and the
" that sjte work with the natural
toIJlogr8tlhv and to the extent to
reduce the amount necessary and limit
disturbance to natural water bodies and natural
" \;;gCll1llUiI to absorb and filter
pesticides and other
Ne:l'l" Science and Innovation Center'''
1600 Mission Avenue
bioswale filtration areas, located
See A W-7 discussion above.
SAN ~.I..~J
area, before it enters into the stann drain
14.04.010 -In addition to the
Section 14.01.030, the purposes of the
districts include the
service facilities
14.04. 020 -Land Use
. OT
14.04.030 -
OIl Maximum aenslty:
.. Minimum 15'
.. Maximum 36'
.. J\llinimum l«nilcl'",..,ino is ]0%
households in ,...,..,.. .. t-..in
New H Science and Jllnovalion Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
proposes to continue the
with the purposes of ChapteT 9
education land use which is consistent
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Marin is a school use, which is identified as allowed with a
conditional Use Permit in the Dis.trict In the
As the
standards with the C;Av'"'j.1L1VIJ
proposes no new residences_
"" .... rr.ved a Use Permit for MA
and 2004
the site ,"us H-HU.
proposes 17.970 sq_ ft. of new gross Door nonresidential development
File #: """''-''--'----'-'--'.'""'-''''-'-'---'-''''-'''
Title: """'tl.l.!..\~'--"""'~-'-"'" kS!illilGGE...!1!!ill:
oroperty line.
Li:i!hting shall be reviewed for
New" Science and Innovation Center"
1600 JlJ"ission Avenue
J 6 sq. ft. of nonresidential
allowed for the site.
. included recommendations
"' .... ·"''''r''tirm of the construction and
_ . and reconunended I'Innmva
which have been incorporated into conditions ofaooroval
Consistent with Conditions
A. The proposes an
and Innovation Center", characterized
a combination of stucco
with shields to focus or control the
Lot indicates an
C. The
for the new "Science
aluminwn sun control
clerFO<rrnrv window
standards and fixtures.
submitted for
installation insoectic
14.16.243 Mechanical on the
or in an exterior screened
'~v,~~""'-..!..C!C~ for exclusions to maximum
pe and amount of landscaoe materials
New"' Science and Innovation Cenler'"
J 60() Mission Avenue
ZONING 'U'.I."-V.l.L
of the new science
behind a
ConsiSlenr with Condilions.
proposes to
The Drolect proposes to rehabilitate over J
""''''''''0< and
'>creen roafioD mechanical
""-"-"=""'-'''''-'==:;:,; ConsistencY Table
· area is
(2,500) square
2. that proposes new or rehabilitated ''''"'U'''''''''}''''''
are homeolhrner orovided and/or homeowner-hired in
residential and
new nonresidential
thousand (1,000) square feel of landscaped area;
4. Anv oroieC1 that proposes new or rehabilitated which
in nonresidential where the
than two thousand five
and to
ofMMWD Ordinance as
penodlcally amended. Tbe of an environmental
shall be conditioned to the
:n\t ... mv~1 from l\1MWD
New" Science and fnrlOvation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue Title: ~l.l.\lg...\2r!ru.ru~ .Qll~!<!l£:W~
Exhibit: 2:::!:
D and Post-Installation
MMWD shall be
L rr1o<tti" ... installed for
water usage for installed lanclscap1:s
('(I1T1I"11\"'lh(," with rvliv!WD Ordinance as "U~'IJLC'U
AU enforcement actions for ordinance nMI'l'tmn
shall be administered bv M-l'v1WD.
