HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2024-11-21 Agenda Packet1 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 21, 2024 AT 6:00PM In-Person: SAN RAFAEL COMMUNITY CENTER LOUNGE 618 B STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA Participate Virtually: Watch on Zoom Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-11-21-2024 Listen by phone: (669) 444-9171 ID: 841 0672 5048# AGENDA CALL TO ORDER MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 17, 2024 Recommended Action – Approve as submitted OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION The public is welcome to address the Commission at this time on matters not on the agenda that are within its jurisdiction. Comments may be no longer than three minutes and should be respectful to the community. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. None AGENDA ITEMS 3. Agenda items: a. Annual Update on the Citywide Parks & Recreation Master Plan Implementation • Recommended Action – Receive and approve as submitted b. California Parks & Recreation Society Community Service Award Nomination • Recommended Action – Receive and approve as submitted c. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair • Recommended Action – Appoint Chair and Vice Chair for 2025 d. Review of 2025 Commission Meeting Schedule • Recommended Action – Receive and approve as submitted or modify as needed STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Schedule of Upcoming Events and Staff Liaison Report COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online and in the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St., San Rafael, CA 94901 placed with other agenda-related materials on the table in front of the San Rafael Community Center prior to the meeting. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in 2 accessible formats upon request. To request Spanish language interpretation, please submit an online form at https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/request-for-interpretation/. Page 1 of 5 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 17, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES __________________________________________________________________ Watch on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/PRC-10-17-2024 Telephone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 841 0672 5048 CALL TO ORDER Chair Cabrales called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Gutierrez Commissioner Emerson Commissioner Pasternak Absent: Chair Cabrales Commissioner Sandoval Also Present: Catherine Quffa, Library and Recreation Director Craig Veramay, Assistant Library & Recreation Director Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor Patty McCulley, Program Coordinator Joanna Kwok, Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer AGENDA AMENDMENTS None. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of August 8, 2024 Commissioner Pasternak moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded, to approve the meetings minutes of August 8, 2024. AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales, Sandoval 2 ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Minutes approved as submitted. MEETING OPEN FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda None. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. Terra Linda Community Center and Park Enhancement Plan Update Mr. Veramay gave a brief introduction of the enhancement plan and introduced the GATES consultant team who presented Terra Linda Community Center and Park Enhancement Plan update. Public Comment: None OTHER AGENDA ITEMS If necessary, to ensure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 3. Other Agenda Items a. Marin Master Gardeners Annual Report Ms. McCulley introduced herself and introduced Peter Norton with Marin Master Gardeners. Mr. Norton presented the Marin Master Gardeners annual report. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Pasternak moved, and Commissioner Emerson seconded to accept the Marin Master Gardeners Annual Report. AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. b. Park Projects and Maintenance Biannual Status Report for April 2024-September 2024 3 Mr. Veramay introduced Joanna Kwok who presented the Park Projects and Maintenance Biannual Status Report for April 2024 – September 2024. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded to accept the Park Projects and Maintenance Biannual Status Report for April 2024 – September 2024. . AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. c. San Rafael Pacifics 2025 Agreement Mr. Veramay presented the proposed San Rafael Pacifics 2025 Agreement. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Emerson moved, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded to accept the San Rafael Pacifics 2025 Agreement. . AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. d. Appointment of a Representative to the Public Art Review Board Mr. Veramay gave a brief overview of the responsibilities of the Public Art Review Board. Staff responded to questions from the Commission. Public Comment: None Commissioner Gutierrez moved to nominate Commissioner Sandoval, and Commissioner Pasternak seconded the nomination. . AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Gutierrez, Pasternak 4 NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Cabrales, Sandoval ABSTAINED: Commissioners: None Motion passes. STAFF LIAISON REPORT 4. Staff Liaison Report. Mr. Veramay shared that the department just wrapped up the Movies in the park series with ET and thanked all the City Department staff who came out. The first Treat Walk will be taking place at the San Rafael Community Center on October 25th from 4-6pm. Dia De Los Muertos is coming up on Saturday, November 2nd at the Albert J. Boro Community Center. The car procession will be downtown on October 19th, and the altars have also been going up around town. The Terra Linda Pool will be open through November 22nd. The current Fall Art Exhibit is running through October 25th At the Falkirk Cultural Center. The exhibition includes three different groups with 15 artists. There are several new murals that are also going up around town. Today was the great shakeout and the 35th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. There are red flag conditions this weekend, so make sure you have your “Go” kits ready to go. On October 11th Library & Recreation staff had an on-site emergency shelter management training. Cristina Farhang was introduced as the new Program Coordinator at the Terra Linda Community Center overseeing the pool and multiple programs at the Terra Linda Community Center. Ms. Quffa gave a Library update and shared that the downtown library is closed for construction and has temporarily relocated to the old Beauty Expo on 4th Street. Pickleweed Library renovation project design was presented to the Library Board and the Pickleweed Advisory Committee. Public Comment: None COMMISSIONER REPORTS 5 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. Commissioner Gutierrez shared that she was in the San Rafael Community Center practicing for a play 35 years ago when the Loma Prieta earthquake happened. Public Comment: None ADJOURNMENT Chair Cabrales adjourned the meeting at 7:26 p.m. ___________________________________________ BECKY ORDIN, Senior Administrative Assistant APPROVED THIS_____DAY OF___________, 2024 ___________________________________________ CATHERINE QUFFA, Library & Recreation Director PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT November 21, 2024 Item #3a TITLE: ANNUAL UPDATE ON CITYWIDE PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATION: That the Park and Recreation Commission review and accept the report. BACKGROUND: From 2022 to 2023, the City of San Rafael conducted an extensive infrastructure assessment and community engagement process to develop a Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan (CPRMP). Adopted by City Council in April 2023, the CPRMP provides a roadmap for the City to prioritize projects and funding allocation, strategically develop parks and recreational programs, and create a vision for the future. The CPRMP captured and prioritized 162 different recommendations including 50 park improvement projects, 34 policies, 20 recreation facility improvements, and an additional 58 recommendations in the areas of ADA access, irrigation, benches and picnic tables, expansion opportunities, and supporting existing approaches to the maintenance and management of parks. These recommendations were categorized into near, medium, and long-term (Table 1). The CPRMP developed and utilized a set of evaluation criteria to prioritize the proposed recommendations. The criteria comparatively weighted the recommendations based on their ability to (listed from the greatest weight through the lowest): • Address Health and Safety • Support Community Priorities • Reach the greatest Service Area • Adhere to General Plan 2040 Guiding Principles • Enhance Accessibility • Strengthen Operational Efficiency • Support Previous Planning Since it was adopted by City Council, the City has been using the recommendations from the CPRMP to prioritize capital, policy, and maintenance projects and funding. The CPRMP findings have been used to inform City Council Goals and Objectives, the annual Capital Improvement Program, and the Measure A Work Plan. Table 1: Recommendation Priority Categorization Recommendation Priority Description Total Near Term Potentially achievable in 0-5 years 54 Page 2 of 7 • 14 park improvements (deficiencies and expansions) • 20 policies • 20 recreation facility improvement recommendations to be incorporated into the upcoming Facilities Master Plan Medium-Term • 15 park improvements • 14 policies Potentially achievable in 5-10 years 29 Long-Term • 21 park improvements Potentially achievable in 10+ years 21 Other Ongoing (10) As resources allow (26) To be addressed through larger projects (22) 58 