HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2022-05-19 Minutes
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May 19, 2022 – 6:00 p.m.
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Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048
Chair Emerson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Chair Emerson
Commissioner Laumann
Commissioner Machado (arrived at 6:06)
Commissioner Sandoval (left at 6:24)
Absent: Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Reisinger
Also Present: Catherine Quffa, Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor
Darcie Chellew, Program Coordinator
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of April 21, 2022
Commissioner Laumann moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to approve
the meetings minutes of April 21, 2022.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Laumann, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Gutierrez, Machado, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Catherine Quffa announced that Commissioner Laumann’s term was up in M ay,
however she has been asked to stay on for a few more months while the City Clerk
makes some adjustments to the Commission bylaws.
Chair Emerson reminded the Commission that Commissioner Reisinger’s term was up
and she did resign at the last meeting. She on behalf of the Park & Recreation
Commission thanked her for her service.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Falkirk Cultural Center Annual Report
Catherine Quffa introduced Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor. Ms.
Younkin introduced Darcie Chellew who presented the Falkirk Cultural Center Annual
Report. Ms. Chellew introduced Peter Norton, Marin Master Gardener, who presented
information about the Marin Master Gardeners and the garden at Falkirk.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Laumann moved, and Commissioner Machado seconded, to approve the
Falkirk Cultural Center Annual Report.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Laumann, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Gutierrez, Reisinger
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Public Comment: None
6. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Quffa gave an update on the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. The consultant will
be doing a presentation at the June Commission meeting. Ms. Quffa asked the
Commission if they would like to do a hybrid meeting for the June meeting. Chair
Emerson and Commissioners Machado and Sandoval replied that they would like to
meet in person. Commissioner Cabrales was unsure if she would be attending the June
meeting. Ms. Quffa said she would check with the Commissioners that were not at the
Ms. Quffa let the Commission know that at the next meeting they will be asked to
nominate a liaison to the Public Art Review Board. The group will meet quarterly, and
the term will be a two-year appointment. The purview is to review applications for public
art on public property.
Ms. Quffa shared that the City of San Rafael is looking for opportunities to finance their
infrastructure needs. One of the options is placing a measure on the November 2022
ballot to increase the property transfer tax by 1%. If the measure is approved the City is
proposing a nine-year term. It is estimated that it would provide an additional $8 million
annually to support repairs.
Commissioner Machado commented that he is a Realtor and traditionally this transfer
tax is paid by the seller and is not negotiable. It is a lot of money for the sellers and he
is not supportive of this type of tax.
Chair Emerson asked about the Farmers Market and if it would be coming back. Ms.
Quffa replied that the Farmers Market was organized through our Economic
Development Department and financially it wasn’t working out for the City. Ms. Quffa
said she would follow up with the Economic Dept Director to see if there are any
Ms. Quffa reached out to the San Rafael City School District in regard to closing
campuses for community use. She reported back that there are no immediate plans to
fence in campuses, and there are no plans to prevent community usages.
Other updates from Ms. Quffa included the dining under the lights program will be
continuing. The Hamilton pool is opening Memorial weekend. Pool hours will be
increasing for both the Terra Linda and Hamilton pools once the college staff returns.
The Pickleweed field opened a month early. Commissioner Machado asked for an
update on the artificial turf. Ms. Quffa said we should have an update on the grant they
submitted in June.
Public Comment: None
Chair Emerson adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2022
CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director