HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2024-02-22 Agenda Packet1
FEBRUARY 22, 2024 AT 6:00PM
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ID: 841 0672 5048#
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of January 18, 2024
Recommended Action – Approve as submitted
The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are
within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to
the community.
2. No Special Presentations
If necessary to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
3. Other Agenda Items:
a. Goldenaires Club Annual Report
Recommended Action: Receive and Comment
b. Marin Bocce Federation Annual Report
Recommended Action: Receive and Comment
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events and Staff Liaison Report
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting,
shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other
agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters
may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California
Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in
accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at
Page 1 of 4
January 18, 2024 – 6:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom:
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048
Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Cabrales
Commissioner Emerson
Chair Gutierrez
Commissioner Pasternak
Commissioner Sandoval
Absent: None
Also Present: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of November 16, 2023
Commissioner Pasternak moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded, to approve
the meetings minutes of November 16, 2023.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Minutes approved as submitted.
Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
If necessary, to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for
the presentations by individual speakers.
3. Other Agenda Items
a. Review of the Annual Commission Work Plan
Mr. Veramay introduced presented the Annual Commission Work Plan for 2024.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded to amend and
accept the Annual Commission Work Plan for 2024 to include a quarterly Parks report.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
3. Other Agenda Items
b. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Mr. Veramay gave a brief background of the duties for the Park and Recreation Commission
Chair and Vice Chair positions.
Staff responded to questions from the Commission.
Public Comment: None
Chair Guiterrez moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded to nominate
Commissioner Cabrales as Chair.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
Commissioner Sandoval moved, and Chair Cabrales seconded to nominate himself
(Commissioner Sandoval) as Vice Chair.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
Mr. Veramay gave a brief background of the duties for the Pickleweed Advisor Committee.
Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded to nominate
Commissioner Pasternak as the Park and Recreation Commission Representative for
the Pickleweed Advisory Committee.
AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None
Motion passes.
4. Staff Liaison Report.
Mr. Veramay reported the upcoming dates and included the Peacock Gap design was
approved in December by City Council. The Pickleweed project is at 95% design. The
San Rafael Goldenaires have opted to hire their own coordinator. Falkirk Cultural
Center has hired Patty McCulley as the new Program Coordinator. The Childcare team
was awarded “Team of the Quarter” from the City of San Rafael. Kelly Albrecht has
announced her retirement and there will be a recruitment for her supervisor position.
Important dates coming up:
January 13 – February 24: Falkirk Exhibit “A Gathering of Color”
February 5: City Council Meeting
February 9: 2nd Friday Art Walk
March 6: Summer Recreation Registration
March 10: Age Friendly 90th Celebration for the Community ages 90+
Public Comment: None
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Chair Cabrales went to the Sun Valley Park and it was very nice.
Public Comment: None
Chair Cabrales adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant
APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2024
CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director
ITEM #3a
February 22, 2024
That the Commission receives the San Rafael Goldenaires 2023 Annual Report and
provide comment.
The San Rafael Goldenaires is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving
adults age 62 and older with social, recreational, cultural, educational, and enrichment
services. The organization partners with the City of San Rafael Library and Recreation
Department and was originally formed in May 1968. Members can join the club for an
annual membership fee of $40, which allows them to participate in a variety of classes,
social events, special interest groups, trips, informational workshops, and assistance
From 1968 to 1974, the Goldenaires met at the Community Recreation Center at 2nd
and Brooks Street. While the San Rafael Community Center on B Street was being
built, The Goldenaires rented a space at the Whistlestop for a year in 1973. In 1975, the
Goldenaires moved to their current location in the San Rafael Community Center. Since
then, the Goldenaires and the City have had an agreement allowing their use of the
facility in exchange for offering valuable older adult community programming. The
agreement has been amended seven times since 2007 to adapt to program and
personnel changes and underwent changes in response to the facility closure during the
COVID 19 pandemic.
In 2023, the Goldenaires offered weekly volunteer led classes such as watercolor
painting, mahjong, contract bridge, healthy steps, woodworking, crafts, dominoes,
acrylic painting, and duplicate bridge. They also hosted ten themed luncheons with live
performances. The luncheons averaged 70-100 attendees and continue to increase in
popularity this year. The Goldenaires held four Monday Night Bingo/Dinner events, a
Holiday Gala, Holiday Craft Fair, and ten Sunday “B Street” Ballroom dances.
