HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2022-05-10 Minutes Planning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 7:00 P.M. MINUTES Virtual Meeting Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/pc-2022-05-10 Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael Telephone: 1 (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 897 4566 6511# One Tap Mobile: US: + 16699006833,,89745666511# CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ADVISORY NOTICE In response to Assembly Bill 361, the City of San Rafael is offering teleconference without complying with the procedural requirements of Government Code section 54953(b)(3). This meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. How to participate in the meeting: • Submit public comments in writing. Correspondence received by 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday the week before the meeting will be provided with the agenda materials provided to the Commission. Correspondence received after this deadline but before the hearing will be conveyed to the Commission as a supplement. Send correspondence to the project planner or to PlanningPublicComment@cityofsanrafael.org; or send in writing to Planning Division, CDD; 1400 5th Ave. 3rd Fl.; San Rafael, CA 94901. • Join the Zoom webinar and use the 'raise hand' feature to provide verbal public comment. • Dial-in to Zoom's telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment. Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk (email city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or phone at 415-485-3066) who will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Members of the public may speak on Agenda items. CALL TO ORDER Chair called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to call roll. RECORDING OF MEMBERS PRESENT AND ABSENT PRESENT: JON PREVITALI, CHAIR SAMINA SAUDE, VICE CHAIR CAMILLE HARRIS, COMMISSIONER ALDO MERCADO, COMMISSIONER (Arrived at 7:03) JON HAVEMAN, COMMISSIONER SHINGAI SAMUDZI, COMMISSIONER ALSO PRESENT: LESLIE MENDEZ, PLANNING MANAGER KRYSTLE RIZZI, PROJECT CONTRACT PLANNER APPROVAL OR REVISION OF ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS No changes made to the order of the Agenda. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MEETING PROCEDURES Chair Previtali invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez, who informed the community the meeting is being streamed live to YouTube and members of the public could provide public comment either on the telephone or through Zoom. She explained the process for community participation on the telephone and Zoom. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2022 Chair Previtali invited public comment and there was none. Commissioner Mercado moved and Commissioner Haveman seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. Chair Previtali invites Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll: AYES: Commissioners Harris, Haveman, Mercado, Vice Chair Suade, & Chair Previtali NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Samudzi Motion carried 5 – 0 ACTION ITEMS 88 Vivian Street (70-unit Residential Development) To demolish the existing Country Club Bowl and construct 70 for-sale residential units, including six available to low-income households, in 14 separate buildings.; APN: 008-092- 02; Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zone; Matt Ashton of Ashton 3, LLC Applicant; Charlie Kinstler, Owner; Canal Neighborhood Project Planner: Krystle Rizzi, Contract Planner, krystle.rizzi@cityofsanrafael.org Chair Previtali invited Project Planner to present the Staff Report. Krystle Rizzi presented. Applicant, Matt Ashton, gave a presentation. Staff & Applicant responded to questions from the Commissioners. Chair Previtali opened public hearing and asked Staff to open public comment. Comment in support of project from resident, Melanie Stein. Comment about impacted parking by resident, Jeri Di Pietro. Chair Previtali closed public hearing and called on Commissioners, in turn, to ask follow-up questions of Applicant and Staff. Commissioners discussed general parking concerns in Marin County and San Rafael. Commissioners offered final comments on the Project. Commissioner Samudzi moved and Vice Chair Saude seconded a motion to adopt the recommended action, with the corrections highlighted by staff planner per the Staff Report. Planning Manager takes roll: AYES: Commissioners Harris, Haveman, Mercado, Samudzi, Vice Chair Suade, & Chair Previtali NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 6 – 0 DIRECTOR’S REPORT Planning Manager reported on the following items: • Update on the next Planning Commission meeting • Update on first streamlined DRB review of a 10-unit development on Brookdale. • Update on the first hybrid meetings of DRB and PC in second half of June 2022. COMMISSION COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Previtali adjourned the meeting at 8:26 PM. ___________________________________________ LESLIE MENDEZ, Planning Manager APPROVED THIS _____DAY OF____________, 2022 _____________________________________ JON PREVITALI, Chair