HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW City Property Sidewalk Shaving ProjectCITY OF SAN RAFAEL Department of Public Works 111 Morphew Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Public Works Contract for Projects up to $200,000 This public works contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between the City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor"), a California Limited Liability Com any, for work on the City's City Property Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"), and is effective on 20�(�Effective Date"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. Contractor will perform and provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, transportation, and any and all other items or services necessary to perform and complete the work required for the Project ("Work"), as specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, and according to the terms and conditions of this Contract, including all attachments to the Contract and any other documents and statutes incorporated by reference. To the extent that any attachment contains provisions that conflict or are inconsistent with the terms set forth in the body of this Contract, the Contract terms will control. This Project requires a valid California contractor's license for the following classification(s): C 2. Contract Documents. The Contract Documents incorporated into this Contract include and are comprised of all of the documents listed below: 2.1 Notice Inviting Bids; 2.2 Contract; 2.3 Addenda, if any; 2.4 Exhibit A — Scope of Work; 2.5 Exhibit B — Payment, Performance, and Bid Bonds; 2.6 Exhibit C — Noncollusion Declaration; 2.7 Exhibit D — Bid Schedule; 2.8 Exhibit E — Subcontractor List. 3. Contract Price. As full and complete compensation for Contractor's timely performance and completion of the Work in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, City will pay Contractor $79,745.99 (the "Contract Price") for all of Contractor's direct and indirect costs to perform the Work, including all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, taxes, insurance, bonds and all overhead costs, in accordance with the payment provisions contained herein. 3.1 Payment. Contractor must submit an invoice on the first day of each month during the Contract Time, defined in Section 4 below, and/or upon completion, for the Work performed during the preceding month, itemizing labor, materials, equipment and any incidental costs incurred. Contractor warrants that title to all work, materials and equipment incorporated into the Work will pass to City free of any claims, liens, or encumbrances upon payment to Contractor. 3.2 Payment and Performance Bonds. If the Contract Price is over $25,000, then Contractor must provide City with a payment bond and a performance bond using the bond forms included in this Contract as Exhibit B, Bond Forms, and submit the bonds with the executed Contract. Each bond must be issued by a surety admitted in California. If an issuing surety cancels a bond or becomes insolvent, Contractor must provide a substitute bond from a surety acceptable to City within seven days after written notice from City. If Contractor fails to substitute an acceptable surety within the specified time, City may, City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 1 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 in its sole discretion and without prior notice to Contractor, purchase such bond(s) at Contractor's expense and deduct the cost from payments otherwise due to Contractor, or terminate the Contract. 4. Time for Completion. Contractor will fully complete the Work within 1 year from the date the City authorizes Contractor to proceed with the Work ("Contract Time"). 5. Liquidated Damages. If Contractor fails to complete the Work within the Contract Time, Contractor must pay liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per day for each day of unexcused delay in completion. E. Standard of Care. All Work must be provided in a manner that meets or exceeds the standard of care applicable to the same type of work in the City of San Rafael. Contractor must promptly correct, at Contractor's sole expense, any Work that the City determines is deficient or defective. i. Permits and Licenses. Contractor, at its sole expense, must obtain and maintain during the term of this Contract, all appropriate permits, certificates and licenses including, but not limited to, the required California contractor's license and a City business license. 5. Indemnification. Contractor will indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to City, and hold harmless to the full extent permitted by law, City, its governing body, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (the "Indemnitees") from and against any and all liability, demands, loss, damage, claims, settlements, expenses, and costs (including, without limitation, attorney fees, expert witness fees, and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively, "Liability") of every nature arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Contractor, its employees, subcontractors, representatives, or agents in performing the Work of failing to comply with any obligation of Contractor under this Contract, except such Liability caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of an Indemnitee. This indemnification obligation is not limited by any limitation on the amount or type of damages or compensation payable under Workers' Compensation or other employee benefit acts, or by insurance coverage limits, and will survive the expiration or early termination of this Contract. City will notify Contractor of any third -party claim pursuant to Public Contract Code section 9201. 9. Insurance. Contractor will, at all times under this Contract, maintain the insurance coverage required in this section to cover the activities of Contractor and any subcontractors relating to or arising from performance of the Work. Each policy must be issued by a company licensed to do business in California, and with a strength and size rating from A.M. Best Company of A-VIII or better. Contractor must provide City with certificates of insurance and required endorsements as evidence of coverage with the executed Contract, or through the PINSAdvantage website https://www.Pinsadvantage.coi upon request by the City, and before the City authorizes Contractor to proceed with the Work. 9.1 Workers' Compensation. Statutory coverage is required by the California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act. If Contractor is self -insured, it must provide its duly authorized Certificate of Permission to Self -Insure. In addition, Contractor must provide employer's liability insurance with limits of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease, 9.2 Liability. Commercial General Liability ("CGL") insurance issued on an occurrence basis, including coverage for liability arising from Contractor's or its subcontractor's acts or omissions in performing the Work, including Contractor's protected coverage, blanket contractual, products and completed operations, broad form property damage, vehicular coverage, and employer's non -ownership liability coverage, with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 9.3 Automotive. Commercial automotive liability coverage for owned, non -owned and hired vehicles must provide coverage of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury, death, or property damage. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 2 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 9.4 Subrogation Waiver. Each required policy must include an endorsement that the insurer waives any right of subrogation it may have against the City or the City's insurers. 9.5 Required Endorsements. The CGL policy and the automotive liability policy must include the following specific endorsements: (1) The City, including its Council, officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and consultants (collectively, "Additional Insured") must be named as an additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured, and the policy must protect the Additional Insured against any and all liability for personal injury, death or property damage or destruction arising directly or indirectly in the performance of the Contract. (2) The inclusion of more than one insured will not operate to impair the rights of one insured against another, and the coverages afforded will apply as though separate policies have been issued to each insured. (3) The insurance provided is primary and no insurance held or owned by City may be called upon to contribute to a loss ("primary and non-contributory"). (4) Any umbrella or excess insurance must contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage will also apply on a primary or non-contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City's own insurance or self-insurance will be called upon to protect it: as a named insured. (5) This policy does not exclude explosion, collapse, underground excavation hazard, or removal of lateral support. 10. Labor Code Compliance. Unless the Contract Price is $1,000 or less, the Contract is subject to all applicable requirements of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code, beginning at section 1720, and the related regulations, including but not limited to requirements pertaining to wages, working hours and workers' compensation insurance. Contractor must also post all job site notices required by laws or regulations pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4. 10.1 Prevailing Wages. Each worker performing Work under this Contract that is covered under Labor Code section 1720 or 1720.9, must be paid at a rate not less than the prevailing wage as defined in sections 1771 and 1774 of the Labor Code. The prevailing wage rates are on file with the City Engineer's office and are available online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1775, Contractor and any subcontractor will forfeit to City as a penalty up to $200 for each calendar day, or portion of a day, for each worker paid less than the applicable prevailing wage rate, in addition to paying each worker the difference between the applicable wage rate and the amount actually paid. 10.2 Working Day. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1810, eight hours of labor consists of a legal day's work. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1813, Contractor will forfeit to City as a penalty the sum of $25 for each day during which a worker employed by Contractor or any subcontractor is required or permitted to work more than eight hours during any one calendar day, or more than 40 hours per calendar week, unless such workers are paid overtime wages under Labor Code section 1815. All Work must be carried out during regular City working days and hours unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A or authorized in writing by City. 10.3 Payroll Records. Contractor and its subcontractors must maintain certified payroll records in compliance with Labor Code sections 1776 and 1812, and all implementing regulations promulgated by the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR"). For each payroll record, Contractor and its subcontractors must certify under penalty of perjury that the information in the record is true and correct, and that it has City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 3 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 complied with the requirements of Labor Code sections 1771, 1811, and 1815. Unless the Contract Price is under $25,000, Contractor must electronically submit certified payroll records to the Labor Commissioner as required under California law and regulations. 10.4 Apprentices. If the Contract Price is $30,000 or more, Contractor must comply with the apprenticeship requirements in Labor Code section 1777.5. 10.5 DIR Monitoring, Enforcement, and Registration. This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5, and, subject to the exception set forth below, Contractor and any subcontractors must be registered with the DIR to perform public works projects. The registration requirements of Labor Code section 1725.5 do not apply if the Contract Price is for under $25,000. 11. Workers' Compensation Certification. Under Labor Code section 1861, by signing 'this Contract, Contractor certifies as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Labor Code section 3700 which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work on this Contract." 12. Termination. 12.1 Termination for Convenience. City reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Contract for convenience upon written notice to Contractor. Upon receipt of such notice, Contractor must: immediately stop the Work, including under any terms or conditions that may be specified in the notice; comply with City's instructions to protect the completed Work and materials; and use its best efforts to minimize further costs. In the event of City's termination for convenience, Contractor waives any claim for damages, including for loss of anticipated profits from the Project. If City terminates the Contract for convenience, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination, as well as five percent of the total value of the Work performed as of the date of notice of termination or five percent of the value of the Work yet to be completed, whichever is less, which is deerned to cover all overhead and profit to date. 12.2 Termination for Default. The City may terminate this Contract for cause for any material default. Contractor may be deemed in default for a material breach of or inability to perform the Contract, including Contractor's refusal or failure to supply sufficient skilled workers, proper materials, or equipment to perform the Work within the Contract Time; refusal or failure to make prompt payment to its employees, subcontractors, or suppliers or to correct rejected work; disregard of laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, or orders of any public agency with jurisdiction over the Project; lack of financial capacity to complete the Work within the Contract Time; or responsibility for any other material breach of the Contract requirements. If City terminates the Contract for cause, City will only owe Contractor payment for the Work satisfactorily performed before Contract termination. 13. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute arising under or related to this Contract is subject to the dispute resolution procedures of Public Contract Code sections 9401 and 20104 et. seq., which are incorporated by reference. 14. Waiver. A waiver by City of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition in this Contract will not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained herein, regardless of the character of any such breach. 15. Warranty. Contractor guarantees and warrants the Work and the materials used or provided for the Project for a period of one year, beginning upon City's acceptance of the Work for the Project as complete ("Warranty Period"). During the Warranty Period, upon notice from the City of any defect in the Work or the materials, Contractor must, at its sole expense, promptly repair or replace the defective Work City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 4 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 or materials, including repair or replacement of any other Work or materials that is or are displaced or damaged during the warranty work, excepting any damage resulting from ordinary wear and tear. 16. Worksite Conditions. 16.1 Clean and Safe. Contractor must maintain the Work site and staging and storage areas in a clean and neat condition and must ensure it is safe and secure. On a daily basis the Contractor must remove and properly dispose of debris and waste materials from the Work site. 16.2 Inspection. Contractor will make the Work accessible at all times for inspection by the City, 16.3 Hazardous Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract documents, this Contract does not include the removal, handling, or disturbance of any asbestos or other hazardous materials, as identified by any federal, state, or local law or regulation. If Contractor encounters materials on the Project site that Contractor reasonably believes to be asbestos or other hazardous materials, and the asbestos or other hazardous materials have not been rendered harmless, Contractor may continue Work in unaffected areas reasonably believed to be safe, but must immediately cease Work on the area affected and report the condition to City. No asbestos, asbestos -containing products or other hazardous materials may be used in performance of the Work. 16.4 Utilities, Trenching and Excavation. As required by Government Code section 4215, if, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers utility facilities not identified by City in the Contract documents, Contractor must immediately provide written notice to City and the utility. In performing any excavations or trenching work, Contractor must comply with all applicable operator requirements in Government Code sections 4216 through 4216.5. If the trenching or excavation extends deeper than four feet below the surface, then it must also comply with Public Contract Code section 7104. 17. Records. Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A, Contractor must maintain and update a separate set of as -built drawings while the Work is being performed, showing changes from the Work as planned in Exhibit A, or any drawings incorporated into this Contract. The as -built drawings must be updated as changes occur, on a daily basis if necessary. 18. Conflicts of Interest. Contractor, its employees, subcontractors and agents, may not have, maintain or acquire a conflict of interest in relation to this Contract in violation of any City ordinance or policy or in violation of any California law, including under Government Code section 1090 et seq. and under the Political Reform Act as set forth in Government Code section 81000 et seq. and its accompanying regulations. Any violation of this Section constitutes a material breach of the Contract. 19. Non -Discrimination. No discrimination will be made in the employment of persons under this Contract because of the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender or sexual orientation of such person. 20. Independent Contractor. City and Contractor intend that Contractor will perform the Work under this Contract as an independent contractor. Contractor is solely responsible for its means and methods in performing the Work. Contractor is not an employee of City and is not entitled to participate in health, retirement or any other employee benefits from City. 21. Assignment of Unfair Business Practice Claims. Under Public Contract Code section 7103.5, Contractor and its subcontractors agree to assign to City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the Contract or any subcontract. This assignment will be effective at the time City tenders final payment to Contractor, without further acknowledgement by the parties. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 5 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 22. Notice. Any notice, billing, or payment required by or pursuant to the Contract documents must be made in writing, signed, dated and sent to the other party by personal delivery, U.S. Mail, a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for each party must be given as follows: City: Address: 111 Morphew Street City/State/Zip: San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 485-3373 Attn: Ryan Montes Email: ryan.montes@cityofsanrafael.org Contractor: Name: Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting Address: 417 Harrison St City/State/Zip: Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: (650) 576-4303 Attn: Joseph Ortega Email: jortega@pccnorcal.com 23. General Provisions. 23.1 Compliance with All Laws. Contractor will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance benefits, FICA laws, conflict of interest laws, and local ordinances. Work may only be performed by qualified and experienced workers who are not employed by the City and who do not have any contractual relationship with City, with the exception of this Contract. 23.2 Provisions Deemed Inserted. Every provision of law required to be inserted in the Contract is deemed to be inserted, and the Contract will be construed and enforced as though such provision has been included. If it is discovered that through mistake or otherwise that any required provision was not inserted, or not correctly inserted, the Contract will be deemed amended accordingly. 23.3 Assignment and Successors. Contractor may not assign its'rights or obligations under this Contract, in part or in whole, without City's written consent. This Contract is binding on Contractor's and City's lawful heirs, successors and permitted assigns. 23.4 Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third -party beneficiaries to this Contract. 23.6 Governing Law and Venue. This Contract will be governed by California law and venue will be in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. 23.6 Amendment. No amendment or modification of this Contract will be binding unless it is in a writing duly authorized and signed by the parties to this Contract. 23.7 Integration; Severability. This Contract and the Contract documents incorporated herein, including authorized amendments or change orders thereto, constitute the final, complete, and exclusive terms of the agreement between City and Contractor. If any provision of the Contract documents, or portion of a provision, is determined to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Contract documents will remain in full force and effect. 23.8 Authorization. Each individual signing below warrants that he or she is authorized to do so by the party that he or she represents, and that this Contract is legally binding on that party. If Contractor City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 6 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 is a corporation, signatures from two officers of the corporation are required pursuant to California Corporation Code section 313. [Signatures are on the following page.] City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Page 7 ��r The parties agree to this Contract as witnessed by the signatures below: CITY: s/ J 4-' - (-- CRIS /-CLILOVICH, City Manager Date: h 2 z Z ' Attest: s/ .9' / jatA" LINDSAY RA, gity Clerk / Date: [ / bl v ty Approv as tp form: s/ ROBERT YPSTEI&Xity Attorney Date: Z CONTRACTOR: N\c C lj f,D/,J 6-4`01SE ILL( - Business Name sly„i4A� {urn ' Seal: MARC Name/Title Date: s/4. - F- q Q�k— Name/Title Date: 03 1 k,ISO 2-5 Co tractor's California License Number(s) and Expiration Date(s) Exhibit A: Scope of Work Exhibit B: Bond Forms Exhibit C: Noncollusion Declaration Exhibit D: Bid Schedule Exhibit E: Subcontractor List END OF CONTRACT City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Page 8 Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Exhibit A SCOPE OF WORK City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Scope of Work Page r*40 iWINN TING Date: 10/31 /23 PROPOSAL FOR "NOT TO EXCEED" AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL AND PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING (PCC) OVERVIEW Uneven sidewalks caused by ground settling and tree roots cause a potential hazard to pedestrians. Displaced sidewalks cause problems for both public and private entities in the form of trip and fall liability exposure. It is proposed that the City of San Rafael and PCC enter into an agreement whereby PCC will assess, and repair sidewalks as identified and requested by City staff. The price for these services shall not exceed the dollar amount and quantity defined in the "Proposal Detail" section below. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING PCC has been assessing and repairing sidewalks since 1990. The company performs work throughout the United States and with dozens of cities in California. PCC is the leader in sidewalk asset management. We specialize in assessing sidewalk infrastructure and repairing uneven sidewalks. Our unique saw -cutting method for correcting off -set sidewalk panels leaves behind ADA compliant results for a fraction of the cost of new concrete. Our clients benefit from detailed GIS maps that allow them to create a GIS database to cost effectively manage their sidewalk infrastructure. ASSESSMENT SERVICES PCC technicians will walk every panel in the project area and visually assess potential tripping hazards and damage. PCC will provide a GIS compatible report that list each location identified including a photo, exact location, off -set height and square foot amount for replacement locations. PROPRIETARY MOBILE PHONE SOFTWARE PCC has developed proprietary mobile software useable across multiple platforms (Android, iPhone, iPad, Smart Phone, etc.) • Provides GPS Coordinates — Integrates with GIS systems • Mapping — Provides detailed location data plotted with Google Maps • Detailed Reporting — Provides specific and detailed data on measurements for every trip hazard • Addresses — The software gives the address and longitude / latitude of each trip hazard location • Additional Data - Records other data, e.g. spalling, cracks, replacements or other data you need • Sidewalk Asset Management — PCC offers complete sidewalk asset management PROPRIETARY AND PATENTED REPAIR METHOD To Date, PCC has been awarded 8 patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office on our trip hazard removal equipment and process. The following is each patent description and number where they can be reviewed on the US Patent office web site — www.uspto.gov 6,827,074 - Hub and blade combination patent Precision Emprise, LLC I CSLB # 1032474 1 417 Harrison St, Oakland, CA 94607 1 Tel 650-867-8657 1 Fax 650-240-3866 1 contact@PCCNorCal.com .. , _ No 1*40 IING 6,896,604 - Dust hood patent 7,000,606 - Cutting apparatus and broadening patent 7,143,760 - Method patent 7,201,644 - Variations and broadening patent 7,402,095 - Extended methods patent 9,759,559 - Stand up measuring gauge digitized readout 9,494,407 - Stand up measuring gauge PROPOSAL DETAILS Total Project Amount Not to Exceed: $$79,745.99 Billing Units: Services are billed in "Inch Feet" An inch foot is calculated by measuring the average height of the sidewalk off -set and multiplying this average by the length of the cut. Example: A sidewalk off -set on a 4- foot wide sidewalk that consists of a 0.5" rise on one side, and tapers down to a zero rise on the other is calculated as follows: 0.5" +0" x 4ft = 1 inch -foot 2 Unit Price for sidewalk shaving: 44 per inch -foot. Streets with Sidewalks to be repaired: City Property LIMITATIONS PCC removes only those trip hazards specifically requested or approved by customers, and therefore makes no guarantee or representation that areas are free of trip hazards after the work is completed. In addition, PCC only performs certain trip hazard repairs. Among other things, PCC does not remove and replace sidewalk slabs (R&Rs) and does not repair certain ATTNs (e.g. utility boxes). Furthermore, to preserve clients' budget, PCC typically does not perform any repair at and around any sidewalk slabs that require to be replaced. It is our customers' responsibility to provide proper access and PCC assumes no liability for trip hazards that cannot be repaired due to parked vehicles or other obstacles preventing safe and practical access. In such cases, PCC returns once to attempt completion of repairs that could not be completed the first time Additionally, it is recognized that after completion of the work, the concrete trip hazards may and frequently do continue to move naturally over time due to roots, water, freezing, pipes, and other natural or man-made causes. PCC is not responsible for movement or changes in the sidewalk and is not liable for any related claims, losses, damages or liabilities thereto pertaining Precision Concrete Cutting is committed to providing the highest quality service to our customers. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. PCC Representative: YOUR REPRESENTATIVE Joseph Ortega X Precision Emprise, LLC I CSLB # 1032474 1 417 Harrison St, Oakland, CA 94607 1 Tel 650-867-8657 1 Fax 650-240-3866 1 contact@PCCNorCal corn , - ��o Exhibit A np Hazard Removal Specialists r REF 0 3 14 23.A JAO Prechien Cenerotr�rCuN d CUSTOMER: City of San flafael City Property 2023-24 CSLB 01032474 C/0: City oFSan RaFael 417 Harrison Street CONTACT: ryan Monte'Oakland, CA 94607 ADDRESS: 11 Morphew St, CITY / ZIP: San Rafael, CA 94901 Joseph Ortega PHONE: (415) 495-3373 jprtega@PCCnorcal.com PROPERTY LOCATION: Various 650-576-4303 - Cell 650-240-3966-Fax SIDEWALK REPAIR DETAILED REPORT Tels,I ImFt. Tom Cost 1'812,41 579,745.99 LEGEND: WW=Walkway SW=Sidewalk CSW=City Sidewalks DW=Driveway GB=Gutter Bed R&R=Remove and Replace ATTN=Attention OG=01d Grind OC=01d Cut AP=Asphalt Patch ASPCUT=Asphalt Cut XCUT=Crossed Lift LCUT-Slab lifter at corner MVCAR=Move Car PTRVL=Path of Travel ?=Questionable Cut No. Ot. Mex Ht. length letttude Langltude CeaBiJPaee R&R SgFt Before Picture amf" Curt D.. InHlal I1/8 of ln. (Feet) Bernard https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbpraduction/04- 1 Hoffman 3 85 38 D13386 -1225524 WW llX)Las Colindas Rd: Al ramp 2023/Images/163664 1_1 png 159 $699 2 Bernartl Hoffman 11 45 3a 013077 -122551CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut. LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bhproduction/04- 309 $13613 2023/Images/163664_2_1 png Bernard hops://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/1- 3 Hoffman 11 4 5 38 013092 -122 551 BSTACLE CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LOUT 2023/Images/163664_3_1 png 394 $173 25 4 Bernard Hoffman 4 6 38013058 -122551 CSVV Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: ht[ps:Hs3-us-eas" amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 150 $66 DO 2023/Images/163664_4 1 png S Bernard https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- Hoffman 1 S 1 38013073 -122551 CSWAcross 355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut 2023/Images/163664 5_1 png 094 $4125 https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 6 Bernard Hoffman 3 3 36013073 -122551 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LCUT 2023/Images/163664_6_1 png 056 $2475 7 Bernard Hoffman 4 4 3801307 -1225511 C5W Across 355 Las Colindas Rd LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 125 $55 a(: 2023/Images/163664_7_1 png 8 Bernard HoHman 1 6 38013067 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 113 $a95(: 2023/Images/16366481 png Bernard https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b1,production/04- 9 Hoffman 6 05 38013065 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Lm Colindas Rd CURBCUT MVCAR 2023/Images/163664_9_1 png 022 $963 https://s3-us-.asl2 amazonaws com/1b1bproduction/04- 10 Bernard Hoffman 6 2 5 38 013062 -122 5511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd : %CUT 2023/Images/163664_10_1 png 094 $4125 11 Bernard Hoffman 4 3 3a 01306 -1225511CSWAcross35S1A Colindas Rd:%CUT https://s3-us-east-2.amazonawscpm/1b1bproduction/04- 075 $33IXI 2023/Images/163664 11_1 png 4 https://s3-us-eas12 amazonaws com/bbpraduction/04- 12 9ernard Hoffman 35 3B 013081 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: 2023/Images/163664_12_1 png 088 $3850 13 Bernard Hoffman 6 35 3B 013091 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbpraduction/04- 175 $77X 2023/Images/163664 13_1 png https://s}us-east-2 ama.. naws com/bbpraduction/04- 14 Bernard Hoffman 5 35 38013084 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rtl: 2023/Images/163664_14_1 png 131 $5775 https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 15 Bernard Hoffman 6 05 38013065 -1225513 W Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LCUT 2023/Images/163664 15 1 png 034 $1513 https://s3-us-east-2 amazon awscpm/bbproduction/04- 16 Bernard Hoffman 5 35 38013069 -122.S511 CSVV Across 355 Las Colindas Rd:CUT 2023/Images/153664_16_1 png 153 $6734 17 Bernard Hoffman 5 25 38013073 -1225513 C5W Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LCUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws co m/bbproductipn/04. 109 $qB 13 2023/Images/163664_17_1 png 18 Bernard Hoffman 10 35 38 013077 -122 5513 C5W Across 355 Las Colindas Rd : LCUT https://53-us-east-2 amazonaws cam/bbproduction/04- 3 28 $144 38 2023/Images/163664_1g_1 png Bt�P17/i3 us aaf.2amMMlwstPnW00rMRifp�Oa 19 gt,na,d H.m-1 30 05 39013062 -1225511CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LCUT 2023/Images/163664_19_1 png 059 $261.1 20 Bernard Hoffman 3 15 38013055 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: LCUT httPs:Hs3-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 047 $2063 2023/Images/163664 20_1 png 1ttps:Hs3-u1-east-2 amazonaws com/bbpraduction/04- 21 Bernard Hoffman 2 15 38013065 -1225511 CSW Ac... s355Las Colindas Rd:LCUT 2023/Images/163664 21_l.png 028 $1234 22 Bernard Hoffman 6 5 3B 013053 -1225511CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: CURBCUT MVCAfl https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbprptluc[ion/04- 1R8 5825C 2023/lmages/163664 22 1 png https://s}us-east-2 amazonaws com/hbprpduttion/04- 23 Bernard Hoffman 8 65 39 013062 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: XCUT 2023/Images/163664 23_1 png 325 $1430C 24 Bernard Hoffman2023/Image00 3 4 380130Bd -1225511 CSW Acro55355 Las Colindas Rtl:%CUT https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bhproduction/04- 075 S33 s/163664 24_1 png aws com/bbproduction/04- https://53-us1636 25 Bernard Hoffman 2 1 3BO13MS -1225511CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut. At crack. _25_1 2023/Images/163664_25_3 png 013 $55C 26 Bernard Hoffman 6 55 38013073 -1225511CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04. 206 $90755 2023/Images/163664_26_I png https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b1bproduction/04- 27 Bernard Hoffman 5 15 38 01306 -122 5511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd : 2023/Images/163664_27_1 png 0 47 $2063 https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/b1bproduction/04- 28 Bernard Hoffman 3 3 3a 01306 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: 2023/Images/1636M 28_1 png 056 $2475 29 Bernard Hoffman 3 45 38013073 -1225511 CSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut https:Hs3-us-east-2 amazonaws tom/bbprpduction/04- 084 $3713 2023/Images/163664 29_1 png 30 Bernard Hoffman 5 115 3801305 .122 SS12 CSWAcross35Slas Colindas Rd CURBCUTMVCAR ht,p,:Hs3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 359 $15813 2023/Images/1636M 30_1 png 31 Bernard Hoffman S S 1 3.013-1 -122551ICSW Across 355 Las Colindas Rd: https:Hs3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbpraduction/04- a94 $4125 2023/Images/163654 31_1 png Date created - 6/8/2023 1 of 30 pRfc�s�oN CONCRETE CUTTING No. Caz. 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(Fee) 32 Bernard Hoffman 3 5 380130g4 1-S512 CSW A-!155 Las Callnda, Rd: helps//s3u seast4 am azonaw s co m/bbproductlon/04- 094 $41,25 20231WageV16366, 32_1 prig 33 Bernard Hoffman 3 3.5 3801306 -122.5512CSW Aap 55 355 Las Callnda s Rd: Parallel CUL httpi//s3a seasl-2.am azonaw s co m/bbprodu clion/04- 066 $28,80 2023/1nages,/163664_33_1 png 34 Bernard Hoffman 2 2.5 38,013069 -1225511 CSW Aaoss355 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel CUL htlpr//s3-ast-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 031 $13.7S 2023/knages/16366434l.png 35 Bernard Hoffinan 2 4,5 38.0132 -122.5511 CSW A-365 Las Collndas Rd; httpr.//s3useast-2 amamnaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 056 524.75 2023/knage4/16366435 1 png 36 Bernard Hoffman 2 4 38013073 -122 5513 CSW Across 365 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel CUL MtpspaS'Usearl-2amataVwa<om/LDpoAzadarJPl• O50 $22. 00 2023/kn uss/163664 36_l.png 37 Bernard Hoffman 2 85 38,013073 -1225513 Ob stade C 5W Across 365 La s Callnda s Rd: Parallel COL helps://0-u seas)-2 am azonaws,com/bbprodu cdon/04 1D6 $46.7 2023/kn age s/163664_37 1. png 30 Bernard Hoffman 2 3 38.013063 -122.551 :SW Aaoss365 Las Colindas Rd: httpr//alv NaY-lmaz wuom(bbptoducliwVO4- 038 516. 2023/knages/163664_38_I.png 39 Bernard Hoffman 4 14 39.013069 422.551. :SW Auoss365 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel Cur. helps://,3u 350 $15400 2023/knage4/1638209_39 l.pngamazanawicom/bbproductlon/04- /1638 40 Bemard Hofhnan 2 4 38013073 -M.5514 C5W Across3651as Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut. Ilpr/1WIa+aY 2-I*u.uom/bbped(LlW04• 050 $22,00 2023/kmages/163809 40_1 png 41 Bernard Hoffman 2 5 30,01306 -1225514 ;SWAcross365 Las Collndas Rd https//s3useast-2.ainazunaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 0.63 $27.50 2023/kn age g16380941_1 prig 42 Bernard Hoffman 3 31.5 38.0130B1 422,5514 CSW Across375 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel Cur +�Dr//�vteaY•2amilalewr[oni/EbpoductKasjW- 591 $259 2023/ Im age V163809_42_1 png 43 Bernard Hoffman 2 3 38013096 -1225514CSW Aaoss3751a5Collndas Rd: hllpi//aivafaY 2amnaVwarom/b6pradu[dpn/04 038 $15.50 2023/kn age S/163809433. png 44 Bernard Hoffinan 3 7 38013107 -122,5515 SW Across 375 USCollndas Rd: Parallel Cu[ hops://53-urea st-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 131 $57.75 2023/kv agegH63809_44_], png 45 Bernard Hoffman 2 3 38013103 -122.5515-SW A-375[as Colindas Rd: fittps://0-useast-2 amazona-com/bbproducton/04- 030 516. 2023/knager/163809_45_1 png 46 Bernard Hoffman 2 2 38.013092 -1225515 CSW Across 375 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel CUL +vlps,110 02ama-w-com2bkpeducuron/N. 025 $ll 2023/kn age V163809_46_1 prig 47 Bernard Hoffman 3 85 39.013080 -122.5515 CSW Across 375 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel Cut, hnps//s3-usea9-2.amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 159 $7013 2023/1rn age q16380%471 prig 48 Bernard Hoffinnn 2 5 39013115 -122 SS16 CSW Acruss375 Las Collndas Rd: fillps//53-useast-2amazunawscom/bbproduclion/04- 063 $27.50 2023/hnaBe;/163809 48_1 png 49 Bernard Hoffman 3 155 38,013107' -12-2,5517 OBSTACLE CSW Across 385 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel Cut 1elp1//1311-e10-2 am azonaws.com/bbproduc Ilan/04- 291 $127 gt1 20231knage s(163809 49 S.png 50 Bernard Hoffman 2 3.5 38.013111 1225517 CSW Auos, 391, UsCo6MJ1 PA: https//s3-useast-2 amazonaw5.com/bbproduclion/04- 044 $19,25 2023/knage,/16380930 1 png 51 Bernard Hofhn an 6 36 36.013126 -122,5518 CSW Across385 Las Collndas Rd; Parallel CuL hlfPE 13.50 $594 00 2023/Yn;9,(lma+useast-2amazonawscom/bbpraduction/04- es/163809 51 rsg l.p S2 Bernard Hoffman 2 4 3ROM1 1225518 SW Across 385 Las Colindas Rd; https'//eI-uae4a.7.amaz-&t*m/bbmoducIm/04- 050 $22 2023jlm.Bes•/163B09 U_I.png 53 Bernard Hoffman 3 4.5 38,01311 -122.SSIB CSW Aaass385 Las Colindas Rd: XCUT helps.//.s}useasl-2 amazonawLwm/bbproducdon/04- 0B4 $37.13 2023/hlages/163809 53_I png 54 Bernard Hoffman 3 25 3801311 -122 5518 CSWA-305 las Colindas Rd: XCUT air;(16382.ama+2.png m3bbprodNzbrL/0.1• 047 $20.63 2023/ 2023/Fnage�163809 54_].pnB SS Bernard Hofhnan 7 16.5 38013115 -122.55E SW Aaass385 Las Callnda, Rd: ATCURB LCUT httpv//x3-us-east-2 amamnaws.com/bbproduc8on/04- 722 $317.63 1D23/Image,/163809_$5 1,png 56 Bernard Hoffman 6 5 38013119 -122 5518 CSW Across3951as Colindas Rd: ICUTXCUT httpz//s3-useasl-2 amazonaws.com/bbproducllon/04- leg $82.50 2023/kn age V163809 56 1 png 57 Bernard Hoffman 3 2 38.0131 -IZZ 5519 CSW Across 385 Las Colindas Rd: XCLFr htlps://0-u seast-iamazonawscom/bbproducUou/04 038 $16.50 20231lm age,/163809_57_1 prig 58 Bernard Hoffman 6 38 30013126 -122 5519 CSW Aaoss 421 Las Colindas Rd; Parallel CUL helps://s3useast-2amazonawsmm/bbproduclion/04- 1425 $627.00 2023/knagea/163809_58_I png 59 Bernard Hoffman 5 13.5 38013126 -122.551 SW Aaoss 421 Las Colindas Rd: ATCURB Mips1/0-useasl-2 amazonaws mm/bbproducdon/04 422 $18563 2023/knage,1163809_59_1 prig h[tps/(s3use3sl-2,am azonaws-/bbproducllun/04 60 Bernard Hoffman 2 2 380131S3 -122.5519 CSW Across 421 Las Colindas Rd: XCUT 2023/knage V163B09 60_3.png 025 $11. 00 61 Bernard Hoffm an 4 4 38013153 -122.55 L9 CSW Across 421 Las Collndas Rd: XCUT helps://s3uaeas62 am azonaw-ar/bbproduction/04- 100 $� 00 2023/k.q.VI63809_61_l,png 62 Bernard Hoffman 3 5 38.01319 -122554 CSW Across4211as Colindas Rd; m/6byoductien/01- 094 $41.25 2023/ kcalgaesss/<163809_6a2_1 prug 63 Bernard Hoffman 2 2 38,013176 -122552 CSW Aaoss 421 Las Colmdas Rd: XCVr itps//s3useast-2.amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 025 $ll00 2023/knage4/16309_63_1 png 64 Bernard Hoffman 6 4 3BA1316 -122552 CSWAaoss421 Las Colindas Rd: XCUT InIDr/(a3'us<+st'2emaza'Ywscam/bbprodpcdaJ01• 150 $66.00 2023/Im age 4/163609_64_I pne hUps//S3-u sea 9-2-azon3ws co m/bbproducllon/04- 65 Bernard Ho ffnan 2 7.5 38.0131 -122552 C SW Acro ss 421 La s Colindas Rd: Parallel C u L 2023/kn age V163809 65_I.png 094 $412 66 Bernard Hoffman 2 4 3//13171 -122557 SWAcross421Les Colindas Rd: hhps:(/s3us-east-2amazonawsmm/bbproduchon/04- 0,50 $22 00 2023/ kn age 5163809_66_I.png Bernard Hoffman 3 6 38.0131 a hBpa'//tlateaY2 amiroVwaWa/bLireducdonJPt- 113 $495167 2023/kn2ge5,/163809 67 1 png hops//s3us-east-2,amazonaws.com/bbproduc6on/04 68 Bernard Hoffman 2 5 38013195 -122.552E CSW Aaoss421 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel CUL 2023/tn age s/163609_6BS.png 063 $2751 69 Bernard Hoffman 3 7 3801321 -1225522 CSW Across451 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel Cur. https://s3-us-east-2.amazonawxcom/bbproducdon/04 131 $57.7. 2023/kn age V163009 69 1 png Date created - 6/8/2023 2 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING No. Get. Met Ht. Length Latitude Longitude Description OR Sgpt Before Plcrure Inch Feet Cost Date Initld (1/0 of In.) (Feat) 70 Bemard Hoffman 3 9 3EL01321 -122.5522 OBSTACLECSWAt7os5451 Las Collndas Rd: Parallel Cut. itlps//s3luseasl-2,amazonaws,com/bbpfoduction/04- 2023/Ynage4/163B09 70_1 prig 169 574.2 71 Bernard Hoffman 6 16 38013272 -1225523 CSW Across451 Las Callndas Rd;ATCURB tips//s3es-east-2 a mazonawswm/bbproductlon/04- 600 $264.00 023/enagc V163809_71_1 prig 72 Bernard Hoffman 2 5 39013264 -122552' SWAcross451 Las Collndas Rd: ItIPs//s3-us-eaH-2.amaeonawswm/bbproducdon/04- 063 S2750 2023/knage,1163BU9_72_1 prig 73 Bernard Hoffman 3 10 38,013264 -122.552 SW Aor-451 Las Colindas Rd; Parallel Cut. XCUT h1tps//s3-us+ast-2.aniazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 2023/ Im age s/163809 73 1, one 198 $82.50 74 Bemard Hoffman 2 4 38013279 -122.552. SW Acr-451 Las[ollndas Rd: Parallel Cut XCUT nDs//sins+JlL-2.amezotanuoen/bbpe0ductiay0a 2023/1an age sV163809 74_l,png 050 922.00 75 Bernard Hoffin in 4 75 30.013248 122.5S2. OBSTACLE CSW Across 451 Las Collndas Rd: ATCURB iltps//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws.wm/bbpraduction/04- lag $82.50 2023/finag,V163809_75_1 prig iltPs://s3,useasl-2. amazonaws.com/bbproduction/04- 76 Bernard Hoffman 4 20 38.013252 -1225524 ISW Across471 Las Colindas Rd: ATCURB 2023/fin age V163B09_76_I.png 500 S220.00 77 Bernard Hoffinan 3 45 38013271 -122,552Cl- AcrOss471 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel CUL h11P3//s3o3HN•2-MUIMIwIeOnh/bbOsoduc4ehr/6L- 084 $37.13 2023/enagey163809771 prig 78 Bernard Hoffman 2 2.5 30,013294 -122,5524 SW Across 471 Las Collndas Rd: httpc//s3-useast-2 amazonaws com/bbproducton/04- 031 $13.7 2023/Ynaga4/163809 78 1 png 79 Bernard Hoffman 2 5 39013306 122. 5524 CSW Across 471 Las Collndas Rd: hlips//O-useasl-2.amazonaws,com/bbproduction/04- 2023/hi a8e,j163B0979 l.pnS 063 $27.50 80 Bernard Horfinan 3 35 1111130 112 1111 SW Across 471 Las Colindas Rd: Parallel CUi. https//53-useast-2.amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 066 $2088 2023/1rn age/163809 B0_l.png el Bernard Harfinnn 4 5 390132% -122.552'.SW Across 471 Las Coll ndas Rd: ittps:I/s3esea9-2.am azonawscom/bbproduction/04- 2023/ fi ages/163809 el_l.png 156 $667 82 Bernard Horfinan 2 7 38.013317 -122.5525 SW Across471 Las Collndas Rd:ParallelCut ittps//s3-useasl-2.amazonaws,com/bbproducflon/04- 088 538, 2023/ hn age s/163809 82_l png 83 Bernard Huffman 3 2 30.013294 1225525 SWAcross471 Las Colindas Rd: ltcps//s3-useast-2amazonawacam/bbproduction/04- 038 $16.50 2023/1n age sj163809 83_S.pn9 84 Las Mnchltos 3 6 3],993702 -12253 W Across 17 Sequoia Rd:Behindrastrooms Before hhps//s3-u-sl-2 amazonawzcom/bbproducdon/04- 113 $49 playground. 2023/Im age s/16370a 1_S Ims 85 Los Mnchllos 3 8 37993782 122.53n150 WWA'cross 17 Sequoia Rd: Before gate to playground hpi'//sS+hs+JN2.JmuetJnR[emfbOpodKtlofyiM- 1� $�, Parallel C. L 2023/Ln ages/163708_2_1 prig 86 Los Ranch1ws 3 35 37.99382 -122,5362 WAcross 175egllla Rd;acrossgate to playground hrtPs/10-1601AsrM r01a WM/bbp40d C%*nf - 066 $28 2023/linage W163708_3_l prig 87 Las fla-hims 5 3 37.9940 -122.5363 WW Across 63 Almond Ct: Parallel Cut, XCUT Ii11Ps//si-us-east-2.amazonawxwm/bbproducton/04- 094 $4125 2023/Lnages/1637084l,png 88 Los Mnchltos 2 0.5 37994034 122.5363 WWAcross63AlmondCl:Parallel CUL XCUT ittps//s311s-east-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduction/04- 006 $2.7 2023/hi age 5/163708_5_1.1,ng litlps//s3-useast-2,amazonaws.com/bbproducbon/04- 89 C. Rzn&n.s 3 9.5 37994057 -122.5361 WWAtross65Almond Cl: Parallel CUL XCUT 2023/ hh age V163708_6_1.Png 178 S78.38 I1ltPs://s3es-east-2 amazonaws.wm/bbproduction/04- 150 $6600 90 Los Mnchllos 3 8 37,994107 -172.536 WW Across 65 Almond Cl: 2023/hnageR/163708_7_l.png 91 Los Mnchltos 2 8 37.994114 -122.5364 WWAUAlmond Ct' helps//43aNaJ 2-0Lw-'bbpeadrtibhl/Qe 100 $44.00 2023/hnages/163708_8_llangoss65 httPs//s3-us-earl-2 amazonawswm/bbproducllon/04. 92 Los Mnchltos 3 5 3799422 -122.5362 WWAcross9l Almond Ct: 2023/Rnages/163]08 9 l.png 094 $4125 93 Los Rnchllos 3 9 37.9942471-122. 5361 WW Across93 Almond Ct : ups//s3-useasl-2,amazonaws wm/bbproduction/04. 169 $74.25 2023/hhage Vl6370910 ],png 94 Los Mnchllos 2 %5 31 S94312 -12253 WW Across 97 Almond Ct: itps//53-useasl-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 119 $52.25 1 2023/hnages/163708LIlong 95 Los Mnchitos 3 95 37.9943 -122.5359 WW Across 103 Almond Cl: htlps//s3eseasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduchon/04- 178 $7838 2023/enages/163708_12_1 png 96 Los Mnchltos 3 10 379944- -122535 NW Across 307 Almond Cl: helps//0-useas1-2 amazonaws cam/bbproduction/04- 313 $137. 2023/mages/163708131 prig 97 Los Mnchllos 2 45 37994526 M.5358 WW Across 115 Almond Cl: 1,11ps//53-useasl-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 2023/hn age s/16370 U4_1.png 056 524.7 98 Los Mndiims 3 7 37.994553 -122.5357 NW Past 115 Almond Ct: helps//0-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 131 $57,7 202311m age V163708_15_1 prig 99 Los Mnchllos 3 15 37,994572 -122.5356 WW Past 115 Almond Ct: bllpz//s'iuseast-2 am azonaws.com/bbproduccon/04- 375 $165. 