HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2025-01-28 Agenda PacketPlanning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Watch Online: https://tinyurl.com/PC-Meetings-2025 Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael Listen by phone: 1 (669) 444-9171 ID: 836 5104 9034# One Tap Mobile: US: +16694449171, 83651049034# US A. CALL TO ORDER B. RECORDING OF MEMBERS PRESENT AND ABSENT C. APPROVAL OR REVISION OF ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS D. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MEETING PROCEDURES E. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Remarks are limited to three minutes per person and may be on anything within the subject matter jurisdiction of the body. Remarks on non-agenda items will be heard first, remarks on agenda items will be heard at the time the item is discussed. F. CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar allows the Commission to take action, without discussion, on Agenda items for which there are no persons present who wish to speak, and no Commission members who wish to discuss. None Watch on Zoom Webinar: This meeting will be held in-person. This meeting is being streamed to YouTube at www.youtube.com/cityofsanrafael. How to participate in the meeting: • You are welcome to come to the meeting and provide public comment in person. Each speaker will have 3-minutes to provide public comment. • Submit your comments by email to PlanningPublicComment@cityofsanrafael.org by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. If you experience technical difficulties during the meeting, please contact PlanningPublicComment@cityofsanrafael.org. 2 G. ACTION ITEMS 1. 287 Mountain View Avenue– Request for a Major Environmental and Design Review Permit and an Exception (Hillside) Permit for a new single-family residence with a reduced front yard setback, a reduced garage setback, and a reduction of one required off-street parking space. Applicant: Bacilia Macias, Owner: Skip Trust California Environmental Quality Act: The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Furthermore, none of the exceptions found in Government Code §15300.2 apply. Recommended Action – It is recommended that the Planning Commission: Hold a public hearing and recommend approval of the project to City Council. Renee Nickenig, Associate Planner Renee.nikenig@cityofsanrafael.org Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Manager margaret.kavanaugh-lynch@cityofsanrafael.org 2. 131 Valley View Avenue – Request to the Planning Commission to hear an Appeal for reasonable accommodation (SRMC 14.26) to modify the existing residence at 131 Valley View Avenue. Appellant: Lisa Dal Gallo and Josh Sullivan; Owner: Habibolah Hastaie & Carol Underwood. California Environmental Quality Act: The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Furthermore, none of the exceptions found in Government Code §15300.2 apply. Recommended Action - Item postponed to future date to be determined. Renee Nickenig, Associate Planner Renee.nikenig@cityofsanrafael.org Project Planner: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Manager margaret.kavanaugh-lynch@cityofsanrafael.org H. DIRECTOR’S REPORT 1. Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission- Annual Meeting of the Planning Commission. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Schedule for 2025, Selection of the San 3 Rafael Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair, and Approval of the San Rafael Planning Commission Public Hearing Guidelines. Recommended Action – Adopt the 2025 San Rafael Planning Commission Regular Meeting Schedule, Elect Commissioner Mercado as Chair and Commissioner Rodby as Vice Chair, and Approve the San Rafael Planning Commission Public Hearing Guidelines Project Planner: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Manager margaret.kavanaugh- lynch@cityofsanrafael.org I. COMMISSION COMMUNICATION I. ADJOURNMENT Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Commission less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection online. Sign Language interpreters may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing city.clerk@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. The Planning Commission will take up no new business after 11:00 p.m. at regularly scheduled meetings. This shall be interpreted to mean that no agenda item or other business will be discussed or acted upon after the agenda item under consideration at 11:00 p.m. The Commission may suspend this rule to discuss and/or act upon any additional agenda item(s) deemed appropriate by a unanimous vote of the members present. Appeal rights: any person may file an appeal of the Planning Commission's action on agenda items within five business days (normally 5:00 p.m. on the following Tuesday) and within 10 calendar days of an action on a subdivision. An appeal letter shall be filed with the City Clerk, along with an appeal fee of $350 (for non-applicants) or a $5,000 deposit (for applicants) made payable to the City of San Rafael and shall set forth the basis for appeal. 1 Community Development Department – Planning Division Meeting Date: January 28, 2025 Agenda Item: G.1 Case Number: PLAN23-125 (ED24- 001; EX24-003) Project Planner: Renee Nickenig, Associate Planner REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: 287 Mountain View Avenue – Request for a Major Environmental and Design Review Permit and an Exception to specified Hillside Development Standards for a new single-family residence with a reduced front yard setback, a reduced garage setback, and a reduction of one required off-street parking space. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project consists of a new single -family home and two-car garage, totaling approximately 2,437 square-feet, on an approximately 12,220 square-foot vacant lot at 287 Mountain View Avenue . The new residence is proposed to be situated towards the front (southeast) of the down-sloped lot. The lot is unusual in two ways: its mostly rectangular shape is modified along the front property line due to a bulb out in the right of way on Mountain View Avenue; and the average slope of 45.64%. The applicant is requesting a Major Environmental and Design Review Permit and an Exception to specified Hillside Development Standards to allow construction of a new single-family residence with a reduced front yard setback, a reduced garage setback, and a reduction of one required off -street guest parking space. REQUESTED ENTITLEMENTS The project requires a Major Environmental and Design Review Permit (San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Chapter 14.25) and an Exception from the applicable front yard setback requirement, garage setback requirement, and parking requirement specified in the Hillside development standards (SRMC Chapter 14.12). The Planning Commission is typically the decision-making body for Major Environmental and Design Review Permits (SRMC Chapter 14.25.020(A); 14.25.040(A)(3)(a)), while the City Council is the decision-making body for an Exception from Hillside development standards. (SRMC Chapter 14.12.040.) As City Council review is required for the requested Exception, the City Council will act as the decision-making body for both entitlements. (SRMC Section 14.02.020(J).) Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make recommendations to the City Council regarding each requested entitlement. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission: 2 (1) Convene a public hearing. (2) Discuss the Staff report, testimony and ask questions of the Staff, Applicant, as needed. (3) Adopt the Resolution Recommending the City Council Approve the requested Major Environmental and Design Review and Exception to the Hillside Development Standards. PROPERTY FACTS Address/Location: 287 Mountain View Avenue Parcel Number: 015-073-10 Property Size: 12,200 sf Neighborhood: Central San Rafael (Dominican/Black Canyon ) Site Characteristics General Plan Designation Zoning District Existing Land-Use Project Site: Low Density Residential (LDR) R10 Vacant North: LDR R20 Single-Family Residential South (southeast): LDR R10 Single-Family Residential East (northeast): LDR R20 Single-Family Residential West (northwest): LDR R10 Single-Family Residential Site Description/Setting: The subject site is located northwest of Mountain View Avenue on a street with a bulb-out resulting in an irregularly shaped lot. The majority of the site is significantly sloped with a limited graded portion at the front (southwest). The site is currently vacant but is set within an existing developed single -family neighborhood with no other vacant parcels in the vicinity. The sloped portion of the lot is supported by a series of retaining walls. Please see Attachment D for plan set. Figure 1 Vicinity Map 3 Figure 2 Site Plan with Two-Foot Contours DISCUSSION The project is substantially compliant with General Plan 2040 and the San Rafael Municipal Code with three notable exceptions outlined in the discussion below : General Plan 2040 The project is in accordance with General Plan 2040 as a new single -family residential development within a Low Density Residential designation (Policies LU-1.8: Density of Residential Development; Policy LU-2.1: Land Use Map and Categories) and in the Dominican/Black Canyon neighborhood (Policy CDP-2.3). If the proposed Exceptions are granted, the project design will result in minimal grading of the existing hillside and preservation of the existing slope (Policy CDP -1.3: Hillside Protection). The design of the residence takes into consideration the existing configuration of the subject lot and surrounding lots, including the unusual configuration of the street and surrounding building setbacks. Please see Attachment B, General Plan Consistency Table. The project has been reviewed and approved by the Building Division and Department of Public Works staff as part of the planning entitlement process. A standard condition of approval has been included to mandate building permits to ensure that necessary re gulations pertaining to structural requirements for hillside construction are met. (Policy S-2.2: Minimize the Potential Effects of Landslides). San Rafael Municipal Code The construction of a single-family residence on the subject parcel is permitted by -right in the R10 zoning district pursuant to SRMC Section 14.04.020 (Attachment C, Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table). However, this project requires relief from three of the development standards found in SRMC Sections 14.04.030 (R-10 Residential Zoning District) and 14.12.030 (Hillside Development Overlay District), resulting in the need for the requested entitlements shown in the table below. Staff believes that the findings can be made to support the project as discussed below. Please note that * indicates proposed does not meet minimum standard ; and ** indicates an existing nonconforming condition that is not a consideration for the Exception. 