HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving ProjectCITY OF SAN RAFAEL Department of Public Works 111 Morphew Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Public Works Contract for Projects up to $200,000 This public works contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between the City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor"), a Limited Liability Company, for work on the City's 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"), and is effective on 06/06/2024 , 20_ ("Effective Date"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. Contractor will perform and provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, transportation, and any and all other items or services necessary to perform and complete the work required for the Project ("Work"), as specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, and according to the terms and conditions of this Contract, including all attachments to the Contract and any other documents and statutes incorporated by reference. To the extent that any attachment contains provisions that conflict or are inconsistent with the terms set forth in the body of this Contract, the Contract terms will control. This Project requires a valid California contractor's license for the following classification(s): C-61 / D06 2. Contract Documents. The Contract Documents incorporated into this Contract include and are comprised of all of the documents listed below: 2.1 Notice Inviting Bids; 2.2 Contract; 2.3 Addenda, if any; 2.4 Exhibit A — Scope of Work; 2.5 Exhibit B — Payment, Performance, and Bid Bonds; 2.6 Exhibit C — Noncollusion Declaration; 2.7 Exhibit D — Bid Schedule; 2.8 Exhibit E — Subcontractor List. 3. Contract Price. As full and complete compensation for Contractor's timely performance and completion of the Work in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, City will pay Contractor $48,000 (the "Contract Price") for all of Contractor's direct and indirect costs to perform the Work, including all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, taxes, insurance, bonds and all overhead costs, in accordance with the payment provisions contained herein. 3.1 Payment. Contractor must submit an invoice on the first day of each month during the Contract Time, defined in Section 4 below, and/or upon completion, for the Work performed during the preceding month, itemizing labor, materials, equipment and any incidental costs incurred. Contractor warrants that title to all work, materials and equipment incorporated into the Work will pass to City free of any claims, liens, or encumbrances upon payment to Contractor. 3.2 Payment and Performance Bonds. If the Contract Price is over $25,000, then Contractor must provide City with a payment bond and a performance bond using the bond forms included in this Contract as Exhibit B, Bond Forms, and submit the bonds with the executed Contract. Each bond must be issued by a surety admitted in California. If an issuing surety cancels a bond or becomes insolvent, Contractor must provide a substitute bond from a surety acceptable to City within seven days after written notice from City. If Contractor fails to substitute an acceptable surety within the specified time, City may, 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 1 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 in its sole discretion and without prior notice to Contractor, purchase such bond(s) at Contractor's expense and deduct the cost from payments otherwise due to Contractor, or terminate the Contract. 4. Time for Completion. Contractor will fully complete the Work within one year from the date the City authorizes Contractor to proceed with the Work ("Contract Time"). 5. Liquidated Damages. If Contractor fails to complete the Work within the Contract Time, Contractor must pay liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per day for each day of unexcused delay in completion. 6. Standard of Care. All Work must be provided in a manner that meets or exceeds the standard of care applicable to the same type of work in the City of San Rafael. Contractor must promptly correct, at Contractor's sole expense, any Work that the City determines is deficient or defective. 7. Permits and Licenses. Contractor, at its sole expense, must obtain and maintain during the term of this Contract, all appropriate permits, certificates and licenses including, but not limited to, the required California contractor's license and a City business license. 8. Indemnification. Contractor will indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to City, and hold harmless to the full extent permitted by law, City, its governing body, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (the "Indemnitees") from and against any and all liability, demands, loss, damage, claims, settlements, expenses, and costs (including, without limitation, attorney fees, expert witness fees, and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively, "Liability") of every nature arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Contractor, its employees, subcontractors, representatives, or agents in performing the Work of failing to comply with any obligation of Contractor under this Contract, except such Liability caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of an Indemnitee. This indemnification obligation is not limited by any limitation on the amount or type of damages or compensation payable under Workers' Compensation or other employee benefit acts, or by insurance coverage limits, and will survive the expiration or early termination of this Contract. City will notify Contractor of any third -party claim pursuant to Public Contract Code section 9201. 9. Insurance. Contractor will, at all times under this Contract, maintain the insurance coverage required in this section to cover the activities of Contractor and any subcontractors relating to or arising from performance of the Work. Each policy must be issued by a company licensed to do business in California, and with a strength and size rating from A.M. Best Company of A-Vill or better. Contractor must provide City with certificates of insurance and required endorsements as evidence of coverage with the executed Contract, or through the PINSAdvantage website httpsi//www.pinsadvantage.com/ upon request by the City, and before the City authorizes Contractor to proceed with the Work. 9.1 Workers' Compensation. Statutory coverage is required by the California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act. If Contractor is self -insured, it must provide its duly authorized Certificate of Permission to Self -Insure. In addition, Contractor must provide employer's liability insurance with limits of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. 9.2 Liability. Commercial General Liability ("CGL") insurance issued on an occurrence basis, including coverage for liability arising from Contractor's or its subcontractor's acts or omissions in performing the Work, including Contractor's protected coverage, blanket contractual, products and completed operations, broad form property damage, vehicular coverage, and employer's non -ownership liability coverage, with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 9.3 Automotive. Commercial automotive liability coverage for owned, non -owned and hired vehicles must provide coverage of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury, death, or property damage. 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 2 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 9.4 Subrogation Waiver. Each required policy must include an endorsement that the insurer waives any right of subrogation it may have against the City or the City's insurers. 9.5 Required Endorsements. The CGL policy and the automotive liability policy must include the following specific endorsements: (1) The City, including its Council, officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and consultants (collectively, "Additional Insured") must be named as an additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured, and the policy must protect the Additional Insured against any and all liability for personal injury, death or property damage or destruction arising directly or indirectly in the performance of the Contract. (2) The inclusion of more than one insured will not operate to impair the rights of one insured against another, and the coverages afforded will apply as though separate policies have been issued to each insured. (3) The insurance provided is primary and no insurance held or owned by City may be called upon to contribute to a loss ("primary and non-contributory"). (4) Any umbrella or excess insurance must contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage will also apply on a primary or non-contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City's own insurance or self-insurance will be called upon to protect it as a named insured. (5) This policy does not exclude explosion, collapse, underground excavation hazard, or removal of lateral support. 10. Labor Code Compliance. Unless the Contract Price is $1,000 or less, the Contract is subject to all applicable requirements of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code, beginning at section 1720, and the related regulations, including but not limited to requirements pertaining to wages, working hours and workers' compensation insurance. Contractor must also post all job site notices required by laws or regulations pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4. 10.1 Prevailing Wages. Each worker performing Work under this Contract that is covered under Labor Code section 1720 or 1720.9, must be paid at a rate not less than the prevailing wage as defined in sections 1771 and 1774 of the Labor Code. The prevailing wage rates are on file with the City Engineer's office and are available online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1775, Contractor and any subcontractor will forfeit to City as a penalty up to $200 for each calendar day, or portion of a day, for each worker paid less than the applicable prevailing wage rate, in addition to paying each worker the difference between the applicable wage rate and the amount actually paid. 10.2 Working Day. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1810, eight hours of labor consists of a legal day's work. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1813, Contractor will forfeit to City as a penalty the sum of $25 for each day during which a worker employed by Contractor or any subcontractor is required or permitted to work more than eight hours during any one calendar day, or more than 40 hours per calendar week, unless such workers are paid overtime wages under Labor Code section 1815. All Work must be carried out during regular City working days and hours unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A or authorized in writing by City. 10.3 Payroll Records. Contractor and its subcontractors must maintain certified payroll records in compliance with Labor Code sections 1776 and 1812, and all implementing regulations promulgated by the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR"). For each payroll record, Contractor and its subcontractors must certify under penalty of perjury that the information in the record is true and correct, and that it has 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 3 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 complied with the requirements of Labor Code sections 1771, 1811, and 1815. Unless the Contract Price is under $25,000, Contractor must electronically submit certified payroll records to the Labor Commissioner as required under California law and regulations. 10.4 Apprentices. If the Contract Price is $30,000 or more, Contractor must comply with the apprenticeship requirements in Labor Code section 1777.5. 10.5 DIR Monitoring, Enforcement, and Registration. This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5, and, subject to the exception set forth below, Contractor and any subcontractors must be registered with the DIR to perform public works projects. The registration requirements of Labor Code section 1725.5 do not apply if the Contract Price is for under $25,000. 11. Workers' Compensation Certification. Under Labor Code section 1861, by signing this Contract, Contractor certifies as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Labor Code section 3700 which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work on this Contract." 12. Termination. 12.1 Termination for Convenience. City reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Contract for convenience upon written notice to Contractor. Upon receipt of such notice, Contractor must: immediately stop the Work, including under any terms or conditions that may be specified in the notice; comply with City's instructions to protect the completed Work and materials; and use its best efforts to minimize further costs. In the event of City's termination for convenience, Contractor waives any claim for damages, including for loss of anticipated profits from the Project. If City terminates the Contract for convenience, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination, as well as five percent of the total value of the Work performed as of the date of notice of termination or five percent of the value of the Work yet to be completed, whichever is less, which is deemed to cover all overhead and profit to date. 12.2 Termination for Default. The City may terminate this Contract for cause for any material default. Contractor may be deemed in default for a material breach of or inability to perform the Contract, including Contractor's refusal or failure to supply sufficient skilled workers, proper materials, or equipment to perform the Work within the Contract Time; refusal or failure to make prompt payment to its employees, subcontractors, or suppliers or to correct rejected work; disregard of laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, or orders of any public agency with jurisdiction over the Project; lack of financial capacity to complete the Work within the Contract Time; or responsibility for any other material breach of the Contract requirements. If City terminates the Contract for cause, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination. 13. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute arising under or related to this Contract is subject to the dispute resolution procedures of Public Contract Code sections 9401 and 20104 et. seq., which are incorporated by reference. 14. Waiver. A waiver by City of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition in this Contract will not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained herein, regardless of the character of any such breach. 