HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2023-03-28 Agenda Packet
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 7:00 P.M.
Participate In-Person:
San Rafael City Council Chambers
1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Participate Virtually:
Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PlanningCommission23
Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael
Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171
Meeting ID: 815 0028 1975#
One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171,, 81500281975#
This meeting will be held in-person. The public may attend in-person or participate
virtually using Zoom.
How to participate in the meeting virtually:
• Submit public comment in writing before 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to
• Join the Zoom webinar and use the 'raise hand' feature to provide verbal public
• Dial-in to Zoom's telephone number using the meeting ID and press *9 to raise
your hand, and *6 to unmute yourself, then provide verbal public comment.
If you experience technical difficulties during the meeting, please contact
Members of the public may speak on Agenda items.
Remarks are limited to three minutes per person and may be on anything within the subject
matter jurisdiction of the body. Remarks on non-agenda items will be heard first, remarks on
agenda items will be heard at the time the item is discussed.
The Consent Calendar allows the Commission to take action, without discussion, on Agenda
items for which there are no persons present who wish to speak, and no Commission
members who wish to discuss.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 28, 2023
Recommended Action – Approve minutes as submitted.
2. 842 Fourth Street (George’s Nightclub/Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant) –
Revocation of Use Permit UP05-01 that permitted establishment of live entertainment and a
cocktail lounge as part of a restaurant/supper club; T4MS 60/80 Zone; Esly Figueroa,
Business Operator; Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant LLC, Business Owner; Sills Jordan R
Revocable 2007 Trust, Property Owner; Case Number(s): PLAN23-018
Recommended Action – Adopt a resolution revoking Use Permit UP05-01
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72
hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be
requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California
Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies
of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
The Planning Commission will take up no new business after 11:00 p.m. at regularly scheduled meetings.
This shall be interpreted to mean that no agenda item or other business will be discussed or acted upon
after the agenda item under consideration at 11:00 p.m. The Commission may suspend this rule to discuss
and/or act upon any additional agenda item(s) deemed appropriate by a unanimous vote of the members
present. Appeal rights: any person may file an appeal of the Planning Commission's action on agenda items
within five business days (normally 5:00 p.m. on the following Tuesday) and within 10 calendar days of an
action on a subdivision. An appeal letter shall be filed with the City Clerk, along with an appeal fee of $350
(for non-applicants) or a $4,476 deposit (for applicants) made payable to the City of San Rafael and shall
set forth the basis for appeal. There is a $50.00 additional charge for request for continuation of an appeal
by appellant.
These Minutes subject to approval on March 28, 2023
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 7:00 P.M.
Participate In-Person:
San Rafael City Council Chambers
1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
Participate Virtually:
Watch on Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PlanningCommission23
Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael
Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171
Meeting ID: 883 2384 1452#
One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171,, 81500281975#
Chair Saudi called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. She then invited Planning Manager Leslie
Mendez to call roll.
No changes were made to the order of the agenda.
Chair Saude invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez, who informed the community the
meeting is streamed live to YouTube and members of the public can provide public
comment either on the telephone, through Zoom, or in person. She explained the process
for community participation in-person, on the telephone and Zoom.
There was no commination from community members.
1. Approval of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2023
Recommended Action – Approve minutes as submitted.
Chair Saude invited public comment and there was none.
Vice-Chair Haveman moved, and Commissioner Samudzi seconded to approve both the
Consent Calendar.
Acting Chair Saude then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll:
AYES: Commissioner Previtali, Samudzi, Shalk, Vice-Chair Haveman, and Chair
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Mercado.
Motion carried 5 – 0
2. Annual Progress Report for General Plan and Housing Element (RHNA)
Presentation of the Annual Progress Report (APR) on the status of policies and programs
identified in the City’s General Plan and the City’s progress toward meeting its share of the
Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) issued by the Association of Bay Area
Governments (ABAG)
Project Planner: Monica Ly Monica.Ly@cityofsanrafael.org and Alexis Captanian
Recommended Action – Accept the General Plan Annual Progress Report and the
Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2022 and direct staff to present the
reports to City Council.
Chair Saude invited Staff to present the annual Progress Report for General Plan and
Housing Element.
Planning Manager, Leslie Mendez presented the presenter Monica Ly along with other staff
members being Alexis Captanian, Alicia Giudice, and Chris Hess.
Chair Saude invited public comment and there were two comments, staff responded.
Chair Saude asked for questions from the Planning Commission and staff responded.
Commissioner Samudzi moved, and Commissioner Previtali seconded to accept the
General Plan Annual Progress Report and the Housing Element Annual Progress Report for
2022 and direct staff to present to City Council.
Chair Saude then invited Planning Manager Leslie Mendez to take roll:
AYES: Commissioner Previtali, Samudzi, Shalk, Vice-Chair Haveman, and Chair
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Mercado
Motion carried 5 – 0
Planning Manager reported on the following items:
1. Last day of COVID Emergency, last day of Virtual attendance for the Board.
2. March 7th, 2023 meeting is cancelled next meeting will be held on the 28th of March.
3. The upcoming Design Review Board is focusing on 1515 Fourth street and Wildcare
facility renovation.
Chair Saude asked if any members have any communication and allowed opportunity to
provide comments.
There being no further business, Acting Chair Saude adjourned the meeting at 8:07 PM.
LESLIE MENDEZ, Planning Manager
Community Development Department – Planning Division
Meeting Date:
March 28, 2023
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
Project Planner:
Alicia Giudice
(415) 485-3092
Leslie Mendez,
(415) 485-3095
SUBJECT: 842 Fourth Street (George’s Nightclub/Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant) –
Revocation of Use Permit UP05-01 that permitted establishment of live entertainment and a cocktail
lounge as part of a restaurant/supper club; T4MS 60/80 Zone; Esly Figueroa, Business Operator;
Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant LLC, Business Owner; Sills Jordan R Revocable 2007 Trust,
Property Owner; Case Number(s): PLAN23-018
On January 10, 2006, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 06-02 approving Use Permit
(UP05-01) to allow live entertainment and a cocktail lounge (i.e. nightclub) as part of a restaurant/supper
club at 842 4th Street. The Use Permit conditions stipulated, among other provisions, that food service and
on-site security be provided during all hours of operation of the nightclub use. The Nightclub is owned by
Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant, LCC and does business under the name of George’s Nightclub.
Throughout the years, the San Rafael Police Department (PD) has received numerous calls to respond to
incidents at George’s Nightclub. Since the business re-opened in the spring of 2021 following pandemic
restrictions being lifted in Marin County, PD has received service calls related to incidents at or related to
the nightclub with increased frequency. Following the shooting and double homicide that occurred in July
2021 involving people associated with a performance at the club, a Code Enforcement Officer was
assigned to conduct inspections to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions as established as a
part of the Use Permit. Numerous violations were noted, detailed, and conveyed to Ms. Figueroa, the
business operator, in a letter dated September 8, 2021 with a request to correct and comply.
Follow-up inspections since the September 2021 communication indicate that the business has made no
movement to correct the identified Use Permit violations and the PD continues to receive and respond to
frequent disturbance calls directly related to the club’s operations. Given that George’s Nightclub continues
to operate in non-compliance with fundamental conditions required of the Use Permit and continues to
cause frequent and ongoing disturbances requiring PD intervention, staff has brought Use Permit 05-01
up for a revocation hearing pursuant to the authority of San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Section
14.30.070 - Revocation of discretionary permits.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following action:
1. Adopt a resolution revoking Use Permit UP05-01 (Exhibit1)
Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant, LLC, doing business as (dba) George’s Nightclub, has Use Permit
approval for a supper club and cocktail lounge with live entertainment located in Downtown San Rafael at
842 4th Street on the north side of 4th Street between Lootens Place to the west and Lincoln Avenue to
the east. It occupies approximately 5,325 square feet of building space and is currently zoned T4MS 60/80.
George’s Nightclub and its predecessors have been a longstanding fixture in Downtown San Rafael.
Initially approved for live entertainment in November of 1984 (UP84-81), after Use Permit expiration, the
Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 06-02 on January 10, 2006, approving Use Permit UP05-
01 for the re-establishment of live entertainment and a cocktail lounge as a part of a restaurant/supper
club. See Attachment 1 of Exhibit 1 for a copy of Use Permit UP05-01.
The Use Permit includes several conditions of approval and was approved upon finding that the “The
proposed live entertainment use and cocktail lounge at a restaurant, together with the conditions applicable
thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties
or improvements in the vicinity of to the general welfare.” Conditions of Use Permit approval were included
to monitor operating, site management and security, business license maintenance, hours of operation,
and operation as a bona fide eating place. The nightclub holds a Type 47 Alcoholic Beverage Control
(ABC) license, which also authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits provided in conjunction
with operations as a bona fide public eating place.
Figure 1: Vicinity Map
Use Permit 05-01 approving the live entertainment and cocktail lounge at 842 4th Street includes conditions
of approvals (COAs) designed to address and monitor business operations, site management and security,
business license maintenance, hours of operation, and operation as a bona fide eating place. George’s
Nightclub reopened for business after the COVID quarantine in the beginning of April 2021. Based on
postings on their Facebook page, the first scheduled live performance was on May 25, 2021 (The Happys).
As outlined below, evidence shows that since reopening, George’s Nightclub has been operating in direct
violation of several fundamental conditions of the Use Permit approval and that numerous incidents of
over-intoxication and violence related to club operations constitute a public nuisance which is both
detrimental to PD resources and detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare, of the surrounding
COA #11 – City Business License
In accordance with San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC Chapter 10.04 – Business License Tax), Use
Permit condition number 11 requires that the business operator maintain a valid business license and that
any contract employees (e.g. disc jockey and live entertainers) obtain a valid business license prior to
working on site. George’s Nightclub does not currently have a valid business license; it expired on January
1, 2022 (see Attachment 2). The business license for the restaurant operator onsite, Pibil Yucatan
Food/Porchetta, expired on January 1, 2021 (see Attachment 3). There is no record of any other entity
obtaining a business license to entertain or work onsite.
Although the venue’s business license has been delinquent since January 1, 2022, the business has
continued operations and has held concerts and events every weekend. A list of events scheduled between
January 1, 2022 and January 15, 2023 can be found in Attachment 4.
COA #12 & 14 – Site Management and Security
The Use Permit requires that a site manager and no fewer than four security personnel be on site at all
times when there is live entertainment. In addition, it requires all security personnel to be licensed by the
State of California as private patrol/security officers and wear clothing clearly identifying them as security
personnel. The security personnel are responsible to ensure that all patrons are of valid drinking age, and
to manage patron activity inside the tavern and within 200 feet of the building. Security personnel are to
discourage loitering outside of the club, as much as possible. All personnel employed by the establishment
during hours that alcohol is served are required to attend and successfully complete ABC Licensee
Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) training. The LEAD program provides practical information on
selling alcoholic beverages safely, responsibly, and legally, with emphasis on preventing sales to minors,
sales to obviously intoxicated persons, and illicit drug activity at the licensed establishment.
