HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2024-10-17 Agenda Packet1 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 17, 2024 AT 6:00PM In-Person: SAN RAFAEL COMMUNITY CENTER LOUNGE 618 B STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA Participate Virtually: Watch on Zoom Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-10-17-2024 Listen by phone: (669) 444-9171 ID: 841 0672 5048# AGENDA CALL TO ORDER MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of August 8, 2024 Recommended Action – Approve as submitted OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to the community. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Terra Linda Park and Community Center Enhancement Plan Update AGENDA ITEMS 3. Agenda items: a. Marin Master Gardeners Annual Report b. Park Projects and Maintenance Biannual Status Report for April 2024-September 2024 c. San Rafael Pacifics 2025 Agreement d. Appointment of a Representative to the Public Art Review Board STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Schedule of Upcoming Events and Staff Liaison Report COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/request-for-interpretation/. Page 1 of 3 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION August 8, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES __________________________________________________________________ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-8-8-2024 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 CALL TO ORDER Chair Cabrales called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Cabrales Commissioner Gutierrez Commissioner Pasternak Chair Cabrales Absent: Commissioner Emerson Also Present: Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant Catherine Quffa, Library & Recreation Director Daniel Avalos, Assistant Library & Recreation Director AGENDA AMENDMENTS None. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of June 20, 2024 Commissioner Pasternak moved, and Commissioner Gutierrez seconded, to approve the meetings minutes of June 20, 2024. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Emerson ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None 2 Minutes approved as submitted. MEETING OPEN FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda None. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations Ms. Quffa introduced Daniel Avalos, Assistant Library & Recreation Director, Library Division Public Comment: None OTHER AGENDA ITEMS If necessary, to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 3. Other Agenda Items a. Proposed Design for Peacock Gap Park Playground Renovation Project Mr. Veramay introduced John Martin, Project Manager with RHAA Landscape Architecture and Planning. John introduced Barbara Lundberg and Alyssa Gill. Mr. Martin presented the proposed design for Peacock Gap Park playground renovation project report. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Gutierrez moved, and Commissioner Sandoval seconded to accept the Tennis Court Access Pilot Program Report. AYES: Commissioners: Cabrales, Gutierrez, Pasternak, Sandoval NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Emerson ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. STAFF LIAISON REPORT 3 4. Staff Liaison Report. Mr. Veramay shared that the summer programs are going full speed and gearing up for the Fall and Winter season. The activity guide will be hitting mailboxes soon and the registration date will be August 19th. Movies in the park start August 23rd at Albert J Boro Community Center. Falkirk Art Exhibit will be Friday September 13th which will include three artists. The contract agreement for the Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project was approved by City Council. Construction will begin September 3rd. The first phase will be the field. Mr. Avalos and Ms. Quffa gave an update on the Downtown Library renovation and temporary move. Ms. Quffa also shared the Pickleweed Library will also be renovated. Mr. Veramay gave a brief update on the Terra Linda Park Enhancement Plan, which will be covered in detail at the September. Public Comment: None COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. Commissioner Gutierrez commented that a friend’s daughter attend the cooking camp and she loved it. Public Comment: None ADJOURNMENT Chair Cabrales adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m. ___________________________________________ BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2024 ___________________________________________ CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT October 17, 2024 Item #3a TITLE: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION (UCCE) MARIN MASTER GARDENER ANNUAL REPORT RECOMMENDATION: That he Commission receive the report and comment. BACKGROUND: Marin Master Gardeners (MMG) is a volunteer organization trained, certified, and operated by the Regents of the University of California, Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in Marin County. Members graduate from a course of study in horticulture aimed at community level gardening utilizing best practices for sustainability, climate, and environmental protection. Through community service and educational outreach, MMG provides home gardeners and community organizations with the knowledge and skills to create a healthy environment for Marin County. Members are non-paid staff of the UCCE, answering public inquiries and providing information on all areas of plant health and gardening practices. Additionally, the Gardeners have installed signage to allow visitors to self-guide through the gardens to learn about plants, pollinators, habitats, and water-wise gardening practices. DISCUSSION: MMG has had a presence at the Falkirk Cultural Center for more than 20 years. The group evolved in interest and commitment to the Falkirk grounds. In 2013 the City entered into an Agreement with MMG' s parent organization, the University of California, acting through its Cooperative Extension in Marin, to improve and maintain specific landscape areas on the grounds as per the City adopted Falkirk Landscape Masterplan. The Agreement was amended in 2014 to include improvements and use of the Falkirk Greenhouse, and the City authorized a new ten (10) year agreement in 2017, with a term expiration of March 31, 2027. In a typical year, volunteers will spend almost 2,000 hours working in these gardens. A primary activity has been maintaining eight distinct gardens that demonstrate water-wise plants that do well in our Mediterranean climate including a garden that focuses on native plants endemic to the Bay Area. Since 2012, Marin Master Gardeners have also maintained the greenhouse at Falkirk, a structure that dates to 1927. In 2023, the greenhouse was used for three grows – pollinator plants, tomatoes, and succulents. The pollinator and succulent plant sales were held in the greenhouse parking lot, while the very popular tomato sale is held at different sites around Marin. Marin Master Gardeners have continued to nurture the Falkirk gardens, adding in fire-smart features, replacing worn signage, and much more. In 2023, Marin Master Gardeners returned to hosing their quarterly educational classes at Falkirk and did trainings with the members of the Canal Community Garden. They also hosted a Day of Giving Volunteer event with Vanguard Properties. Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director Page 1 of 7 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT October 17, 2024 Item #3b TITLE: PARK PROJECTS AND MAINTENANCE BIANNUAL STATUS REPORT FOR APRIL 2024 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2024 SUMMARY: This biannual report is submitted by Department of Public Works (DPW) staff to provide a summary of recently completed, current, or upcoming parks projects and maintenance. The goal is to provide a summary of parks projects and update the Commission on the status of projects since the last reporting period. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission receive the biannual report and provide comments. COMPLETED PROJECTS SHORELINE PARK RESTROOM The Shoreline Park restroom was first constructed with the Shoreline Pathway installation, which was required as part of the original development of the properties along Francisco Blvd near the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. The restroom was closed shortly after the installation due to illicit activities; however, after being closed for many years, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development District (BCDC), who has jurisdiction over this area along the waterfront, requested that the restroom be reopened to the public. Since then, the City has worked on plans to renovate the Shoreline Park restroom, which involved internal and external modifications, including accessibility, electrical and plumbing upgrades, and environmental Page 2 of 7 clearance. City staff consulted with an accessibility expert and BCDC staff regarding the review of the proposed improvements. City staff also coordinated with various utility agencies, including PGE, MMWD, and SRSD, on new utility connections. On June 6, 2024, the newly renovated Shoreline Park restroom was permanently opened for public use. The temporary restroom was removed, and the landscape was restored by the Public Works Maintenance team. ALBERT PARK FIELD – FOUL BALL NETTING PROJECT This project proposes to install new netting around the Stadium to catch foul balls, which protects patrons and vehicles. Due to several unsuccessful bids, with bids significantly exceeding budget and lack of interest from contractors, City staff worked with the design consultant to evaluate alternative designs and value engineering opportunities for the Netting Project. City staff also met at Albert Park Field in October 2023 to discuss the challenges and potential options to move forward with this project. The project scope was updated to include replacement of approximately 80 lineal feet of existing 6-ft tall fence along the ADA accessible ramp with a new 16-ft tall chain link fence, including a new man gate. City staff requested quotes from several contractors for the fence replacement work and selected the low bidder, Kenwood Fence Company, Inc., who began construction in April 2024 and completed the project on May 29, 2024. The total cost to complete the project was about $74,100. Page 3 of 7 ACTIVE PROJECTS PICKLEWEED PARK ENHANCEMENTS The conversion of the fields at Pickleweed Park to all- weather turf has long been a priority for the City and the Canal neighborhood. Typically, the heavily used sports fields are closed for six months of the year to repair. By converting the fields to all-weather turf, the City could more than double community access to this critical recreation resource. The City has also gathered input on additional improvements that the community would like to see made at the park, including a basketball/sport court, fitness equipment, a playground for children under 5, a gazebo, and replacement of the outdoor restroom. Project Status Since our last report, the City has secured its LWCF grant funding by fully executing the grant agreement with the State’s Natural Resource Agency. City staff has been coordinating with Marin Audubon Society (MAS) on the Tiscornia Marsh Restoration project, which is contiguous to the Pickleweed Park Enhancement project, throughout the design process and will continue to coordinate with MAS into construction and beyond. In January 2024, the City’s design consultant, Gates + Associates (GATES), submitted 90% plans and specifications for City review and continues to work with staff to address City comments. The City’s environmental consultant, WRA has been coordinating with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development District (BCDC) to obtain the necessary permit required for construction. Project design and construction documents were completed in May 2024. City staff advertised the Notice of Inviting Bid and a Request for Proposal for construction management in May 2024 and June 2024, respectively. The City received and reviewed four contractor bids and three construction management services proposals. On July 15, 2024, City Council awarded the construction contract to the low bidder, Bauman Landscape & Construction, Inc. (Bauman), and the construction management services contract to Coastland Civil Engineering (Coastland). In September, Bauman started preparing for construction by setting up the project staging area, temporary fencing, and submitting product specification sheets for City review. The contractor will maintain continued pedestrian access to the existing restroom until the new prefabricated restroom foundation is ready for installation in May 2025, which is when the new restroom is expected to arrive from the manufacturer. Furthermore, a groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 27th where Mayor Kate, Councilmembers Maria Llorens Gulati and Rachel Kertz, and City Manager Cristine Alilovich expressed appreciation for all parties that were involved in making this project possible and excitement for the completion of the project improvements for the community. City staff and representatives from Bauman and Coastland also attended the groundbreaking ceremony. Page 4 of 7 PEACOCK GAP PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATION With 4.1 acres of space and several amenities, Peacock Gap Park is one of the City’s most popular parks. This project will seek to redesign the play area including replacing the sand surface with engineered wood surfacing and replacing failing playground structures. Other improvements may also include landscaping, upgrading nearby benches and picnic tables that are at the end of their lifespan, and improving accessibility to and from the play area. Project Status City staff prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit landscape architectural and engineering design services associated with the upgrade of the Peacock Gap Park play area in the fall of 2023. The City selected landscape architectural firm RHAA to lead the design effort with a $130,000 budget. The project was officially kicked off in March of 2024 with a site coordination meeting and topographic survey collection. A public outreach effort was completed in June and a layout for the toddler and school age play areas was selected and presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission in August. The design drawings are currently being finalized and the City plans on advertising the project at the end of October and begin construction in January 2025. BOYD PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Due to reaching the end of its useful life, the existing playground equipment at Boyd Memorial Park was removed by DPW Park maintenance staff. Until permanent improvements are made relating to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, the City will be utilizing existing landscape features and incorporating a new swing set and play structure designed for ages 2-5 years old. The new playground equipment will include various features, such as a musical bell panel, spring bobber, and saddle spinner, for user engagement and interaction. In addition to new playground equipment, a new ADA compliant accessible ramp and engineered wood fill will be installed. Project Status In September 2024, Gates + Associates coordinated with City staff during the design development of the playground equipment and layout plans and provided a construction estimate of approximately $90,000. City staff are in the process of soliciting quotes from three playground equipment providers for the construction and installation of designed playground improvements. Page 5 of 7 City staff are performing value engineering to maximize project elements given the original project budget of $70,000. The arrival date, estimated to be 12-16 weeks after the purchase date, for the playground equipment will impact when construction can start. Project construction is anticipated to start in Spring 2025 and estimated to last two to four weeks depending on weather conditions. MAINTENANCE UPDATE: Commemorative Bench Program In coordination with the Library and Recreation Department, Parks Division staff have been replacing old park benches with new benches provided by donations from the Commemorativel Bench Program. The memorial benches have plaques dedicating them to individuals specified by the donating party. As you can see from the photo, the benches greatly enhance the esthetics of our local parks. Alberts Park Field Enhancements The Parks crew completed a project on Albert’s ballfield recently. The turfgrass was removed in a couple different out-of-bounds areas to address some maintenance issues. This made it easier to mow and maintain these areas as well as created a better location to store some equipment. Page 6 of 7 Continued Regular Park Maintenance Parks staff perform regular park maintenance on Mondays and Fridays. This includes litter picking, servicing restrooms and blowing hardscapes. Additional work includes large annual pruning and vegetation cleanup. Page 7 of 7 FISCAL IMPACT There are no costs associated with accepting this report. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Joanna Kwok Joanna Kwok Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer Ryan Montes Ryan Montes Operations and Maintenance Manager PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT August 8, 2024 Item #3c TITLE: PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH PECOS LEAGUE (SAN RAFAEL PACIFICS) FOR USE OF ALBERT FIELD FOR 2025 RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission review and comment on the proposed agreement. BACKGROUND: Albert Field is a popular baseball and softball stadium in Marin County with seating for about 700 people. It’s one of the few local fields with lights, and is used by a variety of different sports teams and user groups, including little league, adult and youth club sports, high school baseball, and camps and clinics. Since 2012 it has also been home to the San Rafael Pacifics (Pacifics), a minor league baseball team in the Pecos League. ANALYSIS: The City is proposing a new agreement with the Pacifics to clarify the terms of their use of Albert Field. Between 2012-2018, the City entered into separate agreements with the Pacifics. Those agreements were developed to address impacts like parking, noise, crowd control, and exclusive use of the facility. During that time, the Pacifics games were expected to draw as many as 700 attendees. Since then, the needs of the Pacifics have changed, and their impact on the facility has lessened. In 2024, Pacifics games drew about 120 attendees on average. Since 2019, the City has allowed the Pacifics to reserve the field using our standard field rental process. While the current process works for most groups, the Pacifics’ use of the field is unique and requires some specific adjustments. As a result, staff have been working with the Pacifics to develop