4 SRMC Section 14.04.030 Required Proposed Minimum lot area (sq. ft.) 10,000 12,220 Minimum lot width (ft.) 75 62.44 (approximate)** Garage Setback 20 16'-29' (approximate)* Maximum height of structure (ft.) 30 23 Maximum lot coverage 40% 22% (2,712 sf) Maximum upper story floor area 75% of lot coverage 20% (978 sf) SRMC Section 14.12.030 # Required Proposed A. Building Stepback 2. On non-downhill slope, walls facing front and side property lines shall have a twenty- foot (20′) height limit measured from existing grade shall be observed within all areas within fifteen feet (15′) of the maximum building envelope limit. To allow for design flexibility on non-downhill slopes, an encroachment into the street front, street side and interior side stepback is permitted along twenty-five percent (25%) of the building length. 20 ft maximum 20 ft maximum B. Setbacks Structures may encroach into a required yard or setback for a distance of not more than one-half (½) of the required yard or setback, subject to approval by the hearing body of an environmental and design review permit, if that the decrease minimizes the impact of hillside development and grading. If such a reduction is granted, a compensating increase in setback is required in the opposing setback, i.e., a five-foot reduction in a front yard setback would increase the rear yard setback by five feet (5'). Front (ft.) 20 10* Side (ft.) 10 10 Street Side (ft.) 10 N/A Rear (ft.) 10 133 C. Natural State A minimum area of twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area plus the percentage figure of average slope, not to exceed a maximum of eighty-five percent (85%), must remain in its 5 natural state. This standard may be waived or reduced for lots zoned PD (planned district) or developed with clustered development with the recommendation of the design review board, subject to approval by the hearing body. This requirement does not apply to properties where the general plan has adopted a medium density residential or high density residential land use designation. Property Average Slope: 45.64% 70.64% 54% D. Gross Building Square Footage The maximum permitted gross building square footage of all structures (including garages and accessory structures over one hundred twenty (120) square feet) is limited to two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet plus ten percent (10%) of the lot area with the maximum gross square footage set at six thousand five hundred (6,500) square feet. This requirement does not apply to properties where the general plan has adopted a medium density residential or high density residential land use designation. 3,722-square feet 2437.65-square feet E. Ridgeline Development Development of new structures within one hundred (100) vertical feet of a visually significant ridgeline, as shown on the community design map of the general plan, is prohibited unless this restriction precludes all reasonable economic use of the property: N/A N/A F. Parking Requirements Single Family Requirement Covered 2 2 2 Uncovered (Guest) 2 2 1 (reduced by one space)* Reduced Setback (primary structure) Pursuant to SRMC Section 14.12.030(B), structures may encroach into a required yard or setback for a distance of not more than one-half of the required yard or setback . The R10 zoning district mandates a minimum 20-foot front setback, and this project proposes to reduce the setback by half to 10 feet. SRMC Section 14.12.030(B) additionally mandates that if a setback reduction is granted that a compensating increase be applied to the opposing setback. As such, in granting a setback reduction of 10 feet in the front yard, an additional 10 feet of setback will be required in the rear yard . The proposed project complies with this increased rear setback requirement. The project also shows an entrance stair way to the front porch encroaching into the reduced front setback by three-feet-eight-inches. Stairways may project up to six feet into any required front yard, 6 including a reduced front yard (SRMC Chapter 14.16.130(A)-(B)). The proposed project would comply with the requirement that stairways not project more than six feet into the reduced front yard. Reduced Setback (garage) Pursuant to SRMC Section 14.04.030(B), a minimum 20 -foot setback is required for new garages built perpendicular to the street. As shown the garage will be setback a maximum of 26 feet from the property line at the southwest, and a minimum of approximately 16 feet at the northeast. The reduced setback and location of the driveway apron have been reviewed by the Department of Public Works and staff believe that the project allows safe access to and from the street. Parking Reduction (uncovered guest space) Pursuant to SRMC 14.12.030(F), two additional on-site guest parking spaces are required when parcels are located on streets less than 26 feet wide. The street along the subject property is approximately 21-feet wide towards the south, and so two on-site (covered or uncovered) parking spaces are required in addition to the two covered spaces required for all single-family residential properties. The project proposes that these two parking spaces be placed in tandem to the interior garage spaces, as permitted per SRMC Section 14.18.120. However, the proposed reduction of the garage setback would result in the reduction of one of the two guest parking spaces on the proposed driveway to approximately nine feet (9') by sixteen feet (16'), in which case the parking space would not be compliant with SRMC Section 14.18.100(A) mandating that standard size parking spaces shall be nine feet (9') by nineteen feet (19') in dimension. As such, the approval of the Exception would result in the construction of one standard parking space and one compact parking space, instead of two standard parking spaces (SRMC Section 14.18.100). Per SRMC 14.12.030(F), the requirement for two additional parking spaces may be waived or reduced by the hearing body when deemed appropriate and suitable off -site parking is determined to be available. Multiple site visits by staff indicate that on-street parking is available should the three full parking spaces supplied on site not be sufficient . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (New Cons truction or Conversion of Small Structures). Furthermore, none of the exceptions found in Government Code §15300.2 apply. CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence has been received by Staff as of the date of the creation of this Staff report. OPTIONS The Planning Commission has the following options: 1. Adopt the Resolution Recommending the City Council Approve the requested Major Environmental and Design Review and Exception to the Hillside Development Standards. 2. Adopt the Resolution with modifications, changes, or additional conditions of approval. 7 3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission’s comments or concerns 4. Deny the proposed project and direct staff to return with a revised Resolutions of denial. ATTACHMENTS A. Draft Resolution Recommending the City Council Approve the requested Major Environmental and Design Review and Exception to the Hillside Development Standards . B. General Plan Consistency Table C. Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table D. Architectural Plans – Submitted August 12, 2024 Attachment A RESOLUTION NO. 24-09 RESOLUTION OF THE SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUESTED MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW (ED24-001) AND EXCEPTION (EX24-003) TO SPECIFIED HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON A HILLSIDE LOT WITH A REDUCED FRONT YARD SETBACK , A DECREASED SETBACK FROM THE GARAGE , AND A REDUCTION OF ONE REQUIRED OFF-STREET GUEST PARKING SPACE APN: 015-073-10 WHEREAS, on September 13, 2023 Bacilia Macias (Architect) submitted a request for an Environmental and Design Review Permit and Exception for a proposed new single-family residence; and WHEREAS, upon review of the application, the project has been determined to be exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures); and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2025 the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed new construction and exception, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , the Planning Commission makes the following findings relating to the Environmental and Design Review (ED 24-001) and Exception (EX24-003): ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW FINDINGS (ED24-001) A. The project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter: The project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC), as the project is in accord with the Low Density Residential designation in General Plan 2040 and the policies to support residential building in hillside areas (Policy LU-1.8: Density of Residential Development; Policy CDP -1.3: Hillside Protection; and Policy C-1.10: Hillside Preservation); the project is located in the R10 Zoning District where single-family homes are permitted by right; and the project is being reviewed in accord with the findings required for an environmental and design - 2 - review (SRMC Section 14.25.090) and an exception from the hillside development standards (SRMC Section 14.12.040). B. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the site is located: The project generally conforms with the property development standards for the R10 zoning district (SRMC Section 14.04.030) and for the Hillside Development Overlay District (SRMC Section 14.12.020) and meets the findings required for exceptions to the development standards for which the proposed design does not meet. C. The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts : The project is limited to the existing graded portion of the site and will not require excessive grading into the hillside. D. The project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity: The project has been initially reviewed by the Building Division and the Fire Department and the location and orientation of the driveway has been reviewed for safe access by the Department of Public Works. EXCEPTION (HILLSIDE) FINDINGS (EX24-003) A. The project design alternative meets the stated objectives of the hillside design guidelines to preserve the inherent characteristics of hillside sites, display sensitivity to the natural hillside setting and compatibility with nearby hillside neighborhood s, and maintain a strong relationship to the natural setting: Limiting the project to the existing graded portion of the site will avoid excessive grading and preserve the remaining natural hillside ; the orientation of the driveway allows for more building area on the site in consideration of the existing condition of the street; and the project will not exceed the maximum height or stepback requirements for hillside properties. B. Alternative design solutions which minimize grading, retain more of the project site in its natural state, minimize visual impacts, protect significant trees, or protect natural resources result in a demonstrably superior project - 3 - with greater sensitivity to the natural setting and compatibility with and sensitivity to nearby structures. Locating the project towards the front of the property will preserve the natural hillside in the rear yard as is present along surrounding properties, minimizing visual impacts and protecting significant trees and natural resources. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (PLAN23-125) 1. Conditions Shall be Printed on Plans. The conditions of this Permit shall be printed on the second sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit. Additional sheets may also be used if the second sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8 -1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. 2. Applicant Responsible for Compliance with Conditions. The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, i ssuance of a citation, and/or modification or other remedies. 3. Plans and Representations Become Conditions. All information and representations, whether oral or written, including the building techniques, materials, elevations and appearance of the project, as presented at the Planning Commission meeting dated January 28, 2025 shall be the same as required for the issuance of a building permit, except as modified by these conditions of approval. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to review and approval by Director. Modifications deemed not minor by the Director may require review and approval as an amendment to the Environmental and Design Review Permit. 4. Subject to All Applicable Laws and Regulations. The project is subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. Prior to any construction, the applicant shall identify and secure all applicable permits from the Planning and Building Division s, Public Works Department and other affected City divisions and departments. 5. Construction Hours: Consistent with the City of San Rafael Municipal Code Section 8.13.050.A, construction hours shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Construction shall not be permitted on Sundays or City-observed holidays. Construction activities shall - 4 - include delivery of materials, hauling materials off-site; startup of construction equipment engines, arrival of construction workers, paying of radios and other noises caused by equipment and/or construction workers arriving at, or working on, the site. 6. Discovery of Cultural, Archaeological or Paleontological Resources or Human Remains. If, during the course of construction potential resources or remains are found: All work is to stop within 100 feet of the finding and may not continue until the appropriate action listed below is satisfied. A. If it is a cultural, archaeological or paleontological resource: the City of San Rafael and a qualified archeologist are to be notified immediately. The qualified archeologist will contact Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria (FIGR) and the Planning Division and coordinate the appropriate evaluation of the find and implement any additional treatment or protection, if required. No work shall occur in the vicinity until approved by the qualified archeologist, FIGR and Planning staff. B. If human remains are encountered during any project-related activity, all work is to halt within 100 feet of the project and the project sponsor shall contact both Planning staff and the County Coroner. If the County Coroner determines that the human remains are of Native American origin, the Planning staff shall notify FIGR within 24-hours of such identification who will work with Planning staff to determine the proper treatment of the remains. 7. Notice of Fees Protest The applicant may protest any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed by the City as part of the approval or as a condition of approval of this development. Per California Government Code Section 66020, this 90-day protest period has begun as of the date of the approval of this application. 8. Term of Approval. This Design Review Permit (ED24-001) and Exception (EX24- 003) shall be valid for two years from the date of approval of the City Council, and shall be null and void if a building permit is not exercised or a time extension granted prior to the expiration date. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. 9. Landscaping Shall Be Maintained . All landscaping included in this project approval shall be maintained in good condition in perpetuity and any dead or dying plants, bushes, or trees shall be replaced with new healthy stock of a size compatible with the remainder of the growth at the time of replacement to the satisfaction of the Director. - 5 - 10. Landscaping and irrigation plans shall comply with Marin Municipal Water District's (MMWD) water conservation rules and regulations. The project must meet the Marin Municipal Water District's (MMWD) water conservation rules and regulations. For projects that are required to provide a water -efficient landscape pursuant to Section 14.16.370 of the San Rafael Municipal Code, the applicant shall prepare a landscape plan and supportive materials that comply with the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) Ordinance No. 414, and future amendments as adopted. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall provide written verification of plan approval from MMWD. 11. Mechanical Equipment to be Screened. All mechanical equipment (i.e., air conditioning units, meters and transformers) and appurtenances not entirely enclosed within the structure (on side of building or roof) shall be screened from public view. The method used to accomplish the screening shall be indicated on the building plans and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Exterior Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be energy efficient where feasible; and shielded and directed downward and away from property lines to prevent excessive glare beyond the subject property. The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission meeting held on the 28th day of January, 2025. Moved by Commissioner _____________ and seconded by Commissioner ________________. AYES: COMMISSIONERS NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ----------------------------------------- Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Secretary EXHIBIT B ANALYSIS OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2040 1 LAND USE ELEMENT Policy LU-1.8: Density of Residential Development. Use the density ranges in the Land Use Element to determine the number of housing units allowed on properties within the Planning Area. Consistent The project is limited to one new primary dwelling unit on the property. Policy LU-2-1: Land Use Map and Categories. Use the General Plan Map as the framework for future land use decisions. The Map displays the distribution of different land use categories in the San Rafael Planning Area. Each category is associated with a particular set of uses and densities/ intensity standards. All proposed projects must meet these standards, as well as other applicable standards established by the City’s zoning regulations. Some uses in each category are “conditional,” meaning they are allowed only in limited areas or may be subject to specific conditions Consistent Single-family residential is a permitted use in the Low Density Residential designation. COMMUNITY DESIGN AND PRESERVATION ELEMENT Policy CDP-1.3: Hillside Protection. Protect the visual integrity and character of San Rafael’s hillsides and ridgelines. Where hillside construction is permitted, structures should be designed to provide slope and foundation stability, erosion control, and adequate emergency access, drainage and parking. Hillside buildings should be sited to protect the natural landscape, avoid excessive tree loss, and preserve scenic vistas from public vantage points. Consistent The proposed location and orientation of the home will utilize the existing graded portion of the site and will retain the existing hillside. Policy CDP-2.3: Neighborhood Identity and Character. Recognize, preserve, and enhance the positive qualities that shape neighborhood identity. Development standards should respect neighborhood context and scale and preserve design Consistent The proposed project will be generally in character of the surrounding neighborhood in building mass, scale, and relationship to the hillside and streets. EXHIBIT B ANALYSIS OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2040 2 elements that contribute to neighborhood livability. Standards should also provide the flexibility for innovative design and new types of construction. Code enforcement and City programs should maintain community standards and the integrity of buildings and landscapes. SAFETY AND RESILIENCE ELEMENT Policy S-2.2: Minimize the Potential Effects of Landslides. Development proposed in areas with existing or potential landslides (as identified by a Certified Engineering Geologist, Registered Geotechnical Engineer, or the LHMP) shall not be endangered by, or contribute to, hazardous conditions on the site or adjoining properties. Landslide mitigation should consider multiple options in order to reduce potential secondary impacts (loss of vegetation, site grading, traffic, visual). The City will only approve new development in areas of identified landslide hazard if the hazard can be appropriately mitigated, including erosion control and replacement of vegetation. Consistent The project will be required to meet all regulations and conditions imposed by the Building Division and the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. EXHIBIT C ANALYSIS OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH TITLE 14 – ZONING 1 CHAPTER 14.04 – RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 14.04.020 - Land use regulations (R, DR, MR, HR, PD). Consistent Single-family residences are permitted by right in the R10 zoning district. 