HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-28_cityofsanrafael_5cd0bb7d21460790e5ccc1c040301c32RESOLUTION NO. 14-XX
1600 MISSION AVE. CAPNS: 011-161-13, 011-154-01,011-193-04, 011-195-06 & 011-202-05)
, on May 13, 1997, City of San Rafael Planning Commission (Planning
Commission) conditionally approved an Environmental and Review Permit to allow the
construction of a new gymnasium a Masler Use it (UP97-004) limiting maximum
enrollment capacity to 385 students at Marin Academy (MA); and
WHEREAS, on November 12, 2002, the Planning Commission conditionally approved
an Review Permit to allow construction "North Lot"
and a Use Permit Amendment (UP02-027; Resolution No. 02-42) to allow an increase in
15 students a maximum 400 at MA; and
WHEREAS, on August 12, 2003, Planning Commission conditionally approved a
parking and traffic plan at MA as required as a condition of Amendment (UP02-027)
approval; and
WHEREAS, on November 2004, the Planning Commission conditionally approved a
Lot Adjustment, an Environmental and Review Permit, and a
Amendment (UP04-035; Resolution No. 04-33) to merge the parcels located at 2 Cottage
Avenue 1 Fifth Avenue, renovate existing school administration building located at 2
Cottage Avenue, demolish an eXisting medical office bUilding located at 1540 Fifth Avenue and
construct a new library/classroom building with associated lighting and landscaping at MA; and
on April 1, 2014, a Pre-Application for Conceptual
002) was submitted to the City proposmg to a new 18,340
Innovation Center" building and parkmg, Circulation, drainage and landscape
modifications at MA; and
WHEREAS, on April 2014, Design Board (Board) the
Conceptual Review in a duly-noticed public hearing and provided preliminary comments
on the proposed project; and
WHEREAS, on June 6, 2014, MA submitted formal applications an Environmental
and Design Review Permit (ED14-048) Amendment (UP14-01 proposing to
construct a new 17,940 ft. "Science and Innovation Center" building and associated parking,
circulation, and modifications, to allow an increase In enrollment of 50
students for a maximum enrollment of 450 students at MA; and
WHEREAS, the submitted formal applications for proposed project been
reviewed by the appropriate City departments, non-City agencies and neighborhood groups
rn.:>.nru",.. approval of conditions, including, but not limited
the City's Traffic Engineer and the City's Deputy Fire Marshal, who have
and partially or (3) 'Parking Modifications' to allow: 1) the
redesigned and relocated parking spaces to meet reduced (8.5' x 18' rather than 9' x 19')
'Downtown' parking 2) the use an existing width
wide rather than 26'-wide) driveway access as previously approved; and 3) the adoption and
implementation of a Transportation Demand Management (TDMP) to meet the parking
demand of the project (1 per 4 students) in lieu providing the additional 13 required
parking spaces; and
WHEREAS, on October 7, 2014, the Board reviewed the formal applications and
unanimously (Board motion, Member Huntsberry second)
recommended approval of the project as design and proposed and Without changes, including
the granting of the (3) 'Parking Modifications'; and
WHEREAS, Planning staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from the
of the California Environmental Quality (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15314
(Minor Additions To Schools) of Guidelines which exempts minor additions to
existing schools within grounds the addition not student
by more than 25% or ten (10) classrooms, whichever us less; the project proposes to
maximum allowable enrollment by 125%, from 400 450 and a
new, 17,940 square foot science building with 6 -7 new classrooms;
on October 2014, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public
hearing on the proposed project, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written
report of the Community Development Department and closed hearing on
NOW, THEREFORE, IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission
San Rafael does hereby approve Environmental and Review 4-048)
the Amendment (UP14-013) and to allow a new i 7,940 sq. ft
and Innovation Center" building and associated parking, circulation, drainage and landscape
modifications, to allow an in enrollment of 50 for a maximum enrollment
of 450 students, at Mann Academy, including the granting three (3) 'Parking Modifications' to
allow: 1) reduced 'Downtown' parking dimensions; 2) continued use of an existing
reduced width dnveway access previously approved; and 3) adoption and implementation of a
Transportation Demand Management Plan to the parking demand of the in
providing the additional 13 required parking based on the following
Environmental DeSign Review Permit (ED14-048)
design is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
of Chapter 14. of Zoning in
1. in the Plan 2020 Consistency
to the Planning Commission, the project will consistent with Land Use
(Development Timing), lU-9 (Intensity of Nonresidential Development), lU-12 (Building
Heights), and lU-23 (Land Use Map and Categories), Housing Policy H-19a
(lnclusionary Housing Requirements), Neighborhoods NH-2 (New development
in Residential Neighborhoods) NH-100 (New Development; Fairhills) , Community
Design Policies CD-2 (Neighborhood Identity), CD-3 (Neighborhoods), CD-4 (Historic
Preservation), CD-S (Views), CD-10 (Nonresidential GUIdelines), CD~1S (Participation in
Project Review), CD-18 (Landscaping). and CD-19 (Lighting), Circulation
(Traffic of Service Sfandard), C-1 (Circulation Improvements Funding). C·12
(Transportation Demand Management), C-13 (School-Related Automobile Traffic) and,
C-29 (Belter Use of Parking Resources), Sustainability Policy SU-6 (New and
Trees), Cultural and Arts PoliCY CA-13 (Historic Building and Areas), Safety Policies 5-1
(Location of Future Development), (Use of Maps in Development Review),
S-4 (Geotechnical Review). (Seismic Safety of New Buildings). (Erosion), S-25
(Regional Water QuaJity Control Board Requirements) and (Safety Review of
Development Projects). NOise PoliCY N-5 (Traffic Noise from New Development), and Air
and Water Polices AW-1 and Federal Standards), AW-2 (Land Use
Compatibility), AW-7 (Local, State Federal Standards), AW-8 (Reduce Pollution
Urban Runoff), AW-9 (Erosion and Sediment Contro~.
