HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR Professional Recruitment ServicesAGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL AND WBCP, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL RECRUITMENT SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered into as of 16/04/24 (the "Effective Date"), by and between the CITY OF SAN RAFAEL, a chartered California municipal corporation (hereinafter "CITY"), and WBCP, INC., an Oregon corporation (hereinafter "CONSULTANT"). CITY and CONSULTANT may be referred to individually as a "Party" or collectively as the "Parties" or the "Parties to this Agreement." RECITALS A. CITY desires to secure professional services more fully described in this Agreement, at Exhibit A, entitled "SCOPE OF SERVICES"; and B. CONSULTANT represents that it, and its subcontractors, if any, have the professional qualifications, expertise, and necessary licenses and desire to provide certain goods and/or required services of the quality and type which meet objectives and requirements of CITY; and C. The Parties have specified herein the terms and conditions under which such services will be provided and paid for. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED. Except as otherwise may be expressly specified in this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall furnish all technical and professional services, including labor, material, equipment, transportation, supervision and expertise (collectively referred to as "Services") to satisfactorily complete the work required by CITY at its sole risk and expense. Services to be provided to CITY are more fully described in Exhibit A entitled "SCOPE OF SERVICES." CONSULTANT acknowledges that the execution of this Agreement by CITY is predicated upon representations made by CONSULTANT in that certain proposal, dated March 20, 2024 ("Proposal") set forth in Exhibit A, which constitutes the basis for this Agreement. 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONSULTANT's complete performance of Services, CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all materials provided and services rendered by CONSULTANT a fixed fee Rev. 08.22 in the amount of $5,900 for consulting services and a not to exceed amount of $4,500 for expenses, as further described in Exhibit A, for a total not to exceed amount of $10,400. CONSULTANT will bill City for Services provided by CONSULTANT, subject to verification by CITY. CITY will pay CONSULTANT within thirty (30) days of City's receipt of invoice. 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT. Unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement or unless this paragraph is subsequently modified by a written amendment to this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date of this Agreement and terminate on June 30, 2024. 4. PROJECT COORDINATION. A. CITY'S Project Manager. The Human Resources Director is hereby designated the PROJECT MANAGER for the CITY and said PROJECT MANAGER shall supervise all aspects of the progress and execution of this Agreement. B. CONSULTANT'S Project Director. CONSULTANT shall assign a single PROJECT DIRECTOR to have overall responsibility for the progress and execution of this Agreement for CONSULTANT. Wendi Brown is hereby designated as the PROJECT DIRECTOR for CONSULTANT. Should circumstances or conditions subsequent to the execution of this Agreement require a substitute PROJECT DIRECTOR, for any reason, the CONSULTANT shall notify the CITY within ten (10) business days of the substitution. 5. TERMINATION. A. Discretionary. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice mailed or personally delivered to the other party. B. Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon fifteen (15) days written notice mailed or personally delivered to the other party, and the notified party's failure to cure or correct the cause of the termination, to the reasonable satisfaction of the party giving such notice, within such fifteen (15) day time period. C. Effect of Termination. Upon receipt of notice of termination, neither party shall incur additional obligations under any provision of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. D. Return of Documents. Upon termination, any and all CITY documents or materials provided to CONSULTANT and any and all of CONSULTANT's documents and materials prepared for or relating to the performance of its duties under this Agreement, shall be delivered to CITY as soon as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after termination. 08.22 2 6. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. The written documents and materials prepared by the CONSULTANT in connection with the performance of its duties under this Agreement, shall be the sole property of CITY. CITY may use said property for any purpose, including projects not contemplated by this Agreement. 7. INSPECTION AND AUDIT. Upon reasonable notice, CONSULTANT shall make available to CITY, or its agent, for inspection and audit, all documents and materials maintained by CONSULTANT in connection with its performance of its duties under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall fully cooperate with CITY or its agent in any such audit or inspection. ASSIGNABILITY. The parties agree that they shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement nor the performance of any of their respective obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other party, and any attempt to so assign this Agreement or any rights, duties or obligations arising hereunder shall be void and of no effect. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. During the tern of this Agreement, and for any time period set forth in ExIiii)it 13, CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain in full force and effect, at no cost to CITY insurance policies with respect to employees and vehicles assigned to the performance of Services under this Agreement with coverage amounts, required endorsements, certificates of insurance, and coverage verifications as defined in Exhibit B. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. A. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph B of this section, CONSULTANT shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, release, defend with counsel approved by CITY, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers (collectively, the "City Indemnitees"), from and against any claim, demand, suit, judgment, loss, liability or expense of any kind, including but not limited to attorney's fees, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation, (collectively "CLAIMS"), arising out of CONSULTANT'S performance of its obligations or conduct of its operations under this Agreement. The CONSULTANT's obligations apply regardless of whether or not a liability is caused or contributed to by the active or passive negligence of the City Indemnitees. However, to the extent that liability is caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of the City Indemnitees, the CONSULTANT's indemnification obligation shall be reduced in proportion to the City Indemnitees' share of liability for the active negligence or willful misconduct. In addition, the acceptance or approval of the CONSULTANT's work or work product by the CITY or any of its directors, officers or employees shall not relieve or reduce the CONSULTANT's indemnification obligations. In the event the City Indemnitees are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding arising from CONSULTANT'S performance of or operations under this Agreement, 08.22 CONSULTANT shall provide a defense to the City Indemnitees or at CITY'S option reimburse the City Indemnitees their costs of defense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in defense of such claims. B. Where the services to be provided by CONSULTANT under this Agreement are design professional services to be performed by a design professional as that term is defined under Civil Code Section 2782.8, then, to the extent permitted by law including without limitation, Civil Code sections 2782, 2782.6 and 2782.8, CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, officials, and employees (collectively City Indemnitees) from and against damages, liabilities or costs (including incidental damages, Court costs, reasonable attorney's fees as may be determined by the Court, litigation expenses and fees of expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation) to the