14.04.030 – Property Development Standards (R) Partially Consistent The project is consistent with the majority of the required property development standards, but is requesting exceptions to the required front setback and garage setback. CHAPTER 14.12 – HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT 14.12.030 - Property development standards (-H) Partially Consistent The project is consistent with (A) Building Stepback, (C) Natural State, (D) Gross Building Square Footage, and (E) Ridgeline Development. The project is requesting exceptions to (B) Setbacks and (F) Guest Parking Requirements. 14.12.040 – Exceptions to property development standards. Consistent The project is found to be consistent with the findings required for an exception to the Hillside property development standards as locating the new residence on the existing graded portion of the site will avoid excessive grading and preserve the remaining natural hillside. CHAPTER 14.25 – ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW PERMITS 14.25.090 - Findings A. The project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter; Consistent By limiting the project to the existing graded portion of the site , it will avoid excessive grading and preserve the remaining natural hillside and; the orientation of the driveway allows for more building area on the site in consideration of the existing condition of the street; and the project will not exceed the maximum height or stepback requirements for hillside properties. Additionally, the project is being reviewed for the entitlements required for limited exceptions to the required property development standards. EXHIBIT C ANALYSIS OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH TITLE 14 – ZONING 2 B. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the site is located; Consistent As noted above, the project is generally in conformance with the property development standards for the R10 zoning district (SRMC Section 14.04.030) and for the Hillside Development Overlay District (SRMC Section 14.12.020) and meets the findings required for exceptions to the development standards for which the proposed design does not meet. C. The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts; and Consistent The project is limited to the existing graded portion of the site and will not require excessive construction into the hillside. D. The project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Consistent The project has been initially reviewed by the Building Division, the Fire Department, and the Department of Public Works. The project will be required to obtain building permits prior to construction and such will be further reviewed by all relevant departments. GENERAL NOTES All work shall comply with the CRC and all other codes and requierements, in their most recent edition. Building Inspection Dept. ordinances California State Building Code California Title 24 Energy codes NEC Amendments of the California plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes. Contractor is to obtain any required permits for this work. Contractor shall be responsible for all electrcial, plumbing and fire protection work required by the Bldg. Dept. Contractor shall verify all dimensions and existing conditions prior to starting work. Any discrepancies shall be reported to the designer for review. Do not scale drawings. Dimensions shall take precedence over scale. Contractor shall visit site prior to submission of bid to review scope of work, demolition, etc. Dimensions are to face of finish, unless otherwise noted (U.O.N) Cutting and demolition shall be done by methods which will not jeopardize structural integrity of existing construction and will not damage portions to remain. Contractor shall remove, cut, cap and repair as necessary any utilities, including by not limited to : electrical, mechanical plumbing and fire sprinkler, where partitions are scheduled for demolition or are no longer operational or in service. All other existing utilities are are to remain fully operational. Contractor is to provide all necessary dust protection and/or barracading required to protect adjacent spaces and existing finishes. Contractor is responsible to repair any damages caused by contractor or their subcontractors. Patch and repair any damages to floor, walls, ceilings, hardware, fixtures, windows, etc. as a result of the constuction process. Match existing adjacent finishes as closely as possible. Align and sand smooth. In general, the Owner reserves the right to retain all material and equipment removed form the project. Any item or material not desired by the Owner are to be removed from the site by Contractor at Contractor's expense. If any questions arise as to the installation of any materials and/or equipment, or with the construction documents, the Contractor shall clarify the point with the Architect or Designer before proceeding. If any questions arise due to existing conditions apparent discrepancy between construction documents or any other reason, the contractor will immediately notify the Architect or Designer and clarify the point with the architect or designer. Safety Measures: At all times the Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions of th job site including safety of persons and property. Total thickness of new walls shall match that of adjacent walls. U.O.N. Construction of new walls, ceilings utilities, etc. shall be modified with Architect's/Designer's approval, when in conflict with existing conditions. Dimensions noted clear(clr) are not adjustable without approval by Architect/Designer. The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or patching of work that may be required to make all parts fit together properly and shall not endanger any other work by cutting excavation or otherwise altering the total work or any part of it. All patching, repairing and replacing of materials and surfaced replaced will, upon completion, match surrounding similar surfaces. Install backing at walls as required for all wall mounted items including plumbing fixtures, cabinet work, etc. All exterior openings are to be weather-stripped. Studs and furring shall provide plumb, true straight and rigid framing for support of collateral materials. Install metal corner beads at all exposed outside gypsum board edges. All gypsum wallboard shall be 3-coat finished, taped, topped and sanded between coats. Finished surfaces shall be plumb, level and planes, pplied vertically with joints on bearings. All gypsum wallboard shall be mill finished 48" by5/8" thick, unless otherwise noted by maximum length to minimize horizontal joints and tapered edges. Contractor is responsible for all construction clean up. The building site shall be kept free of debris and cleaned up daily No wall telephone or electrical outlets shall be mounted back to back. The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is subject to various and possibly contradictory interpretations. These plans and any accompanying specifications ("plan") represent the Designer's opinion regarding it's interpretation of the ADA as it applies to the subject project. It is not in any way a warranty or guarantee that said plans comply with any or all possible interpretations of the ADA by others. ABBREVIATIONS HORIZONTAL HEIGHT HOT WATER HEATER INSULATION JOIST LAVATORY LIGHT MAXIMUM MACHINE BOLT MEZZANINE MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NEW NOT IN CONTRACT NOT TO SCALE NUMBER ON CENTER OPENING OVERHEAD PLATE PROPERTY LINE PLUS OR MINUS PLYWOOD PAINTED RADIUS REINFORCED CONCRETE ROOF DRAIN REQUIRED ROOM RAIN WATER LEADER SOLID CORE SAFETY GLASS SHEET SHOWER SIMILAR SLIDING SQUARE FEET SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. STAINLESS STEEL STEEL STORAGE THRESHOLD TOP OF TOP OF SLAB TOP OF WALL TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TYPICAL URINAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VERTICAL VINYL TILE WITH WATER CLOSET WOOD WINDOW WATERPROOF MEMBRANE WAINSCOT HORIZ HT. HWH INSUL JST LAV LT MAX MB MEZZ MFR MIN (N) N.I.C. NTS # O.C. OPNG OVHD PL P +/- PLYWD PNTD RAD RC RD REQ RM RWL SC SFGL SHT SHWR SIM SLDG S.F. SSTL. SSD STL STOR THR TO TOS TOW TPD TYP. UR UON VERT VT W/ WC WD WDW WPM WSCT ANCHOR BOLT ADJACENT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ALUMINUM AND ACCESS PANEL APPROXIMATELY AT BOARD BUILDING BLOCKING BEAM BOTTOM OF BETWEEN CATCH BASIN CONTROL JOINT CLOSET CENTER LINE CEILING CLEAR CERAMIC MOSAIC TILE CONTRACTOR COLUMN CONCRETE CONNECTION CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CHECK ON SITE CERAMIC TILE CENTER DRAIN DOUBLE DEMOLISH OR DEMOLITION DETAIL DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIAMETER DIMENSION DOWN DOOR DOWNSPOUT DRAWING EXISTING EACH ELECTRICAL EQUAL EXISTING EXPOSED EXTERIOR FLOOR DRAIN FINISH FLOOR LEVEL FINISH FLASHING FLOOR FOUNDATION FACE OF FINISH FACE OF STUD FOOT OR FEET FOOTING GAGE, GAUGE GALVANIZED GLASS GLU-LAM BEAM GROUND GRADE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL GLAZED CERAMIC TILE GYPSUM BD GRAVEL HOSE BIB HOLLOW CORE HEADER HARDWOOD A.B. ADJ. A.F.F ALUM. & A.P. APPROX. @ BD. BLDG. BLKG. BM. B.O. BTW. C.B CJT. CL. C CLG CLR C.M.T CNTR. COL. CONC, CONN, CONST. CONT. C.O.S. C.T. C.T.R. D. DBL. DEMO DET DF DIA DIM DN DR D.S. DWG. (E) EA. ELEC EQ EXIST EXP EXT F.D FFL FIN FLASH FLR FND F.O.F F.O.S FT FTG GA GALV. GL. GLB GND GRD GSM GCT GYP. BD. GVL. H.B H.C HDR. HDWD SYMBOLS LEGEND 101 1t ? 1i Room name 101 ELEVATION TAG SECTION TAG INTERIOR ELEVATION TAG DOOR TAG WINDOW TAG KEYNOTES LIGHT FIXTURE TAG ROOM ID AND NUMBER 1 A0.0 A0.0 1 1 A0.0 2022 CA FIRE CODE 2022 CA BUILDING CODE 2022 CA MECHANICAL CODE 2022 CA PLUMBING CODE 2022 CA ELECTRICAL CODE 2022 ENERGY CODE 2022 CA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2022 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (AS APPLICABLE AND AMENDED BY BY THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL) CODES SITE INFORMATION PROJECT ADDRESS : OCCUPANCY: BUILDING SHELL CONSTRUCTION TYPE: STORIES: ZONING: SPRINKLERS: HIGH FIRE HAZARD AREA: APN: LOT AREA: 287 Mountain View Ave San Rafael, CA 94901 R-3 V-B 2 R-10, Hillside Parcel Yes Yes 015-073-10 11,961 sq. ft. DESIGN STANDARDS SETBACKS: FRONT 20 FT REQ. PROPOSED 10 FT. DUE TO SITE CONSTRAINTS SIDE 10 FT. REAR 10 FT. REQUIRED PROPESED 20 FT. LOT COVERAGE MAX: 40% MAXIMUM UPPER STORY: 75% OF LOT COVERAGE COVERED PARKING 2 SPACES REQ. GROSS BUILIDNG 2500 + (10% OF 11,961) FLOOR AREA: =2500 + 1,196 = 3696 SQ. FT Natural State. A minimum area of twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area plus the percentage figure of average slope, not to exceed a maximum of eighty-five percent (85%), must remain in its natural state Average Slope of lot : 45.64% 25% + 45.64% = 70.64 % OF 11,961 sq. ft. = 8,449.25 sq. ft. minimum area at natural state required HEIGHT LIMIT: 30 FEET HILLSIDE OVERLAY :On non-downhill slope, walls facing front and side property lines shall have a twenty- foot (20′) height limit measured from existing grade shall be observed within all areas within fifteen feet (15 ′) of the maximum building envelope limit. To allow for design flexibility on non-downhill slopes, an encroachment into the street front, street side and interior side stepback is permitted along twenty-five percent (25%) of the building length. PROJECT TEAM BACILIA MACIAS ARCHITECTURE 6007 NE SACRAMENTO ST PORTLAND, OR 97213 (510)929-0727 BACILIA@BMARCH.NET WWW.BACILIAMACIAS.COM ARCHITECT BACILIA MACIAS ARCHITECTURE 6007 NE SACRAMENTO ST PORTLAND, OR 97213 (510)929-0727 BACILIA@BMARCH.NET WWW.BACILIAMACIAS.COM CIVIL BACILIA MACIAS ARCHITECTURE 6007 NE SACRAMENTO ST PORTLAND, OR 97213 (510)929-0727 BACILIA@BMARCH.NET WWW.BACILIAMACIAS.COM GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TBD NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 A0.0 COVER SHEET VICINITY MAP NORTH AERIAL PHOTO AREA CALCULATIONS NATURAL STATE AREA NOT REAMINING IN NATURAL STATE = 2932.87 SQ FT RESULTING FROM THIS PROPOSED PROJECT. LOT AREA = 11,961 SQ -FT. AREAS DISTURBED: 2932.87 SQ. FT (E) V- DITCH 128 SQ FT. (E) V-DITCH 101.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL = 3162.37 AREA IN NATURAL STATE = LOT AREA - DISTURBED AREA 11,961- 3162.37= 8,798.63 SQ.FT. NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 A0.1 PHOTO SHEET 291 MOUNTAIN AVE291 MOUNTAIN AVE PHOTO OF SITE FROM STREETVIEW OF 283 MOUNTAIN AVE 283 MOUNTAIN AVE 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 13 6 218 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0 180 170 16 0 15 0 14 0 1 4 0 14 015 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 200210 19 0 18 0 1 7 0 1 6 0 1 5 0 21 0 14 8 . 6 3 EA V E 15 3 . 9 4 14 8 . 5 6 EA V E 15 2 . 3 9 EA V E 15 2 . 4 8 EA V E 15 8 . 5 3 15 3 . 8 1 EA V E 15 3 . 7 8 EA V E 15 8 . 0 7 14 4 . 7 0 EA V E 14 4 . 6 1 EA V E 15 1 . 1 1 15 2 . 2 0 16 1 . 1 2 16 1 . 1 4 13 5 . 1 0 13 4 . 8 0 13 4 . 0 4 13 3 . 9 8 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 7 3 13 3 . 4 6 13 3 . 3 4 21 2 . 6 4 21 2 . 6 3 21 5 . 8 9 21 6 . 3 2 21 7 . 1 0 219.78 219.36218.14218.73 217.26215.77 216.70 21 7 . 0 6 21 5 . 7 9 21 5 . 7 8 21 4 . 6 5 21 5 . 2 5 21 5 . 1 0 21 5 . 2 3 21 5 . 6 4 21 5 . 3 6 21 4 . 3 2 21 4 . 9 1 21 5 . 8 0 21 5 . 8 2 21 4 . 4 7 21 3 . 9 9 21 5 . 4 1 21 5 . 6 7 21 6 . 0 2 21 6 . 8 0 216.85 217.38 216.51 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 4 6 20 6 . 2 2 206.62 206.11 198.12198.61 19 9 . 5 1 19 9 . 7 7 19 8 . 5 2 19 7 . 1 2 19 6 . 3 4 19 5 . 6 7 19 5 . 1 8 19 0 . 4 4 19 0 . 4 4 19 3 . 0 8 19 2 . 9 8 19 3 . 6 3 19 2 . 8 1 19 2 . 4 2 19 1 . 6 2 19 3 . 3 6 19 4 . 3 5 19 4 . 1 9 19 5 . 2 0 19 5 . 8 2 19 4 . 5 0 19 5 . 2 8 19 6 . 3 6 19 7 . 0 3 195.95196.35 19 5 . 3 4 19 4 . 8 7 19 3 . 7 1 19 3 . 1 0 19 1 . 3 7 19 0 . 1 8 18 9 . 8 0 18 0 . 7 0 18 1 . 5 3 18 3 . 5 7 18 4 . 3 8 18 3 . 5 5 18 3 . 5 7 17 4 . 4 8 17 7 . 7 7 17 7 . 4 6 17 7 . 4 6 17 8 . 0 8 17 5 . 7 8 17 5 . 4 3 17 4 . 3 9 17 3 . 9 9 17 3 . 1 6 17 4 . 3 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 4 . 6 4 17 4 . 8 4 17 3 . 8 2 17 5 . 0 2 17 5 . 6 7 17 6 . 5 8 17 6 . 0 2 17 4 . 9 8 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 0 9 17 4 . 5 2 17 4 . 1 2 17 4 . 1 3 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 0 7 17 2 . 4 0 15 6 . 7 6 15 7 . 9 9 15 9 . 1 6 16 0 . 2 5 16 0 . 0 6 16 5 . 6 1 15 2 . 4 1 15 2 . 6 1 15 2 . 9 7 14 8 . 4 5 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 3 14 7 . 7 4 14 8 . 1 5 14 7 . 5 3 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 7 14 8 . 1 9 14 7 . 3 8 14 7 . 1 2 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 2 6 14 5 . 9 6 14 8 . 1 4 14 8 . 2 6 14 8 . 4 2 14 8 . 2 9 14 6 . 1 5 14 5 . 5 2 14 5 . 5 0 14 5 . 0 8 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 8 . 2 4 TW 14 8 . 2 9 TW 14 8 . 2 8 TW 14 8 . 2 2 TW 14 8 . 2 0 TW 14 5 . 4 8 TW 14 4 . 1 7 14 5 . 0 6 14 5 . 0 2 14 4 . 7 1 14 4 . 5 6 14 4 . 3 1 14 3 . 4 5 13 7 . 5 9 13 8 . 1 8 14 0 . 7 3 14 1 . 3 8 14 1 . 9 9 14 1 . 9 0 14 4 . 0 8 14 5 . 1 3 14 3 . 4 7 14 2 . 1 4 13 8 . 9 5 13 5 . 1 1 13 4 . 9 1 13 5 . 0 1 13 5 . 2 0 13 5 . 1 9 13 5 . 7 6 13 5 . 5 4 13 4 . 1 1 13 3 . 8 6 13 4 . 1 7 13 4 . 2 1 13 4 . 3 4 13 4 . 4 9 13 4 . 9 6 213.30 195.49197.93 15 8 . 6 3 14 7 . 3 9 134.92 134.82 13 4 . 6 4 13 4 . 5 8 13 4 . 9 9 13 3 . 6 4 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 6 5 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 5 3 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 5 2 13 3 . 3 0 13 2 . 8 6 13 2 . 8 5 13 2 . 9 1 13 2 . 4 6 13 2 . 4 4 134 . 9 9 13 3 . 0 1 13 3 . 3 9 13 3 . 4 7 13 4 . 0 0 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 5 4 13 4 . 9 0 13 5 . 2 1 135.64135.36 13 4 . 4 5 13 4 . 4 7 13 5 . 0 5 13 4 . 8 9 13 4 . 4 1 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 1 6 13 4 . 2 0 13 4 . 6 7 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 8 9 137.98 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 216.41 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 2 3 TW 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAYBELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CT SITESAN RAF A EL VICINITY MAPNOT T O S CALE SY MBOLS & LE GENDEXISTINGBENCHMARKFLOWLINEFENCEGRADE BREAKPROPERTY LINECONCRETEAC ASPHALT CONCRETEAPN A SSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBEREM ELECTRIC METERELEV ELEVATIONGI GRATE INLETGM GAS METERINV INVERTSDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUTSO SIDE OPENINGSSMH SANITARY SEWER MA NHOLETG TOP OF GRATETOC TOP OF CHIMN EYTW TOP OF WALLWM WATER METERABBREVIATIONS T OPOGRAPHIC NOTESUNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE PROFESSIONAL PREPARING THIS MAPWILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHAN GES TOOR USES OF THIS MAP. CHANGES TO THIS MAP MUST BE REQUESTED INWRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROFESSIONAL.TREE DIAMETERS ARE MEASURED AT CHEST HEIGHT (48”). DRIPLINEDIAMETERS AND TREE SPECIES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND SHOULD BEVERIFIED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST.BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON RECO RD DATA AND DOESNOT CONSTITU TE A FORMAL BOUNDARY DETERMINATION.TEMPORARY BENCHMARK: SCRIBED 'X', LOCATION SHOWN HEREON, ELEVATION136.45' (DATUM NAVD 88 BY GPS OBSERVATIONS UTILI ZING THE CALIFORNIASURVEY & D RAFTING SUPPLY VSN).FIELD SURVEY DATE: MARCH 29, 2017; JANUARY 11, 2018; AND APRIL 19,2022. WM BLOCK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS GRASS ROOF RIDGE ROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY ACTEMPORARYBENCHMARKSCRIBED 'X'ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATEL APN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGEAPN 015-262-17 DN UP DN 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 6 13 6 14 4 21 8 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0 180 170 16 0 15 0 14 0 1 4 0 14 015 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 19 0 18 0 1 7 0 16 0 1 5 0 21 0 GI . TG 133.50 GI . TG 192.43 SO 191.62 6" INV 190.64 GI . TG 174.00 SO 173.16 6" INV 172.10 GI . TG 214.60 SO 213.75 6" INV 212.79 GI . TG 147.86 SO 147.05 6" INV 145.96 SDCO . RIM 148.36 SDCO . RIM 199.56 SDCO . RIM 216.41 SDCO . RIM 161.36 SDCO . RIM 176.80 14 8 . 6 3 EA V E 15 3 . 9 4 14 8 . 5 6 EA V E 15 2 . 3 9 EA V E 15 2 . 4 8 EA V E 15 8 . 5 3 15 3 . 8 1 EA V E 15 3 . 7 8 EA V E 15 8 . 0 7 14 4 . 7 0 EA V E 14 4 . 6 1 EA V E 15 1 . 1 1 15 2 . 2 0 16 1 . 1 2 16 1 . 1 4 13 5 . 1 0 13 4 . 8 0 13 4 . 0 4 13 3 . 9 8 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 7 3 13 3 . 4 6 13 3 . 3 4 21 2 . 6 4 21 2 . 6 3 21 5 . 8 9 21 6 . 3 2 21 7 . 1 0 21 9 . 7 8 21 9 . 3 6 21 8 . 1 4 21 8 . 7 3 21 7 . 2 6 21 5 . 7 7 21 6 . 7 0 21 7 . 0 6 21 5 . 7 9 21 5 . 7 8 21 4 . 6 5 21 5 . 2 5 21 5 . 1 0 21 5 . 2 3 21 5 . 6 4 21 5 . 3 6 21 4 . 3 2 21 4 . 9 1 21 5 . 8 0 21 5 . 8 2 21 4 . 4 7 21 3 . 9 9 21 5 . 4 1 21 5 . 6 7 21 6 . 0 2 21 6 . 8 0 21 6 . 8 5 21 7 . 3 8 21 6 . 5 1 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 4 6 20 6 . 2 2 20 6 . 6 2 20 6 . 1 1 19 8 . 1 2 19 8 . 6 1 19 9 . 5 1 19 9 . 7 7 19 8 . 5 2 19 7 . 1 2 19 6 . 3 4 19 5 . 6 7 19 5 . 1 8 19 0 . 4 4 19 0 . 4 4 19 3 . 0 8 19 2 . 9 8 19 3 . 6 3 19 2 . 8 1 19 2 . 4 2 19 1 . 6 2 19 3 . 3 6 19 4 . 3 5 19 4 . 1 9 19 5 . 2 0 19 5 . 8 2 19 4 . 5 0 19 5 . 2 8 19 6 . 3 6 19 7 . 0 3 19 5 . 9 5 19 6 . 3 5 19 5 . 3 4 19 4 . 8 7 19 3 . 7 1 19 3 . 1 0 19 1 . 3 7 19 0 . 1 8 18 9 . 8 0 18 0 . 7 0 18 1 . 5 3 18 3 . 5 7 18 4 . 3 8 18 3 . 5 5 18 3 . 5 7 17 4 . 4 8 17 7 . 7 7 17 7 . 4 6 17 7 . 4 6 17 8 . 0 8 17 5 . 7 8 17 5 . 4 3 17 4 . 3 9 17 3 . 9 9 17 3 . 1 6 17 4 . 3 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 4 . 6 4 17 4 . 8 4 17 3 . 8 2 17 5 . 0 2 17 5 . 6 7 17 6 . 5 8 17 6 . 0 2 17 4 . 9 8 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 0 9 17 4 . 5 2 17 4 . 1 2 17 4 . 1 3 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 0 7 17 2 . 4 0 15 6 . 7 6 15 7 . 9 9 15 9 . 1 6 16 0 . 2 5 16 0 . 0 6 16 5 . 6 1 15 2 . 4 1 15 2 . 6 1 15 2 . 9 7 14 8 . 4 5 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 3 14 7 . 7 4 14 8 . 1 5 14 7 . 5 3 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 7 14 8 . 1 9 14 7 . 3 8 14 7 . 1 2 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 2 6 14 5 . 9 6 14 8 . 1 4 14 8 . 2 6 14 8 . 4 2 14 8 . 2 9 14 6 . 1 5 14 5 . 5 2 14 5 . 5 0 14 5 . 0 8 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 8 . 2 4 TW 14 8 . 2 9 TW 14 8 . 2 8 TW 14 8 . 2 2 TW 14 8 . 2 0 TW 14 5 . 4 8 TW 14 4 . 1 7 14 5 . 0 6 14 5 . 0 2 14 4 . 7 1 14 4 . 5 6 14 4 . 3 1 14 3 . 4 5 13 7 . 5 9 13 8 . 1 8 14 0 . 7 3 14 1 . 3 8 14 1 . 9 9 14 1 . 9 0 14 4 . 0 8 14 5 . 1 3 14 3 . 4 7 14 2 . 1 4 13 8 . 9 5 13 5 . 1 1 13 4 . 9 1 13 5 . 0 1 13 5 . 2 0 13 5 . 1 9 13 5 . 8 9 13 5 . 7 6 13 5 . 5 4 13 4 . 1 1 13 3 . 8 6 13 4 . 1 7 13 4 . 2 1 13 4 . 3 4 13 4 . 4 9 13 4 . 9 6 21 3 . 3 0 19 5 . 4 9 19 7 . 9 3 15 8 . 6 3 14 7 . 3 9 13 4 . 9 2 13 4 . 8 2 13 4 . 6 4 13 4 . 5 8 13 4 . 9 9 13 3 . 6 4 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 6 5 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 5 3 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 5 2 13 3 . 3 0 13 2 . 8 6 13 2 . 8 5 13 2 . 9 1 13 2 . 4 6 13 2 . 4 4 13 4 . 9 9 13 3 . 0 1 13 3 . 3 9 13 3 . 4 7 13 4 . 0 0 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 5 4 13 4 . 9 0 13 5 . 2 1 13 5 . 6 4 13 5 . 3 6 13 4 . 4 5 13 4 . 4 7 13 5 . 0 5 13 4 . 8 9 13 4 . 4 1 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 1 6 13 4 . 2 0 13 4 . 6 7 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 8 9 13 7 . 9 8 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 21 6 . 4 1 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 2 3 TW 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAYBELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CT SITESAN RAF A EL VICINITY MA PNOT T O S C ALE SY MB OLS & LE GENDEXISTINGBENCHMARKFLOWLINEFENCEGRADE BREAKPROPERTY LINECONCRETEAC ASPHALT CONCRETEAPN AS SESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBEREM ELECTRIC METERELEV ELEVATIONGI GRATE INLETGM GAS METERINV INVERTSDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUTSO SIDE OPENINGSSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLETG TOP OF GRATETOC TOP OF CHIMNEYTW TOP OF WALLWM WATER ME TERABBREVIATIONS TOPOGRAPHIC NOTESUNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE PROFESSIONAL PRE PARING THIS MAPWILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANG ES TOOR USES OF THIS MAP. CHANGES TO THIS MAP MUST BE REQUESTED INWRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROFESSIONAL.TREE DIAME TERS ARE MEASURED AT CHEST HEIGHT (48”). DRIPLINEDIAMETERS AND TREE SPECIES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND SHOULD BEVERIFIED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST.BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON RECORD DATA AND DOESNOT CONSTITUTE A FOR MAL BOUNDARY DETERMINATION.TEMPORARY BENCHMARK: SCRIBED 'X', LOCATION S HOWN HEREON, ELEVATION136.45 ' (DATUM NAVD 88 BY GPS OBSERVATIONS UTILIZING THE CALIFORNIASURVEY & DRAFTING SUPPLY VSN).FIELD SURVEY DATE: MARCH 29, 2017; JANUARY 11, 2018; AND APRIL 19,2022. WM BLOCK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS GRASS RO O F R I D G E ROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY AC TEMPORARY BENCHMARK SCRIBED 'X' ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATEL APN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGE APN 015-262-17 OUTLINE OF 2ND. FL DECK SINGLE STORY AREA CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 136 138 138 26' - 2 3/8" FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" 16' - 0 5/8" 20' - 0" SI D E S E T B A C K 10 ' - 0 " REAR SETBAC K 20' - 0" NOR T H PROJECT NORTH 1005 30 XXXX FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPED AREA 9 FT X 19 FT PARKING SPACES 9' - 0 " 9' - 0 " (N) 4FT - 2 FT HIGH RETAINING WALL SLOPE EDGE OF PAVEMENT 4' - 0 " (N) CONCRETE WALK OPEN DECK= 80 sq. ft. 3' - 0 " 13' - 0" TR CONC. PAD FOR TRASH AND RECYCLING 20' - 0 5/8" 3' - 4 " 10' - 0 3/16" EDGE OF DECK ON 2ND FL. (E) WATER METER OPEN GRASS AREA TO REMAIN AREA FOR NEW SOLAR PANELS- SIZE AND NUMBER OF PANELS TO BE DETERMINED BY SOLAR CONSULTANT LA LA LA LA 20 ' - 6 1 / 1 6 " (N) WOOD STAIRS PAVERS 17' - 3 3/8" 29' - 8 21/32" SI D E S E T B A C K 10 ' - 0 " SITE PLAN LEGEND (E) GRATE INLETLA (E) 3' - 5 23/32" 3' - 0 " (E) CMU WALL (E) CONC. V-DITCH STANDARD PARKING 9FT X 19 FT COMPACT PARKING 8FT X 16 FT 92' - 0" 130' - 4 21/32" 133' - 1 7/8" 3' - 8"6' - 4" 20 ' - 0 1 / 1 6 " DN MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E 2ND. FL DECK DRIVEWAY 10 FOOT SETBACK LINE 140 (E)BLOCK RETAINING WALL 10' - 0" 10 ' - 0 " 10' - 0" (E) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (E) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 10 ' - 0 " 14' - 3 15/32" NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 1" = 10'-0"2 SITE PLAN -PROPOSED WITH FIRST FLOOR A1.0 EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE PLAN WITH FLOOR PLAN AND FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1" = 10'-0"1 SITE PLAN EXISTING 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 218 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0180 170 16 0 15 0 14 0 1 4 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 200210190 18 0 170 160 1 5 0 210 GI . TG 133.50 GI . TG 192.43 SO 191.62 6" INV 190.64 GI . TG 174.00 SO 173.16 6" INV 172.10 GI . TG 214.60 SO 213.75 6" INV 212.79 GI . TG 147.86 SO 147.05 6" INV 145.96 SDCO . RIM 148.36 SDCO . RIM 199.56 SDCO .RIM 216.41 SDCO . RIM 161.36 SDCO . RIM 176.80 148.63EAVE 153.94 148.56EAVE 15 2 . 3 9 EA V E 15 2 . 4 8 EA V E 15 8 . 5 3 15 3 . 8 1 EA V E 15 3 . 7 8 EA V E 15 8 . 0 7 14 4 . 7 0 EA V E 14 4 . 6 1 EA V E 15 1 . 1 1 15 2 . 2 0 16 1 . 1 2 16 1 . 1 4 13 5 . 1 0 13 4 . 8 0 13 4 . 0 4 13 3 . 9 8 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 7 3 13 3 . 4 6 13 3 . 3 4 21 2 . 6 4 21 2 . 6 3 21 5 . 8 9 21 6 . 3 2 217.10219.78219.36218.14218.73217.26215.77216.70217.06 21 5 . 7 9 21 5 . 7 8 21 4 . 6 5 21 5 . 2 5 21 5 . 1 0 21 5 . 2 3 21 5 . 6 4 21 5 . 3 6 21 4 . 3 2 21 4 . 9 1 21 5 . 8 0 21 5 . 8 2 21 4 . 4 7 21 3 . 9 9 21 5 . 4 1 21 5 . 6 7 21 6 . 0 2 216.80216.85217.38216.51 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 4 6 20 6 . 2 2 206.62206.11198.12198.61199.51 19 9 . 7 7 19 8 . 5 2 19 7 . 1 2 19 6 . 3 4 19 5 . 6 7 19 5 . 1 8 19 0 . 4 4 19 0 . 4 4 19 3 . 0 8 19 2 . 9 8 19 3 . 6 3 19 2 . 8 1 19 2 . 4 2 19 1 . 6 2 19 3 . 3 6 19 4 . 3 5 19 4 . 1 9 19 5 . 2 0 19 5 . 8 2 19 4 . 5 0 195.28196.36197.03195.95196.35195.34 19 4 . 8 7 19 3 . 7 1 19 3 . 1 0 19 1 . 3 7 19 0 . 1 8 18 9 . 8 0 18 0 . 7 0 18 1 . 5 3 18 3 . 5 7 18 4 . 3 8 18 3 . 5 5 183.57 174.48 17 7 . 7 7 17 7 . 4 6 17 7 . 4 6 17 8 . 0 8 17 5 . 7 8 17 5 . 4 3 17 4 . 3 9 17 3 . 9 9 17 3 . 1 6 17 4 . 3 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 4 . 6 4 17 4 . 8 4 17 3 . 8 2 17 5 . 0 2 17 5 . 6 7 17 6 . 5 8 17 6 . 0 2 17 4 . 9 8 174.02 173.09 17 4 . 5 2 17 4 . 1 2 17 4 . 1 3 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 0 7 17 2 . 4 0 15 6 . 7 6 15 7 . 9 9 15 9 . 1 6 16 0 . 2 5 16 0 . 0 6 16 5 . 6 1 152.41 15 2 . 6 1 15 2 . 9 7 14 8 . 4 5 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 3 14 7 . 7 4 14 8 . 1 5 14 7 . 5 3 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 7 14 8 . 1 9 14 7 . 3 8 14 7 . 1 2 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 2 6 14 5 . 9 6 14 8 . 1 4 14 8 . 2 6 14 8 . 4 2 14 8 . 2 9 14 6 . 1 5 14 5 . 5 2 14 5 . 5 0 14 5 . 0 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 2 0 TW 14 5 . 4 8 TW 14 4 . 1 7 13 7 . 5 9 13 8 . 1 8 14 1 . 9 0 14 4 . 0 8 14 5 . 1 3 14 3 . 4 7 14 2 . 1 4 13 8 . 9 5 13 5 . 1 1 13 4 . 9 1 135.01 13 5 . 2 0 13 5 . 1 9 13 5 . 5 4 13 4 . 1 1 13 4 . 1 7 13 4 . 2 1 13 4 . 3 4 13 4 . 4 9 13 4 . 9 6 213.30195.49197.93 158.63 147.39 134.92 134.82134.64 134.58134.99 13 3 . 6 4 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 6 5 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 5 3 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 5 2 13 3 . 3 0 13 2 . 8 6 13 2 . 8 5 13 2 . 9 1 13 2 . 4 6 13 2 . 4 4 134.99 13 3 . 0 1 13 3 . 3 9 13 3 . 4 7 13 4 . 0 0 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 5 4 13 4 . 9 0 13 5 . 2 1 135.64135.36 13 4 . 4 5 134.47135.05134.89 134.41134.48 13 4 . 1 6 13 4 . 2 0 13 4 . 6 7 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 8 9 137.98 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 216.41 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAY BELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CT SITESAN RAF AE L VICINIT Y MAPNOT T O SCA LE SY MBO L S & LE G ENDEXISTINGBEN C H M A RKFLOWL I N EFENC EG R A D E B RE A KPROPERT Y L IN ECONCRETEAC AS P HA L T C ON C RE T EAPN A SS E SS O R'S PA R CE L NU M B E REM E LE C TR I C M ET ERELEV E LE V AT I ONGI G RA T E I NL ETGM GA S M E T ERINV IN V ER TSDCO ST O RM D RA IN C L E AN O UTSO SI D E O P EN I NGSSMH S AN I TA R Y S EW ER M A N HO L ETG T OP OF GR AT ETOC TO P OF CH IM N EYTW TO P OF WA L LWM WA T ER M ET ERABBREVIATIONS T O P O G R A PH IC N OT E SUNAUTHORI ZE D CH A NG ES & U SE S : T H E P R O F ES S IO N A L PR EP A R IN G T H I S M A PWILL N OT B E R ES PO N SI B LE FO R , O R L I A B L E FO R , U NA U TH OR IZ E D C H A N G E S T OOR U S E S O F TH IS MA P. C H AN G E S T O T H I S MA P M U S T BE R E Q UE S TE D I NWRITING A N D M US T B E A PP R OV E D B Y T H E P R O FE S SI O NA L .T R E E D IA M ET E R S AR E M E AS U RE D A T C H E S T H EI G H T (48”). DR I PL IN EDIAMETERS AN D T RE E S PE C I ES A R E A P P R O X I M AT E O N LY AN D S HO U LD B EVERIFIED BY A C E RT IF I ED AR B O R I S T .B O U N D A RY IN F O RM A TI ON SH O WN H E R E O N I S B AS E D O N R EC O RD D AT A A N D D O E SNOT C O N ST I TU T E A F OR MA L BO U N D A R Y D E T E R M IN AT I O N.T E M P O R A RY BE N CH MA R K: S C R IB E D 'X ', L O C A T IO N S H OW N H ER E ON , E L E V A T I O N136.4 5 ' (DA T U M N AV D 8 8 B Y G P S O B S E R V A T IO N S U T IL IZ I NG T HE C A L I F O R N I ASURVEY & D RA F TI NG SU PP L Y V S N ).F I E L D SU R V EY DA T E: M AR CH 2 9 , 2 0 1 7 ; J A N U AR Y 11 , 20 18 ; A N D A P R I L 1 9 ,2 0 2 2 . WM WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS ROOF RIDGEROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY ACTEMPORARYBENCHMARKSCRIBED 'X'ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATELAPN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGEAPN 015-262-17 DN 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 13 6 14 4 218 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0 180 170 16 0 15 0 14 0 1 4 0 14 015 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 200210 190 18 0 170 160 1 5 0 210 GI . TG 133.50 GI . TG 192.43 SO 191.62 6" INV 190.64 GI . TG 174.00 SO 173.16 6" INV 172.10 GI . TG 214.60 SO 213.75 6" INV 212.79 GI . TG 147.86 SO 147.05 6" INV 145.96 SDCO . RIM 148.36 SDCO . RIM 199.56 SDCO .RIM 216.41 SDCO . RIM 161.36 SDCO . RIM 176.80 148.63EAVE 153.94 148.56EAVE 15 2 . 3 9 EA V E 15 2 . 4 8 EA V E 15 8 . 5 3 15 3 . 8 1 EA V E 15 3 . 7 8 EA V E 15 8 . 0 7 14 4 . 7 0 EA V E 14 4 . 6 1 EA V E 15 1 . 1 1 15 2 . 2 0 16 1 . 1 2 16 1 . 1 4 13 5 . 1 0 13 4 . 8 0 13 4 . 0 4 13 3 . 9 8 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 7 3 13 3 . 4 6 13 3 . 3 4 21 2 . 6 4 21 2 . 6 3 21 5 . 8 9 21 6 . 3 2 217.10 219.78 219.36218.14218.73 217.26215.77 216.70217.06 21 5 . 7 9 21 5 . 7 8 21 4 . 6 5 21 5 . 2 5 21 5 . 1 0 21 5 . 2 3 21 5 . 6 4 21 5 . 3 6 21 4 . 3 2 21 4 . 9 1 21 5 . 8 0 21 5 . 8 2 21 4 . 4 7 21 3 . 9 9 21 5 . 4 1 21 5 . 6 7 21 6 . 0 2 216.80 216.85 217.38 216.51 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 9 6 20 4 . 4 6 20 6 . 2 2 206.62 206.11 198.12198.61199.51 19 9 . 7 7 19 8 . 5 2 19 7 . 1 2 19 6 . 3 4 19 5 . 6 7 19 5 . 1 8 19 0 . 4 4 19 0 . 4 4 19 3 . 0 8 19 2 . 9 8 19 3 . 6 3 19 2 . 8 1 19 2 . 4 2 19 1 . 6 2 19 3 . 3 6 19 4 . 