As documented in PD memoranda found in Attachments 5-8, there are numerous records of site
management and security violations:
June 13, 2021 – Drunk in Public Arrest. Officers were dispatched to a fight in progress at the bar.
They arrived to find one person too intoxicated to care for himself.
June 27, 2021 – Drunk in Public Arrest and Battery. Officers were dispatched to a fight in progress
at the bar. They arrived to find a victim of an assault. Officers arrested one person for being drunk
in public and for Battery against a person.
On July 23, 2021, City police officers noted that at least one of the security guards working at a live
event did not have a valid state “guard card.” Additionally, not all the security guards were wearing
clothing identifying them as such.
In a conversation on July 28, 2021, the business operator Ms. Figueroa told staff that although she
has hired additional security guards in the past for larger events she only has three security guards
that work at George’s on a regular basis.
June 12, 2022 at 1:50 AM – Officers responded to George’s regarding a fight in progress. When
officers arrived, there was no longer a fight, however there were numerous intoxicated people in the
street. An officer was approached by a female bar patron who reported she was assaulted inside the
bar. The suspect could not be located.
July 16, 2022 at 4:18 AM – Officers responded to the corner of Fourth Street and Cijos St. regarding
a possible traffic collision. A passerby found a male laying in the street at the location and believed
he had been struck by a car. The intersection is a short distance from George’s Bar. The victim told
officers he had been drinking at George’s several hours prior. He claimed that he was assaulted by
three men when he left the bar. The victim was still extremely intoxicated when interviewed by
October 2, 2022 – An officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop near George’s. The driver displayed
objective signs of alcohol intoxication and admitted to drinking one alcoholic beverage near George's
prior to driving. However, the passenger inside the vehicle stated the driver had been inside
George’s drinking alcohol with them. The driver failed Field Sobriety Tests and was arrested for
driving under the influence.
December 18, 2023 – Officers were conducting extra patrol at George's when they observed a
security guard carry out a female patron who was nearly unconscious from being over served. The
security guard did not ask the officers on scene for help and instead tried to dump the intoxicated
female on a nearby bench where she promptly nearly fell off. Officers kept her safe until the fire
department could arrive and transport her to the hospital.
December 19, 2022 – During an extra patrol at George's, a vehicle was stopped for running a red
light. The driver admitted he had been drinking at George’s. The Driver was intoxicated with a .109
BAC. He was arrested and booked into jail.
January 15, 2023 – Officers responded to George's Nightclub to a report of a "gas bomb." Upon
arrival, Officers discovered that a George's Nightclub security guard had deployed his OC pepper
spray at a man that attempted to punch him after the security guard was escorting him out of the club
for being involved in a fight. The security guard inadvertently sprayed a few uninvolved guests. None
of the security guards or George's Nightclub employees made an effort to call SRPD or SRFD. While
on scene, an over-served patron walked in and out of the club. The patron showed objective signs
of alcohol intoxication and was subsequently arrested for being drunk in public. Officers noticed
there was no food being cooked and the kitchen showed that no food appeared to have been
prepared at all that day.
January 23, 2023 – Officers responded to a report of a physical fight at George's Nightclub. Upon
arrival the suspects had fled. The club's security guards failed to report they used OC spray on the
suspects which sprayed onto other patrons.
COA #18-20 – Bona Fide Eating Place
Both the nightclub’s Use Permit and ABC License require that the business operate a full restaurant and
serve food during their regular business hours. The nightclub is approved as a bona fide eating place,
which is defined in condition of approval #20:
“Bona fide public eating place” means a place which is regularly used and kept open for the
serving of meals to guests for compensation and which has: 1) suitable kitchen facilities for the
cooking of an assortment of foods which may be required for meals; b) a primary use of a sit down
service to patrons; c) adequate seating arrangement for sit down patrons provided on the
premises; d) Take-out service that is only incidental to the primary sit-down use; and e) alcoholic
beverages all sold or dispensed for consideration for consumption on the premises only, and only
when, served at tables or sit down counters by employees of the restaurant. A bona fide eating
place does not include a place where food service is incidental to the service of alcoholic
beverages, constituting less than 51% of sales.
George’s business hours are varied and they are not open during typical lunch or dinner hours. According
to the business listing on Yelp, they are open Friday through Sunday from 5:00 PM – 1:45 AM the next
day. However, staff have witnessed during drive-bys and visits, and have been told during calls to the
establishment, that George’s does not actually open until 7:00 PM or 9:00 PM on nights when they have
shows. On their Facebook page, Yelp listing, and Do the Bay listing George’s advertises as a night club,
and all references to the restaurant, including menus, have been removed from the website and online
ordering services. See Attachment 9 for a screenshot of the club’s social media accounts.
The establishment does not hold a license from the County of Marin that permits food preparation and
service as a “Bona fide public eating place”. Pibil Yucatan Food was the restaurant/catering company that
prepared meals for George’s Nightclub when meals were served. Pibil Yucatan Food had held a Full-
Service meal preparation license from the County and provided full-service food operations for Evolution
Night Club and Restaurant starting in September of 2019. However, as of January 14, 2021, the license
expired and the company is no longer active at this location. Evolution Nightclub possesses a Limited Food
Preparation permit with the County that is currently valid until November 21, 2023. This license type,
however, is restricted to service of pre-prepared foods and is not valid for the preparation of meals as
required for a bona fide eating place, (see Attachment 10).
As further corroborated by site visits, George’s Nightclub is not operating as a bona fide eating place.
June 4, 2022 – Code Enforcement Officers went in under cover at 8:15 pm. Around 9:45 pm a
gentleman came to their table and asked if they wanted food. He stated that the only food they had
was chicken wings and they needed to pay for it in cash. They could not put it on the credit card, and
only drinks were allowed on the card. See Attachment 11.
July 23, 2022 at 1:11 AM – Officers completed a walk-through of George’s Bar. The officer noted that
although there was a menu written on a chalk board and there was one person in the kitchen, there
was no food being served and no food was being prepared.
August 5, 2022 at 8:22 PM – Officers completed a walk-through of George’s Bar to observe whether
it was operating as a restaurant. The officer noted that the bar had been open for approximately two
hours, however the burners on the stove were cold to the touch. The only food available in the kitchen
to be cooked was a small bag of chicken wings and some beef that appeared to be old. The officer
photographed the kitchen area. The kitchen has an apartment sized refrigerator/freezer which only
held miscellaneous condiments, ranch dressing and a bag of corn tortillas. The manager instructed
the employees to stop opening doors and cabinets so that officers could not see inside. Additionally,
they refused to turn on lights in the bar area.
Public Nuisance Findings
For a use permit to be approved by the Zoning Officer or Planning Commission, it must be found that the
proposed use, “together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health,
safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general
welfare of the city” (SRMC §14.22.080.B). In addition to the incidents documented by PD regarding over-
intoxication listed in the Site Management and Security section above, PD has responded to numerous
additional service calls regarding incidents of brawling and violence both within and outside the venue.
The direct violations of Conditions of Approval #12 and 14 (regarding site management and security) listed
above, as well as the following incidents requiring PD response, demonstrate that George’s Nightclub
operates in a manner which creates situations that constitute a public nuisance:
July 11, 2021 – Officers responded to a fight in progress at the bar. When officers arrived, the fight
was over. No arrests were made.
July 23, 2021 – George’s hosted a rap concert with entertainers from the East Bay and Detroit. At
approximately 10:47 PM two suspects opened fire with automatic rifles on a group of people arriving
to attend the concert. The group had parked in a City of San Rafael parking structure near the bar.
Six people were struck by gunfire. Two people died.
July 31, 2021 – Employees of George’s believed a customer had stolen something. Employees
pinned the man to the ground and called police. There was no proof anything had been stolen. No
arrests were made.
August 11, 2021 – Officers responded to George’s Bar at the request of a victim who reported she
and her boyfriend were assaulted on July 31, 2021. The assault was unrelated to the forgoing theft
October 9, 2021 – Officers responded to George’s Bar at approximately 11:04 PM regarding an
assault that had just occurred. The suspect was too intoxicated to care for himself and spat on a bar
security guard. The suspect had been handcuffed by security when SRPD officers arrived.
October 10, 2021 – An officer was monitoring George’s Bar at closing time (1:53 AM) when she
observed an argument between a group of men. The officer approached the group and told them to
separate. As she was dealing with this group another group of males began shoving each other. The
officer called for assistance and then heard a loud noise. The officer turned to see a male subject
punching another male. The victim sustained major injuries. One suspect was arrested for felony
January 23, 2022 – At approximately 1:56 AM, officers responded to George’s Bar for a possible
medical aid. They arrived and spoke to a woman who reported another woman threw a beer bottle
at her while inside the bar. She stated the bottle struck her in the face. The woman then stated that
once outside the same suspect broke a bottle and cut the victim’s finger before fleeing the area with
a man in an SUV. Independent witnesses told officers that the woman who called the police instigated
the fight and cut her own finger after breaking beer bottles outside. Officers were unable to
substantiate what happened.
February 6, 2022 – At approximately 1:52 AM a male called 9-1-1 to report he had been assaulted
at George’s Bar. The victim sustained an injury to his lip. The suspect had fled prior to arrival and the
victim declined any further assistance. No arrests were made.
February 27, 2022 – At approximately 10:32 PM officers investigated an assault between a bar patron
and security. During the altercation the suspect stole the security guard’s body worn camera. The
bar patron was cited for battery and theft.
March 21, 2022 at 12:54 AM – Officers responded to George’s regarding an assault that had just
occurred. A security guard determined that a bar patron was too intoxicated to be inside the bar.
Additionally, the patron was challenging people to fight. When the security guard attempted to escort
the man from the bar a fight ensued. The suspect was arrested for battery. Following the arrest, the
suspect kicked officers and a nurse at the hospital where the suspect was taken for medical
July 4, 2022 at 1:32 AM – Officers responded to George’s regarding an assault. The victim reported
he had been asked to leave the bar for wearing shorts. Once outside he attempted to return to the
bar because he had a friend inside. When he approached the front door the security guard pushed
the victim by the throat two times. The victim fell to the ground after the second push. The security
guard was cited for battery.
Following the investigation of the above-described assault incident within the establishment, police
officers conducted an Alcoholic Beverage Control compliance check for violations of the Alcoholic
Beverage Control Act. The bartender and owner were admonished for poor standards of operation
specifically related to the following:
- Obviously intoxicated persons and habitual drunkards. No person may sell or give alcohol to
an individual who is obviously intoxicated, nor may they cause or permit this to occur. No person
may give or sell alcohol to anyone who is a habitual drunkard (meaning they have lost control
of their drinking), nor may they cause or permit this to occur.
- Law enforcement problem. Licensees may not permit their premises to become a problem for
law enforcement by making an unreasonable number of calls for assistance.
- Disorderly house. Licensees may not permit the licensed premises (including the parking lot)
to become a disorderly house. This means disturbing neighbors with loitering, loud music,
vandalism, or littering. It could also mean having multiple ongoing crimes such as assaults,
narcotics, or prostitution.