extent they are caused by the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, or any subconsultants, or subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them, or anyone for whom they are legally liable (collectively Liabilities). Such obligation to hold harmless and indemnify any indemnity shall not apply to the extent that such Liabilities are caused in part by the negligence or willful misconduct of such City Indemnitee. C. The defense and indemnification obligations of this Agreement are undertaken in addition to, and shall not in any way be limited by, the insurance obligations contained in this Agreement, and shall survive the termination or completion of this Agreement for the full period of time allowed by law. 11. NONDISCRIMINATION. CONSULTANT shall not discriminate, in any way, against any person on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin or disability in connection with or related to the performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. CONSULTANT shall observe and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations, in the performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall perform all services under this Agreement in accordance with these laws, ordinances, codes and regulations. CONSULTANT shall release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees from any and all damages, liabilities, penalties, fines and all other consequences from any noncompliance or violation of any laws, ordinances, codes or regulations. 13. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. CITY and CONSULTANT do not intend, by any provision of this Agreement, to create in any third party, any benefit or right owed by one party, under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to the other party. 08.22 4 14. NOTICES. All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement, including any notice of change of address, shall be in writing and given by personal delivery, or deposited with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties intended to be notified. Notice shall be deemed given as of the date of personal delivery, or if mailed, upon the date of deposit with the United States Postal Service. Notice shall be given as follows: To CITY's Project Manager: Marissa Sanchez, Human Resources Director 1400 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. To CONSULTANT's Project Director: Wendi Brown, President 213 East Main Street Rogue River, OR 97537 For the purposes, and for the duration, of this Agreement, CONSULTANT, its officers, agents and employees shall act in the capacity of an Independent Contractor, and not as employees of the CITY. CONSULTANT and CITY expressly intend and agree that the status of CONSULTANT, its officers, agents and employees be that of an Independent Contractor and not that of an employee of CITY. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT -- AMENDMENTS. A. The terms and conditions of this Agreement, all exhibits attached, and all documents expressly incorporated by reference, represent the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. B. This written Agreement shall supersede any and all prior agreements, oral or written, regarding the subject matter between the CONSULTANT and the CITY. C. No other agreement, promise or statement, written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, shall be valid or binding, except by way of a written amendment to this Agreement. D. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be altered or modified except by a written amendment to this Agreement signed by the CONSULTANT and the CITY. E. If any conflicts arise between the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the terms and conditions of the attached exhibits or the documents expressly incorporated by reference, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall control. 17. SET-OFF AGAINST DEBTS. CONSULTANT agrees that CITY may deduct from any payment due to CONSULTANT under this Agreement, any monies which CONSULTANT owes CITY under any ordinance, v 08 22 agreement, contract or resolution for any unpaid taxes, fees, licenses, assessments, unpaid checks or other amounts. 18. WAIVERS. The waiver by either party of any breach or violation of any term, covenant or condition of this Agreement, or of any ordinance, law or regulation, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other tern, covenant, condition, ordinance, law or regulation, or of any subsequent breach or violation of the same or other term, covenant, condition, ordinance, law or regulation. The subsequent acceptance by either party of any fee, performance, or other consideration which may become due or owing under this Agreement, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding breach or violation by the other party of any term, condition, covenant of this Agreement or any applicable law, ordinance or regulation. 19. COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. The prevailing party in any action brought to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or arising out of the performance of this Agreement, may recover its reasonable costs (including claims administration) and attorney's fees expended in connection with such action. 20. CITY BUSINESS LICENSE / OTHER TAXES. CONSULTANT shall obtain and maintain during the duration of this Agreement, a CITY business license as required by the San Rafael Municipal Code, and CONSULTANT shall pay any and all state and federal taxes and any other applicable taxes. CITY shall not be required to pay for any work performed under this Agreement, until CONSULTANT has provided CITY with a completed Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 21. SURVIVAL OF TERMS. Any terms of this Agreement that by their nature extend beyond the term (or termination) of this Agreement shall remain in effect until fulfilled and shall apply to both Parties' respective successors and assigns. 22. APPLICABLE LAW. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. 23. COUNTERPARTS AND ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE. This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature and in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one document. Counterpart signature pages may be delivered by telecopier, email or other means of electronic transmission. v 08 22 6 [Signatures are on the following page.] v 08.22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day, month and year first above written. CITY OF SAN RAFAEL: D. ;e-rm�;�n av��e zuaa m,a snot CRISTINE ALILOVICH, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney 9 CIA By: GENEVIEVE COYLE, Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: City Clerk � •u.ra /.ir�.i.u. IG.J LINDSAY LARA, City Clerk 08.22 8 CONSULTANT: WBCP, INC. Wehe'i' 8yowh By. d; 8ro vn;gP 1,224]150 Gil Name: Wendi Brown Title: President [If CONSULTANT is a corporation, add signature of second corporate officer] WBCP Inc. Wendt 8`owrr By: weal, Name: Wendi Brown Title: President EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES The Services to be performed for CITY by CONSULTANT under this Agreement are more fully described in CONSULTANT's proposal, which is attached to this Exhibit A. Rev. 08.22 A-1 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS During the term of this Agreement, and for any time period set forth below, CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain in full force and effect, at no cost to CITY insurance policies with respect to employees and vehicles assigned to the performance of Services under this Agreement with coverage amounts, required endorsements, certificates of insurance, and coverage verifications as defined in this Exhibit B. A. Scope of Coverage. During the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall maintain, at no expense to CITY, the following insurance policies: 1. Commercial general liability. A commercial general liability insurance policy in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence/two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate, for death, bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage. 2. Automobile liability. An automobile liability (owned, non -owned, and hired vehicles) insurance policy in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. 