HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Administrator Hearing 2023-11-08 Minutes
November 8, 2024
Minutes and Notice of Decision
(Pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code 14.28.050)
10:22-10:35 1. 532 D Street - Request for a Variance to encroach into the required
side and front yard setbacks to lift the existing home to create a new
ground floor, expand the rear deck, and construct new entry stairs;
APN: 074-112-05; Multifamily Residential Zoning District (MR2);
Permit V23-002 (PLAN23-094)
Project Planner: Renee Nickenig, Associate Planner
• Variance (V23-002). The proposed project exceeds the required front a nd side
setbacks for the zoning district, and so a Variance is required to address the special
circumstances pertaining to the land (such as size, shape, topography or location )
that deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other propert ies in the vicinity
and in the same zoning district pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC)
The project site is located at the east side of D Street, from which the property is accessed.
The site is rectangular in shape and is approximately 4,800 square-feet in size. The existing
residence has a gross building area of 2,169 square -feet with a 180 square-foot garage
structure. A narrow-paved driveway runs from the street to the garage structure. The site
otherwise has limited landscaping and fencing surrounding the property.
The project proposes to lift the existing home to create additional living space and a new
ground floor. The new proposed height of the dwelling is approximately 29 feet. The project
also proposes to continue the nonconforming setback at the north and expand the entry steps
to encroach into the required fro nt (west) yard setback. The proposed alterations would match
the existing residence in colors and materials, including the reconstruction of the stairs.
The project will additionally include a reconstruction and expansion of the rear deck, which
does not require additional planning entitlements.
No previous design review approvals were located for the subject dwelling.
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
532 D Street
V23-002 (PLAN23-094)
On November 8, 2023, a Zoning Administrator meeting was convened for this Variance (V23-
002). The Acting Zoning Administrator for this meeting, Renee Nickenig, opened the meeting
at 10:22 am.
A. Applicant presentation
The applicant presented the project and reviewed the proposed findings for the requested
B. Public Comments
No members of the public provided comment prior to or during the hearing.
C. ZA discussion
Staff and the applicant discussed the potential for the existing and proposed windows on
the north elevation to be moved or made opaque to ensure privacy between the subject
property and the neighboring property to the north.
D. Action
The Acting Zoning Administrator Conditionally Approved the request for Variance (V23-
002) per the Findings and subject to conditions (below).
The hearing was adjourned at 10:35 am.
CEQA Findings
The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations,
§15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 1530 1 of the CEQA Guidelines (“Existing Facilities”).
Furthermore, none of the exceptions found in Government Code §15300.2 apply.
Variance Findings for V23-002 (SRMC §14.23.070)
A. That because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including
size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the
requirements of this title deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other
property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification;
The subject lot has a reduced area and width below the minimum required in the
Multifamily Residential Districts: Medium-Density (MR) zoning district by
approximately 20%. As such, any dwelling at the site would not be able to fully utilize
the allowable living space which other properties in the vicinity and within the MR
District would be able to use.
The proposed project will otherwise meet the property development standards
required pursuant to SRMC Section 14.04.040.
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
532 D Street
V23-002 (PLAN23-094)
B. That the variance will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent
with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in
which such property is situated;
The project does not grant a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon
other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated
because the lot is substandard in width and area, situated in the flood zone and
adjacent single-family residential zoning district which requires additional setback in
the rear yard.
C. That granting the variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not
otherwise expressly authorized by the zoning regulations for the zoning
district in which the subject property is located;
Single-family residential is permitted in Multifamily Residential Districts: Medium -
Density (MR) zoning districts.
D. That granting the application will not be detrimental or injurious to property or
improvements in the vicinity of the development site, or to the public health,
safety or general welfare.
The project will be reviewed by the Building Division, Fire Department, and the
Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit.
General Conditions
1. Approved Project. This Variance (V23-002) conditionally approves the project that
consists of lifting the existing home to a new height of approximately 29 feet and create
additional living space and a new ground floor. The project proposes to continue the
nonconforming setback along the north elevation and expand the entry steps to encroach
into the required front (west) yard setback. The proposed alterations would match the
existing residence in colors and materials, including the reconstruction of the stairs . The
project is located at 532 D Street.
Plans submitted for building permit shall be in substantial conformance to the plans dated
June 15, 2023, with regard to building techniques, materials, elevations, and overall
project appearance except as modified by these conditions of approval. Minor
modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval by the
Zoning Administrator. Modifications deemed greater than minor in nature by the
Community Development Director may require review and approval by the Planning
Commission pursuant to SRMC Section 14.23.020.