a tailored agreement that will address their specific needs, better articulate responsibilities and expectations, address risk and liability, and provide opportunities for the City and the Pacifics to develop opportunities for increased community benefit. Key updates in the new agreement include: • Community Engagement: The Pacifics will increase their involvement with the community through additional partnerships with City programs, including participation in local programs like Junior Giants and Library story times. They may also run clinics and camps at the field. • Field Prioritization: Currently, the Pacifics have low priority as the owners are a commercial non-resident group. Since most of their fans are from San Rafael, this classification may not fully reflect their positive community impact. With an agreement, the Pacifics priority would increase per the City’s Athletic Field Use Policy. Page 2 of 2 • Concessions Stand: The Pacifics own the stand, and the new agreement will clarify access and management, including City access during emergencies. • Field Prep: The Pacifics help maintain the field, and this agreement will clarify access times, equipment use, and insurance requirements. • Locker Rooms & Storage: The new agreement will formally allow the Pacifics to use these facilities, which wasn’t covered in the current rental agreement. • Alcohol Management: The Pacifics will need an alcohol management plan, which is not currently required. • Joint Marketing and Promotions: The agreement will allow the City to support the Pacifics by including Pacifics games, events, and programs in our marketing and advertising materials. In addition to these key terms, the agreement would clarify field access for game prep, ticket sales, signage, annual reporting, and communications plans. While current attendance levels do not require additional parking or traffic plans, staff will be monitoring if this should be addressed in future iterations of the agreement. All other terms in the agreement would mirror those in the standard field rental agreement. Staff are recommending a 1-year term with the option to extend the agreement upon mutual agreement to give both parties the opportunity to evaluate if the agreement captures all needed elements. Prior to approval, the proposed agreement would require review by our City Attorney’s office, Risk Manager, and other City staff. The agreement term would be January- December 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement would not result in any fiscal impact to the FY25-26 budget. The proposed agreement would utilize the City’s standard field rental fees. No subsidies, discounts, or rent credits are recommended. The Pacifics use of the field would generate approximately $20,000 revenue, which the City budgeted for in the FY25 budget. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT October 17, 2024 Item #3c TITLE: APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PUBLIC ART REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission nominate and appoint a representative to the Public Art Review Board for a two (2) year term. BACKGROUND The Public Art Review Board (Board) is an advisory body whose primary responsibilities are to oversee the public art review process and to advise the City Council on selection of public art. The Board meets quarterly and is responsible for administering the public art review process, which is used to review all art projects proposed for property that is owned, occupied, or managed by the City. The Board’s responsibilities include providing recommendations to the City Council regarding long-term (greater than one year) public art installations and for approving applications for temporary (one year or less) public art exhibitions. The Board Bylaws (Attachment 1) provide more detail on the purpose, membership, and meetings of the Board and the below flow chart outlines the steps in the proposed Public Art Review Process. The Board is staffed by the Library and Recreation Department. Membership consists of five (5) members, including one (1) Planning Commissioner, one (1) Park & Recreation Commissioner, and three (3) at large voting members. In addition, individual councilmembers participate as a non-voting liaison when public art is proposed within that councilmember’s district. The Board meets quarterly (January, April, July, and October) on the third Thursday of the month at 6pm in the San Rafael Community Center. An overview of the public art approval process is shown below (Exhibit A). Attachment 2 (Public Art Review Guidelines) provides more detail on the Public Art Review Process as well as the criteria that the Board uses to evaluate applications. Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A – Public Art Review Process Overview DISCUSSION In June 2022, the Park and Recreation Commission appointed Commissioner Sandoval to a two (2) year term as the representative to the Public Art Review Board. Commissioner Sandoval’s term expires in October 2024. Per section 2.4 of the Public Art Review Board Bylaws (Attachment 1), the Park and Recreation Commission is responsible for nominating and appointing a representative to the Board. As a result, the Commission is being tasked with appointing a Public Art Review Board representative to serve a two-year term. Any Commissioner is eligible for appointment as representative, including Commissioner Sandoval who is eligible for re-appointment for up to an additional two (2) year term. The term will begin in January 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library & Recreation Director Attachments: 1. Public Art Review Board Bylaws 2. Public Art Review Guidelines If short-term proposal, Public Art Review Board approves, rejects, or requests additional information of applicant Council considers proposal Artist, art group, or organization submits complete proposal at least 8 weeks prior to Public Art Review Board meeting Staff reviews proposals for completeness and eligibility, and gathers input on logistical, maintenance, or safety issues from relevant departments (DPW, CDD, LRD) Public Art Review Board reviews submissions If long-term proposal, Public Art Review Board makes recommendation to City Council If at Pickleweed Park or Boro Community Center, Pickleweed Advisory Committee reviews proposal and makes recommendation