October 1, 2022 – A customer reported he was slapped in the face by a George's security
officer. The customer displayed the objective symptoms of being intoxicated. The security officer
was contacted and admitted that she slapped the customer in the face after making a derogatory
remark. The customer refused to press charges and a report was completed for documentation.
October 2, 2022 – A customer reported he was struck twice in the face and once in the chest by
another person. The customer stated a George's security officer escorted the suspect out of the
building and allowed him to leave. The customer wished to press charges against the suspect if
identified. George's does not have interior security cameras and a suspect was not identified.
October 23, 2022 –Officers responded to the area of George’s after a 911 call was placed into
dispatch. Upon arrival, officers located three victims who reported being punched by six suspects. A
fourth victim was struck in the head by a glass beer bottle. It was reported an argument and fight
occurred inside George’s prior to the assault. The victim that was struck in the head sustained a
wound and was transported to the hospital. The victims were extremely intoxicated and were
suspected of being over-served at George's.
The number and frequency of the incidents, especially considering that George’s Nightclub is only open
three nights a week, demonstrates that the nightclub operations are detrimental to the peace and welfare
of the surrounding neighborhood as well as are a strain on PD resources.
Section 14.22.160 of the Zoning Ordinance states that a use operated in violation of a condition of permit
approval or a provision of the Zoning Ordinance may be revoked pursuant to the procedures outline in
SRMC §14.30.070 - Revocation of discretionary permits as follows:
14.30.070 Revocation of discretionary permits.
A. Duties of Planning Commission. Upon determination by the planning director, planning
commission or city council that there are reasonable grounds for revocation or modification
of a use permit, variance, design review or other discretionary approval authorized by this
title, a revocation hearing shall be scheduled before the planning commission.
B. Notice and Public Hearing. Notice shall be given in the same manner required for a public
hearing to consider permit approval.
C. Hearing. The planning commission shall hear and consider all relevant evidence, objections
and protests, and shall receive written and/or oral testimony from owners, witnesses, city
personnel and interested persons relative to such case and to proposed modifications,
rehabilitation, repair, demolition or other abatement appropriate under the legal powers of
the city.
D. Decision and Notice. At the conclusion of the hearing, the planning commission shall render
a decision, and ensure that the owner or the owner's authorized representative is notified of
the decision and of the appeal process. If the owner or the owner's authorized
representative is not present at the meeting, the planning commission shall send notice of
the decision by certified mail to the owner of the use or structure for which the permit was
reviewed. Said notice shall also include notice of the right to appeal the planning
commission's decision to the city council.
E. Effective Date—Appeals. If the owner or the owner's authorized representative is present at
the revocation hearing, a decision to revoke a discretionary permit shall become final five
(5) working days after the date of the decision, unless appealed to the city council. In the
event that the owner or the owner's authorized representative is not present at the
revocation hearing, a decision to revoke a discretionary permit shall become final five (5)
working days after notice of the decision is received by the applicant through certified mail,
unless appealed to the city council. Decisions made by the city council on revocation
hearings shall be final.
F. Right Cumulative. The city's right to revoke a discretionary permit, as provided in this
section, shall be cumulative to any other remedy allowed by law.
If an application for a use permit revoked, no new application for the same, or substantially the same,
use permit shall be filed within one year of the date of denial or revocation of the initial application, unless
the denial is made without prejudice (SRMC §14.22.170).
Use Permit revocation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Section 15321 – Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies.
On September 8, 2021, Community Development Director (CDD) Alicia Giudice sent a letter to Ms.
Figueroa, the nightclub operator listing Use Permit condition violations including non-compliance with food
service requirements and security issues. The letter indicated that CDD would be considering Use Permit
revocation proceedings. See Attachment 12.
On February 9, 2023, CDD sent a letter to Ms. Figueroa, Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant LLC, and the
property owner, and a public hearing notice to all interested parties, property owners and business owners
within 300 feet of the subject site that incorrectly stated the hearing date as February 28, 2022. Upon
learning of the incorrect year listed in the notice, on February 27, 2023 staff sent a revised letter via certified
mail to Ms. Figueroa, Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant LLC, and the property owner informing them that
the rescheduled date for the revocation hearing would be March 28, 2023 (see Attachment 13).
Pursuant to 14.30.070.B, notice of this revocation hearing was conducted in accordance with noticing
requirements contained in Chapter 14.29 of the Zoning Ordinance. On March 3, 2023, a Notice of Public
Hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the subject site, to
the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, to the Business Improvement District, and to all other interested
parties 15 calendar days prior to the date of this hearing. As of the date of writing this staff report, no public
comments were received for this project. Any comment received will either be included in the agenda
packet or will be forwarded to Planning Commissioners in a supplemental packet.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Adopt the Resolution revoking the Use Permit
2. Continue the hearing (to a date certain or an undefined date) to allow staff to address any of the
Commission’s comments or concerns; or
3. Recommend the Use Permit remain in effect as is or with additional conditions.
1. Draft Resolution revoking Use Permit 05-01
Attachments to Exhibit 1:
1. Planning Commission Resolution 06-02 approving Use Permit 05-01 with conditions of approval
2. City of San Rafael Business License Verification letter for George’s Nightclub, dated January
25, 2023
3. City of San Rafael Business License Verification letter for Pibil Yucatan Food/Porchetta, dated
January 25, 2023
4. List of scheduled events at George’s Nightclub, from January 1, 2022 through January 15, 2023
from Facebook page, downloaded January 9, 2023
5. Police Department Memorandum, from Captain Leon to Lisa Goldfein, City Attorney, dated
August 5, 2021
6. Police Department Memorandum, from Lieutenant Holton to Chief Spiller, dated August 26. 2022
7. Police Department Memorandum from Captain Leon, dated December 15, 2022
8. Police Department Memorandum from Captain Leon, dated February 28, 2023
9. Screenshot of George’s Nightclub’s social media account, taken January 20, 2023
10. Letter from County of Marin Environmental Health Services Division regarding food preparation
licenses at 842 4th Street, dated January 27, 2023
11. Code Enforcement Case File Memorandum regarding undercover visit to George’s Nightclub,
dated June 8, 2022
12. Letter from Director Giudice to Esly Figueroa re: Noncompliance Issues, dated September 8,
2021, without attachment
13. Letter to property owner and business owners of revised notice of revocation hearing, dated
February 27, 2023, without attachment
APN: 011-224-14
WHEREAS, on January 10, 2006, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly-
noticed public hearing and adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-02 approving a
Use Permit (UP05-01) allowing the re-establishment of live entertainment and a cocktail lounge
as part of a new restaurant/supper club located 842 4th Street approved; and
WHEREAS, Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant, LLC (dba George’s Nightclub) took over
business operations in September of 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Use Permit includes several conditions of approval and requires that
George’s Nightclub continually comply with the conditions of approval; and
WHEREAS, Use Permit condition number 11 requires that George’s Nightclub maintain
a valid business license and that any contract employees (e.g. disc jockeys and live
entertainers) obtain a valid business license prior to working on site; and
WHEREAS, George’s Nightclub’s business license expired on January 1, 2022 but
George’s Nightclub has continued holding concerts and events every weekend since then; and
WHEREAS, the business license for Pibil Yucatan Food/Porchetta, the on-site
restaurant operator, expired on January 1, 2021 and there is no record of any other entity
obtaining a business license prior to entertaining or working on site; and
WHEREAS, Use Permit condition numbers 12 and 14 require that a site manager and a
security team of at least four licensed personnel wearing clothing clearly identifying them as
such be provided during all hours of operation of the nightclub use; and
WHEREAS, City police officers have noted at least once that not all security guards
working at a live event had a valid state “guard card” and were not wearing clothing identifying
them as security guards; and
WHEREAS, the business operator Ms. Figueroa told City staff that she only has three
security guards that work at George’s Nightclub on a regular basis and only occasionally hires
additional security guards for larger events; and
WHEREAS, Use Permit condition numbers 18 and 20 require George’s Nightclub to
operate as a bona fide eating place, meaning that (1) complete meal service must be available
during all hours of operation; (2) kitchen facilities must be suitable for cooking an assortment of
foods; (3) the primary use of the eating place must be sit down service to patrons; and (4) food
service constitutes at least 51% of sales and is not merely incidental to the service of alcoholic
beverages; and
WHEREAS, George’s Nightclub advertises itself as a nightclub and its website does not
include any references to the restaurant or include any menus; and
- 2 -
WHEREAS, George’s Nightclub has not hired a catering company to provide meals
since Pibil Yucatan Food’s food preparation license with the County of Marin expired in
November 2020; and
WHEREAS, George’s Nightclub’s possesses a Limited Food Preparation license with
the County which is restricted to service of pre-prepared food and is not valid for the preparation
of meals as required for a bona fide eating place; and
WHEREAS, City code enforcement and police officers have observed on several visits
that either no food or only chicken wings were being served, the kitchen was not in use, and
sales were almost exclusively of alcoholic beverages; and
WHEREAS, approval of the Use Permit also required that “the proposed live
entertainment use and cocktail lounge at a restaurant, together with the conditions applicable
thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in the vicinity of to the general welfare”; and
WHEREAS, San Rafael Police Officers have had to respond to at least 27 incidents at or
around George’s Nightclub involving George’s Nightclub patrons from June 2021 through
January 2023, including multiple incidents of over-intoxication, DUIs, theft, violence, and even a
shooting resulting in a double homicide; and
WHEREAS, the above referenced violations of the Use Permit have continued for a
substantial period of time; approximately May 2021 through the present date; and
WHEREAS, the above referenced violations of the Use Permit constitute a public
nuisance and a threat to public health, safety, and welfare for the following reasons: failure to
provide full meal service exacerbates the impacts of intoxication; a lack of adequate site
management and security has led to almost weekly service calls to police officers to respond to
fights and assaults among club patrons, some involving the nightclub’s security guards
themselves; these incidents have not been limited to within the confines of the premises but
outside as well thereby not only posing a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the
nightclub’s clientele but potentially to passer-byers in the vicinity; over-service of alcohol has
also led to DUIs that pose a threat not only to the intoxicated driver, but anyone who may come
in contact with them; the failure to manage alcohol service and security has strained Police
Department resources, potentially impacting its ability to respond to other calls for service and
emergencies; and
WHEREAS, on September 8, 2021 the City sent a notice of noncompliance via standard
mail to Ms. Esly Figueroa, the operator of George’s Nightclub, notifying her of the various
violations of the conditions of the Use Permit for George’s Nightclub and giving the opportunity
to correct such violations; and
WHEREAS, on February 27, 2023 the City sent a letter to both Ms. Figueroa and the
property owner via certified mail notifying them that a revocation hearing had been set for March
28, 2023; and
WHEREAS, on March 28, 2023, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly
noticed public hearing on the proposed revocation of Use Permit 05-01, accepting all oral and
written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff;
- 3 -
WHEREAS, George’s Nightclub has repeatedly violated the conditions of approval
contained within its Use Permit, is a strain on police department resources, and has repeatedly
conducted its business in a way that is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, and is
materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the
city in contravention of San Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.22.080.B and therefore
constitutes a public nuisance.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission revokes Use Permit
05-01 effective immediately.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission
meeting held on the 28th day of March 2023. The Planning Commission’s Action is final unless
it is appealed to the City Council within five (5) working days pursuant to San Rafael Municipal
Code Section 14.28.030 - Filing and time limit of appeals.