The Goldenaires partner with the Marin County Department of Health and Human
Services, Aging and Adult Services, to administer a congregate meal program which is
staffed weekly by Goldenaires volunteers. In addition, the San Rafael Goldenaires are
one of the founding organizations that helped create the Marin Senior Information Fair
held annually at the Exhibition Hall of the Marin County Civic Center. After a three-year
hiatus due to Covid 19, the Senior Fair returned in 2023 and the Goldenaires not only
provided volunteers to staff the fair throughout the day, but once again won the Best
Booth award! Goldenaires volunteers offered twenty-one northern California day trips
throughout 2023 with destinations including theatres, museums, festivals, concerts,
casinos, wineries and other points of interest. The Goldenaires continue to collaborate
with the Marin County Healthy and Human Services (HHS) and anticipate in 2024 to
increase collaborations with additional non-profits.
Over the years, the City and the Goldenaires have agreed to various terms that specify
use of City owned facilities and program staffing responsibilities. The City permits the
Goldenaires free access to the San Rafael Community Center for its activities on
weekdays during regular business hours and access to facilities for a set number of
after-hours and weekend events, paying only applicable facility attendant fees.
In recent years, the Goldenaires have also agreed to pay the City a monthly fee in
exchange for the City assigning a Program Coordinator to support Goldenaires
programs. For 2024, the Goldenaires have decided to furnish their own Program
Coordinator to manage their programs. The City believes this arrangement will improve
the consistency of staffing and programming, and lead to improved financial stability for
the Goldenaires as they rebound from the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic. Their new
coordinator, Laurie Vermont, started in December 2023. Previously, Laurie was the
Event Coordinator at the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and most recently the
manager of over 175 volunteers at Whistlestop/Vivalon.
The Goldenaires have provided the City with a 2023 annual status report and financial
statement (Attachment 1), which is required as part of their agreement with the City. As
shown in the financial statement, the Goldenaires program was able to generate a
positive net revenue in 2023. This can be attributed in part to increased participation in
revenue generating programs, but also to reduced personnel expenses since the
Goldenaires were not required to reimburse the City for program coordinator expenses.
The Goldenaires club currently has 436 members. Despite the early challenges in 2023,
Goldenaires membership and event participation increased by fifteen percent from
2022, partially due to the senior club in Novato disbanding. Through the hard work and
dedication of the Board and volunteers, the Goldenaires ended the calendar year 2023
with a positive net revenue. This can be attributed to increases in membership and
program participation, as well as generous individual donations to the club of over
$14,000, and a $1,000 Allensby Charity Fund Grant received in 2023. In addition to
these revenue impacts, the City waived Program Coordinator fees for 2023 due to
inconsistent staffing availability and assignment to the program.
Looking ahead, the Club has implemented increases to program fees and membership
dues for 2024 to ensure financial sustainability.
Table 1: Summary of Goldenaires Revenue and Expenses 2021-2023
2021 2022 2023
Income 80,488.87 153,959.30 237,881.00
Operating Expenses 32,033.21 49,579.59 74,521.00
Cost of Goods Sold 29,868.76 74,280.03 77,423.00
Net (Gain/Loss) 18,585.90 30,099.68 85,937.00
As part of the agreement between the City and the Goldenaires, the City provides the
Goldenaires with space in the meeting rooms, auditorium, and kitchen for their
programs, free of charge. In 2023, this was approximately 2,220 hours of programs with
the value of the waived fees totaling approximately $87,000. The City also provides the
Goldenaires with a dedicated clubroom for their staff, volunteers, and members to use,
along with custodial support, maintenance, utilities, and computers.
Submitted by:
Azadeh Honarmand
Azadeh Honarmand
Program Coordinator
1. Goldenaires 2023 Annual Financial Report
Goldenaires 2023 Status Report
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting February 22nd 2024
Presented by Laurie Vermont
The Goldenaires’ senior program is open to residents (over 62) for an annual fee
of $40. Members participate in a variety of classes, social events, special interest
groups, trips, informational workshops and assistance services.
