HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2023-01-24 Agenda Packet
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 7:00 P.M.
Participate In-Person:
San Rafael City Council Chambers
1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Participate Virtually:
Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PC-01-24-23
Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael
Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171
Meeting ID: 850 9475 9457#
One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171,,85094759457#
In response to Assembly Bill 361, the City of San Rafael is offering teleconference without complying
with the procedural requirements of Government Code section 54953(b)(3). This meeting will be held
in-person, virtually using Zoom and is being streamed to YouTube at
How to participate in the meeting in-person:
• Stay home if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
• Face coverings are recommended for attendees
• Use the sign-in sheet (optional) which allows notification of potentially exposed individuals if
contact tracing reveals COVID-19 transmission may have occurred in a given meeting
• Attendance will be limited to 50 percent of room capacity (no more than 90 persons) and all in-
person attendees should socially distance as recommended by public health authorities. If the
Chambers are 50% occupied, please participate online instead or utilize the audio feed in the
• All attendees are encouraged to be fully vaccinated.
How to participate in the meeting virtually:
• Submit public comment in writing before 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to
• Join the Zoom webinar and use the 'raise hand' feature to provide verbal public comment.
• Dial-in to Zoom's telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment.
Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk (email
city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or phone at 415-485-3066) who will use their best efforts to provide
reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public
safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests.
Members of the public may speak on Agenda items.
Remarks are limited to three minutes per person and may be on anything within the subject
matter jurisdiction of the body. Remarks on non-agenda items will be heard first, remarks on
agenda items will be heard at the time the item is discussed.
The Consent Calendar allows the Commission to take action, without discussion, on Agenda
items for which there are no persons present who wish to speak, and no Commission
members who wish to discuss.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 29, 2022
Recommended Action – Approve minutes as submitted
2. 905 Irwin Street: Certificate of Appropriateness
PLAN 22-164, CA22-001
Acceptance by the Planning Commission of a Certificate of Appropriateness issued for
proposed alterations to an historical landmark/historic landmark district (French
Project Planner: Renee Nickenig Renee.Nickenig@cityofsanrafael.org
Recommended Action – Accept Certificate of Appropriateness
3. Annual Meeting 2023
Annual Meeting of Planning Commission for 2023 to include: a) review of 2023
Planning Commission Meeting; and b) election of officers; and c) review of Planning
Commission “Rules and Procedures”; and d) selection of liaisons to DRB meetings.
Project Planner: Leslie Mendez Leslie.mendez@cityofsanrafael.org
Recommended Action - Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair for 2023; Consider and
accept any proposed changes to the Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures;”
and Select Planning Commission liaisons to the DRB for 2023
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72
hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be
requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California
Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies
of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
The Planning Commission will take up no new business after 11:00 p.m. at regularly scheduled meetings.
This shall be interpreted to mean that no agenda item or other business will be discussed or acted upon
after the agenda item under consideration at 11:00 p.m. The Commission may suspend this rule to discuss
and/or act upon any additional agenda item(s) deemed appropriate by a unanimous vote of the members
present. Appeal rights: any person may file an appeal of the Planning Commission's action on agenda items
within five business days (normally 5:00 p.m. on the following Tuesday) and within 10 calendar days of an
action on a subdivision. An appeal letter shall be filed with the City Clerk, along with an appeal fee of $350
(for non-applicants) or a $4,476 deposit (for applicants) made payable to the City of San Rafael and shall
set forth the basis for appeal. There is a $50.00 additional charge for request for continuation of an appeal
by appellant.
Minutes subject to approval at the meeting of January 24th, 2023
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 7:00 P.M.
Participate In-Person:
San Rafael City Council Chambers
1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Participate Virtually:
Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/pc-2022-11-29
Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael
Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171
Meeting ID: 883 2384 1452#
One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171,,89745666511#
Chair Previtali called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He then invited Planning Manager Leslie
Mendez to call roll.
No changes were made to the order of the agenda.
Chair Previtali invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez, who informed the community the
meeting is being streamed live to YouTube and members of the public could provide public
comment either on the telephone, through Zoom, or in person. She explained the process
for community participation in-person, on the telephone and Zoom.
There was three community members that gave comments.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 15th, 2022
Chair Previtali invited public comment and there was none.