3. Professional liability. If any licensed professional performs any of the services required to be performed under this Agreement, a professional liability insurance policy in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence/two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate, to cover any claims arising out of the CONSULTANT's performance of services under this Agreement. Where CONSULTANT is a professional not required to have a professional license, CITY reserves the right to require CONSULTANT to provide professional liability insurance pursuant to this section. 4. Workers' compensation. If it employs any person, CONSULTANT shall maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by the State of California, with statutory limits, and employer's liability insurance with limits of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. CONSULTANT's workers' compensation insurance shall be specifically endorsed to waive any right of subrogation against CITY. B. Other Insurance Requirements. The insurance coverage required of the CONSULTANT in subparagraph A of this section above shall also meet the following requirements: 1. Except for professional liability insurance or workers' compensation insurance, the insurance policies shall be specifically endorsed to include the CITY, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, as additional insureds (for both ongoing and completed operations) under the policies. 2. The additional insured coverage under CONSULTANT's insurance policies shall be "primary and noncontributory" with respect to any insurance or coverage maintained by CITY and shall not call upon CITY's insurance or self-insurance coverage for any contribution. The "primary and noncontributory" coverage in CONSULTANT'S policies shall be at least as broad as Rev. 08 22 B -1 ISO form CG20 0104 13. 3. Except for professional liability insurance or workers' compensation insurance, the insurance policies shall include, in their text or by endorsement, coverage for contractual liability and personal injury. 4. By execution of this Agreement, CONSULTANT hereby grants to CITY a waiver of any right to subrogation which any insurer of CONSULTANT may acquire against CITY by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. CONSULTANT agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to effect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies regardless of whether or not CITY has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. 5. Ifthe insurance is written on a Claims Made Form, then, following termination of this Agreement, said insurance coverage shall survive for a period of not less than five years. 6. The insurance policies shall provide for a retroactive date of placement coinciding with the Effective Date of this Agreement. 7. The limits of insurance required in this Agreement may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and noncontributory basis for the benefit of CITY (if agreed to in a written contract or agreement) before CITY'S own insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect it as a named insured. 8. It shall be a requirement under this Agreement that any available insurance proceeds broader than or in excess of the specified minimum insurance coverage requirements and/or limits shall be available to CITY or any other additional insured party. Furthermore, the requirements for coverage and limits shall be: (1) the minimum coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy or proceeds available to the named insured; whichever is greater. No representation is made that the minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the obligations of the CONSULTANT under this Agreement. 9. CONSULTANT agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the Services, who is brought onto or involved in the performance of the Services by CONSULTANT, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of CONSULTANT, except as with respect to limits. CONSULTANT agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this Agreement. CONSUTLANT agrees that upon request by CITY, all agreements with, and insurance compliance documents provided by, such subcontractors and others engaged in the performance of Services will be submitted to CITY for review. 10. CONSULTANT agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the Services reserves the right to charge CITY or CONSULTANT for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this Agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to CITY. It is not the intent of CITY to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against CITY for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. C. Deductibles and SIR's. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions in CONSULTANT's insurance policies must be declared to and approved by the CITY and shall not reduce the limits of liability. Policies containing any self -insured retention (SIR) provision shall provide or be endorsed to provide that the SIR may be satisfied by either the named insured or CITY or other additional insured party. At CITY's option, the deductibles or self -insured retentions with respect to CITY shall be reduced or eliminated to CITY's satisfaction, or CONSULTANT shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claims administration, attorney's fees and defense expenses. D. Proof of Insurance. CONSULTANT shall provide to the PROJECT MANAGER all of the following: (1) Certificates of Insurance evidencing the insurance coverage required in this Agreement; (2) a copy of the policy declaration page and/or endorsement page listing all policy endorsements for the commercial general liability policy, and (3) excerpts of policy language or specific endorsements evidencing the other insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement. CITY reserves the right to obtain a full certified copy of any insurance policy and endorsements from CONSULTANT. Failure to exercise this right shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise it later. The insurance shall be approved as to form and sufficiency by the CITY. 08 22 B-3 RECRUITMENT SERVICES FOR SAN RAFAEL THE CITY WITH A MISSION CIVIC ENGAGEMENT MANAGER OPTION 1: ADVERTISING & HEADHUNTING MARCH 20, 2024 WWW.WBCPINC.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT I. COVER LETTER II. BACKGROUND/QUALIFICATIONS III. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART IV. WBCP KEY STAFF V. RECRUITMENT STRATEGY / PHASES VI. SCOPE OF WORK VII. RECRUITMENT TIMELINE VIII. REFERENCES IX. MARKETING MATERIAL EXAMPLES X. COST PROPOSAL XI. OTHER PAGE 1-2 3-6 7 8-10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 Confidential I. COVER LETTER.............................................................................................. March 20, 2024 Alissa Curtin Senior Human Resources Analyst alissa.curtin@cityofsanrafael.org RE: City of San Rafael - Civic Engagement Manager Recruiting Services WBCP It is our pleasure to submit this proposal for recruitment services to secure your ideal candidate to serve as the Civic Engagement Manager of the City of San Rafael. WBCP has worked on many similar recruitments, and after working with your organization previously, we look forward to the opportunity to partner with you on another critical position! We trust our proposal will showcase our client -focused recruitment process and will act as a testament that we are passionate about what we do to make our clients happy. It has been proven that great employees are looking for great employers, not just a paycheck. WBCP provides a broader perspective to recruitment services - going beyond securing the ideal candidate - we brand your organization as an employer of choice. We use eye-catching marketing materials, innovative search practices, and responsive and respectful communications with your applicants and stakeholders. We provide a fair and equal recruitment process that also focuses on attracting ethnic and gender -diverse applicant pools. WBCP is talented at working with you to identify the strengths, challenges, and opportunities of this job, the ideal candidate, and your community and organizational culture. WBCP will work with your stakeholders to design a recruitment strategy that will include a customized engagement process. We will have a series of meetings, discussions, stakeholder interviews, and survey(s) to get to know you, the organization, the community, the culture, and the staff whom the future Civic Engagement Manager will lead. My team and I know the California candidate marketplace and have many clients in your region, such as the