In 2023, the Goldenaires offered weekly volunteer-led classes in watercolor
painting, mahjong, contract bridge, tai chi, healthy steps, woodworking, crafts,
dominoes, acrylic painting, and duplicate bridge. They also hosted ten themed
luncheons with live performances. The luncheons averaged 70-100 attendees and
continue to increase in popularity this year. The Goldenaires also hosted four
Monday Night Bingo and Dinner events, its annual Holiday Gala and Craft Fair, as
well as ten Sunday “B Street” Ballroom dances.
The Goldenaires partner with the Marin County Department of Health and Human
Services, Aging and Adult Services, to administer a congregate meal program and
is staffed weekly by Goldenaires volunteers. In addition, San Rafael Goldenaires is
one of the founding organizations that helped create the Marin Senior
Information Fair held at the Exhibition Hall of the Marin County Civic Center. After
a three-year hiatus due to Covid 19, the Senior Fair returned in 2023 and the
Goldenaires provided volunteers to staff the fair throughout the day. The
Goldenaires won the Best Booth award again.
Goldenaires volunteers led numerous northern California day trips throughout
2023 with destinations including theatres, museums, festivals, concerts, casinos,
wineries and other points of interest.
Seniors have access to the lending library and socializing opportunities in the
Goldenaires office/lounge inside the Community Center.
Additionally, the Goldenaires sponsored several fundraising events to support low
or no additional fees for the programs the organization sponsors.
The organization produces a large and balanced program utilizing many member
volunteers. In 2023, the Goldenaires provided over 4,800 hours of volunteer
service toward its operations.
Financials -
After the Covid closure of the Community Center in 2020, the Goldenaires
struggled to bring membership totals back to pre-Covid levels. Despite the early
challenges, in 2023 our membership (we had new members come from Novato
after their senior club disbanded), and event participation has greatly increased.
Through hard work and dedication of our Board and volunteers, we ended the
calendar year 2023 in the black. This was in part, because of increased
membership, increased participation in our programs as well as the generous
donations by club members of over $14,000 as well as a $1000 Allensby Charity
Fund Grant. In addition, the program fees (lunches, Bingo, trips) and membership
dues 2024 have been increased.
Table 1: Summary of Goldenaires Revenue and Expenses
2020 2021 2022 2023
Income 48,724.21 80,488.87 153,959.30 237,882.00
Operating Expenses 30,823.16 32,033.21 49,579.59 74,521.00
Cost of Goods Sold 15,158.54 29,868.76 74,280.03 77,423.00
Net (Gain/Loss) 2,742.51 18,585.90 30,099.68 85,937.00
February 22, 2024
Item #3b
That the Commission receives the Marin Bocce Federation 2023 Annual Report and
provide comment.
In 1993, City Council approved a Masterplan Amendment for Albert Park including the
installation of a new bocce facility, playground, and formal garden features. In 1994, the
City established a partnership with the Marin Bocce Federation (Federation), a non-profit
corporation which is dedicated to promoting the sport of bocce for all local citizens to
enhance their social and physical well-being. The facility includes 10 premier, state of the
art bocce courts and operates year-round, serving over 5,000 visitors per month during
the peak season, March-October.
As part of the original agreement, the Federation was approved to install equipment,
furnishings, and facilities for the sport of bocce in Albert Park with the provision that it
made those facilities accessible for public use. The Federation installed $1.1 million in
improvements to the Bocce Complex (Complex) between 1994 and 2012. During that
time, the Federation and the City amended and extended the original Agreement to add
site improvements and an enhanced program scope.
In 2011, the City entered into a new Agreement with Marin Bocce with a term expiration
of November 30, 2030. Upon expiration, the term of the Agreement may be renewed for
an additional 15 years.
In accordance with the Agreement, the Federation has several responsibilities, including:
• Maintaining its private, non-profit corporation status
• Assuming responsibility for managing the Complex at its sole expense
• Organizing, promoting, and conducting all programs, event management, rules,
procedures, fees, rentals, personnel, permits, and plans
Under the Agreement, the City permits the Federation to use the Complex for its
organized activities pursuant to the submitted schedules and subject to the provisions
outlined in the Agreement. The City cooperates with the Federation in the promotion and
supervision of its organized activities and would be responsible for rebuilding and/or
repairing the Complex in the event it is damaged by acts of God, vandalism or intentional
or negligent acts of third parties in excess of $25,000. Both parties understand,
acknowledge, and agree that because of fiscal constraints of the City, agreed repairs are
contingent upon the City having funds available for this purpose.
