HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2024-04-18 Agenda Packet1 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION APRIL 18, 2024 AT 6:00PM In-Person: SAN RAFAEL COMMUNITY CENTER LOUNGE 618 B STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA Participate Virtually: Watch on Zoom Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-4-18-2024 Listen by phone: (669) 444-9171 ID: 841 0672 5048# AGENDA CALL TO ORDER MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 15, 2024 Recommended Action – Approve as submitted OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to the community. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. No Special Presentations OTHER AGENDA ITEMS If necessary to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 3. Other Agenda Items: a. Biannual Parks Project and Maintenance Status Report Recommended Action: Receive and Comment b. Measure A Work Plan Recommended Action: Receive and Comment STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Schedule of Upcoming Events and Staff Liaison Report COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are avail able in accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at 2 https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/request-for-interpretation/. Page 1 of 4 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION March 21, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES __________________________________________________________________ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-3-21-2024 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Cabrales Commissioner Gutierrez Commissioner Pasternak Absent: Commissioner Emerson Commissioner Sandoval Also Present: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director Jinder Banwait, Administrative Analyst Library & Recreation Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor Darcie Chellew, Recreation Supervisor Allison DeLeo, President San Rafael Girls Softball League AGENDA AMENDMENTS None. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of February 22, 2024 Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded, to approve the meetings minutes of February 22, 2024. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Emerson, Sandoval 2 ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Minutes approved as submitted. MEETING OPEN FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda Joe O’Hehir from the San Rafael Public Library Foundation Board addressed the Commission. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations None. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS If necessary, to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 3. Other Agenda Items a. San Rafael Girls Softball Annual Report Mr. Veramay introduced Steve Mason and Darcie Chellew. Ms. Chellew gave a brief overview and introduced Allison DeLeo, President of the San Rafael Girls Softball league. Ms. DeLeo presented the San Rafael Girls Softball Annual Report. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded to accept the San Rafael Girls Softball Annual Report. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Emerson, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. 3. Other Agenda Items b. 2023 Annual Report of the Pickleweed Advisory Committee Steve Mason presented the 2023 Annual Report of the Pickleweed Advisory Committee. 3 Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Pasternak moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded to accept the 2023 Annual Report of the Pickleweed Advisory Committee. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Emerson, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Staff Liaison Report. Mr. Veramay reported there was a kickoff meeting for the Peacock play area design project. City staff met with RHAA for a walk through the park and they are just starting the process. Community engagement will begin this Spring/Summer. March 22nd the Terra Linda Community Center and Park plan will have their kickoff meeting. Community engagement will also begin this Spring/Summer. The Department of Public Works is starting the B Street Colbert project. It may impact some of the parking along B Street. Construction will start in April or May. March is Women’s History Month. There was a proclamation that went to City Council for the last meeting. The San Rafael Community Center had a Japanese floral arranging class that celebrated National Women’s Day by arranging flowers. National Library week the first week of April. The City is celebrating some of these days in creative ways. Terra Linda Ceramics has an exhibit “The Art of Stacking” at the Falkirk Cultural Center that will go through the middle of April. Buna Som was employee of the quarter and was celebrated at Falkirk with the Mayor, City Manager and the Assistant City Manager. There were a couple of staff that was in Palm Springs for the California Park and Recreation Society Conference that brought back some great knowledge to the rest of the team. The City is currently recruiting for the Assistant Library and Recreation Director/City Librarian. We are also recruiting for a custodian at the Albert Boro Community Center as well as a Senior Recreation Supervisor for our Childcare division. We have a new Aquatics Program Coordinator that will start on April 16th and gave Debbie Younkin a shoutout for getting the pool up and running in February. 4 Public Comment: None COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. None. Public Comment: None ADJOURNMENT Chair Cabrales adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m. ___________________________________________ BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2024 ___________________________________________ CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director Page 1 of 7 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT April 18, 2024 Item #3a TITLE: PARK PROJECTS AND MAINTENANCE BIANNUAL STATUS REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2023 THROUGH MARCH 2024 SUMMARY: This biannual report is submitted by Department of Public Works (DPW) staff to provide a summary of recently completed, current, or upcoming parks projects and maintenance. The goal is to provide a summary of parks projects and update the Commission on the status of projects since the last reporting period. RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission receive the biannual report and provide comments. ACTIVE PROJECTS SHORELINE PARK RESTROOM The original development of the properties along the Francisco Blvd near the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge required the installation of the Shoreline Pathway. In addition, a small restroom facility was installed when the area was subdivided; it was subsequently closed shortly after installation due to illicit activities. The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development District (BCDC), who has jurisdiction over this area along the waterfront, requested that the restroom be reopened to the public. As a result of the restroom being closed for many years, reopening the facility to the public required improvements to the mechanical, electrical and accessibility access. In 2020, the City estimated the cost of required repairs at $70,000 and identified funding through the City’s Capital Improvement Program Building Fund. Page 2 of 7 The Department of Public Works (DPW) began working on plans to renovate the Shoreline Park restroom, considering accessibility, internal and external modifications, electrical and plumbing upgrades, and environmental constraints. The City worked with an accessibility expert and consulted with BCDC staff regarding the review of the proposed improvements. After completion of this further assessment, the cost estimate was increased to $125,000. The City completed construction drawings and secured the necessary building permits to retrofit the existing building. For efficiency and to take advantage of economies of scale, the project was combined with the San Rafael Community Center Restroom renovation project, and the City solicited bids from contractors to complete both projects. After reviewing contractor bids for the interior renovation, staff recommended not combining this restroom remodel with the San Rafael Community Center Restroom Renovation project. Staff anticipated this project moving forward during summer/fall 2020 and developed a project budget of $190,000-$200,000 to be paid from the City’s Building Maintenance Fund. Funds were set aside to accommodate construction expenses. Since then, the City entered into an agreement with a contractor who has completed the accessibility upgrades, and improvements requested by BCDC. The building required new utility service connections, and this meant that the restroom had to be assigned an address associated with it. DPW worked with the building department to establish an address. Installation of a sewer ejection pump and lateral for the sanitary sewer connection was completed in May 2022. A new water backflow device and service line were installed after setting the water meter by MMWD in late 2022. City staff worked with DC Electric to bore the underground electrical conduit in preparation to receive electric service by PG&E. At this time, the City is actively working with PG&E to obtain necessary utility easements. The City anticipates PG&E to energize the building in mid-April. Subsequently, the temporary restroom will be removed, and the landscape will be restored by the Public Works maintenance team. The new permanent restroom will be open to the public shortly thereafter. Page 3 of 7 ALBERT PARK FIELD – ADA RAMP, RESTROOMS, AND NETTING As part of the City’s Capital Improvement Project workplan, this project includes three different components, including the installation of a new ADA accessible ramp to the bleachers of Albert Park Field; the addition of a new accessible restroom facility; and the installation of new foul ball safety netting along the first and third base lines around the Stadium. Prior to starting this project, there was no accessible pathway to the Albert Park Field grand stand area, and the restrooms serving the stadium were not compliant with modern accessibility standards. Both of those project components have now been completed, and the facility now includes an ADA accessible ramp, as well as an accessible restroom facility. We have previously reported about the status and completion of these projects to the Park and Recreation Commission The third project component – the installation of additional foul ball safety netting along the first and third base lines of the stadium to ensure the safety of patrons and protect vehicles from foul balls – has not yet been completed, but is part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Measure A work plan, and has been added to the City’s Capital Improvement Project plan. Albert Field Foul Ball Netting Project Status The City had previously published two (2) Invitations For Bid (IFB) for the foul ball netting project on two separate occasions. The first time no bids were received, and the second time there was one bid received that came in significantly over budget. Construction of the netting project has been delayed due to these unsuccessful bids. After each unsuccessful bid, City staff worked with the design consultant to evaluate alternative designs and value engineering opportunities for the Netting Project. The project design was updated prior to the readvertisement of the project for construction bids in September 2023. Additionally, the City allocated additional Measure A funding toward the project, recognizing that the cost to complete the project was higher than originally anticipated. In total, $285,000 of funding was budgeted as part of the FY2023 Measure A Work Plan. The September 2023 invitation for bid resulted in only one bid; however, that bid was deemed nonresponsive following staff’s bid analysis. The bid also came in significantly over budget. Therefore, City staff submitted a recommendation to City Council to reject the bid and City Council authorized the bid rejection on November 6, 2023. In light of these unsuccessful efforts to complete this scope of work, City staff met at Albert Park Field in October 2023 to discuss the challenges and potential options to move forward with this project. The project scope was updated to include replacement of approximately 80 lineal feet of existing 6-ft tall fence along the ADA accessible ramp with a new 16-ft tall chain link fence, including a new man gate. Several contractors were solicited to provide quotes for the fence replacement work and Kenwood Fence Company, Inc. was selected as the contractor for this project. The estimated cost to complete the project is about $62,000. Construction is planned to start in mid-April and expected to last for one to two weeks depending on weather conditions. Page 4 of 7 PICKLEWEED PARK ENHANCEMENTS The conversion of the fields at Pickleweed Park from turf to synthetic materials has long been a priority for the City and the Canal neighborhood. Typically, the heavily used sports fields are closed for six months of the year to repair. By converting the fields to synthetic turf, the City could more than double community access to this critical recreation resource. The City has also gathered input on additional improvements that the community would like to see made at the park, including a basketball/sport court, fitness equipment, a playground for children under 5, a gazebo, renovated bathroom and community mural, as well as improved lighting and security cameras. Project Status Since our last report, the City has secured its LWCF grant funding by fully executing the grant agreement with the State’s Natural Resource Agency. City staff has been coordinating with Marin Audubon Society (MAS) on the Tiscornia Marsh Restoration project, which is contiguous to the Pickleweed Park Enhancement project, throughout the design process and will continue to coordinate with MAS into construction and beyond. In January 2024, the City’s design consultant, Gates + Associates (GATES), submitted 90% plans and specifications for City review and continues to work with staff to address City comments. The City’s environmental consultant, WRA has been coordinating with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development District (BCDC) to obtain the necessary permit required for construction. GATES will be finalizing the project design and construction documents for bid advertisement. The Pickleweed Park Enhancement project is anticipated to start construction this fall. PEACOCK GAP PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATION With 4.1 acres of space and several amenities, Peacock Gap Park is one of the City’s most popular parks. This project will seek to redesign the play area including replacing the sand surface with engineered wood surfacing and replacing failing playground structures. Other improvements may also include landscaping, upgrading nearby benches and picnic tables that are at the end of their lifespan, and improving accessibility access to and from the play area. Project Status City staff prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit landscape architectural and engineering design services associated with the upgrade of the Peacock Gap Park play area in the fall of 2023. The City selected landscape architectural firm RHAA to lead the design effort with a $130,000 budget. The project was officially kicked off in March of 2024 with a site coordination meeting and topographic survey collection. The City anticipates completing the design this summer and is targeting to begin construction in winter 2024-2025. Page 5 of 7 MAINTENANCE UPDATE: Boyd Park Playground Removal Upon notification from Park users and inspection by public works staff, it was determined that the playground equipment at Boyd Park should be removed. Staff are working on short term solutions for playground equipment to bridge the gap when a permanent solution is made relating to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. In the photo below you will see Park Maintenance staff demolishing the playground structures. Albert Field Maintenance Significant maintenance was done to the field this winter by internal staff and contracted services. A contractor replaced sod along the infield while Park Maintenance staff removed all the weeds, skinned the infield area and added 20 yards of new infield mix. In the photos below you will see the sod work in progress as well as Park Maintenance Lead Worker Jorge Hernandez using public works verticutter tractor attachment to remove weeds and level the surface. Page 6 of 7 Pickleweed Park Maintenance Between the rains this January, Parks staff were able to knock down the weeds and prune the roses fronting the community center. With Parks staff assisting the Streets Division with winter storm preparations and response, they have to take advantage of all the clear weather that comes our way in the winter. Sun Valley Park Retaining Wall and Sidewalk Repairs Recently, the old wooden retaining wall that bordered Sun Valley Park has undergone a transformation, being replaced by a sturdy concrete structure. The decision stemmed from the numerous instances of failure observed in the old wooden wall, which had been a concern voiced by the community. Now, we are delighted to complement the recent playground upgrade with this fresh addition, along with necessary sidewalk repairs. This revitalization not only enhances the park's aesthetics but also ensures safety and longevity for all who enjoy this cherished community space. Page 7 of 7 FISCAL IMPACT There are no costs associated with accepting this report. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Joanna Kwok Joanna Kwok Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer Ryan Montes Ryan Montes Operations and Maintenance Manager PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT April 18, 2024 Item #3b TITLE: REVIEW MEASURE A WORK PLAN FOR JULY 1, 2024 – JUNE 30, 2025 RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission receive the report and provide comments. BACKGROUND: In November 2012, an ordinance (“Measure A”) of the County of Marin was approved by a two-thirds majority of the electors voting on the Measure. Measure A imposes a nine year one-quarter of one percent retail transactions and use tax that is administered by the County of Marin. In June 2022, voters approved re-implementation of Measure A. The Measure went into effect on October 1, 2022, and the rate will remain in effect until September 30, 2031, at which time it may be further renewed by the voters. Measure A tax proceeds support the preservation of Marin County parks, open space preserves, and farmland. In accordance with this law, funds raised by Measure A must be allocated to fund parks and open space, sustainable agriculture, recreation in Marin's nineteen cities and towns, or land acquisition. In its first nine years, the tax generated an average of $14 million per year, however, the level of revenue changes due to variability in annual receipts. Measure A’s expenditure plan outlines three (3) programs for spending the sales tax proceeds. The City of San Rafael receives funding through the City, Town, and Applicable Special District (CTSD) Program, which is 15% of the total available funding. These funds are specified for management of parks, open space preserves, nature preserves, recreation programs, and vegetation management to promote biodiversity and reduce wildfire risk. In FY23-24, the City of San Rafael received 23.36% of available CTSD funds, which is calculated based on the size of the population in relation to other eligible CTSD agencies. This resulted in an estimated allocation of $549,878 of the total $1,765,758 available to local agencies as part of the CTSD program. The County has not yet released the estimated annual allocation of Measure A funds f or FY24-25, however, based on historical allocation amounts, approximately $550,000 should be allocated to the City in FY24-25. ANALYSIS: Since 2013, the City has received more than $4.8 million in Measure A funding that has been used to support four general activities: park maintenance, vegetation management, protection of open space, and park improvements. Since 2021, the City has predominantly allocated Measure A funds to support park planning and Page 2 of 3 improvement projects. Recently completed and in progress projects funded through Measure A include: - Citywide Parks & Recreation Master Plan (completed April 2023) - Sun Valley Park Playground and Pathway Improvements (completed June 2023 – also funded with Prop 68 Per Capita Grant funds) - Albert Park Fence Improvements (estimated completion April 2024) - Replacing room dividers at Albert J. Boro and Terra Linda Community Centers (estimated completion December 2024) - Terra Linda Park and Community Center Plan (estimated completion Spring 2025) - Design for Peacock Gap Playground and Pathway Improvements (construction recommended for funding in FY25) The City estimates the FY24-25 Measure A allocation to the City will be approximately $550,000. In addition, staff estimate an available carry-over balance of balance of $677,738. The 2023 Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan provided detailed recommendations on park infrastructure projects and a methodology for prioritizing the diverse needs across the City’s park and recreation system. The prioritization criteria included health and safety, community priority, service area, General Plan 2040 alignment, accessibility, operational efficiency, and inclusion in previous planning efforts. The intent of the CPRMP was to create a roadmap to help the City prioritize park projects, particularly those funded through Measure A. The CPRMP identified replacing the playground at Peacock Gap Park and affiliated pathway and accessibility improvements as a top priority. As such, design for the project was included in the FY23-24 Measure A work plan and staff are recommending that $725,000 be allocated for construction in FY24-25. The CPRMP and the prioritization methodology were intended to be flexible and to allow for the City to respond to changing needs over time. In March 2024, significant safety hazards were identified at the Boyd Park playground, which required immediate removal of the equipment. Based on this changed condition, staff recommend allocating $60,000 of Measure A funds to install interim play equipment at Boyd Park. The goal of this project is to identify temporary equipment options that can be installed as quickly and efficiently as possible. This approach will ensure that the community still has access to play equipment at the park without taking significant staff and funding resources away from other priority projects. This will also allow for continued play opportunities at Boyd Park until a more comprehensive playground replacement plan can be developed at a later date, in alignment with the prioritization criteria of the CPRMP. The final project recommended for the Measure A work plan is $100,000 for a Trails Existing Condition & Feasibility Study. This project was previously approved as part of the FY23-24 Measure A Work Plan and is a carry-over project. Staff expect to pair this with an Open Space Management and Wildfire Mitigation planning project. Page 3 of 3 These planned expenditures are summarized in Attachment 1 - Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. These projects will be recommended to City Council for inclusion in the FY24-25 Capital Improvement Plan, and the FY25 budget. FISCAL IMPACT: If approved by City Council, the Measure A work plan projected expenditures totaling $885,000 would be covered by the expected $550,000 in Measure A funds and approximately $335,000 in carry-over funding from previous years. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director Attachments: 1. Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 Page 1 of 4 Work Plan Measure A City, Town, and Applicable Special District Program Proposed Expenditure of Measure A Funds for July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 Timely and accurate completion of this report is a condition of receiving Measure A funds. Instructions: • This work plan must be completed by an authorized representative of the recipient. • Please complete this work plan, then scan and e-mail it to Kevin Wright, Marin County Parks External Affairs Manager (kwright@marincounty.org), by July 1, 2024. • Contact Mr. Wright by e-mail (kwright@marincounty.org) or phone (415) 497-3553 if you have any questions, or if you have suggestions to improve this form. • Marin County Parks will review this plan within one month of its receipt to ensure that proposed expenditures are consistent with Marin County Ordinance 3586 (Measure A). • Recipients must provide Marin County Parks with 30-days prior notice of any project additions or substitutions that are proposed while a work plan is in effect. • Total actual project expenditures may not exceed recipient’s actual Measure A funding for any given fiscal year, plus any balance remaining from previous years. _______________________________________________________________ This portion of page is intentionally blank. Proceed to next page. Item 3b – Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4 A. Name of Recipient (city, town, or special district): __City of San Rafael____________________________________ B. Recipient’s representative and contact information: (Please print all information) Name: Title: Accounting Manager Address: 1400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 204 City, Zip: San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: E-mail: C. Total estimated funds for Fiscal Year 2024-25: i. Estimated carry-over balance of recipient’s Measure A funds from previous fiscal years ii. Estimate of recipient’s Measure A funds for FY 2024-25. (This information will be provided by Marin County Parks) iii. Total estimated available funds for FY 24-25 (i + ii). $ 677,738 $ 550,000 $ 1,227,738 D. Recipient’s Measure A Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-25: Page 3 of 4 Name of work or project: Primary purpose of work or project. Select only one from list below. ** Description. Be as specific as possible. Include numbers related to square footage of facilities, acreage, etc. If Measure A funds were used for maintenance, use numbers to indicate change from pre-Measure A conditions. Amount of Measure A funds estimated to be used: Source(s) and amount(s) of matching funds projected for use. If none, enter “0” Total expenditures projected for work or project in current reporting year Park Planning C Peacock Gap Play Area Construction $ 725,000 0 $ 725,000 Park Planning C Boyd Park Interim Small Play Equipment Installation $ 60,000 0 $ 60,000 Trails Planning B Trails Existing Condition and Feasibility Study $125,000 0 $100,000 Estimated Total $885,000 **Select work or project purpose only from the following menu: a) Routine maintenance b) Renovation of existing recreational facility, including infrastructure (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, design development, etc.) c) Construction of new park or recreation facility (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, design development, etc.) d) Parkland acquisition e) Fuel reduction - all types of fuel breaks, including primary, ridgeline, etc. f) Flashy fuel reduction (ROW, street ends, trail heads, etc.) g) Natural resource protection and restoration, and invasive plant control h) Maintaining vehicle access i) Sudden Oak Death j) Hazard tree removal k) Inventory and monitoring l) Wildlife management monitoring m) Vegetation and wildlife management - Other- E. Certification Page 4 of 4 I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Signature Title __________________________________________ _________________________________ Print Name Date