HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2022-11-17 Agenda PacketPARK AND RECREATION
November 17, 2022
6:00 P.M.
Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-11-17-2022
Telephone: Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 20, 2022
2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
3. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Gold Hill Grade Open Space Donation
5. Community Gardens Program Report
6. Terra Linda Community Center Report
7. Aquatics Program Report
8. Selection of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Assignments
9. Review of Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule 2023
10. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
11. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: January 19, 2022
Park and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 1 of 2 November 17, 2022
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the
meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485 -3066
(voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”,
at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in acces sible formats upon request.
Park and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 November 17, 2022
Page 1 of 5
October 20, 2022 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048
Chair Emerson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Chair Emerson
Commissioner Gutierrez
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: Commissioner Machado
Also Present: Catherine Quffa, Library & Recreation Director
Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor
Darcie Chellew, Recreation Supervisor
Joanna Kwok, Senior Civil Engineer
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of September 15, 2022
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of September 15, 2022.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Machado
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
3. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Marin Bocce Federation Prototype Shade Structure
Darcie Chellew introduced Jessica Libien who provided the Park and Recreation
Commission with a schematic of the proposed prototype permanent shade structure for
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Cabrales seconded the approval of
the installation of a prototype shade structure at the Marin Bocce Federation Amenities.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Machado
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
5. San Rafael Girls Softball Agreement Annual Report
Scott Younkin presented the San Rafael girls softball agreement annual report.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Cabrales moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded to accept the
San Rafael Girls Softball agreement annual report.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Machado
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
6. Park Projects and Maintenance Biannual Status Report
Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director, introduced Joanna Kwok,
Senior Civil Engineer for Public Works, who presented the park projects and
maintenance biannual status report.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Cabrales seconded to accept the
park projects and maintenance biannual status report.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Machado
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Gutierrez had a meeting with Safe Routes to School on local traffic
safety around Sun Valley School.
Commissioner Cabrales went to the Arbor Day tree planting at Bret Harte Park.
Commissioner Sandoval had his first Public Art Review Board meeting. He reported
that it was nice to meet everyone and they voted on a Chair and Vice Chair.
Chair Emerson shared on the Marin County Health front they are pushing the bivalent
boosters. They have been approved for ages 5 and up. They expect a Winter surge in
COVID cases. The policy update is that kids don’t need to test out at five days. They
can return to school after five days post COVID.
Public Comment: None
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Mr. Veramay shared that October 22nd is the Arbor Park Mural unveiling at 11:00am.
The California Watercolor Show will run through November 18th at the Falkirk Cultural
Steve Mason gave the Commission the details for the Dia De Los Muertos Celebration.
This Saturday at 3:00 is the car processional. The main event will be on Saturday,
November 5th at the Albert J. Boro Community Center and there will be 25 alters on
display. Mr. Mason also shared that he was asked to give a presentation last Tuesday
on a national webinar to the Association of Multicultural Affairs and Transplantation.
They were trying to find a way to honor those who have passed and have donated their
organs to give life to others. Mr. Mason spoke to the group about doing alters.
Mr. Veramay let the Commission know that Tai Chi and Kung Fu are back at the San
Rafael Community Center.
Today was the City’s Annual Arbor Day Celebration. He recognized our Department of
Public Works for planting several new Oak Trees at Bret Harte Park this morning.
On Monday, City Council approved the new Park Amenity Sponsorship program. This
new policy and application process will help community members that are interested in
donating to sponsor the installation of park amenities such as park benches and picnic
tables. Staff will be working to advertise the new policy in the coming weeks, and we will
share that information as soon as it becomes available.
In early October, City Council approved new Aquatics Pilot Program Fees for Terra
Linda Pool. The City is planning to keep TL pool open into November, and specific
dates and swim schedules will be released soon.
Mr. Veramay also shared that San Rafael arts organizations welcomed state legislators
and local elected officials on Friday, October 14 for a tour of Downtown San Rafael Arts
District (DSRAD), one of 14 designated Cultural Arts Districts in the state. The California
Arts Council received a $30 million one-time General Fund allocation, to be spent over
three years, to support the existing 14 cultural districts and to expand the cultural arts
districts' programs to serve traditionally underserved communities. This tour was an
opportunity for legislators to better understand the Cultural District program and
consider how to support the program moving forward. The group visited Downtown on a
special night that included gallery openings, performances, and premieres coinciding
with the monthly 2nd Friday Art Walk.
The group visited Youth In Arts, the Marin Society of Artists, the City of San Rafael
Falkirk Cultural Center, Art Works Downtown, and the California Film Institute's Smith
Rafael Film Center, which was hosting the Mill Valley Film Festival. The group met with
local artists and business owners, and the walking tour demonstrated how the DSRAD
is advancing equity by unifying, activating, and celebrating our diverse community
through arts and cultural collective impact.
On Tuesday, the City swore in and welcomed their newest Public Board, the Public Art
Review Board. This group is charged with reviewing and approving new public art
Mr. Veramay also shared that the division just welcomed two new Program
Coordinators – Kara Riley, at the San Rafael Community Center, and Cristina Farhang,
at Falkirk Cultural Center, who will also coordinate our community gardens program.
Ms. Quffa gave an update on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The scheduled
November 17th Steering Committee meeting was delayed to January 2023, and the
next update to the Park and Recreation Commission will be January, 2023.
Chair Emerson asked for an update on Beach Park. Ms. Quffa answered that we are
waiting to hear what is happening to the former Terrapin Crossroads restaurant – it
sounds like there are some real estate negotiations happening now, and we want to
assess how the outcome of those plans may impact our plans for the future of Beach
Commissioner Gutierrez asked if there are zoning restrictions for the restaurant that
may limit future use of Beach Park. Ms. Quffa replied that there is a goal in the General
Plan around waterfront recreation pathways; it is private property, we would have to
verify with the community development director regarding zoning, etc.
Public Comment: None
Chair Emerson adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2022
CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director
November 17, 2022
Item #4
That the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council the City’s
acceptance of the donation of vacant land on Gold Hill Grade.
On occasion, the City receives inquiries as to whether it would be interested in accepting a
donation of land for designation as San Rafael Open Space. To provide direction and
consistency in how the City approaches offers of open space, the City Council, with
recommendation from the Park & Recreation Commission, adopted an Open Space Acquisition
Policy in 2017 (Attachment 1). The policy provides specific guiding principles and a process to
deliberate and decide whether to accept donations of land as San Rafael Open Space.
In September 2022, the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST) approached the City with an offer to
broker the donation of a 2.6-acre parcel of open space land (APN 015-250-34) (the “Property”).
The Property is located on the slopes of Gold Hill Grade above the Dominican neighborhood to
the City as permanent open space. Maps of the Property can be found in Attachment 2. The
Property is entirely surrounded by Harry Barbier Memorial Park, which is existing City open
space, and public access is limited to a graded fire road that borders the northwest corner of the
Property. The Property is currently designated as Hillside Resource Residential in the San
Rafael General Plan 2040.1
Over the past year, MOST has been working with the current Property owners, Dyanne Bailey,
and Susan Grippi, and are proposing to acquire the land as a donation and then transfer title of
the Property to the City. MOST would absorb the closing costs and any other costs associated
with the Property transfer. In 2017, the City partnered with MOST to accept two parcels of land
on Makin Grade to set aside as permanent open space using a similar process.
The City of San Rafael Open Space Acquisition Policy establishes a process as well as guiding
principles for reviewing the acquisition of open space. The responsibility for open space
acquisition is established as follows:
1 Per the San Rafael General Plan 2040: Hillside Resource Residential “is intended for privately owned land,
typically with geologic or seismic constraints that limit developm ent potential. Such areas are often located on steep
hillsides that are visually significant and have been identified as ha ving very limited potential through prior
development proposals. Hillside Resource Residential Areas include single family homes on v ery large lots, as well
as undeveloped properties.”