The Federation reports annually to the Park and Recreation Commission to review the
organization’s financial statements, program status, attendance, and facility issues.
Federation leagues, programs, and activities have been popular and successful at Marin
Bocce. League participation consistently remains at capacity with 160 teams and 1,600
players, plus a waitlist. Open-play days often draw lines of participants and new players
who continue on to register for formal and informal clinics. The Federation hosted on site
bocce tournaments for league players, United States Bocce Federation Tournaments,
fundraisers, private rental events, and a San Rafael City Employee one night tournament.
Marin Bocce Federation has provided the Park and Recreation Commission with an
Annual Program Report for 2023 (Attachment 1). The report includes detailed information
on the Federation’s program status and attendance, and facility improvement/repair
A few of the highlights noted in the Annual Report (Attachment 1) are:
• Facility upgrades including court refinishing, drain cover platforms and increased
umbrellas for shade including a new shade structure over court D
• New classes including a bocce bootcamp
• Improved signage
• Conducting an annual player survey
• Implemented cloud-based storage
• Implemented a new online management system for leagues (Squad Fusion)
• Employee benefits enhanced
• Donations of 10 Marin Bocce gift certificates a year to local charities and school
fundraisers that are worth $450 each
2023 Participation Statistics:
• Hosted 6 In-House Tournaments
• Hosted 4 United States Bocce Federation Tournaments
• Open Play attracted 130 players a week from April-December
• Leagues were full in the beginning of Spring season with 160 teams across 5-
night leagues and 3-day leagues
• Leagues remained full through the Summer and Fall season
• Two courts every Saturday are donated to the Special Olympics to practice on in
the Spring and Winter for 15 players
2023 Contracted Events:
• Weekly standing reservation for Jewish Family Services Memory Care
• Contracted 30 events which is 12 more than in 2022 and predicted to contract 36
or more in 2024
The Federation will provide their 2023 Expense and Revenue Report at the meeting. The
following summary may be used as reference of past years to compare with the 2023
figures being presented.
Table 1: Summary of Federation’s Expenses and Revenue – 2020-2022
2020 2021 2022
Operational Income $87,725 $179,983 $269,412
Covid Relief Income $19,335 $62,573 $0
Other Revenue/Interest - - $119
Expenses $113,436 $152,126 $219,870
Net (Gain/Loss) (-$6,376) $90,431 $49,660
In exchange for the Federation’s contribution of park improvements and ongoing
maintenance of the Complex, the City waives facility use fees for the Complex for the
term of the agreement.
Submitted by:
Darcie Chellew
Darcie Chellew
Recreation Supervisor
1. Marin Bocce Federation 2023 Annual Program Report
pg. 1
The Marin Bocce Federation
2023 Annual Report
Presented to City of San Rafael
Park and Recreation Commission
Presented By
Larry Clayman, Board President
Jessica Libien, Executive Director
February 15, 2024
The Marin Bocce Federation is a 501(c)-3 nonprofit organization dedicated to
promoting the sport of bocce with all residents to enhance their social and
physical well-being.
Marin Bocce is a special place. We boast 10 premiere, state-of-the-art
bocce courts nestled amid beautifully landscaped surroundings. Our facilities are
open year-round. We feature active leagues from March through October, public
open play all year, host tournaments, and rent out our facilities on weekends to
nonprofits and local businesses.
Court Refinishing – Originally scheduled for October, 2022. Due to shipping
delays, the courts were refinished in March of 2023. The outdoor court surfaces
were seven years old and the indoor courts 15 years old. It is our intention to
refinish the outdoor courts every five years to improve play and lessen the repairs
Drain Cover Platforms – Along with the new drainage installed in 2022, we added
steel platforms installed at the ends of each court to cover the expanded drains.
These platforms were custom made and should greatly reduce tripping hazards
over the prior configuration. The steel platforms were installed in April.
pg. 2
Increased Shade – Another priority has been to increase the amount of shade
available for players. We have designed a shade structure with a retractable
awning attached to a permanently installed metal frame. This new prototype
structure was installed at the end of court D, the court nearest the children’s
playground, prior to leagues starting in March.