2, documented in the Zoning Consistency to the report
to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will be consistent with objectives
of the Zoning Ordinance, which is to promote and protect the public health safety,
comfort and welfare, given
a. The proposed project will implement the goals and policies of
General Plan 2020, as identified in Finding A 1 above;
b. The project will reduce or remove negative impacts caused by inappropriate location,
use or of buildings and improvements, given that; 1) the Board is recommending
approval of the project after the following minor reviSions were incorporated into the
design a) raised planters were provided to protect the vine screen' plants along
building and south elevation; b) the along the south
and east building elevations were widened to create better pedestnan connection; 2) the
new building is into eXisting sloped at
west end of the athletic fields to reduce perceived or visual building bulk; 3) existing
mature redwoods and oak within the project area are proposed to be preserVed in
order to help screen the new building and to help provide context to the height of the
structure; and 4) a Historic Resource Evaluation (Page & Turnbull, dated January 2,
2014; was conducted on Foster Hall for the which determined that project is
"sensitively sited and designed in a way not present any project-specific or
potential cumulative negative to Hall." study
proposed project is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for
c. The project will ensure the adequate provision of light, air , safety
privacy between buildings, given that; 1) the proposed site development Will be
with allowable Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) District development
and 2) construction of project is conditioned to and built in
accordance with the most current bUilding, fire and seismic
d. The project will provide for adequate, safe and effective off-street parking and
loading given 1) the project proposes to convert an
parking lot, located between Foster Hall and the project area, a pedestrian 'spine' or
necessitating relocation of the 16 eXisting parking to the North
Parking Lot (12 parkmg spaces) or the driveway (4 parking spaces), where all
new parking spaces will meet all applicable parking design standards; and 2) the project
to operate a TOMP than proVide the 13 additional
parking spaces the increased enrollment capacity (50 students; 1 space per 4
students), Which has been supported by the City Engineer, subject to conditions
(Condition 4; UP14-013);
e, will promote a safe, effective traffic circulation system, and
maintain local circulation operating condition, given that; 1) Vehicular
access to/from the project area is proposed to reversed, from a counterclockwise to
a clockwise vehicular pattern, which is supported by the City project
proposes to operate under a rOMP, which is supported by the City Engineer, subject to
conditions (Condition 4; UP14-013), 3) the City Engineer determined the proposed
project would not the for the nearby intersections, 50
new a.m, peak hour vehicle trips that would be by project, and
conditioned (Condition 23; 4-048) on traffic mitigation fund
the fair share local circulation improvement projects by the City; and the
proposed project been conditioned (Condition 4; 4-048) to require "off-haul"
of excavation during off-peak traffic trip hours -between 9:00 a.m. and 400 p,m. only;
f. proposed project will promote quality in development
enhance the existing historic, architectural, and cultural resources, given that; as
identified in Finding A2 (b) above, a Historic & Turnbull,
dated January 2, 201 was conducted on Foster for the project, which determined
that the project is "sensitively sited and designed in a way that not present any
or impacts to Ha!\." study
determined the project is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's
g, enhance natural resources and key visual features in
the community, including bay, shoreline, wetlands hillsides, given that; as
identified in (b) the new building is proposed to be constructed into
embankment at end of athletic to
perceived or visual building bulk and the existing mature redwoods and oak trees within
project area are proposed to be in to help screen the new building.
and to help provide context to the height of the structure; and
h. The proposed project will for effective partiCipation in decision-
making, given that; the City has provided opportunities for public involvement In
review of the through the of the to appropriate
neighborhood groups (Le .• Culioden/QuarrylTwin Oaks Homeowner's Association and
Downtown Business Improvement District or BID), of the Conceptual Design
Review, and the referral, notice and hearings of the formal project review in compliance
with Chapter 29 of the Zoning (Public Notice) Notice of two (2)
Board this hearing were mailed to all property owners occupants
within a 300-foot radius of the and the appropriate neighborhood groups, 15
calendar prior to the meetings or hearing, notice was on project
at three (3) locations along the Mission Avenue frontage, 1) Northeast corner of Forbes
and Mission 2) Northwest corner of Bryn Mawr and Mission
3) Immediately east of the circular driveway. At the time of the printing and
distribution of report to Commission, five (5) pubHc comments have been
,"or'o",,,,,.., as a of noticing four (4) comments were provided du
formal application submittal in support of project and one (1) comment was provided
during conceptual review neither supporting or opposing but,
expressing concerns for the staff, the Board and the Planning Comm to consider.
Comments from other Clty departments non-City on the project
incorporated in review action of the
3. documented in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table attached to the staff report
to Commission, proposed project will be consistent with
of Environmental and Design Permits, given that;
a. The project will ensure that the location, design and materials and colors of
development blends with and the natural setting, given that; proposed
project has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Board:
b. The project will maintain improve the quality relationship between,
development and the surrounding area to contribute to the attractlveness of the City,
given that, as identified in Finding A2 (b) a Historic
(Page & Turnbull, dated January 2, 2014; was conducted on
project, which determined the project is designed in a way
that does not present any project-specific or potential cumUlative negative impacts to
Foster Hal!." ThiS study determined the proposed project is in compliance with
Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation; and
c. project will preserve enhance views from other buildings and
public property, given that; as identified in Finding A2 (b) above, the new building is
proposed to into existing sloped end of
the athletic fields to reduce perceived or visual building bulk and the existing mature
redwoods and oak trees within project area are proposed to be preserved in
order to help screen the new building and to help provide context to the height of the
B, The design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design
criteria guidelines for the P/QP District in which project area is given that;
1. proposed project will be with property development standards for the
P/QP District (Chapter 9 of Zoning Ordmance), including:
a, Maximum building height (36' allowed;
b. Minimum required yards (15' front
10' side and rear
required, 15'+ front setback
required, 10'+ side and rear
c. Minimum (10% or ,250 ft. required; approx. 50,000 f1. +
proposed) and ;
d Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) (1 0 FAR or 432,500 allowed; 0.30 FAR or
127,516 sq. ft proposed).
proposed project will be consistent with the required level of geotechnical review
(geotechnical matrix of the San Plan 2020), the project application
submittal a Geotechnical Investigation Report by & Ridley
Geotechnical Engineers & Scientists and. after review by the City's Engineer. was found
to meet the requirements is appropriate for proposed of the project
3. provisions of Marin Municipal District's most water
requirements apply to the project, as specified by MMWD Ordinance 421. Any project
that proposes rehabilitated landscape areas equal to or greater than 1,000
ft. of non-residential development shall require review and approval prior to the
of any building or grading permit. This requirement been made a condition of
Condition 10, 4-048);
4. proposed project will with all applicable parking standards (Chapter
14.18 of the Zoning Ordinance) for all new or relocated parking, with exception of
three (3) requests for 'Parking Modification', including
a. Minimum aisle width or minimum parking space backup area (26');
b. of drive parking stall access extension (2');
c. One (1). off-street loading unloading space with minimum dimensions of 10'
in width, in length and 14' in clearance, which may be incorporated
into a drive aisle if adequate backup distance is provide as determined by the
City's Engineer;
d. Adequate short-term (1) and secure, long-term (1) bicycle parking,
e. Adequate clean vehicle parking (3);
f. Minimum parking lot (1 canopy for 4
g area and exterior building lighting designed to provide adequate
illumination levels of:
h. One (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided in all exterior
doorways and in all vehicle parking areas;
Minimum one-half (1/2) foot candle ground level overlap shall be provided
along all outdoor pedestrian walkways.
5. The proposed project will be consistent with criteria for EnVironmental and
Design Review (Chapter of the Zoning that; 1)
Board reviewed the formal application submittal at their October 7, 2014 meeting and,
determining project adequately criteria for Environmental and
Design Review Permits, unanimously recommended approval with (3)
requested 'Parking Modifications'.
c. The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts, given that:
1. The project proposes to remove 29 trees, eight (8) of which are deemed
'significant' (Le" Oak more than 6" in or any more than 1 in
diameter, as measured 4.5' above the root crown, and in good health and form). In non-
hillsides, it is recommended that 'significant' trees should a 3: 1
ratio. These 'significant' proposed for removal are Oak While
(6) of trees are located in the North Parking Lot, a vast majority the
proposed for removal are located within and around the new area.
project proposes to plant new trees, all 24"-48" box distributed evenly between
North Parking Lot, the new building area along driveway (within the
existing grass turf area east of Hall and the circular drive). The new trees in the
North Parking Lot are to be located primarily around the
2. The proposed project includes storm water retention areas or 'bioswales' which wi!! have
of reducing peak flow runoff to below pre-development rates by 23%
(approx.), as determined by the hydrology/drainage report on project by Sherwood
Design (dated October 1,2014);
3. The site contains, nor IS contiguous to, or
Similarly sensitive environmental features, and it has not been identified in the San
Plan 2020 (Exhibit 38-Threatened and ,.,"'">,v.,.o.r,-",.. Species) as a
general location were threatened and endangered species have been previously
or maintain a suitable habitat for their likely be found.
