HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Art Review Board 2024-04-17 Agenda Packet1 Attachment A PUBLIC ART REVIEW BOARD APRIL 17TH, 2024 AT 6:00PM In-Person: SAN RAFAEL COMMUNITY CENTER LOUNGE 618 B STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA AGENDA Participate Virtually: Watch on Zoom Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PARB-04-17-2024 Listen by phone: (669) 444-9171 ID: 814 5896 7407# CALL TO ORDER MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of November 15, 2023 Recommended Action – Approve as submitted OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to the community. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Special Presentations: None OTHER AGENDA ITEMS If necessary to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 3. Other Agenda Items: a. San Rafael Chamber of Commerce Utility Box Painting Proposal Recommended Action: Recommend Proposal to City Council for Final Approval STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Staff Liaison Report BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/request-for-interpretation/. Page 1 of 4 PUBLIC ART ADVISORY BOARD November 15, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES __________________________________________________________________ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PARB-11-15-2023 Telephone: (669) 444-9171 Meeting ID: 814 5896 7407 CALL TO ORDER Craig Veramay called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Member Merritt Member Sandoval Chair Schauffler Member Zhao Absent: Member Kovalsky Also Present: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor Patty McCulley, Interim Program Coordinator AGENDA AMENDMENTS None. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of July 12, 2023. Member Merritt moved, and Member Sandoval seconded, to approve the meetings minutes of July 12, 2023. AYES: Members: Merritt, Sandoval, Schauffler, Zhao NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Kovalsky ABSTAINED: Members: None 2 Minutes approved as submitted. OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda None SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Special Presentations: None OTHER PRESENTATIONS 3. Other Agenda Items: a. Review and Selection of the 2024 Falkirk Cultural Center Art Exhibitions Craig Veramay introduced Senior Recreation Supervisor Debbie Younkin, and Interim Program Coordinator Patty McCulley. Ms. Younkin gave an overview of the process of the Falkirk Cultural Center and the current Art Exhibition process. The Board Members reviewed the artists and voted for the July, September, and November Exhibits. Staff responded to questions from the Board. Public Comment: None Member Sandoval moved to approve Sue Sommer, Catherine Lee, and Noah Gottesman for the July exhibit, and Member Merritt seconded the motion. AYES: Members: Merritt, Sandoval, Schauffler, Zhao NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Kovalsky ABSTAINED: Members: None Motion passes. 3 Member Sandoval moved to approve Cindy Ostroff & Susan Tureck, Renne Kelly, Scott Meadows, Scott Hewitt & David Ryan for the August exhibit , and Member Merritt seconded the motion. AYES: Members: Merritt, Sandoval, Schauffler, Zhao NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Kovalsky ABSTAINED: Members: None Motion passes. Member Merritt moved to approve Craig Cross, Marie Krajan, and Dana Christensen for the September exhibit, and Member Sandoval seconded the motion. AYES: Members: Merritt, Sandoval, Schauffler, Zhao NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Kovalsky ABSTAINED: Members: None Motion passes. b. Review 2024 Meeting Schedule Craig Veramay gave an overview of the 2024 Meeting Schedule. Staff responded to questions from the Board. Public Comment: None Member Sandoval moved, and Member Merritt seconded to approve the 2024 Meeting Schedule. AYES: Members: Merritt, Sandoval, Schauffler, Zhao NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Kovalsky ABSTAINED: Members: None Motion passes. STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Mr. Veramay went through the upcoming meetings and events of interest. Mr. Veramay shared the upcoming January meeting there will be an agenda item for the Chair and Vice Chair positions. 4 Public Comment: None BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 5. Chair Schauffler shared the Downtown Arts district is continuing to establish a strategic plan process. Member Merritt shared the Ground Floor is doing a holiday marketplace and they have art in the space as well. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Veramay adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. ___________________________________________ BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2023 ___________________________________________ CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director PUBLIC ART REVIEW BOARD AGENDA REPORT April 17, 2024 Item #3a TITLE: “ART WITH A PURPOSE” CLASS PROJECT OF SAN RAFAEL LEAERSHIP INSTITUTE CLASS OF 2024 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review the San Rafael Chamber Leadership ‘Art With a Purpose’ proposals, select six artists to paint utility boxes throughout San Rafael, and recommend the project for final approval by City Council. BACKGROUND: The San Rafael Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute Class of 2024 has proposed a project called “Art with a Purpose”, with the intent of promoting and creating a