HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2022-11-29 Minutes Planning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 or Participate Virtually: Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/pc-2022-11-29 Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171 Meeting ID: 883 2384 1452# One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171,,89745666511# CALL TO ORDER Chair Previtali called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to call roll. RECORDING OF MEMBERS PRESENT AND ABSENT PRESENT: JON HAVEMAN, COMMISSIONER (In-person) ALDO MERCADO, COMMISSIONER (In-person) SHINGAI SAMUDZI, COMMISSIONER (Virtual) KELLY SHALK, COMMISSIONER (In-person) SAMINA SAUDE, VICE-CHAIR (In-person) JON PREVITALI, CHAIR (In-person) ABSENT CAMILLE HARRIS, COMMISSIONER ALSO PRESENT: LESLIE MENDEZ, PLANNING MANAGER (In-person) ALI GIUDICE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR(In-person) DIANE HENDERSON, CINSULTANT PLANNER (In-person) HEATHER HINES, CONSULTANT PLANNER (In-person) APPROVAL OR REVISION OF ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS No changes were made to the order of the agenda. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MEETING PROCEDURES Chair Previtali invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez, who informed the community the meeting is being streamed live to YouTube and members of the public could provide public comment either on the telephone, through Zoom, or in person. She explained the process for community participation in-person, on the telephone and Zoom. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There was three community members that gave comments. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 15th, 2022 Chair Previtali invited public comment and there was none. Vice-Chair Saude moved, and Commissioner Haveman seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. Chair Previtali then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll: AYES: Commissioners Haveman, Mercado, Samudzi, Shalk, Vice-Chair Saude, and Chair Previtali. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Harris ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 6 – 0 ACTION ITEMS 2. Study Session Northgate Town Square Project Study Session to solicit focused feedback on the proposed Northgate Town Square Project which involves a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall at 5800 Northgate Drive into a phased mixed-use development with approximately 225,000 square feet of retail and 1,320 residential units with an option up to 1,422 residential units on the 44.76-acre site. Chair Previtali invited Staff to present the project. Community Development Director, Ali Giudice provided an introduction. Consultant Planner, Heather Hines, presented the Staff Report. Applicant provided presentation. Chair Previtali asked for questions from the Planning Commission. Staff responded and Applicant team responded. Chair Previtali opened public hearing and asked Staff to open public comment. Staff did so and reviewed the procedures on public comment via zoom, telephone, and in person. Thirty-Two public comments were provided and heard by the Commission and Staff. Chair Previtali closed the public hearing portion and requested responses from Staff to the questions raised in public comment. Chair Previtali then asked, in turn, for final comments from Commissioners. Commissioners provided final comments. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Planning Manager reported on the following items: • Both Aldersly and the Draft Housing Element are scheduled for City Council for December 5th. • City-wide master fee schedule is going before Council on December 19th. • Planning Commission is cancelled for December. • Next scheduled meeting is for January 10, 2023. • Commissioner Harris is not here but we would like to thank her as she has resigned. • December 14th Boards & Commissions Reception COMMISSION COMMUNICATION Chair Previtali requested a report on the changes to the Planning Commission by City Council. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Previtali adjourned the meeting at 10:21 PM. ________________________________ LESLIE MENDEZ, Planning Manager APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON _________________, 2023