County of Marin, City and County of San Francisco, City of Larkspur, Town of Corte Madera, City of Berkeley, City of Petaluma, and Oakland Housing Authority (just to name a few). We have exceptional experience successfully recruiting for similar positions, with several recent notable recruitments including, but not limited to: • Executive Communications Officer, City of Long Beach, CA • Communications Center Manager, San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, CA • Director of Community Services, City of San Rafael, CA • Director of Community Services, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Director of Marketing & Communications, North American Blueberry Council (NABC), CA To see a full list of our clients and successful recruitments, visit. http: tinyuri.com/39jy87uc will be the lead on this recruitment with over 20 years of experience in executive search services, six years of which were working for the County of Orange, and I have owned and operated WBCP since 2004. All of my recruiters have ample experience finding top-notch candidates and have excellent communication and relationship -building skills. WBCP has offices in Oregon, Washington, and California, including two offices in the South Bay Area, the Greater Sacramento Area, and Central California. Confidential I. COVER LETTER............................................................................................. WBCP, Inc. staff are experts in the virtual recruitment process. We are providing these services seamlessly and will be able to effectively support a virtual recruitment process or coordinate in -person interviews and/or hybrid virtual and/or in -person interviews. Recruiting top talent has become the number -one topic among administrators. New and innovative recruitment strategies are critical to identifying and securing candidates with a deep understanding of how to assess and meet community needs and address future challenges. WBCP understands the complexity of community leadership, and we are prepared to provide a thorough, complete, and fair recruitment process to provide a diverse applicant pool. Upon our 2023 year-end review, we found that over the last three years, 90% of our applicants and 83% of our candidates placed in positions with our clients came from diverse backgrounds. In fact, because of our ability to reach diverse applicant pools, we were hired by two national Latino organizations to recruit for an Executive Director and other leadership positions: Latino Public Broadcasting and Radio Bilingoe (two of the largest Latino national nonprofit organization in the U.S.). Clients choose our firm over others because of our ability to work DIVERSITY with your support staff and stakeholder group (including boards, appointed/elected officials, and engaged constituents), manage all details of a recruitment process, and secure great candidates. Our 83% dedication and commitment to the client are complemented by our deep understanding and ability to effectively navigate challenging political climates. of WBCP candidates Our clients have great things to say about the quality of the placed in positions service we provide and the amazing candidates we find them, In come from a diverse fact, many of our clients are return customers. Please feel comfortable reaching out to these organizations to get their background feedback directly. Lastly, I love what I do, and I am passionate about finding exceptional candidates who are also passionate about serving others. My staff and I are driven and desire to exceed client expectations. I appreciate your consideration in retaining our services and hope to have an opportunity to work with you in the future. Best Regards, Wendi Brown I Founder/President, WBCP, INC. wendi@wbcpinc.com 1 541-664-0376 www.wbcpinc.com O WBCP Confidential II. BACKGROUND & QUALIFICATIONS....................................................... Principal: Wendi Brown, President Company Legal Name: WBCP, Inc. Tax ID: 81-5454037 Website: www.wbcpinc.com Phone: 866-929-WBCP (9227) / 541-664-0376 Address: • California Main Office: San Jose, CA • Oregon Main Office: 213 E Main St., Rogue River, OR, 97537 • Arizona Main Office: Gilbert, AZ 85233 • Seattle Main Office: Seattle, WA 98107 • Satellite Offices (3): Santa Barbara, CA; Gilroy, CA; Roseville, CA; Jacksonville, NC WOMEN OWNED WBCP, Inc. is a 100% woman -owned business, an S Corporation, not part of a parent company, and is a registered small business through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). WBCP is registered to do business in California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona and soon expanding in other states. WBCP files and pays California S Corp and personal income taxes. BUSINESS HISTORY WBCP, Inc. has been in business since 2004, and serves nonprofit and public sector organizations. WBCP offers a variety of services, including. partial and full service search services for individual contributor, supervisor, management and executive management positions; human resources consulting. organizational development, training classification and compensation studies, analysis and assessments, etc. 0 W B C P Confidentra! II. BACKGROUND & QUALIFICATIONS....................................................... WBCP has over 20 years of experience providing search services for public sector and non-profit organizations. We have successfully secured professionals and provided other consulting services in California, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Cities of: Arcata (CA), Ashland (OR), Astoria (CA), Berkeley (CA), Calistoga (CA), Central Point (OR), Ceres (CA), Chandler (AZ), Colfax (CA), Corte Madera (CA), Culver City (CA), Davis (CA), Dunsmuir (CA), Duvall (WA), Fremont (CA), Fresno (CA), Garibaldi (OR), Grants Pass (OR), Gold Hill (OR); Hemet (CA), Hubbard (OR), Independence (OR), Irvine (CA), Laguna Beach (CA), Larkspur (CA), Lincoln (CA), Livermore (CA), Livingston (CA), Long Beach (CA), Medford (OR), Milpitas (CA), Napa (CA), Novato (CA), Oakland (CA), Oxnard (CA), Palo Alto (CA), Park City (UT), Pasadena (CA), Petaluma (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Phoenix (OR), Port Hueneme (CA), Redding (CA), Riverside (CA), Rochester (NY), Roseville (CA), Rogue River (OR), Sacramento (CA), San Francisco (CA), San Rafael (CA), Santa Maria (CA), Santa Paula (CA), Santa Rosa (CA), Solvang (CA), Sonoma (CA), Sutter Creek (CA), Talent (OR), Truckee (CA), Ventura (CA), Vernon (CA), Victorville (CA), and Windsor (CA). Counties of: Alameda (CA), Colusa (CA), Contra Costa (CA), El Paso (CO), Fresno (CA), Humboldt (CA), Jackson (OR), King (WA), Lake (CA), Lane (OR), Los Angeles (CA), Marin (CA), Mariposa (CA), Mendocino (CA), Merced (CA), Mono (CA), Napa (CA), Orange (CA), Riverside (CA), Sacramento (CA), San Benito (CA), San Bernardino (CA), San Mateo (CA), San Francisco (CA), San Joaquin (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA), Santa Barbara (CA), Santa Clara (CA), Santa Cruz (CA), Shasta (CA), Solano (CA), Sonoma (CA), Stanislaus (CA), Tuolumne (CA), Yuba (CA), and Yolo (CA). Local and National Councils, Boards, and Districts: Boulder Creek Protection District, California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA), Cosumnes Community Services District, Hass Avocado Board (HAB), Jackson County Fire District 5, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA), Mendocino County Air Quality Management District, Monterey One Water, Nevada Irrigation District, Newark Chamber of Commerce, North American Blueberry Council/U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (NABC/USHBC), Oakland Housing Authority, Olivehurst Public Utility District, Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS), Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA), Sacramento Employment & Training Agency (SETA), Sacramento Public Library Authority, Sacramento Sewer District, Sacramento Suburban Water District, San Benito Council of Governments, San Diego Port Authority, San Joaquin County Employees Retirement Association (SJCERA), San Rafael Sanitation District (SRSD), Sonoma County Library, Tri-City Mental Health Authority (TCMHA), Truckee - Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD), Tuolumne Utilities District, and Valley Water. Nonprofit and Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs): Center Point, Central California Legal Services (CCLS), Community Food Bank, Community Works, Dogs for Better