3 5 19 4 . 1 9 19 5 . 2 0 19 5 . 8 2 19 4 . 5 0 195.28196.36197.03 195.95196.35 195.34 19 4 . 8 7 19 3 . 7 1 19 3 . 1 0 19 1 . 3 7 19 0 . 1 8 18 9 . 8 0 18 0 . 7 0 18 1 . 5 3 18 3 . 5 7 18 4 . 3 8 18 3 . 5 5 183.57 174.48 17 7 . 7 7 17 7 . 4 6 17 7 . 4 6 17 8 . 0 8 17 5 . 7 8 17 5 . 4 3 17 4 . 3 9 17 3 . 9 9 17 3 . 1 6 17 4 . 3 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 4 . 6 4 17 4 . 8 4 17 3 . 8 2 17 5 . 0 2 17 5 . 6 7 17 6 . 5 8 17 6 . 0 2 17 4 . 9 8 174.02 173.09 17 4 . 5 2 17 4 . 1 2 17 4 . 1 3 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 5 0 17 3 . 0 7 17 2 . 4 0 15 6 . 7 6 15 7 . 9 9 15 9 . 1 6 16 0 . 2 5 16 0 . 0 6 16 5 . 6 1 152.41 15 2 . 6 1 15 2 . 9 7 14 8 . 4 5 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 3 14 7 . 7 4 14 8 . 1 5 14 7 . 5 3 14 8 . 3 6 14 8 . 3 7 14 8 . 1 9 14 7 . 3 8 14 7 . 1 2 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 2 6 14 5 . 9 6 14 8 . 1 4 14 8 . 2 6 14 8 . 4 2 14 8 . 2 9 14 6 . 1 5 14 5 . 5 2 14 5 . 5 0 14 5 . 0 8 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 8 . 2 4 TW 14 8 . 2 9 TW 14 8 . 2 8 TW 14 8 . 2 2 TW 14 8 . 2 0 TW 14 5 . 4 8 TW 14 4 . 1 7 14 5 . 0 6 14 5 . 0 2 14 4 . 7 1 14 4 . 5 6 14 4 . 3 1 14 3 . 4 5 13 7 . 5 9 13 8 . 1 8 14 0 . 7 3 14 1 . 3 8 14 1 . 9 9 14 1 . 9 0 14 4 . 0 8 14 5 . 1 3 14 3 . 4 7 14 2 . 1 4 13 8 . 9 5 13 5 . 1 1 13 4 . 9 1 135.01 13 5 . 2 0 13 5 . 1 9 13 5 . 8 9 13 5 . 7 6 13 5 . 5 4 13 4 . 1 1 13 3 . 8 6 13 4 . 1 7 13 4 . 2 1 13 4 . 3 4 13 4 . 4 9 13 4 . 9 6 213.30 195.49197.93 158.63 147.39 134.92 134.82134.64 134.58134.99 13 3 . 6 4 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 6 5 13 3 . 9 1 13 3 . 5 3 13 3 . 8 6 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 5 2 13 3 . 3 0 13 2 . 8 6 13 2 . 8 5 13 2 . 9 1 13 2 . 4 6 13 2 . 4 4 134.99 13 3 . 0 1 13 3 . 3 9 13 3 . 4 7 13 4 . 0 0 13 4 . 4 8 13 4 . 5 4 13 4 . 9 0 13 5 . 2 1 135.64135.36 13 4 . 4 5 134.47135.05134.89 134.41134.48 13 4 . 1 6 13 4 . 2 0 13 4 . 6 7 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 8 9 137.98 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 216.41 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 2 3 TW 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAY BELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CT SITESAN R A FAE L VI C INIT Y M A PNOT T O S C AL E SY MBO L S & LE G EN DEXISTINGBEN C HM A R KFLOWLI N EFENC EG R A D E B R E A KPROPERT Y L I NECONCRETEAC AS P HA L T C O N CR E T EAPN A S S E S SO R 'S PA R C E L N UM B E REM E L E C T RI C M E TERELEV E L E V A TI O NGI G R A T E I N L E TGM GA S M E T E RINV IN V ER TSDCO ST O RM D R A I N C LE A NO U TSO SI D E O P E N I N GSSMH S A N I T AR Y S E W E R M A N H OL ETG TO P O F G R A T ETOC T O P O F C H I M N E YTW TO P O F W A L LWM W A T ER M E T E RABBREVIATIONS T O P O GR A P H I C N O T E SUNAUTHORI Z E D C H A N GE S & U S ES : T H E P R O F E S S IO N A L P R E P A R I NG TH I S MA PWILL N OT B E RE S P O N S I B L E F O R , O R L I A B LE F O R , U N A U T H O R IZ E D CH A N G E S TOOR U SE S O F TH I S M AP . C H A NG E S T O TH I S M A P M U S T B E R E Q U ES T ED I NWRITING A ND M U S T BE A P PR O V E D B Y T H E PR OF E S S I O N AL .T RE E D IA M ET E R S A R E M E A SU R E D A T C H E S T H EI G H T (4 8 ”). D R I P L INEDIAMETERS A ND T R E E S P E C I E S AR E A P PR O X I M A T E O N L Y A N D S H OU L D B EVERIFIED BY A C E R TI F I E D A R B O R I ST .B OU N D A RY IN F O R M A T IO N S HO W N H E R EO N I S B AS E D O N RE C O R D D A T A A ND D O E SNOT CO N S T I T UT E A FO R M A L B OU ND A R Y DE T E R M I N AT I O N .T E M P O R AR Y B EN C H M A R K : S C R I B E D 'X ', L O CA T I O N S H O W N H E R EO N , EL E V A T I O N136.4 5 ' (DA T U M N A VD 8 8 B Y G P S OB S E R V A T IO N S U T I LI Z I N G T H E C A LI F O R N I ASURVEY & D R AF T I N G S U P P LY V S N).F I E L D SU R V E Y D A T E : M A R CH 2 9 , 2 0 1 7 ; J AN U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 8 ; A N D AP R I L 1 9 ,2 02 2 . WM BLOCK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS GRASS ROOF RIDGEROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY ACTEMPORARYBENCHMARKSCRIBED 'X'ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATELAPN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGEAPN 015-262-17 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E OUTLINE OF SECOND FLOOR WALLS 2ND FL. DECK - --- 2 A4 1 A4.1 2 A4.1 DECK 3 A4 3:12 3:124:12 4:12 4:124:12 4:12 4:12 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AREA FOR NEW SOLAR PANELS- SIZE AND NUMBER OF PANELS TO BE DETERMINED BY SOLAR CONSULTANT 2ND FL. DECK NOR T H PROJECT NORTH OUTLINE OF FIRST FLOOR WALLS REAR SETBAC K 20' - 0" SI D E S E T B A C K 10 ' - 0 " SI D E S E T B A C K 9' - 1 1 1 5 / 1 6 " 0' - 1 0 1 9 / 3 2 " 1' - 4" 1' - 0 " DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1' - 0 " 1' - 4"1' - 4" 1' - 4" 0' - 1 1 3 / 8 " TYP. OVERHANG, U.O.N. 1' - 4" 4 FT. HIGH RETAINING WALL SLOPE, MAX SLOPE 18% (E) CONCRETE BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN RI D G E E L E V = 1 6 2 ' CLASS A ASPHALT SHINGLES,TYP. RI D G E EL E V = 16 0 . 1 ' RI D G E EL E V = 16 1 . 4 ' RIDGE ELEV = 160.75' 0'2'4'8'16' 4:12 4:12 REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" 0' - 0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK 20' - 0" SI D E Y A R D S T E P B A C K 15 ' - 0 " 120' - 8 1/4" 126' - 7 1/32" 134' - 2 15/16" (E) CMU WALL TO REMAIN 129' - 3 1/16" 132' - 6 13/16" EAVE TO PROP. LINE 126' - 11 11/32" 125' - 3 7/32" 124' - 0 1/32" 19' - 0" 9' - 0 " 9'-0"x19'-0" PARKING SPOT REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK 20' - 0" SI D E S E T B A C K 10 ' - 0 " SI D E S T E P B A C K 15 ' - 0 " FRONT STEPBACK 15' - 0" ROOF PLAN LEGEND DS DOWNSPOUTS: 4" X 4" GSM, PRIMED AND PAINTED NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 1/4" = 1'-0"1 ROOF PLAN ON SITE A1.1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN WITH ROOF PLAN 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 13 6 21 8 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0 180 170 16 0 15 0 14 0 1 4 0 14 015 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 19 0 18 0 1 7 0 1 6 0 1 5 0 21 0 13 7 . 9 8 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 21 6 . 4 1 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 2 3 TW 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAY BELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CT SITESAN R AFA EL VICINITY MA PNOT T O S C ALE SYMBOLS & LE GE N DEXISTINGBENCHMARKFLOWLINEFENCEGRAD E BRE A KPROPERTY LI NECONCRETEAC AS PHALT CON CRETEAPN ASSE SSOR'S P ARCEL NUMB EREM ELEC TRIC METERELEV E LEV AT IONGI G RATE I NLETGM GAS MET ERINV INVE R TSDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOU TSO SID E OP ENINGSSMH SAN ITAR Y SEWE R M ANHOL ETG TOP O F G RA TETOC T OP OF CH IM NEYTW T OP OF WALLWM WAT E R M ET ERABBREVIATIONS TO P OGRAPHIC NOTESUNAUTHORIZED CHANG ES & USES: THE PROF ESSIONAL PREPAR ING THIS MAPWILL NOT BE R ESP ONSIB L E F OR , O R LIA BLE FO R, U N AUTHORIZ ED CHANGES TOOR U SES OF THIS MAP. C HA NGE S TO THIS M AP MUST BE REQ UEST E D INWRITING AND M U ST BE AP PROVE D BY T HE P ROFESSION AL.TRE E DIAM ETER S ARE MEA SURED A T C HEST H EIGHT (4 8 ”). DRIPL I NEDIAMETERS AN D TREE SP ECIES ARE APPROXIMAT E O NL Y A N D SHO ULD BEVERIFIED BY A C ERTIFIED ARBOR IST.BO UNDA R Y INFORM ATION SHOW N HE RE ON IS BA SED ON REC O RD DA TA AND DOESNOT C ONS TITUTE A FORMAL BOUNDARY D ETERMINAT ION.TEMPOR ARY BENC HMARK: SCR IBED 'X', L OCATION SHOWN HEREON, ELEVA TION136.45' (DATU M NA V D 88 BY GPS O BS ERVA TION S UTILIZI NG THE CAL IFORNI ASURVEY & DRAFTIN G SUPPLY VSN).FIELD SU RVE Y DATE : MARCH 29 , 2017; JANUAR Y 11 , 20 18 ; A ND AP RIL 19 ,2022. WM BLOCK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS GRASS R O O F R I D G E ROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY AC TEMPORARY BENCHMARK SCRIBED 'X' ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATEL APN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGE APN 015-262-17 DN UP DN 1" = 10'scale10 0 10 feet20 21 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 13 6 14 4 21 8 21 6 2 1 6 1 4 4 21 0 20 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 9 0 180 170 160 15 0 14 0 14 0 14 015 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 19 0 18 0 1 7 0 16 0 1 5 0 21 0 137.98 15 8 . 5 4 13 3 . 4 9 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 4 8 13 3 . 5 0 13 3 . 9 1 13 4 . 0 7 21 6 . 4 1 21 3 . 7 5 21 3 . 7 5 21 4 . 5 9 21 4 . 6 3 21 4 . 5 5 21 4 . 5 1 21 2 . 7 9 21 5 . 2 2 21 5 . 7 9 19 9 . 5 6 19 2 . 4 8 19 2 . 4 3 19 2 . 4 5 19 2 . 4 8 19 0 . 6 4 17 6 . 8 0 17 4 . 0 2 17 3 . 9 8 17 3 . 9 5 17 4 . 0 1 17 2 . 1 0 16 1 . 3 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 2 14 8 . 1 8 14 7 . 0 5 14 7 . 8 4 14 7 . 8 9 14 7 . 8 7 14 7 . 8 6 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 2 0 14 8 . 1 8 14 8 . 0 1 14 8 . 2 3 TW 14 8 . 1 7 TW 14 4 . 6 8 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVELINDEN LNSIENNAWAYBELLA AVEGRAND AVELINCOLN AVEHWY 101 ELM ST GRAND AVECONVENT CTSITESAN R A FAEL VICINITY M A PNOT TO S C ALESYMBOLS & LEGENDEXISTINGBENCHMARKFLOWLINEFENCEGRADE BREAKPROPERTY LINECONCRETEAC ASPHA LT CONCRETEAPN ASSESS OR'S PARCEL NUMBEREM ELECTRIC METERELEV ELEVATIONGI GRATE INLETGM GAS METERINV INVERTSDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUTSO SIDE OPENINGSSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLETG TOP OF GRATETOC TOP OF CHIMNEYTW TOP OF WALLWM WATER METERABBREVIATIONS TOPOGRAPHIC NOTESUNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE PRO FESSIONAL PREPARING THIS MAPWILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TOOR USES OF THIS MAP. CHANG ES TO THIS MAP MUST BE REQUESTED INWRITING AND MUST BE AP PROVED BY THE PROFESSIONAL.TREE DIAMETE RS ARE MEASURED AT CHEST HEIGHT (48”). DRIPLINEDIAMETERS AND TREE SPECIES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND SHOUL D BEVERIFIED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST.BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON RECORD DATA AND DOESNOT CONSTITUTE A FORMAL BOUNDARY DETE RMINATION.TEMPORARY BENCHMARK: SCRIBE D 'X', LOCATION SHOWN HEREON, ELEVATION136.45' (DATUM NAVD 88 BY GPS OBSERVATIONS UTILIZING THE CALIFORNIASURVEY & DRAFTING SUPPLY VSN).FIELD S URVEY DATE: MARCH 29, 2017; JANUARY 11, 2018; AND APRIL 19,2022. WM BLOCK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL GRASS GRASS GRASS RO O F R I D G E ROOF EAVE RO O F E A V E CHIMNEY GM EM RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P RO O F E A V E RO O F E A V E RO O F R I D G E ROO F H I P ROOF EAVE CHIMNEY AC