HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Citywide Janitorial ServicesSERVICES CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL AND EXCELLENT CLEANING SERVICES, LLC FOR CITYWIDE JANITORIAL SERVICES This contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between the City of San Rafael ("City") and Excellent Cleaning Services, LLC ("Contractor"), a California Limited Liability Company, for work on the City's Citywide Janitorial Services ("Project"), and is effective on Mar IS- 202_4 ("Effective Date"). The parties agree as follows 1. Scope of Work. Contractor will perform and provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, transportation, and any and all other items or services necessary to perform and complete the work required for the Project ("Work"), as specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and Bid Proposal, and according to the terms and conditions of this Contract, including all attachments to the Contract and any other documents and statutes incorporated by reference. To the extent that any attachment contains provisions that conflict or are inconsistent with the terms set forth in the body of this Contract, the Contract terms will control. This Project requires the Contractor to have a valid janitorial registration with the State of California. 2. Contract Documents. The Contract Documents incorporated into this Contract include and are comprised of all of the documents listed below: 2.1 Contract; 2.2 Addenda, if any; 2.3 Exhibit A — Scope of Work and Bid Proposal; 2.4 Exhibit B — Insurance Requirements. 3. Contract Price. As full and complete compensation for Contractor's timely performance and completion of the Work in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, City will pay Contractor up to the not to exceed amount of $250,050 per year of service, with no more than a 5% increase allowed per year (the "Contract Price"), for all of Contractor's direct and indirect costs to perform the Work, including all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, taxes, insurance, and all overhead costs, in accordance with the rates in Contractor's Bid Proposal set forth in Exhibit A and the payment provisions contained herein. 3.1 Payment. Contractor will bill City on a monthly basis for Services provided by Contractor during the preceding month, subject to verification by City. City will pay Contractor within thirty (30) days of City's receipt of invoice. 4. Contract Term. Unless otherwise set forth in this Contract or unless this paragraph is subsequently modified by a written amendment to this Contract, the term of this Contract shall begin on the Effective Date of this Agreement and terminate two (2) years from the Effective Date. At the City's election, the Contract may be extended two (2) times, each for a period not to exceed one (1) year. 5. Standard of Care. All Work must be provided in a manner that meets or exceeds the standard of care applicable to the same type of work in the City of San Rafael. Contractor must promptly correct, at Contractor's sole expense, any Work that the City determines is deficient or defective. 6. Permits and Licenses. Contractor, at its sole expense, must obtain and maintain during the term of this Contract, all appropriate permits, certificates and licenses including, but not limited to a City business license. City Attorney Form, July 2023 Page 1 7. Indemnification. Contractor will indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to City, and hold harmless to the full extent permitted by law, City, its governing body, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (the "Indemnitees") from and against any and all liability, demands, loss, damage, claims, settlements, expenses, and costs (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively, "Liability") of every nature arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Contractor, its employees, subcontractors, representatives, or agents in performing the Work or failing to comply with any obligation of Contractor under this Contract, except such Liability caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of an Indemnitee. This indemnification obligation is not limited by any limitation on the amount or type of damages or compensation payable under Workers' Compensation or other employee benefit acts, or by insurance coverage limits, and will survive the expiration or early termination of this Contract. 8. Insurance. Contractor will, at all times under this Contract, procure and maintain in full force and effect the insurance coverage provided in Exhibit B, Insurance Requirements, at no cost to City. 9. Termination. 9.1 Termination for Convenience. City reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Contract for convenience upon written notice to Contractor. Upon receipt of such notice, Contractor must: immediately stop the Work, including under any terms or conditions that may be specified in the notice; comply with City's instructions to protect the completed Work and materials; and use its best efforts to minimize further costs. In the event of City's termination for convenience, Contractor waives any claim for damages, including for loss of anticipated profits from the Project. If City terminates the Contract for convenience, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination, as well as five percent of the total value of the Work performed as of the date of notice of termination or five percent of the value of the Work yet to be completed, whichever is less, which is deemed to cover all overhead and profit to date. 9.2 Termination for Default. The City may terminate this Contract for cause for any material default. Contractor may be deemed in default for a material breach of or inability to perform the Contract, including Contractor's refusal or failure to supply sufficient skilled workers, proper materials, or equipment to perform the Work within the Contract Time; refusal or failure to make prompt payment to its employees, subcontractors, or suppliers or to correct rejected work; disregard of laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, or orders of any public agency with jurisdiction over the Project; lack of financial capacity to complete the Work within the Contract Time; or responsibility for any other material breach of the Contract requirements. If City terminates the Contract for cause, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination. 10. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute arising under or related to this Contract is subject to the dispute resolution procedures of Public Contract Code sections 9401 and 20104 et. seq., which are incorporated by reference. 11. Waiver. A waiver by City of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition in this Contract will not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained herein, regardless of the character of any such breach. 12. Warranty. Contractor guarantees and warrants the Work and the materials used or provided for the Project for a period of one year, beginning upon City's acceptance of the Work for the Project as complete ("Warranty Period"). During the Warranty Period, upon notice from the City of any defect in the Work or the materials, Contractor must, at its sole expense, promptly repair or replace the defective Work or materials, including repair or replacement of any other Work or materials that is or are displaced or damaged during the warranty work, excepting any damage resulting from ordinary wear and tear. 13. Worksite Conditions. City Attorney Form, July 2023 Page 2 13.1 Clean and Safe. Contractor must maintain the Work site and staging and storage areas in a clean and neat condition and must ensure it is safe and secure. On a daily basis Contractor must remove and properly dispose of debris and waste materials from the Work site. 13.2 Inspection. Contractor will make the Work accessible at all times for inspection by the City. 13.3 Hazardous Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract documents, this Contract does not include the removal, handling, or disturbance of any asbestos or other hazardous materials, as identified by any federal, state, or local law or regulation. If Contractor encounters materials on the Project site that Contractor reasonably believes to be asbestos or other hazardous materials, and the asbestos or other hazardous materials have not been rendered harmless, Contractor may continue Work in unaffected areas reasonably believed to be safe, but must immediately cease Work on the area affected and report the condition to City. No asbestos, asbestos -containing products or other hazardous materials may be used in performance of the Work. 14. Conflicts of Interest. Contractor, its employees, subcontractors and agents, may not have, maintain or acquire a conflict of interest in relation to this Contract in violation of any City ordinance or policy or in violation of any California law, including under Government Code section 1090 et seq. and under the Political Reform Act as set forth in Government Code section 81000 et seq. and its accompanying regulations. Any violation of this Section constitutes a material breach of the Contract. 15. Non -Discrimination. No discrimination will be made in the employment of persons under this Contract because of the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender or sexual orientation of such person. 16. Independent Contractor. City and Contractor intend that Contractor will perform the Work under this Contract as an independent contractor. Contractor is solely responsible for its means and methods in performing the Work. Contractor is not an employee of City and is not entitled to participate in health, retirement or any other employee benefits from City. 17. Assignment of Unfair Business Practice Claims. Under Public Contract Code section 7103.5, Contractor and its subcontractors agree to assign to City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the Contract or any subcontract. This assignment will be effective at the time City tenders final payment to Contractor, without further acknowledgement by the parties. 18. Notice. Any notice, billing, or payment required by or pursuant to the Contract documents must be made in writing, signed, dated and sent to the other party by personal delivery, U.S. Mail, a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for each party must be given as follows: To CITY's Representative To CONTRACTOR's Representative: Omar Garcia Jose Luis Figueroa Facilities Supervisor General Manager 111 Morphew Street 686 Jameson Canyon Road San Rafael, CA 94901 American Canyon, CA 94503 Public.Works@cityofsanrafael.org; with copy to greatcleaning0@gmail.com omarg@cityofsanrafael.org 19. General Provisions. 19.1 Compliance with All Laws. Contractor will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance benefits, FICA laws, City Attorney Form, July 2023 Page 3 conflict of interest laws, and local ordinances. Work may only be performed by qualified and experienced workers who are not employed by the City and who do not have any contractual relationship with City, with the exception of this Contract. 19.2 Provisions Deemed Inserted. Every provision of law required to be inserted in the Contract is deemed to be inserted, and the Contract will be construed and enforced as though such provision has been included. If it is discovered that through mistake or otherwise that any required provision was not inserted, or not correctly inserted, the Contract will be deemed amended accordingly. 19.3 Assignment and Successors. Contractor may not assign its rights or obligations under this Contract, in part or in whole, without City's written consent. This Contract is binding on Contractor's and City's lawful heirs, successors and permitted assigns. 19.4 Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third -party beneficiaries to this Contract. 19.5 Governing Law and Venue. This Contract will be governed by California law and venue will be in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. 19.6 Amendment. No amendment or modification of this Contract will be binding unless it is in a writing duly authorized and signed by the parties to this Contract. 19.7 Integration; Severability. This Contract and the Contract documents incorporated herein, including authorized amendments or change orders thereto, constitute the final, complete, and exclusive terms of the agreement between City and Contractor. If any provision of the Contract documents, or portion of a provision, is determined to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Contract documents will remain in full force and effect. 19.8 Authorization. Each individual signing below warrants that he or she is authorized to do so by the party that he or she represents, and that this Contract is legally binding on that party. If Contractor is a corporation, signatures from two officers of the corporation are required pursuant to California Corporation Code section 313. 19.9 Counterparts and Electronic Signature. This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature and in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one document. Counterpart signature pages may be delivered by telecopier, email or other means of electronic transmission. [Signatures are on the following page.] City Attorney Form, July 2023 Page 4 The parties agree to this Contract as witnessed by the signatures below: CITY OF SAN RAFAEL: CRISTINE ALILOVICH, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney - `�,A By: GENEVIEVE COYLE, Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: City Clerk Ervvia Ntovi t or) Brenna Nuimi lo- (M a 118,20241! 13 P67 LINDSAY LARA, City Clerk Exhibit A: Scope of Work and Bid Proposal Exhibit B: Insurance Requirements CONTRACTOR: , os6 Lku.s 4A&Yoa Jose 1111 Figuel— !'jr 11 .0.4 13 ) r PDT, By: Excellent Cleaning Services LLC Name: Jose Luis Figueroa Title: General Manager By: Name: Title: Contractor's Janitorial Registration Number(s) and Expiration Date(s) (required under Section 1 of the Contract): JS-LR-1001114131 EXP DATE 3-01-2025 City Attorney Form, July 2023 Page 5 Exhibit A SCOPE OF WORK AND BID PROPOSAL The Work to be performed by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement is more fully described in CONTRACTOR's bid proposal, which is attached to this Exhibit A. City Attorney Form, July 2023 Exhibit A Exhibity A: Summary of rates and locations to be serviced based on included bid schedule and City needs. Any changes to this list of expectations need to be agreed to in writing by both parties as outlined in the agreement and attachments. 1_ - City Hall_Bktg $4.013.00 2 - Public Safely Center - Bldg S5.045.00 2.a - Police Department Detention Faolity - Bldg _ $1_ 4 1 3 - Public Works Department - B $2,293.00 1 4 - Downtown Library - Slid _ s1.950.00 b�Pi onnged _ Alot part of current service, but available to add at this rate, if City wishes to do so in writing. 6 - Nonhgate Library - Bldg S480.00 - Terra Linda Community Center . Bldg _ _ S550.00 Not part of current service, but available to add at this rate, if City wishes to do so in writing. 8 - San Rafael Community Center - Bldg $2,006.00 Not part of current service, but available to add at this rate, if City wishes to do so in writing. B - Albert J Bgro Community Center - Bldg $3.210.00 Not part of current service, but available to add at this rate, if City wishes to do so in writing. t0- Falkirk Culth Comer - Bldg - -- -- - $850.00, Not part of current service, but available to add at this rate, if City wishes to do so in writing. 11 - Lucas Valley Childcare Portable - Bldg $580.00•: 12 _Mary $Iveir8 Childcare Portable - Bldg S580.00 13 - Parkside Childcare Center - Bldg $1.43Q00' 114 - Pickleweed Childcare Center - Bldg S850.00 15 - Vallecito Childcare Portable - Bldg $580.00 16 - Coleman Childcare Center Portable $SW.00 Serviced only through June 13, 2024. 17 - Genwood Childcare Center Portable SSWOO Serviced only through June 13, 2024. ton -Call Bodily Fluid Clean -Up - per Hour S35.00 Number Description Citywide Janitorial Services The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals for janitorial services for Deadline City facilities. It is the intent of the City to hire a fully -licensed contractor. Services shall include routine janitorial maintenance for City facilities, including the Public 01/25/2024 10:00 AM PST Safety Center, Library, Recreation Centers, Department of Public Works, and City Hall. Work will include: vacuuming, cleaning staircase treads, spot clean carpets as Vendor needed, straighten furniture, empty all waste bins, scrub and mop all bathroom Excellent Cleaning Services LLC floors, wash basins, toilet seats, toilet bowls, toilet partitions, paper towel dispensers, and refuse bins, line bins with liner, stock all dispensers, dust Submitted tabletops, countertops, and desks tops where accessible, wash and clean doors, handles, glass panels in doors, front doors, staircase partitions, and banister rails, 01/24/2024 04:08 PM PST and provide bodily fluid cleanup as needed for Public Safety Center. Signed by Proposals shall be submitted by businesses that have a capable and demonstrable Jose Luis Figueroa Account Holder performance in the type of work described in this Request for Proposals document, Jose Figueroa including all Attachments (hereafter together referred to as the "RFP"). In addition, all interested businesses shall have sufficient, readily available resources, in the Opened form of trained personnel, support services and financial resources to carry out the 01/25/2024 12:33 PM PST By work without delay or shortcomings. The Contractor will be required to perform and jonathan.schellin@cityofsanrafael.org complete janitorial services by providing all labor, tools, transportation, equipment, materials, and supplies necessary to complete all work. Work must be completed in a professional, thorough and timely manner, in accordance with the standards and specifications as contained in this RFP or stated by the City Representative. The term of the initial contract will be two years. At the City's discretion, the contract can be extended twice for a period not to exceed one (1) year each time upon proper authorization by the Parties. Attachment List The awarding process will be done by each location. Meaning, the City may choose to award different locations to different vendors, based on which vendor meets the requirements of each location and their proposed pricing. The City will retain submitted bids for the duration of this service to build a list of available vendors should the City need to secure a new contractor. All submitted bid pricing shall be good for up to one year from the date of bid closing. Subsequent year's rate increases are limited to a maximum of five percent (5%) per year. The City may choose to utilize only some services at certain locations with a corresponding reduced rate, or may not award any number of locations based on its sole discretion for what's in the best interest for the City and its needs. Interested businesses are invited to submit proposals in accordance with the requirements of this RFP summarized in Section 6. (REQUIRED) Pre -Bid Facility Walkthrough: a walkthrough with City representative is required in order to be considered a responsive bidder. To be included in the scheduling of a facility walkthrough you must email Jonathan.schellin@cityofsanrafael.org no later than 2 PM, January 12, 2024, with your contact information and express interest in the RFP. Walkthroughs will take place on 1/16/2024 and/or 1/17/2024, depending on availability of City staff and number of interested bidders. Details of the walkthrough start time and location will be posted on Bid Express by 3 pm, January 15, 2024. Allows zero unit prices and labor Yes Allows negative unit prices and labor Yes Page 2 of 6 01/25/2024 RFP_Janitorial Citywide 2024_Updated 1.18.2024.pdf (357 KB) Attachment A - Scope of Work_Updated 1.18.2024.pdf (263 KB) Attachment C_Sample Janitorial Services Agreement.pdf (153 KB) This is an example agreement. The final agreement may have changes dependent on proposals received, negotiations, and final approval by City Attorney's office BID SCHEDULE - DIRECTIONS The monthly cost or unit cost for each item must be inclusive of all costs, whether direct or indirect, including materials, transportation, profit and any other overhead. To be considered responsive for this bid, each bidder must have a representative attend a pre -bid meeting and walkthrough of the facilities. The awarding process will be done by each location. Meaning, the City may choose to award different locations to different vendors, based on which vendor meets the requirements of each location and their proposed pricing. The City will retain submitted bids for the duration of this service to build a list of available vendors should the City need to secure a new contractor All submitted bid pricing shall be good for up to one year from the date of bid closing. Subsequent year's rate increases are limited to a maximum of five percent (5%) per year. The City may choose to utilize only some services at certain locations with a corresponding reduced rate, or may not award any number of locations based on its sole discretion for what's in the best interest for the City and its needs. BID SCHEDULE Bid Item No. Item Description Component is not included in bid total. Alternates are not included in bid total. Unit Alternate Optional 1 City Hall Bldg No Yes 2 Public Safety Center Bldg No Yes 2.a Police Department Detention Facility Bldg No Yes 3 Public Works Department Bldg No Yes 4 Downtown Library Bldg No Yes $26,357.00 Unit Extension Cost $4,013.00 $4,013.00 $5,045.00 $5,045.00 $1,460.00 $1,460.00 $2,293.00 $2,293.00 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 Alternate Total: $70.00 Total: $26,357.00 Page 3 of 6 01 /25/2024 Bid Item Item Description Unit Alternate Optional Unit Extension No. Cost 5 Pickleweed Library Bldg No Yes $480.00 $480.00 6 Northgate Library Bldg No Yes $480.00 $480.00 7 Terra Linda Community Center Bldg No Yes $550.00 $550.00 8 San Rafael Community Center Bldg No Yes $2,006.00 $2,006.00 9 Albert J Boro Community Center Bldg No Yes $3,210.00 $3,210.00 10 Falkirk Cultural Center Bldg No Yes $850.00 $850.00 11 Lucas Valley Childcare Portable Bldg No Yes $580.00 $580.00 12 Mary Silveira Childcare Portable Bldg No Yes $580.00 $580.00 13 Parkside Childcare Center Bldg No Yes $1,430.00 $1,430.00 14 Pickleweed Childcare Center Bldg No Yes $850.00 $850.00 15 Vallecito Childcare Portable Bldg No Yes $580.00 $580.00 16 On -Call Bodily Fluid Clean -Up per Hour Yes Yes $35.00 $35.00 17 Additional cleaning services (ensure to explain in TBD Yes Yes $35.00 $35.00 proposal submittal doc) Alternate Total: $70.00 Total: $26,367.00 Required Document List Name Omission Terms Submitted File Cover Letter Includes name, address, point of contract and phone number on the first page. Any qualifying Cover Letter for RFP The City statements regarding the proposal, contractor's of San Rafael 2.docx approach to the work, summary of licenses/ certifications, qualifications, subcontractors, and references per RFP. List of Key Personnel List of Key Personnel- The Include the assigned POC(s) for each facility per City of San Rafael.pdf 2 Required Documents Page 4 of 6 01 /25/2024 Name Omission Terms Submitted File Scope of Work requirements 2 Required Documents NON -COLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID The undersigned declares: I am the * General Manager of: * Excellent Cleaning Services LLC the party making the foregoing bid The bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The bid is genuine and not collusive or sham. The bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid. The bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder. All statements contained in the bid are true. The bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid and will not pay, any person or entity for such purpose. This declaration is intended to comply with California Public Contract Code § 7106 and Title 23 U.S.0 § 112 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on [date], * 01/24/2024 [city] * [state] * American Canyon california Page 5 of 6 01 /25/2024 F,-I'l agree that my digital or electronic signature applies to this form Name * Jose Luis Figueroa Page 6 of 6 01 /25/2024 Request for Proposals- Janitorial Services for The City of San Rafael January 24, 2024 Excellent Cleaning Services LLC. Main Contact: Jose Luis Figueroa 686 Jameson Canyon Road American Canyon, CA 94503 (707) 492-7872 infoO—excellentclean in sg f.com www.excellentclean in sf.com List of Key Personnel Main contact: Jose Luis Figueroa, General Manager Mobile (707)492-7872, Email: greatcleaning0aemail.com 28 years of experience, 5 years with current employer, Excellent Cleaning Services LLC. Site Supervisor/ Appointed Liaison- Lorena Benavides Mobile (415)827-4214, Email: lorenabenavides37a-mail.com 25 years of experience, 24 years with current employer, Excellent Cleaning Services LLC. Site Supervisor/ Appointed Liaison- Larisa Figueroa Mobile (707)655-1049, Email: larisamfigueroa gmail.com 7 years of experience, 7 years with current employer, Excellent Cleaning Services LLC. Attachment A — Scope of Work Summary The City requires Janitorial Services at the following City facilities: Facili Address Janitorial Serviced Areas Sq Ft Frequency 1 City Hall 1400 5`" Ave All areas 30,050 Weekdays 2 Public Safety Center 1375 5" Ave Police Department Admin 38,000 Everyday Fire Department Admin Weekdays 2.a PD Facility 1375 5" Ave Detention Areas Everyday 3 Public Works Department 111 Morphew St All areas, not including 23,630 Weekdays maintenance bays 4 Downtown Library 1100 E St All areas 15,000 Everyday 5 Pickleweed Library 50 Canal St All areas 2,000 Wed -Sun 6 Terra Linda Community 670 Del Ganado Pool area restrooms only 2,000 Seasonal Center Rd 7 San Rafael Community 618 B St All areas Everyday Center 8 Albert J Boro Community 50 Canal St All areas Everyday Center 9 Falkirk Cultural Center 1408 Mission Ave All areas 5,350 3x week 10 Lucas Valley Childcare 1175 Idylberry Rd All areas 1,920 Weekdays Portable 11 Mary Silveira Childcare 375 Blackstone Dr All areas 1,920 Weekdays Portable 12 Parkside Childcare Center 51 Albert Park Ln All areas 7,000 Weekdays 13 Pickleweed Childcare Center 40 Canal St All areas 2,400 Weekdays 14 Vallecito Childcare Portable 50 Nova Albion All areas 1,920 Weekdays Wy Suanlies and Eouiiument: Contractor shall provide all labor, chemicals, equipment, and supervision. All paper products, liners and soap will be supplied by the City. Contractor shall be responsible for picking up the City provided supplies from a City supply locations (City Hall and/or Public Works Department) to be used in their servicing of each facility. Communication: Contractor will be required to provide a liaison for communications, inspections, and corrective actions. This liaison will be responsible for coordinating quarterly in -person walkthroughs of the facilities they are responsible for with a City assigned representative for each facility. During the time between these walkthroughs, the contractor liaison(s) will be responsible for ensuring services are meeting the City's needs and taking any corrective actions to remedy shortfalls, as well as updating the City with any ordering needs for supplies. Failure to adhere to this requirement can result in termination of service agreement and allows the city to select a new contractor or find alternative means to service facilities. The City retains the right to implement a verification process for select cleaning tasks and or locations. This process may include a manual paper log, or the use of the City's digital 311 service to document, notify, and track the completion of service needs, which may require the use of a smart mobile device by the contractor to respond to service needs. Page 1 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Cleaning Standards and Methods: Modem cleaning methods shall be utilized. For example, traditional bucket and wet mop method is not acceptable. City requires modern floor cleaning and mopping methods, such as flathead microfiber mop, or a similarly effective method when appropriate. If a cleaning process or method is identified by the facility representative as inadequate, the contractor shall address the facility representative's written concerns within one week of being notified. Compliance: All cleaning services and any related procurement shall be in compliance with SB 1383: Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Organic Waste Reduction, as well as all other applicable local, state, and federal regulations as required by each location or service. City may provide training as needed in coordination with contractor and their needs. Location -Specific Scope of Work (1) City Hall (2) Public Safety Center Scheduling of Work. Facility shall be cleaned daily (5 times/week) in the evening after closing (5pm Mon - Fri). Twice a year deep cleaning of facility floors throughout PSC, excluding FD living quarters. o Once during May, once during October. Modern mopping and floor cleaning standards Requirement of industry standard practices; example urinal mats, cakes; soap dispenser refilling with correct product, cleaning; entryway mat placement, maintenance, and cleaning; o Contractor shall be held responsible for incorrect care and damage to facility. For example using the incorrect soap/liquid to fill dispenser. ENTRY WAY AND HALLWAYS Spot clean glass on entry doors As needed Dust horizontal surfaces As needed Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Remove visible cobwebs inside and outside of main entry As needed Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week OFFICES/CONFERENCE ROOMS Dust any computers, computer towers, keyboards 1 x/week Dust desks when paper free — dust around items when items are present 1 x/week Dust all horizontal surfaces: files, cabinets, & copy machines 1 x/week Dispose of all waste, recycling, compost in correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Maintain waste, recycling, compost bins to ensure safety and cleanliness As needed Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week KITCHEN/BREAK AREA Page 2 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Clean and disinfect kitchen sink and counter tops 1 x/day Wipe down tables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Clean stove 1 x/day Spot clean kitchen cabinets 1 x/day Clean drinking fountains 1 x/day Clean vending machines 1 x/day RESTROOMS Spot clean vertical surfaces: walls and doors 1 x/day Clean and disinfect counters and sinks 1 x/day Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals 1 x/day Clean mirrors and polish fixtures 1 x/day Clean dispensers 1 x/day Restock hand soaps and ,paper disposables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Clean shower booths and detention rooms 1 x/day SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION Make sure all doors are locked 1 x/day Disarm/arm security system 1 x/day (2.a) Police Facility (one side of the Public Safety Center building) Site specific requirements: Janitorial staff access to locker room, and PD Briefing Room cannot happen during 4:30 — 5:30 PM (during shift changes). Able to clean elsewhere during this time. Drip drain precautions must be taken to ensure preventative measures: Floor drains to be filled with liquid cleanser and water twice a month. Detention Facility Lobby & Interview Rooms Bodily fluid cleaning Per incident As needed Same standards as Public Safety Center on all areas Holding Areas Bodily fluid cleaning Per incident As needed (3) Public Works Department Scheduling of Work. Facility shall be cleaned daily in the evening after closing (5pm Mon -Fri). ENTRY WAY AND HALLWAYS Spot clean glass on entry doors As needed Page 3 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Dust horizontal surfaces As needed Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Remove visible cobwebs inside and outside of main entry As needed Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week OFFICES/CONFERENCE ROOMS Dust any computers, computer towers, keyboards 1 x/week Dust desks when paper free — dust around items when items are present 1 x/week Dust all horizontal surfaces: files, cabinets, & copy machines 1 x/week Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week KITCHEN/BREAK AREA Clean and disinfect kitchen sink and counter tops 1 x/day Wipe down tables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Clean stove 1 x/day Spot clean kitchen cabinets 1 x/day Clean drinking fountains 1 x/day Clean vending machines 1 x/day RESTROOMS Spot clean vertical surfaces: walls and doors 1 x/day Clean and disinfect counters and sinks 1 x/day Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals 1 x/day Clean mirrors and polish fixtures 1 x/day Clean dispensers 1 x/day Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Clean shower booths and detention rooms 1 x/day Empty & Service Fuel Island Trash Can 1 x day (4) Downtown Library (5) Pickleweed Library Page 4 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Scheduling of Work: Facilities shall be cleaned daily in the evening after closing (8pm Mon-Thurs, 5pm Fri -Sun) and a cleaning of the 4 restrooms Monday -Thursday between 3-4pm. ENTRY WAYS, HALLWAYS, AND PUBLIC AREAS Wash and clean doors, handles, glass panels in doors, front doors, staircase partitions, and banister rails 1 x/day Dust horizontal surfaces As needed Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Remove visible cobwebs inside and outside of main entry As needed Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week Empty trash containers and replace liners 1 x/day Empty recycling containers 1 x/day Dust tabletops, lower book shelving, countertops, and desks tops where accessible 1 x/day Vacuum carpets 3 x/week Dust mop all floors 1 x/day Sweep and mop floors 3 x/week Remove Cobwebs 1 x/week Clean public computer areas and desks 1 x/day Thoroughly clean elevator 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarter Wash lobby windows 1 x/quarter OFFICES/CONFERENCE ROOMS Dust any computers, computer towers, keyboards 1 x/week Dust desks when paper free — dust around items when items are present 1 x/week Dust all horizontal surfaces: files, cabinets, & copy machines 1 x/week Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Dust window ledges, base of chairs, picture frames 1 x/week KITCHEN/BREAK AREA Clean and disinfect kitchen sink and counter tops 1 x/day Wipe down tables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Clean stove 1 x/day Spot clean kitchen cabinets 1 x/day Clean drinking fountains 1 x/day Clean vending machines 1 x/day Page 5 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work RESTROOMS Spot clean vertical surfaces: walls and doors 1 x/day Clean and disinfect counters and sinks 1 x/day Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals 1 x/day Clean mirrors and polish fixtures 1 x/day Clean dispensers 1 x/day Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day (6) Terra Linda Community Center (7) San Rafael Community Center (8) Albert J Boro Community Center ENTRY WAY AND HALLWAYS Spot clean glass on entry doors and windows As needed Dust horizontal surfaces As needed Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Remove visible cobwebs inside and outside of main lobby and hallways As needed Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Dust window ledges and picture frames 1 x/week Dust and disinfect all lobby furniture 1 x/week Clean drinking fountains 1 x/day Clean vending machines 1 x/day Clean and disinfect all doorknobs 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly OFFICES Dust any computers, computer towers, keyboards 1 x/week Dust desks when paper free — dust around items when items are present 1 x/week Dust and disinfect office chairs 1 x/week Dust all horizontal surfaces: files, cabinets, & copy machines 1 x/week Page 6 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Dispose of all waste, recycling, compost in correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Maintain waste, recycling, compost bins to ensure safety and cleanliness As needed Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Sweep and mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Dust window ledges, picture frames 1 x/week Clean and disinfect all doorknobs 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly CLASSROOMS Dust any computers, computer towers, keyboards 1 x/week Wipe down and disinfect classroom tables 1 x/day Dust and disinfect classroom chairs 1 x/week Wipe down dry erase boards 1 x/day Dispose of all waste, recycling, compost in correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Maintain waste, recycling, compost bins to ensure safety and cleanliness As needed Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Sweep and wet mop all hard surfaces 1 x/day Vacuum all carpeted areas 1 x/day Dust window ledges, picture frames 1 x/week Spot clean glass on entry doors and windows As needed Clean and disinfect all doorknobs 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly KITCHEN Clean and disinfect kitchen sink and counter tops 1 x/day Wipe down counters 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 j x/day Page 7 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work Restock soaps, sanitizer, and paper supplies 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep and wet mop floor surface 1 x/day Clean stove and all appliances 1 x/day Clean and disinfect all doorknobs 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly MULTIPURPOSE ROOM & GYMNASIUM Vacuum/sweep and wet mop floor surface 1 x/day Clean and disinfect vertical surfaces and ledges: walls and doors 1 x/week Spot clean glass on entry doors and windows As needed Clean and disinfect all doorknobs 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly RESTROOMS Clean and disinfect vertical surfaces: walls and doors 1 x/day Clean and disinfect counters and sinks 1 x/day Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals 1 x/day Clean mirrors and polish fixtures 1 x/day Clean dispensers 1 x/day Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 1 x/day Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Vacuum/sweep, mop and disinfect floor surfaces 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/quarterly SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION Make sure all doors are locked 1 x/day Disarm/arm security system 1 x/day Page 8 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work SPECIAL PROJECTS Deep clean carpets throughout the Community Center 2 x/year Strip and wax hard floor surfaces 2 x/year Scheduling of Work. Facility shall be cleaned two times per week on Thursday nights after 9pm and Sunday evenings after 7pm from April through the third week in September. POOL RESTROOMS Spot clean vertical surfaces: walls and doors 2 x/week Clean and disinfect counters and sinks 2 x/week Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals 2 x/week Clean mirrors and polish fixtures 2 x/week Clean dispensers 2 x/week Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 2 x/week Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 2 x/week Vacuum/sweep and mop all hard surfaces 2 x/week Clean shower booths and detention rooms 2 x/week Wet mop hard surface floors using germicidal product that smells fresh 2 x/week Clean all lockers inside and outside 2 x/week High dusting: air grills, ceiling fixtures 1 x/month (9) Falkirk Cultural Center Scheduling of Work. Facility shall be cleaned in the evening after closing (5pm Mon -Fri). AREAS TO BE SERVICED Restrooms 3 x/week Office 3 x/week Entry, Foyer, Dancing room, conference room all first floor 3 x/week Kitchen 3 x/week Stairs 1 x/week Art Gallery upstairs 1 x/month Changing room and restroom upstairs 1 x/week BASIC SERVICES Empty trash containers and replace liners 3 x/week Empty recycling containers 3 x/week Dust furniture including all woodwork 3 x/week Vacuum carpets 3 x/week Sweep and mop floors 3 x/week Spot check door glass 3 x/week Remove Cobwebs 1 x/week Page 9 of 11 Attachment A — Scope of Work KITCHEN Clean counters tops and sinks 3 x/week Clean Stove, hood 3 x/week Sweep and mop floors and edges 3 x/week Sweep and mop all floors and under equipment 3 x/week RESTROOMS Spot clean vertical surfaces 3 x/week Wipe down horizontal surfaces: counter tops, dispensers, toilets 3 x/week Clean and disinfect toilets 3 x/week Clean all mirrors 3 x/week Dispose of waste and install new liners 3 x/week Spot clean and/or shine any waste receptacles 3 x/week Wet mop hard surface floors using disinfectant 3 x/week Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 3 x/week High dusting: air grills, ceiling fixtures 1 x/month (10) Lucas Valley Childcare Portable (11) Mary Silveira Childcare Portable (12) Parkside Childcare Center (13) Pickleweed Childcare Center (Note: closes at 4 pm) (14) Vallecito Childcare Portable Scheduling of Work. Facilities shall be cleaned Monday through Friday in the evening after closing (5:30 pm during Summer months, 6:00 pm all other times). CENTRAL AREAS Dispose of all waste in the correct bins and replace liners 1 x/day Vacuum all carpets and rugs 1 x/day Sweep/vacuum and mop all hard surface floors 1 x/day Remove any paints from floors 1 x/day Dust windowsills 1 x/day Make sure all doors are locked 1 x/day Make sure heating/AC system is off before leaving 1 x/day Turn lights off before leaving 1 x/day Disarm/arm security system 1 x/day Clean air vents 1 x/month Deep clean the carpets, floors and windows 1 x/year RESTROOMS Clean and disinfect restroom counters and sinks 1 x/day Clean and disinfect toilets, including base and rear 1 x/day Spot clean partitions, walls and doors 1 x/day Polish fixtures and clean mirrors 1 x/day Mop hard surface floors 1 x/day Restock hand soaps and paper disposables 1 x/day Page 10 of 11 Exhibit B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor will, at all times under this Contract, procure and maintain in full force and effect the insurance coverage required in this Exhibit B to cover the activities of Contractor and any subcontractors relating to or arising from performance of the Work. Each policy must be issued by a company licensed to do business in California, and with a strength and size rating from A.M. Best Company of A-VIII or better. Contractor must provide City with certificates of insurance and required endorsements as evidence of coverage with the executed Contract, or through the PINSAdvantage website https://www.pinsadvantage.com/ upon request by the City, and before the City authorizes Contractor to proceed with the Work. 1. Workers' Compensation. Statutory coverage is required by the California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act. If Contractor is self -insured, it must provide its duly authorized Certificate of Permission to Self -Insure. In addition, Contractor must provide employer's liability insurance with limits of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. 2. Liability. Commercial General Liability ("CGL") insurance issued on an occurrence basis, including coverage for liability arising from Contractor's or its subcontractor's acts or omissions in performing the Work, including Contractor's protected coverage, blanket contractual, products and completed operations, broad form property damage, vehicular coverage, and employer's non -ownership liability coverage, with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 3. Automotive. Commercial automotive liability coverage for owned, non -owned and hired vehicles must provide coverage of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury, death, or property damage. 4. Subrogation Waiver. Each required policy must include an endorsement that the insurer waives any right of subrogation it may have against the City or the City's insurers. 5. Required Endorsements. The CGL policy and the automotive liability policy must include the following specific endorsements: (a) The City, including its Council, officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and consultants (collectively, "Additional Insured") must be named as an additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured, and the policy must protect the Additional Insured against any and all liability for personal injury, death or property damage or destruction arising directly or indirectly in the performance of the Contract. (b) The inclusion of more than one insured will not operate to impair the rights of one insured against another, and the coverages afforded will apply as though separate policies have been issued to each insured. (c) The insurance provided is primary and no insurance held or owned by City may be called upon to contribute to a loss ("primary and non-contributory"). (d) Any umbrella or excess insurance must contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage will also apply on a primary or non-contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City's own insurance or self-insurance will be called upon to protect it as a named insured. (e) This policy does not exclude explosion, collapse, underground excavation hazard, or removal of lateral support. City Attorney Form, July 2023 Exhibit B `'• SAN RAFAEL THE CITY WITH A MISSION Agenda Item No: 4.i Meeting Date: February 20, 2024 SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Department: Public Works C Prepared by: Jonathan Schellin, Sr. Mgmt. City Manager Approval: , Analyst TOPIC: CITYWIDE JANITORIAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE LOWEST AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR UP TO FOUR (4) YEARS FOR CITYWIDE JANITORIAL SERVICES IN THE TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $274,120 PER FISCAL YEAR. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a service agreement with the recommended contractor for up to four (4) years for citywide janitorial services in the total not to exceed amount of $274,120 per fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The City of San Rafael maintains over a dozen city facilities that require routine and frequent on -call cleaning services. The approach to keeping city facilities clean and welcoming to the public varies across each facility and includes full and part-time staff as well as contract services. Contracting for janitorial services at a majority of facilities has allowed the City to control costs, remain flexible in service levels and resources, and ensure that the facilities remain clean and serviceable for the public. Current contracts for janitorial service are managed by individual departments, including the Public Works Department and Library and Recreation Department. In the past, these departments have been responsible for procuring and contracting for such services. To consolidate these efforts, the Public Works Department developed one request for proposals for bidding the work of both departments. ANALYSIS: Combining the City's janitorial service needs into a single bid achieves greater efficiencies, reduces staff time, and realizes cost savings. This also provides an opportunity for improved control measures to ensure cleaning standards are met while incorporating new regulatory requirements such as SB 1383 (Waste Reduction compliance) into the agreements. FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Council Meeting: February 20, 2024 Disposition: Authorized the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a service agreement with the recommended contractor for up to four years for citywide janitorial services in the total not to exceed amount of $274,120 per fiscal year SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT I Page: 2 The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on January 4, 2024, on the City's bid website. Prospective bidders participated in a subsequent facility tour on January 16, 2024. Bids were due on January 25, 2024. The City received five proposals, which were evaluated by staff from the Public Works and Library and Recreation departments. Of the bids received, Excellent Cleaning Services, LLC. (ECS), offered the best overall pricing package for the facilities included in the bid. Additionally, ECS showed themselves to be highly competent and responsive throughout the bidding process. Their staff have earned a reputation for exceeding standards on previous jobs, and their references reported a positive experience with their service levels and responsiveness. Excellent Cleaning Services is proposed to have a Service Agreement awarded in the annual not -to - exceed amounts listed in Table 1 below. The agreement will cover the regularly scheduled cleaning needs for City Hall, Public Safety Center, Public Works Building, Downtown Library, Northgate Library, Lucas Valley Childcare Center, Mary Silveira Childcare Center, Parkside Childcare Center, Parkside Childcare Center, Pickleweed Childcare Center, and Vallecito Childcare Center for the entire service agreement. It will also cover the regularly scheduled cleaning needs for Coleman Childcare Center and Glenwood Childcare Center until they're closed in June of 2024. In addition, the agreement will cover non -regularly scheduled cleanings, such as on -call bodily fluid cleaning needs at the Public Safety Center and Detention Facility, and twice a year deep cleaning of select facility floors. The contractor will be offered an initial contract term of two years. The term may be extended by the City up to two times, each for a period not to exceed one year. In addition, staff recommends maintaining an approved list of the remaining qualified bids in the event the awarded contractor fails to meet the requirements of the agreement. This will allow the City to terminate the contract based on its terms and conditions and secure a new service provider in a more efficient manner, minimizing disruptions to its services to residents. The list of qualified bids and their amounts are included in Table 1 below. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the janitorial services under this agreement for year one with Excellent Cleaning Services will not exceed $250,050. Each subsequent year allows for an increase not to exceed 5% to adjust for inflation and increasing costs for the vendor. This is a $35,800 savings when compared to the City's current expenses for the same facilities. Sufficient funding is available in the FY2023-24 Public Works and Library and Recreation departmental budgets. Funding for the remaining years of the agreement will be budgeted through the annual budgeting process. OPTIONS: The City Council has the following options to consider on this matter: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into the agreement. 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to enter into the agreement and provide further direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION: SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT / Page: 3 Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a service agreement with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for up to four (4) years for citywide janitorial services in the total not to exceed amount of $274,120 per fiscal year. 47-- RAP0 ^ WITH P CONTRACT ROUTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Use this cover sheet to circulate all contracts for review and approval in the order shown below. TO BE COMPLETED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER: Contracting Department: Public Works Project Manager: Jonathan Schellin Extension: 3354 Contractor Name: Excellent Cleaning Service Contractor's Contact: Jose Luis Figueroa Contact's Email: greatcleaningO@gmail.com ❑ FPPC: Check if Contractor/Consultant must file Form 700 Step RESPONSIBLE DESCRIPTION COMPLETED REVIEWER DEPARTMENT DATE Check/Initial 1 Project Manager a. Email PINS Introductory Notice to Contractor 2/22/24 b. Email contract (in Word) and attachments to City Attorney c/o Laraine.Gittens@cityofsanrafael.org 1 2 City Attorney a. Review, revise, and comment on draft agreement and return to Project Manager 3/1/24 b. Confirm insurance requirements, create Job on LG PINS, send PINS insurance notice to contractor 3 Department Director Approval of final agreement form to send to 12/22/24 contractor Route for vendor signature via Adobe Sign When necessary, contractor -signed agreement 4 Project Manager See Agreement 5 Project Manager agendized for City Council approval * Date of City *City Council approval required for Professional Services Council Agreements and purchases of goods and services that exceed approval $75,000; and for Public Works Contracts that exceed $200,000 2/20/24 6 Project Manager Forward signed agreement to City Agreement N/A Attorney with digital copy of this routing form See 7 City Attorney Review and approve signed agreement 8 City Attorney Review and approve bonds (for Public Works See Agreement N/A City Manager / Mayor Contracts) Agreement executed by City Council authorized 9 See Agreement N/A official 10 City Clerk Attest signatures, retains original agreement and See Agreement N/A i forwards copies to Project Manager Services Contract - Excellent Cleaning Services - Citywide Janitorial Services Final Audit Report 2024-03-18 Created: 2024-03-07 By: Jonathan Schellin Qonathans@cityofsanrafael.org) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAivYEIFhZ-4Ya2ivjkCDhi9DgKBw1kOaJ "Services Contract - Excellent Cleaning Services - Citywide Janit orial Services" History Document created by Jonathan Schellin Qonathans@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-03-07 - 3:42:45 PM GMT C'-► Document emailed to greatcleaning0@gmail.com for signature 2024-03-07 - 3:52:18 PM GMT Email viewed by greatcleaning0@gmail.com 2024-03-13 - 5:45:53 PM GMT Email viewed by greatcleaning0@gmail.com 2024-03-14 - 6:10:45 PM GMT 6' Signer greatcleaning0@gmail.com entered name at signing as Jose Luis Figueroa 2024-03-14 - 8:27:44 PM GMT 6Q Document e-signed by Jose Luis Figueroa (greatcleaning0@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2024-03-14 - 8:27:46 PM GMT - Time Source: server P4 Document emailed to Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) for approval 2024-03-14 - 8:27:47 PM GMT Email viewed by Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-03-14 - 8:41:49 PM GMT <S© Document approved by Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-03-15 - 6:51:37 PM GMT - Time Source: server C'-. Document emailed to Genevieve Coyle(genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-03-15 - 6:51:38 PM GMT ®d R,. SAN RAFAEL I AdobeP b` iHC :I TY 11, 1. 1l p M1IS,.1 Acrobat Sign Email viewed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-03-18 - 3:56:05 PM GMT 6o Document e-signed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-03-18 - 3:57:57 PM GMT - Time Source: server E'y Document emailed to city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org for approval 2024-03-18 - 3:57:59 PM GMT Email viewed by city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org 2024-03-18 - 4:04:54 PM GMT 6o Signer city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org entered name at signing as Brenna Nurmi 2024-03-18 - 4:05:04 PM GMT 60 Document approved by Brenna Nurmi (city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-03-18 - 4:05:06 PM GMT - Time Source: server �'y Document emailed to cristine.alilovich@cityofsanrafael.org for signature 2024-03-18 - 4:05:08 PM GMT Email viewed by cristine.alilovich@cityofsanrafael.org 2024-03-18 - 5:10:24 PM GMT do Signer cristine.alilovich@cityofsanrafael.org entered name at signing as Cristine Alilovich 2024-03-18 - 5:10:45 PM GMT 60 Document e-signed by Cristine Alilovich (cristine.alilovich@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-03-18 - 5:10:47 PM GMT - Time Source: server E'4' Document emailed to city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org for signature 2024-03-18 - 5:10:48 PM GMT Email viewed by city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org 2024-03-18 - 5:13:14 PM GMT 6o Signer city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org entered name at signing as Brenna Nurmi (for) 2024-03-18 - 5:13:29 PM GMT 6o Document e-signed by Brenna Nurmi (for)(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-03-18 - 5:13:31 PM GMT - Time Source: server Q Agreement completed. 2024-03-18 - 5:13:31 PM GMT ��A� SAN RAFAEL Adobe Acrobat Sign