HomeMy WebLinkAboutLR Memorandum of Grant AgreementMAR I N COUNTY PARKS PRESERVATION • RECREATION BREATH E/RESPIRAI COMMUNITY GRANT MEMORANDUM OF GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY OF MARIN AND CITY OF SAN RAFAEL (GRANTEE) Grant Agreement This Grant Agreement (hereinafter "AGREEMENT") made and entered into this 27th day of September, 2022, by and between the County of Marin, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter "COUNTY"), and the GRANTEE. Whereas, the Marin Parks, Open Space, and Farmland Preservation Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance (hereinafter "Measure A") was first approved by Marin County voters on November 6, 2012; and; Whereas, Marin County voters approved re -implementation of Measure A on June 7, 2022; and Whereas, Measure A levies a one -quarter of one -cent sales tax in Marin County and is estimated to generate approximately $16,000,000 per year for the life of the measure; and Whereas, pursuant to the Measure A Expenditure Plan, 65% of Measure A annual revenues is designated for the Parks and Open Space Program; and Whereas, the Parks and Open Space Program uses includes an element to Protect or Restore Natural Resources and Maintain Existing County Parks and Open Space Preserves through specified purposes including augmenting current visitor services for parks and open space preserves — via rangers, programming, and partnerships — to protect natural resources; support visitor safety and enjoyment; and support volunteerism and environmental education; and Whereas, COUNTY recognizes that some Marin residents have greater access to Marin's parks, open spaces, environmental education and volunteer programs than others; and Whereas, COUNTY plans to commit roughly $200,000 of their portion of Measure A funding each year to partner with other Marin organizations to address community barriers to Marin's parks, open spaces, environmental education and volunteer programs through a competitive grants program titled Breathe/Respira Community Grant Program (hereinafter "PROGRAM"); and Whereas, the Marin County Parks and Open Space Commission has chosen to support GRANTEE's proposal by approving a grant in the amount of $8,000; and Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marincountyporks.org Whereas, the objective of this AGREEMENT is to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between PARTIES to disburse and account for Measure A grant expenditures. Therefore, PARTIES are entering into this AGREEMENT. 1. Statement of Agreement It is mutually agreed and understood that, upon signing of this AGREEMENT: a. AGREEMENT is valid until October 31, 2023. b. COUNTY is responsible for managing, accounting for, and disbursing all PROGRAM funds. c. GRANTEE warrants and represents that it has operations in Marin; is committed to improving the health, wellness and/or environmental awareness of populations in Marin; provides programs to underserved, high -risk or vulnerable populations in Marin; and is a community group, community -based organization, or emerging or existing coalitions. d. GRANTEE warrants and represents that it is either a: city, county, non-profit organization (501(c)3), special district (see definition in guidelines) or Joint Powers Authority (JPA) formed pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of the Government code if at least one of the parties to the joint powers agreement qualifies as an eligible applicant; and can provide documentation establishing this status; or ii. it is receiving funds through City of San Rafael; a qualified fiscal agent that meets the requirements of d.i. above. e. Expenditures and minimum performance quantities of GRANTEE will substantially comply with the scope of grant funding and budget, attached as Exhibit A. Any departure from the scope or budget will require prior written approval by COUNTY's Government and External Affairs Manager. f. GRANTEE will receive the entire grant amount upon receipt of this original signed agreement and approval of the signed agreement by the Marin County Board of Supervisors. g. The following uses of funds are prohibited under this AGREEMENT Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org i. Conducting lobbying, carrying out propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; ii. Influencing the outcome of any specific election through any means; iii. Purposes other than those that are charitable, scientific or educational; iv. Fundraising purposes; v. Budget shortfalls or endowment funds; vi. Administrative costs not related to the implementation of the program or event; vii. Scholarships, fellowships or grants to individuals; and viii. Land acquisition or real estate purchases h. GRANTEE shall return to COUNTY any unexpended grant funds under the following conditions: i. If COUNTY, in its reasonable discretion, determines that the GRANTEE has not performed in accordance with this AGREEMENT; or ii. Any portion of the funding is not used for grant purposes; or iii. Any portion of the funding has not been spent by the end of the one-year grant period. GRANTEE shall account for funds provided by COUNTY, together with any interest thereon, separately in the GRANTEE's books and records. A systematic accounting record shall be kept by GRANTEE of the receipt and disbursement of such funds. GRANTEE shall retain original substantiating documents related to restricted grant expenditures and make these records available for COUNTY's review upon request. GRANTEE shall be responsible for maintaining adequate financial records of this grant program. COUNTY, or a designated representative, reserves the right, upon written notice, to audit GRANTEE's books and records relating to the expenditure of any funds provided by COUNTY as a restricted grant. GRANTEE shall submit to COUNTY a final written report, due no later than 30 days following the end of the AGREEMENT period, that will include a list of itemized expenditures, supporting documentation, information on communities who participated or were reached, measures of success, lessons learned, feedback on the grant program, any new program materials developed under this AGREEMENT, and photos of events and activities. COUNTY will release a final payment after receipt of the final written report. GRANTEE will present overview of funded work to the Marin County Parks and Open Space Commission during a regularly scheduled meeting following the end of the grant period. Morin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org k. Any materials produced under this AGREEMENT shall be made available to the public following such reasonable requirements as COUNTY may establish from time to time. GRANTEE grants to COUNTY an irrevocable, nonexclusive license to publish any publication, program materials, studies, forms or research funded by this grant at COUNTY's sole discretion. I. GRANTEE agrees to provide immediate written notice to COUNTY if significant changes or events occur during the term of this grant which could potentially impact the progress or outcome of the grant, including, without limitation, changes to the GRANTEE's management personnel or loss of funding. m. GRANTEE agrees to disseminate to the public, using established channels of communication, pertinent information relating to the results, findings, or methods developed through this grant. n. GRANTEE acknowledges that it understands its obligations imposed by this AGREEMENT. o. GRANTEE may be asked by COUNTY to identify the use of Measure A in materials and at program sites using COUNTY approved identity and design standards. GRANTEE will comply with COUNTY's requests. p. GRANTEE will not use COUNTY logo or letterhead without the prior written consent by COUNTY Government and External Affairs Coordinator. q. GRANTEE is required to pass on all responsibilities of this AGREEMENT if and when it enters into agreements with consultants and contractors that will be paid under this AGREEMENT. r. GRANTEE enters into this AGREEMENT with the understanding that COUNTY has no obligation to provide other or additional support or grants to the GRANTEE. 2. Indemnification GRANTEE shall defend, indemnify, hold harmless, and release COUNTY, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all actions, claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses (hereinafter "LIABILITY") that may be asserted by any third party arising out of or in connection with GRANTEE'S performance under or the making of this AGREEMENT. 3. Contacts and Notices All notices under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing (unless otherwise specified) delivered to the parties by hand, by commercial courier service, or by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the addresses set forth below or such other addresses as the parties may designate by notice. Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org For County: Director Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 Phone: (415) 473-7010 Fax: (415) 473-3795 Email: MKorten@marincounty.org For Grantee: Title: Catherine Quffa, Library and Recreation Director Name of GRANTEE: City of San Rafael Address: 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael Phone: (415) 485-3078 Fax: E-mail: Catherine.quffa@cityofsanrafael.org 4. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Nothing contained in this AGREEMENT shall be construed to create, and the PARTIES do not intend to create, any rights in third parties. 5. EXPENSES Except as otherwise provided in Section 2 of this AGREEMENT, each party shall be solely responsible for and shall bear all of its own respective legal expenses in connection with any dispute arising out of this AGREEMENT and the transactions hereby contemplated. PARTIES may not use PROGRAM funds for the aforementioned purpose. 6. INTEGRATION This AGREEMENT, including Exhibits A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, represents the entire AGREEMENT of the PARTIES with respect to the subject matter thereof. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein. 7. AMENDMENT Except as otherwise provided herein, this AGREEMENT may not be changed, modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by all PARTIES hereto, and any attempt at oral modification of this AGREEMENT shall be void and of no effect. 8. SEVERABILITY Should a court of competent jurisdiction rule or declare that any part of this AGREEMENT is unconstitutional, invalid, or beyond the authority of either party to enter into or carry out, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this AGREEMENT, which shall continue in full force and effect; provided that the remainder of this AGREEMENT can, absent the excised portion, be reasonably interpreted to give effect to the intentions of the PARTIES. Morin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year above written. GRANTEE Title: Library and Recreation Director, City of San Rafael COUNTY OF MARIN .- President, Board of Supervisors Attest: Clerk of the Board Approved as to Form: COUNTY COUNSEL By: Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org EXHIBIT A Grantee Scope and Budget Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marinparks.org MARIN COUNTY 'ARKS PRESERVATION -RECREATION Scope BREATH E/RESPIRAI COMMUNITY GRANT City of San Rafael Volunteers supporting the Canal Mini Soccer League, under the fiscal sponsorship of City of San Rafael, will support enjoyable outdoor activity for Canal neighborhood extreme low-income youth between October 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023, for a total of $8,000; according to the following scope: 1. Ensure 350 extreme low income youth can participate in the Canal Mini Soccer League by: a. Reducing soccer registration fees from $25 to $15 for four seasons of soccer and use of the field two times per week. b. Purchasing equipment for all youth to participate in soccer c. Each season typically serves 150 boys and girls from Elementary to High School d. Field rental fees will match City of San Rafael field fee reductions for this program e. Soccer players will have a chance to learn about other parks and free park programming they can explore in Marin. 2. We will submit a mid year report by March 2023 and a final report by November 15, 2023. Budget Line Item Field and registration fee reduction 1$3,500 Soccer Supplies 1$4,500 Total 1$8,000 Cost Marin County Parks 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260 San Rafael, CA 94903 www.marincountyparks.org