HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-28_cityofsanrafael_9260d050b1a62a74b8d63960767d022eExhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)2/06198 Ms. Ellen McKnight 15 Overhill ' Mill Valley, Ca, 94941 (' \.. .... Re: 4th & G St, San Rafael,Ca Dear Ms. McKnight ' . . WILL BONO -ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 28 HANOVER, SUITE E CHICO, CA 95973 PHONE (916) 342-l333 FAX (916) 34271490 . 'CAL .. CONTRACTOR A, B, C & HAZ-MAT #323819 Please find the enclosed Phase n Site Investigation for 1700 4th St. and billing for same. The reSults· were excellent, not even a trace of contaminants related to gas station operation was detected. The study was successful in collecting samples from locations which insure that if significant contamination existed, the analysis would have revealed it, regardless of fluctuations in groundwater gradient. ' The work was conducted under perinit by San Rafael Fire Dept. and a copy of the report has ,been sent to them as required. . !fyou have any questions pleasecontac:t me. at (530) 342-1333. ~~ ~,RE.A. RECE~VED JllL 24 2014 PLANNING
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)~. :~ ( WilL BONO -ENViRON1vu~NTAL SERVICES 28 HANOVER, SUITE E CHICO, CA 95973 . PHONE (916) 342-1333 . FAX (916)342-14-90 . CAL. CONTRACTOR A, n, C & HAZ-MAT #323819 SOUl AND GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION Bundschu Property 4th & G St. San Rafael, Ca Prepared for Ms. Mary Bundschu, Trustee. Prepared by: WILL BONO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 48 HANOVER LANE, SUITE 4 .' CHICO· CALIFORNIA . , . 6 February 1998
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)·.' .' " ". ~~ "-Lane P oject Geologist ( ( SOIL & GR.OlJNDWA'I':ER INVESTIGATION Bundschu Property San Rafael, California 6 February 1998 This. report has been prepared by the staff of Will Bono Environmental SerVices under direction of a State of c;:aliforIiia Registered Geologist: whose seal andlor signature appeals hereoa. 'This work has been' conducted in an objective and unbiased manner and in accord with generally accepted professional practice for this type of work. WEBS believes the results, Specifications, conclusions and professional opinions to be accurate a:pd relevant but cannot ~cept responsibility for ~e . accuracy or completeness of public documentation or . possibl~ withholding of infonnatiQn by interviewees . or other private parties. We make no other warranty, either expressed or implied
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)(" ", '. INlRODUCTION This report documents' the results of the Soil and Groundwater Investigation at Bundschu property 1700 4th St, San Rafael, Marin County, California. This investigation consisted of obtaining soil and groundwater samples via Geoprobe® for the initial site characterization of the subject property. The objective of this investigation is to delinl!ate the lateral and vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, to the soil and groundwater beneath the site: ." This Investigation consisted of collecting one soil at interface and one water sample froiD five separate borings on the subject property. This investigation was carried out in accordance with the Tri-Regional recommendations by a qualified contractor under' the supervision of a state Of California Registered Professional Geologist. This report was developed according to the guidelines Of the state of California pu~lication. Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFD Field Manual: Guidelines for Site Assessment Cleanup, and Underground TaM Closure; and the Tri-Regional Board Staff, Recommendations for Prelimiruuy Investigation and Evaluation ofUndergronnd Tank Sites. SITE IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Site Identification: Site Name: Property Owner: Contact PerSon; Phone: Consultant: Company: Contact: Registrations: Phone Bundschu Property " 1 ~OO 4th St. " San Rafael, CA Mary B.undschu, Trustee Ms. Ellen McKnight "707-651-2905 Will Bono Environmental Services 48 Hanover Lane, Suite 4 Chico, CA95913 Will Bono; RE.A. Class I-HazMat Contractors #323819 Registered Geologist # 4,987 REA #04233 530-342-1333 3
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)( SITE HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION , I .\ Currently the site is occupied by Hanna's Restaurant The site has been suspected of being a former gasoline station. This information has been verified by n~ighbors who have personal historic knowledge of the site, additionally, the style and architecture of the existing structure supports this assumption. . On 27 January 1998 Will Bono Environmental. Services (WEES) personnel obtained 5 soil and 5 groUndwater samples via Geoprobe® from the subject property (see Tables 1 and 2). SITE GEOGRAPHY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The area of the subject site is part of the. San Francisco Bay Area whlch lies within the Northern Coastal Ranges Geomorphic ProvinCe of California. Deposits of the' Jurassic to Cretaceous period comprise the bedrock Of the F.raiJ.clScan Fonnation, reaChing a maximum thickness of 200'. ThC$e formations consist of shale. chert, schist greenstone and melange. The listed subsoil is bay mud consisting of silty claysl The geologic makeup encountered directly on the site consists of.aIluvial deposits of silts. gravels and silty clays common to the local hills. Lithology observed during the sampling eve~t consisted of reddish brown silty clay to