Total number of recommendations 162 ANALYSIS: Given the importance of the CPRMP in priority and goal setting, the Park & Recreation Commission requested an annual update on progress made on the recommendations in the plan. Tables 2 and 3 provide an update on the near-term park and policy recommendations where the City has taken action since the CPRMP was adopted. Attachment 1 provides a list of all near-term recommendations, including those that have not yet been started. Table 2: Near-Term Park Recommendations ID Site Recommendation Status 19.2 Pickleweed Park Continue development of the Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project with support of public grant funds – new basketball court, play area, fitness area, shaded seating and picnic area, gazebo structure, conversion of existing turf fields to synthetic turf, renovation of bathroom facilities, additional lighting, parking, security cameras, and landscaping Construction began September 2024 with expected completion Spring 2025 1.6 Albert Park Address fencing deficiencies around Albert Stadium and Field Complete 18.3 Peacock Gap Park Update play areas - replace failing playground structures, replace sand with fibar Design completed, construction RFP closed 11/13/24, in contract negotiations with expected completion Spring 2025 24.2 Terra Linda Park Prepare a master plan for Terra Linda Park and Community Center: determine future improvements based on planning efforts; likely to include replace playground for safety and accessibility in the near term – near end of life span; Replace picnic tables and benches - Round 2 community engagement completed in October 2024, plan on track to be presented to the Commission and Council Winter/Spring 2025 Page 3 of 7 end of life span; Resurface basketball court 5.8 Boyd Memorial Park Evaluate historic water cistern system for structural integrity Staff are considering this project for the FY25-26 Measure A Work Plan 18.5 Peacock Gap Park Resurface tennis courts Staff are considering this project for the FY25-26 Measure A Work Plan 9.3 Freitas Park Resurface tennis courts Staff are considering this project for the FY25-26 Measure A Work Plan Table 3: Near-Term Policy Recommendations ID Site Recommendation Status 1.7 Albert Park Consider additional maintenance resources for Albert Field In the 2024 season, the Public Works Park team dedicated additional capacity to maintenance at Albert Park; staff received positive feedback from user groups as a result of these efforts 3.3 Beach Park Seek proposals for public-private partnerships that will activate the park space and address needed oversight and management for site safety Future opportunities at Beach Park are dependent upon the future of the adjacent private property (formerly Terrapin Crossroads); staff are closely monitoring the status of that property and responding to inquiries from potential buyers 19.4 Pickleweed Park Consider additional maintenance resources for Pickleweed Park Field Staff are evaluating maintenance needs for all weather turf and will develop a maintenance plan accordingly 26.6 Citywide Assess options to address deficiency in spaces for off-leash dogs Since the CPRMP was written, staff have seen a significant decrease in reported conflicts between park users and off-leash dogs; staff will continue to monitor this issue and will revisit should we see an increase in conflicts 26.7 Citywide Evaluate restroom maintenance citywide - improve restroom maintenance levels where needed In 2024, staff saw a decrease in reports of issues with restroom maintenance; staff will continue to monitor this issue and address as needed 26.8 Citywide Develop systemwide tennis court resurfacing schedule Public Works and Recreation staff are meeting to develop these standards and are Page 4 of 7 working on a draft schedule that will be presented to the Commission once complete 26.10 Citywide Develop systemwide irrigation replacement schedule Due to the complexity and scope of this recommendation, staff are considering including further evaluation and strategy development in the FY25-26 Measure A Work Plan 26.11 Citywide Reclassify City parks based on existing amenities - Jerry Russom Memorial Park (to open space), Bret Harte Park (to neighborhood park), Munson Park (to pocket park) This will be addressed with the next update to the General Plan 26.13 Citywide Develop program for citywide fibar replacement at playgrounds Public Works and Recreation staff are meeting to develop these standards and are working on a draft schedule that will be presented to the Commission once complete 26.14 Citywide Evaluate tennis court access program and explore alternative approaches The City successfully piloted a keyless entry system in 2023, which was supported by the community and fully implemented in 2024 26.15 Citywide Develop systemwide playground amenity replacement schedule Public Works and Recreation staff are meeting to develop these standards and are working on a draft schedule that will be presented to the Commission once complete 26.21 Citywide Offer training opportunities for staff to support growth and understanding around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging The City has developed a mandatory diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training for all staff; the department also supports staff in identifying and participating in additional training opportunities 33.1 Recreation Programs Establish a formal programming philosophy to guide future program delivery Staff plan to develop a recreation program philosophy in FY25-26 to better assess current program levels and identify in-demand programs based on community needs 33.2 Recreation Programs Develop a programing plan that builds on the philosophy and identifies program priorities for the future 33.3 Recreation Programs Pursue additional contracts with other providers for program areas that are not currently adequately available 33.7 Recreation Programs Develop a comprehensive fee policy Staff have begun reaching out to recreation cost recovery Page 5 of 7 consultants to support this project 33.8 Recreation Programs Recreation programs, services and facilities need to be supported by established marketing efforts Staff are looking at opportunities to better support marketing efforts across the Library & Recreation Department In addition to the park and policy recommendations, staff have made progress on different recommendations categorized as “other.” These include ADA access recommendations, which have been incorporated into projects at Boyd Park, Peacock Gap Park, and Pickleweed Park, as well as the implementation of a memorial bench and picnic table program, which received its first bench donations at Peacock Gap Park in 2024. Staff have also utilized the CPRMP criteria to evaluate emerging park and recreation facility issues. When the Boyd Park playground failed in Spring 2024, staff evaluated its replacement based on the CPRMP criteria and the impact that various approaches to addressing the equipment failure would have on other park priorities. Based on this evaluation, staff recommended replacing the equipment on a small, interim scale, with further site improvements to be addressed in the course of implementing the CPRMP. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with accepting this report. Submitted by: Catherine Quffa Library and Recreation Director Attachments: 1. Near-term park and policy recommendations from the CPRMP Page 6 of 7 Attachment 1: Near-term park and policy recommendations from the CPRMP Near-Term Park Recommendations ID Site Recommendation 19.2 Pickleweed Park Continue development of the Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project with support of public grant funds – new basketball court, play area, fitness area, shaded seating and picnic area, gazebo structure, conversion of existing turf fields to synthetic turf, renovation of bathroom facilities, additional lighting, parking, security cameras, and landscaping 1.6 Albert Park Address fencing deficiencies around Albert Stadium and Field 18.3 Peacock Gap Park Update play areas - replace failing playground structures, replace sand with fibar 24.2 Terra Linda Park Prepare a master plan for Terra Linda Park and Community Center: determine future improvements based on planning efforts; likely to include replace playground for safety and accessibility in the near term – near end of life span; Replace picnic tables and benches - end of life span; Resurface basketball court 5.8 Boyd Memorial Park Evaluate historic water cistern system for structural integrity 18.5 Peacock Gap Park Resurface tennis courts 9.3 Freitas Park Resurface tennis courts 10.4 Gerstle Park Update play areas - replace play structures near end of lifecycle, replace sand with fibar at schoolage play area 10.3 Gerstle Park Evaluate and improve pathways 16.3 Oleander Park Update play area - replace play structures near end of lifecycle, replace sand with fibar 1.3 Albert Park Pursue improvements at tennis courts – evaluate restroom access, padding around tennis lights (4), court lighting improvement 23.2 Terra Linda Community Garden Explore options to increase plot capacity and improve infrastructure of garden plots to meet the needs of San Rafael residents 26.23 Citywide Repair identified priority physical deficiencies at park restrooms 29.1 Falkirk Cultural Center Develop a comprehensive assessment of the Falkirk Cultural Center’s unique historic and architectural qualities, to guide future planning and programming that will be in alignment with the facility’s unique needs Page 7 of 7 Near-Term Policy Recommendations ID Site Recommendation 1.7 Albert Park Consider additional maintenance resources for Albert Field 3.3 Beach Park Seek proposals for public-private partnerships that will activate the park space and address needed oversight and management for site safety 19.4 Pickleweed Park Consider additional maintenance resources for Pickleweed Park Field 26.6 Citywide Assess options to address deficiency in spaces for off-leash dogs 26.7 Citywide Evaluate restroom maintenance citywide - improve restroom maintenance levels where needed 26.8 Citywide Develop systemwide tennis court resurfacing schedule 26.10 Citywide Develop systemwide irrigation replacement schedule 26.11 Citywide Reclassify City parks based on existing amenities - Jerry Russom Memorial Park (to open space), Bret Harte Park (to neighborhood park), Munson Park (to pocket park) 26.13 Citywide Develop program for citywide fibar replacement at playgrounds 26.14 Citywide Evaluate tennis court access program and explore alternative approaches 26.15 Citywide Develop systemwide playground amenity replacement schedule 26.21 Citywide Offer training opportunities for staff to support growth and understanding around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging 33.1 Recreation Programs Establish a formal programming philosophy to guide future program delivery 33.2 Recreation Programs Develop a programing plan that builds on the philosophy and identifies program priorities for the future 33.3 Recreation Programs Pursue additional contracts with other providers for program areas that are not currently adequately available 33.4 Recreation Programs For program areas where there are not contracts, utilize other providers on a referral and clearinghouse basis 33.5 Recreation Programs Develop a city staffing plan and operating budget that will support the program plan 33.7 Recreation Programs Develop a comprehensive fee policy 33.8 Recreation Programs Recreation programs, services and facilities need to be supported by established marketing efforts 35.1 Operations And Maintenance Consider additional staffing and/or resources to support any increase in maintenance and operations service levels PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT November 21, 2024 Item #3b TITLE: CALIFORNIA PARK AND RECREATION SOCIETY – DISTRICT 1 2024 COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD RECOMMENDATION That the Park and Recreation Commission support the nomination of The Marin Bocce Federation (MBF) for the CPRS D1 Community Service Award for the 2024 calendar year BACKGROUND Founded in 1946, CPRS is a nonprofit, professional and public interest organization and the leading professional association for the Parks and Recreation industry. The California Park and Recreation Society’s mission is to advance the park and recreation profession through education, networking, resources, and advocacy. The state is divided geographically into 15 districts and supports over 4,000 members. The City of San Rafael is a member agency of District 1, which includes the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, Sonoma and Trinity. Individual members are linked to their Agency and/or District and are given the opportunity to designate which of the seven (7) special interest sections within the organization they would like to join. The interest sections include Administrators, Aging Services and Activities, Aquatics, Development & Operations, Educators, Recreation and Recreation Therapy. On an annual basis, CPRS District 1 hosts an awards ceremony to acknowledge community service efforts and install their board of directors. Agencies can nominate community members who have made an outstanding contribution to a CPRS District 1 agency and community either by volunteering or making a significant contribution that assisted in “Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs.” Agencies may submit up to 2 nominations on an annual basis, and nominees who are selected for award will be invited to participate in the District 1 Awards ceremony. The banquet date and location is yet to be determined. Typically, nominations are due in early January, and the banquet is held in mid-February each year. DISCUSSION Following a review of the many wonderful programs, activities, and individuals that have contributed to San Rafael’s Park, Recreation and Childcare programs, staff agreed that the efforts of The Marin Bocce Federation are deserving of special recognition. In 2024, the Federation marked its 30th anniversary as an organization. To acknowledge that significant accomplishment, we propose nominating MBF for a 2024 California Park and Recreation Society District 1 Community Service Award. The City first established a partnership with MBF in 1994, after City Council approved a Masterplan Amendment for Albert Park including the installation of a new bocce facility, playground, and formal garden features the year before. MBF incorporated as a non- profit organization and has managed the bocce facility since then, making significant investments to the facility, and promoting the sport of bocce broadly. The City maintains an agreement with the Federation, who is solely responsible for maintaining their non- profit status, managing the bocce complex at their sole expense, organizing, promoting, and conducting all programs, and managing all