15. Warranty. Contractor guarantees and warrants the Work and the materials used or provided for the Project for a period of one year, beginning upon City's acceptance of the Work for the Project as complete ("Warranty Period"). During the Warranty Period, upon notice from the City of any defect in the Work or the materials, Contractor must, at its sole expense, promptly repair or replace the defective Work 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 4 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 or materials, including repair or replacement of any other Work or materials that is or are displaced or damaged during the warranty work, excepting any damage resulting from ordinary wear and tear. 16. Worksite Conditions. 16.1 Clean and Safe. Contractor must maintain the Work site and staging and storage areas in a clean and neat condition and must ensure it is safe and secure. On a daily basis the Contractor must remove and properly dispose of debris and waste materials from the Work site. 16.2 Inspection. Contractor will make the Work accessible at all times for inspection by the City 16.3 Hazardous Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract documents, this Contract does not include the removal, handling, or disturbance of any asbestos or other hazardous materials, as identified by any federal, state, or local law or regulation. If Contractor encounters materials on the Project site that Contractor reasonably believes to be asbestos or other hazardous materials, and the asbestos or other hazardous materials have not been rendered harmless, Contractor may continue Work in unaffected areas reasonably believed to be safe, but must immediately cease Work on the area affected and report the condition to City. No asbestos, asbestos -containing products or other hazardous materials may be used in performance of the Work. 16.4 Utilities, Trenching and Excavation. As required by Government Code section 4215, if, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers utility facilities not identified by City in the Contract documents, Contractor must immediately provide written notice to City and the utility. In performing any excavations or trenching work, Contractor must comply with all applicable operator requirements in Government Code sections 4216 through 4216.5. If the trenching or excavation extends deeper than four feet below the surface, then it must also comply with Public Contract Code section 7104. 17. Records. Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A, Contractor must maintain and update a separate set of as -built drawings while the Work is being performed, showing changes from the Work as planned in Exhibit A, or any drawings incorporated into this Contract. The as -built drawings must be updated as changes occur, on a daily basis if necessary. 18. Conflicts of Interest. Contractor, its employees, subcontractors and agents, may not have, maintain or acquire a conflict of interest in relation to this Contract in violation of any City ordinance or policy or in violation of any California law, including under Government Code section 1090 et seq. and under the Political Reform Act as set forth in Government Code section 81000 et seq. and its accompanying regulations. Any violation of this Section constitutes a material breach of the Contract. 19. Non -Discrimination. No discrimination will be made in the employment of persons under this Contract because of the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender or sexual orientation of such person. 20. Independent Contractor. City and Contractor intend that Contractor will perform the Work under this Contract as an independent contractor. Contractor is solely responsible for its means and methods in performing the Work. Contractor is not an employee of City and is not entitled to participate in health, retirement or any other employee benefits from City. 21. Assignment of Unfair Business Practice Claims. Under Public Contract Code section 7103.5, Contractor and its subcontractors agree to assign to City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the Contract or any subcontract. This assignment will be effective at the time City tenders final payment to Contractor, without further acknowledgement by the parties. 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 5 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 22. Notice. Any notice, billing, or payment required by or pursuant to the Contract documents must be made in writing, signed, dated and sent to the other party by personal delivery, U.S. Mail, a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for each party must be given as follows: City: Address: 111 Morphew Street City/State/Zip San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: 415-725-9264 Attn: Adeel Shaikh, Junior Engineer Email: adeel.shaikh(cDcityofsanrafael.org Contractor: Name: Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting Address: 417 Harrison Street City/State/Zip: Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 650-576-4303 Attn: Joseph Ortega Email: jortega@pccnorcal.com 23. General Provisions. 23.1 Compliance with All Laws. Contractor will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance benefits, FICA laws, conflict of interest laws, and local ordinances. Work may only be performed by qualified and experienced workers who are not employed by the City and who do not have any contractual relationship with City, with the exception of this Contract. 23.2 Provisions Deemed Inserted. Every provision of law required to be inserted in the Contract is deemed to be inserted, and the Contract will be construed and enforced as though such provision has been included. If it is discovered that through mistake or otherwise that any required provision was not inserted, or not correctly inserted, the Contract will be deemed amended accordingly. 23.3 Assignment and Successors. Contractor may not assign its rights or obligations under this Contract, in part or in whole, without City's written consent. This Contract is binding on Contractor's and City's lawful heirs, successors and permitted assigns. 23.4 Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third -party beneficiaries to this Contract. 23.5 Governing Law and Venue. This Contract will be governed by California law and venue will be in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. 23.6 Amendment. No amendment or modification of this Contract will be binding unless it is in a writing duly authorized and signed by the parties to this Contract. 23.7 Integration; Severability. This Contract and the Contract documents incorporated herein, including authorized amendments or change orders thereto, constitute the final, complete, and exclusive terms of the agreement between City and Contractor. If any provision of the Contract documents, or portion of a provision, is determined to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Contract documents will remain in full force and effect. 23.8 Authorization. Each individual signing below warrants that he or she is authorized to do so by the party that he or she represents, and that this Contract is legally binding on that party. If Contractor 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 6 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 is a corporation, signatures from two officers of the corporation are required pursuant to California Corporation Code section 313. [Signatures are on the following page.] 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Up to S200,000 Contract Page 7 The parties agree to this Contract as witnessed by the signatures below: CITY: ,A�i' /�� Approved as to form: S/,4� /Yislr —,��A APRIL MILLER, Director of Public Works GENEVIEVE COYLE, Assistant City Attorney Date: J u n 6, 2024 Date: 06/05/2024 Attest: s/ Brenna Nurmi (fOr Brenna Nurmi (foi) (Jun 6 202410:22 PDT) LINDSAY LARA, City Clerk Date: Jun 6, 2024 CONTRACTOR: Precision Emprise LLC Business Name Mal-r C�asenoi S/ Marc cusseno[ (Jun 3.202418:19 PDT; Seal Marc Cussenot Name/Title Date: 06/03/24 Si Joseph Ortega Name/Title Date: 06/04/2024 1000053728 Contractor's California License Number(s) and Expiration Date(s) Exhibit A: Scope of Work Exhibit B: Bond Forms Exhibit C: Noncollusion Declaration Exhibit D: Bid Schedule Exhibit E: Subcontractor List END OF CONTRACT 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 8 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Exhibit A SCOPE OF WORK 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Scope of Work Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Page 1 of 2 j � % Exhibit A grip Huard Removal Specialists Date:6/1 /23 PROPOSAL FOR "NOT To EXCEED" AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL AND PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING (PCC) OVERVIEW Uneven sidewalks caused by ground settling and tree roots cause a potential hazard to pedestrians. Displaced sidewalks cause problems for both public and private entities in the form of trip and fall liability exposure. It is proposed that the City of San Rafael and PCC enter into an agreement whereby PCC will assess, and repair sidewalks as identified and requested by City staff. The price for these services shall not exceed the dollar amount and quantity defined in the "Proposal Detail' section below. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING PCC has been assessing and repairing sidewalks since 1990. The company performs work throughout the United States and with dozens of cities in California. PCC is the leader in sidewalk asset management. We specialize in assessing sidewalk infrastructure and repairing uneven sidewalks. Our unique saw -cutting method for correcting off -set sidewalk panels leaves behind ADA compliant results for a fraction of the cost of new concrete. Our clients benefit from detailed GIS maps that allow them to create a GIS database to cost effectively manage their sidewalk infrastructure. ASSESSMENT SERVICES PCC technicians will walk every panel in the project area and visually assess potential tripping hazards and damage. PCC will provide a GIS compatible report that list each location identified including a photo, exact location, off -set height and square foot amount for replacement locations. PROPRIETARY MOBILE PHONE SOFTWARE PCC has developed proprietary mobile software useable across multiple platforms (Android, iPhone, iPad, Smart Phone, etc.) • Provides GPS Coordinates — Integrates with GIS systems • Mapping — Provides detailed location data plotted with Google Maps • Detailed Reporting — Provides specific and detailed data on measurements for every trip hazard • Addresses — The software gives the address and longitude / latitude of each trip hazard location • Additional Data - Records other data, e.g. spalling, cracks, replacements or other data you need • Sidewalk Asset Management — PCC offers complete sidewalk asset management PROPRIETARY AND PATENTED REPAIR METHOD To Date, PCC has been awarded 8 patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office on our trip hazard removal equipment and process. The following is each patent description and number where they can be reviewed on the US Patent office web site — www.uspto.gov 6,827,074 - Hub and blade combination patent Precision Emprise, LLC I CSLB # 1032474 1417 Harrison St, Oakland, CA 94607 1 Tel 650-867-8657 1 Fax 650-240-3866 1 contact@PCCNorCal.com Page 2 of 2 p Hsatd Rcrtioval $pCc6tli5t5 6,896,604 - Dust hood patent 7,000,606 - Cutting apparatus and broadening patent 7,143,760 - Method patent 7,201,644 - Variations and broadening patent 7,402,095 - Extended methods patent 9,759,559 - Stand up measuring gauge digitized readout 9,494,407 - Stand up measuring gauge PROPOSAL DETAILS Total Project Amount Not to Exceed: $48,000 Billing Units: Services are billed in "Inch Feet". An inch foot is calculated by measuring the average height of the sidewalk off -set and multiplying this average by the length of the cut. Example: A sidewalk off -set on a 4- foot wide sidewalk that consists of a 0.5" rise on one side, and tapers down to a zero rise on the other is calculated as follows: 0.5" +0" x 4ft = 1 inch -foot 2 Unit Price for sidewalk shaving: 46 per inch -foot. Streets with Sidewalks to be repaired: Canal Phase 2- List attached LIMITATIONS PCC removes only those trip hazards specifically requested or approved by customers, and therefore makes no guarantee or representation that areas are free of trip hazards after the work is completed. In addition, PCC only performs certain trip hazard repairs. Among other things, PCC does not remove and replace sidewalk slabs (R&Rs) and does not repair certain ATTNs (e.g. utility boxes). Furthermore, to preserve clients' budget, PCC typically does not perform any repair at and around any sidewalk slabs that require to be replaced. It is our customers' responsibility to provide proper access and PCC assumes no liability for trip hazards that cannot be repaired due to parked vehicles or other obstacles preventing safe and practical access. In such cases, PCC returns once to attempt completion of repairs that could not be completed the first time. Additionally, it is recognized that after completion of the work, the concrete trip hazards may and frequently do continue to move naturally over time due to roots, water, freezing, pipes, and other natural or man-made causes. PCC is not responsible for movement or changes in the sidewalk and is not liable for any related claims, losses, damages or liabilities thereto pertaining. Precision Concrete Cutting is committed to providing the highest quality service to our customers. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. PCC Representative: YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: Joseph Ortega X lv� Precision Emprise, LLC I CSLB # 1032474 1 417 Harrison St, Oakland, CA 94607 1 Tel 650-867-8657 1 Fax 650-240-3866 1 contact@PCCNorCal.com P7RECISI0IV CONCRETE CUTTIM6 th �,no,s�a:°.�t.M�r,.t�a.a�aaaaa n•.MewN Op/zto: s.4,�.. Cc 9.t41 als l!5 [1M t<p®P[V orcei rum fCIMaY cI1Y ortaatP Plrotl atl Stl�aica IEcu.o.ww=Wellw+v SW=Ltlew.i� CSW=c wS aex.iY. ow=.nw ey Ga=Gunn 4tl B&x=aem.w aid a.d+u 6nN=Rae.1on Oc=oltl dine or-ole..t MV[G4=Mow car e�K=PnFel Tr.wl pue.u.naMe [n 4. Mw 1 tr..rl uuuc. upim. e.mmwm.. un.Iuu. u..unnn uu ��wn rm 995 Phase2 4 0 3 3796592331 -122501655630 Sonoma St:,M ww to Complex. t4tT'//YyuYByt•iJ,na3p,Vny 1/19/2023 075 $3450 996 Ph-2 3 0 15 3796593857 .122 5016785 30 Sonoma St: XCUT Wm//'I wmt•2 awuronnn 1/19/2023 028 $1294 997 Phtl 2 4 0 25 3796595383 -122 SD1701430Sonoma St: XCLF 1/19/2023 063 $2875 999 Phase 6 1 35 379659729 -122.501724230511oma 6t:At ww Mtq'/AYuYe4Hd amuonPws tom/ 1/19/2023 153 $7044 1DO2 Phase 7 0 1 37.96601869 -1225018082 30 Sonoma St: At ww to parking lot hhq//il-_ms.2 amuonPvrttan 1/19/2023 044 $2013 1006 Phase 4 1 55 3796617126 -122.50117445D Sonoma St: hllq//t3-vL4PN•jaM101.W.s 1/19/2023 172 $7906 1007 1010 Phase Phase 4 6 0 1 45 19 37966259 37.96665955 -1225022736 -122 5029221 199 Canal St On Sonoma St: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 1/19/2023 113 $5175 https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws onm/h 1/19/2023 831 $38238 1011 Phase 4 0 3 3796651077 -122.5028152199 Canal St On Sonoma St: https://s3-us-east-2 amazon- oom/b 1/19/2023 075 $3450 1012 Phase 4 0 35 379665947 -122.5028992199 Canal St On Sonoma St: Mtq//f1•vYNN•7 amlt4.slwl torn 1/19/2023 O88 $4025 1015 Phase 7 0 3 3796677017 -122503273211 Canal S t On Sonoma St: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws corn/h 1/19/2023 131 $6038 101E Phase 4 0 25 3796649551 .122 5Q2845H 15 Charlotte Dr On Sonoma St: At Crack XCUT MIT//l7•YYN4F7 a.NtoMwtC..AA 1/19/2023 063 $2875 1019 Phase 2 0 1.5 3796648789 -122 5028076 15 Charlotte Or On Sonoma St: At Crack XCLrr MtT'//tL t-2..—a—tom 1/19/2023 019 $863 1020 ID22 Phase Ph-2 4 2 0 2 35 15 3796640778 3796637726 -122.50270B4 -122 5026703 15 Charlotte Dr On Sonoma St: At Crack LCUT amalp — httT/A3-uzatll.j Amato tam 1/19/2023 1/19/2023 088 $4025 038 $1725 1023 Phase 4 1 1 37966367 -122 5026627 15 Charlotte Or On Sonoma St: LCUT Mtq//s3•uYeM.2 amatauws emM 1/19/2023 031 $1438 1024 Phase 9 0 4 3796629715 .122 5025635 16 Charlotte Or On Sonoma St: Parallel Cut httq//lJ• M•2amalonawa 1/19/2023 225 $1035 1027 1032 Phase Ph-2 8 4 0 2 IS 35 3796623993 3796613693 -1225024185 -122 5021744 4 Elaine Way On Sonoma St: LCUT Mt-1/thus- .2 a.utan. . Miq//43•..Ynsl•7 amatp,Nwl 1/19/2023 075 $345 1/19/2023 131 $6038 1034 ID37 Phase Phase2 3 2 3 0 05 1 379661293 37S-IIS 79 -1225021439 -122. 5.17.223 Sonoma St:Atcrark LCUT Mtq'J/tlutmH•7 amatanawt .ttq'//PS•p44aN•2.amatauwa 1/19/2023 1/19/202' 019 D13 $863 $5.75 1038 /hP l2 2 0 1 3796587372 -1225016861235onoma St:Atcrack LCLrFXCUT hllq://a]wwH•2.amPta.aws 1/19/2023 013 $5.75 1039 Phase 4 0 25 37965BG99 -122 5016937 23 Sonoma St:At—k XCUT. LCUT Mips//d•waaN•j a.natwuw 1/19/2023 063 $2875 1042 Phase 13 0 35 37,96573257 -122.5014267195t+roma Sl https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 1/19/2023 284 $13091 3043 Ph-2 9 0 35 3796572113 -122 5014191 19 Sonoma St 1/19/2023 197 $9056 3045 Phase 13 0 3.5 37.96565247 -122 501297 15 Sonoma St: OC 1/19/2023 294 $130 B3 104E Ph-2 9 0 35 3796565247 -122.501319915 Sonoma St: At Crack MIpP//t3•srvea Wamato.uvn tom 1/19/2023 197 $9056 1049 Phase 2 0 15 3796559143 -122 5011978 15 Sonoma St: XCUT Mlq'//s3-ul-aM-1 amatpNwt <pm 1/19/2023 019 $863 1050 Phase 4 0 3 379655838 -122 5012817 15 Sonoma St XCLFT Mlps 1/19/2023 075 $345 3053 1058 Phase Phase2 10 6 0 0 7 4 37.96554565 3796473694 -1225011597 422.501686111 KNOW SEF Fairfax St: hltT //tj-us-Ysl•2�rMzpNwa 1/19/2D23 438 $20125 Miq'/A2-w4aN•2 —eemM 1/19/2023 250 $6900 1059 Phase 1 5 3 379648056 -12250175481E Falrfax St MfT//alwsatlt•IamupNw 1/19/2023 225 $1035 1060 Phase 4 0 3 37.96484375 -12250191E 18 Fairfax St: Parallel Cut Mtq'//Y3•WNH•2 Mn4ta4Wltpn. 1/19/2023 0.75 $345 1067 Phase 4 0 25 37965ID696 -122.50238D43D Fairfax St: XCL1T MIT'//U•vYfM•2 am4ta.aw 1/19/2023 063 $2875 3068 Phase 2 0 15 3796512222 -1225023651 30 Fairfax St: XCL1T h11T'/A!•wasN•2 amazonawPlomm 1/19/2023 019 $863 1074 Phan] 3 0 a 3796534729 -122 5027466 16 Ela ine Way On Fairfax St: XCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 1/19/2023 009 $431 1075 Phase2 7 0 3 379653511 -122 5026932 16 Elaine Way On Fairfax St: XCUT https://SB-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 1/19/2023 131 $603 1079 Phase 6 0 3.5 379653244 -122 5027313 16 Elaine Way On Fairfax St: XC17T https://z3-.s... t-2 amazonaws mm/b 1/19/2D23 131 $6038 ID80 Phase 3 0 05 3796536636 -1225027161 L6 Elaine Way On Fairfax St: XCUT MIT'/Ai•WMN•7 amuau.a 1/19/2023 009 $431 3082 Ph-2 4 2 4 3796540453 -122502845E L6 Elaine Way On Fairfax St: httq'/A3-uMUN•7 amatauw 1/19/2023 150 $69 1086 Ph-2 4 0 35 3796592712 -122 5036757 60 Fairfax St: MITJAE-watlt•7 a,nupnrvrscowlst 1/19/2023 088 $402 1088 Ph-2 a 4 4 379659423E -122. 503936E 60 Fairfax St: LCUT hNT /AI•ulsaN•j amatauws 1/19/2023 300 $1380 1089 Ph-2 13 2 4 37 96598816 -122 5040512 60 Fairfax 5t: LCUT MtT'/Al'wHH•2 PmPta+PPn 1/19/2023 375 517250 1091 Phase 4 1 4 37966113S -122 SG41144219 Canal St On Fairfax 51: MIT'/A3•watlt-7 amatMatap 1/31/2023 125 S575 1092 Phase 13 0 25 379660759 -1225043335255Canal St On Fairfax St: Parallel Cut At DW hltq:/A3 uYH1Y71matoNwi —Ibt 1/31/2023 2031 S9343 1093 Phase 5 0 4 3796620178 -1225D4249E 255 Canal St On Fairfax St: At Crack. hltq/A3-T t-2amataNw4comM 1/31/2023 125 $575 ID97 Phase 5 0 16 3796591187 .122 5G40436 65 Fairfax St: Parallel Cut At Apron htlq/A3•Wetll•7 am.p _tan 1/31/2023 500 $2300 309E Phase 2 4 1 25 37 96590042 -l21 503898E 65 Fairfax St: At Meter Box https //s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 1/31/2023 078 535 94 Date created - 6/1 /2023 1 of 12 P2RfCIS/OM CONCRETE CUTTIM6 tnr� wr.t P..l 1106 Phase 5 2 4 379657249S -122 5036545 65 Fairfax St https://s3-us-east-2 amazan.ws com/b 1/31/2023 175 $9050 1108 Phase2 4 0 35 3796573257 .122 5035782 65 Fairfax St: LCUT Mips/M. PaN•J.amal _mmi 1/31/2023 088 $4025 1111 Phase2 6 0 115 3796563339 -1225034103 Mtp'//t}weaK•J amatPNM -AK 1/31/2023 431 519838 1113 Phase 6 0 2 3796560669 .122503440955 Fairfax St: At Crack LCUT Kul. Ito-'a".W.7 on-- ­11tt 1/31/2023 075 $3450 1114 Phase 2 5 1 16 37 9655838 -122 5034637 55 Fairfax 5t : Parallel Cut LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 1/31/2023 600 $276 00 1117 Phase2 6 2 45 3796535492 .1225 30365 55 Fairfax St: Parallel Cut LCUT Mlpt//a!-weass•24marowav4m 1/31/2021 225 $10350 1118 Phase 5 4 4 3796538925 -122 503067 55 Fairfax St: LCUT MIPt//t1-uteasl-J smatanawtm 1/31/2023 225 $10350 1132 Phase 4 1 4 3796479797 -122501SUS 23 Fairfax St: hKp//t3-uf-PsAt.J 4matttntwsm 1/31/2023 125 $5750 1133 Phase2 2 1 45 3796465302 -122 5017014 23 Fairfax St: Atcrack LCUT on-- -AA 1/31/2023 084 $3891 1135 Phase 2 0 2 3796399752 -122.5023855 3525 Kerner Blvd On Novato St XCUT halm '//t3-.M.2.amtI--mrn 1/31/2023 025 S115 1136 Phase 4 0 25 3796396637 -122.502365J 3525 Kerner Blvd On Novato St XCUT htlpf //sl•weaq•7ameawwf.mm 1/31/2023 063 $2875 1139 Phase2 6 4 4 3796405029 -122 5024561 30Novato St: LCUT Mtpf//1}weaK•J amatteurf mm 1/31/2023 250 S11500 1143 Phase 4 0 3 3796412484 -122.502655330Novato St: Atv kLCUT Mlp//t}W-eaq•2 amamr4wt 1/31/202 075 $345 1145 Phase 4 1 4 3796423721 .122 5028152 30 Novato St: Past Apron. hum/JJ-wens-2 uMlonawtmMtm 1/31/2023 125 $575 1149 Phase 2 7 1 45 37 96446991 -122 5033798 30 Novato St: At W W hit" /A3-ut t-J amalanarn 1/31/2023 115 $10350 1152 Phase 4 0 25 3796484756 -122.5039825 55 Fairfax St On Novato: XCUT Mlp/h}Want•7 ona-can/ 1/31/2023 063 $2875 1153 Phase 3 0 15 3796488571 .122 5039825 55 Fairfax St On Novato: XCUT Mlpa'/1,31--ent-2emtaanawt mm 1/31/2023 028 $1294 1155 Phase 4 1 15 3796492767 .122.5041428 78 Novato St: Atcrack LCUT htlpr/J13-W-en12.amaroMw•f mm 1/31/2023 0,47 $2156 1156 Phase2 5 1 4 379649353 -122.50415047814ovato St:Atcrack LCUT htlp/A}wont 2.smtronawtm 1/31/2023 1.50 $6900 1157 1159 Phase 2 Phase 3 4 0 1 3 5 4.5 37 96499634 3796502686 .122.5041809 -122 5042725 78 Novato St: MlpMlm Mlp/A}uf•eafl•7 amazpNvfm 1/31/2023 1/31/2023 0.66 141 $30 19 $6469 1160 Phase 5 1 45 3796504593 -122 5043335 78 Novato St. htlpt//{}uYenl•J amazWM .1vu 1/31/2023 169 $7763 1163 Phase2 3 0 15 379652977 -1225046921 78 Novato St: XCUT LCUT htlPt//t}W+atl2 amnautrtm 1/31/2023 026 $1294 1164 ►hna2 6 0 25 3796529007 -122504699778Novato St: XCUT Mtpt/Jt1-uf•uq•2.amaNMwf cam/ 1/31/2023 094 $4313 1166 Phase2 7 3 5 3796532B22 .12250492178Novato St: Acrassunit4 Its m1/0--ood-2lmazonaw mm 1/31/2023 313 $14375 1167 ►haul 6 0 3 3796541595 -122.504926 78Novato St:Anosz unit 3. At vack Mtpf/A} weat1•2.amatortantmm 1/31/2023 1.13 $5175 1170 Phau2 2 0 1 3796541977 -122.505004 78Novato St:Acrossunit2.XCUT Mlp-/A3-trf•4atl•2.amatpNMf ­JM 1/31/2023 013 $575 1171 Phase 5 0 3 3796543503 -1225050201 78 Novato St: Across unit 2 XCUTLCUT Mlp'/A3•ys-uK7imuanawtmM 1/31/2023 094 $4313 1173 Photo 8 1 55 379654274 -122 SN989678NovatoSt: Acrossunit2 LCUT htlp'/hl•WYn1.7 smaroru+s ."PA 1/31/2023 309 $14231 1174 ►hase2 5 1 4 3796549225 -122 5051117 78 Novato St: Past ..It 2 LCUT mlbt 1/31/2023 150 $6900 1178 Phase 5 1 4 37.96549988 -122 5052719 275 Canal St On Novato St htlp//t}weaq•24maztuyw•t rvMp 1/31/2023 150 $69 1179 Phase 4 1 45 3796554947 -122 5053329 275 Canal St On Novato St: hall/A}ut+afl•2 amatawwt 1/31/2023 141 $6469 1192 Phau2 12 1 4 3796540833 -122.5051651177N.v.t.St:At Apron mtm11t/-W-4elt-J amuauen-/ 1/31/2023 325 51495 1195 Ph-2 4 2 4 3796539307 -122505127 L77 Novato St: Mtp//t7-u1 Yq•}amatoNw•I m / 1/31/2023 150 $6900 1196 Photo 5 3 4 3796538544 -122 505043 177 Novato St: MtM flout-P-2.amtzpnawt -fW 1/31/2023 200 $9200 1197 Ph-2 3 0 2 3796526718 -122.5048447169 Novato St: XCUT Mtp'//t3­ant-24matpNxn. mm 1/31/2023 038 $1725 1201 ►haul 10 8 4 3796522141 -122 5047913 169 Novato St: OC LCUT MIM J/a3 weafl2ama4(usawf mm/ 1/31/2023 450 $2070 1204 Phase 4 2 45 3796512604 -122. 5046539169 Novato St: Parallel Cut. LCUT Mtpt'//t3-WeaK•2 amaroruw•t mm 1/31/2023 169 $7763 1205 Phase 3 1 3 3796511843 -122.5046997169 Novato St: LCUT Mtp J/t7-wW12 amamruvn. 1/31/2023 075 $345 1207 Phase 4 1 4 37.96505713 -122.5045775 167 Novato St: Mtp//t3- toit-2 Ynarxtawa mm 2/1/2023 1.25 $575 1208 Phase 2 0 4.5 37965065 -122 5045624 167 Novato St: At Crack. LCUT Mtpt//t3•u1-oat-2 amaronaw•f 2/1/2023 0.56 $2588 1212 Phase 5 0 35 37964BSSOI -122 5042419 161 Novato St: Mo.- _N 2/1/2023 109 $5031 1213 Phase 4 1 3 37.96487045 -122 5041733 161 Novato St: Atcrack Ww/A}ut eala-Z.-­ ­4b, 2/1/2023 0.94 $4313 1214 ►haul 4 1 3 379647789 -1225040588161 Novato St: Atcrack LCUT hitpt//t}W-txxt•2.amamruwmm 2/1/2023 094 $4313 1215 Photo 7 1 2 37964BO942 -1225041046161 Novato St: LCUT hllp J/t3-.font-2.am4__mns 2/1/2023 100 $4600 1216 Photo 2 4 2 4 37.9648094 -122 5040436 L57 Novato St: Mtw//d-ut nq-2 amuenm _AA 2/1/2023 150 $69 00 1218 Phase 5 0 2 3796475993 -122 5039902 157 Novato St: XCUT Mtp'1/t3LW-east-2 amataNtfs 2/1/2023 063 $2875 1219 Phase 2 5 0 2 37AW407 -122.5040436 L57 Novato St : XCUT MIPt//t3•went-2 amamuen 2/1/2023 0.63 $2875 1220 Phase2 4 0 35 37, 9647254 -1225039139 L57 Novato St: MtPt m 2/1/2023 088 $4025 1222 Phase e 4 4 3796469498 -1225037384 L53 Novato St- htlp'//1}wtnt•J 2/1/2023 300 51380 1224 Phase 4 O 15 3796453857 .122 503624 153 Novato St: MIPt _nIft 2/1/2023 038 $1725 1225 Phase 2 5 3 2 37.96454239 -122 5036163 153 Novato St: LCUT Mips '/A3 w 0 amatonavgm 2/1/2023 100 $46 W 1226 11hase2 1 3 1 1 25 3796456146 -1225036392153 Novato St: LCUT hllpt//f3}W ea A.1 amaronavn mm/ 2/l/2023 063 52875 Date created - 6/1 /2023 2 of 12 LINP2RECIS/ON CRETE CUTTINS 0 arfsin rhertti PMI 1229 Ph-2 4 1 4 3796436691 -12250341 11 NPva[o It https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws cam/h 2/1/2023 125 $575 1233 hase2 2 0 2 3796429062 422503212 it --It XM Mq/A3.W4M1.7 +m+lMnva.mm Mq•//{!•W-aaµ•7.nnatMaw•f mMb 2/1/2023 025 $115 1238 Phase 4 1 4 3796416473 -122.502999451 Novato It: 2/1/2023 125 $575 1241 PMf17 9 0 10 3796405029 -122 5027947 51 Novato St: CUTBCUTXCU-r MlgJ/43-W-4+f1•24mlronwfw,4bt 2/1/2023 563 $2S07 1244 Phase 7 0 35 3796403122 -1221.273911 Novato It: XCUT Mq'//4Y[sYMII.74m!l4MW! 2/1/2023 153 $7044 1245 1249 Phase Phase 5 6 2 0 205 85 3796395111 37.96382295 -122.502616 -1225023572121Nnv W: Pl�-PAID, tam 2/1/2023 897 $4125 :,t//al•uYust•7.+maronawf 2/1/2023 3.19 $146.6; 1252 Phase 7 0 3.5 3796377563 -122.502265921 Novato St: Ntq'/Jai-uNM•74m+ton4vn mm 2/1/2023 153 $7044 1253 Phase 5 0 3 3796372GO4 422502235421 Novato St: M1gJ/lYW 1Mt•2 am+toruns -fbt 2/1/2023 094 $431 1254 Phase 4 3 4 3796361542 -122.5021133 it wzNltD.it c►YM11 C1R Mtpa//t3•uYeat•7.µn+toruw Dorn/ 2/1/2023 175 $90.5 1256 Phdf42 2 0 15 3796365738 -12250209811421 Kerner Blvd On Novato It: LCUT%CUT ....- 2/1/2023 019 $863 1257 Ph1142 5 0 25 3796369553 -12 50209813421 Kerner Blvd 01 Novato St: XCUT LCUT Mpa/Al•W-4411.2 -tyn-- 2/1/2023 078 $3594 1258 Ph+1+7 7 6 IS 37 9636840 -122 S-0511 1421 Kerner Blvd On Novato It: LCUT PATCH MtPa/Al• W-Doti/ +m+zpnavn -IM 2/1/2023 122 $56 06 1264 Phase 5 0 15 37.9629631 -122-5-754220 Larkspur St:%CUT Mq'/A7•tu-eM•lam+lmaxel mm 2/1/2023 047 $2156 1265 Phase 5 0 25 379630127 -122502769S 20 Larkspur St: XCUT hllq'/AYWPM•24m+rzwvn caxn 2/1/2023 078 $3594 1266 Phase 5 3 4 3796300125 -122 5027947 20 Larkspur It XCUT MMJA3-W%4M-?MOro -mm1b 2/1/2023 200 $9200 1270 Pk-2 4 0 i 3796303559 -122 5029297 20 La rkspur St: MOO/0-WaNt•7+mazonzrf mm/ 2/1/2023 075 $3450 1271 PMae2 4 0 25 3796305094 -122. 502998420 Larkspur St:By Parking Sign XCUT MP1J/tYWvaµ•7am+roruwi mm( 2/1/1033 063 $2875 1272 Phase 6 0 1.5 37963096G2 -122 5029449 20 LarkspurSt: By Parking Sign XCUT M[gJJaLuf•P+µ•7+m!lwuwtm 2/1/2023 056 $2588 1275 Phase 4 1 4 3796311951 -122.503044120 Larkspur St: Past Water Box. -I-- -fbt 2/1/2023 125 $5750 1276 Ph+fe7 4 0 4 37.96321869 -1225032043301Larkspur St: huts. /Al--.t-I+m4t- mm 2/1/2023 100 $460C 1277 Phne2 4 1 4 3796326828 -122.5033188301arkspur St: At Electric box MtgJh3mflaat-74m4ron4w•f 2/1/2023I 125 $5750 1279 Phase 5 0 3 37.96337120 -122-5034561 50 Larkspur St: Be fore Apron XCUT httgJ/0-1-24maranawa 2/1/2023 094 $4313 1200 Phase 2 0 1 37.96337128 .122-503471450 LarkspurSt: Before Apron XCUT Mlq'//J-y PI.2.4msron+ws 2/1/2023 013 $575 1283 Phase 4 1 4 3796356964 -1225038071 50 Larkspur St: LCUT Mtq//t1'-9-2+m+roruwf 2/1/2023 125 $5750 1287 Phase2 2 1 4 379636192 -1225039293 50 LarkspurSt: At No Parking Sign. LCUT hllq J/U•yYNµ-2-non4rxl tom[ 2/1/2023 075 $3450 1288 Phase 4 0 2.5 37.9636802 -122.503997850 Larkspur St: LCUT https://s3-us-easb2 amazonaws mm/b 2/1/2023 063 $2875 1292 Phase 8 0 35 37.96372223 -122504097 I.-rkspur It: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/1/2023 175 $805 1296 Phase 4 3 4 3796390152 -1225044022 aOt rkspur St: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/1/2023 175 5805 1299 Phase 4 3 4 3796401215 -122 SD45319 90 Larkspur St: Before Flrehydrant At Crack LCUT -fbt 2/1/2023 175 $805 1302 Phµ42 4 0 5 379641037 -122 5047531 90 Larkspur St: Parallel Cut. At WW. hryq'//sluYNft•7lmatww mm 2/1/2023 125 $575 1303 Phase 4 4 4 37.96412659 -1225040447 90 Larkspur St: Atcr,& LCUT MigJh3•wcMl-7am+ron+sn-1 2/1/2023 200 $92 1307 Phase 4 0 3 379642964 -1225051041100 Larkspur St: At Water Box. MM 11.3 Y 12+m+i-cam/ 2/1/2023 075 $345 1309 Ph-1 5 3 2 3796433159 -122.5050659 L00 LarkspurSt: At Water box LCUT h(tq,J/aLu1<aµ 7amatoruwt Wm 2/1/2023 100 $46 1310 Ir.41+2 3 1 1 37.96432877 -122.5051041100 Larkspur St: At Water box. LCUT Mq'/A1wa+fF2.4m.ron+wl mrn/ 2/1/2023 025 $1150 1311 Phase 5 0 7 37,96429825 -122.5051117100 Larkspur St: Parallel Cut Mps'//d-W nµ-1.Nn+tpuwl 2/1/2023 219 $10063 1316 Phase 5 2 4 379WG991 -122.5054092 L10 Larkspur S[: hryq/JsYW-eaft•7 amaroruwm 2/1/2023 175 $805 1319 Phase2 4 1 4 37.96465683 -1225057755 t20 Larkspur St: At Parking Spot 248 Mlq'J/a3-10.2 am4roaaw 2/1/2023 125 5575 1322 hase2 S 3 4 37.96471024 -122.5059823120 Larkspur St: At Fire Hydrant httq'/A3•W m-74mlICN.MIm 2/1/2023 200 $9200 1328 Phase 4 0 2 379648819 -122.5061417196 Larkspur St: Mq//f3•W4as1.7 rmuen+v.+mwm 2/1/2023 050 $2300 1330 Phase 5 0 2 37.96488953 -122 5061874 196 Larkspur St: At Water Box.%CUT Mq//U•w+ns-2lmaltuurnt 2/1/2023 063 $2875 1331 Phase 3 0 1 3796489334 -122.5061798196 Larkspur St: At Water Box At Crack XCUT itiq'//13•us•e+sl•2 am+aauwn -At 2/1/2023 019 $a 63 1335 1349 Phase Phase 10 5 0 0 20 25 379650383 379649581 -122.5064247)Jm'.1zgzr5t -122.5065689 h-MCut AtA- 355 Canal St On LarkspurSt: At Crack PATCH NIP% -4-- -Im 2/1/2023 1250 $57500 MIgJAJ-IZYe+f1.2 am+l4ruvn -N 2/2/2023 078 $3594 1351 Phase 4 2 4 379650077 -122.506424185 Larkspur St :At Pacific Telephone Box LCUT httq JAI-W avµ-2 +muonAwl -N 2/2/2023 150 $6900 1352 Phase 4 0 35 3796487045 -1225063553 M Larkspur St https://s3-uYeast-2 amazonaws mm/bt 2/2/2023 098 54025' 1MI Phase 4 2 4 3796475467 -122.5062287125 Larkspur St Unit 113: LCUT Nlq l/f3-wN1t•7 amsrauwac 2/2/2023 150 $6900 1363 Phl.2 6 1 4 3795464157 -122.5060272125 Larkspur St Unit 119: hlfq//43•vYNft•14m+tonaws tom 2/2/2023 175 $805 1364 1365 1369 Ph-2 Phase Phase 2 4 4 6 0 0 2 23.5 5 45 3796461487 379646492 37 96450424 -122.5059209 -1225059052 -122 505661 i 125 Larkspur St Unit: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/h 2/2/2023 588 $27025 2/2/2023 125 $575 2/2/2023 2 25 $103 5 1378 Phase 4 W04' 3796404266 -1225048523911i11p1r3L: h-r f_IhQ A:O nryq'//f3-W.p1p24m+tonavn mm/ 2/2/2023 S00 $4600Phase2 5 3796406174 -122504859E 191W1,10O St. M11MCuz ATMQt Mips // ..-M•2+m1lONwae4m[ 2/2/2023 266 $12219 Date created - 6/1 /2023 3 of 12 �np Hazard Removal Specialists 1387 Phase 4 0 3 37963WS15 .122504447980 Larkspur It Mi. M3.W W-2amata+s+w 2/2/2023 075 $3450 1388 Phase 4 0 3 37.963771B2 -122 5044403 60 Larkspur It Min /A.1-4.1-)arnat4Mw 2/2/2023 075 $3450 1389 Phase 4 2 45 3796376601 -122 504409B 80 Larkspur 5t: Miq /A3•Wtau•J.amawuwmVW 2/2/2023 169 $7761 1391 h-2 a a 1 37963714 -1225042191 80Larkspur 5t: Mtq /A3•WHN•7 +nutonaw rom! 2/2/2023 050 $2300 1393 Ph-2 4 1 4 37.9634742 -122 50393 63 Larkspur S[: LCUT Miq-//f7•Wt+N•7 amarWw 1.- 2/2/2023 125 $575 1399 Phase2 6 0 35 37.9633064 -122.503547759 Larkspur It At Crack Mlq'//17•Weau•7 ametauw 2/2/2023 131 $603 1400 Ph-2 5 0 2.5 37.96330261 -122.5036011 9 Larkspur It: XCUT Mlq /A3-W bp-)arNtpnaw 2/2/2023 075 $3594 1401 ►h-2 3 0 15 379632720 -122503517259Larkspur St: XCUT htlq/A}Wanl•l ametauw 2/2/2023 029 $1294 1403 Phase 2 4 1 4 5 37 963256B4 .122 503S4 59 Larkspur It: hllpr/Al-Df�ene-) am+10Mw 2/2/2023 141 S64 6 1405 Phase 11 0 15 37.9632225 -122.503395115 Larkspur It PARALLEL CLfr, Mtq J/t}Weax•7.amatonaw 2/2/2023 1031 $4743 1407 Phaw2 5 2 4 37.96311953 -122.503219649 Larkspur St: Mlq//f7•us•!xl•2Amaronaw rom/D 2/2/2023 175 $Ws 1410 h-2 4 0 35 379630127 -122. 502960239 Larkspur It Mtq//f7•W rxt•7ama»naw 2/2/2023 0Be $402S 1411 Phase 6 0 35 3796291733 -122.502777139 Larkspur It At Crack 111q//al•N•ea4.7 amalauw 2/2/202 131 $603E 1418 Phase 4 0 3 37.9627265 -1215024185 27 Larkspur St: At Crack "In /A}u-m-7+Mren+w 2/2/2023 0.75 $3450 1419 ►haw2 4 0 2 37.96273804 -122.502403327 Larkspur It At Crack XCUT Mlq/h7-N-past•2 xn+ron+w 2/2/2023 0.50 $2300 1420 ►hast2 4 0 2 37.9627227 -122.5024033 27 Larkspur St: At Crack XCUT Mtq//t1--aral-)amarauw 2/2/2023 050 S2300 1421 Ph+ 2 3 3 2 37.9627151 -12250232727 La rkspur It At Storm Crain At Crack LCUT Min//0-.-sl•2 an - - - 2/2/2023 075 $3450 1422 Phase2 4 0 2 37.9627418 -122502327 27Larkspur It At Storm Drain. LCUT XCUT Mtpa//t3 uf•exl•I.+marauw 2/2/202 050 $23 DO 1423 Phase 6 0 25 37.96270751 -122,5023422 27 Larkspur 5[: At St -Drain XCUT LCUT hltq//al-WNM }amatWw -IN 2/2/2023 094 $4313 1424 Phase 4 3 3 37.96273041 -122.5023346 27Larkspur It At Storm Drain. At Crack. LCUT Mlq'//t]-uveatl•)+m+_ 2/2/2021 131 S6038 1425 Phase 5 0 3 379627227 -122.5023043 27Larksp.rSt: At Storm Drain hllq//t}ut•eatl•7 amar4naw 2/2/2021 094 $4313 1427 Phaw2 5 0 3 37.9615516 -122.5026321 3301 Kerner Blvd On Belvedere It: LCUT hitq'//a}N•ee11•)ama--con/ 2/2/202 094 $4313 1428 Phase2 4 0 35 379615593 -122.50263213301 Kerner Blvd On Belvedere St: At Crack LCUT MIDI /ALWraN•1.arMton+w mrw 2/2/2021 0.98 $402 1429 h-2 5 0 175 3796161652 -122.502700 1301 Kerner Blvd On Belvedere St: Parallel cut Mlq'//WWrxt•J ematpnaw 2/2/2023 547 $2515 1431 Phase 2 5 a 2 5 37 9616394 -122 5026855 3301 Kerner Bivd On Belvedere St: LCUT "In +matww ca 2/2/202 078 $3594 1437 Phase 9 7 6.5 3796199203 -122. 502950924 Belvedere St: LCUT MIq//a}ut•txt•7amattmawro 2/2/2023 6.50 $299 Oa 1439 Phase 4 0 2.5 37,96195994 -122.503021224 Belvedere St: hitq'lA}-M-2.amaronaw 2/2/2023 063 $297 1440 Phase 7 0 13 37962005Q -122, 5031281 hllq//a}WraM.2 amltWw tam/ 2/2/2021 5.69 $261.63 1"1 1111e2 5 0 25 37162-141 -111*1031-3 11 Belvedere St: 106 Box Mtq://s}uf•ext•]amatauw 2/2/2023 078 $3594 1443 Phase2 5 0 35 3796212387 -122. 503311236 Belvedere It Mlq'1/t}urtxl•7a .-- -1, 2/2/2023 109 $5031 1444 Phase 6 2 4 3796212006 -122.503372236 Belvedere It M[q -Alt 2/2/2023 200 $9200 1445 Phase 4 0 55 3796221924 -122. 503562940 Belvedere It Parallel Cut. LCUT Miq//a7--iril.J.am+iDh+M rom 2/2/2023 138 $632 1446 Phase 4 1 4 3796222687 -121503562940 Belvedere St: LCUT Min -//al-ut-a-2 am+t4naw 2/2/2023 125 $575 1447 Phase 5 0 35 3796221161. -122.503509540 Belvedere It Parallel Cut Min //f3tis 9-2 amarwww cem 2/2/2023 109 $5031 1449 Phase 4 0 05 3796219635 -122.503601140 Belvedere It Atuack. LCUT. XCUT Msq//a}N-ext•2.amarauw 2/2/2023 0.13 $5.75 1450 Phase 3 0 05 3796221542 -122.5035856 40BeWedereSt: Atuack XCUTLCUT Min /A3-u .W.2 --lb, 2/2/2023 D09 $431 1451 PhAN2 2 0 15 3796220398 -12250362440Be1vedere St:Atuack LCLrr XCUT Miq//t3•N _-1 amatDeaw 2/2/2023 019 $863 1452 Phaw2 5 0 35 3796220398 -122.503624408elvedere5t:Atuack XCUTLCUT hltq//a}Wexl•l amarauw 2/2/1023 109 55031 1453 Phaw2 7 0 2 37.96223068 -12250362440 Belvedere It: LCUT XCLfr Mips-//a7-N-earl•]amatvuw c-I 2/2/2023 088 $4025 1454 Ph-2 j 7 j 0 2 3796223831 -122.503593440 Belvedere It: OC XCUr mtq/A}We+p-)amarpn+wc 2/2/2023 088 $402 1456 Ph-2 8 0 3 37.96221542 -122.503578240 Belvedere It Parallel Cut. hilq/A3--exl•2.+ I--epm 2/2/2023 1.50 S6900 1457 Phaw2 4 0 35 3796227646 -122,503692640 Belvedere St: hltq//t}uf-e 0.2-a-- 2/2/2023 088 S4025 1458 Phaw2 5 0 25 37.96227264 -122.503646940 Belvedere It At Crack. XCUT Mtq'//13-N-Nu 2.amareww 2/2/2023 0.78 $3594 1459 Phase 3 0 15 37.96229172 -122.503700340 Belvedere It At Crack. XCUT LCUT hlipa/A3-Wexl.2 amatOnaw -11st 2/2/2023 0.2E $1294 1462 ►h-2 12 0 25 3796234894 -122503768940Be1veders St: XCUT hllDa//J•Weau•7 amaruuw _N 2/2/2023 1.88 $8625 1417 1haw2 4 2 55 37%284866 422 5.6531 16 Belvedere It: Parallel Cut h11. 1/a}Wexl•2 ar 1-- 2/2/202 206 $9488 1474 haN2 4 3 5 379629364 -122504867676-A Belvedere St: Parallel Cut Mlq//0-urs-ft•)amatpruw ee 2/2/202 219 510063 1484 PhaN2 2 1 4 37.96342087 -1225056B39 Be Belvedere It: LCUT Mtq//tl-N NIL] ematPMw- 2/6/202 075 $3450 1489 Phaw2 4 1 2 3796360397 -122,506027211D Belvedere St: At crack LCUT hfiq//s}N�af1•l am+ttww 2/6/2021 063 $2875 1490 Phase 3 0 1 3796360016 -1225060272130Belvedere5t: LCUT MI.//s3•N•txl-J am+rpnaw ca 2/6/2023 019 $863 1491 Phase 1 1 2 379636039 -122506012110 Belvedere It: At Crack LCUT M[q ­4w 2/6/202 050 $23 IXI 1495 Phase 4 2 45 3796369553 -122 5062409 124Belvedere St: At Crack Mlq'//t}uayal[7 amaren+wro 2/6/2023 1.69 $7763 1496 Phase 5 3 45 3796373749 -122 5062637 124 BelvedereIt: Mlq'//al-us-eafl•7 amararww -ist 2/6/2023 225 $10350 Date created - 6/1 /2023 4 of 12 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING del 1. a�M 6�^l 1515 Phase2 6 0 2,5 3796434402 .122. 5072937150 Belvedere St: LOUT Mq'//sS-ysaaµ.T amazayw -Alt 2/6/2023 094 $4313 1522 Phase 2 5 1 4 37 96437836 -122.5074463 I62 Belvedere St: LOUT htW //Fius-easz•T JmataNws mmJ 2/6/2023 150 $6900, 1523 PhW2 4 2 4 31S-!558 422.501137 112 Belvedere St: Mq//s3•Weasi.2+m)teww.own 2/6/2023 150 $6900 1524 PhM2 + 0 15 3796446991 -122507576172 Belvedere St: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaw mm/b 2/6/2023 038 $172 1525 Phase2 2 0 15 3796450424 -122 5076523 172 Belvedere St: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amaxonaws mm/b 2/6/2023 019 $863 1531 Phase 4 1 2 3796465683 -122,5078M 182Belvedere St: At Crack Mlq'//a!•w•e+st•1.Jm)tp,ur4 mm/ 2/6/2023 063 $2875 1538 Phase 4 2 45 3796465683 -122.5081406175 Belvedere St- Mlq//tYus•f1sFl.am+tww- 2/6/2023 169 $7763 1548 hase2 13 1 5 3796425247 -122507469288 Vivian St On Belvedere St: OC Mq'//a}us•fW7 sm)toMw 2/6/2023 438 $2012 1549 Phase 6 0 15 37.96430206 -122507507388Vivian St On Belvedere St:XCUT Mips qsl-Wf)K•la vvt mmJ 2/6/2023 056 $258 1550 Phase 11 0 3.5 3796425629 -122.507476889 Vivian St On Belvedere St: XCUT LCUT Mtq'I/s3•WfaK•7 )marpn)w tem/ 2/6/2023 241 $1106 1553 Phase 4 2 4 37.9642295 -122 5073929 88 Vivian St On Belvedere St:LCUT Mtq'1/s}Wnst-7 JmJtt -- 2/6/2023 1.50 $69. 1556 Phm2 2 0 2 3796362305 -1225068512 96 L-se St On Belverde St: LCUT Kim JA3W t-7)matnnaw Wm 2/6/2023 025 $115 1557 Ph-2 3 2 4 37 9638900 -122 5067749 96 Louise St On Belverde St: LCUT Mtq'f/s3-un-fnt-2 un+tpn+w -fbt 2/6/2023 125 $57 5 1560 1h.2 2 0 3 37.963871 -122 5067062 96 Louise St On Belverde St LCUT Mtq'!N}Weaµ•T.+muauw -IM 2/6/2023 038 $17.2 1568 hw2 3 0 1.5 37.96381378 -122 5064 54 5 96 Louise St On Belverde St: XCUT Mtq'//CVWisw -1 amatauw cem 2/6/2023 028 $12.94 1569 ph-2 5 0 2.5 37.96373749 -1225063939 6Louise St On Belverde St: XCUT Mips-//a}WNtI.7.am)tWw mm 2/6/2023 079 S3594 1570 Ihm2 7 0 3.5 3796372986 .122 5063934 06 Louise St On Belverde St: Mps/Js}Worst-T +m)tauw -N 2/6/2023 153 $7044 1571 Phase2 5 0 2 379637146 -1225063171 T6 Louise St On Belverde St: XCUT MIM -Ast 2/6/2023 063 $2875 1572 Phase2 5 0 2 37.96366501. -1225063324 96 Louise St On Belverde St: XCUT Mtpsf L3-i1K-2 amateww mm/ 2/6/2023 0.63 $28.7 1573 Phase 4 1 4 37.96360397 -122 5061569 96 Louise St Across 110 Belverde St: Mlq-//+7•Wmi-7 am+ttww mm/ 2/6/2023 125 $575 1579 Phase2 3 0 1 3796341705 -122.5058517 96 Louise St Across 110 Belverde St XCUT b"P.R.3--a-2 -M 2/6/2023 019 $863 1580 Phase 11 0 3 3796344376 .122,505836596 Louise St Across 110 Belverde St: XCUT Mill. 'J/t2- --2 amamnaw mm/ 2/6/2023 206 $9488 1581 Phase 16 1 4 3796341324 -122.505744996 Louise St Across 110 Belverde S[ Mtq'//+j•,p.eaµ-1 +m+ton+w oom/b 2/6/2023 425 $19550 1583 Phase 10 1 4 37.96304321 -122,50518895 Belvedere St: Mq 1/0-Wea 2sm+mMw 2/6/2023 275 $12650 1585 Phase2 6 0 2 379629783 -122 5050812 25 Market St On Belverde St: XCUT hitq-Ag 2/6/2023 075 $3450 15B6 Phase 7 0 2 379629631 -1225053041 25Market St On Belverde5t;%CUTLCUT Mtq'1/3-us•Hµ•2­n mm 2/6/2023 088 $4025 1589 Phase 2 10 0 11 37.96289825 -122 5049286 85 Belverde St : XCUT Min'/fa3v -2.+matauw 2/6/2023 156 $71 86 1590 Phase 5 0 15 37.96289825 -122.505027885 Belverde St: XCUT LCUT Mlq•//U•sw•fJµ•2 Ju4toNw 2/6/2023 047 $2156 1595 Phase 2 7 2 4 37 9629097 -122 SN9296 85 Belverde St: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 arn-naw mm/h 2/6/2023 2 25 $103 50 1601 Phase 4 0 3 3796268092 -122 5046082 79 Belverde5t: At Crack https://z3-us-east-2 amaxonaws mm/b 2/6/2023 075 $345 1602 Phase 5 1 25 3796266556 -122.504539561 Belverde St: At Crack https://s3.us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/6/2023 094 $4313 1603 Phase 7 1 4 j 3796265793 -1221046.1 1BO-de St. Nip //s3-pow-2.am)ttuuw.ean 2/6/2023 200 $92 1607 Phase2 8 6 4 1 379fi249008 4221.2341 IS Belverde St: LCUT Mips//al•us•eaµ•2 amate,uw -fbt 2/6/2023 350 $16100 1610 h- 2 4 2 4 37 96249771 -122 5041656 55 B+ dt 51 2/6/2023 150 $69 00 1614 1617 Phase2 Phase 12 4 12 0 2 2 3796220016 37,96200561 -122.5037537 -122. 503356951 Be6fdtee St: tRtK'/h}N•NN•7 amazonaw wm Miq'1fs}WfJst•7 Jmatonaw. tom/ 2/6/2023 2/6/2023 300 $138 00 0.50 $2300 1619 Phase 2 4 0 3 37.96194839 -122 5032883 21 Behind -St Mtq f/s}ysa+at.T amuan+w .-Ibt 2/6/2023 0 75 $34 50 1620 Phase2 4 2 7 5 37.96191406 -122 5031967 21 Belvedere St: Parallel Cut Mq'//t3•We)µ•2 amitauw m 2/6/2023 281 $129 3 1623 Phase 2 0 1.5 37.96189117 -122 5031052 21 Belvedere St: At Crack. XCUT Meq//t;-usaastJ]sn+zonaw mm 2/6/2023 019 $863 1624 Phase 5 0 3 37.96196829 -122.503173 218eluedere St: At Crack.XCUT Mq//s1-We111-71mJtonaw mm 2/6/2023 094 $4313 1626 Phase 5 0 3 37.96183395 -122.5030441151 Bellam Blvd On Belvedere St XCUT ItKq'//s!•uaeaµ•lJm)tYuw mml 2/6/2023 094 $4313 1627 Phase 4 0 1 379618187 -122. 50308991516ellam Blvd On Belvedere St: XCUT Mq'//s3-y U-2a v,% 2/6/2023 025 $115 1630 1hase2 5 0 1 37,96183014 -122.5029907151 BeIlam Blvd On Belvedere St: XCUT Mps'//t3•ybf)µ.7 +m)t.- 2/6/2023 031 $143 1631 1h,se2 10 0 3 37.96182251 -122 5029755 151 BeIlam Blvd On Belvedere St:XCUT IKtq'//sYWNK-7 am)lpMwsCo.Vbt 2/6/2023 188 $862 1633 hase2 4 1 4 3796180725 -122,5029831151 BeIlam Blvd On Belvedere St:A mpg/A11-ust•2-ion-mm 2/6/2023 125 $57.5 1635 hase2 4 2 4 37 9617424 -122 5029297 1518e11am Blvd On Belvedere5t: https://z3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/h 2/6/2023 150 $6900 1636 h4W2 7 0 35 37 9617424 -122 5029221 151 Bellam Blvd On Belvedere S[ _ https://z3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/bL 2/6/2023 153 $7044 1640 lfif 2 f 1 4 37.9615440,1 -122 5.7771 151 Bellam Blvd On Belvedere St: Nip //s3- 4.1-2 amufnawi m 2/6/2023 125 $57 5 1641 PhW2 4 1 4 3796150589 -122 5027847 151 BeIlam Blvd On Belvedere St Mtq//s.-m-2 Jmatmytvta -1W 2/6/2023 1.25 $575 1643 Ih..e2 5 4 45 3796482888 -122509615330 Mill St: At PGE baz https://s3-us-east-2 amaxonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 253 S11644 1647 1,4se2 4 1 4 37965126N -122 5100403 60 Hoag St On Mill St: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/h 2/7/2023 125 $575 1649 Phase2 4 0 3 3796574402 .122,510949 L02 Mill St- https://s3.us.east-2 amaxonaws mm/bk 2/7/2023 075 $3450 1652 F h1y2 3 0 3.5 379656677T -1225111313114 Mill St: LCUT Miq//aJ•WMµ-2.am)tauw 2/7/2023 066 $30.1 Date created - 6/1 /2023 5 of 12 *0!�E� rip Plwird iiMtfOvel Sp1.3cfalisis a. twr swr..l .w. PwY u..r. e� ,,.. •��, ..m�r�..e. an..nn.. +,....m.M m.. ....... r. 1657 Phase2 9 0 9 3796581268 -12251127627+11441451 ATASPNALT. httq//al­eaw•2 amarnnawt m 2/7/2023 506 $2328 1662 Phase2 4 0 3S 37.96587372 -122511436577119PMSt ATASP3IAIT. Mtq'//t!•us-eM•]+maravvn -ng 2/7/2023 08B $402 1663 ►h-2 6 0 85 37.96595764 -122511573877111111646511' ATAWhALT Mtpa-//4]•YtYHi•]+mattlNwt <om/tl 2/7/2023 319 $14663 1666 Ph-2 11 0 1 3796609879 -122 51IS866 150 Mill St: At Asphalt Mq'//s3-cn•ust•7 +mazanawt tem 2/7/2023 069 93163 1667 Ph-2 6 0 3 3796613312 -122512046E 1SO M it 15 t: At Parking L. t At-& Ntq'/h3• -,t4 amtttuuwt -AA 2/7/2023 1.13 $517 1672 Phase2 4 1 65 37.96572113 -122. 5112228123 Mill St: NtglhYu3lMf•7.am+toMwt -IN 2/7/2023 2.03 $9344 1673 Ph-2 5 0 55 37.96563339 -122 5111389 123 Mill St: Mq/pLwptt•7amatona.tmm 2/7/2023 1.72 $7906 1674 Ph-2 3 0 15 3796556854 -122 5110323 123 Mill St XCUT hltq'//d•ut•P+t-)A— 2/7/2023 028 51294 1675 Phase2 7 0 55 3796SS799 -122 5110321 123 Mill St: XCUT Mq//tLusant4 am+tenawt -At 2/7/2024 241 51106 1677 Ph-2 5 0 25 37,96559143 -122. 5110779771Hoag5t On M ill St:XCUT httW//t3•w M-2 Pmatanawl -N 2/7/2023 0.79 $3594 1678 Phase2 3 0 35 37.96560287 -122. 511070377 Hoag St On Mill St XCUT nttgJ(tS-ut•NR•7.Mnarozuwt -IN 2/7/2023 066 $30.19 1679 Phase2 16 0 45 37.96554947 -122 S11039777Hoag St On Mill St XCUT Mlpa//U us•ext•]amattww mm 2/7/2023 450 $2070 1680 Ph..2 4 0 2 379GS56473 -122511070377 Hoag St On Mill St: XCUT LCUT Ntq//ti'u1•ea4f•]4m+tenaWt Mm 2/7/2023 050 $23 DO 1682 Phase2 5 0 15 37,96557999 -122 5110016 77 Hoag St On Mill St: XCUT Istt0/10--nt•7 arnatonr+n -N 2/7/2023 047 $2156 1683 h-2 3 0 55 37,96556854 -122.510978777 Hoag St On M ill St: XCUT nitq'//t!•went•7.amatPnaw tom 2/7/2023 103 $47 A4 1691 PhM2 2 1 2 3796462468 -122, 509666425 Mill St: At Crack, LCUT MIm//t3...- .2 amatanavn -ft 2/7/2023 03B 5172 1692 Ph-2 2 0 1 379647789 -122 5097198 25 Mill St: LCUT XCUT h110t/1f3•ut•rMt•7+mattwrs -fbt 2/7/202 013 $5,7 1693 Phase2 5 0 2 37.96490179 -122. 5097427 25 Mill St: XCUTLCl1T nllPi//13•uYe+ii•7.MnatoM..scwn 2/7/2023 063 $2675 1696 Phase2 10 0 2 37.96478973 -122 5096647 11 Mill St: XCUT Mtq//17- ftt•7+matpura -Ibt 2/7/2023 1.25 $57.5 1697 Phase2 9 0 2 37.96478653 -122 5096741 11 Mill St: XCUT hltq//t3.YY 9.2 2/7/2023 1.13 $51.7 1698 Phase 2 11 2 4 5 37 96476364 -122 S096283 11 MA 51 hops://s3-useast-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 366 $1681 1699 Phase2 6 0 35 3796475983 -122 5096283 11 Mill St: Parallel Cut, hltq//t!-w eNh2 amamnawt -fw 2/7/2023 131 $6033 17W Phase2 3 1 2 37.96471405 -12250949111 Mill St: Parallel Cut, LCUT Mpl'//tYvt• .2-----can rok 2/7/2023 050 $23 Oa 1701 Phase2 6 1 4 37.9647216 -122. 509483311 Mill St: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 1.75 $805 1703 Phase2 5 0 2 3796385574 -12250990310 Front St: httq//liuwnt•]+m+zauweum 2/7/2023 063 $287 1709 Phase2 4 2 4 37,964077 .122. 510185214 Front St: At Crack. Mill.fllut_U-2.+ma:tuvvn tem 2/7/2023 1.50 $69.00 1710 Phase2 4 0 35 37.96408944 -122,510215814 Front St: At Crack. _AA 2/7/2023 088 $402 1713 Phase2 4 0 2 37.96426773 -122 5105438 20 Front St: LCUT M1aa/h3•ut I.2amattmawt tom/tl 2/7/2023 050 $2300 1714 Phase 2 6 0 1 37.96425247 -122 5105743 20 F-I St : LCUT hOq'//al Wu &t•2 amatzwrs ­Ibt 2/7/2023 039 $17 2 1715 Phase2 2 0 2 37,96424BSG .1225106NS 32 Front St: XCUT 2/7/2023 025 $115 1721 Phase2 6 0 35 37.96443176 -1225106719 MFront St:%C- hltq//U-ut-++fh7JmaMn+zn mm 2/7/2023 1.31 $60,3 1722 Phase2 2 0 05 37.96445847 -121510879536Frant St: XCUT. https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 006 $2,811 1725 Phase2 2 0 3 37.96460342 -122511108448 Front St : LCUT. h[[ps://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 039 $172 172E Phase2 4 0 14 379646759 -122511344948 Front 51: Parallel Cut https://s3.us.east-2 amazonaws mm/h 2/7/2023 350 S161 Oa 1730 1733 Phase2 Phase2 4 3 3 0 35 25 37.96484756 -122,5115891 7111 I Front St: LCUT https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws mm/b h[lps://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 1.53 0.47 $70. $21.5- 37.96484375 -111-5116425112 1737 Phase2 9 0 9 3796493912 -122511718877112 rrpnt$I Pazallel l.ut YCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/7/2023 506 $2328 1738 Ph-2 3 0 1 3796495056 -1225117416 7117PrW9St;PXAYC111XW,, https://s3-us-east-2 am a..n mm/b 2/7/2023 019 $96 1740 ►haw 2 5 0 115 37 96498108 -122.5117722 112 Front St: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws t../bb 2/7/2023 359 $165 33 1741 Ph-2 5 0 415 3796503067 -1225119476 133rf-t5t'PzuaArlH https://0-us-east-2 amazonaws ­/bt 2/7/2025 12,97 $596,5 1743 Ph-2 5 0 335 3796507263 -121511955371112ft 51 Penal Cut https:H/3-us-eas1-2 amazonaws cam/b 2/7/2023 10A7 5491.56 1745 Ph-2 4 0 35 379651261H -122. 5120697112 Front St https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 088 $4025 1748 Phw2 4 0 55 379651NS9 -122. 5122528 I11Fron15t: Parallel Cut https:H/3-us-eas1-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 138 $632 1749 Phow2 4 0 35 3796535873 -122.5125351136Front St https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 ON $402 1750 PhaM2 4 0 85 37965396 .122. 51255N 13G Front St: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/7/2023 213 $977 1752 ►h+M2 4 0 105 37.96445094 -1225111WS 71 Front St: XCUT Mq//t!•ut•N4.7 anVta4wt0.,Vm 2/7/2023 263 $1207 1753 ►hate2 4 0 1 3796447754 -122.511100871 Front St: XCUT Mtq/AS.-<W.2 amamMr+ -N 2/7/2023 025 $115 1754 Phow2 5 0 Il 3796445847 -122, 5110626 71 Front St Mt"I/0-ario]amattlnawt -At 2/7/2023 344 $15813 1756 Ph-2 5 0 305 37.9643096 - 122.5109711 2 1 Fron t St: Parallel Cut Niq'//13•u 04 Lnat(wwltan 2/7/2023 9.53 S43844 1757 Ph-2 3 1 25 3796437454 -122 S10902421 Front St: LCUT hops://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/7/2023 063 $267 175E Ph-2 5 3 3 3796434402 -122 5109177 21 Front St: LCUT NePa//t3-u1-e+t1•]am+zan+wa tam 2/7/2023 150 S5900 1759 Phase2 3 0 15 37,96440508 -122. 510925321 Front St: LCUT Mtq//t3• .W-]amstauws mrn/ 2/7/2023 028 $12.9 176D 1hase2 1 6 1 0 1 125 1 37%43631 -122.51.-1+1 Fron t St: Parallel Cut. -UT Niq//s3•wf+st•l amafoMtM Wm 2/7/2023 469 $21563 Date created - 6/1 /2023 6 of 12 �rlP Hazard Rerrwva3 Specialists r 1761 1762 Phase Phase a 16 0 0 4.5 625 3796434784 3796432877 -1225308948 422.110B79521F R:, . 1 St: Parallel Cut XCl7T naps /Jil•went-7 amatauw mm nttDa //1}uPaa[t-7.amamnaon ttrn 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 113 6250 $5175 $2,87500 1763 Phase 5 0 9 37.96435928 422510679511 Front St: Parallel Cut r.m -IM 2/7/2023 281 S12938 1764 Phase 4 3 2.5 37.96430588 422510.s37 2t Frorst 9: tcur naps-Ibt 2/7/2023 109 SS031 1765 Phase 4 1 35 3796431351 -122 5108185 0 n lr MSt Mtq/iil'WMMt-1 amaNMM tan 2/7/2023 109 $5031 1766 Phase 3 2 2.5 379fi NEI -1225308032 71FroNSt %CM Miq'/!sl-ut-e..l-].amatonavnmm 2/7/2023 078 $3594 1767 Phase 3 3 3.5 37.96432871 -122.510849 it FrwitU "UT -a-- 2/7/2023 131 $6035 1768 PNu7 4 0 3 3796430969 412.53084911 Front S[: At Crack XCUT hnq fla.. e.g.) -tan.- _N 2/7/2023 075 $345 1769 Phase 3 0 25 379643058 -12251078E 21 Front St: At Crack XCUT Miq'pwvre".2 amatwuw 1-fta 2/7/2023 047 $215 1771 Phase 5 4 25 37.96431352 -122.5307269 VURot St. 1LI/3 Mtq'//il•-tl-2 -ron.- _Ak 2/7/2023 141 $6469 1772 he.2 4 1 35 3796425629 -122.5106964A211iont St LCN Mtq'/JfLwesA-7 amatauwmm 2/7/2023 109 $5031 1773 Ph..2 6 2 25 3796424484 -1225106811})21FrcrsM LCUT I httq'!h3-_t4 amatarunn _AA 2/7/2023 125 $575 1774 ansul 4 3 2.5 3796426773 -1225106961 21 Ftord R. LM I Nip 'J1.3-- tt-2 amatarlavn -Ibt 2/7/2023 109 $5031 1775 PNta2 6 1 1 37,96429825 -122.510749921 Front St: At Crack Mtq-/Jf}uNW2.amaronarn mm 2[7/2023 044 $2013 1779 Phase 2 5 0 11.5 37 9fi42143] -122.51C704 21 Front St Parallel Cut hum '//a -ont•2 amuorusvr mm 2/7/2023 359 $165 31 1786 Phase 4 1 6 3796522M -11151MM 101 Francisco M- E On Harbor Et: LCUT huq'/M•Weatt 7.smatonlaK mm/ 2/8/2023 186 $8625 1788 M-2 4 3 6 37965854fi4 -122513267E 26 Harbor St Mtq'J/a9•W 9-2 amsta.uen can 2/8/2023 263 $12075 1789 Phase 5 3 7 3796612167 -122 5131073 26 Huber St hit,. 2/8/2023 350 $1610 1792 Phase2 6 0 2 3796621704 -112.5129013 44 Harbor S[: My1'//f!•WMa{4iamltpNrf mm/ 2/8/2023 075 $345 1794 Phase 3 1 35 37.96625519 -122 5120937 44 HarborSt: At Crack. LCUT Mtq'//a3•ulant-7amatauwt 2/8/2023 0BB $4025 1795 Phase) 5 0 3 3796627808 -122 s12E3.1 Harbor St: LCUT XCUT Mtq//sLua taN•7 smatpMwm 2/8/2023 094 $4313 1796 Phau2 4 0 1 3796623613 -1225129471 Harbor St: XCUT Nip. //al--eaat-}amatonawamIqu 2/8/2023 025 $115 1797 Phase 3 1 6 37.96639252 -122 512BI74 48 Harbor St: LCUT httq'/h)-uPent-1 amatorww mm 2/8/2023 150 $69M 18W Phase 4 0 8 37.96704483 -122.5121536575 Canal St On Harbor St: Parallel Cut Nip /M-sn•t 2 .atona.l -1b, 2/8/2023 200 $9200 1801 PNu7 a 1 6 3796707916 -1225120773575 Canal St On Harbor St: Parallel Cut Mtq //s}WeaY•2 smatanawa mm/ 2/8/2023 1BE 58625 1804 1907 Phase Phase 2 5 4 3 0 7 6 379663867 -1225128784 -122.5136795 595 Francisco Blvd E On Harbor S[ Mtq'J/a}Weast•].amatwuvn m / Mtglhl•W-ratt•7.amatauas oorn( 2/8/2023 2/8/2023 350 150 $161 OD 37.96550753 $6900 1814 Ph- ) 9 0 4 5 37.96514511. -122 5138474 595 Francisco Blvd E On Harbor St: LCUT h1tq'//t3•ut•eatl•2.emato.uws mM 2/8/2023 2 53 5116 44 1817 Phase 4 2 45 37.96606064 -1225104294509 Canal St On Hoag St: Mtq//il-W Nu•l aeumnawa 2/8/2023 169 $7763 1819 Phase 2 16 7 15 37 96589661 -122.5105209 509 Canal St On Hoag St: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws oom/b 3/8/2023 216 $9919 1820 Phase 7 0 2.5 37.96592331 -122.5105515509 Cana l St On Hoag St: At Crack LCUT hit" 2/8/2023 109 $5031 1821 Phase 6 0 3 37.96592712 -122.5105593509 Canal St On Haag St: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/8/2023 113 $5175 1924 Phase2 6 0 15 3796SB5464 -1225105743 L02 Mill St On Hoag St: LCUT https://.3-us-east-2 -a-a- com/b 2/8/2023 OS6 $25 BE. 1827 Phau) 6 0 25 379654007 -122.510932977 Hoag St: XCUT Mtp./M'ua•esN•2 am-.- 2/8/2023 094 $4313 1828 Pheu2 4 0 1.5 379653930 -12251091 77 Hoag St: XCUT Mlq'J/si-ut-tasl•1.amazonawt 2/8/2023 038 $1725 1829 Phau2 4 0 45 37.9652099 -122.511123777 Hoag St: Parallel Cu t. Mtm, 11.3 49.2 amatoMni. 2/8/2023 113 $5175 1833 Phau2 4 0 2 3796517563 -122.5111094 17 Hoag St: XCUT MIq'J/U-ueeas0amaronama _/bt 2/8/2023 050 $2300 1834 Phase 3 0 2 37.9652137 -1225111313 77 Hoag St: XCUT LCUT MIPSI/63•WeMt•7 amalauw mmJ 2/8/2023 038 $1725 1836 Phase2 5 2 35 37.96492004 -122.5115967 L 12 Fron t St On Hoag St: Parallel Cut Miles '//sS-1-2amatWw-AA 2/8/2023 153 $7044 1837 Phase 4 0 14.5 37.96501923 -1225112 L12 Front St On Haag St: Parallel Cut MINIM.-t-2 amstonavn mm 2/8/2023 363 $16675 1838 Phase 2 0 2 3796429825 -122.5118494 7Hoag St: LCUT ft"" 3-va t.0 amatonaurt _fbt 2/8/2023 025 $115 1839 Phase 2 5 2 4 5 37 96426773 -122 5118637 7 Hoag St: LCUT Mtm //0+rt 1-2 amatonara ctvn 2/8/2023 197 $90 56 1945 1856 Phase Phase 6 3 1 3 12 4 3796441269 3796842575 -1225118256 -122.49963389 Sorrento Way: LCUT Mtq'//il WNtt•7 amatanawa own httq'//ilvY4Mt-}.amatonawm 2/8/2023 2/8/2023 525 150 $24150 $6900 1857 Phase 5 0 25 3796851349 -122.49961859 Sorrento Way: Mtq//t}W+au•2 amatwur+ comp 2/8/2023 07B $3594 1858 Phase2 5 1 4 3796855545 -122.49961099 Sorrento Way: Mtq 1/13- .U-2 smazonaws eoI/ 2/8/2023 150 $6900 1862 Phase 4 1 15 3796907806 -122A992676 19 Sorrento Way: At Water Boz LCUT hitq//s}e4ealt-I amaronarvs tom/ 2/8/2023 047 $215 1863 Phaw7 3 1 15 37.96912766 -122 4992373 29 Sorrento Way: At Water Boz LCUT hllq/Jil-W-tMt.}.amstoNws ­N 2/8/2023 036 $1725 1866 Phase 2 e 3 1 37.96913528 -122.4992294 $3 Sorrento Way: LCUT hltq'/M•sn-mt-} amatenays ­N 2/8/2023 044 52013 1867 Phase 3 2 2 37.96913147 -122 4992294 33 Sorrento Way: LCUT h11D, 1113-1.1.7 amueNrvs ­11at 2/8/2023 063 $287 186E Phase 8 2 4 3796910858 -122499329633511ento Way: Parallel https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/B/2023 250 $1150 1869 Phase 9 0 145 37.96911621 -122 4992065 33 Sorrento Way:Parallel huq//il•Wtau-3 smatonavnmm/b 2/8/2023 816 $3751 1871 Ph-2 4 0 7.5 3796808535 -122 5003961 10E Canal St On Lido Ln : Parallel Cut httq'Usl-w-2 amaranawt 2/8/2023 1 8B $86 2 Date created - 6/1 /2023 7 of 12 P/BEC!l CONCRETE CUTTING nr., Irxil 1972 Phaw2 4 1 4 3796949823 .122 5004501 12 Lido Ln: 1/1.3--4 ama4onawteam 2/8/2023 125 $5750 1873 Phaw2 5 0 15 37.96839523 -1225004425 12 Udo in: Parallel Cut Mtps /h3•W..N T..m.ronawJ wm/ 2/8/2023 047 $215 1874 Phase2 4 0 3 37.96944487 -122 5004349 12 Lid. Ln: Parallel Cut https 1101. <Pa-2 amaloruwl -ft 2/8/2023 075 $345 1875 Phase2 6 4 4 379GM257S -12250052649 L•d. Le https//.Yount-7 amazonawa wml 2/8/2023 250 $115 DO 1880 Phase 3 0 15 3796807093 -122 5005493 5 Lido Ln: Al Crack%CUT µlps im-l4N•2.m.tm.w tarn 2/8/2023 028 $1294 1881 Phm2 5 0 25 37.96805573 -12250051885 Lido Ln: At Crack XCUT LCUT Mtq 1/a1•uasMtddm.r.n.w <- 2/8/2023 078 $3594 1884 Phase 7 0 1 3796801758 -12250050355 Lido Ln: XCUT MID, '//0-.nt•)amatwwjt ,rI 2/0/2023 044 $2013 ISE Phase 2 12 0 1 37 96BOO99S -122.5005341 5 Lida Ln : XCUT https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws wm/bl 2/8/2023 225 $103 5 1887 Phm 2 4 0 3 37 96796036 -122 500473 5 Udo Ln : LCUT MID, IM-...tt•2 am hon.wt -I 2/8/2023 075 $34 5 1889 Phase 2 4 0 2.5 37.96790695 -122,5012817 4 Amalfi PI: LCUT XCUT https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 0.63 $287 1890 Phase 2 0 1.5 37.96788406 -122.5[12817tCt: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 019 $863 1892 Phm2 6 0 e 37.96BO6335 -1225013123 -1225012741M https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws wm/h https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 300 $1380 1993 Phate2 5 0 45 3796803665 pR At ltid**https:Hs3-....ast-2.aaz.na- 2/9/2023 141 $646 1894 Phase 6 1 185 37.96813583 -1225014191 PMI Culthttps://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 809 $37233 1899 Phase 2 2 1 4 37.96770477 -122.5024338 mmm/b 2/9/2023 0.75 $34 5 1901 Phase 2 6 0 3.5 37,96776581 -122.5023804 6 Capri Ct: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 131 $60 3 1907 Phm2 4 1 175 37 96763229 -122 5025482 7 Capri Ct: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 547 $251 5 1909 Phase 2 10 2 5 37.96757989 -122.5025177 8 Capri Ct Mips'//s1•ua•eaN•2 MMztwra wm 2/9/2023 375 $172.5 1912 Phase 6 0 2.5 37.96758652 -122.50251013 Capri Cl: XCUT MI"1/13--m-1.mlMn.wa w.V 2/9/2023 094 $431. 1913 Phm2 4 0 1.5 37.96754456 -122.5025177 3 Capri Cl: XCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/9/2023 0.38 $17.2 1916 Phase 2 5 4 4 37.96712875 -122 5034256 4 Portofino Rd Mtpa//tYu1•t+st•2 am.uo -IN 2/9/2023 2.25 $103 5 1918 Phase 2 4 0 4 3T%722412 -122.1.34791 4 Portofina Rd - Mlps //aJ•-PIIA-7 amataura cpn 2/9/2023 100 $46 1919 Phase 5 0 4 37.96730804 -122.5035172 1 Porttl6np Rd Mlpa'//tJ-ua-NN-J amatWws -IN 2/9/2023 1.25 $575 1920 Phase 4 3 25 37.9674186 -122.50353248 Portofino Rd- Mlq//aYu1MaN•2 amamnaan corn 2/9/2023 109 $5033 1922 Ph-2 4 0 18 37.96747971 -122.50360871E Portofino Rd: Parallel Cut Mips //U•...... -2.amaMna -I 2/9/2023 450 $20700 1923 1924 Phm2 Phase 2 6 6 0 3 25 4 37.96747589 37.96746063 -122.503624 -122.5036621 18 Portofino Rd . Mlps//a3-uw.N-2.amutwwa -N MID, '//1"..nt-2 amneMrt wm 2/9/2023 094 2.25 $4313 $103 5 2/9/2023 1926 Phase 5 0 3 37.%7H% -1221.37-113 Portafino Rd: Mtm 143a4Ns0-onawao- 2/9/2023 094 $4313 1928 Ph-2 4 3 4 3796740341 .122 50371142 9 Portofino Rd: MID. -I-.- -IN 2/9/2023 175 $805 1929 Phase 2 5 0 3 37 96735382 -122 503746 9 Portofino Rd : Mip1 //4Yu1:nt•2 am4lM.vt C 2/9/2023 094 $43 13 1933 Phase 4 2 45 37,96789169 -122 4992218 75 Canal St: Parallel Cut hilps//al-u1•.nl-7Jmlita4.Ol 2/9/2023 169 $7763 1934 Phase 2 0 15 37.967B3066 -122A990921 75 Canal St: Unit A4. XCUT MIPa _AA 2/9/2023 0.19 $863 1935 Phase2 4 0 25 37967BI921 .122 4991379 75 Canal St: Unit A4 XCUT Mipa/h7-ulext-2 amazonaws -fU 2/9/2023 063 $287 1936 Phase 4 0 3 379678115 -1224990311 75 Canal St: Unit A3 Parallel Cut hpp1Jill u 112 am.mn.ws cum/ 2/9/2023 075 $345 1940 Phase 4 2 4 37.96767044 -122 4994283 61 Canal St: https/h1.-ent-2.maNwwt 2/9/2023 1.50 $fig 1945 Phase 2 4 0 25 37 96704865 -122 4969177 35 Canal St: LCUT Miq'//s --in t-7 Din.- z -AA 2/9/2023 063 $28 75 1949 Phase 4 1 4 3796693577 -12249658792 Portsmouth Cu On Canal St: 141ps -PA 2/9/2023 125 $575 1972 Phase 5 0 35 37.96435165 -122 5011292 492 Bahia Way. Mips//a1-u4.n1.7 .maloMwa -IN 2/10/2023 109 $5031 1976 Phase 4 0 35 37.S6427151 4225007553480 Bahia Way: Mips 4mamn-twn 2/10/2023 088 $4025 1978 Phase2 4 0 2 3796404266 -1225t100305462 Bahia Way Mtq'//a3•ut-.W-2-.aehawt tom/ 2/10/2023 050 $2300 1984 Phase 4 0 35 3796392441 -122.4996262 IO Loma Vista Pi On Bahia Way: Mips//a1 vr.nP)-.ro -- 2/10/2023 O88 $4025 1111 Phase 6 1 1 31963.5193 -12249946591I Isla Vista Pi On Bahia Way:LCUT Mips://a7•u1•a.N•2.m.mn.wa com 2/10/2023 044 S2013 1989 Phase 6 0 2 3796386719 -1224994659111sla Vista PI On Bahia Way: LCUT https//tYu4.aN•7.amatoMvn wm/ 2/10/2023 0.75 $345 1998 Phase 2 3 0 2 37 96436691 -122 4986572 285 Playa Del Rey On Bahia Way: XCUT Mtq'/Ja3irbeaN•]..m.nrn.wa 2/10/2023 038 $17 25 1999 Phase 4 0 2 379-39362 -122498642285 Playa Del Rey On Bahia Way:%CUT Mt. 1/0v W2.4maton.w 2/10/2023 050 $2300 2007 Phase SO 1 45 379651413 -122 49B2834 125 Bahia Way: At Patch Mtq //aI-uv.nl-J am.lw.W ram 2/10/2023 309 514231 2010 Phase 2 5 0 35 37 96519326 -122 498291 125 Bahia Way: XCUT hlt.a It's- .9.2 un.wnaw 2/10/2023 109 S5031 2011 Phase 3 0 IS 37.96516037 -1224982529125 Bahia Way: CUT https'//U•v1•.nt•J4m.roeaws 2/10/2023 028 $12.94 2014 Phase 4 0 35 37.E1111,1041 -1224982834115 Bahia Way: X11 Mlps /hYvay.N•]..m.rwuwa 2/10/2023 0B8 $402 2015 Phaw2 3 0 15 3796525955 -1224982681 L25 Bahia Way:%CUT MIm//tYu.ii-)amatnnasnconuft 2/10/2023 029 S1294 2020 Phase 4 0 15 3796596909 -1224985809 L25 Bahia Way: Al Trunkated Dome https lh3-of-eiu-2 .malahawl wm 2/10/2023 038 $172 2021 Ph..2 4 2 45 3796595764 .122. 4985809 L25 Bahia Way: At Trunkated Dome hitps//.3-w•..at•2 am.lpwarn 2/10/2023 169 $7763 2022 Phase 2 4 1 5 37 9659462 - 11254.1rla Wry At I unlyuro Dame n11ps'//aJ-us eaN•7..m.ronaws tonv 2/10/2023 156 $71 Date created - 6/1 /2023 8 of 12 1j[Z"iR CRETE CUTTING na .- ..,ma. 2023 Phase 6 1 5 37965972E .12249116038 I 325 X.M. Way' 4t Trll,aabd Dpma Mtq//13 w-east-}anvtpnaw cant 2/10/2023 219 $10063 2024 Phau2 5 0 35 11 S00034} -1214ENIXIB 1125 MhU W" N Trtank4tad tuna '�r I'm us1_.U•l amatpnaw tom/ 2/10/2023 109 $5031 2025 Pta 2 4 0 OS 37.965WIill -122498558125 Bahia Way: At Trunkated Dome WIN '/h1-us 10 •mattww-I 2/10/2023 013 $5.7 2027 PMse2 4 1 5 37961538107 -12249835971125 Pthla Wet At Trsa mml DoP LCW MtN://0'_at•2 amarpnaw-/ 2/10/2023 156 $7184 2029 Phase 3 2 45 3796630096 -1224983521 PJZl aW.P. At Twrabd D-tafr MtN'/hi•weasi-1 amnanaw com/ 2/10/2023 1.41 $6469 2030 0hase2 2 0 1.5 3796633023 -122 4983109 125 Bahia Way: XCI7T IsltN'//ti•N•aasn2 amalanavn 2/10/2023 019 $863 2031 Phase 4 0 35 379fi636963 4224903444125 Bahia Way: XCUT WIN '//s1-w-tMt•}am Im mm 2/102023 088 $402 2035 Phrsa2 4 0 2 3796649551 -1224983537125 Bahia Way Across 145 Bahia Cir: nttq/h3.•east.2 amatauw 2/10/2023 050 $2300 2036 Phase 3 1 5 3796686554 -1224980013 }}75Ahb ww:k TruplsbdDpmt LCLfl Mtq-/(U•waw-}amato,uw 2/10/2023 125 $57 50 2037 Phase 6 3 3.5 3796682358 -122498024?VSill"t1/l N trmWmWdOoa LM https://s3-us-east-2.amazan... mm/b 2/10/2023 197 $9056 2039 Phase 5 1 5 3796686554 .122.4980164125 Bahia Way https://,3-us-e,st-2.am,zonaw mm/b 2/10/2023 188 $8625 2040 Phau 2 5 3 3 37 9668908 -122 49801fi4 112S Uhb Wat MUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/h 2/10/2023 150 $69 DO 2041 Phase 7 fi 0.5 3796686172 -1224980316}125 hahla W#Ir LCM mir"Wal- -9.2 a--- C..Vw https://s3-us.east-2 amazonaws mm/h 2/10/2023 041 S1869 2042 Phase 4 3 1.5 ZiTa6701431 -1224978B6755 Bahia Way: 2/13/2023 2.41 $11069 2044 Phase 5 4 5 37.96722194 -122. 4W.sM 55 Bahia Way: Parallel - t- hDN'//s1 w-Nsl.l.amalpnawl eom/ 2/13/2023 281 $12938 2048 Phase 6 0 3.1 3796fi58325 -122.5003%71723 Kerner Blvd On Marian Ct: AI Crack https://A•w-tau•l.amaaauw rpm/ 2/13/2023 131 $603 2051 Phase 4 1 4 37.96675491 -12250078588 Marian It: Mps/hMw•easl•7 MnatPnaw 2/13/2023 125 S5750 2053 Phase 7 1 4 37.96682139 -1225009468 Marian It: MIN'//i!•uWY7amatxuw mM 2/13/2023 200 $9200 2054 Phase 15 1 45 3796681595 -122.501014720 Marian Cl: Mtpa//sltiYNq•7 amaronawcmn 2/13/2023 450 $2070 2056 Phase 3 0 1.5 37.966693BB -122,501106320 Marian Ct: XCUr hopss//aLtr U.I.marun>w vornm 2/13/202 028 $1294 2057 On-2 6 0 3 37966690 -12250109120 Marian It: XCUT hum -tbt 2/13/202 113 $5175 2060 Phase 6 0 35 3796668625 42250L098E 20 Marlan Ct: Mtps'//alw g2.amarauw mm 2/13/202 131 $6038 2062 Phase 4 3 4 379666224 -122.50080119 Marian Ct: At Crack MIPl//4lvsusY2.lmalaMsstm 2/13/2023 175 $805 2071 Phase 5 5 3 3796394653 -1225052417141A1tp 8t: MIN'//sYweasl-}.wneaonaws_/ 2/13/2023 1B8 $8625 2074 Psuna2 4 2 1.5 3796382904 -122 5055771 123 Alto St: At crack mim flsl--n.24muruw mm 2/13/2023 056 $256 2078 Phase 4 0 2.5 3796360397 -122.50569391100e1vedere510n Alto St: XCUT MIN//V.usyasl•}.arruteruw.m 2/13/2023 063 $2875 2079 Phase2 2 0 1.5 3796359634 -122.5056761110 Belvedere St On Alto St: XCUT WIN //al•us-Wl•}.tmacpMw -m 2/13/2023 019 $853 2081 P".2 6 0 1.5 379635592 -122.505744 110 Belvedere St On Alto St: XCUT Mipt://kl•uYNfYl amaronaw. 2/13/2023 056 $2588 2082 Phase 2 4 0 25 37 9635582 -122 5057144 110 Belvedere St On Alta St: XCUT Mlq'//atv -2 amatauvn cwNbt 2/13/2023 063 $2875 2083 Phase2 4 0 1 3796350479 -122505767E L10 Belvedere St On Alta St: mtN'//03 tsc.2 amatpnaw 2/13/2023 025 $115 2085 Phase 4 0 2.5 37.965811516 -1225020981 4 Elaine Way: XCUT Mlp'//0-uYNu•2.smarpnaw. tom 2/13/2023 063 $2875 2086 Phase 2 0 1.5 37.96589661 -122 5020676 4 Elaine Way: XCUT MIN//a3•us•tnt•7.emaronarn can/ 2/13/2023 019 $863 2087 Phase 2 5 0 as 37 965BB516 -122 5021057 4 Elaine Way: Parallel Cu[ MiN'//t)•uswst•1 amatPnavn -m 2/13/2023 266 $122 19 2088 Phase 2 0 1 3796587753 -1225022202 4 Elaine Way: XCUT hUN'//93aY I•2 amaror mm 2/13/2023 013 $575 2089 Phase 4 0 3 3796585464 -122,50215154 Elaine Way: XCUT httgj/cS-w t,2.4mumww tpmlb 2/13/2023 0.75 $345C 2092 Phase 4 0 2 VN5BSfi5 -122.50225078Elaine Way: XCUT MtNJJai•wtunt•14matonaw ..Vbt 2/14/2023 0.50 $2300 2093 Phase 2 0 2 379658 Na -1221.22501. Elaine -1: 1- MIN J/aLuPtasl•7 amaMnaw mm( 2/14/2023 025 $115 2095 Phase 5 1 2 379656868 422502315518Elaine Way: LCUT MIN'//s3N-tM1.24matonaw 2/14/2023 075 $345 2096 Phase 2 4 2 15 37.9656517E -122 5023556 8 Elaine Way: LCUT Wtpa//t1•-t ')JrMtP - 2/14/2023 056 $25 88 2097 Phase 2 6 2 2 37.96565165 -122 5023607 8 Elaine Way: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaw mm/b 2/14/2023 1 0O $4600 2105 Phase 5 0 3 37.96564102 -1225023041 9 Elaine Way NIP. //11...".2. ho"I_ -At 2/14/2023 094 S4313 2107 Phase 2 0 15 3796575165 -122 5022125 9 Elaine Way: XCUT MIN'/h3 us earl-] Amataruw 2/14/2023 019 $863 2108 Phase 4 0 2.5 37.96573639 -122 5022125 9 Elaine Way: XCUT MIN'(/a1w•taat-2 amaroruwtpm/ 2/14/2023 063 $287 2110 Phase 4 2 2 37.96577072 -122 5021744 9 Elaine Way: LCUT WIN'/h)-u .l. amaronaw. 2/14/2023 075 $345 2111 Phase 3 3 1.1 37 %17clN 421502174E 9 Elaine Way: LCUT MIN//a1-us-test-2.ariutoMMcom 2/14/2023 056 $25 2112 Phase 2 3 1 1 37.965l-- 422 502182E 8 Elaine Way: LCUT https://s3.us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/14/2023 050 $23 2114 Phase 2 6 4 2 37 96580505 -122 5021515 5 Elaine Way Mtp1'//a;.ut+ad-7 amaronaw ­1w 2/14/2023 125 $57 5 2116 Phase 4 0 2 3796626287 -1225027313 IS ChmHavie Or NtN'//13P w2.-nontw. 2/14/2023 050 $2300 2117 Phase 4 2 4 3796615219 -1225028229150u,btle0, hliN //s3•w Nat•7 ametanaw. m , 2/14/2023 150 $6900 2120 Phase 4 0 4 3796GD6445 -122 5029061 11 Gnbna Or MI01'//sY.n•easl•l amatpnaw t / 2/14/2023 1w $4600 2123 Phase 6 0 35 3796580505 -122 5031433 5 [lath 01 httpa/hl•e1-easl•2 amawn mm/lI 2/14/2023 131 $603E 2133 E Phase2 5 0 25 37.96588135 .122.50296020 Charlotte Or hilimi 3-uY.".2 amatauw tom/ 2/14/2023 078 $3594 2134 Phase2 1 6 1 1 1 3 3796588B9B -1225.216.1 B ChaH.Ite Or: XCUT Ww'J/.3-­p4AmacJ mm/ 2/14/2023 131 $603E Date created - 6/1 /2023 9 of 12 FISMSIO-10 CONCRETE CUTTING ay trT1 213S Phase 4 0 15 379658660 -122,502967 Chariot to Or: XCUT Mtq//U vYe+tC)amasvn+vn wm/ 2/14/2023 038 $1725 2137 Phase 10 0 18 37.96600342 -122.5029144 htlpf'//0-u-n2+maapnavnw 2/14/2023 1125 $5175 213E 2139 Phase 2 Phase 2 6 6 0 a 3 25 37 9659729 37 96S96527 -122.502883 -122 5028839 & Ixdifd tf D Mtq'//U _...2.unwwu m Mlq'//+3-uYHK•} amatenavn wm( 2/14/2023 2/14/2023 ISO 094 $69 00 $43 13 2140 Ph-2 9 0 2 3796599434 -1225028763 Mtpf lhl•ut-e+K•}amata++w wm 2/14/2023 113 $5175 2141 Phase 5 3 1 37.96599579 -122502861 12 Charlotte Or Mtq//3•WN1t•2.amuon+wa mm/ 2/14/2023 050 $2300 2146 Ph-2 5 a 15 37.96616364 -1225027Oa4 16 Charlotte Or h1iq//f3 2/14/2023 047 $215 2147 Ph-2 7 0 25 3796433429 -122 507659 175 Belvedere St an Vivian St: XCUT httq//U•usY+Ml amat9nars -flA 2/14/2023 109 $5031 2148 hase2 2 0 1 37.9643592 -122.5077057175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: XCUT htlpa'//l!•uvHK•7......tom 2/14/2023 013 $575 2149 Phase 4 0 15 37,9643631 -122.5077133175B.lved.r.5t.n Vivian St:XCUT mtps MAA 2/14/2023 038 $1725 2150 Ph-2 5 0 15 37.96435279 -122 5075979 175 Belvedere St o n Vivian St: XCUT LCUT htiq wm 2/14/2023 047 $2156 2151 Ph-2 3 0 2 37.96437073 -1225076904 l75Belvedere Ston Vivian St: LCUTXCUT ..... wm Me 2/14/2023 038 S1725 2152 Phase 2 5 0 65 37.96435165 -122 5077057 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: XCUT Mtl#'/Jl3.W HK 2 amamnAvn m / 2/14/2023 203 $93 44 2154 Phase 4 O 3 3796434402 .122 5077209 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St htyM//U•uYNft•J.am+wna,us. 2/14/2023 0.75 534.5 2155 Phase 7 5 4 3796433M -122 5077057 175 Belvedere St an Vivian St: LCUT Atlq//WWHK•].am+aor,avn mm 2/14/2023 3.00 $1380 2156 ►h-2 7 0 155 37.96434402 -1225077209175Belvedere Stan Vivian St: LCUTXCUT Mlq//t3-W HK•l nnatvawlmm 2/14/2023 6.79 $31194 2158 Ihxf2 5 0 7 3796429443 -122 5077515 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: XCUT MIq //i3 WNa471mA+an+M mm 2/14/2023 219 510063 2160 fhase2 ! 1 4 379642868 -122.5077667175 Belvedere St on Vivian St M1q'//3-WH9-2im+wNvn tam 2/14/2023 2.25 $103.5 2161 Phase 4 0 15 3796424103 -122 5077972 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: LCUT ht11HWbt 2/14/2023 038 $1725 2162 Phase 4 0 1.5 37.96422996 .122. 5077521175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: LCUT MtOI//U•uYHlt•7 watavwt wm 2/14/2023 0.38 517.25 2163 Phase 4 0 14 379642295 -122 5078278 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St Mtq/JU•WHK.2 +matWVA 2/14/2023 350 $16100 2164 Phase 4 2 4 3796421814 -122 5078354 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: LCUT httq//U-uYHK-].+natwuwt wm 2/14/2023 ISO $69W 2166 Phase 4 0 17,5 37.9640693 -122.507972717SM.1PMf S19h0MMSt 1,11q//a3 U2.am+ty 2/14/2023 438 $20125 2167 Phase 4 4 4 3796403122 -122.507995 175 Belvedere St on Vivian St: LCUT mim1/s3wwg.}.+matpna,vf wm/ 2/14/2023 200 $9200 2168 Phase 2 0 2 3796401611 .122507922E 175 BelvedereSt on Vivian 51:LCUT Mlpt'//U-uaroaK•2 am+ean+.n -1bt 2/14/2023 025 51150 2169 Phase2 4 0 8 3796398544 -122.5079803}175PIwd-S1onl,-U Iw+9EM,Plan Rvauamtly rlP htlq'//U•uwaat•2.amatvnawsw 2/14/2023 200 $92W 2173 Phase2 9 6 2 37.96356964 -122.508407655 Vivian St: LCUT Mtq!/aYWHK•7.amatM+wa ..m 2/14/2023 1.BB $8625 2174 Phase2 5 0 645 37.9635734 -1225094152 Mwh17:lM hKq//U-uYfd•2.amatanAM tom/ 2/14/2023 2016 $92719 2177 Phase 5 0 2 37,96334839 -122 SOB621245 Vivian St Mtq //U ua-e+ft•7 +matex,awa _N 2/14/2023 063 S2875 2178 Phase2 4 0 4 3796329 -122 5086441 4S Vivian S[ MtIK'//U•WNat•2 amatMawl 2/14/2023 100 $46 2180 Phase e 1 55 37.9630088 -122.50891SE 24~St LW "Kpa//tLu4fxtrl.amatenavn. 2/14/2023 3,09 $14231 2182 Phase 2 6 0 5 37.9629914 -122 50BB982 9 Vivian St: LCUT httP+/Jf3 Wi+K-l.+matpnAvn 2/14/2023 1.88 $86 25 2183 21M Phase Phase 6 5 1 0 10 3 37.962B1815 37.9626464 1225090256jjjjjj�,httq//U•uvfaN•].amalWw -122 5092466 1 V-St 2/14/2023 438 SIM 25 $4313 -rt 2/14/2023 094 2186 Phase 2 5 1 45 37.96279144 -122.5089417 831 Franusco Blvd E on Vivian St Miq'//fl•uwAK•7.am+tvna.a 2/14/2023 169 $77 63 2187 Phase 2 5 1 45 37.962B181 -122.5089035 831 Francisco Blvd E on Vivian St Miq //U-uYNfh7.MaatMu,nmm 2/14/2023 1,69 $77 63 2188 Ph—2 5 0 3 37.9628486 -122 5088959 831 Francisco Blvd E on Vivian St Mtq'//U­04 amatanavf tam/ 2/14/2023 094 543 13 2169 Ph-2 6 1 ♦ 37.962894" -1225088654 Avss 9 Vivian St Mtq/J%3W.0•2amaten+vn mm/ 2/14/2023 175 SB050 2196 ►h-2 7 1 12 37,9636940 -122.50B1711 Mtpa//U•WNK•7.amatonaw 2/14/2023 6W $2760f1 2198 Phau2 5 0 5 37.9638061 -12250B03388BVivian St: XCUT Mtq//U WfaK•7.Amaton+sn tpm 2/14/2023 156 $718 2199 Phaw2 4 0 15 379639443 -122508102488Vivian St: XCUT Mtq//U-WNK•7.amAtanawa mm 2/14/2023 039 51725 2201 h-2 9 0 2 37.96387482 -122 5079575 88 Vivian St Mtq ovm/ 2/14/2023 1W 5460(1 2214 Ph-2 4 3 45 37.96229553 -122.5068665 5Tiburon St M1q//fYutY+N•7.+mAton+un< 2/14/2023 197 59056 2216 Ph-2 10 0 15 37,96225357 -122.506935125 Tiburon St W. (/1.3•WHfY7 +mItW4aaf mm 2/14/2023 094 $4313 2218 Ph-2 6 0 35 379622345 -122 5069504 25 Tiburon St htlg110WN9•7.amatmuff»mM 2/14/202 1.75 $605 2219 Phw1 4 0 1 3796223831 -122 5069504 15 T.bu St -At 2/14/2023 025 511 SO 2221 Ph-2 7 0 25 3796222M -122 5069316 25 Tiburon St: LCUT Mlq /JfYWaxt•7 yNtansvn a / 2/14/2023 109 55031 2222 h-2 8 0 12 37.9622306 -122 5069733 25 T.b~St blip//U•WeaK•2 amatvnawt eM1 2/14/2023 6W $2760 2224 Ph-2 4 0 3 37,9620704 -122.507OB01863 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon S[ cvm 2/14/2023 075 $345 222S ►half 2 11 1 5 37 9618721 -122.SO71556 3 P,-. &W E On Tipuran $1 Mtq//t}WHK•7 aiwaten+wf _/ 2/14/2023 3 75 $172 5 2226 Phme2 9 4 45 3796185303 -122.507270 B63 Franusco Blvd E on Tiburon St: LCUT Mtq'/(aYWrxt•7 amAtonana 2/14/2023 366 $1681 2229 Phase2 1 4 I 1 1 3796183777 -122.5073013663 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon St htlq //+S-uYfxt•7 +matPMvn tamf 2/14/2023 031 $1430 2230 Phxf2 ♦ 1 2 37 M103395 -122.5073013863 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon S[: LCIfT Mlq//U.WNN•7♦mAtMavn wm 2/14/2023 063 $2375 Date created - 6/1 /2023 10 of 12 I ""ll�,rip Flt nrtt Removal Specialists eriN Ir.nt 2231 P".2 1 3 3 3796182151 -122507309 B63 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon St: LCUT Mtq'110--mit•2 amatovw tom 2/14/2023 198 $8625 2232 Phase 2 5 6 2 37.96183777 -122 S073013 863 Francisco Blvd Eon Tiburon It; LCUT het,.'J/0". tt•7. 4marohawtam 2/14/2023 150 $69 OD 2233 Phase2 4 1 5 3136174622 -1225073776-11ta+1ouo 6M Eon T47Wpn 51 hit q/h7---M-2 mawywtom/be 2/14/2023 156 $7188 2234 Phase 7 5 1 65 37.96163177 .122 507309 901 Fra co Blvd E on Tiburon hit"//tLuNW-2 amalon+w 2/14/2023 2 44 $112 13 2236 Phase 4 0 6 37.961.. -1225072937901 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon St: https'//t1•WaMt•7 amotMaw mm/ 2/14/2023 150 $69 OD 2237 Phatt7 4 0 15 37.96179022 -12250717 901 Francisco Blvd E on Tiburon St: XCUT hit,.'//J•ureau•7 amatatuw tom 2/14/2023 038 $1725 2238 Phase 2 2 0 3 37 96177292 .122.5071793 901 Francisco Blvd E on Tburon It: XCUT Mlq!/al uPeau•2ametauwt[Pn 2/14/2023 D 38 $17 25 2239 Phase 5 0 6 3796181489 -122 5071335 901 Fr4houo Ow E tas T4 -U https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaw corn/b 2/14/2023 129 $8625 2241 Phase 4 0 4 3796206264 -122506912224 Tiburon St htlpv//s3-us-east-2 amazonaw corn/b 2/14/2023 100 $46 OC 2242 iPhase 5 2 4 3796223068 -122506790E 24Tiburon St https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/14/2023 175 $905 2246 Phase 4 1 3 37.96234131 -122506660524Tiburon It Mt,. ­Jbt 2/14/2023 094 $4313 2247 Phase 7 0 4 379624939 -122 5065394 196 M~ St art T4tuhen St https://s3.us-east-2 amazonaws corn/lb 2/14/2023 175 $SOSO 2248 Phase 5 1 45 3796250534 -1225065231 L96 Market St on Tiburon St htlpt//13.1 t2amazonaww 2/14/2023 169 $7765 2252 Phase 5 1 4 37.96287155 -122 5050806 50 Tiburon St MI,.//WWeet•7amaton.w corn 2/14/2023 ISO $6900 2254 225E Phase 2 Phase 14 11 0 1 25 4 37 96291733 37.%311951 -122 5060D43 -122 5057373 50 Tiburon It: LCUT httl. //a7•WNtt•2 smatpNw tam/ 11apt//U•Wyaat•7. ­___ 2/14/2023 2188 $1,006 25 2/14/2023 300 $13800 2262 Phau7 5 0 3 3796MS58 42250563B150 Tiburon It: XCUT Mt,.//t}ureast-7 amazonaw _1bt 2/14/2023 094 $4313 2263 PhaV2 2 0 0.5 37.96322496 -122.5056597 SO Tiburon It: XCUT M,.'//41•uLtet•}am+JOMw-/ 2/14/2023 006 $288 2271 Ph,. } 4 1 4 37 96166229 -122.5050354 969 Francisco Blvd E on Verdi St Mt,. /Jf1-uYt+ft•} amarauw -fbt 2/14/2023 125 $57 5 2273 Phan 7 7 0 3.5 37 9617693 -122 5049593 969 Francisco Blvd E on Verdi St Mips-/h7•W-tatbl amarorurrt corn 2/14/2023 153 $70 2275 Phase 2 11 0 25 37 96181107 .122 5043286 969 Francisco Blvd E on Verdi St: XCUT hltq//13•uPrau•7 amaonaw 2/14/2023 172 S7906 2276 Phnt1 8 0 15 3796178811 -122 5049362 969 Francisco Blvd Eon Verdi St: XCUTLCUT Mt,.'/A3--taa•}+matmuw comAA 2/14/2023 075 $345 2279 Phase 2 5 0 2 37.96193557 -122 5049164 969 Francisco Blvd Eon Verdi St: XCUT 1,11ptl/tY1n•aast-2 amaten+w m 2/14/2023 063 $28.7 2280 PTa1a2 3 0 2 37.9610454 -1225048828119 Francisco Blvd E on Verdi It: XCUT ntt,. /hYW tel•7.+muaNwwIfbt 2/14/2023 038 $172 2281 Phase 5 0 35 37.96171953 -1225052414111Verdi Ston Market5t hitq'//13•WNN•)+matMaw to 2/14/2023 109 $5031 2282 Ph-2 4 0 25 3796177673 -122 5053177 111 Verdi St on Me rket St:XCUT hit" .2 +matonawm 2/14/2023 063 $287 2283 Phase 2 0 1.5 37.96175182 -122. 5054532 Ill Verdi It on Market St: XCUT Mq//aLW.aatl.7 amaronaw com 2/14/2023 019 $96 2286 Phase 5 1 4 37%A751 -122.5056915140 Market St M,.J/il-cif-tatl-7 amatenaw 2/14/2023 150 $6900 2286 Matt2 5 0 1 V31521-91 -1225060-31 MMarket 5[ Mpt//d•W-eel-}amaten+w 2/14/2023 031 $143 MS 11ase2 4 2 35 3796219B3 -1225061048196 Market It LCUT Mtq'//Wutvsq 7amazonawrhm 2/14/2023 131 $603 2291 Phase 6 0 3 37.96227264 -122.506218196 Market It htl,.'//a•wN1t•7 amatotuw 2/14/2023 113 $51.7 2292 Ph-2 5 0 3 37.96220578 -1221-21.1-iS Market It hill. '//t7-Wtall•)amm---At 2/14/2023 094 $4313 2297 Phan: 5 1 45 37.961a4l5H -122.504831 969 Francisco Blvd Eon Lisbon St Mtpt'//f3•bYatt•7 amatoMw tom 2/16/2023 169 $77 63 2298 Phase 2 4 0 4 37 96184158 -1- 5048141 969 Francisco Blvd E on Lisbon It htt,.'//tt-W eau•2 amazonaw epn 2/16/2023 100 S46 DO 2301 Phase 6 a 35 3796184599 -122 5047294 969 Francisco Blvd E on Lisbon St: LCUT XCUT hum11s;.W.eatt-2 ameanawtan 2/16/2023 131 $603 2302 Phase 2 5 0 2 37 96183743 -122 5047547 969 Francisco Blvd E on Lisbon St: XCUT Mt,. J/0-W-Nst-2 amazonawt.,Ak 2/16/2023 0.63 $28.7 2303 Phase 4 0 5 3796175385 -122504646322 Lisbon It h"m ffis tvatt-)amaawuwt cam/ 2/16/2023 125 $575 2304 Phase e 0 9 3796172714 -1225045853 22 Lisbon St: CURBCUT LQIT MVCAR With //s.V stat-2 +marenaw tevh/h 2/16/2023 450 $207 GO 2305 Phase 6 6 05 37.96173477 -122504600E 22 Usbon St: CURBCUT ME MVCAR Mq'//tYWtM•l amaonaw com 2/16/2023 0.38 $172 2309 Phase 9 0 15 3796160889 -122504386922 Lisbon St Krim IN-­2 2/16/2023 084 $3881 2327 Ph-2 4 0 3 37 96145248 -122 5038681 36 Usbon St https://s3.us-east.2 amazonaws com/b 2/16/2023 075 $34 5 2329 Phav2 4 1 45 3796157837 -122504097 40Lisbon It https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaw com/h 2/16/2023 141 $6469 2333 Phase 4 0 1 37961708.7 -122 S.431B260 Usbon St https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/16/2023 025 $115 2334 Ph+N2 6 0 3 3796186447 -122 5045929 60 Lisbon St https://s3.us.east-2 amazonaws com/b 2/16/2023 113 $5175 2335 PN.2 5 1 18 37.96190262 -122504631 hit,.//0•lrMae0MMams+w _fm htt,. //t!•W tet•J 4maronawt 2/16/2023 675 $31050 2339 Ph..2 Al 2 4 3796227646 -122 5038986 51 A Belvedere St 2/16/2023 150 $6900 2341 Phase 5 1 35 379616721 -122 SWIMS 71 --.I, imps/h!•WNtt•7 amuanaw com/ 2/16/2023 109 $5031 2342 Phase 4 0 5.5 37.96590047 -122. 5016937 ADOON 30 Sonoma 51: XCUT to 6 Mtps/h3• W-2 .-.a-.- -1bt 2/3/2023 138 $6325 2345 Phet2 4 0 4 37.96657181 -122.5027B47 ADDON 199 Canal St on Sonoma S[ -Ibt 2/3/2023 100 $46 OC 2349 Phet2 1 1 1 37 96548462 -122.5010605 ADOON 9 Sonoma St: LCUT to 64 Mitt /hl-Meet-7 un+tohaw .1" 2/3/2023 025 $11 50 2350 Phase 4 0 4 3796475601 -122501709 ADDON 18 Fairtax It Mtq//i3•W.utt-2 zmatavw tom 2/3/2023 100 $4600 R Ph-2 4 1 fi5 3796524429 -122.502487E AMON 15 Ela ine Way on Faifax St: Parallel Cu t MptJh3• M-7amuauw tombb 2/3/3021 203 $9344Phase 2 3 1 1 3796522522 -122 5026169ADDON 15 Elaine Way on Fairfax St: LCUT to 78. wits//11•pPNtt-2.+m+ronaw tomb2/3/2023 025 $1150 Date created - 6/1 /2023 11 of 12 P3BE ffil- CONCRETE CUTT/N6 2354 Phase2 12 0 2 3796520615 -1225027163 ADDON 35 Fairfax St: Past DW LCl/T to 1123 OC MtM/M-4+-2 ain M— WVbk 2/15/2023 150 $6900 2355 Phase 2 0 3 3796494675 -122502182 DDON35Fairfax St:Byunit4 LCUTto1129 m 2/15/2023 039 $1725 2357 Phase 7 3 4 379641037 -122.5025558 DDON30Novato St: LCUTta1141 hot»//a1M•eeU•7 Anu+twrnm 2/15/2023 250 $1150 2358 Phase 4 0 3 379641304 -1225026398 ADDON 30 Novato St: XCUT h". flis.—M-2 —0— —ft 2/15/2023 075 $345 2359 Phase 2 3 0 2 37 96411133 -122 502655 ADDON 30 Noyato St: XCUT M o. fla}ua•e4M2 Ifbt 2/15/2023 038 $1725 2361 Phase 4 0 11.5 37.9642904 -1225029194 ADODN 30 Novato St: NRBMM.R MtM//s}ut-tatt ].4m4zan4ws— 2/15/2023 288 $13225 2362 Phase 2 5 3 45 37.96520996 -1225044327 AODON 78 NoWtO St Un4 9 Mtps-//a3-ul-ent 1 Am4ton4wl ..IN 2/15/2023 2 25 $103 5 2366 Phase 2 2 0 35 37 96514511 -122 SN6997 ADDON 169 Novato St: LCUT to 1204 https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws mm/b 2/15/2023 044 $2013 2367 Phase 5 0 4 3796399771 -1225025103 ADDONB1N—to SS:XCUTto1248.ATCURBMVCAfl Mem//al•ubent•J am4zwvn 2/15/2023 125 $575 2368 Phase 4 1 4 37.96330643 -122.503334 ADDON 30 Larkspur St: At PGE lid. hUM 1/13—W-2 JmAMM'M. 2/15/2023 125 $575 2369 Phase 4 0 45 3796488325 -122.506164 ADDON 196 larkspus St. CURBCUTMVCAR Mtp1/H3- VAU-2. sm—m— OWN11,11 2/15/2023 113 $5175 2370 Phase 2 0 25 37.96496415 -122,506511 AODON18SLarkspur St:LCUTto13S1 Mtm//al•u1•eelt•J 4mat — —11A 2/16/2023 031 $143 2371 Phase 2 0 15 3796495819 -1225065308 ADDON 185 larkspur St: LCUT to 1351 MtM.//s!-uat.ni•2 u.0 —s 2/16/2023 019 $863 2372 Phase 4 2 4 3796221542 -122.5035248A000N 36 Be1Y444te St h"mJ/a}u1 Hst I..a—.— comm 2/16/2023 1.50 $69 00 2373 Phase 5 1 25 3796356583 -122 505 661 ADDON 1108e1vedere St: At Wa term eta, LCUT NLM/(J•us-v1t•].4mAzenalya 2/16/2023 094 $4313 2374 Phase 2 1 2 379635582 -122.5058594 ADDON 110 Belvedere St: At Water meter. LCUT hm 1/,3,..-.2 —IM 2/16/2023 036 $1725 2375 Phase 5 1 25 379635582 422.505867 ADDON 110 Belvedere It At Water meter LCUT Mtpt//a3--U-2—a--mm 2/16/2023 094 $4313 2376 Phase 4 2 4 3796425629 -122.5071793 ADDON 150 BeNedeze St: W. //f3-weAal-J.AmAtauwa mm 2/16/2023 1.50 $6900 2377 Phase 4 1 4 37.9644OB87 -1225073624 ADDON 162 Belvedere St: At Sewer utility box. Mtm//a3.u1-enl•J Am--m 2/16/2023 125 $5750 2376 Phase 4 0 3 379644165 -1225074539 ADDON 162 Belvedere St: XCUT Mti,sRO 1—J. an4to— 2/16/2023 075 $345 2379 Phase 3 0 1 379644279S .1225073929 AMON 162 Belvedere St: XCUT MtM 2/16/2023 019 $863 2380 Phase 3 1 4 3796469498 -1225078583 ODON1828elvedere St: LCUTto1529 Mtpl'//4}y1•eAu•1 AxMto.uwsm 2/16/2023 100 $46 2381 Phase 4 1 2 3796472931 -122.507B50 DDON1829elvedere St: Atcrad, MtM//s3• W-1M.M—mm 2/16/2023 063 $2875 2382 Phase 4 0 13 3796498108 -1225083542 ODON192Belvedere St: LCUTto1534 Nltp1//s}urwN•I.4m4torurn mm 2/16/2023 325 $1495 2383 1h-2 6 1 4 3796744919 4225037768ADDON 17 Portofino Rd: -M//0 us:4u.14m4tan4ws —Ilot 2/16/2023 175 $805 2394 Phase 4 2 OS 379658432 -121 ON42 1 A..-3.&" L.:CUR11CUT MVCAR MM'!/U•wa4st.2 —M 2/16/2023 019 $863 Date created - 6/1 /2023 12 of 12 Exhibit B BOND FORMS Required for contracts over $25, 000. 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Bond Forms Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Bond No. 0260277 Payment Bond City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated 20_ ("Contract") for work on the 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contract is incorporated by reference into this Payment Bond ("Bond"). 1. General. Under this Bond, Contractor as principal and Berkley Insurance Company its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee in an amount not less than $ 48.000.00 . under California Civil Code sections 9550, et seq. Surety's Obligation. If Contractor or any of its subcontractors fails to pay any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100 amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed under the Contract, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of Contractor and its subcontractors, under California Unemployment Insurance Code section 13020, with respect to the work and labor, then Surety will pay for the same. Beneficiaries. This Bond inures to the benefit of any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100, so as to give a right of action to those persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon this Bond. Contractor must promptly provide a copy of this Bond upon request by any person with legal rights under this Bond. 4. Duration. If Contractor promptly makes payment of all sums for all labor, materials, and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Work required by the Contract, in conformance with the time requirements set forth in the Contract and as required by California law, Surety's obligations under this Bond will be null and void. Otherwise, Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect. Waivers. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of alterations to the Contract or extensions of time for performance of the Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. City waives requirement of a new bond for any supplemental contract under Civil Code section 9550. Any notice to Surety may be given in the manner specified in the Contract and delivered or transmitted to Surety as follows: Attn: Claims Department Address: 475 Steamboat Road City/State/Zip: Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 Phone: (800)456-5486 Fax: (203)542-3839 Email: BSGClaim@barkleysurety.com Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 7. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and is effective on Mav 13 2024. Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Berkley Insurance Company Business Name s/ William Reidinger; Attorney -in -Fact Name/Title (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) CONTRACTOR: Bu s/ 1� Name/Title s/ � . I /t, , -.k I-OV C CEO Name/Title APPROV L?16Y CITY: s/ b ROBERTr EPSTEIN City Attorney END OF PAYMENT BOND 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 SU IrN� R g cu , OSPORAr': o �., SEAL : _= Date Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond State of ... Tennessee County of . Dayidson ........ ss.: On this Al th......... day of ... �4M ..........2024.., before me Surety Company personally appeared... William Reidinger................. to be known, Acknowledgment: whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at..Scba»hurg,JL...........................................................I that he/she is the. Attorney, In Fact ..... „o f .. Berkley Insurance Company .... ........ ........ ....... .............. . .................................., the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. J � ............................. Notary Public in and for the abo a Count an State. 03/09/2027 My commission expires ..... .. ..... ............ . . y... STATE OF TENNESSEE NOTARY PUBLIC ZZ N cO���SSlON'EXP�R�S � No. BI-TSBA-a POWER OF ATTORNEY BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY WILMINGTON, DELAWARE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Company"), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal office in Greenwich, CT, has made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents make, constitute and appoint: William Reidinger Surety Bond No.: 0260277 Principal: Precision Emprise, LLC, dba Precision Concrete Cutting Obligee: City of San Rafael its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to sign its name as surety only as delineated below and to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds and undertakings, with the exception of Financial Guaranty Insurance, providing that no single obligation shall exceed Fifty Million and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (U.S.S50,000,000.00), to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office in their own proper persons. This Power of Attorney shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted pursuant to the following resolutions which were duly and validly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on January 25, 2010 RESOLVED, that, with respect to the Surety business written by Berkley Surety, the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or any Vice President of the Company, in conjunction with die Secretary or any Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute powers of attorney authorizing and qualifying the attorney -in -fact named therein to execute bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix the corporate seal of tine Company to powers of attorney executed pursuant hereto; and said officers may remove any such attorney -fir -fact and revoke any power of attorney previously granted; and further RESOLVED, that such power of attorney limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated; and further RESOLVED, that such power of attorney revokes all previous pourers issued on behalf of the attorney -in -fact named; and further RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligation of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. The Company may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or officers of the Company, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at tine time when such instnunents shall be issued. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 2nd day of May 2024 °asu a W �. N�F� Attest: Berkley Insurance Company .W apt e� I (Seal) w �S > By �1�� By Philip S. 4elt Je e- I�iaf r Executive Vice President & Secretary Senior Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) ) ss: COUNTY OF FAIRF'IELD ) Sworn to before me. a Notary Public in the State of Connecticut, this _ Jeffrey M. Hafter who are sworn to me to be the Executive Vice respectively, of Berkley Insurance Company MAM C. 9UNDBAKEN NOTARY PLSUG OONNECTICUT 2nd day of May 2024 , by Philip S. Welt and President and Secretary, and the Senior Vice President, Notary Public, State of Connecticut W OOLWLSSK)N D0M 04- 0 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY That the fore..ge;ng is :i true, correct and complete copy of the original Power of Attorney; that said Power of Attorney has not been revol f—A or r.ssinded and that the authority of the Attorney -in -Fact set forth therein, who executed the bond or midertaki ng to which, this Power e-k Attorney is attached, is in fall force and effect as of this date. Given under my hand and seal of the Company, this 13th day of May 2024 ls'0N5UM MC * (Seal)➢� i nG n,7 Gcc F V.k t Vincent P. forte Bond No. 0260277 Performance Bond City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated , 20 ("Contract") for work on the 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contract is incorporated by reference into this Performance Bond ("Bond"). General. Under this Bond, Contractor as Principal and Berkley Insurance Company its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee for an amount not less than $ 48,000.00 By executing this Bond, Contractor and Surety bind themselves and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the provisions of this Bond. Surety's Obligations; Waiver. If Contractor fully performs its obligations under the Contract, including its warranty obligations under the Contract, Surety's obligations under this Bond will become null and void upon City's acceptance of the Project, provided Contractor has timely provided a warranty bond as required under the Contract. Otherwise Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect until expiration of the one year warranty period under the Contract. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of and further consents to any alterations to the Contract made under the applicable provisions of the Contract documents, including changes to the scope of Work or extensions of time for performance of Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. Application of Contract Balance. Upon making a demand on this Bond for completion of the Work prior to acceptance of the Project, City will make the Contract Balance available to Surety for completion of the Work under the Contract. For purposes of this provision, the Contract Balance is defined as the total amount payable by City to Contractor as the Compensation minus amounts already paid to Contractor, and minus any liquidated damages, credits, or backcharges to which City is entitled under the terms of the Contract. 4. Contractor Default. Upon written notification from City that Contractor is in default under the Contract, time being of the essence, Surety must act within seven calendar days of receipt of the notice to remedy the default through one of the following courses of action: 4.1 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by Contractor, with City's consent, but only if Contractor is in default solely due to its financial inability to complete the Work; 4.2 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by a qualified contractor acceptable to City, and secured by performance and payment bonds issued by an admitted surety as required by the Contract documents, at Surety's expense; or 4.3 Waive its right to complete the Work under the Contract and reimburse City the amount of City's costs to have the remaining services completed. 5. Surety Default. If Surety defaults on its obligations under the Bond, City will be entitled to recover all costs it incurs due to Surety's default, including legal, design professional, or delay costs. 6. Notice. Notice to Surety must be given or made in writing and sent to the Surety via personal delivery, U.S. Mail, or a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for the Surety must be given as follows: 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond Attn: Claims Department Address: 475 Steamboat Road City/State/Zip: Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 Phone: (800)456-5486 Fax: (203)542-3839 Email: BSGClaimLbarkleysurety corn Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. 8. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and effective on May 13 20_24_. Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Berkley Insurance Company Business Name s/ William Reidingei Name/Title [print] (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) CO TRACTOR: PreCtsioEmprise, LLC, dba Precision Concrete Cutti BusWest Name s/ s/ Name/Title APPROVEp BY Cl (i 1 sl `✓ ROBEn F. EPSTE N City Attorney - c,k— 'P�zS M,kgL c vS S' &J0 1, c ED cl13JIA Date END OF PERFORMANCE BOND 2024 Canal Phase 2 Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond State of ... Tennessee County of ..Davidson .ss.: ........ ....... Surety On this . -Pth ........day of ... �4yY ..........2024.., before me Company personally appeared... William Reidinger................. to be known, Acknowledgment: whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at..SQbamburg,JL............................................................ that he/she is the. Attorney, In Fact ....... of ... BerkleY Insurance Company .................................., the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. r ................ �rit.�;. �% t ........... Notary Public in and for the above County, and tate. 03/09/2027 My commission expires ................................. 1DYI KEZ� ! ' •STATE OF TENNESSEE NOTARY PUBLIC jpSON OD0'��� co' M"QIONtE'099- � No. BI-TSBA-a POWER OF ATTORNEY BERKLEY INSURANCE COIVIPXNY WILMINGTON, DELAWARE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Company"), a corporation duly organized and existing tinder the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal office in Green%vich, CT, has made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents make. constitute and appoint: William Reidinger Surety Bond No.: 0260277 Prindpal: Precision Emprise, LLC, dba Precision Concrete Cutting Obligee: City of San Rafael its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to sign its name as surety only as delineated below and to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds and undeitakings, with the exception of Financial Guaranty Insurance, providing that no single obligation shall exceed Fifth, NUIIion and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (U.S.S50,000,000.00), to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office in their own proper persons. This Power of Attorney shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted pursuant to the following resolutions which were duly and validly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on January 25, 2010: RESOLVED, that, with respect to the Surety business written by Berkley Surety, the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or any Vice President of the Company, in conjunction with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute powers of attorney authorizing and qualifying the attorney -in -fact named therein to execute bonds, undertakings. recoganizances, or other suretyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix the corporate seal of the Company to powers of attorney executed pursuant hereto; and said officers may remove any such attorney -in -fact and revoke any power of attorney previously granted; and firther RESOLVED, that such power of attorney limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated, and further RESOLVED, that such power of attorney revokes all previous powers issued on behalf of the attorney-iin-fact named; and fiuther RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligation of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. The Company may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or officers of the Company, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at the time when such instruments shall be issued. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 2nd day of May , 2024 . wuurrrul, °v,s 1,44% Attest: Berkley Insurance Company F .� cop40�F z _ _ (Seal) ja SEAL By By 02 Philip S, elt jelflieN# YAaar Executive Vice President & Secretary Senior Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) ) ss: COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD ) Sworn to before me, a Notary Public in the State of Connecticut, this 2nd day of May 2024 , by Philip S. Welt and Jeffrey M. Hafter who are sworn to me to be the Executive Vice President and Secretary, and the Senior Vice President, respectively, of Berkley Insurance Company. MARIA C. RUNDBAKEN NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public, State of Cormecticw CONNECTICUT MY COMMLS&ON E)"" 0 -30-200 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY tiiai thy iorewaing us;:; true, correct and complete copy of the original Power of Attorney; that said Power of Attorney has not bee» revoked or reEcinded and that the authority of the Attorney -inn -Fact set forth therein, who executed the bond or undertaking to which this rower of Attorney is attached, is in full force and effect as of this date. Given under my hand and seal of the Company, this 13th day of Lip _ - 2024. (Seal) W °�nveE �c �� SEAL �Y Vincent P. torte R A F,q�` �1 � \2 Y wITH P' CONTRACT ROUTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Use this cover sheet to circulate all contracts for review and approval in the order shown below. TO BE COMPLETED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER: Contracting Department: Public Works Project Manager: Shannon Mackle (for Adeel Shaikh) Extension: 3353 Contractor Name: Precision Concrete Cutting Contractor's Contact: Joseph Ortega Contact's Email: jortega@pccnorcal.com ❑ FPPC: Check if Contractor/Consultant must file Form 700 Step RESPONSIBLE DESCRIPTION COMPLETED REVIEWER DEPARTMENT a. Email PINS Introductory Notice to Contractor DATE Check/Initial 1 Project Manager Click here to ❑ enter a date. b. Email contract (in Word) and attachments to City 5/3/2024 Attorney c/o Laraine.Gittens@cityofsanrafael.org ®SM 2 City Attorney a. Review, revise, and comment on draft agreement 5/8/2024 and return to Project Manager 5/8/2024 ® NT b. Confirm insurance requirements, create Job on Department Director PINS, send PINS insurance notice to contractor © NT 3 Approval of final agreement form to send to 5/13/2024 ❑ AM contractor 4 Project Manager Forward three (3) originals of final agreement to 5/14/2024 Al contractor for their signature 5 Project Manager When necessary, contractor -signed agreement ❑ N/A agendized for City Council approval * *City Council approval required for Professional Services ❑ Agreements and purchases of goods and services that exceed Or $75,000; and for Public Works Contracts that exceed $175,000 Click here to Date of City Council approval enter a date PRINT CONTINUE ROUTING PROCESS WITH HARD COPY 6 Project Manager Forward signed original agreements to City Attorney with printed copy of this routing form 7 City Attorney Review and approve hard copy of signed agreement Review and approve insurance in PINS , and bonds 8 City Attorney (for Public Works Contracts) 9 City Manager / Mayor Agreement executed by City Council authorized official 10 City Clerk Attest signatures, retains original agreement and forwards copies to Project Manager Informal Contract - PCC - Canal Phase 2 Final Audit Report Created: 2024-06-05 By: Shannon Mackie (shannon.mackle@cityofsanrafael.org) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAeUQzarzMU2d2Jai3C5iFZgpExPGOh0eO 2024-06-06 "Informal Contract - PCC - Canal Phase 2" History Document created by Shannon Mackie(shannon.mackle@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-06-05-10:42:22 PM GMT- IP address: E'' Document emailed to Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) for approval 2024-06-05 - 10:44:46 PM GMT Email viewed by Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-06-05 - 10:52:01 PM GMT- IP address: b© Document approved by Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-06-05 - 10:53:26 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: P4 Document emailed to Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-06-05 - 10:53:28 PM GMT Email viewed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-06-05 - 10:54:42 PM GMT- IP address: 6© Document e-signed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyie@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-06-05 - 10:55:04 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: El Document emailed to city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org for approval 2024-06-05 - 10:55:06 PM GMT Email viewed by city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org 2024-06-06 - 0:06:40 AM GMT- IP address: b© Signer city.cierk@cityofsanrafael.org entered name at signing as Brenna Nurmi 2024-06-06 - 0:06:49 AM GMT- IP address: 4t Document approved by Brenna Nurmi(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-06-06 - 0:06:51 AM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: SAN RAFAEL Adobe fi ir:17Y MI' I? MRS 01 Acrobat Sign Document emailed to APRIL MILLER (april.miller@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-06-06 - 0:06:53 AM GMT Email viewed by APRIL MILLER (april.miller@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-06-06 - 5:12:07 PM GMT- IP address: 6y© Document e-signed by APRIL MILLER (april.miller@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-06-06 - 5:12:19 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: C'► Document emailed to city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org for signature 2024-06-06 - 5:12:21 PM GMT Email viewed by city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org 2024-06-06 - 5:21:50 PM GMT- IP address: GS© Signer city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org entered name at signing as Brenna Nurmi (for) 2024-06-06 - 5:22:11 PM GMT- IP address: d© Document e-signed by Brenna Nurmi (fOr)(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-06-06 - 5:22:13 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2024-06-06 - 5:22:13 PM GMT SAN RAFAEL I Adobe by " -11111°" Acrobat Sign