a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface (BGS) .. At 8' feet BGS brown silty ~veIs were encountered. The aquifer Was' penetrated at approximately 8.5 feet BGS. Warer samples were collected ftom 8.5 feet BGS. . SOIL SAMPLING The boreholes were driven with a truck mounted mobile Geoprobe® rig using nominal one inch outside diameter Geoprobe® casing rods. The sampler ~ driven using a hydraulically actuated Geoprobe® sample rod with an 18" acetate sampling tube inserted within the casing rod. Soil samples were collected for chemical analysis at 5' intervals beginning at 5' below ground surface (BGS) and continwng to groundwater at 8.5 feet Soil samples selected for analysis were collected from the soU water interface at 8 to 8.5 feet A portion (approximately 2-inch section) of each sample was recovered and used for field . screening. Upon removal from the sampler, the selected sample Was trimmed flush with the end of the sleeve, the ends covered with TeflonThl film, and then sealed with plastic end caps. The sleeves were labeled and immediately placed into a 'pre-cooled ice chest on ice .packs at approximately 4°C for tranSportation to the state-certified' hazardouS materials testing laboratory. The samples were entered onto an approved chain-of-custody and Request for Analysis forms, Proper chain-of-custody procedures were followed at all times (Appendix A) GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Groundwater was encountered at 8.5 feet below ground surface (BGS). After groundwater had'been penetrated, the . Geoprobe® casing was withdrawn approximately 16 inches to expose the Geoprobe® Casing. screen within the water bearing zone. A new, ball stopper hose was then inserted into the Geoprobe® casing and retrieved to facilitate free phase product measurement. No free product was observe'd. A new, decontaminated warer retrieval hose was then placed into the Geoprobe® casing to facilitate groundwater sampling. Each sample was placed into appr~priate containers, labeled and placed into a pre-cooIed ice chest at a temperatUre' of approximately 4°C during .transPortation.. Proper chain-of-custody protocol was followed at all times. A copy of the field data sheet, results of sample analyses, and chain-of-custody forms are included in Appendix A.of this report. 1 . Norris and Webb, 1976 4
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)" .~ .. " f ( CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Soil samples selected for analysis were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by EPA metl19d 8015 (DOHS modified), gasoline constituents benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and total xylenes (B1EX), and gasoline oxygenate methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA method' 8020. None of the selected analytical methods revealed hydrocarbon eontainination in soil. Water samples submitted for analysis were analyzed for TPH-g by EPA method 8015 (DOlIS modified). Gasoline constituents B1EX as well as the gasoline oxygenate M1BE were analyzed by EPA method 602. None of the selected analytical methods revealed hydrocarbon contamination in groundwater. Proper cbain-of-custody protocol was observed at all times. Copies of the Chain-of-Custody forms are included in the appendices with the results of all chemical analysis (Appendix A). . Table 1 displays results of soil samples analyzed for TPH gas, BTEX, and MTBE on 1/27/98. sample Sample ID Date SIrl 1127/98 SL-2 1127198 SL-3 1127198 SI.r4 1127198 SirS 1127198 , Detection Limit TI'H-Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons NA· Not analyzed for MTBE -Methyl t-butyl ether TABLEt SOIL SAMPLE RESULTS TPH(mglkg) BTEX & MTBE (\I&'kg) TPH-g TPH-d B T E X ND NA-ND ND ND NO ND NA ND ND ND ND ND NA ND ND ND NO ND NA ND NO ND ND ND NA ND ND ND NO 0.05 NA 0.5 0.5 . O.S 1.0 NO-Not detected at laboratol)' limits. BTEX· ~enzene. Tolueno. Ethyl-beozene. and Total Xylenes . MTBE . ND ND ND ND ND 5.0 Table 2 displays results of groundwater samples analyzed for TPH gas, BTEX, and MTBE on 1127/98. Sample Sample II> Date SL-l 1/27/98 SL-2 1127198 SIr3 1127/98, SI.r4 1127/98 SirS 1127/98 Detection Limit TPH· Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons NA· Not analyzed for MTBE • Methyl t-butyl ether TABLEl GROUNDWATERS~LERESULTS TPH(mgikg) BTEX & MTBE (uglkg) TPH-g TPH-d' B T E X ¥TJ3E ND NA NO ND ND ND ND ND NA ND ND NO ND NO ND NA ND NO ND ND ND NO NA NO NO ND NO ND 'NO NA ·NO NO ND ' ND ND 0.05 NA 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 5.0 NO-Not detected at Jaboratol)' limits. BTEX·'Beo:zene, Toluene, Ethyl-beo:zene, and Total Xylenes 5
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)! t. ( I CONCLUSION This Soil and Groundwater Investigation report outlines the necessaty investigative procedures followed to determine if any impact exists at the subject site. Hydrocarbon contamination to soil and groundwater is ·at non-detectable levels. If at any time hydrocarbon contamination did exist on the subject property it is no longer evident The determination is that no negative impact t()grouildwater has been made. RECCO~NDATIONS Based on this investigation, hydrocarbon contamination for Bundschu Property, 1700 4th St, San Rafael, CA is not present at levels above MCLs for drinking water. This determination is based on analyticallabor<itory results no further action is necessary. 6
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)
Exhibit 5.b August 28, 2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 5.b (Phase II)