2. Subject to All Applicable Laws and Regulations . The approved use and/or construction is
subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations
of other governmental agencies. Prior to construction, the applicant shall identify and
secure all applicable permits from the Building Division, Public Works Department and
other affected City divisions and departments.
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
532 D Street
V23-002 (PLAN23-094)
3. Permit Validity. This Permit shall become effective on November 16, 2023 and shall be
valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of final approval or November 16, 2025,
and shall become null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time extension
granted by November 16, 2025. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is
deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and
construction has lawfully commenced. A permit for the use of a building or a property i s
exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the
permitted use has commenced on the property.
4. Building Permit. Prior to the commencement of work, a building permit shall be obtained
from the Building Division.
5. Construction Hours. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of the San Rafael
Municipal Code Section 8.13.050, or by the Planning Commission or City Council as part
of the development review for the project, on any construction project on property within
the city, construction, alteration, demolition, maintenance of construction equipment,
deliveries of materials or equipment, or repair activities other wise allowed under
applicable law shall be allowed between the hours of seven a.m. (7:00 a.m.) and si x p.m.
(6:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, and nine a.m. (9:00 a.m.) and six p.m. (6:00 p.m.) on
Saturdays, provided that the noise level at any point outside of the property plane of the
project shall not exceed ninety (90) dBA. All such activities shall be precluded on Sundays
and holidays. Violation of the foregoing may subject the permittee to suspension of work
by the chief building official for up to two (2) days per violation.
6. Colors, Materials, and Lighting . Colors, materials and lighting shall be designed to avoid
creating undue off-site light and glare impacts. New or amended building or site colors,
materials and lighting shall comply with San Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.16.227,
subject to review and recommendation by the Police Department, Public Works
Department, and Community Development Department.
7. Exterior Lightning. Any exterior lighting shall be subject to a 90 -day post installation
inspection to allow for adjustment and assure compliance with San Rafael Municipal Code
Section 14.16.227 - Light and glare. The project proponent is responsible for hiring a
qualified lighting expert to conduct the inspection and to prepare a summary analysis
verifying the projects meets City standards to be submitted to the Planning Division.
Project Specific Conditions
8. Window Placement. If any new windows are proposed at the north elevation they shall be
placed in a manner that would not align with any existing windows on the existing dwelling
to the north. If that cannot be avoided, the new window will be made of opaque glazing to
ensure privacy of both dwelling are maintained.
ACTION TAKEN: On November 8, 2023, the Zoning Administrator Conditionally
Approved the requested Variance (V23-002) subject to the Findings and Conditions
This Notice of Zoning Administrator decision is provided in compliance with SRMC Section
14.28.050 - Notice of decision. Any aggrieved party may appeal this decision pursuant to
SRMC Section 14.28.030 - Filing and time limit of appeals, by submitting a letter of appeal
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
532 D Street
V23-002 (PLAN23-094)
and the appropriate fees within five (5) working days of the date of approval, or by November
15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. This approval shall become effective at the end of the appeal period.
Once a permit approval has been implemented /established in compliance with all City
requirements, it shall run with the land and be valid for the time period specified ; e.g., duration
of the project/use.
Renee Nickenig, Acting Zoning Administrator Date
November 8, 2024
Minutes and Notice of Decision
(Pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code 14.28.050)
10:04 - 10:22 am 1. 34 Mooring Road - Request for an Environmental and Design
Review permit to construct an upper-story addition over 500 square
feet in the Canalfront Review Overlay District; APN: 008-010-46;
Duplex Residential – Canalfront Review Overlay Zoning District (DR-
C) – Water District (W); Permit ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
Project Planner: Renee Nickenig, Associate Planner
• Environmental and Design Review (Minor) (ED23-045). Upper-story additions
over five hundred (500) square feet in size to single-family and duplex residential
structures require an Environmental and Design Review permit per San Rafael
Municipal Code (SRMC) Section 14.25.040.B.2.f.
The project site is located between Mooring Road at the northeast and the San Rafael Creek
(canal) at the southwest (rear). The site is rectangular is chape and is approximately 8,755
square feet in size and is occupied by two existing dwellings totaling approximately 3,522
square feet in area (36 and 34 Mooring Road). The site is minimally landscaped and includes
a decoratively paved driveway and parking area shared by the two dwellings. A dock system
at the rear property line provides access from the canal.