Moved by Commissioner _____________ and seconded by Commissioner ________________.
Alicia Giudice, Secretary Samina Saude, Chair
1. Planning Commission Resolution 06-02 approving Use Permit 05-01 with conditions of
2. City of San Rafael Business License Verification letter for George’s Nightclub, dated January
25, 2023
3. City of San Rafael Business License Verification letter for Pibil Yucatan Food/Porchetta,
dated January 25, 2023
4. List of scheduled events at George’s Nightclub, from January 1, 2022 through January 15,
2023 from Facebook page, downloaded January 9, 2023
5. Police Department Memorandum, from Captain Leon to Lisa Goldfein, City Attorney, dated
August 5, 2021
6. Police Department Memorandum, from Lieutenant Holton to Chief Spiller, dated August 26.
7. Police Department Memorandum from Captain Leon, dated December 15, 2022
8. Police Department Memorandum from Captain Leon, dated February 28, 2023
9. Screenshot of George’s Nightclub’s social media account, taken January 20, 2023
- 4 -
10. Letter from County of Marin Environmental Health Services Division regarding food
preparation licenses at 842 4th Street, dated January 27, 2023
11. Code Enforcement Case File Memorandum regarding undercover visit to George’s
Nightclub, dated June 8, 2022
12. Letter from Director Giudice to Esly Figueroa re: Noncompliance Issues, dated September
8, 2021, without attachment
13. Letter to property owner and business owners of revised notice of revocation hearing, dated
February 27, 2023
842 FOURTH STREET; APN: 011-224-14
WHEREAS, on November 24, 2004, an application for building permit to
remodel and upgrade the existing nightclub space into a restaurant and nightclub was
submitted and on May 4, 2005, the Building Division issued a building permit for these
upgrades; and
WHEREAS, the building permit issued for this project did not authorize the re-
establishment of live entertainment or cocktail lounge uses until an application for a Use
Permit was submitted and approved by the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, on January 6, 2005, Gloria Mendoza submitted an application for a
Use Permit to allow the re-establishment of live entertainment and a cocktail lounge
within a space that was formerly a nightclub (New George’s) located at 842 Fourth street;
WHEREAS, upon review of the application, the project was determined to be
exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Structures; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Use Permit application was reviewed by the Public
Works, Police, Fire and Community Development Departments and was recommended
for approval subject to conditions; and
WHEREAS, on January 10, 2006, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a
duly-noticed public hearing on the proposed Use Permit, accepting all oral and written
public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff
and closed said hearing on that date; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the
City of San Rafael does hereby approve the Use Permit, based on the following findings
and subject to the conditions of approval below:
1. The proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of the Fourth Street Retail Core (4SRC) District in
which the site is located given that: a) the project proposes to provide live
entertainment and a cocktail lounge in a space within the Downtown which would
provide a restaurant/entertainment use and compliment and support other businesses
within the Downtown area, consistent with General Plan Polices NH-15a (Business
Development Efforts), NH-20 (Cultural and Entertainment Promotion), and NH-39b
(Enhanced Pedestrian Character); b) the use would be of similar traffic generation to
the historical uses on this property and would be conditioned to comply with the
City’s fire safety and Noise Ordinance consistent with General Plan Policies Policy
C-5 (Traffic Level of Service Standards) S-22d (Fire Prevention and Safe Design) S-
29a (Safe Buildings) N-10 (Enforce and Update the Noise Ordinance); and c) live
entertainment and cocktail lounges are conditionally permitted uses within the subject
4SRC District.
2. The proposed live entertainment use and cocktail lounge at a restaurant, together with
the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,
or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to
the general welfare of the City given that: a) no expansion of the existing building is
proposed, the space is currently located within the Downtown Parking Assessment
District, and the City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the application and determined
that no adverse parking impacts should result; b) the City’s Police Department and
Planning Division have reviewed the project, monitored the project site, and
developed conditions of approval that would ensure that nighclub staff are properly
trained, and adequately staffed to manage patrons inside the establishment and within
the vicinity of the building; and c) the building and tenant space would be upgraded
to correct violations of the building. Health and Fire Codes and the proposed space
would conform to all current regulations.
3. The proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance given that no expansion of the existing building is proposed.
Conditions of Approval
Community Development Department - Planning Division
1. This Use Permit approval (File No.: UP05-01) authorizes live entertainment uses
(acoustic and amplified music, disc jockey, comedy acts and other theatrical
productions) and a cocktail lounge at the Kimball’s nightclub/restaurant located at
842 Fourth Street.
2. This Use Permit (UP05-01) shall be valid for one year from date of approval, (i.e.
until January 10, 2007), and shall become null and void if the live entertainment uses
are not conducted, or an extension is not granted before that time. Once the live
entertainment use is initiated within the one-year period, then the Use Permit shall
become valid and run with the land. On-going compliance with all conditions of
approval shall be required to keep the Use Permit valid.
3. Live entertainment is permitted seven days a week. On weekdays, Monday to Friday,
live entertainment is allowed from 6:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. On weekends, Saturday and
Sunday, live entertainment is allowed from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Amendments to
this Use Permit shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission.
4. The front sidewalk areas shall be kept clean of all litter including cigarette butts.
Litter pickup shall occur on a regular basis.
5. Limousines associated with entertainment at the nightclub shall not park in the “no
parking zones” on Fourth Street. Limousines may drop stop in no parking zones
consistent with Vehicle Code regulations for drop-off and pick-up.
6. Prior to occupancy of the building, the applicant shall install the following acoustical
treatments as recommended in the acoustical study (prepared by Leroy Shyne of
Sound Vision and on file with the Community Development Department):
• Acoustical suspended ceiling tiles with an absorption coefficient of 1.0.
• Wall panels with an absorption coefficient of 1.0 on at least one of all
opposite parallel walls.
• Partial areas of carpeting on the floors.
• Double paned windows on the front wall.
• Wall panels on both walls of the exit corridor on the west side of the
7. Prior to occupancy, the acoustical engineer shall inspect the building to verify that the
recommendations identified in their report have been completed and submit written
verification of compliance to the Planning Division.
8. The nightclub shall comply with applicable provisions of the City’s Noise Ordinance.
The Community Development Director reserves the right to impose additional
soundproofing measures if violations of the noise ordinance are observed.
9. Prior to installation or use of outdoor dining area, the applicant shall obtain the
required outdoor dining license agreement through the City of San Rafael Planning
Police Department
10. A cash-deposit in the amount of $2,000.00 shall be posted with the City prior to
activation of this Use Permit approval. The purpose of the bond shall be to cover
City costs to provide security for extraordinary law enforcement or public safety
services associated with the approved live entertainment uses at the subject property.
For the purposes of this approval, extraordinary police service shall be defined as
“Police services provided during or at the close of a live entertainment event,
which in the opinion of the police sergeant on duty are necessary to ensure public
safety, and that are beyond the normal course and scope of services routinely
provided to the other businesses and citizens, and stretch the resources of the
responding agency beyond those normally available for response.” These
services may be provided due to police observation or citizen complaint. For
example, normal police services to many of the City’s entertainment uses may
include an occasional (monthly) police walkthrough during the course of the
evening as well as a drive-by inspection of outside crowd control at closing time.
Instances where the police are required to direct pedestrian traffic, break up fights,
assist with prompting people to leave the bar at closing time, or prevent loitering
on site as defined by Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) are considered outside of
the scope of a normal police response or extraordinary, as these functions should
be fulfilled by tavern security staff.
The on-site manager will be notified when extraordinary police services have
been provided. The chief of police, or his or her designee, shall also notify the
subject property owner of any reduction in the cash deposit amount, and the
reason the deposit has been drawn upon. Deposit withdrawals shall cover the
fully-burdened rate of pay for journeyman level officer per the number of police
officers required at the scene to maintain the peace, and to ensure officer safety
under standard police practices. The current rate, as calculated by the City’s
Finance Department would be $80.00 per hour. However, the rate of withdrawal
shall be recalculated annually and/or with changes to police officer pay structure.
Whenever the cash deposit is drawn upon, the applicant shall replenish the deposit
to its full amount within five (5) working days and in no case shall there be
additional live entertainment on site until the deposit is fully replenished. The
applicant may within five working days of notice of bond withdrawal, appeal the
use of the deposit to the Planning Commission. However, no live entertainment
shall be conducted at the subject property while the appeal is in process, unless
the deposit is replenished to its full amount. Should the Planning Commission
determine that the withdrawal of the deposit was not necessary, the property
owner would be refunded the full amount of the replenishment.
11. A valid City business license and State of California liquor license shall be
maintained at all times. All contract employees (i.e., disc jockey and live
entertainers) shall obtain a business license from the City of San Rafael prior to
working on site.
12. All security guards shall be licensed by the State of California as private
patrol/security officers and wear clothing clearly identifying them as security
13. Wait staff, bartenders, bar backs, security staff and all personnel employed by the
establishment during the hours that alcohol is served shall attend and successfully
complete Alcohol Beverage Control (A.B.C.) LEAD training. The applicant shall
demonstrate that this training has occurred prior to activation of the Use Permit for
live entertainment. All new employees shall also require LEAD training.
14. A site manager and no less than four (4) security personnel shall be on site at all times
when there is live entertainment. Security personnel shall be responsible to ensure all
patrons are of valid drinking age, and manage patron activity inside the tavern and in
the vicinity of the building, as defined by ABC (currently 200 feet). Security
personnel shall discourage loitering outside of the tavern, as much as possible.
15. Project conformance with the City Noise Ordinance for mixed-use development (55
dBA) is required.
16. All entertainment shall cease at 1:30 a.m., and lighting shall be restored to allow full
illumination of the interior of the establishment by 2:00 a.m.
17. Security personnel shall clear the nightclub at closing and remind patrons not to
remain in the vicinity of the building (as defined by ABC). At least two security
personnel shall remain outside at closing to clear patrons from the vicinity. This shall
Preventing patrons from loading vehicles in red zones
Assisting patrons in crossing the street to prevent them from crossing against
the light to the parking garage at Third and C streets.
Preventing patrons from loitering in the vicinity of the building
18. As a bonafide eating place, Kimball’s Nightclub and Restaurant shall have complete
meal service available during all hours of operation.
19. As a bonafide eating place, Kimball’s Nightclub and Restaurant is permitted to have
persons less than twenty one years of age on the premises. It is the responsibility of
the applicant to ensure to adherence to ABC regulations prohibiting service to minors.
20. For the purposes of conditions # 18 and 19, “Bonafide eating place” means a place
which is regularly used and kept open for the serving of meals to guests for
compensation and which has: a) suitable kitchen facilities for the cooking of an
assortment of foods which may be required for meals. b) a primary use of a sit down
service to patrons; c) adequate seating arrangements for sit down patrons provided on
the premises; d) Take-out service that is only incidental to the primary sit-down use;
and e) Alcoholic beverages all sold or dispensed for consideration for consumption on
the premises only, and only when, served at tables or sit down counters by employees
of the restaurant. A bonafide eating place does not include a place where food service
is incidental to the service of alcoholic beverages, constituting less than fifty-one
percent (51%) of sales. The owner/operator shall submit evidence of total food
service sales to the City of San Rafael Police Department, upon request by City
Officials to verify compliance with these conditions.
21. During hours when disk jockey or live entertainment is taking place, there shall be no
service or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the outdoor dining area.
22. Live entertainment shall not be piped through the speaker system in the outdoor
dining area due to the potential for generating noise that may be detrimental to the
surrounding area.
23. The applicant shall assure that emergency exit doors shall be self-closing and equipped
with fire alarm hardware and shall remain closed at all times during the hours of live
entertainment. All other exterior doors shall remain closed except for ingress and egress
during the hours of live entertainment.
Fire Department
24. The restaurant/nightclub shall comply with the maximum occupancy limits for
nightclub and dining as posted in the restaurant and enforced by the Fire Marshal.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City Planning Commission meeting
held on the 10th day of January 2006.
Moved by Commissioner Collin and seconded by Commissioner Pick.
AYES: Commissioners: Atchison, Colin, Kirchmann, Lang, Pick, Scott, and Chair Paul
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ATTEST: ______________________ BY:_______________________
Robert M. Brown, Secretary Larry Paul, Chairman
1400 5th AVENUE • SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901
TELEPHONE (415) 485-3051 FACSIMILE (415) 485-3100
842 4TH ST
SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901-3224
Business Name:
Business DBA:
Location Address:
Business License #:
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as notice that the above named business has a current business license with the City of San Rafael,
valid through 12/31/2021.
This license has been in effect since 06/01/2013.
If you need additional information, please call our office at (415) 485-3051.
Rayanne Lulay | City of San Rafael
Senior Accounting Assistant
Business License Division
Date:January 25, 2023
George's Nightclub
Evolution Nightclub & Restaurant, LLC
842 4TH ST
SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901-3224
Printed 1/25/2023: 9:21 am
1400 5th AVENUE • SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901
TELEPHONE (415) 485-3051 FACSIMILE (415) 485-3100
842 4TH ST
SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901-3224
Business Name:
Business DBA:
Location Address:
Business License #:
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as notice that the above named business has a current business license with the City of San Rafael,
valid through 12/31/2020.
This license has been in effect since 11/21/2018.
If you need additional information, please call our office at (415) 485-3051.
Rayanne Lulay | City of San Rafael
Senior Accounting Assistant
Business License Division
Date:January 25, 2023
Pibil Yucatan Food/ Porchetta
SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903-1423
Printed 1/25/2023: 9:18 am
List of Scheduled Events at George’s Nightclub from January 1, 2022 through
January 15, 2023 as listed on the business’ Facebook page, downloaded January 9,
2023. https://www.facebook.com/georgesnightclubSR/?ref=page_internal
• January 1, 2022: Digio New Years Party
• January 7, 2022: Originarios De Cajola with DJ Fernando
• January 9, 2022: Banda Maguey with DJ Kike
• February 25, 2022: Gracie as Jenni
• February 27, 2022: K-Paz de la Sierra & Grupo Brundis
• March 6, 2022: Traviezos de la costa with DJ Eskiiieee
• March 11, 2022: Originarios de Cajola with DJ Fernando
• March 13, 2022: Los Pikadientes de Cabarca and Los Chavos del Rancho
• March 18, 2022: Tributo a Selena env oz de Camila Soruco with DJ Fernando
• March 20, 2022: Los Rehenes
• March 25, 2022: Marimba Orquesta Alma de mi Tierra with DJ Fernando
• April 1, 2022: Noche de Cumbia Sonider, Grupo la Mackina, with DJ Fernando
• April 3, 2022: Proyecto 20
• April 8, 2022: El Tiburon Mayor with DJ Fernando
• April 10, 2022: Los Canarios
• April 17, 2022: Hermanos de Leon
• April 22, 2022: El Travieso y su Dinamita Show & Originarios de Cajola
• April 24, 2022: Los Traviezos de la Costa
• April 29, 2022: Los Chaboys y su Marimba Orquesta with DJ Fernando
• May 1, 2022: Banda Zeta
• May 6, 2022: El Tpo de Mexico
• May 8, 2022: Paco Pineda
• May 13, 2022: Noche de SKA & Rock with DJ Fernando
• May 15, 2022: El Coma Sacra
• May 20, 2022: Sonora Dinamita & Rebelion Musical de Morelos, with DJ Fernando
• May 22, 2022: Banda la Prendida
• May 27, 2022: Hugo Jara y la Son Sierreño
• May 29, 2022: Bana la Marinera
• June 3, 2022: Originarios de Cajola & Rebelion Musical de Morelos
• June 5, 2022: Samuray with DJ Eskiiieee
• June 10, 2022: Sonora Café de Colombia, with DJ Fernando
• June 12, 2022: Proyecto 20 with DJ Chris
• June 17, 2022: Marimba Orquesta Alma de mi Tierra with DJ Fernando
• June 25, 2022: Summer Party
• June 26, 2022: Los Mier
• July 1, 2022: Son de Kali with DJ Fernando
• July 8, 2022: Rebelion Musical de Morelos with DJ Mackumbia
• July 10, 2022: Grupo Libra
• July 15, 2022: Grupo Maravilla de Robin Revilla & Son Sierreño with DJ Fernando
• July 17, 2022: Originales with DJ Eskiiieee
• July 22, 2022: Hermano de Guadalupe Esparza & Grupo Galope de Benancia Esparza
• July 23, 2022: Sexy Ladies Night with DJ Jorge Enzona
• July 24, 2022: Control de Lupe Degollado with DJ Fernando
• July 29, 2022: L Sex de la Banda
• July 31, 2022: Sorullo y la Original Sonora Dinamita with DJ Fernando
• August 5, 2022: Banda Reina de la Bahia
• August 7, 2022: Arpenos with DJ Fernando
• August 12, 2022: Tamborazo 24/7 with DJ Fernando
• August 14, 2022: Originarios de Cajola with DJ Fernando
• August 19, 2022: Estrellas de la Bahia with DJ Fernando
• August 21, 2022: Seleccion Humilde and Raza Obrera with DJ Fernando
• August 28, 2022: Los Yaguaru de Angel Venegas with DJ Fernando
• August 26, 2022: Marimba Orquesta Alma de mi Tierra with DJ Fernando
• September 4, 2022: La Evidencia de Tierra Caliente, with DJ Eskiiieee
• September 11, 2022: Fulanito with DJ Fernando
• September 9 & 11, 2022: Oscar Padilla el Tamalero with DJ Fernando
• September 16, 2022: Noche de Banda/Tamborazo Santo Domino with DJ Fernando
• September 18, 2022: Sorullo y la original Sonora Dinamita with DJ Fernando
• September 25, 2022: Son de Kali with DJ Frenando
• September 30, 2022: Pancho Panchero with DJ Fernando
• October 2, 2022: Los Angeles Negros
• October 16, 2022: Grupo Rana with DJ Ferando
• October 21, 2022: Noche de Tambora with Tamborazo Santo Domingo and DJ Fernando
• October 23, 2022: Sijenos del Horizonte with DJ Fernando
• October 29, 202: Halloween Party with DJ Jorgenzona
• November 4, 2022: Noche de DJ’s with DJ Erick and DJ Fernando
• November 11, 2022: El Travieso y su Dinamita Show with DJ Fernado
• November 13, 2022: Pequenos Musical, German Vazquez, with DJ Fernando
• November 18, 2022: Noche de Banda, Estrellas de la Bahia with DJ Fernando
• November 20, 2022: Los Baceros with DJ Fernando
• November 23, 2022: Duranguense Night
• November 25, 2022: Originarios de Cajola with DJ Fernando
• November 27, 2022: Group Libra
• December 2, 2022: Traviezos, Mario Davila, with DJ Eskiiieee
• December 4, 2022: Los Reyes de la Cumbia Control
• December 11, 2022: Proyecto 20
• December 18, 2022: Grupo Miramar and El Nuevo Acapulco
• December 23, 2022: Duranguense Y Zapateados, Principes del Pacifico
• December 31, 2022: 2023 New year Party with DJ Crazy Mix
• January 6, 2023: El Tiburon Mayor with DJ Fernando
• January 15, 2023: Banda Troyana with DJ Fernando
David C. Spiller, Police Chief
1375 Fifth Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901
VOICE (415) 485-3000 www.srpd.org FAX (415) 485-3043
To: Lisa Goldfein, City Attorney
From: Roy Leon, Police Captain
Date: August 5, 2021
Re: New George’s Establishment
Attachments: Copy of Use Permit
During a review of “New George’s” Use Permit, the following concerns and possible violations
were discovered:
1. Per the Use Permit, live entertainment is permitted seven days a week. On weekdays,
Monday to Friday, live entertainment is allowed from 6:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. On
weekends, Saturday and Sunday, live entertainment is allowed from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30
a.m. During a conversation with the owner of New George’s on July 28, 2021, the
owner stated live music ends at 1:45 a.m.
2. Per the Use Permit, a cash-deposit in the amount of $2,000.00 shall be posted with the
City prior to activation of this Use Permit approval. The purpose of the bond shall be to
cover City costs to provide security for extraordinary law enforcement or public safety
services associated with the approved live entertainment uses at the subject property. For
the purposes of this approval, extraordinary police service shall be defined as follows:
“Police services provided during or at the close of a live entertainment event, which in
the opinion of the police sergeant on duty are necessary to ensure public safety, and that
are beyond the normal course and scope of services routinely provided to the other
businesses and citizens, and stretch the resources of the responding agency beyond those
normally available for response.” These services may be provided due to police
observation or citizen complaint. For example, normal police services to many of the
City’s entertainment uses may include an occasional (monthly) police walkthrough
during the course of the evening as well as a drive-by inspection of outside crowd control
at closing time. Instances where the police are required to direct pedestrian traffic, break
up fights, assist with prompting people to leave the bar at closing time, or prevent
loitering on site as defined by Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) are considered outside
of the scope of a normal police response or extraordinary, as these functions should be
fulfilled by tavern security staff. The on-site manager will be notified when
extraordinary police services have been provided. The chief of police, or his or her
designee, shall also notify the subject property owner of any reduction in the cash deposit
amount, and the reason the deposit has been drawn upon. Deposit withdrawals shall
David C. Spiller, Police Chief
1375 Fifth Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901
VOICE (415) 485-3000 www.srpd.org FAX (415) 485-3043
cover the fully-burdened rate of pay for journeyman level officer per the number of
police officers required at the scene to maintain the peace, and to ensure officer safety
under standard police practices. The current rate, as calculated by the City’s Finance
Department would be $80.00 per hour. However, the rate of withdrawal shall be
recalculated annually and/or with changes to police officer pay structure. Whenever the
cash deposit is drawn upon, the applicant shall replenish the deposit to its full amount
within five (5) working days and in no case shall there be additional live entertainment on
site until the deposit is fully replenished. The applicant may within five working days of
notice of bond withdrawal, appeal the use of the deposit to the Planning Commission.
