HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2022-06-14 Agenda Packet Planning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Virtual Meeting Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/pc-2022-06-14 Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael Telephone: 1 (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 897 4566 6511# One Tap Mobile: US: + 16699009128,,89745666511# CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ADVISORY NOTICE In response to Assembly Bill 361, the City of San Rafael is offering teleconference without complying with the procedural requirements of Government Code section 54953(b)(3). This meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. How to participate in the meeting: • Submit public comments in writing. Correspondence received by 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday the week before the meeting will be provided with the agenda materials provided to the Commission. Correspondence received after this deadline but before the hearing will be conveyed to the Commission as a supplement. Send correspondence to the project planner or to PlanningPublicComment@cityofsanrafael.org; or send in writing to Planning Division, CDD; 1400 5th Ave. 3rd Fl.; San Rafael, CA 94901. • Join the Zoom webinar and use the 'raise hand' feature to provide verbal public comment. • Dial-in to Zoom's telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment. Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk (email city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or phone at 415-485-3066) who will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Members of the public may speak on Agenda items. CALL TO ORDER RECORDING OF MEMBERS PRESENT AND ABSENT APPROVAL OR REVISION OF ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MEETING PROCEDURES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Remarks are limited to three minutes per person and may be on anything within the subject matter jurisdiction of the body. Remarks on non-agenda items will be heard first, remarks on agenda items will be heard at the time the item is discussed. CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar allows the Commission to take action, without discussion, on Agenda items for which there are no persons present who wish to speak, and no Commission members who wish to discuss. 1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2022 Recommended Action – Approve minutes as submitted ACTION ITEMS 2. 55 Brookdale Avenue PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 To construct ten (10) dwelling units within three (3) detached structures on two vacant lots; APNs: 011-074-04 and 011-074-04,05; High Density Residential (HR1) Zone; Mike Folk and Steve Crutchfield, Applicants; 55 Brookdale LLC, Property Owner; Near Southeast Neighborhood. Project Planner: Cecilia Jaroslawsky, Contract Planner cecilia.jaroslawsky@cityofsanrafael.org Recommended Action – Adopt Resolution approving PLAN21-006 Environmental and Design Review permit ED21-071 and Lot Line Adjustment 21-004 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Presentation Presentation on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in San Rafael. Project Presenter: Liz Darby, Consultant to the City Manager liz.darby@cityofsanrafael.org DIRECTOR’S REPORT COMMISSION COMMUNICATION ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. The Planning Commission will take up no new business after 11:00 p.m. at regularly scheduled meetings. This shall be interpreted to mean that no agenda item or other business will be discussed or acted upon after the agenda item under consideration at 11:00 p.m. The Commission may suspend this rule to discuss and/or act upon any additional agenda item(s) deemed appropriate by a unanimous vote of the members present. Appeal rights: any person may file an appeal of the Planning Commission's action on agenda items within five business days (normally 5:00 p.m. on the following Tuesday) and within 10 calendar days of an action on a subdivision. An appeal letter shall be filed with the City Clerk, along with an appeal fee of $350 (for non-applicants) or a $4,476 deposit (for applicants) made payable to the City of San Rafael, and shall set forth the basis for appeal. There is a $50.00 additional charge for request for continuation of an appeal by appellant. Minutes subject to approval at the meeting of June 14, 2022 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 7:00 P.M. MINUTES Virtual Meeting Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/pc-2022-05-24 Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael Telephone: 1 (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 883 2384 1452# One Tap Mobile: US: + 16699006833,,88323841452# CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ADVISORY NOTICE In response to Assembly Bill 361, the City of San Rafael is offering teleconference without complying with the procedural requirements of Government Code section 54953(b)(3). This meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. How to participate in the meeting: • Submit public comments in writing. Correspondence received by 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday the week before the meeting will be provided with the agenda materials provided to the Commission. Correspondence received after this deadline but before the hearing will be conveyed to the Commission as a supplement. Send correspondence to the project planner or to PlanningPublicComment@cityofsanrafael.org; or send in writing to Planning Division, CDD; 1400 5th Ave. 3rd Fl.; San Rafael, CA 94901. • Join the Zoom webinar and use the 'raise hand' feature to provide verbal public comment. • Dial-in to Zoom's telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment. Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk (email city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or phone at 415-485-3066) who will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. CALL TO ORDER Acting-Chair Mercado called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to call roll. RECORDING OF MEMBERS PRESENT AND ABSENT PRESENT: ALDO MERCADO, ACTING-CHAIR CAMILLE HARRIS, COMMISSIONER JON HAVEMAN, COMMISSIONER SHINGAI SAMUDZI, COMMISSIONER KELLY SHALK, COMMISSIONER ABSENT JON PREVITALI, CHAIR SAMINA SAUDE, VICE CHAIR ALSO PRESENT: LESLIE MENDEZ, PLANNING MANAGER ALI GIUDICE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JEFF BALLANTINE, SENIOR PLANNER APPROVAL OR REVISION OF ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS No changes were made to the order of the agenda. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MEETING PROCEDURES Acting-Chair Mercado invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez, who informed the community the meeting is being streamed live to YouTube and members of the public could provide public comment either on the telephone or through Zoom. She explained the process for community participation on the telephone and Zoom. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There was no communication from the public. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Commissioner Samudzi moved, and Commissioner Haveman seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. Acting-Chair Mercado invited public comment and there was none. Acting-Chair Mercado invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll: AYES: Commissioners Harris, Haveman, Samudzi & Acting-Chair Mercado NOES: None ABSENT: Chair Previtali & Vice Chair Saude ABSTAIN: Commissioner Shalk Motion carried 4 – 0 ACTION ITEMS 2. Senate Bill (SB) 9, The California Home Act Proposed Amendments to the San Rafael Municipal Code to Implement Two-Unit Developments and Urban Lots Splits consistent with Senate Bill (SB) 9, The California Home Act. Project Planner: Leslie Mendez, Planning Manager Leslie.mendez@cityofsanrafael.org and Jeff Ballantine, Senior Planner, jeff.ballantine@cityofsanrafael.org Acting-Chair Mercado invited Project Planner to present the Staff Report. Leslie Mendez introduced and Senior Planner, Jeff Ballantine, presented. Staff responded to questions from the Commissioners. Acting-Chair Mercado opened public hearing and asked Staff to open public comment. Comment from Bill Carney, President at Sustainable San Rafael. Acting-Chair Mercado closed public hearing and called on Commissioners, in turn, to ask follow-up questions of staff. Commissioners discussed with staff. Commissioners offered final comments on the Project. Commissioner Haveman moved, and Commissioner Samudzi seconded a motion to adopt the recommended action. Planning Manager then took roll: AYES: Commissioners Harris, Haveman, Samudzi, Shalk & acting-Chair Mercado NOES: None ABSENT: Chair Previtali & Vice Chair Saude ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 – 0 3. “Rules and Procedures” and Selection of Liaisons Amend the Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures,” and conduct selection of liaisons to DRB meetings for second half of the year. Project Planner: Leslie Mendez, Planning Manager Leslie.mendez@cityofsanrafael.org Acting-Chair Mercado invited Project Planner to present the Staff Report. Leslie Mendez presented. Staff responded to questions from the Commissioners. Acting-Chair Mercado opened public hearing and asked staff to open public comment. No public comment. Commissioner Samudzi moved, and Commissioner Haveman seconded a motion to adopt the recommended action. Planning Manager then took roll: AYES: Commissioners Harris, Haveman, Samudzi, Shalk & acting-Chair Mercado NOES: None ABSENT: Chair Previtali & Vice Chair Saude ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 – 0, and Liaisons were selected. COMMISSION COMMUNICATION Commissioner Harris reported on previous Design Review Board meeting from May 17, 2022. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Planning Manager reported on the following items: • Update on City Council passing Fire Safe Roof Ordinance • Update on City Council passing the Public Art Program • Update on the next Planning Commission meeting • Update on hybrid meeting scheduled for July ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, acting-Chair Mercado adjourned the meeting at 8:03 PM. ________________________________ LESLIE MENDEZ, Planning Manager APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF____________, 2022 _____________________________________ ALDO MERCADO, Acting-Chair Community Development Department – Planning Division Meeting Date: June 14, 2022 Agenda Item: 2 Case Numbers: PLAN21-006: ED21- 071/LLA21-004 Project Planner: Cecilia Jaroslawsky, Contract Planner REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION AND DESIGN REVIEW REPRESENTATIVES SUBJECT: 55 Brookdale Avenue – To construct ten (10) dwelling units within three (3) detached structures on two vacant lots; APNs: 011-074-04 and 011-074-04,05; High Density Residential (HR1) Zone; Mike Folk and Steve Crutchfield, Applicants; 55 Brookdale LLC, Property Owner; Near Southeast Neighborhood. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mike Folk and Steve Crutchfield, project applicant, filed an Environmental and Design Review Permit application to merge two adjacent lots and to construct three separate buildings with a total of ten (10) residential units and 18 parking spaces on two existing vacant lots. With one unit available to very a low- income household, the project qualifies as a Density Bonus project and is eligible for and is requesting development waivers to allow reduced setbacks and one concession to allow on-site tandem parking spaces. The site contains an underground culvert across the south and eastern portion of the project site. As proposed and conditioned, the project is consistent with the pertinent policies and programs of the San Rafael General Plan 2040 (see Analysis section below), and the provisions of the High Density Residential (HR-1) zoning district. Approval of the Environmental and Design Review Permit application is recommended subject to conditions. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1. Consider recommendation from the Design Review Representatives; 2. Adopt a resolution approving Environmental and Design Review Permit ED21-071 and Lot Line Adjustment 21-004 with any additional conditions as recommended by the Design Review Representatives (Exhibit 1). REQUESTED ENTITLEMENTS • Environmental and Design Review (ED21-071), pursuant to Section 14.25.040, new construction classified as a Major Physical Improvement; • Lot Line Adjustment (LA21-004), pursuant to Section 15.50 to consolidate two lots. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 2 PROPERTY FACTS Address/Location: 55 Brookdale Avenue Parcel Number(s): 011-074-04 and 011-074-05 Property Size: 5,625sf and 5,715sf Neighborhood: Lincoln/San Rafael Hill Site Characteristics General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use Project Site: High Density Residential HR-1 Vacant North: High Density Residential HR-1 Residential South: High Density Residential HR-1 Residential East: Transit N/A Highway 101 and Caltrain West: High Density Residential HR-1 Residential Site Description & Setting: The project site includes two, vacant adjacent parcels, located approximately 200 feet west of Highway 101 and are through-lots with frontage on Brookdale Avenue to the east and Lincoln Avenue to the West. The site contains an upward slope from east to west (from Brookdale Avenue to Lincoln Avenue). The two vegetated lots are the only remaining vacant through lots on the block, between Brookdale Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Each lot is 45 feet wide by 126 feet deep. The site contains an underground, culvert running from the center of the south property line along the eastern portion of the property to the northwest corner of the site. The culvert is located approximately three (3) feet below grade. Figure 1: Project Location N Storm Drain REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 3 History: On April 18, 2022, the San Rafael City Council established a One-Year Pilot Program for Streamlined Design Review for Certain Residential Projects, which applies to 1) new residential structures of three to ten units; and 2) additions to multifamily residential structures of between three to ten units, where the addition constitutes no more than forty percent (40%) of the total square footage of the building and would not increase the unit count by more than three units. Streamlined design review occurs during the Planning Commission meeting by two representatives of the sitting Design Review Board (DRB) consisting of the Chair and a board member who is a landscape architect. The pilot program took effect on June 2, 2022, and this current project, which meets eligibility requirement, is the first to undergo streamlined design review. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes to merge two adjacent lots to create a 90-foot-wide lot by 126-foot-deep parcel for a total of approximately 11,340 square feet, utilizing Lincoln Avenue as the front and Brookdale Avenue as the rear of the site. The applicant is proposing to construct three separate buildings with a total of ten residential units. Building One would contain 3,494 square feet, include three (3) residential units, be two levels, front along Brookdale Avenue and contain a ridged roofline for a more traditional architectural style. Building Two would contain 3,925 square feet and include four (4) residential units. Building Three would contain 3,548 square feet and include three (3) residential units. Buildings Two and Three would contain three levels, one below grade, be more modern in design with a flat roof and front along Lincoln Avenue. Each residential unit would have an on-site parking space for residents living on site as well as storage cabinets for residents. Below outlines the number of bedrooms proposed for each unit. Building # Number of Residential Units Number of Bedrooms Per Residential Unit #1 -Facing Brookdale Av 3 2 2 2 #2 -Facing Lincoln Av 4 1 2 2 2 #3 -Facing Lincoln Av 3 2 2 2 On-site parking would include five 8’x16’ car lifts to accommodate two vehicles per lift for a total of ten cars, and would be located fronting along Brookdale Avenue, at the northeast area of the project site. The car lifts would incorporate a trellis feature to allow for vegetation to grow, mitigating any negative visual impact. The original proposal also included eight additional parking spaces to be located along the southeast area of the project site, including a van space for handicapped parking, all of which would be tandem parking spaces. However, the configuration of the handicapped parking area would not meet Building Code ADA standards and is required to be modified to meet Building Code standards, reducing the number of standard on-site parking spaces to ensure compliance the required ADA parking. A Condition of Approval (COA #4) has been added to address this. The curb cut to access all parking spaces would be 90 feet wide, the width of the project site, running the length of Brookdale Avenue. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 4 Figure 2: Site Plan On-site landscaping would be located throughout the subject property and includes an open courtyard area as well as five (5) open patio areas. The project height would be 25’ along the Brookdale Avenue frontage and due to the upward slope of the lot, would be 21’ along the Lincoln Avenue frontage. Density Bonus Based on the commitment to provide ten percent (10%) of the residential units (one unit) as below market rate affordable to a very low-income household (30% to 50% of AMI), the project qualifies as a Density Bonus project, which allows for two concessions and unlimited waivers of the development standards to accommodate the affordable housing project (Government Code Section 65915(e)). The applicant is requesting the following waivers: • To allow a 5’ front yard setback where a minimum of 15’ is required per SRMC §14.04.040 • To allow a 4’ side yard setback where a minimum of 5’ is required per SRMC §14.04.040 • To allow parking within a rear yard setback, per SRMC §14.04.040 and 14.18.200 - Location of parking and maneuvering areas, excluding access driveways, shall be prohibited in all required yard areas in the medium- and high-density residential districts • To allow 40% on-site front yard landscaping where 50% is required per SRMC §14.04.040. N Brookdale Ave Lincoln Ave Tandem Space To Be Removed ADA Building 3 Building 1 Building 2 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 5 Provided for in Government Code Section 65915(e), the applicant is requesting the following concession: • To allow on-site tandem parking where tandem parking is prohibited per SRMC §14.18.120. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Existing Parcels 011-074-04 and 011-074-05 Code Proposed Compliance Parcel Area 5,625sf/5,715sf 6,000 sf min. 11,340sf Yes Minimum lot width 45’/45’ 60’ 90’ Yes Maximum density Vacant 1 dwelling unit (du)/1,000sf = 11 units 1 dwelling units (du)/1,139sf = 10 units Yes Maximum Building Coverage Vacant (60%) 6,836sf (46.1%) 5,253sf Yes Minimum Landscaping Vacant 50% front & street side yards 40% & N/A No1 Minimum usable outdoor area (common and/or private)/Dwelling unit sf Vacant 100sf/unit 100sf/unit Yes Minimum setbacks Front Vacant 15’ 5’-0” No1 Rear Yard Vacant 5’ 21’-6” Yes Side Yards North South Vacant 10% of lot width, 5′ 4’ No1 Height Vacant 36’ max. Building 1: 25’ Buildings 2: 26’-4” Building 3: 26’-4” Yes Parking Spaces4 Vacant 1 space/1 bedroom unit; 1.5 spaces/2 bedroom units = 15 spaces2,3 10 Car Lift + 6 Tandem + 1 ADA = 174 Yes 1. Pursuant to Density Bonus Law, provided for in Government Code Section 65915(e) waiver allowed. 2. Pursuant to Density Bonus Law, provided for in Government Code Section 65915(p). 3. The City may further reduce or eliminate the parking requirement for density bonus projects [Govt. Code § 65915 (p)(7)] 4. Applicant is required to submit an updated parking plan demonstrating compliance with California State Building Code ADA parking requirements, reducing current proposed of 18 spaces. DESIGN REVIEW In considering the proposed project, the Design Review Representatives should focus on providing design related comments and recommendations to the Planning Commission, and in particular should provide recommendations on the requested Environmental and Design Review Permit as it relates to the proposed REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 6 colors, materials, articulating features, and proposed landscaping. Proposed colors for exterior siding include a variety of greys to off white, charcoal greys and yellow accent colors. Materials include stucco, cement board and corrugated metal. See Exhibit 2-Project Plans, sheets A2.3 - A2.7, and color board found in Exhibit 3. The applicable design standards for this project are the San Rafael Design Guidelines (see summary below), General Plan Policies H-1, H-2, LU-1.1, LU-1.2, LU-1.3, LU1.8 and LU-2.6, and the Environmental and Design Review Permits review criteria in San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Section 14.25.050. This public meeting is an opportunity for the Design Review Representatives and the public to review the project’s design. The purview of the Design Review Representatives is particularly relevant for the following items for this project: • The architecture of the proposed buildings to ensure the design is cohesive and unifying. • The proposed landscaping. • The proposed on-site parking configuration. • The entryway features to ensure a sense of arrival, including the proposed entry from the rear along Brookdale Avenue. The following most relevant design criteria should be considered as part of this deliberation: Residential Design: • Building facades should be varied and articulated. Design techniques should be used to break up volume of larger buildings. • Incorporate the use of stepped facades. • Consider existing adjacent buildings and use transitional elements to minimize height. • Orient entrances to the street and provide a well-defined sense of entry from the street. • Windows should be directed toward the street and public areas to provide surveillance. • Use alternative materials to minimize large, paved areas. • Parking should be distributed to provide easy access to units and/or building entrances. Visible front or structured parking should be screened, landscaped, or have an articulated design. ANALYSIS General Plan Consistency: A summary of key policies and programs is provided below. The project site is located withing the High Density Residential, which applies to multi-family residential areas and includes a mix of housing types, including apartments, flats, condominiums, and townhomes. On larger parcels with this designation, amenities such as swimming pools, community rooms, and common open space are often included. Staff has identified a number of key General Plan 2040 policies and programs that should be considered and, as proposed, the project is consistent with the pertinent policies of the Land Use Element including: REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 7 Housing Element Policy H-1 Housing Distribution Promote the distribution of new and affordable housing of quality construction throughout the city to meet local housing needs. Response: The project would be in-fill development and include one, one-bedroom and nine, two-bedroom residential units within three detached structures in a residential area containing a variety of residential structures. The project would add residential units to the housing stock and includes one, very low market unit. Policy H-2. Design That Fits into the Neighborhood Context. Recognize that construction of new housing and improvements on existing properties can add to the appearance and value of the neighborhood if they fit into the established character of the area. Design new housing, remodels, and additions to be compatible to the surrounding neighborhood. Incorporate transitions in height and setbacks from adjacent properties to respect adjacent development character and privacy. Respect existing landforms and minimize effects on adjacent properties. Response: The project site contains an upward slope toward Lincoln Avenue and the proposed structures would follow the slope of the site, creating transitions in height. The architectural style of the proposed structures includes ridged rooflines for a more traditional architectural style as well as a modern in design with flat rooflines. The project is surrounded by a variety of residential structures to the north, south and west and a transit corridor to the east and the project would complement the character of the area. Land Use Element Response: The project includes two vacant lots, surrounded by residentials structures to the north, south and west and a transit corridor to the east, therefore, the project is in-fill within the area and would add 10 additional residential units to the Citys’ housing stock. The area contains sufficient infrastructure for the proposed development and would, therefore, meet the goal of the General Plan. Policy LU-1.2: Development Timing For health, safety, and general welfare reasons, new development should only occur when adequate infrastructure is available, consistent with the following findings: a) The project is consistent with adopted Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) standards, as well as the requirements for Level of Service (LOS) specified in the Mobility Element. b) Planned circulation improvements necessary to meet City standards for the project have funding commitments and completed environmental review. c) Water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and other infrastructure improvements needed to serve the proposed development have been evaluated and confirmed to be in place or to be available to serve the development by the time it is constructed. d) The project has incorporated design and construction measures to adequately mitigate exposure to hazards, including flooding, sea level rise, and wildfire. Response: The project would be in-fill, therefore, the area includes all infrastructure required to serve the project. Further, the Department of Public Works has reviewed the submitted project and Conditions of Approval have been added to address any issues. The applicant has submitted a noise analysis, geotechnical analysis, traffic study and underground analysis. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 8 Policy LU-1.3: Land Use and Climate Change Focus future housing and commercial development in areas where alternatives to driving are most viable and shorter trip lengths are possible, especially around transit stations, near services, and on sites with frequent bus service. This can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with motor vehicle trips and support the City’s climate action goals. Response: The project site is located near two bus stops, located at Lincoln and Grand Avenues, approximately 550 feet north of the site, with bus routes for the 35, 233, 257, 622, and 645 bus lines. The project is also located approximately 2,000 feet north of the San Rafael Transit Center, giving the future residents of the project alternative transit opportunities. Policy LU-1.8: Density of Residential Development Use the density ranges in the Land Use Element to determine the number of housing units allowed on properties within the Planning Area. Response: The project site is located within the High Density Residential, allowing for between 21.8 to 43.6 units/net acre, which is the highest density category that applies in residential areas. Overall net densities may not exceed one unit per 1,000 square feet of lot area. The project includes 10 residential units located on an 11,349 square-foot lot, therefore, the project meets the intent of the General Plan. Policy LU-2.6: Lot Consolidation. Encourage the consolidation of small (<6,000 SF) lots zoned for higher density residential, commercial, and mixed uses in order to create more viable development sites. Lot consolidation can provide greater flexibility in site planning, make it easier to meet parking and access requirements, and enable building sizes and dimensions that are more economically viable. Response: The project would merge two smaller lots, each containing 5,625 square feet and 5,715 square feet to create one, code complying lot totaling 11,349 square feet. The merger of the two lots would allow for more reasonable development of the proposed residential uses on the site, including allowing for on- site open space areas and on-site parking flexibility. Zoning Ordinance Consistency: SRMC Chapters 14.04.010 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (R, DR, MR, HR) The project site is located within the High Density Residential RH1 Zoning District. The purpose of the residential zoning districts includes providing a wide variety of housing opportunities in terms of housing types, and neighborhoods with varying densities, lot sizes, and development, to protect and enhance existing residential neighborhoods through retention of existing land development patterns and retention of their varied design, to provide outdoor recreational amenities for residents in new development and to ensure the provision of public services and facilities are provided for new development. Chapter 14.25 – Environmental and Design Review Permit The project is subject to findings for Environmental and Design Review Permits, pursuant to SRMC Section 14.25.090 (Findings: Environmental and Design Review Permits) of the Zoning Ordinance. As proposed and as conditioned, the following findings can be made to approve Environmental and Design Review Permit ED21-071: A. That the project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter; REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 9 Response: The project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter in that it includes the merger of two vacant, non-complying lots to create one complying lot. The project is located within the High Density Residential (HR1) Zone and includes the new construction of ten (10) residential dwelling units on a site containing 11,340 square feet. The project would not exceed the maximum allowable density for the district and with the approval of the requested waivers to development standards and concession, would meet the intent of the general plan and Title 14 of the Zoning Ordinance. As proposed, the project would be consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Housing Element in that the project meets the intent of Policies H-1 and H-2 and is consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Land Use Element in that the project meets the intent of Policies LU-1.1 through LU-1.3, Policy LU-1.8 and Policy LU-2.6. B. That the project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the site is located; Response: The site plan complies with the design criteria by creating a harmonious relationship between structures within the development and includes on-site courtyard areas and landscaping. The project design is generally harmonious with neighboring structures, as well as the variety of urban uses surrounding the project site. The project site plan has been designed to minimize impacts to adjacent properties, while maximizing on-site residential uses. C. That the project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts; Response: The project has been reviewed by city agencies and is required to comply with all agency regulations. Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, this project is categorically exempt under Section 15332. In-Fill Development Projects as the project is (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations, (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, (c) The project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, (e); and The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. D. That the project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; Response: The project has been reviewed by all required city agencies and Conditions of Approval have been included. The applicant has submitted a geotechnical report, a stormwater, drainage report, a biological assessment report, a culvert structural analysis report, and traffic analysis for review. Further, mentioned above, the project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project will enhance and improve the existing condition of the vacant project site, by added residential housing to an in-fill area. Further, due to the proximity of the project to nearby transit, the project would encourage alternate transportation options. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: PLAN21-006: ED21-071/LLA21-004 Page 10 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, this project is categorically exempt under Section 15332 “In-Fill Development Projects” as the project is (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations, (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, (c) The project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, (e); and The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. PUBLIC OUTREACH AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice of hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the subject site and the Lincoln/San Rafael Hill Neighborhood Association, and all other interested parties, 15 calendar days prior to the date of all meetings, including this hearing. Public notice was also posted on the subject site 15 calendar days prior to the date of all meetings, including this hearing. To date, staff has not received any communications regarding the project. Correspondence received after Wednesday, June 8, 2022 to Tuesday, June 14, 2022 will be forwarded to the Commission under separate cover. OPTIONS 1. Approve the project and planning applications with certain modifications, changes, or additional conditions of approval; or 2. Continue the project to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission’s comments or concerns; or 3. Deny the project and planning applications and direct staff to return with a revised resolution. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution and Conditions of Approval 2. Project Plans, dated April 19, 2022 3. Material and Color Board 4. Car Lift Details Item 2 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION OF THE SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING AN ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT (ED21-071) AND A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (LLA21-004) TO MERGE TWO LOTS AND CONSTRUCT 10 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THREE BUILDINGS AND ON-SITE PARKING LOCATED AT 55 BROOKDALE AVENUE. APNS: 011-074-04 AND 011-074-04-05 WHEREAS, on August 9th, 2021, Mike Folk and Steve Crutchfield submitted planning applications (Lot Line Adjustment LLA21-004 and Environmental and Design Review Permit ED21-004) to seek City approval to merge two lots and construct 10 residential dwelling units within three (3) structures; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the City of San Rafael Planning Commission and Design Review Representatives held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed project, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the City of San Rafael Design Review Representatives reviewed and provided comments and recommendations to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the City of San Rafael Planning Commission considered the comments and recommendations of the Design Review Representatives; and WHEREAS, upon review of the application, the Planning Commission finds that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines because it involves an infill development project that meets the following criteria: a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designations and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves Environmental and Design Review Permit ED21-071 and Lot Line Adjustment LLA21-004 for the Project based upon the following findings required by San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Section 14.25.090 – Findings and Title 15.05 – Lot Line Adjustment and Consolidations. - 2 - Findings for Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED21-071) A. As proposed and as conditioned, the Project is in accord with the San Rafael General Plan 2040, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of Chapter 14.25.090 – Environmental and Design Permits. 