D. The project deSign will not be detrimental to public health,
materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity,
or welfare, or
that; the project has
been reviewed by appropriate City departments, non-City agencies, the appropriate surrounding
neighborhood groups (Culioden/QuarryfTwin Homeowner's the
Downtown Business Improvement District or BID), and the Board and conditions of approval
have included to any potentlal negative impacts anticIpated to generated by
the proposed n,-nl""',...<
Use Permit Amendment (UP14-01l)
A. The proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of Zoning
Ordinance, and of the Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) District in which the is
located in that:
1. documented in General Plan 2020 Consistency Table attached to the staff report
to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will implement and promote the goals
and San Rafael Plan as in Finding A 1
(Environmental and 14-048) above;
2, As documented in Zoning Ordinance ConSistency attached to the report
to Planning the proposed project will be consistent with objectives
of the Zoning which is to promote and protect the public health safety,
comfort and general welfare, as identified in Finding A2 (8 -h) (Environmental
Permit 14-048) and
3. in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency attached to staff report
to the Planning Commission, the proposed 'project would be consistent with
of PIQP District in which the site is located, given that;
project will promote the continued use of MA for educational purposes by encouraging
improvement of site (new facilities curriculum) and
opportunities for students (increase maximum student enrollment from 400 to 450
B. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to
public health, safety or or materially to or in
vicinity, or to the general welfare of the City, as identified in Finding 0 (Environmental
Design Review ED14-04S) above; and
proposed use complies with each of the applicable prOVisions of Zoning Ordinance,
as identified in Finding B1-5 (Environmental and Design Review Permit ED14-048) above
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Finding
1. The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of California Environmental
Act (CEOA) , pursuant to 1 4 (Minor Additions Schools) af the
which exempts minor additions to existing schools wlthln existing school grounds
the addition does not increase student capacity by more than 25% or ten (10)
classrooms, whichever us The project proposes to increase maximum allowable
enrollment by 12.5%, from 400 to 450 students, proposes a new, 17,940 square foot
building with 6 -7 new classrooms:
IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of City of San
approves the Environmental and Design ReView Permit (ED14-048) and Permit
Amendment (UP14-01 1 subject to the following conditions:
Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED14-048)
Conditions of Approval
and On-Going
1. The building techniques, colors, materiais, eievations and appearance the project, as
presented to the Commission at their October 28, 2014 hearing, labeled Marin
Academy and Innovation Center, San Rafael, California; Planning Commission
Submission, October 21, 2014, and on file with the Community Development Department,
Planning the same as for of all building/grading
subject to these conditions. Minor modifications or revisions to project shall subject to
review and of the nity Planning Division Further
modifications deemed not minor by the Community Development Director shall require review
and approval by the original decision making body, the City's Planning Commission, and may
require and recommendation Design
The approved colors for project are on with Community Development
Department, Planning Division. Any future modification to the color palette shall be subject to
review and approval by Planning Division and modifications not minor shall
referred to the Review Board for review prior to approval by the
Planning DiviSion.
ThIs Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED 14-048) al the construction of a
sq. ft "Science and Innovation Center" building and associated parking, circulation,
landscaping improvements on MA campus. This new science buHding is
approved for located, generally, north of Thatcher Hall (current science building), south of the
'old' gymnasium, of athletic fields, and east of Foster Hall.
4. All "off-haul" of excavation shall occur dun off-peak traffic trip hours -between 9:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only.
5. All grading and constructIon activities shall be limited 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through
construction, occurring entl within of building, may be
permissible beyond approved days/hours of operation WIth prior approval by the Planning
Division and only the building is completely enclosed (walls, doors windows). If
requested and approved, Saturday work shall be limited to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Sunday and
federally-recognized holiday work IS strictly prohibited.
6. avoid impacts to barn owl nesting due to the proposed construction activities and void
project work restrictions, the project biologist recommends the following:
III The cu left until the period, when
will presumably years.
III At the beginning October 2014, the nest box should investigated to confirm that no
nesting is occurring. FollOWing this confirmation, entrance to box
should be temporarily sealed to prevent use of the by owls. (The seal should
complete, as the box may used by other, smaller bird species if It is accessible.)
owls may bring nesting activities as early as February in our region,
box should be sealed no later than January 15, 4. Alternatively, box may be
to an area at 150 from the construction footprint, preferably on
the west side of Foster Hall where primary construction activities Will not be visible,
Relocating the will reduce chances that the owl pair return to nest at the
previously-used location on the building fascia, which is located approximately 90 feet
from the boundary of the site.
41 If sealed, the box should remain so until project activities are complete The barn owls
will likely shift activities to another portion of campus, Upon completion of project
activities, the box may or at original location if it was
7. avoid impact to nesting birds protected by federal and state law, and void project work
restrictions related to bird nesting that area likely to be required of the project, the projection
biologist recommends the following:
.. All requIring (or trimming) the project should removed (or trimmed)
during the non-breeding season for birds, specifically from October 1 to January 15.