However, no live entertainment shall be conducted at the subject property while the
appeal is in process, unless the deposit is replenished to its full amount. Should the
Planning Commission determine that the withdrawal of the deposit was not necessary, the
property owner would be refunded the full amount of the replenishment. The City of San
Rafael Finance Department was unable to locate any record of a deposit.
3. A valid City business license and State of California liquor license shall be maintained at
all times. All contract employees (i.e., disc jockey and live entertainers) shall obtain a
business license from the City of San Rafael prior to working on site. It is believed that
contract employees have not been obtaining a business license from the City prior to
working on site.
4. All security guards shall be licensed by the State of California as private patrol/security
officers and wear clothing clearly identifying them as security personnel. On 7/23/21,
Officers discovered that at least one of the security guards working a live event did not
have a valid guard card. Not all security guards wear identifiable clothing.
5. Wait staff, bartenders, bar backs, security staff and all personnel employed by the
establishment during the hours that alcohol is served shall attend and successfully
complete Alcohol Beverage Control (A.B.C.) LEAD training. The applicant shall
demonstrate that this training has occurred prior to activation of the Use Permit for live
entertainment. All new employees shall also require LEAD training. The owner
welcomed the idea of receiving LEAD training. Based on our conversation, it does not
appear that she nor her employees have received training.
6. A site manager and no less than four (4) security personnel shall be on site at all times
when there is live entertainment. Security personnel shall be responsible to ensure all
patrons are of valid drinking age, and manage patron activity inside the tavern and in the
vicinity of the building, as defined by ABC (currently 200 feet). Security personnel shall
discourage loitering outside of the tavern, as much as possible. During a conversation
David C. Spiller, Police Chief
1375 Fifth Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901
VOICE (415) 485-3000 www.srpd.org FAX (415) 485-3043
with the owner of New George’s on July 28, 2021, the owner stated she only has (3)
security guards that work at the establishment on a regular basis. The owner said she
has hired additional security guards in the past for larger events.
7. As a bonafide eating place, Kimball’s Nightclub (New George’s) and Restaurant shall
have complete meal service available during all hours of operation. For the purposes of
conditions #18 and 19 of the Use Permit, “Bonafide eating place” means a place which is
regularly used and kept open for the serving of meals to guests for compensation and
which has: a) suitable kitchen facilities for the cooking of an assortment of foods which
may be required for meals. b) a primary use of a sit down service to patrons; c) adequate
seating arrangements for sit down patrons provided on the premises; d) Take-out service
that is only incidental to the primary sit-down use; and e) Alcoholic beverages all sold or
dispensed for consideration for consumption on the premises only, and only when, served
at tables or sit down counters by employees of the restaurant. A bonafide eating place
does not include a place where food service is incidental to the service of alcoholic
beverages, constituting less than fifty-one percent (51%) of sales. The owner/operator
shall submit evidence of total food service sales to the City of San Rafael Police
Department, upon request by City Officials to verify compliance with these conditions.
SRPD was notified by the San Rafael Fire Department that the establishment’s kitchen
appears to be unused and not functional for cooking.
DATE: August 26, 2022
TO: Chief David Spiller via the Chain of Command
FROM: Lt. Lisa Holton
RE: George’s 842 Fourth St.
When George’s Bar, 842 Fourth St. re-opened in the Spring of 2021 following the pandemic
restrictions being lifted in Marin County, the San Rafael Police Department has received an
increasing number of calls for service at the bar. The calls are generally related to fights, assaults,
and over-serving alcohol to bar patrons. Between June 13, 2021, and August 7, 2022, The San
Rafael Police Department has responded to more than twenty-three calls for service associated with
George’s Bar. The following is a summary of the cases and incidents investigated by the police
06-13-21 Drunk in Public Arrest. Officers were dispatched to a fight in progress at the bar. They
arrived to find one person too intoxicated to care for himself. Case SR21-3929
06-27-21 Drunk in Public Arrest and Battery. Officers were dispatched to a fight in progress at the
bar. They arrived to find a victim of an assault. Officers arrested one person for being drunk in public
and for Battery against a person. SR21-4232
07-11-21 Officers responded to a fight in progress at the bar. When officers arrived, the fight was
over. No arrests were made.
07-23-21 George’s hosted a rap concert with entertainers from the East Bay and Detroit. At
approximately 10:47 PM two suspects opened fire with automatic rifles on a group of people arriving
to attend the concert. The group had parked in a City of San Rafael parking structure near the bar.
Six people were struck by gunfire. Two people died. SR21-04877.
07-31-21 Employees of George’s believed a customer had stolen something. Employees pinned the
man to the ground and called police. There was no proof anything had been stolen. No arrests were
08-11-21 Officers responded to George’s Bar at the request of a victim who reported she and her
boyfriend were assaulted on July 31, 2021. The assault was unrelated to the theft incident. SR21-
10-09-21 Officers responded to George’s Bar at approximately 11:04 PM regarding an assault that
had just occurred. The suspect was too intoxicated to care for himself and spat on a bar security
guard. The suspect had been handcuffed by security when SRPD officers arrived. SR21-06575
10-10-21 A SRPD officer was monitoring George’s Bar at closing time (1:53 AM) when she observed
an argument between a group of men. The officer approached the group and told them to separate.
As she was dealing with this group another group of males began shoving each other. The officer
called for assistance and then heard a loud noise. The officer turned to see a male subject punching
another male. The victim sustained major injuries. One suspect was arrested for felony battery.
10-24-21 At approximately 2:05 AM Officers responded to a reported fight in progress at George’s
Bar. When officers arrived, the fighting had stopped. There was a group of people outside the bar
when officers arrived. There were no arrests.
11-21-21 At approximately 1:13 AM an anonymous caller dialed 9-1-1 stating he needed help. The
caller hung up before providing any additional information. Dispatch was able to call the reporting
party and learned there were three people fighting. The involved parties had fled the area prior to
officers’ arrival.
12-05-21 At approximately 12:38 AM George’s security called the police department to report there
was an extremely intoxicated male refusing to leave the bar and starting fights. No arrest was made.
01-22-22 At approximately 12:26 AM an intoxicated person called the police department from
George’s Bar. When officers arrived, the man reported that the bartender was serving minors.
Officers were unable to substantiate the report. No arrests were made.
01-23-22 At approximately 1:56 AM officers responded to George’s Bar for a possible medical aid.
They arrived and spoke to a woman who reported another woman threw a beer bottle at her while
inside the bar. She stated the bottle struck her in the face. The woman then stated that once outside
the same suspect broke a bottle and cut the victim’s finger before fleeing the area with a man in an
SUV. Independent witnesses told officers that the woman who called the police instigated the fight
and cut her own finger after breaking beer bottles outside. Officers were unable to substantiate what
happened. SR22-00544.
02-06-22 At approximately 1:52 AM a male called 9-1-1 to report he had been assaulted at George’s
Bar. The victim sustained an injury to his lip. The suspect had fled prior to arrival and the victim
declined any further assistance. No arrests were made.
02-27-22 At approximately 10:32 PM officers investigated an assault between a bar patron and
security. During the altercation the suspect stole the security guard’s body worn camera. The bar
patron was cited for battery and theft. SR22-01405
03-21-22 at 12:54 AM Officers responded to George’s regarding an assault that had just occurred. A
security guard determined that a bar patron was too intoxicated to be inside the bar. Additionally, the
patron was challenging people to fight. When the security guard attempted to escort the man from the
bar a fight ensued. The suspect was arrested for battery. Following the arrest, the suspect kicked
officers and a nurse at the hospital where the suspect was taken for medical clearance. SR22-01946.
06-12-22 at 1:50 AM Officers responded to George’s regarding a fight in progress. When officers
arrived, there was no longer a fight, however there were numerous intoxicated people in the street.
An officer was approached by a female bar patron who reported she was assaulted inside the bar.
The suspect could not be located. SR22-04088.
07-04-22 at 1:32 AM Officers responded to George’s regarding an assault. The victim reported he
had been asked to leave the bar for wearing shorts. Once outside he attempted to return to the bar
because he had a friend inside. When he approached the front door the security guard pushed the
victim by the throat two times. The victim fell to the ground after the second push. The security guard
was cited for battery. SR22-04589.
07-04-22 at 1:32 AM following the investigation of the above incident officers conducted an Alcoholic
Beverage Control compliance check. The bartender and owner were admonished for poor standards
of operation specifically related to the following: SR22-04591
• Obviously intoxicated persons and habitual drunkards. No person may sell or give alcohol to an
individual who is obviously intoxicated, nor may they cause or permit this to occur. No person may give
or sell alcohol to anyone who is a habitual drunkard (meaning they have lost control of their drinking),
nor may they cause or permit this to occur.
• Law enforcement problem. Licensees may not permit their premises to become a problem for law
enforcement by making an unreasonable number of calls for assistance.
• Disorderly house. Licensees may not permit the licensed premises (including the parking lot) to become
a disorderly house. This means disturbing neighbors with loitering, loud music, vandalism, or littering. It
could also mean having multiple ongoing crimes such as assaults, narcotics, or prostitution.
07-16-22 at 4:18 AM Officers responded to the corner of Fourth Street and Cijos St. regarding a
possible traffic collision. A passerby found a male laying in the street at the location and believed he
had been struck by a car. The intersection is a short distance from George’s Bar. The victim told
officers he had been drinking at George’s several hours prior. He claimed that he was assaulted by
three men when he left the bar. The victim was still extremely intoxicated when interviewed by
officers. SR22-04918.
07-23-22 at 1:11 AM Officers completed a walk-through of George’s Bar. The officer noted that there
was no food being served and there were no menus available. The officer stated that there was a
menu written on a chalk board. There was one person in the kitchen, however no food was being
prepared. SR22-05098
08-05-22 at 8:22 PM Officers completed a walk-through of George’s Bar to observe whether it was
operating as a restaurant. The officer noted that the bar had been open for approximately two hours,
however the burners on the stove were cold to the touch. The only food available in the kitchen to be
cooked was a small bag of chicken wings and some beef that appeared to be old. The officer
photographed the kitchen area. The kitchen has an apartment sized refrigerator/freezer which only
held miscellaneous condiments, ranch dressing and a bag of corn tortillas. The manager instructed
the employees to stop opening doors and cabinets so that officers could not see inside. Additionally,
they refused to turn on lights in the bar area. SR22-05477.
George’s City of San Rafael Use Permit and California Alcohol Beverage Control License require that
the business operate a full restaurant and serve food during their regular business hours. George’s
business hours are varied. The bar does not open on most nights of the week. It is not open as a
restaurant during normal lunch or dinner hours. George’s is active on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
nights after 9:00 PM. All references to the restaurant, including menus, have been removed from the
website and online ordering services. George’s typically uses social media to advertise their
entertainment. Their Facebook page shows that they are advertising as a night club, with their doors
opening at 9:00 PM on nights when they have live shows.