Vice-Chair Saude moved, and Commissioner Haveman seconded to approve the Consent
Chair Previtali then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll:
AYES: Commissioners Haveman, Mercado, Samudzi, Shalk, Vice-Chair Saude, and
Chair Previtali.
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Harris
Motion carried 6 – 0
2. Study Session Northgate Town Square Project
Study Session to solicit focused feedback on the proposed Northgate Town Square
Project which involves a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall at 5800
Northgate Drive into a phased mixed-use development with approximately 225,000
square feet of retail and 1,320 residential units with an option up to 1,422 residential
units on the 44.76-acre site.
Chair Previtali invited Staff to present the project. Community Development Director, Ali
Giudice provided an introduction.
Consultant Planner, Heather Hines, presented the Staff Report.
Applicant provided presentation.
Chair Previtali asked for questions from the Planning Commission. Staff responded and
Applicant team responded.
Chair Previtali opened public hearing and asked Staff to open public comment. Staff did so
and reviewed the procedures on public comment via zoom, telephone, and in person.
Thirty-Two public comments were provided and heard by the Commission and Staff.
Chair Previtali closed the public hearing portion and requested responses from Staff to the
questions raised in public comment.
Chair Previtali then asked, in turn, for final comments from Commissioners. Commissioners
provided final comments.
Planning Manager reported on the following items:
• Both Aldersly and the Draft Housing Element are scheduled for City Council for
December 5th.
• City-wide master fee schedule is going before Council on December 19th.
• Planning Commission is cancelled for December.
• Next scheduled meeting is for January 10, 2023.
• Commissioner Harris is not here but we would like to thank her as she has resigned.
• December 14th Boards & Commissions Reception
Chair Previtali requested a report on the changes to the Planning Commission by City
There being no further business, Chair Previtali adjourned the meeting at 10:21 PM.
LESLIE MENDEZ, Planning Manager
Community Development Department – Planning Division
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DATE: January 24, 2023
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Renee Nickenig, Assistant Planner, Architectural Historian (Secretary of the Interior
Professional Qualification Standards)
SUBJECT: Certificate of Appropriateness for an Alteration to an Historical Landmark
Site (905 Irwin Street)/ Historic Landmark District (French Quarter)
[PLAN22-164, CA22-001]
An application has been filed for a Certificate of Appropriateness pursuant to San Rafael
Municipal Code (SRMC) Section 2.18.060, for an exterior alteration in a Historic Landmark
District visible from the public street. Pursuant to SRMC Section 2.18.062, a Certificate of
Appropriateness is a determination that the proposal would not have a significant impact upon,
or is not potentially detrimental to, the landmark site or historic district.
The project site at 905 Irwin Street is designated as an individual Historical Landmark Site
(Resolution No. 5536) and is included in the French Quarter Historic Landmark District
(Resolution No. 5537).
The site was initially surveyed in 1976 as an example of a Queen Anne style residence. The
significant features noted include the gable roof, gabled bay, and shingled skirt between floors
and bay. The building has undergone many changes over time, including significant alterations
after the Landmark designation. The style of the windows would suggest that they are not
original to the ca. 1895 construction, and much of the exterior detail appears to have been
The project proposes to remove the existing window at the north elevation and enlarge the
window opening to accommodate an ADA-accessible pick-up window for a new Boba Tea
The enlargement of the window opening will not have a significant impact on the overall spatial
relationships of the building, and the material loss of the surrounding siding will be minimal. The
replacement window will reflect the double-hung style and will have a similar profile to other
existing windows at the site. The project complies with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards
for the Treatment of Historic Properties (Standards for Rehabilitation) as described below.
Community Development Department – Planning Division
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Standards for Rehabilitation
1. A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires
minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces and spatial relationships.
The property is currently being used for commercial purposes. The addition of an ADA-
accessible pick-up window will result in minor material loss but will not alter the window
opening pattern at the site.
2. The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of
distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces and spatial relationships that
characterize a property will be avoided.
The existing window does not appear to be an original or distinctive feature, and the
alteration to the opening will not have a negative impact on the overall existing historic
character of the site.
3. Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place and use.
Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding
conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be
The new window will reflect the double-hung window style characteristic of a Queen Anne
residence but will not act as a replica of an original window and so will not create a false
sense of historical development.
4. Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will
be retained and preserved.
No change that has acquired historical significance will be removed or altered.
5. Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of
craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved.