In addition, we have purchased large, rectangular umbrellas to augment the
umbrellas that were already at each table.
Classes – Jessica created and conducted new classes including basic skills,
advanced skills, and strategy. There was even a bocce bootcamp that people
thoroughly enjoyed. Feedback has been great, and the caliber of play continues
to improve.
Signage – Improved signage has been installed at each entrance to the courts
with the intention to make Marin Bocce more welcoming to residents.
Player Survey – We conducted our second online satisfaction survey among our
players, and the results showed high levels of satisfaction. Areas needing
attention included more shade, better lighting, and good sportsmanship between
teams (to be addressed in annual Captain’s meeting). We intend to conduct
annual surveys every year in October.
Employee Benefits Enhanced – Marin Bocce employees one full-time Executive
Director and five part-time staff. All employees have the option to obtain a
SIMPLE IRA with a 3% match. Our one full-time employee now has a health
reimbursement plan funded by the organization.
Cloud-based Storage – We have implemented a cloud-based online storage
system for all essential organizational documents.
Online Management System: We have implemented, and online league and
scheduling management system called Squad Fusion. All our players have been
integrated into the system and it allows us to run the organization even better.
pg. 3
The bocce courts are a great resource for local nonprofit organizations, social
clubs, and businesses. On most weekends you will find the facility being used for
fundraisers, social events, school pay to plays, and tournaments.
The following organizations are signed up to hold events at Marin Bocce this year.
1. Central Marin Sanitary
2. St. Vincent de Paul
3. God Squad
4. Matuecci’s
5. Salesian Boys and Girls Club
7. Scacciapensieri
8. Marin Tip Club
9. Women’s Council of Realtors
10. Glenwood School Fundraiser
11. Casa Allegra
12. Curry Senior Center
13. Golden Gate Breakfast Club
14. Gilead House
15. Rotoplast
16. San Rafael HS Boosters
17. Davidson Middle School
18. Dominican University
19. Good Shepard Lutheran School
20. Coleman School Fundraiser
21. SIRS Bocce Party
22. Ross Valley Women’s League
23. Gerstle Park Neighborhood Day
24. Salesian’s Kids Camp
25. Our Lady of Loretto Fundraiser
26. Equator Coffee Staff Appreciation Day
27. San Domenico Fundraiser
28. Schurig Center Fundraiser
29. Mark Day School
30. Our Lady of Loretto
31. Neil Cummings School
32. Terra Linda HS Boosters
33. Novato HS Boosters
35. Elks Lodge
36. Vision Impaired of Marin
More events will be added as the year progresses.
• We also have a weekly standing reservation for Jewish Family Services Memory Care.
Bocce helps Alzheimer’s and dementia patients with motor skills and is vital to their
recovery as well as fun!
• The Special Olympics is back this year from March 25-June 5 as well as November-
December. We donate two courts every Sunday to the Special Olympics for practice. We
have about 15 players.
• We donate 10 gift certificates per year to local charities and school fundraisers. The
certificates are worth $450 each and includes two courts for three hours of play, plus a
propane barbecue. This is a highly sought-after silent auction item in Marin County.
pg. 4
Marin Bocce is hosting four United States Bocce Federation sanctioned
tournaments this year and seven in-house tournaments. The USBF tournaments
bring players in from all over Northern California. The in-house tournaments are
limited to our own league players.
MBF In-House:
1. Mixed Singles
2. Il Sacco A/B Doubles
3. Men’s Singles
4. Mixed Doubles
5. Dolly Nave Day/30th MBF Anniversary Event
(fundraiser for SRHS Athletic Dept)
6. End of Year Night League Tournament
1. Mixed Singles
2. Men's Doubles
3. Women's Doubles
4. Mixed Doubles
2022 2023 2024 Est
In-house Tournaments 5 6 8
USBF Tournaments 3 4 6
Open Play Players/Week 125 130 140
Contracted Events 18 30 36+
Appendix 1 - Preliminary 2023 Financials – Final reports produced by our accounting
firm. There will be minor adjustments, reclassifications, and updates to depreciation
when our CPA produces our year-end tax filing.
pg. 5
Appendix 1 – (to be provided by Accountiful by 2/15)