Page 2 of 5
The acquisition of Open Space lands is at the decision and discretion of the San Rafael
City Council. Proposals presented by City staff representing the Departments of
Community Development, Public Works, Police, Fire, Community Services and Finance
will first be considered by the Park and Recreation Commission at one or more public
noticed meetings, and with other community outreach as determined appropriate. The
Commission recommendation to accept or decline the proposed acquisition will be
submitted to the City Council prior to the one or more public noticed meetings when the
proposal is considered for action. If accepted, City staff shall execute the acquisition
and on-going support services for the Open Space preservation, recreation, and public
Staff from the Administrative Services, Community Development, Fire, Library and Recreation,
Police, and Public Works departments have reviewed the proposed donation of the Property
and evaluated the proposal based on the Open Space Acquisition Policy. Staff from all
departments are supportive of the proposed acquisition and have identified the following
elements of the Property that align with the Open Space Acquisition Policy’s guiding principles:
- The Property is located within City of San Rafael City Limits.
- Adding the Property to the City’s open space portfolio would provide positive public
benefit and public utility including:
o Ensuring preservation of the natural space, environment, and existing use.
o As many users are unaware that this Property is not already part of Harry Barbier
Memorial Park, it is currently used for recreation purposes and an undesignated
user trail passes through the Property. Preservation would allow for continued
recreational use and public utility.
- The Property has adjacency and/or connectivity to existing park/open space. The
Property is completely surrounded by existing City open space, so the City is the most
logical owner for open space preservation.
- The Property has title with no feasible alternative ownership options for preservation and
acquisition would be a fee simple title transfer. The Property title report shows that the
Property is currently owned by the two individuals that have been working with MOST.
There is a pipeline easement from 1888 that is mentioned in the title report that the City
has requested further information on. This will be further investigated before a final
recommendation is made to City Council. Otherwise, there are no foreseeable title
conflicts. In addition, MOST would secure title insurance for the City as part of the
- The Property has existing access via a graded fire road that passes through existing City
open space.
- There is public support and endorsement by members of the Dominican Black Canyon
Neighborhood Association for acquisition of the Property. (See Community Engagement
section below.)
- The Department of Public Works has evaluated the Property and determined that it is
environmentally stable and clear of significant safety or security issues. Attachment 2
shows the location of the Property, which includes a small user trail along a ridgeline and
is fully vegetated. Owning the Property could provide wildfire mitigation benefits if the
City decided to use social trails to increase more fuel breaks in the future.
- The location and status of the Property does not pose significant liability issues for the
- Given the location, acquisition of the Property would not present significant financial
impact to City resources for acquisition, management, maintenance or security.
- The Property does not require improvements or amenities.
Page 3 of 5
The San Rafael General Plan 2040 also includes policies and programs that are important to
consider in relation to the proposed acquisition.
Specifically, the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Element states:
Policy PROS-3.1: Open Space Frame
Retain and protect San Rafael’s open space frame, including open space on the city’s
perimeter and the network of open spaces that define and connect the city’s
neighborhoods. Open space should be recognized as essential to wildlife, environmental
and human health, psychological well-being, and as a natural means of separating
communities, preventing sprawl, and providing visual relief.
Program PROS-3.1A: Criteria for Open Space Protection. Use the following criteria
for identifying and prioritizing open space parcels for future protection (the criteria are
not listed in any particular order):
a) Environmental health and safety issues and potential geologic and seismic
b) Aesthetics (visual backdrop or edge, unique site features, shoreline,
c) Wildlife resource value (wetlands, creeks and riparian areas, wildlife habitat
and movement corridors, and habitat for special status species).
d) Ability to sequester carbon and mitigate potential climate-related impacts,
including reduction of wildfire hazard, drought resilience, protection from sea-
level rise.
e) Importance to the community as a whole and/or adjoining neighborhoods.
f) Merits of alternative uses.
g) Ability to connect existing open spaces.
h) Potential for recreational uses and/or environmental education, especially for
economically disadvantaged communities.
i) Availability of outside (non-City) financial assistance.
j) Potential maintenance and management costs and liability exposure for the
k) Feasibility of protection through zoning, easements, development agreements,
and other tools rather than through acquisition.
Many of the criteria for open space protection set forth in the General Plan 2040 align with the
Open Space Acquisition Policy’s guiding principles. As outlined above, many features of the
Property are supportive of the criteria for open space protection. Specifically, the Property is
free of major health and safety issues and geologic hazards; provides wildlife resource value in
ensuring a contiguous wildlife habitat with surrounding City open space; provides potential
wildfire mitigation benefits; connects to existing open space; would be supported financially by
MOST absorbing the property transfer costs; and requires minimal additional maintenance,
management, and liability costs for the City.
Additionally, the Dominican/Black Canyon portion of the Neighborhood Element includes the
Policy NH-2.15: Dominican/Black Canyon Area Resources and Hazards Proactively
work to conserve and restore natural resources and reduce environmental hazards in
the Dominican/Black Canyon area, including wildfire, landslide, and noise hazards.
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Program NH-2.15C: Open Space Dedication. Consider offers to dedicate vacant sites,
including the 17.9-acre parcel at the end of Dominican Drive (also with frontage on Glen
Park Avenue), as public open space.
This acquisition of open space would support the above goals of the General Plan 2040. Should
the City accept this offer of dedication, an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Map will
be required to change the land use designation from the current Hillside Resource Residential
to Parks/Open Space (P/OS).
On Wednesday, November 9, representatives from MOST and City staff met with the Dominican
Black Canyon Neighborhood Association to present the proposed Property acquisition and to
answer any questions. As the Property is surrounded by existing City open space, there are no
immediate neighbors to the Property, however it is in closest proximity to the Dominican Black
Canyon neighborhood. At the Dominican Black Canyon Neighborhood Association, participants
expressed general support for the acquisition and several members articulated their intent to
submit a formal letter of support. The Association Board shared that they would further inform
association members of the acquisition via e-mail and encourage them to attend the November
17 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting to voice their opinions. The City has also received
direct communication from community members, which have been included as Attachment 3.
The proposed Property acquisition is exempt from review under the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines section 15307 (actions for protecting
natural resources) and 15308 (actions for protecting environment). Section 15307 (Class 7)
consists of actions to assure the maintenance, restoration, or enhancement of a natural
resource where the regulatory process involves procedures for protection of the environment.
Section 15308 (Class 8) consists of actions to assure the maintenance, restoration,
enhancement, or protection of the environment where the regulatory process involves
procedures for protection of the environment.
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with acceptance of the donation of the Property on
Gold Hill Grade. MOST has agreed to absorb all closing costs and other expenses associated
with the transfer of Property. City staff have determined that acquisition of the Property as
permanent open space would not require significant additional City resources, financial or
staffing, for ongoing management.
1. Do not recommend acceptance of the donation of vacant land on Gold Hill Grade to City
2. Direct staff to return with more information at a later date.
3. Take no action.
Submitted by:
Catherine Quffa
Page 5 of 5
Library & Receation Director
1. Open Space Acquisition Policy
2. Property Maps
3. Community Response to the Proposed Property Acquisition
City of San Rafael
Open Space Acquisition Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set criteria for selecting and/or accepting the acquisition of
additional Open Space lands by the City of San Rafael.
The acquisition of Open Space lands is at the decision and discretion of the San Rafael City
Council. Proposals presented by City staff representing the Departments of Community
Development, Public Works, Police, Fire, Community Services and Finance will first be
considered by the Park and Recreation Commission at one or more public noticed
meetings, and with other community outreach as determined appropriate. The Commission
recommendation to accept or decline the proposed acquisition will be submitted to the City
Council prior to the one or more public noticed meetings when the proposal is considered
for action. If accepted, City staff shall execute the acquisition and on-going support
services for the Open Space preservation, recreation and public security.