2023/hnage%116370916_1 prig 100 Los Mndiltos 2 15 37,99451 -122535 NW Auass 139 Merrydale Rd: htips://s3-u-asb2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 2023/lm ges,/l6370817_1 png 281 5123.7 101 Los R-hltos 3 14S 37994446 122 535 WW Across26 Merrydale Cl; https//s3- -east-2,amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 272 S119.63 2023/hnages/163708 18 1 prig 102 Los wnchicos 3 14.5 379943 -122 53 5 WW Across 26 Merrydale Cl 11ps//53asseasl-2amazonawscom/bbproducton/04- 272 $11%63 2023/hnages/163708 19_1.pn8 https//s3-u s-east-east-com/bbproduction/04- 103 Los M-hilos 3 7 37.994293 -122.5353 W Before 26 Merrydale Ct: 2023/Im age W163708_20 1 prig 131 $57.75 104 Los Mnddlos 2 4.5 37.9942 -1225354 WW Past 26 Merrydale CL:Parallel Cut. hvaq/0-us-east-2 amazonawLcom/bbproduc0on/04- 056 $24.75 1 2023/hnage,/l63708_21_3 prig 105 tos Mnchltos 3 10 37.994267 -122.5354 WW Across3 N. San Pedro Rd: hDOU/L3rf+av-2.mnJloaJwscorryDhsiradectiai/t1l- 250 $11000 2023/gnage�163708 22_t png ID6 Ios Mnchites 4 2.5 37,994209 122.535 WWA-10N, 5an Pedro Rd:Parallel Cut h«ps//s3us-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 20231mage,/163708_231 png 063 $27.50 107 Los Mndiilos 4 10 37.9942D9 122.535 WW Across 3N San Pedro Rd: helps//s3--asl-2.amaronaws com/bbproduction/04- 2023/bnages/163708124_1.png 438 5192.50 Date created - 6/8/2023 3 of 30 PRECISION ONCBEIE CU117NC No. Cat. Ma Ht. Lengm LetRude Lonlltuae Defalpllon R&R 6gFt Before Plclure Ind, Feet Co. Date Mittel (1/8 of ln.) (Feet) 108 l 3 7.5 3]993]63 -122.5357 WAaaN lOfepaolb lid: Ilps//s3-u sea st-2.am azonaws.com/bbproductipn/O4- 234 $103.13 023/"agaV163708_25_1.png 109 toslWlxlitoa 2 7 37.99371) -122.535 WAvosslOSequoia Rd: Itps//s3-u see 11-2.am azonaws com/bbproduction/04- 08B $30.50 2023/"age4/1637C8 26_l.png 110 Los Ranchitos 2 35 37.993729 -122.5356 WW Across lO Sequoia Rd: mlps//s3-us-earl-2.amazonasyscom/bbproduclion/04- 044 51925 2023/hn age h/1637C8_27_1.png 111 Los Ranchitos 4 55 37,993743 -122.S35B WIN Across 105equoia Rd: tips//1-IiseasL-2.amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 178 $60 S0 2023/bnages/163708_28_1.png ❑ps//s3�s-east-2.amaxonaw5com/bbproducdon/04- 112 L.,N-hilos 2 4.5 37.993702 -122.535 VWAcross5Sequoia Rd: 2023/Image R/163708_29_l.png 056 $2475 113 los Ranchitos 2 35 37.993652 -122.57 WAcrosz55egi Rd: Parallel Cut. hIIPs://s3-us'ea51-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 044 $19.2 2023/hnages/163708_30_1.png 114 Los Renchitas 3 16 37.993641 -122 536 WW Across 5 Sequoia Rd: ttps//s3•useast-2.amozonawscom/bbproducrion/04- 400 $176, 1 2023/lRaRe,/1637C8_31_I.png 1L5 W4A1.r;hitos 2 2.5 37.99340 -122.5357 CSW Across 55equoia Rd: Itps//s3-u5-east-2.amazanawscom/bbproduclion/04- 031 513.7 0231hn age 4/16370832_I.Prlg 116 Los Ranitllos 8 15.5 37.99343 -122,53 SWAcross5Sequola Rd:CURBCUTNIVG\R ttps//s3aiseasl-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 9.69 $4262 2023/hnages/1637081331.png 117 lov FUn:hlle1 4 4 37.99342 -122.53 SW Across 17 Sequoia Rd: tips://s3�s-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 1.00 $4400 2023/"ages/163708 34_l.png 118 Los Ranchitos 2 5.5 37893513 -122.533 SW Across 21 Sequoia Rd: ltPs:I(s3-us-east-2.amazonaws com/bbproductlon/04- 069 $302. 2023/hn age s./163708_35_1.Png 119 losnxnchims 3 1.5 37.99350 -122.5365 ESW Acrom2l Sequoia Rd: tips://s3-us-east-2.amazonawscoln/bbproduction/04- 0313 $16 SO 1 2023/hitmes/163708136l.png 120 Los Ranchitos 2 15 37.993512 -122 5365 ESIAI Across 21 Sequoia Ad: https://s3-us-east-2.amazoiaws com/bbproductlon/04. 019 5825 2023/Image W163708_37_1 png exoiawAcom/bbproduetil 0Do 50, 121 L011lanHJlos 0 0 37,99iSi' -12I.536 voguola 7TN CSW Ax 235eRd: Unry Ml aWhat!https//s}uPaa4•Lam 1 023/In qa A/16370R-38_1.prrg 122 Los Ranchitos 2 3 37.99351 -122.5366 ESW Across 215equpia Ad: XCUT ltps://s3-us asl-2.amazonawscom/bbproduclion/D4 039 51650 2023/knageg163708_39 l.png 123 Loz Ranchitos 3 3 37.993521 -122,5366 ESW Across 215equoia Rd: XCUT hnps//s3-u s-earl-2.amaxonawscom(bbproduc[ion/Oq- 056 $2475 2023/bn age 4✓163708401.png 124 I.Of 1011ellDlo4 3 4.5 37.99351 -122.53i SW Across 215equaia Rd: Al crack hltps://s3'. -east-"" azanasys co m/bbproduclion/04- 141 $61W 1023/bn.ps/163708 41_l.png hltps://s}us-case-2.amazanaws com/bbproduction/04- 125 Los Nn•Jlltos 3 2 37.99351 -122.536 CSW Aaasa 21 Sequad Rd ' 2023(bn age 5/153708_42l.png 075 533. hltps//:3-u s-east-2.amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 126 Los Ranchitos 3 4 37.993471 -122.535 SW Before 425equoia Rd. 2023/hn age h/163708431.png 125 $5500 UPs//O-ast-2-nazonaws.cone/bbproduction/04- 127 It., nanch!Los 1 5 16 37.99346 -122.5366 ESW Before 425equoia Rd: CUABC t1T MVCAR 2023/Ntage,/1637UB_44_1.p,% son $22000 128 Santa Margarita Vallel 2 8 38.0188g -122.575 WAnoss97DELa Guerra Rd:AtresVomns Parallel Cut. ILOs//s3-us-east-2.amaxonawscom/bbproduc[ion/04- 100 544 DO 2023/Image A/16M10 1_l.png 129 Santa Margarita Valle 3 6.5 38.01699 -122.576 WIN Across 97 DE La Cut- Rd'By re sOo)ms A[aWhalt ttps://s3--east-2com/bbproduction/04- 122 $5363 2023/In age ,/163810_.amazonaws 2 1 png (lps//s3-11s-easl-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/M- 130 Santa Margarita Valle 4 4 39.0191 -122.576 SWBe Fore97DEUGuerra Rd:ALcrack, 023/1n age 5/16 Wl0_3_l.pn8 ISO 566.W 131 Santa Margarita Valle 4 5 3fl0191 122.57G SW Before 970E La Guerra Rd. Ltpz://53-us-east-2.am azonasys.com/bbproduclion/04- 125 SSSOO 023/9a8 a W16 i810_4_I.png 132 Santa Margarita Valle 2 4 30.019142 -1"5766 ESW Before 97 DE la Guerra Rd: XCUT Lips://s s-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- OSO $22.00 023/"age s/161810_5_1 prig 133 Santa Margarita V,11,.l 4 2.5 38.01916 -122.5766 ESW Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd: XCUT RPs//O-u seas)-2 amazonawscom/bbproducLion/04- 063 $2750 0231kn age s/163g10_6_1 png 134 Santa Margarita Valle 3 6 38.01918 •122.5%5 SW Be Farc 97 OE La Guerra Rd: f11-2Jrn4mnlws<amfbDpfodlCOdyp1 150 $660 2023/Npe//"age�1G3810_71 png Ilps/Is}useasl-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclian/04- 135 Santa Margarita Valle 2 5.5 3111911 -1111161 11W Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd:OPG 2023/bn age 4/16391081.png 069 S302!i ltps//s3-u s-east-2 amamnaws com/bbproductfon/04- 136 n[a Margarita Valle 4 21.5 3fln19272 -122.575 IW Be Fore 97 DE La Guerra Rd: CURBCUT 2023/hnages/163810_9_1.png 538 $2365O 137 Santa Margari Ca Vallel 7 11 38019272 -122.5764 ESW Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd: At Cracc. Parallel Cut. XCUT ilps//s3-us-east-2.amazonawswm/bbproductlon/04- qel $211 ]5 023/Inage,/163B10_161.png 138 Santa Margedw Vallej 2 0.5 38,01929 -172.57o SW Before 97 DE Ia Guerra Rd: Al Crack. XCUT lips//s3-east-2.amazanaws com/bbproduclion/04- 006 $27!'. 2023/hn age V163810 U_l.png 139 Santa Margarita Valle 15 3.5 39.01927 -1Z2.ST54 ESW Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd: O6 Ilps://s3-us-east-2.amazanaws ccni/bbproducllon/04- 328 $144 38 2023/"age s/163810112_1.,ung 140 Santa Margarita Vallej 7 2.5 3901927 -122.575 SW Before 97 OE La Guerra Rd: OG Rps//z3-useasi-2.amazmtaws coim/bbproduction/04- 109 548E 023/"age S/16 i810_13_l. png 141 Santa Margarita Valet 4 3 38.0192 -122.5764 CSW Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd: CURBCUT ttps//s3-u s-east-2,amazonavzs corn/bbpraducfian/04- 075 5330n 023/"age V163810_14_1.pryT 142 Santa Margarita Valle 3 2.5 38.0192 -122,576 DDON CSVV Before 97 Of La Gue- Rd: Itps//s3u-M-2.ann-r vs com/bbprcduct1on/04- 047 $2060 023/"age,/163810_15_1.png 143 Santa Margarta Valle 2 2.5 38.019271 22.575 DDONCSWBefore970E La Guerta Rd:Ataock hits//s3u s-east-2.am atoms, s to m/b bprodu c don/04- 031 $137!• 2023/"age5/163B10_16_1.png 144 Santa Margari Vl Valle 2 3 30.01919 •122.115 DDOLI WW Before 97 DE La Guerra Rd ht[ps//s3-us-ea51-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/09- 2023/"a0e V163810_S7_I. prig 038 $16.5 145 Plcklesveed Park 2 10 37.966441 -122.4991 W14001Mh A-Atpflriror.nd.frt"s III psH13-useatl-tam azonaw sco m/bb pradu clion/04- 125 $55.0 2023/ hn age l/163zk 7_I_l.p ng Date created - 6/8/2023 4 of 30 PRECISION BONCRfIE CUTi/N6 No. Cet. Max Ht. Length Latitude Longitude Descrlptcm R&R 5qR Before Picture Inch Feet Cart Date Initial (118 of InJ (Feet) 146 Plckleweed Park 3 6.5 3796g529 -122.499] WW 140O Flftlh Ave; Al playground. httpe/Y,w- N'1.ampxoMcr.pm/bbproducvWO1• 2OM/mye s/16DS7 2 LvM 122 j53.67 147 Plckleweed Park 3 6 37.968704 -122-498- WPlayground: NlPti/\1'u-202-*,ant,-./bb�productlM1O4- 7plymaRrN16)tg7 3 t4alg 113 $49.50 148 Plckleweed Park 3 12 11 B1.165 -122498 NW Playground hltPT//s3useasl-2.am azonaws.com/bbproducdon/D4. 2023/mage;<163B87 4lpng 300 $132 00 149 Plckleweed Park 2 45 31%8842 122. 4989 WW Playground: hllPs//53-us-easl-2 am azonaws com/hhproductlon/04- 2023/kneSe V163867_5_l png 0% j247 150 Plckleweed Park 4 10.5 37,96886] -122 q99 WW Playground: helps://s3useast-2amaxonaws.com/bhpraducden/O4- 2023/wage Vl63857_6lpng 263 S115,50 151 Pickleweed Park 3 25 1 371681M -127 499 WW Playground: hltps//13useasr-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04 2023/m age%463907 7_1 png 047 $2063 152 Plckleweed Park 3 7 1 37 M9044 4112 9311 WWPlayground: hltps://s3us-east-2,amazanawscom/bbproduedon/04- 2D23/mageyl63887 8_l,png 219 $%2S 153 Pickl -c!Park 2 2.5 37.96904 -122 49a9 WW Playground: XCUT https//s3-ii east-2 am.zonaws.com/bbproduction/04- 2023/kn m,1/1638S 7_9_l,png 0,31 $137 154 Pickleweed Park 2 5 37,969055 -124493 W Playground: XCUT 11llps/O-a-ash-2..azonaws cpm/bbproducdon/04- 2023/mme,/l63897_l0Ipng 063 52750 155 Pickleweed Park 3 7 37.968636 122.499? WVVPlayground: 'httpc//s,o-earl-2 amazonaws cam/bbproduction/04- 2023/knageg163B87_11 l.png 219 $%.2 1% Plckleweed Park 4 4 11,11136 -122.1113 W Back ol11 Canal11: hllpr.//s3useasi-2 amazonaws com/bbproducd,n/04- 2023/m age V16388 7_12 l.png 100 $44 OC 157 Plckleweed Park 2 5 31115M3 -M.4932 NW Back of 50 Cana111: ttps//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws.com/bhproducHan/04. 2023/4nage;/163bS7_13 1pnii 063 $27.50 15g Pickleweed Park 2 5 37968147 -122,497 71NW BaClt Ol5O tbr41S[s hops://s3-u s-east-2.anlaxonawscom/hbpraducllan/04 2023/bn Me1/1639g7 14_l. png 063 $27. 159 Plckleweed Park 2 35 37.968141 -12249 W Back o f5O Canal St: Parallel CuL Ittps//Ous-east-2 amazonawscom/bbpraducton/04. 2O23/lkime4/163887_15 1 png 044 $1925 160 Plckleweed Park 6 12 37967705 -122 4974 W Plckleweed Preschool: Atgate. At asphalt h11Ps//s3us-east-2. amazonawsconrjbbproc1u,H,n/04- 2023/ImmCV163B87_36 l png 525 $231. 00 161 Peacock Gap Park 3 4 37.99321 -12147 SW 2)4 Peacock Dr: https;//s3-u least-1,am azonaws com/bbproduclioh/04- 2023/Image;/1639521I.png 0,75 j33. OU 162 Peacock Gap Park 2 5.5 37.99335 •171171 SW 29B Peacock Dr: Al crack. https.//s3u,.east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 2023/kn age y163952 2 1 mg 069 $30 2.5 163 Peacock Gap Park 3 4 37.993366 122.4?ZICSW 298 Peacock Or: Mt100-ns-east-2 amazonawxcom/bhproductkm/04 2O23/m age;/163952_3 1 mg 075 533 OC 164 Peacock Gap Park 2 2 37.99338 -1714712 CSW 298 Peacock Dr; https//s3useast-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04 2023/mage;/163952 4 11mg 025 $11. 165 Peacock Gap Park 7 6 37993385 412.4722 CSW 298 Peacock Dr: At crack. Parallel Cut, XCUT OC htlp5://s3-u least-2 amazonawscom/bbproducton/04- 2O23/knage;/1639505 1 png 263 $115.50 166 Peacock Gap Park 4 3 3799339 -122.4712 CSW 298 Peacock Dr; At crack. Parallel Cut XCUT hltps,Hs3us 9-2 amaa.nawscom/bbpraducdcn/04- 2023/knage V163957v6 1 png 075 $3300 167 Peacock Gap Park 2 35 37.993393 -l22.42l2 SW 298 Peacock Dr:At Rack Mips:#,3 s-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04 2023/brmt V163952 7 l,png 044 $1973 160 Peacock Gap Park 2 3 37.99347 121.111 SW 298 Peacock Dr:Alcrack Parallel Cut h8p4/s3ea4ast-2.un4ton4w Kam/bbOret4tlba/04' 2023/m age;/l63952_B_l.png 038 $16 169 Peacock Gap Park 3 3 37 99344b- 1U 4113 CSW 238 Peacock Dr' helps/&3-us-ea9-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 2023/knage,/163952_9_l,png 0Sfi $247 170 Peacock Gap Park 3 3,1 3799-15? •121472 SW 1%Peacock Dr hltps://O3 east-2amamnawLcin/bhproducdon/04- 2O231MMes/163952_10_3 png 066 $2B tlN 171 Peacock Gap Park 2 2 37.993 W •1-11 SW 29B Peacock Cr: http5://O3 s-easl-2.amazooawscons/bbproducgon/04 2O23/knmes/163952_31_1 png 025 j11 00 172 Peacock Gap Park 4 9 37993431 -171471 SW 298 Peacock Dr: ARM LOUT https//s3useasl-2amazonawscom/bbproduction/04_ 2O23/imme;/16395212_1 png 225 $% 173 Peacock Gap Park 4 3 37.993435 IZL4715 CsVV 298 Peacock Dr: LCUTJUMP hltp053us-east-2 amazona-cam/bbproducdon/04 2023/Image s/1639S2_B_l,png 075 $33 OC 174 Peacock Gap Park 4 4 37994968 122.4727 SW 298 Peacock Dr. On Blsceyne Dr: Anus, 541 Biscayne. hhps//s3useast-2 amazonaws c.,n/bbproduction/04. 2023/m a ge,/163952_14_l.png 125 $55.011 175 Pock Gap Park 4 23 37,994994 122.477 SW 29B Peacock Dr. On Biscayne Dr: Across 541 Biscayne hIIpP//\3ateas47 amupv�r\Wm/Dbpodlsclsen/O1. TCUM 2023/1m ages/163952151.png 575 $253.00 176 Peacock Gap Park 2 4 3Z99499 121471 SW 298 PeacockDr. On Bi scayne Dr: Across 541 Bi scayne. hltps://s3wwal1-2 amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 2023/knagey163952_16 1 png 075 $33 177 Peacock Gap Park 3 3 37995018 ULMS CSW 298 Peacock Dr, On Biscayne Dr; Across 541 Biscayne https//s3useas1-2 amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 2O23/m age ;/163952_17 1, png Ord 52475 178 Peacock Gap Park 2 4 37.995041 122.4724 CSW 298 Peacock Dr. On Biscayne Dr: Across 541 Biscayne https://s3us-east-2,amawnaws.com/bbpr,du,fon/04- 2023/m age W163950181, png 075 $3300 179 Boyd Memorial Park 3 55 3797552' -122-5295 WW 1123 B St: Atplayground. h11Ps://s3-"wolf-2 ama... aw-nn/bbproduclion/04- 2023/mage1/163955_1_1png 138 560.50 190 Boyd Memorial Park 3 3 379755 1U. W 1125 O 5t; Atplayground https://s3useast-2'amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 2O23/.age V163955 2 long 0% 52475 181 Boyd Memorial Park 4 4 37,97570 .122.5217 WW11256 St: Atplayground ttpz//s3u s-ea12pmazpnawsm./bbproductlon/04- 2023/mage 163955 3_l png 150 566.00 1132 Boyd Memorial Park 4 3 37,975727 -17"1 W1125B SI: ttps://s3-u Beast-2amatorlawsmm/bbproduc0on/04- 2O23/maOes/163955 4_3 png 075 S33 183 Boyd Memodal Park 5 4.5 37.97562 •112.52) 1113l S1: I1tIPT//s3-u seasl-2.mazollawscom/bbproductlon/04- 2023/mage;/163955 5_lpng 141 $611ID Date created - 6/8/2023 5 of 30 llo. Cat. Mae Ht. Length LBtltude Longitude Uescrlptlan R&R SqR Before Plaure Ind, Feet Cost Oat. loped (1/8 of In.) (Feet( 194 Boyd Memoral Park 6 5 37975567 122 5297 WW 1125B 5t: hltps://s3us-east-2.amazonascom/bbproduclion/04- 2023/kn age163955_6_1 Pngw 250 $110 0Ups//s3-us-.asl-2.am azonaw s.w m/bbprodu c 6on/04. 038 5165 185 Boyd M em o ri at P ark 2 3 37.97554 -122.529E W1I-B St: 2023/hnages/163955_7_I png M Boyd Memorial Park 2 h5 37.9]536] -122.5297 W1175B5[: hltpsf/s}useas[-2.anl.... a..s to m/bbpi oduc lion/04- 056 $24.75 2023/Im apV163955 8_l. png https://53us-easl-2.olnazo,iaw5 com/bbproductlon/04- 197 Boyd Memolial Palk 3 25 37.975361 -122,5297 SW1125B St : 2023/Imagey/163955_9_1 png 047 $20.63 188 Boyd Memorial Park 2 1 37.975365 -1225292 W1125B St: L(UT helps://s3useasl-2 amazona-comfbbproducdon/04- 013 55 50 2023/4nage Vl63955_10_1 png 189 Boyd Memorial Palk 2 3 379753E -122. 5297 SWll25 B St: LC UT https//s3-u5-easl-2 am aeon.... w m/bbproducdon/04- 038 51650 2023/1nades/163955_ll 1 png s-earl-2.anlazonawscam/bbproduclion/04- 55 190 Boyd NamorW rarh 2 1 37975365 122.5292 W1125B St:hltps//s3-u 2023/hnago V163955_12_1.png 013 191 Boyd Memorial Park 2 15 3797534 -122.5293 SW 1125 B St: Parallel Cut https//s3useasl-2amazonawv com/bbproduclion/04- 019 $825 2023/knagey163955_13_Lpng 192 11oyd M emanal Park 3 1 37.975357 -122.5293 SW 1125 B St: Parallel Cut hops//s1-111-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion104. 019 se 2s 2023/hnageg163955_14_l. png https://s3als cast-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 013 $55(I 193 Ooyd Memorial Park 2 1 3797534 -122.5293 W1125B 51: 2023/hn age B/163955_15_1 png 1p1•/INIeNY•I�.Nb10Mt[me/B6pFeA1CtlM�OF 194 Boyd Memorial Park 4 1 37.975357 -122.5293 SW 1125 B St 2023/knageg1639S5_16_1.png 0 2S $11 00 h0ps//s3-us-easl-2.anlazonays com/bbproduclion/04 81100 195 Boyd Mamorlal Palk 2 2 11 a15357 4-.5293 W1125B St: 2023/hnages/163955_17_1.png a25 htlps//0-useasl-2 ameronaws.cam/bbproduclion/04- 113 $49 50 196 Boyd Memorial Park 4 45 379753 -122.5293 SW 1125 B 51: 3023/Imade,/163955 18_1 png https//s3-useasl-2.amdron3w-jbbproduclion/04- 0.31 S13.] 197 Boyd Memorial Park 2 2 5 37975347 -122.5293. W 1125 B St : 2023/Images/163955_39_1.pry 41ltP1Hs3-us-e.sl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 019 $B 2S 199 Boyd Memorial P ark 3 1 37.975342 122.5293 SW1125B St: 2023/kn age,/163955_20_1. png 199 BoydMm,orial Park 2 2 37975396 -122.5293 W112585[: Parallel Cut hllpc//s3-useasl-2.arrazonaws com/bbproduclion/04 056 S16 2023/ Image 5/1G3955 21_1.png f'UP7//s3us-eas1-2.amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 200 Boyd Memorial Park 3 15 37,975342 -122.52911W 1125 B 51 2023/knage5/163955_22_1.png 028 $12.38 ttps//s3-useasl-2.amazonaws.com/bbprodudion/04- 201 Boyd Memorial Park 2 3.5 37975353 -122.5293 SW1125B St: 2023/Ima8e S(163955_23_1 pry Ba4 $1925 202 Boyd Memorial Park 3 7 37,975334 -122,52939 SW 11259 S1: Al stalrs hUp1H13-usea1-2.ama,onawscomfbhp,od,ction/04- 175 5n.00 2023/Images,/163955_24 l.png blips://s3-us-east-2amazonavisconi/bbpr,d,ction/04. 203 Boyd Memo rial Park 3 2.5 37.975315 122,5293'W 1125 B St. 2023/ Im 4 a S/16 395 5_25_1. p ng 047 $2063 https//s3useast-2.amazonaw5.wm/bbproduc0on/04- 52200 204 Boyd Memorial Park 2 2 37.975327 -122.5233 OBSTACLE SW 1125 B St: 2023/Image S/163955_26_1.png 050 helps//53-u s-ease-2.amazo...... m/bbproducdon/0q- 125 555 205 Boyd Memorial Park 4 5 37.975307 -122.5291'W 1125 B St: 2023/knagey/163955_27_1 png helps://s3-u s-east-2.amazonows com/bbproducllon/04- 206 Boyd M emorial Park 3 L5 37.975315 122,529 W 1125 B St: Parallel CuL 2023/Images/163955_28_l. ply 028 $12. 207 Boyd Memorial Park 4 45 37975321 -1215293 SW 1125E St: tilips:HS3-us-east-2.amazlnaw5c,m/bbproducti,n/04- 169 $74.22 2n23/Image V163955 29_1.png 2W Boyd Memorial Park 3 5 37,975304 122.5293 'W 11258 St: f,Llps//s3-us-east-2.am... naws.cam/bbproduction/04- 094 $412 2023/ ka age V163955 30 1.png 209 Boyd M=-moral Park 2 5 37.97530 -122.5291 5W U25 B St Imps//s3-us-east-2.amazowws cam/bbproducdon/04- 094 $41., 2023/kl_31 1 png htLps://s3-us-east-2.amazonasyscom/bbproduclion/04- 125 $55 210 Boyd Memorial Park 4 5 37,975315 122.529 SW112505t: 2023/knages/163955_32_1.png hetps://s3+,seasr-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 044 S19.2 211 Boyd Memorial Palk 2 3.5 37975273 U2.5293 CSW ll25 B St: 2023/bnages/163955_33_I png htlps//s3-u s-east-2amazanawscom/bbproduc0on/04- 563 5247.5 212 Boyd Memadal Park 14 5 37975224 -122.529 :SWI125BS1:CC 2023/Image �163955_34_I.png hops://s3-us-east-2.amazpna..s cool/bbproduclion/04. 063 $27,50 213 Boyd Memorial Park 4 2.5 37975224 -1225293 CSW 1125 B 51: 2023/Images/163955_35_1 pry ttps//s3-useasl-2.amazonaw5 co,nfbbpreducbon/04- 214 ewdM-.ddF.h 2 5 37975193 122,5 93 CSW 1125 B St: 2023/Im age s/163955_36_1.png 094 541.25 215 Boyd Memorial Park 14 5 37975231 -122529. 9CSW 1125BSt: IaraBel CUL h[IPs:s3-u .east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 438 5192' 2023/Im age �163955_37 1.png 216 SOYA Memorial Park 3 1.5 37.97518, -122.5293 / CSW 1125 B 51: Prallel Cal h[Ipss3-u.east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducLon/04- 028 5121E 2023/ rage;/163955_38_1p,y 217 Ooyd Memorial Park 4 2 3797516 -12252937 CSW ll25 B St: Parabl CUL https//s3-us-east-2.amazonal-com/bbproduclion/04. 050 $2200 2023/ Im age 5/163955391.ply 219 Boyd Memorial Park 3 4.5 3797516 -122.52932 CSW 1125E St: PaLaeel CUL helps//s3us-east-2.amazonaws cam/bbproduclion/04- 084 $37.13 2023/Image S/163955_40_l.png 219 Boyd Memorial Park 4 1 3797514 4-52939 CSW l l25 B S1: Parallel CUL httpsHs3us-easl-2.amaronaws com/bbproduclion/04- 2n23/ Im ageq/163955_41_1.png 025 511 00 hltps//0-u s-east-2.omazonaw5 com/bbproduclion/04- 219 $9G, 220 Boyd Memorial Park 6 5 37.975120 -122.5293 5W 1125 B St ; Parallel Cut 2023/trnagr V163955_42_I.Pma hl[Ps//s3-u seasL2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 019 58,2 221 Boyd Memorial Park 3 1 3]975117 -122.S29' SW ll25 B 51: LCUT 2023/Image,/163955_43_1.pn8 Date created - 6/8/2023 6 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTT/N6 No. rat. Mat HL Length Larmu 6 Longttu4e Dwalptlon RBR SgPt Belore Plchlre Intel Feet Co. Date Initial We a11.1 (Feat) 222 Boyd Memorial Park 3 1 37.975002 122,5293:SW1125BSl:LCUT htlps://sins Ma 2,amaronaws com/bbproduction/04 079 $82 2023/m age V16395 544_1 png 223 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2.5 37.975094 -122 5293 C5W 1125 BSt Parallel Cut helps.//0-o-Sl-2 amazonawscom/bbproductipn/04 Oq7 $20,63 2023/mage4/163955 45 Spfg 224 Boyd Memorial Park 2 4 37.9750 -1225293 CSW 1125 B St: XCUT helps//s3-u-ash-2 amazonaws mm/bbproducdon/04 050 $2200 20z3/kn M.,/163955 46 1 png 225 Boyd Memodal Park 2 1 3797510: -122 5293 OCSW 1125 B St: XCUT helps//0-u s-earl-2 amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 013 $5. 50 2O23/mages/163955 47 1 prig 226 Boyd Memorial Park 4 4 37,975094 -122.5293 CSW 1125 B St: https//s3useag-2.amozonaws com/bbproducdon/04 1� $q9, 00 2023/m Mef)163955 48_S png 227 Boyd Memorial Park 4 7.5 37.975021 -122.5293 CSW 11259 St: hop9//e3p-t-2.am azonawsmm/bbproducllon/D4- 199 $22, 50 2023/mage s/16395549_1. png 228 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2.5 37,97504 -122529 SW ll25 B Si: Parallel Cut, helps//s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/bbprodut0on/O4- 063 $27. 50 2O23/lmMe,/16395S_Sq1,png 229 Boyd Memorial Park 2 1 37.975109 1225293 CSW 112S B St: Parallel Cut, httPs//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04. 013 $5 50 2023/knages/163955 51 1 png 230 Boyd Memorial Park 3 IS 37975006 122.5294 CSW 212565L On Misdon AVe: Parallel CUL https//O.us asi-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/0420231 047 $20.63 Up age s11639S5521. png 231 Boyd Memorial Park 5 6 3797513 -122.5303 NW 1125 B St On Mission Ave: httpc//s3.ui-east-2.amazonmv&com/bbproduc6on/04- 300 $13200 2023/m age s/163955 53 1 png 232 Boyd Memodal Park 0 0 37,975540 -122.5299 ADDON M WW 1125 B St: Across playground. Slab damage. 135 Rtlps((s3-Ue ast-2.amazonaws.mm/bbproducdon/04 000 1023/m age4/163955 54_1.png 233 Boyd Memorial Park 8 5 3797SO52 -122.529 ADDON OBSTACLE 7 WW 1225 B St: hlapr.//s331slan-2,amazonaws com/bbproduction/04 250 $110, 00 2023/lnagey163955 55_l.png 234 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2 37.975033 -122.529. ADDON OBSTACLE 7 WW ll25 B St: https//Q-u Yeast-2.am azonawscom/bbpfoducdon/04 038 $16. 50 2023/magee/163955_56_S prig 235 Boyd Memorial Park 3 0.5 37975080 -122.529!ADDON WW 11256 St: XCUT ldtps//s3u s-east-2 am aronawscom/bbproductlon/04 009 $4.13 2O231m Me s/163955_57_I png 236 Boyd Memorial Park 5 4 37.975063 -122.5295 ADDON WW 11258 St: XCUT trevQ1thuseatt7.aanarslanitg11N1'bpatlWCRpt/p1• 125 $55 00 2023/mage4/163955 581,png 237 Boyd Memorial Park 3 3.5 379750R7 -122.5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: LCUT httpe//s3YH44.7.amuatawt<on/DbproOuepon/O4 066 $28 BE 2023/h McVI63955 59_1 png 239 Boyd Memorial Park 4 2 37.975105 -122,5295 ADDON WW 1125 O St: LCUT helps//s3nsEasl-2amazonawsmm/bbpraducdon/04 075 $33 2O23/1m age s/163955_60_1.png .00 239 Boyd Memorial Park 2 1.5 37975093 -1225295 ADDON WW llS B St: XCUT M1ps//aw-0.2 Jmamn u9m/MgroductW04• 019 $g 2!' 