events, policies, personnel, and permits. For 30 years, MBF has worked diligently to create an inclusive environment that welcomes all regardless of age, physical ability, race, or ethnic background to enhance their social and physical well-being. MBF relies upon volunteers and community support, allowing them to provide low-cost activities for our community. They maintain the facility – which includes 10 premier, state of the art bocce courts – with great attention and care, and they operate programs year-round, serving more than 5,000 visitors per month during the peak season (March-October). The leagues, programs, and activities offered by the Federation have garnered significant popularity and success. Participation in leagues consistently reaches full capacity, accommodating 160 teams and 1,600 players, with an additional waitlist. Open-play frequently attracts numerous participants, including newcomers who subsequently register for both formal and informal clinics. The Federation host s on-site bocce tournaments for league players, United States Bocce Federation tournaments, special events, private rentals, and fundraisers. MBF remains committed to enhancing the facility and implementing upgrades based on community needs. Recent improvements include refinishing the courts adding more shaded areas, launching new classes, enhancing signage, distributing surveys for feedback, introducing a new online management system, and contributing to local charities and school fundraisers. In light of these contributions, we recommend that the Park and Recreation Commission support the nomination of The Marin Bocce Federation for the CPRS D1 Community Service Award for the 2024 calendar year to acknowledge the contributions MBF makes to support the San Rafael Community. Their efforts have an incredibly positive impact and their partnership has been cherished. FISCAL IMPACT If MBF receives the award, they will be invited to attend the awards banquet. CPRS furnishes several complimentary banquet tickets. The City has budgeted funds available to contribute to purchase additional banquet tickets for City staff and MBF volunteers to attend the banquet if necessary and has budgeted funds available. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT November 21, 2024 Item #3c TITLE: SELECTION OF COMMISSION CHAIR, VICE CHAIR, AND COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission select a new Chair and Vice Chairperson and review committee assignments for the period January – December 2024. BACKGROUND Annually, the Parks and Recreation Commission meets in regular session and selects a chairperson and vice chairperson. The election shall be by majority vote of the Commission, to be held preferably in December of each year. The term of service for these offices shall be one year, beginning in January of each year. The intent is that the appointments of the respective Chair and Vice-Chair offices be rotated among the Commissioners so that everyone gets an opportunity to serve. With the establishment of two (2) four-year term limits for all Commissions and Boards, generally a Commissioner would not serve as Chair more than once in seven consecutive years. The Park and Recreation Commission is also requested to fill any vacancies or make amendments to any other committee assignments as needed on annual basis. As a result, the Commission is being tasked with selecting a new Chair and Vice Chair for 2023, one (1) commissioner to serve as the representative to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee, and one (1) commissioner to serve as alternate to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee. The representative to the Pickleweed Advisory Committee from the Park and Recreation Commission shall serve a term of one (1) year, but not more than two (2) consecutive terms. However, if there is a vacancy, the Park and Recreation Commission has the authority to extend the current representative’s term at their discretion. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT November 21, 2024 Item #3d TITLE: REVIEW OF THE COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2024 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission review its meeting schedule for 2025 and revise as necessary. BACKGROUND: The Park and Recreation Commission currently meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Annually, the Park and Recreation Commission reviews a proposed annual meeting schedule to consider canceling or re-scheduling meetings due to holidays or other conflicts. Proposed 2025 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule • January 16, 2025 • February 20, 2025 • March 20, 2025 • April 17, 2025 • May 15, 2025 • June 19, 2025 • July 17, 2025 • August – Dark • September 18, 2025 • October 16, 2025 • November 20, 2025 • December - Dark FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE ACTION Any other action as determined by the Commission. Submitted by: Craig Veramay Assistant Library and Recreation Director