San Rafael General Plan 2020, Goal 30: Protected Open Space
It is the goal of San Rafael to preserve and protect open space and the natural
environment for all to enjoy. Preservation of open space and the natural
environment has been a priority for San Rafael residents for many years. Whenever
possible, the natural terrain and vegetation of the community should be preserved and
The City of San Rafael owns 3,703 acres of Open Space. A total of 7,800 acres of Open
Space is currently within City planning area. The City has purchased or accepted donations
of properties to the Open Space Inventory. In September 2016 the City Council directed a
policy to provide criteria for future acquisition of Open Space lands to ensure that decisions
were made based on the value of prospective lands for public recreation, environmental
stewardship, view corridor retention and other public benefit in relationship to the
responsibility of managing, maintaining and securing the lands in perpetuity.
In the event of an opportunity to expand the City Open Space Inventory, whether by
acquisition, transfer or donation, the following criteria should be applied to the San Rafael
specific property to determine the overall value to the community and compliance with
City goals.
Proposed properties need not meet each criterion. Criteria are not weighted as properties
vary in assets and constraints. To be accepted, properties must satisfy specific elements of
the guiding principles listed below:
o A property must be located within the City of San Rafael City Limits.
o A property should provide a positive added public benefit including but
not limited to:
Cultural/historical significance
Potential for recreational use
Preservation of natural space, environment, and/or existing use
Presence of sensitive wildlife habitat
o A property should provide public utility.
o A property should have adjacency to existing park/open space and/or
connectively to existing or planned parks/open space as identified in the
General Plan.
o A property should have title with no alternative ownership options for
preservation and preferably fee simple title transfer.
o A property should have existing access.
o Public support must be demonstrated for the proposed acquisition.
o Endorsement by Boards and Commissions and community organizations
must be demonstrated for acquisition of proposed property.
o The existing condition of the property should be environmentally stable
and clear of significant safety or security issues.
o The location and status of the property should be free of significant
liability issues.
o The property should not present a significant financial impact to City.
resources for acquisition, management, maintenance or security.
o A property should not require significant improvement or amenities.
Exhibit “A”
r’s Parcel M
Pagge 19
Marin C
County Topo
ographic Maps
Pagge 20
Marin C
County Aeri
al Map
Pagge 22
Gold Hill Fire Road Parcel (015-250-34)
San Rafael City Limit
City Limit Line
Marin County
Marin County
November 17, 2022
Item #5
That the Commission review and approve the updated Community Garden Guidelines
for the Canal and Terra Linda Community Gardens.
The City of San Rafael owns and operates two community gardens, the Canal and the
Terra Linda Community Garden(s). San Rafael’s Community Gardens provide gardeners
spaces to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, or flowers, and build community with other
gardeners. The City manages the garden program, administers the garden according to
the adopted community garden guidelines, and provides some basic amenities at each
garden for community gardener use.
Periodically, staff review the community garden guidelines and recommend changes or
modifications. This report provides an overview of the Community Garden Program and
makes recommendations for several minor changes to the current guidelines.
Canal Community Garden
The Canal Community Garden is an important resource to the Canal neighborhood, which
has a significant portion of the low-income housing in one of the most affluent counties in
the United States. Though the neighborhood is diverse, many residents share a common
tie to a strong food culture. Vietnamese and Latinx residents in the Canal neighborhood
have expressed a desire to be able to grow and produce foods important to their heritage
in a community setting. Additionally, many Canal residents live in high-density apartments
and lack yards to grow their own produce.
The community garden includes: 92 raised beds including 48 half plots, 32 full plots and
12 ADA-raised plots; a greenhouse; a shed for storage and user lockers; potting tables;
wheelbarrows; secured hose bibs and composting bins; concrete paths from the entrance
to and around the common area; drip irrigation system equipped with a solar -powered
controller in the common area; perimeter landscaping with native plants; a trellised
outdoor classroom; vegetated rainwater treatment and educational signage; and
community fruit trees.
The Canal Community Garden maintains a first-come, first-serve waitlist process for
interested gardeners. There are currently about 13 interested gardeners waiting for a plot
at the garden. As plots become open, a plot is offered to the next person on the waitlist.
On average, residents are on the waitlist for 2-3 years before receiving a plot.
Terra Linda Community Garden
The Terra Linda Community Garden is situated at 380 Nova Albion Way, on the site of
the Miller Creek School District Administration Offices. The garden was created in the late
1970’s and contains 70 plots. Sixty-four of the plots are 450 square feet and six plots are
225 square feet. Two of the plots are ADA compliant with a concrete path of travel around
the plots, located next to the entrance gate for the ADA parking space. These plots were
created in 2010 to provide more accessibility for gardeners with limited mobility.
The Terra Linda Community Garden has always been a very popular program for the
community. Currently, the garden has a waitlist of over 70 residents waiting for a plot. As
plots become available, they are offered to the next person on the waitlist. On average,
residents are now on a waitlist for 3-4 years before receiving a plot.
The City is responsible for managing the Community Gardens, which includes
establishing the rules and regulations for the use of the gardens and the expectations of
the community participants. Each garden has their own set of guidelines that have been
established in coordination with their respective garden committees.
In 2021, staff worked with stakeholders to make significant revisions to the guidelines.
The outcome was a new set of guidelines that was adopted in 2022, which created more
consistent oversight of both gardens, except for a few site-specific guidelines.
After a year with the new guidelines, City staff are now recommending a few minor
modifications to improve the clarity and consistency of guideline language. The proposed
guidelines, which are included as Attachment 1 and 2, include recommendations for minor
modifications including:
• Clarifying the number of plots that Canal Community Gardeners may hold,
including clarifying that gardeners who were permitted to hold multiple plots prior
to 2022 will retain that privilege, which will be in alignment with the Terra Linda
Community Garden guidelines.
• Adding the option for Canal Community Gardeners to pay a $20 fee in lieu of
attending garden workdays, which is currently offered at the Terra Linda
Community Garden.
• Clarifying that the Garden Committee may assist in reviewing matters of garden
non-compliance, which has been a long-standing practice within both gardens.
• Adding language that more clearly states that gardeners who are absent for
extended periods of time remain responsible for maintaining their garden plots and
must communicate their plans with the Garden Administrator.
• Other minor grammatical changes for improved clarity.
Throughout the year, staff have attended Community Garden committee meetings and
worked collaboratively with gardeners to receive feedback on the guidelines. Staff
conducted garden committee meetings for both gardens on November 9, 2022 to share
the revised guidelines and incorporate feedback. Both the Terra Linda Garden Committee
and the Canal Garden Committee were satisfied with the proposed changes. Canal
Community Gardeners were particularly pleased with the addition of language adding the
option to pay a $20 fee in lieu of attending garden workdays.
If the new guidelines are adopted, staff will post signs at each garden notifying gardeners
of the changes, and gardeners will receive a copy of the new guidelines with their 2023
season garden application.
There is no fiscal impact associated with adopting the updated Community Garden
Guidelines for the Canal and Terra Linda Community Gardens.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Debbie Younkin, Sr. Recreation Supervisor Cristina Farhang, Program Coordinator
1. Canal Community Garden Guidelines – 2023 Proposed
2. Terra Linda Community Garden Guidelines – 2023 Proposed
City of San Rafael Library and Recreation
Canal Community Garden Guidelines
Proposed - 2023
The following document clarifies the rules, regulations, and expectations around use of the City’s Canal
Community Garden. All plot holders are responsible for abiding by these guidelines.
The Canal Community Garden exists to create and maintain a community-operated garden in the Canal
neighborhood. We are committed to nurturing the land; growing and sharing healthful, pesticide-free,
organic food; developing caring and supportive relationships among gardeners; and sharing our skills,
knowledge and experience. By means of the garden, people of diverse cultures, ages, and abilities
demonstrate the positive effect, to individuals and the community, of joining together as tillers and
preservers of the land.
The goals of the Canal Community Garden are:
1. To establish and maintain a site upon which members can engage in gardening and related
educational and social activities.
2. To grow healthful food and flowers for our families and to share those with community members who
are in need.