2O23/m Me4/163955_61_1.png 240 Boyd Memorial Park 2 1 37,975117 122529 DDONWW1125BSt:XCUT hllpl'/Il1atenl•2.amuontiruenyEDpodutdee/OJ- 013 $5 50 2023/mages/163955_62_l. png 241 Boyd Memodal Park 2 1 37975137 -122.5295 ADDON WW ll25 B St: helps//0-u-ast-2 amazona-com/bbproductlon/o4- 013 $5511 2O23/magel/163955_63_1 png 242 Boyd Memorial Park 6 1.5 37975136 -1225295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: LCUT. Itps//s3-u-sl-2 am azunawsmm/bbph odut0on/04- 056 $2475 2023/mage;/163955_64_1 png 243 Boyd Memorial Park 6 5 3797512J -122 5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: LCUT. hups//s3us-ea51-2 amaionawscom/bbproduction/04- 189 $82 50 2023/lm Me4/163955_65_1 png 244 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2 37.915121 -122.5295 ADDON WW 2125 B St: hUPs//s3-o"BA-2 amazonaws com/bbproducllon/04- 038 $16,SU 2023/mage;(163955 66_I. png 245 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2 37.975147 -122,5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: Parallel Cut httpq/t3'u-stl 2xn s-tcom/LDWwarctlon/O4- 038 $1650 2023/magey163955 67 ).png 246 Boyd Memorial Park 2 15 37.975159 -122,5295 ADDON WW U255 St; helps//53us-easl-2 amazonaws mm/bbproduction/04. 019 $82S 2O231m age S/163955 681.mg 247 Boyd Memorial Park 3 1 37975155 -122.5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: XCUT hetps//s3u-ast-2 amazonaws mm/bbproduction/04. p19 $8 25 2023/m age,/163955_69 1, pn8 240 Boyd Memorial Park 3 1 37975164 -122.5295ADDONWW1125BSt:%CUT MIPa//tl+rL�JY 2saaidLWttOm/UOryadut4M•/P4 019 $B2 2023/mages/163955_70_1,img 249 Boyd Memorial Park 3 3 3797517 -122529' ADDON WW 118B St: litlps//0-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- OSfi $24.7 2023/ m age s/16395 5_71_1. png 250 Boyd Memodal Park 4 2 3797517 -122.5295 ADDON WW I1SB St: Parallel CUL liltps//O3 seas)-2amazonaws.com/bbproduc0on/04- 050 $� 00 2O23/mage V163955_72_1 png 251 Boyd Memorial Park 3 1 37,9751R' -122,529' ADDON WW ll25 B St: XCUT hope//JattaY7JmaiP'YNimlrybbpfpdaeBerl/DJ 0,19 $8, 25 2O23(m Me;/163955_73_1 pig 252 Boyd Memorial Park 2 1 37.975179 -122529 1DDONWWI1SBSt:XCUT helps//s3uscast-2.amazonawswm/bbproducdon/04- 013 $550 1 2023/mage;/163955_74 1 png 253 Boyd Memorial Park 2 2 1 3797517a -122.529 ADDON WW ll25 B Sl: Parallel Cut Mrae//0-30•2 ArazO'tlwtNatfbkptoducrbn(O1 030 $16, 50 2023/m ageV163955 75 1png 254 Boyd Memodal Park 3 1 379752 -122.5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: XCUT hetps//0-u s�asl-2,amaronawsmm/bbproducdon/04- 019 $8.2 2023/m Me,j163955_76 3.png 255 Boyd Memodal Park 2 2 37.975109 -1225295 ADDON WW 1125 O St: XCUT ltpe//ciutfJM2.amuatawerorn/blzpodur:bon/04 025 $]S. 00 2O23/mage V163955_77_1 png 256 Boyd Memorial Park 5 2 37.97520) -122. 5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: Parallel CUL Nfpe(/13as<aN tam aiovwltom/bapodtrctlon/O1• 100 $44 2023/m_age1116395578_3 png 257 BaVd Memorial Park 2 1 37975182 122,529 ADDON WW-21B St: httprHs3-us ast-2.amazonawe,com/bbprodu,d,n/04- 013 $5. 50 2023/m McV163955 79 1,png 258 Boyd Memodal Park 2 2 37.975208 -122. 5295 ADDON WW 1125 B St: Parallel Cut. https//s3lz a51.2,emazonawscom/bbpraducdon/04 OS Sll. ou 2O23/mages/163955_80_] png 259 Boyd Memorial Park 3 2 37975189 422,529 4DDON WW ll25 O 5t: helps//0-u seas)-2 amazonaws.mm/bbproducdun/04- 038 $16 50 2O23/m ageV163955 Rl_l.prg Date created - 6/8/2023 7 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING No. Cw. Mea Ht. te"- Letltudo 1 11111, Description R&R SqR Bator. Picture Inds Feel Cost Date IN" fl%d 0?In) fFed) 260 0oyd Memorial Park 3 2 37.97517 -1225295 AOOON WW 11256St: Parallel Cut. Itftps//s3-us-east-2 a mazonaws.c,mjbbprod,crion/04- 050 522 00 2023/M age s/163955_02_1. png 261 Boyd Memorial Park a 5 37.97517 -122 5295 ADDON WW 1125 B $t: https//53-us-ea51-2amazonws cam/bbproducfion/04- 2B1 $123.75 2023/kn age 1/163955 83_1 pa'a 262 Boyd Memorial Park 0 0 37.975191 -122.5295 ADOON RR WW 1125 B St: Slab damage. 45 https//s3-useasl-2.amaz,naw&mmibbproducfion/04. 000 $0. DO 2023/Ma9es/163955 84_Lpn9 R R WW 205 San Rah el Ave: By ten Pis courts. Slab greater hops//L4-.-call-2.am azonaws.com/bbproduction/04. 263 Gerstle Park 0 0 37.96522 -122,5362 han 2lnches 63 2023/Lhages/164056_3_ltang 000 50.00 264 Gerstle Park 3 2 3796521g -12253G22 WW-1 San Rafael AVe: By lend, Worts P-al Cut. Mips://0-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 03B $1650 2023/knageV164056_2_lpng 265 Gerstle Park 5 1 37965202 12253612WW205S.RofaalA-8vtenrd,-o LCUT hlrps//s3-us-east-2.amazanawscom/bbproducfion/O4- 063 $27 50 2023/6nage(7164056 3 1 png Mips//s3us-t-2 amazanaws.com/bbproducfion/04- 266 G-tte Park 4 05 37965199 12253612 WW 20S San Rafael AVe: By Rnrdl-LOUT 2023/ Ln age V16,10564_l,pn g 025 511. 267 Gerstle Park 5 1 31%1.5 -122.5361? WW 205 San R.4d Ave: By hn.P courts LOUT hltps//s3-u stasl-2 nnazonaws com/b1produ1fion/04- 050 521 BUI 2023/Mages/164056_5_1 pnB 268 (5-de Park 5 1 37.96522 -1225361)WW2059an RAWAve:By4.,cotlt. CUT hltps://s3us,asl-2amazonawscom/bbproduc6on/04- 044 S19 2023/M4e1/164056_6_1 png 269 Gorstle Park 5 05 37965214 -172,5361) eI WW 205 San RWAVe: By I-N. Wort&LCUT Mt123/f11mm aus-east-2 amazonawscomj6hproducdon/04- 031 5737" 2t7ge ;/164056_7_1 Pmg 270 Get sde Park 4 05 37965214 -122.5361? WW 205 San Rated Ave: By rentde caorl& LCUT htlps//s3-u s-east-2 am azonaw scum/bbproduc tion/D4- 025 $1101 2023/111a8es/164056_811 png https://o-us-easI-za.azoilaw&c,m/bbproduction/04- 271 Gerstle Park 3 5 37965263 -12253 WW2055an Rafael Ave:By tennis courts. Parallel Cut 2023/1.ages/1640569_1 png 094 $4125 272 Gersde Park 2 1 37.965263 122 5361 ? WW 2055en Rafael AVe:BylMMtcoorls JUMP htfp5//s3-us-easl-2 muarnnawscom/bbproduction/04- 013 $55 2023/hageg164056_10_1 png W 205 San Rafael Ave: Across230 San Rafael Parallel Cut h[[ps.//s3usEasl-2 am azonaw,.rd/bbproduction/04- SP., 75 $825 On 273 Gerstle Park 12 20 37.966103 z 42253r JUMP 2023/Mage�164056_71_l png hUps://13r.-asl-2 amaxonawscom/bbproduction/04. 274 Gerstle Park 3 4 37.9661 -122.5373 WW 2055an Rafael Ave: Atplaygr.uncl, 2023/images/16405612_I Prig 100 544, 275 Gerstle Park 3 11 37,966106 -122537.1? WW Playground: P.,A,4 Cut h1tPs//sius-east-2amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 206 $90,75 2023/knages/164D5613_1,p1 276 Gerstle Park 4 63 3796603 -122 5374 ? WW Playground: P.02d Cut hUps//53-u s�ast-2 11axone-com/bbproduction/04- 15.75 5693,00 2023/bnages/164D56_14_3. png 277 Gerstle Park 4 145 37965954 122,5374 a WW PlaVWnd: PwaBd Cut JUMP hups//s3-us-east-2 amazo'nawscoin/bbproducfion/04- 363 $159 so 2023/Lnages/164056_15_l.png 278 Gerstle Park 3 2.5 37,965485 122 5378 CSW A11o1125 Clark Sl: https//O.us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 047 $20. 63 2023/ M age l/164056_161.Png https//s3-us-earl-2 amazonaws com/bbproducfion/04- 2]9 Gerstle Park 10 7 37-965481 -122.5378 CSW Across 25 Clark St: CURBCUT 202311m age g164056_17_l.png 438 51925 https://13--as(-7. amazonaws com/bbproducllon/04- 290 Gurslle Park 11 25 37.965515 -122 5376 CSW Acrps125 Clark St: CURBCUT 2023/M ages<164056_18_S png 172 6756) hops://s3-us-east-2 ame-awscom/hbproduction/04- 281 Gerstle Park 3 3.5 37.965519 122.537 SW Across 25 Clark St: 2023/M age g164056_19_3 PUB 066 52888 Mip00usea9-7ama4OtawttoT?bllpraduttJws/W 282 Gerstle Park 3 4 37.9655 412537 SW Across 25 Clark St: 2023/hnage1/164056_20_1. pn8 075 $33.00 283 Gerstle Paik 4 4 37,965588 122 5378 CSW Across 25 Clark St: Parallel O/L LCUT h1tps.Hs3-u 11all-2 am azondwscom/bbproduction/04- 100 $4400 2023/Mages/164056 21_1 png 284 Gersde Park 4 4 37.965572 -122,537 SW Across25Chrk St: LCUT hLtps.Hs3+s-east-2.amazonaw,Wm/bbproduclion/04- 150 $66.00 2023/kn age V164056_22_1. png htlpW/s31 t,.iNJ.amatotawstmfobp Ddutd*NO4- 285 Gerstle Park 4 35 37.965577 -122537g SWAcrass25Clarkst: 2023/knage1/164056_23_1 png 0® Ste, 50 ttps//53us-east-2.amaz,n,wsxom/bbpr,ducfion/04 266 Gerstle Park 5 7 37,965G11 -122.537 SW Aa0ss250ark St: Parallel Cut. 2023/lm.,e 1164056_24_1.png 219 $96 25 287 Gerstle Park 1 3 4 37965622 -122 5370 CSW Acros125 Clark St: Before 37 Clark St hUps//slusfaR•)JmolonlrvstomrLbpndY<tton/04- 100 S44.00 2023/knages/1640562S_1 png hops://0is 39-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 288 Gerstle Park 13 4 37965652 122537 SW Acra1137 Clark St: Parallel CUL 2023/on age s/Ism5g_26_1 png 325 $143 hUps/10us east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 289 Gerstle Park 5 4 37,96566 122.537Y CSW Across37 Clark St: Parallel Cut LCUT 2023/M age�164056_2] 1,plrg 125 555.00 hRpa//Aoa�oq-1JnataYwt[om/bbprodutUds/04• 290 Gerstle Park 3 4 37.965694 -122 5370 CSW Acros537 Clark St: LCUT 2023/hnages/164056281irma 10O $44.00 291 Gerstle Park 3 1 37.965702 -122.537 SW Across37 Clark St: lips//O3 east-2.aniazenawscom/bbproducfion/04- 019 $825 2023/bnages/164056_29_1 png 292 Gerstle Park 2 OS 37965G72 -122537 SW Across 37 Clark St hUps//s3-us-east-2 amazanawscom/bbproducfion/04- 006 $2,7 1 2023/ kn ag-/164056_30_l.png LLtPs//s3-ns4asl-2. amazonaws.--bbproduction/04- 293 Gerstle Park 9 11 37.96571 -1225378 CSW Across 37 Clark St: Parallel Cut 2023/M age s7164056_31 1,,ang 619 $2722 hl[ps//s3us-east-2amazonaws com/bbproduction/04 294 Gerstle Park 2 4 3],965]36 -122.537 SW Across 37 Clark St: 2023/M age�164056_32_l.pry7 OSO $22. 00 hRpr/N Hlp 2ave4tpYawsWns/bbptoN<tWn/dF 295 Gerstle Park 3 6 37965755 -122.537 SWAcross37Clark St: Parallel Cut 2D23/Magas/164056_331 png 113 $49 hUps//siusuast-2 amazonaws Wm/bbproducdon/04- 296 Gerstle Park 2 2 37.965771 -122537 SW Across 37 Clark 5l: 2023/MaOes/164056_34_1 png 025 $UD 297 Get stle Park 6 9 379G5782 12253] CSW Across 37 Clark Sl: Parallel Cut. hRD[Y/OsNaM•)Jreaiovwltom/EOproduetlonf0l 338 $148 2023/Mages/164056 35 1 png Date created - 6/8/2023 8 of 30 rPRECISION cookRETE CUTTING No. Cat. M.Ht. Leng01 Letnude Longitude Oesalpv,n R&RSgPI Bofors Pld- Ineh Feet Coat O.R. Initlm 11/80111.) (Feet) 298 Gerstle Park 4 7 37965791 1225378 CSWAcross37CIark St: CURBCUr hltps//S3-us-east-2amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 175 $77.00 2023/en age 4/164056 36_1 prig 299 Gerslle Park 7 10 37965816 -122.537H CSW Acress37 Clark St: CURBCIR Mlps//Jit�as{lame(aVsystdrn7Lbleodot8011iW- 438 $192, 50 2023/keages/164056_37_1 prig 300 Gerstle Park 3 4 3796S942 -122 5378 CSW Aaos541 Clark St: hops//s3-useasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproducbon/04- 100 $44.00 2023/image,1164056_39_1.png 301 Gersde Park 2 3 37.96595 -122.5378 CSW Across 41 Clark St: Mips://s3-u se.It-2.3mazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 038 $1650 202311mgeq/16405639_1 prig 302 Gerstle Park 6 7 37965992 422 5377 SWAcross4l Clark SI:CURBCUT hnps//ssus eaM-2sn4rwrvarom/bbproduttldls/01• 263 $115 2023/tnage s/16405fi 40 1 prig 303 G.rstl. Park 6 4 37966011 -1225377 CSW Aaoss41 Clark St: hnpe//s1.e ,M,2�rnlrauweron/46produ<tlerr/W 225 $99 2023/hnagek/16405641 l.prsg hltps//s3-uelasl-2 amatona-conihbproduction/04- 304 Gersde Park 4 4 3T966919 -122 5378 CSW Across43 Clark St 2023/enage1/l64056 42 ].png 150 S66. 305 Gdrsde Park 4 05 3796604 -122.5377 SW Aa oss 43 Clark St; I1100011 s-aast-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 013 $5.54) 2023/Im Age4/164056_43 1 prig 306 Ger6de Park 4 8 37.9660 -1225377 CSW Across 43 Clark St: Parallel Cut tfps//s3-useaM-2 amazonawsco./bbproduc6on/04- 200 $98 OD 2023/knages/164056_44_Lpng 307 G-tle Park 3 4 3796607b -122 53 7 SW Across 43 Clark St; Parallel CuL https//s3-us-eaSl-2,a.azonawsmm/bbproducdon/04- 075 $33q 2023/kn age s/164056_45 1 prig 308 Gersde Park 30 24 37.9156114 -1225378 CSW Across 43 Clark St; CURBCUT Mips/1&3.u5-east-2amazonaw&wmlbbproduction/04- 15.00 $660.00 2023/kn age W164056_46_1 prig 309 Gersde Park 2 35 37,966152 -1225377 CSWA-43 Clark St: https//sVus-eaM-2amazonawscom/bbproducllon/04- 044 $1925 2023/kn age A/164056_47_3 prig rips//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws.cam/bbproductlon/04- 310 Gersde Park 7 5 37,966157 -1225377 CSW Acr-45 Clark Sl: Parallel Cut, 2023/enages/16405648_1prig 219 $962 311 Gerstle Park 3 4 37,966141 -1225377 CSW Across 45 Clark Sl: Parallel Cut. helps//s3-us-eaM-2 amazonaws mm/bbproducdon/04. 075 $3300 2023/enage V164056_49_S prig 312 Gersde Park 10 19 37966175 -122537 SW Acros545 Clark St: Parallel Cut. helps//0useat-2 amazonawLcom/bbproducdon/04- 116B $522. Sul 1023/1nage T/164056_50_1 prig 313 Gers&Park 2 4 37,966 -122.537 SWAaoss45 Clark Sl. helps//s3-useoa-2,amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 050 $22.00 1 2023/eriages/l64056 51 l.png 314 Gersde Park 14 365 37966244 -122,5377 SWAa0ss4SClark St:CURBCUT helps.//sins-east-2.amaz,nawLcom/bbproductlon/04- 31.94 $1,405.2.5 2023/ en age,/164D5652 1.png https://s3-useaa-2amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 315 Gersde Park 2 4 37,966220 122,537 5WAcross45Clark St: 2023/enagey/16405653 1.pn, 050 522.00 316 Gar Ile Park 13 4 37.96623 -122.5377 CSW Across 45 Clark St: Parallel Cut hnps//S3-us-east-L amazonaws com/hbproducdon/04- 325 $143. 2023/trnages/164056� l,png 317 Gersde Park 3 4 37.966244 -1225377 SW Across 45 Clark St: hnps//0mst4M tam eI-.Wmjbbgod.,d. �Q4- 125 Sss, L023fan age 5/164056_55 1, prig 319 Gersde Park 2 05 37.96625 -1225377 CSW Across 45 Clark St: Parallel Cut blips//0-useaM-2 amazonaw-re/bbproductlon/04 006 $2.7 2023/Images/164056 56_l prig 319 Gmsde Park 2 1 3796625 -122.5377 SWA-45 Clark St: https//s3-useasl-2,amazonawsc,m/bbproducfan/04- 013 S5.50 2D23/Images/164056571,png 320 Gmsde Park 8 2.S i79662 122.5377 CSIN Aaoss52 Clark SL On San Rafael Ave: XCUT https//s3•u s-eaM-2 amazonawscom/bbproduc8on/04- 125 $55 DO 1023/knage4/164056_58_1 prig 321 Gersde Park 6 1.5 3796626 -122.5377 CSW Act-52 Clark SL On5an Rafael Ave:XCUT hltps//0-us-east-2amazonawscem/bbproduclon/04- 056 $24.7 1023/Imegegl64056 59_l,png 322 Gersde Park 2 2 37.966256 -122.5376 CSWAa0ss52 Clark St On Sall Rafael Ave :At cra Jr. helps//s3-useaM-Z.amazonaw&mm/bbproductlon/04- 025 $11.00 2023/enage4/164056_60I prig 323 G-k Park 4 25 3796625 -1225376 SWA-52 Clare St. On San Rafael Ave: nttps//0-asl-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 063 $27.50 2023/enage S/164056_61_l,png 324 Gerstle Park 7 4 37.966244 -1225375 CSWAcro.52 Clark SL On San Rafael Ave: OC https//s3-useasi-2 amazanawscom/bbproducdon/04- 225 $99. 2023/enages/164056_62 1 prig 325 Gef3da Park 3 4 379662 -122.5373 CSWAcross242 San Rafael Ave: helps//s3-useasl-2.amazonawscom/bbproducllon/04- 100 SIM 00 2023/bn3ges/164056 63 1,png httpTHS3-U eaM-2aMaZonawsMM/bbproductlon/04- 326 Gristle Park 5 5 37.966225 -122.5373 CSW Across242 San Rafael Ave: Parallel Cut 2023/kna8a Vl64056_64_l prig 250 $110, 00 327 Gersde Park 2 4 37966221 -1225373 CSW Across242 San Rafael Ave: At crack hltps//e331e-eaM-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 075 $33. 2023/knagey164056 65_I prig RCSWAcrose2425an Rafael Ave:Crack greater than 2 MIp[//W4-NM•7.YeatOlFve[em/pEfMedatdprkrp4- 328 Gerele Park 0 0 37966213 -122.5372 riches Slab damage. 49 2023/en age ;116405666_l,png 000 329 Gersde Park 3 3 37.96624 -122.5371 CSWAUoss239San Rafael Ave: Pit ps//s3-u s-east-2 am aronaws mm/bbprodu coon/04- 056 5247 2023/enages/164056_67_l prig 330 Gera* Park 0 0 37966213 -122.5371 RRCSWAaose238San Rafael Ave:Slabdamage, 18 llttp5://s3-ue49e1-2 amazonews.cam/bbproducdon/D4- 000 $0 .00 2023/ImageV164056 68_l.png 331 Get,&Park 4 3 37,96UI 1211311 1WAa0123135an Rafael Ave:XC11T hltps//s3-ustasI-2 amamnawsmm/bbproducdon/04- 075 $3300 2023/anage5[164056 69 1 prig 332 Gersde Park 2 15 37.966217 -122537 C5W Across238 San Rafael Ave :XCl1T 17 Ilt[ps//s3-useaM-2 a mazanawsco.jbb,,r,ducd,n/C4- 019 $875 1023/knages/164056_70_I prig 333 Gersde Perk 0 0 37.966213 .122. 9RCSW Across 230 San Rafael Ave: Curb damage. 17 Iftp%//s3us-eaat-2amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 2023/kn age s/164056 71 1 prig 0,00 $0, 334 Gersde Park 3 4.5 37966202 -122537CSW Acrdss2305an RafaelAve: h2023/Ielpsm 141 $6188 ages ge,-east-2alnazdnawsmm/bbproducdon/04-(164056_72_1.png 335 Gersde Park 4 4 37.1661 -122536 SW Across 230 San Rafael Ave; hllps//s3-11,111-2 amazonaws../bbproducdon/04- 100 $M. 1023/Imaees/16485673 l.png Date created - 6/8/2023 9 of 30 P4RfClSION S-1.­ COACRETf CUTTING No. Csrt. Max Ht. Length Lethude Longitude OaalpOorl R&R 1111 Before Pldura Inch Feet Cot Date Inlet (1/�Of In.J (Feet) 336 Gerstle Park 3 45 37.966179 -122.536 SW Acrass230 San Rafael Ave: helps//siuseast-2 amazonaws cpm/bbproduc8on/04- 2023/knage V164056_74_1 prig 084 $37. https//&:+.u"ast-2.amazonows.cam/bbproducdon/04- 337 Gerstle Park 0 0 37.9661M -122.5350 RR CSW Across 230 San Rafael Ave: Curb damage. 4 2023/kn aggNf1640S6 75 1.pm, 0.00 SO.00 338 Gerstle Park 2 3 37966198 -122.5368 C SW Aao ss 2265an Ra feel Ave : OPC hltps//s3-us-east-2 am azonaw sco m/bbproduc don/04- 030 S1650 2023/kri agey/164056_76 1. png 339 Gerstle Park 3 3 31 S(igM 122.5368 CSW Across 2265an Rafael Ave: hltPs,Hsi-us st-2 amazonaws.com/bhproducllon/04- 056 5247 2023/knage A/164056_77_l.png ripe//tlwsYest•iamato:wrscom(Lbpoda<Gayt1F 000 340 Gerstle Park 0 0 37966103 -IZZ 5367 RR C5W Across 226 San Rafael Ave: Curb damage. B 023/kna"s/1640Sfi 76-I.Png 341 Gerstle Park 4 45 37.966133 -122 536 4 C$W Aa4n 210 Son R&W Aw. https://s3us-east-2.amaz,naw5wmibbproduction/04- 2023/knaBe A/164056_79_1 png 113 $49.SO 342 Gerstle Park 2 35 37966122 -122.5363 CSW Across 210San Rafael Ave: https//s3-u seas!-2 am azonaw s<om/bbproduc Ilan/04- 2023/knage Vl MS6_00_1 prig 044 $1925 343 Gerstle Park 3 3.5 37966122 -122.5363 CSW Acres210 San Rafael Ave : ttps//S3-u5east-2 am o,,,P. s.com/bbp,.ducdan/04- 066 529 a2023/hlsages/164056_81_ prig 344 Gerstle Park 3 3 37.966125 -122.5363 CSVV Across 2103an Rafael Ave; https//slus-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproduc8on/04. 2023/1nage4/16V056_92_1 prig 056 52475 345 Gerstle Park 3 4 37966103 122,5363 CSW Across 2065an RaWl Ave: htfps//s3u s-Cast-2 amazonaws mm(bbpraducton/04. 075 53300 2013/knages/164056831 Prlg 396 Gerstle Park 3 4 37.966095 -122.5361. CSW Across 2063an Rafael Ave: https//s3-useasl-2 amazonaws mm/bbproducdon/04- 075 53300 1 2023/knage41164056_84_1 Prsg 347 Gerstle Park 2 25 1 11 ISSo99 -122.53 C1W Across 204 San Rafael Ave: helps//s3-u 9eas!-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 0.31 $13.7 202311mage4/164056851 png 34B Gerstle Park 3 4 37.96608 -122.535 SW Across 204 San Rafael Ave: h1111/111-11east-2 amazonawscom/bleproducton/04- 2023/Im age sVI64O56_86_3 prig 075 $33, Oul 349 Gerstle Park 6 4 1 V.S660N -1R.535 CSW Aa0ss 204 San Rafael Ave: https//s3us-eas(.2 amazonawsmm/bbprodectlon/04- ISO $66 2023/knages/164056_87_1 prig 350 Gel sde Park 2 3 37.966072 -122.5359 CSW Across 204 San Rafael Am : helps//0-u seast-2.amazonaws wm/hbproducdon/04- 038 $1650 2023/knagei/164056_88_1 png 351 Gerstle Park 2 2.5 37.966049 -122.5358 (:SW Avass 200 San Rafael Ave: hrlps//s3-us-east-2amazonavn.mm/bbproductlon/04- 031 $13.76 2023/kn age 41164056_B91 prig 352 Gerstle Park 3 35 37966064 -122, 535 (:SW Across 200 San Rafael Ave: ttPs//i+rse1st-2 am azonawscom/bbproduc8on/04- 066 $2887 2023/1naBe A/164056 90_1 png 353 Gerstle Park 2 2 37,966049 -122.535B CSW Across 200 San Rafael Ave: htlps//s3-userif-2.amazonawsmm/bbproduc0an/04- 025 $11.00 2023/kn agey164056_91_1 png 354 Gerstle Park 0 0 37.966076 -122.5357 RRCSWAaoss200San Rafael Ave :Curb damage. 15 Mtpe//eSuteaN 2amazptawtlom%bDMOducdM/04- 000 $0.00 2023/hnag.%11640SG_92_I prig 355 Gerstle Park 3 4 37.966072 122,5357 CSVV Aa01t2004Wl Rahn Ava'. https.Hs3-u s-east-2.amazonawscoln/bbproducdon/04- 075 $33.00 2023/knages/164056_93_1 Prig 3% Gerstle Park 4 4 37.966064 -122 S3Sf1WAaoss N. San Rafael Ave •. httPs//s3-useasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduc8an/04- Z0231knage V164056_94_1 png 150 S6600 357 Albert Park 3 6 37,969097 -122. 5295 WS1BB St: Byplayground, At sack bltps//slut+U.2- azduwscomjbbpoductiwVD4- 113 $49 1 2023/kna0es/164067-1.png 358 Albert Park 4 13.5 31SH12 -I-5295 W S1B B St: By Playground At crack https//s3-us.east-2.amazonaw5.com/bbproduc0on/04- 2023/kn age s/164067 2_1.png 338 $148 50 359 Albert Park 3 15 37969227 -III 5294 WW 618 B St' Side of Community Center. fttps//s3-useast-2amazonaws,cam/bhproducbon/04- 028 SIMS 2023/hnages/164067_3_1 prig 360 Alhert Park 5 2.5 37969230 -122. 529 WW 618 B St: Side of Community Center htlps//s3e seas)-2 amamnawscom/bhproductlon/04- 2023/knageq/164067 4 1IM8 078 $34 361 Albert Park 0 0 37.969210 I- -SS RR WW 618BSt: Side.1 I.mmunlry Center. Sunken slab. is htlps//s3-us-oast-2amazanaws.mm/bbproducdon/04- 2023/kn afles/16 067 5 1. 000 362 Albert Park 3 3 37.96923R -122.5294 WW 618B St: Side o F Co m munl ry Centel. XC UT IllPIHs3u sea st-tam azonaw s mm/bbproduc don/04- 056 524.7 2023/kn age A/164067 6_1.1mg 363 Albers Park 3 3 37.969231 -122.5294 WW 61885t: Side al Communlry Center. XC(1f hltps:Hs3'useast-2 amazonaws mm/bbproducllon/04- 056 $2475 2023/knaaes/16406773 png 364 Albert Park 4 5 37969233 -1225294 WW 61BB St Side of Community Center. https//s3us- 9a 2 amazonawsmm/bbproduction/04- 2023/ Im age s/164067_B_I.lmg ISO 582. 365 Albert Park 4 4.5 37.96921' .122.5292 WW 61085t: Side of Communlry Center. Mips//sloN4Y 7.amazOnawteom760prrdlrch0rr/fK- 113 $49.50 2023/knaae s/164067_9_1 png nttps//s}us-earl-2amazonawsmm/bbproducbon/04- 063 SZT 366 Albert Park 2 5 37.969521 422.5295WW 6108 St: Before doors to Community Center 2023/knages/IG4067_10_1.png 367 Albert Park 2 7 37,969533 -M.5295 NW 618E St: Before doors to Community Center htlps//53.0 s-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 2023/knage4/164067_11 I.png 008 $3B.50 'NW 618B St: Before doors to Community Center Parallel http5://53-us- 9-2 amaconawsmm/bbpfoduclion/04- 025 $1100 36B Albert Park 2 2 37.969524 -122 529 Cut 2023/hn age s/164U67_12_I Prig https//0us-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproducllan/04. $16.50 369 Albert Park 2 3 37.969517 -122.5294 WW 6180 St: Before door, to Community Center 2023/hnagek/16406713 1 png 038 -NW 51985t: Across doors to Community Center Parallel https//s3useag-2.,mazonaws com/bbproduCUDn/04- 050 $22.00 370 41bert Park 2 4 37.969524 122.5294 Cr, 2023/knage S/16406714_I.png 371 Albert Park 4 11 37.96954 122.5294 WW610B St: Acrossd0ors to Community Center. ht(Ps//s3u 39-2 amazonawscom/bbproduc8on/04. 2023/knages/164067 1.5_I png 413 518150 NW 619B St: Acrossd0ars to Community Center Parallel https://s3-useusl-2.,m,zonsws.mm/bbproducdon/04- 225 $99 DO 372 Albert Park 4 9 37969511 -122 5294 Cut, 2023/hna8es/16Q67I6_1 png 373 Albert Park 5 5 37.9fi9475 -1225294 W611111 Across doors to Community Center, Para llel https://slusea sl-2 amamn lcem/bbproduc don/04- 156 $687 ut 2023/knage VI6406%_17 1 PnH Date created - 6/8/2023 10 of 30 ftea� 1 14� C 1�rlp Hazard Removal Spt3Olallsts No. Col. Me4Ht. Length Latitude Lonjltuia Dasvlptlom R&R SgFt Before Picture Inch Feet Cost Data Initial 11/B ofln.) (Feet) 374 Albert Park 0 0 37.96946 -122.5294 RRWWCommunity Center: Slab greater tltan 2 Inches OC 105 hltps//s3-43Sl-2.emazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 000 50.00 2023/tna8e,1164067_18_1 prig 375 Albert Park 10 6 37,969421 -122.529 NW Community Center: Parallel Cut, hllps//s3ils-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 600 $264. 