Since reopening, George’s has become a nuisance to the police department. The have been
operating in violation of their use permit and alcohol license. Any attempt to work with the bar owner
and management to correct their behavior has been met with resistance and denial of responsibility.
Respectfully submitted,
Lt. Lisa Holton
DATE: December 15, 2022
FROM: Captain Roy Leon
RE: George’s 842 Fourth St.
The following is a summary of the cases and incidents investigated by the police department at
George’s since the last Memo that was completed by Lt. Lisa Holton on August 26, 2022:
10-01-22 A customer reported he was slapped in the face by a George's security officer. The
customer displayed the objective symptoms of being intoxicated. The security officer was contacted
and admitted that she slapped the customer in the face after making a derogatory remark. The
customer refused to press charges and a report was completed for documentation. SR22-6883
10-02-22 A customer reported he was struck twice in the face and once in the chest by another
person. The customer stated a George's security officer escorted the suspect out of the building and
allowed him to leave. The customer wished to press charges against the suspect if identified.
George's does not have interior security cameras and a suspect was not identified. SR22-6896.
10-02-22 An officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop near George’s. The driver displayed objective
signs of alcohol intoxication and admitted to drinking one alcoholic beverage near George's prior to
driving. However, the passenger inside the vehicle stated the driver had been inside George’s
drinking alcohol with them. The driver failed Field Sobriety Tests and was arrested for driving under
the influence. SR22-6897
10-23-22 SRPD Officers responded to the area of George’s after a 911 call was placed into dispatch.
Upon arrival, officers located three victims that reported being punched by six suspects. A fourth
victim was struck in the head by a glass beer bottle. It was reported an argument and fight occurred
inside George’s prior to the assault. The victim that was struck in the head sustained a wound and
was transported to the hospital. The victims were extremely intoxicated and were suspected of being
over-served at George's. SR22-7393
DATE: 2/28/23
FROM: Captain Roy Leon
RE: George’s 842 Fourth St.
The following is a summary of the cases and incidents investigated by the police department at
George’s as of 10/24/22:
12-18-22 Officers were conducting extra patrol at George's when they observed a security guard
carry out a female patron who was nearly unconscious from being over served. The security guard
did not ask the officers on scene for help and instead tried to dump the intoxicated female on a
nearby bench where she promptly nearly fell off. Officers kept her safe until the fire department could
arrive and transport her to the hospital. George's staff were less than helpful. SR22-8700.
12-19-22 During an extra patrol at George's, a vehicle was stopped for running a red light. The
driver admitted he had been drinking at George’s. The Driver was intoxicated with a .109 BAC. He
was arrested and booked into jail. SR22-8713.
01-15-23 Officers responded to George's Nightclub to a report of a "gas bomb". Upon arrival,
Officers discovered that a George's Nightclub security guard had deployed his OC pepper spray at a
man that attempted to punch him, after the security guard was escorting him out of the club for being
involved in a fight. The security guard inadvertently sprayed a few uninvolved guests. None of the
security guards or George's Nightclub employees made an effort to call SRPD or SRFD. While on
scene, an over-served patron walked in and out of the club. The patron showed objective signs of
alcohol intoxication and was subsequently arrested for being drunk in public. Officers noticed there
was no food being cooked and the kitchen showed that no food appeared to have been prepared at
all that day. SR23-00317.
1-21-23 Officers responded to a report of a physical fight at George's Nightclub. Upon arrival the
suspects had fled. The club's security guards failed to report they used OC spray on the suspects
which sprayed onto other patrons. SR23-00467.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/georgesnightclubSR/
Screenshot from 1/20/23:
“See menu” link leads to: https://www.facebook.com/georgesnightclubSR/menu/
Yelp Listing: GEORGE’S NIGHTCLUB - 14 Photos & 71 Reviews - 842 4th St, San Rafael, CA -
Schedule - Yelp
Screenshots from 1/20/23:
Clicking “Read More”:
From the business
George's Nightclub will create an environment that satisfies the changing tastes and expectations of our
clientele. In order to achieve this goal, we must constantly improve our response to the customers'
entertainment needs. We will provide our customers with the highest possible live music value in a nightclub
setting by giving them the highest quality service, the best drinks, and the best in live and recorded dance
club music. We will provide exceptional service that leaves an impression with every customer, a consistent
entertainment atmosphere, and high product quality.
Established in 1920.
1920's - a plaque across the street from George's at 842 Fourth Street claims that George's had its early roots
as a recreational pool hall when it was owned by Frank Healy. 1947 - Fast forward to the late '40's when, the
site was a Recreation Parlor operated by George Lefevre, the original "George's." 1949 - George remodeled
the venue to make it a bar, bowling alley, and poolroom. 1977 to 2003 - During this time period, George's
went through multiple owners. . Don Schwartz later left his mark on George's, brining in multiple big-name
performers and lastly F.W. (Butch) Byrne's operated and owned New George's until it closed in 2003. 2003
2010 - Current Owner, Todd Ghanizadeh, began construction on George's Nightclub, transforming it into a
sleek 1940's style nightclub. We would like to acknowledge and thank all the previous owners and employees
for making George's past so successful.
Meet the Business Owner
Business owner information
Todd G.
Business Owner
A 1988 graduate of San Rafael High School, the tall, trim Ghanizadeh studied dance with Marin Ballet and San
Francisco Ballet and went on to perform with American Ballet Theatre and the Boston Ballet in the '90s.
After returning to Marin in 1999, he started Management Consulting Group, a San Rafael-based recruiting
company specializing in the technology, mortgage and accounting fields. He's the father of three children,
ages 14, 8 and 5.
He's been heavily involved in the art world an and he has been reaching out to people like his Rrazz Room
friends for advice, and he believes his background in the arts will serve him well.
Do the Bay: https://dothebay.com/venues/george-s-night-club
Screenshots from 1/20/23:
Website Doman: https://www.georgesnightclub.com
Links on social media reroute to: https://www.seatsforeveryone.com/
typing in www.georgesnightclub.com in search engine gets:
Thomas K. Lai
Gregory Pirie
Marin County Civic Center
3501Civic Center Drive
Suite 236
San Rafael, CA 94903
415 473 6907 T
415 473 4120 F
415 473 2255 TTY
January 27, 2023
Leslie Mendez, Planning Manager
Community Development Department
City of San Rafael
1400 5th Avenue, 3rd floor
San Rafael, CA 94901
Ph: 415.485.3095
Email: Leslie.Mendez@cityofsanrafael.org
RE: Evolution Nightclub and Restaurant, 842 4th St, San Rafael, CA 94901 Permitting
Thank you for your inquiry. Evolution Nightclub and Restaurant, License L15856, possesses
a Limited Food Preparation permit with Environmental Health. This facility has been
permitted since 9/5/2019 and the current permit is valid until 11/21/23, which is eligible for
annual renewal. Limited Food Preparation is defined in 113818 of the California Retail Food
Code (CalCode):
"LIMITED FOOD PREPARATION" means food preparation that is restricted to one or more
of the following:
(1) Heating, frying, baking, roasting, popping, shaving of ice, blending, steaming or
boiling of hot dogs, or assembly of non-prepackaged food.
(2) Dispensing and portioning of non-potentially hazardous food or dispensing and
portioning for immediate service to a customer of food that has been temperature
controlled until
immediately prior to portioning or dispensing.
(3) Holding, portioning, and dispensing of any foods that are prepared for satellite
food service by the onsite permanent food facility or prepackaged by another
approved source.
(4) Holding, portioning, and dispensing of any foods that are prepared by a catering
(5) Slicing and chopping of non-potentially hazardous food or produce that has been
washed at an approved facility or slicing and chopping of food on a heated cooking
surface during the cooking process.
(6) Cooking and seasoning to order.
(7) Juicing or preparing beverages that are for immediate service, in response to an
individual consumer order, that do not contain frozen milk products.
(8) Hot and cold holding of food that has been prepared at an approved, permanent
food facility.
(9) Reheating of food that has been previously prepared at an approved permanent
food facility and held at temperatures required by this chapter.
"LIMITED FOOD PREPARATION" does not include any of the following:
(1) Slicing and chopping potentially hazardous food, other than produce, unless it is
on the heated cooking surface.
(2) Thawing.
(3) Cooling of cooked, potentially hazardous food.
(4) Grinding raw ingredients or potentially hazardous food.
PG. 2 OF 2 (5) Washing of foods.
(6) Cooking of potentially hazardous foods for later use.
(7) Handling, manufacturing, freezing, processing, or packaging of milk, milk
products, or products resembling milk products subject to licensing under Division
15 (commencing with Section 32501) of the Food and Agricultural Code.
A second food facility has also operated at the same location of 842 4th Street, San Rafael:
Pibil Yucatan Food, license L15603. This facility was permitted 11/21/18 – 1/14/21 as a
Full- Service operation and caterer, providing Full-Service food operations for Evolution
Night Club and Restaurant from 9/5/19. As of 1/14/21, the facility is no longer active at this
If you have any additional concerns, I may be reached at 415/473.6916 or via email at
Pricilla Aboagye Pricilla Aboagye, REHS, MPH
Senior Environmental Health Specialist
Environmental Health Services
CC: Shannon Bell, Supervising REHS, Environmental Health Services
Community Development Department – Code Enforcement
DATE: June 8, 2022
TO: Case File
FROM: Ana Santiago
Senior Code Enforcement Supervisor
SUBJECT: Code Enforcement Notes of New George’s Nightclub Undercover Visit
[842 4th Street]
Friday June 4, 2022
At 7pm I called New George’s to see if they were opened but there was no answer. My cell
phone wrung back at 7:30 from the club and stated she had missed a call. I asked her in Spanish
what time they opened, and she stated they are open now.
I arrived at about 8:15 pm and parked downed the street and I could hear English music, but it
wasn’t coming from New George’s. It was coming from the business next door. I need to
follow up with them about their drinking and loud music etc.
I also notice that a security guard was parked across the street smoked Marijuana and got
himself dressed with a vest. He went in around 8:45 pm We went in about 9 pm. The place was
We paid the $60.00 cover fee for the 2 and it was only cash was allowed. Sat down and had a
beer $16.08. There was a DJ playing music. I had asked for food, but waitress stated it was too
early. They come by very frequently to ask if you have finished your drink or if you would like
another one.
Around 9:45 pm a gentleman came to our table and asked if we wanted food. He stated that
the only food they had was chicken wings and we needed to pay for it in cash. We could not put
it on the credit card, only drinks allowed on the card. I then pretended to be looking for the
bathroom and walked into the kitchen. I didn’t see anything cooking but was told to get out
that it was the kitchen and the bathroom was on the other side of the wall.
They had a DJ play until about 11:15 pm. Then the band started to play around 11:30 pm. There
was around 100-125 people.
It was not over crowded. The four security guards kept the hallway clear. There was a guard
standing at that hallway that was open the whole time I was there. They did a last call around
1:30 am. Everyone left peacefully and were gone by 2 am. We waited until 2:15 am to make
sure that they followed the protocol.