Although is a bit more restricted than that typically defined in project permits
and authorizations, it is conservative and designed to ensure a very low likelihood of
distu rbance. .
.. To the fullest extent feasible, all other vegetation (other than manicured lawns) within
the project footprint should be removed during the period described rendering
the area generally not sUitable for bird breedmg.
G Following and vegetation removal, project activities involving ground disturbance
and/or construction should initiated as early In the as IS preferably prior
to February 16 Initiating work prior to breeding bird season establishes a
disturbance (Including both visual dimensions) that should
into the breeding bird season. Thus any birds opting to nest in close proximity to the
project footprint presumably are to the disturbance regime and should
relatively reduced (or no) work exclusion buffers or protective measures,
• Routes and access points for the construction site should be established and used
consistently by project in support of the disturbance regime above,
(II should initiate a with the regulatory bodies anticipated to
have oversight over biological resource at the project site as early in the process as is
practicable. Such a dialogue will due diligence on behalf of the project's
proponents, and is likely to facilitate successful project implementation.
8. maximum height of all new light standards, both parking lot and pedestrian, shall not
exceed 12' above grade, as measured to the 1QQ of the fixture than the of the
photometric study).
9. All new lighting shall include a master photoelectric cell with an automatic timer system,
where intensity of illumination shall be reduced or turned off when the MA campus not in
10. Final and irrigation for the project comply with provisions of Marin
Municipal Water District's (MMWO) most recent water conservation ordinance (currently
421). Construction of building/grading permit
pre-approved by MMWD and as approved by MMWD. building permit application
submittal indude a from MMWD approving irrigation
Modifications to the final landscape and irrigation plans, as required by MMWD, shall be subject
to review approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division.
11. All new landscaping shall be irrigated with an automatic drip system and maintained in a
healthy thriving condition, of and debris, at all times. Any dying or dead
landscaping shall replaced in a timely fashion.
12. All pubic and which are privately awned that are
impacted by the grading and construction operation for the project shall be kept clean and free
of debris at all times, general contractor shall the nearest street sidewalk
adjacent to the site on a daily unless conditions require greater frequency of sweeping.
13. All submitted Building Permit plan
conditions of approvaL
shall include a incorporating
14 If archaeological or cultural resources are accidentally discovered during excavation/grading
activities, all work will stop within 100 of resource qualified will
notified immediately. The qualified archaeologist will contact Federated Indians of Graton
Rancheria (FIGR) Planning Division and coordinate the appropriate evaluation of the
find and implement any additional treatment or protection, if required, No work shall occur in the
vicinity until approved by qualified archaeologist, R and Planning staff.
resources that may be include, but shall not be limited to, concentrations of
tools and manufacturing debris made obsidian, basalt and other stone materials, milling
such as bedrock mortars, portable and locally darkened
(midden) that may contain dietary remains such as shell and bone, as well as human remains.
Historic resources that may identified include, but are not to, small or
burial plots, structural foundations, cabin pads, cans with soldered seams or tops, or bottles or
fragments or clear and colored glass
If human remains are encountered (or suspended) during any project-related activity, all work
will halt within 100 of project County Coroner will to evaluate
SItuation. If the County Coroner determines that the human remains are of Native Amencan
the County Coroner shall notify FIGR within of identIfication who will work
with Planning staff to determine the proper treatment of the remains. No work shall occur in the
vicinity without approval from Planning staff.
15. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED14-048) shall run with
remain valid of any change of ownership of the to
conditions, provlded that a building/grading permit is issued and construction commenced or a
is submitted to City's Community Development
Planning DiviSion, within two (2) years of this approval or untt! October 28, 2016. Failure to
obtain a building permit and construction com or a time extension by specified date
will result in the expiration of this Review Permit
16. This Environmental and Permit 14-048) run concurrently with the
Amendment (UP14-013) approval. If the Environmental and DeSign Review Permit
Permit Amendment approval also invalid.
Prior to Issuance of Grading/Bui/ding Permits
17. A Construction .Management Plan (CMP) shall be and submitted to the Planning
DiVision for review and approval. The CMP shall include a projected schedule of work, projected
daily construction truck trips, proposed construction truck route, proposed location of material
staging proposed location of construction trailers, proposed location of construction
worker parking, proposed dust control program, a statement that the project shall conform to
City's Noise Ordinance 8.13 of the San Rafael Municjpal Code) as modified by
Condition 5 which limits the day and hours all grading and construction acltivites, a statement
no construction truck traffic into any surrounding residential
neighborhood streets at any time, and a statement that the existing roadway conditions on
Mission Avenue shall on digital recording format to the of
construction and that MA shall be required to repair any roadway damage created by the
additional construction truck traffic. In event the CMP is conflicting with any conditions
imposed by the grading permit for the project, the more restrictive language or conditions shall
18. The project shall submit an affordable housing in-lieu of $13,700, in accordance to San
Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) 14.16.030.