TEMPORARYBENCHMARKSCRIBED 'X' ELEV: 136.45 MO U N T A I N V I E W A V E N U E BUILDING BUILDING CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH CONCRETE V-DITCH ED G E O F E N G I N E E R E D S L O P E GRASS GRASS RO L L E D C U R B LANDS OF SKIP TRUST MUSIAL APN 015-073-10 LANDS OF PATEL APN 015-262-08 LANDS OF ALVAREZ/SANTIZO APN 015-073-07 LANDS OF CAPELLE APN 015-262-16 LANDS OF GEORGE APN 015-262-17 DN UP DN OUTLINE OF 2ND. FL DECK SINGLE STORY AREA CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 136 138 138 0 5 9 FT X 19 FT PARKING SPACES (N) 4FT - 2 FT HIGH RETAINING WALL SLOPE MAX 18% EDGE OF PAVEMENT (N) CONCRETE WALK OPEN DECK= 80 sq. ft. TR CONC. PAD FOR TRASH AND RECYCLING EDGE OF DECK ON 2ND FL. (E) WATER METER (N) WOOD STAIRS PAVERS (E) GRATE INLET (E) CONC. V-DITCH 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 GC GC2 3 1 1 GC 3 3 3 3 3NATURAL GRASSES TO REMAIN NATURAL GRASSES TO REMAIN 3 IVY GERANIUM GC2 CREEPING THYME 1 BLUE-EYED GRASSES 1-GAL 2 BOXWOOD-1 GAL. JUTE FABRIC WITH BJ REDWOOD BARK TO CONTROL ERROSION PAVERS 12" X 24" CONCRETE GREY DECKING, STAIR TREADS AND RISERS TREX COLOR: BISCAYNE LANDSCAPE LEGEND THESE PLANTS ARE FROM THE FIRE SAFE MARIN WEBSITE THEY ARE FIRE - SMART BEHIND CMU WALL, BECAUSE OF GEOGRID THIS AREA WILL REMAIN WITHOUT NEW LANDSCAPING, THE JUTE FABRIC AND NATURAL GRASSES ON THE SITE WILL REMAIN ALL PLANTS TO BE HANDWATERED AFTER PLANTING ADD REDWOOD BARK AROUND BASE OF PLANT, MIN, 3" IN DEPTH. DECK TO HAVE TREX DECKING OR EQUAL LANDSCAPE NOTES OUTLINE OF 2ND. FL DECK SINGLE STORY AREA CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 136 138 NOR T H PROJECT NORTH 1005 30 TR OPEN GRASS AREA TO REMAIN AREA FOR NEW SOLAR PANELS- SIZE AND NUMBER OF PANELS TO BE DETERMINED BY SOLAR CONSULTANT LA LA LA PAVERS LA CONC. V-DITCH 128 SQ FT. CONC. V-DITCH 101.5 SQ FT. NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 A1.3 PROPOSED LANDSCAPED PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"2 NATURAL STATE DIAGRAM AREA NOT REAMINING IN NATURAL STATE 2932.87 SQ FT RESULTING FROM THIS PROPOSED PROJECT. LOT AREA = 11,961 SQ -FT. AREAS DISTURBED: 2932.87 SQ. FT (E) V- DITCH 128 SQ FT. (E) V-DITCH 101.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL = 3162.37 AREA IN NATURAL STATE = LOT AREA - DISTURBED AREA 11,961- 3162.37= 8,798.63 SQ.FT. RE F . Co o k t o p DN UP DW DN DN WD A3.02 REF LIVING ROOM DINING KITCHEN BATH 1 BED 1 GARAGE 19 ' - 8 3 1 / 3 2 " 1003.31 SF LIVING SPACE 1ST FL 978.34 SF LIVING SPACE 2ND FL. 1981.65 SF OF LIVING AREA A 3 A3.1 2 A3.0 1 2 A4 1 A4.1 2 A4.1 PANTRY 0'2'4'8'16' 26859 B D C E F G H 4 17 2' - 0 " 11 ' - 7 3 / 8 " 5.5 3 A4 20' - 0" 10' - 6" NOR T H PROJECT NORTH FURNACE +9'-0" 3' - 2" NEW RETAINING WALL 20 ' - 0 1 / 1 6 " UNCOVERED DECK 4' - 3" 11 ' - 7 9 / 1 6 " CL CL 6' - 0 3/8" 3' - 4 1/2" 3' - 6 1 / 1 6 " HW 20' - 0 5/8" LINE OF WALL ABOVE 8' - 9 3 / 1 6 " 4' - 0 " 4' - 3" 3' - 4"2' - 8" EQ EQ 3' - 8 5/8" 4' - 0 7/8" 31' - 7 5/32" 43' - 11 5/32" 12 ' - 2 2 9 / 3 2 " 3' - 1 " 3' - 4 " 3' - 5 1 1 / 3 2 " 4' - 0 " CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 3' - 0 1/2"10' - 0 3/8" 2' - 0" 7' - 1" 3' - 0 " IS L A N D PORCH 14 ' - 8 1 / 2 " 10' - 4" EQ EQ ℄℄ A3.21 - --- 10 ' - 0 7 / 1 6 " 21' - 4 3/4" 38 ' - 5 1 / 4 " 5' - 0 1 / 4 " 10 ' - 0 " 11' - 0" 5' - 2 3 / 3 2 " 11 ' - 0 " BED 3BED 2 LAUNDRY PRIMARY CLOSET P.BATHPRIMARY BEDROOM SHARED DECK BATH 2 BATH 3 5' - 0" 149 A 3 10' - 0" 13 ' - 7 " 5' - 0 " SAUNA 8' - 0 3 / 4 " - --- A3.1 2 A3.0 1 A3.1 1 8' - 0" 3' - 3" 3' - 6 3 / 3 2 " 2 A4 1 A4.1 CLOSET CLOSET 2 A4.1 5' - 1" 4' - 4" 4' - 0 " 3' - 4" 5' - 0" 3:12 26859 B D C E F G H 7' - 7 " 3' - 1" 475.5 5.5 3 A4 9' - 1 1 1 / 2 " 7' - 2 3/4"6' - 10 3/4" EQ EQ EQ EQ DECK ROOF BELOW 5' - 0" 5' - 7 3 / 4 " 5' - 0 " 2' - 10" 3' - 0 1 / 4 " 2' - 7 " EQ EQ 5' - 0" 15 ' - 0 " 5' - 0" 24 ' - 1 1 5 / 3 2 " 2' - 0 7/32" 1' - 9"6' - 3 3/4" EQ EQ 9' - 5 1/4" 21 ' - 6 3 / 4 " 3' - 2 " NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 A2.0 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 1/4" = 1'-0"1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN (138') 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN (149') DRIVEWAY FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" 11 ' - 0 " 8' - 0 " PL GRADE AT FRONT -3' - 6" GARAGE(136')-2' - 0" TO P O F ( E ) W A L L 10 ' - 2 1 3 / 3 2 " 4' - 0 " FIRST FL. CLG.9' - 0" (N)RETAINING WALL 20' - 0" 18 ' - 7 5 / 1 6 " 20 FOOT WALL HEIGHT LIMIT 7' - 7 7 / 3 2 " NATURAL GRADE NATURAL GRADE 8' - 4 2 7 / 3 2 " PROFILE OF NEW DRIVEWAY 16 ' - 0 2 1 / 3 2 " 15 ' - 0 2 3 / 3 2 " 9' - 7 7 / 8 " TOP OF NEW RETAINING WALL, NOT SHOWN (E) CMU WALL TO REMAIN 4:123:12 4:124:12 3:12 17 ' - 1 9 / 3 2 " 17 ' - 1 0 9 / 1 6 " EXPOSED CONCRETE: SEMI TRANSPARENT STAIN BEHR COLOR: CAROB #DCS-835, SPRAYED RAILINGS: STEEL SUPPORTS 2"X2" WITH 1/2" VERTICALS. OIL RUBBED BRONZE TEXTURED TYPE C LIGHT FIXTURE STEPBACK 15' - 0" REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0"TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" 11 ' - 0 " 8' - 0 " B DC E F G HPN SIDE SETBACK 10' - 0"15' - 0" 35 FOOT HEIGHT MAXIMUM NATURAL GRADE PS 15' - 0"10' - 0" GARAGE(136')-2' - 0"GARAGE(136')-2' - 0" FIRST FL. CLG.9' - 0" T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" 22 ' - 9 3 / 4 " 4' - 0 " GRADE BEYOND RETAINING WALL 11 ' - 1 1 1 / 4 " NATURAL GRADE WESTERN RED CEDAR SIDING PLASTER FINISH- PRIMED AND PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE CHICAGO BLUE #804 LOW SHEEN, REGEL SELECT FLUSH WOOD PANEL GARAGE DOOR FACIA, GUTTER BUCKTROUT BROWN BENJAMIN MOORE CW 180 LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE A LIGHT FIXUTURES TYPE A HILLSIDE STEPBACK LINE NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED EAST (FRONT) ELEVATION A3.0 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATION 0'2'4'8'16' COCOWEB SKU#BOAW12MB-1D BASE, STEM AND BASE: MAHOGANY BRONZE FINISH STEM STYLE: METROPOLITAN 12" DIAMETER OR EQUAL ALL LIGHTS ARE CERTIFIED DARK SKY APPROVED TEMPERATURE OF LAMPS 2700K-3000K MAX IN PORCH CEILING RECESSED CAN LIGHT: TEMPERATURE 2700K-3000K MAXIMUM TYPE B FIXTURE ON RISER: FX LUMINAIRE LM LED WALL LIGHT TYPE C BALLARD DESIGN OWEN 1 WALL SCONE SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" A 2 A4 1 A4.1 2 A4.1 BDCEFGH PNPS 3 A4 T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" 13 ' - 1 1 3 / 3 2 " 12 ' - 8 1 / 2 " PLASTER FINISH:PEBBLE FINE TEXTURE: PRIMIED AND PAINTED TYPE C LIGHT FIXTURE SEE A3.0 SETBACK 10' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" SETBACK 10' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" FIRST FLOOR(138') 0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149') 11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" 26859 GRADE AT FRONT-3' - 6" PE STEPBACK 15' - 0"20' - 0" 11 ' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 47 OPEN DECK FIRST FL. CLG. 9' - 0" T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" 20 FOOT WALL HEIGHT LIMIT 15 ' - 5 7 / 1 6 " 4:12 3:12 3:12 4:12 EXISTING GRADE 19 ' - 9 3 / 4 " 18 ' - 9 2 3 / 3 2 " 10 ' - 1 1 2 5 / 3 2 " ANDERSEN 100 SERIES COLOR: BLACK HILLSIDE STEPBACK LINE,TYP. 14 ' - 1 0 3 / 1 6 " REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 0'2'4'8'16' A3.1 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATION NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 0'2'4'8'16' A3.2 PROPOSED STREET ELEVATION 1" = 10'-0"1 PROPOSED STREET ELEVATION FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0"FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0"SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE 19' - 0" TOP OF PLATE 19' - 0" DECK SITING ON WALL PROFILE OF GRADE (E) CMU WALL PRIMARY BEDROOMP. BATHROOM GRADE AT FRONT-3' - 6" 11 ' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 2' - 0 " FIRST FL. CLG.9' - 0" 9' - 0 " (E) CMU WALL TO REMAIN 1' - 6 " (E) GRADE T. O. RIDGE (162') 23' - 11 3/4" 9' - 0 " 3:12 3:12 BEDROOMKITCHENLIVING ROOM 0'2'4'8'16' 17 ' - 5 5 / 3 2 " REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" FRONT SETBCK 20' - 0" PR O P E R T Y L I N E FIRST FLOOR(138') 0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149') 11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" GRADE AT FRONT-3' - 6" GARAGE(136')-2' - 0" 2' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " FIRST FL. CLG.9' - 0" 9' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 9' - 0 1 / 8 " 7' - 5 3 / 8 " T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" 1' - 6 " FURN BATH 1HALLPORCH SUANALAU. PR O P E R T Y L I N E REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" FRONT SETBACK 20' - 0" NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 1 3D View 2 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SECTION_FRONT TO BACK A3.1 PROPOSED SECTION AND VIEWS OF MODEL 1/4" = 1'-0"3 SECTION AT STAIRS FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0"FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149') 11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" 32 6 85 9 2' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " GARAGE(136') -2' - 0" (E) CMU BLOCK WALL 4 75.5 FIRST FL. CLG. 9' - 0" T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" 0'2'4'8'16' GARAGE BED 3 BED 2 DECK PR O P E R T Y L I N E FRONT SETBACK 20' - 0"REDUCED FRONT SETBACK 10' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" FIRST FLOOR(138')0' - 0" SECOND FL.(149')11' - 0" TOP OF PLATE19' - 0" GRADE-2' - 0" 32 6 85 9 GRADE AT FRONT -3' - 6" 8' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " GARAGE(136')-2' - 0" 4 7 FIRST FL. CLG.9' - 0" 1' - 6 " 8' - 5 9 / 3 2 " T. O. RIDGE (162')23' - 11 3/4" PRIMARY CLOSET LAUNDRY SAUNA DECK 9' - 0 " PR O P E R T Y L I N E REDUCED SETBACK 10' - 0" FRONT SETBACK 20' - 0" STEPBACK 15' - 0" NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E NE W S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E 28 7 M O U N T A I N V I E W A V E . SA N R A F A E L , C A 9 4 9 0 1 S T A FO T A E O RICALF N I Exp. 01-31-25 C-32229 ILI BA C MAA C S I A S E I L EC N D C H C T E T I RA SKIP TRUST/ STEWART MUSIAL / TRI 1666 Gough Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 DATE: DATEREVISIONS DRAWN BY: AUG. 12, 2024 BM 3 C COPYRIGHT 2023 OWNER: SHEET TITLE: SHEET NO: PLANNING SET 6007 NE Sacramento St. Portland, OR 97213 bacilia@bmarch.net www.baciliamacias.com P: 510.929-0727 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW FEB. 5, 2024 4 REVISION FOR PLANNING REVIEW April 3, 2024 A4.1 BUILDING SECTIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"1 SECTION AT GARAGE 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SECTION #2 3 VIEW FROM EASTERN CORNER