HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2023-06-15 Agenda Packet1
Attachment A
JUNE 15TH, 2023 AT 6:00PM
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ID: 841 0672 5048#
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of May 18, 2023
Recommended Action – Approve as submitted
The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are
within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to
the community.
2. Special Presentations:
a. Age-Friendly San Rafael Programs
If necessary to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
3. Other Agenda Items:
a. Goldenaires Older Adult Program Annual Report
Recommended Action: Receive and Comment
b. Tennis Court Access Pilot Program
Recommended Action: Review and Approve
4. Staff Liaison Report
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting,
shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other
agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters
may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California
Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are avail able in
accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at
Page 1 of 4
May 18, 2023 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048
Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Emerson
Chair Gutierrez
Commissioner Machado
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: Commissioner Cabrales
Also Present: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
Cristina Farhang, Program Coordinator
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of April 20, 2023
Commissioner Machado moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to approve the
meetings minutes of April 20, 2023.
AYES: Commissioners: Gutierrez, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: Emerson
Minutes approved as submitted.
Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Christina Farhang presented the Summer 2023 Movies in the Park Series
Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Commissioner Machado seconded to accept the
Movies in the Park presentation.
AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Machado Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
3. a. Proposed Greehouse Installation – Marin Master Gardeners
Craig Veramay introduced Lillian with the Marin Master Gardeners. Mr. Veramay
presented the Proposed Greenhouse Installation request. Ms. Gave additional
information regarding the greenhouse.
Staff and Ms. responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded to accept the
proposed Greenhouse installation.
AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Machado Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
b. Falkirk Cultural Center and Marin Master Gardeners Annual Report
Cristina Farhang presented the Falkirk Cultural Center and Marin Master Gardeners
Annual Report.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Machado moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded to accept the
Falkirk Cultural Center and Marin Master Gardeners Annual Report.
AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Machado, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
4. Staff Liaison Report.
Mr. Veramay highlighted some of the upcoming events. The Sun Valley playground
ribbon cutting ceremony has been postponed and Mr. Veramay gave an update on the
status of the park. The Falkirk exhibit is the Marin Open Studios and will be open from
May 5th - June 9th. The Pacifics just had their tryouts, and opening day will be May 26th.
The next City Council meeting will be May 30th. The Downtown San Rafael Summer
Farmer’s Market begins June 1st at 5:30. The last day of school is June 9th and the
summer programs will begin the week after.
The Department is planning to submit an application for a Cal Trans grant next week.
The hope is to receive matching funds for the Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project,
and lastly the capital improvement project including measure A will be taken to City
Public Comment: None
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Emerson shared this is the second year for the Fire Safe Marin Ember
Stomp event at the Civic Center on May 20th. Also, the there will be a fruit and veggie
festival at the Wellness Center in the Canal neighborhood on June 10th.
Public Comment: None
Chair Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2023
CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director
June 15, 2023
Item #3a
That the Commission receives the San Rafael Goldenaires 2022 Annual Report and
provide comment.
The San Rafael Goldenaires is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving
adults age 62 and older with social, recreational, cultural, educational, and enrichment
services. The organization is co-sponsored by the City of San Rafael Library and
Recreation Department and was originally formed in May, 1968.
Since the Goldenaires moved to the San Rafael Community Center in 1975, the
Goldenaires and the City have had an agreement allowing their use of the facility in
exchange for offering valuable older adult community programming and sharing
personnel costs. The agreement has been amended five times since 2007 to adapt to
program and personnel changes, and underwent changes in response to the facility
closure during the COVID 19 pandemic.
In 2023, the City entered a new Agreement with the Goldenaires with a term expiration
of August 31, 2024. Under the current Agreement, Goldenaires responsibilities include:
• Maintaining its self-governing, non-profit status with elected officers and
• Offering recreational, educational, cultural and social services, special
events and classes to senior adults aged 62 and over. The Goldenaires
members and volunteers are responsible for planning, organizing and
conducting all such activities.
• Providing at its sole cost, all independent supplies, materials, equipment
and consumable materials necessary for the conduct of Goldenaires
programs, services, activities, and events.
• Payment of $4,000 per month, or $48,000 annually, toward Program
Coordinator salary and benefits.
Under the Agreement, the City permits the Goldenaires free access to the Community
Center for its activities on weekdays during regular business hours and access to
facilities for a set number of after-hours and weekend events, paying only applicable
facility attendant fees. The City recruits, hires, trains and supervises the Program
Coordinator that provides part-time assistance, currently 18.75 hours a week, in the
planning, promotion and production of senior adult programs and activities in
cooperation with the Goldenaires Executive Board of Directors. In recent years, the City
has experienced turnover in the Program Coordinator position, which has led to
challenges maintaining consistency in program delivery. Because of a vacancy in the
Program Coordinator position for much of 2022 and a portion of 2023, the City waived
the Goldenaires monthly payments for the period June 2022 -May 2023.
