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Marin Academy
Parking and Traffic Study
Science and Innovation Center Project
June 6, 2014
I. Introduction
a. Contents of the this Study
II. Parking
3. f-'T{',n"'o"''' Traffic and Conditions
b. Parking Lots the New Science
c. Parlong Lots Unaffected by New Science Building
d. Enrollment Increase and Transportation Demand
m. Traffic and Circulation
a. Current Circulation at Marin Academy
b. Proposed Circulation At Marin Academy
c. Traffic Intersection Studies '
IV. Appendix
3. 2003 Permit Documents
b. Count Information
L Summa!)' tables
ii. Traffic Count Data
2 of 16
1. Introduction
the new Science and
at J 600 Mission Avenue.
and site circulation plans to facilitate construction of the new Science
Traffic impacts have always and continue to be, very important for
both Marin Academy ("MA") and its community. The school takes plide in its
long ofworldng successfully with members of the neighborhood to ensure that
to traffic and parking are understood, and continually
an opportunity to build on that to proactively address
to the building of the Science and and to revise
parking and traffic are at the school.
a. of the Study
provides both narratives and of how parking and t.raffic have been
jn the past, as well as how they'll be handled in the future. of each
parking area, who will occupy the spaces found how vehicles and will
move in around the campus, measures, and traffic intersection studies are included,
Transportation Demand Management Plan, specifically tied to and
''"'J.ll'"'U .... 'IVU of a requested increase in has been drafted and is
our formal
as part of the approvals process for a the development of a new athletic center al
AC:8o,emy the Planning Commission that Ule school a
in order to resolve in the surrounding residential streets. On May
the Planning Commission the first Marin Academy and Traffic
J.UI5UU'&1'" of that original plan included the following provisions:
1. Students and staff would be from parking on G and H Streets (north of Mission
and on Bryn Mawr Drive. In order to enforce this school staffwould
the area.
2, Sophomores would be from to school.
3. for on-campus parking would be to carpool both students and
3 of 16
4. Marin Academy was to maintain a register Mall student and faculty drivers and their
When the original MA Parking and Traffic Plan was approved in 1997, the school had 90 00-
site parking spaces on its campus, for 385 students.
In 2002, as a condition of the school's use permit amendment, requested for the construction
of a new parking lot at the north end of the campus, and an enrollment increase of 15
students, the Planning Commission required the school to revise the 1997 Parking and Traffic
Plan, and obtain approval of the revised plan from a newly fonned MA Neighborhood
Parking and Traffic Committee ("Conunittee''). The Committee, made up of representatives
from the school (Mike Joyce) and II members of the local commwlity, approved the Updated
Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Plan on April 30, 2003. On August 12,2003 the
Planning Conunission adopted a resolution (03-29) approving the Updated Parking and
Traffic Plan.
The Updated Plan sought to remedy many issues either created or not addressed in the 1997
plan. The six key elements ofthe Updated Traffic & Parking Plan included:
J. An increase in on-site and off street parking at Marin Academy.
2 . A reduction in the number of cars tnat travel to school.
3. Provisions for better accounting ofthe cars that travel to the school.
4. A proposal for assigned overflow parking (tabled).
5 . Administrative guidelines.
6. Ongoing Communications and Reporting.
At the time the Plan was approved in 2003, the schooi had 135 park.ing spaces, including
those that were added in the new North Lot. With MA's new enrollment allowance of 400,
this was 35% over the code required J 00 spaces (schools are now required to provide 1
parking space for every four students). At the school's discretion, they also leased an
additional 22 spaces at the nearby Elks Club to further relieve parking pressures .
In March 2003, the school purchased a parking lot at ] 513 Fifth Avenue, that was then under
a long term lease. When that lease expired in 2005, the school gave up the Elks Club
parking, and incorporated t be 34 s paces from the purchased lot into their total count, raising
the total parking spaces controll ed by the school to 1 61, its cunent level. This new total was
reflected in the 2005 Updated Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Plan, included with this
formal application.
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11. Parldng
c. Summary of Current and Proposed Traffic and Parking Conditions
The construction ofa new Science and Innovation Center, and related site improvements, will
result in no net loss of parking on the campus. Currently, parking for both students and
faculty/staff occurs in a variety of locations in and around the MA campus, both
north and south of Mission Avenue. These locations are shown in the site plan that follows
on the next page, and described in the tables below.
North Lot
I i
1---·--I I '--, i
/ I
Summary of Existing Parking at Marin Academy
Parking Area Employee Student ADA Visitor Total
North Lot 45 45
West of New Gym 4 4
Service Road-North 6 6
Service Road-South 12 12
West of Foster 11 2 13
East of Foster 12 I 3 16
Visual Arts Center 26 2 28
Founders Hall I I
1513 Fifth Avenue Lot 34 34
BBLC/Llbrary 1 I 2
Total 50 101 i 3 em
The project wi ~eGessi.tate the r-emo"a1 of the 1i:ast e.f foster parking lot, whe,r,c 14 parking
spaces cUlTently exist. 'i.no se spaces are used by hi ~ 0 sitors . To replace those
spaces, and ensure that al110st parking spaces are replaced elsewhere on campus, we are
proposing to increase the efficiency at the North Lot parking area, adding l2 spaces to that
lot, and replacing parallel parking WiUl angled in parking at the north end of the Service
Road, providing four (4) additional spaces in that location. We intend to consolidate all
faculty and staff parking to the North Lot. The required addition of one ADA space will
reduce faculty/staff parking by one parking space . No loss III student parking is antIclpated .
The table below summar.izes the proposed changes to Marin Academy's parking areas .
Details of each parkin.g area that wiLL be modified by this project can be found in [he section
that follows.
Summary of Proposed Parking at Marin Academy
Parking Area Employee Student ADA Visitor Total.
North Lot 49 2 3 3 57
West of New Gym 4 4
Service Road-Norm 10 10
Service Road-South 12 12
West of Foster 12 I 13
East of Foster a
Visual Arts Center 26 2 28
founders Hall 1 1
1513 fifth Avenue Lot 34 34 '
BBLCJLibrary I 1 2
Total 49 101 8 3 lJiJ
Page 7 of 16
North Lot
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Founders Ha ;;-Lot-··l i
! '
/' I!
M(lrin Academy Proposed Campus Parking Plan
I. .. J I -.... , I
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....... -... -
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d. Parking Lots Affected by the New Science Building
North Lof
The North Lot, constructed in 2003 to replace two underutilized tennis courts, was originally
designed to accommodate 45 parking spaces, with an internal island that included a bios wale
to treat stonn runoff. After careful review of the site, effectiveness of the bioswale,
relevant codes and ordinances, and use patterns by the school, EHDD Architects and CMG
Landscape Architects, with the assistance of Sherwood Engineering, our civil engineer,
designed an alternative approach to the North Parking Lot that would significantly increase
its parking efficiency and its ability to treat stonn water.
""-J"~ ------------
i I
. ~., I
I .:
North Lot (from Sheet Ll.Ol)
As proposed (and shown above, and on Sheet LI.Olofthe submiltcd Plan set), the North Lot
will acconunodate a total of 57 parking spaces as designed. Of these, three (3) will be ADA
or handicap accessible, thirty eight (38) will be standard sized (8.5' x 18'), and sixteen (16)
will be compact sized (8' x 16'). 28% of the total spaces are compact. Six of the spaces will
be designated for clean air vehicles .
These dimensions are those pennissible under the Downtown Parking ordinance (CiTE)
However, it should be noted that the North Lot technically lies just outside the Downtown
Page 9 of 16
Area, as shown on the General Plan map (C ITE). Per the map, the Downtown Area is
bounded to the nOlth by Mission Avenue, which bifurcates the school's campus.
MA requests that the Downtown Parking Ordinance be applied to the NOlth Parking Lot for a
number of reasons. Primary among them is that it will ensure that there will be no loss in on-
site parking at the school as a result of this project. It will actually increase the effectiveness
of the hydrology/stonn water treatment, by greatly improving the system previously installed,
and reducing the amount of impervious area that would be required with the larger spaces.
Also, allowing the Downtown ordinance to be applied will ensure consistency across the
entire campus, which as mentioned abov'e is divided evenly by the Mission Avenue boundary
The tighter spaces shown in tbe North Lot will be utilized almost exclusi vely by the staff and
faculty, ensuring that the highest levels of safety are maintained. The teachers and staff using
the North Lot will be typically arriving and depalting only once a day, reducing the overturp.
of parking spaces that is typically seen in a downtown parking Jot. The two student spaces
provided for in this lot allows the school to maintain parity between the number of student
and employee parking spaces on the school campus . The student spaces, Like all spaces on
campus, will be assigned .
As has been the case since 2003, the North Lot will continue to be closed in the evenings by
locking a ballard in the access drive, and the lighting will be shielded, and designed to
provide minimum light levels that ensure both safety, and a reduction of glare to neighbonng
homes. The code required number of trees for shading will also be maintained. Please see
the landscape plans and Design Narrative for more detaiL.
East of Foster
As mentioned above, the entire East of Foster parlong area will be eliminated by the
construction of the new Science and Innovation Center. In its place will be a new pedestrian
and handicap accessible spine, traversing through a learning garden and courtyard, that
connects the Science buildings and Foster Hall on the Cll'cle, with the athletic facilities at the
north end of the campus . Car and pedestrian circulation·will be separated, enhancing safety
and improving the urban design of the campus. A total of sixteen (16) spaces will be
relocated from this location .
West of Foster
The existing parking lot at the West of Foster Hall will be modified slightly in that one ADA
space will be removed, and an additional student space provided.
Service Road
Page 10 of 16
From Sheet L1.01
Both Y~'.~~'O and
to the Service
in the
addition of
driver safety.
parking spaces, and enhanced
Currently, drivers enter the MA campus
Mission Avenue at the exit on the
Service Road after to east of
F oster Hall. The current parkll1g on the
Service Road is in parking at the lower
(south) section, and parallel parking (on the
driver's side) at the upper (north) section. A
total of spaces are now found
at the south end six (6)
parallel parking spaces are at the north.
The new plan would aUow vehicle ingress (the
Service Road will one way in) from
Mission and require all vehicles to exit at tbe
where there is a 4 way stop
Tbe 12 spaces at the lower
Service Road would remain, and four
additional spaces a total of 10) would be
accommodated at the upper pOltlon as shown
to the left.
The has only two parking One is a handicap space, and the other a
.... U.~fi.W'F. space. With all faculty parking consolidated and moved to the North
to avoid any reduction in student spaces, we intend to create a
student parking at the BBLC/Library
11 of 16
e. Parking Lots UnatTected by tbe New Science Building
The following parking areas will not by modified by project in any way. will
continue to provide spaces for the users as shown in the above.
.. Visual
.. Founders
.. 1513 Fifth
(28 spaces, student, 2 ADA)
(l space, ADA)
spaces, student)
f. Enrollment Increase and Transportation Demand Management
The nrT'p,,,,F' in <>t .... u'-'J..J.L enrol1ment from 400 to 450 will, without transportation
demand measures employed, result in a
demand of 13 spaces (1 space: 4 students). However, intends to utilize a
variety of transportation demand strategies to ensure that any new demand
for parking (and trip generation) be reduc,ed to current levels, or below. The of
this including the to be employed, and the various III
bus biking and other means required to any new
JUlJ.HUHlll". to ensure fire met, are outlined in the attached
Transportation Demand Management Plan, are not covered in document. Please
refer to that document more infonnation.
12 of 16
Ill. TrafficJCirculation
a. Current Circulation at Marin Academy
Marin Academy is bounded by 5th Avenue to the South, Bryn Mar Drive to the East and
North and Forbes Avenue to the West, near downtown San Rafael. Cottage Avenue is a
oue-way connection through campus between 5(h Avenue and Mission Avenue and is
currently where busses drop-off and pick up students.
Vehicular circulation to the North of campus currently enters from Mission Avenue,
tlu 'ough the drop off circle in front of Foster Hall, along th e east side of Foster Hall
through the East Parking Lot to the North Lot. Veh icular circulation from the north of
campus proceeds down the one-way Service Road to Mission Avenue or through the
West of Foster Parking area and Drop off Circle near Foster Hall to Mission Avenue.
Page 13 of 16
Existing (ampus (,,",ulation
Marin Academy Campus
b. rOllos:ca Circulation At Marin
The proposed Science and Innovation Center is located at the of the current East
Foster parking area, along the east side of Hall. A pedestrian promenade will link
the south and north separating vehicular and circulation. The East of
spaces will be at the North Lot and along the
of parking on campus.
Circulation to the North of campus in proposed plan enters at Service Road and
proceeds to the North Parking Lot. The Road is redirected to a onle-~,av
north. Parking spaces this be accordingly.
the Road, tricky hand turns from the Service to Mission
At Foster Hall, vehicles may choose to proceed the West of
Foster Lot and drop-off circle to Mission Avenue. The North Lot has a turn-
around for vehicles and the necessary turning area for fire trucks.
14 of 16
c, Traffic Intersection Studies
Proposed Campus Circu!aUon
Marin A<ademyG1mpu~
Level of Service traffic analyses were conducted at the Cottage AvenuelMission Avenue,
and the Fifth AvenuelMission Avenue intersections. The results of those counts, for
both current conditions, and after the project has been completed (with and without TDM
measures employed) can be found in the appendix,
Page 15 of 16
a. 2003 Conditional Use Penult Documents
b. Traffic COlIDl Infonnation
l. tables
ii. Traffic Count Data
16 of 16
(j., .t""'-~~
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Marin Academy
June 6,2014
Raffi Boloyan, Planning Manager,
Steve Stafford, Planner
City of San Rafael
1400 51h Ave
P.O Box 15 160
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
Re: Marin Academy Science and Innovation Center -Parking and Traffic D{)cuments
Dear Raffi and Steve,
This letter and the attached documents arc being submitted with Marin Academy's
application to the City of San Rafael for project approvals related to the development of a
new Science and Innovation Center, to be located in the heart of the school 's campus at 1600
Mission Avenue.
These compiled documents, submitted at the request of both the Planning Department and
Department of Public Works as part of the Pre Appl ication process that occurred earlier this
year, are collectively intended to oulline the history of traffic and parking measures
implemented at the school, describe modifications and enhancements to them as a result of
this project, and to provide a framework for ensuring thaL any impacts related to parking and
traffic in the future are avoided.
It's important to note that there are two primary components to the project description that
Marin Academy seeks approvals for at this time. The first is the construction of a new 18,340
Science and Innovation Center bUilding. The second is a request for a modest increase in
student enrollment, from 400 to 450, to be phased in at some point in the future. While both
are part of the overall Project Description, these are distinct and separate issues that affect
parking and traffic in different ways.
The reconfiguration of parking lots and locations, modifications to automobile and pedestrian
circulation, enhancements in safety, and traffic intersection counts, are specifically related to
the building of the new Science and rnnovation Center. These issues are addressed in the
Traffic and Parking Study included with this letter.
Related, but distinct, is the issue of a potential increase in parking demand (and trip
generation) stemming from any increase in enrollment. Those issues are specifically
addressed in the Marin Academy Transportation Demand Management Plan ("TOM").
Parking and traffic are important issues to the operation of any school, and they become even
more critical when that school is a high school located in a relatively dense
residentiaVcommercial area . While issues related to traffic and parking have arisen in the
past, the schoo I takes pride in its long history of working closely with its neighbors to ensure
those impacts are thoroughly understood, and quickly and continually addressed . Since the
fonnation of a neighborhood task force, and the collaborative refinement ofthe MA Parking
and Traffic Plan as a condition of approval of the 2003 Conditional Use Permit, the school
and neighborhood have enjoyed a relatively quiet and successful management of traffic and
parking issues. We understand that this is an ongoing process, and that there is always room
for refinement and improvements.
This project provides not only an opportunity to build on the successful histolY of community
partnership and collaboration . We look forward to working with the City and our
neighborhood to address any and all concems related to reconfigured parking, traffic
circulation, and transportation demand management.
To specifically address the comments made in response to our Pre Application, and facilitate
review of our [onnal applications, we're including the following Traffic and Parking related
documents with this letter:
• Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Study, dated June 6,2014
o 2003 Conditional Use Pennit Documents
San Rafael Planning Commission Resolution 03-29
San ~afael Planning Commission Resolution, 02-42
Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Plan (updated), dated June,
North Lot Parking Lot Guidelines
o Intersection Traffic Counts and Analysis, Parisi Traffic Engineers
• Marin Academy Transportation Demand Management Plan, dated May 30, 2014
Please feel free to contact me (at mjoyce@ma.org or415-482-3213), or our project manager
Ted Lieser (at ted@ecbsf.com or 415-272-3847), if you have any questions or need additional
Most sincerely,
Mike Joyce
Chief Financial Officer
Appendix A-2003 Conditional Use Permit Documents
Marin Academy Use Permit
This contains the following documents relating to the schoors Use Permit
Q San Rafael Planning Commission Resolution 03-29
\t San Rafael Planning Commission Resolution 02-42
It San Planning Commission Report dated 5/13/1997
permitted uses and
a school at the 1600 Mission Avenue
Other supporting documents:
B Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Plan dated n-,'UlJU
e Parking and Notes
.. Staff Parklhg lot guidelines
Marin Academy to as
APPROVAL (APN 011-161-13)
WHEREAS, on November 12, 2002, the Planning Commission approved a Use
Penuit Amendment (up02-027) to allow Marin Academy to increase enrollment and an
Envirorunental and Design Review Permit (ED02-060) for the construction of a new
parking. lot; and
WHEREAS, as a condition of Use Pennit Amendment approval (condition no. 2), ~.
the Planning Commission required Marin Academy to work with neighbors and Planning
Division stflff to revise their existing pa:r;king program to wd:ress neighborhood issues
concerning student and employee parking on surrounding residential streets; and
WHEREAS, Marin Academy held a series of three monthly neighborhood
meetings begil1lling on Febmary 4, 2003, fOlmed a Neighborhood Parkil1g and Traffic
Cornmittee, which included tell neighborhood representatives, Planning staff and Marin
Academy representatives, and revised their parking program; and
WHEREAS, the Marin Academy Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee
approved the proposed Updated Parking and Traffic Plan on April 30, 2003, and the
Updated Plan was distributed to more than 130 neighborhood residents for review and
comments; and
WHEREAS, condition no. 2 of the Use Permit Amendment requires Planning
Commission review and approval ofthe Updated Parking and Traffic Plan; and
WHEREAS, on August 12, 2003, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a
duly-noticed public hearing on the Updated Parking and Traffic Plan, accepting all oral
and written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development
Department staff; and
WHEREAS, Ihe Planning Commission finds that the requirements of condition
no. 2 of the Marin Academy Use Pennit Amendment (\JP02~027) have been niet given
that Marin Academy fomled a Neighborhood Parking and Truffie Committee, met
monthly with the COlllil1ittee to review and discnss the proposed Updated Parking and
Traffic Plan, distributed the Updated Plan to more than 130 neighborhood residents to
review and comment, and the proposed Updated Parking and Traffic Plan was approved
by the Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee on April 30,2003.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the San Rafael Planning
Commission approves the Marin Academy Updated Parking and Traffic Plan subject to
the following conditions of approval:
1, Except as modified the Marin Academy Updated and Traffic Plan
dated April 30, 2003, shall be implemented pursuant to the Marin "u,."''''''u
Amendment (up02~027) approvaL
2. Updated Traffic Plan shaD be to include a phone number at
Marin Academy neighborhood residents to call there is a problem,.
3. Any modifications to the Updated Parking and Traffic Plan shaH require :cln,/,wn,,,,,
the Marin Academy and and the Community
Development Director,
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San
held on 12th day 2003.
Moved by Commissioner K:irchmann and seconded by comnus~aOIlel Paul.
Alden, Atchison, KircnrnatID,Lang, Paul, Scott and
3. 1600 Mission Avenue (Marin Academy) program
of Use Permit Amendment
District; Malin CU .• "LLl:']
Marin as required pursuant to a
011-16 i -Public/Quasi-Public
File No.:
Kristie Principal summarized staff report and reC:0I11men(leG
the Commlssion a resolution approving Marin Updated
opened hearing.
'-JJJ.lvvL at Marin Academy, focused lUs corrunents on the
and which
(Regular) 8/12/03
revising that plan they sent the plan out to 130 neighbors for and comment, then
on April 301ll the met plan. Also at meeting the
Committee decided to meet periodioally rather than monthly, that the next
meeting would September and the idea was to meet the start of the new school
year to how the parking plan was with the new school year.
added that communication Marin Academy neighbors during the entire process,
had wonderfnUy the school forward to continued dialogue
witb the 1ll being a in San RafaeL
Commissioner Paul asked Mr. Joyce the conditions for the use afthe Elk's
parking,lot. Mr, responded that renting it in January for the remainder
of the 2002~03 academic and !.hey jost another agreement 2003-04
"''-',",>..lv.,,,,,,,, year, which is September 2003 -2004, Which is a yearly as needed.
Walsh, 121 EI Cerrito Ave" San Rafael. concem about a home on
Avenue that he was being purchased by Malin Academy to be destroyed
10 construct a road Marin use, which would add additional
, Joyce Academy no idea that the lot was
they had no lot or consuuct a
There being no further public
hearing brought matter
noted that the work that Marin Academy had done not only
benefited themselves and the neighbors, but also is to as a great example and had
made Comrojssion'$ job a lot believed it might time for
to the fmding that it is no
on an annual basis and added as new No.2
the conditions to read, annual status report require by Permit Condition 2 shall
be presented to the Community Development Director January commencing
Janua1Y 2004, unless otherwise by the Community Development " HVC'r,r,,.
about as to provide a report to
D~velopment Director as it would to the Commission and it would also
u,",uv,u, the public havjng a ' He also to' stafftuat if there were an
such as where they corrunents from the public, it would be
to add it to
stated that after a few years of this arrangement if there
had been no situation cOlild He explained that they now
have extra over above requirement, but noted that matters
could change and felt more comfortable with it before the as a
public hearing item, and is no public comment to add it to the consent calendar.
Commissioner Scott with Commissioner LlHl"""IVU"'1 Paul.
MINUTES (Regulnr) 8/12/03
J."-.UkV"",CU.<UAil noted a public hearing as
as the is required. to consider a
recommendation to modify reporting schedule or to eliminate it entirely when the
time is right.
Chair asked a motion.
HU .. "' .. UJi.l<OX Paul
resolution approving the Updated Parking as
presented by staff. The motion carried by a unanimous vote by the Counnission to
adopt a resolution approving Marin Academy Updated Parking and Traffic
prefclTcd to
more public p<lrticipaLion.
the uohced as a public UV.""''''''iS
Richmdson responded that
consent calendar as well.
AYES: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
None ABSTAIN: Commissioners:
reported to the Commission that City Council would be
on second ,st.ory additions on and .w.\..u,,~. agenda and stalfhacfalready 'on prepruing some revisions to
design guidelines regulations, so now they would look at some
Eichler with a neighborhood input.
Vessel :sariuat1on and
Commission and the matter would on the Council's .... ""JUW~
also provided the Commission with a memorandum dated
(hat was included their as follows:
Pla:nning '-''-''.LU.H.Lv
Richardson, Principal Planner
Subject: V essel and Safety Ordinance
MINUTES (Regular) 8112/03
k.l.l..-."'-'.J"nLJ. on May 13,
Community Development
(UP02-027) to allow an
the submitted applications to
requesting approval of a Use Pemlit
in enrollment 15 students for a maximum
students and ali Environmental
constmction of a new 34-car parking lot; and
Review Permit (ED 02-060) for the
of the applications, it that the
proposed is from the of the California Environmenta1
Qu.ality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 1 1, Accessory Structures;
J.'-"'-L>,",u. on JUlY 8 October 16, the Design
parking Jot and recommended approval to the Planning
WHEREAS, on November 12, 2002, the
public Use Pennil Amendment
Design Permit accepting all oral and
written report of the Community Development Department
and Environmental and
public testimony and
made the fonowings fIndings to
the Pennit Amendment and Environmental and Design Review applications:
Use Permit Amendment
1, for a Permit Arnena.meilt is
with the General the of the Zoning
Ordula11ce, and of the Public/Quasi Public (P/QP) District in which the
subject property is located given that Land Policy 18a. pennits a pl1vate
school, including m1 increase in enrollment, in the Public/Quasi Pnbtic land usc
designation oHhe General Plan and the P/QP Zoning
Approval the Amendment would not be to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injmious to properly or improvements in
vicinity) or to the welfare of the City that the additional
student parking in the surrounding neighborhood would mitigated by a net
parking on ,",U,"_>'-'Uw,
3. proposed would comply with Ordinance
school, lncruding an increase in enrollment, is a permitted use
to securing a Pelmit.
mental Desjgn Review ,Permit
4. -car parking lot would in :.:Iceord with General
of the Zoning Ordinance the purposes Chapler 14.25
Review Permits the Zoning Ordinance.
with Plan LU,18a, as
5. The proposed parking wontd be consistent with all applicable site, and
landscaping and guidelines of district in which the is
would comply 14. Standards
100 spaces are wi th 400
and required dimensions and back up met by the
proposed parking Jot. Parking lot landscaping would provided consistent with
Section 14.18.160 Parking Lot Landscaping
trees (one for every spaces) to shade
of lot, new
m and a miDjmum width of 6
concrete cmbs and/or stops
provided. proposed parking Jot
buildings existing traffic drculation
relationship between
AM"'''''''' would VfO}'r-n .. Lighting and
of 36
provide the needed for protecl"ing nearby
In addition, proposed parldl1g would 1\1 "'.'~ ... .r'f"'.
existing tennis comts
to the especiaUy it is currenlly
Finally, the Review Board has recommended approval
that it would be hannoniolls with site and compatible
6. The design and wou ld not be
detrimental to public health, or welfare, or materially injurious to prolJerties
or improvements Ole vicinity as documented ill Nos. 2 and 5 above
that the recommendations from
into the conditions of approval.
City departments have been incorporated
Commission approves Pennit Amendment and
Review Permit for Marin Academy to allow an in enrollment and
construction of a new 34-cur parking lot based on the findings above and subject lo tbe
foHowing conditions of
1. This Pennit Amendment '(UP02-027) authorizes the Marin Academy to increase
enrolJment by l5 students fOT a of 400 students. Any change to the
enrollment be subject review and approval of the Planuing
2. shall work with neighbors and Division to revise
Padcing Progyam (condition no. UP97-004) to
neighborhood concerning student, faculty and parking on surrounding
streets on an ongoing in a mmmer to the Dominican
The program include or better defined
measures to .discourage school par1cing on surrounding s(reets and may
school parking sticker program, advertising parking
expanded carpooling or bussing program, maintaining a
that can is a parldng No than 12,
2003, the Marin Academy submit the, Parking Progranl to
Community Development Department for review and approval of the Planning
lot shall be in with the
Permit (ED02-060) as a condition preceOLeUl to
Hll.ell'-""'y in enrollment
vuu,.,,,,u parking lot and aIU1uaUy thereaf1er until
the Marin shall
5. All conditions of approval of the original Marin Academy Permit (up97-004)
shall apply to Pennit Amendment.
6. This Environmental and Design
years or until November 12, 2004,
valid, or a a
Permit (ED02-060) shall be valid for two
a building
and approval
Community Development
Board and Planning
8. Plans for a building permit shaU
of the Plarming Di vision:
following subject to
and ::'nn,,"",,/
"'~ d.
Q~ 9.
Proposal #2 with 70-watt
and the light pole
west side of the parking
parking space.
be cut
center planting area ,shall be provided that minimum aisle
back up distances are met.
crabapple trees shall repla.ced with a larger tree such as a
shall consider
at center row of
PUI"I'(Jrppn trees and minimizing tree
lot to help provide '"'''>1''''''111><
1 O. 111 consultation \vith adjacent and Planning Division the applicant
"""""''-''.''''" a fighting control for the parking lot 10 '~H"U.'V which lights
turned off when I-''''''',"U.'M lot is not in use. program shall
"I-'~'V'A"~ hour would be turned submitted to
Development lot for
approval of the lights
on for
lighting shall be down. Following
~~'~H'~~ lighting shall be to a 30-day lighting
staffto ensure compatibility witb the surrounding
parking lot)
rp,V'IAW by Planning
12. The applicant shall work with the City's Traffic Engineer to address issues with
overall parking and traffic circulation on campus with attention to the safely of
~(t.-13, Plans submilted for a building permit shall include a plan sheet, which incorporates
these conditions of approval. As an alternative, the conditions of approval may be
attached as a separate document to each Sl3t of plans.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City Planning Commission meeting
held on the 12th day of November 2002.
Moved: by Corrunissioner Whipple and seconded: by Commissioner Paul.
COMMISSIO't\TERS: Atchison, Bushey-Lang, Kirchmarm, Paul, Scott and
Robert M, Brown, Secretary
Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
for an amendment to the Use
(an of
anew lot at the of
l}ublic!Quasi-Public (P/QP) Disllict; Marin Academy, owner; Michael
applicant; Nos,; ur02-027 and
summarized the report that
a approving the proposed Use Amendment to
in emotlment at Marin Academy and Environmental and Design
a 34-CIlT parking lot on the site courts.
to meeting.
the neighbors, common
has been a request for to build more
on-site to help alleviate impact of student and visitor cars Oll the surrounding
neighborhood streets. 'He also stated that school administration and the Board of
trustees has heard these and the of additionaL
1Ju.J.u.u.<."i He that the Jot
1l1at stl1dent
Academy took an jump the fall of 2000 due tu a
combination of an increased admissions yield and low attrition, At that
representatives of the school met with the the Deparlment
to propose a four-year plan to reduce enroUmcnt to levels. He also
school enrollment by 14 " ..... u.v,ego
years despite demand and popularity Marin
COllTIty education. noted that existing classroom facilities
accommodate a enrollment of 400 and tuition revenue the additional 15
students will allow Marin Academy to maintain reputation academic as
well as bolster school o Lltreach plans Rafael community. He further indicated
their is to the rollback to 400 and build additional
help of school activities on streets.
MINUTES (Regular) 11/12/02
then introduced
parking tot
and his leam to review the details of
architect, introduced team that would help IJL"'.,,,,,,,
plan. noted lhat the primary goal project was to
Marin Academy on an existing open space in a marmer that
the campus and SUlToundU1gs as as in a manner that would impact tbe surrounding
neighborhood as liltle as possible. noted that througb lleighborhood meetings and site
visits as well as meetings with '--'\.<01.):;.11 Review Board to understand the concerns,
a project would to He that net
count 133. explained that the City one
space that they are exceeding requirement by 33
He added that their proposal is to remove the cyclone fence to provide a new
stained redwood along the westerly end reumlS to the north
provides a device the neighbors. He Doted that the design has improved
after working very closely WiUl the neighbors. explained that the drainage for site
would as is drain to the southwesterly that any
that is not absorbed by the is picked by concrete swale.
indicated they are an median landscape planter pocket
that acts as a bio filter that the potential drainage to the far comer by 50% and
serves as a retention pond, naturally filtering the surface l1l11off into the water table. He
indicated that the is achieved by means of fixtures on
the and in the center
lighting stated that they looked at snrrounding and
UV\.,J.\.i\.,u that fixture height would be which would best height fixtures
any light to U1e neighbors" noted that San
O''\l''rl""l,rCi of the lower level as well as the neighbors.
which are full cut off, and 00 light would shoot directly out. In what is
termed to be called "forward throw fixtures" would direct all the light into the parking
lot. He added that fiAwe a reflector design and they that that
they have a and responsibte design
concrete bases as by Design Board.
",""V, "'f' r they school to control 1
so they have a lot more flexibility to the lighting security purposes. He also
noted that they are using metal haUde lights, which is also a responsible choice and a
color temperature ~en standard lamps. further indicated that this is very
to the surrounding neighbors quite
out that the process school to solicjt and'receive
feedback from adjacent property owners, which allowed the team to
address specific concerns ofthe neighbors in the actual project noted the
light level is kept to a minimum and is well controlled. stated that the <h:ainage
concems have mitigated with bl0 swales and careful plant added that
they propose to address a.ny noise concerns through management having
SRPC (Regular) 1 2/02
and quiet of
have come tip
best to alleviate
Commissioner Kirchmann asked Mr. Joyce the current enrollment at Marin Academy.
Mr. Joyce that t11ey are cunently at COfnmissioner Kirclunarul
asked Me how admission Mr. Joyce responded lhat
the jumped ill the fall of 2000, which them by surprise and now
they keep 011 the acceptance yield. He noted that ill
past over 700 applications spots at the school and
admissions was close to 82%.
.. ,...", ~~~U~UL" asked Mr.
year applications fJLV'vv,:,,:>
Joyce resnoJr1ae:athat they only send out the
if they were
ac(~epl[3nces that they can
Chair Lang Mr. Joyce to address lighting Mr. Joyce responded
his view it would be a wonderful opportunity to meet with the adjacent neighbors to
determine should be left on for and which lights
Mr. thai the cbUID)eL is sunset and sunrise, but
\..IL\-.""'''''''" that timed event, the owner could ovel11de that timed event and
He stated that each could be reduced to 20% one-
. Orgish who will tum
as an automatic
involved in the
what is best
Commissioner Scott stated that the permit issued back in 1987 required a Committee and
asked Mr. Joyce if that Committee still meets on a regular basis. Mr. Joyce responded
that they started with the Committee and it evolved into a series ofreguJar neighborhood
meetings that some are very well attended and some are noL He added that they have a
database of 90 families in the inunediate area that receive nohces three times a year when
they have these meeti.ngs. Commissioner Scott requested clarification on the adrrtissions
policy. Mr. Joyce responded that when the admissions yield were lower they could send
out several letters, but now they send the maximum amount that is aJlowed and then pull
from the waiting list.
Commissioner Whipple asked Mr. Joyce what other steps have been implemented in
parking management programs . Mr. Joyce responded that they have established some
restrictive parking covenants with some ofth.e immediate neighborhood streets. He
explained tlJat students and staff are prohibi ted from parking all G and H Streets north of
Mission Avenue . He indicated that they peliodically patrol those areas in the moming
generally to reinforce tbe fact that students and staff members are not allowed to park in
the restricted areas. In addition, it is written into the student handbooks to ensure that the
students are aware of those restrictions .
Commissioner Whipple asked Mr. Joyce if there are consequences to those who violate
the rules . Mr. Joyce responded tilat the first ti.me violation the patents are called and the
next time the student is expelled for a day. He pointed out that Marin Academy ordered
1,000 stickers to identify which cars specifically belong to the Marin Academy.
Commissioner W11ipple asked Mr. Joyce if a sticker would be a condition in order to
blmg that car to school. Mr. Joyce responded in the affirmative.
Commissioner Whipple aslced Nir. Joyce if there is anytbing else that they have
implemented. Mr. Joyce responded that they have been working very hard with the
neighbors on Harcowt Street to restrict parking to one side. He noted that during the
construction of the schools visual arts center they have not had access to one of their
parking lots and the start of the school year Harcomi Street was pretty bumpy. He
decided to experiment with restricting parking to one side just unti l constmction is
finished. .
CommjsSlOl1er Alden asked Mr. Joyce if people would need to use the new parking 10t
during late hours. Mr. Joyce responded that they do not expect a Lot of activities taking
place at night.
Commissioner Alden requested clruification from Mr. Joyce regarcling the physical
barrier. Mr. Joyce responded that they would start with a chain and then go from there.
He also indicated that they have not actually decided where the chain would be located,
but most likely in the narrow neck of the access road between the two gymnasiums.
Commissioner Paul commented that the parking lot is all asphalt and wondered if it
would be possible to add landscaping islands at each end of the center row of parki.ng to
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 11112/02
; 13
provide more landscaping some measure of protection Mr. Starkweather
they accommodate that
Mr. Joyce neighborhood about
lot all weekends. tvLr. did discuss with the
neighborhood and that is why they are restricting use on weekends.
Chair opened public hearing on this
26 El the
the and to extend to all the
extlressea concern for her property value dropping the parking lot of
which will bring additional noise and
concern for parking on Harcourt
to one of Harcourt
same time next street
is willing to with Marin Academy the students
tn order to have an acceptable plan, but did not and will not to additional
enrollment at Marin He reiterated that they are defiantly willing to work with
Academy, but is in order tlUs plan work.
chain barrier,
Like to see an '"'.., ",,"v "Jl.:l'-'-',U
. . like the use
LU"'''''''·', expressed concern for the amount of
the additio1lal parking could be
accommodated with the new tot. conunended Mr. Joyce reshicting
parking on the north of Harcourt Street, which has helped the parking problem. She
believed that it is the responsibility of Matin to provide for
and She commented on a few letters and noted that the
."" ..... 'JLHV to and weH behaved. She blinds
to minimize
(Regular) 11112J02
at 385 in order to IDllonr:tlZe
quality of
congestion. He also
'V'~~'O more substantial a chain and lock.
would ability to travel
6:00 and 7:00 am. the exc:esslve
also as a resident
accommodated wi tho ut' ''''''''',01"'C''''
parking situation..
use ofthe lot by restricting the use as
,..n-r"f1/1",n the Commission with
is not a student
for tryIng [0 help
but a community problem. congratulated Mr. Joyce
soiution is not tl1at Marin
Academy is a
issue and
as a neighbor, but the problem is an
Rafael, stated the
has generally the neighborhood.
proposing wouLd not to his knowledge traffic congestion,
street believed that the impacts could
conditions of approval. He Marin .cl..\.!',,"U"'LU
over the years
Eleanor Hood, 3 Street, expressed cone em for the parlcing suggested
having Marin discuss with the students on and where; to
their She pomted out "''''''"'~''''''''''r1 to staff vehicles
. only view it would streets. She further
p''''F"\T\r",rr.oEl the school to
also that the general fund is at a
would not benefit community. He
SRPC (Regu tar) UJl2/02
stLldents that come
residential He
stated that in view
time as well as
no further public testimony on this
and the matter back to Commission
one is not UY,Ju ... ·u
parking spaces would be met. She
above parking
there is a parking
parking problem.
ill to bring carpooling to a
a(1clresseCl with the lot as
what use be impact.
closed public
Lang asked Mr. Orgish if they ballard lighting. Mr. Orgish responded
that ballard lighting did not meet the safety requirements additional
quantity to the lot. He that (he were solution this
if ballard lighting used for 24~
security lighting. responded ti1at they consider the ballard lighting,
but il is a question in supplying a secondary to satisfY reqlrirement. He
also noted that is very V'-'.LUiU,",!." that with shieldmg mechanisms
plantings the fixtures be mitigated.
"O'~""'"o reflection.
Commissioner Paul Mr. Orgish if the lighting that is cUlTently on-site
same amount of light is proposed the lot Mr. Orgish
not 11m to the However, that
is much more
only on
control every single
the public, it would
ind i vidually.
surrounding homes.
sense to the small extra cost to
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 1 2/02
Commissioner Paul commented that the school is doing everything they can to increase
parking on-site, but maybe some co-development of a parking management pJan could be
developed to solve the parking problem . He suggested discussing the issue with the City
to see if they could help with the unsafe situations. He fwther added that the lighting has
been reduced dramaLieaHy from the Oliginai proposal in his view.
Corrunjssioner Alden cOlTunented that the parking requirements are inadequate and while
revamping the General Plan the par-king requirement should be reviewed and changed for
the future. He added that he recognized that the schoo!. is trying to btiug down
enrollment, but he CRilnot support the increase in enrollment. He indicated that within the
next couple of years the school should get down to the target admissions Jevel of 385
students,. which will belp the congesti.on because parking on the streets is at its full
capacity. He supports the parking Jot and realized. the concerns of the residence and stated
that there is a 30-day lighting review period that residence can voice their concerns. He
believed thal the Design Review Pcrm.it should include some Janguage with respect to the
physical barrier 01at the school is considering installing on the weekends. In addition,
noise would be substantially reduced if the school were successful in limiting access to
the parking loL He would prefer to see the pJans include some kind of specific barrier and
suggested inserting language to the Design Review Permit conditions as follows:
"requiring that the phys ical barrier be implemented as part of the design and allowing
staff to sign off on that. "He added thai he wouJd also be in support of including in the
Design Review Pennit conditions the following : "requiring the school to implement the
parking solutions. such as stickers and north side parking on Harcourt Street. " I-Ie [mther
noted that it is unusual to see an applicant come with as much thought and consideration
as Marin Academy ~nd commended Marin Academy for their hard work.
Commissioner Scott commented that he is inclined to support the parking lot in order to
help mitigate the parking situation and believed that a parking tot could be put in that
location without undo stress to the neighborhood. He would support a "not later than"
time to be included in the conditions and he would be happy to let staff negotiate that
with the schooL He also suggested having the 30-day lighting review include to the
extent possible the neighbors. He added that he is reluctant at fuis time to support the
increase in enrolhnent due to the level ofparking on the streets. He believed that
. enro-lbncnt is a separate issue from parking and mllii parking is mitigated be would-be
reluctant to change eurol1ment.
Commissioner Atchison commented that be supports a gate much more than a chain
barrier. He stated that a deftnitive time needs to be set with neighbors and staff for the use
of that parking lot. He supports the idea of ballard lighting for security purposes. He
suggested having two or three channels rather than a five-control panel and adding the
ballard lighting in its place. He indicated that he did not see the necessity or benefit for
the increase in enrollment. However, perhaps if a management plan was in place and
packaged simiJar to Dominican it might change his mind. He appreciated the [llans for the
parking lot and belleved the neighbors would be surprised WIth the low level lighting. ,
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 11112/02
VV'.H':.~",l"'..;rC"'rI that he is of whether
it is appropriate to regulate the hours this He they
to balance impacts recognize there would a change the neighbors, but
a strong sense that the parking lot would be relatively innocllous. He
indicated that the idea of imposing a fixed on the use lbt or the
parking lot not being available on tmght be a mistake on their He would
inclined not to hours or operation and believed some sort of
ongoing plan is more appropriate similar to Dominican.
Scott and not to the
have been resolved.
Commissioner Paul commented that is supportive
because it is a srnal1 and adding 32 extra on-site mitigating
that with or without extra enrollment, the ""_'A~"'" problem would
that a plan to developed
or a shuttle bus the prob lem.
COl1unissioner Kirchmann commented that parking were and the acute
problem been to a level is acceptable in to inclease
UM)~v"'L\"'U some financial incentives to families who carpool or
oftbe structures.
Ms. Richardson pointed out that understanding from Malln Academy is that the
Use Permit to increase enrollment does not necessarily dtive a requirement for.
parking, they have voluntatily proposed additional She that
some reason the Planning decided not to approve Permit
Malin Academy have no to the parking,
the approval
standard for parking at Marin Academy is 1 :4,
standard is not working and to be modified, but it is
to follow a standard. also that after
which win make a
Collll.Ilissioner Whipple to
add to the Pennit to review plan on a regular
further that he this is an opportunity with the
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 1111
( l8
Commissioner Atchison commented that lot would not solve the problems in
the neighborhood. requested that the plan before the Commission include a traffic
plan that wiU solve the issues the neighborhood and the reason why they
in enrollment.
Alden explained that Marin Academy out
for two and they are not a position to
with Commissioner Atchison's comments. 110 ted
is hearing the community that the problems need to be addressed
the situation is not the sante as it was ago. furtheT noted that he were
to a decision tonight on the before would not support
for the enrollment
staff what options the Corrunisslon this
that desires to deny the Permit
Pemlit, staff could craft a resolution bring it back at the
Pennit with findings for and approve the Design
this to a later in order to incorporate
Commission has consensus on such as physical barrier to enter
also suggested having a presentation by the applicant as to nexus of the
parking lot the 15 students, than speculation.
\.;U.LLLLllH",>,V.Uvi Atchison commented that is not any cannot malce
fJ~i"''''''' lot will solve the on the streets, unless different
come together and reach n solution.
Ms. Richardson pointed oul that
to meet \-vith
Commissioner approving the Use Pennit the 400 students conditioned
upon parking ldt bdng alld 20nductini neighborhood m:e'etings, He' "',,...,."'''''.
the meantime could come with a plan will work
implemented, if some reason they do not the conditions they can
reconsider enrollment.
with Commissioner Paul's comments, but he would
plan up front before approval.
public hearing on
Academy, stated that the nexus is a
traffic management is also She noted.
MINUTES (Regular) 11112/02
. FOR MARIN ACADEMY; 1600 Mission Avenue, 11-
11-195-01, ~ar~
Mich~el ~.
'~~LHM~~-,-:.'"'--____ ' r17""'£"\"=" BY: ._--..:.....::...y'-L...~~~
DATE: 5-8-97
, ,
o Determine whether Negative Declaration
.' adequately ,
..' w~.~~~~r prpP9se.d _iY~asi~ .. d~8ign~.
with the>caqtpt1S'~ite neighborhood .
. ,: ' ~ Det~rmine, whether propQood uses 'ap'propriate.
~ comnnmity wide ~duca1.ionalJ cultural arut.
, with n~ighborhood ' .
" d
1997 Planning ~V','H,u.
Marin consider est~blishing a plan to solve parking
problems on the surrounding residential streets. Residents of ._~'. '4AL~
narrow, dead-end had become populated student's cars
congestion on the Forbe's also stated additional
should their backyards from the Academy. The
) ~
. FILE NO. UP97-4/ED95-90
Commission requested that the Academy consider preparing an enhanced landscape
, plan.
, ,
, '
The Academy has p~ovideti aClqitionanandscape 'S:cre~l~ing and: ~'par~ii1g pian,to ,
add-ress the concerns of the'neighborhbod. The details of these changes are desrJibed
Landscape Enhancement ,',' ,,', , ,
The Academy has ad'dressed the landscaping/concerns of the residents' 0[22,24, 26 and
28 Forbes Avenue. The details of this enhanced landscape 'plan will be presented aUhe
Parking Pla1J,: ,
The following is a'swrimary of key elements, to l\1arinAcademy!s Parking plan, based
on issues'raised. by neighbors at the M~rch 25,.199'7 hearing'. The' Academy sta~s that
several o(the~,e elerhents have aire-ady bee'n implemented, and others wl11 begm over
the summer'months before the start of sch601 in September. The scope of the Parking
Plan has been incorporated'intp the ~onditions of Approval. '
1.', Students are restriCted from parking on G and H Streets (north of Mission Avenue)
and Bryn. Mawr Drive. 'In order to enforce this restt~ctionJ school staff will pa trol the ,
a rea.. ,',' , ,', _ '<: ".' "", ';'.' .' • ,'. " " , ' " '
2. Sopl\oino~e's 'are 'prohibited ~·om. dHvirtg cars"to school.
3. On-campu,s parking will give priority to carpool ddvers, for both students and
,faculty. ,', " , '
4. 1vr~rin Acad~my will maintain a regtster of all student faculty drivers' and their
5. Marin Academy has hired: 11 Director of Tra:nspdh~tion td'serve as point-person for
, transportation and parking' iss~es" The I?n:ecto~ of Transportation {s' charged with
impiementing arid 'enforcing ,the scho6Vspatking polides. ' " ' .. , .. , "
6. The Academy wi11 continue to hold regular:meeti'ngs with the neighborhood. A
c orrun it tee, Will be established to 'djs'cuss any problems that arise in the area of
parking around tl1e can'\pus. The Committees ,~iH consIst of both neighbors and ,
school officials, and pOSSibly a 'student.' A'minimum of three meetings will be held
each year.
Officials from MariTI Academy will be available at ~he meeting to prOVide' more d'et~i1s:
Negative Declaration
1. Approval of the Negative Declaration is consistent with the provisions of CEQA in
that an Initial Study has been prepared on the project which determined that there is no
substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment.
The has
public review. The on the
slirroWlcUng to~ ,
prqjectw!ljch reduce, the potential
of th~ intent to ad0pt theJ\Iegative
The Negative I!edaration been cORSidered in conjunetio~
4urmg me periodand at the hearings. Adoptiori
Decla~afion reflects-the independent judgment of Commission.
,2. mitigation monitoring .has
cpmpliance with all conditi~ns required to
insure implementation
to a level of
establishment of a use conjunction with the construction of a new
"""'-'-u.U,' and an office/ storage at Academy is
C011S11,tetlt with the . Plan 2000 land use 'designation Public/Quasi-Public,
with the and policies the Plan indudfug LU-I8 (a), Land Use
Categories. This policy the of ~chool facilities with a of
development not to exceed a ,1.'0 FAR., and shall me.et The
project is also ~ith' Plan tU-62~ Public Arts and Cultural
Activities, General Plan Policy Design Approach .
. The proposed use "'''''1..u,,,,.
with objectives of Zoning Ordinance and
district. The District allows a private, secondary school ancillary uses
with a pemit
with the conditions applicable will not
safety, or welfare, or ma.terially injurious to properties
or to the welfare the City. The
foot gymmisium and remodeling of a office/storage
not use of site as enrollment not from
Adt:quate parking is provided as by zoning and
additional landscaping proposed for area around the parking lots.
6. Review application to the '-'\;CD').)!;'" standards
and all applicable established the General Plan 2000, to the for
Appr~val of Applications listed in 14.25.050 the Zoning Ordinance,
objectives of Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of Chapter of the
is consistent with all applicable site, architecture landscaping
and for P IQP district that large setbacks frome
homes are proposed, parking lot landscaping is over ~~~.n"'''''
Board has detennined that project is compatible with·
buildings on the campus.
8. tne ptOjed adequate aTI(ISCliOU
has~een provided Lot area, are a low profile
thalvrews (\H'~li!llr;" would not be affucted. AddHionaJly, the,building has been
p'rdpd~ed for a . that is' parkmg lot The ........ , .... <>, ......
desigrtwill :not tQ the public or w.~.lfare; nor materially
injUrlbus to . ' , . 6iJ.lLipr~vementS in the vicinity the. Design Review Board
de term fued proposed'building is compatible ~esingle family, mainly
, .. ~,
~'~ . \ ~ , '
,," '., .
1 .. No Parlcing,Fir,e'
roadways, parkmg to .Fire Prevention
Fire Department
and'cUrb'markings shall
driveways as spedfied by
FILE NO: UF97-4ilID9S~90
. fot an access
marshal conformil1g
2. A firedepa):tment ''''''''''''''',".or'l l'HOlha ........ is to be instaHed
conform,ing to
A permit
of plans for rp"IT'IP'IAl
an detettion C'lTI'l1~o"",
'Bureau with two sets
fire' extinguishing
device shall also be
4. Trash o,reas next combuso1?le buildings or OPE~nnl£s buildings shaH be
,equipped ,
The alarms from
be monitored by a
Department and
Fire Ala'nne. '
6. Based on Uniform
systems and 1'V\'I" .... W\&:>'i"1"1·:;,
aUL serially numbered
systems shall
San Rafael Fire
Central Station
an automatic fire
to NFPA Std. 13.
to Title 19 and 24
is required with a
an an weather
11. An engineered plan shall application for a building
12. Drainage from improved areas shaH not be concentrated or .diverted onto adjacent
properties. ' . ,
13. All in strict California Accessibility
15. The
permit. ,Any
review and
application for a building
plans submitted
of the project
of this project,. as
for the issuance ·of a
etc.}' shall be subject
16. All grading and construction shall be done between the hours of 7:30 a.m. until 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday. . '
17. All mechanical equipment (i .e. air conditioning units, meters and transforiners) and·
appurtencmces not entirely enclosed within The structure (on side of build~ng or
roof) shall be' screened "from public view. The method ~se:d to accomplish this shall
, be iridiccited on the buHding plans' apd approved by the Planning Department prior
to issuance of a building permit.
18. All landscaping shall be installe~ prior to the OCcupancy of th~ building. An ,
, enhanced landscape plan showing additional landscaping at the rear of 22,24,26
arid 28 Forbes Avenue. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning
Department before issuance of a building pennit. , .
19., All landscaping shall be mairitained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from
'weeds and debris. Any dead or dying plants; bushes; o~ trees' shall be replaced with
new healthy stock of a site compatible with the remainder of the growth at time of
replacement. -
20. After issuance of a certificate of occupancy;, all 'exterior lightfug shall be subjeCt to a
. ,'30-day iighting level r~view by'the Planning DepartU1ent to insure compatibility
with the surrOimdmg area.. , ,_ ' " .
21. This Design Review approval shall be valid ~or two years: from 113.y 13, 1997, and, '
shall be null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time 'extension granted
by the Zoning Administrator.
22. Maximum on-site enrollment of Marin A cademy shall be limiteci to 385 students.
Any change to this maximum number shall be subject to 'the review and approval of
the Plannirig 'Commission.
23.'Operation of a cateting company and an internet provider now located on campus
. shall be allowed as long 'as these business continue to serve the school. No
additional commercial operations shall be,allowed on the campus. ,
24. The swinurimg pool can be made available 'to outside grbup,s frOIl) 'the hours of 6:00
a.rn. to,9':OO a.m. and 4:00 p.m. fo 8:00 p.m ~ Monday through Friday, and 'Saturday;
from 7:00a.m. until 12;00 . pm. , _ '. _
25. This use permit allows theater groups to use the '1~5 se'at theater for rehearsLI} and
performances. These performances by corrununity theater groups may be held no
more than 25 weekends per year. .
26.Consistent with General Plan Policies encouraging.schools to provide recreational
and cultural activities to the community as well as educational opportunities, the
school may provide .gymnasium, athletic field and meeting space to .other schools"
programs, community and neighborhood groups as long as these activities remain
ancillary to the schoo~ use. Any rental of the facilities for amplified music and/or
any rental for use after midnight shall require a special use pennit.
27. This permit shall be valid for the life of the schooL Any changes in operations of
Marin Academy shall require an amendment to this use penuit.
28. TI1e Academy shall maintain a parking program in order to limit impact of studen t
parking on tile surrounding residential streets. The details of this parking program
shall be consistent with the following: '
.. are restricted from parking:on G and Streets (north of Mission
Avenue) and Bryrt Mawr Drive. Iri, to this re~tricl:iOI'!.i staff
'-' ...... £v~ the area.
" Soplwmor~ are prohibited fro~ drivip.g ,c~ to school.
.. On-~ampus p~rklng priority 'carpool drivers, for both students and
faculty. ' :,
• hlarjriAcade:my will maintain a register of student faculty drivers and
vehicles. '
III MarinAcademy
with impl~menting and
The Aca~emy will continue to
'-VLn ..... ' ... H', .... will establishe4 to v.,"'" .... ""
parking around ~ampus: The
schD~l;officials, and possibly a student.
held each, '
Mf,'i~iri, .Ac~de.tny shall 'establish an outreaci\ force committee consisting' or 2 3
, Marin Academy and 3 or 4 representatives from the neighborhood
area. Thi9 shall be formed to discuss campus area.
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... :;. Match 1997 Report to Planning Commission
EXHIBIT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 199,7 Report to Pl;mning
EXHIBIT 3 ' ................. « ••• " Correspondence
Ma rln Academy'
Parking & Traffic Plan
Marin Academy's first Parkfng and Plan was established in as a condItion of
the schoolJs use permit (UP with the CitY of Rafael. The plan restricted
student staff from parking on certain residential streets to the
campus. elements the plan Include:
.. Students and are restricted from parking on G and H Streets (north of
Mission Avenue) and Bryn Mawr Drive. order enforce restriction!
0» school will patrol the area,
GO are prohibited from driving cars to school.
s On-campus parking will priority to drivers} for both
.. Marin Academy
maintain a
Updated Parking and Plan
of all and faculty and
As a condition of schoolfs new use with Cilyof Rafael (UP02-027),
Academy has written this Updated Traffic & Parking Plan. This Plan
revIewed and approved by Marin Academy Neighborhood Parking and Traffic
Committee. Updated and many or not
tirll"',Qeet'r! by 1997 There are six (6) elements &
(version 4/30/2003):
1. on-site and parking at Marin Academy
II. the number of cars that travel to school
Provide a better accounting cars that come to school
IV. Proposal for assigned overflow parking
V. administration guidelines
VI. communication and ~AM'''''_'~~
Following !~'a~ore detalled descrlpti~n of
Traffic Plan.
CI In Marin Academy completed
campus parking lOt. This the
,', "'" "
of the Revised Parking and
of a new north
total on-site count to
~ The School w[il continue to secure additional t'\1T •• C'n-,,,,,,r parking for student and
use {as of January MA rented at the Elks Lodge
focated at Mission Avenue student
" In March 2003, the School purchased 34 ~ space parking lot located at
Avenue, The lot is subject to a long-term that win expire on May 301
OIl At School terminated lease for 22 the Elks
at Fifth Avenue to its official campus parking
II Construction the new library/Classroom at Fifth Avenue, with
courtyard and landscaping, resu!ted in the school relocating 9
from east side of its Administration BuHding Cottage Avenue) lot at
Fifth Avenue.
II The parking configuration at
and parking to 161 will exceed
of Rafael's enrollment~based parking requirement by 61 .:>lJY·\.."",,
attached Campus details the following on-site
Onkcampus spaces
1513 Fifth Avenue 34
Total and Parking 161
of San Rafael Requfrement
Spaces requirement
Percent of requirement 161.00%
Hall 12
Side Foster Hall 11
North Drive 6
South Drive
Visual Arts Student lot
North Campus Lot
II. the number cars that travel to school
.. School will continue to with a private
f'lM" •• C1"rC01" parking count:
students traveling to and San East and Southern Marin.
91 Marin Academy currently (at 5/2005) use the contracted service.
G> In the schoo! launched a carpool walk/bike incentive program for
.. Sophomores are prohibited from drivlng cars to school.
II On-campus parking wtll give priority to student and employee carpools.
o school will contlnue to prioritize and facilitate the of employee
student carpools.
Provide a account.ing the cars that come to "",'"",,n.n.
I> Marin Academy has expanded database to include cars of all
students, and Marin families.
o easy identification, all registered Marin Academy cars wHi display a Marin
Academy sticker in lower passenger-side windshieid area.
IV. Proposal assigned overflow parking
At the first Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee meeting, held March 20, 2003,
the Committee agreed temporarily this provision with plans to reconsider it at a
date if it becomes have retained the text of the assigned overflow.
parking proposal in this of the Plan (Addendum 1) for only.
Additionally, the Committee agreed to add following parking restrktlons to Plan (in part from UP97-4)
• and roC'h-j,,!-orl on G and H (north
Mission Avenue) Bryn Mawr
& Students staff are restricted from parking on north Harcourt
(parking permitted on south-side only).
V. Plan administration guidelines
II> The will this parking traffic plan by patrolling
streets to ensure compliance by all and employees ..
'" Any student infractions of parking rules or covenants will result in
disciplinary action, up to including
0-First offense -warning student and parents
0" Second offense one suspension.
\) Marin will a "hotline fl neighbors can when there is a
parking or traffic problem.
VI. On-going communication reporting
& In February 2003, the School circulated a first-draft of Revised Parking and
pI!," to hQl,Iseholds .Marit:) i,lrea, An
letter solicited neighbors serve as street representatives a new
Neighborhood Parking and Traffic
.. first meeting the newly Neighborhood and
Committee was herd on March 20, 2003.
'" Committee composition -.Ten (10) neighbors volunteered serve as
.. representatives on the Committee and information in
Addendum-2}. committee contains a City and MA administration
re presenta tlve.
Il should Mike Joyce, Mar!n Academy's Financial if
h .... "'~""-.... t"'"'r1 in serving as a street representative on the committee
• Phone (415)
o to Parking Traffic and
to as
o meet monthly (initially) and use
communication to
neighborhood and
o each commiltee member should encourage from neighborhood
so that to and can be
by the committee .
., Reporting -"Within a of completion of the I'wt'I.n,,':ot"l (north parking
lot and annually pr"''''TT,,,r until determined to be no necessaryl Marin
Academy neighborhood committee shall Planning
Commission report on success of revised parking program."
(from UP02-027)
Addendum~l Proposal for assigned overflow parking (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
.. Any overflow employee parking will be directed to park in nearby public parking
lots and non-residential streets.
• Subject to neighborhood approval, any overflow student parking would be
assigned to neighborhood streets as follows:
o G-Street north of Mission -3 car limit
o H-Street north of MIssion -5 car limit
o Center Street -4 car limit
o P;ne Street -3 car limit
o Harcourt Street (south side only)-4 car limit
o Forbes Street (east of H-Street) -3 car limit
o Bryn Mawr Street -3 car limit
G The abilily to assign limited student parking on designated neighborhood sireets
would provide a mechan ism for equally distributing any overflow parking
throughout the neIghborhood
Addendum-2 Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee at 3/24/2003
First Last Number street City State Zip PhQne-1 e-mail
Mike Joyce
1600 Mission Ave. San Rafael CA 94901
415-453 -4550 x213 mjoyce@ma.org
Don Magdanz =
80 Forbes Ave . San Rafael CA 94901
415-258-0242 wk don@olsinc .com
Jay Ferguson
222. H Street San Rafael CA 94901
415-454~1224 hm jayferguson@msn,com
Brian Kelly
316 G Street San Rafael CA 94901
415-456 -6397 hm b ke ily@h rblaw.ocm
Kristie Richardson
1500 Fifth Ave. San' Rafael CA 94901
415-485-3092. wk kristie .rich ar ds on @ci.san-rafae l .c a .u 5
Joshua Moore,
27 Bryn Mawr Dr. San Rafael CA 94901
415-256-1943 hm j lmoore@cyrusoilandgas:com
L-----~--..--=-----------~ David Benjamin
50 Forbes Ave. San Rafael CA 94901
415--453 -9267 -hm dabenj @earthiink.n et
Steffi Shekar
349 G Street San Rafael CA 94901
415 -256-1294 steffi@shekar .com
Gail Geary
92 Forbes Ave. San Rafael CA 94901
I 415-453 -1620 gail@marinpacific.ccm
Stephanie Jucker
41 Bryn Mawr Dr. San Rafael CA 94901
415-460 -6795 .. uck er@sbcglobai.net
Wilma Gibbons
26 EI Cerrito San Rafael CA 94901
I 415-456-2621
Susan Hamstra
65 Bryn Mawr Dr. San Rafael CA 94901
415-485-5625 sh amstra@ma rin .k12.ca.us
0. «
Marin Academy Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee
Notes from meeting held March 20, 2003,6:30 PM at Marin Academy
Founders Halt (prepared by Michael Joyce)
Committee members in attendance: Jay Ferguson, Susan Hamstra, Brian Kelly,
Steffi Shekar, Kristie Richardson, Michael Joyce
Guest -Bob McCaskill
Absent Don rvlagdanz, Joshua Moore, David Benjamin, Gail Geary, Stephanie
Jucker, Wilma Gibbons.
Here's a summary of key points that came out of our meeting ...
1. The committee reviewed and approved the following committee goals:
a. To review, comment, and approve the Revised Parking and Traffic
b. To report findings and progress to Community Development Dept
staff and the Planning Commission.
c. To meet monthly (initially) and use the committee structure as a
comunication tool to address issues, concerns, and provide
feedbacl< on neighborl1ood parking and traffic issues.
d. Each committee member should encourage feedback from
neighborhood residents so that issues related to parking and traffic
can be discussed and addressed by the committee.
2. With respect to the school's Revised Parking and Traffic Plan, the'
committee agreed to temporarily table the provision for assigned overflow
parking (section IV) with plans to reconsider it at a lafer date if it becomes
necessary. Members acknowledged the school's effol1s to add more on -
campus parking and rented off-street parking, and expressed that these
initiatives have markedly reduced the number of student cars that park on
residential streets . The success of these initiatives has greatly improved
pa rking and traffic cond itions in the neighborhood.
·3. The Plan should be updated to reflect the following changes:
a. Indicate that the provision for assigned ovelilow parking will be
dropped until such conditions arise that warrant further
consideration of this provision.
b. Certain parking restrictions from the UP 97-4 plan should be
continued. Specifically, "students and school employees are
restricted from parking on G Street and H Street (north of Mission
Avenue) and on Bryn Mawr Drive .
c . An added parking restriction for Harcourt Street should be added to
the Plan . Specifically, "students and school employees are
permitted to park on the south side of Harcourt only". The school
implemented this provision on an
much success.
YY\lQ ,nr::lI basis last fall (2002)
The committee will send an updated of the Parking
to each household in the school's neighborhood
reflecting nges
5, Our meeting held Wednesday, April 30, 2003 at
6:30 PM (location to be announced),
Marin Academy Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee
Notes/Minutes from meeting held April 30, 2003,6:30 PM at Marin Academy
Founders Hall (prepared by Michael Joyce)
Committee members in attendance: David Benjamin, Wilma Gibbons. Susan
Hamstra, Brian Kelly, Don Magdanz, Michael Joyce
Guest -Nick Boodrookas
Absent: Jay Ferguson, Gail Geary, Stephanie Jucker, Joshua Moore, Kristie
Richardson, Steffi Shekar.
Here's a summary of key points that came out of our meeting ...
1. The Committee reviewed and approved the notes/minutes from the March
20,2003 meeting .
2 . The Committee reviewed and approved the Revised Parking and Traffic
Plan (vel'. 3/24/03). As a next step, Mike Joyce (MA's CFO) will forward
the Approved Plan to City of Sail Rafael Community Development staff
(Kristie Richardson).
3. The Committee agreed that with an approved Plan in place and with
residential parking issues resolved, there was little point in continuing to
meet monthly as a Committee. Periodic meetings as check-ins or to
address future concerns would be more appropriate from this point
forward .
The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting in September. 2003. once
the new school year is undelWay. In the interim, members agreed to
communicate any parking/traffic concerns directly to Mike Joyce for
resolution ..
At the suggestion of the Committee, Mike Joyce agreed to send a monthly
communication report (most members expressed a preference for e-mail)
to Committee members to help keep lines of communi;:ationopen
(egarding parking/traffic issues, to identify school events that might impact
parking on neighborhood streets. and to communicate other topics of
mutual interest.
4. Our next committee meeting will be held in early September. 2003 . Date,
time, and location to be announced.
Marin Academy Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee
Notes/Minutes from meeting held October 22,2003,6:30 PM at Mari~1
Academy Foster Hall-2nd Floor Conference Room (prepared by Michael
Committee members in attendance: David Benjamin, Jay Ferguson, Susan
Hamstra, Kristie Richardson, Michael Joyce
Guest -Nick Boodrookas
Absent: Gail Geary, Stephanie Jucker, Joshua Moore, Steffi Shekar, Wilma
Gibbons, Brian Kelly, Don Magdanz
Here's a summary of key points and discussions from our meeting ...
t. The Committee reviewed the notes/minutes from the April 30, 2003
2. Mike Joyce provided a'n overview of the Planning Commission's 8/12/2003
meeting, at which the Planning Commission formally approved the
school's Updated Parking & Traffic Plan reviewed and approved by the
Neighborhood Parking and Traffic Committee April 30,2003. The City's
resolution approving the plan provid es for a n annual report on
neighborhood parking and traffic issues from Marin Academy to the
Community Development Director and the Planning Commission, each
January, beginning January 2004.
3. Parking and Traffic Conditions update.
Committee members in attendance indicated that parking and traffic
conditions in the neighborhood have been quite good. Jay F.
complimented the school for "getting the message auf' to students about
parking. Several··others praised theschool.for its administration of the
parking and traffic plan .
Mike shared that the school has been actively communicating Marin
Academy's neighborhood parking covenants with all students, staff and
parents. The school's database of MA-community vehicles now includes
information on over 500 vehicles. Mike also $hared that the school
launched it's employee commuter incentive program this fall. School
employees receive commuter credits, redeemable for Scrip certificates
when they walk, bike, carpool or take public transportation to Marin
Academy. The program has been well received by Marin Academy
employees and has reduced the number of vehicles that drive to MA each
school day.
4. Other Matters.
Susan noted the lights in new gymnasium shine in her windows
when shades are not drawn Mike J. agreed to work closer
with the school's Athletic Department to ensure that the shades are
evening. ag investigate putttng a timer or
detector on the s to automate closing the end of the
day, Mike hoped to have this resolved before next Committee
Meeting. David shared a description and plate number
of a student car that been seen driving too fast on Ave.
promised to follow-up with MA's Dean Students to identify student
5. Next meeting -our next rnr.:o,CTln ursday, January 15, 2004.
Time location to
Operating Guidelines and lighting Program
Marin Academy North Campus Parking Lot
(version 3/13/03)
Authorized Use
M-F school employeE?s and school-owned vehicles. Students are prohibited from
parking cars in this area.
BC1rrier Chain Operation -A chain barrier restricts after-hours access to the parking lot
(see attached sketch). M-F\ first employee arriving each morning unlocks chain.
Maintenance staff locks chain at 6:30 PM. Employees who leave area after 6:30 PM
must unlock and re-Iock access chain .
S ignage -1) at chain location, sign reads "Authorized vehicles only beyond this
point. Gate closes at 6:30 PM Mon -Fri, Closed Weekends." 2) on each light
standard (pole) in parking lot (10 signs), signs read "Parking Lot Hours of Operat;on
8:00 AM -6:30 PM MOil -Fri, Closed Weekends"
Lights -Parking lot lights will operate in accordance with the following guidelines:
Monday -Friday Lighting Program
Full fighting fro m dusk until 7 :00 PM.
Security lighting mode from 7 :00 PM until dawn.
Saturday and Sunday Lighting Program
Security lighting mode frOIn dusk until dawn
Evening Event Lighting Program
Full lighting from dusk to 10:00 PM
Security lighting mode from 10 :00 PM until dawn.
Lighting Controls
The 10 light poles in the North Campus Parking lot are wired to a 5-channel
controller. Each channel controls 2 light poles (see attached controller plan). We
have established channel #3 as the security light made for the parking lot. As such,
this channel provides sufficient security lighting for the space without impacting
adjacent residents.
Evening Use -periodic evening use for whole school non-athletic functions.
i ncluding back to school night, MA board meetings, MA auction, admissions open
houses, art performances, and other periodic schaol-sponsored events.
Weekend Use -no use by weekend rental groups. Periodic use for whole-school
weekend activities. eg o Student graduation, art periormances, admissions open houses
and other periodic SChool-sponsored events.
Appendix B-Counts and
Pali.si T raffle
Intersection ! of
1. Level of Service and Delay at Cottage Avenue/Mission Avenue (All-Way Stop)
2. Level of and Delay at 5th Avenue/Mission Avenue
File NE;m.: c:loelnl "rolSat! fafael\cOllll!JlHT1lSS'~n ... ,pptl
SllIrt Oal.: 51221201'
Star< TII1l~: 7:00:00 AM
Sile Coo.: 1
Commenl1' CIl'Y OF SAN i'U>FAEL
CCmmefll Z'
(I 0
0 ()
0 0
(I 1
0 0
0 (I
(I 0
0 2
0 10
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
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0 (I 0
0 1 [l
0 1 0
(I 0 0
S (I 0 0 i 0 1 0 0
9 0 (I (I 0 0 0 0 1
73 0 (I 0 25 0 0 0 49
33-0 (I 0 9 0 1 0 16
0 0 0 1 0 0 2
" 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 (I 0 (J 0
! MAlliN ACADEMY O/W I Soull1bound
I Start Time RT I TH I L T l APP . Tolal ! RT I
07:00 0 0 0 ! I
07 :15 0 0 , 6
07:30 I 0 0 12
07 :45 4 0 ) 31
TOI,II 5 0 4 9 1 53
08:00 0 0 5
08:15 I 0 2 1 4
08 :30 0 0 , I 0
08:45 0 0 I I )
Tota l i I 0 9 10 12
Grand TO lal I 6 0 13 I: I
Apprch % 31.6 0 68.4 13.6
TollJ% 0.6 0 1.3 6.7
07:30 I 0 0 I 12
07:4~ 4 0 ) 7 31
08:00 0 0 5 5 5
08:15 1 0 2 J 4
Total Volume 6 0 10 16 52
%A~p~ TOl al 37.5 0 62.5 18.2
PHF .375 .00 0 .500 .m .419
~ ;';~....1
~-s B-~~-~
'" ~ lr , ..-
mJetekm@comcast. n~t
916.606.0250 .
GroURS Printed· Veblcles Only
W est bound
Northbound I
File Name
Site Code
Start Dale
Page No
: cottage·mission·a
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TH I L T I App . Total RT J TH I LT I App . Total I RT I TH I L T I Aoo . Tqtal Inl Total I
8 l.R
0 37 0
0 30 0
0 68 l3
. 0 83 24
0 218 37
0 67
0 67 2
0 58 2
0 68 2
0 260 1 16
0 478 I 5j
0 60.9
0 49.2 5.5
0 68 IJ
0 H3 24
0 67 to
0 67 2
0 285 49
0 63 .6
.000 ' .858 .5 t O
Out In Total
~6 2:~ I ~ IO J
.-J 1 -.
Peak Hour Data
I' P eak Hour Begins at 07 :3 °1
Veh icAesO nlV
4l I ~
LT TH RT " ~:6~Vl
Oul In Tolal
3 0
I 0
3 2
7 \I
14 13
2 I
0 2
2 0
0 0
J8 16
20.7 1&.4
1.9 1.6
J 2
7 11
2 1
0 2
12 16
15.6 20.8
.429 .364
,I I 0 20 2 22 62
0 3J 0 )) 65
0 60 2 62 149
42 i 0 ~9 B 67 199
64 I 0 172 12 184 475
13 0 54 0 54 13 9
4 0 55 2 57 I3l
4 0 so 0 50 II)
2 0 42 0 42 1:3
2j 0 201 2 203 496
S: I
0 373 14 387
0 96.4 3.6
0 38.4 1.4 39.9
18 0 6U 2 62 149
42 0 59 8 67 t9?
13 0 54 0 54 1)9
4 0 55 2 57 Ilt
77 0 228 12 240 6 18
0 9S 5
A S8 .000 .95 0 .3 75 .896 .77 6
-4 ",I-~~
4--::j ", -i-~ ... ",
'" '" <
.r-~ I-~~ 0
File Name
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Start Date : 5/2212014
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Start Time RT I TH I L T I App. Total RT I
14:00 0 0 I I I
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15:00 0 17 ~~ 3
15:15 0 5 I
15:30 0 to II 7
15 :45 0 9 II 9
Total 0 41 50 20
16:00 4 0 14 18 12
16:15 0 0 4 4 6
16:30 0 2 6 4
16:4 5 0 8 10 10
Tota l 10 0 28 38 J2
17:00 3 0 9 I~ I 4
17:)S 2 0 6 14
17.10 2 0 9 II I 9
17:4S I 0 5 3~ I 9
Tolal 8 0 29 36
Gl1Ind To.al I J3 0 III 146
Appn:b % 22.6 0 nA 7.7
TOlal % 1.4 0 4.8 6 .2 4.2
16 :45 2 0 8 10 10
17:00 3 0 9 12 4
17:15 2 0 6 8 H
17:30 2 0 9 II 9
TOla l Volume 9 0 J2 41 37
~p .TOI .1 22 0 78 8.7
PHF .750 .000 .889 .854 .66 1
Group. Prlnted-Veh lei., Gnlv
Westbound North.bound
TH I L TJ App-TOlal RT J TH I l T I Apo. Tolal
6 4 0 65 2 J 7 12
55 0 55 ~ 0 3 9
36 0 38 8 5 3 16
4S 0 54 14 4 5 23
~OO 0 212 30 12 J8 60 I
57 0 60
II I 15 I
75 0 76 6 J II
72 0 79 S 3 II
103 0 112 4 5 10
307 0 327 I 26 12 47
74 0 &6 3
n 0 78 3 3 3
84 0 88 6 0 2
102 0 112 3 2 0
332 0 364 15 8 7 )0
87 0 91 ~ 10
87 0 101 3 6
liD 0 119 6 2 10
79 0 88 4 5 10
363 0 )99 I 11 12 J6
J2<l2 0 1302
88 44 41 IIJI 92.3 0 50.9 25.4 21 .7
50.9 0 55.1 ).7 1.9 1.7 7.) ,
102 0 112 3 2 0 I~ 1
87 0 91 4 4 1
87 0 101 3 I 2
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44 I 4S 136
190 6 196 489
52 I 53 1~8
60 3 63 15S
45 0 45 146
39 0 39 112
196 2M 624
51 1
54 55 146
45 I 46 148
31 3 J4 161
180 6 186 I 618
44 ; 49
40 3 ~1 158
JI 2 .n 173
3 1 2 33 137
146 12 158 630
712 28 740 I 236)
96 .2 ).8
30.2 1.2 31.3
31 3 34 161
44 5 49 162
40 3 43 158
3 1 2 33 173
146 13 159 654
91.8 8.2
.830 .650 .811 .945
Gl1lJIdTotlll I'
m letekm@comcastnet
1 38.2 ,
Peak Hour Data
File Name
Sile Code
Start Date
Page No
: coltage-5-a
: 5/2212014
: 1
75() 12(4
14 :00
14 :15
14 :30
15 :00
15 :15
16 '00
16 '30
16 :45
17 :00
17 :15
17 :45
Fil. Name C:\Pet,a ProlSan R.f~el\colta9e-mls"on-p Ptd
Sialt Date. 512212014
SiaN Time : 2:()O 'ao PM
Site CC<1a: ,
Co m",en t ~:
Comme<l13 .
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0 0 0 39 0 0
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0 0 1 11 0 I)
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File Name
Site Code
Slart Date
: cottage-5-p
: 5/22/2014
: 1
91 ! 202
91 193
&0 165
~I 15g
77 157
731 158
234 I 635
42 1103
1.1 45,2
I Start TIme
07 .15
07 :30
08 :00
08 '15
File Name : c:\pelra p/o\$a n '.r.cllcon .. ge-5 .... ppa
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Start Tune. 7:00:00 AM
Sile Code; 2
Commenl 4
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F'qe Name: CIPelfa ProlSan Raf",,~cotlage.Q.p.pp~
Start Date: 5=1(
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File Name
Site Code
Start Date
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