The alteration to the window size will result in minimal removal of the shiplap siding but will
not have an overall impact on the exterior finish.
6. Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity
of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will
match the old in design, color, texture and, where possible, materials. Replacement of
missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence.
There are no deteriorated features to be addressed as part of this scope of work.
Community Development Department – Planning Division
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7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest
means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used.
No chemical or physical treatments are proposed.
8. Archeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources
must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken.
The project scope does not include intrusion into the ground, and so no archeological
resources will be disturbed.
9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy
historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property.
The new work will be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the
historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the
integrity of the property and its environment.
The new window design will be compatible with the existing windows at the site and with the
double-hung window style typical of Queen Anne construction. Enlarging the opening will
distinguish this alteration while maintaining the integrity of the spatial relationship of openings
at the site.
10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a
manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic
property and its environment would be unimpaired.
While there will be some material loss of shiplap siding, should the window opening be
returned to its assumed original size in the future the siding could be replaced in-kind.
The proposal to enlarge and replace a window at the north elevation of the building will not have
a significant impact on or be detrimental to 905 Irwin Street as an Historical Landmark Site or
the French Quarter Historic Landmark District.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission accept staff’s issuance of a Certificate of
1. Project Plans
2. Project Photos
D:\Boba Tea 907 Irwin\CAD\A-2 PROP PLAN.dwg, 12/12/2022 2:01:31 PM, AutoCAD PDF (Smallest File).pc3Planning Commission 1/24/23 Exhibit 1
Community Development Department – Planning Division
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Project Photos – 905 Irwin Street
Photo 1: 905 Irwin Street, front elevation (east), Photo 2: 905 Irwin Street, front elevation.
October 1976 (looking southwest), November 2022
Photo 3: Subject window view from public Photo 4: Subject window, November 2022
street (looking southwest), November 2022
Planning Commission 1/24/23 Exhibit 2
Community Development Department – Planning Division
Meeting Date: January 24, 2022
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
Project Planner:
Leslie Mendez (415) 485-3095
SUBJECT: Annual Meeting of Planning Commission for 2023 to include: a) review of calendar year
2023 scheduled dates for Planning Commission meetins; b) election of officers;
c) review of Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures”; and d) selection of liaisons
to DRB meetings
The Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission is required to elect the Chair and Vice Chair officers for
the calendar year. The Annual Meeting also provides the Commission an opportunity to review and
consider adoption of revisions to the Planning Commission’s “Rules and Procedures.” The Rules and
Procedures were last amended by the Commission on May 24, 2022. This year, staff has suggested
edits to the Rules and Procedures, however, the Commissioners may have suggested edits.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following action:
a) Review 2023 scheduled planning commission meetings; and
b) Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair for 2023; and
c) Consider and accept proposed changes to the Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures;”
d) Select Planning Commission liaisons to the DRB for 2023
2023 Planning Commission Meeting Dates:
The list of scheduled Planning Commission meetings for 2023 found in Table 3 below. All meetings are
on Tuesday unless otherwise noted. No Action is required.
Table 1. 2023 Scheduled Planning Commission Meetings
January 10 – Cancelled May 9 September 12
January 24 May 23 September 26
February 14 June 13 October 10
February 28 June 27 October 24
March 14 July 11 November 14
March 28 July 25 November 28
April 11 August 15 December 12
April 25 August 29
Election of Officers:
Section II.E of the Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures” requires that the Planning Commission
conduct an annual meeting to select officers (Chair and Vice Chair) for the calendar year. The Annual
Meeting is defined as the “first meeting of the calendar year,” which for this year is January 24, 2023.
The new Chair and Vice-Chair positions will commence in the next scheduled Planning Commission
meeting (i.e. not this one).
The office of the Chair and Vice Chair is rotational, with selection based on seniority or tenure of service.
Per the Rules and Procedures, generally, a Commissioner shall not serve as a Chair more than once in
seven consecutive years. Table 1 below lists the appointment dates and past service as chair by each of
the Commission members.
Table 1: San Rafael Planning Commission History of Tenure and Chairpersonship
Commissioner First Appointed to
Years Served as
Years Served as
Vice Chair
Aldo Mercado July 2018 2020 partial 2020 partial
Shingai Samudzi June 2019 2021 2020 partial
Jon Previtali June 2020 2022 2021
Samina Saude June 2020 2023 2022
Jon Haveman May 2021 None None
Kelly Shalk April 2022 None None
Based on the rotation criteria, Commissioner Saude is next-in-line to serve as Chair, as she served as
Vice Chair for 2022.