Kate Colin, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Rachel Kertz, Councilmember • Maika Llorens Gulati, Councilmember • Eli Hill, Councilmember
September 8, 2021
Ms. Esly Figueroa
George’s Nightclub
842 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Re: City of San Rafael Conditional Use Permit UP05-01
George’s Nightclub Noncompliance Issues
Dear Ms. Figueroa:
As you may recall, Use Permit UP05-01 was approved on January 10, 2016 by San Rafael
Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-02 (attached), allowing the re-establishment of
live entertainment and a cocktail lounge at 842 Fourth Street. The Use Permit for live
entertainment and cocktail lounge was approved with a stipulation that food service and
on-site security would be provided during all hours of operation for the night club/live
entertainment use. A copy of UP05-01 is attached for your reference.
George’s Nightclub and its predecessors have been a longstanding fixture in Downtown
San Rafael, and the City hopes it remains so. However, in an inspection of the premises by
City staff following the recent tragic homicides that occurred in the City’s Lootens and 3rd
Street garage and involved people associated with a performance at the club, staff found
that George’s has not been complying with certain conditions of the Use Permit approval.
The purpose of this letter is to advise of the changes and corrections needed to comply
with the Use Permit.
Because Use Permit UP05-01 was approved upon the representation, and under the
condition that the live entertainment and cocktail lounge would operate only as a bona
fide eating place with complete meal service available during all hours of operation, the
use of the property for live entertainment without food service is in violation of the use
permit. Additionally, George’s is not in compliance with certain other conditions of the use
permit. To bring George’s into compliance with the existing Conditional Use Permit, you
will need to correct and/or comply with the following conditions of approval:
1. Use Permit Condition of Approval (COA) #10 - Cash Deposit:
COA #10 requires a cash-deposit in the amount of $2,000 to be posted with the City prior
to activation of the Use Permit, and replenished from time to time as necessary, to cover
City costs to provide security for extraordinary law enforcement or public safety services
associated with the approved live entertainment uses at the club. City records reflect that
there is no deposit on file as required by this condition.
842 Fourth Street
September 8, 2021
Page 2
2. COA #11 – City Business License:
COA #11 requires George’s to maintain a valid City business license and State of California
liquor license at all times. In addition, all contract employees (i.e., disc jockey and live
entertainers) are required to obtain a San Rafael business license prior to working on site.
Staff’s information is that contract employees at George’s have not been obtaining the
required business license.
3. COA #14 – Site Manager and Security:
COA #14 requires that a site manager and no fewer than four (4) security personnel shall
be on site at all times when there is live entertainment. All security personnel must be
licensed by the State of California as private patrol/security officers and wear clothing
clearly identifying them as security personnel. The security personnel are responsible to
ensure that all patrons are of valid drinking age, and to manage patron activity inside the
tavern and in the vicinity of the building, as defined by State Department of Alcoholic
Beverage Control (ABC), currently 200 feet. Security personnel are to discourage loitering
outside of the club, as much as possible. On July 23, 2021, City police officers noted that at
least one of the security guards working at a live event did not have a valid state “guard
card.” Additionally, not all of the security guards were wearing clothing identifying them
as such. In a conversation on July 28, 2021, you told staff that you only have three security
guards that work at George’s on a regular basis, although you have hired additional
security guards in the past for larger events.
4. COA #16 – Hours:
COA # 16 requires all entertainment to cease at 1:30 a.m., and lighting to be restored to
allow full illumination of the interior of the establishment by 2:00 a.m. Staff’s information
is that George’s is not complying with this condition as live music performances currently
end at 1:45 a.m.
5. COA #17
Security personnel shall clear the nightclub at closing and remind patrons not to remain in
the vicinity of the building (as defined by ABC). At least two security personnel shall
remain outside at closing to clear patrons from the vicinity. This shall include:
• Preventing patrons from loading vehicles in red zones
• Assisting patrons in crossing the street to prevent them from crossing against the
light to the parking garage at Third and C streets.
• Preventing patrons from loitering in the vicinity of the building
6. COA #18 – 20 – Bona fide Eating Place
The nightclub was approved as a bona fide eating place, and COA #18 requires George’s to
have complete meal service available during all hours of operation. As a bona fide eating
place, the club is permitted to have persons less than twenty-one years of age on the
premises, and it is your responsibility to ensure to adherence to ABC regulations
prohibiting service to minors.
842 Fourth Street
September 8, 2021
Page 3
For the purposes of these conditions a “bona fide eating place” means a place which is
regularly used and kept open for the serving of meals to guests for compensation and
which has: a) suitable kitchen facilities for the cooking of an assortment of foods which
may be required for meals. b) a primary use of a sit down service to patrons; c) adequate
seating arrangements for sit down patrons provided on the premises; d) Take-out service
that is only incidental to the primary sit-down use; and e) Alcoholic beverages all sold or
dispensed for consideration for consumption on the premises only, and only when, served
at tables or sit down counters by employees of the restaurant.
A bona fide eating place does not include a place where food service is incidental to the
service of alcoholic beverages, constituting less than fifty-one percent (51%) of sales.
Upon request by City officials, you are required to submit evidence of total food service
sales to verify compliance with these conditions. Staff’s inspection revealed that George’s
kitchen appears to be unused and not functional for cooking.
Given that George’s is not complying with one of the fundamental bases for the use
permit, namely, the use of the premises as a bona fide eating place, Staff feels it has no
choice but to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission to consider revocation
or modification of the use permit. We will notify you when we have scheduled that
hearing, which I expect will occur sometime in October 2021.
In the meantime, we are hopeful that you will be able to bring the club into
compliance with the use permit conditions above so that this Planning Commission
hearing can be avoided. As I noted above, the City would like to retain George’s Nightclub
as a vibrant part of Downtown, and I am happy to meet with you to discuss the above
compliance issues or answer your questions.
Very Truly Yours,
Alicia Giudice
Community Development Director
1. Planning Commission Resolution 06-02
Kate Colin, Mayor • Maika Llorens Gulati, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Rachel Kertz, Councilmember • Eli Hill, Councilmember
February 27, 2023
Ms. Esly Figueroa
George’s Nightclub
842 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Evolution Nightclub &
Restaurant, LLC
1512 Lincoln Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901-1976
Sills Jordan Revocable Trust
1929 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109
Re: Conditional Use Permit UP05-01 Revocation Hearing
842 4th Street, San Rafael: George’s Nightclub
Dear Ms. Figueroa, Business Owner, and Property Owner:
This letter is a revision to the letter I recently sent, dated February 9, 2023, that
incorrectly stated the Use Permit revocation hearing for George’s Nightclub would be
scheduled on February 18, 2022. The hearing has been rescheduled for March 28,
On January 10, 2016, the San Rafael Planning Commission approved Use Permit
05-01 by Resolution No. 06-02, allowing the re-establishment of live entertainment and
a cocktail lounge at 842 Fourth Street doing business as George’s Nightclub. The Use
Permit for live entertainment and cocktail lounge was approved with a stipulation that
food service and on-site security would be provided during all hours of operation for the
night club/live entertainment use. A copy of the Planning Commission Resolution No.
06-02 and UP05-01 is attached for your reference.
After the shooting incident that occurred in the City’s Lootens and 3rd Street garage
involving people associated with a performance at the club and which resulted in a
double homicide, Community Development Director Alicia Giudice sent a letter of Use
Permit non-compliance to Ms. Esly Figueroa dated September 8, 2021 (attached for
your reference). The letter outlined conditions of the Use Permit that were not being
complied with and advised of the changes required to achieve compliance. The letter
also stated the Use Permit would be brought up for a revocation hearing if compliance
was not achieved.
Subsequent to receipt of this letter, Ms. Fiqueroa remitted a cash deposit in the amount
of $2,000 as required by Use Permit Condition of Approval (COA) #10 to cover costs to
provide security for extraordinary law enforcement or public safety services associated
with the approved live entertainment uses at the club. Since September of 2021,
842 Fourth Street
February 27, 2023
Page 2
however, the nightclub has taken no further action to redress noncompliance and
continues to be in violation of the Use Permit conditions summarized below.
COA #11 – City Business License
COA #11 requires George’s to maintain a valid City business license and State of
California liquor license at all times. In addition, all contract employees (i.e., disc jockey
and live entertainers) are required to obtain a San Rafael business license prior to
working on site. Not only is there no record of independent contractors obtaining
business licenses with the City, but the business license for George’s Nightclub has
been delinquent since January 1, 2022, yet operations have continued.
COA #12 & 14 – Site Management and Security
The Use Permit requires that a site manager and no fewer than four security personnel
be on site at all times when there is live entertainment. In addition, it requires all
security personnel to be licensed by the State of California as private patrol/security
officers and wear clothing clearly identifying them as security personnel. Unfortunately,
city police officers have noted that not all security guards working at a live event had a
valid state “guard card” and not all security personnel were wearing clothing identifying
them as security guards. Furthermore, Ms. Figueroa has told City staff that only three
security guards work at George’s Nightclub on a regular basis, and additional security
guards are only occasionally hired for larger events.
COA #18 – 20 – Bona fide Eating Place
The nightclub was approved as a bona fide eating place, and COA #18 requires
George’s to have complete meal service available during all hours of operation. For
the purposes of these conditions, a “bona fide eating place” means a place which is
regularly used and kept open for the serving of meals to guests for compensation and
which has: a) suitable kitchen facilities for the cooking of an assortment of foods which
may be required for meals; b) a primary use of a sit down service to patrons; c)
adequate seating arrangements for sit down patrons provided on the premises; d) take-
out service that is only incidental to the primary sit-down use; and e) alcoholic
beverages all sold or dispensed for consideration for consumption on the premises
only, and only when, served at tables or sit-down counters by employees of the
Not only is there no business entity that holds a full-service food preparation license for
the establishment, but staff’s inspections reveal that George’s kitchen appears to be
unused and not functional for cooking.
Furthermore, numerous police reports document frequent and ongoing incidents of
fighting, assaults, and other disorderly conduct directly related to the nightclub’s
842 Fourth Street
February 27, 2023
Page 3
Given that George’s Nightclub continues to violate various conditions of its use permit,
namely, and given the numerous and ongoing calls for service to the Police
Department to address incidents related to the operation of the nightclub, staff has
scheduled a hearing before the Planning Commission to consider revocation of the use
permit, during which the Planning Commission will consider whether George’s
Nightclub is in violation of the terms of its use permit and whether George’s Nightclub
is operating in a manner that constitutes a public nuisance. The hearing has been set
for Tuesday, March 28, 2023. The Planning Commission meeting commences at 7:00
pm and is located with the Council Chambers at City Hall (1400 5th Avenue in San
Rafael). I hope and encourage your attendance.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I can be reached at (415) 485-3095
or Leslie.Mendez@cityofsanrafael.org
Leslie Mendez
Planning Manager
1. Use Permit non-compliance letter from Director Alicia Giudice, dated September 8,
2021 with attached Planning Commission Resolution 06-02 and Conditional Use
Permit UP05-01