00 2023/1m age g16406719_1. png 376 Albert Park 3 10.5 37969402 122,5294 VVW Community Center: Parallel Cut Itttps://s3-us-east-2 amazonawscom bbproduction/04- 263 $115. 50 2023/knage4/164067_20_1 png 377 Albert Park 4 2 37.969418 -1225294 WW Community Center: XCUT https//53-us ast-2.amazonawscom/bbpioducbon/04- OSD $22. 00 2023/kma6es/164067_21_1 png 378 Albert Park 14 4,5 37,969406 122529 WW Community Center: XCUT OG h111//0-u-l-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 396 $173 Z5 L023/kn age V16406722_I.png 379 Albert Park 4 3 37969437 -122.5294 WW Community Center: LCUT ht[ps//0-ea51-2.amazonaw, com/bbproduction/04- 075 $33 200 023/knaee�/164067_231 png 380 Albert Park 12 10 37.969433 -122.5295 WW Community Center; LCUT Parallel Cut OG IIIi//s3-u 1-e111-2.am azonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 750 $330q 2023/Ima8e%/164067_24_1 pity 381 Albert Park 3 4 37,96936 -1225295 WW Community Center: LCU1 Mips//s3-u1111-2.amazonawscom/bbpr0ductl0n/04- 1so $6601 2023/kna8e y/164067_25_1.png 382 Albeit Pail, le 5 37,969395 -122.5294 WW CommunityCenter: LCUT https//13-ul�o,t-2.am,zo,aws,coin/bbproducti,n/04. 313 $137.50 2023/unage S/164067_26_S.png 393 Albers Park 30 7 37,96936 -122 5295 WW Community Center; LC UT XCUT OC blips//s3-us-earl-2 amazonaws.-JILbproduction/04- q38 51925C1 2023/Image S/164067_2]_l.png 394 Albert Palk 4 3-5 37.969364 -122 5294 WW Communlry Center: XCUT https:Hs3ms-east-2--naws.com/bbproduction/04- 0gg 538,50 023/Imag,1/164067 26_I.prlg 385 Albert Park 0 0 37,969349 122.529 RR WW Community Center: Slab greater than 2 Inches OG 40 httpc//s3.us�asl-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 000 $0,00 2@3/tnage A/154067 79_1.png 3BG Albert Park 0 0 37.969376 422.5294 RR WW Community Center: Lab greater than 2 inches OG 105 000 $0 00 2023/t0ageq/164067 30 1 png 387 Albert Park 7 6 37969387 -1225295 WW Community Center: https//O-ti s-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 338 $1485C' L023/knages/164067313 png 3a Albers Palk 8 0 3796935-1 -122. 529 WV/Community Center: hops//s3-us-east-2 amazonawscom bbproduction/04- 400 5176 00 2023/knageW164067_32 1 Phil 389 Albeit Park 6 6.5 37,96933 -1225295 WW Community Center: hups://s3-us-earl-2 amazonaws cam bbproduction/04- 244 $10775 2023/tnage;/1640G7_33_1 prig 390 Albers Park 9 12 3796933 -122.529 W Community Center: htlp9Hs3•us-e,0-2.amazonaws com/bbproduction/04. 12. 75 $S61W 2023/Mage,/164067_34_1 prkg 391 Ibert Park 7 12 37,96933} 122 5295 WW COmmuill Center; Parallel Cut, hllps//s3-us east-2 am azonaw, com/bbproduclion/04- 525 5231 00 2023/km age s,/1640G7_35_I.png 392 Albers Park 4 5 37969257 -12252'3 WCommunlry Center: h[[ps//s3-u s-ee st-2.amazanaws com/bbproduclion/04- 156 $687 2023br / age�164067_36_l.png 393 Albert Park 3 5 37,9695&•. 1225294 WIN Community Center: Past Bate Acaoss bench hnps://s3-u5-easl-2 am azonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 094 $412 2023/Images2164137_37_l png 394 Albert Park 2 1 3796MDO -122. 5294 WW Community Center Pasl gate, Aaoss bench hUps//Slu9+4V•7y11azyap %MM/Lbpr4Ouenak/O4- 013 $5 Sit2023/Inagesl164137_39_1 p% 395 Albers Park 2 3.5 3]9G9616 122529 NW Community Centel hops /HS3 us-earl-2.amazonawscom/bhpfaducd n/O4- 044 $1925 2023/knages/164137_391.png 396 Alban Park 3 2 37.96962 -122.5294 NW Community Center, ttpvH0-us-ea,t-2.amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 038 $165b 2D23/Jma6e V164I37_40_I prig 397 Albeit Park 3 7 37969635 -122 5294 WW Community Center: t lip s://s}u,-eaU-2.am azonawscom/bbpr0 ducllori/04- 131 $577 2023/ Imagge V164137_41_1 png 398 Albeit Park 5 10 37,96965 -122,52940 WW Communlry Centel: https://13-us-earl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 313 $13750 2023/knage V164137_42_1 png 399 Albert Park 2 9 3T909639 122.529 NW Community Center: MtprJ/SS�N+V-2.murr»rn cam(bbproduetklr(O4 1L' S49 50 2023/11mage V164137_43_1.png 400 Albert Park 2 1 37969669 1225294 WW Community Center: hups:f/s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproducl'lon/04- 0gg $38. 50 2023/bnageV164137_44_1.prCg 401 Alban Park 2 3.5 37 90664 122.5294 WIN Lommuniry Center: https://O3 ,east-2 amazonawscom/hbproduction/04- 044 $192� 2023/Im ages/164137_45 l.png 402 Albert Park 2 8 37969654 1225294 WW Community Center: Ipe//t}tlt�•142JInNKMwtto�l/Cgfradtlwl(O4 100 Sd400 2023/knage�164137_46_].png 403 Albeit Park 2 3 37969635 -1225294 W Community Center: hnps://s3-u s-east-2.amazonae/s com/bbproduclon/04- 038 516 2023/umage•J164137_47_1,png 404 Albeit Park 2 1.5 37.96966 -122.5294 WW Community Center: hltps//,3-u,•easl-2 amnion- com/bbproductlon/04- 019 $B 2! 2023/l m age s/16413748_1. png 405 Albert Park 2 45 37,969673 -IDS29 BSTACLE WW Community Center: IRtp1/%SloaeaV-2Jmalaiawa<o1lyLlpodue Uar�P1• 056 524 ]'' 2023/Image�164137_49_1 png 406 411ben Park 2 4.5 37969666 -122. 5294 OBSTACLE VJW Community, Center: hnps//s3u s-east-2 amazonawscom/bbPraducd0n/04- 056 92475 2023/kna8e;/16413750I.pr, 401 Albeit Park 3 65 37.96966 -1225294 OBSTACLE WW Community Center: hnps://93-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 122 $5363 2023/knag.W164137_51_l. png 408 Albers Park 2 65 37.96962 -1225294 OBSTACLE WW Community Center: upv/10--east-2 amazonawsc0m/bbproduction/04- 081 535.7 2023/Images/16413752_I. png 409 Albers Paik 3 85 379G9616 -1225294 •NW Community Center: h11Ps:(/s3-ustast-2 amazonawscom/bbprodu1lion/04- 159 $701 2023/Ima8eV164137_53_1.png a�//eS+IM W-2-a-w•Jmm/bbploducd4m/04- 430 AthIMPArl, 0 0 370695D -1YG494 TfNWWCom-nIty Camar:WoodgR4d. 2-4; 46sA/164137 SI_1 prig 000 ti0 411 AbenPa,k 3 1 4.5 37.9G9612 -122 5294 W C ommunity Center: h11Ps//s3us-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- a 84 1 2023/fia0e s/169137_55_l.png Date created - 6/8/2023 11 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE, CUIfINC No. Cat. Max11t. Length lalltutle LWgltutle Desulpecm R&R SgPe Before Picture Inch Feet Cart Dirt. Initial (118 of In.) iFeet) tPrII61UNiY-2�rnazmxvlMra/66pedYttkai/O/- 412 Albert Park 2 5 37969GO4 -1225294 WW Community Center: JUMP 2023/hi age s/164137_56_3 png 063 $2]. 50 'Wto Marl" Bocce Federation Bldg: AtWW to gate Across https://s3-us-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 044 $19 25 413 Alberl Park 2 35 37.96R95 -122,519 playground. 2023/knage1164137_57_1 prig 414 Albers Park 2 10 379689 -122.5291 WW to Merin Bocce Federation Bldg: AtWW to gale Itllps//s3-us-east-2 amazonats com/bbproductlon/04- 1a $82 50 2023/knage,/164137 58_l,png Mlpr//t.3�rN4Y-2amuavwltom/bbpredutBat/0.1• 415 AlbeBPmk 2 35 379GS92 -122.5292 WW to Marl, Bocce Federation Bldg: Atuack. 2023/lm age s/16413759_1 png 044 519.E 416 Alhere Park 2 5 3716-2 422-93 WWto Mari" Bocce redera lion Bldg: At crack hllpsf/s3us-east-2 am azonaws.a./bbproducticn/04- 2023/knages/164137_60_1 png 094 $4125 417 AlherE Park 5 30 319-- -1R.5294 W to Marin Bocce Federation Bldg: ""I"'HOuseasl-2 amazonaws cam/bbproducdon/04- 375 q165,00 2023/km age s/164137_61 l,png 418 Alhem Park 2 7.5 3796885 -122529 Wlo Marl. Bocce Federation BidB: hllpe//siaMNu•2.amuoVMsmm/EDproAtt Uertl6l• 094 $41E 2013/images/164137 62 1png 419 Alberl Perk 12 35 3796085 122-94 WW to Marin Bocce Federation Bldg: Parallel Cut. JUMP It11pC/(Uas+JY-1 araupinrs[pm/1tbplodutlW11p4- Z63 $115.50 2023/kn age s/164137_63 1 png 410 Albco Park 2 6 3796947 -122 S289 WW behind Community Center: https://53-u Beast-2amazonawscom/bbpr"duetian/04- 075 $3300 2023/kn age s/16413764_1 png Mips://s3us-us-2 a m,ronaws,comjbbproduclIon/04- 421 AIheb Park 2 2 37.969494 -1R.5238 W behind Community Center: 2023/kragey164137 65_lpr. 025 511 On hIIP�//>V+s1/rY.taoMWMakcom/4EprpdyttlollJ06 422 Albers Park 3 3 3796957 122,52- W behind Community Center: 2023/hn age s/164137 66_l.png 056 S2475 WW behind 700B St. On Andersen Dr: Past Community Imps://s3-u s'-earl-2 ama-atvscomlbbproduclion/04- 423 Albers Park 3 15 379699g -1R 52d Centel. 2023/hnage �164137 6] prig 281 $123.7 W behind 70065t On Andersen Dr;Parallel CULAI CSW tip s://s3-u-sl-2am-nay, s co m/bbpradu c tion/04- 424 Albers Park 2 2,5 37970051. 121.523 IUMP 2023fMage �16413768_] png 031 513.7 W618B St: WW to Alhe it Fie Id Park. Parallel Cu t At wa le r hnp r//s}0-4w l..j1dwodrrc tion/61• 050 $2200 425 Albert Park 2 4 37.9692 -122.52a@ fountain 2023/images/16413il69_1 png 926 Albert Park 3 4 37969433 -122,52d WW of Alber t Field Park: Parallel Cut. hUps://s3-us-easl-2.am... news com/bbpraducdon/04- 075 $33,00 2023/hn ages/16�137 ]0 ].png 427 Albers Park 3 3.5 37969467 122 5234 WW Side of Albert Field Park Parallel Cut. Mips://s3us-earl-2.amaz.naws com/bbproducti.n/04- 066 $290 2023/knages/164137_71 1.png AN Albert Park 4 3 3796950 -122 5285 WW Side o f Albert Feld Park: tsilpr//W NiY-2.rttazmrwl[em/Lkpradunbn/ill 075 $3300 2023/k..ge Aj164137_72 1 png 429 Albert Park 3 8 37,969473 122.523 W Side o f Albert Feld Park: httPs//53us-east-2.ama.onawscom/bbpr.ducdon/04- 250 $110 00 2023/knages/164137_73_l.png 430 Albert Park 2 8 37969524 -1R-33 WW SW 910.1 Reid ilk: 1,400-us-cast-2 amaronaws com/bbproduction/04- 150 $6600 2023/hnages/164137_74_I png itps//s3-,Bean-2amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 431 Albert Park 2 6 3110-. 1R.5232 WW31e. *IAA tReld tiiik: 2023/knages/16413775_1 png 113 $4950 hllps://s3-us-ea5t-2amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 432 Albert Park 2 9 37,969 -122.5E-1 W side aWlert Feld Park: 2023/h McS/164137_76_1 png 200 58800 hitps//53us-eas1-2. amazonaws com/bbproduc0on/04- 433 Albert Park 4 3 37969524 -1225231 WW Silo of Albert Field Park: At F.umkillm JUMP 2023/kna8eg164137 77_l.png 150 66600 https//s3-us-east-2amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 038 $16.50 434 Albert Park 3 2 37969343 -122.5296 SWCommunity Center', By handicap parking. 2023/kn a8es/16eA37_78_l. prig 435 Albert Park 2 3 37,969368 -122 5296 SW Community Center: By handicap parking. XCUT hUps//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 038 $16. 2023/knage,/164137_79_1 png 436 Albert Park 2 3 37.969368 -122.5296 SWCommunity Center: By handlcap parkl"g XCUT hops://53us-earl-2 am azonawscom/bbproducti-104- 038 $1650 2023/hiages/164137801 prig hltps//siuseart-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 437 Albert Park 2 4 37.969501 -122.5296 SW Community Center: Al crack, 2023/k,ageV164137_81_1.png 050 $ROC hltps//s3-useasl-Z.amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 43S Albert Park 2 25 37,96951 -IZ2 5296 SW Community Center: 2023/k,ages/164137_823 png 031 $137 hops://0us-eash2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 439 Albert Park 3 2 37,969528 12E. 5296 SW Community Center: Parallel Cut. At WW 2023/knage V164137 83_I pn8 038 $16. https/Hs},sea,-2amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 440 Albeit Park 3 4 37.969665 -122 5296 SW Comm unity Center: 2023/kn ages/164137_84_1 png 075 $M 00 Mlpr/Jt3u HaY7.11alPVwttOer/Irkprede[lipkt/g4• 441 Albeit Park 4 165 379697 422.529 WCommuniN Center: CURBCUT ht aso 7_ 1641385_l. png 413 Sim2023/ge� ttps'//s3-useast-2amazonawscom/bbpr.ducdon/04- 442 Albert Park 2 2 37.96973 122529 WCom-Uv Center XCUT 2023/hnage;/164137_86_l.pn8 025 $]1 443 Alben Park 3 2.5 379697E -1R. 1-6 IW Community Center: XCUT ttps//s3-us-easi-2amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 047 $20.G3 2023/hna-ge4/16413787 1 png aps//s3-us-east-2 amazon-s.com/bbproduclion/04- 075 $33 444 Albert Park 3 4 3796976 -122 5296 SW Community Center: 2023/hnegeg164137 IW] png AR SW Community Center: Slab damage. Too weak to be cut hllps/O-useask-2am azonaty-en/bbproduction/04- 445 Albert Park 0 0 3736978 -1R.529 JUMP 245 2023/knages/164137_09_1 png 000 $0. BI hops//s3us-easl-2 amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 446 Albert Park 1 2 2.5 37.96W82 -122-5301 SW550BSt:Auoss515B5t.Parallel Cut 2023/knage1/164137_90 1 png 031 $137 447 Albert Park 4 4 37968620 -122 53 31 CSW Across 515 B St : Parallel Cut, Mips//,}u s-east-2.amazo,aw sco m/bb prod, cdon/04. 2023/k"ages/164137_91_l.png 100 $44 00 hUpr/Js}n4e4Y-2Dmatovn't[orn�EpedncUm/d 448 Albert Park 5 4.5 37.960610 122.5301 SW Auass 51S 8 St 2023/ku age164137_92_1 png 197 58663 https://si-us-easl-2amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 449 Albert Park 0 0 37.96863 -1R. 530211R Cl- Avoss5150St! Curb damage. 3 2023/ in age 9/164137_93_I. p rig 000 SO.00 Date created - 6/8/2023 12 of 30 �rlp Hazard Removal Spoclallsts No, on. Max Ht. Length Latitude Longitude Description R&R S4Ft Before Picture Inch Feet cost Date Initial (1/0 of In.) (Fe R) 450 Albert Park 2 1 3]968643 -122530] .SW ARoss SISBS[: XCUT Mip1//0-us-east-2 amazo,-s com/bbproducdon/04 013 5551 2023/knage A/] 54137941 prig hzlps://s3-us-easl-2.amazanans com/bleproduclion/04- 451 Albert Park 2 2 37969647 1225301 CSW Ao.11515 B St: XCUT LCUT 202.3/hnage A/164137_95_3 prig 025 $1100 452 Albert Park 2 4 37.968647 -122.5301 CSW Across 515 B St: LCUT Pal allel Cu L httpc//0-us-eon-2 am azanaws com/bbproduc6an/04- a50 52200 2023/knage4/164137961 png 1ups://53-u-aSl-2 amazon..... m/bbproductian/G4- 453 Albert Park 2 3 3796BG47 122.5301 CSW Across 5150It: Parallel Cut 202311mage V164137_971 018 $16 prig 454 Alhen Park 2 2 37.965666 1225303 CSW Across 515 B 51: Parallel Cut, lllps:f/s3-us-t-2.amaz,nawsc,m/bbprod,ction/04- 025 51100 023/11nages/16413798_ Ieg 455 Albert Park 3 2 37.968674 -1225301 CSW Across 515 B St: LCUT hps:f/53-us.asl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 063 $27,50 2023/hnaBes/164137_99_1,png 456 Albert Palk 4 2.5 37968678 -122-5301 _SWAuoss Sl5BSt:LCUr hltp€HS3-us-east-2amizona.scon/bbprod,ction/04 063 527. 2023/hnages/164137100_1.png 457 Albert Park 4 2.5 37968674 -1225302 SWAcr.s.515B5 t:ATCURB bulas//s3-us-1-2.am... 1-scam/bbproduclion/04- 063 527.50 1 2G23/hn age 1164137101 1.ling 458 Albert Park 4 05 3796967 -122.5302 CSN Across 515 B 51; CURBCUT htlps://s3-us-east-2.amaxona.v.com/bbproducdon/04- 022 $963 2023/Ln age V164137102 1 lung 459 Albert Park 2 25 3796961S -1225301 CSWAMOSS515 B St: Parallel Cut hiryt//O•aaN4:�ra6tavnseomr1*6y0duiidW04- 031 $13.7 2023/kn.ae,/164137_103_1 prig 460 Alleen Park 0 0 37.96MI 122.5301 OR CSW Across 515 B St: Slab dam age 125 httptf/s3-.s..at-2amazona.scom/bbproducdon/04- 000 $0.00 2023/Mlages/1641371041 lung 461 Albert Park 0 0 37.968699 122.5301 OR CSW AvosS515 B 51: Slab damage. 689 hUPSHO-us-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproductlon/04- 000 50 2023/ kn age ,J164137_105_1 lung 462 Albert Park 3 8 37,96973S 1225301?CSWA-951513 5t: Parallel C.L Goer through RR. MIOk'//s3Ns�aN Lam4zOn+useOaltLby00uciwy0i• 150 $6600 2023/keaga V164137_106_1 png Ml0e//r3agauN-tamizeuwu°n�IppeOuefipL701• 463 Albert Park 0 0 37.96e70 -122.5301 OR CSW Across SSSBS[: Curb dam age. 1475 2@3/enage11164137_107 1 prg 000 50.00 IlGp1H13-u111sl-2 amaxonal-c.m/bbproduction/04- 464 Alben Palk 3 85 379687Q -122. 6301 CSW Across 515 B 5I: Parallel Cut. 2023/kn age s/164137_108_1.png 159 $7013 465 Albert Park 3 105 37968815 -1225301 SWAcross519135t: Parallel Cut.Alcrack hltp,//alus taN-2.pnazaYw�eour/kllpodusl4en/PI- 197 $86.63 2023/knages/164137_1091 png 0.66 henPark 0 0 37958842 1725301 RCSWAGO55519B St: Slabgreatirthan2lnrhes DC 120,75 hnp.Hs3-ur-easl-2 amizonaws.ccm/bbproducdon/04- 000 50. 2023/ hl age 4/164137_1101, png htlOt//r}eiN11`l'YOrrOnMUOn/EOp06YCYPesj64 467 Albert Park 0 0 37.969045 -122.5303 OR CSWAcross519 B St; Curb greater than 2 incha, 5.25 2023/hn Me g164137_]11_]. png 000 $0, 468 Albert Park 3 6 37.968884, -122.5301 C5W Across 519 B S1: MIPr//tiYHeN-2muasaaawn/bborodu<Ilal/04 113 $4950 2023/"age W164137_Ll2 1. png hups:/JO-asl-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 469 Albeit Park 2 1 37.96892 -122,53,31 CSW Acr.ss5198 It 2023/bn age s/164137_113 1. prig 013 555 hitps'//s_3-us-east-2-amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 470 Albeit Park 2 36 379bb952 1225303 SWAcr.ss519 B St Parallel Cut 2023f Image;r164137_114_1.png 090 $39 60 471 Albeit Park 4 5 37.9689fi 1225301 •5W Across 523 B 51: Ilps://s3-us-earl-2 ama-a-com/bbproduclion/04- 125 555 2023/hnages/164137115 S.pm; 1ttps-//s3-u s-east-2 amaxonaws c.mfbbproduction/04- 472 Alban Park 2 75 37.96898) -1225301 C5W Across523 135t: 2023/1m 141 S6188 ep'�164137_116_lpng 473 Albeit Park 14 26 37,968992 122.5301 C5W Across 523 B 51: ATCURII ihnps://s3-u s-earl-2 am azanaws con/bbproduclion/04- 2175 S1,00100 2023/kit.ga V164137_117 1,png 474 Albert Park 4 14 37.96907 122530] C5W Across 527 B St-ATCURO hups://s3-us-east-2 amaz.na.5 com/bbpr.duclion/04- 350 $154 00 20231hnages/164137_S18 1 png https.H53-us-east-2 amaxon- com/bbproduclion/04- 475 Albert Park 3 9 37.9690) -122530105W Across 527 BS 1: 2023/linage A/164137_119_l,png 169 5742 476 Albert Paik 3 6 37.969101 1225303 SWA-ss5271351 hups.//,3-useast-2 amazonawscom/bbproductian/04- 113 $49 50 2023/hnag.V164137120 1 png hhpc//0.-.I-2 emelarni nillbblar d..OW04- 477 Allen Park 0 0 37.969253 -122 S3 ATTN CSW 5100 St: Acoeplayground Sunken ullAly Ad 20231h age 6r164137 121_lPrf 000 $001 hltps://s3-useast-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 478 Alban Park 3 8 37.9692M -12253 RW5186 SI Algale to playground. 202311nages/164137_122_1 png 750 S6G. 00 http,//O.us-east-7 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 479 ApeOPek 2 9 379692 -1225- ossgale 10 la W518B St:Aa p ygi .arid, Parallel CUl. 2023/hl age4/164137 123 1 png 113 S4950 hltps//s3-u s-east-2 amazonaws cam/bbproducUon/04- 480 Albeit Park 2 1 37.9G939r -12253 SW Across 60165f: 2023/ in age /164137_124_1 png 013 $S. SrI 481 Albert Park 0 0 37.969486 422.53 OR CSW Across601 B St: Slab damage. Gapgreater than 2 25 MpC//W NaN•I.asnRpsMs[en/EOproOu<BOr4rM- 0,00 $0. 00 oche, 2023/kna8eglL64137_1251.png hRPt//0-u s-east-2 am azuna-il./bbleroduc6on/04- 492 Albert Park 0 0 37.9694 -122.53 RR CSWAcross6018 St: Slab greater than 2 inches CC 4725 2023/blage S/164137 12G1 PRO 000 $0.00 hups://63usti BS]-2amazonaw,com/bbproducdon/04- 483 Albert Park 0 0 37.9694 -122 53 OR CSW AcrossfiG1 B St: Curb damage. 6 2)23/hnage S/164137 127 1.pnB 000 $0. OO 484 Albert Park 0 0 37969513 -1 .53 OR CSW Acros56018St: Slab greater than 2lnzhes 16,5 hops://s3U s-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproduction/04. 000 $0 00 2023/kna8ev164137_1281.pM 485 Albeit Park 11 7 37.96951 -122.53 CSW Across605 B 5t:ATCURB hltps//53-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbpr.ducdon/G4- 481 $21175 2023/hn age 5/164137129 1 ping hops/1s3-us-east-2 amaxonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 496 Albeit Park 4 11 3716111 -122.5 SW M04s605 a St. L 023/hnages/164132_130 1-png 275 5121.GG '0' Alben Park 3 6 3796950 -122. 53 SWA-s56.1.It: htlp,Hs3-us-e11t-2 amazonaws..am/bbproducdon/G4- 113 $495 2023/knaae4/164137_131 1 pn8 Date created - 6/8/2023 13 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING No. Cat. Mee Ht. Ler& Letttude Longitude bescrlptlan 184t figPl Before Ploture Inds Feet Cost bete Initlet (1/B of ln.l lFanl 4M Albert Park 3 5 37.969592 -122.53 CSW Across6056 S1: hops//s3useav-2,amazonaws mm/bbproducton/04- 094 $412 2023/1n Age s/164137 132_1 ling 489 Albert Park 4 4 37.969669 -122,53 CSW Aaoss611 B 5t: CURBCUT httpr//s3us-east-2amazonaws.com/bbproducthm/D4- 1DO $44.00 2023/en age 4/164137_133_1 png 490 Albers Park 5 6 37.969666 -122.5 SWAao%611B 5t:ATCURB hltps,H0-u s-east-2amazonawsmm/bbproducUon/04- 188 $82.50 2023/linage F/164137 1341•Png 491 Albert Park 9 46 37969772 -12253 CSW Across 611 B St: CURBCUE https//s3usuast-2.amazonawscom/bbpr,ducfion/04- 2598 $1,13B,50 2023/knage5/164137_135 1 prig 492 Albert Park 5 9 37969704 -122 53 CSW Across 611 B St: htlps//s3us ass-2.amazonaWicom/bbproducdon/04 281 $123.7 2023/ M age 5/1641371361png 493 Albert Park 4 115 37.969803 AZ2.5299 C5W Across 615 B St: MLPs//s3-us-00.2 amannaws.com/bbproducLion/04- 503 $221.39 2023/ena8eq/164137 137 I.png 494 Albert Park 4 4 37969852 -122.53 CSW Across 615 B 5I:ATCURO INzps//t3+4eaN-2.•lnrupvna<om76bgadutrpn70.t 100 $44, 2023/kn age S/164137_138 1.Vng M195 Albers Park 2 4 37969656 -1225 CSW Across 61565t: hllps//O -east-2 amazona-com/bbproduction/04- 050 $22,00 2023/6n age s/164137 139 1 ling 496 Albert Park 2 9 37,96991 122 5299 CSW Across615 B S1. lutps//s3useasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 113 549.50 2023/6nages/164137_140_S ling 497 Albert Park 3 9 37.96991 -122529 SW ArroN6lSb Ss: h[IPs//siu leas)-2 amazonawacom/bbproducdon/04- 169 $74.25 2023/6nage57164137_l41_1 Prig 498 Albert Park 2 2 37.969994 422.5299 CSW Acrow615 B S1: https//s3u s-east-2 amazona-com/bbproducdon/04- 025 $11,00 2023/knage V164137_142_1 prig 499 Albert Park 2 8 37.9699 -122.5225 CSW 618E St: Past light pole, https://s3-useasl-2 amazona-com/bbproduction/04- 100 $4400 2023/knages/164234_143_1.png 500 Albert Park 0 0 37.969739 -122,5232 RR CSW 618 B St: Slab damese. 32 httpr,//63-61-2 amazon-ca m/bbproduction/tW 0W $0.00 2023/knage%/164234 1441.pM 501 Albert Park 5 60 3796971 1225233 C5W 610 B 5t:ATCURB https//s3u5ca6h2 amazonawscom/bbproducbon/04 18.75 $825.00 2023/Ime8e A/164234_345 l.png 502 Albert Park 2 4 3796974 -1225282 CSW 61865t:%CUT rtlps//0-u-st-2 arazonaws ca m/bbproducllon/04 O50 $�� 2023/en aBeV164234_146_l,png 503 Albert Park 2 4 37,96978 .1225282 CSW 610 B St: XCUT ssYPe//a1-Na<4N•2.MsuOuwt<om(Dbproduc UorlfOl• 050 $2200 2023/6nage5/1642341471 prig 504 Albert Park 2 2 37.9696 -1225281 CSW 618 B St: https//0useast-2 amazanaws mm/bbproduction/04- 025 $11 OD 2023/enages/164234_148_1 png haps://sius asl-2,amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 505 Albert Park 3 2 37.969692 -122.5281 CSW 618E St: 2023/kn age V164234-149_1 ling 038 $16.50 506 Albert Park 4 3 37969749 422.5281:SW 616 B St On Andersen Dr: Parallel CUL htfps//s3useast-2.amazona-m/bbproduclion/04- 1,13 $49 2023/6n age s/164234_150_I png 5W Albert Park 3 2 37.9696 -122.5283 CSW 618 B St On Andersen Dr: http9//s3-uBeast-2 amazonawsmm/bbproduction/04- 050 $22. 00 2023/enage�164234_151_1 ling 500 Albert Park 3 5 37.969653 -122.5281 C SW Across 155 Ander sent Dr;%CLIT hllpa'//13uFNN-7.em aI.aawsrom/bbpt odpctlW04. 094 541.2ar z023/kn age V164234_152_1 prig 509 Albert Park 2 3 37969666 -122.5231 C5W Across 155 Andersen Dr; XCUT hlps//s3-usuasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 038 $1650 z023/6nages/164234_153_1 prig 510 Albert Park 8 20 3796962 .122.52 'SW Aaos5155 Andersen Dr :ATCURB https//s3-us av-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 1000 $440, z073/ hl age s/164234_1541. prig 511 Albert Park 2 2 379695 -122.528 CSW Across 155 Andersen Dr: Parallel Olr. XCUTat WW hnpr/Is3uteo9-2.ama1--jbbgodpcWn,101- 025 $11,01 2023/ 6n ag a 5/164234155}. png 512 Albert Park 2 3 37.969597 -122 528 WWAcr-155Amdersen Dr; Parallel CuL XCUTal CSW MtOs:i/alns/eY-7anlM1teuwstemzELgeduc 'as/01 038 $1650 2023/6nageij164234 156 l.png https://O.us ast-2 amemnaw-m/bbpraduction/04. 513 Albert Park 2 55 37969574 122 5279 CSW Across155Andersen Dr: 2023/knage,/164234 157_l.png 069 $3025 514 Alban Park 10 405 37969574 -122 5279 CSW Across155 Andersen Dr: ATCURB hlps//s4useasl-2 amazonaws.mm/bbproduction/04 2531 $3.113,7, 2023/6nages/164234_358_1 ling https//s3-u Beas1-2 am azonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 515 Albert Park 3 7 3796955S -1Z2 5279 CSW Across 155 Andersen Dr: E023/YnageV164234_1591 ling 131 $57.7 hllps//s3usea 0-2 am azonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 516 Albert Park 2 5 37.96959 -122.5279 CSW Across 155 Andersen Dr: 2023/ln ageV164234_1601 ling 063 527 50 517 Albert Park 2 6 37969498 .122527 SW Across 155Andersen Dr: hllpa/I13u6�0Y•I.rnLdsawtcoA7bOpredu[tlad0t• 075 $33.00 2023/kn age s/164234 1611.prlg 1tlps//s3u seas1-2 amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04 510 Albert Park 2 7.5 37,969467 -1225277 SWAcrass 155 Andersen Dr: 2023/knages/164234 162 ].prig 094 $41, https//s3use.,I-2,amazonawsmm/bbpraducllon/04 519 Albert Park 11 415 37.96941 -122 76 OBSTACLE CSW619B SL On Andersen Dr: ATCURB 1023/lnages/164234163 1 ling 2A53 $1,25530 520 Albert Park 3 45 379694W -122.5276 CSW 6186 St, On Andersen Dr: https'//aleseeN-).anuelewatom/4hpra8KlWt/OF 0B4 $37.13 2023/ M age s/164234_164_1 prig 521 Albert Park 5 355 31.969322 -1225275 CSW 618 B St. On Andersen Dr: ATCURB WIPs//s3-u seast-2 amazonawsm m/bbproduction/04- 1109 $6>®, 2023/brlage/164234_165 l.png 522 Albert Park 6 33 37969296 -122.5274 C5W 6288 St On Andersen Dr: ATCURB hrtPa/ls3'Ysa.rY-7.snalpLwsmmzLEprehs<dert(04 L238 $544 50 2013/6nages/164234 166 l.png 523 Albert Park 10 215 37.969246 1225273 CSW 618 B SC On Andersen Dr: ATCURB https/Is3us-east-2 amazona-com/bbproduction/04- 2023/Pnages/164234_367_1 Prig L44 $591 .25 524 Albert Park 2 6 37.969215 .1225273 C5W 6166 St On Andertan Dr: UPs/IVusaaN 7.... 14watpmlDlHeedu[d4n/04• 2023/knages/164234168 l.png 075 $33. 00 525 Albert Park 3 55 37.96B597 122,5265 SW 98AIber1 Park 1.1 Undara St; https://s3useasl-2. amazona-com/bbproducdon/04- 172 $75 63 2023/Mage S/16423,f169_1 prig Date created - 6/8/2023 14 of 30 �wo� ! e ! 41 rdp Hazard Removal Specialists No. Cat. M.Ht. Length Lelltude L--Rude Desalptlon R&R SgPt Before Picture InM Feet Cost D.. Wild d/B of In.) (Fa 526 Albert Park 2 5 3796BS61 -122-5266 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Undaro St https:/10-us-east2 amazonawscom/Ltbproduaion/O4- 063 527.50 2023/bn age S/164231_170_1 png lunps;//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws cons/bbproducHon/04- 527 Albert Park 2 4 37,969555 -122.526' CSW WAbntP k lzs On Undaro Sl: 2O23/Mages/164234_1711 png 050 $22.00 578 .11bell Park 2 2 37.968521 -122.5266 CSW 98AIbert Park Ln On Lindaro St npc//s3-asl-2 amazonaws coul/bhprodutlton/04- 025 $1100 20Z3/Image5/164234_172 1 png pss3uscasl-2.amazonawscom/bbpr.dref.n/04 lU// 529 Albert Palk 2 2 37960513 -1225261 'SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St: 2023/kna8e4/164234_173_l.png 025 Sll 1. Allen Park 4 15 111.11 -111111 SW. Al bert Park In On Lindaro St: ATCUPB blips'//al+s+4 ur-y-a,.,-u-/bbpladucd-JOA 375 $16S.00 2023/bnageV1642341741. png ttps://s3-u5-ea8-2amaz4nawscom/bbproducdon/04- 51100 531 Allen Park 2 2 3796947. -1225261' CSW 98 Albert Park Ln. On Lindaro 5[: XCUT 2023/knageg164234_175 l.png 025 lutps://s3-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclian/04- 532 Albert Park 1 3 3.5 1 37,969475 -122.5261' SW 98 Albert Park tn. On Undaro St: XCUT 2023/knage V16423417G_1.png 066 S28 BB 533 Albers Park 3 7 37.96947. -122.5266 (SW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Undaro St : Parallel Cut hnps: 0-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 131 $577 2023/1nage4/164234_177_1.png 534 Albert Park 2 55 37,968445 -122.526' CSW 98 Albert Palk Ln On Undaro St: Parallel Cut. hops://s3-u suasl-2.amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 069 $3025 2023/knage S/164234_17B 1 png rttps//i3-u-M-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 535 Albers Park 2 3 37968449 122.5266 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln On Undaro St: 2023/bn ag,V164234_179_1 png 039 S16.50 536 Albert Park 5 95 37,968431 -1225261CSW 98 Albert Park In On Linda ro St; ATCURB lllps.H/3-U 1112 amazona-com/bbproducton/04- 297 5130,63 2023/knageV164234_1U0_1. png hnp.HQ-u5-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 537 Albert Park 4 5 37,968441 -122.525' CSW 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St; LCUT 2023/knage S/164234_181 1 png 1No $gz 50 538 Albert Park 9 10 37.96844! -122.526'CSW% Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St: LCUTATCURB itps://s3-us-ea5t-2 amazonawscom/bbproduc0an/04- 5G3 $247. 203/bn aga Vl64234_182 l,png 139 Albert Park 3 35 37968391 -122,5261' CSW 98 Albert Park Ln On Linda ro SL; llltpT//s3-usE st-2,amazonaws,com/bbproduction/04- 066 528 2023/kn aBe 1/1fi4234_183_1, png https://s3us-east-2amazoiiawscom/bbproducdon/04- 540 Albert Park 4 6 37.96838 -122525 SW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Undaro St: ATCURB 2023/knage4/164234184_1 png 1811 $82 so 541 Albert Park 5 12 37968357 -1225266CSW 98 Albert Park In, On Lindaro St: ATCURB Ittps://0-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 375 $16500 2023/hr pV164234_125 1. png 542 Alben Park 4 0.5 37.968363 -122,526 .SW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Undaro5t' CUPBCUTatcrack 022 5963 2023/hops/kn Age;✓16R34_1A4naws/s3-us-eastti l,pngcom/bbproducdon/04- 3418 taps://siu-sL-2 amazonaws corn/hbproductlon/04 543 Nben Park 2 3.5 37.969321 -122,526' CSW 98 Albert Park Ln. On Undaro St: XCUT 2023/hage S/164231I1S7 l,png 044 519 544 Albert Park 3 25 37968327 -122.526' C5W 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St: XCUT https://s3-us-eaA-2,amazanawscom/bbproduction/04- 047 $20.63 2023/knage A/164234_188 1 png 545 Alben Park 8 17 37.969269 122.5261 SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Undaro St; ATCURB hPps//t}Mk+aY 2.aalazoNWL<OmAbpodYttirn/Oa- 850 5374 2023/knage;/164234_189 1 png htlps://s3us- 04 amazonaw-m/bbproductian/04- 546 Albert Park 3 4.5 37960304 -122,5261' CSW 98 Albert Park Ln On Undaro St: 2023/kn age V164234_190 1, png 084 $3713 547 Albert Park 2 4 37ME1250 122.525(i C5W 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St t[fps://s3-us4ash2.amaxonaws Com/bbproducdon/04- 050 $2200 2023/k-SrW16423A_191 1 png II1ps:s-earl-2.amazonaw-m/bbproducdon/04- 028 $12.38 548 Albert Park 5 05 37,96817 -122526f BSTACLECSW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Undnro Sl: CURBCUt 2023/knage$/164234_192_1 png https.//0-u saast-2.amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 039 516,50 549 Albert Park 3 2 37.968056 122 5261 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St: 2023/Mageg164234193 1 png 550 Albert Park 3 6 37.968071 1225267 SW 98 Albert Park Ln, On Lindaro S[. hups://s3-u seast-2.amazonawscom/bbproduedon/04- 113 $49. 2023/knage S/164234_194_1 png 551 Alban Park 2 55 379GS071 -122.5157 SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St : IWIPOs3-51-2 amazpnawscom/bbproducdon/04- 069 $30, 2023/ta age,/164234_195 1 png 552 Albers Park 2 5-5 37968M -122.5267.W 98 Albert Pane Ln On Undaro St: At crack htlpc//s3-us-easl-2.ama-awscoln/bbproducdon/04- 069 $30,25 2023/Ma,e V164234_196_1 png 553 Nben Park 2 4 3796818 12252G7 ' W 98 Albert Park Ln. On Undaro St: hltpr//SS pa+ap-2 naoapsms.<omr4abproW[Oan/Oa. O5O 522,0C 2023/knages/164234 197_1 pnB 554 Albert Park 4 7 37.96821 -122 5266 SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Undaro St: I1tlps//s3-u s-east-2amazonawscom/bbproducdon/D4- 175 $77.00 2023/knage4/164234 198_1 prig 555 Albert Park 3 5 37968221 -122.52672 SW 96 Albert Pak Uu On apdao St:LCUT 11 UP s://s3-u s-east-2.am azonaw s com/bbprodu cdon/04- 094 $41.2 2023/kn age �/164234199_I png 556 Alban Park 2 7 37,968231 -1R.52677 SW 99Albert Pall Ut On Undao St: LCUTPaaIW CbI rt23/ksages-east-2om0 om/bbproduclion/04- 0a $3850 1tang 2023/kn aB¢�164234_200_1 png 557 Alban Park 3 14 37 969341 422,5256 SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Undaro St ttps//s3-us-easl-2.ama7onaws.com/bbproduction/04- 263 $11550 2023/Mage4/164234_201_1 png 558 Albert Park 3 11 37.9684: -1225266SW 98 Albert Park Ln. On Undaro St : Parallel CUL 1tPs://sa-us-east-2.amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 206 $%7 2023/knages/16434_202_1 png hltiayHs3-us-east-2 amazonaws corn/bhpraduc0on/04- 559 Albert Park 3 7 37,96843 -122-6 W 98 Albert Palk Ln. On Undaro Sl: 2023/knage4/164234_203_1 png 131 $5775 ups:I/s3-u -1-2 amazonaws com/bbpraducllon/04- 560 Allen Park 2 5 1 17.968 -122.52G6 11, 98 Albert Park Ln- On Undaro St: Parallel Cut. 2023/knage 4/164234204l.png 063 $27.50 561 Albert Park 5 7 379685 -122. 5261 W 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro St; 1hltps//53-U-l-2.amazonaws co Mbproducdon/04- 219 $96,25 2O23/bn age 5/164234-2051pnB 562 Albers Park 3 5.5 37.96869 -122 5266 SW 98 Albert Park Ln On Lindaro 51. hnpse4-east-2.amaz,navncom/bbl)roduction/04 2@3// /kn ags3-e �1fi4234_206_1 png 103 $QS 38 Mtpb//aSYN4M•2.smazonanuomfDbgodUt ripNOa- 075 $3300 563 Alberni Park 3 3 37.968071 In 5268 CSW 99 Albwt Park In: 2023/6n age,/164234_2O7_1 png Date created - 6/8/2023 15 of 30 14�11p Hazard Removal Specialists No. Can. Max Ht. Lemph Latitude Longitude Dasclptlan 91,1111t Before Pterara Inck, Feet Cost Data Initial (1/8 of In.) (Feet) hltpc//s3-es-east-2 am azonaws com/bbproducllon/04- 564 Albert Park 3 5 37968071 -122.5268 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln: Parallel Cut 2023/hu a8e4/164234_208_1.png 125 $5500 565 Albert Park 3 3 37.96809 -122 527 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln: helps://s3-u seasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 094 $4125 2023/hsages/164234_209_l.png 566 Albert Park 2 15 37968079 -122527 CSW W Albert Park W: Parallel Cut helps//s3iis-east-2 aru-n-c-lbbproduction/04- 019 S825 2O23/Nn age S/164234 210_3 pug 567 Albert Park 2 45 37.968093 422,5271 CSW 98 Albert Park Ln: Mzpc/Itl4H>d.2aaalonirrttomJbbpsodpcdas/O{• 0556 $247 2023/hn age s/164234211 1 pug 568 Albert Park 3 2 3796810I -122.5271 SW 98 Alber[Park W: Parallel Cut ICUT llps//53-us-earl-2. amazonaws.com/bbPloduction/04- 2O23/hnagcs/164234_212_l.png 063 $27, 569 Albert Park 3 2 37968117 -1225271 CSW 98 Albert Park ln: LCUT hllps//s}us111-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04- 075 $33.00 2023/Ina8e5,/164234 213_l.png 570 Albert Park 3 5 37.96814 .1225274 CSW 98 Albert Park tn: httpm//s3-us-east-2am azonasv tram/6bproductlon/04- 156 $W1.7 2023/Mage4/164234_214_1,png � � 000 $0 571 Albert Park 0 0 37 Sli-S ----IS Aft CS -Across 76 Albert Park Ln: Slab damage. 25 2023/knage /164234_215_ .png 572 Albert Park 4 5 3796974 122.5276 CSW Across 76 Albert Park Ln: htlps//s3-us-ease-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 188 $82 50 2023/knagey/164234_2161.png 573 Albert Paik 2 2 379GB158 -122.52d SW Before 5l Albert Park ln: ht[ps//s3-u s-east-2 amazonaws.com/bbproducdon/04- 025 $11.DO 2023/Images/16a234_217 l,png 574 Albert Park 5 10 379682G2 -122.52aS C5W 51 Albert Park Ln: ATCU RD hops//13-111111-2.am azonawscom/bbproduction/04- 313 $137.50 202311m a Be S/164234_218 Lpng htlps://s3+a7,0.2amazo,aws.com/bbproducLion/04- 069 $30.2 575 Albert Palk 2 5.5 3791:8315 -12252g CSW 51 Albert Park ln: 2023/ m age �16Q34_219_l. pug h[Ips://s3-us-,i-2 am,zonaws.mm/bbproduction/04- 576 Albert Park 2 1 3]9683%7 -122.5291 SW Past 5l Alber[ParN Ln: 2023/Image4/164234_220 l,png 019 58 577 Albert Park 3 1 37,968376 -122,5292 CSW Past 51 Albert Palk Ln: httpc//s1usaaY lJniton/FfCOa/LOgOdoCtlOf1/OF 031 $13.75 2O23/knage,/164234_221 1 png https://s3ir1-1-2 amazona--te/bbproduction/04- 578 Albers Park 3 05 3796839 -122.5292 SSV Past 51 Albert Park Ln: 2023/knaget/1G4234_222 Lpng 016 56 579 Albert Park 5 9.5 37968376 -1225292 SW PastSl Albert Park Ln ATCURB lttps//s3-us-east-2,amozonaw%com/bbproducdon/04- 297 SIM 20231mages/1642342231.png 580 Albert Park 3 15 37,968391 -122529I SW Past 51 Albert park In : At crack. hltps/!s3-us-east•2 amazonaws com/bbprod,c6on/04- 028 $12 2023/hrlage4/164234224 Lpng hops://53-us-easL•2.amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 581 Albert Palk 3 9.5 68 379426 -122529 SW 55065[On Albert Park ln:Paiallel Cut 2023/hnages/164234_225_l.png 178 578.38 'httpy..//s3+rs-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproduclion/04 044 51% 582 HINIew Park 2 35 3801212 -122 5565 WW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave. On Manuel T. Freltas Pkwy: 2023/hnagesl164236_1_1 png W Before 999 Las Pawdas Ave. On Manuel T. Freltas Pkwy', hops://s3-us-east-2 amaxonawscom/bbproducgou/04 038 $16. SO 583 HlNiew Park 3 2 380120 -122555 PC 2@3/hnagegl64236_2_l.png helps//53-us-east-2amazonawscom/bbproduc0on/04- 584 HlNiew Park 2 3 38012028 -122. 5564 WW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave. tM Manuel T. Freilas PkvV 2023/1n age v7164236_3_l.png 030 $1650 585 f1 Palk 2 3 3&01ID9 IZ2 5564 WW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave. On Manuel T. Freltas Pk,.vy', fiu;, //s3u spa sl-2. amazonawscom/bbproduc0on/04 038 $1650 2023/Inages/lZa6_4_1 png WW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave, On Manuel T. Freilas Pkwy https//53-us-ease-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04. 025 511 00 586 HINIew Park 2 2 38011974 -122. 5564 OPG 2023/Mage4/16423651 lung 9 WW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave. On Manuel T. 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F, rhos PhN: ItIIpS://s3-us-ea51-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 075 $3300 2023/hnades/164236_231.png httpc//s3 u s-east-2.am azonaws com/bbproducllon/04- 605 L11Niew Park 2 4.5 38011963 -12255e2 SW 999 La5Pa.adasAve On Manuel f. F,eilasPltvry: 2023/kn age s•/164236- 24_1 png OB4 $3].13 https/Js3-useasl-2 amatonawsm m/bbprodu c lion/04- 606 Klly ew Park 8 36011955 -122.5561 SW 999 Las Pavadas Ave. On Manurl T. Ti eitas Pl:v O6 �•' 2023/hnagr V164236_25_1 png 406 517975 607 KINIew Park 3 5 38,013932 -1225562 CSW 999 Las Pavadas Ave. On Manurl T. Fl eiras PI;1,v hops:/J53-useasl-tam axonav/sca m/bbprodutllon/04- 156 SG875 2D23/Im age V164236 26_1 png bog KINIew Park 2 4 3801182 -12255(SW 999 Las Pdvadas Ave, On Manuel T. Fl eitas P):wy: blips://s3-u s-ease-Lamazonav/s.com/bbproduclion/04- 050 5220 2023/bnago;/164236_27_1.png RR CSW 999 La s Pava da s Ave On Ma nud T. Aaltas Pk'vv https//s3at s-0asl-2, am an,iaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 000 $0 00 609 HIM - Park 0 0 38.0116 -122,556 Slab dam age, 1235 2023/1n agi_28_1 png 610 KlNiew Park 4 2 3801172 -11111Cl- 999 Las Pavadas Ave On Manuel 11. rhos Pkwy: hlLps//s3L5-east-2 am azon a wscom/bbproduclion/04- )SO 5220 2023/knaBPV16423629_I png helps://s3-u s-east-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 611 KINIew Park 3 5 3801166J -122.556 CSW Before 999 Las PavadasAve. 2023/knage5/164236_30_1 png IHS 682 helps://s3-u s-east-2.amaxonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 112 KIM- Park 4 25 380116 -122,5511 CSW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave. 2023/hnage5/164236_31 1 png 063 $27 https.//s3-1sea11-2 amazonawscom/hbpraduction/04- 613 Kllu-Park 2 1 38011609 -122.55 HY RPIl699991M MaN4AW: 2023/bnageV1G4236_32_1 png 013 $550 htlM'11s3+zN4fL'2.m4z0'tNntom/IlOryodu(tbrl/P1- 614 Kllv-Park 4 4 38011581 12255,51 0AN 110-999 Lis Maeha A.. 2023/hage5/164236 33 1 png 100 $4400 615 HIM -Park 3 4 3fl0115' -122.5561 SW Oefore 999 Las Pavadas Ave :A[aack. htips://s3uscasl-2.amdzonawscom/bbpradocti,n/04- 075 $33. 2023/1rnage A/164236_34_l. png 616 KlNiew Park 3 2.S 38011.SG6 -1225551 CS1JV Be fore 999 Las Pavadas Ave: Parallel Cut nitps//s3-us-east-2 ama zonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 047 . $206 2D23/knagog164236_35_1,png 617 HIM -Park 3 6 3901155 -1225561 CSW Before 999 Las Pavadas Ave: Parallel Cut hops://-us-east-2,amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 113 549 50 2023/ Im age,/164236_36 1. png 618 KINIew Park 3 3 38.01154 1225561 SSY 9(lar(9" tie F-dus A-- nps://s3-us-easr-Z.amazon,wscom/bbproduc(lon/04- 056 524.7 2013/hnages/164236_37_1.png hHps//s3us-east-2.amazonawscam/bbproduc6on/04- 619 Arbor Park 3 9 380D9311 -1-2 19S WW 411 Manuel T Freitas Pkwy: At crack 2023/Lnage A/164237_1_lpng 261 612375 620 Arbil Polk 3 4 3800W A9 -122.543 W 411 Manuel T Fee tas Pkwy: ttps://s3-us-east-2.amaxonaws corn/hbpraduction/04- 100 $44. M231Yn ages/16 U37_2_1 png h1IVs//s3-us-east-2. am amnawscam/bbproducton/04- 621 Arbor Park 2 11 39009211 122.5492 W 411 Manuel T Frei tar Pkwy: 202.3/hnage A/164237_3_1 png 136 $60 50 622 Arbor Park 2 5 38,009491 -12255017CSW 4ll ManuelT Freitas Pk At patch hops //s3-u s-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduclion/Oq- 063 $27.50 2023/bnaBe�16423]_4 1 png 623 Arbor Park 4 5 3000943 -122 5S CSW 111 Manuel T Freitas Pkwy: Mips://,3-usea11-2 amazonawscom/bbproduction/04- 1KS 5845 2023Jhnagea/164237_5_1 png h« 624 Arbor Park 2 135 38009341 122.5436 CSW 411 Manuel T Freitas Pkwy: Parallel Cut 2023/1,,.g-uess/-elafis4t2-t3]a_m6_1na/s.com/bhproductlon/O4- 169 $74.2r 1 https:H13-1sea51-2 amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- $28 625 Arbor P.nk 3 3.5 38009171 -122. 5492 CSW 411 Manuel T Freitas Pkwy. On Las Gallinas Ave, 2023/l n age,/164237_7_1 png 066 88 hops//33-useasl-2 amaxona-com/bbproduction/04- 62G Terra Unda C,nnonunil 3 45 30015313 122, 5608 SW610 Do[ Ganado RdHy pool. Before handicap parking 2023/knag,V16424011 png 141 $fit 627 Terra Linda Communi 2 6.5 311151 -111 1111 WW 170 DeI Ganado Rd: Acrossplayground BY bicycle rack. hHps//s3-us-east-2 amazonawscom bbproduction/04- 081 $35.7 2023/1mages/164240_2_1 pn6 626 Terra Linda Communi 2 4 3RO151 -1225602 'W 6700rl Canada Rd At plaVoround By Lairs https//s3-useasl-2e azonaws com/bbproduction/0•L- 050 $22.00 2023/hna8es/164365_3_1 pn6 hops://13-useasl-1.amazonawscom/bhproduclion/04- 629 Terra Linda Communi 2 35 314-11`/ -122560) -Playground: 2023/Ima6eV164365_4_1 l,ng 049 $�� He: -On /bbproducdon/04- 63D f(ni Urtde C4nlmunl 0 0 38.01522 -122 50 TTN W W PIaygrou nd; PPO E-M 2023/hnisa 4/164365 5 Lpng D � so ou 631 Terra Linda Contmuni 5 5 30OLS247 122560I JW Playground: httpr//53-us-eall-2.amazonaw,c,m/bbpr,duction/04- 250 $11000 2023/page V164365_G_1 png https//s3-us-eael-2 amaxonaws cam/bbptoduction/04- 632 Tema Linda Contmuni 2 3 38015324 -122.5601 WPlayground: 2023/hnage$/164365_7_1 png 036 $16. 50 633 Terra Linda Communi 4 4 3SO15321 -1229601 WVVPlayground: hnps//s3-us-east-2 amazonaws com/bbprodutllon/04- 100 $4400 2023/bnaget/164365_8_1 png litlps//0-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbprodutllon/04- 634 Terra Unda Communi 2 55 3801539/ -122.5fi WPlayground: 2023/Images/164365_9_1 png 069 $3025 1tLLps:Hs3-us-east-2.amazonasyscom/bbproduction/04- 635 TenaLinda Communi 2 6.S 3SO15461 122.5603 ,W Playground: Parallel CUL 2023/hnage S/164365_10_1 png 081 $35,7 636 Terra Linda Coninnunil 3 2 3901562 -122, 56 WW In Between 659 and 675 Woodb,lte D,: Before gate. hop1//0--rase-2 arn-nawscom/bbproducti,n/04- 039 $16 2023/1nages/164365 11_1 png 637 terra Linda Con-unil 2 1.5 30015701 -122 56 WW In Betwren659and675Woodbine0,:XCUI https//s3-us-east-Zamazonasys.com/bbproduction/04- 019 $e 2023/Lnage A/164365_12_1 prig https://s3-us-east-2amazonawscam/bbproduclion/04- 680 terra Linda Communi 3 25 39015692 -1U 56 WWI, Between 659 and 675Woodbine 0,: XCUI 2023/hnagev164365_13_i,png 04] 5206. 639 Terra Unda Communi 2 15 38015]7 -122.559 YJ In B4lwren 659 and 675 Woodbine 0, :XCUI'al crack httpsHs3-us-ea sl-2-azonayzs.com/bbproduction/04- 019 $82 202.3/hn age V164365_14_1.png Date created - 6/8/2023 17 of 30 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING Tdp Hazard Removal Spwial 400 No. Cart. MU Ht. L4ngm Letltude Lonaltude Description R&R SgF1 Before picture Inch Feet Cast Ome Wild (1/8 of In.) ffM( 640 Tema Linda Con -unit 2 2 38015908 -122559 W In Between 659 and 675 Woodbine Dr: XCUT at crack httpr//s3-us-east-2.amazonaws cam/bhproducdon/04- 075 S11.00 2023/knagel/164365_15_1. pug http%//s3-us-east-2 amazonawscom/bbproduc8on/04- 641 Terra Linda Communit 2 15 39015816 122 5599 WWIn Between 6591nd 675 Woodbine Dr: Al«adc 1023/hnage4/164365_16_l. png 019 5825 642 Tena Linda Communt 3 4 OISR23 -122 SS991CSW 659 Woodbine Or -. h11pe/h1 u.44Y•7 amwmawamm/bhpadufeat(W 125 $55. 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Len(th lalRude Len[Rude Description R&RSgk Before Plcture Inds Feet coat Data Initial Z..rInJ (Feet) 792 Nct.r Jones 2 15 37.997312 -122.4841 CSW Across 63 Robinhood Dr: Mlpu//t3-aQ.2.am4rd4awtcombbpiodet601t/04. 019 $8.2 2023/knages/164447_44_I.png 793 VittorJones 3 2.5 37.987328 -1224842 SW.ttt-filaebkshoddur'. https//s3LS-east-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 047 S2063 2023/knage V164447_4S_S ling 794 Victor Jones 8 98 37.9873 -1224B44 CSW Across 67 Robinhood Dr;CURBCUT h[lPs//s3uscasl-2.amazonawsmni/bbproduc8on/04- 4900 $2,15600 202311 m ages/164447_46_1 prig 795 Victor Jones 2 3.5 3799733 -1224043 CSW Across 63 Robinhood Dr: Imps//tfasaasz-2.4mazrksawtmm/bbpoduf Uonlo4 044 $19 2023/mMeg164447 47 ] ling 796 VittorJones 3 4 37987358 -122.4843 111 Across63 Robinhood Dr: hltPs//s3u54a51-2 amazonaws,mm/bbproducdon/04- 2023/11na,4e�/164447_48_1.png 075 $33.00 797 Victorlones 5 2 37.907373 -1224844 SWAuoss67Robinhood Dr:LCUT https//s3us-east-2.amazonowsc.m/bbproducdon/04- 125 $55 00 2023/kria8es/164447_49_I prig 798 Vlcwrlimes 7 3 37.987383 1224844 SWAcrcss67Robinhood Dr:LCUT https//53us-east-2.amaz.nawscom/bliproduclion/04- 244 $107.25 Z023/kriage(/164447 50_I,Png 799 ViclorJones 5 3 5 1 37.987373 -1224844 SW Across 67 Robinhood Dr: hUPs://53-us east-2.amaz.nawscom/bbproducdon/04- 109 $4813 2023/hnaBes/164447 51 l.png 800 Yctor Janes 2 2 37987396 -1224845CSWAaoss67Robinhood Dr:XCUT 6ttPs//s3+"asl-2amazonaws.mm/bbproducllan/04- 025 511, 2023/koage t/164447 52_I prig 801 Vlc[.rJunos 2 2 37.987381 -122,4844 CSW Aa.ssb7 Robinhood Dr: XCUT 111ps://53usaasl-2 11az,mawu,cm/bbproducdon/04- 2023/kna8e1/164447_53_I prig 025 $21 802 VittorJones 2 3 379873 -122.4845 CSWA-6711obinhood Dr:AtaacJt Mlpl//tSutaaH Y.MnttuYwatamfEUpeduttldljQl 038 $16 2023/knager/164447541.png hups//s3us-oast-2 amazonawscom/bbpmduttlon/04- 803 VictorJones 2 35 37.9874 -122,4845CSWAuoss6711obinhood Dr: 2023/knages/164447551. 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Park 3 4 37,958157 -122,521 CSW Across229 Irwin St Mtps/&3-us-east-2 2mazonaws.mm/bbproduc0on/04- 0,75 $330D 2023/ kn age V164473_I_I ling B09 Brer Harte Park 2 15 37.950206 -122521 SW Across229 Irwin St : hllps//63usaasl-2 amazonawsmm/bbproducdon/04 019 SB 25 2023/kn M.,/164473_2_1 ling 010 Bret Hare Park 8 4 37958191 -122.521 Ct%r Aada Stl assM tt. 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Max11 Length Letltude Longltude Deacripticn R&R S9Ft Before Picture Inch Feet Cost Dime Initld (1/8 ofinJ (Fast) 830 Oliver Hartzell Park 5 19.5 37,998071 -122,54� SW 1111,105ulnmerhlll CL On 1u1mer110 Way: htlpt//x3a NaY 2rnuesMseom/hbpre0u[d.V&4- 609 $268,13 ' URBCUT 2023/kn Qa%(164573_20 1 png SWAII-205ummerhlll CL on Golden Hinde Blvd: Mips://s3-us�o5l-2.amazonasys,com/bbproduction/04- 831 Oliver Hartzell Park 4 10 37,998001 -1225429 TCURB 202VIrn age s/164573_21_1 png 250 $110.00 Mlps//0-us-east-2amazonaws com/bbproductlon/04- 832 diver Hartzell Palk 3 2 37997997 -122 5429 CSW Across 25 Golden Hinde Blvd :%CUT 2023j"a8es/16457322_1.png 038 $16.50 htlps//5.3,s as1-2.amazonaws.com/bbproduclion/04- 833 Oil- Hartzell Park 2 2 37997997 122 5429 CSW Across 25 Golden Hinde Blvd: kCUT 2023/knage J164573_23_1 png 025 511.00 hips//s3a5-e3st-2 amazonaws mm/bbproduction/04- 831 011ves Hartzell Park 3 4 37.997974 -12Z 543 C5W Across 25 Golden Hinde Blvd; 2023/imageg164573_24I png 075 $33. 