Vice Chair
To determine the next Vice Chair, the same rules and procedures for Chair apply to Vice Chair. There
are two Commissioners who have not served as Chair or Vice Chair in the past 7 years (Commissioners
Haveman and Shalk). Commissioner Haveman was appointed in May 2021 and Commissioner Shalk in
April 2022. Therefore, Commissioner Haveman would be the next in line to serve as Vice Chair.
RECOMMENDATION: Based on the rules and procedures, it is recommended that Commissioner Saude
be elected to serve as Chair and Commissioner Haveman be elected to serve as Vice Chair. A motion
and second, followed by vote is required.
Consideration of Revisions to Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures”:
The Rules and Procedures are reviewed by the Commission and were last updated in May of last year to
include provisions for streamlined design review for certain residential projects. This year, staff has
revised the PC Rules and Procedures to reflect:
• The change in membership to include one representative from each district;
• The hybrid meeting format;
• The sunsetting of AB 361, which allowed virtual participation of Brown Act meeting during the
COVID state of emergency; and
• The elimination of the pledge of allegiance and requirement of speakers to identify themselves
and their place or residence to be consistent with City Council meetings and goals to strengthen
inclusion and belonging.
Revisions are presented in Exhibit 1 in strikeout for deleted text and underline for added text. The
Planning Commission is asked to review and adopt the amendments. In addition, the Planning
Commission is asked to review the currently adopted Rules and Procedures and submit any feedback or
suggested changes.
Staff has included a summary of Roberts Rules of Order for your reference found in Exhibit 2. Robert’s
Rules of Order provide common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the
whole commission on the same footing and speaking the same language.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission vote to approve the changes to the Rules
and Procedures to reflect the changes. A motion and second, followed by vote is required.
1. Approve the recommended amendments to the “Rules and Procedures” to reflect changes noted
above; or
2. Identify additional areas for further study and direct staff to return with recommended revisions to
the “Rules and Procedures” for action at a future meeting.
Selection of Commissioners for DRB Liaison:
The annual meeting also provides an opportunity to select Commissioners to serve as a liaison at the
Design Review Board meetings for the calendar year. DRB liaisons are expected to attend DRB
meetings held during their assigned months and report back to the Commission at large at the next
scheduled Planning Commission meeting. DRB liaisons may attend virtually. Commissioners (with the
exception of the new Chair) are requested to serve as liaison in two-month increments, which involves
attendance at up to four, regular DRB meetings during the two selected months of service. Staff,
therefore, requests that apart from the new Chair, each Commissioner volunteer for two months to be the
liaison to the DRB. A schedule of DRB for 2023 is shown in Table 2. All meetings are on Tuesday unless
otherwise noted.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commissioners informally call out which months
would work for them. Since the PC is currently down a commissioner, staff is requesting that the first few
months on the year be chosen by sitting Commissioners.
Table 2. DRB Meeting Dates in 2023 and Liaison Assignments
Months Commission
Liaison DRB Months PC Commission
January 4, 2022 (Wednesday) CANCELLED July 5 (Wednesday)
January 18 (Wednesday) Tuesday, July 18, 2022
Tuesday, February 7, 2022 Tuesday, August 8, 2022 February 22 (Wednesday) Tuesday, August 22, 2022
Tuesday, March 7, 2022 September 6 (Wednesday) Tuesday, March 21, 2022 Tuesday, September 19, 2022
Tuesday, April 4, 2022 Tuesday, October 3, 2022 Tuesday, April 18, 2022 Tuesday, October 17, 2022
Tuesday, May 2, 2022 Tuesday, November 7, 2022 Tuesday, May 16, 2022 Tuesday, November 21, 2022
Tuesday, June 6, 2022 Thursday, December 5, 2022 June 21 (Wednesday) Tuesday, December 19, 2022
1. Draft Planning Commission “Rules and Procedures” in strike through and underline to reflect
revisions, dated January 24, 2023.
2. A Brief Summary of Roberts Rules of Order (Parliamentary Procedures)
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Adopted May 24, 2024 with proposed track changes in strikethrough and underline
I. Organization and Officers
A. Organization
1. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven regular members
appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council and shall be
organized and exercise such powers as prescribed by the City Charter
and by the San Rafael Municipal Code (City Code).
The commission shall be composed of seven (7) regular voting members,
one (1) commissioner from each of the city's four (4) city council electoral
districts, and three (3) at-large commissioners.
Requirements for eligibility:
a. District representatives: Each district representative must reside in the
district they represent.
b. At-large members: Must reside in city limits.
2. The term of the Commission members is four years with a staggered
expiration schedule.
3. Vacancies on the Commission for other than expiration will be filled by
appointment for the un-expired portion of the term.
4. In-person meeting attendance is required unless a just cause exemption is
approved by the City Clerk and relayed to the staff liaison before the
meeting. A member may only use the just cause provisions up to two
meetings per calendar year.
45. If any Commissioner should have three consecutive, unexplained
absences from regular meetings of the Planning Commission as shown in
the roll call of the official minutes, the Chair may recommend to the City
Council that the seat be relinquished.
56. If any Commissioner wishes to request a leave of absence for three to six
consecutive meetings, the request shall be made to and approved by the
Chair. A request for a leave of absence for more than six consecutive
meetings shall be made to and approved by the City Council.
B. Officers
1. Selection
a. A Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected from among the Commission's
membership at the Annual Meeting held the first meeting of the
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calendar year, to serve for a one-year period. It is intended that the
Chair and Vice-Chair be rotated among the Commissioners based on
tenure, as defined by total years of service. In the event the years of
service are identical, tenure will be determined in alphabetical order. It
is the general rule that a Commissioner shall not serve as Chair more
than once in seven consecutive years. However, in the event that: 1) a
position is vacated; 2) a Commissioner is not interested in serving as
an officer; or 3) there is limited tenure among the other
Commissioners, then a Commissioner can be appointed as an officer
more than once in seven years.
b. The Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair in the following year.
c. The Chair and Vice-Chair may not succeed themselves. However, in
the event that the current Chair or Vice-Chair has served less than a
year, the Commission may choose to re-elect her/him for an additional
d. The Vice-Chair shall succeed the Chair if he/she vacates the office and
shall serve the un-expired term of the Chair. The Commission shall
elect a new Vice-Chair to serve the un-expired term of that office.
Selection shall be based on seniority.
e. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the member of the
Commission with the longest tenure, as defined by total years of
service, shall preside over the meeting. In the event that the years of
service are identical, seniority will be determined by alphabetical order.
2. Responsibilities
The responsibilities and powers of the officers of the Planning
Commission shall be as follows:
a. Chair
- Preside at all meetings of the Commission.
- Call special meetings of the Commission in accordance with legal
requirements and the Rules of Procedure.
- Sign documents of the Commission.
- See that all actions of the Commission are properly taken.
- Assist staff in determining agenda items.
- The Chair shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voice
but not vote.
b. Vice-Chair
During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chair, the Vice-
Chair shall exercise or perform all the duties and be subject to all the
responsibilities of the Chair.
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C. Duties and Powers
1. The Planning Commission shall have the power to recommend to the City
Council, after conducting a public hearing, the adoption, the amendment
or the repeal of a General Plan, a Neighborhood or Specific Plan, the
Zoning Ordinance of the City Code, or a site-specific master plan for a
Planned Development (PD) District, or any part thereof, for the physical
development of the City.
2. The Planning Commission shall exercise such functions with respect to
environmental review, land subdivisions, land use and planning, design
review, and zoning, as may be prescribed by City Code, City resolution,
and State law.
3. The Commission shall advise the City Council on those matters falling
within its charged responsibilities in a manner reflecting concern for the
overall development and environment of the City as a setting for human
D. Rules of Order
Except as otherwise provided in these Rules of Procedure, "Roberts Rules of
Order, Newly Revised" shall be used as a guide to the conduct of the
meetings of the Planning Commission, provided, however, that a failure of the
Commission to conform to said rules of order shall not, in any instance, be
deemed to invalidate the action taken.
II. Meetings
A. Public Meetings
All meetings shall be held in full compliance with the provisions of state law,
ordinances of the City and these Rules of Procedure.
B. Regular Meetings
1. Regular meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays
following the first Monday in each month, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall, unless otherwise determined by the
Commission. All regular meetings must be held in the following manner:
a. within the city limits of San Rafael.
b. using a remotein-person/virtual hybrid meeting format
2. Whenever a regular meeting falls on a public holiday, no regular meeting
shall be held on that day. Such regular meeting may be rescheduled to
another business day or canceled by motion adopted by the Planning
Commission. All meetings must be held within the city limits of San Rafael.
3. A meeting of the Commission may be canceled by the Chair for lack of a
quorum, no pending business, or any other valid reason. Such
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cancellation may be made at any time prior to the scheduled meeting. All
efforts shall be made by the Community Development Department staff to
notify those involved at the earliest possible time. Prior to the scheduled
meeting, the Community Development staff shall post a cancellation
notice on the City of San Rafael public hearing board, the City website and
at the prescribed location of the meeting.
C. Adjourned Meetings
In the event it is the wish of the Planning Commission to adjourn its meeting
to a certain hour on another day, a specified date, time, and place must be
set by a majority vote of the Commissioners present, prior to the regular
motion to adjourn.
D. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Planning Commission may be held at any time upon
the call of the Chair or by a majority of the voting members of the Commission
or upon request of the City Council following at least 24 hours’ notice to each
member of the Commission and to the press. The time and place of the
special meeting shall be determined by the convening authority. At least 24
hours prior to the scheduled special meeting, the Community Development
staff shall post a notice of the meeting on the City of San Rafael public
hearing board, the City website and at the prescribed location of the meeting.
E. Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission will be held at the first
meeting of the calendar year. The meeting will be devoted to the election of a
Chair and Vice-Chair for the ensuing year and any other business scheduled
by the Commission.
F. Study Sessions/Workshops/Informational Presentations
1. The Commission may be convened in the same manner as prescribed for
the calling of a special meeting for the purpose of holding a study session,
or for presentations of informational items, provided that no official action
shall be taken.
2. Such meetings shall be open to the public.
G. Notification
Public Hearings and Discussion Items - Notice of the time, place/ items to be
considered and action pending shall be given in accordance with the
requirements of the City Code and State Law.
H. Agenda
1. An agenda for each meeting of the Commission shall be prepared by the
Community Development Director or staff in consultation with the Chair.
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2. A staff report shall be prepared for each item and-distributed to the
Planning Commission and made available to the public a minimum of 72
hours prior to a regular meeting.
3. A copy of the agenda shall be posted in City Hall 72 hours before a
regular meeting.
4. Items not appearing on the agenda cannot be acted upon or discussed by
the Commission. However, the Commission may take action under the
following circumstances:
a. If the Commission finds, by majority vote, that an emergency situation
must be addressed. An "emergency situation” is limited to work
stoppages and crippling disasters;
b. If by a two-thirds vote (or a unanimous vote if two-thirds of the
members are not present), there is a need to take immediate action
and the need for action came to the attention of the Commission and
staff after the agenda was posted.
Prior to discussing such items, the Commission shall publicly identify the
item and shall provide the public an opportunity to provide comment on
the item.
5. Members of the public may address the Commission on any agenda item,
and may, at the beginning of the meeting, address the Commission on any
issue that is not listed on the agenda, provided that the issue is within the
jurisdiction and powers of the Planning Commission.
I. Order of Meetings
1. The Order of business shall be as follows:
a. The Chair shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the meeting
and shall immediately call the meeting to order.
b. The Chair shall lead a pledge of allegiance, for in person meeting; the
pledge of allegiance will not occur for virtual meetings.
bc. Members present and absent shall be recorded by roll call.
cd. The order of the agenda shall be approved as submitted or revised by
a majority vote of the Commissioners present.
de. The public shall be advised of the procedures to be followed in the
meeting including the protocol and time frames for public comment.
For virtualhybrid meetings, the public will be advised of the different
ways to participate. Any member of the audience may comment on any
matter which is not listed on the agenda.
ef. The minutes of any preceding meeting shall be submitted for review
and approval by a majority vote of the Commissioners present at that
preceding meeting.
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fg. The Commission shall then hear and act upon those proposals
scheduled for consideration or public hearing.
gh. Director's Report.
hi. Commission Communications.
ij. Adjournment.
2. Presentation or Hearing of Proposals
The following shall be the order of procedure for hearings/discussion items
concerning planning and zoning matters:
a. The Chair shall announce the subject of the public hearing/discussion
item, as noticed.
b. If a request is made for continuance, a motion may be made and voted
upon to continue the public hearing to a definite time and date (noticing
not required) or a time and date to be determined (re-noticing
c. Order of Speaking.