Lives/Dogs for the Deaf, Downtown Streets Team, First 5 (Alameda County, California Association, Fresno, Santa Barbara County, San Mateo), Futures Without Violence (Family Violence Protect Fund), Gold Coast Health, Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP), Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), La Public Media, Latino Public Broadcasting, Northern Valley Catholic Social Service (NVCSS), Options Recovery, Radio Bilingue, Sacramento Public Library Authority (SPLA), Santa Cruz County Animal Services Authority, Teton County Joint Housing Authority (TCJHA), Transitions -Mental Health Association, Valley Consortium for Medical Education (VCME), Water Forum and West Angeles Church of God in Christ. Private Organizations: CDS Publications, Central California Truck and Trailer, Morton & Pitalo, NAVA, SWEED, Touchstone Accounting. Consulting services (classification and compensation services, competency modeling, job description development, job family development, job analysis): City of Fremont, City of Medford, City of Santa Maria, City of Santa Paula, County of Humboldt, County of Mariposa, County of Santa Barbara, and County of San Luis Obispo. • Organizational Leadership • Economic Development • Facilities & Operations • Financial, Administrative Services, Accounting, Auditing • Health & Human Services, Housing, Unhoused INDUSTRIES • HR, Risk, Labor/Employee Relations • Information Technology • Legal, Counsel, Clerk • Library • Marketing, Communications PR • Parks & Rec, Community Services, Arts Planning, Environmental, Community Development, Building, Transit Public Safety Public Works, Transportation, Engineering O WBCP ConTdentiai II. BACKGROUND & QUALIFICATIONS....................................................... BELOW IS A LIST OF SIMILAR RECRUITMENTS WBCP HAS MANAGED: MARKETING, COMMUNICATIONS, PUBLIC RELATIONS • Director of Marketing and Communications, North American Blueberry Council (NABC), CA • Director of Marketing & Communications, WBCP Inc., OR • Director of Communications and Industry Relations, North American Blueberry Council (NABC), CA • Director of Communications, North American Blueberry Council/USHBC, CA • Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications, North American Blueberry Council (NABC)/USHBC, CA • Strategic Communications Officer, First 5 Alameda, CA • Public Relations Specialist, Valley Water, CA • Social Media and Marketing Specialist, WBCP Inc., OR • Copywriter, WBCP Inc., OR • Social Media Coordinator, WBCP Inc., OR PARKS & RECREATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES, ARTS • Director of Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment, City of Sacramento, CA • Director of Community Services, City of Irvine, CA • Director of Community Services, City of San Rafael, CA • Director of Community Services, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Director of Community Engagement, City of Davis, CA • Director of Convention & Cultural Services, City of Sacramento, CA • Director of Parks, City of Ashland, CA • Director of Parks, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation, City of Petaluma, CA • Deputy Director of Community Services, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Assistant Director, Recreation and Parks, City of Santa Maria, CA • Assistant Parks Director, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Real Estate Program Manager, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, CA ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP • City Manager, City of Santa Maria, CA • City Manager, City of Pasadena, CA • City Manager, City of Port Hueneme, CA • City Manager, City of Ceres, CA • City Manager, City of Santa Rosa, CA • City Manager, City of Gold Hill, OR • City Manager, City of Sonoma, CA • City Manager, City of Petaluma, CA • City Manager, City of Phoenix, OR • City Manager, City of Dunsmuir, CA • City Manager, City of Oxnard, CA • City Manager, City of Ventura, CA • City Manager, City of Independence, OR • City Manager, City of Garibaldi, OR • City Manager, City of Talent, OR • City Manager, City of Colfax, CA • Town Manager, Town of Truckee, CA • Town Manager, Town of Windsor, CA • City Administrator, City of Rogue River, OR • City Administrator, City of Hubbard, OR • City Administrator, City of Duvall, WA • County Executive Officer, County of Shasta, CA W WBCP Can idential II. BACKGROUND & QUALIFICATIONS.......................................................... ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP (CON'T) • Assistant City Manager (Public Safety), City of Sacramento, CA • Assistant City Manager (Municipal Services), City of Sacramento, CA • Deputy City Manager, City of Long Beach, CA • Chief Executive Officer, CalPIA (California Prison Authority), CA • Chief Executive Officer, Newark Chamber of Commerce, CA • Chief Executive Officer, San Joaquin County Employees' Retirement Association (SJCERA), CA • Chief Executive Director, Valley Consortium of Medical Education, CA • Executive Director, Water Forum, CA • Executive Director, Teton County Joint Housing Authority, ID • Executive Director, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, CA • Executive Director, Options Recovery Services, CA • Executive Director, Latino Public Broadcasting, CA • Executive Director, First 5 Association of California, CA • Executive Director, First 5 Santa Barbara County, CA • Executive Director, First 5 Fresno, CA • Executive Director, San Benito Council of Governments, CA • Executive Director, Northern Valley Catholic Social Service, Redding, CA • Executive Director, Community Food Bank, CA • Executive Director, Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, CA • Executive Director, Tri-City Mental Health Authority, CA • Executive Director, Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, CA • Executive Director, Arts Commission, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Executive Vice President, Center Point, CA • Vice President/Business Development Director, WBCP Inc., OR • ACEO - Assistant County Executive Officer, County of Napa, CA • ACEO - Assistant County Executive Officer, County of Napa, CA • ACEO - Assistant County Administrative Officer, County of Santa Barbara, CA • ACAO - Assistant County Administrator, County of San Joaquin, CA • ACAO/HR Director, County of Mariposa, CA • Assistant Executive Director, First 5 San Mateo, CA • Chief Operating Officer, IT and Administrative Services, Valley Water, CA • Chief Operating Officer, Water Utility Enterprise, Valley Water, CA • Chief Operating Officer, Futures Without Violence, CA • Chief Operating Officer/Executive Director, Valley Consortium for Medical Education, CA • Chief Operating Officer, WBCP Inc., OR • General Manager, Olivehurst Public Utility District, CA • General Manager, Tuolumne Utilities District, CA • General Manager, LA Public Media, CA • General Manager, Radio Bilingoe, CA • General Manager, Santa Cruz County Animal Services Authority, CA 0 W B C P Confidential WWW.WBCPINC.COM PAGE 7 EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP WENDI BROWN President/Sr. Recruiter HEATHER JACK Chief Operating Officer MANAGEMENT/RECRUITERS LEXIE GRAF TERI MAUS- Dir. of NISICH Marketing & Sr. Executive Communications Recruiter LEVI LAUREN KUHLMAN GERSON Executive Executive Recruiter Recruiter DID JOSETTE GRISSOM REINA-LUKEN Executive Executive Recruiter Recruiter MAGGIE STEPHANIE ALEXANDRE LAWSON Executive Search Recruitment Associate Manager & Class/Comp Specialist STRATEGIC PARTNERS ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS LEAH MURPHY THERESA COLLINS Project Manager Project Manager KATIE HILBERT NAOMI ORR Project Manager Operations Specialist ELLEN KARLEE SCHWEIKERT BECKSTEAD Copywriter Social Media & Marketing Specialist ANNA BROWN SOFIA OBAIDI Sourcing & Outreach Sourcing & Outreach Specialist Specialist AIMEE KUHLMAN RYAN BROWN Bookkeeper/Operations Recruitment & Assistant IT Coordinator MADDY SCHWARZ KIM CATOIRE MarkelingAssistant Executive Assistant ANGELA EDWARDS JAMI GILMAN Recruitment Assistant Recruitment Assistant KATIE GARROTTO CAMERON INKLEY Recruitment Assistant Recruitment Assistant LANE NOLAN Recruitment Assistant MIKE BILL CHRISTY RIVKAH WILLIAM CINDY PATRICK LUKEN LANDIS WURSTER SASS RACOWSCHI CHARAN DUTERTE Sr. Facilitator Public Safety Se Facilitator Retired Library Fire/Public Safety HR & Organizational Sr. Facilitator Investigator Director/Sr. Expert Development Director Facilitator WBCP STATISTICS WBCP is a 100% woman -owned business. Staff and consultants are a diverse mix of gender/ethnicity Age ranges from 21 - 70+ 41 u S, >. XV707IN6,1 IV. WBCP KEY STAFF........................................................................................... WENDI BROWN Lead Consultant/ Sr. Executive Recruiter TERRI MAUS-NISIGH Sr. Executive Recruiter LAUREN GERSON Executive Recruiter am the President of WBCP, with over 20 years of experience in marketing and advertising and combine this with my background in recruiting to successfully place hard -to -fill, management, and executive positions. My team and I are passionate about helping organizations improve their recruitment services, place great talent, conduct department assessments, redesign antiquated processes, revise job descriptions, conduct salary and benchmark studies, and more. I have I have worked in various industries - advertising and public relations, national real estate franchisor, global manufacturing - and I have worked with nonprofit and public sector organizations since 1999. Formerly, I was an internal Human Resources Consultant for the County of Orange, California, providing countywide communications, human resources, executive search, and recruiter training services to the Assistant Chief Executive Office/Human Resources Director and, at that time, 25 decentralized departments, with 17,000 employees, serving a community of 300,000. 1 have a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from Colorado Technical University; have earned several certificates in Project Management, Global Business, Marketing, and Human Resources; and working toward a Master's in Management at Southern Oregon University Terri Maus-Nisich holds a pivotal role as one of our Senior Executive Recruiters, leveraging her extensive background as a distinguished leader in local government. With a local government career spanning over 40 years, Terri's journey includes transformative roles within the County of Santa Barbara, where she ascended from Parks Director to Assistant County Executive Officer, overseeing vital municipal and health/human service departments. Her remarkable impact encompasses leadership in Homeless Services, Communications, and Emergency Management, driving community engagement, disaster recovery, and support for vulnerable populations. Before her tenure in Santa Barbara, Terri spent 15 years with the City of Santa Clarita in roles ranging from analyst to Deputy City Manager. Throughout her remarkable career, Terri prioritized strategic planning, organizational development, and innovative problem - solving, garnering numerous awards. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from UC Santa Barbara, a Masters of Public Administration from Cal State Northridge, and a graduate certificate from Harvard University's JFK School of Government. Lauren serves as an Executive Recruiter at WBCP, where she excels in managing the entire recruitment process. Beginning her career in operations and events for renowned breweries and restaurants, she later transitioned to business operations and career services. Prior to joining WBCP, she assisted jobseekers overcoming employment barriers through a career coaching company. Lauren's diverse background encompasses project management, client relations, resume writing, HR operations, and risk management. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy with a minor in English Literature from Whittier College, showcasing her analytical and communication skills. Her multi -faceted expertise and dedication make her an asset to WBCP's executive recruitment endeavors. O WBCP Confidential IV. WBCP KEY STAFF.......................................................................................... LEVI KUHLMAN Executive Recruiter LEXIE GRAF Director of Marketing & Communications/ Recruiter HEATHERJACK Chief Operating Officer 0 WBCP Confidential Levi serves as one of WBCP's Executive Recruiters and plays an integral role in managing our recruitments and clients. Some of his primary duties include meeting with clients, screening candidates, preparing for interviews, leading headhunting efforts, and overseeing candidate coordination. Levi's strong interpersonal skills coupled with his eagerness to work with others helps him create lasting relationships with clients and candidates. Prior to his time with WBCP, Levi was the President of a real estate company where he oversaw a residential real estate team in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. In addition to the great work he does for WBCP, our clients, and our candidates, Levi also operates a small catering company on the side. Currently, Levi is dually enrolled at Oregon State University and Western Governors University pursuing his MBA/MPA. Lexie Graf is WBCP's Director of Marketing & Communications. As a marketing professional, she has been primarily focusing on copywriting, content creation, and brand strategy in her career. Lexie has a knack for understanding each clients' unique needs, allowing her to adapt her writing voice and branding as needed. Along with developing and overseeing the creation of social media, marketing materials, and advertising plans for WBCP, Lexie collaborates with the recruitment team in meeting clients' needs and deadlines. Before working at WBCP, Lexie wrote for Indeed and the University of Wisconsin Colleges, helping her develop a deep understanding of career development, recruitment, and public sector careers. Throughout her marketing career, Lexie has produced a wide variety of campaigns and deliverables, such as blogs, digital and print ads, website content, brochures, social media posts, eBooks, and magazines. Notable projects throughout her career include developing content for two websites and collaborating on an email marketing campaign that won an American Advertising Award in multiple categories. Lexie has a Bachelor's in Communications with certificates in Digital Studies and Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin — Madison. Heather Jack is WBCP's Chief Operating Officer and lead Project Manager. Since starting at WBCP in 2015, she has grown into an integral part of the business. Heather uses her strong organizational skills and attention to detail to support all recruitments from start to finish, coordinate timelines, oversee the team's productivity. Meeting clients' deadlines and major milestones is one of Heather's top priorities, making her our go -to person for all things calendar and project management -related. Heather also assists with projects in human resources with several municipalities in Oregon and California. Other aspects of her role include supporting employee engagement, salary and benchmark studies, and business operations. During her time at WBCP, Heather has modernized processes and scaled technology systems for the company. Prior to working with WBCP, Heather worked at Hannon Library, developing organizational, research, and interpersonal skills. Heather has a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology and a double minor in Environmental Studies and French from Southern Oregon University. IV. WBCP KEY STAFF....................................................................................... STEPHANIE Stephanie started working for WBCP in 2019. She acts as support for all LAWSON facets of the recruitment process, as well as any other tasks to assist the Recruitment WBCP team. Some of her core responsibilities include candidate and panel 11Vlanager coordination, candidate review, calendar and timeline management, and interview material preparation. Prior to working for WBCP, Stephanie had several roles in hospitality where she further developed her client relations, communications, and clerical skills. Stephanie has a Bachelor's of Science degree in Business Administration with a focus in Hospitality from Southern Oregon University. MAGGIE Maggie Alexandre is a Human Resources professional with over 30 years of ALEXANDRE experience, and is WBCP's key Executive Search Associate and Executive Search Classification and Compensation Specialist for WBCP since 2018. Prior to Assoc. & working at WBCP, Maggie was a Human Resources Director in the San Class/Comp Francisco Financial District and led an 80 person team of human resource Specialist professionals. She began her career in HR at Robertson, Stephens & Company, a boutique investment bank, and continued in the HR Director role at other investment banks and private equity firms until 2016. Maggie studied Anthropology at California State University, Long Beach and received her Human Resources Management Certificate from California State University, San Francisco. 0 WBCP V. RECRUITMENT STRATEGY / PHASES ..................................................... WBCP knows how to customize your search strategy to meet your unique recruitment needs. We customize your recruitment based on the specific needs, target audience, and challenges for each recruitment; however, below is a baseline approach for most recruitments. CLIENT & STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS We require the Client and/or Search Committee, and other stakeholders identified by the Client, be involved in the initial and final phases of this recruitment. These are critical phases to ensure we obtain a clear sense of the priorities and the successful hire of the right candidate. WBCP will meet with various stakeholders as warranted by the Client and the level of the position in the organization. These meetings will allow us an opportunity to gather information and gain knowledge about the organization, community, and unique aspects of the recruitment to design the ideal candidate professional profile, advertising materials, and strategic approach FEEDBACK OUTCOME / TIMELINE DEVELOPMENT Following the Client/stakeholder meetings, we will develop a detailed timeline for the recruitment along with a proposed advertising plan for approval. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT Immediately following the client feedback activities, we will draft the competencies for the recruitment and advertising material/recruitment brochure for the Client's review. This information will summarize what was learned from Client -related interviews and will be used to advertise the opening. MARKETING STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION WBCP will execute a customized marketing/ad plan once the job announcement is created. An ad plan could include the following (based on assumptions), and will be customized based on information gathered in Phase I: PHASE I DIGITAL ADVERTISING WITH DIVERSITY IN MIND WBCP utilizes digital advertising to obtain diverse applicant pools, leveraging local and national job boards, associations, and social media. In partnership with a diversity platform, our postings reach up to 600 local employment and diversity websites, connecting across 15,000+ community organizations and niche sites, tapping into a job bank of 2 million resumes. Our 2023 review indicates that 83% of candidates placed with WBCP clients have diverse backgrounds — a 21% increase from last year's review. EMAIL & DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING PHASE11 In addition to tapping into WBCP's existing pool of potential applicants, we have the capability to access various professional lists. We actively seek out additional lists through associations, contacts, and other strategic channels. SOURCING/HEADHUNTING WBCP employs a proactive approach by reaching out to targeted individuals and cultivating new connections through referrals from reputable sources. As a Linkedln recruiter, we harness the power of over 350 million profiles to identify and engage with ideal candidates. Additionally, WBCP utilizes cutting -edge Al tools for precise Boolean searches, enabling us to uncover niche candidates effectively. COMMUNICATION WITH CLIENT We will provide weekly updates on the progress of this search unless the client prefers more or less frequent communications. We tailor our communications in accordance with our Client's needs. O W B C P Confidential VI. SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................................ • Facilitate initial kick-off meeting with Client and other meetings that may include Executive Leadership, staff, community, and other stakeholders to assist with identifying the ideal candidate profile. • Assist Client hiring authority/stakeholders in modifying the job description (as needed), and develop a recruitment announcement, marketing materials, and advertising plan for the recruitment. • Attend all other meetings and engagements as needed or identified by the Client. • Implement advertising plan including: publication, sourcing/headhunting, direct mail, and other online and email marketing efforts. • Provide timely updates and progress reports to the client regarding search services; every two weeks or as Client identifies is needed. a O W B G P Confidential VII. RECRUITMENT TIMELINE......................................................................... BELOW IS A SAMPLE OF AN EXECUTIVE SEARCH TIMELINE THAT WBCP WILL CUSTOMIZE FOR THIS RECRUITMENT Week 1: • Secure services with search firm, WBCP, Inc. • WBCP: review search parameters and recruiting processes with Client • Interview with hiring authority and other stakeholders for competencies • Identification of advertising venues and ideal candidate prospects • Calls, meetings, or coordination with other stakeholders for information gathering Weeks 1 + 2: • Develop and approvals: recruitment process, deadlines, ad plan and strategy, recruitment timeline and brochure • Print coordination (if applicable) Weeks 2 + 3: • OPEN RECRUITMENT AND AD PLAN: Implement marketing plan and direct mail (if applicable) • Timeline may be extended if direct mail piece is included (i.e., print/postage) Weeks 4, 5, + 6: • Receive applications — WBCP may receive applications (if using our applicant tracking system) and/or receive updates from clients on the results of the recruitment. Weeks 7 + 8: • CLOSE RECRUITMENT AND ADVERTISING L wvrr Syr S r � r• t All 1� 0 W B C P Confidential VII. REFERENCES........................................................................... .................... 1-City of Long Beach, California Positions Filled: • Executive Communications Officer Contact Information: • Omar Ramos, Manager of Administration - omar.ramos@longbeach.gov 1 562-570-6060 2-North American Blueberry Council (NABC), California Positions Filled: • Director of Marketing & Communications Contact Information: • Andrea Walters, Executive Liaison - awalters@nabcblues.org 1 916-542-1590 • Kasey Cronquist, President - kcronquist@nabcblues.org 1916-333-7863 3-City of San Rafael, California Positions Filled: • Director of Community Services Contact Information: • Marissa Sanchez, HR Director- marissa.sanchez@cityofsanrafael.org • Cristine Alilovich, City Manager - cristine.alilovich@cityofsanrafael.org 1 916-333-7863 X. MARKETING MATERIAL EXAMPLES.......................................................... Click below to see our marketing samples for similar positions. To see all of our brochures, visit: wbcpinc.com/closed jobs -private and use the password: #wbcp202212* • Executive Communications Officer, City of Long Beach, CA • Communications Center Manager, San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, CA • Director of Community Services, City of San Rafael, CA • Director of Community Services, County of Santa Barbara, CA • Director of Marketing & Communications, North American Blueberry Council, CA • Emergency Communications Manager, City of Astoria, CA 0 W B C P Confidential X. COST PROPOSAL..................................................................................... WBCP will not limit the number of hours we work on a recruitment, rather we charge a flat rate and will spend the time necessary to ensure we are successful. Consulting fees will be billed once the position is open for applications and the advertising campaign has been launched. SERVICE COST PER RECRUITMENT CIVIC ENGAGEMENT MANAGER Description of Services/Deliverables: Inclusive Rate per Recruitment: Consulting Services: Phases 1-11 in the proposal's recruitment strategy/phases $5,900 (flat rate) section. Expenses Include: Document shipping fees/delivery charges to facilitate virtual meetings; brochure/graphic design ($950); marketing and advertising which may include: print and postage (if applicable); online job boards, social media; sourcing and may include flat fee U p to $4,500 pricing for. Linkedln $395, InMails $300, Circa Diversity (not to exceed) Job Boards $295, Zoom Info $299. These expenses will be billed based on what is expended and based on the needs of the client/recruitment A LA CARTE BACKGROUND SERVICES AVAILABLE - these services can be added to the package as needed. Force Majeure: Client agrees that WBCP, Inc. is not responsible for any events or circumstances beyond its control (e.g., including but not limited to war, riots, embargoes, strikes, and/or Acts of God) that prevent WBCP, Inc. from meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 20/03/2024 0 w B c P Cc-n e,,i -La XI. OTHER............................................................................................................ INSURANCE WBCP and its sub -consultants have reviewed the contractual agreement and the Insurance Requirements. If selected, WBCP will execute said agreement and will provide the required insurance documents. WBCP will submit certificates of insurance as evidence of the required coverage limits. Insurance policies include: liability, errors and omissions, workers compensation, and vehicle insurance. CONFIDENTIALITY SAFEGUARDS Confidentiality is paramount in the work we do. We ensure that the client and candidate information we receive, and conversations with our client (and certainly discussions in closed session) are kept confidential. There are several physical safeguards we have in place including: locked and alarmed office space, password, and encryption protected information on our computers and servers, multiple backup systems. As information is shared with our client, we discuss the importance of confidentiality and why it is important to the candidates they are considering but also brands the organization appropriately. We also ask candidates who are interviewed to keep candidate information confidential, as they may see or meet a candidate during the process. We emphasize that confidentiality is not just until the recruitment is completed, and a candidate is hired, confidentiality is in perpetuity. Leaked information is not a reputation that a client wants to receive, as this could deter future applicants from applying. ORGANIZATIONAL DIVERSITY STATEMENT WBCP embraces cross-cultural diversity and we are committed to equitable treatment and elimination of discrimination in all its forms at all organizational levels and throughout all consulting practices, including search services. We strive to reach diverse groups of people to inform them of leadership opportunities. Upon our 2023 year-end review, we found that over the last three years, 90% of our applicants and 83% of our candidates placed in positions with our clients came from diverse backgrounds. We will make extensive efforts to attract a qualified applicant pool that represents a broad range of gender and ethnically diverse individuals. Wendi Brown, President Client, Title MARCH 20, 2024 Date Date 0 w B B P Confidential WBCP Proposal Civic Engagement Manager Option 1 Final Audit Report 2024-03-20 Created: 2024-03-20 By: alissa curtin(alissa.curdn@cityofsanrafael.org) Status: Signed Transaction ID CBJCHBCAABAAvFh8XtgABw5z6RtgTR4uZG3Nb54-L9-t "WBCP Proposal Civic Engagement Manager Option 1" History Document created by alissa curtin(alissa.curtin@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-03-20 - 9:10:07 PM GMT C'. Document emailed to Marissa Sanchez (marissa.sanchez@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-03-20 - 9:10:21 PM GMT L� Email viewed by Marissa Sanchez (marissa.sanchez@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-03-20 - 9:32:21 PM GMT dp Document e-signed by Marissa Sanchez (marissa.sanchez@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-03-20 - 9:32:30 PM GMT - Time Source: server ® Agreement completed. 2024-03-20 - 9:32:30 PM GMT 0 Adobe Acrobat Sign RAF,q�` i Z F y0 V wtTH CONTRACT ROUTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Use this cover sheet to circulate all contracts for review and approval in the order shown below. TO BE COMPLETED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER: Contracting Department: Human Resources Project Manager: Alissa Curtin Extension: 3069 Contractor Name: WBCP, Inc Contractor's Contact: Heather Jack Contact's Email: heather@wbcpinc.com ❑ FPPC: Check if Contractor/Consultant must file Form 700 Step RESPONSIBLE DESCRIPTION COMPLETED REVIEWER DEPARTMENT DATE Check/Initial Project Manager 1 a. Email PINS Introductory Notice to Contractor Click here to Li enter a date. b. Email contract (in Word) and attachments to City Attorney c/o Laraine.Gittens@cityofsanrafael.org 3/26/2024 ©AMC 2 City Attorney a. Review, revise, and comment on draft agreement 3/29/2024 and return to Project Manager 3/29/2024 ® NT b. Confirm insurance requirements, create Job on PINS, send PINS insurance notice to contractor © NT 3 Department Director Approval of final agreement form to send to 4/8/2024 ❑X _amc contractor for ms 4 Project Manager Forward three (3) originals of final agreement to 4/8/2024 ©amc contractor for their signature 5 Project Manager When necessary, contractor -signed agreement ® N/A agendized for City Council approval * *City Council approval required for Professional Services ❑ Agreements and purchases of goods and services that exceed Or $75,000; and for Public Works Contracts that exceed $175,000 Click here to Date of City Council approval enter a date. PRINT CONTINUE ROUTING PROCESS WITH HARD COPY 6 Project Manager Forward signed original agreements to City Attorney with printed copy of this routing form 7 City Attorney Review and approve hard copy of signed agreement 8 City Attorney Review and approve insurance in PINS, and bonds (for Public Works Contracts) Agreement executed by City Council authorized 9 City Manager / Mayor official Attest signatures, retains original agreement and 10 City Clerk forwards copies to Project Manager WBCP_Civic Engagement Mgr 2024_PSA_full doc Final Audit Report 2024-04-16 Created: 2024-04-09 By: alissa curtin (alissa.curtin@cityofsanrafael.org) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAxzWOvTlv8V8CkewG8b-YCQvpmFCb1Fgs "WBCP_Civic Engagement Mgr 2024_PSA full doc" History Document created by alissa curtin (alissa.curtin@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-09 - 10:45:44 PM GMT C'y Document emailed to Wendi Brown (wendi@wbcpinc.com) for signature 2024-04-09 - 10:46:11 PM GMT Email viewed by Wendi Brown (wendi@wbcpinc.com) 2024-04-11 - 0:35:13 AM GMT FS© Document e-signed by Wendi Brown (wendi@wbcpinc.com) Signature Date: 2024-04-11 - 3:50:52 AM GMT - Time Source: server P'4 Document emailed to Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) for approval 2024-04-11 - 3:50:54 AM GMT Email viewed by Laraine Gittens (laraine.gittens@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-11 - 4:17:49 PM GMT 6© Document approved by Laraine Gittens(laraine.gttens@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-04-11 - 4:26:44 PM GMT - Time Source: server C'y Document emailed to Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-04-11 - 4:26:47 PM GMT Email viewed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-15 - 6:12:40 PM GMT b© Document e-signed by Genevieve Coyle (genevieve.coyle@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-04-15 - 6:14:57 PM GMT - Time Source: server 10 Adobe Acrobat Sign E-' Document emailed to City Clerk(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) for approval 2024-04-15 - 6:15:00 PM GMT Email viewed by City Clerk (city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-15 - 6:15:16 PM GMT 60 Document approved by City Clerk(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Approval Date: 2024-04-15 - 6:15:22 PM GMT - Time Source: server El Document emailed to Cristine Alilovich (cristinea@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-04-15 - 6:15:25 PM GMT Email viewed by Cristine Alilovich (cristinea@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-16 - 6:07:04 PM GMT GSo Document e-signed by Cristine Alilovich (cristinea@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-04-16 - 6:08:01 PM GMT - Time Source: server P4 Document emailed to City Clerk(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) for signature 2024-04-16 - 6:08:05 PM GMT Email viewed by City Clerk (city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) 2024-04-16 - 6:26:17 PM GMT 4 Signer City Clerk(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) entered name at signing as Brenna Nurmi (for) 2024-04-16 - 6:26:39 PM GMT do Document e-signed by Brenna Nurmi (for)(city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org) Signature Date: 2024-04-16 - 6:26:41 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-04-16 - 6:26:41 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign