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�y Meeting Date: October 28, 2014
Agenda Item:
Community Development Department — Planning Division Case Numbers: EDI -073
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Caron Parker (415) 485-3094
SUBJECT: 610-620 Del Ganado (Christ Presbyterian Church/Montesorri de Terra Linda) —
Request for an Environmental and Design Review Permit for: 1) replacement of the
existing two Montessori de terra Linda (MdTL) classroom portable buildings totaling
1,920 square feet with a permanent 3,682 square foot classroom building; 2) a 237
square foot addition to the rear of the existing MdTL education wing; 3) addition of a
1,000 square foot detached church activities building; 4) a 19 sf addition to the rear of
the existing church administration building; and 5) re -design of the existing front
landscaping on site to create walkable entry pathways. Also, a request for an
amendment to Use Permit (UP84-24), to memorialize the addition of the 1,000 square
foot building to accommodate existing church services and ancillary activities; APN: 178-
113-240; Planned Development PD(1391) Zoning District; Andrew Davis, DMARC
Studios; applicant; Christ Presbyterian Church, owner; File Number: ED13-073/UP14-
The project site at 610-620 Del Ganado has two distinct uses, consisting of a church and a school. The
Christ Presbyterian Church (hereafter referred to as "church") and the Montessori de Terra Linda (hereafter
referred to as "MdTL") have shared space over the years to accommodate meetings and other activities on
site. The project proposes to renovate both the church and the MdTL buildings, creating distinct spaces for
both uses (see Plan Sheet T2.1).
Christ Presbyterian Church: The existing church building would undergo interior remodeling that includes
elimination of the bathrooms to create a toddler room, small bathroom and a janitor's closet. The rear portion
of the building would be extended by 19 square feet to accommodate the janitor closet and it would not
extend beyond the existing roof eave. A new 1,000 square foot activities building would be constructed in
front of the existing church administration wing and would include a 581 square foot courtyard created
between the new and existing buildings, and a breezeway connection to the existing administration wing (se
Plan Sheet T2.313).
The proposed project requires an amendment to the previously approved Design Review Permit (ED84-23),
which approved the existing administration wing addition (pastor's office, storage space and program
coordinating offices). It would also require an amendment to Use Permit (UP84-24), which authorized an
expansion of the church when the administration wing addition was approved, but contained no specific
details on the church activities. As such, staff determined that a Use Permit amendment was warranted in
order to memorialize the existing church uses, after hour activities and the proposed new 1,000 square foot
Montessori de Terra Linda (MdTL): The existing two 960 square foot portable classroom buildings (1,920 feet
in total) would be demolished and replaced with one new 3,682 square foot permanent classroom building ( a
net increase of 1,762 square feet). The existing education wing building will remain essentially the same, with
interior remodeling to convert existing restroom areas to an office area, and 237 square foot addition to the
rear and side of the building. The extension would not extend beyond the existing roof eave (See Plan Sheet
The proposed project would require an amendment to the previously approved Design Review Permit (ED08-
044), which approved the addition of a second 960 square foot portable classroom. MdTL is currently
operating under an approved Use Permit (UP04-019), which allows a maximum enrollment of 200 students,
and approved Use Permit (UP08-023), which allows the second temporary portable classroom on site.
Based on an analysis of the school operations (see Exhibit 4), the demolition of the existing portables, the
proposed use of the new classroom building, and the current enrollment of 155 students (Exhibit 5), staff
determined that a Use Permit amendment was not required for the proposed changes to the MdTL campus.
The proposed project was first reviewed by the Design Review Board on June 3, 2014. After discussion and
public comments, the Board's consensus was that the proposed changes to the MdTL portion of the site
(demolition of the existing two portables and replacement with one new 3,682 square foot building) could be
supported. However, the Board expressed some concerns about the location of the proposed church
activities building addition (proposed to be located in the rear and side yard), and its proximity to the property
access driveway and side yard setback. The Board was also concerned about the existing lighting on site.
The Board continued the hearing and recommended that the applicant re -design the proposed addition and
provide information on lighting on site. The applicant returned to the Board on September 3, 2014 with a
revised project, and the Board voted 6-1 to recommend approval of the project as re -designed. A full
discussion of the Board's recommended changes and the applicant's response is provided on Page 11 of this
staff report, under "Design Review Board Recommendations".
Per Zoning Ordinance Section 14.25.040.A, additions to non-residential structures greater than 1,250 square
feet shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The project proposes to add two new structures to the
site, totaling 2,911 square feet. As such Planning Commission review is required. No change in the existing
sanctuary space (3,324 square feet) is proposed. Staff finds that the proposed project complies with the
design standards, the buildings are well designed (per Design Review Board recommendation) and
compatible with the existing structures on site, and the uses will have no negative impact on surrounding
businesses. As such, staff supports the proposed project.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution (Exhibit 2), conditionally approving the
Design Review Permit and Use Permit Amendment to allow the construction of a new 1,000 square foot
church activities building and a 3,682 square foot permanent classroom building for the MdTL.
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation
I Zoning Designation
Existing Land -Use
Low Density Residential
Church and School
R5 -EA & PD(1391)
Single Family & Apartments
R5 -EA
Commercial (NC)
Shopping Center
Page 3
Site Description/Setting:
The church and MdTL site is located on a 2.25 acre flat lot. (Exhibit 1 - Project Vicinity Map). The existing
church sanctuary is 3,324 square feet (100 seats), and also has an attached 1,655 square foot administration
wing. The administrative wing serves as an office for the pastor, a small meeting room, the church's
administrative office, and has restrooms and a kitchen. The existing MdTL consists of a main education wing
(7,334 square feet) and two portable classroom buildings (960 square feet each, 1,920 sf total). The site also
contains a parking lot for 55 vehicles. The project site is landscaped with outdoor play areas, mature trees,
and lawn throughout. The project site is bordered by a 20 foot wide public utility and walkway easement
along the north and eastern property lines, and abuts single family homes along the north perimeter area
(Wisteria Way and Wakerobin Lane). The project site also abuts a 4 foot wide "public walkway easement",
located on the adjacent property to the west, which the church owns and leases to Marin's Lifehouse
Community Living Program (a multi -unit apartment complex for developmentally disabled adults). Other sites
near the property include a fire station, the Terra Linda Recreation Center/Pool, and a commercial shopping
center across the street.
Site History
The Christ Presbyterian Church was built in 1957 and consisted of the main sanctuary, an attached
administration building and a detached education building. Over the years, there were additions made to both
the church administration wing and the education wing building, as well as the addition of two (2) portables for
use by MdTL. In 1981, the site was rezoned from R-1/CSD (Residential/Community Services District) to a
Planned Development PD(1391) Zoning District in order to recognize the existing church and allow the
construction of 12 units of housing for developmentally disabled adults (located on the adjacent parcel at 626
Del Ganado Road). PD(1391) never properly listed the Montessori school as an existing use on the site and
the PD had no specific requirements detailing the architecture, landscape or design of the school buildings. In
2008, the Community Development Department determined that the use of the site as a Montessori School is
a "grandfathered" legal use, since the school was in existence at the time the PD rezoning occurred and
should have been listed as a use in PD(1391). As such, the MdTL buildings as designed are also
Site Development Summary
Lot Size
Lot Coverage
2.5 acres
Existing lot = 2.25 acres
Required: N/A
Proposed: 17.6% (17,251 sf)
Previously proposed 17.1 16,764 s
30 feet
12'6" to 16'9" maximum
Required: 1.0 (general Plan 2020)
Proposed: 0.176 FAR
Previously proposed: .171 FAR
Required: Church - 25; School - 24 spaces
Existing: 55 spaces 53 approved per UP04-19
Required: Not established in the PD. See staff report.
Site Description/Setting:
The church and MdTL site is located on a 2.25 acre flat lot. (Exhibit 1 - Project Vicinity Map). The existing
church sanctuary is 3,324 square feet (100 seats), and also has an attached 1,655 square foot administration
wing. The administrative wing serves as an office for the pastor, a small meeting room, the church's
administrative office, and has restrooms and a kitchen. The existing MdTL consists of a main education wing
(7,334 square feet) and two portable classroom buildings (960 square feet each, 1,920 sf total). The site also
contains a parking lot for 55 vehicles. The project site is landscaped with outdoor play areas, mature trees,
and lawn throughout. The project site is bordered by a 20 foot wide public utility and walkway easement
along the north and eastern property lines, and abuts single family homes along the north perimeter area
(Wisteria Way and Wakerobin Lane). The project site also abuts a 4 foot wide "public walkway easement",
located on the adjacent property to the west, which the church owns and leases to Marin's Lifehouse
Community Living Program (a multi -unit apartment complex for developmentally disabled adults). Other sites
near the property include a fire station, the Terra Linda Recreation Center/Pool, and a commercial shopping
center across the street.
Site History
The Christ Presbyterian Church was built in 1957 and consisted of the main sanctuary, an attached
administration building and a detached education building. Over the years, there were additions made to both
the church administration wing and the education wing building, as well as the addition of two (2) portables for
use by MdTL. In 1981, the site was rezoned from R-1/CSD (Residential/Community Services District) to a
Planned Development PD(1391) Zoning District in order to recognize the existing church and allow the
construction of 12 units of housing for developmentally disabled adults (located on the adjacent parcel at 626
Del Ganado Road). PD(1391) never properly listed the Montessori school as an existing use on the site and
the PD had no specific requirements detailing the architecture, landscape or design of the school buildings. In
2008, the Community Development Department determined that the use of the site as a Montessori School is
a "grandfathered" legal use, since the school was in existence at the time the PD rezoning occurred and
should have been listed as a use in PD(1391). As such, the MdTL buildings as designed are also
The permit history for the site is detailed below:
Page 4
1. UP84-24/ED84-23: Addition of a pastor's office and storage space for church. No specific conditions
of approval were listed for the church activities.
2. ED97-10: Addition of a 960 square foot portable classroom for the MdTL. The permit approved the
portable for 5 years (until April 17, 2002).
3. UP04-019: Approved an increase in enrollment from 125 students to 200 students, and a time
extension for ED97-10 to extend the timeline for removal of the portable to November 10, 2006. The
MdTL was also required to submit annual enrollment figures to the Planning Department.
4. UP08-023/ED08-044: Approval of a second portable classroom for MdTL.
There is no change to the existing uses of the site as a church and school (MdTL). However, the church and
school have shared classroom and meeting room spaces over the years. The proposed additions would allow
each to operate independently.
The church sanctuary and administration wing hosts a variety of activities for church programs (including
Sunday school, Bible study, youth group meetings and game nights) and community services (Boy Scouts,
AA and Terra Linda HOA meetings). The applicant has provided a list of specific church activities and after-
hours group activity use in Exhibit 3. Also included in Exhibit 3 is a "calendar of events" for the month of
October 2014.
The MdTL's core program operates Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. MdTL serves one
classroom for 2 year olds, three primary classrooms (ages 3-6 years), two lower elementary classrooms
(grades 1-3), one upper elementary classroom (grades 4-6), and before/after school care. The proposed new
addition would allow the lower elementary students to continue through to 6th grade, and also allow a better
organization for other school related activities and programs (see Exhibit 4). Although the Use Permit allows
200 students, the MdTL currently enrolls 155 students for the 2014-2015 school year (see Exhibit 5). The
lease limits the school enrollment to 172 and the school's strategic plan limits the number of students to a
maximum of 165 students.
Proposed additions:
The proposed project consists of the following (see Plan Sheet T2.313 and T2.4B):
1. The construction of a new detached 1,000 square foot church activities building. The building is
designed with a covered walkway to link with the covered walkway on the existing administration
building. There is also a small 19 square foot addition proposed (for a janitor closet) at the rear of the
administration wing building.
2. A new 581 square foot courtyard area (designed with permeable pavers) located between the existing
church administration wing and the new church activities building.
3. The existing MdTL portables will be demolished and replaced with a 3,682 square foot classroom
building (see Plan Sheet A2.3).
4. Interior reconfiguration of portions of the existing education wing, including a 237 square foot addition.
5. The front landscaping has been revised to create a walkway closer to the new church administration
building instead of using the sanctuary as the focal point for the walkway.
6. New lighting on the new church activities building include 6"x6"x6" wall sconces and LED "tapelights"
installed in soffits along the south side of the new addition (see reference F2 on Plan Sheet T2.1).
Also, LED tapelight strips are proposed to replace the recessed lights originally proposed for the new
MdTL classroom buildings.
Page 5
7. The existing spotlights on the sanctuary building to be removed.
8. The proposed church monument sign on the front lawn has been eliminated and replaced with three
small signs wall signs on the new church activities building. A new parking lot identification monument
sign is proposed at the entrance to the parking lot near the Manuel Freitas Parkway corner.
Architecture: The design of the project has incorporated the existing architecture on site (see Plan Elevation
Sheets A3.1 through A3.4). The new detached 1,000 square foot addition has an angled roof and is taller
than the existing administration building, but lower in height than the sanctuary roof. The new 1,000 square
foot addition is connected to the existing administration wing breezeway by a new covered breezeway. The
neve 3,682 square foot classroom building for MdTL would be located at the rear portion of the lot, in the same
approximate location as the existing portables. An existing 102 square foot P.E. shed would be removed and
replaced with custom built storage sheds which will match the wooden fence screen. The new building would
actually be approximately in the same general area as the portables, setback between 5' and 23' from the
parking lot fence, an improvement over the existing portables, which were setback only between 2' to 12' from
the parking lot on the east side of the property. The proposed 237 square foot addition to the MdTL education
wing is small and would be added under the existing building eave. Colors for the new additions will be in
keeping with the existing colors on site, including, "Dark Bronze", for the wall of the church activities building
and "Slate Grey" and "Cool Arctic White" for the wall of the MdTL classroom. Staff supports the location of
the proposed buildings in that it would be a minimal change from the existing conditionings on site and create
a much more functional and accessible environment on the MdTL campus. The proposed new additions are
designed to integrate with the existing buildings on site in both height and materials (see Elevation Plan
Sheets A3.1 to A3.4).
Landscaping: Changes proposed to the existing landscaping on site are detailed on Plan Sheet T2.3A and
T2.3B. All existing trees will remain on site, except for one Pepper tree proposed to be removed in the
Montessori play yard in order to create more open play space and minimize the impact of falling berries,
falling leaves and invasive roots. The main changes to the landscaping are at the front of the property, and
include removal of existing turf to replace with permeable pavers, creating a new entry walkway. Total
landscaping on site would be reduced from the existing 48,884 (50%) to 44% (43,299 square feet). This
equates to a 6% reduction in landscaping. However, the lawn is only being reduced in order to create a more
functional system of walkways for the new campus. The new walkway design will help enhance the existing
outdoor space on site, and the campus will still maintain the mature trees along the perimeter of the site and
lawn in front of the site. Changes do not involve adding new landscaping. MMWD approval of the final
landscape plan will be required as a condition of project approval (prior to issuance of the building permit).
Lighting: Lighting onsite will be improved with the proposed elimination of the existing spotlights on the roof
of the church sanctuary building. New downlit wall scones and LED tapelights will be added to the new
activities building. The tapelights will be recessed into the eaves and soffits. The tapelights would run along
the eave at the bottom of the roofline for the new church activities building and the new MdTL classroom
Signage: The proposed church identification monument sign located on the front lawn will be eliminated and
replaced with three small wall signs on the front building wall of the church activities building: The project
proposes to add a parking lot identification monument sign (1'6" x 15' = 22.5 square feet) to the site (see Plan
Sheet Al0.1). There is an existing 13 square foot wall sign on the MdTL education wing that will also remain
(See Plan Sheet A3.3).
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
Staff, has evaluated the project and found it to be consistent with the following applicable General Plan 2020
Policies and Programs:
Policy LU -9 (Intensity of Non -Residential Development): Per the General Plan 2020, public/quasi-
public uses in the residential zones shall not exceed 1.0 FAR. The existing site is located in a Low
Density Residential (LDR) Land Use Designation and has a 0.14 FAR. The proposed addition of the
1,000 square foot activities building to the church and the 3,682 square foot classroom addition would
increase the FAR to 0. 17, well below the maximum 1.0 FAR allowed. As such, the proposed projects
consistent with General Plan Policy LU -9.
® Policy LU -14 (Land Use Compatibility): The church and school use have existed on the site prior to
the rezoning from R-1/CSD to PD(1391), and both uses are recognized as legal conforming uses. The
existing church and school have operated with approved conditional use permits since the 1980's. As
such, the proposed continued use of the project site as a church and school is consistent with General
Plan Policy LU -14.
Policy LU -23 (Land Use Map and Categories): The project site has a Land Use Designation of Low
Density Residential (LDR). This designation allows church and school use as one of the many land
uses encouraged in this designation. Per the General Plan, churches and schools shall not exceed
1.0 FAR and shall meet the development standards for height and setbacks. As there were no
development standards stipulated for PD(1391), staff has determined the most appropriate zoning
district would be the R5 Single Family Residential Zoning District (see staff discussion under Zoning
Ordinance Consistency below, Page 7). The proposed additions to the site would be below the
maximum 1.0 FAR, below the 30' height limit, and would not encroach into any setbacks, based on R5
zoning district. As such, the project is consistent with Policy -LU -23.
Policy NH -4 (Property Maintenance): Requires owners to maintain their properties in good condition
and appearance and eliminate unsafe and unhealthy conditions. The existing portables were designed
to be temporary unless fully sprinklered. The proposed project would,replace these portables with a
modern permanent classroom building, compliant with current Building/Fire and Child Care Licensing
Codes. In addition, the new church activities building would create a meeting space used exclusively
by the church, allowing the better operations on the site. The proposed new landscaping and new
courtyards and breezeways would improve pedestrian circulation on site. And lastly, the project
proposes to provide tree maintenance for mature trees on site, which will help improve overall site
safety. As such, the project will improve the overall property and be consistent with Policy NH -4.
Policy CD -10a (Nonresidential Design Guidelines- Visual Compatibility): Ensure that new
structures are visually compatible with the neighborhood. The proposed new additions are designed
to match the existing architectural features on site in scale, colors and materials. The existing church
sanctuary would not be changed, and the new church activities building would not detract from the
architectural features of the sanctuary. The new church addition would be designed similar to the
existing church administration building and is designed with a covered breezeway to connect with the
existing breezeway. This would tie the two buildings together and enhance the overall design on the
site. The MdTL classroom building would barely be noticeable as it is located in the same area as the
portables proposed to be demolished and located partly behind the MdTL existing education wing
building. As such, the project is consistent with Policy CD -10a.
Page 7
Policy CD -18 (Landscaping): Recognize the unique contribution provided by landscaping, and
make it a significant component of all site design. The existing project site is designed with an
expanse of green lawn and mature trees along the perimeter property lines. The lawn area would
remain largely intact, and the project proposes creating a system of walkways to improve direct
access to both the church and the MdTL classrooms. The existing landscaping would be reduced by
6% and only one tree is proposed to be removed. A new 581 square foot courtyard would be created
between the existing church administration wing and the new church activities building, which would
serve as a new gathering place for events on site. The school playground would also be re -designed.
Overall, despite the slight reduction in landscaping, the proposed project would be an enhancement to
the site and is therefore consistent with Policy CD -18.
C Policy CD -19 (Lighting): Allow adequate site lighting for safety purposes while controlling excessive
light spillover and glare. The proposed project would remove existing spotlights on the sanctuary
building, reducing overall glare into neighboring residential properties. Additional lighting proposed
would be LED tapelights and low -wattage wall sconces. As such, the proposed project is consistent
with General Plan Policy CD -19.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Chapter 14.07: Planned Development District
The project site is zoned Planned Development PD(1391). In 1981, the City approved a rezoning of the
property from Residential/Community Services (R-1/CSD) to Planned Development PD (1391). At the time,
the rezoning was primarily to allow a 10-12 unit residential complex to be built in the future on a newly created
separate parcel. Due to an oversight in documentation when the PD was approved, the existing school use
(which had been in existence since 1970 and on the same parcel as the existing church) was not referred to
in the PD document. However, the church and school were essentially recognized as one use. As such, and
because the school use pre -dated there -zoning, in 2008, the City formally determined that the private school
use on the site is a "grandfathered" legal use and consistent with the intent of PD(1391). The proposed
additions to the site would be subject to development standards pursuant to those delineated in the approved
PD. However, PD(1391) is silent on development standards. In such cases, Section 14.07.035.A of the
Zoning Ordinance stipulates the following:
"When an established PD district does not contain or include site-specific regulations or spatial
standards necessary to guide and approve building additions, modifications or property
improvements, the following shall apply: A. For the proposed additions and modifications to
principle structures and primary uses, the Community Development Director shall determine, based
on development characteristics, use and density, and the contiguous zoning districts, a zoning
district adopted within this title that is most compatible to the PD District. The regulations and spatial
standards of the most compatible zoning district shall be applied, subject to the approval of an
environmental and design review permit."
Other zoning districts in the project area include R5 (Single Family Residential), R5 -EA (Single Family -
Eichler Alliance Overlay) and NC (Neighborhood Commercial). The site is surrounded by a variety of land
uses, both neighborhood commercial (shopping center), residential (single family and apartment complex),
and public/quasi-public community uses (fire station, community center). Based on the mixed uses
surrounding the project site and the General Plan Designation of LDR (Low Density Residential) for the
project site and LDR and Single Family Residential (R5) for the immediately adjacent properties (along
Wakerobin Lane and Wisteria Way), staff determined the most appropriate relevant zoning designation for the
project site would be R5 (Single Family Residential). While the required setbacks for the R5 zone is: front
yard: 15 feet; side yard: 10% of lot width; rear yard: 10 feet; and 40% lot coverage, the project site is zoned
Planned Development, which allows for flexibility in site design, including but not limited to the following
specific purposes (per Zoning Ordinance Section 14.07.101):
Page 8
1. To promote and encourage cluster development on large sites to avoid sensitive areas of property;
2. Encourage innovative design on large sites by allowing flexibility in property development standards;
3. Encourage areas of open areas in land development; and
4. Accommodate various types of large-scale, complex, mixed-use, phased development.
The project site has an existing building site design and the proposed additions would be located near the
existing buildings. The total square footage added and would only increase the lot coverage on site from
14.5% to 17.6%, which would be below the 40% lot coverage allowed, if staff strictly applied the development
standards for the R5 zoning district. The project would still maintain open areas on the site and enhance the
site with pedestrian walkways. The adjacent NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district on the south side
of Del Ganado Road does not set a limit for lot coverage. Staff's analysis of each addition is provided as
Church Activities Building:
The proposed 1,000 square foot activities building addition would not encroach into any setbacks, driveways
or pedestrian walkway easements on the site. The new activities building would be setback between 13'10"
to 23' 10" from the side property line and 42 feet from Del Ganado Road. Staff is supportive of the proposed
addition because it is well situated on the site, creates an interior courtyard between the two buildings and
creates a new breezeway to connect to the existing building breezeway. Also, the design creates more street
presence by moving the new activities building closer to Del Ganado. Also, the location lessens potential
noise impacts to residential adjacent to the rear of the church buildings.
New Classroom Building/Education Wing Addition:
The new classroom building would be located at the rear portion of the lot, in the same approximate location
as the existing portables. The new 3,682 square foot classroom building would be larger than the two
portables, creating a net increase of 1,762 square feet. However, the building would be located partially
behind the existing education building and would not create a sense of bulk on the site. It would be partially
screened by the existing building and existing vegetation along the parking lot perimeter. Staff supports the
location of the proposed building in that it would be a minimal change from the existing conditionings on site
and create a much more functional and accessible environment on the MdTL campus.
Given the historical use of the site as a church and school, the fact that the existing operation of the church
and the MdTL have been previously approved under use permits (UP84-24 and UP08-023), staff has
determined that the proposed redevelopment of the site is consistent with the PD(1391) zoning on the site.
Staff has further determined that an amendment to the PD is not required based on the regulations
established in SRMC Section 14.07.035 (Planned Development), which gives the Community Development
Director discretion to determine whether proposed additions or modifications to the principal structures and
primary uses in a PD zone are characterized as a "major" or "minor" improvement. Pursuant to Section
14.07.035.C, "Improvements determined to be minor shall not require an amendment to the PD zone" Staff
has determined that the proposed new addition to the church and the demolition of the existing 1,920 square
foot portables and replacement with a 3,682 square foot permanent classroom building at the MdTL can be
considered "minor' improvements, because: 1) the MdTL improvement is a replacement of existing temporary
portables, with a net increase of only 1,752 square feet of classroom space; 2) the improvements will not
expand the school or church but allow both to better operate their sites; and 3) both sites operate under
approved use permits and the church use permit will be amended to reflect current church services and
activities. As discussed earlier, staff is recommending an amendment to the previous Use Permit (UP84-24)
for the church. Additional discussion about the project's consistency with Chapter 22 (Use Permits) is on
Page 9 of this report.
Chapter 18 - Parking
The original Use Permit approved 53 spaces in the parking lot. The applicant's plans show a total of 55
spaces in the lot. No change to the existing parking is proposed. The current parking requirement for the
church use is 1 space for every 4 seats, or 25 spaces. The current parking requirement for the school is 3
spaces per classroom for K-8 schools, or a total of 24 spaces for the 8 classrooms proposed on site. Total
number of parking spaces required per current zoning regulations for the church and the school combined
would be 49 spaces. The number of spaces on site (55) exceeds what would be required by current parking
requirements. The other uses related to the church (administrative offices, community meetings, etc.) would
not be required to provide parking, as they would be considered "ancillary uses" to the church operations and
are also able to access the existing spaces on site when church and the MdTL are not in use. The applicant
has indicated that the church activities and evening community group uses (see Exhibit 3-1) will remain the
same, with no expansion of church services or activities beyond the current hours of operation. The applicant
has indicated that current MdTL school enrollment is 155 students. The City approved a Use Permit
amendment in 2004 allowing up to 200 students at the site with no required increase in parking (UP04-019).
As such, the existing number of students and the MdTL strategic plan for a maximum of 165 students (see
Exhibit 5), would comply with the Use Permit (UP04-019) and parking capacity remains sufficient. The City
Traffic Engineer has reviewed the project and determined that the proposed classroom addition will add an
additional 8 AM trips to the site and therefore a Traffic Mitigation fee of $33,968 is required as a condition of
approval. Otherwise, there were no other comments on the project's impact on parking. No changes to the
existing parking lot configuration are proposed by the applicant or required by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Chapter 19: Signage
There are no sign regulations specific to the PD zoning district. Table 14.19-2 in Chapter 19 (Sign
Regulations) stipulates that for "other districts" not specifically listed, proposed signs should be in "compliance
with standards and provisions of the zoning district that is most similar to the subject zoning district." As
stated on Page 7 of this staff report, staff has determined that the most similar district would be a residential
zoning district (R5). However, in terms of signage, the site is directly across the street from a commercial
zoning district. As such, staff is not holding the project to the limit for signs in a residential zoning district,
which would be a maximum 20 sf for a monument sign and 5 square feet for a wall sign. The commercial
district allows signage to be based on linear frontage. The project proposes to replace the existing "Christ
Presbyterian Church" (a 5'x 8' monument sign on the front lawn) with three new wall signs on the activities
building: 1) a 10.75 square foot sign identifying the church and address; 2) a 16.6 square foot wall sign with
the pastor's name and Sunday service, and 3) a 14 square foot sign area to be used for changeable copy (to
display information about upcoming events like summer camps, bingo night, etc.). The church name and
address will be displayed with 6 inch channel letters suspended from the front fascia (See Plan Sheet A3.1).
The pastor's name and Sunday service time will be displayed with metal plate signage, with cut-out letters. A
permanent sign area would be integrated with the concrete pier at the corner of the new entry canopy,
allowing a sign with changeable copy. The existing MdTL wall sign (approximately 12 square feet) would
remain unchanged. The project is also proposing a new 1'6" x 15' long (22.5 square feet) parking lot
identification sign (Sheet Al0.1). Staff has determined that the existing and proposed signs can be approved
as designed through a sign permit. Overall, the new signage would be an upgrade to the existing site,
eliminating the oversized monument sign, which typically uses banner attachments to advertise upcoming
church events, is generally comply with the parameters of Chapter 19, and the number of new signs on site (3
net new signs) is minimal are appropriate for the location. As such, staff supports the proposed signage on
site. Staff intends to process a separate sign permit (staff level approval) for all signage on site.
Chapter 22- Use Permit
Use Permits are required for uses which may be suitable only in specific locations within a zoning district or
which require special consideration in their design, operation or layout to ensure compatibility with
surrounding uses. The subject property has historically operated under the guidelines of an approved use
permit for the MdTL (UP08-23), and an approved Use Permit for the church (UP84-24). See discussion on
permit history, on Page 4 of this staff report.
The Use Permits for MdTL include very specific details about the school operations and maximum student
enrollment. Use Permit UP04-19 allowed MdTL to increase student enrollment from 125 to 200 students.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-073/UP14-036 Page 10
Use Permit UP08-23 allowed the addition of a second portable building. The first portable was approved
through a Design Review Permit only (ED97-10). The proposed new classroom building would replace the
two existing portables, with a net increase in building square footage of 1,762 square feet. However, student
enrollment (currently at 155) will not be increased beyond the limit of 200 students, pursuant to the maximum
enrollment set in UP04-19. The school has indicated that the maximum enrollment under their "strategic plan"
is 165 students (see Exhibit 5). The new 3,682 square foot classroom building would allow MdTL to better
manage the educational needs of the students by allowing the lower elementary students to continue through
6t" grade, and help provide a permanent space for art, lunchroom, and staff/teacher support space. The
applicant has provided staff with a description of the current use of the MdTL school site (Exhibit 4) and based
on this information, staff has determined that the MdTL can continue to operate under the previous approved
Use Permit (UP08-23) without an amendment. The Design Review Permit (ED13-073) will memorialize the
physical changes to the MdTL facility.
A Design Review Permit (ED84-23) and Use Permit (UP84-24) for the church allowed the addition of a
pastor's office to what is currently the administration wing building. However, there were no specific details of
the hours for church services, nor any information about church activities after hours or activities from
community organizations leasing space from the church. As such, staff determined that a Use Permit
amendment (UP14-036) would be needed as part of this current application.
Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 14.22.080, in order to grant a Use Permit amendment, the following
Findings must be made:
1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance, and
the purposes of the district in which the site is located,
2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or
to the general welfare of the City, and
3. That the proposed use complies with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Staff recommends that the proposed project is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located in that: 1) ) the proposed project is in
conformance with General Plan Policies outlined on Pages 6-7 of this staff report; 2) the proposed 1,000
square foot church activities building would be consistent with the PD(1391) development standards for the
site; 3) the proposed expansion of the church facilities would create a better space for services already on site
and would continue a use that has been established as a legal conforming use in the PD(1391) zoning
district; 4) the proposed project would not have an impact on existing parking demand on site as the existing
number of spaces exceeds the current parking requirement by 6 spaces and the church and school have
staggered operating hours which allows a workable shared parking arrangement; and 5) the proposed plans
have been reviewed by the City's Building Division/Fire Prevention Bureau. Department comments are
included as Conditions of Approval in the attached Draft Resolution. Additional Building/Fire Department
review will be required upon submittal of formal building permit plans to determine project compliance with all
Building and Fire Codes, including occupancy limits and egress. Staff has determined that the findings to.
conditionally approve the Use Permit Amendment can be made based on the discussions above. Specific
Use Permit conditions of approval are listed on Page 13 of the Draft Resolution (Exhibit 2).
Chapter 25 — Environmental and Design Review Permit
The project should be evaluated for conformance with the review criteria identified in Chapter 25 of the Zoning
Ordinance. This chapter states that the new structures should be harmoniously integrated in relation to both
the specific site design and the architecture in the vicinity in terms of colors and materials, scale and building
design. Specific architectural design considerations include, but are not limited to the following:
➢ Creation of interest in the building elevation
Page 11
➢ Pedestrian oriented design
➢ Provision of a sense of entry
➢ Encouragement of natural materials and earth tone/wood tone color
➢ The project size/scale should be analyzed as to the appropriateness to the existing neighborhood
➢ Variation in building placement and height
➢ Color and materials
➢ Landscape design
Project design
Staff and the Design Review Board have reviewed the project and found that the project is generally
consistent with many of the design criteria of Section 14.25.050 of the Zoning Ordinance in that: 1) the
proposed development has been designed to integrate with the height and roof elements of the existing
administration and education wing buildings; 2) the proposed exterior colors are unified throughout the
existing building and the proposed additions; 3) the new wood slat design will help screen existing rooftop
equipment on the admin wing building; 4) the architecture for the addition is designed to add interest to the
site and reduce visual bulk by keeping the height low (16 feet), and using similar window types to reflect
existing window design; 5) the roof overhang or "breezeway" design is incorporated into the new addition
design; and 6) pavers have been added to the site to enhance walkways and create a strong sense of entry.
Non -Residential Design Guidelines
The following design criteria are applicable to the proposed project:
• Landscaping
• Pedestrian Circulation
• Building Form
• Entryways
• Materials and Colors
• Lighting
The proposed project has been designed to be consistent with the Non -Residential Design Guidelines, in that:
1) the proposed changes to the existing landscaping would create a site with a well-defined path of entry for
the church and the MdTL school. The existing lawn feature is nice to observe, but does not function as an
optimal point of entry. The proposed pavers would create an entryway and would be permeable, which would
integrate well with the lawn area. The proposed permeable pavers would help create a pedestrian walkway to
travel to the church and school, and the interior courtyard area will serve as a place to gather after services
and other events. The site would still have ample landscaping and retain all but one of the existing trees; 2)
while the site plan reduces the total landscaping on site by'6%o, the project would create more usable
pedestrian pathways, which is a balanced tradeoff. The subject site would still have ample landscaping and
retain all but one existing trees; 3) the new additions are designed to complement the existing one-story
buildings on the site, and new windows would match the design of the existing wood frame windows; 4) The
new classroom building would actually be approximately in the same general area as the old portables, but
setback between 5' and 23' from the parking lot fence, an improvement over the portables, which were
setback only between 2' to 12' from the parking lot on the east side of the property; and 5) materials and
colors would all be coordinated to match existing colors.
Staff has provided a summary of the previous two DRB meetings that occurred on this project. No written
minutes are taken at the City's public meetings. However, actual video recordings of the meetings are
available through a video link on the City of San Rafael website, www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings. Click on
the Design Review Board video link for each of the desired hearing dates.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-0731UP14-036 Page 12
The project first went before the Board on June 3, 2014 (Commissioner Schaefer as Planning Commission
Liaison). The Board generally supported the location and design of the MdTL classroom building, but had
major concerns about the location of the 639 square foot church addition, which was proposed to be located
within an access driveway. After public comments and discussion, the Board continued the hearing and made
the following recommendations:
1. Redesign the proposed 639 square foot addition to the administration wing in order to reduce or
eliminate the proposed encroachment into the existing driveway and side yard setback along the north
2. Report back to the Board on comprehensive lighting, specifically addressing the existing spotlights on
the sanctuary building. A photometric study was not required.
3 In addition, although there was no consensus on these items, the Board "suggested" the following: a)
consider adding trees to the parking lot; b) consider reconfiguring the walkway to something that is not
long and straight; and c) consider evaluating the health of the existing trees to respond to concerns
about possible tree safety on site.
The applicant returned to the Board on September 3, 2014 (Commissioner Robertson as Planning
Commission Liaison), with a revised plan. The applicant submitted a narrative on the design changes as part
of the DRB staff report. This narrative is included as Exhibit 6. The specifics of which of the revised plans are
summarized below:
1. The 639 square foot addition to the existing church administration building was eliminated and
replaced with a 1,000 square foot detached activities building on the northwest side of the property.
The small addition proposed at the rear of the administration wing building was reduced from 27
square feet to 19 square feet. A new covered walkway would connect with the existing administration
building covered walkway.
2. A new 581 square foot courtyard area (designed with permeable pavers) located between the existing
administration wing and the proposed new church activities building has been added. This would
serve as a gathering area for the congregation.
3. Elimination of the proposed "breezeway" access to the rear of the site, between the administration
building and the sanctuary.
4. Revised front landscaping to create a walkway closer to the new church activities building instead of
using the sanctuary entrance as the focal point for the walkway.
5. Eliminated 5 freestanding light fixtures along the front walkway and replaced with new low -light wall
sconces and LED "tapelights" on the new church activities building.
6. Removed all existing spotlights on the sanctuary.
7. Eliminated the proposed 4 foot high church monument sign on the front lawn and replaced with three
signs on the front wall of the church activities building.
8. The applicant responded to the Board's suggestion and met with several tree experts and submitted a
letter outlining the suggestions made about the health of the trees on the property and a plan to
address tree maintenance on site (Exhibit 7).
After taking public comment, the Board discussed the revised project and was pleased with the changes to
the location of the proposed church activities building. The Board generally supported the proposed new
signage on site, and made some comments about suggested improvements to the proposed changeable
copy signage on the activities building wall. Staff indicated that the new signs require a separate sign permit
and would be reviewed by staff as a staff level sign review. The Board then voted 6-1 (Huntsberry opposed)
to recommend approval of the project as presented. Staff notes that the applicant has submitted revised
signage for the changeable copy sign, and staff supports the new design.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-073/UP14-036 Page 13
The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),
pursuant to Section 15301a (Existing Faciltities) and 15311 (Accessory Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines,
which exempts minor interior and exterior alterations and additions no more than 10,000 square feet to
existing structures, and the construction of minor structures accessory to existing commerical, industrial or
institutional facilities.
A Notice of Hearing for the project (Exhibit 8) was mailed to both property owners and occupants within 300
feet of the project site 15 days prior to this Planning Commission meeting as required by noticing
requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, a notice was sent out to the
Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association and the Terra Linda HOA. Staff did not receive comments from
either group. The site was also posted with a Notice of Public Hearing.
Prior to the first DRB hearing, the applicant held two community outreach meetings (November 6, 2013 and
November 11, 2013) to present the proposed project and answer questions from the public. Staff was not
present at these meetings. After formal Design Review Permit application submittal, staff received two
comment letters from the adjacent property owner to the rear of the site, Mr. William Schroeder (617
Wakerobin Lane). Mr. Schroeder was also present at both DRB hearings. Mr. Schroeder expressed
concerns about the following: 1) prescriptive rights to use the driveway from Del Ganado Road to access the
rear of 617 Wakerobin; 2) brightness and glare from existing lighting; 3) visibility of the solar panels; 4) health
of trees on site; 5) impact from glare from new roof on the addition to the church administration wing; 6)
impact of proposed new windows at rear of the church administration wing addition; and 7) review of the use
permit for impacts from after-hours ancillary church activities. The applicant spoke with Mr. Schroeder to
address his concerns.
Staff also contacted Mr. Schroeder through phone calls and e-mails to discuss his concerns about the project,
and offered the following responses: 1) the prescriptive right issue is a civil matter. As far as the City is
concerned, the applicant has demonstrated that the use of the driveway is controlled by the church. Staff
informed Mr. Schroeder that until such time that he submits additional legal information validating his claim to
prescriptive rights, staff would move forward with the application review. Staff received no additional
information from Mr. Schroeder; 2) the project would be subject to a 60 -day lighting review as a condition of
project approval. Also, the applicant has indicated that the property owner was willing to remove and/or
replace the existing floodlights on the sanctuary building in order to reduce impacts on adjacent properties;
and 3) the installation of solar panels on the roof (done with proper permits in 2009) is not subject to design
review and not part of this application. At the time, staff made the determination that a Use Permit
amendment would not be required to address the issue of the potential impacts from -after hour meetings on
site. However, based on the revised plans and the increase in square footage for the church activities
addition, staff determined that a Use Permit amendment would be required to memorialize the church addition
and activities on site.
Mr. Schroeder was present at the final DRB hearing and expressed support for the re -designed project. To
date, planning staff has received no comments from Mr. Schroeder or any others on the proposed project
additions or Use Permit amendment.
The proposed project has been re -designed based on the Board's recommended changes at the June 3,
2014 Design Review Board hearing. Staff supports the re -designed features proposed for the church activities
building addition, the associated changes in the front landscaping, lighting and the MdTL addition. The
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-0731UP14-036 Page 14
applicant has considered the Board's comments and relocated the proposed church activities building to the
front of the site, thereby allowing complete access to the rear walkway and utility easement via the existing
driveway. The location of the proposed addition respects the architectural design components, scale, color,
materials of the existing buildings on the site. In addition, the lighting on site has been revised to eliminate
the spotlights on the sanctuary and the proposed freestanding light standards. Instead, the new addition will
have wall scones and strips of LED tapelights under the roof eaves and soffits of the church activities building
addition and the new MdTL classroom building. This will dramatically reduce light levels on site. In addition,
the new landscaping and walkways would enhance the entryway to the site and enhance pedestrian
circulation. Staff finds the proposed design of the site to be functional and practical, and will enhance the
existing design qualities and materials on the site, and allow better use of the church and school as distinct
uses. With respect to the uses on the site, the new additions would allow both the church and the MdTL to
continue operating the same uses on site with no "expansion" of the uses already approved. Staff supports
the proposed design changes and the Use Permit amendment, and recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the attached resolution approving the project.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the applications as presented and adopt the Draft Resolution (staff recommendation);
2. Approve the application with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval;
3. Continue the application to allow the applicant to address any Commission's comments or concerns;
4. Deny the project and direct staff to return with revised Resolution for denial
1. Vicinity Map
2. Draft Resolution
3. Christ Presbyterian Church - Facility Use Information
4. MdTL- 2014 School Operations Information
5. MdTL - Student Enrollment Information
6. DMARC Studio —Applicant Project Description/Design Narrative
7. Tree Maintenance recommendation letter - submitted by applicant at September 3, 2014 DRB meeting
8. Public Hearing Notice
Project Plans (11" x 17') and color rendering and material sample distributed to the Planning Commission
Cc: Andrew Davis, DMARC Studio
62'0 Del. Ganado
SCALE 1: 1,278
pmmu-- A -:: -
100 0 Wo 200 360
610-620 DEL GANADO ROAD (APN:178-133-240)
WHEREAS, on October 16, 2013 Andrew Davis, project applicant, submitted an
application for an Environmental Design Review Permit (ED 13-073) to allow the construction of
a 639 square foot addition to the Christ Presbyterian Church (hereafter referred to as "church")
administration wing building, demolition of two portable buildings (1,920 square feet) and
replacement with a new 3,682 square foot classroom building for the Montessori de terra Linda
(hereafter referred to a "MdTL"), and landscape changes to the site; and
WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, the San Rafael Design Review Board held a duly noticed
public hearing on the proposed Design Review Permit, accepting all oral and written testimony
and the written report of the Community Development Department staff, and continued the
public hearing, supporting the proposed classroom building addition to the MdTL but
recommending revisions to the proposed addition to the church; and
WHEREAS, on August 15, 2014, the applicant submitted revised plans to address the
Board's comments and suggestions, changing the proposed project to entail a 1,000 square foot
detached church activities building and a 581 square foot courtyard area; and
WHEREAS, upon staff review of the application, the project was determined to be
exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301a (Existing Faciltities) and 15311 (Accessory Structures) of the
CEQA Guidelines, which exempts minor interior and exterior alterations and additions no more
than 10,000 square feet to existing structures, and the construction of minor structures accessory
to existing commerical, industrial or institutional facilities; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Environmental and Design Review application were
reviewed by the City's Building Division/Fire Prevention Bureau, Department of Public Works,
the Marin Municipal Water District, and the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District and were
recommended for conditional approval; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 2014, the San Rafael Design Review Board held a duly
noticed public hearing on the previously continued project, accepting all oral and written
testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff. The Board
voted (6-1, with Board member Huntsberry dissenting) to support the proposed project design
changes and recommended approval of the project design; and
WHEREAS, on October 3, 2014, staff determined that the proposed project would also
require an amendment to Use Permit (UP84-24), to review the proposed 1,000 square foot church
addition; and
WHEREAS, on October 9, 2014, the applicant, Andrew Davis, agree to amend the
Design Review Permit application (ED 13-073) to include a Use Permit Amendment (UP 14-036);
WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly
noticed public hearing on the proposed Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use
Permit, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community
Development Department staff and closed said hearing on that date;
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents which constitute the record of proceedings
upon which this decision is based is the Community Development Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City
of San Rafael hereby approves the Environmental Design Review Permit (ED13-073) for the
building additions to the church and the MdTL, and the landscape changes on the site, and also
approves a conditional Use Permit Amendment (UP14-036) to update the prior Use Permit for
the church, in order to include an up-to-date description of the church and ancillary
daytime/evening activities on site and the 1,000 square foot activities building addition on the
site; based on the following findings:
Environmental and Design Review Findings
1) The proposed demolition of the two portable MdTL classroom buildings and construction of a
3,682 square foot addition to the MdTL, and the proposed construction of a 1,000 square foot
detached church activities building, as well as associated landscaping improvements is in
accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of this
Chapter given that:
a. As discussed on Pages 6-7 of the October 28, 2014 Planning Commission staff report, the
proposed project (as conditioned) is consistent with General Plan Policy LU -9 (Intensity
of Non -Residential Development), Policy LU -14 (Land Use Compatibility), Policy LU -
23 (Land Use Map and Categories), Policy (NH -4) (Property Maintenance), Policy CD -
10 (Non -Residential Design Guidelines — Visual Compatibility), Policy CD -18
(Landscaping), and Policy CD -19 (Lighting).
b. As discussed on Pages 7-11 of the October.28, 2014 Planning Commission staff report,
the proposed project (as conditioned) conforms to the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 14.07 (Planned Development District), Chapter 18 (Parking), Chapter 19
(Signage), Chapter 22 (Use Permits) and Chapter 25 (Environmental Design Review
Permits). The proposed design for the additions and landscaping changes are well-
designed and compatible with the site, and have been recommended for approval by the
Design Review Board. The proposed project design would enhance the appearance and
operations of both existing conditionally approved uses on the site, (the church and the
MdTL), the proposed project would not impact existing parking availability on site, and
the proposed project would be required to conform with zoning ordinance regulations
pertaining to signage; and
c. The project has been reviewed for conformance with the applicable design criteria
established in Chapter 14.25 of the Zoning Ordinance and determined that the proposed
new additions ,and site improvements, as conditioned, would complement the
architecture, color and materials of the existing buildings on site and the landscaping
changes would help create a better sense of entry into the church buildings and the MdTL
campus; and
d. The projects consistency with the design -related policies of the General Plan and
objectives of the Zoning Ordinance were reviewed by the Design Review Board and
recommended for approval.
2) The project design, as conditioned, is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and
landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the Planned Development Zoning District
PD(1391) in which the site is located given that:
a. Previous additions to the church were approved per Design Review Permit (ED84-23),
and previous additions on the MdTL campus were approved per Design Review Permit
(ED08-044). The new design review permit would amend the previous Design Review
Permits in order to allow the currently proposed changes to both the church and the
MdTL. The proposed changes are in keeping with the prevailing architecture and designs
on the site, as discussed on Pages 10-11 in the Planning Commission staff report dated
October 28, 2014; and
b. The proposed architectural design and building colors will match the existing building
colors on the site, and the exterior breezeway design will tie into the breezeways on the
existing buildings, creating a unified design; and
c. Though the overall landscaping on site will be slightly reduced by 6%, the lawn is only
being reduced in order to create a more functional system of walkways for the new
campus. The new walkway design will help enhance the existing outdoor space on site,
and the campus will still maintain the mature trees along the perimeter of the site. The
site would be further enhanced with the creation of a 581 square foot new courtyard area
that will serve as a gathering place for outside church activities.
3) The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts given that:
a. The proposed additional square footage is within the maximum 1.0 FAR allowed on site
and the design of the building would not create excessive bulk on the site; and
b. The proposed project was reviewed by applicable City departments and no adverse
environmental impacts were identified; and
c. The proposed project would be constructed in compliance with all applicable local, State
and Federal building codes; and
d. The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality
Act pursuant to Article 19 Categorical Exemptions, Section 15301a and (Existing
Facilities) and Section 15311 (Accessory Structures).
4) That the project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially
injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity in that:
a. The proposed 1,000 square foot detached church activities building would not expand the
existing church use or number of congregants, or expand the existing community
activities on site during the day or after-hours. The new building would be a replacement
for the shared space (the 960 square foot portable) currently used on the MdTL campus;
b. The proposed 3,682 square foot classroom building addition to the MdTL school would
replace the existing two portables, (totaling 1,920 square feet), with a net increase of
1,720 square feet for the new building. There would be no change in MdTL operations
and no increase in student enrollment beyond the maximum 200 students currently
allowed by Use Permit UP04-019; and
c. The addition would not impact the existing spared parking arrangement between the
church and the MdTL regarding the 55 parking spaces on the site. Per the Zoning
Ordinance, the church and the MdTL use have a combined parking requirement of 49
vehicles (25 for the church and 24 for MdTL). The existing parking adequately meets the
varying daily/evening/weekend demand for the church and MdTL activities, and will not
have a negative impact on adjacent businesses or residents; and
d. No complaints from community members about the operation of the church or the
numerous church/community activities in the evenings and weekends have been received
by the City over the past 10 years; and
e. The proposed project would ensure that any existing unhealthy trees on site are identified
and appropriately maintained, based on the recommendation from several tree experts as
detailed in the Planning Commission staff report Exhibit 7, and included in Design
Review Permit COA #7. In addition, the Design Review Permit approval requires that all
landscaping and trees on the property be properly maintained in perpetuity, per Design
Review Permit COA #8; and
f. The originally proposed location of the church addition was a concern for an adjacent
neighbor, however, this issue was resolved when the location of the new addition was
revised per the Board's recommendation. After the revision, the neighbor later expressed
support for the redesign at the September 3, 2014 DRB hearing, and staff received no
letters of opposition in response to the public notice for the Planning Commission
Use Permit (UP14-036)
1) The proposed 1,000 square foot activities building addition to the Christ Presbyterian Church
("church") and the creation of a 581square foot courtyard area between the new building and
the existing church administrative wing building is in accord with the General Plan, the
objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of this Chapter based on discussions in
Environmental and Design Review Permit Finding 1(a) and 1(b) and 1(c) listed above; and
2) The proposed church uses, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the city based on discussions in
Environmental and Design Review Permit Finding #4 listed above. The church use will.,
continue as it has been operating, as an integral part of the local community, offering lease
space for to a variety of community organization. The proposed renovations would continue
an existing conditionally approved use of the site as a church, with weekend activities for the
church and community having little impact on existing parking on site or in the project
vicinity. The school is closed on the weekends and evenings, and therefore there is ample
parking available for community groups. Further, the church and MdTL can work together to
coordinate events and maximize parking availability; and
3) That the addition of 1,000 square feet of building area and landscape modifications to the
site, as conditioned, complies with the following applicable provisions of the zoning
ordinance: Chapter 14.07 (Planned Development District), Chapter 18 (Parking), Chapter 19
(Signs), Chapter 22 (Use Permits) and Chapter 25 (Environmental Design Review Permits) as
discussed on Pages 7-11 of the October 28, 2014 Planning Commission staff report. The
proposed project is an amendment to a previously approved Use Permit (UP84-24) and is not
proposing changes in the hours of operation of the church or the number of seats in the
sanctuary (100), nor any changes in the type or number of community activities that use the
church building. In the past, the church used space in the 960 square foot. MdTL portable.
The 1,000 square foot building addition would serve as an activities building, a place for
church and community meetings, essentially replacing the 960 square foot space formerly
used in the MdTL portable. The new church addition would allow the church and MdTL to
operate as independent uses on independent areas of the site. The amended Use Permit
(UP14-036) conditions of approval would detail the church hours of operations and includes
a broad list of the historic and current community organizations leasing space from the
church (also referenced in Exhibit 3 of the October 28, 2014 Planning Commission staff
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission
of the City of San Rafael hereby approves the Environmental Design Review Permit (ED 13-073)
and Use Permit Amendment (UP14-036)based on the following conditions of approval:
Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED13-073)
Conditions of Approval
Community Development Department - Plannina Division
1. The proposed 1,000 square foot detached activities building in front of the existing
Christ Presbyterian Church "church" administration wing, the creation of a 581 square
foot open courtyard for outdoor gathering, the addition of a 3,682 square foot new
classroom building (and demolition of the existing two portables), landscaping site
improvements to create new pathways, and other smaller additions to the existing church
administration wing and MdTL education wing, shall be constructed in substantial
conformance with the proposed site plan and elevations as presented for approval on
plans prepared by DMARC Studios, date stamped Approved, October 28, 2014, and shall
be the same as required for issuance of a building permit,.subject to the listed conditions
of approval. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review
and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division.
Modifications deemed not minor by the Community Development Director may require
review and approval by the Design Review Board and/or the original decision making
2. A copy of the Conditions of Approval for ED13-073 shall be included as a plan sheet
with the building permit plan submittal.
3. Approved colors are as shown on the approved Color and Material board. Approved
colors for the church activities building exterior include "Dark Bronze" for the wall and
"Cool Zinc Grey" for the roof metal panel. Approved colors for MdTL classroom wall
metal panel are "Slate Grey" and "Cool Arctic White." Both the church and MdTL soffits
will use "Natural Cedar Rubio Monocoat", and both will use Benjamin Moore "Iron
Mountain for the trims. Any future modification to colors/materials shall be subject to
review and approval by the Planning Division, prior to painting the building.
4. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED13-073) amends and supersedes the
previously approved Design Review Permit for the church (ED84-23) and for the MdTL
school (ED08-044) and shall be valid for two years from the date of Planning
Commission approval, or until October 28, 2016, and shall become null and void if
building permits are not issued, or a time extension is not granted before that time. Once a
building permit for the proposed site improvements is issued within the two-year period,
then the Environmental and Design Review Permit shall become valid and run with the
land and will not have an expiration date. On-going compliance with all conditions of
approval shall be required to keep the Environmental and Design Review Permit valid.
5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit written documentation
from Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) indicating that MMWD has reviewed
and approved the proposed landscaping and water service needs.
6. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a letter from the Las
Gallinas Valley Sanitary District, stating that they have reviewed the project plans and
approve or conditionally approve the proposed project plans.
7. Existing trees on site shall be trimmed and treated per the assessment and
recommendations from local tree companies as detailed in the letter dated July 30, 2014
(Exhibit 7 of the October 28, 2014 Planning Commission staff report). In addition, the
site shall also be subject to COA #8 below.
8. All new and existing landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition,
free of weeds and debris. Any dying or dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely
fashion with new healthy stock of a size compatible with the remainder of the growth at
the time of replacement.
9. The existing security lights on the sanctuary building shall be removed. All exterior
lighting shall be shielded down. Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all
exterior lighting shall be subject to a 60 -day lighting level review by the Police
Department and Planning Division to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area.
10. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division to request a final inspection, prior to the
issuance of the final building permit. The request for final inspection by the Planning
Division shall require a minimum of 48-hour advance notice.
11. Construction hours and activity (including any and all deliveries) are limited to the
applicable requirements set forth in Chapter 8.13 of the San Rafael Municipal Code.
Community Development Department—BuildinE Division
12. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2010 California
Building Code, 2010 Plumbing Code, 2010 Electrical Code, 2010 California Mechanical
Code, 2010 California Fire Code, 2010 California Energy Code, 2008 Title 24 California
Energy Efficiency Standards, 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and City of
San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments. Permit applications submitted and accepted on
or after January 1, 2014 must comply with the 2013 California Building Codes..
13. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied
by four (4) complete sets of construction drawings to include:
a. Architectural plans
b. Structural plans
c. Electrical plans
d. Plumbing plans
e. Mechanical plans
f. Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plane and height of the building)
g. Structural Calculations
h. Truss Calculations
i. Soils reports
j. Green Building documentation
k. Title -24 energy documentation
14. Each building must have address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible
and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do
not satisfy this requirement. In new construction and substantial remodels, the address must
be internally or externally illuminated and remain illuminated at all hours of darkness.
Numbers must be a minimum 4 inches in height with %2 inch stroke for residential
occupancies and a minimum 6 inches in height with %2 inch stroke for commercial
applications. The address must be contrasting in color to their background SMC 12.12.20.
15. The address for structures is determined by the Chief Building Official. There are several
buildings on this parcel. The address of the sanctuary building is 620 Del Ganado Road.
The address of the education building is 610 Del Ganado Road. Because the new building
will be attached to the education building, the tentative address for the proposed building
will be 610 Del Ganado Road. The address for the new building will be legalized upon
completion of its construction. Each page of the plan's title block and all permit application
documents must show the proposed building's address identification information.
16. Any demolition of existing structures will require a permit. Submittal shall include three
(3) copies of the site plan, asbestos certification and PG&E disconnect notices. Also,
application must be made to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District prior to
obtaining the permit and beginning work.
17. School fees will be required for the project. Commercial space is computed at $0.47 per
square foot of new building area. Calculations are done by the San Rafael City Schools,
and those fees are paid directly to them prior to issuance of the building permit.
18. If on-site streets are privately owned, certain on-site improvements such as retaining
walls, street light standards, and private sewer system will require plan review and
permits from the Building Division.
19. Based on the distance to the property line at the sanctuary building's proposed addition,
the building elements shall have a fire resistive rating not less than that specified in CBC
Table 601 and exterior walls shall have a fire resistive rating not less than that specified
in CBC Table 602.
20. In accordance with California Plumbing Code section 412, separate toilet facilities shall
be provided for each sex.
21. The proposed facility shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled in
accordance with the requirements of Title -24, California Code of Regulations. For
existing buildings and facilities when alterations, structural repairs or additions are
made, accessibility improvements for persons with disabilities may be required.
Improvements shall be made, but are not limited to, the following accessible features:
a. Path of travel from public transportation point of arrival
b. Routes of travel between buildings
c. Accessible parking
d. Ramps
e. Primary entrances
f. Sanitary facilities (restrooms)
g. Drinking fountains & Public telephones (when provided)
h. Accessible features per specific occupancy requirements
i. Accessible special features, ie., ATM's point of sale machines, etc.
22. The site development of items such as common sidewalks, parking areas, stairs, ramps,
common facilities, etc. are subject to compliance with the accessibility standards
contained in Title -24, California Code of Regulations. Pedestrian access provisions
should provide a minimum 48" wide unobstructed paved surface to and along all
accessible routes. Items such as signs, meter pedestals, light standards, trash receptacles,
etc., shall not encroach on this 4' minimum width. Also, note that sidewalk slopes and
side slopes shall not exceed published minimums per California Title 24, Part 2. The
civil, grading and landscape plans shall address these requirements to the extent possible.
23. Public accommodation disabled parking spaces must be provided according the following
table and must be uniformly distributed throughout the site. At least one disabled parking
space must be van accessible; 9 feet wide parking space and 8 feet wide off- load area.
Additionally, one in every eight required handicap spaces must be van accessible.
Total Number of Parking
Minimum Required Number of
H/C Spaces
to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
Two percent of total
1,001 and over
Twenty, plus one for each 100
or fraction thereof over 1,001
24. As a new building, the project is required to comply with the California Green Building Code,
including Tier 1 standards. The specific requirements are as identified in San Rafael Municipal Code
(SRMC) Section 12.23.020.
25. Prior to any use or occupancy of this building 'or structure or any portion there of a
"Certificate of Occupancy" must be issued by the Chief Building Official pursuant to
California Building Code Section 111.1. Failure to secure a "Certificate of Occupancy"
is a violation and will result in a $500. citation per day that the violation continues.
Community Development Department — Fire Prevention Bureau
26. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2010 California
Fire Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments.
27. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied
by three (3) complete sets of construction drawings to include: (larger projects require 4
sets of construction drawings)
a. Fire sprinkler plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
b. Fire underground plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
c. Fire alarm plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
28. It appears that the project meets the requirement for "substantial remodel" as defined in
Municipal Code Chapter 4.08.120 Section 202. Therefore, a fire sprinklers may be
required throughout the building. Determination for fire sprinklers will be conducted
during -the Building Permit review, so indicate which room are to be altered, and/or
added, this will include areas within the home where sheet rock is removed to access for
electrical or structural changes. A Separate deferred application by a C-16 contractor
would be required. Refer to our web site for the definition of a substantial remodel.
29. A Knox Box is required at the primary point of first response to the building.
30. Fire lanes must be designated; painted red with contrasting white lettering stating "No
Parking Fire Lane" A sign shall be posted in accordance with the CFC Section 503.3.
31. The minimum inside turning radius for a fire apparatus access road is 28 feet.
32. Evacuation placards must be installed at all classrooms.
33. Contact the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) to make arrangements for the
water supply serving the fire protection system.
34. A fire apparatus access plan shall be prepared for this project. Fire apparatus plan shall
show the location the following:
a. Designated fire apparatus access roads.
b. Red curbs and no parking fire lane signs.
c. Fire Department Connection (FDC).
d. Double detector check valve.
e. Street address sign.
f. Recessed Knox Box
g. Fire Alarm annunciator panel.
Department of Public Works- Land Development
35. The proposal replaces temporary classrooms with permanent structures. The existing
temporary portables are a total of 2,104 square feet (includes ramps and stairs). The new
permanent facility has a square footage of 3,682 square feet, which is an increase of 1,578
square feet. Based on the Class Room Matrix provided, the new classroom building will
generate 8 AM trips. A total of $33,968 in traffic mitigation fees will be required prior to
the issuance of the Building Permit.
36. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, show the parking sizes on the plan and
dimension the back up space on the plan.
37. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, show the path of travel on the plan and indicate
whether there are truncated domes present or whether the ramps need to be updated to
meet current code requirements.
38. Show the limits of grading on the plan in order to make sure that adjacent properties are
not affected by the construction.
39. Show cut and fill quantities on the plan.
40. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, show the proposed and existing drainage
system on the plan. Include the roof drainage down spouts and how they connect to the
existing system. The applicant has added impervious surfaces to the site. Show any
improvements to the site such that there is no change to the drainage patterns as storm
water exits the property.
41. Include and make part of the project plans, the sheet noted "Pollution Prevention — Its
part of the plan." Copies are available on the City of San Rafael website
Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District
42. The proposed project is within the Sphere of Influence and District facilities boundary,
therefore, the proposed project must apply for and receive an allocation of sewer capacity
from this District before it can receive sewer services.
43. The proposed project must make satisfactory arrangements with this District for the
construction of any off-site or on-site sewers which may be required.
44. The applicant shall show in the plans, or submit as -built drawings for all existing sanitary
sewer facilities within the property. The plans or as -built shall clearly identify the lateral
for each existing structure, including service connection tie-ins(s) into the existing sewer
main in the public utility easement (PUE).
45. The applicant shall perform CCTV inspection of all existing sanitary sewers and building
laterals within the property, which the applicant intends of reusing for the renovated
structures and new building additions. Submit a CCTV inspection report in DVD format
to the District for review.
46. Existing sewers and laterals with structural defects, root intrusion, open joints,
insufficient slope, and other defects shall be replaced prior to the issuance of a connection
47. Submit fixture counts and flow calculations for review by the District.
48. Sewer facilities for existing structures scheduled for demolition shall be properly
abandoned and capped per District standards.
49. The use of recycled water where appropriate is strongly encouraged.
Marin Municipal Water District
50. Parcel No. 178-113-240 is currently being served. The proposed additions to the church
and the MdTL site will not impair the District's ability to continue service to this
property. However, there has not been a water entitlement established for the proposed
permanent classroom building. Payment of a connection fee may be required prior to
granting (legalizing) water service to the new classroom structure.
51. The installation of a separate water meter for the classroom building is required.
52. Water service required for the 3,628 square foot permanent classroom building will be
available upon request and fulfillment of the following requirements: a) complete a High
Pressure Water Service Application; b) submit a copy of the building permit; c) pay
appropriate fees and charges; and d) comply with the District rules and regulations in
effect at the time service is requested including the installation of a separate meter to
serve the classroom building.
53. Comply with all indoor and outdoor requirements of District Code 13 — Water
Conservation. Plans shall be submitted and reviewed to confirm compliance. The
following are required: a) verification of indoor fixture compliance; b) landscape plan; c)
irrigation plan; and d) grading plan. Any questions should be directed to the Water
Conservation Department at (415) 945-1497. Information about water conservation
requirements is also online at www.marinwater.ora.
54. Comply with the backflow prevention requirements, if upon the District's review
backflow protection is warranted, including installation, testing and maintenance.
Questions regarding backflow requirements should be directed to the backflow
prevention Program Coordinator at (415) 945-1.559.
55. The use of recycled water is required, where available, for all approved uses. Approved
uses include irrigation and the flushing of toilets and urinals. Questions regarding the use
of recycled water should be directed to Dewey Sorensen at (415) 945-1558.
Use Permit (UP14-036)
Christ Presbyterian Church
Conditions of Approval
1. This Use Permit amendment supersedes the previously approved Use Permit (UP84-24)
for the church and authorizes the use of the site for the existing Christ Presbyterian
Church sanctuary building, with services on Sundays at 9:30am, the administration wing
building, the 1,000 square foot detached activities building addition, and the new
courtyard area. There is no change to the existing sanctuary building and no expansion to
the number of seats for the sanctuary space (100 seats).
2. The new 1,000 square foot activities building for the church would accommodate the
Sunday school program, as well as other church activities and meetings, and also be used
by community groups. These are the same general uses approved under the previous use
permit (UP84-24), and considered ancillary uses to the church itself, though not
specifically identified in the Use Permit. The types of groups and the typical days/times
they rent church space is listed in Exhibit 3 of the Planning Commission staff report,
which includes but is not limited to, church services, church choir rehearsals, Bible Study,
holiday church services, evening activities (both adult and children) for both the church
and local community groups, education classes and general weekend activities (for both
children and adults), polling place location, weddings, funerals, and other general
community activities for all ages. Hours of operation for the current church activities
would remain unchanged. Evening activities for community groups and other church
activities typically end by 10:00 pm.
3. If at any time, the total parking generated by the office and church uses exceeds the
number of approved parking spaces on site (55 spaces), the Planning Commission retains
the right to reopen this Use Permit (UP 14-036) and establish additional limitations.
4. This Use Permit (UP14-036) shall have no expiration date and shall run with the land and
remain valid regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to these
conditions, provided that a building permit is obtained or a time extension request is
submitted to the City's Community Development Department within two (2) years of this
approval or until October 28, 2016.
5. On-going compliance with all conditions of approval shall be required to keep the Use
Permit Amendment valid. This Use Permit (UP14-036) maybe called to hearing at any
time by the Planning Division in order to review compliance with the Conditions of
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the City of San
Rafael Planning Commission held on the 28th day of October 2014.
Moved by Commissioner
as follows:
Paul A. Jensen, Secretary
and seconded by Commissioner
Jack Robertson, Chair
CrDcChrist Presbyterian Church in Terra Linda
October 2014
Planning Commission Christ Presbyterian Church facility -use information
Christ Presbyterian Church is a living expression of faith, welcoming all to join the jour-
ney of discovering what we are meant to do and to become. A worshipping community
of accepting, compassionate, collaborative people, we cherish, encourage, and inte-
grate the gifts brought by people of all ages and perspectives. We are a theologically
progressive Christian congregation who strive to: love, nurture, include, serve, guide,
inquire, and inspire. Our home at 620 Del Ganado Road is a place where we gather to
worship, learn, mark life's meaningful occasions great and small, and care for each oth-
er, our community, and the world. Opening our buildings to other families and commu-
nity groups helps us live our values into the world.
Our current membership is just over 113 people, and our average Sunday worship at-
tendance was 77 last year. This number has held steady at about that level over recent
years. As always, we hope our membership and attendance will increase over time;
however current community makeup would make more than a net addition of a dozen
or so members per year unlikely. Since our church was founded in 1954 by 69 charter
members, our membership and Sunday worship attendance has fluctuated widely over
time with changes in the neighborhood and overall church attendance. At one time, we
were over 400 members --filling the sanctuary for two worship services every Sunday.
When our use permit was last amended in 1981 we had 239 active members. Our tra-
dition of opening our facilities to community groups began when our sanctuary was first
built and we have been an active spot in the community ever since. We do not have ac-
cess to specific calendaring activity back in 1981, but as the membership was so large,
there were certainly a lot more people involved in church activities at that time. And
our facilities were open for community use at that time as well. For example, the Boy
Scouts have used our facility for over 50 years. Since our current pastor, Rev. Linda
Lane-Bortell has been with us, which will be 10 years in January, the level of communi-
ty use of our facilities has held steady.
Worship services are held every Sunday morning, and the church is in use throughout
the day. A variety of church groups, such as choir, youth group, and various commit-
tees, also use the Sanctuary throughout the day Sunday and into the evening, as de-
scribed below. Special holiday worship services are held in the evenings on Thanksgiv-
ing Eve, Christmas Eve, during Holy Week, and other religious holidays and occasions.
Rev. Linda Lane-Bortell, Pastor
Eric Olbekson, Music Director
Susan MacKenzie, Office Administrator
620 Del Ganado Road
San Rafael, California 94903
415-479-7092 FAX
The worship services and additional activities we offer develop and change over time
as the neighborhood and community change. This flexibility enables us to remain a vi-
tal, active church reflective and supportive of its neighborhood and community.
We plan to use our new building for all of our current church activities that would ben-
efit from the new space, including Sunday school, youth group, Music Camp, and
-education programs such as Bible study. And we plan to make the space available for
nonprofit, nonpartisan community groups when it is not being used for church activi-
The primary need for the new space arises from our Sunday school program. Under
our new lease with Montessori de Terra Linda, CPC is no longer using MdTL classroom
space to house our Sunday school due to our mutual recognition that sharing the
space was no longer a workable situation. As a result, our Sunday school is being
temporarily housed in our Pastor's office and Anise's Place meeting room, which are
too small for and ill-suited to our program. Our Sunday School was formerly housed in
what is now MdTL Room 5, which is 914 square feet. (When CPC used the space, we
used old room Room 6. MdTL has since combined their old rooms 4, 5, and 6 to con-
stitute current rooms 4 & 5, and now what used to be Room 6 is part of room 5). Ad-
ditionally, we are currently using MdTL Room 8 (the 134 s/f office closest to the CPC
sanctuary on the existing MdTL Ed Wing building plans) for our nursery during Sunday
worship but we also have agreed with MdTL that shared use of that room in not a
workable long-term solution for either group. Our remodel of our administration wing,
as a result, includes a new, flexible nursery/office space. Therefore, our need for the
new building and remodel arises from the reduction in space available to meet the
needs of our current programming.
After our building project is complete, CPC intends to continue using our facilities in
the same manner for church activities and renting, exchanging, or gifting the use of
our facilities to groups such as those listed below. As has always been the case, these
uses will develop and change over time according to community needs.
Our rental policies will remain the same, so any additional use by community groups
of our existing or new buildings would be at their request and contingent on the avail-
ability of our facilities and the user's fit with our mission. Our facilities are available to
nonprofit, nonpartisan groups who respect church property and our neighbors.
CPC groups use our facility most days every week during the day and a few nights a
week on average, and the following is a list of our most regular uses in addition to
worship services, which are described above:
Youth Group: monthly Sunday afternoon meetings, plus various activities such as holi-
day baking parties, overnight lock -in events, and skit rehearsals.
Bible Study: two active Bible studies weekly on Wednesdays during the day.
Adult Education: weekly at during various seasons of the church year, held Sunday af-
ternoons or weekday evenings.
Terra Linda Game Night (sponsored by CPC members and friends): monthly, last Fri-
day of each month, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Choir Practice: weekly, Sunday mornings 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., and extra holiday
practices as needed on weekends and evenings
Weddings: as requested, various times.
Memorials:as requested, various times.
Session and Deacons meetings (church leadership councils): monthly, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Music Camp: yearly one-week summer day camp open to everyone of qualifying age,
usually about 25 children, daytime plus one 7:00 p.m. performance
Church picnics and celebrations: as decided each year by the church, usually held
Sundays after worship through early afternoon or in the evenings.
The following is a representative list of non -CPC groups who use our space without
charge as part of our church mission, in exchange for services for our congregation, or
for rent. In recent memory, we have not received any complaints regarding outside
groups using our facilities. The list of groups that use our facility changes with the
seasons and over time as groups come and go. Currently, we have community groups
using our church 2-3 evenings a week on average.
Current facility users:
Marin County Polling facility: election days as needed, polls open at 7:00 a.m. and
close at 8:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts: Troop 76 weekly 5:30-9:00 p.m.; The Crew every -other -week evenings
5:30 9:00p.m.
Patricia Bainer (counseling): weekly, evening sessions ending at 7:00 p.m.
Montessori de Terra Linda: 5-6 times a year for various daytime and evening events
such as Parent Orientation, Spring Festival rehearsal and performance, Back -to -School
Night, etc.
Golden Gate Brass band: twice -a -month, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Lucas Valley Chamber Orchestra: a few times a year when preparing for performanc-
es, daytime
San Francisco Bay Area Puppetry Guild: once -a -year, late afternoon through early
Lifehouse exercise group: weekly, seasonally, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
German School's Annual Christmas Party: yearly, 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Dixieland Band: twice -a -month, daytime rehearsals
Weddings: as requested, various times
Memorials:as requested, various times
A few examples of groups who have used our space in the past:
Marin Women's Group (support group): weekly, evenings until 9:00 p.m.
Spiritual Direction Group: weekly, evenings
Sign Language Class: weekly, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous: weekly, evenings
Terra Linda Rotary: single use, meeting and dinner
Carol Adee -dance for 12-13 year olds: single use, evening
Gahu People (African drum group): weekly, evenings
Santa Margarita Homeowner's Association: monthly, evening meetings
Rotating site for REST homeless shelter for women: weekly during winter, evening
dinner and overnight stay (program has now found permanent facility in San Rafael)
date change).
OCTOBER 5, LITURGICAL ART COMMITTEE 11:00 a.m. in Anise's Place.
We will examine all of CPC's Liturgical art.
OCTOBER 5, CHOIR REHEARSAL 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
OCTOBER 5, YOUTH GROUP meets 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
OCTOBER 8, LET'S GO DEEPER meets from 12:00 - 1:30p.m. in Anise's Place.
Led by Rev. Linda Lane-Bortell we are currently studying Matthew (see front page
for study guide). New members are always welcome. Feel free to bring your lunch.
OCTOBER 8,WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY meets from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in
Anise's Place. Led by Rev. MargaretVeneman we are studying the letter of Paul to the
II Corinthians, "Reconciling Paul, a Contemporary Study of II Corinthians".
OCTOBER 8, SESSION meets at 7:00 p.m. in Anise's Place.
OCTOBER 12, WOMENS BRUNCH BUNCH meets at 1215 p.m. Barbara
Kattman is the hostess. Her address and telephone number: 135 Lucas Park Drive
San Rafael 94903 472-0268. Please RSVP to her by October 9th. As usual, it will be a
potluck so if you know what food contribution you will bring, let her know. Lucas
Park Drive is parallel to Las Gallinas on the East side near Lucas Valley Rd.. Easy to
find. Easy to park. Bring your sense of humor; something to share for show and tell,
if desired; and, okay, if you really insist, a Halloween costume. Smile!. See you
then. Looking forward to it. Nancy
OCTOBER 16, DEACONS meet at 7:00 p.m. (Social time), 7:15 p.m. meeting
begins in Anise's Place.
OCTOBER 17, TOMALES BAY BY KAYAK See more information page 4.
OCTOBER 19, YOUTH GROUP meets 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
OCTOBER 20, MOVIE GROUP meets at 5:30 p.m. Dick Weisiger and Jane's
house (this is a permanent change of location, make note). I suggest we plan
to discuss the PBS show "The Roosevelts" which many of you have been watching
anyway. We will also view a DVD (Tracks) at 5:30. Bring something to eat and/or
snacks to share. If you have any questions please contact Dick Weisiger. If you have
any questions please contact Dick Weisiger,
OCTOBER 21, STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE meets at 7:00 p.m. in Anise's P1.
OCTOBER 24, GAME NIGHT 6:00-11:00 p.m, in the Sanctuary. ALL AGES ARE
WELCOME! We have a collection of traditional and more modern board games and
card games, or bring your own along. Invite your friends! For updates and announce-
ments, join our page on Facebook. Just search for Terra Linda Game Night on FB or
e-mail Tim Park at tim@entertainingart.com.
HOSPITAL We go there on the last Sunday of each month and begin worship at
2:30p.m. There are good 'ole gospel hymns, passing of the peace, scripture, medita-
tion and prayer. The service lasts about 30 minutes. In that time, we experience love,
joy and hope as we interact with the residents. Please contact Sue Anderson,
415-479-0851 or the church office.
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Montessori de Terra Linda Updated School
Operations Information 2014
Currently the school services the following:
Students 135
Teachers 16
Administrative Staff 6
Days & Hours of operation
Monday through Friday 7:30AM -6PM
Once or twice monthly —an evening meeting until 9PM Two or three times
annually, a weekend activity
Pickup and Drop off
The student body consists of 120 families
Drop off is minimal until 8:I5AM, then all children are dropped off by 9:00 AM.
Drop Off Procedures
About five families drop off children between 7:30 AM and 8:15 AM during the academic school year. They
park in the main parking lot, walk up the main pathway, through two gates, arriving to the preschool play yard.
Between 8:15 AM and 8:45AM, there are two sets of drop offs. About 60 families follow the above flow and
are greeted by staff on the play yard.
Thirty additional families either park in our parking lot or park on Del Ganado along the curb in front of the
school. These are the elementary children, aged 6-9. They follow the pathway that leads right to the doors of
the elementary classroom
Between 8:45AM and 9:15AM, the last 13 families park in the main parking lot and follow the flow to the
preschool play yard.
The remaining families either walk or ride their bikes to school.
Pick Up Procedures
Most children are picked up at noon and at 3:00 PM. After 3:00 PM twenty-five (or less) families pick up
between 4:00 and 6:00 PM.
At noon, approximately 2 5 families Park in the parking lot to pick up children enrolled in the morning
preschool program. They follow the flow to the main building and pick up their children at the interior gate.
At 3:00 PM, approximately 70 families park in the main lot or on the street and proceed to either the
elementary or school side of the building to collect their children. The remaining 3 0 children are picked up
between 4PM and 6PM, usually from the parking lot.
Mon (e ssori
de Terra Linda
October 9, 2014
Community Development Department
Planning Division
1400 Fifth Ave.
P.O. Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915
To Whom It May Concern:
One of the Conditions of Approval of our Use Permit was that "the school operator shall send an annual
letter informing the Community Development Department of the status of student enrollment."
This letter is intended to satisfy that condition and obligation. We currently operate under a permit that
allows a maximum student enrollment of 200 students.
I am writing to inform you that currently, enrolled for the 2014-2015 school year, we have 155 students.
Our enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year was 150 students. Our current strategic plan calls for a
maximum of 165 students, and our lease restricts us to a maximum of 172 students. We are operating
with enrollment well below the use permit's maximum, as well as the contractual lease obligation
Jaye Flynn
Head of School
610 Del Ganado Road • San Rafael, CA 94903 a 415.479.7373 • Fax 415.479.5394 • wwwimdtl.org
DMARCs t u d i o
1414 Fourth St. #2008
San Rafael, CA 94901
t: 415.258.9100
f: 415.258.9191
San Rafael Community Development Department
Planning Division
PO Box 151560
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
RE: Updated Design Review Application, Site & Building Improvements
Christ Presbyterian Church & Montessori de Terra Linda AUG 0 J 2014
610-620 Del Ganado Road
San Rafael, CA 94903 PLANNING
Dear Community Development Department,
This letter is provided to update the project description and explain our responses to issues raised by the
Design Review Board on June 3, 2014 and is intended to be complementary with our project explanation letter
initially provided with the application.
Administration Wing Redesign
In response to the Design Review Board's concerns, the proposed addition located at the north end of the
Admin Wing as well as all new courtyards and connections to the rear of the property have been abandoned. In
lieu, a new structure is proposed in the front yard, and alterations to the Admin Wing have been greatly reduced
and consist of minor renovations and door and window replacement. The proposed addition is a free-standing
1,000 square -foot structure which can be internally subdivided to two smaller spaces, and will be used to house
meeting and classroom functions for the Church as well as for other community groups which will continue to
meet at the Church -- such as Boy Scouts and the Terra Linda HOA. The Church previously shared space in the
existing Ed Wing with the Montessori, but this arrangement has been discontinued — meaning the addition is
proposed to replace functions already occurring on-site; and do not stem from an objective to expand or
intensity the Church's activities.
The addition is located on the same geometry as the existing Admin Wing. It is taller than the Admin Wing in
order to provide a space that will be proportioned for larger meeting groups, but Is several feet lower than the
Sanctuary, so that the Sanctuary retains its primary importance and signature over the collection of structures
occurring on the site. The addition is connected to the existing Admin Wing breezeway by a new covered
walkway structure, which is turned at the, Del Ganado face of the structure to mark this as a main entry to the
Church's side of the site. Together with the existing Admin Wing and Ed Wing breezeways, the new breezeway
will frame the front lawn bordering Del Ganado. The monument sign previously proposed has been abandoned
in lieu of utilizing the new structure to support identification, address, and messaging sign functions, which will
strengthen the structure as an entry gate to the Church. The gap between the old Admin Wing and new
structure will be paved and is intended to be used as an intimate outdoor meeting space in parallel with its
connection with the front, public lawn.
Exterior Lighting
In response to the Design Review Board's concern regarding night-time light pollution, exterior lighting has been
redesigned in several ways. First, the existing flood lights (attached to the eaves of the Sanctuary) which were
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®MARC studio
previously proposed to remain intact will now be removed. Site lighting at the front and labyrinth -side of the site
will be provided with "Dark Sky Compliant" wall -sconces which have an LED lamp and which direct light down
only. These fixtures will be located +/- 8' above grade, which will also control and reduce the spread of the light
beam coming from the fixture, compared to the floodlights which were located 18' or so above grade. The
existing wall mount light by the Pastor's Office exterior door (an unshielded fixture which projects light in all
directions) will be replaced by the same Dark Sky Compliant fixture replacing the floodlights. Lighting on the
Admin Wing addition as well as the Montessori's new classroom building has been revised to a simple, low -
wattage LED tapelight that can be integrated with the exterior wood ceiling and will provide low level ambient
light directed down only. In the context of describing exterior lighting, it is worth noting that by eliminating the
previously proposed Church additions and renovations which faced the rear of the property, there are no new
window or doorway openings which could, at night, project light towards abutting residential structures.
Parking Lot Trees
Any renovations to the parking lot — i.e. re -striping, reconfiguring, or adding new parking lot features like planters
— mandate that the reconfigured parking lot comply will current municipal parking standards as well as CA Fire
Code which requires, for example, a 28 -foot inside turning radius for fire apparatus. Compliance with these
requirements will drastically reduce the parking count as well as greatly expanding the project scope. Due to
these reasons, parking lot trees cannot be included in the project scope. It is worth noting that the parking' lot is
bounded by mature vegetation which largely screen it from the public way and provides a healthy landscape
presence for the parking area.
Sanctuary Walkway Design
The originally proposed walkway, on axis with the Sanctuary and making a new, direct connection to Del
Ganado Road, has been eliminated from the design. A new walkway will connect the Admin Wing to Del
Ganado alongside the new Meeting Room, roughly parallel with the driveway and side property line. This new
entry path is covered, and works with the context of circulation patterns already existing on-site. The front lawn
remains an identifying feature of the Church's side of the campus, which people will continue to circulate
around. Additionally, we kept the new walkway to the periphery to the greatest extent possible since the
location of the new structure reduces the lawn.
Health of Existing Trees
The Church has actively engaged with a series of tree experts to evaluate and develop a plan of action for care
of all of the trees on site, including those in the rear yard easement which were a cause of concern for neighbors
and the DRB. Please refer to the attached letter from Bill Mixsell, Christ Presbyterian's Building and Grounds
Committee Chair, for a detailed account of the evaluation and plan of action for care of the trees. Maintenance
is in order, which the Church is in process of undertaking, and no trees will have to be removed.
ndrew D
DMARC studio
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clocChrist Presbyterian Church in Terra Linda
July 30, 2014
Dear Design Review Board,
Per your request at our last hearing, the following is an inventory and assessment of the health of the trees at 620 Del
The trees are of unknown ages and a variety of species. Since our first hearing, I have met with Paul Johnson, certified
arborist, of Johnson's Tree and Garden Service (415-456-8125), Jeff Calderon of Valley Trees (415-297-1042), Mike from
Treemasters (415-233-4863), and Mike from Bartlett Tree Experts (415-472-4300), and put together this assessment:
Fronting Del Ganado Road, a row of Locusts stands along the edge of the lawn. No infestation was reported. These trees
could be pruned to enhance appearance.
On the lawn are Birch trees. They have a Birch Borer Beetle issue. Mike at Bartlett has viewed and treatment is scheduled.
East of the sanctuary are a cluster of Redwoods. One part leans, and could be eliminated or supported with cable.
The parking lot area has Oaks and some hedges. Some Sycamore Moth and Bacterial Wet -wood conditions exist. The pear
trees show signs of Fire Blight. Treatment and trimming were suggested, which we plan to do.
Behind the church office wing and sanctuary are six Monterrey Pines, about which some DRB members expressed interest
at our first hearing. The San Rafael City Arborist, Dave Davenport, determined that these trees are on CPC property. Call
him at 485-3377 for further info. The tree experts we consulted have advised that we prune these trees and keep watch
over them to remove any dead wood or deal with an infestations as they occur, and that they may very well continue to
flourish for many more years. As an alternative, they said we could remove the trees; however, there was no consensus
that this
drastic action needed to be taken at this time.
In order to be good stewards of the trees themselves, the natural habitat our trees create, and the shade and beauty they
provide to the neighborhood, we plan to prune, treat, and care for these trees, monitor them, and to provide end of life care
when needed.
Best regards,
Bill Mixsell
CPC Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair
Rev. Linda Lane-Bortell, Pastor
Eric Olbekson, Music Director
Susan MacKenzie, Office Administrator
AUG 0 5 201
620 Del Ganado Road
San Rafael, California 94903
415-479-7092 FA
You are invited to attend the Planning Commission hearing on the following proposed project:
PROJECT: 620 Del Ganado (Christ Presbyterian Church/Montessori de Terra Linda) — Request for an Environmental and Design Review Permit AND Use
Permit Amendment (for the Christ Presbyterian Church only) to allow: 1) replacement of the existing two Montessori school classroom portable buildings totaling
1,920 square feet with a permanent 3,682 square foot classroom building; 2) interior remodel and 19 square foot addition to the existing church administration
wing; 3) a 1,000 square foot ground level meeting room addition, including patio area and new covered walkway; and 4) re -design the existing front landscaping
on site; APN: 178-113-240; Planned Development PD(1391) District; Christ Presbyterian Church, owners, Andrew Davis, DMARC Studio, applicant; File
No.:ED13-073/UP14-036. This project was reviewed by the Design Review Board on September 3, 2014 and recommended for approval after the
applicant revised the project design per previous Board recommendations.
As required by state law, the project's potential environmental impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends a finding that this project will not have a
significant effect on the environment and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under 14 CCR Section
15301 (Existing Facilities). If the Planning Commission determines that this project is in an environmentally sensitive area, further studies may be required.
MEETING DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave at D St, San Rafael, CA.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Caron Parker, Project Planner at (415) 485-3094 or caron.parker@cityofsanrafael.org. You can also
come to the Planning Division office, located in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, to look at the file for the proposed project. The office is open from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. You can also view the staff
report after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: You can comment on the project. The Planning Commission will consider all public testimony and decide whether to
grant or overturn the appeal.
IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND: You can send a letter to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, City of San Rafael, P. O.
Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560. You can also hand deliver it prior to the meeting.
At the above time and place, all letters received will be noted and all interested parties will be heard. If you challenge in court the matter described above, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, the above referenced public hearing
(Government Code Section 65009 (b) (2)).
Appeals of decisions by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall be made by filing a notice thereof in writing with the required fee to the Planning Division of the Community
Development Department within 5 working days of a decision involving Title 14 (Zoning) (SRMC Section 14.28.030) or within 10 calendar days of a decision involving Title 15
(Subdivisions) (SRMC 15.56.010).
Sign Language and interpretation and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3085 (voice) or (415) 485-3198 (TDD) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of
documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Public transportation to City Hall is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 22 or 23. Para -transit is available by calling
Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain
from wearing scented products.
You are invited to attend the Planning Commission hearing on the following proposed project:
PROJECT: 620 Del Ganado (Christ Presbyterian Church/Montessori de Terra Linda) — Request for an Environmental and Design Review Permit AND Use
Permit Amendment (for the Christ Presbyterian Church only) to allow: 1) replacement of the existing two Montessori school classroom portable buildings totaling
1,920 square feet with a permanent 3,682 square foot classroom building; 2) interior remodel and 19 square foot addition to the existing church administration
wing; 3) a 1,000 square foot ground level meeting room addition, including patio area and new covered walkway; and 4) re -design the existing front landscaping
on site; APN: 178-113-240; Planned Development PD(1391) District; Christ Presbyterian Church, owners, Andrew Davis, DMARC Studio, applicant; File
No.:ED13-073/UP14-036. This project was reviewed by the Design Review Board on September 3, 2014 and recommended for approval after the
applicant revised the project design per previous Board recommendations.
As required by state law, the project's potential environmental impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends a finding that this project will not have a
significant effect on the environment and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under 14 CCR Section
15301 (Existing Facilities). If the Planning Commission determines that this project is in an environmentally sensitive area, further studies may be required.
MEETING DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave at D St, San Rafael, CA.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Caron Parker, Project Planner at (415) 485-3094 or caron.parker@cityofsanrafael.org. You can also
come to the Planning Division office, located in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, to look at the file for the proposed project. The office is open from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. You can also view the staff
report after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting at ham://www.cityofsanrafael.orci/meetings
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: You can comment on the project. The Planning Commission will consider all public testimony and decide whether to
grant or overturn the appeal.
IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND: You can send a letter to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, City of San Rafael, P. O.
Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560. You can also hand deliver it prior to the meeting.
At the above time and place, all letters received will be noted and all interested parties will be heard. If you challenge in court the matter described above, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, the above referenced public hearing
(Government Code Section 65009 (b) (2)).
Appeals of decisions by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall be made by filing a notice thereof in writing with the required fee to the Planning Division of the Community
Development Department within 5 working days of a decision involving Title 14 (Zoning) (SRMC Section 14.28.030) or within 10 calendar days of a decision involving Title 15
(Subdivisions) (SRMC 15.56.010).
Sign Language and interpretation and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3nRl; n i—I nr (415) 485-3198 (TDD) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of
documents are available in accessible formats upon request.Public transportation to City Hall is available
Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemic
from wearing scented products. EXHIBIT p