HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Administrator Hearing 2024-05-01 Agenda PacketZoning Administrator Hearing Wednesday, May 1, 2024 10:00 AM Join In-Person Meeting: Community Development Small Meeting Room San Rafael City Hall 1400 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor San Rafael, CA 94901 Join Virtual Meeting: Zoom Website/App: https://tinyurl.com/ZA-2023 or Telephone: (669) 444-9171 Meeting ID: 832 2935 4287# Agenda 1. 25 Dodie Street – Conditional Use Permit for a Gymnastics and Parkour facility – PLAN24-019 Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow the use of a gymnastics and parkour facility within the existing space located at 25 Dodie Street. 2. Adjournment -1 - Community Development Department – Planning Division Meeting Date: May 1, 2024 Project Number(s): UP24-004 (PLAN24-019) Project Planner: Michaela O’Brien, Assistant Planner Agenda Item: 1 REPORT TO ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: 25 Dodie Street. Request for a Use Permit to allow for the use of a gymnastic and parkour facility at 25 Dodie Street; APN: 018-142-38; General Commercial (GC); UP24-004 (PLAN24-019) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Table Section 14.05.020, a conditional use permit is required for recreational facilities (indoor) under the subsection fitness/recreation facility and specialized education. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject project proposes to include equipment required for the proposed use and includes but is not limited to tumble tracks, bars, various mats, and more within the existing space. The space has a total of 16,267 square feet. The use proposed provides a variety of fitness/recreational facilities from gymnastics to parkour. Hours of operation include Monday Wednesday Friday 5:00 am to 9:00 pm, and Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 am to 7:30 pm. Saturday and Sunday from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm with occasional events in the afternoon that will not extend past 9:00pm. FINDINGS Findings for Use Permit UP24-004 CEQA Finding Yes VALID The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and none of the exceptions of Section 15300.2 apply. X YES Section 15301 (“Existing Facilities”) Use Permit (SRMC §14.22.080) Yes No Finding A That the proposed use is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance, and the purposes of X The site is designated as Community Commercial Mixed Use in the 2024 General Plan Land Use Map, aligning with the LU-2.3: Neighborhood-Serving Commercial Uses. The proposed recreational facilities intend to occupy the vacant building reinforce the role and bring in foot traffic providing opportunity -2 - the district in which the site is located: for surrounding businesses. The zoning district is General Commercial (GC) which allows recreational facilities through an entitlement. The proposed business would not only offer local job opportunities but also contribute to the city's tax revenue. Finding B That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the city: X The proposed use of a gymnastics facility, along with any associated conditions, should not pose a threat to public health, safety, or welfare. It should also not cause significant harm to nearby properties or developments, nor compromise the overall well-being of the city. Finding C That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance: X For the reasons states above, the project, as proposed and conditioned, complies with Chapter 14 (Zoning) of the San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditions of Approval for UP24-004 1.Approved Use. This Conditional Use Permit allows for the use of recreational facilities (indoor) and specialized education at 25 Dodie Street, SRMC Section 14.05.020. 2.Hours of Operation. The hours of operation allowed are between the hours of 5:00 am and 9:00 pm. 3.Plans and Representations Become Conditions. Except as modified by these conditions of approval, all information and representations, whether oral or written, as presented for approval on plans, submitted 3/6/2024 and on file with the Community Development Department, Planning Division, shall be the same as required for the issuance of a building permit, except as modified by these conditions of approval. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval by Planning staff. Modifications deemed not minor by the Community Development Director may require review and approval as an amendment to this Use Permit by Planning staff. 4.Subject to All Applicable Laws and Regulations. The approved use and/or construction is subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. Prior to construction, the applicant shall identify and secure all applicable permits from the Building Division, Public Works Department and other affected City divisions and departments. (SRMC §14.16.225.B.1). 5.Revocation. The City reserves the right to bring this application up for revocation per SRMC 14.21.150 and as provided in Chapter 14.29 of the San Rafael Zoning Ordinance for any use that is found to be in violation of any of these conditions of approval. 6.Permit Validity. This Permit shall become effective on May 6, 2024 and shall be valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of final approval or May 6th, 2026, and shall become null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time extension granted by May 6, 2026. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. A permit for - 3 - the use of a building or a property is exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the permitted use has commenced on the property. Department of Public Works: 7. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall coordinate with the Department of Public Works on conducting a transportation assessment for the project. The applicant shall be responsible for the full cost of the assessment, including City staff and traffic consultant time, and implementation of the mitigations identified by the assessment. The applicant is highly encouraged to complete the assessment prior to submittal for building permit so any necessary mitigation measures can be incorporated. PUBLIC COMMENT Notice of hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the subject site and all other interested parties, 15 calendar days prior to the date of this hearing. No public comment has been received by the date of this staff report. Attachments 1. Plan Set and project description. REMOVE EXISTING OVERHEAD PLATFORM 1 1/8" = 1'-0" MAIN LEVEL PLAN STAFF AREA ELEC. EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE NEW UNISEX BATHROOM JANITOR ACCESSIBLE STALL ACCESSIBLE STALL L E G E N D EXISTING PARTITION NEW PARTITION TO BE REMOVED UP UP NO PARKING 19'-0" MIN. 8' - 0 " 9' - 0 " VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE 2% SLOPE MAX. IN ANY DIRECTION INSIDE PARKING SPACE AND ACCESS AISLE RA M P U P 1 : 1 2 3' - 0 " 7' - 2 " + / - 1' - 0 " GROOVED CONCRETE BORDER TYP. 5'-0" 119'-11" 12 0 ' - 4 " 13 ' - 8 1 4" EXISTING EXTERIOR BRICK VENEER RECEPTION CHANGE 1 CHANGE 2 OFFICE 1 OFFICE 2 OB S E R V A T I O N 43'-41 16" 40 ' - 1 1 2" PR O S H O P 67 ' - 0 " BALCONY OVERHANG ABOVE 12'-0" 3' - 0 " 12 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 5 " 4 1 4 2 25 D O D I E S T R E E T 0 8 Sa n R a f a e l , C A 16 40 2 24 A p r i l 2 0 2 4 B8ILDING INFORMATION APN: 018-142-38 Occupancy Type: A3* (Gymnasium without spectator seating) Occupant load factor: 50 gross (exercise room) 150 (Office*) Construction Type: IIB Zoning: GC Fire Sprinklers: none existing Plumbing Fixtures: 6 existing, 16 proposed Floor Area in Square Feet/Occupant Load: Main Level Typical (A3) 14,427 sq. ft. 289 Occupants Offices, proshop, staff rm. (B)528 sq. ft. 4 Occupants Mezzanine Level (A3)1,312 26 Occupants TOTAL 16,267 319 * Per CBC 303.1.1 Tenant spaces used for Assembly purposes with an occupant load of less than 50 persons shall be classified as a Group B occupancy SCOPE OF :OR.: Interior Tenant Improvement for new gymnastics center. Previous occupancies include warehouse, climbing gym and indoor tennis court uses. Project Narrative The Project will involve some construction work,but most of the facility will be kept open and used for Gymnastics and Parkour apparatus.The occupancy type of our location is A3 Assembly,and the occupancy load is 299. The most significant construction portion will be to convert the current entry office area into expanded bathrooms offering 9 toilets in individual rooms instead of the 2 that are currently installed. We also plan to add two raised platforms which will be used for viewing and class space for our toddler-6 year old classes.This will be a wood construction. Additionally there is an existing two level wooden structure that we will be adding some interior walls to in the creation of our breakroom for employees,as well as shaping the space to host classes. Finally we plan to create storage spaces in a couple locations that would include interior walls and door installation. Business Narrative The Cave is a sports training facility,offering guided classes in different disciplines.At the Dodie location we will be providing Gymnastics and Parkour instruction with about 3/4 of the facility dedicated to Gymnastics and 1/4 to Parkour. The hours of operation will be from 5 AM to 9 PM on MWF,and 5am to 7:30 PM on TTH.On Saturday we have classes from 5 AM to Noon,and on Sunday we have Gymnastics from 5 AM to 11 AM and then parkour classes from 4 PM to 8 PM.Occasional birthday parties are hosted in the afternoons on Sat/Sun.Most of this time will be minimal activity with between 0 and 2 classes occurring in the mornings and mostly office work and individual private lessons between 11 AM and 3 PM on weekdays.The peak hours will be from about 3 pm to 6 pm on weekdays and Saturday morning 9 am to noon.We expect to eventually reach a peak of 14 classes running concurrently during the most popular hours. Our class sizes at The Cave are 8 students each on average.The vast majority of our students are primarily children under the age of 15,but we do offer a couple classes for adults and teenagers.We expect to have about 32 employees at this location with 4-5 being full time and the remainder being part time. In addition to the classes we provide we will also offer kids camps at times during the year, particularly during the summer time. Site Photographs Northwest facing side of the building,this is also the side facing the parking lot. This also shows the Northwest side,indicating the distance between 25 Dodie(right)and the next one to the Northwest(left). Wide angle shot of the Southwest facing side.This side also faces Dodie street and there is no adjacent building on this side. This is the Southeast side of the building taken in a wide angle. This is the Southeast side showing the distance from 25 Dodie (left)to the next nearest building (right). This shows the gap between the Northeast side of the building(left)and the next building over(right). 25 Dodie runs right up to the property line on this side.