HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2022-08-02 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA August 2, 2022 6:00 P.M. Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-08-02-2022 Telephone: Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 CALL TO ORDER • Roll Call AGENDA AMENDMENTS MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of June 22, 2022 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes. 3. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations • Recognition of Stacey Laumann and Kathryn Reisinger for their service on the Park & Recreation Commission • Movies in the Parks, Stephen Rogers, Program Coordinator MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 4. Approve Proposed Design for Sun Valley Playground Renovation 5. Discuss Wooden Gazebo at Sun Valley Park 6. Review Measure A Workplan 7. Selection of One (1) Commissioner to Serve as Liaison and One (1) Commissioner to serve as Alternate to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee COMMISSION REPORTS AND COMMENTS 8. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. STAFF COMMENTS 9. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest NEXT MEETING: September 15, 2022 ADJOURNMENT Notice Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485 -3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in acces sible formats upon request. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 Aug 2, 2022 Page 1 of 4 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 22, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES __________________________________________________________________ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-06-22-2022 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Laumann called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Cabrales Chair Emerson Commissioner Gutierrez (est. 6:20 p.m. arrival) Commissioner Laumann Commissioner Sandoval Absent: Commissioner Machado Commissioner Reisinger Also Present: Catherine Quffa, Library & Recreation Director Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director Lauren Ivey-Thomas, RHAA Barbara Lundburg, RHAA AGENDA AMENDMENTS None. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of May 19, 2022 Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Chair Emerson seconded, to approve the meetings minutes of May 19, 2022. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Laumann, Sandoval NOES: Commissioners: None 2 ABSENT: Commissioners: Gutierrez, Machado, Reisinger ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Minutes approved as submitted. MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations Catherine Quffa introduced Craig Veramay the new Assistant Library & Recreation Director. Catherine Quffa introduced Lauren Ivey-Thomas and Barbara Lundburg from RHAA. Ms. Ivey-Thomas gave a presentation on the Citywide Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Public Comment: Norma Fragoso addressed the Commission Matt Sampson addressed the Commission Vickie Fernandez addressed the Commission (via email) Lauren addressed the Commission Staff responded to questions from the Commission. 3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda Rose Magri is interested in opportunities for community building, inclusion, and music in the parks. MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 4. Selection of One (1) Commissioner to Serve as Representative on the Public Art Review Board Catherine Quffa gave an overview of the Public Art review process. Public Comment: None Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Cabrales seconded, for Commissioner Sandoval to be the Public Art Review Board representative. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Laumann, Sandoval NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Gutierrez, Machado, Reisinger ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None 3 Motion passes. COMMISSION REPORTS AND COMMENTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. Chair Emerson commented that she was happy to see that the Marin Fair is happening this year after two years. Public Comment: None STAFF COMMENTS 6. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest Ms. Quffa announced that Measure A had passed. The hope is to bring the workplan to the July meeting. During the July meeting the City will also be asking for a liaison and alternate for the Pickleweed Advisory Committee. Ms. Quffa gave an update on the Community outreach meeting at the Sun Valley Park . The Sun Valley playground project will also be brought to the July meeting . Mr. Veramay gave an update on the recreation programs. He shared that the Summer camps have kicked off. 70% of camps are at capacity. 84% of the users are San Rafael residents. They are continuing to offer the scholarship program and have additional funds available. The Childcare centers are offering Kids Camp again this summer. The Aquatics summer season kicked off last week. Many programs have started at the Albert J. Boro Community Center as well. The Community Gardens continue to be active. There is a new art Exhibit by Kendall C King at the Falkirk Cultural Center, and a call for artists for the next show that is themed Art to Amuse & Delight. Ms. Quffa shared that the Kendall C. King exhibit is being put on by his wife. Kendall was a local artist and passed away during COVID. He was a long-time art professor at College of Marin, and active in the art community for a long time. The opening reception is also going to be a memorial for him. Public Comment: None ADJOURNMENT Assistant Chair Laumann adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. 