3. To preserve a productive green space and surrounding environment for future generations, honoring
the agricultural heritage of the Canal neighborhood.
1. Community garden plots are to be used to grow vegetables, fruit (non-trees), herbs, and/or flowers only.
2. San Rafael community gardens are for use by San Rafael residents only. Starting January 1, 2022, any
gardener that moves out of San Rafael will forfeit their plot the following year. Current garden members
who moved out of the San Rafael prior to January 1, 2022 will be allowed to continue to have a plot in
the garden.
3. A garden application will be mailed out to gardeners in mid-January. Garden Application along with a
proof of San Rafael residence and annual fees are due on or before March 15 of each year to the Albert
J. Boro Community Center.
4. San Rafael residents wishing to apply for a community garden plot should contact the garden
administrator, listed at the end of this document. Interested residents’ names and contact information
will be placed on a waitlist. When a plot becomes available, potential gardeners will be contacted in the
order in which their interest was received and will be asked to formally apply for a plot.
5. Residents are permitted to have one (1) garden plot per household at either the Canal Community
Garden or the Terra Linda Community Garden. Canal Community Garden plot holders who were
allowed two plots at the Canal Community Garden prior to 2022 shall retain that privilege.
6. All gardeners are expected to help with tasks to benefit the community garden. For example, each year
there will be two to four workdays scheduled plus ongoing opportunities such as weeding and cleaning
in the communal areas. Gardeners are expected to participate in a minimum of two garden workdays
per year. However, if gardeners are unable to participate in a garden workday, they have the option to
instead pay a $20.00 workday fee instead.
7. City of San Rafael staff and the Steering Committee reserve the right to evaluate plots for compliance.
Staff reserves the right to issue notices to plots holders and revoke privileges at the community garden
without reimbursement of paid fees and lost crops, according to the Compliance section of the garden
1. Garden hours are sunrise to sunset.
2. All gates and structures must be locked, and all water hoses turned off prior to leaving the garden.
3. Plot holders are not allowed give the lock combination to any unauthorized individual.
4. Guests, children and hired help may visit the garden only if accompanied by a plot holder.
1. The community garden adheres strictly to organic gardening principles, concepts, and practices. Use of
pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, or other such substances or practices inconsistent with
organic gardening principles are prohibited. If a plot holder is unsure of whether a product is allowed,
please check with City of San Rafael staff. Gardeners must make sure that any product they spray does
not come into contact with another gardener’s plot.
2. The Canal Community Garden has 32 full plots, 48 half plots, and 12 ADA accessible garden plots
available at the community garden. Individuals with a disability have priority in renting the ADA
accessible garden plots.
3. Changing the structure or dimensions of plots is prohibited.
4. Growing plants outside of your plot is prohibited.
5. Weeds must be controlled and must not be allowed to go to seed within or around plots. Plot holders
must clear all weeds within 2 feet of their plot.
6. Individual garden plots are to be fully utilized, with no less than 75% planted, and no more than 25%
used for storage.
7. Structures must be no higher than 6 feet from the ground and not cast shade on another plot; no
permanent structures are allowed.
8. Creating a sunlight obstruction for adjacent plots is not allowed. Tall crops must be positioned in a way
that does not cast shade on neighboring plots.
9. Gardeners are expected to participate in at least one workday per year to support site maintenance and
work on special renovation projects within the garden. If unable to attend a workday, gardeners can
work with City staff to determine alternative opportunities to support the garden.
10. Trees are not allowed in individual garden plots. Only the City may determine to plant community trees
in common areas.
11. Growing marijuana in the garden for ANY reason, including for medical or recreational purposes, is
12. In order to control fly and rodent populations in the garden, meat scraps, kitchen oils, bread, etc. are not
allowed in garden plots or compost bin. Vegetable scraps used for compost must be buried within the
13. Trimmings and plant material not being used as compost must be removed and put in the green
compost bins.
14. Crops must be harvested and cannot be left to rot within the plot. This includes dry sunflowers, corn and
rotting veggies, which attract rodents. If a gardener is unable to use entire crop, they are encouraged to
donate additional produce.
15. If a garden plot remains undeveloped, unattended, or overgrown for more than 30 days, the plot holder
will be notified in writing by the City of San Rafael and the plot may be reassigned, based on the
process outlined in the Compliance section.
16. By May 15th, plots are to be cleared of any winter crops and winterization materials and spring crops
must be planted.
17. By December 1st, plots must be clear of all spring/summer crops and either have winter crops planted or
be winterized. Definition of winterized – Cover your plot with an approved ground cover, such as
newspaper with a straw covering; staff will provide gardeners with a complete list of approved materials.
Should a gardener not want to winterize their plot, they must remove all dead plants and ensure that the
plot remains weed free all winter.
18. When vacating a plot to move to a new plot or discontinuing garden participation, the plot holder must
clear the area of plant material, weeds, and any equipment so that the plot is ready for the next
gardener. If a plot holder fails to remove material, the city will employ an outside landscaper to clear the
plot at the plot holder’s expense.
19. The City of San Rafael has the right to utilize the garden for public events.
20. Report leaking faucets, leaks in the irrigation system or other general maintenance to
garden@cityofsanrafael.org or call (415) 485-3328.
1. During non-drought years, the maximum amount of watering for any one plot is limited to 15 minutes per
day. This equals about 75 gallons per day, which would be sufficient for the hottest days. Please note
that during drought conditions, the City may implement additional water conservation measures.
2. Watering must be performed while immediately attended by a gardener.
3. Modification to the existing drip irrigation system is prohibited and individual plot irrigation systems are
not permitted.
4. Water conservation and techniques, such as the use of mulch and compost, is encouraged.
5. Gardeners should turn off the hose bib/water faucet, not just the spray nozzle, when they are done
1. Wheelbarrows must be emptied after use and placed in the proper storage location.
2. On-site storage of personal items is not allowed in walkways or other common areas. Walkways
between plots must remain clear.
3. Gardeners must label their locker with their name and plot number.
4. Personal hand tools may be stored in a locker or in garden plot in a non-hazardous manner.
5. Communal tools must be cleaned and returned to the garden shed after use.
1. Please respect other gardeners and plots. Do not pick crops or use items from other plots.
2. Gardeners shall not engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting, or indecent language, or
any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to breach public space.
3. Children must be supervised at all times. Parents are encouraged to explain the importance of
respecting the plots and the harvests of others.
4. No animals, other than service animals, are allowed in the garden. Those plot holders requiring the
assistance of a service animal, must notify the garden administrator prior to attending the community
garden with the plot holder. All service animals must remain on leash while assisting the plot holder.
5. The use of radios or other audio equipment is prohibited, except for individuals listening on headphones.
6. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are not permitted inside or within 25 feet of the
7. Do not write on or deface City of San Rafael signage or property.
8. Gardeners are expected to be respectful of other gardeners and guests within the garden.
1. All Canal Community Garden plot holders are expected to abide by the rules and regulations
established in the Community Garden Guidelines.
2. The compliance process for the community gardens is as follows:
a First incident of non-compliance results in a notification of non-compliance and request to bring
plot back into compliance within a certain timeframe as determined by staff.
b Second incident of non-compliance results in a similar notification, but with a notice that the plot
will be revoked if not brought into compliance. If brought into compliance, plot holder will be
notified that any further infractions will result in their plot being immediately revoked.
c Third incident of non-compliance will result in their plot privileges being immediately revoked.
3. City of San Rafael staff retain the right to revoke gardening privileges and/or create new garden
guidelines, with proper notice given to plot holders, and make decisions regarding garden and conduct
at any time.
4. If a gardener fails to maintain their plot to rules and regulation standards, they will be given the
opportunity to correct the infraction, per the above compliance process.
5. Plot holders that have their privileges revoked will not be reimbursed for fees paid nor crops lost and the
individual may not be eligible for future garden opportunities.