The proposed project is focused on the existing dwelling at the southwest of the property (34
Mooring Road). The dwelling has an uneven square in plan with a pyramidal hipped roof and
cupola at the peak. The project proposes to remove and replace the second level of the
dwelling to accommodate additional living space. The addition will expand the area of the
second floor but will not exceed with limits of the existing floor plan or overall height.
Architectural Features
The new roof plan is rectangular with parallel extensions facing southwest (rear). The primary
roof form would be hipped, and the extensions pitched. An open deck is shown across the
rear elevation, and at the right side of the front elevation.
Windows and Doors
Windows line the front, rear, and southeast (“left” on plan) elevations. No windows are shown
on the northwest (“right” on plan) elevation. Sliding glass doors are shown at the northeast
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
34 Mooring Road
ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
(front) and southwest (rear) elevations. The windows and doors will be casement style with
painted metal frames.
Materials and Colors
The proposed colors and materials shown would match the existing. This includes exposed
standing seam metal roofing and stucco siding in a dark green. The deck railings will be
painted metal with vertical posts and horizontal rails.
No previous design review approvals were located for the subject dwelling. A variance was
approved in 1983 to construct an addition to the other structure at the site (V83-11).
On November 8, 2023, a Zoning Administrator meeting was convened for this Environmental
and Design Review Permit (ED23-045). The Acting Zoning Administrator for this meeting,
Renee Nickenig, opened the meeting at 10:04 am.
A. Applicant presentation
The applicant presented the project and informed the Acting Zoning Administrator that
additional screening will be introduced at the west side of the rear second floor deck.
The Acting Zoning Administrator requested that the applicant confirm the intention for
window placement at the northwest elevation and the finish of the proposed metal roof.
The applicant confirmed: that the window placement will be sensitive to the neighboring
property towards the northwest; and that the proposed metal roof will have a painted, non
reflective finish.
B. Public Comments
Megan Verad, a neighboring owner, was present at the meeting to comment on safety
concerns regarding the construction phase of the project.
C. ZA discussion
The applicant addressed the public comment and noted the roadway will be kept clear.
D. Action
The Zoning Administrator Conditionally Approved the request for an Environmental and
Design Review Permit (ED23-045) per the Findings and subject to conditions (below).
The hearing was adjourned at 10:22 am.
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
34 Mooring Road
ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
CEQA Findings
The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations,
§15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines (“Existing Facilities”).
Furthermore, none of the exceptions found in Government Code §15300.2 apply.
Environmental and Design Review Permit Findings for ED23-045 (SRMC §14.25.090)
A. That the project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the
zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter;
a) The subject property has a General Plan 2040 designation of Medium Density
Residential (MDR). The project is in accord with the general plan as it does not
change the existing multi-family residential use.
b) The subject property is in accord with the zoning ordinance as it will meet the
regulations for the Duplex Residential – Canalfront Review Overlay Zoning District
(DR-C) and Water District (W) zoning districts.
B. That the project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and
landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the site is
In addition to the design criteria outlined in SRMC Section 14.25.090 and the
property development standards for the Duplex Residential District (SRMC Section
14.04.040) and the Water District (SRMC Section 14.11.020), the proposed project
meets the criteria for projects in the Canalfront Review Overlay Zoning District, in
a. There are no proposed alterations to the site design, and so there will be
no impact on the existing access to the canal.
b. The project will not expand the lower floor or existing footprint of the
building, and therefore there will not be an impact to any existing public
viewpoints to the canal from the right of way.
c. The proposed colors and materials will be neutral in tone, harmonious with
the surroundings, and should not produce excessive glare.
C. That the project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts; and
As conditioned, the project will minimize adverse environmental impacts. The
Department of Public Works has identified this project as a substantial improvement,
which will require that the project be designed in accordance with California Building
Code Section 1612 and ASCE 24-14: Flood Resistant Design and Construction.
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
34 Mooring Road
ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
D. That the project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or
welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
The project will be reviewed by the Building Division, Fire Department, and the
Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. In addition, all new
lighting and exterior finishes will be required to meet the general light and glare
standards required by SRMC Section 14.16.277.
General Conditions
1. Approved Project. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED23-045)
conditionally approves the project that consists of removing the second story and roof
structure and replacing with an expanded second floor and new roof plan. The proposed
alterations would match the existing residence in colors and materials. The project is
located at 34 Mooring Road.
