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Form 460 - Police Association PAC (2013-06-30)
Campaign CoverPage (Government Code Sections 84200-84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Statement covers period Date of election if applicable: from o 1101 / 2 013 (Month, Day, Year) 1. Type of RecipientCamm......i through 06j30/2013 ttee: AllCommittees - Complete Parts ED Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Co , and 4. 0 State Candidate Election Committee mittee Q Recall 0 Primarily Formed Ballot Meas ure Quarterly Statement Committee (Also Complete Part 5) 0 Controlled General Purpose Committee 0 Sponsored 0 Sponsored (Also Complete Part 6) Small Contributor Committee Primarily Formed Candidate/ 0 Political Party/Central Committee Officeholder Committee (Also Complete Part 7) 3. Committee Information I.D • NUMBER COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF No CO 8-2553 MMITTEE} San Rafael Police Association Political .Action Committee J 1520 Fifth Avenue CITY STATE ZIP CODE San Rafael AREA CODE/PHONE 01 MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX (4 15) 485-300o P.Q. Bax 152557 CITY NATE ZIP CODE San Rafael CA 94915-1557 AREA CODE/PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification . I IILA YW U'-">ttU aii reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewingthis statement under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State Cement and to the best of m of California that the foregoing is true and correc Executed on D By Executed on By Executed on Date Executed on Date i ., z Page 1 of 190 For Official Use Only 4s 2. Type of Statement: [3 Preelection Statement D N g Semi-annual Statement Quarterly Statement Termination Statement Special Odd -Year Report (Also file a Form 410 Termination) El Amendment (Explain Supplemental Preelection Statement - Attach Form below) 495 Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER Ms. Beth Minka MAILING ADDRESS 1520 Fifth Avenue CITY San Rafael, STATE ZIP CODE CA 94 9 1 AREA CODE/PHONE NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY �415� 485-3{�t�p 5940 Calle e Avenue CITY STATE ZIP CODE klan (- QA C-, AREA CODE/PHONE y or y .. ...... ... ........... Satre of Coto �o�r, Candidate, State Measure I proponent oat�re otC t�I� �o�e�-, Canate, State Mea neat true and complete. I certify COO^ ---.. - FPPC Forrn AAA t � ...,-. � .� _• NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any committees not included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D.NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? R YES � NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D.NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? [:] YES NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE www.netfile.com CALIFORNIA 460 FORM Page 2 Of 190 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER JURISDICTION F1 SUPPORT [:1 OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Can d idate/6ff1ce holder Committee List names of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT F1 OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD E] SUPPORT [:1 OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Forrn 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) State of alio is Campaign Disclosure Statement Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded Summary Page to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2013 Page 3 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 Contributions Received Column A TOTAL THIS PERIOD 6. Payments Made ....................................................... Schedule E, Line 4 $ (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) 1. Monetary Contributions ........................................... Schedule A, Line 3 $ 14,767.88 2. Loans Received ...................................................... Schedule B, Line 3 0.00 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ......................... Add Lines i + 2 $ 14,767.88 4. Nonmonetary Contributions .................................... Schedule C, Line 3 0.00 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED .......................... Add Lines 3 + 4 $ 14,767.88 Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made ....................................................... Schedule E, Line 4 $ 935.00 7. Loans Made ............................................................. Schedule H, Line 3 0.00 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS .................................... Add Lines 6 + 7 $ 935.00 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ............................... Schedule F, Line 3 0.00 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment .......................................... Schedule C, Line 3 0.00 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ................................Add Lines 8 + 9 + 10 $ 935.00 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ....................... Previous Summary Page, Line 16 $ 31,918.77 13. Cash Receipts ................................................... Column A, Line 3 above 14 1767. 88 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ........................... Schedule /, Line 4 117.02 15. Cash Payments .................................................. Column A, Line 8 above 935.00 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .......... Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Line 15 $ 45,868.67 ff this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents ........................................ See instructions on reverse $ 0.00 19. Outstanding Debts ......................... Add Line 2 + Line 9 in Column B above $ 0.00 Column B CALENDAR YEAR TOTALTO DATE $ 14,767.88 0.00 $ 14,767.88 0.00 E. 14,767.88 $ 935.00 0.00 $ 935.00 0.00 0.00 $ 935.00 To calculate Column B, add I amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may be negative figures that should f- . •. from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any). 1 Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1/1 through 6/30 7/1 to Date 20. Contributions Received $ 21. Expenditures Made $ Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* (if Subject to Voluntary Expenditure Limit) Date of Election Total to Date (mm/dd/yy) *Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) bcF1e{ ule A Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A Utru nnoil 'Cary Cao11trlbUtlom Received Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 F RM SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2013 Page 4 of 190 NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee I.D. NUMBER831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Elisha Adams IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia :` anRafa l Police Association 1520 Fifth .Avenue S n Rafael C.A. 94901 01/15/2013 Elisha. Adams IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [1OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [] PTY Cit of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia 01/31/2013 Elisha Adams :;SCRafael Police Association 1520 Fifth .Avenue San Rafael C.A. 94901 ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue DOTH City of San Rafael San Rafael., CA 94901 0 PTY Union member's dues received through intermedia y:Q afa l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Elisha Adams ®IND Of 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue DOTH Cit of San Rafael y San Rafael, CA 94901 ❑ PTY Union member's dues received through intermedia y:E `{R.afa l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Scan Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Es a A ams BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901. ❑ PTY Union member's dues received throe h znterme i : P;Zafa l Police Association 152 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 94901 SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 SIS' eau e A Summafy . Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions.. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.)........................................................................................................ 14, 597.09 2. Amount received this period — unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ............................. $ 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. 170.79 IND—individual Recipient.. (other business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor FPPC Foran 460 (January/05 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: $551AS1 -EPPC (8561275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (C{JNT) IWI%0111Mmly %-0%J11L111,.r UL1W11* F%WLot:jVt:U AU11VUHlb may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 4 0 from 01/01/2013 b4w& FORM through - 06/30/2013 Page 5 of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) Officer 03/15/2013 Elisha Adams rx-1 IND R COM 16.80 218.40 C/o: San Rafael Police Association r_1 OTH . 1520 Fifth Avenue San F1 PTY City of San Rafael Rafael, CA 94901 membelLIg dues received throucfh interm!2dia-ry:L�l Elisha Adams F-1 SnRa.faeUnion Police Association, 152Q Fifth Avgnue, San Rafagl, CA 94901 03/30/2013 [2 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: Elisha Adams E; an �]SCQ Rafael Police As Association 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 R PTY Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:qa'nKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Elisha Adams [21 IND Officer RCOM 16.80 218.40 C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 PTY Union member's dues received through intermediary:E; SC Rafaeanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Elisha Adams ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901of-, Union member's dues received throjL�h intermediaAv:Q9P� afae[I Police Association, 15201 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490�L - - ----- SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party FPPC Form 460 Januar los) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASI -FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) RA a U"CLOFY Contributions meceliveo .Amounts may De rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/ 3 0/ 2013 Page 6 of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 218.40 05/31/2013 Elisha Adams Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [IOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs received -through intgrmediaxv: SC q an Rafae l Police Association. 1520 Fifth Ave njje San Rafael CA 94901 06/15/2013 Elisha Adams Q IND Officer I 16.80 218.40 © COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received -through intermedia-rv: �zUnion anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Elisha Adams BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 D member's dues received through intermediazy: qUnion anscRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Raul Aguilar Fx� IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 QCOIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-1 PTY Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:qaSn"R'afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 01/15/2013 Raul Aguilar FX -1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F�COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association FLOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael lSan Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia&:Q§P;,afa,eL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 94901 Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) RAo%aftgkf*ftwmz L.. . . &:........r. �r% — — — ! - — — —1 A_ ___ . _a IWIV11111CWHY %-0W11L11UUL1V1`IIb MeGelVeU AMO is may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 7 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Raul Aguilar MIND Sergeant 16.80-- 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receiv!2d thrgugh interLnediaxy: 9 aCRa fael P!21ice Associa:Lio—n, 1520 Fifth AvenLip., San Rafae_1, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Raul Aguilar F_x1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 �COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity El PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermediarv:qan :qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Raul Aguilar ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 PTY Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:qaSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Aytnue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Raul Aguilar ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 PTY Union member's dues received throe intermedia zy:E; I anSCRa.fae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Raul Aguilar ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:LAi9qZafaeE Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490E Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee im SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline:1 /ASI[-1=PPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary UontrioutionS Kecelvea Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 8 Of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Raul Aguilar RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rggeivgd through j_ntermediaxv:9aSCCn Rafael Pglice Association, 1520 Fif:Lh Aygnue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Raul Aguilar EZ IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _ISCQ� Union member's dues received throucrh intermediaxv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Raul Aguilar nx IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: anqsoRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Raul Aguilar [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 [-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received throe intermedia xy: an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Raul Aguilar nx IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia d V: LAP�Zafaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL$ 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.* 866/ASIC-PPP{ (8661275-3772) San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06Z30/2013 Page 9 of 190 E DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Raul Aguilar ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Unioi.11 member's dues receiyed through inter =d_ia-rv:1 Sad Ra ael Police- Ass-!2ciation, 1520 Fifth Avenu . San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Anthony Augustyn [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throucrh intermediarv:an TUnion� afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Anthony Augustyn [3fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association M OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [-] Union member's dues received through intermedia1V:E;a'nKafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Anthony Augustyn [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 El Union member's dues received throu2h intermediary:E;I S CRafaeanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Anthony Augustyn BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 DCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe interme,di,a:dy:L-9,RiY;,afaeL ^ #-% Police 'Alls'sociation, 152101 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.* 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) M M .M1 a monetary �onirwuvonS Keceivea Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 10 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. I - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Anthony Augustyn IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F�COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association - F1 O TH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediay-v:`man Ra fael Polig!2 Associatign. 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Anthony Augustyn [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 -I Union member's dues received through intermedia-rv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 03/30/2013Anthony Augustyn ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 [-]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ❑ Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qaSnCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 04/15/2013 Anthony Augustyn [IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association GOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermediary: E;anRfae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Anthony Augustyn FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Gion member's dues received through intermedia&:[�§P;,afaeL Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 949011 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee SUBTOTAL 4 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) monetary contribUtions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM t through 06/30/2013 Page 11 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 ltl,,y Augustyn IND Officer , 16.80 218.40 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qSCR afael Police Associatign, 1520 Fifth AveLiLig. San Rafjjel, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Anthony Augustyn rX INDOfficer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _ISCQ� Union member's dues received throe intermedia :`man Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 06/15/2013 Anthony Augustyn rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: anqscRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Anthony Augustyn FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 © COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [� Union member's dues received throe intermediary: anSCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael-, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Blair Auld EM IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 An Union meer's dues received through intermedia mbiv : Q§P;�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Rafael, CA 9490L IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 19f1f1___SA_1?_ 1(iK, III SUBTOTAL'S 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) r:v't Mi aw - a MMOM M 07 n MOTAT I Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period I i F IrsMiM through 06/30Z2013 Page 12 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Blair Auld [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union —migmberIg dues rgggived through intg1mgediazy: aqSnCC Rafael Polige Associalign, 1520 Fifth J�_ygnue, San Rafsjgl, CA 24901 01/31/2013 Blair Auld M IND Office` 16.80 218.40 EICIM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 G Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Blair Auld ®IND officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:E;Rafael anPTY Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Blair Auld NX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QQTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qaSnCCRaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Blair Auld [MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ollill Union member's dues received through intermediady:Q afae Police Association, 1520 FifthAVenue, S Rafael, CA 9490[L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) 1V1V11VLdUy %ountrioutions meceivea Amounts may De rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 4b0% -O from 01/01/2013 FORM I through 06Z30/2013 Page 13 of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Blair Auld BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 M C/o: San Rafael Police Association CO F� TH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmber's dues received through intgrm diary: E;S an CC Rafael Police Assogiation. 1520 FiftLi Avgnue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Blair Auld EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia-rv:[SC Q ;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 04/30/2013 Blair Auld [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 M Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Blair Auld ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 PTY Union member's dues received through intermediary: q( :an` afael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 05/31/2013 Blair Auld BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael JUnion San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§P;�afaeli Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 94901 ... Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party tt'*41"aciWAn' SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) IVIV1111CL41y %-#V[1LU1L)U110"5 MeCeWeG Amounts may Do rounaeu_1111W Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through ---26/30/2013 Page 14 _ of 190 - I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Blair Auld MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F jCOIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Unionmember'sdues received through intgrmedia zy:9 S anCC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA94901 06/30/2013 Blair Auld Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throucfh intermedia lv:qanSC :qan Ql Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 James Bellamy ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 0 Union member's dues received through intermedia'rV:qaSnKafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 James Bellamy BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901❑ Union member's dues received through intermediary E;S( anC" afael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/:31/2013 James Bellamy RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediad V: af aeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 94901L IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period through 06/30/2013 Page 15 - of 190 I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 James Bellamy BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 UnionE; _ member's dues received throjjgh Intermed a�D Rafael Police Aggociatign, 1520 Fifth AvenLie, San Rafael, CA— 94901 02/28/2013 James Bellamy IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _ISCQ� Union member's dues received through intermedia iv:qan I-Zafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 James Bellamy MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association M OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 sc( member's dues received through intermediaiv: q�Union an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 James Bellamy FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary:EASnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 James Bellamy ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party UXPR,, SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/AS1 FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) M _ — - - monAmounts may be rounded monetary uontrwutionS Keceivea Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 4 bAft 0 from__01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 16 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Names Bellamy rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's Lies received through intelzmediazy: qanRa fael Police Assggialign, 1520 Fifth AvenLig, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 James Be . llamy EZ IND officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 :jSCC_ Union member's dues received through intermedia iv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 James Bellamy RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 James Bellamy [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom L C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received throe intermediary: an Rafae Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, Sn Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 James Bellamy RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 jV:Q§i9(;,afaeL Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 9490[L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) *TH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ I 84. 00 I ,OMEN FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) IND W 9-9 2 a IL a Ina 9 W 1400 from 01/01/2013 FORM *Contributor Codes Individual Recent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee --- ---- ----- A FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline., 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06Z30 /2013 1 Page 17 _ of 90 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Todd Berringer rx-1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 nion member's due ,!� received :Lhrough intelzmediazy: qaCR nafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth .Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2 013 Todd Berringer [0 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 COM C/o C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1..520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia-rv:qanl :qan RafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Todd Berringer [Z IND Corporal 16 .80 218 .40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, C.A. 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: �aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Todd Berringer [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:� anSCR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Todd Berringer rx-1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 Ej COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throucfh intermediaj'V:Q§P;ZafaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael CA 949011 SUBTOTAL _7777 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual Recent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee --- ---- ----- A FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline., 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) monetary t;ontnnutionS Keceive(j Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM Page 18 Of 190 through 06/30/2013 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR � TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Todd Berringer rx-JIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ® COM C/c: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F� PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmber's dues received through interm diary:qSC Rafae nl Po ice Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Avygeniie, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Todd Berringer [01ND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EISC member's dues received through intermediaxy: Rafaenion ;anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Todd Berringer Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iv: :`Tanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Todd Berringer IND Corporal 16,80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 L_4 sc(� Union member's dues received throe h intermediaiy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Todd Berringer F IND Corporal 16. 80 218 .40 ICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§PRafak Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490[L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 11,� #A if d *_ I I SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary t;ontrioutionS Keceived Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period Im to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 4 6 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3022013 Page 19 - Of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Todd Berringer BIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ❑COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCR Union member -Is dugs received thizouoh int ermediaiv- anafael PQlice Aggociatign, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94_901 06/15/2013 Todd Berringer RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv:afael �an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Todd Berringer MIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 s(�Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:q ancafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Geoffrey Bowker rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermediaiy: `-"an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2023 Geoffrey Bowker EZIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§P:�afaeli Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 94901L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party Sf SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period -------SCHEDULE to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 20 of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) .(IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Geoffrey Bowker Fx-] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC ion memberla dues receive throucfh iritermediayv: qUnRafae l Police Ass!2giation, 1520 Fifth .Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Geoffrey Bowker [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia iv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Geoffrey Bowker BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy:qaSn"Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Geoffrey Bowker Fx] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: q( an�afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Geoffrey Bowker RX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [_1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv:Q§P:�afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL -S '77 77 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual IND Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee ........ . ... .... ......... FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary uontrloutionS Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460'! from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 21 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Geoffrey Bowker IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues regeived L—hrough Jinterm dia-rv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Lv_enue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2 013 Geoffrey Bowker [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94.901 E - Limon member's dues received through intermediarv: asnKafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Geoffrey Bowker EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [; U Linton member's dues received through intermedia aSnl V Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Geoffrey Bowker nx IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1SC(�Union member's dues received throu h intermediary -:; an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Geoffrey Bowker [ZIND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael ,San Rafael, CA 94901 minion member's dues received throuqh intermedia� V: LAP;,afaell Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490 Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party S_ 4Wd4j1_Jh - - SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) .. A lmft, A an �w ivionexary tponirwuvonS Keceivea Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM Page 22 _ of 190 - through 06/30/2013 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Geoffrey Bowker rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union Lnember's dues received 1hrough intermediaxv:q anSCRaf ael Poligg Asgocialion. 152Q San FifthR01/01/2013 afael, CA 94901 Lynne Bracken Fx_1 IND-Avgnue Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediaxv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Lynne Bracken [5fl IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ®COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediazy: E;SC an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Lynne Bracken nx IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association[BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 El member's dues received through intermedia -ry: qUnion an scRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Lynne Bracken [21 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q§PCRafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party W-LOA1104-1 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPLC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) monetary UontrlbUtlonS Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06/30Z2013 Page 23 . of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL-, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Lynne Bracken IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union membeLrls dues 12eggived through interm diaxv:Tang Rafael Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Lvyenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2 013 Lynne Bracken IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue FIPTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E]SCQ, Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia rv: ;an Rafael Police Association ,_ 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Lynne Bracken [5d IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:[; anSCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2 013 Lynne Bracken -1 IND Fx Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ( Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; anSC` afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Lynne Bracken nx IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajv:Q afaeli Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S�n Rafael, CA 94900 - *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: AS -FPI (866/275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 1 Page 24 - of 190 - DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Lynne Bracken FX -1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memberIg dues regeiLred throucth intermedia zy: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Lynne Bracken IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EI SCQ� Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: ; an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Lynne Bracken nX IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [:;aSnCRafael Union member's dues received through intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Lynne Bracken Fxj IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E�S(� Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: ancafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Michael Byers FX -1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediady:Q§PRafaeli Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490[L Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 69.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) nnonezaty k;ontrimnonS Ke elves Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM t through 06/30/2013 Page 25 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Michael Byers rx-1 IND Corporal 16.80 218-.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity El PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC Union member's dues receivgd through intermediaxv: qan Rafael Police agsocia:Lion, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Michael ByersFZ IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 :J Union member's dues received throw intermediaiv:SC Rafaeanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 02/15/2013 Michael Byers IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association M OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received through intermediazy: anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Michael Byers ®IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throu2h intermediazy: E�Union :`man Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Michael Byers [E IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv:Q§P:�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth. Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 949011 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCG — S SUBTOTAL$ 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 26 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Michael Byers Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs receiyed throucth iiiterm diarv: qSCC an Rafael Police ssggiation, 1524 F'Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Michael Byers Fx_1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 DSC member's dues received throuqh intermediarv: RafaeUnion ;anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 04/30/2013 Michael Byers ®IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia rv:[:-Sa'PRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Michael Byers [Z INC} Corporal 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 S(�Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; anCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 45/31/2013 Michael Byers ®INC) Corporal 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediar1y:Q§P�ZafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490 NJ -�l WWA F! *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) a murveLairy %,ountriouxions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 27 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Michael Byers Rx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues receive d through intermediary: qUnion anR Rafael Police Ass!2cia:Ljon, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Michael Byers FZ IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F� PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu-gh intermediarv:q71SCan Q, Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Shelly Cade [5fl IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 [:]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F� OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-1 Union member's dues received through intermediary: E;S anCRafae' Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 01/15/2013 Shelly Cade IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: E; anSC(� afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490� 01/31/2013 Shelly Cade FX -1 IND Dispatcher 13.05- 169.65 FCOIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael [6nion San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia jv:[AP:�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, An Rafael, CA 9490[L ii III Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 72.7S-10,00MENEEM FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) monetary t;ontrioutlonS Kecelve(j Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. ow A from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 28 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Shelly Cade MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH - 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC Union mgmberlg dues receivgd through intgrm diary:E; an Rafae !Qlice Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Avyenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Shelly Cade MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San'Rafael Police Association [LOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Shelly Cade Fx_j IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia ry:[� �Union anSoafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Shelly Cade Fxj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: (� Tanafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA94901 04/1S/2013 Shelly Cade RIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 - .Union member's dues received through intermediaijy:Q§Ff(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 949011 Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 6 5 2" S FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06/30Z2013 Page 29 . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Shelly Cade r_xj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermed' axv:qaSnCCRafae1 Police Assogiation. 1520 Fifth Ave ue. San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Shelly Cade [ZIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 MSCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermediarv:--san Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Shelly Cade MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Shelly Cader_xj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 �an�afaeUnion member's dues received through intermediary:l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Shelly Cade [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:QW:�afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) 4^1k • Ak liffiTMIM Miwli t reTAT I Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01Z01/2013 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee t FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 30 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2 013 Joseph Camins IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSnR Unionmembe22'a dues received through intejZLn diazy: afael Poligg Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafagl, CA 94901 01/1-5/2013 Joseph Camins rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E -I Union member's dues received through intermediary: ; anSCRa.fael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Joseph Camins BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:`-San Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Joseph Camins Fxj IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:� aRafaenl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Joseph Camins nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q§19(;zafae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901L SUBTOTAL $ 7777771'', 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee t FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (866/276-3772) Monetary GontribUtions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period ' to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06234Z2013 Page 31 . of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Joseph Gamins ❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 CO F -1M C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's LiLies received through i diary: Rafael qanntgrm Police Association, 1520 Fift-ja ALrenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Joseph Gamins RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediarv: �aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Joseph Camins N IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [� Union member's dues received through intermediary:JSHCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Joseph Camins FX -1 IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association EJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, C.A. 94901 ��Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Joseph Gamins nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia xly:Q§P:�afaeL Police Association, 1.524 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9494 Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASI' -FPLC (8661275-3772) bAft chedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) monetary contributionS Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01201/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 32 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 0-5/31/2013 Joseph Camins MIND Effacer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Q OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member'qSCC s dues received through int-grm, diary: an Rafael Police A-sgociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Joseph Camins Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 0 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 �]_ Union member's s dues received through intermediarv: qanSccRaf ael Police Association.,_ 1520 Fifth. Avenue, San Rafael CA 94901 06/30/2013 Joseph Camins M IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [� SC Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 David Casalnuovo ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [� Union member's dues received through intermediary: anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 David Casalnuovo nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q§9CZafaeil Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 9490 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL,P 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 MHEAUMULEMEM 7 Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I - -- ------------ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-1~PPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 n Ij Page O.D of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 David Casalnuovo IND Officer 16..80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 meMbgr's dues receiypd :LLirough intejzmdiaxy: �ancUnion Rafael Policg Aasociation, 1520 Fifth Aygnue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 David Casalnuovo [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Q_Union member's dues received through intermediaxJ ;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 David Casalnuovo RIND Off icer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0TH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;Union SC member's dues received through intermedia rv: an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 David CasalnuovoFX-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PT)( City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received through iintermediayy: aSnCR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 David Casalnuovo EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association RUTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901'L ' t_CZafael ' Union meer's dues received through intermedia mblly:L4gly Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S�n Rafael, CA 94901L SUBTOTAL. w 84.00 7 Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I - -- ------------ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-1~PPC (8661275-3772) a I I ki! ViRrOT17-:11IN9 P*ago 0 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 99MMERINKNEW through 06/30/2013 Page 34 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR, IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) 'CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) David Casalnuovo 04/15/2013 [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 a�CUni on mgmber's dues rgceiygd through intermdiazy: n Rafael Police Association, 1520-Fiflh.Avenue. San Rafagl, CA 94901 04/30/2013 David Casalnuovo ®IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: `Tan afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 David Casalnuovo [3fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: TanUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2 013 David Casalnuovo [IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue , El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermedia r :Tan afael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 David Casalnuovo BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue IPTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received throe intermedia mbdy :afaell L -Ar 9(, Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S�n Rafael, CA 949011 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL FPPC Form 460 (January/05) 1= SPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 35 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2 013 David Casalnuovo IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 sc member's dues received. through intermediary: qUnion Ra fael Police Assgciation, 1520 Fifth Avenug, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Allan Castaneda IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received throe intermediarv: Rafaeqanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Allan Castaneda N IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xV:E;dSnCRafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Allan Castaneda ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ;an Union member's dues received through intermediary: Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Allan Castaneda ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajy:Q§iP�ZafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 94901l ii LOW fill �46 W ff, I Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) *TH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 8 4 0 0 1111111111111011101111111111 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers periodimm� to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 3 6 . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT C U M U LATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE . (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Allan Castaneda Fx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F 1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's des received throe inntermediaxv:ganSC Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA. 94901 03/15/2013 Allan Castaneda RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 1 C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑COM F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermediarv:[;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Allan Castaneda [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0TH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaxv: TanGUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Allan Castaneda [Z IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ( Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; :` -Baan �afae Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Allan Castaneda ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:afae1i Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Tontributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Iwo INVATI"5*91=101M San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 1 Page 3 7 . of 190 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Allan Castaneda r_X1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCC Union member's dugs received through intg1m diary: an Rafael Pglice Associatign. 1520 Eifth venue San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Allan Castaneda FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OATH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [�SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Allan Castaneda nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;(� Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: anSCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Allan Castaneda r_x1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:`—San afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Edward Chiu FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 11520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901L4§P;, lUnion F--1 member's dues received through intermedia d V: .f a I -Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 9490�l *Contributor Codes IND—individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 19r1G____19nU2jW10 i'llf dbj1tnLr1ft1U_1ULffe2ft_ SUBTOTAL$ 84.001 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (8661276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary Uonirmutions t eceivecl Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3OZ2013 Page 3 8 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT C U M U LATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Edward Chiu Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC nion member's dues receivgd throuQh iLitermediarv: Raf qaael Police Asgociatign, 1520 Fifth Aygnue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Edward Chiu [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1 SCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Edward Chiu IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC [;anl member's dues received through intermediary: �afaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Edward Chiu FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediazy: E; anRafa.el Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Edward Chiu IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael 0 San Rafael, CA 94901 nion member's dues received through intermediajy:Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94900- IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — '77 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.* 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary Uon rioutionS Keceivea Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3OZ2013 Page 39 of 190 NAME OF FILERC M I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE,, LSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF -EMPLOYE©, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2 013 Edward Chiu rxj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CRafael Union Membej:ls dues received thrLi rogh in1ermediaxv: qac Police Ass!2ciation, 1520 Fifth Avyenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Edward Chiu nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throuah intermediaiv:l ganRafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Edward Chiu rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EI❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xv: �aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Edward Chiu BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received intermediaxy: Ra.faethrough anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/:31/2013 Edward Chiu nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia d V: afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 94900, Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL $ 84. 0 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 40 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Edward Chiu IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through inter mediazy:[;aSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Edward Chiu Fx_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH I520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 -I Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qanSC Rafael Police Associatiog, 152,0 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Robert Cleland [5fl IND Officer ,16.80 218.40 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ITdSnRafael Union member's dues received through intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Robert ClelandFX-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; anSoRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Si:,:.n Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Robert Cleland [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermediar1y_L.Q§Ff(:�afae5_ Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S�n Rafael, CA 94901L SUBTOTAL -S 8 4 0 0 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) • Ire Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 41 . of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Robert Cleland ❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association ®OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 R Union member's diies rggeived through intgrm diaxy:E;aSnCafael Police Aggggiation, 1520 Fifth venue San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Robert Cleland ]IND Fx Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association TOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C Q_ Union member's dues received throucrh intermediaxv:qan :qan Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Robert Cleland [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C_Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: Tan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Robert Cleland M IN Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association FIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received threw intermedia ry:E;aSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Robert Cleland ZINC) Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH . 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael .San Rafael, CA 94901 lUnion member's dues received through intermedia &:Q§P:RafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party ---------------------------- SUBTOTAL$ 834. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FFP C Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) nnoneiary k;on1nDuVonS Kecelvecl Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z3OZ2013 Page 42 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Robert Cleland r_xj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: qanRa fael Eolice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Robert Cleland BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw .intermedia -rv:qanSC Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Robert Cleland xIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 r ISKafael Union member's dues received through intermediay-V:L-Aan Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Robert Cleland [ffl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: E; anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Robert Cleland FIND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael 1Union San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediady:Q§P:�afak Police As-sociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490�L IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASI -FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 43 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Christopher Coale Fx� IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r -j PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Pog Aasociation, 1520 Fifth Avg ue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Christopher Coale [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Christopher Coale [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:�anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Christopher CoaleFX-1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [�JsnRaf Union member's dues received through intermediary: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 02/28/2013 Christopher Coale FX_1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xIy:QW;,afae[L Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94900. IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party C1 J_LGD11krRhWnLC_Q1"[riA'fte_ SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Aft zschedule A (Continnuation Sheet) 111�� 111111111111111 1 Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460'�i from 01/01/2013 FORM t through 06/30Z2013 Page 44 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Christopher Coale IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qaCCUnion member's duesreceived throligh intelmediazy: n Rafael Police ss dation 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Christopher Coale FX_1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermediaxv: ;an Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Christopher Coale [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: Taan Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Christopher Coale [2] IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 So Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:Tanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Christopher Coale ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member I s dues received through intermedia dv: Q§P:�af aell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael CA 9490L Aftl AV%-VWA-1k-WWA I A* Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) A, Ab Ak a • fop FORM from 01/01/2013 -- - --------- through 06Z30/2013 Page 45 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. .31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Christopher Coale ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's _d1jes received through intermediazy:qaSnKafael, Police Association, 1520 Fifth AvenLie. San Rafa!21, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Christopher Coale [j] IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 fl%fl% Union member's dues received through intermediarv:[;aSn""'Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Christopher Coale ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 G Union member's dues received through intermedia-rv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Lori Coen FRI IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: TaanKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Lori Coen [EIND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: QiY g"';,af aeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 94901 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 76.50 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661A-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 6:101 z 1:1 111im MOKMEW *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS -FPI' (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 46 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Lori Coen Fx1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C Union mgmh2r1s dues received throe intermedict qSCRafael Police Ags!2ciation, 1520 Fifth Avenjag, San of el CA_ 94901 02/15/2013 Lori Coen [0 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia yv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Lori Coen ®IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: �Union an Rafae Police As'sociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Lori Coen nx IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 : Union member's dues received throw intermedia xy:`-San Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Lori Coen nx IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermedia &:E:�§191;'afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAI-w 65.25 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS -FPI' (866/275-3772) Monet" ry Contributions Receiv d Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 46 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 4? . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Lori Coen IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rgcgived through jntermediary:qaSnCCRafae1 Police Asgggiation. 1520 Fifth Aven—ue, San Rafagl, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Lori Coen [0 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv:panCR af ael Police Association 1520 P ation,Union Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Lori Coen BIND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1G_ Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E ;anSCxafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Lori Coen r_xj IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member I s dues received throe throe intermedia xy: 4aSnKaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Lori Coen [IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received through intermedia 'mbd y:QP :�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9494 U7 , 7 "'77'rr47 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party Small Contributor Committee MEN, SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8£f/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06Z30Z2013 pale 48 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Lori Coen F-xl IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intgrmediazy: qSCC gn Rafael Police Association, 1S20 Fif:Lh Av San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Eric Cogbill IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qan :qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Eric Cogbill [Z IND officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:`man Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 01/31/2013 Eric Cogbill FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH CitV of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Eric Cogbill nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rly:Q§19CRafae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee 511'13TE)TAL $ 80.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) ri : � M111111111 ;I; MonetaIny Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 4 9 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Eric Cogbill rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E4SCC Uni II EMWWjL0 MORIM z WRM mt T: I Rz. Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) F I Y — Political Party S C C — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06Z30Z2013 Page 50 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Eric Cogbill Ti IND officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memberIg dues received through intgjm diary: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth AyygnLae, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Eric Cogbill E IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E ;anSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Eric Cogbill ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F_� OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Eric Cogbill FRI IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E�SC Union member's dues received throu2h intermediary: anR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Ryan Cogbill FX -1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 � COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ';,afaeli Union meer's dues received throuintermedia mbqh dyiY :QY" Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL 7`777"" 77-77 77 '7 777777 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) F I Y — Political Party S C C — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period �aej W 1:4 oil] I juj�� *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/A-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 51 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Ryan Cogbill RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's diies receiygd throuc-th i.Utgrm diary: qSCC an Rafael Police Aggogiation. 1520 Fif1ja Avenue San Rafagl, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Ryan Cogbill nx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:14anSC _ Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Ryan Cogbill [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:1:� anSCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Ryan Cogbill Fxj IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ( Union member's dues received throw intermedia ry:1:; anSC` afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Ryan Cogbill nx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarlv:Q§P:.afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84 .00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/A-FPPC (8661275-3772) 11111111q, Monetalany Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period limb, to whole dollars. LIFORNI CAA 46U from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 52 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Ryan Cogbill rx-1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe crh 'rater mediaxv:q5SjnCCRafael P!21i!g!-e Aggogiat_joLi, 1520 Fifth Avenue . San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Ryan Cogbill r-xl IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71SCQ� Union member's dues received through intermediaiv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Ryan Cogbill [INC} Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:EI anSCRafae lPolice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 05/15/2013 Ryan Cogbill IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 S Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:� anCR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Ryan Cogbill nx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarly:QPRafaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� 1`77" 777, 7' 7 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee 11 1 W i IN WE I IN I i SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) 11111 111 111111 0 MAI I U MonetaContributionReceived Amounts may be rounded ry s Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 53 of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/lS/2013 Ryan Cogbill N IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY ❑ City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's awes received thrg_ugh intgrmediazy: anqSCRaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Ryan Cogbill Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY 'City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-ISCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan xafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Thomas Collins [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Thomas Collins r_xj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F� 4TH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 L-4 L-45SnRafael member's dues received through intermediary: an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Thomas Collins [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F�COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ation [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv:Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party S -r- �r_ WijiWil SUBTOTAL$ *4 0 0 FPPC Form 460 Januar /05 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2 13 Page 54 _ of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Thomas Collins FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael - San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receiygd th—rQucth interm, diazv':q aSnCRa fael Policg AgggciatiQLI, 1520 Fifth Avenug. S n Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Thomas Collins [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Q OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: �anUnion afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sc"'n Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Thomas Collins FIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iv:[;anSC Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Thomas Collins FRI IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received intermediary: anl �afaethrough Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue., San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Thomas Collins nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 [:] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 QP;, mb Union meer's dues received through intermedia ry : 9'iafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTALIS 11 7!111/11"'_ 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPI C (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 55 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Thomas Collins IND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue . F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rgceived through inter medict zy: qscRaf anael P!Qlice Association, 1520 Fifth A—v!Qnu-e, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Thomas Collins HIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association rjOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [�Sc(� Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue ff San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Thomas Collins BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Thomas Collins [IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ®COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qUnion member's dues received through intermediayy: anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Thomas Collins FIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [_1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490k IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party _111g; !1111 e i i l�! 1 1 1 l�il l�i liiiii�ii " Oil imim��ijjjli: iiiiii , 11 .51BT0TAL$ I i 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Oft Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Receiv&f_ NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06Z30Z2013 Page 56 _ of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Antonette Cook rX-1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meMhgr1g dues received throe gh intgrmedia zy: qSCC an Rafael Pglice Association, 1520 Fifth Ave iiue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 1� Antonette Coo, IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association r] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throe intermedia rv:ql anRafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Antonette Cook [Z IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1:�S Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: anCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Antonette Cook Fxj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SoRafae Union member's dues received throe intermediaxy: an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Antonette Cook BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ®CCDM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediady:Q§P:�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 65.2S 7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3OZ2013 Page 57 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Int,nette Cook IND Dispatcher 1.3.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received t1algilgLi interm diazy: an afael Police AEigggiation . 1520 Fifth Aven1je, S R_afael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Antonette Cook [Z IND Dispatcher' 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 iqsc(� Union member's dues received throe intermedia iv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Antonette Cook [Z IND Dispatcher 1 - 3.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xv:[;dSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Antonette Cook FX -1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Tan (� Union member's dues received through intermediary: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/l5/2013 Antonette Cook ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH City of San Rafael 1.520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediar1V:Q§P;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901l *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC(866/275-3772) , 0 IR -10 kiff a, ^ Type or print in ink. - Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 58 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Antonette Cook Fxj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCRion Membgrls dues 22ec�ivedthrough intgrm diary: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth kvgnuge. S n Ra el CA 94901 06/15/2013 Antonette Cook RX IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;Union SC member's dues received through intermediarv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 06/30/2013 Antonette Cook ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 S C G Union member's dues received through intermediary: Tan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Jaime Correa IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: anSCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Jaime Correa FX -1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 [:] COM JC/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iIv:Q§i9(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 SUBTOTAL $ 777 72.75 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A {CONT.} Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period � to whole dollars. / ! i from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 59 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San, Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION D. NUMBER} (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D.ODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Jaime Correa. 0 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 [`] COM C/o: San Rafael. Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 34901 member's dues received t ou h 'nter edi qSCCUnion :an Rafael Police .Association 1520 Fifth _Aygnue. San Rafael, CA 9490 02/15/2013 Jaime Correa RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association T OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 7 Union member's dues received throe h intermedia :`Tan Rafae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 02/28/2013 Jaime Correa T IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:qaSnCRafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 03/15/2013 Jaime Correa X IND Sergeant g 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael. Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1.520 Fifth Avenue O PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 qaSnRaf Union member's dues received through intermediary: ae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94.90 03/30/2013 Jaime Correa. T IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael. Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY San Rafael, CA 94901�� Union member's dues received. through intermedia : afae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue S n Rafael CA 9490 SUBTOTAL.$ 84.00 Codes IND — Individual Com Recipient (other than PTY or OTH — Other • business entity)PTY — Political ., Small Contributor 4 J FPPC Fort 460(January/05) #=PPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/276-3772 It 1�ffl - NMI Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 60 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Jaime Correa Fx_j IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qaCRa Union member's duesregeivedthrough intermedia-rv: nfael Police Aggociation, 1520 Fifth Ayenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Jaime Correa [Z IND - Sergeant 16.80 218.40 Q com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received through intermedia"ry: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Jaime Correa [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FlOTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:E;dSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Jaime Correa [ffl IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 qsf,%f% Union member's dues received through intermediary: J%"tafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Jaime Correa FX -1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§iV afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Commiffee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866JA-FPPC (866/276-3772) Wirp I - TTI���Mi Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. ��BIIN Miami mI���rk ilillill II�� WCO in 1� '1111111[imil L or Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 1 Page 61 _ of 190 - DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) . OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Jaime Correa FRI IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, C.A. 94901 . Union memberIg dues rgcgived through in_termgdiaxy:E4aSnCCRafael Police Assogiatign, 152Q Fifth AvenUe, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Ryan De Marta Fx_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, C.A. 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:qdSnCCRafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Ryan De Marta RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;dSnCRafael Union member's dues received through intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Ryan De Marta FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu2h intermedia ry:qansoR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Ryan De Marta [IND Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues.received through intermediady: QRr'F%(;,af lice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 Januar FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/A-FPPC (8661275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 62 of 190, - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Ryan De Marta ❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 membber's dues jeceived thlough intermediaxy: qanCUnion Rafael Police Aggggiation. 1520 Fifth Ayenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Ryan De Marta FX� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-ISCC Union member's dues received throucth intermediarv:--8an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Ryan De Marta BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:[:;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Ryan De MartaFX-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:E;JSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/201.3 Ryan De Marta nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &:Qafaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� 77 7 771. Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g'., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) 1111piliq Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period _1ES11M A A to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06Z30Z2013 Page 63 . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Ryan De Marta Fx_j IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qS on ember's dues received tj2rough intermediary: anCC Rafael Poligg Asgogiation, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Raf_agl, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Ryan De Marta [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EF; Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia rv: an Y-afael Police Association. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Ryan De Marta [5fl IND officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 M (�af Union member's dues received throe intermediary: --SanSC ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Ryan De Marta BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 0 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1S20 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: an't-afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Christian Diaz IND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F� OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy-Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 15201 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L V IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: S1 -IT (8661275-3772) Pill Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 64 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Christian Diaz IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association[BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's L11jes received through intermedia xv:[;aiC1CRafael P!21ice Association, 1520 Fifth A—venue. San Raf!ael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Christian Diaz ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Q_Union member's dues received throuqh intermediarv: Rafael Tan Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Christian Diaz [5d IND .Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1SC :;(� Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Christian Diaz [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue [:]-PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 1 Union member's dues received through intermedia y::;aSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 03115/2013 Christian Diaz FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM ',C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received throuqh intermediaz1y:LAFf(;,afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor C•d- • • dedivid COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee IN I MEMO!; SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Contig" uation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT)_ Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period OW CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. t 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3OZ2013 Page 65 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/36/2013 Christian Diaz ❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 nion member's dugs received throuc[h intermediaiv: anR n Rafael Police AssociatioLi. 1520 Fifth Avenue. SaLi Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Christian Diaz [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY ❑ City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: :Tan R.afae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Christian Diaz IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901❑ Union member's dues receivedthrough intermediary:l TanRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Christian Diaz ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 qscRafae Union member's dues received through intermediary: anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 05/31/2013 Christian Diaz FX-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermediadv-.L'AP:�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S4n Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 7 �77 777 7 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) I Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor C••- • . dedua COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee L FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 6 6 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Christian Diaz Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association GOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue Q PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union membgrls d—jigs received through intermediaxv:qaSnCC R afael Pgjigg AsgogialiQu, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Christian Diaz rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Christopher Duncan N IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: :Tan Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Christopher Duncan Fxj IND .Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia ry:E; anSC� afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Christopher Duncan FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia x1y:Q§P:�afaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "K 84.00 *Contributor C••- • . dedua COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee L FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 6? _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS C U M U LATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. I - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Christopher Duncan Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs rete iyed thrL)ucfh interm diaxv:qa_'nCCRafael Pglice Ass!2giatign. 1520 Fifth Avenjig, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Christopher Duncan rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Christopher Duncan Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv: qanSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Christopher Duncan BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy:qaSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Christopher Duncan nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901f(;, mbivL-4 Union meer's dues received through intermedia .:afaeL Police Association, 15201 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 949011 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party ii i 1 migis all 1 1 11 ii i 1 ii� 1 ii 11 SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) q M.0 fiq I I I Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A A to whole dollars. 0 1 1 from 0/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 68 . of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Christopher Duncan IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's duesrecgived throuc[h intermediaiv: �anCUnion Rafael Rolicg Aggggiation, 1520 Fifth &venue. San Rafael, CA_ 94901 05/15/2013 Christopher Duncan [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: anUnion Rafael Police Association,, L520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Christopher Duncan r_x1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xv:qdSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Christopher Duncan FIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Tan Union member's dues received through intermediary: afore Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Christopher Duncan FX� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 '-l§P(;,afae mbrlyE4 Union meer's dues received through intermedia .: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Receivel Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 Ml OW11:11011 oluffamm *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FP SC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 69 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Scott Eberle IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: qSCC an Rafael Police Associalion. 1520 Fifth Aygn1je. San Rafagl, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Scott Eberle nx ❑IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC member's dues received through intermediarv: qUnion an R.afae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Scott Eberle FIND sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City' of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary:afael Tan(;Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Scott Eberle RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary- an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Scott Eberle nx IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth.. Avenue. PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia J-v-.LA9(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 77 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FP SC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) I'm r.-Mi"We 0 1 AM On 1111iI -M San Rafael Police Association Political' Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. 000 1:4 11111 1129010M Statement covers period from 01Z01Z2013 through 06Z3OZ2013 Page 70 . of• I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Scott Eberle rX_] IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r -j Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs recgivgd tLirglIgh in_tgjmgdiaxy: qanRa fael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Scott Eberle rx-1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association r] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ® PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throucrh intermediary: �anUnion Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Scott Eberle [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Gl Unionmember's dues received through intermediay-v: �an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/ 30 /2013 Scott Eberle ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: � anqsoafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Scott Eberle [KIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 r d lUnion member's dues receivethrough intermedia ]LL Q 9 afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490� 777"l 7"T77, *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 MEN= FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) 11111q� I Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2X013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 71 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS} 05/31/2013 Scott Eberle Rx IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues Kgceiygd through intermgdiaxy: n Rafael qaCCUnion Polige Agsociation, 1520 Fifth AvygnLie. San Rafagl, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Scott Eberle Fx_j IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaiv: afael anUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Scott Eberle [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy: Tan afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Christopher Fuller RX IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH city of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Tan Union member's dues received throu2h intermedia ry: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 01/15/2013 Christopher Fuller [KIND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 DCOM - C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 .Union member's dues received through intermediady:QP:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460':i from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 72 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Christopher Fuller Fxj IND Police Officer 16,80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC_ member's duesreceivedthrough intgrmediazy: qUnion an Rafael Police Asgociation. 1520 Fifth Aygnue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Christopher Fuller [j] IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 Cl Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C member's dues received through intermediaxy: qUnion anSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Christopher Fuller [Z IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia'ry: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 0-5/15/2013 Christopher Fuller Fxj IND Police officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E; (�afael Union member's dues received through intermedia iy: anSC Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Christopher Fuller FRI IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F�OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermediadv: Q§P(;, af aell ice Association, 1520 Polio Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Sr FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Statement covers period CALIFORNIA from 01/01Z2013 FORM 460 NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee through 06Z30/2013 Page 73 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Christopher Fuller ❑ IND Police officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue � PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCR Union member's du received throucth intermediaiv: anafael Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Christopher Fuller FXI IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received throucTh intermedia rv: anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Christopher Fuller N IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EI 1520 Fifth Avenue [:1 OTH City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-1 PTY Union member's dues received through intermediary: qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Christopher Fuller FX -1 IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 El P -Ty Union member's dues received throe intermediary: qanaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Christopher Fuller FX1 IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia x1V:QP;,afae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue,, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) Political Party I SCC — Small Contributor Committee L W11 FPPC For 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee through 06Z30/2013 Page 73 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Christopher Fuller ❑ IND Police officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue � PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCR Union member's du received throucth intermediaiv: anafael Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Christopher Fuller FXI IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received throucTh intermedia rv: anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Christopher Fuller N IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EI 1520 Fifth Avenue [:1 OTH City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-1 PTY Union member's dues received through intermediary: qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Christopher Fuller FX -1 IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 El P -Ty Union member's dues received throe intermediary: qanaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Christopher Fuller FX1 IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia x1V:QP;,afae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue,, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) Political Party I SCC — Small Contributor Committee L W11 FPPC For 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) Political Party I SCC — Small Contributor Committee L W11 FPPC For 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 74 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Christopher Fuller IND Police Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues receive through intermgdiaiv: an Rafael Police Aasociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Salvatore Garanzini Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia y -v: anqSCR.afae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Salvatore Garanzini Fx_j IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH1520 Fifth Avenue F_� PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Salvatore Garanzini FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:E; anSCRafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Salvatore Garanzini Fx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia &:Q§i9(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� [7777=777777717'"111 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee %j%jLj1W1r%L_W 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A {CONT.)i Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 75 . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Salvatore Garanzini Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmber's dues received throe qh— irate rmedia yv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth AvenUe. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Salvatore Garanzini [Z IND .Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Salvatore Garanzini [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Salvatore Garanzini r_xj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu h intermedia r_y:qanRafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Salvatore Garanzini ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia &:Q§P:�afak Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 -7, ,77,77" "777 77 '777' 777-77`7177 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661S-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary ContributionReceived Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period _I s A A to whole dollars. ESIM3 from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 76 . of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/1-5/2013 Salvatore Garanzini rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Poligg Aggggiation, 1520 Fifth Avenug, S n R_afael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Salvatore Garanzinirx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 FISQ_ Union member's dues received throuqh intermediaiv:qanC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Salvatore Garanzini [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:E;dSnKafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Salvatore Garanzini Fx] IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F� PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 qsc(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Michael Garrison HIND Officer` 16.80 117.60 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajv:Q§P:�afae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL 777, ............ ......... ....... 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) i OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) I nt U071,1111, Type or print in Ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460" from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 77 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Michael Garrison Fxj IND Officer 16.80 117.60 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union membgr's dues received throiacfh intgrm diaxv: qSCC an Rafael Pa ice Association, 1520 Fifth Aygnue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Michael Garrison [Z IND Officer 16.80 117.60 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Michael Garrison ®IND Off icer 16.80 117.60 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael, San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy:qaSPRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Michael Garrison FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 117.60 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue [] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary: q anSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Michael Garrison Z IND Officer 16.80 117.60 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, 'CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:QP;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490� 17 77777=77'777717 "-7 - m 1-111, 1", "77"'""77,77" 1 ', 11, '77 7 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee i 1 1!1 jail 1 !:! 1 1 i 1111slin 1 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: ASK- 'PPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 0.0 A MONA *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 78 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Michael GarrisonIND Officer 16.80 117.60 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OATH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rec ived through intermediayv:qaSnCCRafael Police Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Avenug. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Justin Graham nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 [:] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia zy: qanRafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Justin Graham [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 r-1 Union member's dues received through intermedia xv:L_4anSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Justin Graham Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedlaiy: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Justin Graham HIND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediady QeN r%r% ge-kafaell I Police Association_L 15201 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Statethent covers period CALIFORNIA FORM 460 1 from 01/01/2013 7 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 79 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Justin Graham rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC C Union member's dues reg ivied through intermediazy q: an Rafae o ice Association, 1520 Fifth Ayenue, San R_af_a!21. CA 94901 03/15/2013 Justin Graham RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑City F1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC E;C Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: an Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Justin Graham Fx_j INC) Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:dSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Justin Graham nx INC} Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F�OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediazy:LSCAanI;zafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/.30/2013 Justin Graham HIND Officer 16.80 218.40 QCOIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received through intermedia mbdv L-4F__1 .-,afaeL R; Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ . . . . . . . . . . 84.00 7 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) 1 . I111111 111 Monetary Contributions Received Amounts maybe rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 4601 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 80 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Justin Graham Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ion memberla dues received thrg],jgh intg1mediazy: SCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenug, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Justin Graham [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qscc an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael C.A. 94901 06/15/2013 Justin Graham [Z IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received throe intermedia iv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Justin Graham [ffl IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's -dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Julie Griffith FX -1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 'Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§p';,afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenuel, _SAn Rafael, CA 9490 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH,— Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 21•D*butor Cotiraiiftee SUBTOTAL$ 80.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 46011 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 81 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Julie Griffith rx-1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union m!2�grls due received thizmic[h interm diaxv: q anR n Rafael P!21ice Asgoggiation, 1520 Fifth Avellue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Julie Griffith Fx_1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ❑COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;anR Union member's dues received through intermediarv: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Julie Griffith RIND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:qdSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Julie Griffith BIND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C /o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throu2h intermediary: anl RafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Julie Griffith [IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajV:Q§P(;ZafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L r "'77"777`77' Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30Z2013 Page 82 _ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Julie Griffith IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 ® COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F� PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 union mgmber's dues received through intermediazy:TaCC Rafael Police Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Lyenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Julie Griffith [Z IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F_1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 FISC member's dues received through intermediary:E; anl KafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Julie Griffith [5fl IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ® PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Julie Griffith IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 1-7 SC (�af Union member's dues received through intermediary: L- -- an ael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Julie Griffith [IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 0 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rI V: LAP;,afaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SC OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 'i SCC — Small Contributor Committee 1 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 83 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Julie Griffith IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmber.'s du received tucth intermed' a-rv:[;aSnCCRafael Police Ass!2cianon , 1520 Fifth Lyenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Julie Griffith rx-1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;dSnCCRafael Union member's dues received through intermedia rV: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Lori Hendricks ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1554 Fifth Avenue [--I PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 E;anRafae Union member's dues received through intermediarv: l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Lori Hendricks [2] IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 member's dues received throw intermediary_L _4l anRafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 01/31/2013 Lori Hendricks FRI IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 DCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia Ay:Q§P(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520. Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL $ 65.25 ... . . ..... *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SC OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 'i SCC — Small Contributor Committee 1 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) mom* "I"11, Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 46 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 84 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Lori Hendricks Fxj INDDispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1554 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 Union member's dues received throucth intermedia *rv: qSCC an Rafael Police Assogiation, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Lori Hendricks [Z IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association FIOTH 1554 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Lori Hendricks [Z IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1554 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 E;SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediary: l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Lori Hendricks ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2 013 Lori Hendricks FIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 Union member's dues received through intermediai1y:Q§F(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, C.A. 9490L -7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) CITH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committ SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 85 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Lori HendricksIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1554 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 CRafael Union member's dues rec ived through intermedia yv:Tin Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth A_venue, San Rafagl, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Lori Hendricks ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F 1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1554 Fifth Avenue T PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 E;SCI� Union member's duos received throw intermediary an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Lori Hendricks [5fl IND Dispatcher 13.-05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1554 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94935 member's dues received through intermediary: �an(�Union afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Lori Hendricks [ffl IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia ryi an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Lori Hendricks FX -1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH City of San Rafael 1554 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94935 lUnion member's dues received throe intermediajy:Q§Ff(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 949011 SUBTOTAL.$ 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) *0,Mi1W11 41k1;fv;1Tr*TW1i a, . gn .1 ARM - Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 11 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 {January/ 5) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 8 6 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Robert Henkle IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C Union member's dues receive throuoLi intermedia'rV:qaSnC Rafael Police _AgsociatiL)n, 1520 Fifth Avenue, jS n Rafael, CA 9490 1 01/15/2013 Robert Henkle [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCC Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Robert Henkle ®IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0TH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: afael anUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Robert Henkle BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu2h intermedia ry:Eon afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Robert Henkle [ZIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union memher's dues received throe intermedia&:Q9'1y";,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 11 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee I FPPC Form 460 {January/ 5) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Moneta lanyr Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period I CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 4bO from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 8 7 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Robert Henkle ❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY zN City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmber's dues receivgd thrgligh intermediaxv:qa�C Rafael Po ice Asgo—ciation. 1520 FiftLi Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Robert Henkle r_xj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:qdSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Robert Henkle ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue PTH n TY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: �an�Union afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Robert Henkle BIND Off icer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association GOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 qan(�Union member's dues received through intermediary: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Robert Henkle nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA94901 Union member I s dues received through intermedia &: QW;,af aeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S4n Rafael CA 9490� IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SC "-2 _CD-kitributor Cor-tatti-Itee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 60419 IN big] I 993[�W *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0 — Other (e.g., business entity) TH PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1-PPC (8661275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 8 8 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Robert Henkle IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ni n member's dueargc iyed throucihintgj2ffi diazy: Rafael qanC Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 06/15/2013 Robert Henkle nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv:an TESCCUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Robert Henkle ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 4TH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xyJ:;aSnKafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 J. Alexander Holm FX] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; SC(�Union an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 J_ Alexander Holm ZIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia xly:Q§NrY afak Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0 — Other (e.g., business entity) TH PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1-PPC (8661275-3772) •§T11i1Pj1y 11011 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 L ai I *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee Nth FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 8 9 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 J. Alexander Holm X IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues r!Qceiyed tLirollcrh inter medict -rv:qaSnCCRafael Policg Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Ave Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 J. Alexander Holm N IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 J. Alexander Holm Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:]PTS City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 J. Alexander Holm nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue Pw San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:qaSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/201.3 J_ Alexander Holm nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia x1V: QP;,afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue SAn Rafael, CA 9490,� SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 I *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee Nth FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) zsow chedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) MAmounts may be rounded Statement covers periodonearCoyntributions Received I CALIFORNIA 460 to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 90 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. I -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 J. Alexander Holm❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC Union meMbe es recgiv�d through interm2did 2:1s d YV: an Rafae I Pglicg Aggociation, 1520 Eifth Avenue San Ave R—afagl, CA 94201 04/30/2013 J. Alexander Holm IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 J. Alexander Holm ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue OPTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia YV: qscafael an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 J. Alexander Holm FX] IND Officer 16.80 216.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia q Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/1.5/2013 J. Alexander Holm BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 intermedia Union member's dues received through §P (:�a f aell ice Association, 15201 Police Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 949011 777-7"" 7777 77 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes I IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 111 SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) TI -re M rMy to Me, 0 =I - Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01Z01/2013 E *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 1i SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866-FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06/3012013 Page 91 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS C U M U LATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 J. Alexander HolmFx_j IND officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 union member's du—es received Lhrgough intermediary:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Lisa Holton FRI INDSergeant 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (LSCC Union member's dues received throe intermediaiv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Lisa Holton [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 1 01/31/2013 Lisa Holton BIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermediar_y.-E;JSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 02/15/2013 Lisa Holton nX IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 11520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901y mbiv491 Union meer's dues received through intermedia or, ( :;,afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL.$ 84.00 . .. . ... -- *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party 1i SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866-FPPC (8661276-3772) 4 1 J11111! 9 Pea � NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. M Statement covers period CALIFORNIA 46 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30Z2013 Page 92 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 0228/2013 Lisa Holton FX -1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throjigh intermediaiv: qSCR anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Lisa Holton Fx_j INDSergeant 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 s Union member's dues received through intermediary: q ancRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Lisa Holton ®INC? Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ®COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901:` E S Union member's dues received through intermediary: anC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Lisa Holton Fxj IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH I City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R P TY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaryl q -. anRafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04%30/2013 Lisa Holton ZINC) Sergeant 16.80 218.40 [-] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 U^ .inion member's dues received through intermedia r--' r%L�RP;, Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 7 *Contributor Codes 1 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committ ee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) Alt A, 1404 =I- � M r7m 111m, =fIrldmo Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/0122013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) 1 PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 93 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 8,31553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Lisa Holton M IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 membel's duea rec ived throiiqh intermediaiv: arcaUnion nRfael Rolice association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San R fael C 94901 05/31/2013 Lisa Holton Fx_j IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association RUTH - 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rV:E;aSnCCRafae1 Police Association,. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Lisa Holton [ZINC} Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Lisa Holton RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association RUTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary1l �aan�afae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 01/01/2013 Kyle Hornstein N IND Corporal 16-80 218.40 F]CUM C/o: `San Rafael Police Association RUTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received through intermedia ,mbdyQ 19(:§� :afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, 5 Rafael, CA 9490� 77 SUBTOTAL.$ 84. 00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) 1 PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 0 46 from 01/01/2013 FORM 1 through 06Z30/2013 Page 94 _ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCC Union member's dues rgceiygd throucfh intermediaiv: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Kyle Hornstein [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM 4 C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received throuqh intermediarv: anl Ra.fae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City' of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:dSnKafael qF-1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Kyle Hornstein RIND Corporal 16 .80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E;dSPRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein EZIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q§F(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) 1! PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 Januar /05 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A {CONT.} Moneta'0 Contributions Deceived Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA JY to whale dollars.460 from 01/01/2013 FORM O• through 06/30/2013 Page 95 of 1.90 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT H RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED {IF COMMITTEEENTER I.D. NUMBER} CODE {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD {JAN. 1 -DEC. 31 } (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Kyle Hornstein x INDp Cor oral 1.80 218.40 ❑ CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union ember's dues received through int rm diaxv:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Ave ue San Rafael, CA 9490 04/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein QINDC or oral p 1.80 218.40 CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association (❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901. Union member's dues received through intermedia :�anDRafae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 04/30/2013 Kyle Hornstein ® IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw h intermedia qsc( : afae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 05/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein QIND Corporal 16 .80 218.40 n CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 05/11/2013 Kyle Hornstein [ZX IND Corporal 16. 8 0 218.40 n CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received. throu h intermedia j�(�(ti : afae Police Association 1520 Fifth. Avenue S n Rafael CA 9490 SUBTOTAL ..- r — Individual RecipientCommittee (other than PTY or SCC) • ., business entity) PParty ContributorSCC — Small • I=PPC Form 460 Januaryl05 FPPC Toll -Free helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) 1! SCHEDULE A (CONT) Tvpe or print In ink. Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 96 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Kyle Hornstein X IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [-10TH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC, Union ember's dues regeived through interme-dia*rv:gan Rafael Policg Associatign, 1520 Eifth Avenue. 0an Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Kyle Hornstein Fx_j INC} Corporal 16.80 218.40 ®COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia r_V:qdSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Carl Huber Fx] IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 C] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 01/15/2013 Carl Huber FX -1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Carl Huber [KIND Corporal 16-80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o: nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San -Rafael, CA 94901 nion meer's dues received through intermedia ,Umbdy : EA (;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9494 M Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party ,z ,_� �2 • • or Goitityiffee SUBTOTAL $ 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) #V& bchedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA 460'� to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30Z2013 Page 9 7 _ of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Carl Huber RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmberls dues received through intermedia ry:qS anfael _CRa Police Ass!2gia_tion_, 1520 ifth Avgnue, San R!afael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Carl Huber [j] IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 S Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:q anCRafael Police Association, 1520 FifthAvenue.. San Rafael, CA' 94901 03/15/2013 Carl Huber[Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ® PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia 1V:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Carl Huber IND Corporal 16 .80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received throe intermediary- anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Carl Huber [ZIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia jV:QP;,afae1l Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue S n Rafael, CA 9490� ,Union SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 .. ... ...... *Contributor Codes I IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 11 OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) i PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee i FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 98 Of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS C U M U LATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED} OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Carl Huber Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union member's dues received through intermedia xy: an Rafael Police Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Carl Huber [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary Rafaell anUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Carl Huber N IND Corporal 16.80 218 .40 [ICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia -rv: qs ancRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Carl Huber Fxj IND Corporal 16.8 0 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 s Union member's dues received through intermedia q ancRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Carl Huber EZ IND Corporal 16 .80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue [:]PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received through intermedia 'mb& : E( A9 ;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SC , C,�SnmJLQoi,11db_u1or Ccawaittae SUBTOTAL$ - --- ------ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (866/275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 Illuffamm *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 99 - Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Eric Huot rx-1 IND -j Officer 16.80 218.40 r COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs reggived through intermedia xv:qaSnC1afael i2olive Asgggia:Lion, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 24901 01/15/2013 Eric Huot N IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association []OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received through intermedia : arCiCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490lv. 01/31/2013 Eric Huot ®IND officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: afael an(�Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Eric Huot [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o: OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry_LqaSnCCkafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Eric Huot ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Kjnion member's dues received through intermedia &:Q§F?;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 100 Of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE ' RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Eric Huot❑IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC Union member's dues received through int ermedialv: an Rafael Po lice Association, 1S20 Fifth Aveniie, San Rafael, CA 9490 1 03/30/2013 Eric Huot nx INC) officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuc[h intermediaxv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Eric Huot ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia y_V:qdSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 04/30/2013 Eric Huot BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Eon Union member's dues received throe intermedia iy: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Eric Huot nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§P:�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contdbutor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 ... .. . .. ... . FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) ?0TAT"Itm, Tvoe or orint in Ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA 460 to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 101 Of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Eric Huot rx-1 IND officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCCan nion meniher I s dues received t1arough intermediaiv: Rafael Police Asgociation. 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Eric Huot ®IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 r_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1 E;SCCRa . Union member's dues received through intermedia iv : an fael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 949 06/30/2013 Eric Huot [5fl IND officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC CRafael Union member's dues received through intermedia iv : an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Scott Ingels ®IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediayy:E;aSnKafae1 Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Scott Ingels [IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 QCOIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia :Q§P`RafaeE Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, Sin Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 102 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER} CGDE {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD {,IAN. 1 -DEC. 31} (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Scott Ingels X IND Corporal 26.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:F;aSnCCRafael Police ssoc ' :L on 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 9490 02/15/2013 Scott Ingels RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throw h intermedia qSCCUnion : afae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 02/28/2013 Scott Ingels RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C'/o: San.Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (; Union member's dues received through intermediary:�an 2afae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9430 03/15/2013 Scott Ingels IND Corporal 26.80 218.40 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH Clay of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia : anRafaelPolice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 03/30%2013 Scott Ingels RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 R COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 2520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe h intermediajy.Q§P*Rafae1l � Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue S n Rafael CA 9490 SUBTOTAL 84.00 . Codes IND — Individual Recipient Coee (other than PTY or !(e.g., business entity) Political Party Small •Committee FPPC Form 46 January/06 FPPC Tall -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-I`PPC 866/275-3772) _=11 T,=0 E='w 111" 1! A Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 103_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Scott Ingels Rx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 r__1 SCC Union mgmber'Q dues receivgd through intermediarv:L-Aan Rafael P!21ice Assoc iation, 1520 Fifth Lvenue. San Rafagl, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Scott ingels RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCC Union member's dues received throucth intermediary an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Scott Ingels [5fl IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia yv:E;aSn Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Scott Ingels RX IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: qSC anRzafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/1.5/2013 Scott Ingels RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermediajV:Q§TP-Rafae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party Goijitrtiffee IN SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) k q,0 91. Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 nol W 1:3 Dili 4 gUILOLOM *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee !I *C) (other than PTY or SC CITH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 104 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Scott Ingels IND Corporal 16 .80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCC Union Lnemberlg dues recti' ed thr!2Ljc[h_ intermedict xv: an Rafael Policg Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/201-3 Lynette Keller ®IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 scc member's dues received through intermedia iv: qUnion an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Lynette Keller [IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 ©cam C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: afael an(�Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Lynette Keller IND Community Service officer 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia -r anRa.fael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2 013 Lynette Keller EZIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 E]COM ,C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through jntermedia&:LA91Y(;,afaeL or" Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490 17, SUBTOTAL $ 69.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee !I *C) (other than PTY or SC CITH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 105. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Lynette Keller Fx_j IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memberla dues received.through interLa!aLliaxv: qSCC an Rafael Pglice Agisociatign, 1520 Fifth A—venue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2 013 Lynette Keller FXI IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 [-] Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Lynette Keller [Z IND community service officer 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association STH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received through intermediazy: q anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Lynette Keller ®IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermediary:E;aSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Lynette Keller nx IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael I1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901' Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§i9(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FV r *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) Other (e.g., business entity) OTH PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) iT*014 - - 4�6641 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 106 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Lynette Keller FRI INDCommunity Service Officer 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rgceive!d throug—h int!2jmeL1ia*rv: qaCC n Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Lvenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Lynette Keller ®IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throucrh intermedia rv: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Lynette Keller RIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaiv: afael an(�Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Lynette Keller RIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 1 �;JSn�2afae Union member I s dues received through intermediazy: l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Rebecca Kuga FRI IND YSI3 Supervisor 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 [Union member's dues received through intermedia&JDA§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� 777 SUBTOTAL 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661276-3772) ITIMMIPIEL:1- W. AM U11 Monetary ContributionReceived Amounts may be rounded s Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 107_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga INDYSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediaxv: l Polige Asaociation, 15_20 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA_ 94901 01/31/2013 Rebecca Kuga Rx IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association RUTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Uct-ry nion member's dues received throw h intermedia : anSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga [Z IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxv: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Rebecca Kuga ®IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary:qaSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 03/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga RIND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 [Linion member's dues received through intermedia -Q§P:�afaell . ice Association, 15201 Police Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901l Ck I /C ThTA I d% 777777 F *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 E F; -111 r *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Com — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee —A FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASIS-FFP C (8661276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 108 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED , . (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D.MBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Rebecca Kuga IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r -j PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meMber's dues received through intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Polige Asgocialion , 1520 Fifth AvenLig. San Rafagl, C.A. 94901 04/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga rx-1 IND YSB I Supervisor 13.05 169.65 [:] Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Rebecca Kuga nx IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia1'V:dSnKafael q Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga nx IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o: nOTH City I of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 'CA Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E;JSP afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, 94901 05%31./2013 Rebecca Kuga IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia jy:Q§i9(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL4 65.25 F; -111 r *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Com — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee —A FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASIS-FFP C (8661276-3772) . . R SCHEDULE A (CONI—) W"A F TvDe or print In ink. Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA 460,1 to whole dollars. from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 10 9. Of 190 - I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE ZIP DE OF CONTRIBUTOR FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CO CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR - TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Rebecca Kuga Fx_j IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 memberIg dues received through int-erm, diary: Rafael anCUnion Police Agsociation. 1520 Fifth Avgenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Rebecca Kuga Rx IND YSB Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermediary: Tan afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Marc Laplante RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael,, CA 94901 (�afael Union member's dues received through intermediary: anqSC Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA_ 9490L 01/15/2013 Marc Laplante [E IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia Tan:afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490ry 01/31/201.3 Marc Laplante RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajy-.L-4 U P:� afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 9490� 77— Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Commiftee SUBTOTAL$ 76.50 FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FFP' C Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) j [ � H M FT MeT W �,, h e e t) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 4 6U from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 110 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Marc Laplante IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 FICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 sc Union member's diies recgiyed through intermedia-rv:q Rafaeanl Police Asgocia:Lion, 1520 Fifth AvenLie, 0 z Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Marc Laplante EZ IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ❑COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCC Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Marc Laplante [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediaxv: qanRafae(ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Marc Laplante BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary:qaSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Marc Laplante ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 [-] Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meer's dues received through intermedia 'mbdv r_7P;, :L-8 af aeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 949011 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 Januar los) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Schedule A (ContinuMtion Sheet) Monetary Contributions Receiveii Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC)) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 111 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Marc Laplante IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue © PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receivg!j thlough inte_rmediarv: qSCRa aLifael Police Ass!2cia:Lion, 1520 Fifth Avenug. San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Marc Laplante ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCCl Union member's dues received through intermedia r v an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Marc Laplante [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qscRafae anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Marc Laplante ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermediary: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Marc Laplante nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1CUM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermediajV:Q§iP;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9494 SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC)) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3022013 Page 112. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUM U LATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Kimberly Larkey rx-1 IND officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj 4TH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memh_er's dLigs received throllgh intermediazy: qSCC an pafael Police Agsociatign. 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, C.A. 94901 01/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey Fx_j IND officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: Rafael anCUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Kimberly Larkey IND Officer 16.80 218.40 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue. F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCCR Union member's dues received through intermediazy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 02/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey BIND Officer 16.80 2 . 18.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: E; anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Kimberly Larkey BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 © COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia dy:QP-RafaeL r, Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue S Rafael CA 9490� 'Union 7777-77�7� SUBTOTAL$ 84. 00 *Contributor Codes I IND — Individual H COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee L *Ht FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) A a 0 Soft a Amounts may be rounded Monetary ContrmutionS Keceived Statement covers period CALIFOR to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 113_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ©COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through inter medict -ry:qaS:CCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Kimberly Larkey r_X1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCC Union member's dues received through intermediary an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue E-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediar-v: qsc(� an afore l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Kimberly Larkey nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia jy:QP;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SAn Rafael, CA 949011 77=7. 77"7771 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee i___1 LWA F., I me 1 No= III III INS winiiiIIIII 1 IiIII Nomi FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661A-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation :sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A {CONT.} ' Contributions Received Amc�#u/�n`t�myaryy.�b}�er�ounded statement covers period MonetaryCALIFORNIA 460';RM (�iJ i�hL/�e dollars. from 01/01/2013 FO through 06/30/2013 Page 114 of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER} , CODE * {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Kimberly Larkey ❑X IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association T OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memberIg dues rec ' ved t rou irate me is : `-USCG Rafael Police Agsociation 1520 Fifth Avenue n Rafael, CA 9490 06/15/2013 Kimberly Larkey T IND Officer 16.80 218.40 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia qSCC :an Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 06/30/2013 Kimberly Larkey T IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary:Tanafae Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 9490 01/01/2023 ndora Lee rax IND Dispatcher 13.0 5 169.6S ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediay_y:E;aSnCCkafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 01/15/2013 Anndora Lee ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY San Rafael, CA 94901. �(; 'r.-, : __ .V. .,L, , i e, r�„r� r r i -1r i-'nY-'�iiry*h i of t=-rmp(ii A V •_ rT af aell Police Association, 1520 F .f th Avenue S n Rafael CA 9490 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient (otherPTYor OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party ContributorSCC — Small s _' 1=PPC Farm 460 (January/05) 1=P'PC Toll -Free Helpline: 6 ► i -FPPC (866/275-3772) 0 Alk • ITOM01MIRMST11M L 7r*rt?-TR7VM 0 San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 through 06Z30/2013 I Page 115 of 190 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Anndora Lee F_xj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F _�SCCRafael Union memberIg dugs received through jntermgdiar_y: Po ice Association, 1 520 . an Fifth Avenue O Ra eel CA 9490 . 1 02/15/2013 Anndora LeeEZ IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CRafael Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: `man Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Anndora Lee BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia r_y:qdSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Anndora Lee [M IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o: ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediry: an(';a-afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Anndora Lee FX -1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o: Ej OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia&:L4Rk`Rafae1l = r% ^ f-% I Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) Political Party — Sitall Ca*tributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Co'ntributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 116. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Anndora Lee Fx� IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY ❑ City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 c Union member's dues receiv!gd through in_termediazy:qsc an Rafael Police AssociatiQn, 1520 Fift_h Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Anndora Lee-1IND Fx Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ❑Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CRafael Union member's dues received through intermedia :Tan Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490ry 05/15/2013 Anndora Lee ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:E;dSnKafore l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Anndora Lee [M IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F_1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;sc(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Anndora Lee nX IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia d Y: LAP:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Gotirtiffee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) *MiiW * 1: - - .1 W Im J, rTIT Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee I - - -------- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 117 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D.MBER) , . CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Anndora Lee [S]IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receivgd throLigh intgrmediaxv: TaanSCC Rafael Polige Aggggiation. 1520 Fifth Avenug, San Rafagl, CA 24901 01/01/2013 Rogelio Leon [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: anqSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Rogelio Leon HIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 OCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ©PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;80� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Rogelio Leon [MIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe throe intermedia ry: qaSnRafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Rogelio Leon nX IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 [:] Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia x1y:QP;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL $ 80.25 -,77 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee I - - -------- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 OPP *Contributor Codes IND — Individual 1 COM — Recipient Committee I I (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (eg., business entity) Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 118 of 190 I.D. NUMBER NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Rogelio Leon FB IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-]PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meffib_erlg dues received throuah interMediayv: qSCC an Rafael tign. 1 Police Associa 520 Fifth Avenjj!Q_. San Rafael CA 94901 03/15/2 013 Rogelio Leon [ZIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through. intermedia -rv:qaSnCCRafael Police Association,- 1520 Fifth Avenue., S n Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Rogelio Leon HIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia-ry qsK afael : an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Rogelio Leon [ffl IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F_1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediary :qansRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Rogelio Leon [KIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 nion meer's dues received throe intermedia Lmb& or%(:�afaell Q gly Police Association _t_ 1520 Fifth Avenue n Rafael, CA 9490� z" SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 OPP *Contributor Codes IND — Individual 1 COM — Recipient Committee I I (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (eg., business entity) Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) J11111 I a^ nq=effi. R�W�M, ®r1HM9ir0T91T_1Wk- 0 a Ak Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 119 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831.553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Rogelio Leon RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues rgceived through inter mg iary: qSCR anafael Police Ass !2gialion , 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CAA -94901 05/31/2013 Rogelio Leon RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 �]SCQ� Union member's dues received through intermedia :`Tan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Rogelio Leon BIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; anSCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2 013 Rogelio Leon [IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu2h intermedry: ia q� ansoafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Kevin Macdougald EZIND {officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia Jy:L=AP;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490k SUBTOTAUP 7, 7, 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 120_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C Union me-m-berl-s dues recgiv!2d through inteLcmedia-rV:qaSnC Rafael Po is Association, 1520 Fifth Avenu!2,' S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Kevin Macdougald r_X1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association r] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediary: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Kevin Macdougald FRI IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: afael anUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald QIND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermediady §P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9494 r *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary t;ontributionsKeceiveci Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 121 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Kevin Macdougald ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 dues receiv!2-d thlZough interm diaxv: a��Unionmembeiz's Rafael Police Agsociation, 1520 Fift]2 Avenue, San Rafagl, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 -1 Union member's dues received through intermediaxv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Kevin Macdougald ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediazy: �[ anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received intermedia-ry:l anRafaethrough Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Kevin Macdougald [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &:Q§Ff(;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901l *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL. ;P 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPLC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA f; from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/3012013 Page 122_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Kevin Macdougald Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intgrm diaxy:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Aven1je, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Kevin Macdougall r_x1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 M SCQ Union member's dues received through intermedia iv: 1--7san Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Michael Mathis - IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Michael Mathis Fxj IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received through intermediazy: ansoRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Michael Mathis [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia &:QP;,afaeL Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party CC - 211-C-atitributor Comirtiftee 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) A 1� Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 12 3. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Michael Mathis Fx_1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through interm, diazy: qSCC an Rafael Policg Agsogiation , 1520 Fifth Ly-en—ug n Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Michael Mathis EZ IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 --1 S C Qxafael Union member's dues received through intermedia iv:qan _ Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sen. Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Michael Mathis [IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC E;(� Union member's dues 'received throw intermediaiv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Michael Mathis FX -1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediaiy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Michael Mathis EM IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jy:Q§i9(;ZafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� 7 7 7 -777777'77 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SUBTOTAL$ E, 84.00 1 i ii im FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) 11 14JIRTIT:.ilmmff� PMRM@7�Wn1RTr*T1M11W. N -o Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee L- -------- - FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 124 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Michael Mathis Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through interm diary: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth AvenLie, San Rafagl, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Michael Mathis [j] IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 __I Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Michael Mathis BIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Michael Mathis ®IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ( Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; anSC" afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Michael Mathis RIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jy:Q§P:�afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L . . . .. .. SUBTOTAL$ .. 84.00 7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee L- -------- - FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) 1111 1111, 111, 111 � R:N ;TTo r Iff,", I I 111HU111 Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 125_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Kelly Mauel IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 0 Union member's dues receivedthrough interm diaxy: a�D Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth A_vgnLje, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Kelly Mauel Rx IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermedia xv:[; anScRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Kelly Mauel N IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 El COM - C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1❑pan PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: �Union afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Kelly Mauel rx-1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 - r-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue LJ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: anscafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Kelly Mauel FIND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv:Q§P�RafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L Individual Recipient Commiftee (other than PITY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA A) to whole dollars. 4 6 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 126. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Kelly Mauel M IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Lngmbgr's dgs recgived through intgrm diazy: SCCUnion n Rafael Po ice Aagogiatign, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Kelly Mauel [j] IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 COM C/o C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Kelly Mauel rx-1 IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxv:[: aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Kelly Mauel ®IND Records Clerk 13. . 05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throu2h intermediaiy: anafaeUnion l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Kelly Mauel [IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 CCDM C/o: C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajy:Q9K";,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party IL JL Jjjj t L SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. gmmgfisllu�� Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 , Page 12 7. of 19# DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Kelly Mauel IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through ilItgrm diazy: qSCC an Rafael Polige Associatign, 1520 Fifth AvenLie, S n Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Kelly Mauel Fx Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throu!gh intermediaxy: qanscc_Union Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Kelly Mauel [5d IND Records Clerk 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FI OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: Tan Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 f Abigail Mcelderry BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:E; anSCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry [MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue I PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &:Q§I91;zafPolice Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490k *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Commiffee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party I -it 1kildid jhkLr_' # 11fu SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 128_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Abig' il Mcelderry Fx-JIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 'San Union memb—grIg d1igg receive through intermediaxy:qaSnCCRafae1 Poligg Ass!2giatjoa, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Rafael, M 94901 02/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry [Z IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 --1 S C CRafael Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan _ Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Abigail Mcelderry Fx� IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 R COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCG Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry FRI IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 SnC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia r afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Abigail Mcelderry FX -1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901L I rN (:�af mbd Union meer's dues received through intermedia V: -49k a eL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAU-0 65.25 *Contributor Codes Individual Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business enti ty) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee . .... ..... A A I'"tlil FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (866/276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received =7=7317= San Rafael Police Association Pocal Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 129_ of 190 I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry TND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Un' on member's dugg received through interMgdiaxy: q anR afael Police Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Avygnug, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Abigail Mcelderry rX_1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 SCC_ Union member's dues received through intermedia :`;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry [A IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:[-f anSoRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 05/31/2013 Abigail Mcelderry [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 �anRafaethrough Union member's dues received intermediary:l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Abigail Mcelderry nx IND Dispatcher 13.05 169-65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &:QRiY-RafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490k *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party utor C*witiftfee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASIC-FFP C (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 130 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Abigail Mcelderry IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dugg received 1hrough inte.1m, dia-ry: an�nion Rafael Police Associatign. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Phillip Melodia ®IIT officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, C.A. 94901 -ISCQ_ Union member's dues received throuqh intermediaxv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Phillip Melodia [5fl IND .officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:[-fJSHCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Phillip Melodia BIND officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Q OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received throu2h intermedia zy:E; Rafae anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Phillip Melodia BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:]PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901P;, Union meer's dues received through intermedia mbiv : QR^afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL$ 7 80.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FFP C Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A to whole dollars. 0 1 from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 131_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Phillip Melodia IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ® PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedi_ary: qSCC an Rafael Police Agsogialion, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 Phillip 03/15/2013 [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 nn Union Union member's dues received throe intermedia zv: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Phillip Melodia nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:�aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Phillip Melodia FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: anSR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Phillip Melodia ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaJV:QW;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Ca- • + Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) 1 PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee A FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) I�NNI Wall Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 132_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IFCOMM COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/20135 Phillip Melodia ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memberIg dues receivg!d through interLn diaxv:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenug, S n Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Phillip Melodia rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of an Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1 Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: aSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue l San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Phillip Melodia Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 C] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: an afae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Phillip Melodia [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;S� Union member's dues received through intermediazy: anoafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Beth Minka Q IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169-65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue C PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajV:Q§i9(;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490k IND — Individual COM — Recipient Commiftee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SGC — Sitall Cottributtor Gortitiftee SUBTOTAL$ 80.'25 , " , , , , i ........ E01011111111011111111111110MM FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 6".161P 1:4 Big] I T *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 133 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Beth Minka IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [; Union meMber's dues jzggeivgd through interm diazy: nafael aC R Policg Association, 1520 Fifth Zk_v_enu!Q. S a Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Beth Minka [Z IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EISCQ� Union member's dues received through intermediary: ;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Beth Minka ®IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: �an�afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Beth Minka nx IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Sa Union member's dues received through intermediary:E; anR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Beth Minka QIND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q§Ff(:�afae1i Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL.$ 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) monetary ContribUtionS Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period� � - to whole dollars. • � 1 from 01/01/2013 ., .0 through 06/30Z2013 page 134 of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Beth Minka Rx INC} Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 DCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qaCCUnionmember'sdues regeived thloughintgrM diary: n Rafael Police Asg!2ciation, 1520 Fifth L%venue . San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Beth Minka ZINC} Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 -1 SCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Beth Minka BIND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia-ry:aSnCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Beth Minka IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;aSnKafael Union member's dues received through intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Beth Minka ®INC} Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia�y:Q§P;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S4n Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party I --- SUBTOTAL$ I FPPC Form 460 (January/ 5) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Ask M r7SLOM MTF. FWMIN 2 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 1 Page 135_ of 190 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Beth Minka ❑IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dugs received throLigh i_nterm diary:E; an Raf ael Police Associatign_, 1520 Fifth Aygnue. S n Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Meth Mina ❑IND Administrative Technician 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E-ISCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Jorge Navarro IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;aSnKafael Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Jorge Navarro [M IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC Union member's dues received intermediary: Rafaethrough anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Jorge Navarro ®IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901R Union member's dues received through intermediar1y:QR'afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee li�iiii��iiii;ili milig 1 01i i�: m 1 1 ii 1! 11111a� i jim 1 SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/275-3772) III � I 17�Z�l =1111111!!1110' Ot Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 12- 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 136. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Jorge Navarro Fx_j IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmherlg dues received through intermediary: qSCRa afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, C.A. 94901 02/28/2013 Jorge Navarro Fx] IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ CITH 1520 Fifth Avenue© PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCIG Union member's dues received throe intermedia rv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Jorge Navarro IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association CITH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E�Union member's dues received through intermediary: anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Jorge Navarro [2] IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1.520 Fifth AvenueCity PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [:;JSnKaf Union member's dues received through intermediary: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Jorge Navarro RIND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§P:� afar ll Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, C.A. 9490L 6 *Contributor Codes 0 Individual 1 COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) Other'(e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 65.2s FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 137 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) ©F BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Jorge Navarro FXj IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 nion member's dues recgivgd throucTh iLitgrm�diaxy: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San CA 94901 05/15/2013 Jorge Navarro [Z IND Evidence Technician 13.05 _Rafa!21, 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 -1 SCQ_ Union member's dues received throucrh intermedia iv:qan Rafael Police Association Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Jorge Navarro IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy:qaSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Jorge Navarro RIND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 S�Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; anC(afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Jorge Navarro nx IND Evidence Technician 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &:QY'i'Y;afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490k, SUBTOTAL$ 7 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661276-3772) F;Rrs: MIK Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 138_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLC}YE©, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 41/41/2413 Alexis Nielsen IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memo .'s dues received through intermediazy:qaSnKafael Police Assggiation. 1520 Fifth AveLiu_g, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Alexis Nielsen [Z IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 mcom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: gaanUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Alexis Nielsen ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Sc [;( Union member's dues received through intermediary: an � afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth,Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Alexis Nielsen FX] IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received throu2h intermediary: anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Alexis Nielsen FX IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 [-] com C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia &.Q§19afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 6 5. 2 5 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) q vill 1;q jil I �1111 Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A to whole dollars. 0 1 from 01/01/2013 through 06Z3O12013 Page 139. of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Alexis Nielsen Fx_j IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throllcrh intermediazy:qaSnCCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth AvgLiug, S a Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Alexis Nielsen ® IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 7]C, Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:[;anSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Alexis Nielsen BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 R COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E-1 C_Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Alexis Nielsen ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu2h intermediary: ana.fae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Alexis Nielsen RIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§191;'afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SJn Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Sf'S,�1;_wJLGsn*hib_Lj_tor aartntiftee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 14 0_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Alexis Nielsen nx IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [4scc Union member's dues receives through intermedia an Rafael Poligg Associatign, 1520--.F.1fth A—venue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/1.5/2013 Alexis Nielsen [j] IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association C/o F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EFISCQ_ Union member's dues received throe intermediarv: ; an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Alexis Nielsen ®IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Leslie O'Toole MIND Off icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Leslie O'Toole nX IND Officer 16 .80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia rly:Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party iLzu-71 _1#adW4A_ jJt*_r_r1 -Imilm SUBTOTAL$ 72.75 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) TOM=- I II Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM t through 06Z30/2013 Page 141 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Leslie O'Toole r-xl IND officer 16.80 218.40 QCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Fj OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SCC Union mgm—ber's dues received th-rgligh intermediary: q an Rafael Pc ice Aggggiation. 152Q -Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 24901 02/15/2013 Leslie O'Toole FX_1 IND officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH - 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanSC R.a.fa.el Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Leslie O'Toole BIND officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; anSCafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Leslie O'Toole [2] IND officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Leslie O'Toole Fx IND off icer 16.80 218.40 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 union member's dues received throe intermedia jy:LAi9(;,afaeI1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Sciall Cottribirtor Cantatittee SUBTOTAL$ 8 L4. 0 0 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) AI I I M, ffe Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 142. of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR - TO DATE {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Leslie O'Toole MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receivgd through interm diary: ;aCCRafael Policg A-s9ggiatioLl. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Leslie of FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iv:[;anSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/25/2013 Leslie O'Toole nx IND Officer 16 .80 218.40 COM C/o: C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC(�Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Leslie O'Toole IND Officer 16.80 218.40 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH of San Rafael 1520 Fifth AvenueCity PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 SC(�Union member's dues received throe intermedia ry:[� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Leslie O'Toole nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA94901 Union member's dues received through intermediady:QRk _afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Sr , A*hjbntDLQo, SUBTOTAL$ 84. 00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) 0 a I I'M N ^ ao ON* �qy, reyT;i Irl I M% S M r, H 07 n i r TIT I Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes I IND — Individual 1 COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06230Z2013 Page 143 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Leslie O'Toole [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ❑ COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throuah intgrmediaxv: �a�CUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avgnue. San Rafael, CA 24901 01/01/2013 Meaghan Pang BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SiAn Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Meaghan Pang N IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Meaghan Pang [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 COM C/o: C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 qan Union member's dues received through intermediary: RafPolice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/201:3 Meaghan Pang [IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw gh-intermedia d V: L�§P;,afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490k SUBTOTAL$ 69.00 *Contributor Codes I IND — Individual 1 COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) 1 J , RrOTIT. III EMYNIL0 M*oo Mpuwn qF6T1Tff-1zW- SA. W. 0 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) bTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FFP C Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASI -FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 144 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Meaghan Pang IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 S Union member's dues receive thrgLicrh intermediary q: anCC Eafael Rolice Aggogiation, 1520 Fif:Lh Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Meaghan Pang EZ IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 �](�_ Union member's dues received throe intermedia iv:qanSC Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Meaghan Pang BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F_1COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 (� Union member's dues received through intermediazy: Tan afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Meaghan Pang [MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH City of San Raphael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;S Union member's dues received through intermediazy: anC� afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Meaghan Pang nx IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia&:Q§PP;�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) bTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FFP C Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASI -FPPC (866/275-3772) NI& =1 Clio,* • Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 1 46 0 from 01/01/2013 i FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 145. of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Meaghan Pang r_x] IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 T COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received,112rough interm diazy: qSCC an Rafael Police Aasociation, 1520i Fifth Avgnue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Meaghan Pang [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 EI Union member's dues received throe intermedia v: ;anSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 9490 06/15/2013 meaghan Pang BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY ❑El City of San Raphael San Rafael, CA 94901 S C G Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: ;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Meaghan Pang IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Raphael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 SC(�Union member's dues received through intermedia r n afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 ()1/01/201,3 Nicola Pata [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§P:R afaeL Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S4n Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Commiffee SUBTOTAL$ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) we ffllk�� Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01Z01/2013 FORM through 06/30Z2013 Page 14 6_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2 013 Nicola Porta Rx IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 membberIg dues received through intermediary: qUnion aCR afael Police AssQciation, 1520 Fi_fth Avenue, San LZafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Nicola Pates r_xj IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Ql dues received through intermediarv:qanSC anmember's :q Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Nicola Porta Fx_j IND, Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 ❑COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ®OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F-1 PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 I Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: �an�2afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Nicola Pates [2] IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth AvenueCity F� PTY of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [�S Union member's dues received through intermediary: anCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Nicola Pata [MIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael L San Rafael, CA 94901 =§i9(;,afaeL Union member's dues received through intermediaLL-A Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S4n Rafael, CA 9490 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contdbutor Committee SUBTOTAL -P 65.25 FPPC Form 460 Jan aryl FPPC Toll -Free Helpline., 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) 11 0 1 n9=0917 I �M[F� SM, r, pn; M1 RiNTIT-1 Rz. I Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06230/2013 I Page 147_ of 190 _ • DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Nicola Pata [21 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 C} COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ULiiQn memberIg des receive through interm diazy: qSCC an Rafael Police Associatign. 1S20 if Avg_nu_e. San Rafae_1, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Nicola Pata FX_1 IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E_1an Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: RSCQ ;- afael Police Associatign, Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 04/30/2013 Nicola Pata rx-1 IND _1520 Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC(�Union E; member's dues received through intermediazy: an afore l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Nicola Pata FRI IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaiy: anCafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Nicola Pata BIND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 DCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 15210 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaijy�. §191:�afaeE Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free helpline: 866/Al-FPPC (8661275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFO RNI A 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 148 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Nicola Pates Fx_j IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association GOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union membgj's dues reggived thrgugLi interm diazy:nafael �aCR Polige Association, 1520 Fifth Avenjjg. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Nicola Pata Fx_j IND Dispatcher 13.05 169.65 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1SCQ_ Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qan Rafael Police Associat-ign, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Brian Patterson Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:I �aaSn Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Brian Patterson QIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael .San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received threw intermedia 1y:[;JSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Brian Patterson [MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 lUnion member's dues received through intermediajv:LAP�Rafaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL 76.50 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06Z30/2013 Page 149 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Brian Patterson Fx� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 anCUni on me-mbgrIg djIgsregeimed through inteizmediaiv: Rafael Police Association, 1520 if AvenjIg. San Rafa!21, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Brian Patterson [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 __I Union member's dues received throuc[h intermediaiv:qanSC Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Brian Patterson MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PT(Y; of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:qanSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Brian Patterson FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑{STH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:T anR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/l5/2013 Brian Patterson ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ocom C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:Q§P;�afaeE Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party S_01ji___SCU2_•Abutor Gortitiffee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) L Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A ft A to whole dollars. * A Ask from 01/01Z2013 0 01 through 06/30/2013 Page 150. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831.553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 l,i,, Patterson IND Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs rgcgived through intg1m diaxy:[4aSnCCRafae1 Policg Aggociation. 1520 Fifth Ave ue. San Rafagl. CA 94901 05/15/2013 Brian Patterson [5d IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv:qanC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Brian Patterson [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary:, ;(�Union an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Brian Patterson [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ® COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [❑�Sc(� Union member's dues received throu h intermediary: an afie l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Brian Patterson Fx� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Of,% Union member's dues received through intermedia jv:QRP:�afaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue_L_S n Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 8 4 0 0 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) ntity) OTH — Other (e.g., business e Political Party Small Contributor Committee L--- - -- - ---- ---------- - ------- - ------- ------------ --- -------- --- ------------------- - -------- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 151 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Buffy Paxson Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union MeMb_grls dues r�ceived thr!Qucrh iLiterLnediaxv: qSC an Ra fael Police Ass !2ciation. 1520 Fifth Ayenug. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Buffy Paxson EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 000IVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Ej cthrouqh Union member's dues received intermediaiv:; an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Buffy Paxson BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F_1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; Union member's dues received through intermediary: anSCR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Buffy Paxson INC? Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 U sc �anthrou2h Union member's dues received intermediary:Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Buffy Paxson FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 01*1* (� Union member's dues received through intermediady:Q91afae� Y Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) ntity) OTH — Other (e.g., business e Political Party Small Contributor Committee L--- - -- - ---- ---------- - ------- - ------- ------------ --- -------- --- ------------------- - -------- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) monetary UontrwutionS Keceivea Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period Im Ago, to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA w 4 Iwo 0 from 01Z01/2013 FORM Page 152_ of 190 through 06/30/2013 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Buffy Paxson Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union LngMherls dues reggived throw gh intermediazy: qaCC n Rafael Police Associa:Lion, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Buffy Paxson [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue n PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SC(� Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia rv: Rafael Police Association. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 04/15/2013 Buffy Paxson IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaiv: qUnion anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Buffy Paxson IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: qUnion anscRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Buffy Paxson BIND Off icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association [-] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EAP;,afae Union member's dues received through intermediady: Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490�L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Statement covers period CALIFORNIA 40" 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM *Contributor Codes Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) ntity) OTH - Other (e.g., business e PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee - -- - - ---------------------------- -- - - - ------ -- FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) 11 Ir 3 Page 5 3 - of 190 through 06/30/201 1 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Buffy Paxson rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union memberIg dues received through intgjZmediazy: an Rafael Police Associatign. 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Buffy Paxson rx-1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Buffy Paxson ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0TH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia -ry:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Aaron Piombo FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; member's dues received through intermediaiy: an(�Union afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Aaron Piombo BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermediady:L4AP;,afae� Police Association, 1520,Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL *Contributor Codes Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) ntity) OTH - Other (e.g., business e PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee - -- - - ---------------------------- -- - - - ------ -- FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) 11�1y,a s 07in WaSTIon I Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01Z01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee - - -- --- -- --- -- ---- - - -- -------------- ----------------- ------------ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 154 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Aaron Pionibo Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union meniber's dues received through intermediary: qSCR anafael Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth Aygnue. San RafAQ1. CA 94901 02/15/2013 Aaron liombo RING} Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E-ISC Unionmember's dues received throucth intermediarv: ;anl Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, Sen Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Aaron Piombo [5d IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: 4anRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Aaron Piombo Fxj IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ;Union SC member's dues received through intermediary:[ an Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Aaron Piombo RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 lUnion member's dues received throw intermedia jV:LAP_1;'afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S�n Rafael, CA 949011 SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee - - -- --- -- --- -- ---- - - -- -------------- ----------------- ------------ FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 155 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 Aaron Piombo Fx� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association El OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues re eine t_hrgjjgh intermediary: qSCRa anfael Police Associatig1j. 1520 Fifth A_veLiue. San Rafagj, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Aaron Piombo TINA Officer 16.80 218.40 FICCDM C/o: San Rafael Police Association n OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediazy: 4anCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Aaron Pio mbo EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:T anSCR afael Police Association, 1..520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Aaron Piombo [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ®COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 9490"L SC Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:Tan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Aaron Piombo nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association TOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediajy:Q§PCZafae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 949011 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee - ------- -- - - - - ------ - FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline'. 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 156 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2 013 Aaron Piombo [..x IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 mgmbgr's dugg receiy!2d thizoughinterm diaxv: �anRUnion Rafael Pgjigg Aggggiation, 1520 Fif:Lh j�yvg_nije, 0 -n Rafa!gl, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Dennis Prince [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 EJSC member's dues received throuqh intermediaiv: RafaeUnion ;anl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Dennis Prince nX IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:[�anKafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA-- 94901 01/31/2013 Dennis Prince nX IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 S Union member's dues received throu2h intermedia zy:Tann Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Dennis Prince BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 000M C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv: Q9'iY";,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ ..... . ........ .. . 7 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee - ------- -- - - - - ------ - FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline'. 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts maybe rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 157_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Dennis Prince TINA Officer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qUnion SC mgmber's dues r!2ceived thrgLigh intermediazy: an Rafae l Police Ass!2ciation, 1520 Fifth venue San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Dennis Prince RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1.520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1S Union member's dues received through intermedia 4 anCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Dennis Prince [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:SC Rafaeanl Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Dennis Prince FX -1 IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association[BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:qanSCR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Dennis Prince BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermediadv: afaeli Police Association t 1520 Fifth Avenue l S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 777711,111, 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 555/ASLO-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. .- 460' from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 158 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Dennis Prince rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's des received through j_nterM diary: qSCC an Rafael Pojige Association, 1520 Fifth Avenug, San Rafagl, CA 94901 0.5/31/2013 Dennis Prince Rx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: TanUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490Dennis Prince -IND06/15/2013 FxOfficer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FlOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:1;aSnCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2 013 Dennis Prince [Z IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ( Union member's dues received through intermediary:[; anSC�afa.e Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Ronda Reese EZ IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 [-] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§P�ZafaeL Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL $ 7, -7-"7 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Ar1A4_LtApL "is ut FP PC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASIS-FFP C (866/276-3772) I ill P tv-4 a Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business enti ty) Politicl P aarty SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06Z3022013 Page 159. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Ronda Reese Mx IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association[BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through inter m diayv: qSCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fift-vg nue. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Ronda Reese FRI IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [-] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaiv: an(:�Union q Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Ronda Reese [Z IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [�aSnKafael Union member's dues received through intermediazy: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Ronda Reese FxjIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 �an Union member's dues received throw intermediaiy Rafae:l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2 013 Ronda Reese nX IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 "C [qnion member's dues received throuqh intermediajV:QYQirY Rafaell Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, SIn Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business enti ty) Politicl P aarty SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) �ffl - NMI Monetary Contrmutions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA A to whole dollars. 4 bo'6'0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06230Z2013 Page 160. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Ronda Reese MIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received thrgugh interLnedjaxy:qaSnCCRafael Poligg Association, 1520 Fifth A venue San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2 013 Ronda Reese ❑ IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 FISCC- Union member's dues received through intermediaiv:[;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Ronda Reese M IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 ICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Sc [�(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/l5/2013 Ronda ReeseFX-1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;�Union member's dues received throu h intermediary: anSoafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Ronda Reese FX -1 IND Corporal 16.80 218.4 0 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermedia d V: LAP�afaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490L IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee I t SUBTOTAI-w 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8S-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 161_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Ronda Reese MIND Corporal 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 union member's dugs received thrL)Ligh intgrmediaxv:qa'nCCRafael Police Associatign. 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Ronda Reese Fx_j IND Corporal 16.80 218.40 r�com C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F-1 SCG Union member's dues received through intermediaiv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Margo Rohrbacher Fx_j IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Margo Rohrbacher [ffl IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry::-SJSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Margo Rohrbacher M IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 �jnion member's dues received throuqh intermedia dy:Q§P:�afaelll Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Sf SUBTOTAL$ 72.75 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460' from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 162. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/201:3 Margo Rohrbacher Rx IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [LOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union memhgrls dLigg received through inte-rm diajry:qaSnCCRafael Policg Ass ociation , 1520 Fifth Avenue San _Raf_ae_l, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Margo Rohrbacher [21 IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received throuqh intermediarv: anRafaeUnion l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Margo Rohrbacher RIND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 ��OnKaf Union member I s dues received through intermedia xv: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth. Avenue, San Rafael CA 94901 03/30/2013 Margo Rohrbacher Fxj IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 [] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 DoaSnKaf Union member's dues received through intermediary: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue', San Rafael, CA 9490L 04/15/2013 Margo Rchrbacher RX IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 [Union member's dues received throe intermedia rl V: LAYV�afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party lllilllllL2111CIM SUBTOTAL $ 65.25 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1-1=PPC (8661275-3772) NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. �0161001:31011 lffl[�W Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 163 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Margo Rohrbacher [21 IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs received through intermediary: qSCRaf nael Po `c Assoc' tion 1520 Fifth &vennLig, S n Rafael, QCA 94901 05/15/2013 Margo Rohrbacher IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 iqsc(� Union member's dues received throucfh intermedia -rv:- an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Margo Rohrbacher M IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association M OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [� Union member's dues received through intermediary: anSoR afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Margo Rohrbacher Fxj IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediazy: an` afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Margo Rohrbacher [MIND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.65 Com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 jV:Q§P�ZafaeL [Union member's dues received through intermedia Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ -7`77- _717,711"_ 7 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Mim 4, 1.. ft M AN =Mw • Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC For 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 164 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Peggy Ruge IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E4SCC Union member's dues received through interm diaxy: an Rafael Police Assoc iatioa. 1520 FiftLi &_venUg, S Rafilel. CA 24901 01/15/2013 Peggy Ruge RIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 El S C Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: anl Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Peggy Ruge IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0TH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:Tan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Peggy Ruge FIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 [-] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 T(�Union member's dues received through intermediaiy:anafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Peggy Ruge RIND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:Q9'iY";,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, . . . . 7-1-'7 CA 9490L SUBTOTAL ... ....... 7'7 777 ` 7" 77"""' 7777777777'"1""1" 65.25 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee FPPC For 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) r4oM91- • Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I CITH — Other (eg., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASI -FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 165 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER1.1). NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Peggy Ruge IND Community Service Officer 13.05 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of SanRafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmher's dues regeived thl!211gh intelzm diarv: qSCC an Rafael Policg Agsociatign, 1520 Fifth Ayenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Peggy Ruge [0 IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Q OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 FISC member's dues received through intermedia-rv:[anl RafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Peggy Ruge M IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 R COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association GOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: qan Rafae.Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Peggy Ruge ®IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediaiy:�OnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Peggy Ruge EM IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia &:QR;,afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 65.29 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I CITH — Other (eg., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASI -FPPC (8661275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 aA MU 1: 4 bill I KW *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 166 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED {IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Peggy Ruge ®IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgMb_gr's dues received through rote l_m diazy: qSCC gn Rafael Policg Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Peggy Ruge [IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qanSc Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Peggy Ruge IND Community Service Officer 13.06 169.72 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 --1 scc� Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Thomas Sabido Fxj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermedia ry:Tan afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Thomas Sabido RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 "(;,afaell mb&QRk Union meer's dues received through intermedia : Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S L Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ 72.78 . . . .... ... .... . .. . *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 167. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Thomas Sabido Fx_j IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Q OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs received thrgugh interm diaiv: qSCC gn Rafael Police Associalign-, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Thomas Sabido [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue O PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 S Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qanC Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Thomas Sabido [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue D PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: afael an(�Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Thomas Sabido ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 QCom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;aSnRafael Union member's dues received throe intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Thomas Sabido BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§19(:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party • _1 I _1tjW_r41r11111 SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 - --------- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period SIR to whole dollars. from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 168_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/15/2013 11,,,s Sabido IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union m_gMbg221s dues received through intermdiaxy:[;SCRafael an o. 1520 Police Agsocial iLi Fifth Ave ue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Thomas Sabido IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 C_ Union member's dues received throe intermedia xv:1;anSC xafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Thomas Sabido MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Thomas Sabido [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Tan Union member's dues received through intermediary: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Thomas Sabido MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association T OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh ,intermedia jy:Q§P:�afae� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� a i 1/ 171 IND — Individual COM — Recipient Commiffee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party • i5,1=21I 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-1=PPC (866/275-3772) fill I Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 4 b4% 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 1.69 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Thomas Sabido IND Officer 16.80 218.40 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dugs rgcgivQd through interm, diaxv:qaSnCCRafae1 Pglicg Association, 1520 Fifth venue SaLi Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 George Schikore [2 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association FJOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ® PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediarv: qnUnion Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 George Schikore [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 s member's dues receivethrouqh intermediarv:qa Ud nnion Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 George Schikore [2] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth AvenuePTY San Rafael, CA 94901 SC Union member's dues received through intermedia iy:L-4an(�afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 George Schikore [21 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City o 1Lf San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY ]San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediad y : LAP:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490� *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party Goitai0ftee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (8661275-3772) I'M rNAL6 =0 4 Mnn-jj • q & A^k Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Com — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 0 1 H — Other (e.g., business jentity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 170 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831.553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 George Schikore Fx� IND officer 16.80 218.40 TCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTSan ❑ City of San Rafael Rafael, CA 94901 nion member's dues received through interme iaxv:qaSnCCRafae1 Poligg Agsociation, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 George Schikore IND officer 16.80 218.40 coo C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue T PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E71S Union member's dues received throe intermedia iv: ;anCC_ Rafael Police Association,, 1520 Fifth AvenueSan Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 George Schikore [5fl IND officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F� OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: qsc(� an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 George Schikore FR I IND officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia i anSC� afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 George Schikore FRI IND officer 16.80 218.40 � COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediady: rl%^(� afae QRk Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL$ 77-7 7, 77 7 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual Com — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 1 0 1 H — Other (e.g., business jentity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 171 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 George Schikore Fx� IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑ OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues receivgd t—hrmigh interm diaxv: panC Rafael Police Assoc iation, 1520,.FiftLi Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 George Schikore IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1SCQ_ Union member's dues received throucrh intermediaxv:qan Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 George Schikore [Z IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 ICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediaxy: afael an(�Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 George Schikore FX -1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Justin Schraeder [MIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia dv:QRkafaeli Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL$ ,7 7 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) I OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period •1; CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 172_ of 190- - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Justin Schraeder [ZIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F]OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Cion member's dues rgceived throucrLi interm diaxv: aG nael Police Association, 1520 FifthAvenue, San _Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Justin Schraeder BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICCDM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 F_1_ CRafael Union member's dues received through intermediaxv:1;aSnC Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Justin Schraeder nx IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: aSnKaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael CA 94901 02/28/2013 Justin Schraeder ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: an Rafael Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 03/15/2013 Justin Schraeder EZ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuqh intermedia :3'I``; afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL $ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) no., tv Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period _Z169, A A to whole dollars. arm from 01/01/2013 I through 06/30/2013 Page 173. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Justin Schraeder rx� IND Officer` 16.80 218.40 0 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SCC Union mgMhgrls dugs received through intgrm diazy: an Rafael Police Aggociation. 1520 Fifth Ave ue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Justin Schraeder M IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 Union member's dues received throucrh intermediarv:q anQ_ Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Justin Schraeder FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 ® COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu�L-h intermedia ry:E;anKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Justin Schraeder IND Officer 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association � OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received throu2h intermediazy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Justin Schraeder [IND Of f icer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member I s dues received throe �hi�nte�rme�diajv: Q29(af aell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. CALIFORNIA 460 from 01201/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 174. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Justin Schraeder [ZIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 union member's dues rgceived through inter diaxv: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fiflh'Avenue, San CA 94901 06/30/2013 Justin Schraeder FX_1 IND Officer 16.80 _Rafael, 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71_ Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qanSCQ Kafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Wanda Spaletta O IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 E]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta nx IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia ry:E; anSCRafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael., CA 94901 01/31/2013 Wanda Spaletta EZIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 OCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH Cit' of San Rafael y 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia j V: LAPCRafaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Small Contributor Committee 777"-777 - SUBTOTAL 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (866/275-3772) *JIM Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period A A to whole dollars. 0 1 from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page 175_ of 190 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta MIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901, Union membgr's dues received throucrh i_ntgrmediazv:qaSnCCRafael Pglice AsgociatiQn, 1520 Fifth Ave ue. San Rafagl, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Wanda Spaletta MIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 []COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 FISCC_ Union member's dues received through intermediaxv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta HIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member' s dues received through intermediaiv: :an RafPolice Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael CA 94901 03/30/2013 Wanda Spaletta [ffl IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E; SC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia :`--fan an afael Police Association/ 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta BIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member I s dues received through intermediaiv: QP;�af ae Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue, S Rafael CA 94901l *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCIC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 R g Ign I: a all I I g L KLC0=j *Contributor Codes Individual IND COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 176 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 04/30/2013 Wanda Spaletta FRI IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 � com C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgMher's dues received through interLn diary: qSCRaf :`manael Poligg Associatign, 1520 Fifth Avygnue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta M IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-� COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 0 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 SCQ Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Wanda Spaletta ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 CUM C/o: C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 1:�SCRafae Union member's dues received through intermediary: l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Wanda Spaletta RIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throu2h intermediary:afael �an Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Wanda Spaletta rx-1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received throe intermedia jV:Q§i9(;Zafae1i Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, An Rafael, CA 9490� _7 SUBTOTAL$ 7 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual IND COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPP-C Form 460 (January/06) FC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -1=PPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 177 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME. PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/01/2013 Christopher Sweeney ❑ IND Officer 16.80 218.40 CCDM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F� OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CCR Union membel's dues rggeived throe intgrmgdiaxv: aqSn a olice Asgo-ciatign. 1520 Eifth Avennug. San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney Fx_j IND .Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _IS Union member's dues received throe intermedia xv:qanC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA. 94901 01/31/2013 Christopher Sweeney [Z IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 0 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary:;an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney Fxj INC} Officer 16.80 218.40 nCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association©0TH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 nn Union member's dues received through intermediary: Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Christopher Sweeney ff IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association nOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia jV:1AiP;ZafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL $ -777 84.00 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPP-C Form 460 (January/06) FC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -1=PPC (8661275-3772) 11j1,r4*TW1T-T - A^k Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 7 Contributor Codes Individual COM — Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH ntity) — Other (e.g., business e PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 178 of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ® OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member' g dues received tLirough intgrmedia zy: qaC� n Rafael Police Asgociation, 1520 Fifth venue &An Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Christopher Sweeney [j] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 00TH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue. San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney RIND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue ❑ PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;anafael Union member's dues received through intermedia zy: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Christopher Sweeney [ffl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received throe intermediaiy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association R OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throw intermedia &:afaeL LAP� Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ .................. . . .... ... . 7777777777777777=77777777 ................. . . . . . 84.00 .. .. .... 7 Contributor Codes Individual COM — Reent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH ntity) — Other (e.g., business e PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/AS1 -FPPC (8661275-3772) I J , WRIT. III �m W�Mwl � ME q7m t WNT TIff-1: - 0 - Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01Z01/2013 MEENNE11999MM *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC7) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) li�' PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Commiftee i FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) through 06/30Z2013 Page 179_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/31/2013 Christopher Sweeney IND Officer 16.80 218.40 R COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union mgmberls dues receivgd through intermediaiv: qSCRa anfael Policg Association, 1520 Fifth ,Avenue San Rafagl, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Christopher Sweeney [Z IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue R PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 QRafael member's dues received throuqh intermediarv: qan_Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Christopher Sweeney ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _1G 1;an SC Union member's dues received through intermediaxv: Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Charly Taylor Fxj IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑F] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue❑ PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 �;aSnKafael Union member's dues received throe intermediary: Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Charly Taylor RIND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 dues Union member's ds received through intermediajV:Q§ iPCR afae1l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL. $ 76.50 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC7) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) li�' PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Commiftee i FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460 from 01/01Z2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 180 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/31/2013 Charly Taylor 0IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 F-JCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 receiv!pdthrgugh_interme iazy: acsUnion=�erlsdiaes n Rafael Police AssQciation, 1520 Eifth Avenue, San Rafagj. CA 94901 02/15/2013 Charly Taylor FZ IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ROTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 71 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv:qanSC Rafae l Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Charly Taylor EZ IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH ❑PTY 1520 Fifth Avenue City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E; sc member's dues received through intermediary: anl RafaeUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA— 9490 03/15/2013 Charly Taylor Fxj IND Civilian Supervisor 13.05 169.72 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy:E;aSnKafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Charly Taylor FIND Civilian Supervisor 13-06 169.72 F]COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association © OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia d V: LAP;,afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL -77 7 777 . . . . . . ..... ..... 65.26 . . .. ....... *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) i OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contdbutor Committee - - -------- - ----- FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) Ak "MIM"Ta NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTO (IF iCONTRIBUTOR COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER i RECEIVED CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06Z3OZ2013 Page 181- of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) 04/15/2013 Charly Taylor M IND Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 F❑I COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [_1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CRafael Union me r' due received thrgugh interm diaxv:`-San Police Aggociation, 1520 Fifth Avyenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Charly Taylor MING} Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association QOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv::;anSC Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA '94901 05/15/2013 Charly Taylor BIND Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY ❑�an(�Union City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediary: afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Charly Taylor Fxj IND Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: �aSnRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Charly Taylor [ZIND Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:j OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue n'PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 .Union member's dues received through intermediady:QP�RafaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, SL Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 65.30 7 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) I PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) ITeTtl &140 1- r � r4 • 0 INES Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01Z2013 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) through 06/30/2013 Page 182_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/30/2013 Charly Taylor [21 INC} Civilian Supervisor 13.06 169.72 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 [;SCC Union Mgmbgrls duea receiyed throucfh interm diaxy: an Rafael Police Ass-ociation. 1520 Fifth A—venue, S n Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Henry Tirre Fx -1 IND Officer 16.'80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIATH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia xy:1SC ;an Rafael Police Associat,ion_, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/15/2013 Henry Tirre -1 Fx INC} Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F -I OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermediazy: pan(afael �Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Henry Tirre nx IND Off icer 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901s M SC(�Union member'dues received through intermediaiy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/15/2013 Henry Tirre FIND Officer 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [__j OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediadv:QRk afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 SUBTOTAL.$ I .......... 80.26 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) ''III qiiiiiq� IIII ju Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. , I 460 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 183. of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 02/28/2013 Henry Tirre r_xj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 FICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [:] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 qSCC Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: an Rafael Police Association, 1S20 Fifrh A_vgnue, San Rafael, CA 94201 03/15/2013 Henry Tirre r_X1 IND Officer 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association r] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia rv: qsc(� an afael Police Association _152Q Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Henry Tirre [j] IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association DOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediaxy: anafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Henry Tirre Fxj IND Officer 16.80 218.40 F1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E]OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe intermediaxy: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Henry Tirre ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association E] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermedia dy:Q§P:�afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L 100-Tsm M �*# Woffir, k Individual Recipient Commiffee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCIC — Small Contributor Committee SUBTOTAUS 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline.- 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) M Mill W.. W�e NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Page. 184 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Henry Tirre [5fl IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union dues reggived through intermedia zy: qSCR anafael Poligg Associatign. 1520 Fifth Ave ue. San Rafael, CA_ 94901 05/31/2013 _member's Henry Tirre ® IND Officer 16.80 218.40 El COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association ❑OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 SC 71Q_ Union member's dues received throucfh intermediarv: qan Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Henry Tirre ®IND Officer 16.80 218.40 © COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediarv: Tan Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Henry Tirre BIND Officer 16.80 218.40 T com C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member I s dues received throe intermedia ry:TJ'nKaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 01/01/2013 Michael Vergara EZ IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F] COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediariv: ntl% afaell Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490L SUBTOTAL* 77 _17,77 84.00 *Contributor Codes Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) CITH — Other (eg., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 January o5 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276-3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01Z01/2013 MIMEEMEMEW * Contributor Codes IND Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC)) fl OTH — Other (eg., business entity) 11 Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) through 06/3012013 Page 185 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 01/15/2013 Michael Vergara IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue [:] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union Member's dues received, through interm diary: qSCC an Rafael Poligg Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San LZafael, CA 94901 01/31/2013 Michael Vergara [0 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 r-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association Ej OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's aues received throuqh intermediarv: afael �anUnion Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490 02/15/2013 Michael Vergara MIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermedia iv: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 02/28/2013 Michael Vergara INC}❑ Sergeant 16.80 218.40 M COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue 0 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received throw intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/15/2013 Michael Vergara EZIND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 Q COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA94901 ,Union member's dues received through intermedia rrv:Q§P:R afae Police Association, 1520, Fifth Avenue n Rafael, CA 9490� SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 * Contributor Codes IND Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC)) fl OTH — Other (eg., business entity) 11 Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) jr! 1111111 11 Monetary Contribution's Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 460' from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 186 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/30/2013 Michael Vergara r_xj IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 RCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association El OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F1 PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 CRafael Union membgrls dues recgiygd througLi i-ntermediazy:9anSC Polige Assac ialign. 1520 Fifth Ave nug, San Rafagj, CA 94901 04/15/2013 Michael Vergara [Z IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F1 OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue M PTY city of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received through intermediary: qSCC an Rafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 04/30/2013 Michael Vergara [5fl IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 MCOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue nTH PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 _q SC Union member's dues received through intermediaiv:qanl Rafae Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 05/15/2013 Michael VergaraFX-1 IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association F-1 OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue F-1 PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 E;SC(� Union member's dues received through intermediary: an afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 9490L 05/31/2013 Michael Vergara [E IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 �COIVI C/o: San Rafael Police Association [] OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 .inion member's dues received through intermediajy:Q§Ff(:� U afaeL Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party RC SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1-FPPC (866/275-3772) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period CALIFORNIA to whole dollars. 46 0 from 01/01/2013 FORM through 06/30/2013 Page 187_ of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEEALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) , CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 06/15/2013 Michael Vergara Fx_j IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 © COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association [IOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue r-1 PTYCity of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 dues receiveLd tLirough jn:Lgrm!2diazy: Eafael a�CUnionMember's Policg Association, 1520 Fifth llvenue . San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Michael Vergara ®IND Sergeant 16.80 218.40 EICCDM C/o: San Rafael Police Association r] OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throuc[h intermedia rv:[;d'nCRafael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 03/30/2013 Mark Wilkinson [Z IND Officer 16.80 117.60 ncom C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 :;aSnRaf Union member I s dues received through intermediary: ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael CA 94901 04/15/2013 Mark Wilkinson FRI IND Officer 16.80 117.60 com C/o: San Rafael Police Association OTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe gh intermedia ry: qaSnRaf ael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, C.A. 94901 04/30/2013 mark Wilkinson [IND Officer 16.80 117.60 EICOM C/o: San Rafael Police Association BOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 lUnion member's dues received through intermedia riv:Q29 afak Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, S Rafael, CA 9490 Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party Rc SUBTOTAL$ 84.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Ilk '6 � Ak Jiro 1114i" N*o Rowel 1 0 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01101/2013 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPLC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) through 06Z30/2013 Page 188 Of 190 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/15/2013 Mark Wilkinson Fx_j IND Of f icer 16.80 117.60 F-1 C M C/o: San Rafael Police Association EIOTO H 1520 Fifth Avenue El PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 Union member's dues received throe c[h inte-rmediazv:qSCC an Rafael Police Aggggiatign, 1520 Fiftla Avenue. San Rafagl, CA 94901 05/31/2013 Mark Wilkinson F-xl IND Of f icer 16.80 117.60 F❑I COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH 1520 Fifth Avenue F] PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 iqscRafae Union member's dues received through intermediaiv: l Police Association, 1.520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/15/2013 Mark Wilkinson N IND Of f icer 16.80 117.60 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association M OTH 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY City of San Rafael San Rafael, CA 94901 member's dues received through intermedia rv: anqsaafael �Union Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 06/30/2013 Mark Wilkinson [2] IND Officer 16.80 117.60 F-1 COM C/o: San Rafael Police Association MOTH City of San Rafael 1520 Fifth Avenue PTY San Rafael, CA 94901 sa� Union member's dues received through intermedia r n afael Police Association, 1520 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 F -I IND F�Com OTH PTY El SCC SUBTOTAL.$ 67.20 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPLC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-1=PPC (866/276-3772) Schedule E Payments Made Pill NAME OF FILER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the, payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. Page 189 of 190 I.D. NUMBER 831553 CIVP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads MB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID Henry C. Levy & Company 5940 Colleqe Avenue Oakland, CA 94618 PRO 935.00 * Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. Wr i-aMtj E -.1yeIRT W%W 1. Itemized payments made this period. (include all Schedule E subtotals.) .............................................................................................................. $ 935.00 2. Uniternized payments made this period of under $100 .......................................................................................................................................... 3. Total interestpaid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule 13, Part 1, Column (e).) ............................................................................... $ 0.00 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.) ............................. TOTAL $ 935.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/276-3772) A*& bchedule I Tvna nr nrint in ink- SCHEDULE Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2013 Page 190 Of 190 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2013 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER San Rafael Police Association Political Action Committee 831553 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF SOURCE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF RECEIPT AMOUNT OF INCREASE TO CASH 06/30/2013 Michael Mathis To Vold Check Never Cashed by Payee 115.46 C/o: San Rafael Police Association 1520 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 Schedule I Summary 1. Itemized increases to cash this period . ....................................................................................................................... $ 2. Uniternized increases to cash of under $100 this period . ............................................................................................ $ SUBTOTAL it 115.46 M 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Column (e).) ................................. $ 0.00 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the SummaryPage, Line 14.) ........................................................................................................................... TOTAL $ FFP C Form 460 (Januafy/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661AS1 -FPPC (8661276-3772)