The Goldenaires provide the City with a comprehensive status report and a copy of its
annual financial statement by March 1 each year. (Attachment 1)
The Goldenaires’ senior program is open to Marin County residents for an annual fee of
$35. Members participate in a variety of classes, social events, special interest groups,
trips, informational workshops and assistance services.
In 2022, the Goldenaires offered weekly volunteer-led classes in watercolor painting,
mahjong, contract bridge, woodworking, crafts, dominoes, acrylic painting, cooking and
duplicate bridge. They also hosted ten themed luncheons with live performances. T he
luncheons averaged 70-100 attendees and continue to increase in popularity this year.
The Goldenaires also hosted four Monday Night Bingo and Dinner events, its annual
Holiday Gala and Craft Fair, as well as ten Sunday “B Street” Ballroom dances.
The Goldenaires partner with the Marin County Department of Health and Human
Services, Aging and Adult Services, to administer a congregate meal program which
returned in October and is staffed weekly by Goldenaires volunteers. In addition, San
Rafael Goldenaires is one of the founding organizations that helped create the Marin
Senior Information Fair held at the Exhibition Hall of the Marin County Civic Center.
After a three-year hiatus due to Covid 19, the Senior Fair is returning in 2023 and the
Goldenaires will be providing volunteers to staff the fair throughout the day.
Goldenaires volunteers led numerous northern California day trips throughout 2022 with
destinations including theatres, museums, festivals, concerts, casinos, wineries and
other points of interest.
Seniors have access to the lending library and socializing opportunities in the
Goldenaires office/lounge inside the Community Center. Assistance services also
provided include financial and estate planning.
Additionally, the Goldenaires sponsored several fundraising events to support low or no
additional fees for the programs the organization sponsors.
The organization produces a large and balanced program utilizing many member
volunteers. In 2022, the Goldenaires provided over 4,000 hours of volunteer service
toward its operations.
Since the closure of the Community Center in 2020, the Goldenaires have struggled to
bring membership totals to pre-Covid levels, despite participation having slowly
increased in all events, trips and classes throughout 2022. Consequently, the program
is having difficulty keeping pace with its operational costs. This deficit is compounded by
the loss of two grants that the Goldenaires have depended upon for past financial
support. The Executive Board enacted cost-cutting measures throughout 2022 and
voted earlier this year to increase program fees (membership dues will increase to $40
in 2024 and fees for lunches, trips, Bingo and dances have also been increased).
Table 1: Summary of Goldenaire’s Revenue and Expenses 2019-2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
Income 185,978.83 48,724.21 80,488.87 153,959.30
Operating Expenses 55,286.63 30,823.16 32,033.21 49,579.59
Cost of Goods Sold 145,716.16 15,158.54 29,868.76 74,280.03
Net (Gain/Loss) -15,023.96 2,742.51 18,585.90 30,099.68
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Kara Riley
Program Coordinator
1. Goldenaires 2022 Annual Financial Report
June 15, 2023
Item 3b
That the Parks and Recreation Commission approve a pilot program to remove the locks
at the Albert and Freitas Park Tennis Courts to allow free, first come first serve access
and explore implementing a fee based hourly court reservation system at select courts at
the two facilities.
The City of San Rafael manages an inventory of eleven (11) outdoor tennis courts at six
(6) different park locations. The City manages access to the tennis courts at two of those
park locations – Albert Park, and Freitas Park, by locking the gates and selling tennis
court access keys to community members on an annual basis.
The City recently adopted a new Park and Recreation Master Plan that proposed several
near-term policy recommendations, including a recommendation (26.14) for staff to
evaluate the City’s existing tennis court access program and explore alternative
approaches. This recommendation was proposed in response to community outreach and
City staff concerns regarding challenges with the existing access program.
Currently, the City manages access to the tennis courts at Albert Park and Freitas Park
only. All other courts are open to the community on a first -come first-served basis. The
gates at Albert Park and Freitas Park are locked, and accessible only to individuals who
have a tennis court key.
Tennis Court keys are sold annually in alignment with the City’s Fiscal Year (July 1-June
30), and keys are valid for the full year. Keys provide access to both Albert Park and
Freitas Park courts, and cost $50 for San Rafael residents, or $75 for non-residents. At
the beginning of each fiscal year, the locks for the tennis courts are changed and tennis
players must purchase a new key to access the courts.
Staff have identified several challenges associated with the current tennis court key
system, including high incidences of vandalism to the gates, the gates being propped
open or broken, a decline in community members purchasing keys, and little incentive for
users to purchase a key toward the middle or end of the season since fees are fixed for
an annual term.
In light of these challenges, City staff are recommending the City explore a new tennis
court access pilot program. Staff assessed regional operational models and operational
capacity, and evaluated two viable alternatives:
• Alternative 1: Remove the gate locks at Albert Park and Freitas Park and make the
courts free for all users on a first-come first-served basis.
• Alternative 2: Remove the gate locks at Albert Park and Freitas Park and make the
courts free for all users on a first-come first-served basis, but also explore
implementing an hourly court reservation system at some Tennis Courts.
Between May 24-June 5, 2023, staff conducted an online survey to collect opinions and
feedback about the two alternatives described above. The survey was sent to individuals
who purchased a tennis key from 2017-2023 and was posted at Albert Park and Freitas
Park tennis courts with a link to complete the survey. The survey reached more than 400
community members and received 79 responses. 57 respondents (72%) were in favor of
the City removing the locks allowing free, first-come first-served access. Within the group
in favor of removing the locks, 16 respondents (20%) were also in favor of implementing
an hourly reservation system for the courts. 20 respondents (30%) were not in favor of
removing the locks.
Based on the survey results and internal staff conversations, City Staff recommend that
the Park and Recreation Commission approve a pilot program to remove the locks at the
Albert and Freitas Park Tennis Courts for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 season. Additionally,
Staff recommend exploring implementation of a new hourly reservation fee system for 1
or 2 of the Albert Park Tennis Courts to give community members the opportunity to
reserve specific times they can guarantee court access if they choose. The City would
likely allow community members to reserve the courts through the City’s online
registration system. If approved, City staff would implement the new system beginning
July 1, 2023, and would collect community input and feedback about the program
throughout the course of the year.
Some survey respondents expressed concerns about whether the removal of the locks
would increase unauthorized use or increase maintenance. City staff have assessed this
concern, and do not anticipate an increase to unauthorized use or maintenance, however,
Staff would monitor court usage throughout the pilot period and modify the pilot program
as needed to ensure the courts were maintained appropriately.
Survey respondents also expressed interest in the City improving and enhancing the
City’s existing tennis court system. Respondents requested resurfacing of several courts,
and improving maintenance to ensure courts were of a high quality. The City’s new Park
and Recreation Master Plan has prioritized as a near-term policy recommendation the
development of a systemwide tennis court resurfacing schedule. Outside the scope of
this pilot program proposal, the City intends to develop a systemwide policy approach for
tennis court resurfacing and striping. Implementation of this pilot program is not expected
to influence or impact the City’s plans to develop a systemwide resurfacing schedule, or
the City’s allocation of maintenance or operations resources to the tennis courts.
Fiscal Analysis
The table below shows an overview of the number of tennis court keys sold in the past
five years and the related revenue:
Tennis Court Key Program Revenue FY2018-2023
FY 2018-
FY 2019-
FY 2020-
FY 2021-
FY 2022-
# of Keys
Sold 98 100 166 82 73
Revenue $4,010.00 $5,130.00 $7,900.00 $4,475.00 $3,975.00
The City doesn’t currently track direct expenditures associated with tennis court
maintenance and operations. Staff do track revenue and expenses directly associated
with tennis court key sales administration, including re-keying gates and locks and
purchasing new keys. In Fiscal Year 2022-2023, the key access program administration
expenses totaled $3,112, meaning the net revenue for the program totaled $863. It should
be noted that this does not include associated e xpenses that aren’t specifically tracked,
such as personnel expenses, repairs due to broken gates or vandalism, routine tennis
court maintenance, sports court equipment and supplies, or other expenses.
If the City were to explore implementing a new hourly court rental fee, the City may
generate a small amount of revenue for the Recreation Fund. Additional analysis would
be required to better understand the amount of revenue this program would generate,
and the impact to the Fund.
Approving the pilot program of removing the locks on the two tennis facilities would result
in the loss of approximately $863 in net revenue. This amount could potentially be offset
with the implementation of an hourly court reservation fee system.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Darcie Chellew
Recreation Supervisor
Attachment B
Date: June 15, 2023
To: Park and Recreation Commission
From: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
June-August 5:30pm-
8:30pm Thursdays - San Rafael Summer Market Downtown San Rafael
June 13 6pm Library Board Meeting City Council Chambers
June 18 11am-
1pm Drag Story Time Carnegie Branch Library
June 19 NA Juneteenth – City Holiday NA
June 20 7pm City Council Meeting City Council Chambers
July 1-31 NA Parks Make Life Better Month Citywide!
July 4 NA Independence Day – City Holiday NA
Early July TBD Sun Valley Playground Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony Sun Valley Park
July 12 6pm Public Art Review Board SRCC
July 17 7pm City Council Meeting City Council Chambers
July 20 6pm Next July Park and Recreation
Commission Meeting SRCC