19, A grading permit is required for the project.
20. No grading operation or construction of retaining walls shall be allowed between October
15th and April 151h .
21. All work in
work proposed in
the issuance of an encroachment permit from the
engineer shall submit three (3) showing all
publiC right-of-way, including details of all utilities, to the City for
and approval.
22, Include attached sheet "Pollution Prevention -Its Part of the Plan" With each
construction drawing set building permit.
The shall pay a traffic mitigation of $21 for 50 additional hour
(a.m.lp.m.) traffic trips (50 x $4,246),
The applicant shall explore all possible design options to widen the service driveway to a
of adding retaining walls to improve sight distance through buildlng
The design and construction of all alterations shall comply with the 2013 California
2013 California Building Code, 2013 Plumbing 2013
2013 California Mechanical 2013 California 2013 California Energy Code,
2013 Title 24 California Energy Efficiency Standards, 2013 Building Standards
Code and City of Rafael Ordinances and Amendments, or as amended at the time of
building permit submittal.
26, A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by
four (4) sets of construction drawings to include:
Architectural plans
b) Structural plans
c) plans
d) Plumbmg plans
e) Mechanical plans
f) Fire sprinkler plans
g) Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plan and height the building)
h) Structural Calculations
i) Calculations
j) Soils
k) Green Building documentation
I) Title-24 energy documentation
27. The occupancy classification, construction type and square of each building shal!
be on plans in addition to justification calculations for the allowable area of
building. Site/civil plans prepared by a California licensed surveyor or engineer clearly showing
topography, identifying grade plane height of the building.
28. Each building must have address identification placed In a position that is plainly legible and
visible from or road fronting property. Numbers painted on curb do not satisfy
this requirement In new construction and substantial remodels, the address must be internally or
externally illuminated and illuminated at all hours of must a
minimum 6 inches in height with Y2 inch stroke for commercial applications. The address must be
contrasting in to their background SMC 12.12.20.
The for structures is determined by the Chief Building Official. The of the
facility at this is 1600 Mission. campus currently has or six separate
buildings, yet only one address, 1600 Mission. The Building Division would like to meet with
school administration to develop an for the entire
building would have a unique address to be used for record keeping, location services and
30. The address for new building will legalized upon completion of construction.
page of the title block and all permit application documents must show the proposed
building's address identification information.
31. School fees will be required for the project. School fees for commercial space are computed
at $0.54 foot new building area. Calculations are by the City'
Schools, and those fees are paid directly to them prior to issuance of the building permit.
If on-site streets are privately owned, certain on-site improvements such as retaining walls,
light standards, and private sewer system will require plan review and permits from the
Building Division.
With to any grading or import placement;
a detailed soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these procedures. In
particular the should the import and placement compaction of at future
building pad locations and should be based· on an assumed foundation design. This
information should provided to Division and Department of PubliC Works for review
and comments prior to such activities taking place.
building shall be provided with sanitary facilities per CPC 412 4-1
(including proviSions for persons with disabilities). Separate facilities shall be required for each
Minimum elevator car (interior 60" wide by deep with an entrance
opening of at 60" or a car size of wide by 48" deep with an entrance opening of or
a car size of 60" by 36" with an entrance opening of at least
36. The development of items such as common sidewalks, parking areas, stairs, ramps,
common facilities, etc, are to compliance with the contained in
Title-24, California Code of ulations. Pedestrian access provisions should provide a
minimum 48" wide paved to along all routes,
as meter pedestals, light standards, trash receptacles, etc., shall not encroach on this 4'
minimum width. Also, note that sidewalk slopes and side shall not published
minimums California Tltle 24, Part 2. civil, and plans shall
these requirements to the extent possible.
37, Public accommodation disabled parking must be provided according the following
table and must be uniformly distributed throughout the
Total Number of Parking Minimum Required Number of
1 to 25 1
2~to 50 2
51 to 75 3
76 to 100 4
101 to 150 5
151 to 200 6
201 to 300 7
301 to 400 8
401 to 500 9
501 to 1,000 Two percent of total
1,001 and over Twenty, plus one for each 100
or fraction thereof over 1,001
38. At least one disabled parking space must van accessible; 9 feet wide parking space and
8 wide off-load area Additiona!ly, one in every eight required handicap must
van accessible.
39. a new building, the project is required to comply with the California
including 1 The specific are as identified in
Code (SRMC) Section 12.
40. This new building is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface Area. The building materials,
systems and/or assemblies used in the design and construction must comply with CBC
41. Prior to any use or occupancy this building or or any portion there of a
"Certificate. of Occupancy" must be issued by the Chief Building Official pursuant to California
Building Section 111,1 to secure a of Occupancy" is a violation
will result in a $500 citation day that the violation continues.
42. design construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2013 California
Code and City of San Ordinances Amendments.
43, A fire access plan shall for this project. Fire plan shall
show the location the following
a) Designated fire apparatus access roads.
b) Red curbs and no parking fire signs.
c) Onsite fire hydrants.
d) Department Connection (FOC).
e) Double detector valve.
f) Street address sign.
h) Alarm annunciator panel.
i) NFPA 704 placards.
j) Note the designated fire apparatus access roads and fire hydrant shall be Installed and
approved by Prevention prior construction of the building
Complete and submit the attached Fire Prevention Bureau
Fire Hydrant Worksheet..
Apparatus Access Road and
44. the following information the plans submitted for building
II Deferred Submittals for the following fire protection shall be submitted to
Preventlon Bureau for approval permitting prior to installation of the
a) Private Fire Service Main.
b) Automatic Fire Sprinkler System.
c) Fire Alarm System
45. Show the location of address numbers on the building elevation. building must have
identification in a position is plainly visible or
road fronting the property Refer to the Fire Prevention Premises Identification
Standard 001, 1.
46. A Knox Box is required at the primary paint of first response to the building. A
mounted Knox Box # 3275 Series is required for this the Knox Box shall
visible upon approach to the main entrance from the lane. Note Knox must be
Installed from 72" to finish grade; show the location on the
47. fire hydrants are for this hydrants shall a wet barrel Clow
model 960. The locations of the fire hydrants are to be determined by the Fire Prevention
contact I nspector David Heida (415) 458-5004 to a
48. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum width of the
road shall be The width IS to remain and obstructed for
20-feet roadway on each side of the fire hydrant.
When a building is fully sprink!ered, all portions of the exterior building perimeter shall be
UV"'''''''' .. 1 within of an approved fire apparatus access road.
50. mimmum width of apparatus access road shall
51. The minimum inside turning radius a fire apparatus access road shall be
52. The fire apparatus access road serving this building is more than 150-feel in length.
project shaH an approved turn-around. contact the Fire Prevention for
specific details.
53. As the building is over 30 feet in height. an aerial fire apparatus access roadway is required
to one of the building. Aerial apparatus access roadway shall be located
a minimum 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building.
54. The minimum unobstructed width for an aerial fire apparatus access road shall be ...... _'·I:>OT
Overhead utility and power shall not located within the fire access
roadway, or between the roadway and the building
56. Fire lanes must be designated; painted red with contrasting white lettering "No
Parking Lane" A sign shall be in with CFC
57. project provide a stairway for roof access.
58. Evacuation placards shall be Installed at all classrooms.
59 Hazardous Materials Placard shall installed in with NFPA 704.
60. Provide a copy the Hazardous Materials Management Plan which has been submitted to
Marin County Department of Public Works, CUPA.
61 This property is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) area. Provide a written
Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) submitted to the Department. This VMP
must be completed and verified prior to final approval. to City of San Rafael
856 that may at or you may
Department at (41 485-3308 and talk to Deputy Fire Marshal John Lippitt for
any questions or comments Requirement of continued compliance with the approved
VMP must be placed within CC&R's.
62. Contact the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWO) to make arrangements for MMWD to
provide water supply for the required protection ",\fe,,,::,,.,...
During Construction
Marrn Municipal Water District
63. The project shall require the installation of a new and water meter. Water service
will be available upon request and fulfillment of the following requirements:
a) Complete a High Water Application.
b) Submit a copy of the building permit.
c) Pay the appropnate and charges.
d) Comply with and regulations in time is
including the installation of a separate meter to serve the new structure.
e) Comply with all indoor and outdoor reqUirements of District 13 -Water
Conservation. irrigation, grading and fixture plans shall be submitted to the
District for review and approval. Any questions regarding District Code Title 13 -Water
Conservation should directed to the District's Water Conservation Department
(415) 945-1497. You may also find information on the District's water conservation
requirements online at -'-'-'..:c.:..::..:.:...:..=~=.:..=..:..:::..:..;"".
f) Comply with the backflow prevention requirements, if upon Districts review backflow
protection is including and Questions
regarding backflow requirements should directed to the Backflow Prevention
Program Coordinator at (41 945-1
will with the applicable
website at
or contact (BOO)
5000, It is highly recommended that be contacted as soon as possible so that there is
adequate time to engineer all required improvements and to schedule any site work.
65. The cost of relocating any eXisting or conversion of existing overhead
underground shall of the or property owner.
66. Prior to the start excavation or construction, general contractor shall call Underground
Alert (USA) at (800) 227-2600 to have the location of any existing underground facilities
marked in the
Prior to Occupancy
Final inspection of the project by the Community Development Department, Planning
Division, is required. The applicant shall contact Planning Division to a final
inspection upon completion of the project. The final inspection shall require a minimum of 48-
hour advance
68. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy, In alternative, the
or property owner shall post a bond City in the amount of the estimated
landscaping/irrigation installed cost. In the event a bond is posted, all areas proposed for
landscaping shall be covered with bark material approved by the Planning
Division prior to occupancy. Deferred a bond not 3 months
past occupancy~
landscape architect for the project shall a letter to the Planning Division,
confirming the landscaping has been installed in compliance with approved plans
and the irrigation is fully functioning
70. exterior lighting shielded down. A of one (1) foot candle ground level
overlap shall be provided at all exterior doorways and throughout the vehicle parking area. A
minimum (1/2) foot at ground overlap shall be provided on outdoor
pedestrian walkways and common areas. Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy,
all exterior lighting shall be subject to a 60-day lighting level review by the City to ensure that all
lighting sources provide for the building occupants while not a glare or
or be annoying to adjacent residents. During this lighting review period,
adjustments in the direction or intensity of the lighting, if
Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013)
Conditions of Approval
1. ThIS Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013) authorizes the MA to increase enrollment by
50 for a maximum enrollment of 450 . Anyadditiona! in the maximum
enrollment at MA shall require amendment of this Use Permit and subject to review and
approval by Planning Commission,
2. This Use Permit Amendment (UP1 3) shall supersede all previous Permit
004) and Amendment (UP02-027 and UP04-035)
3. This Use Permit Amendment operation of a private high school facility, providing
educational services (both academic and athletic). This Use Permit also allows all ancillary uses
which would serve the faculty and staff of an facility
4. Use (UP14-013) shall require the implementation of a Transportation Demand
Management Plan (TDMP), as .submitted by the applicant in the document titled Marin Academy
Transporlation Demand Management Plan, prepared by Transporiation Consulting, dated
May This TOMP be requi anytime the With an enrollment
above 400 and below the maximum 450 students:
a With the
additional enrollment of students approved by this Use Permit (UP14-013), a (TDMP) is
required to implemented reduce vehicular and parking impacts (both on and off
campus) and surrounding public streets. Given that the to enrollment may
occur at one time, the TDMP shall only be when the expands enrollment
above 400 students. Once above 400 students, the school shall implement the measures
identified in the TDMP as outlined in the document titled Marin Academy Transportation
Demand Management Plan, by Parisi Transportation Consulting, dated May 30,
2014, as modified below
b. April 1s1 and October 1st of year, MA shall submit to the Community
Development Planning Division, a follow-up report by a registered traffic
engineer evaluating the following:
1) Student/faculty/staff travel patterns, including.
Number of driving
b) Number of students dropped off/picked up and
c) Number carpooling and the of
d) Number of students utilizing one of the Marin Academy-provided school
e) Number of students utilizing public transit
f) Number of students traveling via other methods
g) Number of students parking on-site
h) Number of faculty parking
i) Number of staff parking on-site
j) Number of faculty and staff parking
k) Ride program (specify number of students, faculty and staff who share a
ride and how often)
I) Bicycle or forms of commuting number of faculty
and staff commuting by other methods)
summarize all of types of implemented as in the
TDMP and their effectiveness. Provide performance measures of the various
implemented, as the number of assigned in
parking lot, utilization of carpool number of "transit bucks" issued, number
of bicycles parked an campus, etc
3) Conduct turning movement counts at intersections (Fifth and
Mission and Cottage Avenues) surrounding the school and compare to
to determine If and/or numbers on the roadway
affected by the
4) Identify new mitigation measures and/or new TDMP strategies, as if the
adopted TDMP does not as anticipated,
5. swimming pool is allowed by groups 6-10 a.m. 4-8 p.m.
weekdays 7 a.m -noon weekends.
6. The is allowed to by community theater groups for and
performances. Performances by community theater groups are to no more than
7. Consistent with General Plan policies encouraging schools to provide
cultural to the community as well as educational opportunities, MA may share campus
gymnasium and field facilities and meeting space with other schools, programs,
community and neighborhood as long as activities remain to primary
prIvate school use on the site. Any renta! of facilities with amplified musIc or for use after
midnig shaH require temporary Use Permit approval from the City,
8, MA shall maintain a program in to Ilmit the impact of student, faculty staff
parking within the surrounding residential neighborhood. This Use Permit Amendment (UP14-
013) hereby adopts and shall implementation of the "Marin Academy Parking and
Traffic and Innovation Dated 6,2014"
9. Except as modIfied by further evaluation by the City' Engineer, Amendment
(UP14-013) hereby adopts shall uire implementation of the "Mann Academy
Transportation Demand Management Plan; by Parisi Transportation Consultlng;
Dated May 3D, 4."
10 ThiS Use Permit Amendment (UP14-01 shall run with the and remain valid
regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to conditions, provided
that a grading permit or building permit IS by the City and work or a time
is submitted to the Community Development Department, Planning
Division, within two (2) years of this approval or until October 28, 2016. to obtain a
grading permit or building permit or submit a time request by date will
in the expiration of this Use Permit.
The was ado~ted at ular meeting of the City of
Planning Commission held on the 28 1 day October 2014.
Moved by Commissioner XXXXX and seconded by Commissioner XXXX:
Paul A Jensen, Secretary Jack Robertson,