6. Gardeners are responsible for maintaining their garden plot. Gardeners who are absent for extended
periods of time must develop plans to continue maintenance of their plot and will retain ultimate
responsibility to ensure that the plot remains in compliance. This can be done by arranging for a fellow
gardener or friend to assist you, or by hiring outside help to maintain the plot during an absence. Any
gardener that is absent for more than two weeks must notify the Garden Administrator prior to their
absence and inform them who will be assisting with their plot’s maintenance during the absence.
7. If a plot holder is unable to comply with the garden guidelines because of a disability and would like to
request reasonable accommodation, they must notify staff as soon as possible but no later than 14 days
from the onset of disability, injury, or illness. Staff will contact the plot holder to engage in an interactive
process to determine whether a reasonable accommodation can be made to find solutions to bring the
plot into compliance.
1. Composition, Qualifications, Election and Term of Office:
a. The Garden Committee is comprised of five (5) elected gardeners. City staff serve as the Garden
Administrator on the Garden Committee in an advisory (non-voting) capacity.
b. The Garden Committee’s shall be official plot holders whose plots adhere with garden guidelines.
c. All Garden Committee members shall be elected to a one-year term, for a maximum of three (3)
consecutive terms. Garden Committee members may be re-elected by a majority of votes cast by
garden plot holders.
d. A Garden Committee member may be removed from the Committee after missing 50% or more of
Garden Committee meetings in a calendar year of if their plot is out of compliance.
e. A quorum of the Garden Committee shall consist of at least three (3) elected members. A simple
majority vote at any meeting where a quorum is present shall be sufficient to take action as needed
to support operation of the garden.
2. Role of the Garden Committee:
a. The Garden Committee shall have a general responsibility to provide overall support for the
garden. This includes identifying top priorities for the garden each year, through feedback from
gardeners. The Garden Committee will serve as project leads who will work towards
accomplishing top priorities of the garden. Standing priorities include garden communication,
garden workdays, and social opportunities.
b. Garden Committee members will serve in a lead role in a specific area and will work with garden
volunteers to help achieve the priorities of the garden through a collaborative approach.
c. The Garden Committee will form ad hoc volunteer working groups to help support the overall
priorities of the garden.
d. The Garden Committee shall meet as needed to accomplish the goals of the garden.
e. The Garden Committee may assist in reviewing matters of garden non-compliance.
f. The Garden Administrator shall have the right to override any decision made by the Garden
Committee and the general membership.
All gardeners are required to follow these Canal Community Garden Guidelines to ensure a successful,
enjoyable garden experience.
City of San Rafael
Library and Recreation Department
Contact: garden@cityofsanrafael.org
Garden Administrator: Cristina Farhang (415) 485-3328
Albert J. Boro Community Center
50 Canal St. San Rafael CA 94901
(415) 485-3077
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City of San Rafael Library and Recreation
Terra Linda Community Garden Guidelines
The following document clarifies the rules, regulations, and expectations around use of the City’s Terra
Linda Community Garden. All plot holders are responsible for abiding by these guidelines.
The Terra Linda Community Garden exists to create and maintain a community-operated garden in Terra
Linda. We are committed to nurturing the land; growing and sharing healthful, pesticide-free, organic food;
developing caring and supportive relationships among gardeners; and sharing our skills, knowledge, and
experience. By means of the garden, people of diverse cultures, ages, and abilities demonstrate the positive
effect, to individuals and the community, of joining together as tillers and preservers of the land.
The goals of the Terra Linda Community Garden are:
1. To establish and maintain a site upon which members can engage in gardening and related
educational and social activities.
2. To grow healthful food and flowers for our families and to share those with community members who
are in need.
3. To preserve a productive green space and surrounding environment for future generations, honoring
the agricultural heritage of the Las Gallinas Valley.
1. Community garden plots are to be used to grow vegetables, fruit (non-trees), herbs, and/or flowers
2. San Rafael Community Gardens are for use by San Rafael residents only. Starting January 1, 2022,
any gardener that moves out of San Rafael will forfeit their plot the following calendar year. Current
garden members who moved out of San Rafael prior to January 1, 2022, will be allowed to continue
have a plot in the garden.
3. A garden application will be mailed to gardeners in mid-January. Garden applications along with
proof of San Rafael residence and annual fees are due on or before March 15th of each year to the
Terra Linda Community Center.
4. San Rafael residents wishing to apply for a community garden plot should contact the garden
administrator, listed at the end of this document. Interested residents’ names and contact
information will be placed on a waitlist. When a plot becomes available, potential gardeners will be
contacted in the order in which their interest was received and will be asked to formally apply for a
5. Residents are permitted to have one (1) garden plot per household at either the Canal Community
Garden or the Terra Linda Community Garden. Terra Linda Community Garden plot holders who
were allowed two plots at the Terra Linda Garden by previous bylaws shall retain that privilege.
6. All gardeners are expected to help with tasks that benefit the community garden. For example, each
year there will be two to four scheduled workdays, as well as ongoing opportunities such as weeding
and cleaning in the common areas. Gardeners are expected to participate in a minimum of two
garden workdays per year. However, if gardeners are unable to participate in a garden workday,
they have the option to instead pay a $20.00 workday fee instead.
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7. City of San Rafael staff and the Steering Committee reserve the right to evaluate plots for
compliance. Staff reserves the right to issue notices to plots holders and revoke privileges at the
community garden without reimbursement of paid fees and lost crops, according to the Compliance
section of the garden guidelines.
1. Garden hours are sunrise to sunset.
2. All gates and structures must be locked, and all water hoses turned off prior to leaving the garden.
3. Plot holders are prohibited from loaning or copying their garden keys.
4. Guests, children and/or assistants may visit the garden only if accompanied by a plot holder.
1. The community garden adheres strictly to organic gardening principles, concepts, and practices.
Use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, or other such substances or practices inconsistent
with organic gardening principles are prohibited. If a plot holder is unsure of whether a product is
allowed, please check with City staff. Gardeners must make sure that any product they spray does
not come into contact with another gardener’s plot.
2. Full plots are a maximum of 15’x30’ (450 square feet). Half plots are a maximum of 15’x15’ (225
square feet).
3. Changing the structure or dimensions of plots is prohibited.
4. Growing plants outside of plots is prohibited.
5. Weeds must be controlled and must not be allowed to go to seed within or around plots. Plot
holders must clear all weeds within 2 feet of their plot.
6. Individual garden plots are to be fully utilized, with no less than 75% planted, and no more than 25%
used for storage.
7. Structures must be no higher than 6 feet from the ground and not cast shade on another plot; no
permanent structures are allowed.
8. Creating a sunlight obstruction for adjacent plots is not allowed. Tall crops must be positioned in a
way that does not cast shade on neighboring plots.
9. The storing of items needs to be a minimum of 6 inches off the ground. Storage receptacles either
need to be tightly closed or fully open to deter rodents from nesting. All items must be kept in a non-
hazardous manner.
10. Personal items, including compost bins are to be placed within an individual’s plot.
11. No Trees are allowed in the garden. There are fig trees and an herb garden for communal use by
plot holders. Gardeners are asked to take only what they need and to leave some for others. Do not
step into people’s plots to access fig trees or the herb garden
12. Growing marijuana in the garden for ANY reason, including for medical or recreational purposes, is
13. In order to control insect and rodent populations in the garden, meat scraps, kitchen oils, bread, etc.
are not allowed in garden plots or compost bins. Vegetable scraps used for compost must be buried
within the plot.
14. Trimmings and plant material not being used as compost must be removed and put in the green
compost bins.
15. Crops must be harvested and cannot be left to rot within the plot. This includes dry sunflowers,
rotting fruit or vegetables, which attract rodents. If a gardener is unable to use entire crop, they are
encouraged to donate any additional produce.
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16. If a garden plot remains undeveloped, unattended, or overgrown for more than 30 days, the plot
holder will be notified in writing by the City of San Rafael and the plot may be reassigned, based on
the process outlined in the Compliance section.