in accord with the
or yiolatioos
.. Parochial or schools are to ] space
for each 4 studenlS based on maximum school or as
Use Pennie
B. Modification. The
modified so as to
_ and consL<;tent with the intent
modification shall
New" Science and lnnovalion Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
Consistent with conditions
Tbe proiect proposes to convert an lot, located between Foster Hall
area, to a the relocation ofthe 16 _ .... _ .... '"
spaces to either the North or the service drivew"
n<lrl<in<> These Droposed site would result in a 'no net loss' of
as necessary, to new and lmOle:mt:J1t<:l.O(ln
and/or reduce maximum student enrollment
A. shall be in aJJ new noru-esidential
renovations of nonresidential
spaces, and fOr all
B. The number
is detennined
Dimensions and
New" Science and Innovation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
30 or more
The.. .
spaces in the North Parkin o
v""',,,,,,}; space dimensions
all ""''''rV'lno
",v,~ttrIO" 20'
_ Lot where
of the 20'-wide service
Lot and the
The MA campus currentlv orovides short-tenn, securable bicvcle parking. The TDMP
identifies that
the identified in the TOMP to reducin
demand is to as an alternative to ~
for MA would increase the number of short-tenn
spaces on campus.
Consistent with Condition
A. As discussed earlier, the to
Exhibit 9
• 900 two-way parking spaces require minimum djmensions to be 9' reconfigure all new and relocated parking spaces to meet reduced "Do~'ntown"
wide by 19' deep with a minimum backup drive aisle between the parking space dimensions (8.5 ' x 18'). The City Engineer and the Board support and
parking spaces of26'. recommend approval of the Parking Modification, deeming the request appropriate,
• 600 one-way parking spaces require minimum dimensions to be given that; it will allow the MA to configure their entire campus using a single
10.5' wide by 18' deep with a minimum backup drive aisle bet-Neen the uniform parking space dimension.
parking spaces of20'. B. The proposed project has been conditioned to meet all required disabled parking
• 600 two-way parking spaces require minimum dimensions to be space requirements. The building pemit plan submittal would show all disabled
lOS wide by 18 ' deep with a minimum backup drive aisle bet-Neen the parking space code compliance prior to issuance.
parking spaces of 24'. C. As designed, the proposed project bas incorporated landscape planting areas in the
B. Parking Spaces for the Handicapped . All parking facilities shall comply North Parking Lot, each a minimum of 36 sq. ft. in area and six feet (6')-wide
with state requirements regarding parking for the disabled, as per state exclusive of curbs.
Chapter 71 of the Uniform Building Code, Site Development D. As designed, the proposed project has incorporated two foot (2') end stall treatment to
Requirements for Handicapped Accessibility. provide adequate turnaround area for vehicles.
C. Tree Wells . Tree wells shall have a minimum area of thirty-six (36)
square feet and a minimum interior width of six feet (6'), exclusive of
curbs. See Section ]4, \ 8 .160, Parking Jot screening and landscaping for
additionaJ landscape design standards .
D. Parking Stall Access. Use of a required parking space shall not require
more than two (2) vehicle maneuvers. At the end ofa parking facility
with four (4) or more parking spaces, an aisle or driveway providing
access to the end parking space shall extend at least TWO feet (2')
beyond the required width of the parking space in order to provide
adequate on-site area for turnaround PlllVoses.
14.]8.140 -Access to Public Right-of-Way
A. Driveway Widths , The minimum driveways width for nonresidential
uses serving 250r more spaces is 15' (I-way) and 26' (2-way).
New" S c ience and innovQ(ion Center" Bldg
1600 Mission Avenue (/v[arinAcademy)
Consistent wilh Condition
As discussed earlier, the project requests a Parking Modification, proposlllg to maimain the
existing 20' driveway (2-way) access width along the service driveway to the North
Parking Lot where a minimum 26'-wide driveway (2-way) is required. The majority ofthe
20' -wide service driveway is one (1 )-way ; however, a portion be'hlJeen the North Parking
Lot and the campus buildings is two (2)-way, In 2002, the Commission approved the
development of the North Parking Lot with a 20'-wide (2-way) service dliveway. The
project proposes to increase the number of parking spaces localed within the North Parking
LOl from 45 to 57 parking stalls. The City's parking standards (Section 14. J 8.140) require
a minimum 20' -wide driveway access (2-way) for non-residential uses serving 6-24
parking spaces and a minimum 26' -wide driveway (2-way) for non-residential uses serving
25 or more parking spaces . The Ciry Engineer and t11e Board support and recommend
File #: ED14-048: UP 14-013
Title : 7..oning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 9-7
Lights to any area shall be
designed to reflect away from reslde:ntJ81
maintain standards in a low
I1D(lml~s must be made to approve a Use Permit:
P"-""Mt;:d use is in accord with the the of the
ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is
New" Science and Innovation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
is limited to an area which is
_ foster Hall and the 'new' and 'old' !1:VU'lnasi.UIDS.
would be vel)'
np,i"'01-M~", "">1,,' \N:,V" and common areas.
area. A minimum of
on all outdoor
the issuance of a certificate of
occupancy, all exterior Jightin!? shall be
to ensure that all'
to a 90-dav lighting, level review by the
(, .. ",,,tina-a or
nTnn()~f'cI use is in accord with the General
and the purposes of the
District in which the site is located in that:
1. As documented in the General Plan 2020
Title: """""""'''-'='-'-''''''== s,;&!.J.;i~lll~W~
must meet the
with General Plan
with 8tlecific PlaDs
preserves and enhances views.
area, preserve the balance and
promotes excellence in desi!!Tl... and
D. Site is harmonious CWJ'.VAl5""
New" Science and Innovation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
As the is consistent with all
ofthe General Plan as well as the review criteria ofthis rh"nt",r
the Board Commission Liaison
recommended aotlrova\ of the prOJect, as 1.l">Ol)::,U<:;U,
site is located
safe access and sbould be
should he to be ensure proper surfuce
architecture and
for the district in which the
C. minimizes adverse environmental
D. will not be detrimental to the
welfare nor materially iniurious to nrnnf'"rti
New H Science and Innovation Cemer"
1600 Mission A'Venue
F i lei!: =-'-"-""'"""'-"'''-'-''--'''-''"''-
Title: .!.&!'!lill~£L!.!!!2~
Exhibit 9
New" Science and Innovation Center" Bldg
1600 Mission Avenue (Marin Academy)
d .
e .
Board is recommending approval of the project after the following minor -,
revisions were incorporated into the design: a) raised planters were provided
to protect the vine 'green screen' plants along the east building and south
staircase elevation; and b) the staircases along the south and east building
elevations were widened to create better pedestrian connection; 2) the new
building is proposed to be constructed into the existing sloped embankment
at the west end of the athletic fields to reduce perceived or visual building
bulk; 3) existing marure redwoods and oak trees \\~thin the project area are
proposed to be preserved in order to help screen the new building and to help
provide context to the height of the structure; and 4) a Historic Resource
Evaluation (Page & Turnbull, dated January 2,2014 ; was conducted on
Foster Raj! for the project, which detennined that the project is "sensitively
sited and designed in a way that does not present any project-specific or
potential cumulative negative impacts to Foster Hall." This study determined
the proposed project is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's
Standards for Rehabilitation;
The project will ensure the adequate provision of light, air space, fire safety
and privacy between buildings, given that; 1) the proposed site development
will be consistent with the allowable Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) District
development standards; and 2) construction of the project is conditioned to
be designed and built in accordance with the most current building, fire and
seismic codes;
The project will provide for adequate, safe and effective off-street parking
and loading facilities, given that; 1) the project proposes to convert an
existing surface parking lot, located between Foster Hall and the project area,
to a pedestrian 'spine' or terrace necessitating the relocation of the 16
existing parking spaces to either the North Parking Lot (12 parking spaces)
or the service dliveway (4 parking spaces), where all new parking spaces will
meet all applicable parking design standards ; and 2) the project proposes to
operate under a TDMP rather than provide the required 13 additional parking
spaces fonhe increased enrollment capacity (50 students; 1 space per 4
students), which has been supported by the City Engineer, subject to
The proposed project will promote a safe , effective traffic circulation system,
and maintain acceptable local circulation system operating condition, given
that; 1) Vehicular access to/from the project area is proposed to be reversed,
f!"om a counterclockwise to a clockwise vehicular pattern, which is supported
File #: E014-048 UP14-013
Tille: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
New" Science: and Innovation Center"
J 600 /vlission Avenue
desl'llled in a way that does not any "'"",,, ... ,-
llU).!"""" to Foster Han." This
with the Secretarv of
Intenor's Standards for
g. The will preserve and enhance natural resources and visuaJ
features in the the wetlands and
the new
is to be constructed into embankment al the
west eod of the athletic fields to reduce or visual bulk and
the mature redwoods and oak trees within the
nmr\r.",.fl to be preserved in order to help screen the new
of the structure; and
h. The Drouosed oroiect win Drovide for effective citizen in
has for
~_'V~""'" the referral oftbe Pre-
review in
_ Notice
oftwo and this were maiJed to ail
-'=-=J:.c:.:'-Y_~_ •• -===-Occljp3lnts within a 300-foot radius and the
Title: ~!!!!!:~~~""" J;.;Qm;~~W!!2!!;;;
New" Scienc.e and Innovation Cemer"
f 600 Mission Avenue
the Mission Avenue Northeast comer of forbes and Mission
2) Northwest comer Mawr Drive and Mission
IlLl"I.<Ul""'I.<"ty east oflhe circular driveway. At the lime of the
and distribution of staff s
area to contribute to the
attractiveness ofthe City, as identified in Findin!! A2
a Historic Resow'ce Evaluation &
was conducted on Foster Hall for the
s [ted an d CiA,; 011",(1
percelveo or
mature redwoods and oak trees within
nr,'opn,,'" in order to help screen the new
oftbe structure.
F He ;'4' """'..0....:..."",-,-"""",,,"--'--,--,,-,,-,,-
Title: 1..&i~~~!J!.!;!!s:
New" Science and InncrvaJion Center"
1600 Mission Avenue (Marin AcademYJ
c. (10% or sq. fl. approx. sq. ft.
+ and,
d. Maximum floor area ratio (J.O FAR or sq. ft allowed; 0.30
FAR or 6 sq. ft. nrn,,...r>,oprl
2. The will be consistent with the level
matrix aCme San Rafael General Plan
dlJjJlJ~j;llJVIJ submittal included a Geotechnical
Geotechnical & Scientists
was found ta meet the
of the ..
3. The of Marin Water District's most recent waleI'
to the nroiect. as specified MMWD
will be consistent with all
for all new or relocated "",ricin ..
n,.f\virl". as
New" Science and Innovation Center"
J 600 Mission Avenue
g. area and exterior
h. nr .... vir!"'r! in all e>..ierior
l. ,..,,,pr\",", shaU
P"rlcina Modifications'.
_ that:
proposes to remove 29 trees, (8) of which are deemed
any Oak tree more than 6" in diameter or any tree more than
as measured 4.5' above the root croWD, and in health and
it is recommended that' trees removed
'"l-'''AVW 83:1 ratio. These trees for removal
vAl"LWg Oak trees. 'While several ofthese trees are located in the North
of the trees
area. The
......VUI-Ii.e>\..IVu'"" to~ creeks or
_ sensitive environmental
San Rafael General Plan 2020
and it has not been identified in the
38 -Threatened
as a location were threatened and have been
observed or maintain a suitable habitat for their
Title: Zoning Ordmance ConsistencY Tahle
Exhibit: 9-15
New" Science and Innollation Center"
1600 Mission Avenue
File #: """"'-'-'--"-'''''''''''''-''-'-'-=
Title' ~.!ol.W"-""-'-'"U.!.!>!!L""" ~:l.!.!.L~Qillo.l..JU!ll!S2