HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Advisory & Accountability Committee 2024-03-20 MinutesSAN RAFAEL THE CITY WITH A MISSION POLICE ADVISORY AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE (PAAC) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 AT 6:00 PM In -Person: San Rafael Public Safety Center 1375 Fifth Ave, San Rafael, California Virtual: Watch Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Po7RDWA.WBI Listen by Phone: (669) 444-9171 Meeting ID: 898-5264-7245# MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Paula Kamena called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. ROLL CALL Present: Member Daniel Alm Member Marilyn Alvarez Vice Chair Daryoush Davidi Chairn Paula Kamena Member Mydung Nguyen Member Darlin Ruiz Member Fatai Tokolahi Alternate Member Salamah Locks Alternate Member Karla Valdez Absent: None Also Present: Angela Robinson Pinon, Assistant City Manager David Spiller, Chief of Police, San Rafael Police Department Scott Eberle, Lieutenant, San Rafael Police Department Lieutenant Scott Eberle informed the community that the in -person meeting would also be recorded and streamed live to YouTube and through Zoom. He noted the two -minute timer for public comment and closed captioning on Zoom. 1. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the February 215t, 2024 meeting as presented Chair Kamena invited public comment. Speakers: None. Member Alm moved, and Member Tokolahi seconded to approve the minutes from the February 21, 2024 meeting as presented. AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MEMBERS: None The motion carried 7-0-0. SPECIAL PRESENTATION 2. Special Presentation: Alm, Alvarez, Davidi, Nguyen, Ruiz, Tokolahi & Chair Kamena a. Special Presentation: Police Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act ("POBR") by Mark Wilson, Burke, Williams and Sorensen, LLP Chairperson Paula Kamena introduced the item. Mark Wilson, a partner at Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP gave a presentation and overview of the Police Safety Officers Procedure Bill of Rights Act. Staff responded to the Committee's questions. Chairperson Kamena invited public comment. Speakers: Xania, Garcia, Heidi, Jason Sarris The Committee provided comments. b. Special Presentation: Internal Affairs by Lieutenant Todd Berringer, San Rafael Police Department Chairperson Kamena introduced the item. Lieutenant Todd Berringer gave a presentation and overview of the Police Administrative Investigations. Staff responded to the Committee's questions. Chairperson Kamena invited public comment. Speakers: Jason, Heidi OTHER AGENDA ITEMS 3. Other Agenda Items: a. Lieutenant Scott Eberle re -introduced the staff report for the San Rafael Department's Page 2 of 4 Recruitment and Selection Plan, and provided a summary to the committee. Chairperson Paula Kamena invited members to ask questions. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. Chairperson Kamena invited public comment. Speakers: Heidi, Kalisha Members provided feedback to staff as follows: Alternate Member Salamah Locks expressed a desire for the inclusion of cultural awareness to the document. Member Daniel Alm requested references or citations listed in the plan that would corroborate the information in the anywhere in the document that says "Studies have shown or Surveys". Requested a conversion rate from employees that were recruited from within the organization. Member Darlin Ruiz requested cultural competency training for new officers specific to the Canal community, and requested new officers be cordial when interacting with community. STAFF LIAISON REPORT 3. Staff Liaison Report: - None. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 4. Committee Member Reports: • Alternate Member Salamah Lock attended the "Age 90 and Better" event hosted at the San Rafael Community Center on March 10. Member Locks also attended the Marin Powow on March 17 at Terra Linda High School. • Member Daryoush Davidi attended an oral interview for potential San Rafael Police Officers. • Member Daniel Alm attended an event hosted by the Western Neighborhood Homeowners Association on Crime within the neighborhood. Member Alm also met with Chief Spiller and Omar Carrera from Canal Alliance and encouraged the other members to connect with officials and other interested parties. • Member Fatai Tokolahi encouraged members to get involved in communities different from their own to continue to connect and grow with the community. In addition to continuing dialogue with the youth. • Member Darlin Ruiz is supporting the Multicultural Center of Marin regarding emergency preparedness. Member Ruiz has been canvassing neighborhoods to ensure they are signed up for alerts and asked residents about their police needs. Some highlights include the need for more police presence and to continue the coffee with a cop event to increase PD support for mitigating traffic when school buses are present, and to cite those who are publicly inebriated. • Member Marilyn Alvarez has had conversations with neighbors regarding their needs and perceptions of the police department. Some of Member Alvarez's findings include continued fear of reporting incidents due to fear of authority, and the need for more patience with residents, especially those that do not speak English. OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Chairperson Kamena invited members of the public to comment on items not listed on the agenda. Page 3 of 4 • Florencia Parada commented on the continued need to work together to find solutions that are acceptable to both the community and the police department, requested more information on the field training program, and encouraged staff to improve the translation and interpretation process. • Heidi commented regarding the need to improve the language access services for the committee meeting. • Jason commented on the arbitration process granted to police officers on the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the police officers and his concern that officers who have bad records can get reinstated. Jason requested that the committee review the memorandum of understanding. • Alexandra commented on the need and urgency of co -creating solutions with all interested parties and requested improvements on the language access. • Samantha reminded the committee of its purpose and the need to continue reaching out to all members of the community to lend their voices, as not a single individual can speak for the community as a whole. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Kamena adjourned the meeting at 8:18 PM ------------------------- SCOTT EBERLE, Staff Liaison APPROVED THist 7 DAY OF A/791L---2024 Page 4 of 4