17. By May 15thof each year, plots are to be cleared of any winter crops, winterized and spring/summer
flowers/crops must be planted.
18. By December 1stof each year, plots must be clear of all spring/summer crops and either have winter
crops planted or be winterized. Winterized defined– Cover your plot with an approved ground cover,
such as newspaper with a straw covering; staff will provide gardeners with a complete list of
approved materials. Should a gardener not want to winterize their plot, they must remove all dead
plants and ensure that the plot remains weed free all winter.
19. When vacating a plot to move to a new plot or discontinuing garden participation, the plot holder
must clear the area of plant material, weeds, and any equipment so that the plot is ready for the next
gardener. If a plot holder fails to remove material, the City will clear the plot at the plot holder’s
20. Report leaking faucets, water line break, fence repairs or other general maintenance to
garden@cityofsanrafael.org or call (415) 485-3328.
1. During non-drought years, the maximum amount of watering per plot is limited to15 minutes per day.
This equals about 75 gallons per day, which would be sufficient for the hottest days. Please note
that during drought conditions, the City may implement additional water conservation measures.
2. Watering may be accomplished by a drip type irrigation system that is connected directly to a hose
and while immediately attended by a gardener. Timers and in ground irrigation systems are
3. Watering must be performed while immediately attended by a gardener.
4. Water conservation and techniques, such as the use of mulch and compost, is encouraged.
5. Gardeners should turn off the hose bib/water faucet, not just the spray nozzle, when they are done
1. Wheelbarrows must be emptied after use and placed in the proper storage location.
2. On-site storage of personal items is not allowed in walkways or other common areas. Walkways
between plots must remain clear.
3. Dumpsters are for school district and garden use only. No illegal dumping.
4. The Terra Linda Community Garden land is owned by the Miller Creek School District and operated
by the City of San Rafael. Gardeners need to be “good neighbors” to insure a successful
relationship. Please keep your plots maintained.
1. Please respect other gardeners and plots. Do not pick crops, clip flowers or plant, and/or use items
from other plots.
2. Gardeners shall not engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting, or indecent
language, or in any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to a breach of public space.
3. Children must be supervised at all times. Parents are encouraged to explain the importance of
respecting the plots and the harvests of others.
4. No animals, other than service animals, are allowed in the garden. Those plot holders requiring the
assistance of a service animal, must notify the garden administrator prior to attending the
community garden with the plot holder. All service animals must always remain on leash
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while assisting the plot holder. Service animals must be taken outside the garden to relieve
themselves and remnants left behind must be taken to an outside trash can.
5. The use of radios or other audio equipment is prohibited, except for individuals listening on
6. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are prohibited anywhere onsite or on the adjacent
school district property.
7. Do not write on or deface City of San Rafael signage or property.
8. Gardeners are expected to be respectful of other gardeners and guests within the community
1. All Terra Linda Community Garden plot holders are expected to abide by the rules and regulations
established in the Community Garden Guidelines.
2. The compliance process for the community gardens is as follows:
a. First incident of non-compliance will result in a notification of non-compliance and request to
bring plot back into compliance within a certain timeframe as determined by staff.
b. Second incident of non-compliance will result in a similar notification, but with a notice that
the plot will be revoked if not brought into compliance. If brought into compliance, plot holder
will be notified that any further infractions will result in their plot privileges being immediately
c. Third incident of non-compliance will result in their plot privileges being immediately revoked.
3. City of San Rafael staff retain the right to revoke gardening privileges and/or create new garden
guidelines, with proper notice given to plot holders, and make decisions regarding garden conflicts
and conduct at any time.
4. If a gardener fails to maintain their plot to rules and regulation standards, they will be given the
opportunity to correct the infraction, per the above compliance process.
5. Plot holders that have their privileges revoked will not be reimbursed for fees paid nor plants/crops
lost, and the individual may not be eligible to participate at either of the City of San Rafael
Community Gardens in the future.
6. Gardeners are responsible for maintaining their garden plot. Gardeners who are absent for extended
periods of time must develop plans to continue maintenance of their plot and will retain ultimate
responsibility to ensure that the plot remains in compliance. This can be done by arranging for a
fellow gardener or friend to assist you, or by hiring outside help to maintain the plot during an
absence. Any gardener that is absent for more than two weeks must notify the Garden Administrator
prior to their absence and inform them who will be assisting with their plot’s maintenance.
If a plot holder is unable to comply with the garden guidelines because of a disability and would like
to request reasonable accommodation, they must notify staff as soon as possible but no later than
14 days from the onset of disability, injury, or illness. Staff will contact the plot holder to engage in an
interactive process to determine whether a reasonable accommodation can be made to find
solutions to bring the plot into compliance.
1. Composition, Qualifications, Election and Term of Office:
a. The Garden Committee is comprised of five (5) elected gardeners. City staff serve as the
Garden Administrator on the Garden Committee in an advisory (non-voting) capacity.
b. The Garden Committee’s shall be official plot holders whose plots adhere with garden
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c. All Garden Committee members shall be elected to a one-year term, for a maximum of three
(3) consecutive terms. Garden Committee members may be re-elected by a majority of votes
cast by garden plot holders.
d. A Garden Committee member may be removed from the Committee after missing 50% or
more of Garden Committee meetings in a calendar year or if their plot is out of compliance.
e. A quorum of the Garden Committee shall consist of at least three (3) elected members. A
simple majority vote at any meeting where a quorum is present shall be sufficient to take
action as needed to support operation of the garden.
2. Role of the Garden Committee:
a. The Garden Committee shall have a general responsibility to provide overall support for the
garden. This includes identifying top priorities for the garden each year, through feedback
from gardeners. The Garden Committee will serve as project leads who will work towards
accomplishing top priorities of the garden. Standing priorities include garden communication,
garden workdays, and social opportunities.
b. Garden Committee members will serve in a lead role in a specific area and will work with
garden volunteers to help achieve the priorities of the garden through a collaborative
c. The Garden Committee will form ad hoc volunteer working groups to help support the overall
priorities of the garden.
d. The Garden Committee shall meet as needed to accomplish the goals of the garden.
e. The Garden Committee may assist in reviewing matters of garden non-compliance.
f. The Garden Administrator shall have the right to override any decision made by the Garden
Committee and the general membership.
All gardeners are required to follow these Terra Linda Community Garden Guidelines to ensure a
successful, enjoyable garden experience.
City of San Rafael
Library and Recreation Department
Contact: garden@cityofsanrafael.org
Garden Administrator: Cristina Farhang (415) 485-3328
Terra Linda Community Center
670 Del Ganado Rd. San Rafael CA 94903
(415) 485-3344
November 17, 2022
Item #6
That the Park and Recreation Commission receive the report and comment.
The Terra Linda Community Center is in North San Rafael and is the oldest and smallest
of the community centers for the City of San Rafael. The center has 3 classrooms that
can be modified to make one big room to accommodate larger classes or rentals. There
is also one designated art classroom. Terra Linda Community Center is in Terra Linda
Park, next to the Terra Linda Pool. Directly behind the community center, picnic area and
stage, located within the park area. The Community Center and Park primarily serve
residents of North San Rafael but due to the course offerings, proximity to the pool and
the park, it attracts many residents from all of over San Rafael.
The Terra Linda Community Center provides programming for preschoolers to older
adults. Programs offered in 2022 included:
Youth Programs
Summer Clay camps
Little Angels playgroup – new
Clay Time
Decorating Workshops
Tae Kwon Do – martial arts
Mud Masters Yoga with Erin Hang out with Clay for Teens
Adult Programs
Creative Art
Ceramics classes for
Beginners, Intermediate
and Advanced
Careful Yoga and
Stretch - Zoom
Dance Away
Stress - new
Pilates class –
Basic Stretch
TL Seniors
Tole Painting
Community Center Rentals:
The Community Center provides also serves as a location for life events, ongoing rentals,
community organizations, ongoing meetings, and programs. These are important
community uses of the center. In recent years, staff have experienced some challenges
with facility rentals, including constraints on rental programming due to challenges
retaining facility attendants, as well as noise complaints from neighbors. Staff are actively
working on recruiting additional facility attendants to support this program for the
community, and working with facility attendants, renters, and neighbors towards solutions
to minimize noise impacts.