healthy, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient community. The proposal includes painting Utility Boxes throughout the City, utilizing existing infrastructure to inspire residents, job seekers, and employers by promoting Chamber of Commerce values such as sustainability, inclusivity, and equitable opportunities. The proposal would incorporate art designed by local artists painting six different Utility Boxes in San Rafael. DISCUSSION The “Art with a Purpose” Utility Box Art project proposal (Attachment 1), which is managed by the San Rafael Leadership Institute (Institute) and the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce (Chamber), is designed to utilize local artists that are identified through the following partners organizations: • Artworks Downtown • Marin Society of Artists • Multicultural Center of Marin • Youth in Arts • Canal Alliance • Marin School for the Arts • Marin Open Studios • Dominican University Art Classes • College of Marin Art Classes • Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival • Marin County Public Art Commission • San Rafael Chamber of Commerce • The Downtown San Rafael Business Improvement District. Page 2 of 4 In March 2024, the Institute and Chamber published a “Call for Artist” Request For Proposals, seeking artists that could successfully and effectively illustrate their vision of several pillars representing Chamber of Commerce values, including advocacy, diversity, health, inclusion, sustainability, and economic vitality. The RFP process resulted in eight (8) proposals, which are included as Attachment 2. The project seeks to engage the local artistic community in capturing the essence of one of these topics per box. The proposal calls for each box to include a QR code or URL link incorporated into the design that will help the observer to connect to agencies and organizations that provide services for that topic area. The Institute intends to furnish final artists with a $1,000 stipend to pay for supplies, materials, and their time to complete the project. Funds are coming from personal pledges of class members and from the organizations and companies they represent. To date, $7320.00 has been pledged and is in the process of being collected. If approved, the Chamber and Institute intend to complete painting in May 2024, prior to the graduation of the leadership institute participants in June 2024. As a permanent art installation (longer than 1 year), the proposal will require City Council approval prior to painting. If the Public Art Review Board recommends this project for approval, City staff will add the proposal to the next available City Council agenda. Criteria for Proposal Evaluation The Institute identified seven (7) potential utility box locations but intend to paint up to six boxes. 7 locations were chosen to have some choices for sponsored boxes, since the Chamber is working to collect donations to support installation. There will only be 5 or 6 painted, depending on the Chambers budget based on available funding. The Institute is proposing to paint six (6) utility boxes at the locations shown below: Downtown • 4th & A Street • 4th & B Street Civic Center • Civic Center & McInnis Prkwy Northgate Mall • Los Ranchitos & Northgate • Las Gallinas at Nova Albion Canal District • Bellam & Kerner Blvd. Montecito Area • 2nd & Grand These utility box locations have been reviewed and approved for painting by our Public Works Department, pending compliance with the comments shown in Attachment 3, receipt of an encroachment permit, and compliance with the City’s construction barricade policy (attachment 4). Page 3 of 4 The Leadership Institute received eight (8) art proposals. The Institute ranked the proposals based on their preference, as shown in attachment 2. Additionally, the Chamber wants to tie specific artist proposals to locations in town that align with their proposal. With that in mind, the Institute recommended their top four artists and box locations: • Artist: Devlin Espleta. Value: Disaster preparedness. Location: 2nd & Grand • Artist: Oscar Morales; Value: Diversity; Location: Bellam & Kerner Blvd. • Artist: Eyon Higgins Jones; Value: Diversity or resiliency; Box location: Undecided • Artist: Keena Romano; Value: Diversity; Location: Undecided Staff recommend the Board review these artist proposals, as well as the other proposals and share their recommendations and feedback on finalizing the remaining two artists and final utility box locations. Staff recommend the Board consider the following criteria to guide their recommendations: Community Interest: The exhibition’s subject matter is determined to be of specific interest to the San Rafael community. Diversity: Artists and the City's public art collection should reflect the diversity of San Rafael’s community. The Public Art Review Board shall monitor the overall development of public art projects, encouraging balance in the City’s collection over time with respect to background, gender, and other identities of artists selected and with respect to styles of expression, media, and genre. Qualifications/Quality of Work: The City strives to partner with organizations that offer the opportunity to exhibit artwork of the highest possible caliber. Artists, artist teams, or project manager must be able to demonstrate, through past work – as evidenced in a resume, portfolio, and reference – their ability to create quality artwork and act with the utmost professionalism. In most cases, artists have considerable training and experience working professionally at and have been compensated for their art. For certain projects, the City will consider emerging or non-professional artists, who are working under the guidance of a professional mentor or art teacher. Design: Works of art will be designed in consideration of the relevance and appropriateness of the work to the context of the site and in alignment with public safety and decency.  The artwork will not portray themes that may be interpreted as derogatory as to race, religion, sexual orientation, natural origin, or physical or mental disability. The artwork will not contain content, signage, names, logos, or subject matter that could be construed as advertising or as religious or sexual in nature nor will it promote a political candidate or include political text. Any content considered obscene or indecent by community standards will be denied. Page 4 of 4  The design of the artworks will take into consideration issues associated with public spaces such as security, theft, vandalism, etc.  The design of the artworks will consider the specific needs and use patterns of the public space in which they will be located. For example, works of art will not block critical view corridors or impede public usage of key open space. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Public Art Review Board Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director Attachment 1: Chamber Leadership Utility Box Paintint Proposal Attachment 2: Artist RFP Submissions Attachment 3: DPW Utility Box Location Comments Attachment 4: San Rafael Construction Barricade Policy. Proposal – City of San Rafael “Art with a Purpose” Class Project of San Rafael Leadership Institute Class of 2024 The San Rafael Leadership Institute Class of 2024 “Art with a Purpose” project promotes creating a healthy, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient community. The art installation on existing infrastructure is focused on inspiring residents, job seekers, and employers by promoting chamber values such as sustainability, inclusivity, and equitable opportunities. Specifically, we plan to feature a creative interpretation of these values through art designed by local artists on Utility Boxes in San Rafael. Name of Artist and/or Proposer team The “Art with a Purpose” Utility Box Art project, which is managed by the San Rafael Leadership Institute and the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, is designed to utilize local artists that are identified through the following partners organizations: Artworks Downtown, Marin Society of Artists, Multicultural Center of Marin, Youth in Arts, Canal Alliance, Marin School for the Arts, Marin Open Studios, Dominican University Art Classes, College of Marin Art Classes, Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival, Public Art Commission, San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown San Rafael Business Improvement District. Artists will be chosen by the use of a “Call for Artist” RFP. The project will be seeking artists that can successfully and effectively illustrate their vision of these pillars of: ADVOCACY, DIVERSITY, EQUITY, HEALTH, INCLUSION, SUSTAINABILITY, ECONOMIC VITALITY. The project seeks to engage the local Artistic Community in capturing the essence of one of these topics per box. Each box will have a QR code or URL link (to be provided) incorporated into the design that will help the observer to connect to agencies and organizations that provide services for that topic area. Project will be completed in May 2024. Qualifications of Artists include: Project Description Description of proposed concept a) Illustrations, drawings, or samples of the proposed artwork are being collected through the “Call to Artist” RFP b) Materials and media – Installation process being coordinated through the Public Works Department (Omar Garcia & Megan Kelly); Art design is being vetted by the Class Project Planning & Design team and approved by the San Rafael Chamber c) Proposed Sites – Heart of Downtown 4th & A Street 4th & B Street Civic Center Civic Center & McInnis Prkwy Northgate Mall Los Ranchitos & Northgate Las Gallinas at Nova Albion Canal District Bellam & Kerner Blvd. Montecito Area 2rd & Grand d) Public Art Review Process & Timeline for Installation Contact is Catherine Quffa (cc: Craig) Catherine.Quffa@cityofsanrafael.org Craig.Veramay@cityofsanrafael.org • April 17 Public Review Board • Submit application ASAP (w/ artwork TBD) • Need final art by April 8 • Need Chamber rep present at Public Review board 4/17 for approval • May 6th City Council approval to execute agreement – need signed agreement between San Rafael Chamber and City of San Rafael • Per Public Works – takes 2 days to prime 6 boxes e) Estimated budget for installation and funding source(s) including: Artist Stipend (if applicable) - $750 (includes supplies cost) = $6000 for 6 boxes Materials – estimate $250 Installation – San Rafael encroachment permit requirements will be met and the project is aware and will work with all existing policies. Encroachment examples are: parking space needs to be closed off, artists are working in the sidewalk, barriers need to be in place for safety, etc. Public Works will be consulted on their recommendations for barriers and for types of paint, graffiti safe products, etc. Public Works on their recommendations for barriers and for types of paint, graffiti safe products, etc., so that the Class Project team can acquire and/or make available these items for the artist's work. Maintenance (if included) – The Artworks will be maintained by the City staff and may removed at the City’s sole discretion for one or more of the following reasons: (a) The condition or security of the Artworks cannot be reasonably guaranteed. (b) There is an emergency event such as a fire, storm, or other climate-related event. (c) The Artwork is damaged, and repair is infeasible, or the cost of repair is disproportionate to the value of the Artwork. (d) The Artwork requires unanticipated, excessive maintenance due to design flaws or other factors. (e) The Artwork endangers public safety. (f) The Premises is so altered or there are planned renovations/site improvements such that the Artwork is no longer compatible or relevant. (g) The Premises is no longer owned, controlled or managed by the City. (h) There has been sustained and overwhelming public objection to the Artwork over a period of time. (i) The Artwork has been stolen or destroyed. Other project costs (insurance, permits, etc.) – The San Rafael Chamber shall assume all risk of loss, damage, or injury for the project while it is being designed and delivered. Insurance after the project is complete will be assumed by the City of San Rafael, as outlined in the LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR DISPLAY OF ARTWORK Funding Sources: Funds are coming from personal pledges of class members and from the organizations and companies they represent. To date $7320.00 has been pledged and is in the process of being collected. Expenses: Artist Stipend of $1000.00 includes supplies. Marketing/Outreach and Event Planning expenses estimated at $1500. Some Art supplies and event space will be donated. “Launch” Event specifics are being determined. f) Project maintenance details/instructions – in discussion with Public Works g) Anticipated life of project - lifetime of Utility Box • Structural integrity and ADA compliance – TBD by Public Works • Community engagement/support documentation – see attached “Call for Artist” • Applicant must agree to the general terms set forth in the City’s license agreement, including insurance requirements – Agreement in the process between the City Manager and San Rafael Chamber of commerce Under the Public Arts Review Board process, it states: For long-term projects (installation planned for more than one (1) year): A minimum of one (1) public meeting and three (3) letters of support are recommended. Successful public meetings might involve the local homeowner’s association (HOA), neighborhood associations, or business owners. The Public Art Review Board must be informed of these meetings ahead of time and allowed the opportunity to attend. We will be in the process of working on this part of the application/review process. Submitted by Cecilia Zamora, Chair, San Rafael Leadership Institute 3/20/24 Art With a Purpose Artist Submissions Artist Name:City of Residence:Website or Social Media link: 1 Yuan Chen Living in Fairfax, Studio in San Rafael https://www.yuanartist.com 2 Rebecca hammett San Rafael https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.hamme tt.37/ 3 Travis Neditch Petaluma www.breakloosearts.com instagram @breakloosearts 4 Eyan Higgins Jones San Rafael https://www.eyanhigginsjones.com 5 Youth in Arts Students with Lead Artist Keena Romano San Rafael https://youthinarts.org/, https://www.keenaromano.com/ 6 Devlin Espeleta San Rafael Instagram @ brainchildart 7 Oscar Morales Lathrop https://www.oscarmoralesart.com/ 8 Leslie K Allen Sausalito, CA leslieallenart.com Box Locations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION In our diverse community, embracing and celebrating our differences is paramount. My proposed mural, titled "One of Us" or "All Connected," aims to promote the values of diversity and inclusion through art. This mural will depict individuals from in various backgrounds, cultures, and identities coming together in harmony, showcasing the beauty of our differences. Through vibrant colors and powerful imagery, the mural will symbolize unity and interconnectedness, emphasizing that despite our unique experiences, we are all part of the same human family. By prominently displaying this mural in a central location, we hope to inspire conversations and foster a greater sense of understanding and acceptance among community members. Let us come together to celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels valued and represented in our shared space. Yuan Chen Show ethnic musicians who had affects in music. Rebecca Hammett DIVERSITY, EQUITY Travis Neditch ADVOCACY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, SUSTAINABILITY, ECONOMIC VITALITY, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT I would like to do a box that is part figurative, part landscape illustration depicting workers building up California and San Rafael itself. A sort of historical narrative referencing the Great Depression and the peoples will to pull themselves out of despair. I feel like the theme is relevant to today and speaks on themes of unity and cooperation along with economic development. Eyan Higgins Jones ADVOCACY, DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, SUSTAINABILITY, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, VOLUNTEER ENGAGEMENT, History of the City, Stories of the City, City Origins I aim to make fun, approachable, Diverse and professional artistic work for San Rafael. The ideas I submit will always have a story and will join at least two pillars. I believe color and great images on walls can bring about a brighter more positive feeling to the streets of a city. I would really like to produce more mural work for the city of San Rafael as I believe it's power is important for all to see and enjoy. Youth in Arts Students with Lead Artist Keena Romano ADVOCACY, DIVERSITY, EQUITY, HEALTH, INCLUSION, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT This design incorporates elements from two Youth in Arts murals that were recently completed - "Universe of Imagination" at Bahia Vista and "Falcons in Bloom" at Venetia Valley K-8 School. These murals were created as part of Youth in Arts I AM (Intensive Arts Mentorship Program) in the summer of 2023. Youth in Arts recruited 20 emerging youth artists, aged 16 - 20, from Marin County’s most racially marginalized and underserved neighborhoods to work with professional BIPOC artists, and Mentor Muralists, Fred Alvarado and Keena Azania Romano. The I AM emerging artists interviewed students from Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley's summer programs to ascertain what they would like to see represented at their schools, then based on that feedback, conceptualized and installed the murals. Youth in Arts' I AM program aims to center and amplify youth voice. We offer the emerging artists stipends for their time, providing early onramps to job training as well as furthering their arts education opportunities. Devlin Espeleta ADVOCACY, SUSTAINABILITY, Wildlife conservation Montage of the 8 species of heron that visit the Las Gallinas reclaimation ponds bird sanctuary...or a montage of bay area/marin county endangered species. Oscar Morales WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Group work can encourage the generation of new and innovative ideas to make teams evolve. Promote collaboration at work, inspire the environment and give mutual trust for the common good and as a key to success. Leslie K Allen ADVOCACY, DIVERSITY, EQUITY, HEALTH, INCLUSION, SUSTAINABILITY, ECONOMIC VITALITY, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, AFFORDABLE HOUSING, (My primary Pillar design concept is Affordable Housing) As an architect and professional artist, I want to showcase Affordable Housing in San Rafael, with stylized versions of real housing projects that residents will recognize or be curious to learn more about. It would be great if some "visual outreach" could also help to reduce resistance to housing project construction. I contacted the Housing Manager for the City of San Rafael and she suggested 3 city-funded housing projects. I will also include typical forms of ADU's (backyard cottages) if I can fit them in. Final proposal will include color. Wrap-around integration of all 4 sides TBD based on actual utility box size and shape. Comments and markup from Department of Public Works for the SR Chamber Leadership Institute Utility Box Painting Project 4th & A Street: - Work with parking services to purchase/ close meter. - Sidewalk appears wide enough to provide 4 foot of travel while painting. Need to create a pedestrian detour plan when painting side closest to building. 4th & B Street: - Work with parking services to purchase/ close meter. - Need to create a pedestrian detour plan when painting side closest to building. Civic Center & McInnis Prkwy - Maintain 4 foot wide path accessible path of travel. Los Ranchitos & Northgate - Appears to be enough space to maintain a 4 foot path of travel. Las Gallinas at Nova Albion: - Concerned it will be difficult to have an alternate path of travel with the bus stop and school. This loca�on may need to have someone watching out full �me to allow people to walk by at all �mes. Bellam & Kerner Blvd. - Concerned it will be difficult to have an alternate path of travel. This loca�on may need to have someone watching out full �me to allow people to walk by at all �mes. Second & Grand - Need to create a pedestrian detour plan when blocking sidewalk. DRAFT Kate Colin, Mayor • Maika Llorens Gulati, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Eli Hill, Councilmember • Rachel Kertz, Councilmember DATE: June 6, 2023 TO: Don Jeppson, ADA Coordinator and Chief Building Official FROM: April Miller, Public Works Director SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GUIDELINES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF BARRICADES AT CONSTRUCTION SITES It is the policy of the Department of Public Works that a safe and accessible path of travel be provided for all pedestrians, including those with disabilities, around and/or through construction sites. Standard Construction Process for Approval in Public Right-of-Way: 1. Contractor shall submit construction plans to the City for review. 2. Contractor shall submit Traffic Control Plans to the City for review. 3. Contractor to submit site specific Pedestrian Routing Plans to City. Plans shall include pedestrian routing, detours, and barricade plan for the duration of the project schedule and pedestrian & bicycle detour plans compliant with current ADA standards and MUTCD (CA). 4. Contractor to call for city inspection after construction barricades are in place, but before the start of any construction or demolition of path of travel or walking surface. Guidelines: When erecting barricades, the Contractor shall be conscious of the special needs of pedestrians with physical disabilities. Discretion is given to the contractor to provide protection for pedestrians consistent with all current local, state, and federal codes, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the California Building Code, Title 24. The bottom 3 inches minimum of barrier material should be solid. This base will act as a cane guide to blind pedestrians using canes. Walking canes used by blind pedestrians could get caught in plastic snow fence or metal fencing. A safe design can be achieved by attaching a solid, continuous material (i.e., wood, header bender board, sheet metal, solid rod or rail, etc.) to the bottom portion of the fence. Chosen material should have a high visual contrast to the street/sidewalk surface. When selecting a barricade, it is important that the barricade itself does not create tripping hazards within the path of travel. Some barrier systems are supported by feet that extend into the path of travel. Any change of level in a path-of-travel which is over 1/4" in. height must be beveled at 45 degree to provide a smooth, non-tripping transition. Use barricade system with ”Flat feet” below: Not”Obstructing Feet” below: It is recognized that there are various types of construction activities, including both short-term and long-term projects. Some barricading systems are more appropriate for certain types of construction than others. The following barricading systems described below are examples of systems which can be used to provide a safe and accessible path of-travel around and through a construction site. They are not intended to be all-inclusive. Any barricading system meeting accessibility standards and the MUTCD (CA) may be considered. BARRICADING METHODS AND MATERIALS Waterfilled Barriers Water filled barriers are preferred solution for closing roads or sidewalks. When interlocked, the barriers provide a continuous detection to those pedestrians traveling with the aid of a long cane or who have low vision. Waterfilled barriers are useful for providing separation between vehicles and pedestrians. Water filled barriers may be interlocked to make curves as well as straight lines. Full connectivity reduces the probability of accidental or purposeful alteration of the barriers by vehicles or pedestrians. Plastic Pedestrian Barricades Plastic Pedestrian Barricades are useful for channelizing pedestrian when there is already clear separation from the vehicle travelled way. Example of Plastic Pedestrian Barricade with no feet or feet tucked away A-Frames A-Frames are useful for provided signage or marking a potential tripping hazard but are not recommended for defining the pedestrian path of travel. Barrier Caution Tape Caution tape cannot be used as part of the barricade system since it does not create an adequate and safe structure and cannot be used as a barricade or used to delineate path-of-travel (but can be used in other areas to highlight danger. It can be used in conjunction with other approved barriers, but not as part of a path-of-travel). Examples of what not to do: No sign, No Barrier, No Accessible & detectable path. Closed Crosswalks If a crosswalk is closed due to construction, then curb ramps leading into that crosswalk should also be appropriately barricaded. Either temporary curb ramps must be installed in the direction of the crosswalk to replace barricaded ramps, or an alternate (detour) route of travel shall be implemented with MUTCD approved signage. It should be noted that curb ramps are not used solely by persons in wheelchairs. They are also indicators to persons who are blind that a crosswalk exists and that there is a safe path-of-travel to cross the street. Temporary curb ramps should direct blind pedestrians to and through the temporary path-of-travel. Open Crosswalks If crosswalks are to remain open during the project then curb ramp areas should be kept free of debris, staging material, equipment, etc. NOTE: With the unique nature of each project, certain issues may arise which have not been covered in the above guidelines Each project will have to be reviewed on a case by case basis, to ensure that complete, safe, usable and accessible paths-of-travel are maintained during construction. References: CBC 3306.3 Directional Barricades Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a directional barricade where the walkway extends into the street. The directional barricade shall be of sufficient size and construction to direct vehicular traffic away from the pedestrian path. CA MUTCD 2014 Chapter 6D E. Blocked routes, alternate crossings, and sign and signal information should be communicated to pedestrians with visual disabilities by providing devices such as audible information devices, accessible pedestrian signals, or barriers and channelizing devices that are detectable to the pedestrians traveling with the aid of a long cane or who have low vision. Where pedestrian traffic is detoured to a TTC signal, engineering judgment should be used to determine if pedestrian signals or accessible pedestrian signals should be considered for crossings along an alternate route. F. When channelization is used to delineate a pedestrian pathway, a continuous detectable edging should be provided throughout the length of the facility such that pedestrians using a long cane can follow it. These detectable edgings should comply with the provisions of Section 6F.74. Caltrans Temp Pedestrian Access Route Handbook “Peds must be channelized when routed off existing pedestrian routes” (see figure on page 15). City and County of San Francisco Public Works Guidelines For the Placement of Barricades at Construction Sites. 2008 Order No. 167,840. Referenced in Document 00813.