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"sY•2Jraaa""""m/bbModucdWW01• 100 $44.W 2023/kn age s/164583_1 1 pnB h[fps/(s3-u s�ast-2.amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 849 Frei- Park 2 5 39006107 -122.5554 W371Monledllo R&By Sale. Parallel Cu[ 2023/knages/164583 2 1 png 063 $27, 50 hltpe//13--m-I.sar..ar o.At roducil-M- 850 Freilas Park 2 15 38,006119 -122 5564 WW 371 Monledllo Rd: Parallel Cu[ 2023/ image s/164583 3 long 019 $8 25 851 Ardta)1'atk 3 7 38006000 12255.5 WW 371 Mpntedllo Rd: https//s3-uscasl-2.am,m,,,vs com/bbnroduclion/04- 131 557.75 2023/0nage,/164583 4_1 png 852 Freilas Fork 2 55 11111151 -11115i1 VW 371 Mpntedllo Rd: Parallel Cut hls//53-us eaY-2 alnaionawx[pm/hbproduclionJ04- 069 $30.25 20tp23/ im a0e s/164583_5_lgng 853 Frellas Park 0 0 3RUDS0 122,55'S RWW 371 Montedllo Rd: At crack Too weak to be to L 10 IIDs//e3-u s-easl-2.amazonaws com/bbproduction/04- 000 $0 2023/kneges/164583_6_3 png hRpt//eiYFNtl-2matOtawacOmjhbprodllctieg104 000 $0.OD 854 Hellas Park 0 0 30.006054 -122 55G4 RR WW 371 Montedllo Rd: At crack Too weak to be NL 22.5 E023/Pn ages/164583_71 png hUps//s3useasf-2 amamnaws com/bbploducfion/04- 055 Freitas Park 3 75 30005SEU -122 5565 WW 371 Montedllo Rd: Parallel Cut, 2023/image /16458381 png 141 $6188 helps://s3u s-east-2.am azona wxco m/bbproduclion/04- B5G Freitas Park 2 2.5 18005928 1225563WW371Montecillo Rd: 2023/images/164583_9_1 png 031 $13.75 htlps//s3111111-2. amazonawscom/bbprod,cdon/04. B57 Freitas Park 2 6 30005844 422,5566 WW 371 Monledllo Rd: Parallel Cut 2023/bnaga V164583_10_1. png 075 533.00 858 F-MP.1 3 2 38,005N48 -122 5565 WW 371 Monledllo Rd: hllps//,3,,,asI-2. amazonawscom/bbprpducllon/04- 038 $16,50 2023/kn ageg1645B3 11_1 png B59 Freilas Park 3 05 380059 -1225566 WW 371 Montedllo Rd: Parallel CuL hltpt//s1a4t4Y 2JmstosawltOm/bbptodll<tlen(04 009 $4.13 2023/knaga V164583_12_I png hUps//s3-usrtasl-2amazpnawscom/bbproducllon/04- ego frtil411'YI 3 1 3800592 -1225551 WW 371 Mon1edAo Rd:Al v4t1L 2023/im age �164583_13_1.png 025 511 00 861 Frei- It 3 3 3800595 -1225561 W 371 Mpntedllo Rd: hUps.//s3-us easl-Zamazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 056 $2475 2023/hnageV1G4583_14_1 png 862 Frei as Park 3 5 38005924 -1225550 WVV371 Montedllo Rd: Parallel Cu[, https//s3-us-east-2amazonawscom/bbproduc0on/04- 094 $41 2023/Images/164583_15_1 prig htipt'/la3 u4t4Y.) a aazala.vatom/bbpro&c6"l/04- 863 Freitas Park 2 4.5 3800574. -12255V WW 371 Montedllo Rd: Parallel Cul. 2023/imaee V164583_16_1 png 056 524.7 IIUpa//s3.us�ast-2,a,nazonawsmm/bbproduclion/04- 864 Freilas Park 2 4 3800568 -122,55GN WAtpiayground:Parallel Cut 2023/kna8es/164583_17_1 png 0S) S22.00 hltps//s3-us east-2 amazonawxcom/bbproduction/04- 865 Freitas Park 4 2 38005592 -1225557 WWAI Restrooms: 2023/Pna8e.V164583_SB Sprkg 050 $22. 866 IrtiblPork 7 9 38005577 1225567WWAt Reshooms: Parallel CU L Old patch JUMP hlfps//s3+iseast-2amazarawscom/bbproduction/04- 2033/ im age s/164583_19 l,png 394 $17325 WAcross39Trellis01.On Monledllo Rd:PaAlunnel By helps//s3us-east-2.,ma2onasv5c,m/bbproduction/04- 5825 867 k.41jr PY4 2 1.5 38006409 422.555 Arden Al C,ack.JUMP 2023/Fnageg164583_20_Long 019 . 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VII B.Iat!%tdplledBO Rd: htlP1Hs3-uwall-2.amatortawscom/bbproducdon/04- 169 $7425 2023/knage,/164583 51 1. png �aoom o � 899 Freltas Park 0 0 38.006329 -122 5567 9A CSW Before 396 Montedllo Rd : Curb damage. fly 023/kna9eg7164583 52}.png 0.00 50.00 900 Frelhs Park 2 4.5 3800624 -122.5569 SW Across 396 Montecillo Rd: Parallel Cut. 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Park 4 8.5 3B 006172 -1225563 CSW 371 Monledllo Rd: CU RBCUT 2023/Im ages/164653 76 1,png 213 $9390 924 kelps Park 2 4 38006165 -1225563 CSW 371 Monledllo Rd: hltpz//s3-u,e.9-2amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 050 $22.00 2023/Ynage W16W53 77_1 prig htlpR//sl-ueaF62.amazonaws.wm/bbroducdon/04 925 Helps Park 0 0 38006167 -122. 5562ARCSW 371 Monledllo Rd: Curb damage. 10 '2023/knage a/164653 7B_1 png 000 $0 .00 httpc//e3+rsaosl-2.amezonaws.wm/bbproducdon/04- 926 Freitas Park 0 0 38.006195 422.5562 AIR CSW 371 Montedllo Rd: Slab greater than 2 ln.hea OG 94 2023/anage s,7164653_791.png 000 $0. 00 927 FrelMPark 6 05 3/1006176 -122 SSG2 CSW 371 Monledllo Rd: CURBCUT hhpc//slu seal1-2 amazonaws wm/bbproducllon/04 03S $16 50 202A7knq.,/164653 80_1 png t3,eNa465381_1 928 Freltas Psk 3 3 3&OD618 -122,5561 CSW 371 Montedllo fld: 2023/ pnsconrl�bDroda4Wn/Oe. 2023/fiage �164653_81_S png 056 $247 929 Kreila,F'ark 6 3 38006176 -122 556 SW 371 Monledllo Hzl: hltps://s3-u s-east-2amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 113 $49 50 2023/knaget✓164553821 png 930 Frelas Park 0 0 38.006 -122,5561 RR C5W 371 Montedllo Rd: Curb damage. &25 Iltlps//e3Hwast-2.amannows,mm/bbproducOon/04- 000 $0. 2023,7Ynage%1164652t83_S.prlg fi 4 38.006184 SW 371 Monte hlrpc//tvN HaN•7 amuovwseorrNabprzldulport/04• 225 $9900 931 Krel[as Park -122.SSf ftd: 2023/knirge1/164553_84 1 png 932 Frellas Park 8 5 38006168 -122555 SW 371 Montedllo Rd: ATCU RB htlp,://,3useast-2 amazonaws com/bbproducdon/04- 250 $1100 2023/ m age s/164653 85_1 png 1ilpe//t3als�sN-2 amuavwtcom/Llprodu(dan(bl 933 Frel Las Park 8 3 38006172 -122 556 CSW 371 Montedllo fld:%CUT 2023/kn.geV164553 S6 ].png L50 566- nlrpe//tla MlNJ am 4tOVwawm/bbpoducbpg7gl 934 FreI.,Park 2 1 380061 -122.556.SW371Montecillo Rd:XCUT 2023/knaSe V164653_87_1 png 013 $550 935 Freltas Park 9 155 38006172 -1Z2 5559 CSW 371 Monledllo Rd:ATCURB littps//53-us-east-2amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 872 $383.61 2023/kn age s/164653_BB_Lung hllpel/slut♦+N•)+m4zovnscornjbbpradetzi0rt701 936 Frellas Park 4 4 38,00fi16 -1R 555!C5W 371 Monledllo Rd: 2023/anage,l164653_89_1.png 150 5661 npr//eVUH9.2.-Al awewrrl/bbpraduedeV" 937 Freitas Park 3 1 3800615 -122.5553 C5W 371 Monledllo Rd: Parallel Cut. Alcrack 2023/kr g.,/164653_90_l.png 031 $137 938 Felt., Park 3 3.5 38,006153 -122 S559 CSW 371 Monledllo Rd. htlps//0-us-east-2 amazonasyscom/bbproduction/04 066 $200 2023/Mage,/164653_91 ].png Vark B 45 38006153 122555 CSW 371 Montedllo Rtl:CURBCUT hilpe//0oe+.N7 amaso-com/DblaroductwVO4• 2250 $990 oo 939 Fella, 2023/kn ageV164653_92_1 png hllp.Hslue-earl-2am.z.n.wsco.1/bbproducdon/04- 940 Freitas Park 2 3 38.00614 -122.5558 CSW 371 Montedllo Rd. 2023/knaae,/16465393 1 png 038 $16, hupc//s3us-east-2 amazenaws.com/bbproductlon/04 991 Munson Park 4 4 38010803 -1225525 WW437 Hickory Ln: 2023/knages/164654_1_1 png 175 $7700 httpc//s3-u seas)-2 a mazmmwr.com/bbprrducd,n/04 942 Munson Park 2 IS 38010834 1225525 WW 437 Hickory Ln: 2023/hnageV164654 2 1ing 044 $� 943 Munon Park 3 5 300101 -122.552 W417 Hickory In: IIUpc//s3-u se61-2amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04 125 $55.00 2023/anage1/164654_3_Lpng Date created - 6/8/2023 25 of 30 P,REC►SIOM CONCRETE CUTT►N6 Tiii Sp - Trip H No. C.. Ma, Ht. 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(Feet) 944 Mu- Park 2 2S 38010983 -122 S576CSW Across 400 Hickory Ln: Parallel Ca At crack Mips//s3-useasl-2 amazonaws com/bbproduclion/04- 031 $13,75 2023/hnage4/164654_4_1 lung hops//s3-useast-2 amazonaws com/hbproducllon/04- 945 Munwn Park 4 45 3001097 -122 552.5 .S1y Across400 Hickory L., Al track, lal 561 a2023/Inagey/164654_5_l.png 946 Mumm, Park 2 6 38010979 122 5SZ5 CSW Across 400 Hickory Ln: Al crack Parallel Cut Ittps//s3-u s-earl-2.amazonaws com/bhproducdon/04- 075 $33 DO 2023/bn age 4/164654_6_1 lung htlp.s//s3-us-eas62 amazonaws.com/bbpraduclion/04 947 Munson Park 5 8 3a010 -122 5525 CSVV Across 400 Hickory Ln :Parallel Cut 2023/bn tree 1 350 $15400 y/164654_7 png 948 Munwn Park 5 2 3803004 -12255E SW Before 395 Hirkoly Ln: A I-CCURB LCUT hllPs://s3-us-cast-2 amazanasv s.conl/bhpraducfion/04- 063 $27.50 2023/knagey/1646548_1.1 a 949 Mumm, Park 6 3 38.010948 -122.5524 CSW Before 395 Hickory Ln: LCUT hltps//s3-us ea61-2.4lnazonawswm/bbproduclion/04- 113 549.50 2023/hnages/16465491 lung TTNCSWBef-39SHckarVW:Stab(feabr Uw2Ine11ea e/fat+t.+bJwtaewtc�lrl/bbpLalla/gfpL 950 non Park 0 0 3801 -1125513 T PATCH 1i 02-VInage V164654 101 pry 0W 50• 00 951 Munson Park 5 45 38.010284 -122552.1 CSW Acfo11395 Hickory Ln On ManuelT freltas Pkwy: Mtps//tlatr4M-2imuovwtteza/bbW*d"norVOa• 141 $611M 2023/In age s/164654 ll_3 png hlNf//taut+ap'2.amarovwteonl/bOpodu[pw/O1- 957. 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On Manuel Frei., Pkery:XCUT h[lps//s3-u suasl-2.amazona-Iom/bbproduclion/04. 1so $6600 2023/Inagek✓164554_22_1-png SVV Past 395 Hickory Ln, On Manuel T Freilas Pkvry XCUT hI1pY/j0a &z-2 aaazev wn%jbbpredotftV01• $1100 963 Munson Park 4 1 :3901045 -122 55Zb G 2023/lmage V164G54 23 1,png 025 ge CS1110 e401Hickory Ln On Manuel T Fretas Pkvey: httPs//s3-u"asf-2amazwaws.wm/bbproducdon/04- 964 Munson Park 0 0 3H O1 -122 rNr2 Slab tlam age, Tao weak to be cut S0 2023,r1nagey164654 24 Lung 000 $0 00 965 Mummn Park j 4 I.5 3801049 122 5577 CSVV Before 401 Hickory Ln. On Manuel T Freilas Pkvry:%CUT httPs//Liu s-ease.2 amazonaws ronlibbproduclion/04- Ogg $16 2023/wagek/164654_25_1 png hips//s3usaasl-2.amaxonawscam/bbpraduclion/04- 966 Munson Park 2 3.5 3801048 -122.5527 SW Before 401 Hickory lit. On Manuel TFrellas Pkwy:%CUT 2023/Inageq/164654_26_1 Put, 044 $L42 967 Munson Park 2 1 38010511 122.5527 CSVV Before 401 Hickory Ln. On Manuel T Freilas Pkwy; XCUT hips//s3-u s-east-2amazonae/Lwm/bbproduc0on/04- 013 5551 2023/bna8e4/1G4654_27 1.Pug hltps//s3-u- 0.2amazanaws wm/bbproduclion/04- 960 Munson Palk 4 4 3801051 -122..5527 CSW Before 401 Hickory Ln. On Manuel T Frellas Pkvry: XCUT 1,023/lmaSe%/164G542lII png 100 $4400 969 Munson Park 3 4 380305E -122 5517 C5VV Before 401 Hickory Ill. on Manuel T Frellas Pkwy: Ilttps://s3-us-east-2 amaxanaw Lcomflebproductiun/04- 0 75 $33 W 2023/hn age ;/164654 291 Pug g0WAcro55401 Hickory Ln.On Manuel T Frellas Pkwy: nips',//Liu Feast-2.amazonm%wm/bbprodacdon/04- 0,00 S0. 970 Mummn Palk 0 0 1 39.0105 -122,552 lab damage. 75 2023/In age VI 64654301 prsg TTN Soot VW" Park daaed, lkdW mn+auttlort CSW 971 Sun Valley Oakr. 0 0 37.9826 I _122lodted of by temporary fendry. _ 0 W 50. 00 Imps//s3aseasl-2.amazonaws wn,/bbpr.ducfion/04. 972 City HJI 2 5 37.974667 -122537 WW14W 5th Ave: Across doors to main entrance, 2023/bna9e1/164659_1_3 png 063 52750 973 City Han 2 8 37.9746i -122.53E VVVY1400 Sth Aye: Acrossdoors to main enhance. Atpsl/s3useasf-2.amazonaws cmgbbproducdon/04- 100 $4400 2023/10n age 4/164659_2_3 png 974 Ciry Nall 2 2.5 37.97473 -122531' W14W Sth Ave By doors to main entranceIlttps://s3-u5-cast-2 amazonaws com/bbpl oduction/04- 031 $13 ]. 2023/knagey164659_3_I unit 975 CitVM 2 2 3797475 -122532 WW 1400511, Ave: By doors to main entrance IIttf,Q/0-u s-east-7..amazonaw Lcom/bbproducOon/04- 025 $ll 2023/11nagcs/164659_41 ling 976 CiNHall 2 35 37.974751 -12253E W14005th Ave. nips://s3-useasl-2amazonavr s.com/bbpraduclion/04- 044 $192. 2023/Im age y/164659_5 1 png flltPs//s3-us-eas1-2ama,onaw&cam/bbproduC6Dn/04- 977 CINHA 2 5.5 379747 -122532WW14W5lh Aye: 2023/Yn age s/169659_6_l.png 069 5302. 978 Ciry IYI 2 7.5 3797474'f -122.5321WW14005Ih Avel https//s3-u s-earl-2.am azonaws wm/bbpraduclion/04- 094 $41 J. 2023/bn age4/164659-7_1png Itp4//t4YHa9.2anNovnaCooJbbpeoM1uUox�O1• 979 CiNHall 2 8 3797475 -1225321 W140051h Ave: Parallel CUM 2023/hna6es/164659_e_I png 150 $66 LIp4/l3-,V 2.e Wsvwt<amzbbosotlue6W04. 980 UN Huff 2 95 37974782 -122532E SN 14W Sth Ave: 2023/bnagey/164659_9_I png 119 $522!i lips.//.-us-east-Zamalanaw,c,m/bbproduclion/04- 981 CIN Hr/I 2 6 379747 -122,532E W14005lh Ave: 2023/hnages/164659 10_I.png 075 $33W Date created - 6/8/2023 26 of 30 PRECISION CONCBETf CUiT/M6 No. Cat. 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(1/a of, n.3 (Feet) 1020 city Hall 4 3.5 37974884 -1225328 'NW 1100ESt: httpt//s3-u seasl-2 amazonawscom/bbproducdon/04- 08B $� .50 2023/anage,/164780 49 1. png hnpc//s3us east-2 amazonawswm/bbproduction/04- 1021 CIry Hall 2 35 37,974892 -1225328 WW 1100 E 51: 2023/enages/164780_50_1 prig 044 S1925 1022 Clry Hall 4 2 37.97488 -122.533.W1100ESt.Across151051h Ave:Ataah. hllps:/fs3+l asl-2amazonawscom/bbproduc6an/04- aso $22 00 2023/Ynage4/164780_51_1 prig 1023 City Hall 4 45 37.974897 -12253 WS100E5[Across15305th Ave :JUMP hops//s3useasl-uscom/bbproducdon/04- 2023/hriage4/164780_52_1 prig 113 S49,50 1024 City Hall 2 6 37.974945 -122.5306 C5W 14005th Ave On C St: httpt//53-useast-2.amazonawscom/bbproductlon/04- 2023/tna8esVI64780 53_1 prig 075 $33 D( 1025 Citt HSI 2 13 37974922 -122.5306 C5W 140051h Ave On C St: hops//53-us-earl-2 amazonaws com/bbproductlon/04. 163 S71.50 2023/1nage,J164780_54_1 prig 1026 City Hall 3 3 37.974961 122.53-36 CSW 14005th Ave. On C SI : XCUT httpt•J/alaoeaq•IJm4ztltawatane/DDpodutlks4/01- 056 $24.75 2023/ebage5/16478055_1 png 1027 City Hall 2 7.5 1 37.97488 -M 1311 C1W M. 1. 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City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Bond Forms Payment Bond Bond No. CIC1938135 City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated NUU R �C kktiAk , 202-3 ("Contract") for work on the City Property Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contra incorporated by reference into this Payment Bond ("Bond"). General. Under this Bond, Contractor as principal and Capitol Indemnity Corporation its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee in an amount not less than $ 79 745.99 _ _, under California Civil Code sections 9550, et seq. Surety's Obligation. If Contractor or any of its subcontractors fails to pay any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100 amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed under the Contract, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of Contractor and its subcontractors, under California Unemployment Insurance Code section 13020, with respect to the work and labor, then Surety will pay for the same. 3. Beneficiaries. This Bond inures to the benefit of any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100, so as to give a right of action to those persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon this Bond. Contractor must promptly provide a copy of this Bond upon request by any person with legal rights under this Bond. 4. Duration. If Contractor promptly makes payment of all sums for all labor, materials, and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Work required by the Contract, in conformance with the time requirements set forth in the Contract and as required by California law, Surety's obligations under this Bond will be null and void. Otherwise, Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect. 5. Waivers. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of alterations to the Contract or extensions of time for performance of the Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. City waives requirement of a new bond for any supplemental contract under Civil Code section 9550. Any notice to Surety may be given in the manner specified in the Contract and delivered or transmitted to Surety as follows: Attn: Stacy Christian - Capitol Indemnity Corporation Address: 1600 Aspen Commons City/State/Zip: Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608.829.4218 Fax: N/A Email: schristian{c_DCapSpecialty.com 6. Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 7. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and is effective on 2023. Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Capitol Indemnitv Corporation Business Name s/ SEAL William Reidinge Attorney -in -Fact Name/Title (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) CONTRACTOR: Precision Emprise, LLC dba Precision Concrete Cutting Business Name s/ f Alma Jose �C�-fir►. � �c.p�,�(� Name/Title s/ 'k 4 4-t i,k� G�S�S��� ( CEO Name/Title APPRV BY CITY: s/ (2b11 I U ( ROBER . ItPSTE16V. City Attorney Date END OF PAYMENT BOND City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Surety Company Acknowledgment: State of Illinois County of DuPage On this day of , 2023, before me personally appeared William Reidinger to be known, whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at Schaumburg, IL , that he/she is the Attorney -in -Fact of Canitnl Indemnity Cnrpnrat4nn , the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. Rebecca R. Alves Notary Public in and for the above County and State =PUBLIC L VES OF ILLINOIS ES:060124 My commission expires 6/29/2024 CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION CIC1938135 POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number ICNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, having its principal offices in the City of Middleton, Wisconsin, does make, constitute and appoint William ReidinQer Name of Individual its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of S See Bond Form for CIC1938135 on behalf of Precision Fnmrise LLC dba Precision Concrete Cuttinc Bond Amount Bond Number Principal This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Director of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION at a meeting duly called and held on the I Sib day of May, 2002. "RESOLVED, that the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, acting individually or otherwise, be and they hereby arc granted the power and authorization to appoint by a Power of Attorney for the purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more resident vice-presidents, assistant secretaries and attomey(s)-in-fact, each appointee to have the power and duties usual to such offices to the business of this company; the signature of such officers and seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate hearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in the nature thereof to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any of said officer, at any time." In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner — Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed duly attested, this I st day of September, 2022. Attest: / P_ I J Ryan J. Byrnes Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Todd Burrick Chief Underwriting Officer WTy SEAL . CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION a 140�x Adam L. Sills Chief Executive Officer and President STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE S.S.: On the 1st day of September, 2022 before me personally came Adam L. Sills, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of New York, State of New York; that he is Chief Executive Officer and President of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order David J. Regele STATE OF WISCONSIN '`/ vts1. Notary Public, Dane Co., WI COUNTY OF DANE S.S. OFi My Commission Is Permanent 1, the undersigned, duly elected to the office stated below, now the incumbent in CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a Wisconsin Corporation, authorized to make this certificate, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney is now in force. Signal and scaled at the City of Middleton, State of Wisconsin this 0( day of 1VVNQry�De F� • 20 2023 orry ="1 E Suzanne M. Broadbent ;SEAL ' Secretary THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN GENERATED FOR A SPECIFIC BOND. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL 800475-4450. CIC-ePOA (Rev. 09-2022) Performance Bond Bond No. CIC1938135 City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated 12023 ("Contract") for work on the City Property Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contract is incorporated by reference into this Performance Bond ("Bond"). General. Under this Bond, Contractor as Principal and Capitol Indemnity Corporation its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee for an amount not less than $ 79,745.99 By executing this Bond, Contractor and Surety bind themselves and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the provisions of this Bond. Surety's Obligations; Waiver. If Contractor fully performs its obligations under the Contract, including its warranty obligations under the Contract, Surety's obligations under this Bond will become null and void upon City's acceptance of the Project, provided Contractor has timely provided a warranty bond as required under the Contract. Otherwise Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect until expiration of the one year warranty period under the Contract. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of and further consents to any alterations to the Contract made under the applicable provisions of the Contract documents, including changes to the scope of Work or extensions of time for performance of Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. 3. Application of Contract Balance. Upon making a demand on this Bond for completion of the Work prior to acceptance of the Project, City will make the Contract Balance available to Surety for completion of the Work under the Contract. For purposes of this provision, the Contract Balance is defined as the total amount payable by City to Contractor as the Compensation minus amounts already paid to Contractor, and minus any liquidated damages, credits, or backcharges to which City is entitled under the terms of the Contract. 4. Contractor Default. Upon written notification from City that Contractor is in default under the Contract, time being of the essence, Surety must act within seven calendar days of receipt of the notice to remedy the default through one of the following courses of action: 4.1 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by Contractor, with City's consent, but only if Contractor is in default solely due to its financial inability to complete the Work; 4.2 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by a qualified contractor acceptable to City, and secured by performance and payment bonds issued by an admitted surety as required by the Contract documents, at Surety's expense; or 4.3 Waive its right to complete the Work under the Contract and reimburse City the amount of City's costs to have the remaining services completed. 5. Surety Default. If Surety defaults on its obligations under the Bond, City will be entitled to recover all costs it incurs due to Surety's default, including legal, design professional, or delay costs. 6. Notice. Notice to Surety must be given or made in writing and sent to the Surety via personal delivery, U.S. Mail, or a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for the Surety must be given as follows: City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Attn: Stacy Christian - Capitol Indemnity Corporation Address: 1600 Aspen Commons City/State/Zip: Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608,829,4218 Fax: N/A Email: schristiana( apS ..ial .cnm 7. Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. 8. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and effective on , 2023 . Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Capitol Indemnity Corporation_ Business Name s/ William Reidinge( Attorney -in -Fact Name/Title [print] (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) CONTRACTOR: Precision Emprise. LLC dba Precision Concrete Cutting Business Name s/ L' Name/Title s/ Name/Title / APPROV BY CITY: s/ ! l ROB ERT PSTEI, , City Attorney Date City Property Sidewalk Shaving END OF PERFORMANCE BOND S F, AL Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Surety Company Acknowledgment - State of Illinois County of DuPaae On this day of 2023. before me personally appeared William Reidinger , to be known, whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at Schaumburg. IL that he/she is the Attorney -in -Fact of Capitni IndpmnitV C o Tnnratinn , the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. 7------------- NOTARY IAL SEAL CA R ALVES C - STATE OF ILLINOIS ON EXPIRES:06129124 Rebecca R. Alves Notary Public in and for the above County and State My commission expires 6/29/2024 CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION CIC1939135 POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the CAPITOL WDEMNITY CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, having its principal offices in the City of Middleton, Wisconsin, does make, constitute and appoint William Reidinger Name of Individual it-s true and lawful Altomey(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of Scc Bond Form for C IC 193513-5 on behalf of Precision Emnrisc LLC dba Precision Concrete Cuttine Bond Amount Bond Number Principal This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of May, 2002. "RESOLVED, that the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, acting individually or otherwise, be and they hereby arc granted the power and authorization to appoint by a Power of Attorney for the purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more resident vice-presidents, assistant secretaries and attomey(s)-i n -fact, each appointee to have the powers and duties usual to such offices to the business of this company; the signature of such officers and seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in the nature thereof to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any of said officers, at any time." In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner — Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed duly attested, this I st day of September, 2022. Attest: � � / ( Ryan ]. Byrnes �,utuinnmurpi i Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer _ SEAL;' Todd Burrick Chief Underwriting Officer CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION 6Z4 �4� Adam L. Sills Chief Executive Officer and President STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE S.S.: On the 1st day of September, 2022 before me personally came Adam L. Sills, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of New York, State of New York; that he is Chief Executive Officer and President of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ,uuww,r ,�L� `s 'S David J. Regele Notary Public, Dane Co., WI STATE OF WISCONSfN OF S•S• ayF� pp— ' ���.� My Commission Is Permanent COUNTY DANE Ifni, 1, the undersigned, duly elected to the office stated below, now the incumbent in CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a Wisconsin Corporation, authorized to make this certificate, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney is now in force. Signed and scaled at the City of Middleton, State of Wisconsin this "r U11twW:2y�% day of .20 2023 Suzanne Broad Secretary THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN GENERATED FOR A SPECIFIC BOND. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL 800-4754450. CIC-ePOA (Rev. 09-2022) Exhibit C NONCOLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID The undersigned declares: I am the Joseph Ortega [title] of [business name], the party making the foregoing bid. Vice President The bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The bid is genuine and not collusive or sham. The bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid. The bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder. All statements contained in the bid are true. The bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid and will not pay, any person or entity for such purpose. This declaration is intended to comply with California Public Contract Code § 7106 and Title 23 U.S.0 § 112. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on 11/15/23 [date], at Burlingame [city], CA [state]. Joseph Ortega Name [print] END OF NONCOLLUSION DECLARATION City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 3/2812022 Up to $200,000 Contract Noncollusion Declaration Exhibit D BID SCHEDULE This Bid Schedule must be completed in ink and included with the sealed Bid Proposal. Pricing must be provided for each Bid Item as indicated. Items marked "(SW)" are Specialty Work that must be performed by a qualified Subcontractor. The lump sum or unit cost for each item must be inclusive of all costs, whether direct or indirect, including profit and overhead. The sum of all amounts entered in the "Extended Total Amount' column must be identical to the Base Bid price entered in Section 1 of the Bid Proposal form. AL = Allowance CF = Cubic Feet CY = Cubic Yard EA = Each LB = Pounds LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Feet TON = Ton (2000 lbs.) BID ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT COST EXTENDED TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL BASE BID: Items 1 through inclusive: $ Note. The amount entered as the "Total Base Bid" should be identical to the Base Bid amount entered in Section 1 of the Bid Proposal form. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 3/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Bid Schedule This Bid Proposal is hereby submitted on 20_. s/ Name and Title s/ Name and Title Company Name License #, Expiration Date, and Classification Address DIR Registration # City, State, Zip Phone Contact Name Contact Email Addenda. Bidder agrees that it has confirmed receipt of or access to, and reviewed, all addenda issued for this Bid. Bidder waives any claims it might have against the City based on its failure to receive, access, or review any addenda for any reason. Bidder specifically acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum Date Received Addendum: Date Received: #01 #05 #02 #06 #03 #07 #04 #08 City Property Sidewalk Shaving END OF BID SCHEDULE Approved by City Attorney, dated 3/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Bid Schedule Exhibit E SUBCONTRACTOR LIST For each Subcontractor that will perform a portion of the Work in an amount in excess of one-half of 1 % of the bidder's total Contract Price,' the bidder must list a description of the Work, the name of the Subcontractor, its California contractor license number, the location of its place of business, its DIR registration number, and the portion of the Work that the Subcontractor is performing based on a percentage of the Base Bid price. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SUBCONTRACTOR NAME CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. LOCATION OF BUSINESS DIR REG. NO. PERCENT OF WORK END OF SUBCONTRACTOR LIST ' For street or highway construction this requirement applies to any subcontract of $10,000 or more. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Approved by City Attorney, dated 3/28/2022 Up to $200,000 Contract Subcontractor List Payment Bond Bond No. CIC1938135 City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise, LLC, DB Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated 1 , 20Z3 ("Contract") for work on the City Property Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contract is incorporated by reference into this Payment Bond ("Bond"). 1. General. Under this Bond, Contractor as principal and Capitol Indemnity Corporation its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee in an amount not less than $ 79,745.99 , under California Civil Code sections 9550, et seq. 2. Surety's Obligation. If Contractor or any of its subcontractors fails to pay any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100 amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed under the Contract, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of Contractor and its subcontractors, under California Unemployment Insurance Code section 13020, with respect to the work and labor, then Surety will pay for the same. 3. Beneficiaries. This Bond inures to the benefit of any of the persons named in California Civil Code section 9100, so as to give a right of action to those persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon this Bond. Contractor must promptly provide a copy of this Bond upon request by any person with legal rights under this Bond. 4. Duration. If Contractor promptly makes payment of all sums for all labor, materials, and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Work required by the Contract, in conformance with the time requirements set forth in the Contract and as required by California law, Surety's obligations under this Bond will be null and void. Otherwise, Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect. 5. Waivers. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of alterations to the Contract or extensions of time for performance of the Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. City waives requirement of a new bond for any supplemental contract under Civil Code section 9550. Any notice to Surety may be given in the manner specified in the Contract and delivered or transmitted to Surety as follows: Attn: Stacy Christian - Capitol Indemnity Corporation Address: 1600 Aspen Commons City/State/Zip: Middleton. WI 53562 Phone: 608.829.4218 Fax: N/A Email: schristian(a_)CapSpecialty.com 6. Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 7. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and is effective on �i 10 23 2023. Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Capitol Indemnitv Corporation Business Name s/ SEAL Wi iam Reidi ger Attorney -in -Fact Name/Title (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) RACTPR: Precision Emprise, LLC dba Precision Concrete Cutting f r\ Rusiness Name s/ w N CC Name/Title APPROV CITY: s/ ROBERT F. 12rSTEIN, Ci ttorney Date END OF PAYMENT BOND City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Payment Bond Approved by City Attorney, dated 03/28/2022 Surety Company Acknowledgment: State of Illinois County of DuPagee On this �`_ day of N���,Y'nb ��- 2023, before me personally appeared William Reidinger , to be known, whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at _Schaumburg, IL , that he/she is the Attorney -in -Fact of itnl InrlPmnitV Cnrnnratinn , the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. Rebecca R. Alves Notary Public in and for the above County and State OFFICIAL SEAL REBECCA R ALVES LN.OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ILLINOIS COMMISSION EXPIRES:06129124 My commission expires 6/29/2024 CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION POWER OF ATTORNEY CiC1939135 Bond Number KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, having its principal offices in the City of Middleton, Wisconsin, does make, constitute and appoint William Reidineer Name of Individual its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of SceBondForm for CIC1938135 on behalf of Precision Hmnrise LLC dba Preeision Concrete Cutting Bond Amount Bond Number Principal This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile tinder and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of May, 2002. "RESOLVED, that the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, acting individually or otherwise, be and they hereby are granted the power and authorization to appoint by a Power of Attorney for the purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more resident vice-presidents, assistant secretaries and a ttomcy(s)-i n -fact, each appointee to have the powers and duties usual to such offices to the business of this company, the signature of such officers and seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate hearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in the nature thereof to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any of said officers, at any time." In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner - Department of Highways of die Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed duly attested, this I st day of September, 2022. Attest: -T / Ryan J. Bymes Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Todd Burrick Chief Underwriting Officer STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE 1 S.S.: On the Ist day of September, 2022 before me personally came Adam L. Sills, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of New York, State of New York; that he is Chief Executive Officer and President of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument, that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name Thereto by like order. 2- ,�LtN David ]_ Regele Notary Public, Dane Co., WI STATE OF WISCONSIN My Commission Is Permanent COUNTY OF DANE S7f, •,7nu,,,,n� SEAL . CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION a�4 lxe� Adam L. Sills Chief Executive Officer and President I, the undersigned, duly elected to the office stated below, now the incumbent in CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a Wisconsin Corporation, authorized to make this certificate. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attomev is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Middleton, State of Wisconsin this day of \W� wo L —. 20 2023 Suzanne M. Broadbent Secretary THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN GENERATED FOR A SPECIFIC BOND, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL 800-4754450. C'IC-ePOA (Rev. 09-20221 Performance Bond Bond No. CIC1938135 City of San Rafael ("City") and Precision Emprise LLC, DBA Precision Concrete Cutting ("Contractor") have entered into a contract, dated JkkNjfkaj,2023 ("Contract") for work on the City Property Sidewalk Shaving ("Project"). The Contract is incorporated by reference into this Performance Bond ("Bond"). General. Under this Bond, Contractor as Principal and _Capitol Indemnity Corporation , its surety ("Surety"), are bound to City as obligee for an amount not less than $ 79,745.99 By executing this Bond, Contractor and Surety bind themselves and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the provisions of this Bond. 2. Surety's Obligations; Waiver. If Contractor fully performs its obligations under the Contract, including its warranty obligations under the Contract, Surety's obligations under this Bond will become null and void upon City's acceptance of the Project, provided Contractor has timely provided a warranty bond as required under the Contract. Otherwise Surety's obligations will remain in full force and effect until expiration of the one year warranty period under the Contract. Surety waives any requirement to be notified of and further consents to any alterations to the Contract made under the applicable provisions of the Contract documents, including changes to the scope of Work or extensions of time for performance of Work under the Contract. Surety waives the provisions of Civil Code sections 2819 and 2845. Application of Contract Balance. Upon making a demand on this Bond for completion of the Work prior to acceptance of the Project, City will make the Contract Balance available to Surety for completion of the Work under the Contract. For purposes of this provision, the Contract Balance is defined as the total amount payable by City to Contractor as the Compensation minus amounts already paid to Contractor, and minus any liquidated damages, credits, or backcharges to which City is entitled under the terms of the Contract. 4. Contractor Default. Upon written notification from City that Contractor is in default under the Contract, time being of the essence, Surety must act within seven calendar days of receipt of the notice to remedy the default through one of the following courses of action: 4.1 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by Contractor, with City's consent, but only if Contractor is in default solely due to its financial inability to complete the Work; 4.2 Arrange for completion of the Work under the Contract by a qualified contractor acceptable to City, and secured by performance and payment bonds issued by an admitted surety as required by the Contract documents, at Surety's expense; or 4.3 Waive its right to complete the Work under the Contract and reimburse City the amount of City's costs to have the remaining services completed. 5. Surety Default. If Surety defaults on its obligations under the Bond, City will be entitled to recover all costs it incurs due to Surety's default, including legal, design professional, or delay costs. 6. Notice. Notice to Surety must be given or made in writing and sent to the Surety via personal delivery, U.S. Mail, or a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF (or comparable) file. Notice is deemed effective upon delivery unless otherwise specified. Notice for the Surety must be given as follows: City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Attn: Stacy Christian - Capitol Indemnity Corporation Address: 1600 Aspen Commons City/State/Zip: Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608,829.4218 Fax: N/A Email: schristian( GnpSneciaU cam 7. Law and Venue. This Bond will be governed by California law, and any dispute pursuant to this Bond will be venued in the Superior Court of Marin County, and no other place. Surety will be responsible for City's attorneys' fees and costs in any action to enforce the provisions of this Bond. 8. Effective Date; Execution. This Bond is entered into and effective on t-mo-o.4 �\k� 2023 . Three identical counterparts of this Bond, each of which is deemed an original for all purposes, are hereby executed and submitted. SURETY: Capitol Indemnity Corporation Business Name"'"' William Reidi er SEAL Attorney -in -Fa „• Name/Title [print] (Attach Acknowledgment with Notary Seal and Power of Attorney) CONTRACTOR: Rrecision Emprise, LLC dba Precision Concrete Cuttin B Hess Name s/ \ -,q ..- - \U Name/Title ` s/ rl•'lp �'C G US S EN 07 � �� Name/Title APPROV BY CITY: i s/ U t -7 ROBER . EPSTEI ity Attorney Date END OF PERFORMANCE BOND City Property Sidewalk Shaving Up to $200,000 Contract Performance Bond Approved by City Attomey, dated 03/28/2022 Surety Company Acknowledgment: State of Illinois County of DuPage On this day of 2023, before me personally appeared William Reidinger . to be known, whom being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he/she resides at Schaumburq, IL , that he/she is the Attorney -in -Fact of C:anitnl InriPmnity C ornnration , the corporation described in and which executed the annexed instrument; that he/she knows the corporate seal of said corporation that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; that he/she signed his/her name thereto by like order; and that the liabilities of said corporation do not exceed its assets as ascertained in the manner provided by law. Rebecca R. Alves Notary Public in and for the above County and State OFFICIAL SEAL REBECCA R ALVES [N,OMRYTPUBLIC - STATE OF ILLINOIS COMMISSION EXPIRES:06129124 My commission expires 6/29/2024 CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION CIC1938135 POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, having its principal offices in the City of Middleton. Wisconsin, does make, constitute and appoint William Reidinger Name of Individual its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of SceBondForm for CIC1938135 on behalf of Precision I{mprisc LLC' dba Precision Concrete Cutting Bond Amount Bond Number Principal This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION at a meeting duly called and held on the ISth day of May, 2002. "RESOLVED, that the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, acting individually or otherwise, be and they hereby are granted the power and authorization to appoint by a Power of Attorney for the purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more resident vice-presidents, assistant secretaries and attomey(s)-in-fact, each appointee to have the powers and duties usual to such offices to the business of this company; the signature of such officers and seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in the nature thereof to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any of said officers, at any time." In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney - in -Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attomey- in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner — Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its corporate seal to be berclo affixed duly attested, this 1st day of September, 2022. Attest: T / Ryan J. Byrnes Senior Vice President, Chief Financial vOfficer and Treasurer Todd Burrick Chief Underwriting Officer \\\\\\o\„tprni inmmrn .10"Ty' c1��T SEAL CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION Adam L- Sills Chief Executive Officer and President STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE S.S.: On the Ist day of September, 2022 before me personally came Adam L. Sills, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of New York, State of New York; that he is Chief Executive Officer and President of CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. V. J. REG�, , ! a David J. Regele STATE OF WISCONSIN 1� Notary Public, Dane Co., WI My Commission Is Permanent COUNTY OF DANE Jr S S ' , `9`\` 1, the undersigned, duly elected to the office stated below, now the incumbent in CAPITOL INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a Wisconsin Corporation, authorized to make this certificate, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Middleton, State of Wisconsin this �� day nt \ 44 Q.K� W,, • 20 2023 Suzanne M. Broadbent SEAL. Secretary THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN GENERATED FOR A SPECIFIC BOND, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL 8004754450. CIC-ePOA (Rev. 09-2022) CONTRACT ROUTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Use this cover sheet to circulate all contracts for review and approval in the order shown below. TO BE COMPLETED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER: Contracting Department: Public Works Project Manager: Nataly Torres (for Ryan Montes) Extension: 3353 Contractor Name: Precision Concrete Cutting Contractor's Contact: Joseph Ortega Contact's Email: ryan.montes@cityofsanrafael.org ❑ FPPC: Check if Contractor/Consultant must file Form 700 I Step RESPONSIBLE DESCRIPTION COMPLETED REVIEWER DEPARTMENT a. Email PINS Introductory Notice to Contractor DATE Check/Initial 1 Project Manager Click here to ❑ cntcr a datc. b. Email contract (in Word) and attachments to City 10/18/2023 Attorney c/o Laraine.Gittens@cityofsanrafael.org ❑X NT 2 City Attorney a. Review, revise, and comment on draft agreement 10/18/2023 and return to Project Manager 10/18/2023 ❑X NT b. Confirm insurance requirements, create Job on Department Director PINS, send PINS insurance notice to contractor Approval of final agreement form to send to 10/23/2023 ❑X NT 3 ❑X AM Project Manager contractor Forward three (3) originals of final agreement to 11/6/2023 4 21 Project Manager contractor for their signature When necessary, contractor -signed agreement 0 N/A 5 agendized for City Council approval * *City Council approval required for Professional Services Agreements and purchases of goods and services that exceed Or $75,000; and for Public Works Contracts that exceed $175,000 Click here to Date of City Council approval enter a date. PRINT CONTINUE ROUTING PROCESS WITH HARD COPY 6 Project Manager Forward signed original agreements to City 11/15/2023 NT Attorney with printed copy of this routing form 7 City Attorney Review and approve hard copy of signed p I L agreement 8 City Attorney Review and approve insurance in PINS , and bonds (for Public Works Contracts) Agreement executed by City Council authorized 9 City Manager / Mayor official Attest signatures, retains original agreement and 10 City Clerk forwards copies to Project Manager