Additional weekend classes have been added on Saturday this year and there has been
an increase in requests for children’s birthday party rentals and baby showers during
daytime hours on weekends, which does not impact the neighbors.
Park Programs:
Terra Linda Park is utilized heavily by the surrounding neighborhood, as well as the
Recreation Division. During the summer, staff host a Movie Night in the Park and provide
space for the Terra Linda Neighborhood Association to host National Night Out each
August. Montessori de Terra Linda school uses the Terra Linda Park on a school year
basis for PE and recess.
Summary of 2022 Program Operations
Prior to the pandemic, the Terra Linda Community Center and Park hosted an annual
Summer Kick-Off with a live band, food and fun activities for everyone. We are hoping to
bring this event back in 2023, as it was a community favorite.
The pandemic was impactful to Terra Linda Community Center, but programs are slowly
rebounding. The Center was fortunate to find ways to continue many programs over the
past two years, modifying operations to adapt to changing conditions. For instance,
Jazzercise and Ceramics classes moved outside, until they could return inside, and staff
expanded classroom access to allow for spatial distancing. Despite these efforts, some
programs have still not recovered to pre-pandemic attendance levels of use.
One of the Community Center’s biggest programs – Bridge – was unable to operate for
an extended period during the pandemic and delayed their return post-covid to Fall
2021. Prior to the pandemic, bridge operated six periods of bridge play, five days a
week. At present, bridge is offered only 3 times a week. New programs and an
expansion of existing classes are helping to fill the gaps as we move forward with
rebuilding programming.
While the pandemic was impactful, staff and community members have also identified
that the Terra Linda Community Center may require significant investment to meet
future needs. The Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan has identified that North
San Rafael and the Terra Linda neighborhood may experience significant growth in
coming years and that the Terra Linda Community Center has limited capabilities to
meet future demand. Many of the challenges staff face are related to facility or
infrastructure deficiencies.
Moving forward, staff anticipate the need to continue to adapt programs to meet
changing community needs, and to work creatively to offer programs utilizing a facility
that has limitations. In addition, moving away from operating the Hamilton Pool may
provide the Coordinator and Supervisor additional bandwidth to focus energy on offering
new and additional programming and events at the Terra Linda Community Center.
Revenues remain below pre-pandemic levels. Staff are controlling expenses effectively
and working diligently to recruit and retain additional staff to build additional program
Revenue FY21 FY 22 FY 23 (YTD)
Contract Classes $91,160 $183,707 $76,533
Staff Led Classes $12,531 $3,622 $0
Rentals $12,101 $59,488 $9,997
Total Revenue $115,792 $246,817 $86,530 (32% of
Expense FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 (YTD)
Personnel $251,891 $283,828 $87,501
Non-Personnel $193,300 $166,213 $40,862
Total Expenses $445,191 $450,041 $128,363 (24% of
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Debbie Younkin, Sr. Recreation Supervisor
November 17, 2022
Item #7
That the Park and Recreation Commission receive the report and provide comment.
This report shares an overview of the 2022 San Rafael Aquatics Programs. The City of
San Rafael operated two swimming pools for the 2022 season: Terra Linda Pool,
located in the Terra Linda neighborhood and housed alongside the Terra Linda
Community Center, and Hamilton Pool, a facility owned by the City of Novato, located in
Hamilton Park. This summer, Terra Linda and Hamilton Community Pools offered the
following programs:
Lap Swim and Recreation Swim
Lap Swim times are provided for swimmers who want to practice strokes, endurance, or
exercise. Terra Linda has an active mid day lap swim and early morning lap swim
group. Recreational Swim (Rec Swim) is for recreational use and the pool is set up
without specific lane lines, allowing more free play in the water.
Pool Party Rentals
Pool rentals can be booked during Rec Swim times for a minimum of two hours per
rental. These rentals include use of the pool along with two tables under a shade
structure for the host and their guests.
Swim Lessons
Terra Linda and Hamilton Community Pools offer group swim lessons starting at six
months of age for Parent Tot class. Levels 1 – 7 begin at the age of three. This summer,
group swim lessons were available Monday – Thursday, and were offered Jun 20 – Aug
4. Due to limited staffing, we were unable to offer group swim lessons before mid-June
or after August 4. Swim lessons emphasize fun and safety in the aquatic environment
through guided instruction with a swim instructor.
Patrons have the option to register for private lessons. Private lessons are 30 minutes in
length with a one-on-one student-to-teacher ratio. Alternatively, patrons may sign up for
a semiprivate lesson, which is designed for two students at similar swim levels who are
assigned to one instructor. Private lessons allow flexibility for swimmers to schedule
lessons around their availability.
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Group Lesson Attendance 2022
Group Lessons – Terra Linda 196
Group Lessons – Hamilton 234
Private Lessons – Terra Linda 327
Private Lessons - Hamilton 181
Camp TL
Camp TL is a summer camp for children entering first through third grades. During their
camp week the children play games, create arts and crafts, visit the nearby playground,
and enjoy supervised pool time. Each week is themed with activities following the theme
of the week. This summer, 59 campers participated through the 6 sessions offered.
Junior Guard Camp
Junior Guard Camp is for children, 10 – 12 years of age. Participants learn the skills
needed to help respond to emergencies in and around the pool, including learning about
proper water entries, water rescues, head, neck, and back injuries, and basic first aid.
This camp is designed for kids that enjoy being at the pool, working with others, and
who want to learn what it takes to be a lifeguard. Two sessions were offered at Terra
Linda Community Pool with a total of 19 participants.
Junior Guard Basics
Junior Lifeguard Basics is designed for youth 12 – 14 years of age. Participants build a
strong foundation of knowledge and skills geared towards prevention and responses to
emergencies. The class introduced lifeguarding, and the goal is to help participants
prepare to take the official Lifeguard Training Course to become lifeguards once they
turn 15. Two sessions were offered at Terra Linda Community Pool with a total of 24
participants. This is a great “grow your own employee” program as it helps get youth
interested in lifeguarding.
Lifeguard Training Courses
Lifeguard Training Courses (LGT) teach lifeguard candidates the skills and knowledge
needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. To be eligible for the LGT
course, candidates must be 15 years of age on or before the final scheduled class.
Candidates must successfully complete prerequisites including, swimming 300 yards
continuously demonstrating rhythmic breathing, tread water for 2 minutes using legs
only, and complete a timed event within 1 minute and 40 seconds. After successful
completion of the class, students are certified i n American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First
Aid, CPR/AED for Professional Rescues. This season we provided training to 41 new
staff and certified a total of 75 lifeguards to support agencies across the Bay Area. The
City of San Rafael provides the class for free to new staff; except for the $41.00
certification fee to the American Red Cross. If taken elsewhere, the LGT course can
cost anywhere from $250-$300 for those looking to get certified.
Day Camps and Large Groups
Staff work with several Day Camp and childcare organizations to schedule pool use
during the summer season. Most of the groups visit the pool at least once a week, and
bring between 15 -100 swimmers, depending on the group. Staff work to achieve a
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balance of swimmers from outside groups and still provide space for pass holders and
the general public. This summer, Groups include:
• City of Novato Camps
• City of San Rafael Childcare
• Mark Day School Basketball Camp
• Santa Margarita Children’s Center
• St. Vincent’s School for Boys
Orcas Swim Team
The Terra Linda Community Pool has provided space for the Terra Linda Orcas swim
team, which is a part of the Marin Swim League, for more than 60 years. The Orcas
host practices, swim meets, stroke clinics, and other team events. Swim team practice
is typically Monday – Friday from 5:15pm-8:30pm. In summer months, the Orcas offer
additional morning practice sessions.
Aquatics Staffing
For the 2022 pool season, Terra Linda and Hamilton Community Pools hired 113
temp/seasonal staff, which included Cashiers, Swim Instructors, Lifeguards and Head
Guards. About twenty five percent of the staff were returning from previous years and
seventy five percent were new aquatic staff members with the City of San Rafael.
More than sixty hours were allocated to staff training which included orientations,
position specific trainings and in-services. Head Guards and management staff also
conduct daily staff trainings on customer service, first aid, CPR, cash handling, proper
cleaning and much more. The aquatics staff did a great job managing the risks of
operating a public pool for a wide range of swimmers with varying capabilities.
Pool Participation/Usage
2022 Terra Linda and Hamilton Pool attendance was lower than pre-pandemic
attendance levels, however, attendance is rebounding. The tables below compare
attendance between 2019-2022 at both the Terra Linda and Hamilton Community
Pools. The primary factor constraining attendance continues to be staffing limitations,
however, staff are optimistic that with continued effort to recruit and train new lifeguards,
capacity should increase, and attendance figures should continue to rise in future
Terra Linda Pool Attendance 2019 2020 2021 2022
Lap Swim 2,650 4,096 6,932 5,269
Recreation Swim 12,159 3,249 11,085 7,974
Season Pass 6,954 n/a n/a 1,652
Pool Parties 1,369 n/a n/a 576
Day Camps & Large Groups 1,112 n/a n/a 1,071
Terra Linda Orca Swim Team 6,546 1,800 7,787 6,000
Guest Passes 408 n/a n/a n/a
Free Passes 158 n/a n/a 19
Water Aerobics 276 n/a n/a 277
Total: 35,311 9,145 27,454 22,838
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Hamilton Pool Attendance 2019 2020 2021 2022
Lap Swim 1,228 n/a 2,655 1,123
Recreation Swim 12,281 n/a 9,934 10,929
Season Pass 3,250 n/a n/a 1,419
Pool Parties 1,730 n/a n/a 471
Day Camps & Large Groups 1,473 n/a n/a 545
Guest Passes 275 n/a n/a n/a
Free Passes 67 n/a n/a 30
Water Aerobics 203 n/a n/a 211
Total: 21,439 n/a 12,589 14,728
Hamilton Pool Agreement
The City has operated Hamilton Pool as part of an agreement with the City of Novato for
the past 12 years. The City will not be entering into a new agreement to operate
Hamilton Pool in 2023, and our current agreement with the City of Novato will expire on
November 30, 2022. We made this decision in part due to the ongoing staffing
challenges our Aquatics program has experienced, as well as to focus additional efforts
on offering more extensive Terra Linda Pool programs to provide the best possible
experience for San Rafael Residents. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to
partner with the City of Novato for the past 12 years, and we are also excited to learn
that they intend to launch their own Aquatics Division to manage Hamilton Pool moving
Pilot Fall/Winter Season
Typically, Terra Linda Pool closes for the season mid to late September. In October, the
City Council approved implementation of new pilot program fees for a fall/winter
aquatics program at the Terra Linda Community Pool. These fees are currently in use,
and staff are evaluating community demand and the sustainability of fall/winter program
operations using these new fees. The pilot program will run through at least mid-
November, and depending on demand, may be extended further into the winter.
Operating expenses during the fall season are higher than during the summer months,
and these new pilot program fees are designed to help offset the cost of operating the
pool during this season. The fees below were approved by City Council on Monday,
October 3, 2022, and will remain in effect through the winter. Terra Linda Pool will
resume using our standard fees on April 1, 2023.
Program Area Adult
Drop-In Lap Swim $11 $14 $8 $11
5-Punch Pass $55 $70 $40 $55
10-Punch Pass $110 $140 $80 $110
Aquatics staff have offered Lap Swim, WaterGym, Masters Swim Programs, and Private
Swim Lessons during the fall season, as well as private group rentals to organizations
like the Terra Linda Orcas and the AC Swim Club.
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Staff are currently evaluating the operation and fiscal impact of this program and may
recommend amending the Master Fee Schedule to adopt fall/winter fees permanently.
Fiscal Impact
Pool program revenue was significantly reduced due to the pandemic but is slowly
rebounding. This season, the pools experienced a decrease in projected revenue for
swim lessons due to a shortage of instructors. Additionally, staff shortages forced the
pools to operate using reduced hours, further limiting revenue.
Last season, the pools changed the season pass model, simplifying the fee structure
and seasons. Pool staff are continuing to evaluate whether this may have any impact on
pool use patterns. Additionally, staff are piloting new fall/winter program fees, which is
projected to result in a net neutral revenue for that program period.
The end of our agreement with the City of Novato to operate Hamilton Pool will result in
a reduction in overall revenue for FY23, however, Hamilton Pool had not generated
significant net revenue in recent years and required significant supervision and
administrative overhead costs to operate. We are expecting that this change will result
in additional opportunities to program Terra Linda Pool and should result in reduced
administrative costs and increased swim opportunities for San Rafael residen ts.
Below is a table comparing the revenue and expenses of Terra Linda Pool from Fiscal
Year 2019-2023. As shown, revenues in FY23 have already surpassed those of FY22
due to increased programming and an extended season.
Terra Linda Pool FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 (YTD)
Revenue $272,734 $127,586 $165,006 $137,640 $142,188
Expenses $380,230 $316,774 $317,498 $159,243 $199,864
Net Revenue ($107,496) ($189,188) ($152,492) ($21,603) ($57,676)
Submitted by:
Tiffany Haley
Tiffany Haley
Program Coordinator
November 17, 2022
Item #8
It is recommended that the Commission select a new Chair and Vice Chairperson and review
committee assignments for the period January – December 2023.
Annually, the Parks and Recreation Commission meets in regular session and selects a
chairperson and vice chairperson. The election shall be by majority vote of the Commission, to
be held preferably in December of each year. The term of service for these offices shall be one
year, beginning in January of each year. The intent is that the appointments of the respective
Chair and Vice-Chair offices be rotated among the Commissioners so that everyone gets an
opportunity to serve. With the establishment of two (2) four-year term limits for all Commissions
and Boards, generally a Commissioner would not serve as Chair more than once in seven
consecutive years. The Park and Recreation Commission is also requested to fill any vacancies
or make amendments to any other committee assignments as needed on annual basis.
As a result, the Commission is being tasked with selecting a new Chair and Vice Chair for 2023,
one (1) commissioner to serve as the representative to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee,
and one (1) commissioner to serve as alternate to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee.
The representative to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee from the Park and Recreation
Commission shall serve a term of one (1) year, but not more than two (2) consecutive terms.
However, if there is a vacancy, the Park and Recreation Commission has the authority to extend
the current representative’s term at their discretion.
Commissioner Machado was recently appointed to fill an interim role as representative to the
Pickleweed Advisory Committee, however, that appointment ends December 2022.
Any other action as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission.
Submitted by:
Craig Veramay
Assistant Library and Recreation Director
November 17, 2022
Item #9
It is recommended that the Commission review its meeting schedule for 2023 and revise as
The Park and Recreation Commission currently meets on the third Thursday of each month at
6:00 p.m. Annually, the Park and Recreation Commission reviews its annual meeting schedule
to consider canceling or re-scheduling meetings due to holidays or other conflicts.
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule
January 19, 2023
February 16, 2023
March 16, 2023
April 20, 2023
May 18, 2023
June 15, 2023
July 20, 2023
August – Dark
September 21, 2023
October 19, 2023
November 16, 2023
December - Dark
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Craig Veramay
Assistant Library and Recreation Director
Item 10
Date: November 17, 2022
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Catherine Quffa, Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
November 21 7pm City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
December 5 7pm City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
December 9 5pm-8pm 2nd Friday Art Walk Downtown San Rafael
December 14 5:30pm Boards and Commissions Reception Falkirk Cultural Center
December 19 7pm City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers