HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Resolution 13975 (MSS Master Plan)RESOLUTION NO. 13975
APN' S: 018-180-72 THROUGH -76, AND 018-141-03
WHEREAS, Marin Sanitary Service (MSS) submitted zoning applications ZC09-
001, UP09-020, ED09-031 and S09-002 to amend its current Master Plan in order to
address minor changes to its operational use areas, open space lands, and an unpermitted
expansion of mini -storage uses on its properties totaling 82.15 acres and located within
the PD 1580 and I zoning districts; and
WHEREAS, the zoning applications include a concurrent request by MSS and the
Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District (GGBHTD) to rezone 2.78 acres
of lands owned by GGBHTD from PD 1580 to P/QP and separately permit (UP 14-006)
the existing outdoor storage uses as interim uses on the property; and
WHEREAS, the project includes right-of-way abandonment and right-of-way
vacation requests for improved and unimproved portions of the 60' wide Jacoby Street
right-of-way that extends through the site, which shall be subject to separate action by the
City Council; and
WHEREAS, the project involves minor text and map amendments to an existing
Planned Development District (PD) and minor revisions to use and operations of the
existing Marin Sanitary Service municipal waste management facility with negligible
change in intensity of use; and
WHEREAS, consistent with the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzed potential
environmental impacts of the project and identified potentially significant impacts on
Biological Resources and Cultural Resources as a result of anticipated grading activities.
The existing and potential project impacts would be mitigated to less -than -significant
levels through implementation of existing conditions of approval that have already been
incorporated into the project, and through recommended mitigation measures or
compliance with recommended conditions of project approval; and
WHEREAS, notices regarding the Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative
Declaration prepared for this project were published in a local newspaper of general
circulation in the area and mailed to surrounding property owners and occupants within
300 feet, pertinent agencies (including responsible and trustee agencies), organizations
and special interest groups 30 days in advance of the hearing, pursuant to CEQA
Guidelines Section 15072; and
WHEREAS, copies of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and MMRP were made
available for a 30 -day review period by pertinent agencies and interested members of the
public, commencing on Tuesday, May 18, 2015; and
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2015, the Planning Commission held a duly -noticed
public hearing on the proposed project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration and
MMRP, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the
Department of Community Development, and on a 6-0 vote (member Lubamersky
absent) adopted a resolution recommending adoption of the Mitigated Negative
Declaration; and
WHEREAS, on July 20, 2015, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing
on the proposed project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, accepting all oral and
written public testimony and the written report of the Department of Community
Development; and
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents which constitute the record of
proceedings upon which this decision is based is the Community Development
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby adopt
a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project finding that:
• The City Council exercised its independent judgment in evaluating the
Mitigated Negative Declaration, which has been considered in conjunction
with comments received during the public review period and at the City
Council hearing. Based on review of the whole record, including the initial
study prepared for the project and comments received at the public hearing,
the City Council has determined that the Mitigated Negative Declaration for
the project is appropriate and consistent with the provisions of CEQA.
Further, potentially significant impacts on Air Quality, Hazards, Traffic,
Biological Resources and Cultural Resources could result from the project
due to container storage uses proposed to remain, anticipated future
improvements, and grading on an environmentally sensitive site. However,
project impacts would be mitigated to less -than -significant levels through
implementation of mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration prepared for the project, as well as through compliance with
conditions of project approval that have been identified and incorporated into
the existing project operations.
• Mitigation measures have been identified in a mitigation monitoring and
reporting program prepared for the project attached hereto as Attachment A
and incorporated herein by reference, which is adopted as a part of the Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the MSS project, and will
be required as conditions of the project approval to mitigate traffic impacts,
potential air quality impacts, and against any potential, though unlikely,
environmental consequences that could occur to known biological resources
and cultural resources as a result of site grading or tree removal associated
with anticipated site work required to upgrade the site fire suppression
equipment or as a result of future potential structure improvements.
• The proposed mitigation measures and conditions of approval are sufficient
to mitigate identified impacts on Air Quality, Hazards, Traffic, Biological
and Cultural Resources as documented in the Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration and as further discussed in the Planning Commission
Staff Report and in response to any comments received at and prior to the
project public hearing.
• Potentially significant environmental impacts were not identified for any
other environmental impact categories and there is no substantial evidence
that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
I, Esther C. Beirne, Clerk of the City of San Rafael, hereby certify that the
forgoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted at a regular meeting
of the City Council held Monday, the 201h of July, 2015, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers: Bushey, Colin, McCullough & Mayor Phillips
NOES: Councilmembers: None
ABSENT: Councilmembers: Gamblin
Esther C. Beirne, City Clerk
Attachment A — MSS Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
I. Air Quality
Impact AIR1: Although the project would not generate
emissions during construction that would exceed the
BAAQMD thresholds, the BAAQMD recommends that
projects implement a set of Basic Construction Mitigation
Measures (BAAQMD, 2011) as best management
practices (BMPs) regardless of the significance
determination. Implementation Mitigation Measure AIR-]
would reduce impacts to a less -than -significant level.
AIR -1 Mitigation: During active construction, the
applicant shall require construction contractors to
implement all the BAAQMD's Basic Construction
Mitigation Measures, listed below:
1. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging
areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access
roads) shall be watered two times per day, or more
often if needed to control fugitive dust.
2. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other
loose material off-site shall be covered.
Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
approval Division issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
3. All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public
roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum
street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry
power sweeping is prohibited.
4. All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited
to 15 mph.
5. All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved
shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads
shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless
seeding or soil binders are used.
6. Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting
equipment off when not in use or reducing the
maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the
California airborne toxics control measure Title 13,
Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations
[CCR]). Clear signage shall be provided for
construction workers at all access points.
All construction equipment shall be maintained and
properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a
certified mechanic and determined to be running in
proper condition prior to operation.
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
8. Post a publicly visible sign with the applicant's
telephone number and person to contact regarding dust
complaints. This person shall respond and take
corrective action within 48 hours. The Air District's
phone number shall also be visible to ensure
compliance with applicable regulations.
Impact AIR2: MSS is a facility regulated by CalRecycle
(e.g. landfill, composting, etc.) and required to have Odor
Impact Minimization Plan (GIMP) in place and have
procedures that establish fence line odor detection thresholds.
No impacts would result. A copy of the OIMP is provided in
Attachment A.
The OIMP includes two major components, a Complaint
Response Protocol and an Odor Complaint Reporting Format.
The Odor Complaint Response Protocol describes the
procedures to follow upon receiving a complaint. The
protocol includes measures to identify the odor and requires
appropriate adjustments to storage, process control, and
facility improvements to reduce odors. Implementation of
Mitigation Measure AIR -2 would apply odor control
measures to the project, which would reduce impacts to a
less -than -significant level
AIR -2 Mitigation: The applicant shall develop and comply
with an Odor Impact Minimization Plan (GIMP) pursuant Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
Mitigation Measure
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
to the requirements of the California Code of Regulations, approval
Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 3.1, Article 3, Section
17863.4. Once complete, the OIMP shall be submitted to
the LEA for a 30 -day period for review and comment.
(Performance-based mitigation measure)
IV. Biological Resources
Impact BR1: While no special status wildlife species were
observed within the study area during the assessment site
visits, four (4) special status wildlife species have a
`moderate' potential to occur within the Study Area (no
special status wildlife species have a `high' potential to occur
within the Study Area). Two (2) of the potential special
status wildlife species are bats (the Long-eared Myotis and
the Pallid Bat) in which the Study Area provides suitable
roost habitat. The other two (2) potential special status
wildlife species are migratory birds (the White-tailed Kite
and the Loggerhead Shrike) in which the Study Area provide
a suitable breeding habitat.
Though the biological resource assessment determined the
grassland and woodland habitat within the Study Area
provides a low -quality habitat to support the four (4) special
status wildlife species, compliance with recommended
Mitigation Measures Biological Resource -1 through
Biological Resource -4 would reduce the potential threat to
County Env.
Health (Local
Monitoring /
Action & Schedule
issuance and site
Non -Compliance
order/Notice of
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
roosting bats or breeding birds to a less -than -significant
BR -1 Mitigation: Any tree removal or trimming work shall Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
take place between September I" and October 31", which approval Division issuance and site order/Notice of
falls outside the breeding bird window and avoids both the inspections violation
maternity and hibernation period for bats. Tree removal can
take place during this period without a breeding bird or bat
roost survey. This does not include removing fallen trees,
which can be removed at any time.
BR -2 Mitigation: If brush clearing or ground disturbance is Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
required within the Study Area, these activities shall be approval Division issuance and site order/Notice of
conducted outside of the breeding bird season which begins inspections violation
February I" and lasts through August 3151.The exception is
for clearing weedy brush, such as French broom, that
overhangs existing fire roads. Brush may be removed to the
outer extent of the road at any time of the year without pre -
construction surveys, if the road is regularly disturbed by
active traffic. Removal of brush outside the outer edge of the
road or on roads not regularly disturbed by active traffic
should have pre -construction surveys.
BR -3 Mitigation: In the event that initial ground Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
disturbance, vegetation removal or construction cannot be approval Division issuance and site order/Notice of
scheduled outside the breeding bird season (February inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
through August), a wildlife biologist shall conduct a breeding
bird survey at least fourteen (14) days prior to the onset of
the activity to determine if nesting birds are present. In the
event that nesting birds are identified to be present, further
mitigation may be required as recommended by the biologist,
including establishing buffers no less than fifty (50) feet
from active nest until young birds have fledged the nest.
Larger buffers may be required for nesting birds of prey or
special status species. The consulting biologist will provide a
specific buffer based on agency guidelines, which species
has been identified as nesting within the area and the
presence of natural visual and auditory buffers (such as large
stands of trees or hillsides).
BR -4 Mitigation: If ground disturbance or tree removal
occur during the bat roosting season (November I" through
August 3151), potential bat roosts shall be inspected for the
presence of bats prior to the start of work. Potential bat
roosts include cavities in trees, exfoliating bark, snags, and
cracks in large rocks. If a maternity roost is detected, up to a
two -hundred (200) foot buffer shall be placed around the
maternity site, and once the roost is clear for removal, a
replacement structure such as a `bat box' should be created
within the vicinity, as recommended by the wildlife
biologist. In the event that bats are detected using a non -
maternity roost site, one possible mitigation measure would
be the placement of exclusion devices to potential entrance
Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
approval Division issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
and exit hole after dusk once the bats have left the roost to
V. Cultural Resources
Impact CRl: The project proposes minor trenching
necessary for the installation of the new "fire flow" waterline
from Andersen Drive to Area D. While no site
improvements, including grading or excavation, are proposed
within Area E, the project's proposed minor trenching
operations may disturb unknown cultural resources. Based
on the cultural resource evaluation for the project, it is
recommended that standard mitigation measures should be
incorporated. Compliance with recommended Mitigation
Measures Cultural Resources -1, -2, -3 and -4 would ensure
that disturbance of recorded or unknown cultural resources
during project's excavation, grading and construction
activities would be reduced to a less -than -significant level.
CR -1 Mitigation: To mitigate potential damage to any
recorded cultural resource during grading, excavation or soil
disturbance activities in the vicinity of any recorded cultural
resource, including activities to remove concrete
improvements to the existing fire road network,
archaeological investigation should be undertaken to
determine the exact boundary of the remaining deposit, the
condition of the remaining deposit and the potential for
Condition of
Building, Public
Grading permit Issue stop work
issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
significance of the archaeological site. A Native American
monitor should also be present. The procedures to follow for
archaeological and Native American monitoring of a cultural
resource site are presented in Cultural Resources mitigation
measures CR -2 and CR -3.
CR -2 Mitigation: To mitigate potential damage to any Condition of
recorded cultural resource during grading, excavation or soil approval
disturbance activities in the vicinity of any recorded cultural
Building, Public
resource, archaeological monitoring shall occur, based on the
following procedures:
• Monitoring will consist of directly watching the
major excavation process. Monitoring will occur
during the entire work day and will continue on a
daily basis unit the depth of excavation has been
reached at which the cultural resource no longer is
present. This depth is estimated as usually five feet
(5') below existing grade but may require
modification as determined by the monitoring
archaeologist and the observed soil conditions.
• Spot checks will consist of partial monitoring the
progress of excavation over the course of the
project. Monitoring all spoils materials, open
excavation, recently grubbed areas, and other soil
disturbances will be inspected. The frequency and
duration of spot checks will be based on the relative
sensitivity of the exposed soils and active work
areas. The monitoring archaeologist shall determine
Grading permit Issue stop work
issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
the relative sensitivity of the cultural resource site.
If prehistoric human interments (human burials) are
encountered within the native soils of the cultural
resource site, all work shall be halted in the
immediate vicinity of the find. The County Coroner,
project superintendent, and the project planner (or a
representative of the Lead Agency, the City of San
Rafael Community Development Department,
Planning Division) shall be contacted immediately.
The procedures to be followed at this point are
prescribed by law.
If significant cultural deposits other than human
burials are encountered, the project shall be
modified to allow the artifacts or features to be left
in place, or the archaeological consultant shall
undertake the recovery of the deposit or feature.
Significant cultural deposits are defined as
archaeological artifacts or features that associate
with the prehistoric period, the historic era Mission
and Pueblo Periods and the American era up to
Whenever the monitoring archaeologist determines
that potentially significant remains or human burials
have been encountered, the piece of equipment that
encounters the suspected deposit will be stopped,
and the excavation inspected by the monitoring
archaeologist. If the suspected remains prove to be
non-significant or non -cultural in origin, work shall
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
recommence immediately. If the suspected remains
prove to be part of a significant deposit, all work
shall be halted in that location until removal has
been completed. If human remains are found, the
County Coroner (or designated representative) shall
be contacted to evaluate the discovered remains and
implement proper contacts with pertinent Native
American representatives through the Native
American Heritage Commission (NAHC).
Equipment stoppages shall only involve those
pieces of equipment that have actually encountered
significant or potentially significant deposits, and
should not be construed to mean a stoppage of all
equipment on the site unless the cultural resource
deposit covers the entire site.
During temporary equipment stoppages brought
about to examine suspected remains, the monitoring
archaeologist shall accomplish the necessary tasks
in due speed.
CR -3 Mitigation: To mitigate potential damage to any Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
recorded cultural resource during grading, excavation or soil approval Division, issuance and site order/Notice of
disturbance activities in the vicinity of any recorded cultural Building, Public inspections violation
resource, Native American monitoring shall occur whenever Works
archaeological monitoring is required or whenever
prehistoric Native American cultural deposits are
encountered or discovered. As recommended by the Native
American Heritage Commission (NAHC), the Native
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
American monitoring consultant shall have the following
knowledge and abilities:
• Knowledge of local historic and prehistoric Native
American village sites, culture, religion, ceremony
and burial practices.
• Knowledge and understanding of California Health
and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and California
Public Resources Code Section 5097.9 et al.
• Ability to effectively communicate the meaning of
Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and Public
Resources Code Section 5097.9 et al. to Marin
Sanitary Services (MSS) representatives, including
property owners, site managers, contractors and
subcontractors, Native Americans, City of San
Rafael Planning staff, and archaeological
monitoring representatives.
• Ability to work well with local law enforcement
officials and the NAHC to ensure the return of all
associated grave goods taken from a Native
American grave during grading, excavation or soil
disturbance activities.
• Ability to travel to known cultural resource sites
within the traditional tribal territory.
• Knowledge and understanding of California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines,
Section 15064.5 and Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), as
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
Action & Schedule
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
Ability to advocate for the preservation in place of
Native American cultural features through
knowledge and understanding of CEQA mitigation
measures, as stated in CEQA Guidelines Section
15126.4(b)(A)(B), and through knowledge and
understanding of Section 106 of the NHPA.
Ability to read topographic maps and be able to
locate known cultural resource sites and reburial
locations for future inclusion in the NAHC Sacred
Lands Inventory.
Knowledge and understanding of archaeological
practices, including the phases of archaeological
The Native American monitoring consultant is required to:
• Ensure the presence of a Native American monitor
during all earth disturbing activities in the vicinity
of any recorded cultural resource or whenever
prehistoric Native American cultural deposits are
encountered or discovered.
• Communicate orally and in writing with the
archaeological monitoring consultant, City of San
Rafael Planning staff, representatives for MSS
representatives, including property owners, site
managers, contractors and subcontractors, and any
Native American organizations. The Native
American monitoring consultant will be responsible
for communicating any observations or
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
recommendations to any Native American
organizations, neighborhood groups, or individuals
that have contacted the City of San Rafael to request
listing. The contact list will be supplied to the
Native American monitor.
Maintain a daily log of activities and file a report
with the MSS representatives on each day that a
Native American monitor is present.
Prepare progress reports on any `findings' and
summarize the observations and recommendations
made in the daily reports (i.e., human remains,
associated grave goods, non -human bone fragments,
beads, arrow points, and other artifacts). The
progress reports will be submitted monthly or at the
completion of all approved earth disturbing
Prepare a final written report at the completion of
all approved earth disturbing activities,
summarizing the observations and recommendations
of the daily and monthly reports and making
recommendations for future activities and
procedures on the MSS site, as appropriate. The
final report should describe the monitoring process,
the discovery any Native American human remains
and associated grave goods, and their final
disposition. This report shall contain, at a minimum,
the following information for each discovery of
human remains and associated grave goods:
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
o Date of each find
o Description of remains and associated grave
o Date of reburial, and the geographical located
of reburial, including traditional site name if known
The final report shall include a discussion of
mitigation measures taken to preserve or protect
Native American cultural features and shall be
submitted to the archaeological monitoring
consultant, MSS representatives, the City of San
Rafael Planning staff, and the NAHC at the
completion of all approved earth disturbing
activities. Information from the report may be
included in the NAHC Sacred Lands Inventory.
Demonstrate the ability to identify archaeological
deposits and potential areas of impact.
Work with the Most Likely Descendant (MLD) if
human remains are encountered. A MLD will be
chosen by the NAHC if human remains are
encountered. There is no guarantee that the Native
American monitoring consultant will be named as
the MLD. The chosen Native American monitoring
consultant must be able to communicate with the
MLD effectively, and to aid in carrying out any
procedures or tasks undertaken or recommended by
the MLD.
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
CR -4 Mitigation: In the absence of specific
Condition of Planning Grading permit Issue stop work
recommendations made by the archaeological monitoring
approval Division, issuance and site order/Notice of
consultant, the following general procedures shall be
Building, Public inspections violation
implemented during the finding of an artifact (i.e., any item
or object over fifty years of age):
• All contractors and subcontractors shall be required
to inform all of their employees that no artifacts are
to be removed from the area of the `find' except
through authorized procedures.
• Any artifacts found at or near a recorded cultural
resource are to be turned over to, or brought to the
immediate attention of, the archaeological
monitoring consultant. In the absence of the
archaeological monitoring consultant, the artifact
shall be delivered to the Native American
monitoring consultant, MSS representatives (i.e.,
property owners, site managers, contractor and
subcontractor supervisors) or the City of San Rafael
Planning staff.
• Whenever any artifact is found or reported, a tag
should be included that indicates the following
o The identity of the finder and the date of
o The identify of the responsible individual to
who the artifact is given
o A description of the location where the artifact
was found, the approximate distance and
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
direction to the nearest measuring point,
identification point on the project plans, or
other reliable, accurate method of locating.
o A description of the artifact that will allow it to
be identified if the tag and the artifact are
The artifact, if portable, should be transported to a
safe location where it can be kept until it can be
inspected by the archaeological monitoring
CR -5 Mitigation: In the event of the accidental discovery of
historical or unique archaeological resources accidentally
discovered during construction or recognition of any human
remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery,
there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site
or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent
human remains until:
In the event of accidental discovery of potential
resources an immediate evaluation of the find shall be
conducted by a qualified archaeologist. If the find is
determined to be an historical or unique archaeological
resource, contingency funding and a time allotment
sufficient to allow for implementation of avoidance
measures or appropriate mitigation should be available.
Work could continue on other parts of the building site
Condition of
Building, Public
Grading permit Issue stop work
issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
while historical or unique archaeological resource
mitigation takes place.
2. In the event of discovery of human remains, the coroner
of the county in which the remains are discovered must
be contacted to determine that no investigation of the
cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the
remains to be Native American:
a. The coroner shall contact the Native American
Heritage Commission within 24 hours.
b. The Native American Heritage Commission
shall identify the person or persons it believes
to be the most likely descended from the
deceased Native American.
c. The most likely descendent may make
recommendations to the landowner or the
person responsible for the excavation work, for
means of treating or disposing of, with
appropriate dignity, the human remains and any
associated grave goods as provided in Public
Resources Code Section 5097.98, or
d. Where the following conditions occur, the
landowner or his authorized representative shall
rebury the Native American human remains
and associated grave goods with appropriate
dignity on the property in a location not subject
to further subsurface disturbance.
i. The Native American Heritage
Commission is unable to identify a
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation
most likely descendent or the most
likely descendent failed to make a
recommendation within 24 hours after
being notified by the commission.
ii. The descendant identified fails to
make a recommendation; or
iii. The landowner or his authorized
representative rejects the
recommendation of the descendant,
and the mediation by the Native
American Heritage Commission fails
to provide measures acceptable to the
VIII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Impact HAZ1: Unconfined mixtures of methane in air are
not explosive; however, a flammable concentration within
an enclosed space in the presence of an ignition source can
explode. Methane is buoyant at atmospheric temperatures
and disperses rapidly in air. Unintentional releases of
biogas from the facility could pose risks to human health
and safety. For example, biogas could be released from a
leak or rupture at the digester facility. If the gas reaches a
combustible mixture and an ignition source is present, a
fire and/or explosion could occur, resulting in possible
injuries and/or deaths.
Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance
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Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
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Compliance with existing safety regulations and widely -
accepted industry standards would minimize the hazard to
the public and the environment. With respect to the flaring of
biogas and potential fire hazards associated with the storage
and transport of methane and small quantities of other
materials used in operations, the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) has established standards for fire
protection which would be applicable to the construction of
the AD facilities. These standards have been successfully
implemented by numerous waste water treatment facilities
across the country. Construction and operation of the project
would be required to comply with the California fire code
and local building codes (including requirements for the
installation of hire suppression systems). Standard safety
measures for anaerobic treatment facility construction and
operation that would minimize the potential for risks from
unintentional releases of biogas include leak detection
systems, warning signals, and safety flares to reduce excess
gas capacity. If released to the environment, methane would
be dispersed rapidly in air, minimizing the hazards of
HAZ-1 Mitigation: Prior to project approval, the
applicant shall prepare and implement a Fire Safety Plan
that outlines fire hazards, describes facility operations
procedures to prevent ignition of fires, requires regular
inspection of fire suppression systems, and provides
Condition of
Building, Fire
Grading permit Issue stop work
issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation
Marin Sanitary Services Facility Rezone and Use Amendments Project
Mitigation Measure
worker training in safety procedures as well as protocols
for responding to fire incidents. The Fire Safety Plan
shall be reviewed and approved by the local fire
enforcement agency.
XVI. Traffic
Impact TR1 The project generates up to 234 additional trips
above the 1992 baseline existing traffic condition (162 AM
and 72PM). The project must pay required traffic mitigation
fees in order to legalize the additional storage containers
placed and to remain on-site to fund traffic improvements
anticipated for build -out in the area pursuant to the General
Plan 2020, and avoid a significant cumulative traffic impact.
Implementation Monitoring Monitoring / Non -Compliance Monitoring
Procedure Responsibility Reporting Sanction/Activity Compliance
Action & Schedule Record
TR -1 Mitigation: Payment of required traffic mitigation Condition of
fees in the current amount of $4,246 per new vehicle approval
trip shall be required at time of permit issues or
commencement of operations.
Building, Public
Grading permit Issue stop work
issuance and site order/Notice of
inspections violation