HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Proof of Publication 2024NIELSEN MERKSAMER PARRINELLO GROSS & LEONI LLP February 28, 2024 VIA Hand Delivery Lindsay Lara, City Clerk City of San Rafael 1400 Fifth Ave., Rm. 209 San Rafael, CA 94901 POLITICAL & LAW GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY LITIGATION D CC��OWE! =28 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Re: Proof of Publication - The San Rafael Library and Community Center Revitalization Initiative Dear Ms. Lara: Pursuant to Elections Code section 9206, the proponents of the San Rafael Library and Community Center Revitalization Initiative (the "Initiative") hereby file an affidavit of a representative of the Marin IndependentJournal newspaper. The enclosed affidavit certifies the fact of publication of the Notice of Intent and the Title and Summary of the Initiative, together with a copy of the Notice of Intent and Title and Summary, as they were published in the Marin Independent Journal on February 18, 2024 (the "Proof of Publication"). Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any questions. SPW/pas Enclosure SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA 2350 KERNER BLVD, SUITE 250 SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 T415.389.6800 F415.388.6874 SACRAMENTO 1415 L STREET, SUITE 1200 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 T916.446.6752 F916.446.6106 Very truly yours, , (4"\ , �,,- Sean P. Welch NMGOVLAW.COM Marin Independent Journal 4000 Civic Center Drive, Suite 301 San Rafael, CA 94903 415-382-7335 legals@marinij.com 3696706 HILARY J GIBSON ATTORNEYAT LAW 2350 KERNER BLVD STE 250 Legal No. 0006810599 SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 Naiiceof9ntenttocfrculatePetilian Notice is hereby given by the persons whose names appear hereon of their intention to circulate s petition within the city of San Rafael for the purpose of adopting an ;nll,alIvL ,tial will enact a special nen-ad vaiLveni parcel lax for the purpose of designing, conslructinQ. and furnishing a near Ilbrary and community PROOF OF PUBLICATION center, be ted �'+ (2015.5 C . C . P .) Rafael- A Statement Of the reasons lot the statement hereAlbersonPars f4 fit r noposed action as contemplated in lite peirtllxt IS as talthns: San Rafael's Dh%-Aloan Mein Library was built over 100 years ago in 19119 when San Rafael's rwpulatien gas only 6.056. currently San STATE OF CALIFORNIA Rafael's fartaoonexccndoutdaand tos I,Faary Is tar too small and outdated to serve ,Ile needs of the community. County of Marin With library use on the rise. the lis-year-ew facility is In poor condition vAlh cramped. dtlapidaled space, poor lighting, and lack of adequate beating. book collections, computer stations, quiet reading Areas. and group study or mecting areas. The wilding docs not nuet I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the ewenlsafety andaecessibili!y,tandtirds. Options for expansion Are limited and County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, expensive - and not a party to or interested in the above matter. I am Sart Rafael 5ludinits of ill ages and income the principal clerk of the printer of the MARIN levels rely on Itxml IibrArm for well oquipped, quirlantl safe .piicestoread. study. compiete INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, a newspaper of general luxnowork, and receive tutoring. Familkts with young children rely on lilem6y and reading programs. Older adults utilize Ahr library for circulation, printed and published daily in the County of acceys to computem tecltnolgy and quiet Marin, and which newspaper has been adjudged a 1 g reading spaco. Community cert° mer earning sats spices for aitcrscltuol, summer learning newspaper of general circulation b the Superior Court of 9 Y p and rcereation progmms that allow children and teens a safe place to cnggLg in progmsns the Count of Marin, State of California, under date Y a"dsupporttheireducation- ommunity center prorido recreational and social of FEBRUARY 7, 1955, CASE NUMBER 25568; that opPortb'nitlesthat help older adults remain aetrvg and Independent. the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in The City of San Rafael commissioned a :•turfy type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in in 2021lorthe wnstrvctionofanew Main Library and Community Center on rrtyovned each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and property at Albert Park. located nearlststrcet not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to- and 8 Street in Downtown San Rafael to verify the feasibility, of a project at this location andel determine a project scope .and wit: budget. Approval of this initiative would authorize and 02/18/2024 fund the planning and construction of a modem library and community center campus at Albert park to serve the needs of current and future residents. Funds from the initiative moy also be used to upgrade San Rafael's neighborhood branch libraries. This initiative requires strict fiscal accountability protections to ensure all funds are used as promised, including: - Every pRAny must stay in San Rafael to fund the planning and construction of a new library. community center, and upgrades to branch I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury that the libraries No funds can be taken away by the State or foregoing is true and correct. diverted for other purposes - Nofundscanbeusedforadmnistrator salaries or benefits - Public disclosure of all spending, an Dated this 21th da of February, 2024, Y Y independent oversight committc-e and annva, audits are required TO ensure the cost of this measure is not a burden to residents on limited fixed Incomes /or nomeownefs age 65 artd over are eligible an optional exemption. This Initiative also requires the City or San Rafael to develop a proposal to present to the community for the preservation and reuse of the 61. Carnegie L- - Rafael atter e Iibriary vacates the build Ing. /s/Joe O'Hehlr /s/ Gary Ragphlantl /s/charles Litchfield Signature The city attorney has prepared 11fe following title and summary of the chief purpose and Points of the proposed measure: PROOF OF PUBLICATION dALLQTTITLp An InklatNe Measure Amending the City of San Rafael's Municipal Code td Parade Fundlnq for Construction of a New Main Library -and Community Center at Albert Park in Downtown San Rafael. BALLOT SUMMARY The Initiative measure would add a chapter to the San Rafael Municipal Code, titled the "Parcel Tax for Planning and Construction of a Slow Albert Park blain Library and Community Center," which would enact a non -ad valorem parcel tat on properties In the City to fund the construction of a now rrrain library and community center, with associated parking lots {the "Measure.") The Measure would Im>ose a tax on owners of each parcel of taxable real property in San Rafael at tree rate of., (i) 50.145 per square foot of Improved building area.• and (11) $75.0 per vacant parcel. The tax would cornmence on July t. 2025 and weutd continue for thirty Years or as lon0 as bonds for the planning and construction of the facilities remain outstanding. whichever Is longer. The tax would be aspeclal tax and proceeds vrouid be placed In a special City fund wmleh could Only be used tor- 1. Issuing bends to raise money foe the neer main library and community center, and associated parking tots. 2. Planning, construeLinequlppino and furnishing a new main 1"sbrary and community Cenler %vhlch will have a size of approximately 0.70 to 0.75 square feet per capita. excluding "kino, outdoor spares, and landscaping. 3. Expanding branch libraries to achletir the square -footage requirements of approximately 0.70 to 0.75 square feel per capita. S. Funding improvements. and rEnbyatignS tt> file PiCkleweW and Terra Linda 8ranctt Libraries if there is si►Ffipirtt itnldiny available ProeeOds from Clic parcel tax could not be spent on administrator salarloS or other operating oxpenseS. Designs and planning for the new main library and community ctmtcr must include the preservation or relocation at the Lonateso Gardens at Albert Park. The proposed tax would Ix collected and administered by the Marin County Tax Collector. Senior citizens—persons over the age of GS years—would be eligible to apply for exemptions from the parcel tax for their primary Puce of residence. The City already imposes a parcel tax, which funds library programs, services, equipment. and materials, and helps maintain library coceation hours. The tax Is codified at Municipal Code Chapter 3.36 (Special Library Services Parcel Tax) and went into effect in fiscal year 2017.2018. the Special Library Services Parcel Tax continues until fiscal year 2026.2027 and would not be Impacted by the Measure. The Measure would establish an oversight committee of City residents to ensure that parcel tax funds are being used for Heir intended purpose. The oversight committee wouid be required to submit reports annually or more frequently. Separately, the City would have to prepare an annual report shoynntf the amount of funds collected from the parcel tax now the money was spent. and the status of the new main library and community center. The Measure would require the City Council to Initiate a public planning process within two years of the Measure's adoption to guide a proposal to the community to preserve and reuse the historic Carneole Library building. 6910599