4 ___________________________________________ BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2022 ___________________________________________ CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT August 2, 2022 Item #4 TITLE: APPROVE PROPOSED DESIGN FOR SUN VALLEY PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATION RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission approve the proposed design and preferred playground equipment for Sun Valley Park Playground renovation. BACKGROUND: In 2018, voters passed Proposition 68 (Prop 68), the “Parks, Environment and Water Bond Act of 2018”. Prop 68 authorized $4 billion in general obligation bonds for state and local parks, environmental protection and restoration projects, and water infrastructure projects and flood protection projects. Through this, Prop 68 provides a variety of funding opportunities for local jurisdictions. One grant opportunity through Prop 68 is the Per Capita Grant Program. The Per Capita Grant program is a non-competitive program made available for local park rehabilitation, creation, and improvement grants to local governments. Per Capita Grant funds are distributed to local jurisdictions based on population size. In 2019, the City submitted the Per Capita Allocation Questionnaire to determine the City’s allocation under the grant program. Grant funds are allocated based on population and are one- time funds. In July 2020 the State notified the City of their allocation amount of $177,952. On November 16, 2020, with a recommendation from the Park & Recreation Commission, the City Council approved an application for Per Capita Grant Funds for the Sun Valley Park Playground Project. Additionally, in FY2022-2023, $128,376 of Measure A funds was encumbered to support the design of the Sun Valley Playground Project. Additional Measure A funding is expected to be allocated to complete the project in FY2022-2023. DISCUSSION: Sun Valley Park is a heavily utilized park, centrally located in the Sun Valley neighborhood. The existing playground structures at this Park have been in place for almost 30 years and are experiencing significant wear and tear due to the amount of use they receive. Installation of new playground equipment at Sun Valley Park will include the removal of the existing accessory structures, swings, slides, and sand. The concrete pathways at the entrance of the play area will be extended to allow for better pedestrian circulation, and the existing mosaic wall on the northwest end of the playground will be relocated to north end of the park along the restroom wall. Page 2 of 3 Attachment 1 provides a visual of the proposed site design as well as the proposed play equipment. The selected playground equipment was developed based on the community feedback collected in June 2022 via online survey and a community meeting at Sun Valley Park. The community feedback heavily favored the proposed playground structures as well as swing sets. Additionally, the primary request for the playground area was for increased shade for both playground users and caregivers. Once the project design is confirmed and the play structures purchased, the City will need to secure a certified contractor to remove the existing play equipment and install the new facilities. While the final schedule has not yet been determined, we anticipate this work commencing in Winter of 2022-23, and project completion by Spring 2023. All Prop 68 Per Capita projects must be expended by December 2023. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Public Works and the Library and Recreation Departments collected community input via an online survey and a community meeting held at the Sun Valley Park on Saturday, June 18, 2022. The surrounding community was informed of these opportunities through a postcard that went out to households within approximately 1,000 feet of the park and through notices posted at Sun Valley Park (Attachment 2). Survey respondents and community meeting attendees were able to choose which play structures they preferred as well as provide general feedback. The online survey generated 144 responses, and the community meeting was attended by 52 individuals. Additionally, the neighborhood has been informed that this proposal will be discussed by the Park & Recreation Commission during their August 2nd meeting through a mailer, notices posted at the park, and the Sun Valley Neighborhood Association email list. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has received funding to replace the play equipment at Sun Valley Park from Measure A and the Prop 68 Per Capital Grant. The City has encumbered $128,376 of Measure A funding for the design in FY2022-2023, and is proposing an additional $335,000 of Measure A funding for FY2022-2023. Additionally, the City has allocated $177,952 of Prop 68 Per Capita Grant Funding for this project. These funding sources are expected to cover all direct expenditures associated with the project. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The committee may request staff to work with the designers to modify or change the proposal, which would delay construction. 2. The commission may reject the proposal, which would delay construction. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director Attachments: Page 3 of 3 1. Site Area Map; Preferred play equipment as chosen by the community 2. Sun Valley Park Public Meeting Poster and Postcard SUN VALLEY PARK City of San Rafael PLAN ACCESSORY PLAY EQUIPMENT 5-12 PLAY AREA ADA PARKING STALL NEW DRINKING FOUNTAIN EXISTING HAND PRINT MURAL TO BE RELOCATED NEW BENCHES 2-5 PLAY AREA ATTACHMENT 1 SUN VALLEY PARK City of San Rafael It's time to update Sun Valley Park with new play equipment. Come tell us what you'd like to see! We want to hear from you! JOIN US AT THE PARK ON JUNE 18 OR TAKE THE ONLINE SURVEY BY JUNE 27 Access the online survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SunValleyPark Or scan the QR code to go directly to the survey. Save the Date Saturday, June 18 10:00am - 12:00pm Sun Valley Park POSTER ATTACHMENT 2 SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, JUNE 18 10:00AM - 12:00PM SUN VALLEY PARK 144 SOLANO STREET SAN RAFAEL We want to hear from you! It's time to update Sun Valley Park with new play equipment. Come tell us what you'd like to see! POST CARD Join us at the park on June 18 or take the online survey by June 27 Access the online survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SunValleyPark 1400 5th Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 Or scan the QR code to go directly to the survey PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT August 2, 2022 Item #5 TITLE: DISCUSS WOODEN GAZEBO AT SUN VALLEY PARK RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission receive report and provide direction. BACKGROUND: The City of San Rafael operates and maintains Sun Valley Park along with many other pocket, neighborhood, and community parks within the city limits. Over the past year, both neighbors and patrons of the Sun Valley Park expressed their concerns over prohibited types of behavior occurring in and around the wooden gazebo located on the upper terrace at the back of the park. The City was notified that individuals were reported consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking in and around the wooden gazebo. Neighbors are concerned about under-age drinking and smoking in and around the wooden gazebo especially due to its proximity to adjacent park neighbors and a highly vegetated hillside. This poses both fire risks and risks of damage to the adjacent private property. Although these types of behaviors are prohibited and a violation of the City’s Municipal Code; they can be extremely difficult to regulate or enforce. The wooden gazebo is located at the back of the park on the upper terrace area behind a berm and cannot be seen from street level nor the park’s main/lower area (see pictures below). Complaints are mainly received from the neighbors adjacent to the wooden gazebo as they are the most affected by the loud noise and trash that has been thrown into their backyards. Location of wooden gazebo Wooden Gazebo Page 2 of 3 On July 15, 2021, the prohibited activities associated with the wooden gazebo along with off-leash dogs was introduced and discussed by the Park and Recreation Commission. City staff was directed to further analyze the wooden gazebo, barbeque and adjacent area to determine what amenities needed to be removed due to possible fire concerns and to explore possible options for mitigating or resolving the off-leash dog activity at the Park. After Department staff toured the site with Fire and Public Works staff to analyze the wooden gazebo, barbeque and the adjacent area, it was determined that the barbeque should be removed since it was located underneath an all-wood gazebo structure in a highly vegetated area. While there is a newer picnic shelter within the lower level of the Park, the wooden gazebo located in the upper terrace area is structurally sound and not a fire hazard unto itself. Therefore, the primary consideration in the discussion of the potential removal of the wooden gazebo would focus on its possible contribution to prohibited activities. On March 17, the Commission received the above information and discussed the potential impacts of removing the gazebo. At the March 17 meeting, the Commission directed staff to gather further community input on the wooden gazebo during already planned meetings to discuss the separate playground preplacement project. DISCUSSION: On June 18th, the City held a community outreach event at Sun Valley Park. The primary focus of the event was to solicit community feedback on the replacement of the play structures. However, staff also asked participants about their preference for keeping or removing the wooden gazebo. Overall, the feedback was mixed. There were a few community members who felt strongly that the gazebo should be removed. These were primarily residents that live adjacent to the upper portion of the park. The majority of participants did not feel strongly either way, however expressed a belief that removing the gazebo would not stop the behavior. They generally felt the gazebo was a nice structure but did not actively use it themselves. Additionally, staff learned that people have been using the maintenance entrance at the top of the park to drive vehicles up to the wooden gazebo at night. Staff will be securing the entrance to the maintenance road to prevent that behavior. Staff is requesting that the Commission discuss the wooden gazebo and make a recommendation as to its status. Prior to tonight’s Park and Recreation Commission meeting, the adjacent neighborhood was notified via a letter that was mailed and posted at the park that the wooden gazebo located in the upper terrace area would be discussed and how they could provide feedback (Attachment 1). COMMUNITY OUTREACH: The City has held a series of meetings to discuss the wooden gazebo and solicit community input, including: Page 3 of 3 • July 15, 2021: Item initially discussed by the Park & Recreation Commission . • August 12, 2021: Park & Recreation Commissioners toured the site. A notice of the meeting was posted at Sun Valley Park and Commissioners received input from approximately 5-10 residents. • October 5, 2021: Staff met with the Sun Valley Neighborhood Association to discuss the gazebo and off-leash dogs. • March 17, 2022: The wooden gazebo was discussed by the Park & Recreation Commission. A notice of the meeting was posted at the park and mailed to all residents within approximately 1,000 feet of the park. • June 18, 2022: The City held an event at Sun Valley Park to solicit input on the playground replacement project, and also asked residents for their input on the wooden gazebo. The poster publicizing the event was posted at the park and a postcard was mailed to all residents within approximately 1,000 feet of the park. 52 people attended the event. For this current meeting, the City has publicized that this item would be discussed by posting a notice at Sun Valley Park, mailing a letter to all residents within approximately 1,000 feet of the park (Attachment 1), and sharing the information out through the Sun Valley Neighborhood Association. FISCAL IMPACT: Although there are no costs associated with the review of this item, there may be costs associated with staff removing the wooden gazebo. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Catherine Quffa Library and Recreation Director Attachment: 1. Sun Valley Park Community Letter (07-15-22) ATTACHMENT 1 July 15, 2022 Dear Sun Valley Park Neighbor, As a San Rafael Resident that lives near Sun Valley Park, we want to invite you to attend the next Park and Recreation Commission meeting on August 2, 2022, at 6:00pm (via Zoom) to share your opinions and feedback on proposed Playground Improvements and concerns about the Wooden Gazebo located in the Northeast corner of the park. Sun Valley Park Playground Improvements In June 2022, the City reached out to the Sun Valley neighborhood through an online survey and a community meeting to seek feedback on different playground replacement design options. Based on the community feedback, the City will present recommendations for the preferred design for the Sun Valley Park playground equipment replacement and accessible route of travel improvements at the Park. Construction is expected in Winter 2022-23. Additional information about the Sun Valley Park Playground Improvement project can be found on the project website, here: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/sun-valley/ Sun Valley Park Wooden Gazebo concerns Recently, neighbors and patrons of Sun Valley Park have expressed concerns over prohibited types of behavior occurring in and around the wooden gazebo located on the upper terrace at the back of the Park (pictured below). To address the prohibited behavior and to mitigate any potential fire risk, we have received requests that the wooden gazebo be removed. The Commission will discuss potential options to address the concerns. Photo of Sun Valley Park Wooden Gazebo Kate Colin, Mayor • Rachel Kertz, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Eli Hill, Councilmember • Maika Llorens Gulati, Councilmember How To Participate At the Park and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission will have the opportunity to ask questions about both topics and make recommendations to City staff on how to proceed. Community members can share their opinions and feedback at the time these agenda items are discussed. Additional information on the Park and Recreation Commission meetings, including how to access the agenda packet and participate in the meeting virtually is available on the City’s website at: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/park-and-recreation-commission-meetings/ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-08-02-2022 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 If you have any feedback or input regarding the issues raised, but are unable to attend the meeting, please forward your comments on or before August 1, 2022, to Catherine.quffa@cityofsanrafael.org All feedback received by this date will be shared with the Park and Recreation Commission. Please know that your personal information (email address, etc.) will be redacted before it is shared. We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Catherine Quffa Library & Recreation Director From: Lincoln Borba Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 6:38 PM To: Catherine Quffa <Catherine.quffa@cityofsanrafael.org> Subject: Wooden Gazebo - Sun Valley Park Improvements Meeting Re: Program Changes & Improvements To Sun Valley Park I do not have any idea as to the number of occupants living in the homes of Sun Valley and its West End neighbors BUT that little park is really quite an embarrassment considering the the ONLY large areas apparently are either for dogs to enjoy (quite the largest area) and a oddly beveled area with basketball hoops at either end requiring players slightly to run up or down hill an idea that maybe the NBA should adopt as an idea to improve their games. (yes sorry, meant to be snide) As to complaints I can offer that each and every time I have used that park either to attend a child's birthday party at the threatened gazebo or as a granddad overseeing the safe play of my charges I am disturbed by the condition and poor maintenance of an area designed specifically for very small children AND too often by pets of people that allow those pets into a area supposedly closed to pets for both health and safety reasons. As to the gazebo I offer this. In an area built largely in the 1940's that possibly means a large number of souls long in the tooth that might be like me drawn to that park for family celebrations often in summer or other sunny times, that removal of that structure would mean there will be no protection for solar exposure ONLY BECAUSE the City of San Rafael with all their various types employees cannot work out such a simple problem of how discourage the gazebo's apparent wrongful use. I do not know if the problem has been youths or homelessness but I have zero sympathy when there are options available to both groups. Post the area for nighttime closure (Not too early NOR too late) - Monitor compliance/noncompliance regularly - Like the wrongful use of Handicap Parking Make All Fines Substantial - Make repeat violators face something more than just paying a ticket and yes, make sure the bathrooms are secure to limit use by "nonresidents." KEEP THE GAZEBO FOR YOUNG & OLD - CONTROL MISUSE OF FACILITIES GET SOME CREATIVE MINDS THAT CAN THINK PAST DOG PARK SO YOUNG CHILDREN AND SOMEWHAT OLDER KIDS OF THE AREA HAVE FUN BUT SAFE PLACES TO GROW ENJOY. Thank You For Your Consideration, Lincoln E Borba or PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT August 2, 2022 Item #6 TITLE: REVIEW MEASURE A WORK PLAN FOR JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission receive the report and provide comment. BACKGROUND: In November 2012, an ordinance (“Measure A”) of the County of Marin was approved by a two-thirds majority of the electors voting on the Measure. Measure A imposes a nine year one-quarter of one percent retail transactions and use tax that is administered by the County of Marin. The purpose of Measure A is to support the preservation of Marin County parks, open space preserves and farmland. In its first nine years, the tax has generated an average of $14 million per year for parks, open spaces, and farm land preservation across Marin. This level of revenue changes during the life of the Measure due to the variability in annual receipts. Measure A included a sunset provision, and the ordinance expired on March 31, 2022. In June 2022, voters approved re-implementation of Measure A. In accordance with this law, for the next nine years, funds raised by Measure A will continue to be spent on parks and open space, sustainable agriculture, recreation in Marin's nineteen cities and towns, and land acquisition. The newly re-implemented rate will go into effect on October 1, 2022, and remain in effect until September 30, 2031, unless renewed by the voters. Measure A’s expenditure plan outlines three (3) programs for spending the sales tax proceeds. Each program is described by its funding allocation and types of projects and activities that the funding supports. They include the County Parks and Open Space Program; the Farmland Preservation Program; and the City, Town and Applicable Special District Program. • County Parks and Open Space Program (65%) o 65% is to protect or restore natural resources and maintain existing county parks and open space preserves. o 25% is to reduce the risk of wildfire in County park and open space preserves. o 10% is dedicated to the permanent preservation of land for public open space, community separators, wildlife corridors, greenbelts, and habitat. Page 2 of 4 • Sustainable Agriculture Program (20%) o To support and enhance ecosystem services, climate resiliency, and the protection, restoration, and sustainability of Marin County agricultural working lands and food systems. • City, Town and Applicable Special District Program (15%) o Funding is allocated to cities, towns, and special districts to manage parks, open space preserves, nature preserves, and recreation programs and vegetation to promote biodiversity and reduce wildfire risk. Of the 15% that is allocated to cities, towns, and special districts (approximately $902,860 in FY2022-2023), the City of San Rafael receives 22.91% based on its population. Since 2013, the City has received $3,922,810 in Measure A funding that has been used to support park maintenance, vegetation removal and management, and protection of open space. Of that total, $1,309,530 has been spent on park related capital improvement projects. Since the Measure A ordinance expired on March 31, 2021, and will not begin collecting revenue again until October 1, 2022, Measure A allocations for FY2022-2023 are projected to be lower than average. The City projects a revenue allocation of approximately $206,806 for FY2022-2023. Table A shows a year-by-year breakdown of the Measure A expenditures for park improvement projects, including the FY2021-2022 encumbrances. Table A: Measure A Funding of Park Improvement Projects - FY2013-2014 to FY2021-2022 Park Capital Improvement Projects FY13-14 to FY15-16 FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 Total Misc. Park Repairs (pathways, sidewalks, etc.) $131,155 $137,375 Misc. Equipment (slides, tables, etc) $74,465 $74,465 Sun Valley Park Basketball Court $46,873 $46,873 Albert Park Playground $37,761 $50,618 $221,957 $310,336 Victor Jones Playground $80,275 $19,725 $100,000 Bret Harte Park Restroom $2,183 $170,798 $172,981 Pickleweed Park Field Conversion $6,523 $9,359 $15,882 Albert Park Stadium Field Fencing $41,593 $41,593 Sun Valley Playground Upgrades $4,429 $128,587 $133,016 Citywide Park and Recreation Master Plan $277,009 $277,009 Total $252,493 $118,036 $72,526 $392,755 $48,116 $13,788 $650,000 $1,309,530 Page 3 of 4 DISCUSSION: Historically, the City has used Measure A funding to support four general activities: park maintenance, vegetation management, protection of ope n space and park improvements. For FY2022-23, Measure A funds will be focused on park improvement projects. The planned expenditures total $780,000, which includes the $206,806 FY2022-2023 allocation as well as carry-over funds from previous years. • Park Capital Improvements and Maintenance: The City’s FY2022-2023 Capital Improvement program will rely on $595,000 from Measure A funding to support the following projects: o $35,000 will be used to support additional project scope in the development of a comprehensive, Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan that is intended to be integrated with the City’s General Plan. The Master Plan will provide a framework for directing City resources toward parks, facilities, and programs, and for addressing current and future community recreational needs over the next ten (10) years. o $335,000 will be used to construct a new playground at Sun Valley Park that will improve ADA accessibility and improve community members experience. Additional Prop 68 Per Capita funding will be allocated in FY2022-23 for the implementation of this project. o $240,000 will be used to improve the fencing at Albert Park Field. o $100,000 will be used to fund the creation of a citywide Trail Master Plan as part of the proposed Open Space and Trails Master Plan. o $70,000 will be used to install replacement room divider partitions at the Terra Linda Community Center and the Albert J. Boro Community Center. The current equipment is inoperable, presenting a safety hazard and limiting use of these community resources. These planned expenditures are summarized in the Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPACT: The City has received Measure A funding in support of parks, open space, and recreation program management on an annual basis since 2012. In FY2022-2023, the City’s Measure A Work Plan authorizes $780,000 in spending from Measure A tax proceeds. Projected FY2022-2023 Measure A revenues of $206,806 coupled with an estimated fund balance from previous years in the amount of $575,000 are sufficient to support the proposed Work Plan. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Page 4 of 4 Assistant Library and Recreation Director Attachments: 1. Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 Page 1 of 4 Work Plan Measure A City, Town, and Applicable Special District Program Proposed Expenditure of Measure A Funds for July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 Timely and accurate completion of this report is a condition of receiving Measure A funds. Instructions: • This work plan must be completed by an authorized representative of the recipient. • Please complete this work plan, then scan and e-mail it to Kevin Wright, Marin County Parks External Affairs Manager (kwright@marincounty.org), by July 1, 2022. • Contact Mr. Wright by e-mail (kwright@marincounty.org) or phone (415) 497-3553 if you have any questions, or if you have suggestions to improve this form. • Marin County Parks will review this plan within one month of its receipt to ensure that proposed expenditures are consistent with Marin County Ordinance 3586 (Measure A). • Recipients must provide Marin County Parks with 30-days prior notice of any project additions or substitutions that are proposed while a work plan is in effect. • Total actual project expenditures may not exceed recipient’s actual Measure A funding for any given fiscal year, plus any balance remaining from previous years. _______________________________________________________________ This portion of page is intentionally blank. Proceed to next page. Page 2 of 4 A. Name of Recipient (city, town, or special district): __City of San Rafael____________________________________ B. Recipient’s representative and contact information: (Please print all information) Name: _Nadine Atieh Hade_____________________ (Print) Title: _Administrative Services Director__________ (Print) Address: _1400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 204____________ City, Zip: _San Rafael, CA 94901_________________ Phone: _415-485-3062________________________ E-mail: _Nadine.Hade@cityofsanrafael.org_________ C. Total estimated funds for Fiscal Year 2022-23: i. Estimated carry-over balance of recipient’s Measure A funds from previous fiscal years ii. Estimate of recipient’s Measure A funds for FY 2022-23. (This information will be provided by Marin County Parks) iii. Total estimated available funds for FY 22-23 (i + ii). $ 575,000 $ 206,806 $ 781,806 Page 3 of 