The order of speaking shall be as follows:
1. The Chair shall call for commissioners to make ex parte disclosures
and potential conflict of interest disclosures with respect to the
proposed project.
2. Staff provides a report on the project and summarizes its
compliance with San Rafael's General Plan, compliance with State
laws and the City Code, the status of environmental review, and the
staff recommendation for action(s) by the Commission and Design
Review Board Representatives (if applicable).
3. The public hearing is opened.
4. The applicant makes a presentation to the Commission.
5. The public speaks to the Commission and Design Review Board
Representatives (if applicable).
6. The Commission and Design Review Board Representatives (if
applicable) may ask questions or obtain facts or clarification from
staff, the applicant, or the public after each segment of the agenda.
7. The public hearing is closed.
8. If applicable, the Design Review Board Representatives shall make
recommendations to the Planning Commission.
9. The matter is returned to the Commission for discussion and action.
d. Rules of Testimony
The rules of testimony shall be as follows:
1. Upon opening the public hearing, the Chair shall invite the public to
speak by inviting each speaker (one-at-a-time) to approach the
podium. For virtualhybrid meetings, the chair will ask staff to advise
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the public on the different options for participating. On large or
controversial projects where many people wish to provide public
testimony, the Chair may request that speaker cards be filled-out
and submitted.
2. Persons presenting testimony to the Commission are requested to
identify themselves by name and place of residence.
23. Persons presenting testimony to the Commission shall be limited to
three (3) minutes for their presentation. This time limit may be
limited or extended at the Chair’s discretion.
34. If there are numerous people in the audience who wish to
participate on the issue and it is known that all represent the same
opinion, a spokesperson should be selected to speak for the entire
group. At the Chair’s discretion, the spokesperson may be granted
additional time beyond the three (3) minute limit for his or her
45. To avoid unnecessary repetitive evidence, the Chair may limit the
number of speakers or the time on a particular issue.
56. Irrelevant, defamatory, or disruptive comments will be ruled out of
67. No person shall address the Commission without first securing the
permission of the Chair.
78. All comments shall be addressed to the Commission. All questions
shall be made or directed through the Chair.
e. Applicant Presentations
Applicant presentations shall comply with the guidelines developed by
the Planning Commission. Applicants shall be limited to a maximum of
ten (10) minutes for their presentation, inclusive of all members of the
applicant’s team (if applicable). An extension of this time limit may be
granted at the Chair’s discretion.
f. Design Review Board Representatives (if applicable)
The Design Review Board Representatives shall provide a
recommendation to the Planning Commission including any
recommended conditions of approval.
J. Motions
1. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order except during roll call.
2. The Chair of the Commission, or other presiding officer, may make and
second motions and debate from the Chair subject only to such
limitations of debate as are imposed on all members of the
K. Voting
1. Voting Requirements
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a. A quorum shall consist of four members.
b. The affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum present is
necessary for the Commission to take action on all matters other
than those listed under Section c below.
c. Certain votes of the Commission require a majority vote of the
entire Commission (4 votes) to carry. These are:
Adoption or amendment of a General Plan or any part thereof.
Adoption or amendment to any Neighborhood or Specific Plan
or any part thereof.
Adoption or amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City
Code or amendment thereto.
Adoption or amendment to a site-specific master plan for a
Planned Development (PD) District.
Other actions as required under federal or state law. (These will
be dealt with as they arise.)
d. When a member of the Commission abstains from voting on any
matter before it because of a potential conflict of interest, because
the Commissioner does not believe he/she can be objective, or
because the Commissioner was absent at any previous hearing on
an item, said vote shall not constitute nor be considered as either a
vote in favor of or opposition to the matter being considered.
Abstentions shall not be allowed for any other reason.
e. A tie vote shall be recorded as a failure of action to pass. A tie vote
on a motion defeats the motion.
2. Roll Call Vote
Any Commissioner, the applicant or an appellant can request a roll call
For virtualhybrid meetings a roll call vote shall be required.
3. Recording of Votes
The minutes of the Commission's proceedings shall show the vote of
each member, including whether they were absent, abstained from
voting, or failed to vote on a matter considered.
4. Disqualification from Voting
A member shall disqualify himself/herself from voting in accordance
with the State Political Reform Act and other applicable state law.
When a member is disqualified, he/she shall state, prior to the
considerations of such matter by the Commission that the member is
disqualifying himself/herself due to a possible conflict of interest and
shall then leave the voting area.
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III. Review and Amendments Procedure
A. These Rules of Procedure shall be reviewed at the Annual Meeting of each
year. On an ad hoc basis, the chair may appoint a subcommittee to review
these rules prior to the meeting. The review subcommittee shall present their
recommendations for amending or not amending these rules. Minor changes
may be brought forward by staff for the Commission's consideration.
B. In addition, these Rules of Procedure may be amended at any meeting of the
Planning Commission by a majority of the membership of the Commission
provided that notice of the proposed amendment is received by each
Commissioner not less than 5 days prior to said meeting.
(Approved May 9, 2000. Revised February 26, 2002, December 14, 2004, May 29, 2007, January 27, 2009, January
9, 2018, February 11, 2020, January 12, 2021, and May 24, 2022, and January 24, 2023)
A Brief Summary of Roberts Rules of Order
(Parliamentary Procedures) Robert’s Rule of Order provide common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole commission on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of all business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership – the right of the majority to decide. Complementary is the right of the minority to require the majority to be deliberate – to act according to its considered judgment after a full and fair “working through” of the issues involved.
How Are Motions Presented?
1. Obtaining the floor a. Wait until the Chair recognizes you.
2. Make Your Motion a. Speak in a clear and concise manner, making certain that you are speaking into the microphone and that the microphone is on (by pressing the green button). b. Always state a motion affirmatively. Say, “I move that we…” rather than “I move that we do not…”. c. Motions can be made utilizing the required actions listed in the staff report. Typically, a draft resolution is included as an attachment in the staff report based on the staff recommendation (for approval or denial of an application), and includes required legal findings. d. Since Commission actions on a project (other than continuance or referral to the DRB) must be supported by an adopted resolution, if the action you wish to move is not supported by the draft resolution provided by staff, the motion should be to continue the item (usually to the next meeting date) with direction to staff to prepare a draft resolution supporting the desired action. Rationale for the decision should be provided to staff to assist in preparing the necessary legal findings. e. The motion may include desired revisions to the draft resolution, such as changes to proposed findings to more accurately reflect the Commission’s decision or changes/additions to proposed conditions of approval.
3. Wait for Someone to Second Your Motion a. Another Commissioner will second your motion or the Chair will call for a second. b. If there is no second to your motion, it is lost.
4. The Chair States Your Motion a. The Chair will say, “it has been moved and seconded that we…”, thus placing your motion before the membership for consideration and action.
b. The membership then either debates your motion, or may move directly to a vote if there is no one wishing to discuss the motion. c. Once your motion is presented to the membership by the Chair, it cannot be changed without the consent of the maker and seconder.
5. Debate a. This is the time for the membership to speak in favor or opposition to the motion, including the maker and seconder of the motion. b. All comments and debate should be directed to the Chair, and not to individual Commission members. c. It is highly advisable that members of the Commission describe to applicants and other members of the audience the rationale for their position. This may include responses to issues raised by the public.
6. Amending the Motion a. If there is a desire by any Commissioner to modify the proposed motion, that Commissioner should indicate to the Chair a desire to offer an amended motion. The amendment may suggest revisions, such as additional or modified conditions of approval, revised findings, etc., but should not constitute an entirely different direction (e.g., an amendment to deny an application when the initial motion was for approval). b. Once an amendment is offered, the Chair must seek approval of the proposed amendment from both the original maker and seconder of the motion. c. If the amendment is supported by both the original maker and seconder of the motion, it becomes the operative motion before the Commission. d. If the amendment is not supported by both the original maker and seconder of the motion, it is lost.
7. Putting the Question to the Membership a. When debate has finished, the Chair asks, “Are you ready to vote on the question?” b. The Chair asks those in favor to say, “aye”, and those opposed to say “no”. c. Any member may request an exact count, in which case the Chair or recording secretary will commence with a roll call, in which each member sequentially answers “yes” or “no” as his/her name is called. d. A tie vote results in no action. For applications in which the Planning Commission is the final decision-maker, additional motions are necessary until a majority decision is achieved (this could include a motion for continuance until an odd number of Commissioners is present, or for revisions to the project that a majority could then support). For applications in which the City Council is the final decision-maker, a split recommendation may go forward to the Council.