1. The project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter in that it includes the merger of two vacant, non-complying lots to create one complying lot. The project is located within the High Density Residential (HR1) Zone and includes the new construction of ten (10) residential dwelling units on a site containing 11,340 square feet. The project would not exceed the maximum allowable density for the district and with the approval of the requested waivers to development standards and concession, would meet the intent of the general plan and Title 14 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. As proposed, the project would be consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Housing Element in that the project meets the intent of Policies H-1 and H-2 and is consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Land Use Element in that the project meets the intent of Policies LU-1.1 through LU-1.3, Policy LU-1.8 and Policy LU- 2.6. B. That the project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the site is located. The site plan complies with the design criteria by creating a harmonious relationship between structures within the development and includes on-site courtyard areas and landscaping. The project design is generally harmonious with neighboring structures, as well as the variety of urban uses surrounding the project site. The project site plan has been designed to minimize impacts to adjacent properties, while maximizing on-site residential uses. C. As proposed and as conditioned, the project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts in that; The project has been reviewed by city agencies and is required to comply with all agency regulations. Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, this project is categorically exempt under Section 15332. In-Fill Development Projects as the project is (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations, (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, (c) The project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, (e); and The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. D. As proposed and as conditioned, the project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 1. The project has been reviewed by all required city agencies and Conditions of Approval have been included. The applicant has submitted a geotechnical report, a stormwater, drainage report, a biological assessment report, a culvert structural analysis report, and - 3 - traffic analysis for review. Further, mentioned above, the project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. 2. The project will enhance and improve the existing condition of the vacant project site, by added residential housing to an in-fill area. Further, due to the proximity of the project to nearby transit, the project would encourage alternate transportation options. Findings for Lot Line Adjustment (LLA21-004) A. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings in support of approving the lot line adjustment application consistent with Government Code §66412(d) and San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 15.05 in that: 1. The lot line adjustment is between four or fewer existing adjoining parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjoining parcel, and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created. 2. The parcels resulting from the proposed lot line adjustment conform to the general plan and any applicable specific plan and Zoning Ordinance. 3. The parcels resulting from the proposed lot line adjustment conform to the building ordinance and zoning ordinance, including but not limited to those provisions which address minimum lot size, required lot frontage, lot width at the front yard setback, building setbacks, building lot coverage, and floor area ratio. 4. The lot line adjustment would not change the existing single-family residential land use of the property, which will remain and is consistent with the General Plan 2020 high density residential land use designation. 5. The project would merge two vacant, non-complying lots, each containing 5,625 square feet and 5,715 square feet to create one, code complying lot totaling 11,349 square feet. The merger of the two lots would allow for more reasonable development of the proposed residential uses on the site, including allowing for on-site open space areas and on-site parking flexibility. 6. The adjustment would not eliminate any existing required parking and access to the existing developed property at 55 Brookdale Avenue. 7. The resulting parcel would not create conflicts with the building code. 8. Notice of the lot line adjustment has been provided to neighbors and posted on-site at least 15 days prior to the hearing, in compliance with Chapter 14.29 noticing requirements. B. The Planning Commission has exercised its independent judgement and determined that the lot line adjustment would not have a significant impact on the environment as it qualifies for - 4 - an exemption from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15305 that applies to minor lot line adjustments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission and Design Review Representatives of the City of San Rafael approves ED21-071 and LLA21-004 subject to the following conditions: Conditions of Approval (LLA21-004) 1. This approval of a Lot Line Adjustment between Assessor Parcel Numbers 011-074-04 and 011-074-04-05, to merge the two lots to create one, code compiling lot, as shown on approved plans, shall be valid for two (2) years from approval or until June 14, 2024, and shall be null and void if a final parcel is not submitted or a time extension granted prior to the expiration date. 2. Three (3) copies of the Final Plat maps, deeds and closure documents shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works prior to recordation. 3. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to approval of the required building permit for the proposed new construction. Conditions of Approval (ED21-071) Community Development Department, Planning Division 4. One on-site, ADA parking space is required for this project. The ADA space shall be located on the site plan in the area currently shown as off-street parking and will result in a total of 17 or less spaces. Prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans demonstrating on-site ADA parking compliance with the California Building Code, to be reviewed and approved by the Chief Building Official. 5. A minimum number of on-site parking spaces of 15 is required for this project. 6. The conditions of this permit shall be printed on the second sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit pursuant to this permit, under the title ‘ED21-071, LLA21-004 Conditions.’ Additional sheets may also be used if the second sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8-1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. 7. The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, issuance of a citation, and/or modification or revocation of the permit. 8. All information and representations, whether oral or written, including the building techniques, materials, elevations and appearance of the project, as presented for approval on plans, dated April 19, 2022, and on file with the Community Development Department, Planning Division, shall be the same as required for the issuance of a building permit, except as modified by these conditions of approval. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval by Planning staff. Modifications deemed not minor by the Community - 5 - Development Director may require review and approval as an amendment to the permit by Planning staff. 9. The approved use and/or construction is subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. Prior to construction, the applicant shall identify and secure all applicable permits from the Building Division, Public Works Department and other affected City divisions and departments. 10. The front property line is along Lincoln Avenue and rear property line is along Brookdale Avenue. This permit (ED21-071, LLA21-004) shall be valid for one year from the approval or until June 14, 2023, and shall be null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time extension granted prior to the expiration date 11. Exterior Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be energy efficient where feasible; and shielded and directed downward and away from property lines to prevent excessive glare beyond the subject property. 12. The building techniques, materials, elevations and appearance of this project, as presented for approval by the Planning Commission on May 24, 2022 shall be the same as required for the issuance of a building permit. Any future additions, expansions, remodeling, etc., shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 13. All ‘off-haul’ of excavation and delivery/pick-up of construction equipment shall occur during off-peak weekday hours, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only. 14. All grading and construction activities shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Low-noise construction, occurring entirely within the interior of the building, may be permissible on Saturdays with prior approval by the Planning Division and only after the building is completely enclosed (walls, roof, doors and windows). If requested and approved, Saturday work shall be limited to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Any work on Sundays and federally- recognized holidays is strictly prohibited. 15. Final landscape and irrigation plans for the project shall comply with the provisions of Marin Municipal Water District’s (MMWD) most recent water conservation ordinance and graywater recycling system requirements. Construction plans submitted for issuance of building/grading permit shall be pre-approved by MMWD and stamped as approved by MMWD or include a letter from MMWD approving the final landscape and irrigation plans. Modifications to the final landscape and irrigation plans, as required by MMWD, shall be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division. 16. All new landscaping shall be irrigated with an automatic drip system and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free of weeds and debris, at all times. Any dying or dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion. 17. All site improvements, including but not limited to the site lighting, hardscape, and paving striping shall be maintained in good, undamaged condition at all times. Any damaged improvements shall be replaced in a timely manner. 18. The site shall be kept free of litter and garbage. Any trash, junk or damaged materials that are accumulated on the site shall be removed and disposed of in a timely manner. - 6 - 19. All public streets and sidewalks and on-site streets which are privately owned that are impacted by the grading and construction operation for the project shall be kept clean and free of debris at all times. The general contractor shall sweep the nearest street and sidewalk adjacent to the site on a daily basis unless conditions require greater frequency of sweeping. 20. If archaeological or cultural resources are accidentally discovered during excavation/grading activities, all work will stop within 100 feet of the resource and the qualified archaeologist will be notified immediately. The qualified archaeologist will contact Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria (FIGR) and the Planning Division and coordinate the appropriate evaluation of the find and implement any additional treatment or protection, if required. No work shall occur in the vicinity until approved by the qualified archaeologist, FIGR and Planning staff. Prehistoric resources that may be identified include, but shall not be limited to, concentrations of stone tools and manufacturing debris made of obsidian, basalt and other stone materials, milling equipment such as bedrock mortars, portable mortars and pestles and locally darkened soils (midden) that may contain dietary remains such as shell and bone, as well as human remains. Historic resources that may be identified include, but are not limited to, small cemeteries or burial plots, structural foundations, cabin pads, cans with soldered seams or tops, or bottles or fragments or clear and colored glass. 21. If human remains are encountered (or suspended) during any project-related activity, all work will halt within 100 feet of the project and the County Coroner will be contacted to evaluate the situation. If the County Coroner determines that the human remains are of Native American origin, the County Coroner shall notify FIGR within 24-hours of such identification who will work with Planning staff to determine the proper treatment of the remains. No work shall occur in the vicinity without approval from Planning staff. 22. Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, release and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, attorneys, employees, boards and commissions from any claim, action or proceeding brought against any of the foregoing individuals or entities ("indemnities"), the purpose of which is to attack, set aside, void or annul the approval of this application or the adoption of any environmental document which accompanies it. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or expert witness fees that may be asserted or incurred by any person or entity, including the applicant, third parties and the indemnities, arising out of or in connection with the approval of this application, whether or not there is concurrent, passive or active negligence on the part of the indemnities. 23. In the event that any claim, action or proceeding as described above is brought, the City shall promptly notify the applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, and the City will cooperate fully in the defense of such claim, action, or proceeding. In the event the applicant is required to defend the City in connection with any said claim, action or proceeding, the City shall retain the right to: 1) approve the counsel to so defend the City; 2) approve all significant decisions concerning the manner in which the defense is conducted; and 3) approve any and all settlements, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Nothing herein shall prohibit the City from participating in the defense of any claim, action or proceeding, provided that if the City chooses to have counsel of its own to defend any claim, action or proceeding where applicant already has retained counsel to defend the City in such matters, the fees and the expenses of the counsel selected by the City shall be paid by the City. - 7 - 24. As a condition of this application, applicant agrees to be responsible for the payment of all City Attorney expenses and costs, both for City staff attorneys and outside attorney consultants retained by the City, associated with the reviewing, processing and implementing of the land use approval and related conditions of such approval. City Attorney expenses shall be based on the rates established from time to time by the City Finance Director to cover staff attorney salaries, benefits, and overhead, plus the actual fees and expenses of any attorney consultants retained by the City. Applicant shall reimburse the City for City Attorney expenses and costs within 30 days following billing of same by the City. 25. The project shall comply with the City’s inclusionary or affordable housing requirement (currently Section 14.16.030 of the SRMC) by providing a minimum of one (1) low to very low, one bedroom, affordable ‘for rent housing unit. 26. The project sponsor is required to enter into a BMR (below-market-rate) agreement with Marin Housing Authority, deed-restricting the income level for occupancy of the affordable unit. Community Development Department, Building Division 27. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2019 California Building Code (CBC), 2019 California Plumbing Code (CPC), 2019 California Electrical Code (CEC), 2019 California Mechanical Code CCMC), 2019 California Fire Code (CFC), 2019 California Energy Code, 2019 California Green Building Standards Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments. 28. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by a complete sets of construction drawings. to include: a. Architectural plans b. Structural plans c. Electrical plans d. Plumbing plans e. Mechanical plans f. Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plane and height of the building) g. Structural Calculations h. Truss calculations i. Soils report j. Green Building documentation k. Title-24 energy documentation 29. The occupancy classification, construction type and square footage of each building shall be specified on the plans. In mixed occupancies, each portion of the building shall be individually classified. 30. The occupancy classification, construction type and square footage of each building shall be specified on the plans in addition to justification calculations for the allowable area of each building. Site/civil plans prepared by a California licensed surveyor or engineer clearly showing topography, identifying grade plane and height of the building. 31. Building height and story must comply with CBC Section 504. On the plan justify the proposed building area and height. - 8 - 32. Each building must have address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do not satisfy this requirement. In new construction and substantial remodels, the address must be internally or externally illuminated and remain illuminated at all hours of darkness. Numbers must be a minimum 4 inches in height with ½ inch stroke for residential occupancies and a minimum 6 inches in height with ½ inch stroke for commercial applications. The address must be contrasting in color to their background SMC 12.12.20. 33. The address for structures is determined by the Chief Building Official. 34. If proposed fencing exceeds 7' in height, a building permit is required. 35. School fees will be required for the project. Calculations are done by the San Rafael City Schools, and those fees are paid directly to them prior to issuance of the building permit. 36. Any demolition of existing structures will require a permit. Submittal shall include three (3) copies of the site plan, asbestos certification and PG&E disconnect notices. Also, application must be made to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District prior to obtaining the permit and beginning work. 37. Regarding any grading or site remediation, soils export, import and placement; provide a detailed soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these procedures. The report should address the import and placement and compaction of soils at future building pad locations and should be based on an assumed foundation design. This information should be provided to Building Division and Department of Public Works for review and comments prior to any such activities taking place. A grading permit may be required for the above-mentioned work. 38. Prior to building permit issuance for the construction of each building, geotechnical and civil pad certifications are to be submitted. 39. The proposed facility shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled. For existing buildings and facilities when alterations, structural repairs or additions are made, accessibility improvements for persons with disabilities shall be required unless CASP report states compliant. Improvements shall be made, but are not limited to, the following accessible features: a. Path of travel from public transportation point of arrival b. Routes of travel between buildings c. Accessible parking d. Ramps e. Primary entrances f. Sanitary facilities (restrooms) g. Drinking fountains & Public telephones (when provided) h. Accessible features per specific occupancy requirements 39. The site development of items such as common sidewalks, parking areas, stairs, ramps, common facilities, etc. are subject to compliance with the accessibility. Pedestrian access provisions should provide a minimum 48" wide unobstructed paved surface to and along all accessible routes. Items such as signs, meter pedestals, light standards, trash receptacles, etc., shall not encroach on this 4' minimum width. Also, note that sidewalk slopes and side - 9 - slopes shall not exceed published minimums. The civil, grading and landscape plans shall address these requirements to the extent possible. 40. Multistory apartment or condominium on the ground floor in buildings with no elevator at least 10 percent but no less than one of the multistory dwellings in apartment buildings with three or more and condos with four or more dwellings shall comply with the following: a. The primary entry to the dwelling unit shall be on an accessible route unless exempted by site impracticality tests in CBC Section 1150A. b. At least one powder room or bathroom shall be located on the primary entry level, served by an accessible route. c. All rooms or spaces located on the primary entry level shall be served by an accessible route. Rooms and spaces located on the primary entry level and subject to this chapter may include but are not limited to kitchens, powder rooms, bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms or hallways. 41. Multifamily dwelling and apartment accessible parking spaces shall be provided at a minimum rate of 2 percent of the covered multifamily dwelling units. At least one space of each type of parking facility shall be made accessible even if the total number exceeds 2 percent. 42. When parking is provided for multifamily dwellings and is not assigned to a resident or a group of residents, at least 5 percent of the parking spaces shall be accessible and provide access to grade level entrances of multifamily dwellings and facilities (e.g. swimming pools, club houses, recreation areas and laundry rooms) that serve the dwellings. Accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest accessible route to an accessible building, or dwelling unit entrance. 43. At least one disabled parking space must be van accessible; 9 feet wide parking space and 8 feet wide off- load area. Additionally, one in every eight required handicap spaces must be van accessible. 44. Construction activities shall comply with City’s Noise Ordinance. Fire Prevention Bureau 45. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2019 California Fire Code, current NFPA Standards, and all applicable City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments. 46. Deferred Submittals for the following fire protection systems shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval and permitting prior to installation of the systems: a. Fire Sprinkler plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau) b. Fire Underground plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau) c. Fire Alarm plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau 47. A Knox Box is required at the primary point of first response to the building. A recessed mounted Knox Box # 3200 Series is required for new buildings; surface mount for all others. the Knox Box shall be clearly visible upon approach to the main entrance from the fire lane. Note the Knox Box must be installed from 72” to 78” above finish grade; show the location on the plans. https://www.knoxbox.com/commercial-knoxboxes/ - 10 - 48. A Knox key switch is required for driveway or access road automatic gates. https://www.knoxbox.com/gate-keys-and-padlocks/ 49. When a building is fully sprinklered all portions of the exterior building perimeter must be located within 250-feet of an approved fire apparatus access road. a. The minimum width of the fire apparatus access road is 20-feet. b. The minimum inside turning radius for a fire apparatus access road is 28 feet. c. The fire apparatus access road serving this building is more than 150-feet in length; provide an approved turn-around. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for specific details. 50. If the building is over 30 feet in height, an aerial fire apparatus access roadway is required parallel to one entire side of the building. a. The Aerial apparatus access roadway shall be located within a minimum 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building. b. The minimum unobstructed width for an aerial fire apparatus access road is 26-feet. c. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway, or between the roadway and the building. 51. Fire lanes must be designated; painted red with contrasting white lettering stating, “No Parking Fire Lane” A sign shall be posted in accordance with the CFC Section 503.3 and to the satisfaction and approval of the San Rafael Parking Services Division. 52. Provide address numbers plainly visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do not qualify as meeting this requirement. Numbers shall contrast with the background and shall be Arabic numbers or letters. Numbers shall be internally or externally illuminated in all new construction or substantial remodels. Number sizes are as follows: For residential – 4” tall with ½” stroke. For commercial – 6” tall with ½” stroke. Larger sizes might be required by the fire code official or in multiple locations for buildings served by two or more roads. San Rafael Sanitation District 53. Provide detailed flow calculations prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer showing the average and peak flow cumulative rate for all ten units. Based on the results of these flow calculations, the project sponsor may be required to replace or upsize sewer mains within Brookdale Avenue to accommodate the flow increase. 54. Each separate residence shall have its own backflow device. Provide backflow locations on the Civil Plans submitted for the Building Permit. Each backflow device shall be located a maximum of 2-ft from the building exterior. 55. Sewer connection fees will apply. Based on the most current fee structure from SRSD and the Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) for the proposed improvements, the sewer connection fee has been estimated at $104,824.20 (Table 1). Department of Public Works 56. The Underground Culvert Structural Analysis prepared by Whitchurch Engineering only includes 3 feet of soil loading while the Civil Plans appear to show the proposed finished grade approximately 7 feet above the culvert. Please revise the analysis to model the final project conditions. The analysis should also include any loading from foundation systems for the car stacking system (if applicable). - 11 - 57. Verify that the proposed trees and bushes in the bioretention areas are acceptable for stormwater treatment purposes. A bioretention plant matrix can be found in appendix F of the BASMAA Post Construction Manual. 58. This project includes more than 5,000 square feet of total impervious area replacement and creation and therefore is considered a regulated project. Multi-family residential lots do not qualify as a small project/ single family home project. The following documents are required to be provided in accordance with Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) requirements: a. Stormwater Control Plan - A short written document to accompany the plan set used primarily for municipal review to verify compliance with stormwater treatment requirements. (Needed to obtain planning permit.) b. Stormwater Facilities Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan – A short written document and exhibit outlining facilities on-site and maintenance activities and responsibilities for property owners. (Provide prior to occupancy). Operations and Maintenance Agreement – A formal agreement between the property owner and the City that shall be recorded with the property deed prior to occupancy. (Provide prior to occupancy) 59. Include impermeable boundary on the sides of the drainage facilities to protect the structures on adjoining properties. 60. Prior to occupancy, record the Lot Line Adjustment (LLA). 61. A design-level geotechnical report will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. The report should include geotechnical design recommendations for the proposed structures and site improvements. 62. Include a roof on the trash enclosure and route the trash pad runoff to the sanitary sewer. 63. Update the stormwater control plan to show how the untreated areas flowing towards Brookdale are being offset. 64. A grading permit is required from DPW prior to commencement of grading and construction work. 65. Prior to commencing work within the right-of-way, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the City of San Rafael Department of Public Works. 66. The traffic impact fee is calculated as 46,706 ($4,246 x 11) for the 6 net new AM and 5 net new peak PM trip (total of 11 net new peak-hour trips) due at the time of building permit issuance. 67. A construction vehicle impact fee shall be required at the time of building permit issuance, which is calculated at 1% of the valuation, with the first $10,000 of valuation exempt. The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission meeting held on the 14th day of June 2022. The Planning Commission’s Action is final unless it is - 12 - appealed to the City Council within five (5) working days pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.28.030 – Filing and time limit of appeals. Moved by Commissioner _____________ and seconded by Commissioner ________________. AYES: COMMISSIONERS NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: BY: Leslie Mendez, Secretary , Chair ATTACHMENT: BROOKDALE APARTME NTS MATERl ALS BOARD EXttRIOR STUCCO SIDING (I NTEGRAL COi.OR STUCCO), EXnRIOR RIBBED CORRUGATED METAL SIDIN G, D ARK METAUMETAL CLAD WIN DOW DOORS/DI METAL ENTRY GATE/DARK METAL ADD RESS NUMBE RS, EXTERIOR STUCCO/C EMENT BOAR D SIDING: ENTRY C ANOPY & E N T RY DETAIL P A N EL S (EXTERIOR STUCCO OR MET A L PAN E L S): C ONCRET E PAVING: ERMEABLE CONCRETE PAVER. ~ . :fj~~~:~ J ~~. :_;-,~: _.-. ~ . -,. GWALLS: Two-Post Parking Lift PL-6000DC www.bendpak.com BendPak® 2 The PL-6000DC dual-column parking lift is designed to accommodate a wide array of vehicles including SUVs, sedans, and sports cars. It offers the perfect combination for both long-term and short-term parking. Typically long-term parking is the upper level and short-term parking below. The PL-6000DC was specifically designed to accommodate the needs of real estate developers, architects, engineers, automotive dealers, and commercial parking operators. The PL-6000DC can be installed inside a typical 8-foot parking space and accommodate most cars and light trucks. They operate in both indoor and outdoor locations. FEATURES: • Ganged column design allows multiple installations in minimum space • Commercial grade design and construction • Galvanized and corrugated anti-slip platform • Freestanding design when ganged two or wide • Overhead power unit provides smooth quiet hydraulic operation • Designed for installation on typical parking surfaces • Platform can be stopped at different heights to fit various vehicles and ceiling heights • Full width channel-locked center panels protect lower vehicle • Wide deck platform accommodates pickups, vans and cars. • Dual direct-drive hydraulic cylinders • Automatic safety lock combined with anti-fall device hold platform securely • Maintenance free composite carriage bearings • Electric key switch for security and safety • Automatic shut-off when operator releases key switch • Manual lock release available in case electricity failure (OPTIONAL) • Hydraulic overloading protection • Photocell sensor prohibits lift to be lowered if vehicle is parked below Introduction Overall Specs H1 121 in 3,080 mm H2 82.5 in 2,100 mm H3 71 in 1,805 mm General Parts PL-6000DC Two-Post Parking Lift Carriage Transparent oil tank Limit Switch Galvanized cover plate Electric box Photocell Sensor Key switch & emergency stop button Dynamic lock Front & Back footage 1 1 2 3 3 44 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 99 www.bendpak.com 2 7 H2 H1 H3 3 Advantages Specifications PL-6000DC Two-Post Parking Lift Low Operating Cost Platform driven by gravity when lowered. No electric motor consumption is required. Fast and Easy Installation Installation is fast and easy. Detailed installation manual is provided along with floorplan and foundation drawings and video attached with products will help customers have easier installation work. Ganged/Shared Columns The posts can be shared which allows multiple installations in minimum space and reduces cost. Professional Packing & Delivery Professional packaging and our experienced logistic team ensures customers will get the product damage free. Compact package size means simple unload- ing and handling. Dependable Hydraulic Operation The PL-6000DC features dual telescoping direct-drive cylinders eliminating the need for lifting chains or screw mechanisms and offer better reliability, smoother operation and less maintenance costs. Automatic Safety Device Powerful load-holding devices automatically engage and lock the lift structure as the parking lift raises, preventing sudden free fall in the unlikely event of a suspension component failure. Typically, after the lift is raised to the required working height, operators are instructed to lower the lift until it is resting safely on the locks to minimize wear on suspension components. Photocell Sensor Photocell sensor prohibits lift to be lowered if vehicle is parked below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Model PL-6000DC Lifting Capacity 6,000 lbs. (2,721 kg) Overall Height 126.5” (3,221 mm) Overall Length 148.25” (3,766 mm) Overall Width 100.25” (2,547 mm) Lifting Height 82.5” (2,100 mm) Usable Platform Width 82.5” (2,100 mm) Electrical Required 220-420V, 1 or 3 Phase , 50/60Hz Control Power 24V Lock Release Electric auto release Power Pack 2.2kw hydraulic power pump Lifting / Lowering Time 50 / 45 sec. 2 3 1 6 4 5 7 BandPak® 4 Safety Features • Mechanical safety locks are spaced every 4 inches. • 24v operator controls and lock release • Photocell sensor prohibits lift to be lowered if vehicle is parked below • Electric protection for power overload or improper voltage • Automatic locking system during power outage • Emergency stop button • Upper limit switch • Pressure relief valve and pressure compensated flow control valve to ensure safe operation and level lifting • Industrial-grade hydraulic cylinders feature a single-piece, pilot fitted, machined steel piston, wrapped with specially designed, pressure loaded U-cup piston seals, backups and wear bands to virtually eliminate fluid bypass Limit Switch - Stops the power pack pumping when platform reaches the desired position. Height adjustable feature. Power Unit - 1. Pressure Relief Valve (will activate when pressure inside of cylinder reaches a certain level) 2. Directional Valve 3. Solenoid Valve 4. Flow control valve 5. Transparent Oli Tank Hot Galvanized Cover Plate - Anti-rust and Non-slip design. Electric Box 24V control and voltage overload protection. Mechanical Lock Hook Locks platform in lock hole while platform rises or lowers. Full Range Mechanical Lock Block Automatic safety lock combined with anti-fall device hold platform securely. Will activate during any failure of the hydraulic system. Photocell Limit Switch Photocell sensor prohibits lift to be lowered if vehicle is parked below. User Friendly Opertor Controls Electric key switch and emergency stop button. Mechanical Anti-Falling Lock Dynamic locking device with 6 locking tabs Electromagnet Electric BoxUser FriendlyOpertor Controls PL-6000DC Two-Post Parking Lift www.bendpak.com 5 Powder Coat & Galvanized Packaging & Loading Width Calculation The PL-6000DC features a durable powder-coat finish on the column assemblies and galvanized platforms providing a high-quality, extremely durable finish that can withstand even the harshest environmental or chemical conditions. Total100.5” (2,547 mm)Total194” (4,929 mm)Total287.5” (7,311 mm) 100.5"(2,547 mm)100.5"(2,547 mm)100.5"(2,547 mm)93.5"(2,382 mm)93.5"(2,382 mm)93.5"(2,382 mm) PL-6000DC Two-Post Parking Lift Unit A Unit A Unit AUnit B Unit B Unit B I I ; --' ----i ----,_ ---,----' ,_ • ----- I I I ' I ' ' ' ·r ·r I I I BandPak® 6 Gallery PL-6000DC Two-Post Parking Lift www.bendpak.com