Plans submitted for building permit shall be in substantial conformance to the plans dated
September 20, 2023, with regard to building techniques, materials, elevations, and overall
project appearance except as modified by these conditions of approval. Minor
modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval by the
Community Development Department, Planning Division. Modifications deemed greater
than minor in nature by the Community Development Director may require review and
approval by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to SRMC Section 14.25.080.
2. Subject to All Applicable Laws and Regulations. The approved use and/or construction is
subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations
of other governmental agencies. Prior to construction, the applicant shall identify and
secure all applicable permits from the Building Division, Public Works Department and
other affected City divisions and departments.
3. Permit Validity. This Permit shall become effective on November 16, 2023 and shall be
valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of final approval or November 16, 2025,
and shall become null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time extension
granted by November 16, 2025. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is
deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and
construction has lawfully commenced. A permit for the use of a building or a property is
exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the
permitted use has commenced on the property.
4. Building Permit. Prior to the commencement of work, a building permit shall be obtained
from the Building Division.
5. Construction Hours. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of the San Rafael
Municipal Code Section 8.13.050, or by the Planning Commission or City Council as part
of the development review for the project, on any construction project on property within
the city, construction, alteration, demolition, maintenance of construction equipment,
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
34 Mooring Road
ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
deliveries of materials or equipment, or repair activities otherwise allowed under
applicable law shall be allowed between the hours of seven a.m. (7:00 a.m.) and six p.m.
(6:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, and nine a.m. (9:00 a.m.) and six p.m. (6:00 p.m.) on
Saturdays, provided that the noise level at any point outside of the property plane of the
project shall not exceed ninety (90) dBA. All such activities shall be precluded on Sundays
and holidays. Violation of the foregoing may subject the permittee to suspension of work
by the chief building official for up to two (2) days per violation.
6. Colors, Materials, and Lighting. Colors, materials and lighting shall be designed to avoid
creating undue off-site light and glare impacts. New or amended building or site colors,
materials and lighting shall comply with San Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.16.227,
subject to review and recommendation by the Police Department, Public Works
Department, and Community Development Department.
7. Exterior Lightning. Any exterior lighting shall be subject to a 90-day post installation
inspection to allow for adjustment and assure compliance with San Rafael Municipal Code
Section 14.16.227 - Light and glare. Should an issue arise, the project proponent would
be responsible for hiring a qualified lighting expert to conduct the inspection and to
prepare a summary analysis verifying the projects meets City standards to be submitted
to the Planning Division.
8. Landscaping. Pursuant to SRMC Section 14.25.080, all landscaping shall be maintained
in good condition and any dead or dying plants, bushes, or trees shall be replaced with
new healthy stock of a size compatible with the remainder of the growth at the time of
replacement. Any new landscaping and irrigation must meet the Marin Municipal Water
District's (MMWD) water conservation rules and regulations.
Project Specific Conditions
9. Rear Deck Screening. Any screening proposed at the at the west side of the rear second
floor deck should be constructed in a manner and with materials that will adequately block
the view to and from the neighboring property to the west to the satisfaction of the
Community Development Director.
10. Window Placement. If any new windows are proposed at the northwest elevation they
shall be placed in a manner that would not align with any existing windows on the existing
dwelling to northwest. If that cannot be avoided, the new window will be made of opaque
glazing to ensure privacy of both dwelling are maintained.
11. Roof Material. A sample shall be provided of the final roofing material prior to approval of
a building permit to confirm that the surface will not be excessively reflective.
ACTION TAKEN: On November 8, 2023, the Zoning Administrator Conditionally
Approved the requested Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use Permit
(ED23-045) subject to the Findings and Conditions above.
This Notice of Zoning Administrator decision is provided in compliance with SRMC Section
14.28.050 - Notice of decision. Any aggrieved party may appeal this decision pursuant to
SRMC Section 14.28.030 - Filing and time limit of appeals, by submitting a letter of appeal
ZA Minutes and Notice of Decision
November 8, 2023
34 Mooring Road
ED23-045 (PLAN23-106)
and the appropriate fees within five (5) working days of the date of approval, or by November
15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. This approval shall become effective at the end of the appeal period.
Once a permit approval has been implemented/established in compliance with all City
requirements, it shall run with the land and be valid for the time period specified; e.g., duration
of the project/use.
Renee Nickenig, Acting Zoning Administrator Date