4 D. Recipient’s Measure A Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23: Name of work or project: Primary purpose of work or project. Select only one from list below. ** Description. Be as specific as possible. Include numbers related to square footage of facilities, acreage, etc. If Measure A funds were used for maintenance, use numbers to indicate change from pre-Measure A conditions. Amount of Measure A funds estimated to be used: Source(s) and amount(s) of matching funds projected for use. If none, enter “0” Total expenditures projected for work or project in current reporting year Park Planning B Creation of a Citywide Park & Recreation Master Plan $ 35,000 0 $ 35,000 Park Improvements B Replace playground and improve ADA accessibility at Sun Valley Park $ 335,000 0 $ 335,000 Trail Planning B Creation of a Citywide Trail Master Plan, as part of the Open Space and Trails Master Plan $ 100,000 0 $ 100,000 Field Improvements B Design for improved fencing at Albert Park Field $ 240,000 0 $ 240,000 Community Center Improvements B Replacing room dividers at Albert J Boro and Terra Linda Community Centers $ 70,000 0 $ 70,000 Estimated Total $780,000 **Select work or project purpose only from the following menu: a) Routine maintenance b) Renovation of existing recreational facility, including infrastructure (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, design development, etc.) c) Construction of new park or recreation facility (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, de sign development, etc.) Page 4 of 4 d) Parkland acquisition e) Fuel reduction - all types of fuelbreaks, including primary, ridgeline, etc. f) Flashy fuel reduction (ROW, street ends, trail heads, etc.) g) Natural resource protection and restoration, and invasive plant control h) Maintaining vehicle access i) Sudden Oak Death j) Hazard tree removal k) Inventory and monitoring l) Wildlife management monitoring m) Vegetation and wildlife management - Other- E. Certification I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Signature Title __________________________________________ _________________________________ Print Name Date PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT August 2, 2022 Item #7 TITLE: SELECTION OF PICKLEWEED ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE ASSIGNMENTS RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission select a new Pickleweed Advisory Committee representative and alternate for the period September 2022– December 2022. BACKGROUND: As part of the Pickleweed Advisory Committee (Committee) bylaws, the Park & Recreation Commission is responsible for selecting one representative and one alternate as a non-voting liaison to the Committee. The Committee provides valuable input in representing and advocating for Canal area resident’s needs and wishes for programs and services and is a primary public networking resource between the Canal residents, representatives from governmental and non-profit agencies, and others. The Committee is responsible for advising the Park and Recreation Commission, City Council and City Staff on all matters pertaining to the facilities, programs, and services of the Albert J. Boro Community Center and Pickleweed Park. As needed, the Committee makes recommendations on policies and procedures governing the use of the Albert J. Boro Community Center and Pickleweed Park in accordance with the mission of the City of San Rafael. This includes assisting the City with reviewing and evaluating “Use Agreements for Co-Sponsored Programming” at the Albert J. Boro Community Center and Pickleweed Community Park, and promoting the use and support of the Albert J. Boro Community Center and Pickleweed Park within the Canal area neighborhood. The liaison to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee from the Park and Recreation Commission shall serve a term of one (1) year, but not more than two (2) consecutive terms. However, if there is a vacancy, the Park and Recreation Commission has the authority to extend the current representative’s term at their discretion. The Pickleweed Advisory Committee consists of a total of ten (10) members: • Seven (7) voting members • One (1) alternate member • One (1) non-voting representative from the Park and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 2 • One (1) non-voting City staff member who acts as the Committee Chairperson. The Committee meets a minimum of five (5) times per year, with the schedule set in November of the prior year. DISCUSSION Commissioner Ariel Gutierrez was appointed as the alternate to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee in 2020 and was made representative to the Committee in 2021. Commissioner Gutierrez has informed City staff that she will not be able to serve as the Committee representative after the August Committee meeting. Additionally, no alternate representative had been appointed for 2022. As a result of this new vacancy, the Commission is being tasked with selecting one (1) commissioner to serve as the Park and Recreation Commission liaison to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee and one (1) commissioner to serve as alternate to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee for the remainder of the current term through December, 2022. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission. Submitted by: Catherine Quffa Library & Recreation Director